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January General Banter Thread III


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All of you guys have really been class acts. I got back on to send Foothills a personal apology, one I wouldn't offer the rest of you. I have already made arrangements for my account to be deleted so just keep on talking about me, it's pretty sad honestly.

I actually enjoyed your posts dude, thought they were accurate based on objective opinion. However, like others, I noticed the tone which was somewhat pompous toward members, and that sh!t with Robert kind of ticked me off, given my knowledge of him here over the years. We could always use more Mets on here, especially from the RDU area as we only have a couple, but this is not a place of attacks, whether it is on your opinion, or personal. Has never been, and will never be. Just because a few members start to flame, do not let it burn. Grow the thick skin and let it pass, as it happens from time to time. There is no need to reply to each of there ill posts and continue to state your case. I hope you decide to stick around, I have learned a couple things from you over the last week, but the tone needs addressed as when one continues talking down, folks stop looking up. :)

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All of you guys have really been class acts. I got back on to send Foothills a personal apology, one I wouldn't offer the rest of you. I have already made arrangements for my account to be deleted so just keep on talking about me, it's pretty sad honestly.

I think you're being a little drastic. You sent Robert an apology and that's all that's needed. Of course things could have been done a little differently but that's life. It's the internet people are going to judge much more harshly then they would IRL. Many of us respect your input. On any board there is a pack mentality if the pack feels like you have insulted one of their own they will go for blood, it happens on every board. Sadly you got in the middle of it because of a misunderstanding or whatever.

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All of you guys have really been class acts. I got back on to send Foothills a personal apology, one I wouldn't offer the rest of you. I have already made arrangements for my account to be deleted so just keep on talking about me, it's pretty sad honestly.

You need to "make arrangements" to sit down and figure out how to interact with people without being an a$$hole.

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For all the comments about growing thick skin, who is crying like a baby about my tone? Was I so harsh you couldn't take it? Give me a break. If I talked down to you, you'd know it. I tell it the way I see it, I don't candy coat it. I think you should all tie a kerosene rag around your ankles to keep the ants from crawling up your candy a@@.

lmaosmiley.gif Come on just stick around if not to be the met that pulls no punches at all.

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For all the comments about growing thick skin, who is crying like a baby about my tone? Was I so harsh you couldn't take it? Give me a break. If I talked down to you, you'd know it. I tell it the way I see it, I don't candy coat it. I think you should all tie a kerosene rag around your ankles to keep the ants from crawling up your candy a@@.

That was not very lady like! tisk tisk

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For all the comments about growing thick skin, who is crying like a baby about my tone? Was I so harsh you couldn't take it? Give me a break. If I talked down to you, you'd know it. I tell it the way I see it, I don't candy coat it. I think you should all tie a kerosene rag around your ankles to keep the ants from crawling up your candy a@@.


Next comment--

If I want your opinion I'll shove my hand up your ass and work your mouth like a puppet.

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For all the comments about growing thick skin, who is crying like a baby about my tone? Was I so harsh you couldn't take it? Give me a break. If I talked down to you, you'd know it. I tell it the way I see it, I don't candy coat it. I think you should all tie a kerosene rag around your ankles to keep the ants from crawling up your candy a@@.

nothing I have not seen before


And that is the whole point dude, if we were breaking bread over dinner for example, like I did with some of my weather buddies here in the East last night, would the tone be the same. No, because we are all neighbors and friends here, brought together by our common interest in the physical world around us. This has never been a place to come get attacked, in the mask some people use of a monitor and keyboard. We each have our own opinion, and if you want yours respected, that requires respecting others, even though some this time of year think every event is SN itby, it always happens, and the quicker you get used to it the better off you will be. It is pretty easy to differentiate the objective from the subjective opinions, not rocket science, or string theory.

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Guys, you do know this is no met. Probably some social outcast that posts from her mamma's basement, the internet being her only contact with the "real world". She read a couple of books and some how duped the admins in giving her a tag. These type of people are all over the internet. Cockroaches that scurry around on the bottom of forums like ours. Just delete her account and be done with it.

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For all the comments about growing thick skin, who is crying like a baby about my tone? Was I so harsh you couldn't take it? Give me a break. If I talked down to you, you'd know it. I tell it the way I see it, I don't candy coat it. I think you should all tie a kerosene rag around your ankles to keep the ants from crawling up your candy a@@.

At least credit Earnhardt

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nothing I have not seen before


And that is the whole point dude, if we were breaking bread over dinner for example, like I did with some of my weather buddies here in the East last night, would the tone be the same. No, because we are all neighbors and friends here, brought together by our common interest in the physical world around us. This has never been a place to come get attacked, in the mask some people use of a monitor and keyboard. We each have our own opinion, and if you want yours respected, that requires respecting others, even though some this time of year think every event is SN itby, it always happens, and the quicker you get used to it the better off you will be. It is pretty easy to differentiate the objective from the subjective opinions, not rocket science, or string theory.

Dang you sound like my late father, a 30 year service man and Korean Vet! Really enjoy your posts and get a lot from them!:thumbsup:

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Poor baby, here's an e-tissue. It must be so hard to go with the crowd and pick on the same guy over and over. I commend you good sir.

Hahahahaha...hold on....hahahahahahaha. Tell ya what, when I am in Raleigh this weekend, I'll invite you out duck hunting with me and buy you a beer afterwards if that right there hurt your feelings. Offer is on the table and I am serious about it.

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I wish we could hit the reset button and start over. I liked bdmdjm's posts and thought they were quite accurate, although direct. People associate directness with attitude and ego. Sometimes it's the case and sometimes it isn't. You don't really know on the message board, until you've had lots of opportunities to interact with someone.


I wish you would stay. Period. But I also wish you'd extend an olive branch to the rest of the group. And to the rest of the group, I wish you'd extend one back. But everyone's an adult and can do what they want. I personally think there's been a lot of misunderstanding on both sides.

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