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NNE Cold Season Thread 2021/2022


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10.5" in Randolph Center and 10.3" in Norwich (KLW?) were the winners in VT over the weekend.


...Addison County...
  Leicester               8.0   530 AM 12/19  Public
  Orwell                  8.0   805 AM 12/19  Public
  Middlebury              7.5   730 AM 12/19  Public
  1 SE Cornwall           7.2   700 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  Bridport                7.0  1100 AM 12/19  Public
  Vergennes               6.8   534 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  N Middlebury            6.7   500 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  3 S Starksboro          6.0  1000 AM 12/19  Measured at 900 feet.
  Monkton                 5.6   645 AM 12/19  Public
  1 NE South Lincoln      5.3   700 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  Bristol                 5.0  1159 AM 12/19  Public
  Starksboro              4.5   815 AM 12/19  Measured at 1480 feet.

...Caledonia County...
  2 S Wheelock            7.4   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  2 WNW Walden            7.0  1113 AM 12/19  Measured at 1640 feet.
  Hardwick                7.0   705 AM 12/19  Measured on Rte 15.
  Danville                7.0  1015 AM 12/19  Measured at 1390 feet.
  3 NNE Danville          6.8   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  East St. Johnsbury      6.8  1100 AM 12/19  Public
  2 N Lyndonville         6.6   800 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  1 W Lyndonville         6.5   922 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  2 WNW Wells River       6.5   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  N Danville              6.5   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  Sutton                  6.5   810 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  4 WSW Groton            6.0   600 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  Kirby                   6.0   600 AM 12/19  Public

...Chittenden County...
  Hinesburg               6.5  1130 AM 12/19  Measured at 900 feet.
  1 S Essex Center        6.3  1015 AM 12/19  NWS Employee
  2 SW Huntington         6.2   800 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  2 NNW Williston         6.0   815 AM 12/19  NWS Employee
  4 NNE Underhill         6.0   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  WSW Williston           6.0   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  West Milton             6.0   857 AM 12/19  Public
  2 NW Westford           6.0   841 AM 12/19  NWS Employee
  Underhill               6.0   800 AM 12/19  Public
  6 S Richmond            6.0   945 AM 12/19  Public
  North Underhill         6.0   915 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  5 NNE Underhill         5.8   830 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  1 SW Milton             5.6   825 AM 12/19  NWS Employee
  1 SE Charlotte          5.6  1150 AM 12/19  Public
  3 SSE Richmond          5.5   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  1 ENE Essex Junction    5.5  1150 AM 12/19  NWS Employee
  1 NE South Burlingto    5.3   656 AM 12/19  NWS Office
  3 SSW South Burlingt    5.2   715 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  1 NNW Burlington        5.1   904 AM 12/19  NWS Employee
  2 SW Milton             5.0   807 AM 12/19  NWS Employee
  1 SSW Underhill         5.0  1020 AM 12/19  Public
  1 E Nashville           4.7   645 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  1 E Huntington          4.7   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  1 NNE Huntington        4.5   800 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  1 ENE Colchester Poi    4.5   650 AM 12/19  Public

...Essex County...
  1 NW Granby             7.5   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  4 WNW Maidstone         7.0   845 AM 12/19  Public
  2 NNW Lunenburg         6.5   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  Averill                 6.0   918 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  Island Pond             6.0   926 AM 12/19  Measured at 1184 feet.
  1 S East Haven          5.8   700 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  Norton                  5.5   600 AM 12/19  Measured at 1700 feet.

