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NNE Cold Season Thread 2021/2022


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4 hours ago, mreaves said:

From my standpoint, this seems like a bit of an over performer. The snow was in the expected range but I was expecting some taint and mid-upper 30’s. Not getting that and staying all snow is a solid victory. 

Definitely.  The QPF aspect was solid. Down here it was certainly wetter and/or got above freezing at home.  Snow has a bit of a crust.

Snowing lightly again, looks like the western slopes have blossomed up.  We joke about J.Spin but there's a reason the models often put small areas of QPF maxes in his neighborhood.  That Winooski Gap seems to add convergence on westerly wind set-ups.


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I'm around 9", it started snowing a little around midnight and it's actually coming down at a pretty good clip right now at 7am. Dunno what my temperature is cause my thermometer blew off during the winds yesterday and is buried somewhere. I never changed to rain and it was snowing pretty good there for a while. Is picturesque out there now.

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We were skiing up at Bolton yesterday, so I can pass along some updates and a few images.

Wind holds were in effect at the very start of the day, but they were loading by mid-morning and we headed up.  The snowfall rates were already pretty substantial (~1”/hr.) down in the valley, and they ramped up as we headed into the higher elevations.  With the snowfall rates, it was hard to keep pace with plowing the Bolton Valley Access Road, so snow was definitely present and giving some vehicles trouble making the ascent.  We had to head around stopped vehicles in a couple of different spots, and one was working on turning around to head back down and presumably wait for the plow/sander to make a pass.

As far as ski days go, you had a number of factors that made yesterday’s session a good one.  By mid-morning, the wind had settled down to almost nothing across many areas of the mountain, temperatures were very comfortable in the upper 20s to around 30 F, and it was pounding snow somewhere in the 1-2”/hr. range a lot of the time.  The snowfall meant that surfaces were getting constantly refreshed, atop of what had already been a solid resurfacing with probably 0.50 – 0.75” of liquid equivalent in the form of medium-weight snow.

With the overnight shot of snow and the continued heavy snowfall, patrol was opening up trails all over the main mountain that had not been available yet this season.  It was hard to know which ropes had been dropped before opening time, and which ones were done on the fly, by just about everything on Vista was open.  The resort had completed their snowmaking and preparation of Spillway, which is one of their signature steep trails, so that was open with all the new snow atop the base they’d made.  That offered up some excellent steep skiing.  You could still contact the harder manmade snow below at times, but it was snowing so hard that the manmade stuff was quickly getting buried.

The heavy snowfall rates were very evident while riding the lifts because of how fast you would get coated with snow, so on one of rides on the Vista Quad, my son’s friend stayed still to catch the accumulation.  I’ve got a shot of that in the images below.








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...Addison County...
  Bristol                 6.5   327 PM  1/17  Public
  Orwell                  4.0   334 PM  1/17  Public

...Caledonia County...
  Walden                  6.0   427 PM  1/17  At 1640 feet.

...Chittenden County...
  Richmond                9.0   400 PM  1/17  Public
  Hinesburg               8.0   345 PM  1/17  Broadcast Media
  Williston               7.8   430 PM  1/17  Public
  1 SSW Underhill         7.5   337 PM  1/17  Public
  South Burlington        7.2   452 PM  1/17  Public
  1 E Nashville           7.1   333 PM  1/17  NWS Employee
  2 NNW Williston         7.0   401 PM  1/17  NWS Employee
  2 NNE Shelburne         6.5   200 PM  1/17  Public
  1 NE South Burlingto    6.3   350 PM  1/17  NWS Office
  Essex Junction          6.1   430 PM  1/17  Public
  2 SW Milton             5.8   410 PM  1/17  NWS Employee
  Charlotte               5.5  1025 AM  1/17  Public
  Jericho                 5.5   530 PM  1/17  Public
  2 NW Westford           5.2   424 PM  1/17  NWS Employee
  Underhill               5.0  1230 PM  1/17  At 1060 feet.

...Essex County...
  4 WNW Maidstone         5.8   150 PM  1/17  Public

...Franklin County...
  Fletcher                7.7   320 PM  1/17  Public
  St. Albans              4.2  1245 PM  1/17  Public

...Grand Isle County...
  1 N North Hero          5.5   410 PM  1/17  NWS Employee

...Lamoille County...
  Cambridge               9.3   130 PM  1/17  At 955 feet.
  1 W Cadys Falls         7.0   407 PM  1/17  Public
  1 W Morrisville         6.0   210 PM  1/17  Reported in Morristown.
  Morrisville             5.0  1239 PM  1/17  Public

...Orange County...
  Chelsea                11.8   545 PM  1/17  Public
  Randolph Center        10.0   145 PM  1/17  Public
  1 NW West Braintree     9.8   315 PM  1/17  Public
  Williamstown            9.0   411 PM  1/17  Public
  East Randolph           9.0   230 PM  1/17  At 1250 feet.
  Orange                  6.5   145 PM  1/17  Public

...Orleans County...
  Albany                  5.0   432 PM  1/17  At 1500 feet.

