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1/9-1/10 Now Morphing to Less-Than-Exciting Power Cutter

Torch Tiger

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14 minutes ago, dendrite said:

2.00” on the nose. 0.71” from the midnight core and 1.29” in the stratus after that. Full sun now. 

The run is underwater again, but I think it’s just water table issues at this point. I anxiously await the first :stein:worry post in April. 

We’re going to need it. Locking the water table in this high with no storage room in the lakes is definitely elevating the spring flood outlook.

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1 hour ago, dryslot said:

Meh on the winds AIT, Still have snow pack remaining, 45/45°F.


I doubt we gusted to 30 here.  Isle au Haut recorded 95 mph earlier. 
9" probably boosted the pack up to 17" when the p-type changed about 5 AM, now down to 14" with moderate RA and upper 30s.  Most miserable stuff to move since the Late Feb mess in 2010 (10.7" of 4:1 slop plus 1.14" of mid-30s RA).  I'm sure we're over 2", maybe near 2.5, and most of that is in the new snow.  It was near 7:1 when it was all snow but now more like 4:1 and decreasing.  I may go out a couple hours after the rain stops, and use a smaller shovel, one with <1 sq.ft. surface rather than the near 2 sq.ft. one I used at 7 AM.

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Time to build pack, Lot of net gain in here.

NOUS41 KGYX 101539

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Gray ME
1039 AM EST Wed Jan 10 2024


Location                     Amount    Time/Date       Provider


...Androscoggin County...
4 S Livermore Falls          7.5 in    0313 AM 01/10   NWS Employee
1 W Mechanic Falls           7.3 in    0310 AM 01/10   NWS Employee
4.0 SE Poland                5.3 in    0700 AM 01/10   COOP
3 SE Minot                   5.2 in    1210 AM 01/10   Public
2 N Lewiston                 5.2 in    0147 AM 01/10   Public
1 NW Auburn                  5.0 in    0452 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
Turner                       5.0 in    0700 AM 01/10   COOP
2 E Lewiston                 5.0 in    0756 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
Auburn 2.1 NNW               4.7 in    0600 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Lisbon                       3.5 in    1245 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
Lisbon 0.6 S                 3.5 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
2 W Lisbon Falls             3.2 in    1100 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
1.8 W Lisbon Falls           3.2 in    0700 AM 01/10   COOP
2 N Lisbon                   3.0 in    0540 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter

...Cumberland County...
5 NNE East Baldwin           5.0 in    1130 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
Sebago 2.4 ESE               5.0 in    0657 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
1 NW Steep Falls             5.0 in    0842 AM 01/10   Public
Raymond                      4.8 in    1240 AM 01/10   Public
4 WSW New Gloucester         4.3 in    1142 PM 01/09   NWS Employee
Standish 1.3 SSW             4.3 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
3 NNW New Gloucester         4.0 in    1215 AM 01/10   Public
1 ESE Raymond                4.0 in    0238 AM 01/10   NWS Employee
Gray, ME                     3.8 in    0700 AM 01/10   HADS
Windham 3.9 NW               3.6 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Windham 2 NW                 3.6 in    0700 AM 01/10   COOP
North Windham 1.4 S          3.1 in    0845 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
3 SSE Standish               3.0 in    1052 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
Cumberland Center 4.4 NW     2.5 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Portland 5.5 WNW             0.1 in    0800 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Portland 5.4 NW               T in     0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Portland 4.3 W                T in     0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
South Portland 1.7 S          T in     0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Portland 5.1 NW               T in     0800 AM 01/10   COCORAHS

...Franklin County...
3 SW New Vineyard            14.7 in   0736 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
6 WNW Madrid                 14.6 in   0744 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
5 WSW Carrabassett Valley    14.0 in   0754 AM 01/10   Public
4 SSE Dallas                 12.0 in   0744 AM 01/10   Public
2 WSW Kingfield              12.0 in   0946 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
Temple 1.8 W                 11.8 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
2.1 NW Rangeley              11.0 in   0600 AM 01/10   COOP
Farmington                   11.0 in   0843 AM 01/10   Public
Rangeley                     10.0 in   0500 AM 01/10   COOP
New Sharon 2.0 NW            9.0 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS

...Kennebec County...
Manchester 0.5 NE            5.5 in    0535 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
1 NW Farmingdale             4.0 in    0150 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
Readfield 2.0 NNE            4.0 in    0800 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Winthrop                     3.0 in    0830 AM 01/10   UCOOP
Clinton 0.5 WSW              2.5 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Winslow 1.2 SSE              2.3 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS

...Knox County...
Union                        0.7 in    1005 AM 01/10   Public

...Lincoln County...
Newcastle 2.1 SW              T in     0730 AM 01/10   COCORAHS

