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March Banter 2023

George BM

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  On 3/23/2023 at 2:14 PM, mattie g said:

Our team struggles to even get enough kids to fill lanes and relays


I am always open to being bribed over to another team if the price is right.

  On 3/23/2023 at 3:55 PM, mattie g said:

For our pool, there was a lot of "we do things this way because that's the way it's always been done." The Board turned over almost completely last year, so I give them a little leeway in trying to shift the mindset of how to effectively run the place, but I still feel like there's an unwillingness to make attempts to change


My team is pretty similar, there has always been a way things are done which often has lead to issues. Hopefully the board makes some good changes this year that make the whole process more transparent. 

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  On 3/23/2023 at 2:11 PM, mappy said:

it sounds like an accident that ended horribly. bad place, bad time, on 695 in a construction zone. i had to laugh at people thinking someone was racing and thats what caused it. 

so many assumptions based on nothing. 


that said - if one of the cars ended up as it it did, someone was traveling too fast.  I think folks forget that when they are driving, they are operating a massive piece of machinery that can easily kill other people (or themselves).  Too many people are killed on our roadways.

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  On 3/23/2023 at 4:57 PM, pazzo83 said:

that said - if one of the cars ended up as it it did, someone was traveling too fast.  I think folks forget that when they are driving, they are operating a massive piece of machinery that can easily kill other people (or themselves).  Too many people are killed on our roadways.


i agree completely. i just hate rushing to judgement without knowing anything, ya know?

did you see that story in DC about that guy with like 12k in tickets who was speeding and killed 3? thats an awful story. 

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  On 3/23/2023 at 4:58 PM, mappy said:

i agree completely. i just hate rushing to judgement without knowing anything, ya know?

did you see that story in DC about that guy with like 12k tickets who was speeding and killed 3? thats an awful story. 


it's horrific - and some people say, "oh what's the big deal they had some tickets" - of course until something like that happens.  I think about it every time my kids cross the street.

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  On 3/23/2023 at 5:00 PM, pazzo83 said:

it's horrific - and some people say, "oh what's the big deal they had some tickets" - of course until something like that happens.  I think about it every time my kids cross the street.


it wasn't just 'some' tickets, it was 12 thousand dollars worth of tickets. how were they even still allowed to be on the road? mind boggling. 

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  On 3/23/2023 at 5:00 PM, mappy said:

it wasn't just 'some' tickets, it was 12 thousand dollars worth of tickets. how were they even still allowed to be on the road? mind boggling. 


DC has an issue where there is no reciprocity with VA and MD, so camera tickets you get in DC don't do anything to your points if you are a MD or VA driver.  And DC doesn't have the resources to boot/tow every car with this level of violations (it's an ongoing discussion here).  The frustrating thing here is that most of these insane levels of violations are from out-of-state drivers where DC has limited resources to go after them.

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  On 3/23/2023 at 5:05 PM, pazzo83 said:

DC has an issue where there is no reciprocity with VA and MD, so camera tickets you get in DC don't do anything to your points if you are a MD or VA driver.  And DC doesn't have the resources to boot/tow every car with this level of violations (it's an ongoing discussion here).  The frustrating thing here is that most of these insane levels of violations are from out-of-state drivers where DC has limited resources to go after them.


There was a news story they did right after that crash and they said DC has about 88 MILLION in unpaid tickets.  Thats right.  88 Million.

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  On 3/23/2023 at 5:16 PM, H2O said:

There was a news story they did right after that crash and they said DC has about 88 MILLION in unpaid tickets.  Thats right.  88 Million.


it's actually much much worse - it's almost $1 billion ($890 million).


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  On 3/23/2023 at 5:05 PM, pazzo83 said:

DC has an issue where there is no reciprocity with VA and MD, so camera tickets you get in DC don't do anything to your points if you are a MD or VA driver.  And DC doesn't have the resources to boot/tow every car with this level of violations (it's an ongoing discussion here).  The frustrating thing here is that most of these insane levels of violations are from out-of-state drivers where DC has limited resources to go after them.


thanks for educating me. makes sense. shame the DMV area cannot get on one page with that and help each other out. 

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  On 3/23/2023 at 5:25 PM, mappy said:

thanks for educating me. makes sense. shame the DMV area cannot get on one page with that and help each other out. 


the pressure is definitely ratcheting up on the mayor and the city to do something about it - we'll see what happens.  I mean there are ways to redesign streets in a way that forces people to slow down - and some of that is happening - but you also have to get the lawless drivers off the roads as well.

