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Winter Banter


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1 hour ago, rclab said:


Good morning Liberty, Unc. A good point has been made. It may be wise to explore the need in certain areas for a transition via the hybrid. The grid must be able to support the demand. With an all electric future we should be cautious/thorough as to the results/consequences of jumping without seeing clearly our landing spot. I also believe for work related commutes in dense megalopolis areas thought should be given to continued development of one or two person vehicles. Transformation periods can be fascinating, rather than contentious. Be well all, I just remembered to change my clocks. As always …

you're old enough to remember electric busses...maybe have electric only streets with overhanging wires like trollies had and the cars would have a long poll to the wires...something like bumper cars in a kids park...

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1 hour ago, uncle W said:

you're old enough to remember electric busses...maybe have electric only streets with overhanging wires like trollies had and the cars would have a long poll to the wires...something like bumper cars in a kids park...

I am and I remember them as the last gasp after we lost the light rail vehicles. I remember them still running behind the downtown (A&S) department store. At least I was able to and remember my one ride on a regular rail trolley. As always ….

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4 hours ago, rclab said:

I am and I remember them as the last gasp after we lost the light rail vehicles. I remember them still running behind the downtown (A&S) department store. At least I was able to and remember my one ride on a regular rail trolley. As always ….

I'd like to have memories of streetcars but that's a few minutes before my time ;)

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1 hour ago, gravitylover said:

If you have the memories that you do I think you should qualify as a museum piece which would mean they should pay you to be there. Try that next time and see where it gets you :lmao:

Gravity you stoked a two decades ago memory. My daughter was in Hunter College and had to do an assignment which involved a visit to the Guggenheim Museum. She did not want to go alone and wanted me to go with her. I worked nights at that time. The exhibit was on TV’s all CRT’s In various artistic setups. The museum as I remember it was set up in a circular stair fashion by which you progressed level to level. Half way through, while my daughter was taking notes, I sat on a stone block next to one of the exhibits. Sleep caught up with me and I nodded off holding the exhibit info material in my hand. I woke, hearing murmuring, opened  my eyes and there is a group of folk looking at me, I had been very still. I believe they thought I was a live exhibit. I remember saying, sorry folks I’m just here under parental duress. Some smiles and a little group feigned embarrassment and I moved on. My daughter never noticed this happening and I only informed her on the way home. That’s the closest I came to being part and parcel. At this time the only exhibit I’d qualify for would be titled “The Fall If Western Man” As always …



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26 minutes ago, winterwx21 said:

I LOVE snow and winter, but would never want it all year long. Winter all year would take away a lot of the variety that life has to offer.

Too much of a good thing.  I don't know how they do it in locales where snow is commonplace from October until April or May.  

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As much as I get accused of my “warm bias”, I wonder how long it’s going to be before the usual suspects on here start hype posting in the March thread about how great and epic the ‘snow and cold pattern’ looks on certain hand picked models for the last week of this month lol….I can think of the names and the model runs they will post right now….there’s a few lol

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7 hours ago, bluewave said:

My all-time favorite late season blizzard.



How come no one posted the amazing opening day in 1996 when an actual game was played during a snowstorm?

and the Yankees won the first of several world series that year too!

why does the forecast say 35 lol, it was in the low 20s that day, amazingly enough


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This is amazing.

  14 hours ago, forkyfork said:

i would do anything to see this happen in today's climate







besides direct climate modification done intentionally this may be the only other way to avoid a climate catastrophe


Nuclear winter is a severe and prolonged global climatic cooling effect that is hypothesized[1][2] to occur after widespread firestorms following a large-scale nuclear war.[3] The hypothesis is based on the fact that such fires can inject soot into the stratosphere, where it can block some direct sunlight from reaching the surface of the Earth. It is speculated that the resulting cooling would lead to widespread crop failure and famine.[4][5] When developing computer models of nuclear-winter scenarios, researchers use the conventional bombing of Hamburg, and the Hiroshima firestorm in World War II as example cases where soot might have been injected into the stratosphere,[6] alongside modern observations of natural, large-area wildfire-firestorms.[3][7][8]

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