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Humans change the composition of the air everyday with billions of them contributing to it. BILLIONS OF THEM.

Try to see how powerful we are. Go look at your dog or cat. They are some of the smart animals out there. They have no idea what humans are capable of, go see a horse, dolphin, or chimp. They are some of natures best and brightest, they again are nothing compared to modern humans. Look at how we live. Look at how far we have taken this.

How can anyone not think we rule the day and the Earth now? We own everything. we take everything we want. we build, idealize, invent, create anything we want.

And everyday we becomes bigger, faster and stronger, smarter, more efficient, faster, and greedy for more.

It would be poetic justice if messing with the hand who feeds us ends up being our own un-doing.

But anyways, it is perfectly normal to go decades with little to nor warming, or even slight cooling when the right factors come together. nature is still running the show

The only good part of this post happened to be the picture of that model you linked. Everything else is rambling without any links to back up the various positions you seem to take. Also, look up the word "megalomaniac". It might be on your MENSA evaluation.

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The only good part of this post happened to be the picture of that model you linked. Everything else is rambling without any links to back up the various positions you seem to take. Also, look up the word "megalomaniac". It might be on your MENSA evaluation.

Mensa is not an acronym - only capitalize the first letter.

BTW 'Strongbad' as a self descriptive nom de blog reminds me of those that refer to themselves as 'Tiny'.

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BTW 'Strongbad' as a self descriptive nom de blog reminds me of those that refer to themselves as 'Tiny'.

or not ...


... but I hope you don't think that makes you less intelligent. Your brain power flows through your posts, and I humbly beseech you to receive my post as an offering from a lesser being. :rolleyes:

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Mensa is not an acronym - only capitalize the first letter.

BTW 'Strongbad' as a self descriptive nom de blog reminds me of those that refer to themselves as 'Tiny'.

I wonder sometimes about people who think this highly of themselves...I hope you sleep well at nights. You should, with a rapidly warming earth and rising seas...oh wait...

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Where did I say that people were in lockstep??? I said we shouldn't be (even though many want us to be). Re-read....

Oh, and over the last decade or so, the warming has certainly leveled off....so your "proved warming" is based on your arbitrary timeframe.....and the timeframe seems to continuously be getting longer and longer....

Complain????....Not from me here. I'll do that if regulations are put in place that will mean or do NOTHING other than for symbolic/feel good reasons.


The above link deals with the so-called "pause" since 1998 appropriately - it is total BS.

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The above link deals with the so-called "pause" since 1998 appropriately - it is total BS.

I agree that Tamino is full of it. One of the more dishonest people in the climate trade, and that's saying something. Here's another gem by him.


Anyone (that's you dabize) that posts Tamino BS is drinking the mother's milk of AGW doctrine. I guess intelligence is the new term for cultists these days. Carry on.

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I agree that Tamino is full of it. One of the more dishonest people in the climate trade, and that's saying something. Here's another gem by him.


Anyone (that's you dabize) that posts Tamino BS is drinking the mother's milk of AGW doctrine. I guess intelligence is the new term for cultists these days. Carry on.

Well I don't.

Do you have anything other than naked ad hominem attacks to rebut this?

Did he make up the dataset posted?

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We all bow before our overlords. They are doing such a good job running things!

I wonder when they'll realize that they've already lost the war. Maybe they should do an OWS on some unsuspecting NWS office to make a point. Although, I doubt they'd be able to get hot tea and scones on the front lines. Maybe they can rent a nearby room at a Waldorf Astoria and rough it out. Gotta love the elitism among the socialists.

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I don't feel that way, but since you went there, you didn't add that we "guys" deserve it. You know, like blame the victim while your at it. Or maybe "we" are to stupid to realize what is going on in your eyes?

If you think people are going to give up opulence and a cushy life style, forget it. It's not going to happen, and the fact is we must find a way to embrace the modern first world life style while at the same time powering it cleanly with little detrimental environmental impact. It we can't, and I doubt we will, then we are screwed.

Playing the blame game gets us nowhere.

Oh, I agree, but I'm just trying to help your side out wrt general public perception (if the intent of AGW folk is to educate them, and lead by example. Those folks in your camp aren't doing you any favors! If I were you....start putting pressure on some of the mouthpieces of AGW to stop preaching while essentially turning a blind eye to THEIR OWN carbonfootprint. Again, just a suggestion...or maybe they really don't give a rat;s ass about AGW????

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Oh, I agree, but I'm just trying to help your side out wrt general public perception (if the intent of AGW folk is to educate them, and lead by example. Those folks in your camp aren't doing you any favors! If I were you....start putting pressure on some of the mouthpieces of AGW to stop preaching while essentially turning a blind eye to THEIR OWN carbonfootprint. Again, just a suggestion...or maybe they really don't give a rat;s ass about AGW????

Kind of a small minded response to a pretty big problem, doncha think?

Bet the folks evacuated from Tuvalu would have a hard time understanding that reasoning.

Actually I do drive a Prius, and get 65+ MPG (summer)/55 (winter).

Oh, wait, that makes me an elitist, right?