...Oxford County...
Andover 3.8 W                13.5 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
4 WNW Newry                  11.5 in   0634 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
Bethel 6 SSE                 11.5 in   0901 AM 01/10   COOP
4 W Stoneham                 10.5 in   0455 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
Bryant Pond                  10.2 in   0545 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
Bryant Pond                  10.2 in   0947 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
1 NNE Lovell                 10.0 in   0400 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
1.5 E Hartford               10.0 in   0700 AM 01/10   COOP
3 WNW Rumford                10.0 in   0745 AM 01/10   Public
3 WNW Brownfield             9.0 in    1028 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
Oxford 5.3 SW                8.5 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
4 SSW Otisfield              8.5 in    0739 AM 01/10   NWS Employee

...Somerset County...
Solon 3.9 ESE                11.0 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
North New Portland 0.3 WSW   10.4 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
2 NNW Cornville              7.5 in    0500 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
4 NNE Rome                   7.0 in    0330 AM 01/10   Public
1.9 S Harmony                7.0 in    0700 AM 01/10   COOP
Jackman                      6.8 in    0700 AM 01/10   COOP
Cornville                    5.0 in    0300 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
Palmyra 3.5 NW               3.7 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Skowhegan                    2.8 in    1130 PM 01/09   Public

...Waldo County...
Monroe                       6.0 in    0400 AM 01/10   Public
Belmont 2.7 SSE              4.0 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
1 SW Belmont                 4.0 in    0949 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
Winterport 2.9 N             2.4 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS

...York County...
3 NE Limington               4.6 in    1109 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
2 SSW East Baldwin           4.6 in    1217 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
Cornish 5.6 ESE              4.6 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Sanford                      4.0 in    1030 PM 01/09   Public
5 SSE Limerick               4.0 in    1100 PM 01/09   Public
5 NW Hollis                  3.9 in    1045 PM 01/09   CO-OP Observer
5.0 NW Hollis                3.9 in    0700 AM 01/10   COOP
Hollis Center 5.4 NW         3.9 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
3 NNW Hollis                 3.5 in    1121 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
5 SE Limerick                3.0 in    1000 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
North Waterboro 1.2 NE       3.0 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
4 NE Shapleigh               2.3 in    0853 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
2.6 SW Ogunquit               T in     0700 AM 01/10   COOP
North Berwick 5.3 W           T in     0815 AM 01/10   COCORAHS

...New Hampshire...

...Belknap County...
1 WNW Alton                  6.5 in    1230 AM 01/10   Public
Meredith 3.3 NNE             5.0 in    0800 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
2 WSW Meredith               4.5 in    0942 PM 01/09
3 NW Laconia                 4.0 in    1030 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
1.5 N Laconia                4.0 in    0700 AM 01/10   COOP
Tilton Northfield 3.3 NE     4.0 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
3 NNW Meredith               3.5 in    0328 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
Meredith 2.9 SSW             3.0 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
5 WNW Barnstead              2.8 in    0845 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter

...Carroll County...
East Sandwich                11.5 in   0600 AM 01/10   COOP
Center Sandwich 4.9 E        11.5 in   0600 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Conway                       11.0 in   0600 AM 01/10   Public
1 N Madison                  10.5 in   0457 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
2 NNE Freedom                10.5 in   0841 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
2 S Jackson                  10.0 in   0209 AM 01/10   Public
North Conway                 8.6 in    0825 AM 01/10   COOP
Tamworth                     7.8 in    0700 AM 01/10   COOP
Tamworth 0.4 NNW             7.8 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
1 ESE Freedom                7.0 in    0415 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
1 ESE Madison                6.3 in    0957 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
1 SE Wolfeboro               5.8 in    1201 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
Wolfeboro 1.5 SE             5.8 in    0800 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Wolfeboro                    3.0 in    0700 AM 01/10   UCOOP

...Cheshire County...
1 NNW Westmoreland           3.0 in    0700 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
Gilsum                       3.0 in    0806 PM 01/09   Public
1 ENE Spofford               2.3 in    0747 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
3 W Marlow                   2.0 in    0746 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
2 NW Hinsdale                1.6 in    0645 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
West Swanzey 1.0 WNW         1.5 in    1200 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
1.6 W Keene                  1.0 in    0700 AM 01/10   COOP

...Coos County...
1 ESE Mount Washington       25.0 in   1016 AM 01/10   CO-OP Observer
1 E Mount Washington         19.2 in   1017 AM 01/10   CO-OP Observer
 null Mount Washington       18.9 in   1016 AM 01/10   CO-OP Observer
3 E Pinkham Notch            13.5 in   1017 AM 01/10   CO-OP Observer
1.0 S Berlin                 13.0 in   0741 AM 01/10   COOP
Carroll 4.6 NE               2.3 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
4 NNW Whitefield             2.0 in    0957 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
Lancaster 0.5 N              1.0 in    0600 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Pittsburg                    1.0 in    0700 AM 01/10   COOP

