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Panic Room - Winter 23/24 Edition


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22 hours ago, Kmlwx said:

@Maestrobjwa - 

Have never had an issue with you and I try really hard not to judge people's style and such. But I will say that I, for one do appreciate that over the last year or two you truly seem to have been trying to learn concepts and stuff. 

The biggest advice I will give you - and in no part of this post do I mean any malice or ill will - is that like you said in the other thread...weather is weather - we can't really change it or do anything about it. Weather doesn't care if you're due. Weather doesn't care if you "deserve" snow. Weather doesn't care if you got screwed by 50 snowstorms and are depressed. 

The best advice that I got when I started on Eastern in the 2000s was that you don't have to reply to every post or topic or concept. It's okay to just read. The more you post is not going to trigger the butterfly effect to "will" a snowstorm closer. 

It is OK to just let other folks carry the thread. I too get REALLY bummed out when we miss snowstorms. You'll notice that I largely go silent in the winter here - but I certainly am in here DAILY and quietly obsessing about the snow potential. I've gotten better over the years - but I will admit I in fact do get bummed when stuff doesn't work out. 

But I found a long time ago that the more I posted, the worse my "need" to have snow to be happy got. You have some options here - and it's not even a complete list. 

- Try new hobbies - I've been spotting foxes and animals in my backyard lately and it's been a blast with trailcams and stuff. Way higher success rate than snow chasing too! I also picked up plane spotting in the past few years. Again, not saying THOSE specifically, but they are both more redeeming a lot of times than weather tracking. 

- Get into more diverse weather. We fail a ton at summer/spring severe weather too...but at least by making it more flexible as to the type of weather that interests me - it's not just snow. 

- CHASE the snow if you have the means to do so. I know we can't all pack up like Bob Chill and go to multiple locations. But if you have the means, do it. 

We are unfortunately warming. We don't need to over that. But if you are solely attached to big snow that you "deserve" you're going to have deep depression in the years to come I fear. Gotta take the wins we get and hope for the best. No amount of posting or hand wringing is going to change what Mother Nature wants to do. 

But I want to reiterate - I truly appreciate that you've been trying to learn and improve. 

Great post!


Learning to lurk and post less was a huge contributing factor to this hobby being more enjoyable for me, vs when I was a teen...been around since PDII Wright-Weather days, and God I must've been insufferable lol. Lurking and learning has contributed massively to my being able to enjoy the hobby more, and I have learned much more than when I was posting constantly.


But attaching emotional well-being to snow? That's not healthy, @Maestrobjwa. If 'missing' snowstorms really is making you genuinely unhappy and actually depressed? I strongly recommend you follow @Kmlwxadvice and also seek out some sort of professional therapy. As he said, if you continue to base your happiness on snow, you're going to probably have a REALLY rough time of it as our climate continues to warm...


I love snow too, hell I even get sad when a storm misses, and it's even triggered a SAD episode or two in the past, but I found as I got a social life, and wider hobbies, that it became much easier to tolerate and 'move on' from. Focus on those positive things I'm sure you have in your life, and you will be happier.

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23 hours ago, Kmlwx said:

@Maestrobjwa - 

Have never had an issue with you and I try really hard not to judge people's style and such. But I will say that I, for one do appreciate that over the last year or two you truly seem to have been trying to learn concepts and stuff. 

The biggest advice I will give you - and in no part of this post do I mean any malice or ill will - is that like you said in the other thread...weather is weather - we can't really change it or do anything about it. Weather doesn't care if you're due. Weather doesn't care if you "deserve" snow. Weather doesn't care if you got screwed by 50 snowstorms and are depressed. 

The best advice that I got when I started on Eastern in the 2000s was that you don't have to reply to every post or topic or concept. It's okay to just read. The more you post is not going to trigger the butterfly effect to "will" a snowstorm closer. 

It is OK to just let other folks carry the thread. I too get REALLY bummed out when we miss snowstorms. You'll notice that I largely go silent in the winter here - but I certainly am in here DAILY and quietly obsessing about the snow potential. I've gotten better over the years - but I will admit I in fact do get bummed when stuff doesn't work out. 

But I found a long time ago that the more I posted, the worse my "need" to have snow to be happy got. You have some options here - and it's not even a complete list. 

- Try new hobbies - I've been spotting foxes and animals in my backyard lately and it's been a blast with trailcams and stuff. Way higher success rate than snow chasing too! I also picked up plane spotting in the past few years. Again, not saying THOSE specifically, but they are both more redeeming a lot of times than weather tracking. 

- Get into more diverse weather. We fail a ton at summer/spring severe weather too...but at least by making it more flexible as to the type of weather that interests me - it's not just snow. 

- CHASE the snow if you have the means to do so. I know we can't all pack up like Bob Chill and go to multiple locations. But if you have the means, do it. 

We are unfortunately warming. We don't need to over that. But if you are solely attached to big snow that you "deserve" you're going to have deep depression in the years to come I fear. Gotta take the wins we get and hope for the best. No amount of posting or hand wringing is going to change what Mother Nature wants to do. 

But I want to reiterate - I truly appreciate that you've been trying to learn and improve. 


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1 hour ago, Kmlwx said:

Heck...I don't have ANY social life and I'd like to think I'm a lot better mentally about snow than I was 15 years ago. I'm also a lot more cynical (see my snow contest guess(es)) 

Cynicism comes with age and experience, my friend...embrace it!!!  Some people just call it "realism!"  LOL!!! :lol:


2 minutes ago, stormtracker said:

That was an excellent post dude. 

Agree, it most definitely was.

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1 hour ago, Kmlwx said:

Heck...I don't have ANY social life and I'd like to think I'm a lot better mentally about snow than I was 15 years ago. I'm also a lot more cynical (see my snow contest guess(es)) 

Same for me. Part of it is that I can chase now. The other part is that I've learned to accept our climo here. 