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Should be interesting to see where the satellites come in for November...they were really cold early month, then rose but now a rapid drop again. Unless they rise abruptly the final 10 days, its got a good chance to be colder than any November since '02 on channel 5 at least. Channel 5 isn't the whole thing as we know...you would think Nov '07 would be warmer than Nov '08 if that was the case.

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While at the same time the eastern U.S. is basking in a very mild Nov., some 4F warmer than normal here in the Northeast. Why the amplified pattern? Can you say atmospheric turbulence?

Fairbanks is like -10F below normal for the month. But that's beside the point.

So let me guess, the atmospheric turbulence must be a byproduct of AGW, right? God, it's so nice to have an easy answer for everything!

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Should be interesting to see where the satellites come in for November...they were really cold early month, then rose but now a rapid drop again. Unless they rise abruptly the final 10 days, its got a good chance to be colder than any November since '02 on channel 5 at least. Channel 5 isn't the whole thing as we know...you would think Nov '07 would be warmer than Nov '08 if that was the case.

The sats measure up to 10KM but once they are above 5 km they weigh that less upwards to 10km for the TLT layer. looking at channel 5 and 6 temps on AMSU, depending on the surface November is going to be colder than anything on there with out a warming event.

And looking at NCAR GISS will come in colder in November than in October as well.

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Fairbanks is like -10F below normal for the month. But that's beside the point.

So let me guess, the atmospheric turbulence must be a byproduct of AGW, right? God, it's so nice to have an easy answer for everything!

Well it is hard to say but surface temps in October were well above normal in the Northern Hemisphere in large part to stored heat in the arctic being released. Even now with the very large positive snowfall anomalies.


We are still seeing the warmest daily temp anomalies coming from the icy areas because the ice is still thin or not covered in places still releases heat very efficiently u to .50 meters then it tails off. This could be aiding a sharp contrast in temperature.

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Kind of a small minded response to a pretty big problem, doncha think?

Bet the folks evacuated from Tuvalu would have a hard time understanding that reasoning.

Actually I do drive a Prius, and get 65+ MPG (summer)/55 (winter).

Oh, wait, that makes me an elitist, right?

you represent the AGW hoax movement, and yet are able to post about small mindedness. That's not elitist. That's rich!

Your lack of response to his question is telling, and to use Tuvalu as a poster child for AGW shows your lack of knowledge.

But, as LEK said, let's wait for November's data, shall we.

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Fairbanks is like -10F below normal for the month. But that's beside the point.

So let me guess, the atmospheric turbulence must be a byproduct of AGW, right? God, it's so nice to have an easy answer for everything!

when I was growing up, they called it weather. Now it's AGW-derived atmospheric turbulence.

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Kind of a small minded response to a pretty big problem, doncha think?

Bet the folks evacuated from Tuvalu would have a hard time understanding that reasoning.

Actually I do drive a Prius, and get 65+ MPG (summer)/55 (winter).

Oh, wait, that makes me an elitist, right?

Congrats. I take a bus into work when I could take my 20mpg/city sedan. Will you allow me to cut my grass with my gasoline powered lawn mower? My neighbors don't seem to mind.

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Congrats. I take a bus into work when I could take my 20mpg/city sedan. Will you allow me to cut my grass with my gasoline powered lawn mower? My neighbors don't seem to mind.

what's wrong with using sheep for the grass? Then you can spend the winter in your hand made woolies without the need to pay those evil corporations to make it for you in China. You need to think outside the box and do more to support Al's gluttony.

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what's wrong with using sheep for the grass? Then you can spend the winter in your hand made woolies without the need to pay those evil corporations to make it for you in China. You need to think outside the box and do more to support Al's gluttony.

But if I bow down and pledge my allegiance and spread the missionary statement of the IPCC (new and old revisions), can I build me a mansion?

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But if I bow down and pledge my allegiance and spread the missionary statement of the IPCC (new and old revisions), can I build me a mansion?

... but of course. Once you prostrate yourself on the temple steps of AGW, you'll then be given the secret password to gluttony and intelligence and arrogance. It's really a great package deal if you think about it.

Side note - Why not buy Al's 12,000 ft2 mansion in TN. He has several, and probably won't miss one of them. Actually wanting to build a mansion makes me think you're not as serious about your conversion as a AGW acolyte would hope. I won't turn you in to the global warming police, but there are people on this board who will. Take heed!!

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you represent the AGW hoax movement, and yet are able to post about small mindedness. That's not elitist. That's rich!

Your lack of response to his question is telling, and to use Tuvalu as a poster child for AGW shows your lack of knowledge.

But, as LEK said, let's wait for November's data, shall we.

Ha Ha Ha

You just placed yourself firmly in the denier camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Denier, Denier, Denier, Denier, Denier

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get a grip on yourself Rusty. I said nothing of the kind. Reread my posts and then get back to us with what my point really is. God, you've been a juvenile poster lately.

The last several posts have taken a turn toward immaturity, so why shouldn't I add my to cents worth?

One should be proud to hold a firm conviction on a subject. So, do you characterize your position on AGW as:

1) Skeptic

2) Denier

3) Fill in the blank _____________________

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