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TWC "Best of Times" Emulators...


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This is going to be nearly impossible to complete. Changelog.....


Level of Difficulty = " * "


Added global geo search bar *

Fixed problem with duplicated search bar requested resulting in reply of null. (SDK 1.8.4) ***

Remove lightning strikes from severe group. (SDK 1.8.4 breaks this feature). **

Added custom ANIMATED lightning strikes using MapsGL Shader. *****

Added button to layers panel for custom lightning strikes. **********

Reorganized buttons and groups in layer panel. ****

Fixed problem with occasionally inconsistent button and group placement in layer panel. ****

Reconfigure alerts to use traditional NWS color fill. *****

Moved alerts below areoway-line. ***

Alert stroke, fill, color and  opacity adjusted and are programmatically adjustable. ****

Fixed issue with alerts flashing white at end of animation. ***

Fixed issue with satellite, etc. preventing animation reload upon activation/deactivation. These are now static images... animation automatically re-enabled upon close. ****

Update and optimize multiple JAVA SCRIPT SDK versions to co-exist with minimal conflict and other issues. (using JAVA SCRIPT SDK 1.3.5 and 1.5.2) ****

Added Storm Threats Info panel option programmatically. Soon to be selectable between info panel and storm panel via button controls. **

Added custom intellistar button link. **

Re-styled auxiliary buttons. *

Updated timeline (animation) control time frames (max -12 hours to NOW) **

Updated timeline animation speed. ***

Reconfigure default time line selection to -2 hours. **

Adjusted opacity, fill, stroke, size, color for all layers. ****

Reconfigure layer loading order. **

Reconfigure listing order of data inspector. ***

Added "Feels Like" menu item to the data inspector (combination of wind chill and heat index data in a single element) *

Added storm cells and storm reports to data inspector. ****

Fixed issue with missing layer info in data inspector upon zoom in. (All versions of JAVA SCRIPT SDK versions 1.4.X have this issue) ***

Added latitude and longitude variables to html address for intellistar geo location purposes. ***

Added storm cell and lightning heat maps to layers and layer panel buttons. *

Added location to default info panel. *

Added animated earthquakes. ***

Reduced width of geo search bar. *


Far too many things to list. But I will work on it. TBC.


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  • 2 weeks later...

In the very near future...individually posted links to the programs will be removed as everything for desktop has been incorporated into a "home page".

Additionally, I don't feel like sifting through 20,000 pages of me talking to myself and don't need the information, links, etc. for future development.

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Now everything is accessible from the conditions/forecast page...

I have manage to incorporate the ai into the forecast page while utilizing geolocation. Had a hard time configuring the geolocation aspect of it.



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For those who don't know. I am the founder of KAOS and the KAOS MODDING TEAM. A global team of programmers, graphic artists, and those who posses the knowledge and skills to perform at a hexadecimal level. There are only a handful of people (world-wide) that posses this skill set. Here is our original PC2 uno mod that was ported over to ams2.....

The video and ams2 port was created by our "Graphics Wizard". He has an obsession with glorified golf carts and roof mounted ladders.



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11 minutes ago, RickinBaltimore said:

The Home Page link looks like it's broken, it's going to a localhost it looks like

Crap... wrong link. I will fix. Now.


Edit: Fixed. Let me know if you encounter any other issues.

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Advisory view on forecast page now shows a summary instead of details. Details are provided via a modal (popup) window.

Tropical has been moved from the forecast page and now has its own page.

Removed advisories page since all that info has been incorporated into the forecast page.

Some maps, etc. have been changed within the intellistar emulator (desktop version).

Many small updates.


Next I may work on providing NAM and HRRRR model data to the 48-Hour Forecast Map. Currently using GFS.


I am open to suggestions and as always, let me know if you encounter any issues.


Direct link to 48-Hour Forecast Map....


NAM and HRRR have been added.

So now we have GFS, NAM and HRRR models.



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I am thinking the QPF/Radar Label should be renamed. Combined?

It consists of the following layers...



Edit: Changed most of the tab labels and positions.  Added options for kuchera and 10to1 ratios.



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