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December 22-23, 2022: Warm Rain to Arctic Chill


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10 hours ago, Kay said:

I took a walk in the woods this afternoon and was really getting into that crispy crunch of leaves + ice :wub: Awesome out. Just got back from walk #2. World of difference without the wind!

Yep, I love cold, but not wind. I'll take a calm -25 low -5 high day over a blustery +10 low 28 high day anytime. 

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On 12/24/2022 at 2:55 PM, Kay said:

The Bush River has not frozen over (yet?) just too windy and turbulent. Main cool sight so far is any vegetation close enough to the high water we had got coated with freezing spray and is encased in ice. I didn't get a good pic and I'm not going back down there until it's less windy! :shiver:

Welp I still didn't get a good pic, but this from yesterday shows what I was talking about above. Freezing spray > freezing rain. And update: river now frozen over shore to shore.



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41 minutes ago, WxUSAF said:

All 4 major airports saw similar departures from this cold air:

24th: ~ - 23F

25th: ~ - 15F

26th: ~ -12F

All are running 2-3F BN for December.  Will walk some of that back the next few days, so maybe ending around -1F? 


+15 for NYD?  That would be interesting stat for the two major holidays.

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