...Rutland County...
  Rutland                 6.0   200 PM  1/17  Public
  Wallingford             6.0  1052 AM  1/17  Public
  2 SSE Pittsford         5.0   310 PM  1/17  CoCoRaHS

...Washington County...
  Northfield             13.0   310 PM  1/17  At 1300 feet.
  2 S Northfield         12.6   530 PM  1/17  Public
  Fayston                12.5   300 PM  1/17  Public
  Waitsfield             12.0   200 PM  1/17  At 1550 feet.
  2 ESE Warren           11.8   143 PM  1/17  Public
  2 NNE Waterbury Cent   10.0   504 PM  1/17  Trained Spotter
  3 SSE Waterbury        10.0   441 PM  1/17  Public
  Worcester               9.5   400 PM  1/17  At 1320 feet.
  Duxbury                 9.0   120 PM  1/17  Public
  Moretown                8.8  1215 PM  1/17  Public
  Middlesex               8.0   305 PM  1/17  Public
  East Montpelier         8.0   350 PM  1/17  Public
  Waterbury               7.5   127 PM  1/17  Public
  Calais                  7.5   300 PM  1/17  Public
  Plainfield              7.5   430 PM  1/17  Public
  Montpelier              7.0   130 PM  1/17  At 690 feet.
  Waterbury Center        6.0  1235 PM  1/17  Public
  2 S Woodbury            5.5   800 PM  1/17  Public
  1 NW Calais             4.0   100 PM  1/17  Public

...Windsor County...
  Rochester              13.0   210 PM  1/17  At 1700 feet.
  3 N Pomfret            12.3   300 PM  1/17  CoCoRaHS
  3 S Ludlow             11.0   125 PM  1/17  Trained Spotter
  West Windsor           10.0  1135 AM  1/17  Public
  Hartland               10.0   300 PM  1/17  Public
  1 NNE Pomfret           9.9   230 PM  1/17  At 1205 feet.
  Woodstock               9.3  1235 PM  1/17  At 800 feet.
  1 SE Reading            9.2   130 PM  1/17  Public
  South Royalton          9.0   155 PM  1/17  At 900 feet.
  Sharon                  9.0   245 PM  1/17  At 1450 feet.
  Quechee                 8.5   115 PM  1/17  At 1300 feet.
  Plymouth                8.0  1015 AM  1/17  Public
  Cavendish               6.1  1032 AM  1/17  Public
  Weathersfield           5.5  1012 AM  1/17  Public


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1 hour ago, PhineasC said:

Unless one of these coastals the models are struggling to resolve works out, the next week looks fairly tame in terms of large systems, but cold. Several northern stream systems moving through to keep and bread and butter refreshers going, so there should be snow in the air frequently. 

The GFS is usually pretty good at catching these potential bread and butter northern stream systems several days out.  I’m only seeing the midweek (Wednesday/Thursday) one at this point, but we’ll see if anything pops up.

In an earlier post I’d mentioned that if we could get 1.5” of L.E. out of the weekend system and the potential midweek one, it would be quite a boon to the slopes.  I think the mountains may have already picked up that 1.5” from just Winter Storm Izzy though.  Since we picked up 1.19” of L.E. down here in the valley, they’d almost have to have hit that mark, so that’s going to be a great addition to the mountain snowpack.

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Here’s the north to south listing of available storm totals from the Vermont ski areas for Winter Storm Izzy:

Jay Peak: 14”

Burke: 5”

Smuggler’s Notch: 14”

Stowe: 13”

Bolton Valley: 16”

Mad River Glen: 19”

Sugarbush: 15”

Middlebury: 14”

Pico: 17”

Killington: 17”

Okemo: 13”

Bromley: 15”

Magic Mountain: 13”

Stratton: 15”

Mount Snow: 14”

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Yesterday's event finished with 6.2" with 0.92" LE, nice 6.5-1 ratio, further thickened by 0.10" of marginally freezing rain that mostly soaked into the pack.  Tough going for the snowblower.  Had that 1"+ LE been 12" pow, the work would've been much easier.  Probably enough now for the groomer to work the trail thru our woodlot without breaking things on the rocks.  Sad when it's Jan 18 before there's enough snow to safely run that machine.  Now only 13" BN here.

