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NNE Cold Season Thread 2021/2022


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Congrats Phin.

Your 15" was the highest total of anyplace in at least the Gray Maine forecast area


Location                     Amount    Time/Date       Provider             


...Androscoggin County...
Turner                       2.0 in    0700 AM 03/13   COOP                 
Mechanic Falls 2.7 S         2.0 in    0500 PM 03/12   COCORAHS             
Auburn 2.1 NNW               1.0 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Auburn                       1.0 in    0258 PM 03/12   Amateur Radio        
1.8 W Lisbon Falls           0.7 in    0700 AM 03/13   COOP                 
Lisbon 0.6 S                 0.5 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             

...Cumberland County...
5 S Bridgton                 2.8 in    0900 PM 03/12   Trained Spotter      
Standish 1.3 SSW             1.7 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
5 NNE East Baldwin           1.6 in    0756 AM 03/13   Trained Spotter      
Sebago 2.4 ESE               1.0 in    0830 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
South Portland 1.7 S         0.8 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Portland Jetport             0.8 in    1200 AM 03/13   ASOS                 
2 NE Gray                    0.8 in    1028 PM 03/12   NWS Employee         
Gray, ME                     0.7 in    0800 AM 03/13   HADS                 
3 W Pownal                   0.7 in    1203 AM 03/13   Official NWS Obs     
Cumberland Center 4.4 NW     0.6 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Portland 5.5 WNW             0.6 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
2 ENE North Windham          0.5 in    0720 AM 03/13   Public                     
Freeport 3.0 ENE             0.5 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Portland 5.4 NW              0.4 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
New Gloucester 3.0 SE        0.4 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
2 NW Falmouth                0.4 in    0934 PM 03/12   Trained Spotter      
Harpswell 3.1 WSW             T in     0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             

...Franklin County...
3 ESE Stratton               8.0 in    0651 AM 03/13   Public               
1 NNW Dallas                 7.8 in    0727 PM 03/12   Public               
6 SSE Rangeley               7.2 in    0328 PM 03/12   Trained Spotter      
Stratton                     6.0 in    0405 PM 03/12   Trained Spotter      
New Sharon 2.0 NW            3.5 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Temple 1.8 W                 3.3 in    0600 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
0.9 E New Sharon             3.0 in    0700 AM 03/13   COOP                 
Farmington 1 NNW             2.8 in    0800 AM 03/13   COOP                 
2 NNW Farmington             2.5 in    0655 PM 03/12   Trained Spotter      
1.0 W Kingfield              2.0 in    0830 AM 03/13   COOP                 

...Kennebec County...
Mount Vernon                 2.8 in    0530 PM 03/12   Trained Spotter      
3 NE South China             1.5 in    1000 AM 03/13   Public               
Wayne 3.2 SSE                1.5 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Readfield 2.0 NNE            1.5 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Manchester 0.5 NE            1.5 in    0545 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Clinton 0.5 WSW              1.5 in    1159 PM 03/12   COCORAHS             
Farmingdale                  1.0 in    0604 AM 03/13   Public                     
2.0 SW Waterville            0.9 in    0700 AM 03/13   COOP                 

...Knox County...
Union 3.0 NW                 2.0 in    0745 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Union 3.0 W                  2.0 in    0728 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Thomaston                    1.5 in    1203 AM 03/13   Trained Spotter      
Rockport 2.8 SW              1.4 in    0800 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Union 2.1 NNE                1.0 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             

...Lincoln County...
Waldoboro 1.5 NNE            1.2 in    0800 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Newcastle 2.1 SW             0.9 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             

...Oxford County...
Bethel 6 SSE                 4.2 in    0717 AM 03/13   COOP                 
Andover 3.8 W                4.0 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Oxford 5.3 SW                3.0 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
4 SSW Oxford                 2.3 in    0706 PM 03/12   Public               
1 NW Otisfield               2.0 in    0757 AM 03/13   Trained Spotter      
Hartford 1.4 N               2.0 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             

...Sagadahoc County...
2.3 NW Bath                  1.0 in    0700 AM 03/13   COOP                 
Bath 1.1 WSW                 1.0 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Topsham 3.7 NE               0.7 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             

