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Last Hurrah Obs Thread: 3/13-15/23


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51 minutes ago, weathafella said:

Yeah-I got multiple texts from my Chicago family asking how much snow.   I just curtly replied the amount.  My wife broke her right arm slipping on the ice 2/7.  Pretty disabling and she can’t drive-today is a f/u appointment-cast comes off in 2 weeks and then removable splint for 6 more-even she commented on the lack of snow in the lowlands.  She also told me that in her opinion this snow won’t amount to much.  I hate when she’s right!

Ugh!!! Even more reason to be disgusted by this winter. Hope she recovers quickly.

And regarding the latter... I'm sure most members of this forum have experienced the shame of --- after days of scrutinizing guidance and applying meteorology experience --- being wrong to someone who has zero awareness of the complexity.

I already heard today "why do these weather people get paid". Infuriating!

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6 minutes ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

I can go from 5” imby to close to 30” 5mi as the crow flies.   I am actually going to take a drive up into the hills with my kid shortly.

Oh for sure...but your elevation gradient out that way is definitely steeper than in ORH county until maybe you get up by Ashby where you can theoretically go from under 500 feet to like 1500 feet in a short distance.

So the gradient near ORH was especially eye-striking.It was out of character with the typical elevation gradients we see there in marginal storms and I've experienced a LOT of marginal storms in ORH over the years.

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Rather pedestrian here, But i verified my 6-10".

NOUS41 KGYX 151535

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Gray ME
1135 AM EDT Wed Mar 15 2023


Location                     Amount    Time/Date       Provider


...Androscoggin County...
Turner                       6.5 in    0700 AM 03/15   COOP
4.0 SE Poland                6.2 in    0700 AM 03/15   COOP
2 E Lewiston                 6.2 in    1130 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
Auburn 2.1 NNW               5.5 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
1.8 W Lisbon Falls           5.0 in    0700 AM 03/15   COOP
2 N Lisbon                   5.0 in    0712 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
2 W Lisbon Falls             4.7 in    0823 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
Durham 0.8 S                 4.6 in    0800 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Lisbon 0.6 S                 3.5 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
4 S Livermore Falls          2.3 in    0731 AM 03/15   NWS Employee

...Cumberland County...
Standish                     8.2 in    0914 PM 03/14   Cocorahs
1 NNE Gray                   7.5 in    0715 PM 03/14   NWS Employee
3 W Pownal                   7.0 in    0100 AM 03/15   Official NWS Obs
Cumberland Center 4.4 NW     7.0 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
2 NE Gray                    6.8 in    0900 PM 03/14   NWS Employee
North Windham 1.4 S          6.5 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
4 WSW New Gloucester         6.5 in    0655 AM 03/15   NWS Employee
1 N Cumberland               6.0 in    0700 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
5 S Bridgton                 6.0 in    0550 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
4 WNW Pownal                 5.5 in    0800 PM 03/14   Official NWS Obs
Gorham                       5.0 in    0953 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
Portland 5.4 NW              4.8 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
2 SE New Gloucester          4.6 in    0757 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
2 NW Falmouth                4.5 in    0942 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
Portland 5.5 WNW             4.3 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
2 W Falmouth                 4.3 in    0801 PM 03/14   NWS Employee
1 SSW Brunswick              4.3 in    0329 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
South Portland 1.7 S         4.1 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Freeport 3.0 ENE             4.0 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Harpswell 3.1 WSW            3.6 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
1 ESE Raymond                3.5 in    0500 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
New Gloucester 3.0 SE        3.1 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Sebago 2.4 ESE               3.0 in    0617 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
3 WSW Falmouth               3.0 in    1111 PM 03/14   NWS Employee

...Franklin County...
Farmington 3.9 N             6.5 in    0800 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Dallas                       6.5 in    0700 AM 03/15   Public
New Sharon 2.0 NW            6.0 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Farmington 4.8 NNW           6.0 in    0900 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
5 SSE Rangeley               5.3 in    0700 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
2.1 NW Rangeley              5.0 in    0600 AM 03/15   COOP
Farmington 4.2 NW            5.0 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Temple 1.8 W                 4.6 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Rangeley                     4.0 in    0600 AM 03/15   COOP
0.9 E New Sharon             4.0 in    0700 AM 03/15   COOP
1.0 W Kingfield              4.0 in    0750 AM 03/15   COOP

