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PD Holiday Weekend Mess DISCO

40/70 Benchmark

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20 minutes ago, 512high said:

A mess!  Family members showed at 2pm, calling hours 3-7pm, Ray we were putting down Ice melt @ 145pm,and a lot of it was washing away, went back at 730, for a final clean up, just a mess( thanks for asking) 

Yea, I was actually worried the rain would wash the pretreat away, but felt you needed to try bc the refeeze was a disaster. 

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6 minutes ago, mahk_webstah said:

These are the worst winter conditions since I think the winter of 2013. The gusting is unbelievable chunks of snow from the roof flying around.  Our house is on the top of a small hill surrounded by 30 acres of hayfield. The wind is insane. Snow blow the driveway with the tractor and we have not even 20 minutes before we can’t get our jeep down the driveway. The intensity of the wind and how long it’s been blowing is Not fun.

Isn't that what we like?

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3 hours ago, 512high said:

Not a snow picture however, this old truck ran for about 18 hours straight, got into the shop this morning. It was white like a salt lick for a deer! All equipment washed down.


I know what’s gonna happen. One of our accounts is gonna call and we’ll have to start the process over again.


Oh good. Now I have someone to call to rip out my irrigation system and install a new one. 

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12 minutes ago, rimetree said:

May end up being the event of the winter with the variety of conditions from the kitchen sink yesterday to the winds today. Felt and looked like some of the peak conditions back in 2015.

I think so.  This'll likely be our peak pack.  The fact that coastal areas have a deeper pack tham 20 miles inland is nuts.  Today's fresh and deep pack, plus harsh cold/wind isn't something we've experienced in the past several years.

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Snow/ice totals for the 15/16th storm. Reports are from here, cocorahs, COOP and climo sites. 

Had to add together 2-day totals from cocorahs so final totals are a bit higher than they appear in the NWS interactive snowfall map with an additional 1-5" falling in N and NW Mass. However, the analysis map they have does reflect the 2-day totals. 

Overall the SNE fx did pretty well, CT fell a bit short closer to the coast.

*Note* The ranges are slightly different than the fx maps for continuity between maps and made more sense for drawing the contours




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County totals, Looks like they verified 12-18"

NOUS41 KCAR 180740

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Caribou ME
240 AM EST Tue Feb 18 2025


Location                     Amount    Time/Date       Provider


...Aroostook County...
1 E Limestone                16.0 in   1100 AM 02/17   Public
4 SSW Saint Francis          14.0 in   0940 AM 02/17   Public
Eagle Lake                   14.0 in   1006 AM 02/17   Public
Sinclair                     14.0 in   1006 AM 02/17   Public
Westfield                    14.0 in   0200 PM 02/17   Public
5 SW Stockholm               14.0 in   0230 PM 02/17   Public
2 SSE Castle Hill            13.4 in   0200 PM 02/17   NWS Employee
1 WSW Madawaska              13.1 in   1249 PM 02/17   Trained Spotter
Oxbow                        12.5 in   1211 PM 02/17   Amateur Radio
NWS Caribou                  12.3 in   0100 PM 02/17   Official NWS Obs
5 NE Loring                  12.0 in   0900 AM 02/17   Public
1 WNW Caribou                11.5 in   1115 AM 02/17   NWS Employee
1 SE Fort Kent               11.0 in   0745 AM 02/17   Trained Spotter
2 NE Fort Fairfield          11.0 in   0836 AM 02/17   NWS Employee
Blaine                       10.5 in   0645 AM 02/17   Public
2 ENE Mars Hill              10.5 in   0651 AM 02/17   Public
Fort Kent 1 SE               10.5 in   0700 AM 02/17   COOP
1 W Presque Isle             10.5 in   0925 AM 02/17   NWS Employee
1 WSW Madawaska              10.1 in   0430 AM 02/17   Trained Spotter
1 ESE Presque Isle           10.0 in   0508 AM 02/17   Trained Spotter
1 NW Allagash                10.0 in   0615 AM 02/17   Trained Spotter
Van Buren 1 NNE              10.0 in   0700 AM 02/17   COOP
5 SSW Caribou                10.0 in   0900 AM 02/17   Trained Spotter
Caribou                      9.5 in    0807 AM 02/17   NWS Employee
1 ENE Presque Isle           9.0 in    1100 AM 02/17   Trained Spotter
4 N Monticello               8.5 in    0800 AM 02/17   Trained Spotter
Houlton                      7.0 in    0415 AM 02/17   Trained Spotter
1 SW North Amity             5.8 in    0918 AM 02/17   Trained Spotter
1 ENE Orient                 5.0 in    0716 AM 02/17   Trained Spotter

...Hancock County...
4 ESE Orland                 6.7 in    0700 AM 02/17   Trained Spotter
East Surry                   4.9 in    0800 AM 02/17   COCORAHS
Southwest Harbor 2.6 SE      4.9 in    0800 AM 02/17   COCORAHS
Mariaville 1.4 ESE           4.5 in    0800 AM 02/17   COCORAHS
2 SE Dedham                  4.3 in    0700 AM 02/17   CO-OP Observer
Seawall                      4.0 in    0645 AM 02/17   COCORAHS

