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Preliminarily ... a medium impact partial Miller B, Friday

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NOUS41 KGYX 171829

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Gray ME
129 PM EST Sat Dec 17 2022


Location                     Amount    Time/Date       Provider


...Androscoggin County...
2 N Turner                   16.0 in   0100 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Sabattus                     12.0 in   1100 AM 12/17   Public
Livermore Falls              12.0 in   1000 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 E Lewiston                 8.5 in    1200 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
4 N Livermore                8.2 in    0800 AM 12/17   NWS Employee
2 NNW Auburn                 5.0 in    1200 PM 12/17   Public

...Cumberland County...
3 ESE Casco                  14.5 in   1130 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
5 S Bridgton                 10.5 in   0725 AM 12/17
Brunswick                    7.5 in    1130 AM 12/17   Public
NWS Gray                     6.3 in    0100 PM 12/17   Official NWS Obs
2 NNW New Gloucester         5.0 in    1000 AM 12/17   Public
Cumberland                   4.4 in    1030 AM 12/17   Public
Portland Jetport             4.2 in    0100 PM 12/17   ASOS
Gorham                       4.1 in    1230 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 SSW Harpswell              4.0 in    0800 AM 12/17   Public
2 NW Falmouth                3.7 in    0100 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
3 WSW South Windham          3.1 in    1000 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
1 NNW Cape Elizabeth         0.5 in    0830 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter

...Franklin County...
6 WNW Madrid                 24.3 in   1130 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Stratton                     21.0 in   0100 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 NNW Farmington             20.0 in   1130 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 WSW Kingfield              17.8 in   0745 AM 12/17   Public
6 SSE Rangeley               15.5 in   0830 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter

...Kennebec County...
1 ESE Augusta                9.3 in    0111 PM 12/17
Hallowell                    8.2 in    1030 AM 12/17   Public
1 NW Farmingdale             8.2 in    1211 PM 12/17
3 SE Belgrade                8.0 in    1100 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 WSW Gardiner               7.3 in    1230 PM 12/17   Public
4 NNW Litchfield             7.0 in    1000 AM 12/17   Public
2 WNW Whitefield             2.5 in    1000 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter

...Knox County...
Hope                         2.0 in    1030 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter

...Oxford County...
1 SSW Locke Mills            25.0 in   1230 PM 12/17   Public
4 WSW Turner                 20.0 in   1230 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
3 N Porter                   18.0 in   1100 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
3 SSW Oxford                 15.0 in   0900 AM 12/17   Public
Bryant Pond                  14.7 in   0800 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
4 NNW Sweden                 14.0 in   0855 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
1 WNW Otisfield              13.5 in   0913 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
4 WNW Newry                  13.5 in   0611 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
1 ESE Norway                 12.0 in   1100 AM 12/17   Amateur Radio
1 SE Sumner                  11.0 in   0430 AM 12/17   Public

...Sagadahoc County...
1 WSW Phippsburg             5.0 in    0734 AM 12/17
1 NE Topsham                 4.5 in    1200 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter

...Somerset County...
Skowhegan                    9.2 in    1100 AM 12/17   Public

...Waldo County...
2 WSW Belfast                1.5 in    0800 AM 12/17   Public

...York County...
5 NNW Acton                  18.0 in   0937 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
6 W Lebanon                  13.5 in   1100 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 NNW Shapleigh              11.0 in   0730 AM 12/17   Public
2 SW Biddeford               7.0 in    0418 AM 12/17   Public
3 NNE Berwick                6.5 in    0825 AM 12/17   Public
2 SSE Sanford                6.0 in    1030 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 SSW East Baldwin           5.7 in    0653 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 SE North Berwick           5.6 in    1110 PM 12/16
1 SW Old Orchard Beach       4.1 in    0640 AM 12/17   NWS Employee
5 SE Limerick                4.0 in    1200 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter
1 N Kennebunk                3.5 in    0430 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 SE Saco                    2.5 in    0400 AM 12/17   Public
3 NE Limington               2.0 in    1030 AM 12/17

...New Hampshire...

