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68 / 67 light rain and cloudy.  More of the same the next 12 hours with showers, light rain.   Debby goes west tomorrow, warm humid flow gets us back to the 80s.  Sat should see clearing and may be the warmest day of the week.  Great stretch of weather overall, near normal dry and lower humidity on a N-NNW flow.   Heat capped out west through mid month.  Beyond there , warmer and more humid flow and potential heat coming east, along with additional Tropical threats.


8/8 - 8/10  Debby's remnants, 
8/10 - 8/16 : Near normal, dry
8/17 - beyond : warmer more humid, tropical risk, heat potential 



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Today's record low max for NYC is 69 (1903). Record low min of 54 was on same date. It is relatively rare for botrecords to occur together, only two other August dates have the double record (2nd 1875 and 11th 1962). In most cases, after a record low min is set, there is enough sunshine to boost temps to around 72-75 F in a cool air mass (high 60s by later Aug), and almost all record low maxima occur on cloudy days allowing temps to remain below 70F (or low 60s by later Aug). Aug 19 is only date with a 70F low max (rest are in range of 59 to 69), the monthly extreme is 59F from 21st, 2007, tying 31st 1911. These cloudy, cool days are rarely followed by clearing and a record low min, that only occurred once (low max 9th 1879, low min 10th 1879). 

Record high max and min occur more frequently together, August has nine such occurrences, albeit some involve tied years on one or both elements. Another six pairs involve a record high max followed by a record high min the next day, three of those were in the group of nine concurrent pairs (i.e., the mins were a second consecutive record high min). When the record high max is not accompanied by a record low min, the value is often within 2-4 F of the record. 

As to record rainfalls being concurrent with record temperatures of either variety, in August the only example is that 3.76" rain was a daily record on Aug 31, 1911 (low max 59F). 

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Stations in our region are on track for another 10.00”+ month. The Bronx Mesonet already has 8.11. I will update the thread below when 10.00” is reached.



Day Max Min Avg Dewpt Max Min Avg Liquid Dir Avg Max
Thu, Aug 1, 2024 93 75 83 69 82 43 64 0.00 W* 4
Fri, Aug 2, 2024 92 75 83 72 94 51 70 0.61 S* 5
Sat, Aug 3, 2024 92 73 80 71 92 48 76 1.44 W 5
Sun, Aug 4, 2024 84 70 76 70 91 64 81 0.47 SW 6
Mon, Aug 5, 2024 91 73 82 67 88 36 64 0.00 NW 5
Tue, Aug 6, 2024 92 71 79 71 95 48 77 5.44 W 6
Wed, Aug 7, 2024 71 63 66 65 98 86 95 0.15 E 8
Month 93 63 79 69 98 36 75 8.11   5 29




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34 minutes ago, bluewave said:

Stations in our region are on track for another 10.00”+ month. The Bronx Mesonet already has 8.11. I will update the thread below when 10.00” is reached.



Day Max Min Avg Dewpt Max Min Avg Liquid Dir Avg Max
Thu, Aug 1, 2024 93 75 83 69 82 43 64 0.00 W* 4
Fri, Aug 2, 2024 92 75 83 72 94 51 70 0.61 S* 5
Sat, Aug 3, 2024 92 73 80 71 92 48 76 1.44 W 5
Sun, Aug 4, 2024 84 70 76 70 91 64 81 0.47 SW 6
Mon, Aug 5, 2024 91 73 82 67 88 36 64 0.00 NW 5
Tue, Aug 6, 2024 92 71 79 71 95 48 77 5.44 W 6
Wed, Aug 7, 2024 71 63 66 65 98 86 95 0.15 E 8
Month 93 63 79 69 98 36 75 8.11   5 29




Heat does increase evaporation.  Hopefully the overall distribution of precipitaton does not change much, but that remains to be seen.  It would be great if areas that hardly see any rain receive a little extra help. but I don't think nature always has fairness in mind.   What we don't want to see is areas dry up due to global warming...

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1 hour ago, Dark Star said:

Heat does increase evaporation.  Hopefully the overall distribution of precipitaton does not change much, but that remains to be seen.  It would be great if areas that hardly see any rain receive a little extra help. but I don't think nature always has fairness in mind.   What we don't want to see is areas dry up due to global warming...

The Northeast has seen the biggest increase in extreme rainfall for all U.S. regions.


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EWR:  101 (2001)
NYC: 99 (2001)
LGA: 98 (2001)
JFK: 99 (2001)


EWR: 56 (1989)
NYC: 54 (1903)
LGA: 59 (1989)
JFK: 58 (1989)


1874: Swarms of Rocky Mountain locust invaded Denver, Colorado. Millions were seen cruising through the air. The insects were picked up by a thunderstorm gust front and carried into the city. The grasshoppers ravaged crops in surrounding counties for the last month.

1878 - The temperature at Denver, CO, soars to an all-time record high of 105 degrees. (The Weather Channel)

1881 - A cloudburst and flash flood occurred at Central Springs, CO, and Idaho Springs, CO. (David Ludlum)

1882 - An August snowstorm was reported by a ship on Lake Michigan. A thick cloud reportedly burst on the decks covering them with snow and slush six inches deep. Snow showers were observed at shore points that day. (David Ludlum) (The Weather Channel)

1983 - The temperature at Big Horn Basin, WY, reached 115 degrees to establish a state record. (The Weather Channel)

1987 - Thunderstorm rains in eastern Nebraska sent the Wahoo River and Ithica River above flood stage. Thunderstorm rains in western Iowa sent the Nishnabotna River over flood stage. Up to seven inches of rain deluged the Council Bluffs area Friday evening and Saturday morning. Thunderstorms produced 4.4 inches of rain in three hours Friday evening, along with golf ball size hail. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)

1988 - Thunderstorms developing along a slow moving cold front produced severe weather from central Kansas to southern Wisconsin late in the day. Thunderstorms in Iowa produced hail three inches in diameter at Vinton, and produced wind gusts to 75 mph at Donohue and near Mount Pleasant. (The National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)

1989 - A total of ninety-nine cities in the central and eastern U.S. reported record low temperatures for the date, including Alpena MI with a reading of 40 degrees. Mount Mitchell NC was the cold spot in the nation with a morning low of 35 degrees. Early evening thunderstorms around Las Vegas NV produced wind gusts to 116 mph. The high winds damaged or destroyed about eighty- two aircraft at Henderson Sky Harbor Airport and McCarran International Airport, causing fourteen million dollars damage. (Storm Data) (The National Weather Summary)

2007: A tornado bounces across Staten Island and Brooklyn, New York, ripping off roofs and damaging dozens of buildings. The EF-2 twister hop-scotched through Brooklyn's Bay Ridge and Sunset Park neighborhoods around 6:30 am.



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5 hours ago, cleetussnow said:

She got the goldmine, I got the shaft.  

(if anyone can connect that lyric to my name without google - I am impressed)

I remember the tune, but not the artist?  OK, I got it, great guitar picker, but never saw the movie...

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Although I'm confident the next tropical system will be booted OTS due to extensive western Atlantic troughing, you can't deny the trends of stronger Atlantic ridging that allowed Debby to stay well west of us. 

If the system takes longer to develop and Atlantic ridging trends stronger then the threat will increase markedly.

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7 hours ago, cleetussnow said:

She got the goldmine, I got the shaft.  

(if anyone can connect that lyric to my name without google - I am impressed)

 ''Split it right down the middle and she got the better half'' Easy Jerry Reed  Amos Moses was another

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