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Panic Room - Winter 23/24 Edition


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30 minutes ago, Eskimo Joe said:

New normal unfortunately. People are starting to come to grips with it. Our snow climo is going to be like Charlotte, NC in a few years.

you might have gone from just dating deb once in a while to letting her move in to your place, filling the gas tank of her camaro, and letting her use your debit card to buy marlboro lights, churros and energy drinks at 7-11...she will drain you dry...cut her loose!

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36 minutes ago, ravensrule said:

Unfortunately you haven’t been 5 posted yet. You have become by far the worst poster on the board. 

I agree although 99% of the posters in the NYC forum could give him a run for his money 

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55 minutes ago, Eskimo Joe said:

New normal unfortunately. People are starting to come to grips with it. Our snow climo is going to be like Charlotte, NC in a few years.

Why does everyone keep saying this.  We had a great run from 2009-2016.  BWI averages 21 inches a year.  With all those good years, you have to have some bad ones.  The lack of snowfall is not just in our area, but the entire east coast.  You know the old saying.  If it is snowing on one coast, it is not snowing on the other.  The west coast has been getting most the of the snowfall the last couple of years.

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1 hour ago, Interstate said:

Why does everyone keep saying this.  We had a great run from 2009-2016.  BWI averages 21 inches a year.  With all those good years, you have to have some bad ones.  The lack of snowfall is not just in our area, but the entire east coast.  You know the old saying.  If it is snowing on one coast, it is not snowing on the other.  The west coast has been getting most the of the snowfall the last couple of years.

I'm sorry. Rational thinking and logic is not welcome in the panic room. 

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5 hours ago, BristowWx said:

you might have gone from just dating deb once in a while to letting her move in to your place, filling the gas tank of her camaro, and letting her use your debit card to buy marlboro lights, churros and energy drinks at 7-11...she will drain you dry...cut her loose!

Can't even tell you how many debs with that order description  I have picked up at the local I 35 7-11 and delivered. No fruckin tip either! lmao

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This is for all you Texas meteorologists.

Ha. ha. ha.

I read tonight in the AFD for my region, here in south central Texas.

"In addition, a 100kt+ subtropical jet will move in tonight bringing additional forcing for ascent. This will result in an increase in rain chances tonight and continuing through Friday. There should be enough lift to generate isolated thunderstorms during the afternoon and evening Friday."

That was an excerpt from tonight's EWX Area Forecast Discussion.

Wow. I am so excited. I want to open up about 999 Octillion Texas kegs of beer. Everyone is invited!

1 octillion in the US is represented by 1 followed by twenty seven zeroes. I love to NERD OUT about big numbers.

Well the mets down here are dead WRONG. We will have some mist, maybe a little drizzle. There will be no light rain and we definitely will get NO DROUGHT RELIEF AT ALL, until late 2026!!!!! It might not be until the 2030s!

I dont know why we throw huge parties down here. We got NOTHING to celebrate about, except ending up exactly like the late Mayans. Rain is drying up. Nino or no fruckin Nino, we get no rain of any consequence. What we get, is MISSED!!!

Every time. There are, and will not be, any exceptions, until very late in 2026. By then, we will be fighting among ourselves for what little water may be had.

I wish I could get the hell out of this g-dforsaken place. And go live in Cherrapunji, in India, where they have quite a bit of fresh water. That place gets as much as 1000 inches of rain in 365 days.

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Horrific in New England:

This is a place that should be snowing hard and piling up. Instead the resorts are severely traumatized and some got 6 plus inches of rain from that last SOB that hit. Serious, serious physical grounds damage to some resorts on top of severe snow degradation and outright snowpack LOSS. What snow remains will freeze into ice and what the resorts end up with in that scenario is a lot of severely injured patrons from falls and interaction with spicy trail objects (rocks, stumps and other crap uncovered by El Nino rains). I see now why people are so upset in the New England forum. They know the pattern. More wet storms may be on the way and this is the LAST thing the already suffering, traumatized resorts need right now before NYE. I almost cried reading it. I love snow and I worship ski resorts. What grieved me the MOST was all the precious snow they had before the recent rain debacle. I have in the past cried my eyes out over losing 6 inches of snow in Dale City before a good rain-lashing, many a time. The northern resorts should not have to deal with this crap. This is a typical North Carolina type of plague.