...Somerset County...
Pittston Farm                14.0 in   1108 PM 03/12   Public               
Solon 3.9 ESE                4.5 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Skowhegan                    3.0 in    0648 AM 03/13   Public               
Anson                        2.0 in    0700 AM 03/13   COOP                 
1.9 S Harmony                2.0 in    0600 AM 03/13   COOP                 
North New Portland 0.3 WSW   1.7 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Palmyra 3.5 NW               1.2 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             

...Waldo County...
Prospect 2.6 W               1.5 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Searsmont 3.5 WNW            1.5 in    0615 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Winterport 2.9 N             1.4 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             

...York County...
East Waterboro 1.7 NW        1.7 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
1 SW Old Orchard Beach       1.6 in    0800 AM 03/13   NWS Employee         
Hollis Center 5.4 NW         1.6 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
5.0 NW Hollis                1.6 in    0700 AM 03/13   COOP                 
Biddeford 1.5 NNE            1.5 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Cornish 5.6 ESE              1.5 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
2.6 SW Ogunquit              1.5 in    0700 AM 03/13   COOP                 
2 NNE Hollis                 1.4 in    0800 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
4 NE Shapleigh               1.1 in    0800 AM 03/13   Trained Spotter      
Parsonsfield 3.9 NE          1.0 in    0825 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
3 SE Sanford                 1.0 in    1035 PM 03/12   Trained Spotter      
North Berwick 5.3 W          0.6 in    0930 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Berwick 0.5 N                0.1 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             

...New Hampshire...

...Belknap County...
Belmont 1.7 SW               3.2 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
New Hampton 4.1 N            3.1 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Tilton Northfield 3.3 NE     2.9 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Laconia 7.9 E                2.5 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
1.5 N Laconia                2.0 in    0800 AM 03/13   COOP                 
Meredith 2.9 SSW             2.0 in    0715 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Sanbornton 2.3 WNW           1.9 in    0814 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             

...Carroll County...
1 N Madison                  3.0 in    0321 PM 03/12   Trained Spotter      
2 NNW Freedom                2.8 in    0551 PM 03/12   Trained Spotter      
Wolfeboro 0.6 SW             2.5 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Center Sandwich 4.9 E        2.3 in    0600 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
East Sandwich                2.3 in    0600 AM 03/13   COOP                 
2 WNW Wolfeboro              2.3 in    0300 PM 03/12   Trained Spotter      
Jackson 3.7 NW               2.0 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Wolfeboro                    1.8 in    0800 AM 03/13   UCOOP                
North Conway 1.4 SSW         1.8 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Tamworth 0.4 NNW             1.3 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Tamworth                     1.3 in    0700 AM 03/13   COOP                 
North Conway                 1.0 in    0745 AM 03/13   COOP                 

...Cheshire County...
2 SSE Rindge                 4.9 in    1000 AM 03/13   Trained Spotter      
1.6 W Keene                  4.8 in    0700 AM 03/13   COOP                 
Keene 1.3 SW                 3.3 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Rindge 3.2 ESE               2.5 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Jaffrey                      2.5 in    0700 AM 03/13   COOP                 
West Swanzey 1.0 WNW         1.7 in    1200 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Keene 2.5 NNW                1.5 in    0600 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
West Chesterfield 0.3 WNW    0.9 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             

...Coos County...
Pittsburg                    13.5 in   0800 AM 03/13   COOP                 
Carroll 4.6 NE               13.2 in   0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Gorham                       10.0 in   0530 AM 03/13   COOP                 
2 NNW Clarksville            10.0 in   0503 PM 03/12   Trained Spotter      
Whitefield                   9.0 in    0902 AM 03/13   Trained Spotter      
2 ESE Jefferson              8.5 in    0800 AM 03/13   Trained Spotter      
Jefferson 1 W                8.2 in    0700 AM 03/13   COOP                 
2 NW Whitefield              7.5 in    0857 PM 03/12   Public               
4 NNW Whitefield             6.9 in    0609 PM 03/12   Trained Spotter      
Northumberland               6.3 in    0845 AM 03/13   COOP                 
Lancaster 0.5 N              5.5 in    0600 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Pinkham Notch                3.1 in    0500 AM 03/13   COOP                 
4 E Lancaster                2.0 in    0344 PM 03/12   Trained Spotter      

