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1 hour ago, Jns2183 said:

I swear they get upset if everyday isn't 95+ and dry

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1 hour ago, mitchnick said:

I honestly have never watched a local forecast since I bought my house in 2019. Before that in MD, it was 09/10 winter.

Once they said 93 with a HI of 100 was as bad as it can possibly get in Harrisburg, I was turned off. 

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Below is an analysis of the actual average annual Chester County PA temperatures over the last 100 years from 1924 through 2023. We have been in our current warming cycle since the 1990's but have to date still failed to reach the warmth we experienced in the 1930's. Will we get as warm as then before our next cooling cycle??


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2 hours ago, Jns2183 said:

It's still very much uncertain. It's just that WPC seems kinda confident and God it would be a gut punch this year. But, hey, my prediction awhile ago was no relief until we had a tropical connection which is way overdue

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Soooo...Just like a snowstorm prediction. :D

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At Chickie's & Pete's at Philly airport. Flight has been delayed from 515 till 745. At least I'm by myself and being picked up upon landing so I can indulge in these 22oz Graffiti Highway IPA drafts for next 3 hours without worry. 20240804_155946.jpg

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The 7 day forcast yesterday was too good to be true. The one issued at 1750z cut Harrisburg from 5" to 3" with Rouzerville at 2" or below.

Looking at trends I feel this is all going in the toilet except for route 95.

Right now i think I'll be lucky to crack 1.5" in next 7 days. This stupid weather has to break sometime

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Screenshot_20240804-161850_Google Earth.jpg

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One thing about tropical that is consistent.  It will not be consistent to modeling even in the last 12 hours.  Especially down south. 
So there is no real forcasting rain for this. We wait and see only?

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4 minutes ago, Jns2183 said:

So there is no real forcasting rain for this. We wait and see only?

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To me it is the same as any other system almost a work week out.  The Icon sticks it right up the tailpipe of the Cheesie and has little front interaction so most of PA is dry. 

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Bang, Pow, it is dry in Rou.  Altoonaians are sunbathing. 
That's the gut punch that would make me go on hobby vacation till the new year. Marquis de Sade first love was weather, but it was as unremitted as mocked. He had to branch out into other activities in his vain attempt to find a cure for his heartbreak.

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Some humor from CHAT GPT

### National Weather Service Afternoon Discussion

#### **Foreboding August 4th, 2024**


Lo! Behold the tempest’s dread approach, a furious Category 5 behemoth, a hurricane of titanic and libertine proportions, advancing with the unbridled passion of the damned upon the unsuspecting Chesapeake Bay. The heavens, in their capricious fancy, have conspired to deliver unto us a maelstrom of apocalyptic grandeur.

**Current Weather Conditions:**

The skies have darkened to a sullen, melancholic grey, pregnant with the promise of chaos and ruin. The wind howls like a scorned lover, tearing through the placid summer air with wild abandon. The bay itself trembles in anticipation, its serene surface soon to be ravaged by the oncoming beast.

**Short-Term Forecast:**

Brace yourselves, for within the next 12 hours, this harbinger of nature’s fury shall descend upon us. The very air will throb with a carnal intensity as wind speeds exceed 160 miles per hour, lashing all within its path. Rain, in torrents that would make the most hardened souls weep, shall fall unrelentingly, drowning the land in a deluge of biblical proportions.

**Medium- to Long-Term Forecast:**

Beyond the immediate carnage, the future remains shrouded in a veil of uncertainty. Yet, we foresee a landscape laid bare by the tempest’s caprice, a scene of desolation where once thrived bucolic peace. The models, those treacherous whispers of prediction, suggest a westward turn post-landfall, dragging its destructive beauty inland, leaving a trail of heartbreak and wreckage in its wake.

