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Toronto 1840-2024 and NYC 1869-2024 long-term data bases (regular updates and links to data files)

Roger Smith

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Toronto has had a weather observatory for over 180 years now, having started up on March 1st, 1840. The New York City Central Park series goes back to 1869. I also link to a weather journal maintained by Alexis Caswell at Providence RI from 1831 to 1860. 

The material in this thread is being copied over to American Weather Forum from its current location, the Net-weather forum in the UK. There will be one limitation in bringing the material here, namely, a smaller limit on attachment sizes will mean that links to supporting excel files created by myself will not be possible here. For those I may need to post links back to net-weather. I would just post that link in general but I wanted to create a second location where the data were accessible. Eventually I will also have an independent website to host this research. 

The thread was exclusively about the Toronto weather records for its first year of existence and then added NYC with comparisons to the Toronto data. So most of the second half of the thread is about the NYC data. If you start looking through this thread, at some point you may wonder where the NYC data is, so the answer is that it follows the posting of most of the Toronto data summaries. 

This is the thread that is now fully copied over to here:



this is a link to the Alexis Caswell Providence RI weather journal. 



(introduction to net-weather thread posted there Jan 19, 2020. Note, edited the thread title on Net-weather recently as shown below)


Toronto-180 -- a North American data base of 182 years -- now includes NYC 1869-2022

I am now ready to post data from the Toronto-180 project. Toronto City is the current name of the weather station that operated as "Toronto" from 1840 to 2003. The location has always been somewhere around the modern-day University of Toronto campus which is located about 4 kms inland from Lake Ontario and near the northwest perimeter of the extensive central business district of the city (current metropolitan population 4.5 million). From 1840 to about 1880, the weather station was in a rural area on the outskirts of a much smaller community which grew to a population of about 10,000 when it began to surround the farmland where this weather station originally existed. (information added by edit on April 18) ... Although the station may have been near Fort York on the lakeshore briefly in 1840, it appears to have moved to the future site of the University of Toronto within a year or so, and until 1907 it was located where Kings College would eventually be situated, which nowadays is no longer an entity (the U of T has a number of colleges but this one no longer exists). That location was approximately 0.1 km southeast of Hart House in the central portion of the campus (now). Construction of University College nearby in the years 1906 to 1908 created so much dust and other disruption that it was decided to move the weather station, which included a geomagnetism observatory and a telescope, to a quieter location at the northwest margin of the campus, at 315 Bloor Street West, in a building that would later become the headquarters of the Dominion Weather Bureau, an antecedent of the modern day weather agency, Environment Canada (Meteorological Services). That headquarters functioned until 1971 when a new building was opened in suburban North York (Downsview), and the building in question has now become the admissions and bursary offices of the U of T.  (original text resumes) It was then (c.1908) moved about 1 km north to the former location of the headquarters of the "Dominion Weather Bureau" which became the Atmospheric Environment Service around 1969 and then Environment Canada in 1976. It was at that time that observations switched from the Imperial system to metric. The weather station was operated as a first-class reporting site for most of the years of its existence and has only recently been downgraded to a climatological station.

Around 2003, the instruments were moved away from the former headquarters building (at 315 Bloor St W, next to Varsity Stadium, at the north end of the campus), and placed in a suitable open grassy area near Trinity College about 0.3 km to the southeast. (again edited in, this final location is about midway between the original pre-1907 site and the subsequent 1908-2003 location and all are in similar terrain within a five minute walk of each other). The station name was then changed to "Toronto City." From 2003 to 2017, a separate observation program continued (under the name Toronto) recording only daily precip and snowfall. Meanwhile the Toronto City station recorded temperatures and daily precip, snow depths but no daily snowfall amounts. The purpose of the secondary station (which retained the name of the original) was to record snowfall and it only operated from mid-November to mid-April in most years (2003-17). It ceased to report in the 2017-18 winter season. The author has collected all data available and filled in a few observation gaps (most of them since 2013) from nearest possible locations well within the urban heat island. North York (located 13 km north) was preferred when available. These additional observations have changed some monthly mean temperatures and total precip values from published values slightly, as the practice of Environment Canada was to calculate means from available data unless a significant number of days were missing in which case no means or totals were assigned at all. In some cases, missing data was considerably different from the reported monthly mean and an adjustment was necessary. Most of the missing precipitation was (by luck of the draw) rather minor but one case was found where a heavy rainfall occurred on a missing date. All of these changes are logged in the excel file that is being developed. The temperature adjustments average out to almost zero (most changes to monthly means were of 0.1 or 0.2 C deg). 

The climate of Toronto is typical of eastern North America with large variations from month to month and day to day. There is a cold winter season that usually sets in around late November or early December and lasts to late February, March or in some cases early April. Snow can fall at any point from October to May (and traces have fallen in June and September). Snowfall is more reliable from early December to mid-March. But rain always falls during the winter season except in the coldest months each decade. Monthly rainfalls are fairly evenly distributed but year to year variations are very large. Monthly temperatures also vary by standard deviations of 3 or 4 C deg. The absolute range of monthly mean temperatures is 12-13 deg in winter and 5-6 deg in summer. A hot and rather humid summer season makes a few appearances in May and early June, then often sets in with a few cooler interludes for most of July and August. September tends to be warm and less humid in most years, and there is often a considerable change to autumnal weather around the equinox. October is either a pleasant "Indian summer" regime or in some years a windy and cool month with mixed wintry showers at times. 

This thread will document all aspects of the Toronto climate in the same style that I adopted for the CET studies in the historical weather section (over on net-weather). Although it might be appropriate to post it there, it also has climate change implications. Toronto is probably a good proxy for the eastern North American climate in general. Its extremes tend to be of similar magnitude and timing to those experienced in the eastern U.S. and if a month is very warm or very warm at Toronto, chances are high that it will also be that way in Chicago, New York, Washington and Boston (and most points in between). Anomaly patterns in eastern North America tend to have the shape and extent of typical large highs and lows that move through the region on a regular basis. Some details of this correlation are examined in more detail when we get to the NYC portion of this study.

There are a few local effects worth noting. A strong cooling lake breeze can blow in during settled periods in the spring, and drop temperatures by 5-10 C deg relative to more inland locations. Some research indicates that the development of a large city with tall buildings closer to the lakeshore can inhibit this lake breeze, and this may be a factor in assessing how cool springs and early summers were in the 19th century. A weather journal taken in Providence RI has evidence of a blistering heat wave in July 1849 (highs of 97 F were noted) that translated to rather subtle warmth at Toronto (highs 85-90), and from experience I would say that in a modern climate setting that difference might have been reduced by several degrees. The urban heat island probably grew fastest for this location around 1900 to 1930. I have assessed its strength overall at a conservative 1.1 C deg averaged over all types of weather, and as large as 4-6 C deg on cool, clear nights. It might seem larger to a casual observer, but rural stations outside the urban heat island are also at a higher elevation and would have a cooler temperature regime than the Toronto city location even without the presence of the large city. Wind speeds over 30 km/hr tend to reduce the urban heat island. Cloud and rainfall also tend to reduce it considerably. Eventually I will publish tables of temperature rankings and supplement those with adjusted temperatures for urban heat island (as the CET managers are doing), taking off 1.1 C from readings since 1981, 1.0 for those 1971-1980, 0.9 for 1961-70, 0.8 for 1951-60, 0.7 for 1941-50, 0.6 for 1931-40, 0.5 for 1921-30, 0.4 for 1911-1920, 0.3 for 1901-1910, and 0.2 for data 1891 to 1900, 0.1 for 1881 to 1890. This should make the urban effect less of an advantage to later years in comparison. The warming since around the 1880s has been considerably larger than 1.1 C and at a faster pace in the early part of the urban development. There would always be a possibility of revising the urban heat island correction. But in general terms, I believe that the modern warming of the climate is about an equal combination of natural variability augmented by the AGW signal, plus the urban heat island. Some ask, isn't the urban heat island part of the AGW signal? Not really, the mixing of greenhouse gases into the free atmosphere is not confined to urban areas although it might largely originate there, whereas the urban heat island is specific to the urban setting and when the surplus heat is dissipated by stronger winds, the net effect on global temperatures is smaller than the AGW signal (by a factor of about 1:10). So you could perhaps say that the urban heat island dissipation cycle is something like 10 per cent of the AGW warming signal. 

The research file logs all record highs and lows in temperatures, and record high rainfalls and snowfalls. Tables will appear in this thread to summarize all of that. Eventually the research (excel) file can be shared but as the station did not open until March 1st of 1840, the "Toronto-180" project will not be complete until March 1st of this year. So I probably won't publish the file until we pass that point and I can insert values for January 2020 and February 2020 into the tables. (later edit _ as I am now adding some precip data to the excel files, those won't be fully available until May or June 2020, but the work is essentially complete as of April 2020 on the originally proposed Toronto 180 project, and this thread is the record of that).

I will start the process with the average monthly temperatures and annual means (unadjusted for urban heat island). This may take an edit or two as it looks orderly on my screen but may not look that orderly on the post. Then I will post some shells of other tables to reserve space before any comments begin to appear. Please refrain from commenting for at least a day or two until I have these posts in place. I will fill them out as quickly as possible in the coming days. 

Note on metric conversion ... Canada adopted the metric system around 1976, but these files converted on June 1, 1978. Before that date, all of the values shown in the historical data internet files from source (Environment Canada) are exclusively Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion values. Starting on June 1, 1978, new values that do not occur in that conversion protocol appear (for example, max temp June 1 1978 is 22.0, for 72 F the value reported is always 22.2; the first metric rainfall observation was 0.2 mm, whereas the only choices available for Imperial unit conversion were 0.0 and 0.3 mm for 0.01" -- so while it's possible that the conversion started in May with the coincidence of all values happening to conform to conversion protocols, it seems most likely that the switch to metric in recording this station's data came on June 1, 1978.)

Work is ongoing to provide all the same data tables for NYC (New York City Central Park), a station that opened near its current location in 1869 in mid-town Manhattan and has a similar parkland setting to the downtown Toronto site. To date all of the same temperature tables except daily records have been posted. 

Meanwhile the author has finished an excel file for the Toronto data including all precip data and plans to make this available at the end of 2020 once the December 2020 data are inserted into the files here (and there). 

NYC precip data are coming along too, Don Sutherland of American Weather Forum has kindly assisted me with provision of data sets in excel table format and eventually I will have that ready for sharing with climate researchers. Much of the NYC data can be easily accessed on the NWS New York City home page too. 



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(general comment -- the tables in this thread tend to wrap at higher screen mag settings, you may need to reduce your mag to 80 or 90 per cent to avoid the wrapped appearance, or just take the linked transfer over to the Net-weather version which does not seem to wrap at higher mag settings) ...


Mean monthly temperatures (deg C)

Note: Toronto began observations March 1, 1840. The values shown for Jan and Feb 1840 are ball-park estimates based on the weather journal of Alexis Caswell at Providence RI that overlaps the Toronto data from 1840 to 1860. January 1840 was quite a cold month by their local standards and February 1840 was milder than average. This allows me to calculate a rough annual average for the year.



1840    -7.0    -3.0   +1.2    6.7   12.4   15.8    19.5    19.0    13.0    7.4    2.1    -4.9    6.9    6.85
1841    -4.5    -5.5    -2.3    4.3   11.0   19.4    19.2    18.7    16.1    5.7    1.3    -2.0    6.8    6.78
1842    -2.9    -2.2   +2.7    7.0   10.2   14.5    18.6    19.5    13.8    7.8    1.0    -3.8    7.2    7.18
1843    -2.2    -8.6    -5.8    5.1   10.8   14.8    19.0    19.4    16.4    6.4    0.7   -0.7    6.3    6.28
1844    -6.5    -3.6   +0.2    9.3   13.2   16.1    19.5    18.4    15.4    6.6    1.9    -2.1    7.3    7.34
1845    -3.2    -3.5   +1.6    5.8   10.3   15.9    19.2    19.4    12.8    7.5    2.6    -6.3   6.8    6.84
1846    -3.8    -7.5    -0.3    6.5   13.2   17.3    20.4    19.9    17.3    7.2    5.1    -2.8    7.7    7.71
1847    -5.4    -5.7    -3.3    3.3   11.5   14.5    19.9    17.8    13.0    6.9    3.5    -2.0   6.2    6.17
1848    -2.7    -2.9    -2.2    4.9   12.1   16.4    18.0    19.6    12.2    7.6    0.9    -1.5    6.9    6.87
1849    -7.4    -7.6   +0.4    3.3    8.9    16.7    19.3    18.2    14.2    7.7    5.6    -3.6    6.3    6.31
1850    -1.9    -4.0    -1.7    3.3    9.8    17.3    20.8    19.0    12.8    6.5    2.9    -5.6    6.6    6.60
1851    -4.5    -2.6   +0.4    5.0   10.7   15.1    18.4    17.3    14.9    8.6     -0.1   -6.3    6.4    6.41
1852    -8.0    -5.3    -3.5    3.1   10.6   15.8    18.8    18.2    13.4    8.8    1.6    -0.2    6.1    6.11
1853    -5.6    -5.3    -1.5    4.9     9.8   17.9    18.5    19.9    14.8    6.2    3.1    -4.3    6.5    6.53
1854    -5.9    -7.0    -1.3    4.1   10.0   16.8    22.0    20.0    16.1   10.1    1.8    -5.6    6.8    6.78
1855    -3.9   -10.0   -2.2    5.9   11.9   15.5    20.2    18.0    15.2   6.5   2.9    -3.4    6.4    6.38
1856    -9.8   -10.2   -5.7    5.6   10.1   16.7    21.0    17.5    13.5    7.0    2.2    -5.5    5.2   5.20
1857   -12.1   -2.2    -3.1     1.9     9.4   14.1    20.1    18.2    14.4    7.1    0.7     -1.1     5.6    5.62
1858    -1.4    -8.1    -1.4    5.2     9.3   18.5    19.9    19.7    15.2    9.9    1.1    -2.6    7.1    7.11
1859    -4.1    -3.5   +2.4    4.4   12.9   14.7    19.5    19.6    13.4    6.6    3.6   -7.2    6.9    6.86
1860    -4.6    -5.3   +1.5    4.3   13.3   17.8    18.1    18.4    13.0    8.7    3.6    -4.5    7.0    7.03
1861    -6.9    -3.6    -2.8    5.9     8.9   16.1    18.6    19.1    15.1    9.2    3.0    -0.8    6.8    6.82
1862    -5.9    -5.7    -1.7    4.4   11.0   15.6    19.6    19.6    15.8    9.0    2.0    -1.7    6.8    6.83
1863    -2.1    -5.2    -3.3    5.4   12.7   16.0    19.6    19.4    13.2    8.2    4.0    -2.6    7.1    7.11
1864    -4.8    -3.8    -1.7    5.1   12.5   17.2    21.1    20.8    13.6    7.8    2.9    -3.4    7.3    7.28
1865    -8.1    -5.5   +0.2    6.0   11.4   18.6    18.3    18.5    18.7    7.4    3.9    -1.7    7.3    7.31
1866    -7.0    -5.5    -2.6    7.0    9.3    15.8    21.2    16.2    13.6   10.4   3.7   -3.5    6.6    6.55
1867    -8.1    -2.2    -2.5    4.9    8.5    18.2    20.1    20.5    15.1   10.4   3.9    -5.3    7.0    6.95
1868    -7.8    -8.1    -0.3    3.4   11.2   16.4    24.4    19.8    14.0    6.2    2.6   -4.9    6.4    6.41
1869    -2.1    -4.5    -4.7    4.6   10.4   14.8    18.6    17.7    16.5    6.1    0.3    -1.6    6.3    6.34
1870    -3.9    -5.9    -2.9    7.3   13.9   19.4   20.5    19.5    16.5   10.5   2.9   -3.2    7.9    7.88
1871    -6.2    -4.9   +1.6    6.8   12.0   16.6    18.9    19.9    13.2    9.7   -0.4   -5.4    6.8    6.82
1872    -6.2    -6.2    -6.1    4.8   11.0    17.1    21.2    21.0    15.4     7.6    0.8    -8.2    6.0    6.02
1873    -8.3    -7.5    -3.3    4.2   11.0   17.3    20.0    19.1    13.7    7.6   -2.4    -2.0    5.8    5.78
1874    -4.3    -5.6    -1.4    0.8   11.5   17.1    19.5    19.3    17.4     8.5    1.7    -3.9    6.7    6.72
1875    -9.2   -12.6   -4.9    2.5   10.9   16.1    19.2   18.7    13.3    6.4   -0.1   -2.9    4.8    4.78
1876    -1.3    -5.0    -3.3    3.6   10.7   18.6    20.3   21.2    14.3    5.9    2.9   -8.3    6.6    6.63
1877    -8.8    -2.0    -3.6    6.5   12.0   16.7    21.1    20.9    16.6    9.9    3.0    1.2    7.8    7.79
1878    -4.5    -3.0    +3.2   9.7   11.5   17.0    22.4    20.5    16.4    9.6    2.4  -4.2    8.4    8.42
1879    -7.1     -8.1    -1.8    4.2   12.0   16.6    20.5    18.5    13.2   12.7   2.0    -3.3    6.6    6.62
1880    +0.4   -2.6    -1.6    5.3   14.7   18.7    19.8    19.3    15.8    7.3   -1.2    -6.1    7.5    7.48
1881    -9.0    -7.1     -1.1     4.3   14.6   15.3    21.5    21.2    20.2    9.9    2.8    1.0    7.8    7.80
1882    -5.1    -1.0    -0.2    4.6    9.5    16.3    19.4    19.8    16.4   10.9    2.0   -3.7    7.4    7.41
1883    -8.2    -7.0    -5.9    3.5    9.6    16.6    18.5    17.6    12.6    7.2    2.8    -3.5    5.3    5.32
1884    -9.3    -4.9    -2.3    5.0   10.6   18.2    17.8    18.5    16.5    9.1    1.1    -3.8    6.4    6.38
1885    -8.2   -11.9   -8.2    2.9   11.0   15.6    19.9    17.3    13.8    7.6    3.5    -2.6    5.1    5.06
1886    -7.4    -7.7    -1.2     7.2   11.7   16.2    19.0    18.7    14.9    9.1    2.0    -6.2    6.4    6.36
1887    -8.0    -5.9    -4.1    4.2   14.6   17.5    22.9   19.0   13.6    6.6    1.6    -2.3    6.6    6.64
1888    -9.6    -6.0    -5.4    4.0   10.6   18.1    19.0    19.1    13.7    6.3    3.1    -1.5   6.0    5.95
1889    -2.5    -8.3   +0.5    6.3   12.2   15.8    20.6   18.7    15.7    6.0    3.7    1.2    7.5    7.49
1890    -1.4    -2.4    -2.3    5.7   10.1   18.7    19.8    18.1    14.2    9.2    2.8   -5.3    7.3    7.27
1891    -4.9    -2.4    -1.9    6.4   10.8   18.0    17.9    18.9    17.3    8.7    2.6    0.8    7.7    7.68
1892    -7.0    -4.4    -2.3    5.3   10.9   18.6    20.1    19.8    15.7    8.7    1.7   -3.6   7.0    6.96
1893   -10.0   -7.6    -1.7    4.4   11.1   19.3    20.2    19.3    14.1    9.2    2.9    -4.7    6.4    6.38
1894    -2.1    -6.5   +2.1    6.9   11.3   19.3    20.6    18.6    17.1   10.2    1.2    -0.4    8.2    8.19
1895    -6.1    -8.7    -4.4    6.3   13.0   19.9    19.1    18.8    16.0    6.1    2.8    -1.3    6.8    6.79
1896    -5.8    -5.5    -4.9    8.0   15.7   18.1    20.8    19.8    14.1    7.2    4.3    -2.4    7.5    7.45
1897    -5.1    -4.1    -0.2    6.3   11.6   16.4    22.5    18.6    16.3   10.6    3.7    -2.2   7.9    7.87
1898    -3.8    -4.2   +2.8    6.5   13.3   18.8    21.7    21.4   17.8   10.3    2.0    -3.1   8.6    8.63
1899    -5.0    -7.1     -2.1     7.1   13.0   18.6    20.5    21.1    14.0   10.5    4.7    -1.8   7.8    7.79
1900    -3.4    -6.7    -4.8    7.5   12.9   18.4    20.6   22.5   17.9   13.4    3.7    -1.7   8.4    8.36
1901    -4.7    -8.5    -1.2    8.0   12.5   18.5    22.9    20.7    16.6    9.4    1.4    -3.0    7.7    7.72
1902    -4.8    -6.0   +3.1    6.7   11.9    15.6    20.5    18.6    15.7    9.3    6.1    -4.2    7.7    7.71
1903    -5.0    -3.5   +4.3    6.6   13.3   16.6    20.7    17.7    16.2   10.5    1.7    -5.1   7.8    7.83
1904    -8.9   -10.4   -1.9    4.0   13.2   17.3    19.7    18.3    14.8    7.8    2.2    -5.4    5.9    5.89
1905    -7.8    -8.6    -0.8    5.7   11.5   17.6    21.0     19.7    16.8    9.4    2.7    -0.4    7.2    7.23
1906    -0.6    -5.4    -2.8    7.1   12.4   18.7    21.2    22.1    18.3    9.6    3.0    -4.9    8.2    8.22
1907    -5.5    -7.5   +1.0    3.6    9.0    17.7    20.7    18.5    16.5    7.2    2.8    -1.4    6.9    6.88
1908    -4.3    -7.1    -0.3    5.5   13.5   19.0    21.6    19.4    17.7   10.8    4.3   -1.6    8.2    8.21
1909    -3.2    -3.0    -1.1    5.0   12.1   18.6    19.9    20.7    15.7    7.9    4.8    -3.3    7.8    7.84
1910    -3.7    -6.1   +3.8    8.3   11.5   18.2    21.8    19.8    15.6   10.7    2.3    -6.0    8.0    8.02
1911    -3.4    -3.6    -1.1    6.3   16.3   18.7    22.0    20.8    15.9    9.8     2.2    1.1    8.8    8.75
1912   -10.1   -7.3    -3.5    5.5   13.0   16.8    21.0    17.8     17.1    10.4    4.7    0.4    7.2    7.15
1913    -0.3    -6.5   +0.8    7.9   12.4   18.2    21.3    20.4    15.3   10.9   5.7    0.8    8.9    8.91
1914    -3.6    -9.1    -0.8    5.3   14.8   18.0    21.4    20.1    16.2   11.6    3.4    -3.5    7.8    7.82
1915    -4.7    -3.3    -1.1   10.0   11.2   16.9    20.3    19.1    17.5    11.1    4.9    -2.4    8.3    8.29
1916    -1.0    -7.3    -3.7    7.0   12.4   15.7    24.5    22.3    16.2    9.8    3.2    -2.8    8.0    8.03
1917    -5.2    -8.3   +0.1    5.1    9.7     16.1    21.4    19.9    14.8    7.0    1.4    -6.9    6.3    6.26
1918   -10.4   -6.0   +0.9    6.5   14.0   16.4    20.9    21.7    13.6  10.8    5.6    -0.4    7.8    7.80
1919    -1.5    -2.1   +1.0    5.9   13.0    22.5    22.9    20.0    17.5  11.7    3.5    -5.2    9.1     9.10
1920   -10.6   -6.6   +1.0    4.6   12.5    18.8    19.2    21.1    17.7  12.8    2.7    -0.3    7.7    7.74
1921    -2.3    -2.0   +3.7    9.6   14.6    20.4    25.5    20.1    19.9  10.2   2.4    -2.0   10.0   10.01
1922    -4.8    -3.1   +1.3    7.5   15.4    19.3    20.9    20.6    17.6    9.9    4.9    -2.0    9.0    8.96
1923    -5.7    -7.3    -2.7    5.8   11.0    19.2    20.6    18.8    16.0    9.4    3.9    2.3    7.6    7.61
1924    -4.8    -6.5    -0.2    6.0   10.1    17.2    19.6    19.4    13.9  10.3    3.9    -4.5    7.0    7.03
1925    -6.5    -2.6   +1.7    7.4   10.5    19.3    19.8    20.5    16.5    5.8    3.2    -3.1    7.7    7.71
1926    -4.1    -6.1    -3.3    3.0   11.6    15.4    19.9    20.3    15.1    8.4    3.1    -4.5    6.6    6.57
1927    -6.0    -2.8   +1.8    6.4   11.5    16.5    20.5    18.2    17.5  11.7    5.0    -1.6    8.2    8.23
1928    -3.8    -4.4    -0.8    5.4   12.3   16.4    21.1    21.5    14.3  10.5    4.3     0.5    8.1    8.11
1929    -5.0    -5.6   +2.7    7.6   11.7    17.7    20.4    18.6    16.8    9.2    3.3    -3.7    7.8    7.81
1930    -5.2    -2.9    -0.6    6.1   14.2   19.4    21.2    20.7    17.4    9.5    5.0    -1.8    8.6    8.58
1931    -4.0    -3.0   +0.8    7.1   13.3    18.9    23.1    20.8    18.9   11.8    7.7      0.8    9.7    9.68
1932    +1.9   -1.3    -1.6    5.0   12.9    19.2    19.9    21.0    16.7   10.8    2.1    -0.9    8.8    8.81
1933    +0.9   -3.3    -0.2    7.3   14.2    19.8    22.8    20.7   17.1    8.9    -0.2   -4.3    8.6    8.64
1934    -3.5   -12.1   -2.2    5.6   14.3    20.0    22.0    18.7    17.2    9.3    5.7    -3.6    7.6    7.62
1935    -6.3    -5.4   +2.0    6.5   11.2    17.7    23.3    21.1    14.9  10.2    4.4    -5.2    7.9    7.87
1936    -5.3    -8.1   +1.4    4.3   14.9    18.3    22.9    20.6    17.1    9.5    1.4    -0.3    8.1    8.06
1937    -0.5    -2.2    -1.9    6.3   13.7    18.9    21.9    22.6    15.7    8.7    3.7    -2.5    8.7    8.70
1938    -5.4    -2.7   +2.2    8.0   12.9    18.8    22.2    22.8    15.0  11.2    5.1    -0.6    9.1    9.13
1939    -4.6    -4.0    -1.8    4.8   14.4    18.7    22.2    22.4    16.6  10.2   2.8    -0.3    8.5    8.45
1940    -7.5    -4.2    -3.2    5.3   12.3    17.4    21.6    20.6    16.3    8.9    3.4    -1.2    7.5    7.48
1941    -5.3    -4.5    -2.7   10.4  14.8    20.5    22.3    20.1    17.5    11.1    5.7    0.2    9.2    9.18
1942    -4.0    -6.2   +2.4    9.9   13.6    19.0    21.3    20.7    16.4   10.8   4.4    -4.0    8.7    8.69
1943    -6.9    -3.5    -1.1    4.0   12.8    20.8    21.9    20.5    15.6    9.4    3.3    -2.9    7.8    7.83
1944    -1.1    -3.7    -1.9    4.8   15.6    19.1    22.0    22.3    16.8   10.3    4.5    -3.4    8.8    8.78
1945    -9.4    -3.4   +6.2    8.7  10.3    17.4    20.6    21.0    16.8    9.2    4.4    -4.2    8.1    8.13
1946    -3.4    -5.2   +6.1    7.1    12.5    18.3    21.3    19.0    17.2   12.3    5.9    -1.5    9.1    9.13
1947    -3.0    -5.4    -0.6    5.8  11.3    18.2    21.1    23.0    17.5   14.6    3.8    -2.7    8.6    8.63
1948    -7.3    -5.0   +0.1    8.5   11.9    18.8    22.0    21.7    19.0    9.4    7.5    -0.4    8.9    8.85
1949    -1.6    -1.4   +0.4    7.7   14.7    22.4    23.3    22.8    15.1   13.1    2.9    0.2   10.0    9.97
1950    -0.1    -4.6    -2.2    4.6  13.2    18.3    20.8    20.4    15.5   12.2    3.7   -1.9    8.3    8.33
1951    -2.6    -2.5   +1.8     7.6   14.8    18.7    21.9    20.5    16.7   11.4    1.7    -1.7    9.0    9.03
1952    -2.6    -1.8   +0.2    9.8   12.7    19.7    23.5    20.8    18.0    8.5     5.7    1.0    9.6    9.62
1953    -1.3    -0.8   +2.5    7.0   13.8    19.6    22.3    22.0    17.4   12.0    6.8    1.1   10.2   10.20
1954    -6.0   +0.5    0.0     7.9   12.5    19.9    21.5    20.1    16.5   12.0    5.3    -1.8     9.0    9.03
1955    -3.9    -3.0   +0.2   10.5  15.5    20.2    24.6    23.5    16.9   12.2   3.7    -3.8    9.7    9.72
1956    -3.9    -2.2    -0.9    5.5   11.1    19.2    20.4    20.2    14.4   12.2    5.2    0.1    8.4    8.44
1957    -6.5    -1.4   +2.2    8.6   12.6    20.0    21.5    20.2    16.8   10.4    5.6    1.2    9.3    9.27
1958    -3.8    -6.2   +2.6    9.1   12.7    16.4    21.6    20.8    17.1   10.8    5.3    -5.2    8.4    8.44
1959    -5.8    -5.7    -0.6    8.1   14.5    20.3    22.9    24.2   19.3   10.4    3.0    -0.2    9.2    9.20
1960    -3.5    -2.9    -3.8    8.0   13.9    18.6    20.9    21.1    18.6   11.0    6.6    -3.9    8.7    8.72
1961    -6.4    -1.2   +1.2    5.4    12.4    18.1    21.9    21.4    20.4   13.0    4.8    -1.2    9.2    9.15
1962    -5.4    -6.2   +1.4    7.9   16.4    19.6    20.6   21.2    15.7   11.4    4.1    -2.7    8.7    8.67
1963    -6.9    -7.5   +2.0    8.0   12.6    19.8    22.3    19.6   15.0   14.6    7.3    -5.3    8.5    8.46
1964    -1.8    -3.2   +0.7    7.0   15.6    18.8    23.0    18.6    16.3   10.0    5.8    -1.1    9.1    9.14
1965    -5.1    -4.2    -0.8    5.4   15.3    18.5    19.6    19.9    16.9    9.3    4.5    1.3    8.4    8.38
1966    -5.9    -3.0   +2.1    6.4   11.0    20.1    23.2    21.0    15.9    9.9    5.6    -1.7    8.7    8.72
1967    -1.0    -6.6    -0.6    7.3   10.2    20.9    20.9    19.9    16.1   10.5    2.6    -0.1    8.3    8.34
1968    -6.2    -5.9   +2.1    9.3   11.5    18.1    21.5    20.9    18.7   12.2    4.3    -3.0    8.6    8.63
1969    -4.1    -2.6    -0.2    8.4   13.1    17.5    22.2    23.0    17.8   10.6    4.8    -3.4    8.9    8.93
1970    -7.4    -4.5    -0.3    8.4   13.6    19.6    22.5    22.2    17.7   12.3    6.3    -3.0   9.0    8.95
1971    -6.8    -2.8    -0.7    6.2   13.5    19.7    21.4    20.8    19.2   14.5    4.4    0.8    9.2    9.18
1972    -3.5    -4.8    -1.8    5.3   15.3    17.5    22.3    20.6    17.9    8.8    3.4    -0.7    8.4    8.36
1973    -2.2    -4.9   +4.9    7.8   12.0    20.0    22.9    23.7    17.9   12.7    5.5    -1.9    9.9    9.87
1974    -3.0    -5.4   +0.5    8.8   11.8    18.2    22.4    22.1    15.8     9.1    5.0    1.3     8.9    8.88
1975    -1.0    -1.8    -0.6    4.4   17.0    20.1    23.3    21.8    15.4   12.0    8.5    -2.3    9.7    9.73
1976    -6.4    -0.1   +2.0    9.3   12.4    20.9   20.6   20.7    16.5    8.4    2.2    -5.0    8.5    8.46
1977    -9.1    -3.8   +4.1    8.9   16.5    18.6    22.3    20.4    17.2   10.3    5.9    -2.0    9.1    9.11
1978    -6.7    -6.8    -1.3    5.9   14.4    18.5    21.5    21.1    16.5   10.1    4.6    -0.9    8.1    8.08
1979    -6.0    -8.8   +2.9    6.6   12.7    18.3    21.9    19.9    16.7    9.5    5.4    0.3    8.3    8.28
1980    -3.6    -5.7    -0.1    7.8   15.5    16.1    21.9    22.5    16.9    8.6    3.5    -4.3    8.3    8.26
1981    -7.9    -0.4   +1.9    8.3   13.3    18.9    22.2    20.8    16.1    8.3    5.1    -1.1     8.8    8.79
1982    -7.8    -4.7   +0.2    5.9   15.2    16.6    22.2    18.8    16.1   11.3    5.6    2.3    8.5    8.48
1983    -2.3    -1.5   +2.2    6.9   11.3    20.0    23.4    22.4   18.2   10.9   4.5   -4.2    9.3    9.32
1984    -6.6   +0.5    -2.6    8.2   11.7    19.7    21.2    22.3    15.6   12.0    4.8    1.7    9.0    9.04
1985    -6.2    -3.5   +2.1    8.6   14.7    17.1    21.0    20.5    18.4   11.4    4.8    -3.2   8.8    8.81
1986    -3.9    -4.4   +2.0    9.3   15.8    17.8    22.0    20.0   16.0   10.6    3.4    0.4    9.1    9.08
1987    -2.5    -3.2   +3.6   10.3  15.8    20.8    23.7    21.1    17.0    8.8    5.0    1.2    10.1  10.13
1988    -3.1    -4.1   +0.9    7.3   15.2    19.7    24.2    22.7    16.6    8.7    6.0    -1.0    9.4   9.43
1989    -0.4    -4.5    -0.8    6.2   14.2    19.4    23.1    21.2    17.2   11.1    3.7    -7.8    8.6   8.55
1990   +0.5    -2.0   +2.0    9.5   12.7    19.3    22.1    21.6    16.9   10.7    6.0    0.7   10.0  10.00
1991    -3.9    -0.7   +2.6    9.3   17.1    21.3    22.8    22.5    17.1   11.6    4.2   -0.5   10.3  10.28
1992    -2.7    -2.0     0.0    6.6   13.9    17.5    19.0    19.1    16.4    9.1    4.4    0.4     8.5    8.48
1993    -2.2    -6.2     0.0    7.8   13.7    18.3    22.8   22.5   15.2    9.5    4.5    -0.6    8.8    8.78
1994   -10.0    -6.0   +0.9   8.2   12.8    19.9    22.6   20.3    17.4   11.5    7.1     1.6     8.9    8.86
1995    -1.3    -5.4    +3.4   5.4   14.2    20.8    22.8    23.1    15.9   12.3   2.5   -3.3    9.2    9.20
1996    -4.7    -3.8    -0.9    5.7   12.8    19.3    20.9    22.1    17.8   10.6    2.4    1.2    8.6    8.62
1997    -4.6    -1.0   +0.6    7.1   10.9    20.6    21.6    20.2    16.9   10.8    3.9    0.8    9.0    8.98
1998    -0.7   +1.4   +3.5    9.8   18.0    19.6   22.3    22.7    19.4   12.2    6.3   2.3   11.4   11.40
1999    -4.4    -0.1   +1.7    8.9   16.4    21.1    24.7    20.9    19.1   10.8    6.8    1.0   10.6   10.58
2000    -4.0    -0.8   +5.4    7.5   15.2   18.7    20.9    21.3    16.9   12.0    5.1   -4.9    9.4    9.44
2001    -2.2    -1.7   +1.0    9.1   15.2    20.4    21.4    23.9    17.6   11.5    8.2    3.2   10.6   10.63
2002   +0.9    -0.2   +1.7    8.3   12.2   19.7   24.5    22.9    20.8   10.3   4.3   -0.6  10.4   10.40
2003    -6.1    -5.1   +0.9    6.2   13.1    18.7    21.7    22.7    17.8   10.0    5.7    1.0    8.9    8.88
2004    -7.9    -2.0   +3.2    7.4   13.6    18.0    21.1    20.0    18.9   11.2    6.3   -1.5    9.0    9.03
2005    -5.4    -2.2    -0.4    8.6   12.6   22.8    24.3    23.2    19.7   11.8    6.1   -2.2    9.9    9.91
2006    +1.1    -2.4   +2.4    8.9   15.1    19.9    23.4    21.6    16.3    9.7    6.4    2.9    10.4   10.44
2007    -1.7    -6.9   +1.4    6.9   _15.1    21.0    21.4    22.7    18.7   14.5    3.8    -1.2    9.6    9.64
2008    -0.9    -3.5    -0.3   10.2  12.7    20.0    22.2    20.7   17.8   10.2    4.4    -1.8    9.3    9.31
2009    -7.0    -2.0   +2.1     8.6   13.8    18.2    19.8    21.6    17.9    9.5     7.6    -1.1    9.1    9.08
2010    -4.2    -2.1   +5.6   11.4  _16.8    20.0    23.9    22.8    17.0   11.0    5.9    -2.8   10.4  10.44
2011    -5.2    -3.8   +0.8    7.7   _14.5    19.8    24.9    22.5    18.5   11.5    7.6    2.0    10.1   10.07
2012    -0.6   +0.9   +7.2    8.1   _17.1     21.0    24.7    22.1     17.2   11.1    4.8    2.1   11.3*  11.35
2013    -1.0    -3.0   +1.4    6.9   15.6    19.2    22.7    21.4    16.6   11.9    3.2   -2.8    9.3    9.34
2014    -7.0    -6.2    -2.8    6.8   14.6    20.3    20.7   20.8    17.2   11.5    2.8    0.9    8.3    8.30
2015    -6.3   -11.1   -0.8    8.2    16.3    18.1    21.9    21.1    20.0   10.7    7.5    5.2     9.2     9.23
2016    -2.3    -1.2   +3.5    6.0   15.5    20.1    23.8    24.4    19.9   12.6    7.7    -0.4  10.8  10.80
2017    -0.5   +1.0   +0.1    9.7   13.0    19.2    21.8    20.6    19.2   13.9    4.7    -3.9    9.9    9.90
2018    -4.4    -0.4   +0.9    4.3   17.0   19.6    23.7    23.5    19.4     9.7    2.5    0.9    9.7    9.73
2019    -5.4    -2.9   +0.1    7.1   12.4    18.7    23.5    21.5    18.0   11.7    2.0    0.5    8.9    8.93