...Belknap County...
3 SSW New Durham             14.5 in   0856 AM 12/17   Public
5 WNW Barnstead              13.5 in   0730 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 SE Gilford                 12.0 in   1000 AM 12/17   Public
1 SW Sanbornton              11.0 in   0959 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 SE Laconia                 8.0 in    0140 AM 12/17   Public
3 NNW Meredith               6.0 in    1000 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter

...Carroll County...
2 SE Albany                  25.0 in   0858 AM 12/17
1 SE Jackson                 21.0 in   1100 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 NNE Freedom                19.2 in   0515 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
1 NNW Brookfield             17.5 in   1200 PM 12/17   Public
1 NNE Ossipee                17.0 in   0900 AM 12/17   Public
2 NE Bridgewater             15.0 in   0904 AM 12/17   Public

...Cheshire County...
2 WNW Peterborough           21.0 in   0700 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
3 W Marlow                   16.0 in   0830 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
1 ENE Spofford               9.0 in    0832 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 SSE Rindge                 6.9 in    1100 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter

...Coos County...
1 E Pinkham Notch            31.0 in   0100 PM 12/17   Public

...Grafton County...
Waterville Valley            22.1 in   0730 AM 12/17   Public
5 N Bristol                  18.5 in   0823 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Benton                       12.0 in   1130 AM 12/17   Public
Hanover                      10.5 in   0822 AM 12/17   Public
4 ENE Thornton               7.5 in    1110 AM 12/17
1 SSE Campton                7.3 in    0830 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Plymouth                     6.0 in    1030 AM 12/17   Public

...Hillsborough County...
Windsor                      17.0 in   0904 AM 12/17   Public
Hillsborough                 17.0 in   0857 AM 12/17   Public
2 SSW Greenfield             15.0 in   0901 AM 12/17   Public
1 NW Francestown             12.5 in   0730 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 NNE Antrim                 9.8 in    0900 AM 12/17   Public
2 S New Boston               7.5 in    0700 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 NW Merrimack               6.5 in    0800 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Bedford                      5.0 in    0833 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Manchester Airport           4.1 in    0700 AM 12/17   ASOS
4 W Windham                  2.0 in    1000 AM 12/17   Amateur Radio

...Merrimack County...
1 NW New London              18.2 in   0730 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 NNE Bradford               12.6 in   0731 AM 12/17
1 SSE Henniker               9.8 in    0730 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
3 E Canterbury               4.0 in    0930 AM 12/17   Public
Concord Municipal Airp 3.2 in    1159 PM 12/16   ASOS

...Rockingham County...
1 N Deerfield                9.0 in    0905 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
4 ESE Epsom                  8.2 in    1000 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
1 N Hampstead                6.0 in    0730 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 ENE Stratham               2.1 in    0700 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
3 NE Kingston                1.5 in    0630 AM 12/17   Public
Portsmouth Airport           1.4 in    0100 PM 12/17   AWOS
1 S Greenland                1.0 in    1038 AM 12/17   CO-OP Observer
1 S Exeter                   1.0 in    0800 AM 12/17

...Strafford County...
3 NNE Northwood              10.0 in   1030 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Somersworth                  6.0 in    0839 AM 12/17   Public
Rochester                    5.0 in    0630 AM 12/17   Public
3 SE Dover                   5.0 in    0530 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
1 N Durham                   4.0 in    1200 PM 12/17   Amateur Radio

