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2022 NNE Warm Season Thread


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7 hours ago, wxeyeNH said:

We are finally got a garden loving .55" shower last evening. Our lawn mowing crew was not impressed and scattered.  Fairly strong and impressive but no lightning with the line.   We have had no appreciable rain in a couple of weeks leading up to this.  Time lapse below.

I had to drive down to Concord today.  Gypsy Caterpillars are wiping some places almost bare along Rt 93.  I hate these things.  So far we have not had them in our area.


I still have bad memories of the early 1980s.  We were taking the kids to an allergy specialist in Lawrence, Mass, about 400 miles from our home in Fort Kent, and we'd combine the trip with a visit to my parents in Woodsville, NH the day before.  Next morning we'd drive thru Kinsman Gap to reach I-93 in Lincoln, and from about CON south it as an increasing disaster.  Below MHT it was "winter", even the pines and hemlocks were stripped.  Most pines were able to set buds the following year but for hemlock it was one and done.

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On 6/24/2022 at 5:39 PM, tamarack said:

I still have bad memories of the early 1980s.  We were taking the kids to an allergy specialist in Lawrence, Mass, about 400 miles from our home in Fort Kent, and we'd combine the trip with a visit to my parents in Woodsville, NH the day before.  Next morning we'd drive thru Kinsman Gap to reach I-93 in Lincoln, and from about CON south it as an increasing disaster.  Below MHT it was "winter", even the pines and hemlocks were stripped.  Most pines were able to set buds the following year but for hemlock it was one and done.

The early 80's were bad time for Boston Metro.  I lived there and in places it was winter bare.  Yesterday we took a 150 mile day trip up the Connecticut River to well north of the Whites and back down.  No caterpillars.  We came across a few fields of buttercups in full bloom.  I had never a field so bright yellow. Right along the Connecticut River in Monroe looking west into Vermont  


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9 hours ago, wxeyeNH said:

The early 80's were bad time for Boston Metro.  I lived there and in places it was winter bare.  Yesterday we took a 150 mile day trip up the Connecticut River to well north of the Whites and back down.  No caterpillars.  We came across a few fields of buttercups in full bloom.  I had never a field so bright yellow. Right along the Connecticut River in Monroe looking west into Vermont  


Very underrated area between 302 and the CT River. 

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On 6/22/2022 at 8:13 AM, alex said:

Just happened to us today. Visitors heading up on the cog asking us if they can borrow jackets because they had no idea it could be this cold in June. But it's a challenge to get the word out; people rarely read all the info we send them


On 6/23/2022 at 12:46 AM, dmcginvt said:

I get standards, but man the GOVT needs to learn to be more agile when you cannot "technically" maybe even illegaly? issue alerts for something.  I knew the threat this past weekend as a minor enthusiast.  My girlfriend was hiking and I said you know there's gonna be a ton of rain on the spine, its going to get into the 30's above 3000' and you need to be concerned about snow.  And she immediately said that's hypothermic weather and repacked.  She has her Wilderness First responder from Solo.  I trust her and always give her important weahter info.  When she came home she said it was not enough, she should have had more calories for the shivering she was doing, and a better opportunity for more dry things as she also had our dog as a sponge, who was wearing a pack with a microfiber towel to dry him off but the pack wasnt waterproof and the towel absorbed a ton of water that the dog carried for miles :)    Great learning for any experienced hiker.  This was very anomolous weather even for N VT. 

It's like steering a cruise ship, can't make fast course corrections. We're headed towards a reality more like our severe thunderstorm warnings, that are hand drawn, but the technology isn't there yet for winter storm warnings, high wind watches, etc. In the coming years we'll be able to select an elevation or even a wind chill contour and issue statements for above or below. The biggest issue is that doing headlines that way will never be county based, and almost all the dissemination is county based. But it would be a start.

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Other than the BN precip, this has been one of the nicest Junes in years, and the May-June couplet had CoC wx day after day.

June climo:
Avg max:  70.7   0.8 BN.  Highest: 89 on the 26th, low max: 50 on the 19th, latest in season for 50 or below (and the afternoon temp was 45.)
Avg min:   48.1   1.2  BN.  Lowest: 38 on the 1st and 21st.  Mildest min: 58 on the 27th
Mean:      59.4   1.0 BN, 1st BN month since January

Precip:  3.43"   1.58" BN.  Wettest day: 1.14" on the 13th, with 2 TS, the 2nd one near severe, dime-size hail, 0.85" RA in 10 minutes, gusts well into the 40s.
Thunder:  3 days, average for June


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46 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

Lightning off to the NW. Think it will miss here.

