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California Superstorm

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I'm not touching this, just passing it on. Geologists now replacing NSSL and op forecasters in California, it would seem:


There is some merit to this. In the winter of 1861-62 California had flooding that would cause tens of billions of dollars in damage if it ocurred today. Interestingly this corresponded with a historic cold in the Pacific NW that brought Chicago like temperatures to Seattle for weeks on end.

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There is some merit to this. In the winter of 1861-62 California had flooding that would cause tens of billions of dollars in damage if it ocurred today. Interestingly this corresponded with a historic cold in the Pacific NW that brought Chicago like temperatures to Seattle for weeks on end.

There's a long rock record that substantiates such catalysmic events- the Appalachians have recorded many, many such events. I have a piece of red spruce carbon dated 36,000 years old that deposited under 40 feet of debris in Madison County, Virginia and unearthed by the 30 inches of rain in 1995


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Weatherwise had an article about the 1861-62 floods in CA some time back and it's that flood that forms the basis for the USGS study. A similar pattern but of shorter duration in December 1955 caused massive flooding in CA which killed 78 people and did 350 million 1955 dollars worth of damage in a state with less than half its current population.


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Lucille Jones is an attention junkie, IMHO. She was on TV a lot when I lived in Cali always hyping earthquakes. Cali is obviously a good place to hype earthquakes, and maybe the geologic record suggests the occasional heavy rain event in California, but as a seismologist she has little or no training in atmospheric sciences.

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It is because I did not wish to be associated with the sensational way that story was presented on Yahoo.

I am not sure that I understand your second question but I assume that it is just trolling.


I see you changed the sub-title of the thread, which much better reflects what I now understand to be your intent. You can call my second question "trolling" if you like, but I was more interested in learning if you were dismissing the report because it was done by geologists, much in the way that creationists scoff at geologists with their "evidence" of dinosaur fossils when everyone knows that the Big Chief created the world some 6,000 years ago, and that the bones were put there by said Big Chief in order to test our faith.

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It just seems like common sense.

The earth now is clearly warmer than 1850.

A warm earth has more moisture in the atmosphere.

If a similar setup occurs today, there will be more rain and it will have an exponentially greater impact due to increased land use and sensitivity to flooding.

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It just seems like common sense.

The earth now is clearly warmer than 1850.

A warm earth has more moisture in the atmosphere.

If a similar setup occurs today, there will be more rain and it will have an exponentially greater impact due to increased land use and sensitivity to flooding.

I have not read the entire 200 page report, but I don't think this report was motivated by global temperatures or the suspician that there would be more water available. The fact is, these events occur every so often (perhaps every several hundred years or so) and catastrophic rainfall will happen again- count on it. Since 1971 I have witnessed three such events on the eastern slopes of the Blue Ridge in Virginia- feet of rain, landslides, debris flows and deaths. Mostly in very unpopulated, rural areas. The consequence of these occurring in a populated regions is frightening.

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Agreed. I updated the thread subtitle.

Just a question-how can saying the an event that has happened before and therefore could happen again with much more severe impact than the last time it occurred could possibly be construed as sensationalism? The type of pattern referred to is merely an unusually robust Pineapple Express and given the other circumstances that go along with it outside of CA is more likely to occur during a La Niña winter with a -PDO. It also has nothing to do with Climate Change but is one of those anomalies that comes together in Spades. I liken it to Nature playing a slot machine and hitting the rain jackpot with four 7's. The thing is, it's happened before and will happen again very likely in the manner described.


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Just a question-how can saying the an event that has happened before and therefore could happen again with much more severe impact than the last time it occurred could possibly be construed as sensationalism? The type of pattern referred to is merely an unusually robust Pineapple Express and given the other circumstances that go along with it outside of CA is more likely to occur during a La Niña winter with a -PDO. It also has nothing to do with Climate Change but is one of those anomalies that comes together in Spades. I liken it to Nature playing a slot machine and hitting the rain jackpot with four 7's. The thing is, it's happened before and will happen again very likely in the manner described.


I think this provides a good example of how we underestimate the magnitude and frequency of extreme storm events, especially in areas where precipitation and flood records extend less than 100 years.

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I think this provides a good example of how we underestimate the magnitude and frequency of extreme storm events, especially in areas where precipitation and flood records extend less than 100 years.

Depending upon locale, rainfall records in CA can date back to about 1850 with anecdotal records from the Missions going back to the 18th Century.


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