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Holiday Forecasts 2023

Brian D

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On 11/20/2022 at 9:41 PM, Brian D said:

New year around the corner again. Is it me, or is time really flying. Anyway, The New Years day forecast is in the 2022 thread coupled with New Years eve, so I'll start here with MLK Day. Storm watch is what it's looking like. Might be a little something for the SE areas, too


MLK Day Jan 16 2023 wx map.gif

Looks like a pretty good call for this forecast. Mainly rain, tho, with some snow along the N & W edges. The SE potential I'd indicated looks to be the trough extending back from the system off the east coast, so not really a good call there timing wise. 

Jan 16 wx map.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/20/2022 at 9:44 PM, Brian D said:

Next is Groundhogs Day. Looking like a system moving through with potential energy on the southern end of it. Something to watch, and see if any significant development happens there. 

Ground Hog Day Feb 2, 2023 wx map.gif

An ok forecast. Good in the north with the front, but energy in the south staying there. Wasn't sure if it would make it more north or not, and it won't. High pressure keeping it at bay. GHD icing for areas south of us.

GHD foecast.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/10/2022 at 10:04 PM, Brian D said:

For Valentine's Day, looking cold with some weak activity in the north. Watch for some potential energy affecting the southern areas. 

Valentine's Day wx map.gif

Messed up with the cold part, and a better configuration for the 13th. President's day looks a little closer, so will see how that one pans.

Feb 13 wx map.gif

Feb 14 wx map.gif

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On 12/10/2022 at 10:05 PM, Brian D said:

President's Day looking cold as well. Again, watch the southern areas.

President's Day wx map.gif

So-so on this one. Clipper moves in real fast over the northern sub, but I indicated a weak trough passing by. Front moving out through the southern sub with no real energy with it, so nothing much with that. The colder air confined to the north.

Pres day map.gif

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On 1/29/2023 at 10:13 PM, Brian D said:

Next up on the calendar is Employee Appreciation Day on March 3rd. If you have a boss, drop a hint. :) 

Looks like high pressure moving through.

Employee Appreciation day Mar 3rd 2023.gif

Feb 15 384hr GFS. As I mentioned earlier concerning March, looks to be an interesting month. Winter isn't going to give up too easy.

GFS Feb 15 run.png

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/29/2023 at 10:13 PM, Brian D said:

Next up on the calendar is Employee Appreciation Day on March 3rd. If you have a boss, drop a hint. :) 

Looks like high pressure moving through.

Employee Appreciation day Mar 3rd 2023.gif

My forecast good for the 2nd. Day off again. Big mess for the 3rd for the southern sub with energy making it's way along the boundary. Of course when I don't mention the potential for it, it comes in a big way. LOL March roaring in with snows in the north, and rain/ice/snow in the south in the first few days of the month.

Mar 2rd wx map.gif

Mar 3rd wx map.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/29/2023 at 10:19 PM, Brian D said:

St Patrick's Day looking very similar to March 3rd forecast with high pressure moving in with potential energy riding along the southern areas along the boundary. March will be an interesting month this year. 

St Patricks day March 17 2023.gif

So-so cast on this one. Trough moving through here in the north as system leaves the area. Dual fronts sweeping the region bringing chilly weather.

St Pat day wx map.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

My forecast for Father's Day, and Juneteenth (18th & 19th). Exiting front with high pressure moving in keeping things pleasant, although a little cool across the lakes. More shower/storm potential moving in from the west. There may still be a stationary boundary affecting the southern sub, tho.

Father's Day wx map.gif

Juneteenth June 19 wx map.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/26/2023 at 11:25 PM, Brian D said:

Earth Day looking cool with a front passing through bringing some wet weather.

Earth Day wx map Apr 22.gif

Close call here. Still a lingering low over Lake Superior with attending troughs swinging around. Cooler with a little mixed precip possible.

April 22 wx map.gif

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On 3/8/2023 at 10:44 AM, Brian D said:

May starts off with wet, stormy weather (a little snow in the N parts?). Actually the last day April into May 1st-2nd

May Day wx map May 1st.gif

Weather for this day will be starting on the 28th of April, and exiting on the 1st of May. So I'm off on the timing of this event. And there will be some snow in the northern areas.

Apr 28 wx map.png

Apr 29 wx map.png

Apr 30 wx map.png

May 1 wx map.png

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/22/2023 at 11:03 AM, Brian D said:

For Mother's Day this year it's looking like we have potential stormy conditions to watch for, for a couple days.

Mothers Day May 14 wx map.gif

Decent forecast. Looks like high pressure will clear things out on Monday. System started affecting the W sub on the 11th so a little more than a couple days.

Mothers day wx map.gif

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