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January Banter 2025

George BM

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1 minute ago, H2O said:

Its the disparity thats the problem.  My cul de sac was plowed 5 times and its not anywhere near an important road.  Yet 1/2 mile away a neighborhood with hills was never touched.  The groups contracted to plow are just not efficient or doing their job.  I don't know if favoritism is playing a role but i suspect it is.  

I haven't been anywhere farther than maybe 1.5 miles away since the storm, so my perspective is pretty limited...but I've only seen roads that are fine, including my 13-home cul-de-sac. Like yours, mine was addressed very quickly and efficiently - we were essentially snow-free by noon on Tuesday. It's just interesting to hear that they've screwed up so royally that streets like ours are fine but others are a mess.

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18 minutes ago, H2O said:

Its the disparity thats the problem.  My cul de sac was plowed 5 times and its not anywhere near an important road.  Yet 1/2 mile away a neighborhood with hills was never touched.  The groups contracted to plow are just not efficient or doing their job.  I don't know if favoritism is playing a role but i suspect it is.  

my road was plowed throughout the entire storm by some guy in a rented white pickup truck.  The Japanese ambassador's residence (at least the back of the property) is about 3 blocks away - so I wonder if that has something to do with it.

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1 minute ago, NorthArlington101 said:

it’s funny the second you age out of school you complain that the schools are wimpy. 3+ days for 6” of snow? really? 

yep - it's part of the inevitable aging process.  "Those young kids are soft!!"

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4 hours ago, IUsedToHateCold said:

Honest question - any chance the bay freezes over with this extended cold snap? I know it happened back in 2014 or something. Would be interesting to see it happen again. 

I wanna say 2014 + 2015 it was about 2 weeks below freezing with numerous 0° readings. I think we have a ways to go.

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3 minutes ago, T. August said:

I wanna say 2014 + 2015 it was about 2 weeks below freezing with numerous 0° readings. I think we have a ways to go.

Feb 2015 in NYC was extremely cold - the Hudson was mostly frozen over right to downtown.

But it was only in Feb 2016 where NYC recorded its only sub-zero reading since 1994.

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3 hours ago, snowfan said:

Kids can’t make it to school, but they sure as hell can get there to go sledding at the local school sledding hill. And afterwards their parents take them for a Starbucks run. But first thing in the morning it’s totally unsafe to leave for actual school. 


Schools are just insane around here. Kids belong in school on day 4 after a 6” storm. 

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Interesting perspective on the school closings:

1 hour ago, WesternFringe said:

I am a high school teacher.  When dealing with public education, one needs to be aware that some parents don’t own cars or have reliable transportation and/or a work schedule that allows them to drive their kids to school.  So, it isn’t always up to parents to dictate the transportation method.

Thus, the bus is the only option for many students to get to school.  I am glad the school divisions are conservative and err on the side of safety since parents would rather school be canceled than have their kids in a bus accident.


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11 minutes ago, mattie g said:

Interesting perspective on the school closings:


I mean I get it in some areas - where he lives, there are students that live way up in the mountains at 3000+ft.  Those roads are treacherous in optimal conditions.  I remember Augusta County schools being closed some days when we were sunny and clear in the city.  However, you go up into the mountains - different ballgame.

But Fairfax County?  Come on.

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I grew up in Montgomery County, MD in the 80's and 90's, taught in the same county for 15 years, and still live in the county. So, I can make a direct apples-to-apples comparison. Growing up, an overnight snowfall of 2" would result in a 2-hr delay, not a cancellation. 3" was usually a closure, and 4" would definitely be a closure. The 20"+ storms resulted in the full week closed. 

Into the 2000's, there were a few 2-hr delays that were issued instead of closure that somewhat surprised me- 3/1/05 and 2/25/07. Both were after 4-5" snows, and my side road wasn't plowed by morning. This biggest surprise was that 1/25/00 only resulted in 2 days of closure; the 3rd day was a 2-hr delay and plows had not touched my neighborhood yet.

The morning after the early January 2010 1.5-2" clipper was a 2-hr delay that completely made sense. 

The bigger shift, IMO, started in the 2014-2015 season. 2/26/15 was a closure. 1.5-2" was the range for the county. The snow lasted for me from 4-9 am. A 2-hr delay would have followed what MCPS previously did. 

There weren't many 6-8" events in the 80's and 90's to "test" what happens the second or third day after the event. Both 2/2/96 and 2/16/96 were on Fridays. 1/26/11 was a 3-day closure, but it's hard to compare because there were so many long-lasting power outages that schools were used as shelters. 

2013-2015 did give us some moderate events not on Friday, however:

1/21/14- 5-8" for MoCo, Admin offices closed early day 1, day 2 was closed, 2-hr delay on the 3rd day

3/3/14- 4-7" for MoCo, 2 days closed

3/5/15- 5.5-9" for MoCo, 2 days closed

1/3/22 was only 5-8" in the southeast parts of the county- that resulted in 2 days closed and 2-hr delay on the 3rd day.

So, yes, the 3-days closed for MCPS for this past storm seems to have no precedence. 