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Event totals: 16.5” Snow/1.20” L.E.


We’ve largely cleared out now, so I’d say this last accumulation marks the end of Winter Storm Izzy here at our site, and the above numbers should represent the final totals.  This storm has now surpassed Winter Storm Carrie (9.3”) from back in December as the largest this season, and is the largest recorded here since Winter Storm Kade (17.0”) back in Feb 2020.


Details from the 1:00 P.M. Waterbury observations:

New Snow: 0.2 inches

New Liquid: 0.01 inches

Snow/Water Ratio: 20.0

Snow Density: 5.0% H2O

Temperature: 16.9 F

Sky: Partly Cloudy

Snow at the stake: 18.0 inches

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Here are the final PNS numbers for VT.  I grabbed Bennington and Windham counties from ALY and 
grafted them on to BTV'sreport


...Addison County...
  South Lincoln          13.0   700 AM  1/18  Co-Op Observer
  S Hancock              10.0   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  1 NE South Lincoln      9.0   700 AM  1/18  Co-Op Observer
  Ferrisburg              8.0   826 AM  1/18  Public
  1 NE Vergennes          7.6   700 AM  1/18  Co-Op Observer
  1 WNW Orwell            7.5   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  4 ENE Bristol           7.2   930 AM  1/18  Public
  Bristol                 6.5   327 PM  1/17  Public
  Vergennes               6.1   532 AM  1/18  Co-Op Observer

...Caledonia County...
  Groton                  8.0   157 PM  1/18  Public
  Walden                  6.0   427 PM  1/17  At 1640 feet.
  N Danville              5.6   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  2 WNW Wells River       5.1   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  2 S Wheelock            4.3   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  1 W Lyndonville         4.1  1117 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  3 NNE Danville          4.1   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Sutton                  3.0   700 AM  1/18  Co-Op Observer

...Chittenden County...
  Underhill              12.5   807 AM  1/18  At 1040 feet.
  Jonesville             12.0   815 AM  1/18  Public
  1 E Nashville          11.6   645 AM  1/18  NWS Employee
  5 NNE Underhill        10.5   830 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  4 NNE Underhill        10.1   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Jericho                10.0   324 PM  1/18  Public
  1 E Huntington          9.4   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  WSW Williston           9.0   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Richmond                9.0   400 PM  1/17  Public
  Winooski                8.5   620 AM  1/18  Public
  1 NE South Burlingto    8.1   700 AM  1/18  NWS Office
  3 SSW South Burlingt    8.1   735 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Hinesburg               8.0   345 PM  1/17  Broadcast Media
  Williston               7.8   430 PM  1/17  Public
  1 SSW Underhill         7.5   337 PM  1/17  Public
  Charlotte               7.4   700 PM  1/17  Other Federal
  3 NE Charlotte          7.2   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  South Burlington        7.2   452 PM  1/17  Public
  2 NNW Williston         7.0   401 PM  1/17  NWS Employee
  1 ENE Shelburne         7.0   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  2 NNE Shelburne         6.5   200 PM  1/17  Public
  Essex Junction          6.1   430 PM  1/17  Public
  2 NW Westford           6.1   734 AM  1/18  NWS Employee
  2 SW Milton             5.8   410 PM  1/17  NWS Employee

...Essex County...
  4 WNW Maidstone         5.8   150 PM  1/17  Public
  2 NNW Lunenburg         4.0   600 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Averill                 3.1   800 AM  1/18  Co-Op Observer

...Franklin County...
  Fletcher                7.7   320 PM  1/17  Public
  1 NNE Swanton           6.5   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  ESE Fairfax             5.7   900 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  St. Albans              4.2  1245 PM  1/17  Public

...Grand Isle County...
  1 N North Hero          5.5   410 PM  1/17  NWS Employee
  Alburgh                 4.0   830 AM  1/17  Public
  South Hero              4.0   700 AM  1/18  Co-Op Observer

...Lamoille County...
  Jeffersonville         14.0   700 AM  1/18  Co-Op Observer
  Belvidere Center       10.0   325 PM  1/18  Public
  Cambridge               9.3   130 PM  1/17  At 955 feet.
  Johnson                 8.5   155 PM  1/18  Public
  SW Stowe                8.5   730 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  1 W Cadys Falls         7.0   407 PM  1/17  Public
  1 W Morrisville         6.0   210 PM  1/17  Reported in Morristown.