...Grafton County...
Littleton 7.3 W              6.0 in    0800 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
4 ENE Thornton               5.0 in    0724 AM 03/13   Public                     
5 SSW Lyme                   4.8 in    0717 AM 03/13   Public                     
Hanover 4.8 NE               4.8 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
2 ENE Lincoln                4.8 in    0910 PM 03/12   Public               
Plymouth 3.7 N               4.3 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
2 WNW Canaan                 3.0 in    0836 PM 03/12   Trained Spotter      
2 NNW Ashland                3.0 in    0251 PM 03/12   Trained Spotter      
2.3 NW Warren                2.6 in    0700 AM 03/13   COOP                 
2 SSE Campton                2.5 in    1000 AM 03/13   Trained Spotter      
Hanover                      2.5 in    0254 PM 03/12   Public               
Bristol 0.4 SSE              1.9 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             

...Hillsborough County...
1 W Hillsborough             5.5 in    0905 AM 03/13                        
Hillsborough                 3.0 in    0357 PM 03/12   Public               
Greenville 1.1 ENE           1.6 in    0800 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Temple 1.2 ENE               1.5 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Mount Vernon 1.3 SSW         1.0 in    0630 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Hudson 2.9 NE                0.4 in    0745 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Manchester Airport           0.2 in    0700 PM 03/12   ASOS                 
Brookline 2.3 SW             0.1 in    0800 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
1.1 SE Nashua                0.1 in    0720 AM 03/13   COOP                 
3 SSE Mason                  0.1 in    0700 AM 03/13   Public                     
1 WSW Nashua                  T in     0600 PM 03/12   Trained Spotter      
1 ESE Brookline               T in     0600 PM 03/12   Trained Spotter      

...Merrimack County...
Northfield 2.8 E             4.9 in    0701 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
South Sutton 1.3 SE          3.2 in    0800 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Danbury 2.2 ESE              2.7 in    0800 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
New London 0.8 S             2.4 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Pittsfield 0.2 SSW           2.0 in    0800 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Chichester 2.7 SSW           2.0 in    0120 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
South Sutton 2.5 SSE         1.9 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Sutton Mills 0.1 ENE         1.9 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Dunbarton 3.8 SE             1.7 in    0600 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Concord Municipal Airp       1.7 in    0700 PM 03/12   ASOS                 
Concord 2.4 E                1.6 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Henniker                     1.5 in    0903 AM 03/13   Trained Spotter      
Bow 1.6 NW                   1.4 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
1 NW Contoocook              1.4 in    0550 PM 03/12   Trained Spotter      
Contoocook 0.6 NNW           1.3 in    0810 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Canterbury 2.5 SSW           1.1 in    0750 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Concord 3.8 SSE              0.2 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             

...Rockingham County...
Northwood 2.9 WSW            1.5 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Rye                          1.4 in    0900 PM 03/12   Public               
Rye 1.0 S                    1.4 in    0850 PM 03/12   COCORAHS             
2 NW Hampton                 1.0 in    0800 AM 03/13   Trained Spotter      
Stratham 1.9 ESE             0.8 in    0500 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
1 S Greenland                0.7 in    0800 AM 03/13   CO-OP Observer       
Nottingham 1.2 S             0.5 in    0845 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
Derry 5.7 N                  0.2 in    0700 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
 N Portsmouth Airport        0.2 in    0700 PM 03/12   AWOS                 
0.5 W Epping                  T in     0900 AM 03/13   COOP                 

...Strafford County...
Strafford 2.9 N              2.0 in    0800 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             
New Durham 2.5 E             1.0 in    0800 AM 03/13   COCORAHS             

...Sullivan County...
2 SSE Goshen                 2.4 in    0346 PM 03/12   Trained Spotter      
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Passes don’t work at BW on the weekends so we decided to hit Attitash. Apparently they didn’t get any snow yesterday somehow? If they did get some it was maybe an inch or so. Seems hard to believe they missed that badly. First time there. Conditions were pretty terrible. Also the lift setup there is bewildering and dumb. I know it’s been said before by others here but it was my first time seeing it. The summit triple chair is something else. LOL

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1 hour ago, CoastalWx said:

At 1500’ or the stake? Looked like 19” at the stake?

That was at 3000ft but to be honest there wasn’t a ton of elevation difference.  Last night both spots got 7-8”.  Given high winds I bet there’s a general 15-19” spread depending on site specifics.

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1 hour ago, PhineasC said:

We are down in Bartlett and it appears to have not even snowed here? Did the storm jump over them? It’s crazy the difference between here and there. 

