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April Banter 2023

George BM

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8 minutes ago, diatae said:

Help please. What is this called? I thought it was hail at the beginning of the vid but when she picked it up my brain rebooted. Lol! I've never seen anything this... texture (?) fall from the sky before. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CrMciwHu8Ll/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

I think it’s graupel.

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On 4/17/2023 at 4:59 PM, Always in Zugzwang said:

That's awesome, @MillvilleWx!!  Best of luck to you with the interview, and I hope you land the position!  You'd definitely be a great asset there.  I go to the NCWCP building now and then (still know a few people there even though I've been at HQ for many years now!), and would be glad to stop in and say hello if you get there!  Maybe you can lead one of the WPC map discussions sometime!

Would love to meet if I got the job! I had no idea you work for HQ. That’s awesome. I know a couple people over there. Say hello to Stephen Beida, and Carmen in Budgeting for me :) 

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On 4/16/2023 at 9:50 PM, Kay said:

A few fireflies out tonight

Saw a few last week and was shocked. Don't recall seeing them this early before.


On 4/18/2023 at 8:01 AM, mattie g said:

Have yet to spot a hummingbird at either of our feeders so far this spring, but plenty of reports around.

Same. Haven't seen any yet.

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Media is absolutely fascinating.

This headline :lol:

SpaceX blows up: Starship rocket fails seconds after launch site take off | The Independent

It goes on to mention it was 240 seconds after take off. Why not use minutes? lol


The launch btw, was definitely a success. The first one always blows up. This test lasting four minutes before rapid unscheduled disassembly, is cause for celebration.

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On 4/18/2023 at 11:53 PM, MillvilleWx said:

Would love to meet if I got the job! I had no idea you work for HQ. That’s awesome. I know a couple people over there. Say hello to Stephen Beida, and Carmen in Budgeting for me :) 

That would be cool, over a beer or three (after work of course!). I actually work in MDL and do a certain amount of work on the Blend as well as MOS. But much of what I have done lately involves getting things ready for implementation. I would definitely be glad to talk more offline if you like. 

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@yoda... Thought you would appreciate this. Some movie theaters here are showing a 20th anniversary of Lord of the Rings, Return of the King. Saw it last night. Totally awesome! Amazing how that movie still holds up 2 decades later. They showed the extended version, so it was like 4 hours, but absolutely worth it to stay out late! I saw the original theatrical release in Jan 2004. And though I have a Blu-ray copy of all 3 which I have seen a few times, seeing that on the big screen again was amazing! Favorite scenes are lighting of the beacons of Gondor, and the Ride of the Rohirrim battle. Unreal cinematography and Howard Shore's sound track is unparalleled. 

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19 hours ago, Always in Zugzwang said:

@yoda... Thought you would appreciate this. Some movie theaters here are showing a 20th anniversary of Lord of the Rings, Return of the King. Saw it last night. Totally awesome! Amazing how that movie still holds up 2 decades later. They showed the extended version, so it was like 4 hours, but absolutely worth it to stay out late! I saw the original theatrical release in Jan 2004. And though I have a Blu-ray copy of all 3 which I have seen a few times, seeing that on the big screen again was amazing! Favorite scenes are lighting of the beacons of Gondor, and the Ride of the Rohirrim battle. Unreal cinematography and Howard Shore's sound track is unparalleled. 

The Battle of the Pelanor Fields was so well done, and my wife and I were sitting so close (at the uptown on Conn. Ave.) that I got dizzy. I’ll never forget Legolam (kudos to anyone getting the reference) sliding down the oliphant’s trunk shooting arrows. 

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On 4/6/2023 at 7:53 PM, CAPE said:

Stopped at Rehoboth, hung out at DFH, and picked up a 4 pack of Utopias barrel aged 120 min IPA today. Now in OC looking over the sound preparing to watch the storms arrive, and popped open one of these bad boys. Holy Shit. This is incredible. So complex and balanced. A must try. @vastateofmind@nw baltimore wx

Adding to the list, @CAPE...that Utopia sounded incredible. Although I feel like I might only be able to find those at the mothership in Rehoboth. I'm assuming that four-pack is all gone by now...  ;) 

Here are some of our favorite new tries from the past couple of weeks -- the Solace/Ocelot collab? THAT was an immediate buy, based on the label alone...my sons and I are tremendous Archer fans.  :)  However, we are also big Solace AND Ocelot brewery fans and this IPA did not disappoint. Extra kudos on them for securing the Archer licensing and getting Sterling and Baboo on the label...they fit perfectly.

