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Clouds - 2022


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On 6/20/2022 at 11:34 AM, StormchaserChuck! said:


Yes, it is. And yes, it can be. Yet Reed yelling tornado, Josh hangin on to a palm as building parts flash by his head and Frankie telling the world that Fargo is going to be inhospitable is what gets the clicks and likes. Makes no sense. But I will continue to show the weather in its beauty in stealth. It just looks so cool that I have to do it.

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Still nine days behind the curve. Maybe some day I will catch up. 6-12 was a varied evening.


Had a weak 22 degree halo around the Sun as I got out to the firehouse. Taken with the 24-70mm at 28mm...




Some weak crepuscular rays. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm...




The beginning of the post sunset color. Taken with the 24-70mm at 38mm...




The end of the post sunset color. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm...


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6-13 was a day of unsettled weather in the area. Rain in the morning here and a tornado in the Chicago area. So plenty of clouds around for sunset.


As the Sun was sinking into the horizon. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm...




The beginning of the post sunset color. taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm...




And the end of the color with the color on the flanks of the Chicago MCS as it slipped to my north. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm...



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6-15 was one of those evening that had a little bit of everything.


When I first got out there, there was a nice design to the cirrus. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm...




A bit later I tried a similar cirrus image but this time I used the GND to even out the light across the image. Of course, it kind of messed up the colors some. You can be the judge if it is too cartoonish or not. Taken with the 16-35mm at 16mm...




The actual sunset had a little bit of gold and a little bit of bronze. Taken with the 24-70mm at 57mm...




There was just a little bit of an orange flash to end the evening. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm...





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6-18 started a string of days that looked very similar. The pattern was stagnant with a slight disturbance in Missouri that would float cirrus over me for a number of days in a row. It started kind of lean.


The beginning of the post sunset color. Taken with the 24-70mm at 57mm...




Looking to the north, had some nice zebra action going on. Stripes upon stripes ( wires ). Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm...




The last of the post sunset color. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm...




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6-19, stagnant pattern brings stagnant results. But not really. The volume of clouds was up on this day.


Ripples in the morning cirrus. taken ith the 24-70mm at 28mm...




Going to skip straight to the post sunset color. When it began. taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm...




Here comes the red from above. Taken with the 24-70mm at 30mm...




I brake for all colorful post sunsets. Taken with the 24-70mm at 44mm...





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Any serious cirrus fans would have loved 6-20.


Looking south when I got out to the overpass. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm...




Looking west as the post sunset color gets ramped up. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm...




Looking east as some reds try to make into the area. Taken with the 24-70mm at 61mm...




Last dregs in the west taken with 24-70mm at 70mm...


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had a heck of a time deciding what images to save/share from 6-22. I have plenty of nice images but nothing that really jumps out at me. Usually means I am going to over-share when I get this way.


Starting off at the house and from the side/front yard. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm...




When I got out behind the firehouse two hours later. Looking south. Taken with the 16-35mm at 16mm...




First look west. Taken with the 24-70mm at 39mm...




Beginning of the post sunset color looking west. Taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm...




Looking south as the color creeps in. Taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm...




Looking west again. Taken with the 24-70mm at 39mm...




Last look, looking southwest. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm...





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On 6-23 everything was south or southwest of me but still very visible.


Looking south when I got to the overpass. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm...




Looking southwest as the color was beginning. Taken with the 24-70mm at 57mm...




Looking south as the oranges fired up. Taken with the 24-70mm at 45mm...




Looking southwest at the best color dynamics. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm...





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6-24 was an altocumulus evening. Extremely photogenic.


Starting of looking northwest from in front of the firehouse as I just got there and threw up the camera out of the parking lot. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm straight lens...




Looking to the north as I got to the top of the overpass. Used the GND so the colors look a bit odd but the light level is more even across the image. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm...




First look to the west. Taken with the 24-70mm at 57mm...




Local sunset looking northwest. That hole on the west looks like a fallstreak. You can see it in the first two images but much smaller. Or is it just natural erosion due to dry air? I am not sure. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm...




Now on to the post sunset color. The orange. Taken with the 24-70mm at 44mm...




Ending the evening bathing in the red. Taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm...




Good night my darlin', wherever you are....

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^-26 as a little bit of this and a little bit of that kind of day.


Starting off with some sundogs (parhelia) from the side yard. Taken with the 24-70mm at 28mm...




What it looked like when I got out to the overpass. Taken with the 24-70mm at 39mm...




Close to local sunset taken ith the 24-70mm at 27mm...




Even closer to local sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm...




Looking northeast post sunset. taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm...




Northeast again but with more focal length. Taken with the 24-70mm at 57mm...




Looking north with a lot less focal length. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm...