...Franklin County...
  Berkshire               6.3   530 AM 12/19  Measured at 900 feet.
  1 NNE Swanton           6.0   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  St. Albans              6.0  1106 AM 12/19  Trained Spotter
  ESE Fairfax             6.0   900 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS

...Grand Isle County...
  Alburgh                 4.5   840 AM 12/19  Public

...Lamoille County...
  Morrisville             6.5   816 AM 12/19  Public
  Cambridge               6.0   800 AM 12/19  Public
  3 N Smugglers Notch     6.0   730 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  Elmore                  6.0   730 AM 12/19  Measured at 1300 feet.
  SW Stowe                5.5   730 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  2 N Johnson             5.0   700 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  Belvidere Center        5.0  1059 AM 12/19  Public
  2 E Hyde Park           5.0  1101 AM 12/19  Public

...Orange County...
  Randolph Center        10.5  1107 AM 12/19  1408 feet elevation
  Strafford               8.5   600 AM 12/19  Public
  Brookfield              8.0   835 AM 12/19  Public
  Chelsea                 8.0   927 AM 12/19  Public
  3 SW Braintree          7.5   600 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  2 ENE West Fairlee      7.2   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  1 NW West Braintree     7.1  1106 AM 12/19  Public
  Williamstown            7.0   700 AM 12/19  Public
  2 E Corinth Corners     7.0   700 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  Post Mills              7.0   630 AM 12/19  Public
  Randolph                6.5   900 AM 12/19  Meausured at 982 feet.
  2 NNW Bradford          6.3   600 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  Corinth                 5.9   945 AM 12/19  Public
  Wells River             5.7   430 AM 12/19  Public

...Orleans County...
  Newport                 8.3   916 AM 12/19  Public
  7 SE Morgan             7.1   800 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  4 NNE Greensboro        6.5   830 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  2 WSW Newport           6.0   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  1 WNW Westfield         6.0   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  2 NNW Greensboro        5.8   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  1 NE Newport            5.7   700 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  Craftsbury Common       5.2   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  Westfield               5.0   615 AM 12/19  Measured at 1000 feet.
  2 W Derby Line          4.8   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS

...Rutland County...
  2 SSE Pittsford         8.5  1030 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  Castleton               7.8   545 AM 12/19  Public
  Forest Dale             7.5   630 AM 12/19  Public
  1 N Rutland             6.2   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  Rutland                 6.0   515 AM 12/19  Public
  2 N Rutland             6.0   800 AM 12/19  Public
  1 SSE West Rutland      6.0   800 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  2 ESE Shrewsbury        5.5   727 AM 12/19  Measured at 1700 feet.
  Shrewsbury              5.5   901 AM 12/19  Public
  1 WNW Middletown Spr    4.5   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  3 SSW Wallingford       4.2   730 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  4 E Poultney            4.0   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS

...Washington County...
  3 E Warren              8.5   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  3 NW Waterbury          7.1   600 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  3 NNW Woodbury          7.0   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  2 N Calais              7.0   809 AM 12/19  Trained Spotter
  5 E Moretown            7.0   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  1 NNW Woodbury          6.9   800 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  4 WNW Waitsfield        6.8   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  4 ENE Cabot             6.5   900 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  1 NW Calais             6.5   653 AM 12/19  Trained Spotter
  2 SW East Calais        6.5   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  2 N Northfield          6.5   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  2 W Worcester           6.2   700 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  Duxbury                 6.0   700 AM 12/19  Measured at 1000 feet.
  2 SE Waitsfield         6.0   700 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  1 S Woodbury            6.0   920 AM 12/19  Public
  2 ESE Plainfield        6.0  1102 AM 12/19  Public
  Warren                  6.0   946 AM 12/19  Measured at 1578 feet.
  Middlesex               6.0   705 AM 12/19  Public
  1 ESE Plainfield        6.0   700 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  1 ESE Montpelier        5.8   925 AM 12/19  Public
  2 E Cabot               5.5   845 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  Moretown                5.5   400 AM 12/19  Measured at 1300 feet.
  Waterbury Center        5.5   828 AM 12/19  Measured at 1000 feet.

