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I agree with this, when I tore mine PT didn't do squat and in the meantime the pain got worse to the point I couldn't brush my teeth with my right arm.  Cortisone shots didn't do a thing either.  The surgery is arthroscopic so you'll just have a few little holes where they go in. After a little rehab you'll be good as new.
4-6wks in a sling and another 4-6wks pt sounds terrible. Actually sounds worse than my elbow recovery

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What he is not doing now does not mean that he won't consider, or at least use nukes as a scare tactic, if only through propaganda and fear tactics.  Desperate times call for desperate measures. 
But, if he is that psychotic and desperate, and nukes are his endgame plan of attack then we are indeed at the end of times.   Imagine being so self inflated, with really no one on your side, including your own people, never mind other countries.  Pushing the button would be the ultimate, taking my football and going home move, and to f.uck with all of you while I'm at it. Lunatic move.
I agree. Putin is very unpredictable and if he gets cornered there's no telling what he'll do. But, there's no way he's packing up and withdrawing peacefully

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34 minutes ago, Lava Rock said:

I agree. Putin is very unpredictable and if he gets cornered there's no telling what he'll do. But, there's no way he's packing up and withdrawing peacefully

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Given the amount of pictures of abandoned vehicles not sure they have enough fuel to withdraw. Ukraine is getting a bunch of new tanks and vehicles!

 Also weather related, spring mud season is so bad the T-90s are getting stuck?


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39 minutes ago, Lava Rock said:

4-6wks in a sling and another 4-6wks pt sounds terrible. Actually sounds worse than my elbow recovery

Sent from my SM-G981U1 using Tapatalk

I wore a sling for two weeks and then just started getting my strengthen back starting with light weights, the good part was the sharp pain was gone but it did ache for a while, I didn't get pain pills from the doc so I just toughed it out. Never liked to take them anyway.

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15 minutes ago, DavisStraight said:

I wore a sling for two weeks and then just started getting my strengthen back starting with light weights, the good part was the sharp pain was gone but it did ache for a while, I didn't get pain pills from the doc so I just toughed it out. Never liked to take them anyway.

I dislocated my shoulder falling when

skiing at Mount Snow in April of 2017. I couldn't keep my arm in a sling for very long,  because I need to walk holding on to things because of my disability. 

The arm still hurts in some positions If I pick up anything heavy.  Before it was relocated I was in extreme pain. 

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8 minutes ago, TauntonBlizzard2013 said:

Anyone have any ideas for fencing in my raised beds? I’m looking for something cheap ish, that doesn’t look like trash. 

I was hoping to get away without a fence, but I’m sure the dear will destroy em 

I have a ton of wire fencing that's about 12" tall in the garden.  It's going to the mortgage company when they foreclose. 

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4 hours ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

Dude is a delusional psychopath. 

“Top officials in leading NATO countries have allowed themselves to make aggressive comments about our country, therefore I hereby order the minister of Defense and the chief of the General Staff [of the RF Armed Forces] to place the Russian Army Deterrence Force on combat alert,” Putin said in televised meeting with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Valery Gerasimov.

According to state news agency RIA Novosti, citing the Russian Ministry of Defense, the strategic forces "are designed to deter aggression against Russia and its allies, as well as to defeat the aggressor (inflicting defeat on him), including in a war with the use of nuclear weapons."

Not being sure if this quote was taken out of a larger context ... redacted, or re-organized for affect. I mean... that may or may not be true -   I dunno... I've seen these kind of statement be misrepresentations of what the source was really after, far more often in the modernity of media "ethics"  - one simply cannot trust and must assume equivocation.   

So fwiw - just on a textual island the the 2nd bold logically follows from the first bold.  It "sounds" like any proportional response by any sovereignty.  They threaten us; we go on combat readiness.  