Winds were NW the whole event, not the usual E/SE/NE then switching to NW on the backside.  Looking at terrain map you can see how that flow would be pretty brutal there.

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23 minutes ago, backedgeapproaching said:

Winds were NW the whole event, not the usual E/SE/NE then switching to NW on the backside.  Looking at terrain map you can see how that flow would be pretty brutal there.

Yeah, kind of an unusual setup. I guess it must have just been spitting there all day yesterday. A forecast bust I think because the GYX map had them at 8-12 I think. 

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28 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

Yeah, kind of an unusual setup. I guess it must have just been spitting there all day yesterday. A forecast bust I think because the GYX map had them at 8-12 I think. 

You found the side of the Whites that probably rained and then frozen with an inch of glop in between.  The interesting thing with anafrontal or frontal waves like that is the entire event is NW wind in the lowest 8,000ft in this one.  Backside of the cold front and had strong inversion/veering around 6-8k feet.

Here’s the VAD from BTV yesterday during synoptic snow showing the flow behind the cold front.


That flow is kind of blocked which is why the west slopes locally and I bet Alex did a little better daytime yesterday than your hood… but last night it unblocked itself when upper winds also went NW and CAA took place.  Froude numbers were 1.0-1.5 which is crest and Lee side favored… and your snowfall went off (similar thing happened at the ski area here).  Basically the upslope could drift more eastward.

Couple that with -15C to -18C at 850mb with those perfect snow growth temps situated right in the sweet spot for orographic snow from 3,000-8,000ft elevation and it just dumped dendrites. When the snow growth is that good, even in high winds it doesn’t seem to shatter the flakes.  They make it to the surface as great fluff.  Can turn an extra 0.25” QPF into 6-10” fast.

Fun event!

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Totals from BTV’s VT forecast area. I was around 11”, which jibes with the reports closest to me. 


...Addison County...
  1 NE South Lincoln      8.0   700 AM  3/13  Co-Op Observer
  1 NE Ferrisburg         7.0   330 PM  3/12  Public
  1 WNW Orwell            5.7   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  1 SE Cornwall           5.5   700 AM  3/13  Co-Op Observer
  N Middlebury            4.0   500 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  Vergennes               4.0   611 AM  3/13  Co-Op Observer
  1 NNW Branbury State    4.0   330 PM  3/12  Public

...Caledonia County...
  Burke                   9.2   846 AM  3/13  Public
  3 NNE Danville          9.0   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  2 WNW Wells River       8.8   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  2 N Lyndonville         8.3   800 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  2 S Wheelock            7.4   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  1 W Lyndonville         6.0   730 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  West Burke              6.0   315 PM  3/12  Public
  1 SW St. Johnsbury      5.0   630 PM  3/12  Trained Spotter
  Saint Johnsbury         4.3   400 PM  3/12  Co-Op Observer
  2 SE Peacham            3.5   225 PM  3/12  Public

...Chittenden County...
  1 E Nashville          11.9   645 AM  3/13  Co-Op Observer
  1 E Huntington         10.5   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  Jericho Center         10.5   600 PM  3/12  Public
  1 SSW Underhill        10.0  1033 PM  3/12  Public
  5 NNE Underhill         9.8   800 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  4 NNE Underhill         9.4   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  Huntington              9.0   300 PM  3/12  Public
  Jonesville              9.0   829 PM  3/12  Public
  WSW Williston           8.5   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  2 E St. George          8.3   345 PM  3/12  NWS Employee
  2 E Underhill Center    8.0   315 PM  3/12  Public
  1 E Jericho             7.9   500 PM  3/12  Public
  2 SW Jonesville         7.5   300 PM  3/12  Public
  1 NNE Hinesburg         7.5   735 PM  3/12  Trained Spotter
  Hinesburg               7.5   200 PM  3/12  Trained Spotter
  1 NE South Burlingto    7.2   500 PM  3/12  NWS Office
  Richmond                7.0   237 PM  3/12  Public
  1 S Essex Center        6.7  1005 PM  3/12  NWS Employee
  1 N Hinesburg           6.5   155 PM  3/12  Public
  Jericho                 6.5   200 PM  3/12  Trained Spotter
  2 NW Westford           6.4   945 PM  3/12  NWS Employee
  3 SSW South Burlingt    5.6   645 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  Essex Junction          5.0   200 PM  3/12  Trained Spotter
  1 NNW Burlington        4.5   345 PM  3/12  NWS Employee
  Malletts Bay            4.0  1050 AM  3/12  Public
  2 SW Milton             4.0   400 PM  3/12  NWS Employee

