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May obs/discussion thread - Welcome to Severe Season!!


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2 hours ago, wxmanmitch said:

++BLFL (Heavy, heavy black flies), 71/52° F.

I don't think I recall them ever being this bad, and they're bad every year about now. There are literally dozens of them crawling on my arm at any given time if I spend anytime outdoors. Here I am looking like an idiot continuously helplessly waving my electric bug zapper tennis racquet thingy through the air. Nothing works against them.

Alas, yard work must get done and there's lots of dirt to move again this year. Tons of vernal pools for the black flies to just reproduce in thanks to that 42" snowstorm in mid March that had over 4" of LE.

Black flies grow in clean, cool running water, which I suspect is quite common around your area.  If a watercourse is growing brook trout, it's growing black flies.  Those snow-dump melt pools are probably breeding skeeters.
Black flies here are numerous and hungry, but they've not reached their peak yet so no way to rate the agony.  Worst black fly experience for me, by far, was at Deboullie (25 miles south from Fort Kent) in June 1996.  Folks wearing face nets had so many critters clinging to them that visibility was seriously compromised, and it's the only time I've been pounded by the little beasts in 90° temps - usually if it's much past 80 they leave the field to the deer flies.

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2 hours ago, tamarack said:

Black flies grow in clean, cool running water, which I suspect is quite common around your area.  If a watercourse is growing brook trout, it's growing black flies.  Those snow-dump melt pools are probably breeding skeeters.
Black flies here are numerous and hungry, but they've not reached their peak yet so no way to rate the agony.  Worst black fly experience for me, by far, was at Deboullie (25 miles south from Fort Kent) in June 1996.  Folks wearing face nets had so many critters clinging to them that visibility was seriously compromised, and it's the only time I've been pounded by the little beasts in 90° temps - usually if it's much past 80 they leave the field to the deer flies.

We were married in May of 1996 and after the wedding we were posing for pictures in front of a small waterfall and the black flies were insane.  They kept getting caught in my wife’s dress as well. 

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57 minutes ago, Damage In Tolland said:

Some have their heat on according to posts this week 

Would it be possible to have heat on at one point in a week and then A/C another?  Not a chance.

I had heat one morning and usually some brief A/C in the late afternoon if the south facing windows are getting torched.

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11 hours ago, HoarfrostHubb said:

We were married in May of 1996 and after the wedding we were posing for pictures in front of a small waterfall and the black flies were insane.  They kept getting caught in my wife’s dress as well. 

Bumper crop in many places that spring.  Oddly, the Friday before our bug-infested trip north, I was in the Rangeley country helping to scope out a snowmobile trail, and there were almost no black flies.  On Sunday I opined that the bugs might not be too bad, then next day at Coffins' store in Portage Lake, we were getting pounded in the parking lot despite the full sun and upper 80s.  Maybe I should revise my opinion?

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12 hours ago, kdxken said:

Eff Florida. Can't beat the weather today. 78/46 what's not to like?


Which is why I’m back. Not sure who is using AC right now, plenty cool at night with the windows open; something I haven’t been able to do for 8 years

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