2020 _ -0.5 _ -1.9_ +4.0 _ 6.6 _ 12.8 _20.9 _ 25.4 _ 22.5 _ 17.4 ___ 9.8 _ 7.6 _ 0.8 __10.5 10.45

2021 _ -1.4 _ -3.8 _+4.0 _ 8.4 _14.4 _ 21.4 _ 21.7 _ 24.1 _ 18.4_ 14.0 _ 5.3 _ 2.5 _ 10.8 __ 10.75

2022 _ -6.8 _ -3.1 _+2.3 _ 7.2 _ 16.1 _ 19.6 _ 22.8 _22.9 _ 18.2_ 11.1 __ 6.1 _ 0.6 __ 9.8 __ 9.75

2023 _ +0.2 _-0.1 _+2.0 _ 9.5 _ 14.3 _ 19.7 _ 22.7 _ 20.7 _19.3 _12.8 _ 4.9 _3.6 __10.8 __10.80

2024 _ -1.2 _ +1.5 _+4.5 _9.2 _ 16.9 _ 20.4 _ 23.0 _ 21.7 _19.4 _12.7 _ 7.4 _0.5 __11.3 __ 11.33

2025 _ -4.2 _-3.5

mean _ -4.7 _ -4.5 __ 0.0 _ 6.6 _ 12.9 _ 18.3 _ 21.3 _ 20.4 _ 16.3 _ 9.9 _ 3.8 _-2.0 __ 8.2 _ 8.16


_______ -3.8 _ -2.7 _ 1.5 __ 8.1 __ 14.2 _ 19.5 _ 22.3 _ 21.6 _ 17.4 _ 10.8 _ 5.2 _ -0.6 __ 9.5 __ 9.45


________ -3.5 _ -2.7 _ 1.6 __ 7.8 _ 14.5 _ 19.8 _ 22.6 _ 21.9 _ 17.9 _ 11.2 __ 5.2 _-0.0 __ 9.7 __ 9.68

* Note for 2012 annual mean, rounds down from 11.35 since 11.35 was 11.349.

This is significant because 1998 at 11.4 (from 11.40) is the warmest year in the records. 


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Seasonal mean temperatures

YEAR _Winter_Spring_Summer_Autumn

1840 __no data_6.77 _18.10 _ 7.50
1841 __ -4.97 _ 4.33 _ 19.10 _ 7.70

1842 __ -2.37 _ 6.63 _ 17.53 _ 7.53
1843 __ -4.87 _ 3.37 _ 17.73 _ 7.83
1844 __ -3.60 _ 7.57 _ 18.00 _ 7.97
1845 __ -2.93 _ 5.90 _ 18.17 _ 7.63
1846 __ -5.87 _ 6.47 _ 19.20 _ 9.87 
1847 __ -4.63 _ 3.83 _ 17.40 _ 7.80
1848 __ -2.53 _ 4.93 _ 18.00 _ 6.90
1849 __ -5.50 _ 4.20 _ 18.07 _ 9.17
1850 __ -3.17 _ 3.80 _ 19.03 _ 7.40
1851 __ -4.23 _ 5.37 _ 16.93 _ 7.80
1852 __ -6.53 _ 3.40 _ 17.60 _ 7.93
1853 __ -3.70 _ 4.40 _ 18.77 _ 8.03
1854 __ -5.73 _ 4.27 _ 19.60 _ 9.33
1855 __ -6.50 _ 5.20 _ 17.90 _ 8.20
1856 __ -7.80 _ 3.33 _ 18.40 _ 7.57
1857 __ -6.60 _ 2.73 _ 17.47 _ 7.40
1858 __ -3.53 _ 4.37 _ 19.37 _ 8.73
1859 __ -3.40 _ 6.57 _ 17.93 _ 7.87
1860 __ -5.70 _ 6.37 _ 18.10 _ 8.43
1861 __ -5.00 _ 4.00 _ 17.93 _ 9.10
1862 __ -4.13 _ 4.57 _ 18.27 _ 8.93
1863 __ -3.00 _ 4.93 _ 18.33 _ 8.47
1864 __ -3.73 _ 5.30 _ 19.70 _ 8.10
1865 __ -5.67 _ 5.87 _ 18.47 _10.00
1866 __ -4.73 _ 4.57 _ 17.73 _ 9.23
1867 __ -4.60 _ 3.63 _ 19.60 _ 9.80
1868 __ -7.07 _ 4.77 _ 20.20 _ 7.60
1869 __ -3.83 _ 3.43 _ 17.03 _ 7.63
1870 __ -3.80 _ 6.10 _ 19.80 _ 9.97
1871 __ -4.77 _ 6.80 _ 18.47 _ 7.50
1872 __ -5.93 _ 3.23 _ 19.77 _ 7.93
1873 __ -8.00 _ 3.97 _ 18.80 _ 6.30
1874 __ -3.97 _ 3.63 _ 18.63 _ 9.20
1875 __ -8.57 _ 2.83 _ 18.00 _ 6.53
1876 __ -3.07 _ 3.67 _ 20.03 _ 7.70
1877 __ -6.37 _ 4.97 _ 19.57 _ 9.83
1878 __ -2.10 _ 8.13 _ 19.97 _ 9.47
1879 __ -6.47 _ 4.80 _ 18.53 _ 9.30
1880 __ -1.83 _ 6.13 _ 19.27 _ 7.30
1881 __ -7.40 _ 5.93 _ 19.33 _10.97
1882 __ -1.70 _ 4.63 _ 18.50 _ 9.77
1883 __ -6.30 _ 2.40 _ 17.57 _ 7.53
1884 __ -5.90 _ 4.43 _ 18.17 _ 8.90
1885 __ -7.97 _ 1.90 _ 17.60 _ 8.30
1886 __ -5.90 _ 5.90 _ 17.97 _ 8.67
1887 __ -6.70 _ 4.90 _ 19.80 _ 7.27
1888 __ -5.97 _ 3.07 _ 18.73 _ 7.70
1889 __ -4.10 _ 6.33 _ 18.37 _ 8.47
1890 __ -0.87 _ 4.50 _ 18.87 _ 8.73
1891 __ -4.20 _ 5.10 _ 18.27 _ 9.53
1892 __ -3.53 _ 4.63 _ 19.50 _ 8.70
1893 __ -7.07 _ 4.60 _ 19.60 _ 8.73
1894 __ -4.43 _ 6.77 _ 19.50 _ 9.50
1895 __ -5.07 _ 4.97 _ 19.27 _ 8.30
1896 __ -4.20 _ 6.27 _ 19.57 _ 8.53
1897 __ -3.87 _ 5.90 _ 19.17 _10.20
1898 __ -3.40 _ 7.53 _ 20.63 _10.03
1899 __ -5.07 _ 6.00 _ 20.07 _ 9.73
1900 __ -3.97 _ 5.20 _ 20.50 _11.67
1901 __ -4.97 _ 6.43 _ 20.70 _ 9.13
1902 __ -4.60 _ 7.23 _ 18.23 _10.37
1903 __ -4.23 _ 8.07 _ 18.33 _ 9.47
1904 __ -8.13 _ 5.10 _ 18.43 _ 8.27
1905 __ -7.27 _ 5.47 _ 19.43 _ 9.63
1906 __ -2.13 _ 5.57 _ 20.67 _10.30
1907 __ -5.97 _ 4.53 _ 18.97 _ 8.83
1908 __ -4.27 _ 6.23 _ 20.00 _10.93
1909 __ -2.60 _ 5.33 _ 19.73 _ 9.47
1910 __ -4.37 _ 7.87 _ 19.93 _ 9.53
1911 __ -4.33 _ 7.17 _ 20.50 _ 9.30
1912 __ -5.43 _ 5.00 _ 18.53 _10.73
1913 __ -2.13 _ 7.03 _ 19.97 _10.63
1914 __ -3.97 _ 6.43 _ 19.83 _10.40
1915 __ -3.83 _ 6.70 _ 18.77 _11.17
1916 __ -3.57 _ 5.23 _ 20.83 _ 9.73
1917 __ -5.43 _ 4.97 _ 19.13 _ 7.73
1918 __ -7.77 _ 7.13 _ 19.67 _10.00 
1919 __ -1.33 _ 6.63 _ 21.80 _10.90
1920 __ -7.47 _ 6.03 _ 19.70 _11.07
1921 __ -1.53 _ 9.30 _ 22.00 _10.83
1922 __ -3.30 _ 8.07 _ 20.27 _10.80
1923 __ -5.00 _ 4.70 _ 19.53 _ 9.77
1924 __ -3.00 _ 5.30 _ 18.73 _ 9.37
1925 __ -4.53 _ 6.53 _ 19.87 _ 8.50
1926 __ -4.43 _ 3.77 _ 18.53 _ 8.87
1927 __ -4.43 _ 6.57 _ 18.40 _11.40
1928 __ -3.27 _ 5.63 _ 19.67 _ 9.70
1929 __ -3.37 _ 7.33 _ 18.90 _ 9.77
1930 __ -3.93 _ 6.57 _ 20.43 _10.63
1931 __ -2.93 _ 7.07 _ 20.93 _12.80
1932 __ +0.47 _ 5.43 _ 20.03 _ 9.87
1933 __ -1.10 _ 7.10 _ 21.10 _ 8.60
1934 __ -6.63 _ 5.90 _ 20.23 _10.73
1935 __ -5.10 _ 6.57 _ 20.70 _ 9.83
1936 __ -6.20 _ 6.87 _ 20.60 _ 9.33
1937 __ -1.00 _ 6.03 _ 21.13 _ 9.37
1938 __ -3.53 _ 7.70 _ 21.27 _10.43
1939 __ -3.07 _ 5.80 _ 21.10 _ 9.87
1940 __ -4.00 _ 4.80 _ 19.87 _ 9.53

1941 __ -3.67 _ 7.50 _ 20.97 _11.43
1942 __ -3.33 _ 8.63 _ 20.33 _10.53
1943 __ -4.80 _ 5.23 _ 21.07 _ 9.43
1944 __ -2.57 _ 6.17 _ 21.13 _10.53
1945 __ -5.40 _ 8.40 _ 19.67 _10.13
1946 __ -4.27 _ 8.57 _ 19.53 _11.8
1947 __ -3.30 _ 5.50 _ 20.77 _11.97
1948 __ -5.00 _ 6.83 _ 20.83 _11.97
1949 __ -1.13 _ 7.60 _ 22.83 _10.37
1950 __ -1.50 _ 5.20 _ 19.83 _10.47
1951 __ -2.33 _ 8.07 _ 20.37 _ 9.93
1952 __ -2.03 _ 7.57 _ 21.33 _10.73
1953 __ -0.37 _ 7.77 _ 21.30 _12.07
1954 __ -1.47 _ 6.80 _ 20.50 _11.27
1955 __ -2.90 _ 8.73 _ 22.77 _10.93
1956 __ -3.30 _ 5.23 _ 19.93 _10.60
1957 __ -2.60 _ 7.80 _ 20.57 _10.93
1958 __ -2.93 _ 8.13 _ 19.60 _11.07
1959 __ -5.57 _ 7.33 _ 22.47 _10.90
1960 __ -2.20 _ 6.03 _ 20.20 _12.07
1961 __ -3.83 _ 6.33 _ 20.47 _12.73
1962 __ -4.27 _ 8.57 _ 20.47 _10.40
1963 __ -5.70 _ 7.53 _ 20.57 _12.30
1964 __ -3.43 _ 7.77 _ 20.13 _10.70
1965 __ -3.47 _ 6.63 _ 19.33 _10.23
1966 __ -2.53 _ 6.50 _ 21.43 _10.47
1967 __ -3.10 _ 5.63 _ 20.57 _ 9.73
1968 __ -4.07 _ 7.63 _ 20.17 _11.73
1969 __ -3.23 _ 7.10 _ 20.90 _11.07
1970 __ -5.10 _ 7.23 _ 21.43 _12.10
1971 __ -4.20 _ 6.33 _ 20.63 _12.70
1972 __ -2.50 _ 6.27 _ 20.13 _10.03
1973 __ -2.60 _ 8.23 _ 22.20 _12.03
1974 __ -3.43 _ 7.03 _ 20.90 _ 9.97
1975 __ -0.50 _ 6.93 _ 21.73 _11.97
1976 __ -2.93 _ 7.90 _ 20.73 _ 9.03
1977 __ -5.97 _ 9.83 _ 20.43 _11.13
1978 __ -5.17 _ 6.33 _ 20.37 _10.40
1979 __ -5.23 _ 7.40 _ 20.03 _10.53
1980 __ -3.00 _ 7.73 _ 20.17 _ 9.67
1981 __ -4.20 _ 7.83 _ 20.63 _ 9.83
1982 __ -4.53 _ 7.10 _ 19.20 _11.00
1983 __ -0.50 _ 6.80 _ 21.93 _11.20
1984 __ -3.43 _ 5.77 _ 21.07 _10.80
1985 __ -2.67 _ 8.47 _ 19.53 _11.53
1986 __ -3.83 _ 9.03 _ 19.93 _10.00
1987 __ -1.77 _ 9.90 _ 21.87 _10.27
1988 __ -2.00 _ 7.80 _ 22.20 _10.43
1989 __ -1.97 _ 6.53 _ 21.23 _10.67
1990 __ -3.10 _ 8.07 _ 21.00 _11.20
1991 __ -1.30 _ 9.67 _ 22.20 _10.97
1992 __ -1.73 _ 6.83 _ 18.53 _ 9.97
1993 __ -2.67 _ 7.17 _ 21.20 _ 9.73
1994 __ -5.53 _ 7.30 _ 20.93 _12.00
1995 __ -1.70 _ 7.67 _ 22.23 _10.23
1996 __ -3.93 _ 5.87 _ 20.77 _10.27
1997 __ -1.47 _ 6.20 _ 20.80 _10.53
1998 __ +0.50_10.43 _ 21.53 _12.63
1999 __ -0.73 _ 9.00 _ 22.23 _12.23
2000 __ -1.27 _ 9.37 _ 20.30 _11.33
2001 __ -2.93 _ 8.43 _ 21.90 _12.43
2002 __ +1.30_ 7.40 _ 22.37 _11.80
2003 __ -3.93 _ 6.73 _ 21.03 _11.17
2004 __ -2.97 _ 8.07 _ 19.70 _12.13
2005 __ -3.03 _ 6.93 _ 23.43 _12.53
2006 __ -1.17 _ 8.80 _ 21.63 _10.80
2007 __ -1.90 _ 7.80 _ 21.70 _12.33
2008 __ -1.87 _ 7.53 _ 20.97 _10.8
2009 __ -3.60 _ 8.17 _ 19.87 _11.67
2010 __ -2.47 _11.27 _ 22.23 _11.30
2011 __ -3.93 _ 7.67 _ 22.40 _12.53
2012 __ +0.77_10.80_ 22.60 _11.03
2013 __ -0.63 _ 7.97 _ 21.10 _10.57
2014 __ -5.33 _ 6.20 _ 20.60 _10.50
2015 __ -5.50 _ 7.90 _ 20.37 _12.73
2016 __ +0.57_ 8.33 _ 22.77 _13.40
2017 __ +0.03_ 7.60 _ 20.53 _12.60
2018 __ -2.90 _ 7.40 _ 22.27 _10.53
2019 __ -2.47 _ 6.53 _ 21.23 _10.57

2020 __ -0.63 _ 7.80 _ 22.93 _11.60

2021 __ -1.47 _ 8.93 _ 22.40 _12.57

2022 __ -2.47 _8.53 _ 21.77 _11.80

2023 __ +0.23 _8.60 _ 21.03 _12.33

2024 __ +1.30_10.20 _ 21.70 _13.17

2025 __ -2.40

means __-3.65 _6.43 _20.01 _10.02 _ all data

1981-2010_-2.35 _7.93 _21.14 _ 11.13

1991-2020_-2.08 _7.96 _21.41 _ 11.43


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Ranked monthly and annual means

As with the CET rankings, will start from coldest at the top to warmest at the bottom. These are the raw data before any corrections for urban heat island, a separate ranking table will be constructed later for the adjusted data. The size of the UHI reduction will be 1.1 C deg by 1980, with data adjusted after 1881 by 0.1 more each decade from that decade (1881-1890) to 1.0 in 1971-1980 then 1.1 to end of series. 