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Of course you do some of this stuff, and some people complain "oh what about my parking" or "now this is so inconvenient for me!" - as if folks' lives are less important.  I mean for fuck's sake, you live in a major city - it's not all about you and your personal vehicle.

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  On 3/23/2023 at 5:35 PM, pazzo83 said:

Of course you do some of this stuff, and some people complain "oh what about my parking" or "now this is so inconvenient for me!" - as if folks' lives are less important.  I mean for fuck's sake, you live in a major city - it's not all about you and your personal vehicle.


I wish metro wasn't as much of a cluster eff.  Would make for a much more viable means for many and get rid of the need for people to drive into the city.

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  On 3/23/2023 at 5:38 PM, H2O said:

I wish metro wasn't as much of a cluster eff.  Would make for a much more viable means for many and get rid of the need for people to drive into the city.


I think Metro is getting there (yesterday they recorded 404k trips, which is about 65-70% of prepandemic ridership) - the new GM gets it.  We'll see how the next year goes.  Paul Wiedefeld - the prior GM - really left the agency in a cluster with the 7000-series trains.  They have finally found the issue with that, so 100% of trains should be available by late spring.

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  On 3/23/2023 at 5:43 PM, pazzo83 said:

I think Metro is getting there (yesterday they recorded 404k trips, which is about 65-70% of prepandemic ridership) - the new GM gets it.  We'll see how the next year goes.  Paul Wiedefeld - the prior GM - really left the agency in a cluster with the 7000-series trains.  They have finally found the issue with that, so 100% of trains should be available by late spring.


The yellow line closing didn't help the VA people from not using their cars.  Hopefully repairs like what they have done will ensure better reliability 

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  On 3/22/2023 at 12:45 PM, mattie g said:

Summer swim is truly in full swing now!

We had our Team rep meeting this past Sunday where we went over administrative stuff (including the votes on changes to the bylaws and all that boring stuff) and found out which divisions we're going to be in. We moved up one division, which is pretty much what we figured...and it's a good place for us!

Bummer is that we found out that one of our top swimmers is going to a different poll this summer. She's killed it this winter and is moving to stay with her club coach in the summer. Pretty disappointing, but whatever. And then we found out last night that our top family is moving soon :(. They're staying on the team for at least this summer, but man...what a kick in the nuts. As a small team, we just can't handle blows like that, so the "recruitment" of new families in the nearby neighborhoods is going into full effect!

  On 3/23/2023 at 2:43 PM, H2O said:

I could tell you stories about your first part.  It can be bad because there are a lot of crappy parents out there.  

What I've found in all my years is that the struggle to keep and attract members stems from the too high of expectations new members have of what a pool offers.  We have heard time and time again how people expect a country club type level pool for what they feel they pay for.  They need all the amenities and it needs to be fancy and gorgeous.  Well, there are pools that offer that but expect to pay $1000s to just join and then pay over $800 every year.  Most small pools like mine try to balance out keeping costs low to attract people and doing what we can to make the pool appealing.  The prob is we are an old pool.  And what do people want in a pool?  Is it the pool or you need a great toilet to shit in?  I go to swim, not complain about the parking lot looking rough.  If I have a place to set my cooler with beer I'm not supposed to have and chill with my kids then I'm happy.  

  On 3/23/2023 at 4:30 PM, H2O said:

When I joined our pool we didn't even have a website that was easy to find or updated.  We've only recently embraced social media as a mean to advertise and had zero marketing when I was on the board.  Now there is a more concerted effort to get the name out.  And in a lot of ways the success of the swim team was the best advertising we had.  But with that came problems.  Again, people expected our pool to be this awesome place based on moving up to higher divisions.  So the ones only joining for swim team would leave when it didn't meet those expectations.  And we have what i call rental families.  they only join because of the swim team and don't make much effort to be part of the pool community.  Never help on set up/clean up, barely attend social functions, etc.  They only use the pool for swim team.  So its been a struggle to build a solid group who just enjoy the pool for what it is.  


I love when you two in particular, speak of NVSL-related stuff...because it makes me that much happier that my family and myself are OUT. OF. ALL. OF. THAT. NOW.  :)  My sons are 28 and 26 now...they both started swimming from just shortly after they could walk, and joined the neighborhood summer team both when they turned 6-7 years old, and then stuck with it until the end of HS. The older one was focused on lacrosse and stuck with summer swim purely as a social event; the younger one enjoyed far more successes early on with summer swim, which parlayed into year-round club swimming in middle school, which led to participating in national events (and the intermittent pressure of national rankings which come along with that), which led to...TOTAL burn-out by the end of HS. And despite recruiting with several D1/D2 schools for swimming, our youngest son was in near-tears when he told his mom and I at the end of VA states in his HS senior year: "I just don't think I can swim in college...or maybe at all anymore." And sadly, that WAS the last that he swam competitively. I don't ask about it anymore, even at 26, because it's a tender subject with him...I feel like he let us down as parents, and (maybe?) others who supported him over the years.

