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2 minutes ago, BxEngine said:

Ugh man, im sorry youve had to deal with all this. Ill definitely keep an eye out for friends around the area posting anything available.

Thanks, Bx. I know you are in the rescue business I have a great respect for what you guys do after my numerous trips to the ER with my mom. I met so many great people dedicating their lives to the service of others.

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I'm very sorry for your loss.

I don't know any of the details of how this works, but recently heard that if you have substantial cash assets, but no income, it may be possible to set up a trust that pays you an automatic monthly income.  This was in the context of someone who was retired and needed to demonstrate income in order to get a mortgage.  May be worth looking into whether that's an option for your situation.

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Chris i'm so sorry for your loss man, I've had a loss last year on my birthday my father passed away from Covid . They put him on a ventilator and that was the end of it so i'm sorry man I know how it feels it's the worst feeling in the world to lose a parent. Hopefully your mom and my dad are in a better place. As for the room I'll keep an eye out, I am just wondering which area of the region are you looking at? because I may have a cousin that could have an extra room I have to find out for sure. His house is in yonkers


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3 hours ago, bluewave said:

You guys have probably noticed that I haven’t been around here recently. This is the first time since the forum started that I haven’t been around on a regular basis. This is due to our family experiencing an extreme loss back in October. 

I had to take an early retirement in 2018 to begin to become the primary caregiver for my mom. She had mobility issues that needed care. So I moved in with my mom in order to care for her. I had to sacrifice the higher income to do right by my mom. She was everything to me. Things worked out during the lockdowns in 2020 as I kept her safe at home. 

In May we celebrated her 78th birthday. She steadily began to get weaker through the summer and we thought that it was just part of the aging process. But I had to rush her to the ER on September 1st when she started turning yellow. Found out it was advanced Pancreatic Cancer and she passed in late October. 

We are getting to the point where the home I am living in that was hers needs to be sold as per her will. So I will realize an inheritance once it’s sold. But my current income is under limits necessary to qualify for me to rent my own apartment. My savings plus inheritance will be plenty to afford a reasonable rent. Unfortunately, the whole rental market is based off income rather than savings. I am very quiet and clean which would make me an ideal roommate. I am just allergic to pets and a non smoker. 

I think you guys know that I have a good reputation and am honest. So if anyone is looking to rent out a room in an apartment or their own house let me know. This forum feels like extended family to me so it would almost be like taking in a friend or relative. Never really thought about this situation before it happened. But with all my mom did for me over the years, I was more than willing to make any sacrifice to care for her. As you can imagine the stress and housing search has really worn me out. Plus the loss is very difficult to deal with. So this is why I haven’t been around as much. Thanks for taking the time to read this post.

Kind Regards, 


Chris I am so sorry and this hits close to home with me because of what my sister and I had to do with my Dad's estate when he passed away in May 2014.  I think I may be able to help because where I live a few people rent out their homes (or parts of their homes as apartments, like the second floor).  I'm not sure about availability at the moment but I'll ask around for you.


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2 hours ago, bluewave said:

Thanks for the suggestion and condolences. May be tough for me to find an affordable mortgage with property values so high in this part of country. 

Not necessarily suggesting looking for a mortgage.  Just that setting up a trust fund (with your current assets) that pays you a regular income may be a way to show income that allows you to rent more easily.

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5 hours ago, bluewave said:

You guys have probably noticed that I haven’t been around here recently. This is the first time since the forum started that I haven’t been around on a regular basis. This is due to our family experiencing an extreme loss back in October. 

I had to take an early retirement in 2018 to begin to become the primary caregiver for my mom. She had mobility issues that needed care. So I moved in with my mom in order to care for her. I had to sacrifice the higher income to do right by my mom. She was everything to me. Things worked out during the lockdowns in 2020 as I kept her safe at home. 

In May we celebrated her 78th birthday. She steadily began to get weaker through the summer and we thought that it was just part of the aging process. But I had to rush her to the ER on September 1st when she started turning yellow. Found out it was advanced Pancreatic Cancer and she passed in late October. 

We are getting to the point where the home I am living in that was hers needs to be sold as per her will. So I will realize an inheritance once it’s sold. But my current income is under limits necessary to qualify for me to rent my own apartment. My savings plus inheritance will be plenty to afford a reasonable rent. Unfortunately, the whole rental market is based off income rather than savings. I am very quiet and clean which would make me an ideal roommate. I am just allergic to pets and a non smoker. 

I think you guys know that I have a good reputation and am honest. So if anyone is looking to rent out a room in an apartment or their own house let me know. This forum feels like extended family to me so it would almost be like taking in a friend or relative. Never really thought about this situation before it happened. But with all my mom did for me over the years, I was more than willing to make any sacrifice to care for her. As you can imagine the stress and housing search has really worn me out. Plus the loss is very difficult to deal with. So this is why I haven’t been around as much. Thanks for taking the time to read this post.

Kind Regards, 


Good evening Chris. The well of tears never runs dry just at the love you had for your mother and she for you will never die. I will see if any rentals are available in the areas around me. As always ….

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Hey Chris, 

I'm new to the forum this year but wanted to express my condolences, I lost my mother in December and it's one of the hardest thing I've had to deal with in my life. I hope the best to yourself and family. I will keep my eyes and ears open for rooms in Westchester. Be well


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You’re one of the treasures of this weatherboard and have been keenly followed by me through multiple boards now. 
But the  human element of a rough fate I think many of us relate to or have experienced. In my case my mom was in a nursing home from 2016, shutdowns happened 3/11/20, we were unable to see her and in that time she exhibited signs of some massive issue which ended up being breast cancer. My 3 sisters and myself rushed to get her out of NH to not let her die alone and we got her out  June 9, 2020 and she died 10 days later. It’s still a shock to us - no matter that she was 84. 
So fellow heartfelt condolences over your situation -  where a you as a family member tried your best - easily all for the better - but regardless such tragic ends and stresses resulted.

Also , the brutality of cancer and how it creates a type of suffering that afflicts the victim but also their loved ones. Never experienced that before in my family but it strikes so many of us and tears us apart. 
I , too , like any of us on this thread , will keep an eye out for anything but wishing you best wishes to get through this rough period but just  knowing it will eventually get better. 

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  • 2 weeks later...


I just saw this topic this morning while looking to see if the April thread has been started.  I am so sorry for your loss.  Such a terrible disease and she passed too young.  You were there for her and she knew it and you have to feel good about that.  You kept her safe during Covid which she would not have been if she were in a care facility.    Time marches on but memories are forever.  Always enjoy them and may they help you through this time of loss.  Very sad, so sorry.


Enjoy your posts, charts and stats.  Great stuff always.



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