...Essex County...
  Averill                16.9   800 AM  3/13  Co-Op Observer
  Island Pond            16.0  1000 AM  3/13  Co-Op Observer
  1 S East Haven         11.3   700 AM  3/13  Co-Op Observer
  2 NNW Lunenburg        11.0   530 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  1 NW Granby            10.0   800 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  4 WNW Maidstone         5.6   910 PM  3/12  Public

...Franklin County...
  Fletcher                7.0   206 PM  3/12  Public
  North Fairfax           6.0   400 PM  3/12  Public
  5 WNW Fairfax           4.8   900 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  St. Albans              4.5   141 PM  3/12  Public
  1 NNE Swanton           3.7   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  4 E Swanton             3.5   250 PM  3/12  Public

...Grand Isle County...
  Alburgh                 6.0   350 PM  3/12  Public

...Lamoille County...
  2 SSW Eden             17.0   856 AM  3/13  Trained Spotter
  3 N Smugglers Notch    12.1   730 AM  3/13  Co-Op Observer
  2 N Johnson             9.0   720 AM  3/13  Co-Op Observer
  Hyde Park               9.0   345 PM  3/12  Trained Spotter
  SW Stowe                8.3   730 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  Morrisville             8.0   700 PM  3/12  Public
  1 NW Stowe              7.0   800 PM  3/12  Public
  2 NNE Smugglers Notc    7.0   220 PM  3/12  Public
  2 ESE Underhill Stat    7.0   219 PM  3/12  Public

...Orange County...
  Williamstown           11.5   955 AM  3/13  Public
  3 SW Braintree          9.0   800 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  2 E Corinth Corners     7.1   700 AM  3/13  Co-Op Observer
  Randolph Center         7.0   602 PM  3/12  Trained Spotter
  1 WSW East Orange       7.0   748 PM  3/12  Trained Spotter
  2 NNW Bradford          6.3   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  Chelsea                 5.0   500 PM  3/12  Public
  South Strafford         4.2   841 AM  3/13  Public
  Braintree               3.6   207 PM  3/12  Public

...Orleans County...
  7 SE Morgan            20.0   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  2 NNW Greensboro       14.0   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  4 NNE Greensboro       12.7   800 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  Derby Center           11.0   345 PM  3/12  Trained Spotter
  2 W Derby Line         10.6   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  1 WNW Westfield        10.5   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  Newport Center          8.0   308 PM  3/12  Public
  Derby Line              8.0   215 PM  3/12  Public
  Craftsbury              7.0   331 PM  3/12  Public

...Rutland County...
  1 WNW Middletown Spr    9.6   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  3 SSW Wallingford       9.0   745 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  Danby                   7.0  1000 PM  3/12  Public
  2 SSE Pittsford         6.5   500 PM  3/12  CoCoRaHS
  1 N Rutland             6.4   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  2 N Rutland             5.5   530 PM  3/12  Public
  Sudbury                 5.0   306 PM  3/12  Public
  2 E Shrewsbury          4.3   245 PM  3/12  Public
  1 SSE West Rutland      3.0   800 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS

...Washington County...
  1 SSE Walden           13.5   800 AM  3/13  Trained Spotter
  4 WNW Waitsfield       12.5   800 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  Adamant                12.0  1200 AM  3/13  Public
  3 NW Waterbury         11.6   600 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  4 ENE Cabot            11.5   900 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  1 NNW Woodbury         11.1   800 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  2 N Calais             11.0   827 AM  3/13  Trained Spotter
  1 SW East Barre        10.8   627 AM  3/13  NWS Employee
  3 NNW Woodbury         10.7   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  2 SE Waitsfield        10.3   730 AM  3/13  Co-Op Observer
  Barre                  10.1   430 PM  3/12  Public
  3 E Warren              9.1   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  Calais                  9.0   756 PM  3/12  Public
  2 W Worcester           8.6   700 AM  3/13  Co-Op Observer
  1 ESE Plainfield        8.5   700 AM  3/13  Co-Op Observer
  2 NNE Waterbury Cent    8.0   535 PM  3/12  Trained Spotter
  2 SW East Calais        8.0   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  2 N Northfield          7.6   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  2 N Moretown            7.5   800 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  East Montpelier         7.3   430 PM  3/12  1200 ft elev
  4 ESE Marshfield        7.0  1008 PM  3/12  Trained Spotter

