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Met Winter 2021 - 2022 Banter


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24 minutes ago, weathafella said:

It's been over since last summer.  People just dealing with the possibility of getting sick but living life. We're already to the point that everyone has made up their minds and moving on with their decisions.  I have it in my house and I'm still not living differently.  Although I did an ad hoc interview with my daughter to see what her symptoms are.  Basically a moderate cold so far.  Others I know have been sicker.   It is no longer a deadly virus to the extent it was in 2020.  It won't go away but from what I've observed-people have moved on.  The political types have dug in but everyone else is living life.

I'm over it, I had it in October, We've moved on, I'm living my life pre covid.

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7 minutes ago, dryslot said:

I'm over it, I had it in October, We've moved on, I'm living my life pre covid.

I'm amazed I haven't gotten it or at least I'm not aware of having.  I've been exposed directly multiple times and have never tested + nor had symptoms.  At the meeting I was at in November, masks were required.  I was moderating a session and one of the people on the podium ended up with covid.  We had our masks off presenting or speaking-by the time I found out he was sick it was a week later and I tested negative.   Never symptomatic.  

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1 minute ago, weathafella said:

I'm amazed I haven't gotten it or at least I'm not aware of having.  I've been exposed directly multiple times and have never tested + nor had symptoms.  At the meeting I was at in November, masks were required.  I was moderating a session and one of the people on the podium ended up with covid.  We had our masks off presenting or speaking-by the time I found out he was sick it was a week later and I tested negative.   Never symptomatic.  

I tested positive, My oldest tested positive, (second time for him) We both had a few symptoms and loss of taste and smell, My wife and youngest tested negative, Its a strange virus.

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6 hours ago, 40/70 Benchmark said:

It's easy to say its over when you don't have to wear a mask at work all day and your family doesn't have to change flights to an air carrier that will take people from Africa to the US. That doesn't seem over to me. 

I think I posted this, but as of Thursday, we are back to wearing masks at all times where I work. Seems to me like we are most definitely back sliding, not close to ending this thing.

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On 12/30/2021 at 7:55 PM, WxWatcher007 said:

My father passed away a few hours ago. Thank you all for your kind words and support the last few weeks.

Good morning WxW007. My gentle hope is that you and your family be blessed by kind memory and be embraced by peace. As always ……

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11 hours ago, HimoorWx said:

What a treat. Snowy owl in Middletown RI. Seems to have taken up residence for the winter.

Don't know if the Stellar's sea eagle sighted at Maine's midcoast will stay around, as its normal locale is the Kamchatka region.  Hard core birders are swarming Georgetown to punch another ticket on their life list.  Impressive bird, the heaviest of all the eagles, wingspan to 8 feet.

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9 hours ago, dryslot said:

I tested positive, My oldest tested positive, (second time for him) We both had a few symptoms and loss of taste and smell, My wife and youngest tested negative, Its a strange virus.

Daughter, SIL and most/all the grandkids went through it shortly after Thanksgiving.  She lost her taste for a while, and he was tired for some days after his episode (his schedule is more than full).  We were concerned that it would nix their visit, but all was over by 12/15 and they arrived here on the 21st and left on the 30th, leaving all happy but exhausted.

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1 hour ago, tamarack said:

Daughter, SIL and most/all the grandkids went through it shortly after Thanksgiving.  She lost her taste for a while, and he was tired for some days after his episode (his schedule is more than full).  We were concerned that it would nix their visit, but all was over by 12/15 and they arrived here on the 21st and left on the 30th, leaving all happy but exhausted.

Proof that timing is everything in life!  Glad you were able to enjoy the season in person with them!

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On 12/28/2021 at 9:45 AM, dendrite said:

Cabbage worms eventually get my kale as well, but those leaves go directly to the chickens. A little extra protein in that kale. 

my pet sparrow beats out their digestive systems before eating them <3 

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Tested positive on Xmas day. Symptoms began 24 hours before I tested positive. Confirmed through multiple pcr and rapid. Just took once a day after close exposure. Had multiple Xmas plans on the line so wanted to give people as much early warning to cancel as possible. 


