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Arctic cold and new threat emerges for the 26th. Patience Grasshoppers.

Ginx snewx

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1 hour ago, BrianW said:

You guys must be getting crushed up North with $3+ oil and propane.

Efficiency Maine has an awesome heating fuel cost calculator. The prices on the website are actual average fuel prices that Maine gathers. The current data is from Jan 3rd.

Anyone using propane could have saved $3k+ this winter using a heat pump or wood/pellets. 

Current average winter heating cost per fuel.

Wood $1,169

Pellets $1,712

Heat pump $1,795

Oil $3,027

Propane $4,728



Locked in my propane price in the summer, like I do every year, for <$2.50 a gallon.  I pay $1400 in heating/hot water costs.


1 hour ago, Lava Rock said:

Electric rates were just jacked so heat pumps not as good analternative as they were

Sent from my SM-G981U1 using Tapatalk

Don't let Queef Carson hear you say that.  He'll start a twitter thread mansplaining why you're wrong.

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22 minutes ago, Lava Rock said:

Thankfully our house is very energy efficient and while we have two heat pumps we only use them in summer. We have on demand baxi propane boiler for the radiant heat plus woodstove and South facing house. Our heating costs have avg ~600/yr last 10yrs

Sent from my SM-G981U1 using Tapatalk

Yes.  Same here - super efficient house.  We looked into heat pumps for the cooling, not heating.  Decided against it since it didn't make sense for the price.  But my summer climo is very different than yours.  I've got that ocean breeze, for better or worse.  Window unit AC's only 3-5 nights a summer, if that.  All this talk is making me want Kev to fire up the Lawn thread.

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2 hours ago, Ginx snewx said:

Unlike others I am bullish on how this season is evolving.  We are going to nickle and dime and cold for a while then it's action time. I think some are going to be surprised. JMHO

I'm still right there with you, Steve, but I need to step back right now because I don't have anything constructive to add at this time. I'm just too frustrated and don't want to ruin every thread. Enjoy the anafront deal....I have zero interest in that.

I look to end January with not much more than the 10" that I have right now, which is a very ominous juncture climo wise....4 seasons, which were all ratters. That said, I just refuse to believe that this is a rat, unless its a cleverly disguised rodent, like 1979-80.

Laying low for now.

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2 minutes ago, 40/70 Benchmark said:

I'm still right there with you, Steve, but I need to step back right now because I don't have anything constructive to add at this time. I'm just too frustrated and don't want to ruin every thread. Enjoy the anafront deal....I have zero interest in that.

I look to end January with not much more than the 10" that I have right now, which is a very ominous juncture climo wise....bunch of ratters and one historic rebound year, which was an el nino. That said, I just refuse to believe that this is a rat, unless its a cleverly disguised rodent, like 1979-80.

Laying low for now.

This is a weird La Nina. You guys usually cash in.

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2 hours ago, Lava Rock said:

Thankfully our house is very energy efficient and while we have two heat pumps we only use them in summer. We have on demand baxi propane boiler for the radiant heat plus woodstove and South facing house. Our heating costs have avg ~600/yr last 10yrs

Sent from my SM-G981U1 using Tapatalk

Same with our heat pump - beats hauling window ACs around, probably more efficient and we don't have to block a window.  We've wimped out on firewood, buying it cut and split, 5 cords per year.  Oil-fired boiler for backup and domestic hot water.  House is 1975 technology but the L.C. Andrews cedar log siding on a stick frame structure means walls 7-8" thick.
Speaking of nickels and dimes (and pennies, this winter), I've recorded 18 events with measurable snow - average event is 1.26".  Even the 6 with >1" only average 3".  So far, it's the winter with an army of midgets.

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So.. I realize that tensions are high and the worry is there that we just wont see a big Snow event for the Tri-state area. But the hope that keeps me going is that we're seeing the model showing possibility of big snow storm, and then we see it disappear. Who's to say that something just pops up becomes the storm that we were looking for. It's a definite possibility, that's what keeps me going and looking forward to what might come in the next several weeks. It's Not Over in my mind, not even a little. Keep the faith guys and gals

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Just now, Cold Miser said:

lol. I remember that.

Me too especially after my 14 year old grand daughter texted me about it being on Facebook and wanted to know why I was on a  x rated magazine cover. Remember that is only part of the picture that was posted. Hey having fun here is absolutely fine but when people take stuff off board and it affects my family then the old protector comes out. You know me Garth I am totally chill but that incident almost caused me to leave this place. Totally not cool

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