...Windsor County...
  3 N Pomfret             7.7   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  1 SE West Norwich       7.1   818 AM  3/13  Public
  2 NE Rochester          7.0   700 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  3 S Ludlow              7.0   700 PM  3/12  Trained Spotter
  1 NNE Pomfret           6.5   700 PM  3/12  Public
  NE Rochester            5.0   740 AM  3/13  CoCoRaHS
  1 SW Hartland           5.0   430 PM  3/12  CoCoRaHS
  Plymouth                3.0   330 PM  3/12  Public
  1 E Woodstock           2.6   800 AM  3/13  Co-Op Observer
  2 NNE Springfield       2.5   237 PM  3/12  Trained Spotter
  Woodstock               2.5   445 PM  3/12  Public
  Bridgewater             2.5   345 PM  3/12  Trained Spotter
  Chester                 2.0   307 PM  3/12  Public
  Springfield             2.0   757 PM  3/12  Public
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Damn, some grade A shots right there! #3 is a keeper.

Was nice to get daytime event, super fun storm skiing yesterday and it brought back terrain I thought for sure was done for the season.

Wind stripped most the snow off the trees last night but the sheltered pockets today were beautiful. Here's one from behind my parent's place in Underhill.


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Event totals: 0.1” Snow/Trace L.E.


We’ve had light accumulating snow here at the house this morning, and checking the BTV NWS forecast discussion, this is from weak low pressure moving by to our north with a weak upper-level shortwave, which is distinct from the sharp shortwave trough that is expected to move across the area tonight.  I’ll plan to keep any snowfall from these disturbances as distinct events.


Details from the 6:00 A.M. Waterbury observations:

New Snow: 0.1 inches

New Liquid: Trace

Temperature: 25.9 F

Sky: Light Snow (1-4 mm flakes)

Snow at the stake: 12.0 inches

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Arrived home around 9am today after being gone for more than a week. Last Sunday and Monday's warmth and rain really took a toll on the snowpack here, and I can verify that we only gained about 3" back with Saturday's event. I would estimate the total snow depth to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 8-10 inches. We have to be looking at near historically thin levels for the middle of March at 1500' in the eastern Whites.

Looks like tomorrow night's event could be just enough to push my seasonal total up to 80 inches. I leave for a week of ski touring in the Selkirks of British Columbia on Friday, and I think I'll be ready to put this season to bed when I return.


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So, I highly recommend not blowing out you ACL. Pain after surgery is unreal. I can barely move. No weight bearing at all with my left leg for about 6 weeks. I just lay on my couch staring at the ceiling. But, at least I will be back walking in time for summer. So I'm just immobile during mud season

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16 minutes ago, #NoPoles said:

So, I highly recommend not blowing out you ACL. Pain after surgery is unreal. I can barely move. No weight bearing at all with my left leg for about 6 weeks. I just lay on my couch staring at the ceiling. But, at least I will be back walking in time for summer. So I'm just immobile during mud season

Best of luck with your, hopefully speedy, recovery.

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1 hour ago, #NoPoles said:

So, I highly recommend not blowing out you ACL. Pain after surgery is unreal. I can barely move. No weight bearing at all with my left leg for about 6 weeks. I just lay on my couch staring at the ceiling. But, at least I will be back walking in time for summer. So I'm just immobile during mud season

Next to that my heart procedure and aftermath was a walk in the park on a warm spring day.  Are you getting the right pain therapy?  Seems there would be ways to mediate even that level of post-surgery pain without diving deeply into opioids.  Of course, I got my medical degree from UMaine forestry school.  ;)

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2 hours ago, #NoPoles said:

So, I highly recommend not blowing out you ACL. Pain after surgery is unreal. I can barely move. No weight bearing at all with my left leg for about 6 weeks. I just lay on my couch staring at the ceiling. But, at least I will be back walking in time for summer. So I'm just immobile during mud season

A friend of mine blew his out and complained for awhile after the surgery about the pain, he was swallowing percs like tic tacs.

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