...Sullivan County...
2 WSW Unity                  22.0 in   1130 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 NE Claremont               21.4 in   0922 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Newport                      20.0 in   0841 AM 12/17   Public
2 ENE Goshen                 18.8 in   0800 AM 12/17   Public
Washington                   18.5 in   0858 AM 12/17   Public
2 N Lempster                 18.5 in   1030 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
2 N Acworth                  18.5 in   0830 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter
Sunapee                      18.0 in   1030 AM 12/17   Public
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000NOUS41 KGYX 171829PNSGYXMEZ007>009-012>014-018>028-033-NHZ001>015-180629-Public Information StatementNational Weather Service Gray ME129 PM EST Sat Dec 17 2022...SNOWFALL REPORTS...Location                     Amount    Time/Date       Provider...Maine......Androscoggin County...2 N Turner                   16.0 in   0100 PM 12/17   Trained SpotterSabattus                     12.0 in   1100 AM 12/17   PublicLivermore Falls              12.0 in   1000 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter2 E Lewiston                 8.5 in    1200 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter4 N Livermore                8.2 in    0800 AM 12/17   NWS Employee2 NNW Auburn                 5.0 in    1200 PM 12/17   Public...Cumberland County...3 ESE Casco                  14.5 in   1130 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter5 S Bridgton                 10.5 in   0725 AM 12/17Brunswick                    7.5 in    1130 AM 12/17   PublicNWS Gray                     6.3 in    0100 PM 12/17   Official NWS Obs2 NNW New Gloucester         5.0 in    1000 AM 12/17   PublicCumberland                   4.4 in    1030 AM 12/17   PublicPortland Jetport             4.2 in    0100 PM 12/17   ASOSGorham                       4.1 in    1230 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter2 SSW Harpswell              4.0 in    0800 AM 12/17   Public2 NW Falmouth                3.7 in    0100 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter3 WSW South Windham          3.1 in    1000 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter1 NNW Cape Elizabeth         0.5 in    0830 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter...Franklin County...6 WNW Madrid                 24.3 in   1130 AM 12/17   Trained SpotterStratton                     21.0 in   0100 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter2 NNW Farmington             20.0 in   1130 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter2 WSW Kingfield              17.8 in   0745 AM 12/17   Public6 SSE Rangeley               15.5 in   0830 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter...Kennebec County...1 ESE Augusta                9.3 in    0111 PM 12/17Hallowell                    8.2 in    1030 AM 12/17   Public1 NW Farmingdale             8.2 in    1211 PM 12/173 SE Belgrade                8.0 in    1100 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter2 WSW Gardiner               7.3 in    1230 PM 12/17   Public4 NNW Litchfield             7.0 in    1000 AM 12/17   Public2 WNW Whitefield             2.5 in    1000 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter...Knox County...Hope                         2.0 in    1030 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter...Oxford County...1 SSW Locke Mills            25.0 in   1230 PM 12/17   Public4 WSW Turner                 20.0 in   1230 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter3 N Porter                   18.0 in   1100 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter3 SSW Oxford                 15.0 in   0900 AM 12/17   PublicBryant Pond                  14.7 in   0800 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter4 NNW Sweden                 14.0 in   0855 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter1 WNW Otisfield              13.5 in   0913 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter4 WNW Newry                  13.5 in   0611 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter1 ESE Norway                 12.0 in   1100 AM 12/17   Amateur Radio1 SE Sumner                  11.0 in   0430 AM 12/17   Public...Sagadahoc County...1 WSW Phippsburg             5.0 in    0734 AM 12/171 NE Topsham                 4.5 in    1200 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter...Somerset County...Skowhegan                    9.2 in    1100 AM 12/17   Public...Waldo County...2 WSW Belfast                1.5 in    0800 AM 12/17   Public...York County...5 NNW Acton                  18.0 in   0937 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter6 W Lebanon                  13.5 in   1100 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter2 NNW Shapleigh              11.0 in   0730 AM 12/17   Public2 SW Biddeford               7.0 in    0418 AM 12/17   Public3 NNE Berwick                6.5 in    0825 AM 12/17   Public2 SSE Sanford                6.0 in    1030 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter2 