The table will appear in two parts, Jan to June and July to Dec with annual. 

Cold ranks are read as "first coldest, second coldest etc" from the top, warm ranks are read from the bottom of the tables (so that 182nd (July-Dec) warmest is coldest,  and after Feb 2023 completes the data available for the first half of the year, 183rd warmest will be coldest there. 

Ranks for March to June 2023 are being added at bottom of part one of table, will be incorporated into table after Jan-Feb 2024 are known. 

Rank _____________________________________________________________ Rank

(cold) __  Jan _____ Feb ______ Mar _____ Apr _____ May ____ Jun __  (warm)


(cold) __  Jan _____ Feb ______ Mar _____ Apr _____ May ____ Jun __  (warm)


__ 01 __ 1857 -12.1 _ 1875 -12.6 _ 1885 -8.2 _ 1874 0.8 ___1867 8.5 _ 1857 14.1   _ 185

__ 02 __ 1920 -10.6 _ 1934 -12.1 _ 1872 -6.1 _ 1857 1.9 ___1849 8.9 _ 1842 14.5   _ 184

__ 03 __ 1918 -10.4 _ 1885 -11.9 _ 1883 -5.9 _ 1875 2.5 ___1861 8.9 _ 1847 14.5   _ 183

__ 04 __ 1912 -10.1 _ 2015 -11.1 _ 1843 -5.8 _ 1885 2.9 ___1907 9.0 _ 1859 14.7   _ 182

__ 05 __ 1893 -10.0 _ 1904 -10.4 _ 1856 -5.7 _ 1926 3.0 ___1858 9.3 _ 1843 14.8   _ 181

__ 06 __ 1994 -10.0 _ 1856 -10.2 _ 1888 -5.4 _ 1852 3.1 ___1866 9.3 _ 1869 14.8   _ 180

__ 07 __ 1856 -9.8 __ 1855 -10.0 _ 1875 -4.9 _ 1847 3.3 ___1857 9.4 _ 1851 15.1   _ 179

__ 08 __ 1888 -9.6 __ 1914 -9.1 __ 1896 -4.9 _ 1849 3.3 ___1882 9.5 _ 1881 15.3   _ 178

__ 09 __ 1945 -9.4 __ 1979 -8.8 __ 1900 -4.8 _ 1850 3.3 ___1883 9.6 _ 1926 15.4   _ 177

__ 10 __ 1884 -9.3 __ 1895 -8.7 __ 1869 -4.7 _ 1868 3.4 ___1917 9.7 _ 1855 15.5   _ 176

__ 11 __ 1875 -9.2 __ 1843 -8.6 __ 1895 -4.4 _ 1883 3.5 ___1850 9.8 _ 1862 15.6   _ 175

__ 12 __ 1977 -9.1 __ 1905 -8.6 __ 1887 -4.1 _ 1876 3.6 ___1853 9.8 _ 1885 15.6   _ 174

__ 13 __ 1881 -9.0 __ 1901 -8.5 __ 1960 -3.8 _ 1907 3.6 __ 1854 10.0 _ 1902 15.6   _ 173

__ 14 __ 1904 -8.9 __ 1889 -8.3 __ 1916 -3.7 _ 1888 4.0 __ 1856 10.1 _ 1916 15.7   _ 172

__ 15 __ 1877 -8.8 __ 1917 -8.3 __ 1877 -3.6 _ 1904 4.0 __ 1890 10.1 _ 1840 15.8   _ 171

__ 16 __ 1873 -8.3 __ 1858 -8.1 __ 1852 -3.5 _ 1943 4.0 __ 1924 10.1 _ 1852 15.8   _ 170

__ 17 __ 1883 -8.2 __ 1868 -8.1 __ 1912 -3.5 _ 1854 4.1 __ 1842 10.2 _ 1866 15.8   _ 169

__ 18 __ 1885 -8.2 __ 1879 -8.1 __ 1847 -3.3 _ 1873 4.2 __ 1967 10.2 _ 1889 15.8   _ 168

__ 19 __ 1865 -8.1 __ 1936 -8.1 __ 1863 -3.3 _ 1879 4.2 __ 1845 10.3 _ 1845 15.9   _ 167

__ 20 __ 1867 -8.1 __ 1886 -7.7 __ 1873 -3.3 _ 1887 4.2 __ 1945 10.3 _ 1863 16.0   _ 166

__ 21 __ 1852 -8.0 __ 1849 -7.6 __ 1876 -3.3 _ 1841 4.3 __ 1869 10.4 _ 1844 16.1   _ 165

__ 22 __ 1887 -8.0 __ 1893 -7.6 __ 1926 -3.3 _ 1860 4.3 __ 1925 10.5 _ 1861 16.1   _ 164

__ 23 __ 1981 -7.9 __ 1846 -7.5 __ 1940 -3.2 _ 1881 4.3 __ 1852 10.6 _ 1875 16.1   _ 163

__ 24 __ 2004 -7.9 __ 1873 -7.5 __ 1857 -3.1 _ 1936 4.3 __ 1884 10.6 _ 1917 16.1   _ 162

__ 25 __ 1868 -7.8 __ 1907 -7.5 __ 1870 -2.9 _ 2018 4.3 __ 1888 10.6 _ 1980 16.1   _ 161

__ 26 __ 1905 -7.8 __ 1963 -7.5 __ 1861 -2.8 _ 1859 4.4 __ 1851 10.7 _ 1886 16.2   _ 160

__ 27 __ 1982 -7.8 __ 1912 -7.3 __ 1906 -2.8 _ 1862 4.4 __ 1876 10.7 _ 1882 16.3   _ 159

__ 28 __ 1940 -7.5 __ 1916 -7.3 __ 2014 -2.8 _ 1893 4.4 __ 1843 10.8 _ 1848 16.4   _ 158

__ 29 __ 1849 -7.4 __ 1923 -7.3 __ 1923 -2.7 _ 1975 4.4 __ 1891 10.8 _ 1868 16.4   _ 157

__ 30 __ 1886 -7.4 __ 1881 -7.1 __ 1941 -2.7 _ 1869 4.6 __ 1875 10.9 _ 1897 16.4   _ 156

__ 31 __ 1970 -7.4 __ 1899 -7.1 __ 1866 -2.6 _ 1882 4.6 __ 1892 10.9 _ 1918 16.4   _ 155

__ 32 __ 1948 -7.3 __ 1908 -7.1 __ 1984 -2.6 _ 1920 4.6 __ 1997 10.9 _ 1928 16.4   _ 154

__ 33 __ 1879 -7.1 __ 1854 -7.0 __ 1867 -2.5 _ 1950 4.6 __ 1841 11.0 _ 1958 16.4   _ 153

__ 34 __ 1866 -7.0 __ 1883 -7.0 __ 1841 -2.3 _ 1872 4.8 __ 1862 11.0 _ 1927 16.5   _ 152

__ 35 __ 1892 -7.0 __ 2007 -6.9 __ 1884 -2.3 _ 1939 4.8 __ 1872 11.0 _ 1871 16.6   _ 151

__ 36 __ 2009 -7.0 __ 1978 -6.8 __ 1890 -2.3 _ 1944 4.8 __ 1873 11.0 _ 1879 16.6   _ 150

__ 37 __ 2014 -7.0 __ 1900 -6.7 __ 1892 -2.3 _ 1848 4.9 __ 1885 11.0 _ 1883 16.6   _ 149

__ 38 __ 1861 -6.9 __ 1920 -6.6 __ 1848 -2.2 _ 1853 4.9 __ 1923 11.0 _ 1903 16.6   _ 148

__ 39 __ 1943 -6.9 __ 1967 -6.6 __ 1855 -2.2 _ 1867 4.9 __ 1966 11.0 _ 1982 16.6   _ 147

__ 40 __ 1963 -6.9 __ 1894 -6.5 __ 1934 -2.2 _ 1851 5.0 __ 1893 11.1 _ 1849 16.7   _ 146

__ 41 __ 1971 -6.8 __ 1913 -6.5 __ 1950 -2.2 _ 1884 5.0 __ 1956 11.1 _ 1856 16.7  _ 145

__ 42 __ 2022 -6.8 __ 1924 -6.5 __ 1899 -2.1 _ 1909 5.0 __ 1868 11.2 _ 1877 16.7  _ 144

__ 43 __ 1978 -6.7 __ 1872 -6.2 __ 1891 -1.9 _ 1932 5.0 __ 1915 11.2 _ 1854 16.8  _ 143

__ 44 __ 1984 -6.6 __ 1942 -6.2 __ 1904 -1.9 _ 1843 5.1 __ 1935 11.3 _ 1912 16.8  _ 142

__ 45 __ 1844 -6.5 __ 1958 -6.2 __ 1937 -1.9 _ 1864 5.1 __ 1894 11.3 _ 1915 16.9  _ 141

__ 46 __ 1925 -6.5 __ 1962 -6.2 __ 1944 -1.9 _ 1917 5.1 __ 1947 11.3 _ 1878 17.0  _ 140

__ 47 __ 1957 -6.5 __ 1993 -6.2 __ 1879 -1.8 _ 1858 5.2 __ 1983 11.3 _ 1872 17.1  _ 139

__ 48 __ 1961 -6.4 __ 2014 -6.2 __ 1939 -1.8 _ 1880 5.3 __ 1865 11.4 _ 1874 17.1  _ 138

__ 49 __ 1976 -6.4 __ 1910 -6.1 __ 1972 -1.8 _ 1892 5.3 __ 1847 11.5 _ 1985 17.1  _ 137

__ 50 __ 1935 -6.3 __ 1926 -6.1 __ 1850 -1.7 _ 1914 5.3 __ 1874 11.5 _ 1864 17.2  _ 136

__ 51 __ 2015 -6.3 __ 1888 -6.0 __ 1862 -1.7 _ 1940 5.3 __ 1878 11.5 _ 1924 17.2  _ 135

__ 52 __ 1871 -6.2 __ 1902 -6.0 __ 1864 -1.7 _ 1972 5.3 __ 1905 11.5 _ 1846 17.3   _ 134

__ 53 __ 1872 -6.2 __ 1918 -6.0 __ 1893 -1.7 _ 1863 5.4 __ 1910 11.5 _ 1850 17.3   _ 133

__ 54 __ 1968 -6.2 __ 1994 -6.0 __ 1880 -1.6 _ 1928 5.4 __ 1927 11.5 _ 1873 17.3   _ 132

__ 55 __ 1985 -6.2 __ 1870 -5.9 __ 1932 -1.6 _ 1961 5.4 __ 1968 11.5 _ 1904 17.3   _ 131

__ 56 __ 1895 -6.1 __ 1887 -5.9 __ 1853 -1.5 _ 1965 5.4 __ 1897 11.6 _ 1940 17.4   _ 130

__ 57 __ 2003 -6.1 __ 1968 -5.9 __ 1858 -1.4 _ 1995 5.4 __ 1926 11.6 _ 1945 17.4   _ 129

__ 58 __ 1927 -6.0 __ 1847 -5.7 __ 1874 -1.4 _ 1908 5.5 __ 1886 11.7 _ 1887 17.5   _ 128

__ 59 __ 1954 -6.0 __ 1862 -5.7 __ 1854 -1.3 _ 1912 5.5 __ 1929 11.7 _ 1969 17.5   _ 127

__ 60 __ 1979 -6.0 __ 1959 -5.7 __ 1978 -1.3 _ 1956 5.5 __ 1984 11.7 _ 1972 17.5   _ 126

__ 61 __ 1854 -5.9 __ 1980 -5.7 __ 1886 -1.2 _ 1856 5.6 __ 1974 11.8 _ 1992 17.5   _ 125

__ 62 __ 1862 -5.9 __ 1874 -5.6 __ 1901 -1.2 _ 1934 5.6 __ 1855 11.9 _ 1905 17.6   _ 124

__ 63 __ 1966 -5.9 __ 1929 -5.6 __ 1881 -1.1 _ 1890 5.7 __ 1902 11.9 _ 1907 17.7   _ 123

__ 64 __ 1896 -5.8 __ 1841 -5.5 __ 1909 -1.1 _ 1905 5.7 __ 1948 11.9 _ 1929 17.7   _ 122

__ 65 __ 1959 -5.8 __ 1865 -5.5 __ 1911 -1.1 _ 1996 5.7 __ 1871 12.0 _ 1935 17.7  _ 121

__ 66 __ 1923 -5.7 __ 1866 -5.5 __ 1915 -1.1 _ 1845 5.8 __ 1877 12.0 _ 1860 17.8   _ 120

__ 67 __ 1853 -5.6 __ 1896 -5.5 __ 1943 -1.1 _ 1923 5.8 __ 1879 12.0 _ 1986 17.8   _ 119

__ 68 __ 1907 -5.5 __ 1906 -5.4 __ 1956 -0.9 _ 1947 5.8 __ 1973 12.0 _ 1853 17.9   _ 118

__ 69 __ 1847 -5.4 __ 1935 -5.4 __ 1996 -0.9 _ 1855 5.9 __ 1848 12.1 _ 1891 18.0   _ 117

__ 70 __ 1938 -5.4 __ 1947 -5.4 __ 1905 -0.8 _ 1861 5.9 __ 1909 12.1 _ 1914 18.0  _ 116

__ 71 __ 1962 -5.4 __ 1974 -5.4 __ 1914 -0.8 _ 1919 5.9 __ 1889 12.2 _ 2004 18.0  _ 115

__ 72 __ 2005 -5.4 __ 1995 -5.4 __ 1928 -0.8 _ 1978 5.9 __ 2002 12.2 _ 1888 18.1  _ 114

__ 73 __ 2019 -5.4 __ 1852 -5.3 __ 1965 -0.8 _ 1982 5.9 __ 1928 12.3 _ 1896 18.1  _ 113

__ 74 __ 1936 -5.3 __ 1853 -5.3 __ 1989 -0.8 _ 1865 6.0 __ 1940 12.3 _ 1961 18.1  _ 112

__ 75 __ 1941 -5.3 __ 1860 -5.3 __ 2015 -0.8 _ 1924 6.0 __ 1840 12.3 _ 1968 18.1  _ 111

__ 76 __ 1917 -5.2 __ 1863 -5.2 __ 1971 -0.7 _ 2016 6.0 __ 1906 12.4 _ 2015 18.1  _ 110

__ 77 __ 1930 -5.2 __ 1946 -5.2 __ 1930 -0.6 _ 1930 6.1 __ 1913 12.4 _ 1867 18.2  _ 109

__ 78 __ 2011 -5.2 __ 2003 -5.1 __ 1947 -0.6 _ 1971 6.2 __ 1916 12.4 _ 1884 18.2  _ 108

__ 79 __ 1882 -5.1 __ 1876 -5.0 __ 1959 -0.6 _ 1989 6.2 __ 1961 12.4 _ 1910 18.2  _ 107

__ 80 __ 1897 -5.1 __ 1948 -5.0 __ 1967 -0.6 _ 2003 6.2 __ 1976 12.4 _ 1913 18.2  _ 106

__ 81 __ 1965 -5.1 __ 1871 -4.9 __ 1975 -0.6 _ 1889 6.3 __ 2019 12.4 _ 1947 18.2  _ 105

__ 82 __ 1899 -5.0 __ 1884 -4.9 __ 2005 -0.4 _ 1895 6.3 __ 1864 12.5 _ 1974 18.2  _ 104

__ 83 __ 1903 -5.0 __ 1973 -4.9 __ 1846 -0.3 _ 1897 6.3 __ 1901 12.5 _ 2009 18.2   _ 103

__ 84 __ 1929 -5.0 __ 1972 -4.8 __ 1868 -0.3 _ 1911 6.3 __ 1920 12.5 _ 1936 18.3   _ 102

__ 85 __ 1891 -4.9 __ 1982 -4.7 __ 1908 -0.3 _ 1937 6.3 __ 1946 12.5 _ 1946 18.3   _ 101

__ 86 __ 1864 -4.8 __ 1950 -4.6 __ 1970 -0.3 _ 1891 6.4 __ 1954 12.5 _ 1950 18.3   _ 100

__ 87 __ 1902 -4.8 __ 1869 -4.5 __ 2008 -0.3 _ 1927 6.4 __ 1957 12.6 _ 1979 18.3   __ 99

__ 88 __ 1922 -4.8 __ 1941 -4.5 __ 1882 -0.2 _ 1966 6.4 __ 1963 12.6 _ 1993 18.3   __ 98

__ 89 __ 1924 -4.8 __ 1970 -4.5 __ 1897 -0.2 _ 1846 6.5 __ 2005 12.6 _ 1900 18.4   __ 97

__ 90 __ 1901 -4.7 __ 1989 -4.5 __ 1924 -0.2 _ 1877 6.5 __ 1863 12.7 _ 1858 18.5   __ 96

__ 91 __ 1915 -4.7 __ 1892 -4.4 __ 1933 -0.2 _ 1898 6.5 __ 1952 12.7 _ 1901 18.5   __ 95

__ 92 __ 1996 -4.7 __ 1928 -4.4 __ 1969 -0.2 _ 1918 6.5 __ 1958 12.7 _ 1965 18.5   __ 94

__ 93 __ 1860 -4.6 __ 1986 -4.4 __ 1980 -0.1 _ 1935 6.5 __ 1979 12.7 _ 1978 18.5   __ 93

__ 94 __ 1939 -4.6 __ 1898 -4.2 __ 1954_0.0 _ 1903 6.6 __ 1990 12.7 _ 1865 18.6   __ 92

__ 95 __ 1997 -4.6 __ 1940 -4.2 __ 1992_0.0 _ 1979 6.6 __ 2008 12.7 _ 1876 18.6   __ 91

__ 96 __ 1841 -4.5 __ 1965 -4.2 __ 1993_0.0 _ 1992 6.6 __ 1943 12.8 _ 1892 18.6   __ 90

__ 97 __ 1851 -4.5 __ 1897 -4.1 __ 1917 +0.1 _ 2020 6.6 __ 1994 12.8 _ 1899 18.6   __ 89

__ 98 __ 1878 -4.5 __ 1988 -4.1 __ 1948 +0.1 _ 1840 6.7 __ 1996 12.8 _ 1909 18.6   __ 88

__ 99 __ 1999 -4.4 __ 1850 -4.0 __ 2017 +0.1 _ 1902 6.7 __ 2020 12.8 _ 1960 18.6   __ 87

_100 __ 2018 -4.4 __ 1939 -4.0 __ 2019 +0.1 _ 1871 6.8 __ 1859 12.9 _ 1977 18.6   __ 86

_101___ 1874 -4.3 __ 1864 -3.8 __ 1844 +0.2 _ 2014 6.8 __ 1900 12.9 _ 1880 18.7   __ 85

_102___ 1908 -4.3 __ 1977 -3.8 __ 1865 +0.2 _ 1894 6.9 __ 1932 12.9 _ 1890 18.7   __ 84

_103___ 2010 -4.2 __ 1996 -3.8 __ 1952 +0.2 _ 1983 6.9 __ 1938 12.9 _ 1906 18.7   __ 83

_104___ 2025 -4.2 __ 2011 -3.8 __ 1955 +0.2 _ 2007 6.9 __ 1895 13.0 _ 1911 18.7   __ 82

_105___ 1859 -4.1 __ 2021 -3.8 __ 1982 +0.2 _ 2013 6.9 __ 1899 13.0 _ 1939 18.7   __ 81

_106___ 1926 -4.1 __ 1944 -3.7 __ 1849 +0.4 _ 1842 7.0 __ 1912 13.0 _ 1951 18.7   __ 80

_107___ 1969 -4.1 __ 1844 -3.6 __ 1851 +0.4 _ 1866 7.0 __ 1919 13.0 _ 2000 18.7   __ 79

_108___ 1931 -4.0 __ 1861 -3.6 __ 1949 +0.4 _ 1916 7.0 __ 2017 13.0 _ 2003 18.7   __ 78

_109___ 1942 -4.0 __ 1911 -3.6 __ 1889 +0.5 _ 1953 7.0 __ 1969 13.1 _ 2019 18.7   __ 77

_110___ 2000 -4.0 __ 1845 -3.5 __ 1974 +0.5 _ 1964 7.0 __ 2003 13.1 _ 1898 18.8   __ 76

_111___ 1855 -3.9 __ 1859 -3.5 __ 1997 +0.6 _ 1899 7.1 __ 1844 13.2 _ 1920 18.8   __ 75

_112___ 1870 -3.9 __ 1903 -3.5 __ 1964 +0.7 _ 1906 7.1 __ 1846 13.2 _ 1938 18.8   __ 74

_113___ 1955 -3.9 __ 1943 -3.5 __ 1913 +0.8 _ 1931 7.1 __ 1904 13.2 _ 1948 18.8   __ 73

_114___ 1956 -3.9 __ 1985 -3.5 __ 1931 +0.8 _ 1946 7.1 __ 1950 13.2 _ 1964 18.8   __ 72

_115___ 1986 -3.9 __ 2008 -3.5 __ 2011 +0.8 _ 1997 7.1 __ 1860 13.3 _ 1931 18.9   __ 71

_116___ 1991 -3.9 __ 2025 -3.5  __ 1918 +0.9 _ 2019 7.1 __ 1898 13.3 _ 1937 18.9   __ 70

_117___ 1846 -3.8 __ 1945 -3.4 __ 1988 +0.9 _ 1886 7.2 __ 1903 13.3 _ 1981 18.9   __ 69

_118___ 1898 -3.8 __ 1915 -3.3 __ 1994 +0.9 _ 2022 7.2 __ 1931 13.3 _ 1908 19.0   __ 68

_119___ 1928 -3.8 __ 1933 -3.3 __ 2003 +0.9 _ 1870 7.3 __ 1981 13.3 _ 1942 19.0   __ 67    

_120___ 1958 -3.8 __ 1964 -3.2 __ 2018 +0.9 _ 1933 7.3 __ 1908 13.5 _ 1944 19.1   __ 66

_121___ 1910 -3.7 __ 1987 -3.2 __ 1907 +1.0 _ 1967 7.3 __ 1971 13.5 _ 1923 19.2   __ 65

_122___ 1914 -3.6 __ 1922 -3.1 __ 1919 +1.0 _ 1988 7.3 __ 1942 13.6 _ 1932 19.2   __ 64

_123___ 1980 -3.6 __ 2022 -3.1 __ 1920 +1.0 _ 1925 7.4 __ 1970 13.6 _ 1956 19.2   __ 63

_124___ 1934 -3.5 __ 1878 -3.0 __ 2001 +1.0 _ 2004 7.4 __ 2004 13.6 _ 2013 19.2   __ 62

_125___ 1960 -3.5 __ 1909 -3.0 __ 1840 +1.2 _ 1900 7.5 __ 1937 13.7 _ 2017 19.2   __ 61

_126___ 1972 -3.5 __ 1931 -3.0 __ 1961 +1.2 _ 1922 7.5 __ 1993 13.7 _ 1893 19.3   __ 60

