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12 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

That fist sentence? hilarious ... it's like, 'ooh, not gonna end well'  

You know, I just did a road trip to Michigan and back last week.  Once you get west of about Pa, it's not all that uncommon to see these black leather clad Harley riders with nothing more than a beanie helmet.  Sometimes?  none at all.  

I'm like,   really -

They're cruising along ...you can just feel their aura of defiance as they're riding with one hand, the other on hip, at 78 mph.  Full face and nape exposed.  

They have to have been popped before.  I mean I don't see how they haven't.   I ride a road bicycle and got whacked and stung on the lip once doing 17 or 19 down a bike trail and my handle bars were wobbling from the repulsive shock.  What the f happens when a sting enraged bullet tries to tunnel through your neck on a Harley. 

I was channeling my inner Chuck Yeager in order to not die.  

I rode something like 90k miles before I hung up the Harley.  It wasn't always fun.

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40 minutes ago, radarman said:

seems like you practically have to beg bumblebees to sting you, sort of like that the guy in the video above with the Asian hornet.  Could there be a less aggressive animal on the planet? 

I got my first sting ever a few days ago and it was from a bumblebee. I was walking through the pawpaw patch and it got on my adidas sandal and my toe must've came down on it and it curled up and stung one of my toes. It swelled up a bit and turned purple, but otherwise just some pain and nbd. I was always worried about how I'd react with my first sting.

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13 minutes ago, dendrite said:

I got my first sting ever a few days ago and it was from a bumblebee. I was walking through the pawpaw patch and it got on my adidas sandal and my toe must've came down on it and it curled up and stung one of my toes. It swelled up a bit and turned purple, but otherwise just some pain and nbd. I was always worried about how I'd react with my first sting.

that was a pretty nice run you had

I don't know if there's any real truth to it, but my anecdotal experience with a few people is that the allergic reactions seem to get worse with subsequent stings over time.

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9 minutes ago, radarman said:

that was a pretty nice run you had

I don't know if there's any real truth to it, but my anecdotal experience with a few people is that the allergic reactions seem to get worse with subsequent stings over time.

I was allergic as a child, but it went away. Still the only allergy I have ever had to date, that I know of.

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When I was around 10 years of age, me and neighborhood kid were walking along the top of an old log in the woods.  

yup -

It seems the combined weight crashed through the top and almost immediately the air was dimmed a foggy brown inside of an orb that contained us, along with that classic sound. 

Screams and rapid heart rate panic quickly took over.  I remember crashing in the back door, and even by the time we had run the distance, there were still a few straggler bees in pursuit.  

These were not yellow jackets.  They were honey bees.  I got poked 14 times.  The neighbor kid only 7, but I remember he pulled a couple of dead beez out of his underwear.   man...  honey bees may die and all when they sting you, but don't have any illusions - those mother f'ers carry a wallop.  I didn't suffer more than local swelling, and the moment of terror.   There wasn't any kind of additional allergy symptoms. 

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2 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

When I was around 10 years of age, me and neighborhood kid were walking along the top of an old log in the woods.  

yup -

It seems the combined weight crashed through the top and almost immediately the air was dimmed a foggy brown inside of an orb that contained us along with that classic sound. 

Screams and rapid heart rate panic quickly took over.  I remember crashing in the back door, and even by the time we had run the distance, there were still a few straggler bees in pursuit.  

These were not yellow jackets.  They were honey bees.  I got poked 14 times.  The neighbor kid only 7, but I remember he pulled a couple of dead beez out of his underwear.   man...  honey bees may die and all when they sting you, but don't have an illusions - those mother f'ers carry a wallop.  I didn't suffer more than local swelling, and the moment of terror.   There wasn't any kind of additional allergy symptoms. 

Lucky you weren't allergic that could have been bad. I got stung by one yellow jacket as a kid, and I had to go to the ER because my hand blew up. If I had gotten stung 14 times, I would have been in serious peril.

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2 hours ago, CoastalWx said:

We have a hydrangea tree that attracts every bee/hornet/wasp species alive. I walk by it all the time and even brush by it since it's spreading onto our walkway. Never had an issue. Just minding my own business.

I have one also, it’s a Kyushu paniculata. I have a video with at least 100 bees plus a wide array of other insects having an orgy on it. My other paniculata varieties don’t attract nearly as much attention. 