...Kennebec County...
2 ESE China                  7.3 in    0828 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
2 NE South China             7.0 in    0700 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
Readfield 2.0 NNE            6.5 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
4 NNE Augusta                6.5 in    0652 PM 03/14
4 NNW Litchfield             6.4 in    0713 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
Wayne 3.2 SSE                6.1 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Winthrop                     5.7 in    0830 AM 03/15   UCOOP
1 NW Farmingdale             5.5 in    0807 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
Manchester 0.5 NE            5.0 in    0645 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
1 SW Gardiner                3.4 in    0923 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter

...Knox County...
3 E Union                    12.9 in   0838 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
Union 3.0 NW                 11.0 in   0730 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
1 WNW Tenants Harbor         10.0 in   0700 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
Union 2.1 NNE                9.1 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Union 3.0 W                  9.0 in    0638 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Hope                         9.0 in    0654 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
Camden                       5.8 in    0700 AM 03/15   Public
North Haven                  5.4 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS

...Lincoln County...
Waldoboro 1.5 NNE            11.2 in   0800 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Trevett 0.3 NE               6.5 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
1 W South Bristol            5.5 in    0745 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
1 SSW Nobleboro              5.5 in    0828 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
2 SE Alna                    4.5 in    0940 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter

...Oxford County...
3 N Porter                   11.0 in   0938 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
Oxford 5.3 SW                7.5 in    0800 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Norway                       7.0 in    0856 PM 03/14   Public
1 WNW Otisfield              6.0 in    0654 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
Bethel 6 SSE                 6.0 in    0732 AM 03/15   COOP
Andover 3.8 W                2.0 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS

...Sagadahoc County...
2 SSE Bath                   6.5 in    0830 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
Bath 1.1 WSW                 3.4 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
2.3 NW Bath                  3.4 in    0700 AM 03/15   COOP
Topsham 3.7 NE               3.0 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Topsham                      2.5 in    0553 PM 03/14   Public

...Somerset County...
Cornville                    5.3 in    0700 AM 03/15   Public
Palmyra 3.5 NW               4.6 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
North New Portland 0.3 WSW   4.3 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
1.9 S Harmony                4.0 in    0700 AM 03/15   COOP
Skowhegan                    3.5 in    0623 PM 03/14   Public
Jackman                      3.0 in    0700 AM 03/15   COOP
Anson                        2.0 in    0700 AM 03/15   COOP

...Waldo County...
Belmont 2.7 SSE              9.5 in    0600 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Belfast 3.9 NNE              9.5 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Prospect 2.6 W               9.0 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Searsmont 3.5 WNW            8.5 in    0645 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
3 NNE Knox                   7.0 in    0556 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
Winterport 2.9 N             3.6 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS

...York County...
5 NNW Acton                  15.1 in   0724 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
5 NE Shapleigh               14.0 in   0937 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
4 NE Shapleigh               12.5 in   0859 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
5 NNW Acton                  12.0 in   0602 PM 03/14
4 ESE Limerick               11.3 in   0849 PM 03/14
Parsonsfield 4.2 NE          10.0 in   0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Hollis Center 5.4 NW         9.1 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
5 NW Hollis                  9.1 in    0959 PM 03/14   CO-OP Observer
North Waterboro 1.2 NE       9.0 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Berwick                      8.0 in    0740 PM 03/14   Public
North Berwick 5.3 W          7.6 in    0630 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
2 NNE Hollis                 7.5 in    0800 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Cornish 5.6 ESE              7.4 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Parsonsfield 3.9 NE          7.0 in    0815 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
2 SSW East Baldwin           6.5 in    0231 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
Old Orchard Beach            5.8 in    0700 AM 03/15   NWS Employee
3 NNE Berwick                5.6 in    0325 PM 03/14
South Berwick 1.3 E          4.5 in    0711 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
1 WSW Kittery Point          4.5 in    0409 PM 03/14
3 NE Limington               3.5 in    1045 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
2 SE Saco                    2.8 in    0430 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
1 SW Kennebunkport           2.7 in    1048 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
Biddeford 1.5 NNE            2.0 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS

...New Hampshire...