...Windsor County...
  1 SE West Norwich      10.3   812 AM 12/19  Measured at 1240 feet.
  2 NE Rochester          9.2   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  Pomfret                 9.0   800 AM 12/19  Public
  1 E Woodstock           9.0   800 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  Woodstock               9.0   838 AM 12/19  Public
  3 N Pomfret             9.0   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  Sharon                  9.0  1130 PM 12/18  Public
  Rochester               8.0   630 AM 12/19  Measured off of Rte 73.
  South Royalton          8.0   642 AM 12/19  Public
  1 W South Royalton      8.0   938 AM 12/19  Measured at 850 feet.
  Reading                 7.0   300 AM 12/19  Public
  Hartland                7.0  1059 AM 12/19  Public
  NE Rochester            6.6   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  2 S West Windsor        6.5   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  3 S Ludlow              5.0   855 AM 12/19  Trained Spotter
...Bennington County...
  1 NNE Landgrove         5.5   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  Landgrove               5.5   635 AM 12/19  WeatherNet6
  Peru                    4.9   700 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  3 ENE Manchester        2.9   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  Woodford                2.5  1035 PM 12/18  WeatherNet6
  5 NNE Stamford          1.2   400 PM 12/18  CoCoRaHS

...Windham County...
  1 NNE Rockingham        3.5   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  2 N East Dover          3.0   711 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  6 W West Brattleboro    2.1   800 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  2 NNE Marlboro          2.1   800 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  Marlboro                2.1   800 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  SE West Halifax         2.0   822 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  1 S Brattleboro         1.5   630 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  3 SSW Putney            1.5   900 AM 12/19  Trained Spotter
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28 minutes ago, mreaves said:
10.5" in Randolph Center and 10.3" in Norwich (KLW?) were the winners in VT over the weekend.

...Windsor County...
  1 SE West Norwich      10.3   812 AM 12/19  Measured at 1240 feet.
  2 NE Rochester          9.2   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  Pomfret                 9.0   800 AM 12/19  Public
  1 E Woodstock           9.0   800 AM 12/19  Co-Op Observer
  Woodstock               9.0   838 AM 12/19  Public
  3 N Pomfret             9.0   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  Sharon                  9.0  1130 PM 12/18  Public
  Rochester               8.0   630 AM 12/19  Measured off of Rte 73.
  South Royalton          8.0   642 AM 12/19  Public
  1 W South Royalton      8.0   938 AM 12/19  Measured at 850 feet.
  Reading                 7.0   300 AM 12/19  Public
  Hartland                7.0  1059 AM 12/19  Public
  NE Rochester            6.6   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  2 S West Windsor        6.5   700 AM 12/19  CoCoRaHS
  3 S Ludlow              5.0   855 AM 12/19  Trained Spotter

The 10.3 was me.  The odd thing was in an earlier statement (7:40 on Sunday) there was a report of 9.0 saying 4 miles NW of Norwich and the GPS location given was across the street from me but said it was measured a my elevation, which I usually include to explain why the results are higher than in town.  I doubt it was that neighbor as there house sits way higher than 1240' and is up a mile long driveway.  I wonder if it was just a typo but I hadn't submitted my reading until after the statement went out.

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One of the cars wouldn't start this morning.  I assume it was not the cold  but a light must have been left on after I moved it to clear its spot yesterday.  At least that is what I am hoping as it was only 5 today and has never had issues starting at -10.

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Bud and I rode 45 miles on Sunday up in North Central Maine on unplowed roads, 2 inch ice base with 6 inches of Saturday fluff on top, hit a few higher elevation ponds also. 

Wednesday needs to trend back this way a bit and we'd probably start grooming in a decent amount of places. 

Hopefully the potential around Christmas Day works out for us too and we'd really be styling!


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18 minutes ago, TheMainer said:

Bud and I rode 45 miles on Sunday up in North Central Maine on unplowed roads, 2 inch ice base with 6 inches of Saturday fluff on top, hit a few higher elevation ponds also. 

Wednesday needs to trend back this way a bit and we'd probably start grooming in a decent amount of places. 

Hopefully the potential around Christmas Day works out for us too and we'd really be styling!


6z Euro looked good up that way, Could be 6"+,  Have to wait and see what 12z looks like, But will be building the ice pack as well late week.