The Three Notch'd Dreamsicle was GREAT in my estimation, nice balance of vanilla and orange...not so much in my wife's estimation, but then again, she's not a huge fan of citrus flavors in beer. Finally, the Aslin milk stout is probably the best balance I've ever tasted in a peanut butter/chocolate stout...not a high ABV, so a good choice for a "dessert beer."




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Glad to see the storms speeding up a bit. We're going up to Baltimore this evening to see the Ninth at my old alma mater (Hopkins, Shriver Hall) and I don't want what promises to be a wonderful evening (good friend of ours is playing in the orchestra) be ruined by storm-induced traffic jams. 

@Maestrobjwa are you a part of this? That would be cool, to see you play as well. (I don't know how to notify a member thru the "@")

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37 minutes ago, 09-10 analogy said:

Glad to see the storms speeding up a bit. We're going up to Baltimore this evening to see the Ninth at my old alma mater (Hopkins, Shriver Hall) and I don't want what promises to be a wonderful evening (good friend of ours is playing in the orchestra) be ruined by storm-induced traffic jams. 

@Maestrobjwa are you a part of this? That would be cool, to see you play as well. (I don't know how to notify a member thru the "@")

When you type in "@poster" a list of posters with the first letter or few letters of the name you're typing out should appear below the curser. This list will diminish as you continue typing out the name until you are left only with the poster that you want. Though you can click on their name before fully typing it out if you see it in the list.

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2 hours ago, 09-10 analogy said:

Glad to see the storms speeding up a bit. We're going up to Baltimore this evening to see the Ninth at my old alma mater (Hopkins, Shriver Hall) and I don't want what promises to be a wonderful evening (good friend of ours is playing in the orchestra) be ruined by storm-induced traffic jams. 

@Maestrobjwa are you a part of this? That would be cool, to see you play as well. (I don't know how to notify a member thru the "@")

If you mean Beethoven's 9th...man I WISH I were a part of it, haha (hey maybe I'll conduct it one day) I am a pianist, so no where to play that in the mighty 9th :lol: Did not know they were having it there--hope you enjoy it!

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4 hours ago, vastateofmind said:

Adding to the list, @CAPE...that Utopia sounded incredible. Although I feel like I might only be able to find those at the mothership in Rehoboth. I'm assuming that four-pack is all gone by now...  ;) 

Here are some of our favorite new tries from the past couple of weeks -- the Solace/Ocelot collab? THAT was an immediate buy, based on the label alone...my sons and I are tremendous Archer fans.  :)  However, we are also big Solace AND Ocelot brewery fans and this IPA did not disappoint. Extra kudos on them for securing the Archer licensing and getting Sterling and Baboo on the label...they fit perfectly.

The Three Notch'd Dreamsicle was GREAT in my estimation, nice balance of vanilla and orange...not so much in my wife's estimation, but then again, she's not a huge fan of citrus flavors in beer. Finally, the Aslin milk stout is probably the best balance I've ever tasted in a peanut butter/chocolate stout...not a high ABV, so a good choice for a "dessert beer."




Yes it's not easy to find, so a trip to slower lower is probably in order. It was gone in a few days. Nothing like that ever gets to age once in my possession. B)

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On 4/21/2023 at 6:10 PM, 09-10 analogy said:

The Battle of the Pelanor Fields was so well done, and my wife and I were sitting so close (at the uptown on Conn. Ave.) that I got dizzy. I’ll never forget Legolam (kudos to anyone getting the reference) sliding down the oliphant’s trunk shooting arrows. 

Yup, classic scene!  And yeah, Legolas sliding down the trunk of the Oliphant after dispatching all the men and the Oliphant itself...with a toss of his head, and then Gimli saying "That still only counts as one!"

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3 hours ago, Maestrobjwa said:

Freude, schöner Götterfunken,

Tochter aus Elysium,

Wir betreten feuertrunken,

Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!