The Nino is a total disaster and we are all suffering from it, all snow weenies are in this together.


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23 hours ago, Interstate said:

Why does everyone keep saying this.  We had a great run from 2009-2016.  BWI averages 21 inches a year.  With all those good years, you have to have some bad ones.  The lack of snowfall is not just in our area, but the entire east coast.  You know the old saying.  If it is snowing on one coast, it is not snowing on the other.  The west coast has been getting most the of the snowfall the last couple of years.

Cycles in cycles. I moved to MD in  fall 1972 from Central CT. I was really young but remember how disgusting that winter was. I was literally angry at my parents for moving away from snow. If they were still alive they would immediately confirm lollol. Winters continued to basically suck (small snow and ice storms and big cold dry spells) until the life changing Feb 1979 storm. But even then we had some real dung piles in the early 80s lol. Mid 80s, however, made everyone believe we're a big snow town again. Then vet day 1988 hit and everything started suckin again afterwards. lolol. Many weenies (including myself) thought the Vet day storm was a harbinger of a big winter. It was a big winter if you like little snow and mild temps lol. 

Cycles in Cycles are everywhere across the globe. Lake meade is a good example of a high profile one. The "New normal" wx pattern was going to drain the lake dry and there was no hope in sight. Oops. Lake may go dead pool but my hunch is not until it continues to fill for a other year or more. Just a total guess tho.

. I'm not saying there aren't climate problems or shifts causing unusual droughts and floods. I'm just saying that taking the last "x" number of years and rolling the anomalous weather patterns forward is always wrong eventually. Not sometimes. Always. One thing I've been noticing is that prolonged drought areas in the US seem to get resolved quickly and violently when their number is called. Same can probably be said about our snowfall swings. Imho- We'll continue to get big winters sandwiched between tons of crappy ones just like it's always been. The swings are bigger and more intense in recent years. Opinions on why this is happening needs to be in a different thread tho lol. If a big winter by climo standards isn't enuff to fill a weenie, the weenie needs to find other stuff to do. Misery 24/7 ain't living haha

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We  have a  problem when its Christmas and we are talking about storms  of the  past. Outside  of some snow  in the  western mountains there  hasnt  been a single winter storm of  note. A few summer type storms for the east.

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We  have a  problem when its Christmas and we are talking about storms  of the  past. Outside  of some snow  in the  western mountains there  hasnt  been a single winter storm of  note. A few summer type storms for the east.

lol yea. I was gonna say that we’ve entered the reminiscing portion of the program. This winter does seem to have a more promising vibe than last year, but we literally only have around 2 months of a prime snow window left. I think the main issue we’re seeing now is how little snow (or even mixed bag) opportunities we’re getting through December. It really makes winter feel more condensed and this is coming from someone who generally does not like cold.
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I'm in eastern Maine and there's no snow on the ground. This CANT BE GOOD

Minus the backend snow (which actually produced nothing in dt Frederick), December is getting punted. The east coast is really on a cooler in the snow department. I’m ready for 2024 and a new vibe.
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On 12/21/2023 at 7:11 AM, BristowWx said:

you might have gone from just dating deb once in a while to letting her move in to your place, filling the gas tank of her camaro, and letting her use your debit card to buy marlboro lights, churros and energy drinks at 7-11...she will drain you dry...cut her loose!

Deb is definitely NOT a friend with benefits!!! :lol:

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45 minutes ago, psuhoffman said:


what’s the point 

Paying less attention to the colors and more to the height contours is a good rule of thumb to glean the general idea from an overly smoothed seasonal model. I know you know this. Shame on you for trolling the panic stricken. Shame on me for coming in here and being rational and unemotional.

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