I'm 30. It's just a really bad cold. 101 fever. Headaches. Sore throat. Congestion, but in a weird way, some upset stomach. Cough. Fatigue. The fatigue is the worst. I've been doing nothing but sleeping. I can taste and smell fine. A nice glass of wine helps the sore throat. Dispensary products recommended too. Just load up on all your dayquil and nyquil that you got also recommended advil cold and sinus with pseudophedrine. 

Fiance is positive asymptomatic for now. She has some congestion. One funny thing about the covid rapid test, the sicker you are the redder the line. Her Line is faint as hell. So she has it but had booster more recently than me. Probably more antibodies. 

Interesting turns. I'm quarantined. I hope this is a sign the virus is mutating weaker and becoming a common illness and deaths flatten. I think we crossed over to the beginning of the end. Thank God. 

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2 minutes ago, DotRat_Wx said:

Tested positive on Xmas day. Symptoms began 24 hours before I tested positive. Confirmed through multiple pcr and rapid. Just took once a day after close exposure. Had multiple Xmas plans on the line so wanted to give people as much early warning to cancel as possible. 


I'm 30. It's just a really bad cold. 101 fever. Headaches. Sore throat. Congestion, but in a weird way, some upset stomach. Cough. Fatigue. The fatigue is the worst. I've been doing nothing but sleeping. I can taste and smell fine. A nice glass of wine helps the sore throat. Dispensary products recommended too. Just load up on all your dayquil and nyquil that you got also recommended advil cold and sinus with pseudophedrine. 

Fiance is positive asymptomatic for now. She has some congestion. One funny thing about the covid rapid test, the sicker you are the redder the line. Her Line is faint as hell. So she has it but had booster more recently than me. Probably more antibodies. 

Interesting turns. I'm quarantined. I hope this is a sign the virus is mutating weaker and becoming a common illness and deaths flatten. I think we crossed over to the beginning of the end. Thank God. 

Yup, You need to have a few symptoms before it even shows up with the rapid test, Also as it wanes, The line will become much lighter too.

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14 minutes ago, DotRat_Wx said:

Tested positive on Xmas day. Symptoms began 24 hours before I tested positive. Confirmed through multiple pcr and rapid. Just took once a day after close exposure. Had multiple Xmas plans on the line so wanted to give people as much early warning to cancel as possible. 


I'm 30. It's just a really bad cold. 101 fever. Headaches. Sore throat. Congestion, but in a weird way, some upset stomach. Cough. Fatigue. The fatigue is the worst. I've been doing nothing but sleeping. I can taste and smell fine. A nice glass of wine helps the sore throat. Dispensary products recommended too. Just load up on all your dayquil and nyquil that you got also recommended advil cold and sinus with pseudophedrine. 

Fiance is positive asymptomatic for now. She has some congestion. One funny thing about the covid rapid test, the sicker you are the redder the line. Her Line is faint as hell. So she has it but had booster more recently than me. Probably more antibodies. 

Interesting turns. I'm quarantined. I hope this is a sign the virus is mutating weaker and becoming a common illness and deaths flatten. I think we crossed over to the beginning of the end. Thank God. 

Funny.. I tested positive this past Tuesday morning. Same exact symptoms... The fatigue was the worst and in the last few days I've had nausea. Just starting to feel somewhat better now. Glad your doing better too

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18 minutes ago, DotRat_Wx said:

Tested positive on Xmas day. Symptoms began 24 hours before I tested positive. Confirmed through multiple pcr and rapid. Just took once a day after close exposure. Had multiple Xmas plans on the line so wanted to give people as much early warning to cancel as possible. 


I'm 30. It's just a really bad cold. 101 fever. Headaches. Sore throat. Congestion, but in a weird way, some upset stomach. Cough. Fatigue. The fatigue is the worst. I've been doing nothing but sleeping. I can taste and smell fine. A nice glass of wine helps the sore throat. Dispensary products recommended too. Just load up on all your dayquil and nyquil that you got also recommended advil cold and sinus with pseudophedrine. 

Fiance is positive asymptomatic for now. She has some congestion. One funny thing about the covid rapid test, the sicker you are the redder the line. Her Line is faint as hell. So she has it but had booster more recently than me. Probably more antibodies. 