_127___ 1900 -3.4 __ 1955 -3.0 __ 1922 +1.3 _ 2000 7.5 __ 1953 13.8 _ 1894 19.3   __ 59

_128___ 1911 -3.4 __ 1966 -3.0 __ 1936 +1.4 _ 1929 7.6 __ 2009 13.8 _ 1922 19.3   __ 58

_129___ 1946 -3.4 __ 2013 -3.0 __ 1962 +1.4 _ 1951 7.6 __ 1870 13.9 _ 1925 19.3   __ 57

_130___ 1845 -3.2 __ 1848 -2.9 __ 2007 +1.4 _ 1949 7.7 __ 1960 13.9 _ 1990 19.3   __ 56

_131___ 1909 -3.2 __ 1930 -2.9 __ 2013 +1.4 _ 2011 7.7 __ 1992 13.9 _ 1996 19.3   __ 55

_132___ 1988 -3.1 __ 1960 -2.9 __ 1860 +1.5 _ 1973 7.8 __ 1918 14.0 _ 1841 19.4   __ 54

_133___ 1947 -3.0 __ 2019 -2.9 __ 1845 +1.6 _ 1980 7.8 __ 1930 14.2 _ 1870 19.4   __ 53

_134___ 1974 -3.0 __ 1927 -2.8 __ 1871 +1.6 _ 1993 7.8 __ 1933 14.2 _ 1930 19.4   __ 52

_135___ 1842 -2.9 __ 1971 -2.8 __ 1925 +1.7 _ 1913 7.9 __ 1989 14.2 _ 1989 19.4   __ 51

_136___ 1848 -2.7 __ 1938 -2.7 __ 1999 +1.7 _ 1954 7.9 __ 1995 14.2 _ 1953 19.6   __ 50

_137___ 1992 -2.7 __ 1851 -2.6 __ 2002 +1.7 _ 1962 7.9 __ 1934 14.3 _ 1962 19.6   __ 49

_138___ 1951 -2.6 __ 1880 -2.6 __ 1927 +1.8 _ 1896 8.0 __ 2023 14.3 _ 1970 19.6   __ 48

_139___ 1952 -2.6 __ 1925 -2.6 __ 1951 +1.8 _ 1901 8.0 __ 1939 14.4 _ 1998 19.6   __ 47

_140___ 1889 -2.5 __ 1969 -2.6 __ 1981 +1.9 _ 1938 8.0 __ 1978 14.4 _ 2018 19.6   __ 46

_141___ 1987 -2.5 __ 1951 -2.5 __ 1935 +2.0 _ 1960 8.0 __ 2021 14.4 _ 2022 19.6   __ 45

_142___ 1921 -2.3 __ 1890 -2.4 __ 1963 +2.0 _ 1963 8.0 __ 1959 14.5 _ 1952 19.7   __ 44

_143___ 1983 -2.3 __ 1891 -2.4 __ 1976 +2.0 _ 1959 8.1 __ 2011 14.5 _ 1971 19.7   __ 43

_144___ 2016 -2.3 __ 2006 -2.4 __ 1986 +2.0 _ 2012 8.1 __ 1881 14.6 _ 1984 19.7   __ 42

_145___ 1843 -2.2 __ 1842 -2.2 __ 1990 +2.0 _ 1984 8.2 __ 1887 14.6 _ 1988 19.7   __ 41

_146___ 1973 -2.2 __ 1857 -2.2 __ 2023 +2.0 _ 1994 8.2 __ 1921 14.6 _ 2002 19.7   __ 40

_147___ 1993 -2.2 __ 1867 -2.2 __ 1894 +2.1 _ 2015 8.2 __ 2014 14.6 _ 2023 19.7   __ 39

_148___ 2001 -2.2 __ 1937 -2.2 __ 1966 +2.1 _ 1910 8.3 __ 1880 14.7 _ 1933 19.8   __ 38

_149___ 1863 -2.1 __ 1956 -2.2 __ 1968 +2.1 _ 1981 8.3 __ 1949 14.7 _ 1963 19.8   __ 37

_150___ 1869 -2.1 __ 2005 -2.2 __ 1985 +2.1 _ 2002 8.3 __ 1985 14.7 _ 2011 19.8   __ 36

_151___ 1894 -2.1 __ 1919 -2.1 __ 2009 +2.1 _ 1969 8.4 __ 1914 14.8 _ 1895 19.9   __ 35

_152___ 1850 -1.9 __ 2010 -2.1 __ 1938 +2.2 _ 1970 8.4 __ 1941 14.8 _ 1954 19.9   __ 34

_153___ 1964 -1.8 __ 1877 -2.0 __ 1957 +2.2 _ 2021 8.4 __ 1951 14.8 _ 1994 19.9   __ 33 

_154___ 2007 -1.7 __ 1921 -2.0 __ 1983 +2.2 _ 1948 8.5 __ 1936 14.9 _ 2006 19.9   __ 32  

_155___ 1949 -1.6 __ 1990 -2.0 __ 2022 +2.3 _ 1957 8.6 __ 2006 15.1 _ 1934 20.0  __ 31

_156___ 1919 -1.5 __ 1992 -2.0 __ 1859 +2.4 _ 1985 8.6 __ 2007 15.1 _ 1957 20.0   __ 30

_157___ 1858 -1.4 __ 2004 -2.0 __ 1942 +2.4 _ 2005 8.6 __ 1982 15.2 _ 1973 20.0   __ 29

_158___ 1890 -1.4 __ 2009 -2.0 __ 2006 +2.4 _ 2009 8.6 __ 1988 15.2 _ 1983 20.0   __ 28

_159___ 2021 -1.4 __ 2020 -1.9 __ 1953 +2.5 _ 1945 8.7 __ 2000 15.2 _ 2008 20.0  __  27

_160___ 1876 -1.3 __ 1952 -1.8 __ 1958 +2.6 _ 1974 8.8 __ 2001 15.2 _ 2010 20.0   __ 26

_161___ 1953 -1.3 __ 1975 -1.8 __ 1991 +2.6 _ 1977 8.9 __ 1965 15.3 _ 1966 20.1   __ 25

_162___ 1995 -1.3 __ 2001 -1.7 __ 1842 +2.7 _ 1999 8.9 __ 1922 15.4 _ 1975 20.1   __ 24

_163___ 2024 -1.2 __ 1983 -1.5 __ 1929 +2.7 _ 2006 8.9 __ 1972 15.3 _ 2016 20.1   __ 23

_164___ 1944 -1.1 __ 1949 -1.4 __ 1898 +2.8 _ 1958 9.1 __ 1955 15.5 _ 1955 20.2   __ 22

_165___ 1916 -1.0 __ 1957 -1.4 __ 1979 +2.9 _ 2001 9.1 __ 1980 15.5 _ 1959 20.3   __ 21

_166___ 1967 -1.0 __ 1932 -1.3 __ 1902 +3.1 _ 2024 9.2 __ 2016 15.5 _ 2014 20.3   __ 20

_167___ 1975 -1.0 __ 1961 -1.2 __ 1878 +3.2 _ 1844 9.3 __ 1944 15.6 _ 1921 20.4   __ 19

_168___ 2013 -1.0 __ 2016 -1.2 __ 2004 +3.2 _ 1968 9.3 __ 1964 15.6 _ 2001 20.4   __ 18

_169___ 2008 -0.8 __ 1882 -1.0 __ 1995 +3.4 _ 1976 9.3 __ 2013 15.6 _ 2024 20.4   __ 17

_170___ 1998 -0.7 __ 1997 -1.0 __ 1998 +3.5 _ 1986 9.3 __ 1896 15.7 _ 1941 20.5   __ 16

_171___ 1906 -0.6 __ 1953 -0.8 __ 2016 +3.5 _ 1991 9.3 __ 1986 15.8 _ 1997 20.6   __ 15

_172___ 2012 -0.6 __ 2000 -0.8 __ 1987 +3.6 _ 1990 9.5 __ 1987 15.8 _ 1943 20.8   __ 14

_173___ 1937 -0.5 __ 1991 -0.7 __ 1921 +3.7 _ 2023 9.5 __ 2022 16.1 _ 1987 20.8   __ 13

_174___ 2017 -0.5 __ 1981 -0.4 __ 1910 +3.8 _ 1921 9.6 __ 1911 16.3 _ 1995 20.8   __ 12

_175___ 2020 -0.5 __ 2018 -0.4 __ 2020 +4.0 _ 1878 9.7 __ 2015 16.3 _ 1967 20.9   __ 11

_176___ 1989 -0.4 __ 2002 -0.2 __ 2021 +4.0 _ 2017 9.7 __ 1962 16.4 _ 1976 20.9   __ 10

_177___ 1913 -0.3 __ 1976 -0.1 __ 1977 +4.1 _ 1952 9.8 __ 1999 16.4 _ 2020 20.9   __ 09

_178___ 1950 -0.1 __ 1999 -0.1 __ 1903 +4.3 _ 1998 9.8 __ 1977 16.7 _ 2007 21.0   __ 08

_179___ 2023 +0.2 __ 2023 -0.1 __ 2024 +4.5 _ 1942 9.9 __ 2010 16.8 _ 2012 21.0   __ 07

_180___ 1880 +0.4 __ 1954 +0.5 __ 1973 +4.9 _ 1915 10.0 _ 2024 16.9 _ 1999 21.1  __ 06

_181___ 1990 +0.5 __ 1984 +0.5 __ 2000 +5.4 _ 2008 10.2 _ 1975 17.0 _ 1991 21.3  __ 05

_182___ 1933 +0.9 __ 2012 +0.9 __ 2010 +5.6 _ 1987 10.3 _ 2018 17.0 _ 2021 21.4  __ 04

_183___ 2002 +0.9 __ 2017 +1.0 __ 1946 +6.1 _ 1941 10.4 _ 1991 17.1 _ 1949 22.4  __ 03

_184___ 2006 +1.1 __ 1998 +1.4 __ 1945 +6.2 _ 1955 10.5 _ 2012 17.1 _ 1919 22.5   __ 02

_185___ 1932 +1.9 __ 2024 +1.5 __ 2012 +7.2 _ 2010 11.4 _ 1998 18.0 _ 2005 22.8 ____ 01

Mar 2024 entered the table 7th warmest +4.5 C.

Apr 2024 entered the table 20th warmest +9.2 C.

May 2024 entered the table 6th warmest 16.9 C.

June 2024 entered the table t-17th warmest 20.4 C.

Jan 2025 entered the table t-82nd warmest -4.2 C (t 2010)

Feb 2025 entered the table t-70th warmest -3.5 C (t 2008, 1985, 1943, 1903, 1859, 1845)


(part 2) 

July to December and annual means ranked

Rank ___________________________________________________________________ Rank

(cold) __ Jul _____ Aug _____ Sep _____ Oct _____ Nov ____ Dec _____ Year __ (warm)


