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New England Met Autumn 2023 Banter


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1 hour ago, Dan76 said:

The solution is so simple... Stop making people,but we know that will never happen.;)

Actually fertility rates are down all across industrialized societies throughout the world.   I don't know if that constitutes "stop making people" ( lol ) but it is down.  In fact, I've read that China is actually losing at the other end at an alarming rate.   And I know the U.S. is below the 1::1 balance - in other words we're losing to more than gaining.  

Just adding this

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23 minutes ago, bwt3650 said:

The extremes are the problem...how about we work to make snowmaking more eco-friendly....rather than "we should ban all snowmaking because it uses energy."  and I'm just using snowmaking because it's a hot topic here close to my heart.  We can't "ban" everything that uses energy and live in a cave.  We can certainly, and should certainly, make strides to do better.  One can want to make things more eco friendly, pollute less, support alternative energy sources, without the "ban everything, I'm smarter than you, every high temperature is CC attitude" 

I think many become defensive when people take things to the extreme, create drama over the topic and most importantly, speak in condescending tones to those who have a different viewpoint, which happens frequently on both sides of the CC debate.   

I know - right? 

Look, I'll say it for the 4th time:  if snow making were to be done "green" than who the fuck cares?!   build a goddamn glacier. 

You know, logic dictates the only reason to really argue has nothing really to do with not believing in climate change, it's really about being told to stop.


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21 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:


I sometimes think the "politicizing" thing has become an act of diversion from facing the real argument points. 


I am not that old, but I remember a time in school when we had debate clubs. You can have a really good debate, using facts/concrete data to back one's opinion. Go back and forth....in today's society, one side could have all the facts, written in stone, plain as day, and of course in the simplest of form and the other side just says I don't believe you, you will never change my mind, end of story....the earth is round, here is all of the data to back my opinion/hypothesis whatever it maybe, other side, no its flat, here is youtuber 017985, he says it is flat, end of story. 

It is so frustrating as a scientist nowadays....even though the +3C⁰ over the next century or 2 isn't going to take out mankind directly, all the other indirect impacts most likely will and if it doesn't, it is going to make living life not very pleasant for most of us...I mean, they pretty much figured it out in the movie WALL-E back in 2008.

I agree 100% with Dendrite's comment...."It takes a lot of heat to wipe out the arctic ice that has rapidly deteriorated in the last few decades. We know the CO2 has been steadily, rapidly rising since we started measuring it in HI too. 


It’s pretty obvious we’re trashing the planet with our excessive waste, pollutants, GHGs, and plastic. It doesn’t need to be a political issue. I don’t even care what the global temps are. Look around. The planet look like trash compared to 300 years ago. We should just simply be striving to be as “green” as possible."

I mean how does cleaner water to drink and swim in, cleaner air to breathe, and just being cleaner in general become a political battle? No wonder I have a headache every day....

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On 10/30/2023 at 5:34 PM, powderfreak said:

I love the cordial discussions because we should be adult human beings and hopefully act as civilized as our progress has been throughout history.

Personally, regardless of the temperatures, I lean heavily towards Dendrite’s line of thinking and he’s mentioned it for years in passing discussions… we can just be better for the planet (I’m no environmentalist though).  Even if it was cooling towards an ice age.

Even small steps, nowadays we tend to at least have the planet in mind as a stakeholder in discussions.  Could be as simple as back in the day when cars were becoming popular, mechanics/people would dump used motor oil out back in the woods.  Now we don’t.  Plenty of examples of things we don’t even think about today but that were done in the past that are kind of mind-blowing. Small step but seems prudent enough.

We should always strive to make changes where we can.  Along with getting rid of the idea that if someone else is doing it, then we should be able to as well.  Just because a ski area in China dumps used hydraulic fluid into a pond regularly, doesn’t mean we should here in the US. 

And once again, consider all stakeholders.  Communities, economies, the planet, etc.

Yea. Being good humans to the planet we live on and use its resources for to enrich ourselves seems like such a simple code we could and should all live by. We don’t all need to live full throttle with green lawnmowers green autos and green homes but by having this collective mindset of steady progression in caring for this magical place, we can at least own the responsibility for being the alpha specie. We don’t want the aliens laughing at us. 

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24 minutes ago, mreaves said:

Second big fire to hit Montpelier this week. The city says the wind shifted and they lost a fire truck. This lumberyard is totally engulfed and they are trying to save neighboring buildings.  