I share all of that to say this -- simply try to enjoy the summer and your neighborhood pools, and any of the social benefits that stem from that. Folks rarely do that anymore...I feel like overbearing parents in OUR neighborhood are constantly pushing to get their 3-4 year olds on the mini-swimming starter team...for FFS, people, let your littles enjoy swimming WITHOUT the immediate competition!!! I understand concerns about losing high performers on the summer team, @mattie g. You'll fill or supplement those gaps, in some way...it's inevitable. In our family's case, I think my youngest son kinda felt like he couldn't leave the team after 9th or 10 grade...because he thought he would let the team down in terms of his events (freestyle/butterfly)...and some of that came from witnessing our team's "sinking" from NVSL Division 7-8 when we started, to Division 11-12-ish when we were done. Not saying that you or anyone else means to "apply pressure" to your better swimmers...but as a parent of one of those swimmers who enjoyed occasional success in that realm, that team/parent support can be (and has proven to be) a double-edged sword. Swimming is a life skill, and AWESOME exercise especially as you get older...but I really don't think my youngest will get back in the pool again, even for exercise. And that makes me a little sad.

I know @H2O gets it, given his commentary on this subject over the years, plus he's got the battle scars as a pool board member, and one who's likely served in ALL of the NVSL officials positions over the years, to prove it. He's got a great attitude about it all, at this point...good advice he shares here. Also, he's also being pretty modest about his "old" pool. It may be older, but OUR nearby neighborhood swim team always LOVED going to his pool for B meets...it's in a beautiful setting with mature trees, the swim team, officials, volunteers and other pool members were ALWAYS welcoming (unlike many pools in the western part of FfxCo!) and every member and volunteer at his pool was ALWAYS easy to work with. Plus, they had a kick-ass grill and cafe going on!! :D 

Sorry for the long rant. But the exchanges you all shared here made me grateful that I once more threw our pool share into the "lease" bucket this season...  ;) 

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  On 3/23/2023 at 4:39 PM, mappy said:

more so in this case. you're ready to throw the law book at her without knowing anything. maybe she had a clear opening to merge and someone else caused the accident to actually happen. maybe she didn't. 

bad drivers are everywhere. i lost a coworker to a box truck driver running a red light and smashing my coworkers car to pieces. 

it happens. investigations will figure it out, rule of law will do its thing. better not to rush to judgement without knowing all the facts is all i'm saying. 


I hear ya. Sorry I was over the top. I hope the box truck driver got his punishment. If I am ever first in line at a light I always look before going on green. Too many red light runners. 

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  On 3/23/2023 at 6:03 PM, mdhokie said:

I hear ya. Sorry I was over the top. I hope the box truck driver got his punishment. If I am ever first in line at a light I always look before going on green. Too many red light runners. 


no worries at all. and yes, they were arrested, charged and i believe found guilty. cannot recall what they were charged with. it happened in 2020. 

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  On 3/23/2023 at 5:51 PM, nw baltimore wx said:

Oh damn that video shows it clearly. gray car is all sorts of wrong. good find, thanks for sharing.

Now we can all say to throw the book at her :lol: 

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The speeding says it all. Dark car wasn't going to let the other car in no matter what, the white car was determined to pass the dark car no matter what, and road rage set in for both. See it all the time though with far less consequences. I'd say throw the book at both of them, but whoever was doing the work should get some culpability out of this as well. You're supposed to make it foolproof safe for those workers to work and there should have had much better barriers in place. I may be mistaken, but I think the opening to a work zone like this is supposed to be on the far side where you have to back into the work zone rather than pull into it.

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  On 3/23/2023 at 6:25 PM, mappy said:

Oh damn that video shows it clearly. gray car is all sorts of wrong. good find, thanks for sharing.

Now we can all say to throw the book at her :lol: 


Sad thing is the only thing that would have prevented this is that truck with the big yellow bumper on the rear, which appears to be parked inside the previous work zone area. They need to make sure those trucks are deployed at the entrance areas were workers are at. Had that truck been 500ft further forward, those workers might still be with us :(. 

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