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Monitoring the 29th/30th for significant impact coastal redevelopment - confidence only medium for now but is trending favorably.

Typhoon Tip

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37 minutes ago, wx2fish said:

They did well on the margins, but way too light in the banding/elevations. Some of those were giving AFN 2-3". Some kind of  combo is probably the best. Maybe using them as the lower end of a forecast range. 


Yep, I said that when they were posted....they'd be too light in elevated interior which they were. But they weren't bad elsewhere.

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NOUS41 KGYX 291621

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Gray ME
1121 AM EST Mon Jan 29 2024


Location                     Amount    Time/Date       Provider


...Androscoggin County...
Durham 0.8 S                 6.9 in    0850 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
1.8 W Lisbon Falls           6.5 in    0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
2 W Lisbon Falls             6.5 in    0747 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
Lisbon 0.6 S                 6.0 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Lisbon Falls                 5.5 in    0824 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
3 WNW Durham                 5.5 in    1028 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
2 N Lisbon                   5.0 in    0546 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
2 N Lewiston                 5.0 in    0919 AM 01/29   Amateur Radio
2 E Lewiston                 4.8 in    0653 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Auburn 2.1 NNW               4.7 in    0600 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
4.0 SE Poland                4.6 in    0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
Auburn                       4.5 in    1105 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Mechanic Falls 1.3 W         3.4 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Turner                       2.0 in    0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
Livermore Falls 3.7 SSW      1.0 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS

...Cumberland County...
1 NW Freeport                7.2 in    0810 AM 01/29   NWS Employee
NWS Gray Office              7.0 in    0719 AM 01/29   Official NWS Obs
4 WSW New Gloucester         6.9 in    0600 AM 01/29   NWS Employee
Cumberland Center 4.4 NW     6.7 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
2 ENE North Windham          6.7 in    0810 AM 01/29
1 N Cumberland               6.5 in    0652 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Cumberland                   6.3 in    0919 AM 01/29   Broadcast Media
Portland 5.4 NW              6.2 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
2 NW Falmouth                6.2 in    0701 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
2 WSW Falmouth               6.2 in    0809 AM 01/29   NWS Employee
Gorham                       5.6 in    0731 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Gorham 0.5 SSE               5.6 in    0800 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
2 S Cumberland               5.5 in    0645 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Freeport 3.0 ENE             5.5 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
North Windham 1.4 S          5.5 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
2 SE New Gloucester          5.3 in    0756 AM 01/29   Public
Standish 1.3 SSW             5.1 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Portland 5.5 WNW             4.8 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
South Portland 1.7 S         4.7 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Portland Jetport             4.7 in    0747 AM 01/29   ASOS
1 SSW Brunswick              4.6 in    0535 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Harpswell 3.1 WSW            4.5 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
4 SSE Gorham                 4.5 in    0904 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
2 N Old Orchard Beach        4.0 in    0830 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Portland 4.3 W               3.9 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
5 S Bridgton                 3.5 in    0542 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
4 SE Yarmouth                3.5 in    0658 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
South Portland               3.0 in    0829 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
1 NNW Cape Elizabeth         1.0 in    0846 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter

...Franklin County...
Temple 1.8 W                 0.7 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
0.9 E New Sharon             0.6 in    0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
New Sharon 2.0 NW            0.6 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Farmington 4.8 NNW           0.5 in    0900 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Farmington 3.9 N             0.4 in    0800 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
1.0 W Kingfield               T in     0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer

...Kennebec County...
2 WNW Whitefield             4.8 in    0600 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Manchester 0.5 NE            4.0 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Randolph                     4.0 in    0736 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Wayne 3.2 SSE                3.0 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
2 NE South China             3.0 in    1028 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
1 ESE Augusta                3.0 in    1103 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Winthrop                     2.7 in    0830 AM 01/29   COOP Observer