__ 01 _ 1884 17.8 _ 1866 16.2 _ 1848 12.2 _ 1841 5.7 _ 1873 -2.4 _ 1876 -8.3 __1875 4.78185

__ 02 _ 1891 17.9 _ 1851 17.3 _ 1883 12.6 _ 1925 5.8 _ 1880 -1.2 _ 1872 -8.2 __1885 5.06_ 184 

__ 03 _ 1848 18.0 _ 1885 17.3 _ 1845 12.8 _ 1876 5.9 _ 1871 -0.4 _ 1989 -7.8 __1856 5.20_ 183 

__ 04 _ 1860 18.1 _ 1856 17.5 _ 1850 12.8 _ 1889 6.0 _ 1933 -0.2 _ 1859 -7.2 __1883 5.32_ 182

__ 05 _ 1865 18.3 _ 1883 17.6 _ 1840 13.0 _ 1869 6.1 _ 1851 -0.1 _ 1917 -6.9 __1857 5.62_ 181

__ 06 _ 1851 18.4 _ 1869 17.7 _ 1847 13.0 _ 1895 6.1 _ 1875 -0.1 _ 1845 -6.3 __1873 5.78_ 180

__ 07 _ 1853 18.5 _ 1903 17.7 _ 1860 13.0 _ 1853 6.2 _ 1869 0.3 __1851 -6.3 __ 1904 5.89_ 179

__ 08 _ 1883 18.5 _ 1847 17.8 _ 1863 13.2 _ 1868 6.2 _ 1843 0.7 __1886 -6.2 __ 1888 5.95_ 178

__ 09 _ 1842 18.6 _ 1912 17.8 _ 1871 13.2 _ 1888 6.3 _ 1857 0.7 __1880 -6.1 __ 1872 6.02_ 177

__ 10 _ 1861 18.6 _ 1855 18.0 _ 1879 13.2 _ 1843 6.4 _ 1872 0.8 __1910 -6.0 __ 1852 6.11_ 176

__ 11 _ 1869 18.6 _ 1890 18.1 _ 1875 13.3 _ 1875 6.4 _ 1848 0.9 __1850 -5.6 __ 1847 6.17_ 175

__ 12 _ 1852 18.8 _ 1849 18.2 _ 1852 13.4 _ 1850 6.5 _ 1842 1.0 __1854 -5.6 __ 1917 6.26_ 174

__ 13 _ 1871 18.9 _ 1852 18.2 _ 1859 13.4 _ 1855 6.5 _ 1858 1.1 __1856 -5.5 __ 1843 6.28_ 173

__ 14 _ 1843 19.0 _ 1857 18.2 _ 1856 13.5 _ 1844 6.6 _ 1884 1.1 __1871 -5.4 __ 1849 6.31_ 172

__ 15 _ 1886 19.0 _ 1927 18.2 _ 1864 13.6 _ 1859 6.6 _ 1894 1.2 __1904 -5.4 __ 1869 6.34_ 171

__ 16 _ 1888 19.0 _ 1904 18.3 _ 1866 13.6 _ 1887 6.6 _ 1841 1.3 __1867 -5.3 __ 1886 6.36_ 170

__ 17 _ 1992 19.0 _ 1844 18.4 _ 1887 13.6 _ 1847 6.9 _ 1901 1.4 __1890 -5.3 __ 1855 6.38_ 169

__ 18 _ 1895 19.1 _ 1860 18.4 _ 1918 13.6 _ 1856 7.0 _ 1917 1.4 __1963 -5.3 __ 1893 6.38_ 168

__ 19 _ 1841 19.2 _ 1865 18.5 _ 1873 13.7 _ 1917 7.0 _ 1936 1.4 __1919 -5.2 __ 1884 6.38_ 167

__ 20 _ 1845 19.2 _ 1879 18.5 _ 1888 13.7 _ 1857 7.1 _ 1852 1.6 __1935 -5.2 __ 1851 6.41_ 166

__ 21 _ 1875 19.2 _ 1884 18.5 _ 1842 13.8 _ 1846 7.2 _ 1887 1.6 __1958 -5.2 __ 1868 6.41_ 165

__ 22 _ 1920 19.2 _ 1907 18.5 _ 1885 13.8 _ 1883 7.2 _ 1874 1.7 __1903 -5.1 __ 1853 6.53_ 164

__ 23 _ 1849 19.3 _ 1894 18.6 _ 1924 13.9 _ 1896 7.2 _ 1892 1.7 __1976 -5.0 __ 1866 6.55_ 163

__ 24 _ 1882 19.4 _ 1897 18.6 _ 1868 14.0 _ 1907 7.2 _ 1903 1.7 __1840 -4.9 __ 1926 6.57_ 162

__ 25 _ 1840 19.5 _ 1902 18.6 _ 1899 14.0 _ 1880 7.3 _ 1951 1.7 __1868 -4.9 __ 1850 6.60_ 161

__ 26 _ 1844 19.5 _ 1929 18.6 _ 1893 14.1 _ 1840 7.4 _ 1854 1.8 __1906 -4.9 __ 1879 6.62_ 160

__ 27 _ 1859 19.5 _ 1964 18.6 _ 1896 14.1 _ 1865 7.4 _ 1844 1.9 __2000 -4.9 __ 1876 6.63_ 159

__ 28 _ 1874 19.5 _ 1841 18.7 _ 1849 14.2 _ 1845 7.5 _ 1862 2.0 __1893 -4.7 __ 1887 6.64_ 158

__ 29 _ 1862 19.6 _ 1875 18.7 _ 1890 14.2 _ 1848 7.6 _ 1879 2.0 __1860 -4.5 __ 1874 6.72_ 157

__ 30 _ 1863 19.6 _ 1886 18.7 _ 1876 14.3 _ 1872 7.6 _ 1882 2.0 __1924 -4.5 __ 1841 6.78_ 156

__ 31 _ 1924 19.6 _ 1889 18.7 _ 1928 14.3 _ 1873 7.6 _ 1886 2.0 __1926 -4.5 __ 1854 6.78_ 155

__ 32 _ 1965 19.6 _ 1934 18.7 _ 1857 14.4 _ 1885 7.6 _ 1898 2.0 __1853 -4.3 __ 1895 6.79_ 154

__ 33 _ 1904 19.7 _ 1895 18.8 _ 1956 14.4 _ 1849 7.7 _ 2019 2.0 __1933 -4.3 __ 1861 6.82_ 153

__ 34 _ 1880 19.8 _ 1923 18.8 _ 1853 14.8 _ 1842 7.8 _ 1840 2.1 __1980 -4.3 __ 1871 6.82_ 152

__ 35 _ 1890 19.8 _ 1982 18.8 _ 1904 14.8 _ 1864 7.8 _ 1932 2.1 __1878 -4.2 __ 1862 6.83_ 151

__ 36 _ 1925 19.8 _ 1891 18.9 _ 1917 14.8 _ 1904 7.8 _ 1856 2.2 __1902 -4.2 __ 1845 6.84_ 150

__ 37 _ 2009 19.8 _ 1840 19.0 _ 1851 14.9 _ 1909 7.9 _ 1904 2.2 __1945 -4.2 __ 1840 6.85_ 149

__ 38 _ 1847 19.9 _ 1850 19.0 _ 1886 14.9 _ 1863 8.2 _ 1911 2.2 __1983 -4.2 __ 1859 6.86_ 148

__ 39 _ 1858 19.9 _ 1887 19.0 _ 1935 14.9 _ 1981 8.3 _ 1976 2.2 __1942 -4.0 __ 1907 6.88_ 147

__ 40 _ 1885 19.9 _ 1946 19.0 _ 1938 15.0 _ 1926 8.4 _ 1910 2.3 __1874 -3.9 __ 1848 6.90_ 146

__ 41 _ 1909 19.9 _ 1861 19.1 _ 1963 15.0 _ 1976 8.4 _ 1878 2.4 __1960 -3.9 __ 1867 6.95_ 145

__ 42 _ 1926 19.9 _ 1873 19.1 _ 1861 15.1 _ 1874 8.5 _ 1921 2.4 __2017 -3.9 __ 1892 6.96_ 144

__ 43 _ 1932 19.9 _ 1888 19.1 _ 1867 15.1 _ 1952 8.5 _ 1996 2.4 __1842 -3.8 __ 1860 7.03_ 143

__ 44 _ 1873 20.0 _ 1915 19.1 _ 1926 15.1 _ 1851 8.6 _ 1995 2.5 __1884 -3.8 __ 1924 7.03_ 142

__ 45 _ 1857 20.1 _ 1992 19.1 _ 1949 15.1 _ 1980 8.6 _ 2018 2.5 __1955 -3.8 __ 1858 7.11_ 141

__ 46 _ 1867 20.1 _ 1874 19.3 _ 1855 15.2 _ 1860 8.7 _ 1845 2.6 __1882 -3.7 __ 1863 7.11_ 140

__ 47 _ 1892 20.1 _ 1880 19.3 _ 1858 15.2 _ 1891 8.7 _ 1868 2.6 __1929 -3.7 __ 1912 7.15_ 139

__ 48 _ 1855 20.2 _ 1893 19.3 _ 1993 15.2 _ 1892 8.7 _ 1891 2.6 __1849 -3.6 __ 1842 7.18_ 138

__ 49 _ 1893 20.2 _ 1843 19.4 _ 1913 15.3 _ 1937 8.7 _ 1967 2.6 __1892 -3.6 __ 1905 7.23_ 137

__ 50 _ 1876 20.3 _ 1845 19.4 _ 1844 15.4 _ 1988 8.7 _ 1905 2.7 __1934 -3.6 __ 1890 7.27_ 136

__ 51 _ 1915 20.3 _ 1863 19.4 _ 1872 15.4 _ 1852 8.8 _ 1920 2.7 __1866 -3.5 __ 1864 7.28_ 135

__ 52 _ 1846 20.4 _ 1908 19.4 _ 1975 15.4 _ 1972 8.8 _ 1881 2.8 __1883 -3.5 __ 1865 7.31_ 134

__ 53 _ 1929 20.4 _ 1924 19.4 _ 1950 15.5 _ 1987 8.8 _ 1883 2.8 __1914 -3.5 __ 1844 7.34_ 133

__ 54 _ 1956 20.4 _ 1842 19.5 _ 1910 15.6 _ 1933 8.9 _ 1890 2.8 __1855 -3.4 __ 1882 7.41_ 132

__ 55 _ 1870 20.5 _ 1870 19.5 _ 1943 15.6 _ 1940 8.9 _ 1895 2.8 __1864 -3.4 __ 1896 7.45_ 131

__ 56 _ 1879 20.5 _ 1848 19.6 _ 1984 15.6 _ 1862 9.0 _ 1907 2.8 __1944 -3.4 __ 1880 7.48_ 130

__ 57 _ 1899 20.5 _ 1859 19.6 _ 1889 15.7 _ 1884 9.1 _ 1939 2.8 __1969 -3.4 __ 1940 7.48_ 129

__ 58 _ 1902 20.5 _ 1862 19.6 _ 1892 15.7 _ 1886 9.1 _ 2014 2.8 __1879 -3.3 __ 1889 7.49_ 128

__ 59 _ 1927 20.5 _ 1963 19.6 _ 1902 15.7 _ 1974 9.1 _ 1850 2.9 __1909 -3.3 __ 1923 7.61_ 127

__ 60 _ 1889 20.6 _ 1858 19.7 _ 1909 15.7 _ 1992 9.1 _ 1855 2.9 __1995 -3.3 __ 1934 7.62_ 126

__ 61 _ 1894 20.6 _ 1905 19.7 _ 1937 15.7 _ 1861 9.2 _ 1864 2.9 __1870 -3.2 __ 1891 7.68_ 125

__ 62 _ 1900 20.6 _ 1868 19.8 _ 1962 15.7 _ 1890 9.2 _ 1870 2.9 __1985 -3.2 __ 1846 7.71_ 124

__ 63 _ 1923 20.6 _ 1882 19.8 _ 1862 15.8 _ 1893 9.2 _ 1876 2.9 __1898 -3.1 __ 1902 7.71_ 123

__ 64 _ 1945 20.6 _ 1892 19.8 _ 1880 15.8 _ 1929 9.2 _ 1893 2.9 __1925 -3.1 __ 1925 7.71_ 122

__ 65 _ 1962 20.6 _ 1896 19.8 _ 1974 15.8 _ 1945 9.2 _ 1949 2.9 __1901 -3.0 __ 1901 7.72_ 121

__ 66 _ 1976 20.6 _ 1910 19.8 _ 1911 15.9 _ 1902 9.3 _ 1861 3.0 __1968 -3.0 __ 1920 7.74_ 120

__ 67 _ 1903 20.7 _ 1846 19.9 _ 1966 15.9 _ 1934 9.3 _ 1877 3.0 __1970 -3.0 __ 1877 7.79_ 119

__ 68 _ 1907 20.7 _ 1853 19.9 _ 1995 15.9 _ 1965 9.3 _ 1906 3.0 __1875 -2.9 __ 1899 7.79_ 118

__ 69 _ 2014 20.7 _ 1871 19.9 _ 1895 16.0 _ 1901 9.4 _ 1959 3.0 __1943 -2.9 __ 1881 7.80_ 117

__ 70 _ 1850 20.8 _ 1917 19.9 _ 1914 16.0 _ 1905 9.4 _ 1853 3.1 __1846 -2.8 __ 1918 7.80_ 116

__ 71 _ 1896 20.8 _ 1965 19.9 _ 1923 16.0 _ 1923 9.4 _ 1888 3.1 __1916 -2.8 __ 1929 7.81_ 115

__ 72 _ 1950 20.8 _ 1967 19.9 _ 1986 16.0 _ 1943 9.4 _ 1926 3.1 __2010 -2.8 __ 1914 7.82_ 114

__ 73 _ 1918 20.9 _ 1979 19.9 _ 1841 16.1 _ 1948 9.4 _ 1916 3.2 __2013 -2.8 __ 1903 7.83_ 113

__ 74 _ 1922 20.9 _ 1854 20.0 _ 1967 16.1 _ 1930 9.5 _ 1925 3.2 __1947 -2.7 __ 1943 7.83_ 112

__ 75 _ 1960 20.9 _ 1919 20.0 _ 1981 16.1 _ 1936 9.5 _ 2013 3.2 __1962 -2.7 __ 1909 7.84_ 111

__ 76 _ 1967 20.9 _ 1986 20.0 _ 1982 16.1 _ 1979 9.5 _ 1929 3.3 __1858 -2.6 __ 1897 7.87_ 110

__ 77 _ 1996 20.9 _ 2004 20.0 _ 1854 16.2 _ 1993 9.5 _ 1943 3.3 __1863 -2.6 __ 1935 7.87_ 109

__ 78 _ 2000 20.9 _ 1914 20.1 _ 1903 16.2 _ 2009 9.5 _ 1914 3.4 __1885 -2.6 __ 1870 7.88_ 108

__ 79 _ 1856 21.0 _ 1921 20.1 _ 1916 16.2 _ 1878 9.6 _ 1940 3.4 __1937 -2.5 __ 1910 8.02_ 107

__ 80 _ 1905 21.0 _ 1941 20.1 _ 1897 16.3 _ 1906 9.6 _ 1972 3.4 __1896 -2.4 __ 1916 8.03_ 106

__ 81 _ 1912 21.0 _ 1954 20.1 _ 1940 16.3 _ 1871 9.7 _ 1986 3.4 __1915 -2.4 __ 1936 8.06_ 105

__ 82 _ 1985 21.0 _ 1956 20.2 _ 1964 16.3 _ 2006 9.7 _ 1847 3.5 __1887 -2.3 __ 1978 8.08__104

__ 83 _ 1864 21.1 _ 1957 20.2 _ 2006 16.3 _ 2018 9.7 _ 1885 3.5 __1975 -2.3 __ 1928 8.11__103

__ 84 _ 1877 21.1 _ 1997 20.2 _ 1843 16.4 _ 1911 9.8 _ 1919 3.5 __1897 -2.2 __ 1945 8.13__102

__ 85 _ 1928 21.1 _ 1926 20.3 _ 1878 16.4 _ 1916 9.8 _ 1980 3.5 __2005 -2.2 __ 1894 8.19__101

__ 86 _ 1947 21.1 _ 1994 20.3 _ 1882 16.4 _ 2020 9.8 _ 1859 3.6 __1844 -2.1 __ 1908 8.21__100

__ 87 _ 2004 21.1 _ 1913 20.4 _ 1942 16.4 _ 1858 9.9 _ 1860 3.6 __1841 -2.0 __ 1906 8.22__ 99

__ 88 _ 1866 21.2 _ 1950 20.4 _ 1992 16.4 _ 1877 9.9 _ 1866 3.7 __1847 -2.0 __ 1927 8.23__ 98

__ 89 _ 1872 21.2 _ 1977 20.4 _ 1869 16.5 _ 1881 9.9 _ 1889 3.7 __1873 -2.0 __ 1980 8.26__ 97

__ 90 _ 1906 21.2 _ 1867 20.5 _ 1870 16.5 _ 1922 9.9 _ 1897 3.7 __1921 -2.0 __ 1979 8.28__ 96

__ 91 _ 1930 21.2 _ 1878 20.5 _ 1884 16.5 _ 1966 9.9_ 1900 3.7 __1922 -2.0 __ 1915 8.29 __ 95

__ 92 _ 1984 21.2 _ 1925 20.5 _ 1907 16.5 _ 1964 10.0_ 1937 3.7 __1977 -2.0 __ 2014 8.30__ 94

__ 93 _ 1913 21.3 _ 1943 20.5 _ 1925 16.5 _ 2003 10.0_ 1950 3.7 __1950 -1.9 __ 1950 8.33__ 93

__ 94 _ 1942 21.3 _ 1951 20.5 _ 1954 16.5 _ 1854 10.1_ 1955 3.7 __1973 -1.9 __ 1967 8.34__ 92

__ 95 _ 1946 21.3 _ 1985 20.5 _ 1976 16.5 _ 1978 10.1_ 1989 3.7 __1899 -1.8 __ 1900 8.36__ 91

__ 96 _ 1914 21.4 _ 1922 20.6 _ 1978 16.5 _ 1894 10.2_ 1947 3.8 __1930 -1.8 __ 1972 8.36__ 90

__ 97 _ 1917 21.4 _ 1936 20.6 _ 1877 16.6 _ 1921 10.2_ 2007 3.8 __1954 -1.8 __ 1965 8.38__ 89

__ 98 _ 1971 21.4 _ 1940 20.6 _ 1901 16.6 _ 1935 10.2_ 1865 3.9 __2008 -1.8 __ 1878 8.42__ 88

__ 99 _ 2001 21.4 _ 1972 20.6 _ 1939 16.6 _ 1939 10.2_ 1867 3.9 __1862 -1.7 __ 1956 8.44__ 87

_100__ 2007 21.4 _ 2017 20.6 _ 2013 16.6 _ 2008 10.2_ 1923 3.9 _ 1865 -1.7 __ 1939 _8.45__ 86

_101__ 1881 21.5 _ 1901 20.7 _ 1932 16.7 _ 1898 10.3_ 1924 3.9 _ 1900 -1.7 __ 1963 _8.46__ 85

_102__ 1954 21.5 _ 1909 20.7 _ 1951 16.7 _ 1924 10.3_ 1997 3.9 _ 1951 -1.7 __ 1976 _8.46__ 84

_103__ 1957 21.5 _ 1930 20.7 _ 1979 16.7 _ 1944 10.3_ 1863 4.0 _ 1966 -1.7 __ 1982 _8.48__ 83

_104__ 1968 21.5 _ 1933 20.7 _ 1988 16.7 _ 1977 10.3_ 1962 4.1 _ 1869 -1.6 __ 1992 _8.48__ 82

_105__ 1978 21.5 _ 1942 20.7 _ 1905 16.8 _ 2002 10.3_ 1991 4.2 _ 1908 -1.6 __ 1958 _8.51__ 81

_106__ 1908 21.6 _ 1976 20.7 _ 1929 16.8 _ 1866 10.4_ 1896 4.3 _ 1927 -1.6 __ 1989 _8.55__ 80

_107__ 1940 21.6 _ 2008 20.7 _ 1944 16.8 _ 1867 10.4_ 1908 4.3 _ 1848 -1.5 __ 1930 _8.58__ 79

_108__ 1958 21.6 _ 2023 20.7 _ 1945 16.8 _ 1912 10.4_ 1928 4.3 _ 1888 -1.5 __ 1996 _8.62__ 78

_109__ 1997 21.6 _ 1864 20.8 _ 1957 16.8 _ 1957 10.4_ 1968 4.3 _ 1946 -1.5 __ 1898 _8.63__ 77

_110__ 1898 21.7 _ 1911 20.8 _ 1955 16.9 _ 1959 10.4_ 2002 4.3 _ 2004 -1.5 __ 1947 _8.63__ 76

_111__ 2003 21.7 _ 1931 20.8 _ 1965 16.9 _ 1870 10.5_ 1935 4.4 _ 1907 -1.4 __ 1968 _8.63__ 75

_112__ 2021 21.7 _ 1952 20.8 _ 1980 16.9 _ 1899 10.5_ 1942 4.4 _ 1895 -1.3 __ 1933 _8.64__ 74

_113__ 1910 21.8 _ 1958 20.8 _ 1990 16.9 _ 1903 10.5_ 1945 4.4 _ 1940 -1.2 __ 1962 _8.67__ 73

_114__ 2017 21.8 _ 1971 20.8 _ 1997 16.9 _ 1928 10.5_ 1971 4.4 _ 1961 -1.2 __ 1942 _8.69__ 72

_115__ 1937 21.9 _ 1981 20.8 _ 2000 16.9 _ 1967 10.5_ 1992 4.4 _ 2007 -1.2 __ 1937 _8.70__ 71

_116__ 1943 21.9 _ 2014 20.8 _ 1987 17.0 _ 1897 10.6_ 2008 4.4 _ 1857 -1.1 __ 1960 _8.72__ 70

_117__ 1951 21.9 _ 1877 20.9 _ 2010 17.0 _ 1969 10.6_ 1944 4.5 _ 1964 -1.1 __ 1966 _8.72__ 69

_118__ 1961 21.9 _ 1968 20.9 _ 1894 17.1 _ 1986 10.6_ 1965 4.5 _ 1981 -1.1 __ 1911 _8.75__ 68

_119__ 1979 21.9 _ 1999 20.9 _ 1912 17.1 _ 1996 10.6_ 1983 4.5 _ 2009 -1.1 __ 1944 _8.78__ 67

_120__ 1980 21.9 _ 1872 21.0 _ 1933 17.1 _ 1910 10.7_ 1993 4.5 _ 1988 -1.0 __ 1993 _8.78__ 66

_121__ 2015 21.9 _ 1932 21.0 _ 1936 17.1 _ 1990 10.7_ 1978 4.6 _ 1932 -0.9 __ 1981 _8.79__ 65

_122__ 1854 22.0 _ 1945 21.0 _ 1958 17.1 _ 2015 10.7_ 1899 4.7 _ 1978 -0.9 __ 1932 _8.81__ 64

_123__ 1911 22.0 _ 1966 21.0 _ 1991 17.1 _ 1908 10.8_ 1912 4.7 _ 1861 -0.8 __ 1985 _8.81__ 63

_124__ 1934 22.0 _ 1899 21.1 _ 1934 17.2 _ 1918 10.8_ 2017 4.7 _ 1843 -0.7 __ 1948 _8.85__ 62

_125__ 1944 22.0 _ 1920 21.1 _ 1946 17.2 _ 1932 10.8_ 1909 4.8 _ 1972 -0.7 __ 1994 _8.86__ 61

_126__ 1948 22.0 _ 1935 21.1 _ 1977 17.2 _ 1942 10.8_ 1961 4.8 _ 1938 -0.6 __ 1974 _8.88__ 60

_127__ 1986 22.0 _ 1960 21.1 _ 1989 17.2 _ 1958 10.8_ 1969 4.8 _ 1993 -0.6 __ 2003 _8.88__ 59

_128__ 1990 22.1 _ 1978 21.1 _ 2012 17.2 _ 1997 10.8_ 1984 4.8 _ 2002 -0.6 __ 1913 _8.91__ 58

_129__ 1938 22.2 _ 1987 21.1 _ 2014 17.2 _ 1999 10.8_ 1985 4.8 _ 1991 -0.5 __ 1969 _8.93__ 57

_130__ 1939 22.2 _ 2015 21.1 _ 1846 17.3 _ 1882 10.9_ 2012 4.8 _ 1894 -0.4 __ 2019 _8.93__ 56

_131__ 1969 22.2 _ 1876 21.2 _ 1891 17.3 _ 1913 10.9_ 1915 4.9 _ 1905 -0.4 __ 1970 _8.95__ 55

_132__ 1981 22.2 _ 1881 21.2 _ 1874 17.4 _ 1983 10.9_ 1922 4.9 _ 1918 -0.4 __ 1922 _8.96__ 54

_133__ 1982 22.2 _ 1962 21.2 _ 1930 17.4 _ 1960 11.0_ 2023 4.9 _ 1948 -0.4 __ 1997 _8.98__ 53

_134__ 2008 22.2 _ 1989 21.2 _ 1953 17.4 _ 2010 11.0_ 1927 5.0 _ 2016 -0.4 __ 1951 _9.03__ 52

_135__ 1941 22.3 _ 2000 21.3 _ 1994 17.4 _ 1915 11.1_ 1930 5.0 _ 1920 -0.3 __ 1954 _9.03__ 51

_136__ 1953 22.3 _ 1898 21.4 _ 2020 17.4 _ 1941 11.1_ 1974 5.0 _ 1936 -0.3 __ 2004 _9.03__ 50

_137__ 1963 22.3 _ 1961 21.4 _ 1915 17.5 _ 1989 11.1_ 1987 5.0 _ 1939 -0.3 __ 1984 _9.04__ 49

_138__ 1972 22.3 _ 2013 21.4 _ 1919 17.5 _ 2012 11.1_ 1846 5.1 _ 1852 -0.2 __ 1986 _9.08__ 48

_139__ 1977 22.3 _ 1928 21.5 _ 1927 17.5 _ 2022 11.1_ 1938 5.1 _ 1959 -0.2 __ 2009 _9.08__ 47

_140__ 1998 22.3 _ 2019 21.5 _ 1941 17.5 _ 1938 11.2_ 1981 5.1 _ 1967 -0.1 __ 1919 _9.10__ 46

_141__ 1878 22.4 _ 1990 21.6 _ 1947 17.5 _ 2004 11.2_ 2000 5.1 _ 1956 0.1 __ 1977 _9.11__ 45

_142__ 1974 22.4 _ 2006 21.6 _ 1922 17.6 _ 1982 11.3_ 1956 5.2 _ 1941 0.2 __ 1938 _9.13__ 44

_143__ 1897 22.5 _ 2009 21.6 _ 2001 17.6 _ 1951 11.4_ 1954 5.3 _ 1949 0.2 __ 1946 _9.13__ 43

_144__ 1970 22.5 _ 1918 21.7 _ 1908 17.7 _ 1962 11.4_ 1958 5,3 _ 1979 0.3 __ 1964 _9.14__ 42

_145__ 1994 22.6 _ 1948 21.7 _ 1920 17.7 _ 1985 11.4_ 2021 5.3 _ 1912 0.4 __ 1961 _9.15__ 41

_146__ 2013 22.7 _ 2024 21.7 _ 1970 17.7 _ 1994 11.5_ 1979 5.4 _ 1986 0.4 __ 1941 _9.18__ 40

_147__ 2023 22.7 _ 1975 21.8 _ 1898 17.8 _ 2001 11.5_ 1973 5.5 _ 1992 0.4 __ 1971 _9.18__ 39

_148__ 1933 22.8 _ 1953 22.0 _ 1969 17.8 _ 2011 11.5_ 1849 5.6 _ 1928 0.5 __ 1959 _9.20__ 38

_149__ 1991 22.8 _ 1906 22.1 _ 1996 17.8 _ 2014 11.5_ 1918 5.6 _ 2019 0.5 __ 1995 _9.20__ 37

_150__ 1993 22.8 _ 1974 22.1 _ 2003 17.8 _ 1914 11.6_ 1957 5.6 _ 2024 0.5 __ 2015 _9.23__ 36

_151__ 1995 22.8 _ 1996 22.1 _ 2008 17.8 _ 1991 11.6_ 1966 5.6 _ 2022 0.6 __ 1957 _9.27__ 35

_152__ 2022 22.8 _ 2012 22.1 _ 1900 17.9 _ 1919 11.7_ 1982 5.6 _ 1990 0.7 __ 2008 _9.31__ 34

_153__ 1887 22.9 _ 1970 22.2 _ 1972 17.9 _ 1927 11.7_ 1913 5.7 _ 1891 0.8 __ 1983 _9.32__ 33

_154__ 1901 22.9 _ 1916 22.3 _ 1973 17.9 _ 2019 11.7_ 1934 5.7 _ 1913 0.8 __ 2013 _9.34__ 32

_155__ 1919 22.9 _ 1944 22.3 _ 2009 17.9 _ 1931 11.8_ 1941 5.7 _ 1931 0.8 __ 1988 _9.43__ 31

_156__ 1936 22.9 _ 1984 22.3 _ 1952 18.0 _ 2005 11.8_ 1952 5.7 _ 1971 0.8 __ 2000 _9.44__ 30

_157__ 1959 22.9 _ 1939 22.4 _ 2019 18.0 _ 2013 11.9_ 2003 5.7 _ 1997 0.8 __ 1952 _9.62__ 29

_158__ 1973 22.9 _ 1983 22.4 _ 1983 18.2 _ 1953 12.0_ 1964 5.8 _ 2020 0.8 __ 2007 _9.64__ 28

_159__ 1964 23.0 _ 1900 22.5 _ 2022 18.2 _ 1954 12.0_ 1946 5.9 _ 2014 0.9 __ 1931 _9.68__ 27

_160__ 2024 23.0 _ 1980 22.5 _ 1906 18.3 _ 1975 12.0_ 1977 5.9 _ 2018 0.9 __ 1955 _9.72__ 26

_161__ 1931 23.1 _ 1991 22.5 _ 1985 18.4 _ 1984 12.0_ 2010 5.9 _ 1881 1.0 __ 1975 _9.73__ 25

_162__ 1989 23.1 _ 1993 22.5 _ 2021 18.4 _ 2000 12.0_ 1988 6.0 _ 1952 1.0 __ 2018 _9.73__ 24

_163__ 1966 23.2 _ 2011 22.5 _ 2011 18.5 _ 1950 12.2_ 1990 6.0 _ 1999 1.0 __ 2022 _9.75__ 23

_164__ 1935 23.3 _ 2020 22.5 _ 1960 18.6 _ 1955 12.2_ 1902 6.1 _ 2003 1.0 __ 1973 _9.87__ 22

_165__ 1949 23.3 _ 1937 22.6 _ 1865 18.7 _ 1956 12.2_ 2005 6.1 _ 1911 1.1 __ 2017 _9.90__ 21

_166__ 1975 23.3 _ 1988 22.7 _ 1968 18.7 _ 1968 12.2_ 2022 6.1 _ 1953 1.1 __ 2005 _9.91__ 20

_167__ 1983 23.4 _ 1998 22.7 _ 2007 18.7 _ 1998 12.2_ 1970 6.3 _ 1877 1.2 __ 1949 _9.97__ 19

_168__ 2006 23.4 _ 2003 22.7 _ 1931 18.9 _ 1946 12.3_ 1998 6.3 _ 1889 1.2 __ 1990 10.00__ 18

_169__ 1952 23.5 _ 2007 22.7 _ 2004 18.9 _ 1970 12.3_ 2004 6.3 _ 1957 1.2 __ 1921 10.01__ 17

_170__ 2019 23.5 _ 1938 22.8 _ 1948 19.0 _ 1995 12.3_ 2006 6.4 _ 1987 1.2 __ 2011 10.10__ 16

_171__ 1987 23.7 _ 1949 22.8 _ 1999 19.1 _ 2016 12.6_ 1960 6.6 _ 1996 1.2 __ 1987 10.13__ 15

_172__ 2018 23.7 _ 2010 22.8 _ 1971 19.2 _ 1879 12.7_ 1953 6.8 _ 1965 1.3 __ 1953 10.20__ 14

_173__ 2016 23.8 _ 2002 22.9 _ 2017 19.2 _ 1973 12.7_ 1999 6.8 _ 1974 1.3 __ 1991 10.28__ 13

_174__ 2010 23.9 _ 2022 22.9 _ 1959 19.3 _ 2024 12.7_ 1994 7.1 _ 1994 1.6 __ 2002 10.40__ 12

_175__ 1988 24.2 _ 1947 23.0 _ 2023 19.3 _ 1920 12.8_ 1963 7.3 _ 1984 1.7 __ 2006 10.44__ 11

_176__ 2005 24.3 _ 1969 23.0 _ 1998 19.4 _ 2023 12.8_  2024 7.4 _ 2011 2.0 __ 2010 10.44__ 10

_177__ 1868 24.4 _ 1995 23.1 _ 2018 19.4 _ 1961 13.0_ 1948 7.5 _ 2012 2.1 __ 2020 10.45__ 09

_178__ 1916 24.5 _ 2005 23.2 _ 2024 19.4 _ 1949 13.1_ 2015 7.5 _ 1923 2.3 __ 1999 10.58__ 08

_179__ 2002 24.5 _ 1955 23.5 _ 2005 19.7 _ 1900 13.4_ 2009 7.6 _ 1982 2.3 __ 2001 10.63__ 07

_180__ 1955 24.6 _ 2018 23.5 _ 1921 19.9 _ 2017 13.9_ 2011 7.6 _ 1998 2.3 __ 2021 10.75__ 06

_181__ 1999 24.7 _ 1973 23.7 _ 2016 19.9 _ 2021 14.0_ 2020 7.6 _ 2021 2.5 __ 2016 10.80__ 05

_182__ 2012 24.7 _ 2001 23.9 _ 2015 20.0 _ 1971 14.4_ 1931 7.7 _ 2006 2.9 __ 2023 10.80__ 04

_183__ 2011 24.9 _ 2021 24.1 _ 1881 20.2 _ 2007 14.4_ 2016 7.7 _ 2001 3.2 __ 2024 11.33__ 03

_184__ 2020 25.4 _ 1959 24.2 _ 1961 20.4 _ 1947 14.5_ 2001 8.2 _ 2023 3.6 __ 2012 11.35__ 02

_185__ 1921 25.5 _ 2016 24.4 _2002 20.8 _ 1963 14.5_ 1975 8.5 _ 2015 5.2 __ 1998 11.40__ 01  


July 2024 enters the table tied 26th warmest at 23.0

Aug 2024 enters the table tied 40th warmest at 21.7

Sep 2024 enters the table tied 8th warmest at 19.4 (website 19.5, 10th msg est 17.5, net 19.4)

Oct 2024 enters the table tied 12th warmest at 12.7

Nov 2024 enters the table 10th warmest at 7.4

Dec 2024 enters the table t35th warmest 0.5, and 2024 enters table at 3rd warmest 11.33




Future values will be added in semi-annual groups of six (March-Dec 2024 and Jan-Feb 2025 to be added Mar 2025.

Notes will be added as to where they rank until they are added to the full table.


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Seasonal Ranks (mean temperature)

(note: winter is Dec of previous year, Jan and Feb of stated year. Spring is March to May, 

... summer is June to August, autumn is September to October.)

Rank _____________________________________________________ Rank

(cold) __ winter _________ spring ______ summer ______ autumn ___ (warm)