...Belknap County...
2 SE Laconia                 15.0 in   0540 PM 03/14
Tilton Northfield 3.3 NE     9.5 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
1.5 N Laconia                8.0 in    0600 AM 03/15   COOP
Sanbornton 2.3 WNW           5.1 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Meredith 2.9 SSW             3.6 in    0640 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Meredith 3.3 NNE             2.0 in    0800 AM 03/15   COCORAHS

...Carroll County...
Wolfeboro                    19.6 in   1230 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
Wolfeboro 1.5 SE             17.0 in   0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
3 NNW Wakefield              15.5 in   1100 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
Center Sandwich 4.9 E        6.5 in    0600 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Albany 2.8 SW                4.0 in    0800 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Tamworth 0.4 NNW             2.6 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Tamworth                     2.6 in    0700 AM 03/15   COOP
North Conway 1.4 SSW         1.8 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS

...Cheshire County...
2 WNW Peterborough           35.0 in   0648 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
3 WSW Jaffrey                29.0 in   0930 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
2 W Jaffrey                  25.0 in   1013 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
1 ENE Spofford               23.0 in   0700 AM 03/15   Public
3 W Keene                    15.0 in   0420 PM 03/14
1 SSW Gilsum                 12.0 in   0216 PM 03/14   Dept of Highways
Alstead                      12.0 in   0230 PM 03/14   Dept of Highways
Rindge 3.2 ESE               11.0 in   0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Stoddard                     10.0 in   0224 PM 03/14   Dept of Highways
Keene 2.5 NNW                9.5 in    0600 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Keene 2.0 SE                 9.0 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Keene 1.3 SW                 7.9 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
West Swanzey 1.0 WNW         7.3 in    1200 AM 03/15   COCORAHS

...Coos County...
Pinkham Notch                32.0 in   0544 AM 03/15   COOP
Carroll 4.6 NE               9.2 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Lancaster                    6.8 in    0700 AM 03/15   Public
Whitefield                   5.0 in    1057 AM 03/15   Public
Randolph 1.4 NE              4.8 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Jefferson 1 W                3.3 in    0700 AM 03/15   COOP
Pittsburg                    3.0 in    0800 AM 03/15   COOP
Northumberland               3.0 in    0740 AM 03/15   COOP
1.0 S Berlin                 3.0 in    0722 AM 03/15   COOP

...Grafton County...
3 ENE Lebanon                16.5 in   0645 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
1 SW Hebron                  8.0 in    1102 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
Hanover 5.2 NE               7.8 in    0800 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Lebanon                      7.0 in    0530 PM 03/14   Public
5 SSW Lyme                   6.4 in    0704 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
Hanover 4.8 NE               6.4 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Campton                      5.8 in    0700 AM 03/15   Public
2.3 NW Warren                3.8 in    0700 AM 03/15   COOP
Littleton 7.3 W              3.0 in    0800 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Bristol 0.4 SSE              1.9 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS

...Hillsborough County...
1 ENE Greenville             33.0 in   0422 PM 03/14
2 WNW Windsor                32.5 in   0926 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
Bennington                   30.0 in   0600 PM 03/14
Antrim                       28.5 in   0436 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
1 S New Ipswich              27.5 in   0300 PM 03/14
2 N Francestown              27.0 in   0742 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
2 S New Ipswich              24.5 in   0700 AM 03/15   Public
3 N Hillsborough             22.5 in   1034 PM 03/14   Public
1 S New Boston               16.3 in   0420 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
Goffstown                    15.0 in   0257 PM 03/14   Amateur Radio
2 SW Brookline               14.9 in   0930 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
Hudson                       14.0 in   0308 PM 03/14   Amateur Radio
Manchester Airport           9.9 in    0100 AM 03/15   ASOS
Brookline 2.3 SW             9.2 in    0800 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Bedford                      8.5 in    0244 PM 03/14   Public
2 NNW Merrimack              8.1 in    0700 AM 03/15   Public
1 WSW Bedford                8.0 in    1138 AM 03/14   Amateur Radio
1.6 NE Hudson                7.1 in    0700 AM 03/15   COOP
1.1 SE Nashua                6.0 in    0800 AM 03/15   COOP
Mont Vernon 1.3 SSW          5.1 in    0630 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
2 N New Boston               2.0 in    0701 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter

...Merrimack County...
New London                   24.0 in   0929 PM 03/14   Public
3 SSE Dunbarton              23.0 in   0911 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
Dunbarton 1.0 S              19.0 in   0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Chichester 2.7 SSW           17.5 in   0100 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Bow 1.6 NW                   16.6 in   0800 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
1 SE Henniker                15.0 in   0700 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
1 S South Hooksett           14.8 in   0520 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
Pittsfield 3.5 ESE           12.0 in   0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
3 E Tilton                   11.8 in   0753 AM 03/15   Public
Epsom 4.2 SW                 11.5 in   0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Warner                       10.0 in   0121 PM 03/14   Dept of Highways
Concord Municipal Airp       10.0 in   1200 AM 03/15   ASOS
3 ENE Canterbury             10.0 in   0954 AM 03/15   Public
Sutton Mills 0.1 ENE         9.5 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Northfield 2.8 E             9.3 in    0751 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
New London 0.8 S             9.0 in    0600 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
3 E Canterbury               9.0 in    1010 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
South Sutton 1.3 SE          8.0 in    0800 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Danbury 2.2 ESE              6.3 in    0800 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Contoocook 0.6 NNW           5.9 in    0705 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Boscawen 2.2 SSE             5.8 in    0730 AM 03/15   COCORAHS

...Rockingham County...
4 ESE Epsom                  19.8 in   0725 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
3 ENE Derry                  19.0 in   0953 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
2 NNW Chester                18.5 in   0707 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
1 SSW Sandown                17.3 in   0700 AM 03/15   CO-OP Observer
Northwood 2.9 WSW            16.8 in   0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
2 NW Lee                     16.5 in   0520 PM 03/14
Derry 5.7 N                  15.0 in   0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Hampstead                    14.0 in   0857 PM 03/14   Public
Hampstead 3 NW               13.3 in   0740 AM 03/15   COOP
Nottingham 1.2 S             13.0 in   0845 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
0.5 W Epping                 12.0 in   0700 AM 03/15   COOP
2 ENE Stratham               11.9 in   0600 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
3 W Hampstead                10.0 in   0619 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
2 SSE Salem                  7.5 in    1129 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
1 S Exeter                   7.3 in    0718 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
Stratham 1.9 ESE             6.8 in    0500 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
Auburn 1.8 E                 6.5 in    0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
1.1 SE Greenland             6.2 in    0700 AM 03/15   COOP
1 SSE Greenland              6.2 in    0800 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
1 WNW Exeter                 6.0 in    0913 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter

...Strafford County...
Barrington 3.7 W             17.5 in   0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
2 ENE Northwood              17.2 in   0741 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
Durham                       12.0 in   0243 PM 03/14   Public
1 N Dover                    11.0 in   1110 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
2 S Somersworth              9.5 in    0832 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
Durham                       8.5 in    0553 PM 03/14   Public
Barrington 3.2 E             7.9 in    0630 AM 03/15   COCORAHS

...Sullivan County...
Washington                   27.0 in   0600 PM 03/14   Public
2 N Acworth                  23.8 in   0700 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
2 NE Newport                 21.5 in   1006 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
3 SE Lempster                20.0 in   1211 PM 03/14   Trained Spotter
2 ESE Newport                18.0 in   0606 PM 03/14
Cornish 1.1 ENE              10.9 in   0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS
West Unity 0.7 WSW           10.0 in   0700 AM 03/15   COCORAHS


...Maritime Stations...
1 N Cape Elizabeth           2.0 in    0700 AM 03/15   Trained Spotter
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8 minutes ago, tamarack said:

Maybe not since 135 years ago?

How did Maine do in the March 5-7, 2001 nor easter? I know they were relatively lower than the monster totals in NH/VT/N MA, but probably not as low as this past storm relative to those areas.

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4 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

How did Maine do in the March 5-7, 2001 nor easter? I know they were relatively lower than the monster totals in NH/VT/N MA, but probably not as low as this past storm relative to those areas.

I was just thinking about 2001. Can't believe this was a bigger event for S VT/W MA mtns than that one was. It certainly seems that way based on the reports from that storm. Obiously that storm was more widespread and included a lot of lower elevations but specifically for that area it looks like this eclipsed it. 



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3 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

How did Maine do in the March 5-7, 2001 nor easter? I know they were relatively lower than the monster totals in NH/VT/N MA, but probably not as low as this past storm relative to those areas.

