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TWC "Best of Times" Emulators...


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Intellistar (2013)




Update: 7/7/24









Hi-Rez mobile



Low-Rez mobile (mid-atlantic specific version)



Mobile lite version  (No radar in emulation. geographical hi-rez radar available by Tap/Click on city name from within emulator.)



Mobile version (Uses national radar and nws national warnings. Geo-specific maps are available from within the emulator. This moves some of the resource intensive NWS map functions to a seperate screen outside of the emulator.)



My FireTV Mid_Atlantic link....


Note: Clear browser cache if you have previously used any of these the links.





There are various buttons placed throughout all versions allowing for navigation between the emulator and other html pages. The mid-atlantic version has an undocumented feature that allows you to tap the Regional Radar title bar to view a zoomed version (KLWX) of the radar.








All versions, with exception of the Desktop and FireTV version, are intended to run on a mobile phone using landscape view. It also recommended to run links as web apps. This will remove the address bar, etc. to free up valuable screen real estate. That can be done by selecting "Add to Home screen" from Chrome based browsers. Firefox has a similar feature as well. Though it is recommended to use a chrome based browser. I use Brave.


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This is an EXCELLENT emulator, @KAOS, TY for sharing! I'm sharing another here from real "old school" TWC, that someone else here on the sub turned me onto a month or two ago. I sometimes just let it cycle in the background on my laptop while working through the day...but will swap it out with this excellent Intellistar emulator now....  :) 

WeatherStar 4000+ (battaglia.ddns.net)

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12 hours ago, vastateofmind said:

This is an EXCELLENT emulator, @KAOS, TY for sharing! I'm sharing another here from real "old school" TWC, that someone else here on the sub turned me onto a month or two ago. I sometimes just let it cycle in the background on my laptop while working through the day...but will swap it out with this excellent Intellistar emulator now....  :) 

WeatherStar 4000+ (battaglia.ddns.net)

Yes, the WeatherStar 4000+ is probably one of the best working emulators currently available. I have my fork of it installed on an IIS server. I've actually helped the developer (vbguyny) resolve an issue with the API and a problem with wind data that was preventing it from loading.

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51 minutes ago, KAOS said:

Yes, the WeatherStar 4000+ is probably one of the best working emulators currently available. I have a fork of it and have installed it on my IIS server. I've actually helped the developer (vbguyny) resolve an issue with the API and a problem with wind data that was preventing it from loading.

And TY for helping the other dev. Again...I love your work, and your willingness to help others! Absolutely LOVE what you've created here!  :D 

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12 hours ago, vastateofmind said:

And TY for helping the other dev. Again...I love your work, and your willingness to help others! Absolutely LOVE what you've created here!  :D 

It is only possible because of the work from those who preceded me.


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The https://battaglia.ddns.net/twc/ site has been updated to address the issues I identified earlier relating to missing data and failure to load many locations.

Let me know if you encounter any other issues. I will try to troubleshoot locally and relay the information to to the original developer.

Hope you enjoy the "flashback" to a time in which the weather channel was iconic.

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Provided there are no other issues that crop up... I will be working on a way to pre-load hi-rez intellcast radar images to accommodate devices with limited hardware resources, etc.

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Code to determine https radar link based off of geolocation...



function fetchRadarImages(){
  radarImage = document.createElement("iframe");
  radarImage.onerror = function () {
    getElement('radar-container').style.display = 'none';

  mapSettings = btoa(JSON.stringify({
    "agenda": {
      "id": "weather",
      "center": [longitude, latitude],
      "location": null,
      "zoom": 8
    "animating": true,
    "base": "standard",
    "artcc": false,
    "county": false,
    "cwa": false,
    "rfc": false,
    "state": false,
    "menu": false,
    "shortFusedOnly": false,
    "opacity": {
      "alerts": 0.0,
      "local": 0.0,
      "localStations": 0.0,
      "national": 0.6
  radarImage.setAttribute("src", "https://radar.weather.gov/?settings=v1_" + mapSettings);
  radarImage.style.width = "1230px"
  radarImage.style.height = "740px"
  radarImage.style.marginTop = "-220px"
  radarImage.style.overflow = "hidden"


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On 5/28/2024 at 7:22 AM, vastateofmind said:

I'm definitely enjoying all of this and TY again. I used to watch Wx on the 8's from start to finish, every time...I'm a weirdo.  ;) 

This is the definitive mid Atlantic old school "eastern weather" type channel emulator thread. If you know... you know.

You are not a weirdo... I am weird.

That said, I invite all weird people to participate. Would be cool to have a AMWX Mid Atlantic specific emulator.

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I think I will try to pre-load a "static" hi-rez nws radar location (mid-atlantic) first. If that doesn't work there is no sense in persuing this further.

The revised NWS hi-rez was an absolute disaster upon launch and continues to be slow loading, requiring higher-end hardware to compensate.

This is most likely why they have made some low-rez resources available.

Regardless, I already have a low rez-version that works fine on devices with limited hardware resources.

If all else fails, I will make a "desktop" (hi-rez) verson and a "mobile" (low-rez version). We essentially have that as it is exists currently.

Hi-Rez... https://k-a-0-s.github.io/

Low-Rez... https://kaosfactor.github.io/

I will periodically post some of my code here because... weirdo.

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<link rel="prefetch" href="https://radar.weather.gov/?ettings=v1_eyJhZ2VuZGEiOnsiaWQiOiJ3ZWF0aGVyIiwiY2VudGVyIjpbLTc2LjUxNywzOS4xMTldLCJsb2NhdGlvbiI6bnVsbCwiem9vbSI6OH0sImFuaW1hdGluZyI6dHJ1ZSwiYmFzZSI6InN0YW5kYXJkIiwiYXJ0Y2MiOmZhbHNlLCJjb3VudHkiOmZhbHNlLCJjd2EiOmZhbHNlLCJyZmMiOmZhbHNlLCJzdGF0ZSI6ZmFsc2UsIm1lbnUiOmZhbHNlLCJzaG9ydEZ1c2VkT25seSI6ZmFsc2UsIm9wYWNpdHkiOnsiYWxlcnRzIjowLCJsb2NhbCI6MCwibG9jYWxTdGF0aW9ucyI6MCwibmF0aW9uYWwiOjAuNn19">

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