SSW East Baldwin           5.7 in    0653 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter2 SE North Berwick           5.6 in    1110 PM 12/161 SW Old Orchard Beach       4.1 in    0640 AM 12/17   NWS Employee5 SE Limerick                4.0 in    1200 PM 12/17   Trained Spotter1 N Kennebunk                3.5 in    0430 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter2 SE Saco                    2.5 in    0400 AM 12/17   Public3 NE Limington               2.0 in    1030 AM 12/17...New Hampshire......Belknap County...3 SSW New Durham             14.5 in   0856 AM 12/17   Public5 WNW Barnstead              13.5 in   0730 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter2 SE Gilford                 12.0 in   1000 AM 12/17   Public1 SW Sanbornton              11.0 in   0959 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter2 SE Laconia                 8.0 in    0140 AM 12/17   Public3 NNW Meredith               6.0 in    1000 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter...Carroll County...2 SE Albany                  25.0 in   0858 AM 12/171 SE Jackson                 21.0 in   1100 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter2 NNE Freedom                19.2 in   0515 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter1 NNW Brookfield             17.5 in   1200 PM 12/17   Public1 NNE Ossipee                17.0 in   0900 AM 12/17   Public2 NE Bridgewater             15.0 in   0904 AM 12/17   Public...Cheshire County...2 WNW Peterborough           21.0 in   0700 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter3 W Marlow                   16.0 in   0830 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter1 ENE Spofford               9.0 in    0832 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter2 SSE Rindge                 6.9 in    1100 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter...Coos County...1 E Pinkham Notch            31.0 in   0100 PM 12/17   Public...Grafton County...Waterville Valley            22.1 in   0730 AM 12/17   Public5 N Bristol                  18.5 in   0823 AM 12/17   Trained SpotterBenton                       12.0 in   1130 AM 12/17   PublicHanover                      10.5 in   0822 AM 12/17   Public4 ENE Thornton               7.5 in    1110 AM 12/171 SSE Campton                7.3 in    0830 AM 12/17   Trained SpotterPlymouth                     6.0 in    1030 AM 12/17   Public...Hillsborough County...Windsor                      17.0 in   0904 AM 12/17   PublicHillsborough                 17.0 in   0857 AM 12/17   Public2 SSW Greenfield             15.0 in   0901 AM 12/17   Public1 NW Francestown             12.5 in   0730 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter2 NNE Antrim                 9.8 in    0900 AM 12/17   Public2 S New Boston               7.5 in    0700 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter2 NW Merrimack               6.5 in    0800 AM 12/17   Trained SpotterBedford                      5.0 in    0833 AM 12/17   Trained SpotterManchester Airport           4.1 in    0700 AM 12/17   ASOS4 W Windham                  2.0 in    1000 AM 12/17   Amateur Radio...Merrimack County...1 NW New London              18.2 in   0730 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter2 NNE Bradford               12.6 in   0731 AM 12/171 SSE Henniker               9.8 in    0730 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter3 E Canterbury               4.0 in    0930 AM 12/17   PublicConcord Municipal Airp 3.2 in    1159 PM 12/16   ASOS...Rockingham County...1 N Deerfield                9.0 in    0905 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter4 ESE Epsom                  8.2 in    1000 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter1 N Hampstead                6.0 in    0730 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter2 ENE Stratham               2.1 in    0700 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter3 NE Kingston                1.5 in    0630 AM 12/17   PublicPortsmouth Airport           1.4 in    0100 PM 12/17   AWOS1 S Greenland                1.0 in    1038 AM 12/17   CO-OP Observer1 S Exeter                   1.0 in    0800 AM 12/17...Strafford County...3 NNE Northwood              10.0 in   1030 AM 12/17   Trained SpotterSomersworth                  6.0 in    0839 AM 12/17   PublicRochester                    5.0 in    0630 AM 12/17   Public3 SE Dover                   5.0 in    0530 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter1 N Durham                   4.0 in    1200 PM 12/17   Amateur Radio...Sullivan County...2 WSW Unity                  22.0 in   1130 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter2 NE Claremont               21.4 in   0922 AM 12/17   Trained SpotterNewport                      20.0 in   0841 AM 12/17   Public2 ENE Goshen                 18.8 in   0800 AM 12/17   PublicWashington                   18.5 in   0858 AM 12/17   Public2 N Lempster                 18.5 in   1030 AM 12/17   Trained Spotter2 N Acworth                  18.5 in   0830 AM 12/17   Trained SpotterSunapee                      18.0 in   1030 AM 12/17   Public&&