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12 minutes ago, J.Spin said:

There was only a trace of snow at observations time this morning, but now the snowfall has picked up and we’re starting to get some measurable accumulation from this current system.  The BTV NWS forecast discussion indicates that it’s a cold front coming through.

The BTV guys know their audience

"And if the trend is your friend, then snow people should be happy as this system has continued to trend towards a colder solution with conditional
probabilities for snow ranging from 70% across the broader VT valleys to 100% elsewhere."
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22 minutes ago, mreaves said:

The BTV guys know their audience

"And if the trend is your friend, then snow people should be happy as this system has continued to trend towards a colder solution with conditional
probabilities for snow ranging from 70% across the broader VT valleys to 100% elsewhere."

Yeah, it’s not as is everyone in NVT and NNY is a snow fan, but the percentage of folks who live here because of the snow, combined with those who simply accept it as a fact of life in the far north, is probably much higher than what you’d find in the big cities of the megalopolis.  Sure, there are weenie types in the big cities, many folks like a good snowstorm, and those absolute numbers are probably going to be larger in the big cities than here.  But for most people, snow and cold in the big cities is just a headache, especially once you’re past the holidays.  The BTV NWS has their general population, plus numerous major ski resorts, plus all the other winter recreation activities that go on here, plus the winter tourism, to think about.  Not that many people in the general read the BTV NWS forecast discussions, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we have a larger “pro-snow” population in general than many areas.  In the mountain/resort communities at least, a relatively high percentage of snow fans has got to be a slam dunk.

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4 hours ago, alex said:

What is going on outside lol? It seems like we are about to get a thunderstorm. Sky is black 

Hey Alex.  I saw this post 3 hours after you posted it and said, what the heck, it's sunny here.  So I took a look at the Sat.  Low clouds were banked up against the North facing Whites.  The sun angle is the lowest today of the entire year.  So a low SE sun and thick low clouds could make it very dark.  Just my stab at things.

Merry Christmas to you and the family

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2 hours ago, wxeyeNH said:

Hey Alex.  I saw this post 3 hours after you posted it and said, what the heck, it's sunny here.  So I took a look at the Sat.  Low clouds were banked up against the North facing Whites.  The sun angle is the lowest today of the entire year.  So a low SE sun and thick low clouds could make it very dark.  Just my stab at things.

Merry Christmas to you and the family

Yeah makes sense. Had some flurries, now sunny. It just looked so ominous!

Merry Christmas!


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It’s been a busy past couple of days finishing up the semester, but we got out to the mountain on Sunday to take a few turns in the new snow from Winter Storm Carrie.

For conditions, there was about a half foot of new snow reported by Bolton in their morning report, although there were probably a couple more inches on top of that with the way it was accumulating while we were there.  Indeed they’re now reporting 8 inches for their weekly total, and I’d say that’s probably the storm total once the backside snows were incorporated.  It was a decent resurfacing of the slopes, with 0.80” of L.E. recorded here at our place.  I suspect they’re in the that ballpark for L.E. as well, although the western slopes probably were a bit lower on storm totals relative to the eastern slopes with the flow for the majority of the storm cycle.  In any event, surfaces were nice, although I could see how high-angle terrain or higher traffic resorts could be down to firm surfaces pretty quickly.

The overall feel at the resort was quite wintry with temperatures in the teens F, moderate snow falling, and some wind.  Bolton only had their lower lifts running as they were still prepping the Vista Summit for lift-served levels of traffic, but it looks like this storm put them over the top and they’re opening the Vista Quad tomorrow.  The Wilderness Uphill Route is open, so with the leftover base they had plus this new storm, there’s certainly enough snow to be skinning for turns on the natural snow terrain at Wilderness, so that’s great to have in place for the upcoming holiday period.  They’ll still need another decent shot of liquid equivalent to get more terrain open for lift-served levels of traffic on natural snow terrain, and to get the lower-elevation Timberline area open for ski touring traffic.  I’m sure there are some people touring down at the Timberline elevations, but the Timberline Uphill Route isn’t officially open yet.  I think they’d lost most of the natural base snow there, so you’re working with just the accumulations from Winter Storm Carrie, and that one storm with ~3/4” of liquid equivalent isn’t quite enough to get touring into a really comfortable place.