Had a brief thunderstorm earlier, huge drops only amounted to 0.04” and it was hauling east.  A few good lightning strikes.

NVT and NNH should see a few good overnight boomers, just hope the narrow trajectories line up with a given location.

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1 hour ago, powderfreak said:

Had a brief thunderstorm earlier, huge drops only amounted to 0.04” and it was hauling east.  A few good lightning strikes.

NVT and NNH should see a few good overnight boomers, just hope the narrow trajectories line up with a given location.

We went through a hellacious downpour near St. Albans around 5:30. Almost had to pull over. Didn’t last long though. 

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Some moderate RA 5:45-7:15 then light.  Reported 0.38" by 7 AM to cocorahs and the 2 Farmington reports ere 0.38 and 0.39.  Temple, one town farther west, had only 0.11", but they reported at 6 AM so I'd guess their storm total will fit with others in the area.  Looks like less than a tenth fell here after I dumped the gauge - would've liked twice the 0.4-0.45 total but it came at rates that allowed it all to soak in.

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Top 10 day today. Took a tour around the NEK and ended up at Hill Farmstead for a couple pints. Nice to see them back fully open with lots of people enjoying the lawn. Gonna be a great night for a fire and some more brews lol. 

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1 hour ago, PhineasC said:

Has definitely been more of what I expected for NNE summer so far than the last two. Hopefully a sign that a more normal winter is coming. 

Yeah this is more of a summer I remember when I first moved here a decade ago.  One of those years we had like half the minimums in July were 40s.

Of course it’s this summer after spending a ton of money on A/C because of the past 2-3 summers that were roasters.

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33 years of owning the house up here.  This is much more like the normal NNE summers.  The only difference is we usually have more brief intrusions of true heat and humidity followed by cold fronts to bring the weather back in line.  We have had  less of that this season so far.

I will never miss the Baltimore summers of 95/72 but I do miss the crispy towering Cu's that build up into CuB's.  The atmosphere is not as thick vertically as you get poleward  so it is harder to get 35,000-40,000 towering tstorms which occur so often down there.

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I see one remaining snow patch in Tucks.  I remember as a kid, so it had to be around 1970 that a patch of snow made it all the way through summer and lasted until snow season started up again.  Either Don Kent mentioned it or I read it in the Boston Globe.  Thinking more about this I believe they had a record setting yearly snowfall the winter before?


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1 hour ago, wxeyeNH said:

I see one remaining snow patch in Tucks.  I remember as a kid, so it had to be around 1970 that a patch of snow made it all the way through summer and lasted until snow season started up again.  Either Don Kent mentioned it or I read it in the Boston Globe.  Thinking more about this I believe they had a record setting yearly snowfall the winter before?


Would've been 1969, when MWN had over 500", including 98" in the late Feb storm, the one that built pack at Pinkham to 164".  Folks around there were wondering if the Mount Washington glacier was being born.

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23 minutes ago, tamarack said:

Would've been 1969, when MWN had over 500", including 98" in the late Feb storm, the one that built pack at Pinkham to 164".  Folks around there were wondering if the Mount Washington glacier was being born.

That’s absolutely bonkers.  What’s the elevation there, a bit above 2k?

Phin probably would’ve had 8 feet on the ground at 1500ft.

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18 hours ago, powderfreak said:

That’s absolutely bonkers.  What’s the elevation there, a bit above 2k?

Phin probably would’ve had 8 feet on the ground at 1500ft.

Elevation was listed at 2,001, changing to 2,009 on 4/1/2007.  Feb 24-28 noted below for Pinkham and MWN.  The Rockpile has midnight obs while Pinkham was then at 7 AM, thus the slightly different-looking chronology.
             Pinkham                                        MWN
2/24    36   22                        92          15    6   0.64     6.7   21
2/25    27   18   2.11    21.0    113          16    7   8.40   49.3  26
2/26    22   18   2.50  24.5    137           9    3   4.12    27.8   26
2/27    26   15    1.61   27.0    164         17    1    1.61    14.0   25
2/28    22    9    0.25    4.5    158         18   10     T        T     25

                          6.47   77.0                              14.87   97.8

Season totals:  Pinkham - 323.0;   MWN - 560.8*   (Now 564.8")

*3/3/69 at MWN:  15   7   3.51   msg.    Depth rose 2" to 26.   My estimated 20" (now 24") for that day is within the above total.  Pinkham recorded 1.57"/31.0" from that event.

Edit:  Based on the linked article, I've revised my 20" MWN estimate for March 3 to 24", to make the total the same as that from the article.

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