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February 13, 2022 Winter Warmth to Arctic Blast Snow Event Discussion and Obs

Ralph Wiggum

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22 minutes ago, sibbley said:

Didn't think I'd get a shot like this till next year.


Nice view!  Northampton County for sure came out on top for this storm. :weight_lift:

I finally made it below 32 sometime before 3:30 pm.  Still getting some SN- and one more measure and clear yielded another 1/8" to get to 2.01".  Currently 31 with dp 29.

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Any reports from Center City Philly?  Saw the outer parts of Philly got 1-3", but the airport only had 0.4", so wondering if that was just a measurement issue or was there really less in the most urban part of Philly.  TIA.  

...Philadelphia County...
 Chestnut Hill                3.2 in    0345 PM 02/13   Public               
 Manayunk                     2.8 in    0430 PM 02/13   Public               
 Shawmont                     2.0 in    1140 AM 02/13   Public               
 Fox Chase                    1.3 in    0800 AM 02/13   Trained Spotter      
 Philadelphia International   0.4 in    0725 PM 02/13   ASOS         
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13 hours ago, Hurricane Agnes said:

Still at or above freezing here and currently 33 with dp 31 and light snow continuing, but also a lot of melting.  Have been watching the accumulations on my car literally sloughing off.

Not sure if you saw my recent post on Center City - haven't seen any reports from there, but 1-3" reports from Philly outside of CC - could see the UHI effect leading to CC being on the low side.  Any intel?  

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Don't think I posted in this thread earlier, but after thinking the snow was over around 5 pm with 3.25" OTG, it just kept snowing on and off, lightly, through much of the evening and we got another 1/4" of snow, for a total of 3.5" and 3.0-3.6" amounts were recorded very near to me (Parlin, Hopelawn, Carteret, South Plainfield, etc. (and most of these were from around 4-5 pm, before the last 1/4" fell).

Nice storm, reasonably well forecast by the NWS with 1-3" amounts for most of SEPA/SNJ (S of 276/195) and 2-4" amounts for most of PA/NJ N of that line up to 78 (except only 1-2" at the coast) and 3-6" amounts for NWNJ and the Lehigh Valley (which were definitely well under-forecast). NYC/NENJ got 2-3" for the most part and LI got 3-5" (also under-forecast).  3.5" brings our seasonal total up to 18.75". NWS map of reports is below, but not a final map yet, as there are many incomplete reports in there and in the PNS lists.


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8 hours ago, RU848789 said:

Not sure if you saw my recent post on Center City - haven't seen any reports from there, but 1-3" reports from Philly outside of CC - could see the UHI effect leading to CC being on the low side.  Any intel?  

I stayed at or above freezing almost the entire duration of the event where I am (32/33) except for the very end.  At onset here, it was drizzle that eventually changed to white rain and then a rain/snow mix for awhile before finally changing over to mostly light snow.  The liquid component wasn't enough to tip the bucket here with the marginal temps.  So I would expect further south in the city (I am about 20 miles north of KPHL) they may have had a much longer period of rain and "warmer" temps (e.g., 34 or higher) than I had where I am.

In fact, the obs at the airport are here, although that page will be continually updating (Center City is about 5 - 6 miles from KPHL and I tried to format to mainly show the temps/dews and the 6hr min/max) - https://w1.weather.gov/data/obhistory/KPHL.html

e	Time(est) 	Wind(mph)	Vis.(mi.)   Weather      Sky Cond. Temperature (ºF)
13	23:54	N 10	10.00	Partly Cloudy	FEW027 SCT065	29	15 	
13	22:54	N 14	10.00	Overcast	SCT027 OVC060	30	19 		
13	21:54	N 10	10.00	Overcast	OVC045	31	19 			
13	20:54	N 15 G 22	10.00	Overcast	OVC028	31	21 		
13	19:54	N 14	10.00	Overcast	BKN027 OVC031	32	21 		
13	18:54	N 8	8.00	Overcast	SCT015 OVC028	33	24          	35 / 33 (6hr)
13	17:54	N 10	8.00	Overcast	SCT015 OVC028	33	25 		
13	16:54	N 12	4.00	Light Snow Fog/Mist	BKN015 OVC025	33	27 	
13	15:54	NW 16	1.25	Light Snow Fog/Mist	BKN008 OVC012	33	29 	
13	14:54	NE 3	1.50	Light Snow Fog/Mist	BKN008 BKN011 OVC015	34 31 	
13	13:54	NE 5	1.00	Light Snow Fog/Mist	BKN006 BKN015 OVC034	35  32 	
13	12:54	Vrbl 6	2.00	Light Snow Fog/Mist	BKN007 OVC015	35	31 	36/35	(6hr)
13	11:54	NE 3	2.00	Light Snow Fog/Mist	SCT008 BKN012 OVC034	35  32 	
13	10:54	NE 5	1.50	Light Snow Fog/Mist	SCT007 BKN011 OVC029	35  31	
13	09:54	Calm	1.75	Light Snow Fog/Mist	BKN008 OVC014	35	31 	
13	08:54	NE 3	8.00	Light Snow	BKN011 BKN018 OVC070	35	31 	
13	07:54	N 6	3.00	Light Snow Fog/Mist	BKN006 BKN011 OVC070	35  31 	
13	06:54	NE 5	3.00	Light Snow Fog/Mist	BKN014 OVC031	35	31 	40/35 (6hr)	
13	05:54	NE 5	5.00	Light Snow Fog/Mist	FEW012 OVC060	35	31 	
13	04:54	N 8	7.00	Light Snow Snow Pellets	FEW012 OVC055	35  30 	
13	03:54	Calm	7.00	Light Snow	OVC055	36	30 			
13	02:54	Calm	8.00	Light Snow	OVC049	36	31 			
13	01:54	Calm	7.00	Light Snow	SCT028 OVC047	37	29 		
13	00:54	N 16 G 21	10.00	Light Rain	OVC043	40          28          	52/40 (6hr)                                          

So with the ground temps also warmer down there given the antecedent days of warmth (the high on 2/11 was 62 and on 2/12 was 60 where mine were 59 and 57 respectively), it would be difficult to accumulate until the ground cooled enough to reduce the melting.

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Didn't snap any photos or take any measurements this time but I can confirm that in south philly this was basically just a white rain event despite ~12 hours of continuous light to moderate snowfall. The banding actually set up quite nicely for us overall. I woke up around sunrise to a coating of snow on the coldest surfaces like grass and cars. And then as the day went on it felt like the more the snow fell from the sky the less snow there was on the ground. Now there's just a spotty coating on select shaded surfaces. It was just too warm during the event and the ground was so warm to begin with.

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