__01 ___ 1874-75_--8.57 __ 1885_ 1.90 __ 1851_16.93 __ 1873 _6.30 __ 185

__02 ___ 1903-04_--8.13 __ 1883_ 2.40 __ 1869_17.03 __ 1875 _6.53 __ 184

__03 ___ 1872-73_--8.00 __ 1857_ 2.73 __ 1847_17.40 __ 1848 _6.90 __ 183

__04 ___ 1884-85_--7.97 __ 1875_ 2.83 __ 1857_17.47 __ 1887 _7.27 __ 182

__05 ___ 1855-56_--7.80 __ 1888_ 3.07 __ 1842_17.53 __ 1880 _7.30 __ 181

__06 ___ 1917-18_--7.77 __ 1872_ 3.23 __ 1883_17.57 __ 1850 _7.40 __ 180

__07 ___ 1919-20_--7.47 __ 1856_ 3.33 __ 1852_17.60 __ 1857 _7.40 __ 179

__08 ___ 1880-81_--7.40 __ 1843_ 3.37 __ 1885_17.60 __ 1840 _7.50 __ 178

__09 ___ 1904-05_--7.27 __ 1852_ 3.40 __ 1843_17.73 __ 1871 _7.50 __ 177

__10 ___ 1867-68_--7.07 __ 1869_ 3.43 __ 1866_17.73 __ 1842 _7.53 __ 176 

__11 ___ 1892-93_--7.07 __ 1867_ 3.63 __ 1855_17.90 __ 1883 _7.53 __ 175

__12 ___ 1886-87_--6.70 __ 1874_ 3.63 __ 1859_17.93 __ 1856 _7.57 __ 174 

__13 ___ 1933-34_--6.63 __ 1876_ 3.67 __ 1861_17.93 __ 1868 _7.60 __ 173

__14 ___ 1856-57_--6.60 __ 1926_ 3.77 __ 1886_17.97 __ 1845 _7.63 __ 172

__15 ___ 1851-52_--6.53 __ 1850_ 3.80 __ 1844_18.00 __ 1869 _7.63 __ 171

__16 ___ 1854-55_--6.50 __ 1847_ 3.83 __ 1848_18.00 __ 1841 _7.70 __ 170

__17 ___ 1878-79_--6.47 __ 1873_ 3.97 __ 1875_18.00 __ 1876 _7.70 __ 169

__18 ___ 1876-77_--6.37 __ 1861_ 4.00 __ 1849_18.07 __ 1888 _7.70 __ 168

__19 ___ 1882-83_--6.30 __ 1849_ 4.20 __ 1840_18.10 __ 1917 _7.73 __ 167

__20 ___ 1935-36_--6.20 __ 1854_ 4.27 __ 1860_18.10 __ 1847 _7.80 __ 166

__21 ___ 1887-88_--5.97 __ 1841_ 4.33 __ 1845_18.17 __ 1851 _7.80 __ 165

__22 ___ 1906-07_--5.97 __ 1858_ 4.37 __ 1884_18.17 __ 1843 _7.83 __ 164

__23 ___ 1976-77_--5.97 __ 1853_ 4.40 __ 1902_18.23 __ 1859 _7.87 __ 163

__24 ___ 1871-72_--5.93 __ 1884_ 4.43 __ 1862_18.27 __ 1852 _7.93 __ 162 

__25 ___ 1883-84_--5.90 __ 1890_ 4.50 __ 1891_18.27 __ 1872 _7.93 __ 161

__26 ___ 1885-86_--5.90 __ 1907_ 4.53 __ 1863_18.33 __ 1844 _7.97 __ 160

__27 ___ 1845-46_--5.87 __ 1862_ 4.57 __ 1903_18.33 __ 1853 _8.03 __ 159

__28 ___ 1853-54_--5.73 __ 1866_ 4.57 __ 1889_18.37 __ 1864 _8.10 __ 158

__29 ___ 1859-60_--5.70 __ 1893_ 4.60 __ 1856_18.40 __ 1855 _8.20 __ 157

__30 ___ 1962-63_--5.70 __ 1882_4.63 __ 1927_18.40 __ 1904 _8.27 __ 156

__31 ___ 1864-65_--5.67 __ 1892_ 4.63 __ 1904_18.43 __ 1885 _8.30 __ 155

__32 ___ 1958-59_--5.57 __ 1923_ 4.70 __ 1865_18.47 __ 1895 _8.30 __ 154

__33 ___ 1993-94_--5.53 __ 1868_ 4.77 __ 1871_18.47 __ 1860 _8.43 __ 153

__34 ___ 1848-49_--5.50 __ 1879_ 4.80 __ 1882_18.50 __ 1863 _8.47 __ 152 

__35 ___ 2014-15_--5.50 __ 1940_ 4.80 __ 1879_18.53 __ 1889 _8.47 __ 151

__36 ___ 1911-12_--5.43 __ 1887_ 4.90 __ 1912_18.53 __ 1925 _8.50 __ 150

__37 ___ 1916-17_--5.43 __ 1848_ 4.93 __ 1926_18.53 __ 1896 _8.53 __ 149

__38 ___ 1944-45_--5.40 __ 1863_ 4.93 __ 1992_18.53 __ 1933 _8.60 __ 148

__39 ___ 2013-14_--5.33 __ 1877_ 4.97 __ 1874_18.63 __ 1886 _8.67 __ 147

__40 ___ 1978-79_--5.23 __ 1895_ 4.97 __ 1888_18.73 __ 1892 _8.70 __ 146

__41 ___ 1977-78_--5.17 __ 1917_ 4.97 __ 1924_18.73 __ 1858 _8.73 __ 145

__42 ___ 1934-35_--5.10 __ 1912_ 5.00 __ 1853_18.77 __ 1890 _8.73 __ 144 

__43 ___ 1969-70_--5.10 __ 1891_ 5.10 __ 1915_18.77 __ 1893 _8.73 __ 143

__44 ___ 1894-95_--5.07 __ 1904_ 5.10 __ 1873_18.80 __ 1907 _8.83 __ 142

__45 ___ 1898-99_--5.07 __ 1855_ 5.20 __ 1890_18.87 __ 1926 _8.87 __ 141

__46 ___ 1860-61_--5.00 __ 1900_ 5.20 __ 1929_18.90 __ 1884 _8.90 __ 140

__47 ___ 1922-23_--5.00 __ 1950_ 5.20 __ 1907_18.97 __ 1862 _8.93 __ 139

__48 ___ 1947-48_--5.00 __ 1916_ 5.23 __ 1850_19.03 __ 1976 _9.03 __ 138

__49 ___ 1840-41_--4.97 __ 1943_ 5.23 __ 1841_19.10 __ 1861 _9.10 __ 137

__50 ___ 1900-01_--4.97 __ 1956_ 5.23 __ 1917_19.13 __ 1901 _9.13 __ 136

__51 ___ 1842-43_--4.87 __ 1864_ 5.30 __ 1897_19.17 __ 1849 _9.17 __ 135

__52 ___ 1942-43_--4.80 __ 1924_ 5.30 __ 1846_19.20 __ 1874 _9.20 __ 134

__53 ___ 1870-71_--4.77 __ 1909_ 5.33 __ 1982_19.20 __ 1866 _9.23 __ 133

__54 ___ 1865-66_--4.73 __ 1851_ 5.37 __ 1880_19.27 __ 1879 _9.30 __ 132

__55 ___ 1846-47_--4.67 __ 1932_ 5.43 __ 1895_19.27 __ 1911 _9.30 __ 131

__56 ___ 1866-67_--4.60 __ 1905_ 5.47 __ 1881_19.33 __ 1854 _9.33 __ 130

__57 ___ 1901-02_--4.60 __ 1947_ 5.50 __ 1965_19.33 __ 1936 _9.33 __ 129

__58 ___ 1924-25_--4.53 __ 1906_ 5.57 __ 1858_19.37 __ 1924 _9.37 __ 128

__59 ___ 1981-82_--4.53 __ 1928_ 5.63 __ 1905_19.43 __ 1937 _9.37 __ 127

__60 ___ 1893-94_--4.43 __ 1967_ 5.63 __ 1892_19.50 __ 1943 _9.37 __ 126

__61 ___ 1925-26_--4.43 __ 1984_ 5.77 __ 1894_19.50 __ 1878 _9.47 __ 125

__62 ___ 1926-27_--4.43 __ 1939_ 5.80 __ 1923_19.53 __ 1903 _9.47 __ 124

__63 ___ 1909-10_--4.37 __ 1865_ 5.87 __ 1946_19.53 __ 1909 _9.47 __ 123

__64 ___ 1910-11_--4.33 __ 1996_ 5.87 __ 1985_19.53 __ 1894 _9.50 __ 122

__65 ___ 1907-08_--4.27 __ 1845_ 5.90 __ 1877_19.57 __ 1891 _9.53 __ 121

__66 ___ 1945-46_--4.27 __ 1886_ 5.90 __ 1896_19.57 __ 1910 _9.53 __ 120

__67 ___ 1961-62_--4.27 __ 1897_ 5.90 __ 1854_19.60 __ 1940 _9.53 __ 119

__68 ___ 1850-51_--4.23 __ 1934_ 5.90 __ 1867_19.60 __ 1905 _9.63 __ 118

__69 ___ 1902-03_--4.23 __ 1881_ 5.93 __ 1893_19.60 __ 1980 _9.67 __ 117

__70 ___ 1890-91_--4.20 __ 1899_ 6.00 __ 1958_19.60 __ 1928 _9.70 __ 116

__71 ___ 1895-96_--4.20 __ 1920_ 6.03 __ 1918_19.67 __ 1899 _9.73 __ 115

__72 ___ 1970-71_--4.20 __ 1937_ 6.03 __ 1928_19.67 __ 1916 _9.73 __ 114

__73 ___ 1980-81_--4.20 __ 1960_ 6.03 __ 1945_19.67 __ 1967 _9.73 __ 113

__74 ___ 1861-62_--4.13 __ 1870_ 6.10 __ 1864_19.70 __ 1993 _9.73 __ 112

__75 ___ 1888-89_--4.10 __ 1880_ 6.13 __ 1920_19.70 __ 1882 _9.73 __ 111

__76 ___ 1967-68_--4.07 __ 1944_ 6.17 __ 2004_19.70 __ 1923 _9.77 __ 110

__77 ___ 1939-40_--4.00 __ 1997_ 6.20 __ 1909_19.73 __ 1929 _9.77 __ 109

__78 ___ 1873-74_--3.97 __ 2014_ 6.20 __ 1872_19.77 __ 1867 _9.80 __ 108

__79___1899-1900_--3.97__ 1908_ 6.23__ 1870_19.80 __ 1877 _9.83 __ 107

__80 ___ 1913-14 _--3.97 __ 1896_ 6.27 __ 1887_19.80 __ 1935 _9.83__ 106

__81 ___ 1929-30 _--3.93 __ 1972_6.27 __ 1914_19.83 __ 1981 _9.83__ 105

__82 ___ 1995-96_--3.93 __ 1889_ 6.33 __ 1950_19.83 __ 1846 _9.87__ 104

__83 ___ 2002-03_--3.93 __ 1961_ 6.33 __ 1925_19.87 __ 1932 _9.87__ 103

__84 ___ 2010-11_--3.93 __ 1971_ 6.33 __ 1940_19.87 __ 1939 _9.87__ 102

__85 ___ 1896-97_--3.87 __ 1978_ 6.33 __ 2009_19.87 __ 1951 _9.93__ 101

__86 ___ 1868-69_--3.83 __ 1860_ 6.37 __ 1910_19.93 __ 1870 _9.97__ 100 

__87 ___ 1914-15_--3.83 __ 1901_ 6.43 __ 1956_19.93 __ 1974 _9.97___ 99

__88 ___ 1960-61_--3.83 __ 1914_ 6.43 __ 1986_19.93 __ 1992 _9.97___ 98

__89 ___ 1985-86_--3.83 __ 1846_ 6.47 __ 1878_19.97 __ 1865_10.00___ 97

__90 ___ 1869-70_--3.80 __ 1966_ 6.50 __ 1913_19.97 __ 1918_10.00___ 96

__91 ___ 1863-64_--3.73 __ 1925_ 6.53 __ 1908_20.00 __ 1986_10.00___ 95

__92 ___ 1852-53_--3.70 __ 1989_ 6.53 __ 1876_20.03 __ 1898_10.03___ 94

__93 ___ 1940-41_--3.67 __ 2019_ 6.53 __ 1932_20.03 __ 1972_10.03___ 93

__94 ___ 1843-44_--3.60 __ 1859_ 6.57 __ 1979_20.03 __ 1945_10.13___ 92

__95 ___ 2008-09_--3.60 __ 1927_ 6.57 __ 1899_20.07 __ 1897_10.20___ 91

__96 ___ 1915-16_--3.57 __ 1930_ 6.57 __ 1964_20.13 __ 1965_10.23___ 90

__97 ___ 1857-58_--3.53 __ 1935_ 6.57 __ 1972_20.13 __ 1995_10.23___ 89

__98 ___ 1891-92_--3.53 __ 1842_ 6.63 __ 1968_20.17 __ 1987_10.27___ 88

__99 ___ 1937-38_--3.53 __ 1919_ 6.63 __ 1980_20.17 __ 1996_10.27___ 87

_100 ___ 1964-65_--3.47 __ 1965_ 6.63 __ 1868_20.20 __ 1906_10.30___ 86

_101 ___ 1963-64_--3.43 __ 1915_ 6.70 __ 1960_20.20 __ 1902_10.37___ 85

_102 ___ 1973-74_--3.43 __ 2003_ 6.73 __ 1934_20.23 __ 1949_10.37___ 84

_103 ___ 1983-84_--3.43 __ 1840_ 6.77 __ 1922_20.27 __ 1914_10.40___ 83

_104 ___ 1858-59_--3.40 __ 1894_ 6.77 __ 2000_20.30 __ 1962_10.40___ 82

_105 ___ 1897-98_--3.40 __ 1871_ 6.80  __ 1942_20.33 __ 1978_10.40___ 81 

_106 ___ 1928-29_--3.37 __ 1954_ 6.80 __ 1951_20.37 __ 1938_10.43___ 80

_107 ___ 1941-42_--3.33 __ 1983_ 6.80 __ 1978_20.37 __ 1988_10.43___ 79

_108 ___ 1921-22_--3.30 __ 1948_ 6.83 __ 2015_20.37 __ 1950_10.47___ 78

_109 ___ 1946-47_--3.30 __ 1992_ 6.83 __ 1930_20.43 __ 1966_10.47___ 77

_110 ___ 1955-56_--3.30 __ 1936_ 6.87 __ 1977_20.43 __ 2014_10.50___ 76

_111 ___ 1927-28_--3.27 __ 1975_ 6.93 __ 1961_20.47 __ 1942_10.53___ 75

_112 ___ 1968-69_--3.23 __ 2005_ 6.93 __ 1962_20.47 __ 1944_10.53___ 74

_113 ___ 1849-50_--3.17 __ 1913_ 7.03 __ 1900_20.50 __ 1979_10.53___ 73

_114 ___ 1966-67_--3.10 __ 1974_ 7.03 __ 1911_20.50 __ 1997_10.53___ 72

_115 ___ 1989-90_--3.10 __ 1931_ 7.07 __ 1954_20.50 __ 2018_10.53___ 71

_116 ___ 1875-76_--3.07 __ 1933_ 7.10 __ 2017_20.53 __ 2013_10.57___ 70

_117 ___ 1938-39_--3.07 __ 1969_ 7.10 __ 1957_20.57 __ 2019_10.57___ 69

_118 ___ 2004-05_--3.03 __ 1982_ 7.10 __ 1963_20.57 __ 1956_10.60___ 68

_119 ___ 1862-63_--3.00 __ 1918_ 7.13 __ 1967_20.57 __ 1913_10.63___ 67

_120 ___ 1923-24_--3.00 __ 1911_ 7.17 __ 1936_20.60 __ 1930_10.63___ 66

_121 ___ 1979-80_--3.00 __ 1993_ 7.17 __ 2014_20.60 __ 1989_10.67___ 65

_122 ___ 2003-04_--2.97 __ 1902_ 7.23 __ 1898_20.63 __ 1964_10.70___ 64

_123 ___ 1844-45_--2.93 __ 1970_ 7.23 __ 1971_20.63 __ 1912_10.73___ 63

_124 ___ 1930-31_--2.93 __ 1994_ 7.30 __ 1981_20.63 __ 1934_10.73___ 62

_125 ___ 1957-58_--2.93 __ 1929_ 7.33 __ 1906_20.67 __ 1952_10.73___ 61

_126 ___ 1975-76_--2.93 __ 1959_ 7.33 __ 1901_20.70 __ 1922_10.80___ 60

_127 ___ 2000-01_ --2.93 __ 1979_ 7.40 __ 1935_20.70 __ 1984_10.80___ 59

_128 ___ 1954-55_ --2.90 __ 2002_ 7.40 __ 1976_20.73 __ 2006_10.80___ 58

_129 ___ 2017-18_ --2.90 __ 2018_ 7.40 __ 1947_20.77 __ 2008_10.80___ 57

_130 ___ 1984-85_--2.67 __ 1941_ 7.50 __ 1996_20.77 __ 1921_10.83___ 56

_131 ___ 1992-93_--2.67 __ 1898_ 7.53 __ 1997_20.80 __ 1919_10.90___ 55

_132 ___ 1908-09_--2.60 __ 1963_ 7.53 __ 1916_20.83 __ 1959_10.90___ 54

_133 ___ 1956-57_--2.60 __ 2008_ 7.53 __ 1948_20.83 __ 1908_10.97___ 53

_134 ___ 1972-73_--2.60 __ 1844_ 7.57 __ 1969_20.90 __ 1955_10.97___ 52

_135 ___ 1943-44_--2.57 __ 1952_ 7.57 __ 1974_20.90 __ 1957_10.97___ 51

_136 ___ 1847-48_--2.53 __ 1949_ 7.60 __ 1931_20.93 __ 1881_10.97___ 50

_137 ___ 1965-66_--2.53 __ 2017_ 7.60 __ 1994_20.93 __ 1991_10.97___ 49

_138 ___ 1971-72_--2.50 __ 1968_ 7.63 __ 1941_20.97 __ 1982_11.00___ 48

_139 ___ 2009-10_--2.47 __ 1995_ 7.67 __ 2008_20.97 __ 2012_11.03___ 47

_140 ___ 2018-19_--2.47 __ 2011_ 7.67 __ 1990_21.00 __ 1920_11.07___ 46

_141 ___ 2021-22_--2.47 __ 1938_ 7.70 __ 2003_21.03 __ 1958_11.07___ 45

_142 ___ 2024-25_-2.40 __ 1980_ 7.73 __ 2023_21.03 __ 1969_11.07___ 44

_143 ___ 1841-42_--2.37 __ 1953_ 7.77 __ 1943_21.07 __ 1977_11.13___ 43 

_144 ___ 1950-51_--2.33 __ 1964_ 7.77 __ 1984_21.07 __ 1915_11.17___ 42

_145 ___ 1959-60_--2.20 __ 1957_ 7.80 __ 1933_21.10 __ 2003_11.17___ 41 

_146 ___ 1905-06_--2.13 __ 1988_ 7.80 __ 1939_21.10 __ 1983_11.20___ 40

_147 ___ 1912-13_--2.13 __ 2007_ 7.80 __ 2013_21.10 __ 1990_11.20___ 39

_148 ___ 1877-78_--2.10 __ 2020_ 7.80 __ 1937_21.13 __ 1954_11.27___ 38

_149 ___ 1951-52_--2.03 __ 1981_ 7.83 __ 1944_21.13 __ 2010_11.30___ 37

_150 ___ 1987-88_--2.00 __ 1910_ 7.87 __ 1993_21.20 __ 2000_11.33___ 36

_151 ___ 1988-89_--1.97 __ 1976_ 7.90 __ 1989_21.23 __ 1927_11.40___ 35

_152 ___ 2006-07_--1.90 __ 2015_ 7.90 __ 2019_21.23 __ 1941_11.43___ 34

_153 ___ 2007-08_--1.87 __ 2013_ 7.97 __ 1938_21.27 __ 1985_11.53___ 33

_154 ___ 1879-80_--1.83 __ 1903_ 8.07 __ 1953_21.30 __ 2020_11.60___ 32

_155 ___ 1986-97_--1.77 __ 1922_ 8.07 __ 1952_21.33 __ 1900_11.67___ 31

_156 ___ 1991-92_--1.73 __ 1951_8.07 __ 1966_21.43 __ 2009_11.67___ 30

_157 ___ 1881-82_--1.70 __ 1990_ 8.07 __ 1970_21.43 __ 1968_11.73___ 29

_158 ___ 1994-95_--1.70 __ 2004_ 8.07 __ 1998_21.53 __ 1946_11.80___ 28

_159 ___ 1920-21_--1.53 __ 1878_ 8.13 __ 2006_21.63 __ 2002_11.80___ 27

_160 ___ 1949-50_--1.50 __ 1958_8.13 __ 2007_21.70 __ 2022_11.80___ 26

_161 ___ 1953-54_--1.47 __ 2009_8.17 __ 2024_21.70 __ 1947_11.97___ 25

_162 ___ 1996-97_--1.47 __ 1973_ 8.23 __ 1975_21.73 __ 1948_11.97___ 24

_163 ___ 2020-21_--1.47 __ 2016_ 8.33 __ 2022_21.77 __ 1975_11.97___ 23

_164 ___ 1918-19_--1.33 __ 1945_ 8.40 __ 1919_21.80 __ 1994_12.00___ 22 

_165 ___ 1990-91_--1.30 __ 2001_ 8.43 __ 1987_21.87 __ 1973_12.03___ 21

_166__1999-2000_--1.27 __ 1985_ 8.47 __ 2001_21.90 __ 1953_12.07___ 20

_167 ___ 2005-06_--1.17__ 2022_ 8.53 __ 1983_21.93 __ 1960_12.07___ 19 

_168 ___ 1948-49_--1.13 __ 1946_ 8.57 __ 1921_22.20 __ 1970_12.10___ 18

_169 ___ 1932-33_--1.10 __ 1962_ 8.57 __ 1973_22.20 __ 2004_12.13___ 17

_170 ___ 1936-37_--1.00 __ 2023_ 8.60 __ 1988_22.20 __ 1999_12.23___ 16

_171 ___ 1889-90_--0.87 __ 1942_ 8.63 __ 1991_22.20 __ 1963_12.30___ 15

_172 ___ 1998-99_--0.73 __ 1955_ 8.73 __ 1995_22.23 __ 2007_12.33___ 14

_173 ___ 2012-13_--0.63 __ 2006_ 8.80 __ 1999_22.23 __ 2023_12.33___ 13

_174 ___ 2019-20_--0.63 __ 2021_ 8.93 __ 2010_22.23 __ 2001_12.43___ 12

_175 ___ 1974-75_--0.50 __ 1999_ 9.00 __ 2018_22.27 __ 2005_12.53___ 11 

_176 ___ 1982-83_--0.50 __ 1986_ 9.03 __ 2002_22.37 __ 2011_12.53___ 10

_177 ___ 1952-53_--0.37 __ 1921_ 9.30 __ 2011_22.40 __ 2021_12.57___ 09

_178 ___ 2016-17_+0.03 __ 2000_ 9.37 __ 2021_22.40 __ 2017_12.60___ 08

_179 ___ 2022-23_+0.23 __ 1991_ 9.67 __ 2012_22.60 __ 1998_12.63___ 07

_180 ___ 1931-32_+0.47 __ 1977_ 9.87 __ 2012_22.60 __ 1971_12.70___ 06

_181 ___ 1997-98_+0.50 __ 1987_ 9.90 __ 1955_22.77 __ 1961_12.73___ 05

_182 ___ 2015-16_+0.57 __ 2024_10.20__ 2016_22.77 __ 2015_12.73___ 04

_183 ___ 2011-12_+0.77 __ 1998_10.43__ 1949_22.83 __ 1931_12.80___ 03

_184 ___ 2001-02_+1.30 __ 2012_10.80__ 2020 22.93 __ 2024_13.17___ 02

_185 ___ 2023-24_+1.30 __ 2010_11.70__ 2005_23.43 __ 2016_13.40___ 01


Table is now adjusted after winter 2024-25 as there is no entry for winter 1839-40,

and there are 185 values ranked. 

Spring 2024 entered the table at 10.20, 4th warmest. 

Summer 2024 entered the table at 21.70, t-25th warmest. 

Autumn 2024 entered the table at 13.17, 2nd warmest. 

Winter 2024-2025 entered the table at -2.40, 44th warmest. 


(please note these are the ranks for unadjusted data ... a separate table added later

shows the ranks for adjusted values with urban heat island corrections)



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Annual Maximum and Minimum Temperatures

The first two stats will always be in the calendar year. The winter minimum can be in the previous calendar year and refers to the winter season ending in March-April of the stated year. An annual minimum may not be the winter minimum of the winter in which it occurs. ... Temperatures recorded up to June 1, 1978 were in Fahrenheit degrees rounded to nearest whole number. Temperatures recorded after June 1, 1978 were to nearest 0.1 C but the equivalent F reading is shown in the table for continuity purposes. 

YEAR__Max __ date(s) __________ Min __ date(s) ________ Winter min __ date(s)


1840 __ 27.8 (82F) _ July 11,12,13+_-22.8 (-9F) _ Dec 24 __ no data 1839-40

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ July 16, Aug 3, 19, 22

1841 __ 33.9 (93F) _ June 29 ____ -21.1 (-6F) _ Jan 3 _____-22.8 (-9F) Dec 24, 1840

1842 __ 32.8 (91F) _ July 19 _____ -16.7 ( 2F) _ Jan 2 _____-16.7 (2F) _ Jan 2, 1842

1843 __ 31.7 (89F) _ Sept 4 ______ -22.8 (-9F) _ Feb 17 ___-22.8 (-9F) _ Feb 17, 1843

1844 __ 30.6 (87F) _ Jul 15, Aug 1 _ -21.7 (-7F) _ Jan 27 ___-21.7 (-7F) _ Jan 27, 1844

1845 __ 35.0 (95F) _ July 13 ______-20.0 (-4F) _ Feb 14 ___-20.0 (-4F) _ Feb 14, 1845

1846 __ 35.0 (95F) _ July 11 ______ -27.2 (-17F)_ Feb 28 __ -27.2 (-17F) _ Feb 28, 1846

1847 __ 30.6 (87F) _ July 20 ______ -19.4 (-3F) _ Jan 11,31 _-19.4 (-3F) _ Jan 11,31 1847

1848 __ 33.3 (92F) _ June 16 _____ -22.8 (-9F) _ Jan 11 ___ -22.8 (-9F) _ Jan 11, 1848 

1849 __ 31.7 (89F) _ July 14 _____ -25.6 (-14F) _ Jan 11 ___ -25.6 (-14F) _ Jan 11, 1849

1850 __ 30.0 (86F) _ Jun 7, Jul 17,24 _-22.8 (-9F)_Dec 23 ___-21.7 (-7F) _ Dec 26, 1849

1851 __ 30.0 (86F) _ Sept 10 _____ -26.1 (-15F) _ Dec 25 ___ -25.0 (-13F) _ Jan 29, 1851

1852 __ 32.2 (90F) _ July 21 _____ -23.9 (-11F) _ Jan 19 ____ -26.1 (-15F) _ Dec 25, 1851

1853 __ 35.0 (95F) _ Aug 11 _____ -23.3 (-10F) _ Jan 15 ____ -23.3 (-10F) _ Jan 15, 1853

1854 __ 37.8 (100F)_ Aug 24 _____ -23.8 (-11F) _ Feb 2 ____ -23.8 (-11F) _ Feb 2, 1854

1855 __ 33.9 (93F) _ July 19 ______-31.7 (-25F) _ Feb 5,6 ___-31.7 (-25F) _ Feb 5,6 1855

1856 __ 36.1 (97F) _ July 17 ______-28.3 (-19F) _ Feb 12,13 _ -28.3 (-19F) _ Feb 12,13 1856

1857 __ 31.1 (88F) _ Aug 13 ______-28.9 (-20F) _ Jan 22 ____ -28.9 (-20F) _ Jan 22, 1857

1858 __ 32.2 (90F) _ June 25 _____ -21.7 (-7F) __ Feb 17 ____ -21.7 (-7F) __ Feb 17, 1858

1859 __ 31.1 (88F) _ July 12 ______ -32.8 (-27F) _ Jan 10 ____ -32.8 (-27F) _ Jan 10, 1859

1860 __ 31.1 (88F) _ July 19 ______ -22.8 (-9F) _ Feb 1 ______ -22.8 (-9F) _ Feb 1, 1860

1861 __ 31.1 (88F) _ June 9 ______ -29.4 (-21F) _ Feb 8 _____ -29.4 (-21F) _ Feb 8, 1861

1862 __ 35.6 (96F) _ July 6 _______ -20.6 (-5F) _ Feb 15, 25 __-20.6 (-5F) __ Feb 15, 25, 1862

1863 __ 31.1 (88F) _ Aug 19 ______ -28.9 (-20F) _ Feb 4 _____ -28.9 (-20F) _ Feb 4, 1863

1864 __ 34.4 (94F) _ Aug 8 _______ -26.1 (-15F) _ Feb 17 ____ -26.1 (-15F) _ Feb 17, 1864

1865 __ 32.8 (91F) _ Sept 14 ______-23.3 (-10F) _ Feb 13 __-23.3 (-10F)_  Dec 23 1864, Feb 13 1865

1866 __ 34.4 (94F) _ July 13 _______-25.6 (-14F) _ Jan 8 _____ -25.6 (-14F) _ Jan 8, 1866

1867 __ 35.0 (95F) _ Aug 18 _______-25.0 (-13F) _ Dec 13 __ -20.6 (-5F)_Dec 20 1866, Jan 16 1867

1868 __ 33.9 (93F) _ July 3,13,14 ___-26.7 (-16F) _ Mar 3 ____-26.7 (-16F) _ Mar 3, 1868

1869 __ 31.7 (89F) _ Aug 20 _______-20.6 (-5F) _ Mar 5 _____-20.6 (-5F) _ Mar 5, 1869

1870 __ 31.1 (88F) _ June 18, 24, 27_-21.7 (-7F) _ Feb 21 ____-21.7 (-7F) _ Feb 21, 1870

1871 __ 32.2 (90F) _ Aug 16 _______ -29.4 (-21F) _ Dec 21 ___-26.7 (-16F) _ Feb 5, 1871

1872 __ 35.5 (96F) _ July 1 ________ -25.6 (-14F) _ Dec 22, 27_-29.4 (-21F) _ Dec 21, 1871

1873 __ 32.2 (90F) _ June 19 _______-27.8 (-18F) _ Jan 29 ____-27.8 (-18F) _ Jan 29, 1873

1874 __ 35.0 (95F) _ Aug 12 ________-22.2 (-8F) _ Dec 15 ____ -20.0 (-4F) _ Jan 30, 1874