...Penobscot County...
Bradley                      8.0 in    1030 AM 02/17   Public
East Millinocket             8.0 in    1035 AM 02/17   Public
Millinocket 2 SE             7.0 in    0705 AM 02/17   COOP
Patten                       6.8 in    0607 AM 02/17   Trained Spotter
Orono 1.1 SSW                6.3 in    0700 AM 02/17   COCORAHS
Glenburn 1.5 ENE             6.0 in    0700 AM 02/17   COCORAHS
Milford 0.8 SSW              5.6 in    0600 AM 02/17   COCORAHS
3 E Chester                  5.5 in    0700 AM 02/17   Cocorahs
1 SSW Lakeville              5.5 in    0451 PM 02/17   Trained Spotter
Bangor                       5.4 in    0751 AM 02/17
3 E Corinna                  5.0 in    0700 AM 02/17   Trained Spotter
Hermon 1.2 W                 4.8 in    0815 AM 02/17   COCORAHS
2 W Bangor                   4.6 in    0700 AM 02/17   Other Federal
1 ENE Glenburn               4.5 in    0655 AM 02/17

...Piscataquis County...
5 NNW Rockwood               18.0 in   0700 AM 02/17   Public
4 E Greenville               7.8 in    0745 AM 02/17   Trained Spotter
Dover-foxcroft 2 E           6.8 in    0700 AM 02/17   COOP
Abbot 4.6 WNW                6.2 in    0700 AM 02/17   COCORAHS
Abbot                        6.1 in    0720 AM 02/17   Public
East Sangerville             6.0 in    0700 AM 02/17   COOP

...Washington County...
Perry 3.8 NNW                4.0 in    0700 AM 02/17   COCORAHS
Eastport 1.4 ESE             3.4 in    0700 AM 02/17   COCORAHS
8 NE Charlotte               2.8 in    1100 PM 02/17   CO-OP Observer
Cooper 0.5 SE                2.0 in    0600 AM 02/17   COCORAHS
Whiting 2.3 WSW              1.0 in    0700 AM 02/17   COCORAHS
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9 hours ago, The 4 Seasons said:

Snow/ice totals for the 15/16th storm. Reports are from here, cocorahs, COOP and climo sites. 

Had to add together 2-day totals from cocorahs so final totals are a bit higher than they appear in the NWS interactive snowfall map with an additional 1-5" falling in N and NW Mass. However, the analysis map they have does reflect the 2-day totals. 

Overall the SNE fx did pretty well, CT fell a bit short closer to the coast.

*Note* The ranges are slightly different than the fx maps for continuity between maps and made more sense for drawing the contours




9.5 here but could of been a little more if stuff didn't compact so quick..  that burst at the end really helped

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16 hours ago, mreaves said:

I think I'm around 20"-24" otg.  Being removed from the spine has reduced the amounts we've gotten compared to you guys.  Plenty of snow though and really the only fly in the ointment was that stretch just after Christmas that reduced my back yard to a few scraggly patches.  Other than that I've had snowcover since just before Thanksgiving.

21" here.  Had 17" total from the very dense T-Day and early Dec powder storms provided enough to keep the ground white - never dropped below 6".  This recent storm is the only one with real meat since that early pair, though we got 6.3" of 15:1 fluff on 12/24.

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18 minutes ago, FXWX said:

Ice hanging tough in the high elevations of Burlington, CT.... Johnnycake Mtn area.  Also interesting to note the large pines in the area only had ice on their east facing side given favored easterly wind direction.PXL_20250218_204449996.RAW-02.ORIGINAL.dngPXL_20250218_204454599.RAW-02.ORIGINAL.dng



Is that area a higher elevated plateau? Doesn't look too hilly in many of the pics around there.

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22 hours ago, 40/70 Benchmark said:

Yea, I was actually worried the rain would wash the pretreat away, but felt you needed to try bc the refeeze was a disaster. 

I can't wrap my head around how you have a 14" pack but the season is a ratter lol. When does that ever happen? 79-80?

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1 hour ago, CoastalWx said:

Is that area a higher elevated plateau? Doesn't look too hilly in many of the pics around there.

Yes... no steep hills at all... just a gradual climb up to ~1,200 feet at my location... It's a decent climb coming from the east out of the Farmington River Valley, but once you get 900/1000 ft it a fairly long stretch of relatively flat terrain (plateau)... Berks off to the north/northwest show up nicely when photographing looking in that direction.   Super spot for weather watching!

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15 minutes ago, H2Otown_WX said:

Wow. Nice lot you got there...like another planet compared to the ghetto here lol. I remember playing baseball at Lewis Mills and it seemed like we were high up on a hill.

LSM only few seconds away.  We lived for many years on the Burlington/Unionville line, but I used always come up here to take pics, measure snow & ice etc... then one day this lot became available and I jumped on it... For a weather geek, it's heaven!  Great snow & ice location, wonderful sunrise / sets, winds rip, and thunderstorm / lightning views are great... 

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16 hours ago, H2Otown_WX said:

I can't wrap my head around how you have a 14" pack but the season is a ratter lol. When does that ever happen? 79-80?

That winter was a great example of less snow/more pack.  Snow total was 50"+ lower than our average winters in Fort Kent, but 3 March storms totaling 25" lifted the depth to a respectable 36", only 2" below the 9-year average peak.

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