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January 2024 Banter

George BM

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6 minutes ago, gunny23 said:

I was on Eastern then joined this forum in 2011. I don't know enough to post but I sure do enjoy reading all of the analysis.  I used to wake up at 2am to turn the weather channel on for updates; my husband is grateful I only now just need to read my phone and not wake him up in the middle of the night anymore. haha. Thanks to all (most) of you!

Same. No one remembers me from Eastern as I mostly lurked. I think I joined in 2009 bc, you know, but had already been reading. Have learned so much reading over the years.

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I found eastern (thankfully) after trying to participate on accuweather boards. I started reading and trying to learn in...August of 2009 when I moved to Baltimore. Easy peasy, 3 blizzards and I figured, hey, it snows like that ALL THE TIME here.  Lol. I am super grateful there are no copies of any of the eastern threads from back then - my posts were even less value added than what you all have suffered from me here since 2010...

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Greetings fellow weather enthusiasts,

I have been lurking, and occasionally posting on this board since the eastern weather days. I had the pleasure of meeting some of you frequent contributors a few years back in Rockville, MD. Regardless of the periodic drama that occurs between posters, there is no better place to be informed and learn about meteorology, and I am very grateful to all of you who regularly, or occasionally, post your thoughts and analysis. Thank you! 
For those of you who reside in MoCo, I would like to invite you to come to Down Town Crown Beer and Wine this coming Saturday. I will be performing music there (I perform there every first Saturday of the month) and I would love to connect with and talk weather with like minded people- especially on the eve of a potential storm. Now if the wheels fall off the bus, I would still love to meet some MoCo weather weanies!

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27 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:

The mids are fine at DC. Never gets close. But surface is 34-35 up 95 during the whole event.  That’s not usually how this goes. Typically if anything the mid level warm later pushes further NW than the surface. If the euro is 2 degrees too warm at the surface this was a 12” snow in DC and Baltimore. 

I won’t say it. 

But yet you said it...and I don't quite get that.  If it is, it is...why don't we just enjoy tracking this, and if that happens, discuss it later? To me, sometimes it's not about whether something is true, but when ya say it....but this could be me overreacting.

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5 hours ago, H2O said:

I’m part of the old guard from the previous board that was EasternWX. I joined that officially in 2008 but had lurked for a year or two prior. I knew nothing back then and just read the board. And that was before subforums. Storm threat threads covered the whole EC. So you had people freaking out over temps from NC while SNE high fived knowing they would get crushed. 

But some here even predate Eastern amd go back to WWBB. Now those are old timers. 

I’ve known Randy and Leesburg Aldie for a long time. Met many at conferences and gtgs. Would be happy to meet y’all some more. 

I used to read WWBB, then joined eastern way way back. Then joined this board. Lots of fun and lots of laughs.

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2 hours ago, 09-10 analogy said:

Coming back from Spain Wednesday and will be depressed after a great trip. But the chance (emphasis) of a MECS over the weekend will help take the sting out. Doesn’t snow much in Barcelona. But what a great city!

Haven’t been to Barcelona, but I love Spain. It’s wrongly way too low on American’s European travel destinations.

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This hobby always makes me wonder....what good does looking ahead do when the new information today makes yesterdays looking ahead look awful. My wish is that the analysis is less talking about trend this and trend that or predicting what is ahead and more just this is what this model says at this point in time. Too much personal bias and interpretation in general. My opinion anyway

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6 minutes ago, North Balti Zen said:

The predicting-disaster-upcoming-runs crew is in a bull market. Unrestrained.

Wasn't the conversation just a day ago about the envelope of solutions and this is certainly one of them? Of course the perception of some now is that all models are trending towards this one bad run and OMG i just noticed that all of the other runs that were good had this bad look as well. It's insanity...we are basically riding this roller coaster without a seatbelt lol

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Interesting discussion on all the "old" history of this site and its predecessors.  I recall first finding this when it was Eastern US Weather Forums, in January or February 2009.  Strangely, prior to that I was looking at the Accu-Weather forums just to see some discussion but it was a bit jumbled with the organization and didn't like it so much.  Someone on there had a link or a reference to Eastern, so I checked it out and was hooked since!  I didn't join at that time, just read to get information.  The first "real" storm I remember following on Eastern was the early March 2009 event (if anyone else recalls that?), actually staying up late through that weekend reading GFS and Euro discussions!  There wasn't as much talk of ensembles at the time.  I then officially joined Eastern sometime later in 2009, in time for the amazing winter that year!!  Then it got transferred to American Weather Forums I think around January 2011?  So anyone who had an account on Eastern could "re-start" on AmWX.

Oh and on a different topic...I know people joke (sort of) about the weekend rule and snowstorms around here!  Total chance I'm sure that a decent majority tend to occur at that point in a week.  But if you think of it, and if you consider a "weekend" to be Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon (I'm allowing for a day either side, for Monday holidays and for storms that may start just before and continue through the weekend)...that's 4 of 7 days.  So just statistically, you should have storms that tend to occur in that time range!

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5 minutes ago, aldie 22 said:

Wasn't the conversation just a day ago about the envelope of solutions and this is certainly one of them? Of course the perception of some now is that all models are trending towards this one bad run and OMG i just noticed that all of the other runs that were good had this bad look as well. It's insanity...we are basically riding this roller coaster without a seatbelt lol

Yup, that was discussed...and yup, the freak-outs are regular as clockwork!!  People went ga-ga over a couple of runs that gave the DC metro area a foot (admittedly, I got excited too of course!).  And you know, we could well "fail" at least I-95 east.  But even with a "fail" for that area, I still think nearly all of us see some snow, and not just the less than an inch "surprise" we got back in December.  I think we get on the board with decent amounts, and by decent I mean a couple of inches or so.  Won't be perfect and temperatures aren't the best, but whatever.  A few days ago we were all looking at rain.  Of course, those farther west should score pretty big almost regardless of any solution.

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Just now, mattie g said:

Whether people like the idea of jinxes or not, I'm already blaming WxUSAF on the trends for this weekend's threat.

LOL!!!  Well, it's not the "jinxes", it's the same cadre of people who freak out when things look less favorable after they see a couple of runs that looked great.  And sadly, some of those who "freak out" are the more knowledgeable ones, not that they tear hair out and whine like some others, but discussion gets slanted in a doom-and-gloom manner (and yes, talk of "trends!!!").  I'm certainly not one who wants to put my fingers in my ears and cry "lalalala, I can't hear you!" when there's not so good news, but we also don't need incessant repeating "look how all this is wrong!" with every model run that "suddenly" isn't as favorable.

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