1875 __ 31.1 (88F) _ July 26 ________-26.7 (-16F) _ Feb 13 ___ -26.7 (-16F) _ Feb 13, 1875

1876 __ 33.9 (93F) _ July 8 _________-23.3 (-10F) _ Dec 10 ___ -25.0 (-13F) _ Dec 19, 1875

1877 __ 31.7 (89F) _ July 16 ________-25.6 (-14F) _ Jan 12 ___ -25.6 (-14F) _ Jan 12, 1877

1878 __ 35.0 (95F) _ July 17 ________ -22.8 (-9F) _ Jan 8 _____ -22.8 (-9F) _ Jan 7, 1878

1879 __ 32.2 (90F) _ July 14 _______-22.8 (-9F) _ Jan 20, Dec 21_ -22.8 (-9F) _ Jan 20, 1879

1880 __ 32.2 (90F) _ June 24 _______ -22.2 (-8F) _ Dec 30 _____ -22.8 (-9F) _ Dec 21, 1879

1881 __ 33.9 (93F) _ Sept 6 ________ -26.1 (-15F) _ Feb 2 _____ -26.1 (-15F) _ Feb 2, 1881

1882 __ 32.2 (90F) _ July 26 ________ -27.2 (-17F) _ Jan 24 ____ -27.2 (-17F) _ Jan 24, 1882

1883 __ 28.3 (83F) _ Jul 4,22, Aug 22_ -23.9 (-11F) _ Feb 10 ____ -23.9 (-11F) _ Feb 10, 1883

1884 __ 32.2 (90F) _ Aug 19 ________-25.0 (-13F) _ Jan 25, Dec 19 _ -25.0 (-13F) _Jan 25, 1884

1885 __ 31.7 (89F) _ July 17 ________ -26.7 (-16F) _ Jan 22 ____ -26.7 (-16F) _ Jan 22, 1885

1886 __ 32.2 (90F) _ July 6 _________ -30.6 (-23F) _ Feb 5 _____ -30.6 (-23F) _ Feb 5, 1886

1887 __ 36.1 (97F) _ July 16 ________ -27.2 (-17F) _ Jan 3 _____ -27.2 (-17F) _ Jan 3, 1887

1888 __ 33.3 (92F) _ June 22 _______ -26.7 (-16F) _ Feb 9 _____ -26.7 (-16F) _ Feb 9, 1888 

1889 __ 31.7 (89F) _ July 8 _________ -23.9 (-11F) _ Feb 6 _____ -23.9 (-11F) _ Feb 6, 1889

1890 __ 31.7 (89F) _ Aug 3 _________ -19.4 (-3F) _ Mar 6 ______ -19.4 (-3F) _ Mar 6, 1890

1891 __ 33.3 (92F) _ June 16 _______ -18.9 (-2F) _ Jan 16 _____ -18.9 (-2F) _ Jan 16, 1891

1892 __ 34.4 (94F) _ July 28 ________ -23.3 (-10F) _ Jan 20 ____ -23.3 (-10F) _ Jan 20, 1892

1893 __ 33.9 (93F) _ July 25 ________ -27.8 (-18F) _ Jan 11 ____ -27.8 (-18F) _ Jan 11, 1893

1894 __ 32.8 (91F) _ June 22 _______ -23.3 (-10F) _ Feb 24 ____ -23.3 (-10F) _ Feb 24, 1894

1895 _ 33.9 (93F)_May 30,Jun 2,Sep 11_ -29.4 (-21F) _ Feb 6____-29.4 (-21F) _ Feb 6, 1895

1896 __ 32.2 (90F) _ July 12 ________ -27.2 (-17F) _ Feb 17 ____-27.2 (-17F) _ Feb 17, 1896

1897 __ 33.9 (93F) _ July 5 _________ -21.7 (-7F) _ Jan 25 _____ -21.7 (-7F) _ Jan 25, 1897

1898 __ 35.0 (95F) _ Sept 2 _________-25.6 (-14F) _ Jan 30 ____ -25.6 (-14F) _ Jan 30, 1898

1899 __ 33.3 (92F) _ Aug 12, 19 _____ -25.0 (-13F) _ Feb 11 ____ -25.0 (-13F) _ Feb 11, 1899

1900 __ 36.7 (98F) _ Aug 6 _________ -23.3 (-10F) _ Feb 26 ____ -23.3 (-10F) _ Feb 26, 1900

1901 __ 35.6 (96F) _ June 27 ________-23.9 (-11F) _ Jan 19 ____ -23.9 (-11F) _ Jan 19, 1901

1902 __ 32.8 (91F) _ July 8 _________ -19.4 (-3F) _ Dec 9, 14 ___ -17.8 ( 0F) _ Dec 21, 1901

1903 __ 33.3 (92F) _ July 8 _________ -23.3 (-10F) _ Dec 28 ____ -21.1 (-6F) _ Feb 17, 1903

1904 __ 33.9 (93F) _ July 18, 19 _____ -26.1 (-15F) _ Jan 4 _____ -26.1 (-15F) _ Jan 4, 1904

1905 __ 33.3 (92F) _ July 18 ________ -22.2 (-8F) _ Feb 4, 14 ___ -22.2 (-8F) _ Feb 4,14 1905

1906 __ 33.3 (92F) _ July 22 ________ -24.4 (-12F) _ Feb 2, 6 ___ -24.4 (-12F)_Feb 2,6 1906

1907 __ 32.2 (90F) _ July 16 ________ -23.3 (-10F) _ Feb 6 _____ -23.3 (-10F) _ Jan 24, 1907

1908 __ 33.3 (92F)_July 12, 30, Aug 4 _-27.8 (-18F) _ Feb 4 _____ -27.8 (-18F) _ Feb 4, 1908

1909 __ 35.6 (96F) _ Aug 25 ________ -22.8 (-9F) _ Feb 1 ______ -22.8 (-9F) _ Feb 1, 1909

1910 __ 33.9 (93F)_Jun 22, Jul 1, 9___ -23.3 (-10F) _ Feb 6, 7 ___ -23.3 (-10F)_Feb 6,7 1910

1911 __ 39.4 (103F) _ July 3  ________-18.9 (-2F) _ Jan 16 _____ -21.7 (-7F) _ Dec 31, 1910

1912 __ 33.9 (93F) _ Sept 10 ________-28.3 (-19F) _ Feb 10 ____ -28.3 (-19F) _ Feb 10, 1912

1913 __ 35.0 (95F) _ June 16, July 1 __-18.9 (-2F) _ Mar 7 ______ -18.9 (-2F) _ Mar 7, 1913

1914 __ 33.9 (93F) _ July 11 _________-30.0 (-22F) _ Jan 13 ____ -30.0 (-22F) _ Jan 13, 1914

1915 __ 31.1 (88F) _ Aug 16 ________ -18.3 (-1F) _ Jan 22 _____ -21.7 (-7F) _ Dec 26, 1914

1916 __ 37.8 (100F)_ July 30 ________ -22.8 (-9F) _ Feb 21 _____-22.8 (-9F) _ Feb 21, 1916

1917 __ 36.7 (98F) _ July 29,30 ______ -27.2 (-17F) _ Dec 29 ___ -23.9 (-11F) _ Feb 12, 1917

1918 __ 38.9 (102F)_ Aug 13 ________ -28.9 (-20F) _ Feb 5 ____ -28.9 (-20F) _ Feb 5, 1918

1919 __ 36.7 (98F) _ July 4 __________-21.7 (-7F) _ Dec 17, 18 _ -17.2 ( 1F)_Jan 10,11 1919

1920 __ 33.9 (93F) _ June 10 ________ -27.8 (-18F) _ Jan 31 ____-27.8 (-18F) _ Jan 31, 1920

1921 __ 36.7 (98F) _ July 5 __________-20.6 (-5F) _ Jan 18_____ -20.6 (-5F) _ Jan 18, 1921

1922 __ 33.9 (93F) _ Aug 16, Sept 5 ___-21.7 (-7F) _ Feb 17 ____ -21.7 (-7F) _ Feb 17, 1922

1923 __ 35.6 (96F) _ June 24  _______ -24.4 (-12F) _ Jan 17 ____ -24.4 (-12F) _ Jan 17, 1923

1924 __ 32.2 (90F) _ Aug 31 ________ -21.1 (-6F) _ Jan 27 _____ -21.1 (-6F) _ Jan 27, 1924

1925 __ 35.0 (95F) _ June 6 _________-25.6 (-14F) _ Dec 27 ____ -23.9 (-11F) _ Jan 27, 1925

1926 __ 32.8 (91F) _ July 8 _________-20.6 (-5F) _ Jan 29 _____ -25.6 (-14F) _ Dec 27, 1925

1927 __ 35.0 (95F) _ June 30 ________-27.2 (-17F) _ Jan 26 ____ -27.2 (-17F) _ Jan 26, 1927

1928 __ 32.2 (90F) _ Jul 8, Aug 8 _____-20.0 (-4F) _ Feb 25 _____ -20.0 (-4F) _ Feb 25, 1928

1929 __ 34.4 (94F) _ Sept 3 _________-19.4 (-3F) _ Feb 20 _____ -19.4 (-3F) _ Feb 20, 1929

1930 __ 35.0 (95F) _ Aug 4 _________ -21.1 (-6F) _ Feb 6 _______ -21.1 (-6F) _ Feb 6, 1930

1931 __ 36.7 (98F) _ July 1 ________ -17.8 ( 0F)_Jan 15,22 Feb 1_-17.8 ( 0F)_J15,22,F 1,1931

1932 __ 35.0 (95F) _ Aug 31 ________-16.7 ( 2F) _ Dec 16 ______ -15.0 ( 5F) _ Mar 15, 1932

1933 __ 36.7 (98F) _ July 30 ________ -30.0 (-22F) _ Dec 29 _____-21.1 (-6F) _ Feb 10, 1933

1934 __ 34.4 (94F) _ June 2 ________ -29.4 (-21F) _ Feb 8 ______-30.0 (-22F) _ Dec 22, 1933

1935 __ 33.9 (93F) _ July 19 ________ -23.9 (-11F) _ Jan 24, 27 __-23.9 (-11F)_Jan 24,27,1935

1936 __ 40.6 (105F) _ Jul 8,9,10 _____ -19.4 (-3F) _ Feb 10, 19 __ -21.1 (-6F) _ Dec 21, 1935

1937 __ 35.0 (95F) _ July 8 _________ -16.7 ( 2F) _ Dec 13 _____ -16.1 ( 3F) _ Nov 30, 1936

1938 __ 33.3 (92F) _ July 8, Aug 15 ___-20.6 (-5F) _ Mar 3 ______ -20.6 (-5F) _ Mar 3, 1938

1939 __ 33.9 (93F) _ July 7 __________-22.8 (-9F) _ Jan 26 _____ -22.8 (-9F) _ Jan 26, 1939

1940 __ 33.9 (93F) _ July 24  ________ -21.1 (-6F) _ Jan 17 _____ -21.1 (-6F) _ Jan 17, 1940

1941 __ 35.0 (95F) _ July 25, 28 ______-19.4 (-3F) _ Jan 14 _____ -19.4 (-3F) _ Jan 14, 1941

1942 __ 32.2 (90F) _ Jul 13, 18, 19 ____-27.2 (-17F) _ Dec 20 ____ -22.2 (-8F) _ Jan 10, 1942

1943 __ 34.4 (94F) _ June 25 ________ -29.4 (-21F) _ Feb 15_____-29.4 (-21F) _ Feb 15, 1943

1944 __ 35.6 (96F) _ Aug 11 _________ -17.8 ( 0F) _ Jan 8 _______-21.1 (-6F) _ Dec 23, 1943

1945 __ 33.3 (92F) _ Aug 2 __________ -25.0 (-13F) _ Jan 25 ____ -25.0 (-13F) _ Jan 25, 1945

1946 __ 32.2 (90F)_Jun 24, Jul 6,14,19__-21.1 (-6F) _ Jan 20 _____ -21.1 (-6F) _ Jan 20, 1946

1947 __ 33.9 (93F) _ Aug 12,13 _______-17.8 ( 0F) _ Jan 22 _____ -17.8 ( 0F) _ Jan 22, 1947

1948 __ 38.3 (101F)_ Aug 25 _________ -24.4 (-12F) _ Jan 23, 30 _-24.4 (-12F)_Jan 23,30, 1948

1949 __ 37.2 (99F) _ Aug 9 ___________-15.6 ( 4F)_Feb 11, Nov 26_-18.3 (-1F) _ Dec 26, 1948

1950 __ 31.1 (88F) _ July 28, 29 _______-24.4 (-12F) _ Feb 20 ____ -24.4 (-12F) _ Feb 20, 1950

1951 __ 32.2 (90F) _ July 30 __________-20.0 (-4F) _ Feb 8, 9 ____ -20.0 (-4F) _ Feb 8,9, 1951

1952 __ 34.4 (94F) _ June 26 _________-20.6 (-5F) _ Jan 29 _____ -20.6 (-5F) _ Jan 29, 1952

1953 __ 37.8 (100F)_ Sept 2 __________-15.0 ( 5F) _ Dec 17 _____ -15.0 ( 5F) _ Dec 28, 1952

1954 __ 33.9 (93F) _ July 14 __________-21.1 (-6F) _ Feb 12 _____ -21.1 (-6F) _ Feb 12, 1954

1955 __ 36.7 (98F) _ Aug 1 __________ -22.8 (-9F) _ Feb 3 ______ -22.8 (-9F) _ Feb 3, 1955

1956 __ 35.0 (95F) _ June 13 ________ -18.3 (-1F) _ Dec 30 _____ -20.0 (-4F) _ Dec 20, 1955

1957 __ 33.3 (92F) _ June 17, 18_____ -23.3 (-10F) _ Jan 15 ____ -23.3 (-10F) _ Jan 15, 1957

1958 __ 32.2 (90F) _ July 2 __________-22.2 (-8F) _ Feb 18 _____ -22.2 (-8F) _ Feb 18, 1958

1959 __ 34.4 (94F) _ Aug 14 _________-19.4 (-3F) _ Jan 5 ______ -20.0 (-4F) _ Dec 20, 1958

1960 __ 33.3 (92F) _ Aug 29 _________-19.4 (-3F) _ Dec 13 _____ -17.8 ( 0F) _ Jan 9, 1960

1961 __ 32.8 (91F) _ Sept 11 ________ -22.8 (-9F) _ Feb 2 ______ -22.8 (-9F) _ Feb 2, 1961

1962 __ 34.4 (94F) _ May 18 ________ -22.2 (-8F) _ Dec 30, 31 __ -21.1 (-6F) _ Feb 1, 1962

1963 __ 34.4 (94F) _ July 2, 18 _______ -22.8 (-9F) _ Jan 24 _____-22.8 (-9F) _ Jan 24, 1963

1964 __ 36.7 (98F) _ June 30 ________ -20.6 (-5F) _ Jan 12 _____ -20.6 (-5F) _ Jan 12, 1964

1965 __ 34.4 (94F) _ Aug 15 _________ -21.7 (-7F) _ Jan 16 _____ -21.7 (-7F) _ Jan 16, 1965

1966 __ 36.1 (97F) _ July 3  __________ -20.6 (-5F) _ Jan 12, 16 __-20.6 (-5F)_Jan 12,16, 1966

1967 __ 31.7 (89F) _ June 16  _________-24.4 (-12F) _ Feb 12 ____-24.4 (-12F) _ Feb 12, 1967

1968 __ 33.9 (93F) _ July 22 __________-23.3 (-10F) _ Jan 8 _____-23.3 (-10F) _ Jan 8, 1968

1969 __ 34.4 (94F) _ May 29 __________-18.3 (-1F) _ Jan 27 _____-19.4 (-3F) _ Dec 25, 1968

1970 __ 33.3 (92F) _ June 11 _________ -21.7 (-7F) _ Feb 7 _____ -21.7 (-7F) _ Feb 7, 1970

1971 __ 34.4 (94F) _ June 29 _________ -20.0 (-4F) _ Jan 19 ____ -20.0 (-4F) _ Jan 19, 1971

1972 __ 34.4 (94F) _ July 22 __________-20.6 (-5F) _ Jan 16 ____ -20.6 (-5F) _ Jan 16, 1972

1973 __ 36.1 (97F) _ Aug 28 __________-20.6 (-5F) _ Feb 17 ____ -20.6 (-5F) _ Feb 17, 1973

1974 __ 35.6 (96F) _ July 9 ___________-18.7 (-1F) _ Feb 3 _____ -18.7 (-1F) _ Feb 3, 1974

1975 _ 33.3 (92F)_Jun 22, Jul 2,31,Aug 1_-20.0 (-4F) _ Jan 20 ____-20.0 (-4F) _ Jan 20, 1975

1976 __ 32.8 (91F) _ July 11 __________-25.0 (-13F) _ Jan 23 ___ -25.0 (-13F) _ Jan 23, 1976

1977 __ 36.7 (98F) _ July 20 __________-22.8 (-9F) _ Jan 18 _____ -22.8 (-9F) _ Jan 18, 1977

1978 __ 32.8 (91F)*_ June 27 _________-17.8 ( 0F)_Jan 10, Feb 4_-17.8 ( 0F)_Jan10,Feb 4,1978

1979 __ 30.4 (87F)*_ June 16 _________-24.7 (-12F) _ Feb 17 ____-24.7 (-12F) _ Feb 17, 1979

1980 __ 31.3 (88F)*_ June 26 _________-23.9 (-11F) _ Dec 25 ____ -22.4 (-8F) _ Feb 29, 1980

1981 __ 33.2 (92F) _ July 8 ___________-26.9 (-16F) _ Jan 4 _____ -26.9 (-16F) _ Jan 4, 1981

1982 __ 30.6 (87F)*_ July 16 __________-25.1 (-13F) _ Jan 10 ____ -25.1 (-13F) _ Jan 10, 1982

1983 __ 35.4 (96F) _ July 15 _________ -20.6 (-5F) _ Dec 25 _____ -17.8 ( 0F) _ Jan 18, 1983

1984 __ 31.8 (89F) _ July 14 _________ -20.6 (-5F) _ Jan 15 ___ -20.6 (-5F)_Dec 25,1983,Jan 15 1984

1985 __ 30.1 (86F) _ Sept 7 __________-20.8 (-5F) _ Jan 21 _____ -20.8 (-5F) _ Jan 21, 1985

1986 __ 31.5 (89F) _ May 29 _________ -19.2 (-3F) _ Jan 8 ______ -19.2 (-3F) _ Jan 8, 1986

1987 __ 34.2 (94F)*_ June 14 _________-20.9 (-6F) _ Feb 15 _____ -20.9 (-6F) _ Feb 15, 1987

1988 __ 37.2 (99F)*_ July 7 __________ -21.9 (-7F) _ Jan 14 _____ -21.9 (-7F) _ Jan 14, 1988

1989 __ 33.2 (92F) _ Aug 3 __________ -22.2 (-8F) _ Dec 22 _____ -20.5 (-5F) _ Jan 4, 1989

1990 __ 35.9 (96F) _ July 4 ___________-16.5 ( 2F) _ Feb 25 ____ -22.2 (-8F) _ Dec 22, 1989

1991 __ 35.0 (95F) _ July 19 __________-17.8 ( 0F) _ Jan 21 _____-17.8 ( 0F) _ Jan 21, 1991

1992 __ 30.7 (87F) _ June 13 _________-20.8 (-5F) _ Jan 16 ____ -20.8 (-5F) _ Jan 16, 1992

1993 __ 34.4 (94F) _ Aug 27 __________-19.9 (-4F) _ Feb 6 _____ -19.9 (-4F) _ Feb 6, 1993

1994 __ 32.8 (91F) _ June 13 _________-25.9 (-15F) _ Jan 16 ___ -25.9 (-15F) _ Jan 16, 1994

1995 __ 35.6 (96F) _ June 19, July 14 __ -21.2 (-6F) _ Feb 5 _____ -21.2 (-6F) _ Feb 5, 1995

1996 __ 31.9 (89F) _ June 30 _________-18.8 (-2F) _ Jan 4 _____ -18.8 (-2F) _ Jan 4, 1996

1997 __ 32.9 (91F)*_ June 25 _________-22.3 (-8F) _ Jan 18 ____ -22.3 (-8F) _ Jan 18, 1997

1998 __ 33.2 (91F) _ Sept 6 __________-16.0 ( 3F) _ Dec 30 ____ -15.7 ( 4F) _ Dec 31, 1997

1999 __ 35.2 (95F) _ July 5 ___________-22.6 (-9F) _ Jan 14 ____ -22.6 (-9F) _ Jan 14, 1999

2000 __ 30.4 (87F) _ May 6, Aug 8, Sep 1_-20.9 (-5F) _ Jan 17 ___ -20.9 (-5F) _ Jan 17, 2000

2001 __ 36.9 (98F) _ Aug 8 ___________ -15.8 ( 4F) _ Jan 2 _____ -16.6 ( 2F) _ Dec 28, 2000

2002 __ 35.0 (95F) _ July 2 ___________ -14.6 ( 6F) _ Dec 3 _____ -13.7 ( 7F) _ Feb 11, 2002

2003 __ 33.9 (93F) _ June 25 __________-23.1 (-10F) _ Mar 3 ____ -23.1 (-10F)_ Mar 3, 2003

2004 __ 32.7 (91F) _ June 9 ___________-23.3 (-10F) _ Dec 20 ___ -22.1 (-8F) _ Jan 9, 2004

2005 __ 34.4 (94F) _ July 12, 13 ________-22.7 (-9F) _ Jan 21 ____ -23.3 (-10F)_ Dec 20, 2004

2006 __ 36.8 (98F) _ Aug 1 ____________-13.1 ( 8F) _ Feb 18 ____ -13.1 ( 8F) _ Feb 18, 2006

2007 __ 34.7 (94F) _ July 9 ____________-20.9 (-6F) _ Mar 6 _____ -20.9 (-6F) _ Mar 6, 2007

2008 __ 33.5 (92F) _ June 9 ___________-16.8 ( 2F) _ Feb 11 _____-16.8 ( 2F) _ Feb 11, 2008

2009 __ 32.0 (90F) _ Aug 17 ___________-19.3 (-3F) _ Jan 14 ____ -19.3 (-3F) _ Jan 14, 2009

2010 __ 34.2 (94F)*_ July 5 ___________ -18.0 ( 0F) _ Jan 30 _____-18.0 ( 0F) _ Jan 30, 2010

2011 __ 38.2 (101F)_ July 21 __________ -18.5 (-1F) _ Jan 24 ____ -18.5 (-1F) _ Jan 24, 2011

2012 __ 36.7 (98F) _ July 17 __________ -14.6 ( 6F) _ Jan 3 _____ -14.6 ( 6F) _ Jan 3, 2012

2013 __ 35.4 (96F) _ July 17 __________ -18.4 (-1F) _ Jan 23 ____ -18.4 (-1F) _ Jan 23, 2013

2014 __ 30.3 (87F) _ July 1 ___________ -22.2 (-8F) _ Jan 7 _____ -22.2 (-8F) _ Jan 7, 2014

2015 __ 32.8 (91F) _ Sept 7 ___________-25.1 (-13F) _ Feb 15 ___ -25.1 (-13F)_ Feb 15, 2015

2016 __ 35.5 (96F)*_ July 22 __________ -24.7 (-12F) _ Feb 13 ___ -24.7 (-12F)_ Feb 13, 2016

2017 __ 31.7 (89F)*_ Sept 24 __________-20.2 (-4F) _ Dec 31 ____-12.5 (10F)_Mar 11,12,2017

2018 __ 33.0 (91F) _ June 18, July 5 ____-22.3 (-8F) _ Jan 6 _____ -22.3 (-8F) _ Jan 6, 2018

2019 __ 33.8 (93F) _ July 20 ___________ -21.5 (-7F) _ Jan 20,21 __-21.5 (-7F)_Jan 20,21 2019

2020 __ 35.6 (96F) _ July 2____________ -19.1 (-2F) _ Feb 14 ____-19.1 (-2F)_Feb 14, 2020 

2021 __ 33.2 (92F) _ July 6 ____________ -13.5 (8F) _ Feb 12 ____ -13.5 (8F) _ Feb 12, 2021

2022 __ 35.8 (96F) _ June 22 __________-20.4 (-5F) _ Jan 15 ____ -20.4 (-5F) _ Jan 15, 2022

2023 __ 32.9 (91F)* _ Sep 4 ___________-20.5 (-5F) _Feb 3 ____ -20.5 (-5F) _ Feb 3, 2023

2024 __ 33.1 (92F) _ June 19 __________ -16.3 (3 F) _Dec 22 ____-14.2 (7F) _ Jan 17, 2024

2025 __ t.b.d. _________________________ -16.1 (3 F)_ Jan 22 ____ -16.3 (3F) _ Dec 22, 2024 (to Feb 28)


means (all data) ___ 33.8 (93F) _________ -22.6 (-9F) ___________ -22.5 (-8F)

means 1981-2010 _ 33.6 (92 F) _________ -20.3 (-5F) ___________ -20.3 (-5F)

* After 1977 with more precise Celsius (0.1) recording, the following dates would have tied in F deg for

annual max ... Jul 20 1978 (32.6) (91) _ Jul 22 1979 (30.3) (87) _ Jul 11 1980 (30.9) (88) _ 

also Jul 20 1980 (31.0) (88) _ Jul 18 1982 (30.5) (87) _ Jul 24 1987 (34.1) (93) _ July 8 1988 (37.1) (99)

Jul 17 1997 (32.5) (91) _ Jul 8 2010 (34.1) (93) _ Sept 25 2017 (31.5) (89) _ June 2 2023 (32.8) (91)

note also in 2016 est max 35 (95) Aug 12 is within 0.5 C of annual max 35.5 (96).

