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Central PA - Winter 2021/2022


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4 minutes ago, CarlislePaWx said:

Was that a joke?  Trick or treating already takes place while on Daylight Saving Time.  Standard does not kick in until the first Sunday in November.

Ohhh that’s right - forgot they changed it back in 2006 or whatever. Childhood memories dashed lol 

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1 hour ago, anotherman said:

I thought I was the only one. There’s just something nostalgic about it.

Oh my goodness no. In the grand scheme of life, this isn't that big a deal...but yet it kind of is. It's very nostalgic - you know when it's dark before 5pm that it's likely between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Definitely adds something special to the season. 

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5 minutes ago, Itstrainingtime said:

Oh my goodness no. In the grand scheme of life, this isn't that big a deal...but yet it kind of is. It's very nostalgic - you know when it's dark before 5pm that it's likely between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Definitely adds something special to the season. 

Wow.  You and @anothermanhave echoed my sentiments exactly.  As soon as the sun sets before 5:00 (which occurs a few days after returning to standard time) there is that mental connection that Thanksgiving and the Holiday season are just around the corner.  And it kind of marks the beginning of snow opportunities as well.  And with each passing day those chances increase.  I could go on and on.  I'm sure it's connected to my age (now) in some way.  For most of us we've never not had the return to standard time.  And now we must face the fact that there will only be one more chance to "fall back" later this year. :cry:

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5 minutes ago, CarlislePaWx said:

Wow.  You and @anothermanhave echoed my sentiments exactly.  As soon as the sun sets before 5:00 (which occurs a few days after returning to standard time) there is that mental connection that Thanksgiving and the Holiday season are just around the corner.  And it kind of marks the beginning of snow opportunities as well.  And with each passing day those chances increase.  I could go on and on.  I'm sure it's connected to my age (now) in some way.  For most of us we've never not had the return to standard time.  And now we must face the fact that there will only be one more chance to "fall back" later this year. :cry:

Most of the country did it in 1974.  Stayed DST.  It was pulled back the next year.   Richard Nixon.  

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6 hours ago, canderson said:

Speaking of the time change, it actually might finally be killed for good!!! If this passes the house, we'll never go back to standard time (DST forever - well after 2023 it appears since people need to time for contract times like airlines and all). 

Passed by Unanimous Consent, S.623: Sunshine Protection Act, as amended (to make Daylight Saving Time permanent)@SenRubioPress/@SenWhitehouse/ others

Thank god. It sucks losing an hour of daytime in the evening. I'd much rather have the sun rise later in the morning since most people are sleeping away that daylight anyway and can't spend that time outside

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8 hours ago, TheDreamTraveler said:

Thank god. It sucks losing an hour of daytime in the evening. I'd much rather have the sun rise later in the morning since most people are sleeping away that daylight anyway and can't spend that time outside


Most of us work and are up by 4, 5, or 6. I don't want 8:30am sunrises.

F that....

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2 minutes ago, anotherman said:

To be honest, I don’t think the effect on society has been fully thought through. People cry about it getting dark early but will now cry about not being able to wake up in the morning.

I keep reading comments about how its better to be light in the evening.  It literally is a situation where children seem to have been forgotten.  The school conundrum is in addition to the fact that it appears people are split on which time is better.    I read an article yesterday that said it was a fairly even split between the people who wanted to abolish time change: half wanted it to be standard and half savings as the permanent time. 

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11 hours ago, Blizzard of 93 said:

@Mount Joy Snowman

Any luck with getting CTP to change the weekend snow total at MDT thanks to your stellar research skills?

Top of the morning to you!  Unfortunately, no I have not reached out to CTP about that issue.  I don't have any contacts there and honestly just haven't had the wherewithal to do it this time.  I've got a boy about to turn two and a nine month pregnant wife about to burst at home, so I've been worn the F out ha.  Maybe next time.

Hey @canderson what did I tell ya about that Senate bill!?  I see no reason why it won't pass the House.  Although I must admit, hearing the other folks talk does have me feeling a bit nostalgic about the early darkness around the holidays.  But bottom line is, more times than not, I'd rather have that extra hour in the evening.  I think the vast majority of people agree on not changing the clocks anymore, just a matter of whether you prefer Daylight or Standard.  I'm certainly sympathetic to the arguments on both sides and my main concern would be what this does to schooling, as I really don't want to see any changes to the school schedules.  End of the day, I think it's more good than bad.  People will adjust, as we always do.

High of 67 here yesterday, low of 35 last night.  A perfect 10 is upon us gentlemen, enjoy it.  I'll be firing up the grill for some steaks, asparagus, and potatoes.  Got to keep that pregnant belly full -- not mine of course, my wife's, although they tell me men can get pregnant now so who knows.  Chow!

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10 hours ago, TheDreamTraveler said:

Thank god. It sucks losing an hour of daytime in the evening. I'd much rather have the sun rise later in the morning since most people are sleeping away that daylight anyway and can't spend that time outside

Hmm - on Sundays, I MIGHT sleep until 7:30 - 8:00, but the rest of the week I'm up between 4:30 and 6:00am. When I leave for work my I always notice multiple people in my neighborhood in the process of leaving as well. 

By the time the elementary bus comes at 8:15, the neighborhood is a ghost town. 

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