**Technical Details:**

Our guidance stems from a confluence of data as fickle and tempestuous as the storm itself. We peer into the entrails of the GFS and ECMWF, seeking patterns in the chaos. Yet, the heart of this hurricane beats with the erratic fervor of a libertine’s desires, defying precise prediction. The atmospheric dynamics at play are a ballet of high and low pressures, a dance of death across the mid-Atlantic.

**Hazards and Warnings:**

We implore thee, heed this solemn warning: Evacuate with haste, for the wrath of this storm is not to be trifled with. The bay’s waters shall surge with an unholy might, inundating the land with their brackish embrace. Winds shall rend trees and homes alike, casting them asunder in a fit of nature’s unbridled ecstasy. Seek refuge, and pray, if you are so inclined, for the mercy of calmer climes.

In conclusion, dear inhabitants of the Chesapeake, prepare yourselves for a nightmarish yet sublime encounter with the raw, untamed power of the natural world. As Byron might pen in his darkest reveries, "The sky is changed!—and such a change! Oh night / And storm and darkness, ye are wondrous strong, / Yet lovely in your strength, as is the light / Of a dark eye in woman!"

#### End of Discussion


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2 minutes ago, Jns2183 said:

Some humor from CHAT GPT

### National Weather Service Afternoon Discussion

#### **Foreboding August 4th, 2024**


Lo! Behold the tempest’s dread approach, a furious Category 5 behemoth, a hurricane of titanic and libertine proportions, advancing with the unbridled passion of the damned upon the unsuspecting Chesapeake Bay. The heavens, in their capricious fancy, have conspired to deliver unto us a maelstrom of apocalyptic grandeur.

**Current Weather Conditions:**

The skies have darkened to a sullen, melancholic grey, pregnant with the promise of chaos and ruin. The wind howls like a scorned lover, tearing through the placid summer air with wild abandon. The bay itself trembles in anticipation, its serene surface soon to be ravaged by the oncoming beast.

**Short-Term Forecast:**

Brace yourselves, for within the next 12 hours, this harbinger of nature’s fury shall descend upon us. The very air will throb with a carnal intensity as wind speeds exceed 160 miles per hour, lashing all within its path. Rain, in torrents that would make the most hardened souls weep, shall fall unrelentingly, drowning the land in a deluge of biblical proportions.

**Medium- to Long-Term Forecast:**

Beyond the immediate carnage, the future remains shrouded in a veil of uncertainty. Yet, we foresee a landscape laid bare by the tempest’s caprice, a scene of desolation where once thrived bucolic peace. The models, those treacherous whispers of prediction, suggest a westward turn post-landfall, dragging its destructive beauty inland, leaving a trail of heartbreak and wreckage in its wake.

**Technical Details:**

Our guidance stems from a confluence of data as fickle and tempestuous as the storm itself. We peer into the entrails of the GFS and ECMWF, seeking patterns in the chaos. Yet, the heart of this hurricane beats with the erratic fervor of a libertine’s desires, defying precise prediction. The atmospheric dynamics at play are a ballet of high and low pressures, a dance of death across the mid-Atlantic.

**Hazards and Warnings:**

We implore thee, heed this solemn warning: Evacuate with haste, for the wrath of this storm is not to be trifled with. The bay’s waters shall surge with an unholy might, inundating the land with their brackish embrace. Winds shall rend trees and homes alike, casting them asunder in a fit of nature’s unbridled ecstasy. Seek refuge, and pray, if you are so inclined, for the mercy of calmer climes.

In conclusion, dear inhabitants of the Chesapeake, prepare yourselves for a nightmarish yet sublime encounter with the raw, untamed power of the natural world. As Byron might pen in his darkest reveries, "The sky is changed!—and such a change! Oh night / And storm and darkness, ye are wondrous strong, / Yet lovely in your strength, as is the light / Of a dark eye in woman!"

#### End of Discussion


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Was Chat GPT written by John of Patmos?