...Orange County...
  3 SW Braintree         12.5   800 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Chelsea                11.8   545 PM  1/17  Public
  Randolph Center        10.0   145 PM  1/17  Public
  1 NW West Braintree     9.8   315 PM  1/17  Public
  Brookfield              9.5   814 AM  1/18  Public
  Williamstown            9.0   411 PM  1/17  Public
  Randolph                9.0   810 AM  1/18  Public
  East Randolph           9.0   230 PM  1/17  At 1250 feet.
  Corinth                 8.0   500 AM  1/18  Public
  Orange                  6.5   145 PM  1/17  Public
  2 NNW Bradford          4.8   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  2 ENE West Fairlee      4.5   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS

...Orleans County...
  1 WNW Westfield         7.8   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  4 NNE Greensboro        7.4   815 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  2 NNW Greensboro        6.5   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Albany                  5.0   432 PM  1/17  At 1500 feet.
  2 W Derby Line          4.1   730 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  2 WSW Newport           3.8   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Newport Center          3.0   820 AM  1/18  Public

...Rutland County...
  Forest Dale             9.0   504 AM  1/18  Public
  1 WNW Middletown Spr    7.1   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  3 SSW Wallingford       6.3   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Rutland                 6.0   200 PM  1/17  Public
  1 N Rutland             6.0   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Belmont                 6.0   900 AM  1/17  Public
  Wallingford             6.0  1052 AM  1/17  Public
  2 SSE Pittsford         5.0   310 PM  1/17  CoCoRaHS

...Washington County...
  3 NW Waterbury         16.3   600 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  2 N Northfield         15.5   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Northfield             15.0   300 AM  1/18  Public
  3 E Warren             14.0   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Waterbury              13.0   806 AM  1/18  At 1180 feet.
  1 NNE Waterbury        13.0   500 AM  1/18  Public
  2 S Northfield         12.6   530 PM  1/17  Public
  Fayston                12.5   300 PM  1/17  Public
  2 SE Waitsfield        12.0   600 AM  1/18  Co-Op Observer
  Waitsfield             12.0   200 PM  1/17  At 1550 feet.
  1 SSE Walden           12.0   830 AM  1/18  At 1640 feet.
  2 ESE Warren           11.8   143 PM  1/17  Public
  2 N Moretown           11.7   800 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Worcester              11.3   700 AM  1/18  Co-Op Observer
  5 E Moretown           10.5   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  2 NNE Waterbury Cent   10.0   504 PM  1/17  Trained Spotter
  Middlesex              10.0   645 AM  1/18  Public
  3 SSE Waterbury        10.0   441 PM  1/17  Public
  2 N Calais              9.5   715 AM  1/18  Trained Spotter
  East Montpelier         9.5   658 AM  1/18  Public
  1 SW East Barre         9.2   500 AM  1/18  NWS Employee
  Duxbury                 9.0   120 PM  1/17  Public
  4 ENE Cabot             9.0   900 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Moretown                8.8  1215 PM  1/17  Public
  3 NNW Woodbury          8.0   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Calais                  7.5   300 PM  1/17  Public
  Plainfield              7.5   430 PM  1/17  Public
  2 SW East Calais        7.5   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Montpelier              7.0   130 PM  1/17  At 690 feet.

...Windsor County...
  2 NE Rochester         14.5   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Weston                 13.8   822 AM  1/18  Public
  Rochester              13.5   606 AM  1/18  Public
  3 S Ludlow             12.6   800 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  3 N Pomfret            12.5   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Woodstock              10.5   700 AM  1/18  Co-Op Observer
  Hartland               10.5  1021 AM  1/18  Public
  NE Rochester           10.1   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  3 E Stockbridge        10.0   727 AM  1/18  Public
  West Windsor           10.0  1135 AM  1/17  Public
  1 NNE Pomfret           9.9   230 PM  1/17  At 1205 feet.
  South Royalton          9.5   600 PM  1/17  Public
  1 SE Reading            9.2   130 PM  1/17  Public
  1 N Quechee             9.0   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  NNE Proctorsville       9.0   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Sharon                  9.0   245 PM  1/17  At 1450 feet.
  Quechee                 8.5   115 PM  1/17  At 1300 feet.
  Plymouth                8.0  1015 AM  1/17  Public
  Andover                 8.0   912 AM  1/17  Public
  North Hartland          7.5   700 AM  1/18  Co-Op Observer
...Bennington County...
  Landgrove              15.5   549 AM  1/18  WeatherNet6
  1 NNE Landgrove        14.0   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Woodford               14.0   537 PM  1/17  WeatherNet6
  3 ENE Manchester       13.1   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Winhall                13.0   400 PM  1/17  Social Media
  5 NNE Stamford         12.3   400 PM  1/17  CoCoRaHS
  5 NW Readsboro         12.1  1252 PM  1/17  Social Media
  WNW Shaftsbury          9.1   330 PM  1/17  CoCoRaHS
  Stamford                8.0   408 PM  1/17  Social Media

