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3/12 Event: Winters Last Hurrah at Least East of Mountains

Weather Will

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The old zoom meeting link is no longer active.  I don't have time to email everyone a new link.  We had no problems all winter using the same link so I am just going to post it here.  If we end up having issues...then I can always go back to using a secret link through emails.   I will be in the zoom around 10pm.  

Steve Hoffman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: American Wx Zoom 
Time: Mar 11, 2022 10:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 823 0050 0338
Passcode: 391582
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Meeting ID: 823 0050 0338
Passcode: 391582
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it's funny..it has a patch of light green over the metros and it's like persistent. lol.  No NAM'ing tonight..at least for my area..but looks colder

I’d wager the 12k is overestimating the amount of sleet we get based on the downstream obs + every other short range model. But we’ll see in 12 hours
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2 minutes ago, MN Transplant said:

We don’t really care about the heavy stripe to the east because that is rain.  The precip max to the west is in the favored spots, so no shock.  We just need to score with what we get.

Oh, I'm not worried about that SE strip.  I was talking about that mysterious dry slot/light patch

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9 minutes ago, NorthArlington101 said:

I’d wager the 12k is overestimating the amount of sleet we get based on the downstream obs + every other short range model. But we’ll see in 12 hours


9 minutes ago, stormtracker said:

Yeah NAM is drier and shifted heavier axis a little more SE

The issue for the 95 corridor is simply a dryslot on the NAM.  

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