Not bad.  I don't have the York County numbers but it wouldn't be a surprise if there were some 20" totals there.  I measured 9.5" from 18+ hours of steady moderate snow while Farmington co-op recorded 14.0".  If we'd gotten the big dog from early month, some records would've been shattered as the co-op finished with 58.3", their 4th biggest month and tops for months not beginning with "F".  My 55.5" is the 2nd snowiest month anywhere, behind only the 61.5" for Dec 1976 in Fort Kent.

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3 hours ago, masonwoods said:

I ended up with 30".  Was expecting more wind than we got.


you at like 900’  right I.e higher part of town  

it’s amazing that like Brookline at 400’ had like 10” or so 

you could see that 800-850 was like the magic elevation number yesterday . Saw that difference between west End Wilton and Downtown 

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12 minutes ago, Lava Rock said:

pretty infrequent then

I've read that some southern Maine spot got 16" from 3/1888, which compares poorly with 30" at ASH, not to mention something like 50 at HVN.  Only Maine record I've found was the Gardiner co-op, which recorded 8.0" on a day with temp 38/32 so obviously paste.  

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1 hour ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

Won’t move snow, won’t move forward or won’t move because the engine won’t start?  Those issues become more concerning as you go from former to latter. 

The drive chain keeps falling off. I put it back on this morning, immediately fell off again. I'm done dealing with it for now, I'll just keep at it with shovel and plow. 

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Does anyone know if the 42" report from West Dover VT was final or accepted by NWS? 

My local seasonal pack maximum was on March 2nd, at 26" (down to 23" now) and it took all of a long winter season (started to snow here in late October) to get to that. We seldom get more than 10" in any given day but it keeps coming, did not rain much this winter, and thaw-melt has been rather minor, compaction of about 80-90 inches of total snowfall occurred all winter long and we were at 20" by mid-December, never changed much until a few snowy days in late February restored and then overcame previous peak of 24" in early February. So it took some people here all of yesterday to surpass my peak mountainside snow pack. Well done. 

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28 minutes ago, Roger Smith said:

Does anyone know if the 42" report from West Dover VT was final or accepted by NWS? 

My local seasonal pack maximum was on March 2nd, at 26" (down to 23" now) and it took all of a long winter season (started to snow here in late October) to get to that. We seldom get more than 10" in any given day but it keeps coming, did not rain much this winter, and thaw-melt has been rather minor, compaction of about 80-90 inches of total snowfall occurred all winter long and we were at 20" by mid-December, never changed much until a few snowy days in late February restored and then overcame previous peak of 24" in early February. So it took some people here all of yesterday to surpass my peak mountainside snow pack. Well done. 

My guess is that 42” will be accepted as legit assuming it came from a coop. It doesn’t look that weird based on the location and other obs around that area and several pics coming out of west Dover definitely support at least 3 foot totals and likely some 40+ in there. It’s not one of those “why are they 30-40%  higher than everyone else?” type totals. 

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1 hour ago, gonegalt said:

Got 1" and wind. Still have 1.5' in the fields and +2' in the woods. Will be sledding the river and fields till mid Apr as normal.


Reminds me of the SNE bomb of Feb. 1978.  Lived in Fort Kent at that time and we had 2" while some EMA/RI spots had over 3 feet.
And seeing a post from The County is excellent.

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I measured 21" here in Dunbarton, NH (500') clearing every 6 hours or so. Measuring an untouched area on the driveway indicates it's already settled to 17-18" this morning.

Heavy damage in the area and no power since 8:45am yesterday. Here's a scene just down the road:



The center of town is significantly higher at 850'. A local on facebook reported 31". Not sure about that, but certainly more than at my house.

Here's a couple pics from Dunbarton Center. Picnic tables:


In front of the town hall (snow is about 28" deep here):


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5 minutes ago, subdude said:

35" reported in Peterborough which 17mi E. of Keene. 

You can see from the QPF map

chinook posted that they had about half the QPF in the shadow of mount monadnock as the monads had. They had worse ratios and it took longer to flip there at there lower elevation . My guess is they had to have had 6-8”

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2 hours ago, STILL N OF PIKE said:

you at like 900’  right I.e higher part of town  

it’s amazing that like Brookline at 400’ had like 10” or so 

you could see that 800-850 was like the magic elevation number yesterday . Saw that difference between west End Wilton and Downtown 

On my drive home Monday night it was raining in Milford but transitioned to snow on my drive through Greenville. Was snowing moderately when I got home.

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