Pinkham cleaned house

Sent from my SM-G981U1 using Tapatalk

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1 hour ago, jculligan said:

I could be mistaken, but I believe 31" at Pinkham is their largest single event since the 54" event in December 2003. That, by the way, was followed by a massive Grinch Storm.

Highest I found since 12/2003 was 30", in the 5-day slopfest in late Feb 2010 -  with 6.49" LE!   (I had 10.7" from 2.68" LE, with no IP nor ZR but 1.14" of 33-35° RA - while NYC was getting their 20.9" 'Snowicane' :fulltilt:)

Final tally (assuming no more):  21.5" from 2.37" LE, 3rd biggest snowstorm since moving here in May 1998.  #1 is 24.5" on 2/22-23/2009 and 2nd is 24.0" (with blizzard criteria) on 12/6-7/2003.

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1 hour ago, alex said:

This storm was bizarre. I thought we got downsloped but North Conway has quite a bit less than we do. They usually do very well in this type of setup. The notch is stunning though 


Pretty sure you got downslope

I drove thru from Wildcat where I left around noon . N Conway was short on elevation by 4-500’ . Killed them in this like other areas around them of similar elevation . Jackson above 1k did much much better And up higher they had 21” reported by GYX . Black mountain lost power . Huge changes driving around in elevation in Jackson between 800 and 1500’

Cranmore in N Conway  had 16” this am before it stopped snowing at 1600’

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2 hours ago, tamarack said:

Highest I found since 12/2003 was 30", in the 5-day slopfest in late Feb 2010 -  with 6.49" LE!   (I had 10.7" from 2.68" LE, with no IP nor ZR but 1.14" of 33-35° RA - while NYC was getting their 20.9" 'Snowicane' :fulltilt:)

Final tally (assuming no more):  21.5" from 2.37" LE, 3rd biggest snowstorm since moving here in May 1998.  #1 is 24.5" on 2/22-23/2009 and 2nd is 24.0" (with blizzard criteria) on 12/6-7/2003.

What was your highest when you lived  in Kinnelon nj ?

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2 hours ago, alex said:

This storm was bizarre. I thought we got downsloped but North Conway has quite a bit less than we do. They usually do very well in this type of setup. The notch is stunning though 

I have a feeling boundary layer temps were an issue in the immediate valley, which is why the amounts were so much lower than you might have expected. They definitely got the QPF but a lot of it was probably at temps of 33-34F. 1000' higher at my old cabin in Jackson this must have been 20"+

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Wildcat definitely got a big dumping of snow, but down the road in Gorham they got a solid result with what appears to be close to 18 inches and up my way in Berlin it was above 12 inches and full of water. I need to get some actual equipment at my place as the liquid equivalent was certainly plentiful! What I found interesting is that on Friday afternoon in Randolph on the trails there was almost 6 inches by sunset but on the nearby roads and homes it was just an inch, so temperature was indeed a big factor. As of this evening, this light snow is accompanied with 30 degrees temperatures and about an inch of accumulation. So far I'm enjoying the NNE country!

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2 hours ago, STILL N OF PIKE said:

Crotched mountain reporting 30” in last 48 hours ...seems peculiar unless maybe they are reporting from 2k 

as areas around them at 1k got 12-14”

I lived in the condos across the street from the ski area quite a while ago. The difference between the condos and the center of town was frequently substantial in terms of the amount of snow. If they’re measuring in the right spot, I could see it being close. Greenfield got 17. Peterborough got 21. So maybe 25?

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2 minutes ago, monadnocks said:

I lived in the condos across the street from the ski area quite a while ago. The difference between the condos and the center of town was frequently substantial in terms of the amount of snow. If they’re measuring in the right spot, I could see it being close. Greenfield got 17. Peterborough got 21. So maybe 25?

Last pns I saw was greenfield 15” but I saw Peterborough to Sw with 21” . I could buy 25 at 2k

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At around 12:30 we had 11". I saw a couple miles north of us reported 15" and the Gray office reported 6.3". Its been rain, snow, freezing rain since and the pack is all of 5-6" now.

Took a drive to grab some junk food and the roads are freezing up fast. I was being careful and still slid past our driveway. Hope people realize and stay off the roads tonight.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

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