...Knox County...
1 WNW Tenants Harbor         5.0 in    0800 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Union 2.1 NNE                4.7 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Union 3.0 NW                 4.5 in    0715 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Union 3.0 W                  4.2 in    0633 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Hope                         4.0 in    0640 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Isle au Haut                 4.0 in    0755 AM 01/29   Public
Thomaston                    3.7 in    0821 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Camden                       3.6 in    0817 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Rockland 1.4 E               3.2 in    0630 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Rockport 2.8 SW              3.2 in    0800 AM 01/29   COCORAHS

...Lincoln County...
Dresden 1.5 NW               6.0 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
2 SE Alna                    5.5 in    0817 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Newcastle 2.1 SW             5.1 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Waldoboro 1.5 NNE            4.9 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS

...Oxford County...
3 WNW Brownfield             3.3 in    1025 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Oxford 5.3 SW                3.2 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
1 WNW Otisfield              2.8 in    0724 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
1 NNE Lovell                 2.1 in    0830 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Bethel 6 SSE                 1.8 in    0734 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
Hartford 1.4 N               1.3 in    0800 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Andover 3.8 W                0.2 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS

...Sagadahoc County...
2.3 NW Bath                  4.5 in    0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer

...Somerset County...
Anson                        0.2 in    0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
Rockwood 7 SSE                T in     0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
Palmyra 3.5 NW                T in     0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
North New Portland 0.3 WSW    T in     0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
1.9 S Harmony                 T in     0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
3.6 W Rockwood                T in     0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer

...Waldo County...
Searsmont 3.5 WNW            5.5 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Belmont 2.7 SSE              4.5 in    0600 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Belfast 3.9 NNE              3.5 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
3 WNW Searsport              3.5 in    0742 AM 01/29   Public
Prospect 2.6 W               3.0 in    0630 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Swanville 2.7 S              3.0 in    0736 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
2 SW Belfast                 2.5 in    0700 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Winterport 2.9 N             2.1 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS

...York County...
5 NNW Acton                  8.3 in    0635 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
5 SSE Limerick               8.0 in    0826 AM 01/29   Public
4 SSE Limerick               8.0 in    0829 AM 01/29   Public
North Waterboro 1.2 NE       7.0 in    0800 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
2 NE Limington               6.5 in    0929 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
4 ESE Limerick               6.4 in    0840 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
5.0 NW Hollis                6.3 in    0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
Hollis Center 5.4 NW         6.3 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
4 NE Shapleigh               6.1 in    0749 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Cornish 5.6 ESE              5.7 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
2 NNE Hollis                 5.5 in    0800 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Parsonsfield 3.9 NE          5.5 in    0825 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Sanford                      5.0 in    0827 AM 01/29   Public
1 NNE Saco                   4.7 in    0818 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
2 NNE Saco                   4.5 in    1025 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
2 NW Kennebunk               4.3 in    0807 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
2 SE Saco                    3.8 in    0701 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Biddeford 1.5 NNE            3.5 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Berwick 0.5 N                3.5 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
South Berwick 1.3 E          3.3 in    0800 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
1 N Kennebunk                3.0 in    0723 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
1 WSW Kittery                2.8 in    0820 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
2.6 SW Ogunquit              2.6 in    0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
Kittery Point 0.8 WSW        1.9 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS

...New Hampshire...

...Belknap County...
5 WNW Barnstead              8.5 in    0823 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Belmont 1.7 SW               5.9 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Tilton Northfield 3.3 NE     4.4 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Meredith 3.3 NNE             3.7 in    0800 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
3 NNW Meredith               3.5 in    0712 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Meredith 2.9 SSW             3.3 in    0645 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
1.5 N Laconia                3.0 in    0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer

...Carroll County...
1 NNW Brookfield             6.4 in    1035 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
2 NNE Freedom                6.1 in    0543 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
1 NNE Ossipee                5.0 in    0600 AM 01/29   Public
East Sandwich                3.5 in    0600 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
Center Sandwich 4.9 E        3.5 in    0600 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Wolfeboro                    3.5 in    0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
1 N Madison                  3.5 in    0748 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Tamworth 0.4 NNW             2.6 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Tamworth                     2.6 in    0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
Albany 2.8 SW                2.5 in    0800 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
North Conway                 2.4 in    0800 AM 01/29   COOP Observer