A few shots from Sunday:





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I don't know if any of you guys follow the weather ("eye on the sky") out of the Fairbanks Museum in Saint Johnsbury, but they give little notes about weather every day. I found this one interesting this morning, as this seems to be a hot topic around Christmas: 

Pre-Christmas thaws are not uncommon, as average temperatures on the Fairbanks Museum weather records, extending back 125 years, climb about 2 degrees from the 22nd to the 26th.


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1 hour ago, Patriot21 said:

I don't know if any of you guys follow the weather ("eye on the sky") out of the Fairbanks Museum in Saint Johnsbury, but they give little notes about weather every day. I found this one interesting this morning, as this seems to be a hot topic around Christmas: 

Pre-Christmas thaws are not uncommon, as average temperatures on the Fairbanks Museum weather records, extending back 125 years, climb about 2 degrees from the 22nd to the 26th.


My short (23 years) record shows 17.6° for 12/20 and 24.1° for the 24th.  Takes until the 30th before the average drops below the 20th average.  Even with my 15-day smoothing there's a pre-Christmas bump.  With the short POR, days like last Christmas (54/43 and 29° AN) and 12/29/17 (-1/-31 and 35° BN) have huge impact.

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36 minutes ago, alex said:

Nice big fluffy flakes falling. How are things in Stowe? Headed there tonight

It should be fine.  It is sunny here in Burlington.  On drive up today the highway was dry by Barre.  I doubt Stowe saw anything this morning.

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57 minutes ago, alex said:

Nice big fluffy flakes falling. How are things in Stowe? Headed there tonight


20 minutes ago, klw said:

It should be fine.  It is sunny here in Burlington.  On drive up today the highway was dry by Barre.  I doubt Stowe saw anything this morning.

Yeah, we had nothing here.  I'm in Montpelier at the office and it's overcast with breaks of sun

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1 hour ago, alex said:

Nice big fluffy flakes falling. How are things in Stowe? Headed there tonight

The suns out.  Town is very busy with the double holiday week.  Folks taking a week vacation before and a week vacation after Xmas.  Stowe Area Association occupancy craters down again on Jan 2nd.

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7 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

The suns out.  Town is very busy with the double holiday week.  Folks taking a week vacation before and a week vacation after Xmas.  Stowe Area Association occupancy craters down again on Jan 2nd.

Same with us. We have a few of the 90 homes we manage still available for Xmas then we are sold out till New Years

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1 minute ago, alex said:

Same with us. We have a few of the 90 homes we manage still available for Xmas then we are sold out till New Years

Damn man, 90 homes!  What an operation.  That’s awesome.  But yeah I’ve heard from some folks that the private schools have two weeks off while some public schools are like off Xmas Eve and then all next week… but parents are just taking kids out for this whole week anyway.  

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2 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

Damn man, 90 homes!  What an operation.  That’s awesome.  But yeah I’ve heard from some folks that the private schools have two weeks off while some public schools are like off Xmas Eve and then all next week… but parents are just taking kids out for this whole week anyway.  

Yes, keeps us busy for sure. :) 

school is a bit weird - today is their last day, seems late!

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7 hours ago, tamarack said:

My short (23 years) record shows 17.6° for 12/20 and 24.1° for the 24th.  Takes until the 30th before the average drops below the 20th average.  Even with my 15-day smoothing there's a pre-Christmas bump.  With the short POR, days like last Christmas (54/43 and 29° AN) and 12/29/17 (-1/-31 and 35° BN) have huge impact.

Interesting, thank you for that information!

It is snowing pretty good right now, up to 1/2" I would guess. 26° at 4pm and a little windy.

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8 minutes ago, Patriot21 said:

Interesting, thank you for that information!