...Windham County...
  SE West Halifax        17.0   834 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  West Wardsboro         16.0   435 PM  1/17  Elevation 1800 feet
  2 N East Dover         15.8   747 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Wilmington             14.0  1211 PM  1/17  Social Media
  3 SSW Halifax          13.5   410 PM  1/17  Trained Spotter
  1 WNW Wilmington       13.0  1255 PM  1/17  CoCoRaHS
  Londonderry             8.0   413 PM  1/17  Public
  6 W West Brattleboro    7.5   800 AM  1/17  Co-Op Observer
  2 NNE Marlboro          7.5   800 AM  1/17  CoCoRaHS
  1 NNE Rockingham        7.2   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  Brattleboro             7.0   434 PM  1/17  Social Media
  Townshend               6.5  1000 AM  1/17  Trained Spotter
  West Brattleboro        6.2   100 PM  1/17  Social Media
  1 S Brattleboro         4.9   700 AM  1/18  CoCoRaHS
  2 WNW Putney            4.2   730 AM  1/17  CoCoRaHS
  1 NE Putney             4.1   830 AM  1/17  CoCoRaHS
  3 SSW Putney            4.1   810 AM  1/17  Trained Spotter
  2 SSW Putney            4.1   818 AM  1/17  Trained Spotter
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Cold night incoming dropping like a rock since sundown with the fresh pack

Update as of 643 PM EST...

High pressure over NY and New England is providing mostly
clear/clear skies with lightening winds early this evening.
Temps are crashing quickly over the southern Dacks with the Old
Forge NYS mesonet site down to -3F. Some mid and high clouds are
increasing over western NY. A period of radiational cooling is
expected for a few hours before the clouds increase. We did
lower temps over the northwestern zones into the Adirondacks,
but steady or increase them overnight. Otherwise, tranquil and
cold conditions persist with decreasing winds.
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Game changer snowstorm for the mountains.  It's amazing what real snow is like, ha.  A former employee visited today and enjoyed some birthday powder.  This dude showed up at the ski area as an 18 year old from Iowa four years ago.  He was dealing with some stuff, moving on the wrong trajectory, and needed a change of scenery.  I took the big brother approach and he excelled and thrived.  The amount of personal growth and increase in personal responsibility during one winter was awesome to witness.  Snowboarding became his outlet.  He moved to Aspen and spent 3 winters there, now he's back east at Loon.  You love to see it, snowboarding changed his life for the better.


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1 hour ago, powderfreak said:

Game changer snowstorm for the mountains.  It's amazing what real snow is like, ha.  A former employee visited today and enjoyed some birthday powder.  This dude showed up at the ski area as an 18 year old from Iowa four years ago.  He was dealing with some stuff, moving on the wrong trajectory, and needed a change of scenery.  I took the big brother approach and he excelled and thrived.  The amount of personal growth and increase in personal responsibility during one winter was awesome to witness.  Snowboarding became his outlet.  He moved to Aspen and spent 3 winters there, now he's back east at Loon.  You love to see it, snowboarding changed his life for the better.


You are a good man PF. Young people need more mentors like you. Instead of complaining about the next generation pick them up and show them the ropes or in your case where to duck under the ropes. Good job man

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I found 0.2” on the boards this morning from the current system passing through the area.  The BTV NWS forecast discussion indicates that it’s a quick moving low pressure system moving along north of the international border.


Details from the 6:00 A.M. Waterbury observations:

New Snow: 0.2 inches

New Liquid: Trace

Temperature: 3.6 F

Sky: Cloudy

Snow at the stake: 16.0 inches

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20 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

One of those days where radar is much more impressive looking than the result on the ground. Just some light snow around this morning amounting to a minor coating.

After several hours under echoes but no flakes, we can now count them as they drift by.  Since even one flake gets a "T", getting 20 flakes is the same.

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