Interesting turns. I'm quarantined. I hope this is a sign the virus is mutating weaker and becoming a common illness and deaths flatten. I think we crossed over to the beginning of the end. Thank God. 

Glad you are better. But here’s the thing.. it’s always been a cold . Unless underlying conditions, obese etc. The hype and scaring of the American population has been deplorable to watch . The more people that understand in general that’s it’s a cold ,, unless you fall into “said categories “ the faster this nonsense ends 

Another mild rainy day today and one tomorrow.. and then finally winter sets in later this upcoming week 

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14 minutes ago, DotRat_Wx said:

Tested positive on Xmas day. Symptoms began 24 hours before I tested positive. Confirmed through multiple pcr and rapid. Just took once a day after close exposure. Had multiple Xmas plans on the line so wanted to give people as much early warning to cancel as possible. 


I'm 30. It's just a really bad cold. 101 fever. Headaches. Sore throat. Congestion, but in a weird way, some upset stomach. Cough. Fatigue. The fatigue is the worst. I've been doing nothing but sleeping. I can taste and smell fine. A nice glass of wine helps the sore throat. Dispensary products recommended too. Just load up on all your dayquil and nyquil that you got also recommended advil cold and sinus with pseudophedrine. 

Fiance is positive asymptomatic for now. She has some congestion. One funny thing about the covid rapid test, the sicker you are the redder the line. Her Line is faint as hell. So she has it but had booster more recently than me. Probably more antibodies. 

Interesting turns. I'm quarantined. I hope this is a sign the virus is mutating weaker and becoming a common illness and deaths flatten. I think we crossed over to the beginning of the end. Thank God. 

As mentioned in another post our daughter tested positive yesterday.   Symptoms were worst yesterday but kind of building all week.  Today she feels like it's going away.  She's bored as hell-about to take a walk with her.  Her line was pretty red thought-on 2 different types of test so I'm not sure that's a good indicator on intensity of symptoms.   I have a stash of about 12 rapid tests-might as well use them....suddenly abundant in the Boston area after not being anywhere to be found a few days ago.


Seems like big doings wx wise this week and beyond!

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33 minutes ago, dendrite said:

I give my chickens whole sardines and the first thing they go for are the eyes. I guess it’s instinctive to blind your prey first.

instinct is so cool... she never learned how to do it from other birds. she grabs the head, thrashes out the guts, and eats the remainder 

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18 hours ago, 40/70 Benchmark said:

I agree 1000% that is absolutely SHOULD be over, but it isn't. 

I'm sure y'all have covered this ... as we did countless times in the 2,000 page super thread last year ...  but it won't becuase from cottage industry to 800 lb gorilla scales, the concept of COVID has become too industrialized. It's got a profit interest now... That's basically going to protract it - and there are enough toe-the-line population that will gladly enforce and set rules based for what has become incorporated. 

It is just as much endemic to our species, as it is genetic to global economy -   Oh it'll switch from COVID to just riding the germaphobia that it has triggered ...


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19 hours ago, 40/70 Benchmark said:

It's easy to say its over when you don't have to wear a mask at work all day and your family doesn't have to change flights to an air carrier that will take people from Africa to the US. That doesn't seem over to me. 

That sux man! Hope your family gets home ok.

We went back to masks in July. We were out for about 6 weeks at the end of May. That 6 weeks was awesome. But honestly we only wear them past security. Once we get upstairs we pull them down once we get to the desk. And we eat together maskless in the lunch area, so eh.  We refuse to wear them in the lab. Almost 2 years of glasses fogging up is enough. 
We still only have about 25% of people coming in to work onsite. It’s still like a tomb and I’m sure next month might be even less people. Actually I kind of like it. 
As long as school stays open I’ll be happy. My kids were in school full time, football season went off without a hitch, the boy started every game at strong safety, and both kids had straight As. And nobody has had Covid in my house that we know. 

And House says one more year of this, maybe 18 months.

Happy new year. 

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On a brighter note- tell me what you see in the below?

If you guessed a StarLink satellite dish being rendered inoperable by stray cats (due to the heat generated on a comparatively cold day) you’re correct. Would have also accepted: a dream holiday snowpack.

Anyways this cracks me up for a variety of reasons.


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