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18 minutes ago, yoda said:

Yeah it was a pretty slim chance he would go. Justice Hill is back, and Bateman has been making some big time plays lately. Still, without the quickness and game breaking speed of Flowers, the Steeler's D has one less(major)weapon to worry about.

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1 minute ago, CAPE said:

Yeah it was a pretty slim chance he would go. Justice Hill is back, and Bateman has been making some big time plays lately. Still, without the quickness and game breaking speed of Flowers, the Steeler's D has one less(major)weapon to worry about.

Yeah it sucks. BUT...even without him, we are still better than the Steelers. Don't turn the ball over, play as disciplined as we did a couple weeks ago...and we win. That simple!

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9 hours ago, MN Transplant said:

I know this is my inner Minnesotan coming through, but it is ok to walk on snow and ice.  And I'm going to blow some minds, but it is ok to drive on snow too.

Didn’t have time to reply earlier, but yes it does seem to be ok. Driving thru a pretty heavy lake effect band, on a trucking route, approaching a larger city, and it was wild how many people were still zipping on along in the left lane. Mind you, while I was going slower, I was still going with flow of traffic at 55. Blew my mind haha 

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Not saying this necessarily means anything, but in the regular season the Ravens blew out the Broncos, the Bills, beat the Chargers convincingly, had a loss at KC to open the season that came down to the last play, lost a game at Steelers that they literally gave away with multiple penalties, 2 turnovers inside their 30 yd line that resulted in Steeler FGs, and Tucker missed 2 very makeable FGs. Beat the Steelers soundly at home in the second matchup, and blew out the Texans. I think that's all the AFC playoff teams.

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This weekend thing down here is a chilly soaker with about 1-2 inches of much needed rain, at 36 degrees and a NASTY northerly wind. We need the rain BAD and we are all grateful. Sending it your way as a snowstorm, straight outta Texas with love. Hope the models are wrong and DC gets a surprise 6-12 snow. Models can be wrong.

Get those shovels ready. Heavy wet snow has caused many a blower to blow gaskets. Get the IPAs stocked up too and get ready for some nice snowy jebwalks.

I think you will all LOVE the new Jebman AI Model. It's been right so far.......

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1 hour ago, CAPE said:

Not saying this necessarily means anything, but in the regular season the Ravens blew out the Broncos, the Bills, beat the Chargers convincingly, had a loss at KC to open the season that came down to the last play, lost a game at Steelers that they literally gave away with multiple penalties, 2 turnovers inside their 30 yd line that resulted in Steeler FGs, and Tucker missed 2 very makeable FGs. Beat the Steelers soundly at home in the second matchup, and blew out the Texans. I think that's all the AFC playoff teams.

So are the Ravens a lock? I mean, Pitt is a team going in reverse. This looks like easy money but I get nervous when it looks  easy. 

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Berkeley County schools have used up their 5 allotted snow days and are now mandated to go to remote learning with any additional cancellations.  Don’t think anyone is prepared for that right away, so after 20 days off, they are going with a 2-hour delay tomorrow.

Hopefully the partial day is spent working out the details before the next snowfall.

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10 minutes ago, DDweatherman said:

Would never have Allar throwing on his side of the field inside a minute left with the game he was having. Mostly bad things were favored to happen. 

Yeah, an off night for him throwing but clearly they wanted to go big and bold.  Definitely an instant classic of a game, especially 2nd Q on.

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8 minutes ago, nj2va said:

Yeah, an off night for him throwing but clearly they wanted to go big and bold.  Definitely an instant classic of a game, especially 2nd Q on.

Yes, it got fun in the 2h. I posted in the CPA thread that this was that dream bracket in all reality for PSU, hard to see them having a path like this again…

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11 minutes ago, nj2va said:

Yeah, an off night for him throwing but clearly they wanted to go big and bold.  Definitely an instant classic of a game, especially 2nd Q on.

I hope PSU fires Franklin so I can root for them again. I don’t root for losers and that guy is a huge loser!  They will never ever sniff a championship with him. 

And before people start with “PSU isn’t A level” yes I know their recruiting classes aren’t on the same level as Ohio state or Alabama. They shouldn’t win as often as they do.  But they just lost to a team with a lower recruiting class than them. PSU is usually somewhere around 8-12 in recruiting talent rank. Schools below that win a national championship once every few years.  But to do that you have to beat a team with more talent than you once in a while and Franklin never ever will because he is boring, scared, gutless, lacks any creativity and is a loser  


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Just now, psuhoffman said:

I hope PSU fires Franklin so I can root for them again. I don’t root for losers and that guy is a huge loser!  They will never ever sniff a championship with him. 

And before people start with “PSU isn’t A level” yes I know their recruiting classes aren’t on the same level as Ohio state or Alabama. They shouldn’t win as often as they do.  But they just lost to a team with a lower recruiting class than them. PSU is usually somewhere around 8-12 in recruiting talent rank. Schools below that win a national championship once every few years.  But to do that you have to beat a team with more talent than you once in a while and Franklin never ever will because he is boring, scared, gutless, lacks any creativity and is a loser  


Tell us how you really feel. 

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