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August "Ughust" 2024 Obs/Disco

Torch Tiger

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Blue Hill/'Southern New England Weather Conference' is scheduled for October 26 down in Canton.   

Looks like the programming is interesting.   ripped from the website, https://bluehill.org/join-blue-hill-observatory-for-the-2024-southern-new-england-weather-conference-on-october-26th/

“How the Weather Defines our History and Impacts the Future.”

“Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Atmospheric Models”

“NOAA’s “Climate Ready Workforce” Initiative”

“Extreme Weather Events Playback”

“Extreme Weather & the Symbiotic Relationship Between Weather and Climate”

“Climate Change in New England—How Fast Are We Warming”

“Winter 2024-2025 Seasonal Outlook”   - presentation provided by Raymond;  NSA reps will be onsite ...  

just fyi

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6 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

It will be in the mid 80's and dews mid 60's lol. Did they not check for updates on the weather in the last couple days?

mm i dunno bout that - could be conservative.    it's currently 93/77 in kalamazoo mi and about that in south bend in

there's  24-hr lag telecon with the lower lakes and sne  

i dunno, maybe it shunts, but it's mid 80s and mid 60s dp at a few sites now - it's not synoptically cooler around here tomorrow

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2 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

mm i dunno bout that - could be conservative.    it's currently 93/77 in kalamazoo mi and about that in south bend in

there's  24-hr lag telecon with the lower lakes and sne  

i dunno, maybe it shunts

The sfc front though comes through pretty early...looks like by mid-morning. One of the reasons why the severe weather threat has been shunted even farther southwest. If anything, dews are going to be dropping through the morning. Hell, even the 850 front or boundary looks to come through early

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6 minutes ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

NWS has the heat index pushing a hundo so with some schools not having proper ventilation just a day into the new year, I don’t mind it. 

that will be updated I think...there is no way anywhere in CT is sniffing HI of 100...let alone even 90 (except maybe the shoreline sniffs 90).

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10 minutes ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

NWS has the heat index pushing a hundo so with some schools not having proper ventilation just a day into the new year, I don’t mind it. 

If I recall correctly you wouldn't let your kids run drills with no water in 100° heat at soccer camp. How are they ever going to experience the joys of heat stroke if you keep coddling them?

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Just now, Patrick-02540 said:

Absurd.  This country is creating a nation of pansies. 

What makes this more absurd is its not even going to be super hot or humid tomorrow. I mean if the threshold for cancelling school because of temps in the 80's and dewpoints in the 60's school may as well not start until October 1 and end in May. 

It was Waterbury school...that district is very odd anyways but someone clearly is getting fed bad info. 

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7 minutes ago, Patrick-02540 said:

Absurd.  This country is creating a nation of pansies. 

culture's only gonna get more heat sensy in the future.  

was discussing the emergence of the 'synergistic heat' phenomenon, as a new paradigm that needs special attention or even categorically codified, with an nws director and she was in agreement ... indicating it's on the desks.  that was a year ago this last June  

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This is absolutely the most absurd thing I ever heard. I just don't get it. You have people in these positions who are responsible for making decisions and supposedly are supposed to be highly educated and yet make decisions which fire ants even laugh at. There is absolutely zero basis for this type of call. Whoever made the final call on this and whoever was involved in leading to this call all need to be fired. What a total freaking joke. 

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Just now, tamarack said:

Maybe they looked at tomorrow's forecast for inland SNJ - 96 with HI 104.  That's less than 150 miles away.  :lol:

They probably looked at some stupid freaking iPhone app or asked their piece of garbage google AI. That's all everything is nowadays, stupid bullshit apps and rubbing AI like its an Aladdin lamp and the genie pops out, tells them an answer, and they just roll with it. Its sickening.  

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15 minutes ago, Patrick-02540 said:

Absurd.  This country is creating a nation of pansies. 

I spent my first 12 years of school in old unairconditioned buildings....somehow everyone survived...hell the heat barely worked at times during the winter....windows leaked...roofs leaked...people were use to "hardships" back then..now people are soft for the most part.

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10 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

This is absolutely the most absurd thing I ever heard. I just don't get it. You have people in these positions who are responsible for making decisions and supposedly are supposed to be highly educated and yet make decisions which fire ants even laugh at. There is absolutely zero basis for this type of call. Whoever made the final call on this and whoever was involved in leading to this call all need to be fired. What a total freaking joke. 

..far too many kids are treated like fragile glass. Just talk to hs football coaches, they will all tell you that once the "cold" hits in October kids begin to quit....parents complain about there not being an indoor practice facility....we both know that SNE becomes the Yukon in October... a player could freeze to death running around a football field....

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8 minutes ago, Great Snow 1717 said:

..far too many kids are treated like fragile glass. Just talk to hs football coaches, they will all tell you that once the "cold" hits in October kids begin to quit....parents complain about there not being an indoor practice facility....we both know that SNE becomes the Yukon in October... a player could freeze to death running around a football field....

Unfortunately, I think a large part of it is due to the fact that everyone is afraid of being sued and public backlash when incidents happen. 

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7 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

Unfortunately, I think a large part of it is due to the fact that everyone is afraid of being sued and public backlash when incidents happen. 

It’s 100% insurance liability coverage and the litigation friendly United States.  We see it in the ski industry all the time… whereas Canadian and European operators don’t even blink at some of the stuff that will get you sued and shut down in America.

You are better off cancelling school 100 times before you risk that one single multi-million dollar negligence suit that’s front page news.

How many lawsuits have we seen since the 1990s about high school sports and coaches?  One kid passes out from heat stroke, has a seizure, and the coach/school is sued for a lot of money.

The courts have decided the school is unequivocally liable for your child’s safety while they are there… and here we are now.

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45 minutes ago, kdxken said:

If I recall correctly you wouldn't let your kids run drills with no water in 100° heat at soccer camp. How are they ever going to experience the joys of heat stroke if you keep coddling them?

Yea they need man and woman up at 7 by sweating in stuffed classrooms. That will toughen them up and prepare them for the real world. 

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18 minutes ago, Great Snow 1717 said:

..far too many kids are treated like fragile glass. Just talk to hs football coaches, they will all tell you that once the "cold" hits in October kids begin to quit....parents complain about there not being an indoor practice facility....we both know that SNE becomes the Yukon in October... a player could freeze to death running around a football field....

Or this could happen...


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1 minute ago, powderfreak said:

It’s 100% insurance liability coverage and the litigation friendly United States.  We see it in the ski industry all the time… whereas Canadian and European operators don’t even blink at some of the stuff that will get you sued and shut down in America.

You are better off cancelling school 100 times before you risk that one single multi-million dollar negligence suit that’s front page news.

It's ridiculous. 

My girlfriend came across a story a few months back where someone is suing one of the candy companies (or trying too) because the candy didn't look exactly like the candy on the box or something. This is where we're at as a society...

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Just now, weatherwiz said:

Unfortunately, I think a large part of it is due to the fact that everyone is afraid of being sued and public backlash when incidents happen. 

.....it is a lot more difficult to prove gross negligence than what many people assume...educators and coaches are well versed in gross negligence....yes some instances of it does take place but even those lawsuits can be difficult to prove and win..

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Somebody from New Hampshire died of triple e. First since 2014. 

"It was the first reported EEE infection in the state since 2014, when three people contracted the disease, two of whom died. This summer, EEE has also been detected in one horse and seven batches of mosquitoes, state officials said"

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