At this point I actually consider 4-5 inches per year to be above average snowfall. If you set your expectations there, its not hard to handle.

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On 2/5/2024 at 5:19 PM, Kmlwx said:

@Maestrobjwa - 

Have never had an issue with you and I try really hard not to judge people's style and such. But I will say that I, for one do appreciate that over the last year or two you truly seem to have been trying to learn concepts and stuff. 

The biggest advice I will give you - and in no part of this post do I mean any malice or ill will - is that like you said in the other thread...weather is weather - we can't really change it or do anything about it. Weather doesn't care if you're due. Weather doesn't care if you "deserve" snow. Weather doesn't care if you got screwed by 50 snowstorms and are depressed. 

The best advice that I got when I started on Eastern in the 2000s was that you don't have to reply to every post or topic or concept. It's okay to just read. The more you post is not going to trigger the butterfly effect to "will" a snowstorm closer. 

It is OK to just let other folks carry the thread. I too get REALLY bummed out when we miss snowstorms. You'll notice that I largely go silent in the winter here - but I certainly am in here DAILY and quietly obsessing about the snow potential. I've gotten better over the years - but I will admit I in fact do get bummed when stuff doesn't work out. 

But I found a long time ago that the more I posted, the worse my "need" to have snow to be happy got. You have some options here - and it's not even a complete list. 

- Try new hobbies - I've been spotting foxes and animals in my backyard lately and it's been a blast with trailcams and stuff. Way higher success rate than snow chasing too! I also picked up plane spotting in the past few years. Again, not saying THOSE specifically, but they are both more redeeming a lot of times than weather tracking. 

- Get into more diverse weather. We fail a ton at summer/spring severe weather too...but at least by making it more flexible as to the type of weather that interests me - it's not just snow. 

- CHASE the snow if you have the means to do so. I know we can't all pack up like Bob Chill and go to multiple locations. But if you have the means, do it. 

We are unfortunately warming. We don't need to over that. But if you are solely attached to big snow that you "deserve" you're going to have deep depression in the years to come I fear. Gotta take the wins we get and hope for the best. No amount of posting or hand wringing is going to change what Mother Nature wants to do. 

But I want to reiterate - I truly appreciate that you've been trying to learn and improve. 

Thank you for the taking the time to write that. While I'm a bit ashamed to have to even get advice like this in the first place (kicking myself a bit for not being better), I appreciate the response.

I hear you on the posting. But you know...I found last year that I actually just have to spend less time on this site when things are rough in the snow department. When I did that last February, it started to feel better. I didn't obsess over it as much, and it opened up space in my brain for other things. This year, I installed a site blocker app to not even let me on here at certain times. (I'll admit I've cheated a few times...like yesterday, lol). 

You're right about the warming. I've been coming to a place of accepting things may be declining in our snow climo...I think that ended up fueling the obsession this year and inevitably led to my ill-advised post yesterday. That was me being realistic about where we might be, but also maybe too pessimistic/looking too far ahead. I think the less brain space I give it when things are rough (or just in general), the better it's gonna feel. Yes the suckage is always gonna be disappointing, but hopefully giving it less space lessens the blow...and overtime I'll adjust better. (It sounds like we have a similar brain in our snow obsession!)

Hobbies...While I admittedly don't have too many, music is my passion, profession, and hobby :lol: So it's basically my life--but even with that...tbh, I need to spend even more time making music.

Now as far as one thing I didn't realize was a hobby: I am way into family history--that is an addiction that can be rewarding (except when you hit brick walls!). Videogames are somewhat a hobby as well (though I don't spend as many hours).

As far as chasing...yeah definitely don't have a ton of means to do that. However, if we don't get more snow soon I may find a group to go skiing with! I'm skeptical about getting on skis, but I'd certainly enjoy the atmosphere :D 

Anyway, all that to say...thanks again for the encouraging response. I think it's helpful for us to talk about the mental side of what we do/track here. Appreciate it!

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Bout time to admit defeat. Def a bummer because my lil one is getting older and hasn’t had many good events like my older boys did but is what it is. Least it’s only 42 days until spring….can’t wait to go on long runs with birds chirping and everything turning green. 

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1 hour ago, Kmlwx said:

I just started a birth parent search! The more tasks and embers you can put in the fire to distract from snow the better!


Niiiice!! Man there is nothing like learning about your family history. It is truly an adventure...and you never know what you'll find (for better or worse, lol) I hope you are successful in finding your birth parents!

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2 hours ago, stormtracker said:

whoa..Good luck man!

Thank you! I was adopted when I was 4 months old so I figured at 32 might as well! Sooo much paperwork (South Korea). They said it could be 3-9 months. Maybe by my birthday in September I'll hear something! 

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1 hour ago, Rvarookie said:

Bout time to admit defeat. Def a bummer because my lil one is getting older and hasn’t had many good events like my older boys did but is what it is. Least it’s only 42 days until spring….can’t wait to go on long runs with birds chirping and everything turning green. 

So stupid

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13 hours ago, Rvarookie said:

Bout time to admit defeat. Def a bummer because my lil one is getting older and hasn’t had many good events like my older boys did but is what it is. Least it’s only 42 days until spring….can’t wait to go on long runs with birds chirping and everything turning green. 

Sun angle basically 90°

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14 hours ago, Kmlwx said:

Thank you! I was adopted when I was 4 months old so I figured at 32 might as well! Sooo much paperwork (South Korea). They said it could be 3-9 months. Maybe by my birthday in September I'll hear something! 

Bro I coulda sworn you were like 10 years older than me, lolol But instead I'm older by 10 months...for some odd reason I never looked at your page!

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