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Spring/Summer Observations 2022

Carvers Gap

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15 minutes ago, nrgjeff said:

The case for tough love and watering cut-off in July is made. Lawn is deep green again. I watered in June for the early season, but only every 3rd day. Make it root deep. Even if we flash drought (unlikely now) it should be fine..

Sod is the exception. Must be babied all season long. I have to guess sod in this area is in good shape now. I have standing water in low spots. What a regime change!

Yeah, man.  I just quite watering the grass altogether.  I couldn't keep up.  My yard has gone from zero to hero.  

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5 hours ago, nrgjeff said:

The case for tough love and watering cut-off in July is made. Lawn is deep green again. I watered in June for the early season, but only every 3rd day. Make it root deep. Even if we flash drought (unlikely now) it should be fine..

Sod is the exception. Must be babied all season long. I have to guess sod in this area is in good shape now. I have standing water in low spots. What a regime change!

Yeah I was thinking yesterday when the precipitation was training into your area you would be pleasantly happy about a good soaking.

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It got to a point up my way I gave up on the mower and pulled out the old weed-eater. Of course mid-way through knocking things back down to something resembling a yard a thunderstorm put an end to that and likely will today. I must say though I have been appreciating the moderated temperatures.

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More rain here.  Some great cloud formations here tonight.  Volatile and rolling cloud formations.  Sky just went dark when those storms came through.

The last few storms that have hit know has had some very low cloud decks with scuds mixed in. Took this several days ago…


Also seen this tree down on some power lines yesterday in Powell


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Huntsville radar out for the month. Major upgrade in progress. Why August? The South can have flooding rains including tropical cyclone remnants. Severe wx is also possible if TC remnants go hybrid. 

I figure a fixed number of maintenance teams are available. They rotate from site to site. Somebody is going to get the outage at a bad time. Might be time to look at the budget. Common sense suggestions from Appalachia. 

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Second hand Ob from Downtown Chattanooga Wednesday: Six teachers lost cars (totaled) to flooding at Battle Academy. Parking overflows (valid pun) onto street parking. Those cars suffered the worst water damage.

Meanwhile about 10 miles away I have standing water in my back yard, which is usually a cool season thing. I figure August sun is still high enough to evaporate it quickly. Compared to dry 3-4 weeks ago, oh how things change!

Might go back the other way in Sept. I'll save it for the pinned forecast thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately the worse flash flooding I have seen in this area in a long long long time.  Trees down & many houses around us have water in their homes now. 

Update.  Rain has stopped but recorded by neighbors close to 7” of rain.  Cars were stalled in front of our neighborhood.  Pools are overflowing & drains being pulled to help let out water. Crawl spaces flooded in lower part of our neighborhood.  Snakes are being seen everywhere where flood waters have brought them in.

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I hope everyone is doing ok and has had a good summer, well as good as can be expected with all the rain. 

Summer weather sky pics:

First the local stuff:

Clinch River above Hwy 61 bridge:





Fog on Bird Mt (Frozen Head state park in July)



Carolina lily on Frozen Head state park (July)



Watauga River (July)



Grandfather Mt (July)




gratuitous brown trout pic (at no extry charge)



Virgin Falls TN




Lost Creek Falls



Mossy Grove double (faint) rainbow


Now, here are some desert pics from May. Hoping I can bring some anti monsoonal mojo with some dry sunny sky pics.


Chaco Canyon dust storm



Chaco non dust storm



Grand Canyon



Canyonlands NP



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