It is snowing pretty good right now, up to 1/2" I would guess. 26° at 4pm and a little windy.

Thanks.  Numbers are us.
Ended with 1" total though it likely settled the existing 6" pack to the same degree.  Half inch snow on each end with ZR in between.

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Event totals: 0.1” Snow/0.01” L.E.


We did pick up a bit of snow this afternoon, and the BTV NWS indicates that this wasn’t really from the coastal storm, but a weak, fast-moving wave coming through southern Canada.


Details from the 6:00 P.M. Waterbury observations:

New Snow: 0.1 inches

New Liquid: 0.01 inches

Snow/Water Ratio: 10.0

Snow Density: 10.0% H2O

Temperature: 30.4 F

Sky: Cloudy

Snow at the stake: 6.0 inches

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County got there's.

NOUS41 KCAR 230227

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Caribou ME
927 PM EST Wed Dec 22 2021


Location                     Amount    Time/Date       Provider


...Aroostook County...
Van Buren                    12.0 in   0911 PM 12/22   Public
Woodland                     10.0 in   0658 PM 12/22   Public
Stockholm                    9.0 in    0527 PM 12/22   Public
3 NNE Caribou                9.0 in    0800 PM 12/22   NWS Employee
3 WNW Guerette               8.5 in    0648 PM 12/22   Public
New Sweden                   8.5 in    0730 PM 12/22   Public
2 NE Fort Fairfield          8.5 in    0805 PM 12/22   NWS Employee
Lille                        8.4 in    0635 PM 12/22   Public
3 SE Fort Fairfield          8.0 in    0546 PM 12/22   Trained Spotter
3 SSE Caribou                8.0 in    0748 PM 12/22   Public
1 NW Ashland                 7.5 in    0702 PM 12/22   Public
2 SSE Ashland                7.5 in    0758 PM 12/22   Trained Spotter
1 WNW Ashland                7.2 in    0606 PM 12/22   Public
3 ENE castle hill            7.2 in    0657 PM 12/22   Trained Spotter
1 SE Presque Isle            7.0 in    0630 PM 12/22   Trained Spotter
Limestone                    7.0 in    0723 PM 12/22   Public
4 SE Washburn                7.0 in    0725 PM 12/22   Trained Spotter
Caribou                      7.0 in    0730 PM 12/22   Trained Spotter
3 ESE Caribou                7.0 in    0805 PM 12/22   Trained Spotter
2 SSE castle hill            6.9 in    0822 PM 12/22   NWS Employee
1 WSW Blaine                 6.5 in    0722 PM 12/22   Public
2 S Caribou                  6.0 in    0504 PM 12/22   Cocorahs
Saint Francis                6.0 in    0642 PM 12/22   Public
Wallagrass                   6.0 in    0714 PM 12/22   Public
1 N Caribou NWS              5.7 in    0700 PM 12/22   Official NWS Obs
Fort Kent                    5.5 in    0711 PM 12/22   Public
Crystal                      5.0 in    0710 PM 12/22   Public
1 N Danforth                 4.9 in    0753 PM 12/22   Public
1 WSW Madawaska              4.7 in    0852 PM 12/22   Trained Spotter
Sherman                      3.0 in    0748 PM 12/22   Public

...Penobscot County...
Millinocket                  6.0 in    0717 PM 12/22   Public
Lincoln                      4.0 in    0700 PM 12/22   Public
3 WSW Orrington              1.0 in    0837 PM 12/22   Trained Spotter

...Piscataquis County...
Greenville                   7.5 in    0720 PM 12/22   Public
4 E Greenville               6.5 in    0253 PM 12/22   Trained Spotter
Shirley                      5.0 in    0224 PM 12/22   Public
Sangerville                  4.0 in    0648 PM 12/22   Public
Medford                      4.0 in    0718 PM 12/22   Public
2 SSE Kingsbury              3.5 in    0406 PM 12/22   Trained Spotter
Milo                         3.5 in    0826 PM 12/22   Public
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