Jezuz, that city has taken some lumps this year.  I lived there in 1997 and loved that community.  

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1 hour ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

Yea. Being good humans to the planet we live on and use its resources for to enrich ourselves seems like such a simple code we could and should all live by. We don’t all need to live full throttle with green lawnmowers green autos and green homes but by having this collective mindset of steady progression in caring for this magical place, we can at least own the responsibility for being the alpha specie. We don’t want the aliens laughing at us. 


Spot on, the bold part especially. This is what gets miscommunicated and misinterpreted  in the overall planet stewardship message.

If everyone consumed a little less it would go along way.  Human consumerism is and has been out of control. It used to be unique to America but now it's global.

Everything has to be new - either by personal choice or capitalist design - and only in small pockets are things reused consistently.  Electronic products, toys, clothes, and literally everything we consume.  We've been conditioned that way for a few generations now.  You feel like if you don't consume the way others do, you're missing out, or your kids are missing out.  When in reality a lot of it is materialistic, meaningless bullshit.

Fine, don't go full green.  At least try to consume less - one less red meat meal a week, restore/repair/reuse things as much as you can instead of just trashing it, turn down shitty plastic made-in-China trinkets your corporate office insists on giving you as "thanks" for helping their profitability last quarter when in reality the Executive Team's wives just got another 200 cc's pumped into their chest and a new Range Rover; don't give into every demand your kid makes just because their little snotrag friend from class says he has a personal alexa, iphone, ps5, beats headphones and you dont want them to be left out - whatever, anything.

Or don't, because freedom or whatever

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10 minutes ago, TauntonBlizzard2013 said:

So dumb, really.

Everyone loves the wild animals until they start interfering with or dangering their lives. I’ve made my opinion on this known many times so I won’t belabor my thoughts again, but wild animals need more protection and habitat than we give them. They’re forced to stretch their habitats to coexist with humans because we keep expanding our urban sprawl. Then we lose our shiat when a bear gets a goat or bird feeder. 

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3 hours ago, ORH_wxman said:

Just dump it in N ORH county or something....it will be fine there.

Hell, we have bears around here...multiple sightings every year but I don't think they've ever had to euthanize one or even relocate.

Met a guy at the golf course that works for the state and told me they dump a lot in Oakham, a friend of mine lives there in the sticks and has a bunch of photos of bears in his yard over the years. Big bears, female bears, bear cubs.

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On 10/30/2023 at 6:09 PM, Typhoon Tip said:

Actually fertility rates are down all across industrialized societies throughout the world.   I don't know if that constitutes "stop making people" ( lol ) but it is down.  In fact, I've read that China is actually losing at the other end at an alarming rate.   And I know the U.S. is below the 1::1 balance - in other words we're losing to more than gaining.  

Just adding this

I was just looking at numbers recently about China and South Koreas birth rates. The cause there isn't really a level of fertility, it's more a societal issue. China is actually going to be facing a severely declining birth rate due to governmental policy in the next few decades. One of the issues sited in the report is the fact that many will have to say goodby to cheap goods, as they'll be struggling to keep jobs filled etc, etc.

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15 hours ago, tunafish said:

Similar story.  People feed fox.  Fox becomes comfortable around people, approaches them for food.   Fox likely euthanized.

I did laugh at one of the comments "my tax dollars at work" - I'm all against wasteful government spending but in this case...eh... sorry about your $0.00001 pal.


Why would they do that? It's just another canine. Send it home with me, we'd LOVE to have one as a pet... but Mass won't let you keep one.

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1 hour ago, UnitedWx said:

Why would they do that? It's just another canine. Send it home with me, we'd LOVE to have one as a pet... but Mass won't let you keep one.

No matter how tame it looks, it's still a wild animal.  Many years ago, when I was a forester in northwest Maine, the game warden posted on the border across from St.-Pamphile, PQ had obtained 2 coyote kits while their eyes had not yet opened and raised them to adulthood.  When we'd stay at the nearby Seven Islands camp, we'd often hear them howling.  They seemed utterly tame but were imprinted on the warden.  One day the warden's wife went to feed them and one slashed her for about 20 stitches, the warden thinking that it was jealousy (the warden is mine!!).  He realized that the coyotes were still wild at heart and a danger to his wife and others, so sadly, he put them down.

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