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5 hours ago, 40/70 Benchmark said:

Lucky you weren't allergic that could have been bad. I got stung by one yellow jacket as a kid, and I had to go to the ER because my hand blew up. If I had gotten stung 14 times, I would have been in serious peril.

hoho man - that'd be a helluva way to find out.   jesus -

I think I got stung ( count-ably) twice prior, and I remember both. Once a 6 year old at a beach day at a lake in Michigan.  Stepped on one of those mud dobber wasps. They're black-brown, and have a skinny sub-thorax stem that leads to a bulbous venom and cartridge ass area  - heh, ...I'm just calling it that.  They use that stinger that's like 1/3rd their body length for immobilizing prey but it becomes a remarkably effective defensive weapon when a non-suspecting 6 year old boy places his bear-foot squarely down upon one of them and mushes it into the hot sand. 

The other time was a freak.  I was in school, in a class room ..minding my own business.  Same exact kind of wasp had crawled up my pants leg and apparently took exception to the idea that it was trapped and attempted to use it's stinger to drill an exit portal through the soft, supple tissue of the back of a child's knee. 

I honestly think, out of all three of those experiences, the beach, the honey bees, and this one here, this one hurt the worst in terms of jolting initial pain.  I don't think it was a mud dobber, but had a similar body type.  It was kind of comical...because I jumped on a kid like a drowning person does the rescuer as some weird panic reaction at the instant the searing drill entered the leg, and this non-suspecting kid actually stood up, as he was a couple years older, and carried me for moment on shoulders while yelling what the hell are you doing..  

Oh man.. I was destined to be dork I guess.  As I stood there sobbing with the teacher trying to calm me down enough to ask me what was happening, it crawled out along the top of me shoe. 

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6 hours ago, CoastalWx said:

Oh the beers they'll drink and the guys they'll meet.


5 hours ago, MaineJayhawk said:

Or girls.  College is a time for experimentation

My boys laying it down.

Really didn't have that leaving for college experience as a student. It was the 70s  I spent more overnights at friends and girlfriends house than home, so going to college was not emotional for me. Parents of course and as a parent and grandparent they leave 1 by 1 and it's that emotional happy sad face every time.

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37 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

hoho man - that'd be a helluva way to find out.   jesus -

I think I got stung ( count-ably) twice prior, and I remember both. Once a 6 year old at a beach day at a lake in Michigan.  Stepped on one of those mud dobber wasps. They're black-brown, and have a skinny sub-thorax stem that leads to a bulbous venom and cartridge ass area  - heh, ...I'm just calling it that.  They use that stinger that's like 1/3rd their body length for immobilizing prey but it becomes a remarkably effective defensive weapon when a non-suspecting 6 year old boy places his bear-foot squarely down upon one of them and mushes it into the hot sand. 

The other time was a freak.  I was in school, in a class room ..minding my own business.  Same exact kind of wasp had crawled up my pants leg and apparently took exception to the idea that it was trapped and attempted to use it's stinger to drill an exit portal through the soft, supple tissue of the back of child's knee. 

I honestly think, out of all three of those experiences, the beach, the honey bees, and this one here, this one hurt the worst in terms of jolting initial pain.  I don't think it was a mud dobber, but had a similar body type.  It was kind of comical...because I jumped on a kid like a drowning person does the rescuer as some weird panic reaction at the instant the searing drill entered the leg, and this non-suspecting kid actually stood up, as he was a couple years older, and carried me for moment on shoulders while yelling what the hell are you doing..  

Oh man.. I was destined to be dork I guess.  As I stood there sobbing with the teacher trying to calm me down enough to ask me what was happening, it crawled out along the top of me shoe. 

Lol. My favorite experience was in 1st grade when a girl went to the bathroom and got bit in the cooch and came flying back into the class jumping around and around with just undies and a tee shirt on. Hilarious. She still laughs about it.

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1 hour ago, wxeyeNH said:

Looks like a heavy thunderstorm just to my west.  I missed all the heavy rain many places got earlier in the week so maybe I can get a quick soak.  Lots of thunder as the skies slowly darken.

webcams  www.bridgewaternhweather.com

hoping we get nailed as it's been dry all week. Tenney Hill force field in full effect

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3 hours ago, dendrite said:

I got my first sting ever a few days ago and it was from a bumblebee. I was walking through the pawpaw patch and it got on my adidas sandal and my toe must've came down on it and it curled up and stung one of my toes. It swelled up a bit and turned purple, but otherwise just some pain and nbd. I was always worried about how I'd react with my first sting.