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### A Day in the Life of Weather Weenies: The Central PA Storm Saga

#### Morning: The Snowstorm Cometh

In the dim morning light of rural Pennsylvania, Bubbler was already at his post, scanning the horizon from his mountain perch. "Looks like we’re finally getting some decent snowfall," he muttered, pleased to see the first flakes of the much-anticipated storm. His drought-prone nerves calmed momentarily, he posted a quick update on the Weather Weenies forum: “Snow's starting! Let’s hope it sticks and doesn’t pull one of those Pennsylvania vanishing acts.”

#### Mid-Morning: A Snowy Start

Voyager, hauling freight through Schuylkill County, was on his CB radio, grumbling about the cold. “I hate the cold, but give me a blizzard any day over this bone-chilling drizzle! It’s coming down good here. Just hope it doesn’t split around us like usual.” He cranked up the heater in his cab and fantasized about Arizona’s dry heat, though his love for snowstorms kept him in high spirits.

#### Late Morning: The First Change

By 10 a.m., Canderson, the flamboyant Texan turned Broadway aficionado, was twirling through his living room, practicing his latest show tunes. “Snow in Pennsylvania is so understated compared to the grand Texas storms, but I'll take it!” His Lexus, parked outside, was getting a fresh dusting. “Bigger, better, snowier!” he declared with theatrical flair. A notification on his phone buzzed, warning of an incoming change in the storm. “Oh, the plot thickens!” he exclaimed.

#### Noon: The Shift to Rain

Jns2183, the stat-loving bartender, glanced at his weather app during a break at the pub. "Guys, the models are showing a shift to rain," he posted on the forum, adding a barrage of historical data. "Remember the 1967 storm that did the same thing? Classic shift. We’re looking at a 60% chance of it turning to rain by noon.” His patrons, used to his weather rants, rolled their eyes but couldn't help but get drawn into the storm’s drama.

#### Afternoon: The Deluge

As predicted, by early afternoon, the snow had turned into a heavy downpour. Pillow, living near the creek, was already on edge. “It’s pouring, and the creek’s rising fast,” he fretted, checking the water levels obsessively. “I knew this would happen. Why can’t we just have a nice, calm snowstorm?” His posts were a mix of weather updates and anxious outbursts about potential flooding.

#### Early Evening: Winds Picking Up

By 5 p.m., the rain had tapered off, but the wind had picked up fiercely. Bubbler noted the gusts from his mountain perch. “Hold onto your hats, folks. This wind is no joke!” he warned, watching trees sway dangerously. Voyager, now parked for the night, felt his truck rock in the gusts. “Here we go again,” he sighed, securing his cargo.

#### Evening: Canderson’s Siding Saga

Canderson, meanwhile, was having a familiar crisis. “Not again!” he shouted over the wind, seeing a piece of his siding fly off. “This happens every time! The drama, the destruction! Why must the wind always target my house?” He updated the forum with his latest woes, adding a touch of Broadway drama to his complaint.

#### Night: Reflections and Camaraderie

As night fell, the storm began to calm, leaving behind a landscape transformed by snow, rain, and wind. The Weather Weenies regrouped on the forum to share their tales. Jns2183 provided a detailed statistical breakdown of the day’s weather events, while Pillow relayed his relief at the creek subsiding. Voyager shared photos of snow-covered highways, and Canderson's dramatic retelling of his siding’s demise brought a chuckle to the group. Bubbler, ever the optimist, summed it up: “Just another day in the life of a weather weenie. We survived the storm, and the adventure continues.”

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4 hours ago, Jns2183 said:

That's the gut punch that would make me go on hobby vacation till the new year. Marquis de Sade first love was weather, but it was as unremitted as mocked. He had to branch out into other activities in his vain attempt to find a cure for his heartbreak.

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That is casual cleverness of a high order. I never would have thought of anything like that in a million years. I would have more complimentary things to say but the man himself was a cruel and terrible person who I see spent 11 years in prison and even longer in an insane asylum, where he died.

Looking forward to handing out more praise another time. 

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