...Grafton County...
5 SE Carroll                 12.0 in   0753 AM 01/10   Public
5 WNW Crawford Notch         11.2 in   1018 AM 01/10   CO-OP Observer
2 NW Waterville Valley       7.0 in    0746 AM 01/10   Public
Plymouth 3.7 N               6.8 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Ashland 2.4 NNW              6.0 in    0600 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
8 N Woodsville               6.0 in    1027 AM 01/10   Public
Wentworth                    5.5 in    1115 PM 01/09   Public
4 E Easton                   5.5 in    1018 AM 01/10   CO-OP Observer
Bristol 0.4 SSE              5.4 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
1 NNW Bristol                5.3 in    1133 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
5 N Bristol                  4.0 in    0930 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
Hanover 4.8 NE               4.0 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
5 SSW Lyme                   3.8 in    0924 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
Hanover 5.2 NE               2.2 in    0800 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
5 WSW Littleton              1.0 in    1245 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
Littleton 7.3 W              1.0 in    0800 AM 01/10   COCORAHS

...Hillsborough County...
5 ESE Washington             5.4 in    1145 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
3 N Hillsborough             4.5 in    0958 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
Temple 1.2 ENE               4.0 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
2 NNE Antrim                 3.5 in    1025 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
Weare                        3.0 in    0924 PM 01/09   Public
Greenville 1.1 ENE           3.0 in    0800 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
1 WNW Hillsborough           3.0 in    0812 PM 01/09
New Boston                   3.0 in    0832 PM 01/09   Public
Milford                      3.0 in    0848 PM 01/09   Public
1 WNW Hillsborough           3.0 in    0850 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
2 N Francestown              3.0 in    0854 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
1 ESE Milford                2.8 in    0808 PM 01/09
2 S New Ipswich              2.7 in    0835 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
2 S New Boston               2.5 in    0810 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
2 SE Milford                 2.5 in    0816 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
2 N New Boston               2.5 in    0856 PM 01/09
1 ESE Brookline              2.1 in    0829 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
Peterborough                 2.0 in    0700 AM 01/10   COOP
0.9 N Greenville             2.0 in    0830 AM 01/10   COOP
1 W Amherst                  2.0 in    0800 PM 01/09
2 ESE Milford                2.0 in    0730 PM 01/09
3 SSE Mason                  2.0 in    0831 PM 01/09
Brookline 2.3 SW             1.9 in    0747 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
1.6 NE Hudson                1.7 in    0700 AM 01/10   COOP
1.1 SE Nashua                1.4 in    0700 AM 01/10   COOP
1 SSE Nashua                 1.4 in    0751 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
Mont Vernon 1.3 SSW          0.5 in    0630 AM 01/10   COCORAHS

...Merrimack County...
South Sutton 1.3 SE          5.9 in    0800 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
New London 0.8 S             5.0 in    0600 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
2 NNW Warner                 4.5 in    1115 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
Northfield 2.8 E             4.5 in    0738 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
3 E Tilton                   4.5 in    0919 PM 01/09
Danbury 2.2 ESE              4.2 in    0800 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Contoocook 9.1 NNW           3.8 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Bow 1.6 NW                   3.2 in    0745 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
2 SSE Franklin               3.2 in    0825 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Concord 2.4 E                3.0 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Dunbarton 1.0 S              3.0 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Contoocook 0.6 NNW           3.0 in    0705 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
 null Concord Municipal Airp 2.9 in    1015 PM 01/09   ASOS
Concord 3.8 SSE              2.2 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Pittsfield 0.2 SSW           2.0 in    0600 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Chichester 2.7 SSW           1.0 in    1230 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
3.3 SW Contoocook            0.5 in    0700 AM 01/10   COOP

...Rockingham County...
4 ESE Epsom                  3.7 in    0944 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
Northwood 2.9 WSW            3.7 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
4 E Epsom                    3.4 in    0933 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
1 N Deerfield                3.0 in    0847 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
Northwood                    3.0 in    0926 PM 01/09   Public
Nottingham 1.2 S             2.5 in    0815 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Derry 5.7 N                  2.2 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Londonderry                  2.1 in    0855 AM 01/10   Trained Spotter
Hampstead 3 NW               2.0 in    0715 AM 01/10   COOP
1 SSW Sandown                2.0 in    0800 PM 01/09   CO-OP Observer

...Strafford County...
3 NNE Northwood              3.8 in    1006 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
Rochester                    3.2 in    0923 PM 01/09   Public

...Sullivan County...
2 NE Newport                 4.0 in    1030 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
4 SSW Lebanon                3.0 in    0954 PM 01/09   Trained Spotter
West Unity 0.7 WSW           3.0 in    0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
3 ESE Charlestown            3.0 in    0830 PM 01/09
4 NE Plainfield              2.0 in    0739 PM 01/09
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From Sorrento, ME (across the bay from Bar Harbor). The red house is a former captain's house on a now nonexistent pier, it is about 5' above high tide at mean level usually.



this is a pic of a road in the same town that follows the coast; those trees on the other side of the road are also usually about 5-6 feet above mean high tide.


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43 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

A little cleaning up down there won't hurt.

Just got back in from heading around the bay.  Lots of really high water.  Inches from the bottom of the year round docks.  Very close to getting up to road level on a couple of the low bridges on Route 4.  Also very little debris on the roads that we typically see when there's higher winds.  

My lawn's looking lush and green.  May need to get a mow in after it dries out.  

  • Haha 1
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