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It was a Flop... February 2024 Disco. Thread

Prismshine Productions

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8 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

I honestly haven’t looked ahead since Friday. Just looked now. Still seems like we roll the dice and see what happens. I’ll take that look.

Unless something drastically changes pattern wise I think anyone north of Kevin/MA-CT line has good chances, for those of us south of that area need better than marginal temp set up for anything substantial. It’s just the way the season has gone. 

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6 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

The 2/13 threat is prior to good airmass advecting in…i mentioned this a couple days ago. Not a system of interest outside the interior elevated areas. 

I'd prefer it just be rain and I'm being 100% honest. One thing I am done with this year are the nuisance events that don't net me the day off, but get the sanders out to ensure a 2 hour commute.

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It's semantics ... "suppression" of storm genesis is occurring in the Euro because of circumstances related to wave-space contention which results in a general pan-dimensional negative interference scheme between the 11th and 14th...

Here, I'll show you:



Contrasting ... the 00Z GGEM wonderfully illustrates how a stronger ridge evolution in the west, and perhaps just different overall logistical handling of the wave spaces ( not saying better or worse here - ), lends to a more cohesive singular operating wave space that goes on to produce a much more successful  H.A. type index mode-change event...



This GGEM results a strong NE storm ... aspects related to ptype and whether people "like" the solution, notwithstanding...  But the purpose is to elucidate the causal difference in why the Euro isn't manifesting a real system.  If you take the frame further above and cinema that out in time, you can see the attending sfc features/evolution do nothing ... like at all. 

The Euro is achieving some exotically high proficiency in cyclone "suppression" ... but not in the same context and circumstances of having too much compression of heights and all that jazz...

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5 minutes ago, mahk_webstah said:

The stress of the season is turning so many of us into different people.

Or is it bring out the repressed parts of who we really are??!!  Ray, care to comment?

Lots of broken weenies….they may never heal.  But I agree, it’s a week out and right before any possible changing, so gotta expect large variability just from the time span of a week alone.  And also the fact that things will be starting to shuffle at that point.  

But you know, if the OP runs don’t show big snows…it’s all bad.  And even when they do, they tell you to sell lmao.  

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Just now, CoastalWx said:

Almost more Monday night into Tuesday on the 00z run. But yeah, it has something.

Interior elevations....airmass is marginal and system looks weak. I guess if we make it a more potent system, it could get more interesting.

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28 minutes ago, mahk_webstah said:

The stress of the season is turning so many of us into different people.

Or is it bring out the repressed parts of who we really are??!!  Ray, care to comment?

People are just frustrated and sick of waiting on long range prospects that are never realized. Its absolutely exhaustuing. I don't think anyone on here allocates the degree of energy that I do and that may include some pros....at this point, I just want to be fucking done one way or another....just sick of it. Past several years I eat, sleep and breathe this shit from like August on in with very little dividends. I think its a combination of that, and we all like to escape from life via something we have so much passion for and mundane weather deprives us of that. I have posted in the past about how the common bond that we all share is that snow is the one thing in the world that makes us feel 5 years old again. The fact is that the vast majority of people don't have anything that does that. And when you have it, and are deprived of it, it elicits that infantile, viseral response akin to taking the tab away from my toddler.

It is what it is-

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Also noting some divergence in the EPS and GEFS out at the end of their runs....GEFS is trying to really push a very strong low into the GOA....Euro keeps it weaker and a bit further west....e.g., GEFS has a rapidly deteriorating PAC while the EPS does not.

Both have a potent -NAO/AO though....which would be quite beneficial in the event of a deteriorating PAC, but a more hostile PAC starts to leave you with less wiggle room. 

Good news is that EPS led the GEFS for the mid-month switch, so hopefully they are more correct. We're also dealing with a potential SSW around the ides....if that happens, it could affect early March.

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Just now, ORH_wxman said:

Also noting some divergence in the EPS and GEFS out at the end of their runs....GEFS is trying to really push a very strong low into the GOA....Euro keeps it weaker and a bit further west....e.g., GEFS has a rapidly deteriorating PAC while the EPS does not.

Both have a potent -NAO/AO though....which would be quite beneficial in the event of a deteriorating PAC, but a more hostile PAC starts to leave you with less wiggle room. 

Good news is that EPS led the GEFS for the mid-month switch, so hopefully they are more correct. We're also dealing with a potential SSW around the ides....if that happens, it could affect early March.

I think I speak for everyone when I collectively opt to puff, puff pass on relying upon blocking to save the day in the face of a ca-ca Pacific.

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