The problem is, Putin and his forces did the threatening first - it's funny how the aggressors never quite smell the stench of their own assholes in any conflict.  Unfortunately, there is a history that predates their initial aggressive posture prior to this invasion/

Firstly, the 3rd bold comment of RIA Novosti,  then tries to integrate nuclear implicitly into all - there's multiple moving parts in that total quote.  

Whose to say RIA isn't just analogous to our CNN, that "paragon of Journalistic Integrity" hard at work ...?  Their assertion may not be the intentions by Poopin ... ( does anyone else just hate the 'sound' that f'kers name?  god damn it )

When we get into brinkmanship ... I dunno - maybe there is a cultural bias where Russians don't functionally reserve dialogue at such extreme implicit scales, but that sounds a bit like RIA putting word in Poop's mouth, ... perhaps knowing that "the west" would love to eat that shit up.  Dogs of war, the dark one walks the Earth - may as well crack open the scriptures.  All that.   

There's a backstory that goes decades into the past.  If one knows their global history since the 1970s - they're getting back at the West for Afghanistan.  They lost, in what more than less amounts to their version of Nam in the 1980s, in Afghanistan.  It was the physical manifestation of the Cold War era conflict between the U.S. the Soviet Union.  They lost ;) when the U.S. conspired with conjoining mid eastern sovereign states ( even Israel was in on it) to pool finances and hard munitions in order to arm the Afghans with RPG's and surface to air ... 

They prooobably got a bug up their ass about that ( the present Russian power apparatus).  To me, that looks a little bit like Germany, as they were treated like the Red Headed step child scapegoat nation as an uneasy resolution component at the end of WWI.  They were left in a bit of a political vacuum.  History has shown, repeatedly, that when that happens... it doesn't typically end well for the natives... And it definitely didn't for Germany - in walks the Furor. 

This may be a simple matter of they lose Afghan, so they get even by annexing Ukraine... mm - it's not even to us. But, it kinda sorta would be, if it stopped there.  But it won't - not unless you are a dumb f naive moron.    

( as an aside, one could argue no one should really be have to be losing this, or annexing that in the first place. We're just talking and accepting, relative to the unavoidable eventuality of Chimps going on raid quests/primates instinctually operating merely at magnificent scales. )

Because when the Soviet Union collapsed in the early 1990s... We treated them still as the pariahs to the world.  They lost in Afghan. They pulled out.  We did too... well, our support for the natives.  In walked the Taliban.  Which led ultimately to the rise of 'not apparently enough' Bin Laden, and down the Towers of Babel fell...  amazing no one's made that connection yet.

I'm being glib and sarcastic here a little - don't take it too seriously.  But, Putin and gang, that whole kakistocracy took over in ... mm, not a total political vacuum, but certainly one that would offer very limited resistance to a bully and his thugs stepping willingly into the void. 

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I dislocated my shoulder falling when
skiing at Mount Snow in April of 2017. I couldn't keep my arm in a sling for very long,  because I need to walk holding on to things because of my disability. 
The arm still hurts in some positions If I pick up anything heavy.  Before it was relocated I was in extreme pain. 
You think a shoulder brace, one of the neoprene ones would help for the time being?

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12 minutes ago, Sugarloaf1989 said:

I think both places don't want tourists.  Pretty sure that's the case for Scott.

They probably don't but I am actually intending on being cute. I did not intend to actually encourage you to go, but I guess I should have said that, because there are people on this forum who have the resources to go anywhere.

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26 minutes ago, Sugarloaf1989 said:

SWEDEN is delivering arms to Ukraine.  Holy crap. Who's next, Switzerland :lol:

I've heard Sweden is going to air drop Ikea furniture over Moscow without assembly instructions. It's Swedens awe and confuse military strategy. 

lol Billys just dropping from the sky all over Moscow.

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9 minutes ago, IowaStorm05 said:

They probably don't but I am actually intending on being cute. I did not intend to actually encourage you to go, but I guess I should have said that, because there are people on this forum who have the resources to go anywhere.

I've heard that Scott actually turns off there ATC if unauthorized aircraft approach.

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