And capping off the evening to the west with the fading reds. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm...






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6-27 was a sparse evening for clouds but still worth the effort.


Starting off with a faint sundog (parhelia) on the south side of the Sun. Taken with the 24-70mm at 44mm...




The post sunset color begins. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm...




The next two images are for contrast and compare. First image here is with the GND to even out the light across the image. Sort of messes with the color though. Taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm...




The second image was taken two minutes later and is straight lens. You can decide which one you like better. Taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm...




Last of the color to the west, straight lens. Taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm...





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6-30 was another nice evening at the overpass. Glad to have finally gotten through June of my backlog. Too bad July is about 2/3rds done. Someday I might get caught up.


When I got out to the overpass. Some nice crepuscular rays. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm...




Close to local sunset, horizontal. Taken with the 24-70mm at 57mm...




Closer yet to local sunset, vertical. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm...




The orange post sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm...




The sort of red. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm...






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On 7-6 the best views were all to the east.


Almost looks like the cumulonimbus is venting some steam off of the top but of course it is just some cirrus that just happens to be between the cauliflower and the camera. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm...




Some nice cloud variety to end the evening. Taken with the 24-70mm at 30mm...



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On 7-10 everything as close to the horizon.


Starting off looking north-northwest close to sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm...




The beginning of post sunset color. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm...




The end of the color with the reds. Taken with the 100mm...


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7-13 as wild and wooly with the colors.


Starting off with a cumulonimbus layer cake looking to the southeast. Taken ith the 100mm...




Pretty standard colors looking to the south. Taken with the 24-70mm at 27mm...




Some cotton candy colors looking back to the southeast. Taken with the 16-35mm at 16mm...




Some vivid red looking to the south. Taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm...




Finishing the evening looking to the southwest and the wild reds. Taken with the 24-70mm at 50mm again...





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7-17 has plenty of clouds and the light was not too shabby also.


Looking southwest as I got out to the overpass. Taken with the 16-35mm at 18mm...




A look west with the Sun and the glory. Taken with the 24-70mm at 39mm...




The orange of the post sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 42mm...




The reds with some nice cloud shadows from some over-the-horizon clouds. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm...





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7-18 had a lot of low level moisture in the atmosphere. Made for a very gauzy viewing. But there were some nice side effects.


From the parking lot when I got to the firehouse. Some bright crepuscular rays. Taken with the 24-70mm at 30mm...




Looking south at what Bob Ross would call "some happy clouds". Taken with the 24-70mm at 31mm...




Some more cloud shadows/crepuscular rays closer to sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 44mm...




Ending the evening looking to the east for a change and the variance of color on the cloud column. Taken with 24-70mm at 47mm...


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7-22 as a classic sunset with excellent cloud definition.


Pre-sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 42mm...




The beginning of the post sunset and the gamut of colors. Taken with the 24-70mm at 28mm...




Ending the evening with the reds. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm...




Good night my darlin', wherever you are...

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7-25 was only the late afternoon clouds taken from my side yard. Both images were taken within one minute of each other. The only difference was the orientation of the camera.


Landscape mode. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm...




Portrait mode. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm...


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The good thing about a misty night is that I am able to knock out some of the backlog on the cloud pics. 7-27 was another classic looking Midwest sunset.


The pre-sunset conditions. Taken with the 16-35mm at 17mm...




The beginning of the post sunset. Taken with the 16-35mm at 23mm...




The orange. Taken with the 24-70mm at 27mm...




Ending the evening and the reds. Taken with the 24-70mm at 59mm...





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7-28 was simply spectacular. No other way to put it.


What it started like pre-sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 42mm...




The colors as the post sunset just got started. Taken with the 24-70mm at 67mm...




The orange. Taken with the 24-70mm at 40mm...




The beginning of the reds, vertically. Taken with the 24-70mm at 2mm...




The end of the reds, horizontally. Taken with the 24-70mm at 53mm...




Good night my darlin', wherever you are....



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7-29 just continued the string of superlatives.


Started off with a small sundog (parhelia) to the south side of the Sun. Taken with the 24-70mm at 65mm...




The sky colors close to sunset. Taken with the 24-70mm at 24mm...




The reds looking to the north. Taken with the 24-70mm at 35mm...




The reds looking to the west. Taken with the 24-70mm at  44mm...




The bruise colors as the colors leach to the southwest. Taken with the 24-70mm at 70mm...





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And now for something completely different, a sunrise on 7-30. And on a workday to boot. Just happened to time out right as I was just about to head to work. Just threw up the camera in the alley beside the garage and had to deal with the house and trees all around. Not bad for no concentration and just a set-up then click-n-go.


Taken with the 24-70mm at 42mm...


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