...Cheshire County...
Rindge 3.2 ESE               6.5 in    0800 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
2 WNW Peterborough           6.5 in    0823 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
2 SSE Rindge                 6.3 in    1105 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
1 ENE Spofford               5.5 in    0748 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
West Chesterfield 0.3 WNW    3.2 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Keene 2.0 SE                 2.4 in    0630 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
1.6 W Keene                  2.0 in    0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer

...Coos County...
Pinkham Notch                3.0 in    0545 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
Carroll 4.6 NE               2.8 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Gorham                       2.2 in    0530 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
Whitefield                   2.0 in    0723 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Jefferson 1 W                1.7 in    0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
1.0 S Berlin                 1.0 in    0720 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
Lancaster 0.5 N              0.5 in    0600 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Northumberland               0.2 in    0835 AM 01/29   COOP Observer

...Grafton County...
Ashland 2.4 NNW              3.8 in    0530 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Littleton 7.3 W              3.3 in    0800 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
5 WSW Littleton              3.2 in    0724 AM 01/29   Public
Hanover 4.8 NE               2.8 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
5 SSW Lyme                   2.8 in    0716 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Bristol 0.4 SSE              2.5 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Hanover 5.2 NE               2.3 in    0800 AM 01/29   COCORAHS

...Hillsborough County...
Greenville 1.1 ENE           12.1 in   0800 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
2 S New Ipswich              10.0 in   0801 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
2 N Francestown              9.3 in    0658 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Temple 1.2 ENE               9.0 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
1 NW New Boston              9.0 in    1024 AM 01/29   Public
2 WNW Windsor                8.1 in    0651 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Antrim 4.1 NW                8.0 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
2 N New Boston               7.5 in    1001 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
1 W Bennington               7.1 in    1000 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
1 WSW Bedford                7.0 in    0830 AM 01/29   Public
2 NNE Antrim                 7.0 in    0908 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
3 SSE Mason                  7.0 in    1000 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
3 N Hillsborough             6.5 in    0733 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
2 SE Milford                 6.5 in    0806 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Manchester 0.6 S             6.0 in    0540 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Peterborough                 6.0 in    0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
1 NNW Merrimack              5.5 in    0659 AM 01/29   Public
Mont Vernon 1.3 SSW          5.1 in    0630 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Brookline 2.1 SW             4.5 in    0800 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
3 SW Bedford                 4.5 in    0847 AM 01/29   Public
Brookline 2.3 SW             4.4 in    0739 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
2 SW Brookline               4.4 in    0739 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
1 WSW Brookline              4.3 in    0843 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Milford 1 ESE                4.0 in    0730 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
3 SSE Nashua                 4.0 in    0749 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
1 WNW Brookline              3.8 in    1024 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
1 W Hudson                   3.7 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
1.1 SE Nashua                3.6 in    0720 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
2 SSW Hollis                 3.4 in    0806 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
1.6 NE Hudson                3.3 in    0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
4 SSE Hudson                 2.8 in    0649 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter

...Merrimack County...
Dunbarton                    12.0 in   0737 AM 01/29   Public
Dunbarton 0.3 N              9.5 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Bow 1.6 NW                   9.1 in    0725 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Dunbarton 1.0 S              9.0 in    0550 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Pittsfield 0.2 SSW           8.0 in    0600 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
1 S South Hooksett           7.0 in    0539 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Concord Municipal Airport    6.6 in    0711 AM 01/29   ASOS
Canterbury 2.5 SSW           6.0 in    0755 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
2 SSE Franklin               5.6 in    0805 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Concord 2.4 E                5.5 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Concord 3.8 SSE              5.5 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Suncook                      5.2 in    0915 AM 01/29
1 SSE Henniker               5.0 in    1026 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
2 SW Salisbury               4.8 in    0839 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Northfield 2.8 E             4.6 in    0742 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
3 E Canterbury               4.5 in    0720 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Danbury 2.2 ESE              4.4 in    0800 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
South Sutton 1.3 SE          4.1 in    0800 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Contoocook 0.6 NNW           3.9 in    0715 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
New London 0.8 S             3.6 in    0600 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Sutton Mills 0.1 ENE         3.6 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Contoocook 9.1 NNW           2.7 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS

...Rockingham County...
Northwood 2.9 WSW            7.5 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
4 ESE Epsom                  7.5 in    0710 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Nottingham 1.2 S             7.5 in    0830 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
2 NNW Chester                7.0 in    0757 AM 01/29   Public
3 ENE Derry                  6.5 in    0555 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Auburn 1.8 E                 6.5 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
2 ENE Stratham               5.8 in    0653 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Derry 0.9 ENE                5.8 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Derry 5.7 N                  5.5 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
1 N Deerfield                5.0 in    0754 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
1 W Exeter                   5.0 in    0818 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Epping 0.9 W                 4.0 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Hampstead 3 NW               4.0 in    0730 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
Pease Air Force Base         3.6 in    0747 AM 01/29   AWOS
0.5 W Epping                 3.3 in    0700 AM 01/29   COOP Observer
Londonderry 3.3 W            2.0 in    0615 AM 01/29   COCORAHS

...Strafford County...
Strafford 2.9 N              9.0 in    0800 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
4 SE Wakefield               9.0 in    0800 AM 01/29
New Durham 2.5 E             8.5 in    0800 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
3 ESE Barrington             5.5 in    0723 AM 01/29   Public
Barrington 3.7 W             5.0 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Barrington 3.2 E             4.7 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
Durham                       3.3 in    0735 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
1 N Dover                    3.0 in    0537 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter

...Sullivan County...
1 WNW Washington             6.0 in    1025 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
West Unity 0.7 WSW           5.0 in    0700 AM 01/29   COCORAHS
2 NE Newport                 4.5 in    0917 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
2 WSW Unity                  4.0 in    0826 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
1 S Claremont                4.0 in    1024 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
Croydon                      3.8 in    0802 AM 01/29   Trained Spotter
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6 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

Nice steady snow here for a while with that little band. Not sticking to any dark surfaces at peak insolation of the day here. But it’s refreshing the piles and existing snow and on bushes. 

We’ve had on and off light to moderate snow all day . Enough to cover the driveway at times .

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11 minutes ago, DavisStraight said:

I'm in Ashburham today, good dump up here, at least 8 inches.

N ORH county elevations into monads were the one lock in this system to do well....too bad we didn't get a solid positive bust elsewhere in SNE.

Still, it looks and feels like winter today around here with a very dense 2.5-3" OTG and steady snow faling. So, we take the little things this winter.

19 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

We’ve had on and off light to moderate snow all day . Enough to cover the driveway at times .

Yeah see above in my reply....at least it's a wintry day today. I have a mini snow globe out there right now with this band....you even have a little band in your area too




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3 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

N ORH county elevations into monads were the one lock in this system to do well....too bad we didn't get a solid positive bust elsewhere in SNE.

Still, it looks and feels like winter today around here with a very dense 2.5-3" OTG and steady snow faling. So, we take the little things this winter.

Yeah see above in my reply....at least it's a wintry day today. I have a mini snow globe out there right now with this band....you even have a little band in your area too




That’s the weeniest band I’ve ever seen . It’s literally been almost non stop snow today. At times it gets solid moderate. Cold day too 30.2 considering how mild it’s been . Looks like winter on the landscape at least . 

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2 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

What’s causing these bands today? Is it just convergence?

Yeah its really unstable aloft with the ULL/trough almost over us and at the sfc, we have a bit of an inverted trough producing some slight convergence helping form a few bands....and the colder advection at 925/850 is producing the OES on the south shore/Cape.

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