Ahhh, love the 9th and the choral part of course!  I've been fortunate enough to see it performed TWICE in my lifetime, both by the Atlanta symphony and chorus (one of them conducted by Yoel Levi).  I've heard it said that as wonderful as the choral part of the 9th is, it's actually rather rough and demanding on the singers because they have to strain their voice over the music.

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On 4/21/2023 at 6:10 PM, 09-10 analogy said:

The Battle of the Pelanor Fields was so well done, and my wife and I were sitting so close (at the uptown on Conn. Ave.) that I got dizzy. I’ll never forget Legolam (kudos to anyone getting the reference) sliding down the oliphant’s trunk shooting arrows. 


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46 minutes ago, Always in Zugzwang said:

Ahhh, love the 9th and the choral part of course!  I've been fortunate enough to see it performed TWICE in my lifetime, both by the Atlanta symphony and chorus (one of them conducted by Yoel Levi).  I've heard it said that as wonderful as the choral part of the 9th is, it's actually rather rough and demanding on the singers because they have to strain their voice over the music.

Ohh yes, I learned from a couple music professors that there were several vocal part-writing no-no"s in that movement...Literally examples of what not to do, lolol But it sounds awesome so nobody cares :lol: (oh those poor sopranos and everybody else that crosses each other)

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11 hours ago, Always in Zugzwang said:

That's one of the few parts of the movie I didn't like: how easily the Lord of the Nazgul, who was basically a rogue Numenorean with a neat ring, schooled Gandalf. Gandalf, especially in his reincarnation as the White, was a demigod, more or less, in the class of Sauron himself; both were Maiar, after all. In the book JRRT left their confrontation at the gate unresolved, as the LOTN was called away by the arrival of the Rohirrim right before they threw down. Maybe, amped up by Sauron's power, the LOTN would have prevailed over Gandalf, but he wouldn't have been much use afterwards. As the Grey, Gandalf beat the Balrog: another Maiar. As the White, in the book and movie, he broke Saurman, another Maiar and formerly the head of the wizards' order, rather easily. So I really think Gandalf wouldn't have had that much trouble with the LOTN, who was after all just a man with an extraordinarily powerful trinket. (After all, as the Grey, Gandalf held off six or seven Nazgul on Weathertop, and they "retreated before my wrath.") It certainly wouldn't have been the squash match Peter Jackson made it. Sorry about the tirade but this scene took away from what was, otherwise, a fantastic rendition of the books. 

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6 hours ago, 09-10 analogy said:

That's one of the few parts of the movie I didn't like: how easily the Lord of the Nazgul, who was basically a rogue Numenorean with a neat ring, schooled Gandalf. Gandalf, especially in his reincarnation as the White, was a demigod, more or less, in the class of Sauron himself; both were Maiar, after all. In the book JRRT left their confrontation at the gate unresolved, as the LOTN was called away by the arrival of the Rohirrim right before they threw down. Maybe, amped up by Sauron's power, the LOTN would have prevailed over Gandalf, but he wouldn't have been much use afterwards. As the Grey, Gandalf beat the Balrog: another Maiar. As the White, in the book and movie, he broke Saurman, another Maiar and formerly the head of the wizards' order, rather easily. So I really think Gandalf wouldn't have had that much trouble with the LOTN, who was after all just a man with an extraordinarily powerful trinket. (After all, as the Grey, Gandalf held off six or seven Nazgul on Weathertop, and they "retreated before my wrath.") It certainly wouldn't have been the squash match Peter Jackson made it. Sorry about the tirade but this scene took away from what was, otherwise, a fantastic rendition of the books. 

No problem on the rant!  I totally understand what you mean.  That scene of Gandalf and the Nazgul never quite made sense to me either, where Gandalf was essentially broken (yet Gandalf, as you mention, broke Saruman and also held off Nazgul earlier).  It just sort of ended with Gandalf on the ground and the Lord of the Nazgul going off to meet the Rohirrim.

I really only posted that for the Ride of the Rohirrim battle, in my opinion one of the best such scenes in the movies (and still holds up very well 20 years later!).  I guess that particular YouTube clip starts it with the Gandalf/Nazgul scene.  I always liked the part where Theoden looks down in horror and disgust at the orcs laying waste to Minas Tirith...then jerks his horse with a "fuck it!" attitude and prepares his outnumbered army for battle no matter what.

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