This just doesn't compute for me, as I've been getting stung almost annually since age 4 when I wandered into honeybees that had colonized an inside corner of the house next to my grandparent's place in NNJ.  My mom said my hand swelled to the size of hers (which admittedly were not huge) and slept for 30 straight hours.  A year later after we'd moved from urban East Orange to the forests of the Jersey Highlands, I came screaming out of the woods one day and when all was done, mom had 7 yellowjackets lined up on the windowsill - she never told me how many stung my neck/upper body.  I've not been stung since October 2019 when a passing yellowjacket picked me out of a group of 10-11 on the shore of Flagstaff Lake, perhaps the longest no-pick period since that early honeybee excursion.  If I got stung tomorrow, I'd have significant swelling around the site within a half hour (got stung left hand a couple decades back, immediately transferred wedding ring to my wallet), but if I then got stung next summer, only a dime-size welt.  (And some discomfort, of course.)  Not sure if that's short-term immunity or a warning sign, but the swelling one year, none the next, has been SOP for the past 40+ years.  (In NNJ, I think I got stung at least once in every year.)

Had a short shower here about 9:15 this morning, but no sun 70s probably means not much RA this afternoon.

Edit: Not 70s, high here has been 66°.  Even so, we're hearing some rumbles, and showers arrived by 3:05.

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I got attacked by white-faced hornets my senior year of high school. Was outside at lunch playing frisbee and I reached into the bushes to grab it. All of a sudden I felt  tremendous pain in my arm like a stick punctured my skin. So I yelled and said I think a stick went through my arm…then I felt another pain…and another. It hurt so bad that I took off my shirt and was running around screaming. Meanwhile everyone outside is laughing and people inside the cafe (b/c the cafe had windows). Finally everything stopped and I think people realized something was wrong…of course my brother was joking. Their were big welts in me and I started to feel sick so they sent me to the nurse. It was a few days later they told me it was white-faced hornets and they said I was very lucky not to have been attacked worse than I was. 

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38 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

I got attacked by white-faced hornets my senior year of high school. Was outside at lunch playing frisbee and I reached into the bushes to grab it. All of a sudden I felt  tremendous pain in my arm like a stick punctured my skin. So I yelled and said I think a stick went through my arm…then I felt another pain…and another. It hurt so bad that I took off my shirt and was running around screaming. Meanwhile everyone outside is laughing and people inside the cafe (b/c the cafe had windows). Finally everything stopped and I think people realized something was wrong…of course my brother was joking. Their were big welts in me and I started to feel sick so they sent me to the nurse. It was a few days later they told me it was white-faced hornets and they said I was very lucky not to have been attacked worse than I was. 


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33 minutes ago, weatherwiz said:

I got attacked by white-faced hornets my senior year of high school. Was outside at lunch playing frisbee and I reached into the bushes to grab it. All of a sudden I felt  tremendous pain in my arm like a stick punctured my skin. So I yelled and said I think a stick went through my arm…then I felt another pain…and another. It hurt so bad that I took off my shirt and was running around screaming. Meanwhile everyone outside is laughing and people inside the cafe (b/c the cafe had windows). Finally everything stopped and I think people realized something was wrong…of course my brother was joking. Their were big welts in me and I started to feel sick so they sent me to the nurse. It was a few days later they told me it was white-faced hornets and they said I was very lucky not to have been attacked worse than I was. 

Bald-faced hornets suck. Cutting one of my fields with a tractor and sickle bar. one tree in the whole Field. Figured I could get under the tree if I leaned back in the seat. As I'm going under the tree I hit a basketball sized nest with my head. Managed to throw the tractor in neutral and jump off . With my eyes swelling shut and the tractor and sickle bar still running I said eff it let it run out of gas.


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18 minutes ago, IowaStorm05 said:

What a juicy day. The sky was just packed with tall cumulus by noon. There was no doubt about it!

This storm was the fullest of full storm experiences as far as traditional thunderstorms go. Lasted 40 minutes. 

‘twas a rockin’ storm.

It's been a great summer for clouds.


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On 8/26/2022 at 5:08 AM, Damage In Tolland said:

Doing that today for first time with my older daughter . Don’t like it 

Congrats--where'd she go?  I Hope it went well.


My daughter had gone away for high school so this drop-off wasn't too since we were all familiar with that.  Though having her 5 hours away now compared to an hour during high school is a bit of a challenge.

The fact that she hasn't texted my wife--and then with 1-word updates--is a sure sign of her settling in okay.  :)

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36 minutes ago, moneypitmike said:

Congrats--where'd she go?  I Hope it went well.


My daughter had gone away for high school so this drop-off wasn't too since we were all familiar with that.  Though having her 5 hours away now compared to an hour during high school is a bit of a challenge.

The fact that she hasn't texted my wife--and then with 1-word updates--is a sure sign of her settling in okay.  :)

St. Joseph’s 

Where did yours go? 

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