^ similarly tied (F) minima, Feb 6 1995 (-21.1) (-6F) _ Feb 28 (-16.7) (2F) and Feb 10 (-16.4) (2F) 2008 

and Jan 23 2011 (-18.3) (0F) and Jan 15 2012 (-14.5) (6F).

so far, winter 2024-2025 Dec 22 (-16.3) and Jan 22 (-16.1) tied at 3F

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Daily Temperature Records (January 1 to March 31)

All readings taken 1840 to 1977 were in F deg (recorded to nearest whole number) and those taken from 1978 to 2020 were in tenths of degrees Celsius. My protocol for ties is to convert the smaller Celsius portion to F (whole numbers) since we have no indication of the precision of the F readings to 1977. There will be an effort made later to provide the actual C readings for records tied or broken since conversion began.

Monthly extremes are shown in bold type. 

Date ___ Max ___ Year _____ Min ___ Year _____ High min (year) ___ Low max (year)

Jan 01 __ 58 F __ 1876 ______ -6 F __ 1899 _____ 42 F (1848) ______ 9 F (1999)

Jan 02 __ 55 F __ 2000 _____ -14 F __ 1887 ___ 38 F (1950,2000,2023)* _2 F (1887)

Jan 03 __ 56 F __ 2004 _____ -17 F __ 1887 _____ 45 F (1998) ______ 3 F (1981)

Jan 04 __ 58 F __ 1874 _____ -16 F __ 1981 _____ 43 F (1950) ______ 5 F (1884)

Jan 05 __ 53 F __ 2007 _____ -10 F __ 1904 _____ 46 F (2007) ______ 6 F (2018)

Jan 06 __ 57 F __ 1946 _____ -11 F __ 1896 _____ 44 F (1946) ______ 4 F ( 2018)

Jan 07 __ 56 F __ 2008 _____ -13 F __ 1866 _____ 46 F (2008) _____ -6 F (1866)

Jan 08 __ 57 F __ 2008 _____ -14 F __ 1866 _____ 50 F (2008) ______ 2 F (1856)

Jan 09 __ 55 F __ 2008 _____ -12 F __ 1856 _____ 40 F (1975) _____ -8 F (1859)

Jan 10 __ 54 F __ 1975 _____ -27 F __ 1859 ____ 38 F (2012,2020) __ 3 F (1899)

Jan 11 __ 54 F __ 1880,1975 _ -18 F __ 1893 ____ 42 F (2018) _____ 1 F (1848)

Jan 12 __ 55 F __ 2013 _____ -14 F __ 1877,86___ 44 F (2013) _____ -1 F (1861)

Jan 13 __ 59 F __ 2005 _____ -22 F __ 1914 _____ 44 F (1932) _____ -2 F (1914)

Jan 14 __ 58 F __ 1995 _____ -13 F __ 1914 _____ 45 F (1995) ______ 3 F (1866)

Jan 15 __ 52 F __ 1953 _____ -13 F __ 1994 _____ 40 F (1995) ______ -6 F (1994)

Jan 16 __ 52 F __ 1949 _____ -15 F __ 1994 _____ 37 F (1913,49,91)__ 4 F (1965)

Jan 17 __ 52 F __ 1913 _____ -17 F __ 1857 _____ 40 F (1913,88) ____ 2 F (1982)

Jan 18 __ 56 F __ 1996 _____ -18 F __ 1996 _____ 45 F (1973) ______ 0 F (1857)

Jan 19 __ 55 F __ 1933 _____ -11 F __ 1852,1901 _ 42 F (1986) ______ 0 F (1994)

Jan 20 __ 54 F __ 2006 _____ -10 F __ 1892 _____ 40 F (1995) ______ 6 F (2019)

Jan 21 __ 56 F __ 1906 _____ -13 F __ 1857 _____ 40 F (1906) ______ 1 F (1943)

Jan 22 __ 57 F __ 1906 _____ -20 F __ 1857 _____ 44 F (1906) _____ -11 F (1857)

Jan 23 __ 57 F __ 1967 _____ -17 F __ 1857 _____ 40 F (1967) _____ -2 F (1882)

Jan 24 __ 57 F __ 1909 _____ -17 F __ 1872 _____ 44 F (1909) ______ 2 F (1884)

Jan 25 __ 61 F __ 1967 _____ -13 F __ 1884,1945_ 40 F (1916) ______ 4 F (1920, 45)

Jan 26 __ 53 F __ 1950 _____ -17 F __ 1927 _____ 41 F (1858) _____ -4 F (1927)

Jan 27 __ 51 F __ 2002 _____ -11 F __ 1925,27___ 41 F (1974) ______ 0 F (1925)

Jan 28 __ 52 F __ 1916 _____ -13 F __ 1873 _____ 41 F (2002) ______ 4 F (1885)

Jan 29 __ 54 F __ 1914 _____ -18 F __ 1873 _____ 38 F (2006) ______ 3 F (1873)

Jan 30 __ 56 F __ 2013 _____ -14 F __ 1898,1908_ 44 F (2013) ______ 4 F (1908)

Jan 31 __ 54 F __ 1988 _____ -18 F __ 1920 _____ 45 F (1988) ______ 7 F (1920)


* For the tied record high minimum of 38F on Jan 2, 1950 was measured in Fahr and

both 2000  and 2023 were measured at 3.5 C (38.3 F). It is therefore only

a tie for 1950 in whole Fahrenheit degrees. 


Feb 01 __ 52 F __ 2012 ___ -9 F _ 1860,1909,20__ 38 F (1973) ______ 6 F (1918) 

Feb 02 __ 48 F __ 1973 _____ -15 F __ 1881,85___ 38 F (1970,73) ___ 2 F (1881)

Feb 03 __ 60 F __ 2016 _____ -15 F __ 1855 _____ 38 F (2006) ______ 0 F (1886)

Feb 04 __ 54 F __ 1890 _____ -20 F __ 1863 _____ 42 F (2019) _____ -3 F (1886)

Feb 05 __ 54 F __ 1890 _____ -25 F __ 1855 _____ 42 F (1991) _____ -1 F (1871)

Feb 06 __ 51 F __ 1938 _____ -25 F __ 1855 _____ 39 F (1938) _____ -6 F (1855)

Feb 07 __ 51 F __ 1857 ______ -15 F __ 1875 _____ 40 F (1857) _____ -5 F (1895)

Feb 08 __ 50 F __ 1925 _____ -21 F __ 1861,1934 _37 F (1900) ____ -13 F (1934)

Feb 09 __ 60 F __ 2024^_____ -19 F __ 1934 _____44 F (1990,2024)^ _ 0 F (1875, 1934)

Feb 10 __ 54 F __ 1965 _____ -19 F __ 1912 _____ 39 F (1955,2024)^ __ 1 F (1912)

Feb 11 __ 54 F __ 1999 _____ -13 F __ 1885,99___ 44 F (2009) ______ 0 F (1885)

Feb 12 __ 52 F __ 1880 _____ -19 F __ 1856 _____ 38 F (1951) _____ -3 F (1914)

Feb 13 __ 54 F __ 1990 _____ -19 F __ 1856 _____ 38 F (1984) ___ 6 F (1856,1979,2016)

Feb 14 __ 49 F __ 1984 _____ -11 F __ 1856 _____ 45 F (1984) ______ 4 F (1875)

Feb 15 __ 60 F __ 2023^_____ -21 F __ 1943 _____ 43 F (2023)^____ -3 F (2015)

Feb 16 __ 53 F __ 1921 _____ -13 F __ 1896 _____ 37 F (1976,81) ___ 0 F (1904)

Feb 17 __ 52 F __ 1857,1921 _-17 F __ 1896 _____ 39 F (1981) ______ 1 F (1979)

Feb 18 __ 57 F __ 2017 _____ -11 F __ 1885 _____ 42 F (1981) ______ 6 F (1852)

Feb 19 __ 56 F __ 2017 ______ -7 F __ 1864 _____ 44 F (1981) ______ 6 F (1959)

Feb 20 __ 60 F __ 2018 _____ -12 F __ 1950 _____ 46 F (1994) ______ 4 F (1950)

Feb 21 __ 58 F __ 2018 ______ -9 F __ 1896,1916_ 43 F (1954) ______ 6 F (1918)

Feb 22 __ 51 F __ 1981,2024^__ -10 F _ 1868 ____ 41 F (2017) ______ 6 F (1868)

Feb 23 __ 66 F__ 2017 _____ -12 F __ 1868 _____ 44 F (2000) ______ 5 F (1889)

Feb 24 __ 54 F __ 1930, 84__ -12 F __ 1855 _____42 F (1985,2000)__4 F (1894)

Feb 25 __ 58 F __ 1976 ______ -5 F __ 1862, 94__ 42 F (2002) ______ 8 F (1928)

Feb 26 __ 51 F __ 2000 _____ -12 F __ 1846 _____42 F (1976) _______ 7 F (1900)

Feb 27 __ 56 F __ 2018 ______-16 F __ 1846 ____ 45 F (2000) ______  7 F (1886)

Feb 28 __ 60 F __ 2024^ ____-17 F __ 1846 _____ 41 F (2018) _______ 9 F (1875)

Feb 29 __ 54 F __ 1976 ______ -8 F __ 1980 _____ 33 F (1932,2004) __6 F (1884)

^ Feb 9 2024 broke or tied records from 1990 (broke 52F high max, tied 44F high min) ...

... ... ... 6.5 C for 1990 and 2024 (43.7 F).

^ Feb 10 2024 was 1F below 1965 record high max, and tied 39F high min set in 1955 ...

... ... ... In 1955 it was recorded in F deg (rounded to 39F), and in 2024 it was 3.8 C (38.8 F). 

^ Feb 15 2023 broke records from 1954 (57F high max, 41F high min) ...

... the new maximum 15.3 C (59.5 F), the minimum 6.2 (43.2 F)

^ Feb 22 2024 tied 1981 high max at 51F, 1981 was 10.6 and 2024 was 10.7 C,  40F high min (4.5 C) was 1F below 2017 record ... ... it was 52F on Feb 23 2024 but that was well below 2017 record of 66F. (falling temps later in day)

^ Feb 28 2024 broke 2016,2018 records of 58F. (Feb 27 was 55 F, no high min challenge as it turned colder mid-day Feb 28. Readings were close to 50F overnight 27-28 but fell to 24F by end of day and 21F by early Feb 29. 



Mar 01 __ 56 F __ 2017 ______ -7 F __ 1884,86 ___ 38 F (1860) ______ 9 F (1886)

Mar 02 __ 61 F __ 1991 ______ -6 F __ 1857 ______ 42 F (2024)^______ 9 F (1857,68)

Mar 03 __ 62 F __ 1974 _____ -16 F __ 1868 ______ 42 F (2024)^______ 4 F (1938)

Mar 04 __ 59 F __ 1840 ______ -5 F __ 1858,72 ___ 41 F (2024)^ _____ 9 F (1895)

Mar 05 __ 66 F __ 2004 _____ -11 F __ 1872 ______ 45 F (2024)^______ 7 F (1872)

Mar 06 __ 63 F __ 2009, 22 __ -6 F __ 2007*__39 F (1974,83,2009,24)^_12 F (1890,2007)

Mar 07 __ 64 F __ 1987 ______ -4 F __ 1861 ______ 45 F (1974) _____ 10 F (1986)

Mar 08 __ 68 F __ 2000 _____ -14 F __ 1856 ______ 42 F (1987,2016) _11 F (1856)

Mar 09 __ 70 F __ 2000 _____ -14 F __ 1856 ______ 51 F (2000) ______ 7 F (1856)

Mar 10 __ 61 F __ 1977 _____ -12 F __ 1856 ______ 43 F (1977) _____ 17 F (2003)

Mar 11 __ 66 F __  2021^______-2 F __ 1885 _____ 44 F (1973, 2021) _16 F (1900,40)


Mar 12 __ 62 F __ 2016 ______ -4 F __ 1865 ______ 44 F (1902,2012) _15 F (1888)

Mar 13 __ 70 F __ 2024^______ -1 F __ 1888 ______ 43 F (2012,2024)^_ 10 F (1888)

Mar 14 __ 67 F __ 1946 ______ -2 F __ 1895 ______ 46 F (1990) _____ 10 F (1895)

Mar 15 __ 69 F __ 1973 ______ -2 F __ 1900 ______ 48 F (1990) _____ 16 F (1848)

Mar 16 __ 68 F __ 1945 ______ -3 F __ 1885 ______ 50 F (1990) _____ 12 F (1885)

Mar 17 __ 64 F __ 1945 ______ -8 F __ 1885 ______ 45 F (1990) ______ 8 F (1885)

Mar 18 __ 69 F __ 2010 ______ -5 F __ 1861,1967 __47 F (2022)^^ __ 10 F (1861)

Mar 19 __ 72 F __ 2012 ______ 1 F __ 1872,76 ____ 52 F (2012) _____ 13 F (1883)

Mar 20 __ 70 F __ 2012 ______ -4 F __ 1872 ______ 51 F (2012) _____ 11 F (1885)

Mar 21 __ 72 F __ 2012 ______ -5 F __ 1883,85 ____ 51 F (2012) _____ 11 F (1885)


Mar 22 __ 76 F __ 2012 ______ -8 F __ 1885 ______ 53 F (2012) _____ 14 F (1934)

Mar 23 __ 68 F __ 1935 ______ -1 F __ 1906 ______ 52 F (2012) _____ 13 F (1888)

Mar 24 __ 71 F __ 1928 ______ 2 F __ 1888 ______ 49 F (1979) _____ 19 F (1843,88)

Mar 25 __ 69 F __ 2000 ______ 4 F __ 1885 ______ 47 F (2021)^^ ___ 16 F (1866)

Mar 26 __ 70 F __ 1921 ______ 4 F __ 1923 ______ 51 F (1986) __ 23 F (1873,94,1923)

Mar 27 __ 74 F __ 1945 ______ 6 F __ 1873 ______ 53 F (1998) _____ 22 F (1982)

Mar 28 __ 80 F __ 1946 ______ 5 F __ 1923 ______ 55 F (1998) _____ 14 F (1923)

Mar 29 __ 74 F __ 1946 ______ 4 F __ 1923 ______ 53 F (1945) _____ 20 F (1887)

Mar 30 __ 76 F __ 1998 ______11 F__1856,87,1915_51 F (1986)_____ 25 F (1964)

Mar 31 __ 78 F __ 1998 ______ 3 F __ 1923 ______ 58 F (1998) _____ 18 F (1923)


^ new record high min 42F March 2 2024 replaced 41F (2004). (5.3 C replaced 4.8 C)

^ new record high min 42F March 3 2024 replaced 41F (1961). (5.3 C replaced observed as 41F, 5.0 C)

^ new record high min 41F March 4 replaced 39F (1973). high max 58F did not break 1840 (59F).

^ new record high min 45F March 5 replaced 42F (1965). high max 61F did not break 2004 (66F).

^ tied record high min 39F March 6 joins 1974 (obs as 39F), 1983 and 2009 (obs 4.0 C). Details of tied record high max 17.4 C (2009) and 17.3 C (2022).

* note that for record low March 6, 2007 had -20.9 C (-5.62 F) while 1852, 72 measured -5 F.

^ record high max March 11, 2021 replaces 59 F __ 1927, 2012


^ record high max March 13, 2024 (70F, 21.1 C) replaces 69 F __ 1990

^ record high min March 13, 2024 ties 2012 at 43F (but 2012 was 6.2 C, 2024 was 5.9 C)

^^ record high min March 25, 2021 replaces 46 F (1963,87,2000) (max 67 not a record)

^^ record high min March 18, 2022 replaces 46F (2012) (max 60 not a record)


Daily Temperature Records (Apr 1 to June 30)

Monthly records are shown in bold type.

Date ___ Max ___ Year _____ Min ___ Year _____ High min (year) __ Low max (year)

Apr 01 __ 75 F __ 1986 _____ 5 F __ 1923 ______ 50 F (1967,99)_26 F (1919)

Apr 02 __ 76 F __ 2010 _____ 6 F __ 1857 ______ 51 F (2010) ___ 30 F (1881)

Apr 03 __ 70 F __ 2010 ____ 11 F __ 1954 ______ 54 F (2010) ___ 25 F (1896)

Apr 04 __ 71 F __ 1974 ____ 10 F __ 1874 ______ 54 F (1981) ___ 24 F (1879)

Apr 05 __ 75 F __ 1921,2010_ 9 F __ 1868 ______ 53 F (2010) ___ 25 F (1881)

Apr 06 __ 74 F __ 1929 ___ 15 F _ 1868,81,1982^__48 F (1910,28,2010)_22 F (1982)

Apr 07 __ 74 F __ 1991 ____ 11 F __ 1972 ______ 57 F (1929) ___ 26 F (1972)

Apr 08 __ 78 F __ 2001 ____ 14 F __ 1972 ______ 58 F (1991) ___ 28 F (1950)

Apr 09 __ 73 F __ 1955 ____ 17 F __ 1997 ______ 49 F (1871) ___ 31 F (1885)

Apr 10 __ 78 F __ 1922 __ 20 F _ 1841,85,1909 __ 53 F (2017) ___ 29 F (1909)

Apr 11 __ 77 F __ 1977 ____ 16 F __ 1909 ______ 55 F (2021) ___29 F (1880)

Apr 12 __ 81 F __ 2023^____ 18 F __ 1874 _____ 55 F (1977, 2023)^__ 30 F (1940)

Apr 13 __ 83 F __ 1977 ____ 19 F __ 1868,1940__ 58 F (2023)^___ 30 F (1950)

Apr 14 __ 81 F __ 2023^____ 20 F __ 1885 ______ 57 F (2023)^___ 30 F (1943)

Apr 15 __ 78 F __1942,2003 _16 F _1849,1926__ 58 F (2023)^___ 27 F (1849)

Apr 16 __ 80 F __ 2002 ____ 17 F __ 1875 ______ 55 F (1976) ___ 30 F (1849)

Apr 17 __ 80 F __ 1976,2002_15 F __ 1875 _____ 59 F (1976,2002)_26 F (1875)

Apr 18 __ 80 F __ 1976,2002_10 F __ 1875 ______ 62 F (2002) ___ 29 F (1875)

Apr 19 __ 80 F __ 1976 ___ 21 F _ 1847,75,1926_ 59 F (1976,2002)_31 F (1847)

Apr 20 __ 81 F __ 1923 ____ 19 F __ 1904 ______ 60 F (1987) ___ 30 F (1875)

Apr 21 __ 82 F __ 1987 ____ 20 F __ 1875 ______ 56 F (1957) ___ 30 F (1875)

Apr 22 __ 90 F __ 1842 ____ 25 F __ 1904 ______ 60 F (1985) ___ 36 F (1872)

Apr 23 __ 75 F __ 1886,1970_24 F __1873 ______ 57 F (1985) ___ 34 F (1862)

Apr 24 __ 81 F __ 1942 ____ 21 F __ 1892 ______ 53 F (1985) ___ 37 F (1875,83)

Apr 25 __ 88 F __ 1990 ____ 20 F __ 1892 ______ 59 F (1915) ___ 31 F (1919)

Apr 26 __ 87 F __ 1990 ____ 25 F __ 1892,1919__ 68 F (1990) ___ 39 F (1932)

Apr 27 __ 87 F __ 1962 ____ 25 F __ 1874 ______ 63 F (1990) ___ 37 F (1854)

Apr 28 __ 80 F __ 1915 ____ 23 F __ 1847 ______ 63 F (1990) ___ 40 F (1867,74)

Apr 29 __ 80 F __ 1941,90__ 26 F __ 1874 ______ 58 F (1990) ___ 36 F (1909)

Apr 30 __ 82 F __ 1941 ____ 27 F __ 1874 ______ 58 F (1941,42)_ 40 F (1876)

^ Min -9.2 C on 6th, 1982 converts to 15.4 F, the other two tied records were measured

to nearest F deg and are recorded by conversion at -9.4 C. 

Apr 11 new high min 2021 replaced 51 F (1955,81,2017)

^ Apr 12 2023 new record high max 81F replaced 77F 1977

^ Apr 12 2023 record high min tie 2023 measured in Celsius 13.0, 1977 measured in Fahr, converts to 12.8 C

^ Apr 13 2023 record high min replaced 54F (1945). Max of 80F not a record high

^ Apr 14 2023 record high max replaced 74F (1910), high min replaced 56F (1941)

^ Apr 15 2023 record high min replaced 55F (1844)


May 01 __ 83 F __ 1913 ____ 27 F __ 1847,75,81_ 61 F (1970) ___ 39 F (1875)

May 02 __ 87 F __ 1913 ____ 27 F __ 1841 ______ 61 F (1942) ___ 38 F (1841,67)

May 03 __ 87 F __ 2001 ____ 25 F __ 1867 ______ 61 F (2001) ___ 40 F (1841,47,67)

May 04 __ 89 F __ 1949 ____ 28 F __ 1841 ______ 63 F (2001) ___ 44 F (1849)

May 05 __ 88 F __ 1949 ____ 29 F __ 1854, 75 ___ 63 F (1949) ___ 39 F (1891)

May 06 __ 87 F __ 2000 ____ 25 F __ 1854 ______ 67 F (2000) ___ 39 F (1854)

May 07 __ 87 F __ 1930 ____ 25 F __ 1874 ______ 64 F (2000) ___ 40 F (1849)

May 08 __ 90 F __ 1936 ____ 27 F __ 1842 ______ 64 F (1936) ___ 41 F (1947)

May 09 __ 89 F __ 1896 ____ 28 F __ 2020 ______ 66 F (2000) ___ 43 F (1966)

May 10 __ 88 F __1896,1953_27 F __ 1923 ______ 67 F (1896) ___ 42 F (1923,45)

May 11 __ 85 F __ 1881 ____ 26 F __ 1857 ______ 65 F (1896) ___ 38 F (1857)


May 12 __ 90 F __ 1881 ____ 26 F __ 1907 ______ 66 F (1881) ___ 42 F (1882,95)

May 13 __ 82 F __1879,2004_28 F __ 1895 ______ 62 F (1991) ___ 45 F (1910)

May 14 __ 87 F __ 1900 ____ 30 F __ 1873 ______ 64 F (1991) ___ 41 F (1895)

May 15 __ 87 F __ 1951 ____ 32 F __ 1871 ______ 63 F (1998) ___ 45 F (1959)

May 16 __ 89 F __ 1962 ____ 31 F __ 1845,58 ___ 63 F (1998) ___ 42 F (1956)

May 17 __ 92 F __ 1962 ____ 32 F __ 1852,83 ___ 69 F (1962) ___ 43 F (1858)

May 18 __ 94 F __ 1962 ____ 30 F __ 1843 ______ 69 F (1962) ___ 45 F (1853)

May 19 __ 88 F __ 1964 ____ 33 F __ 1850 ______ 70 F (1962) ___ 45 F (1853,94)

May 20 __ 87 F __ 1921,41 _ 30 F __ 1842,95__ 65 F (1962,77,96)_41 F (1850)

May 21 __ 90 F __ 1941 ____ 30 F __ 1895,1924__ 66 F (2024)^___ 45 F (1860)


May 22 __ 92 F __ 1964 ____ 29 F __ 1844,95____ 69 F (2021) __ 45 F (1883)

May 23 __ 88 F __ 1936 ____ 33 F __ 1845,51____ 65 F (1975,77)_ 50 F (1959)

May 24 __ 86 F __ 2007 ____ 33 F __ 1891 ______ 70 F (1975) ___ 46 F (1925)

May 25 __ 87 F __ 2021 ____ 34 F __ 1845 ______ 68 F (2012) ___ 50 F (1979)

May 26 __ 89 F __2020 ____ 35 F __ 1889 ______ 67 F (2010) ___ 47 F (1961)

May 27 __ 85 F_ 1914,78,2010_36 F__1847,67 ___ 68 F (2010) __ 52 F (1869,79,1902,06)

May 28 __ 92 F __ 1977 ____ 35 F __ 1889,1907__ 67 F (2010) ___ 50 F (1889)

May 29 __ 94 F __ 1969 ____ 31 F __ 1889 ______ 71 F (1969) ___ 46 F (1856)

May 30 __ 93 F __ 1895 ____ 30 F __ 1845 ______ 72 F (2006) ___ 44 F (1845)

May 31 __ 92 F __ 1895 ____ 33 F __ 1845 ______ 71 F (1991) ___ 52 F (1897)

^ May 21 high min 66F replaced 65F (2021).


May 9 2020 record broke 29F 1850 -- first May min daily record since May 10, 1923 !

May 25 2021 record high broke 86F 2012,16.

May 28 2021 max of 11.1 C (52F) and min 3.1 C (38F) both narrowly missed becoming low records.

(Notes: Highs of 81F on May 13, 2022 and 90F on May 31, 2022 were not quite records)


Jun 01 __ 92 F __ 1895,1925_ 35 F __ 1854 ______ 69 F (1988) ___ 47 F (1843)

Jun 02 __ 94 F __ 1934 _____ 28 F __ 1843 ______ 67 F (1970,2023)__50 F (1945)

Jun 03 __ 94 F __ 1919 _____ 34 F __ 1850 ______ 67 F (1943,87) _53 F (1945)

Jun 04 __ 91 F __ 1919 _____ 35 F __ 1857 ______ 69 F (1925) ___ 47 F (1859)

Jun 05 __ 94 F __ 1925 _____ 32 F __ 1859 ______ 67 F (1919) ___ 48 F (1910)

Jun 06 __ 95 F __ 1925 _____ 34 F __ 1842 ______ 71 F (1925) ___ 53 F (1843,1983)

Jun 07 __ 91 F __ 1922 _____ 35 F __ 1843,64____ 70 F (1925) ___ 54 F (1894)

Jun 08 __ 94 F __ 2011 _____ 33 F __ 1844 _____ 69 F (1925,2008)_53 F (1980)

Jun 09 __ 93 F __ 1959 _____ 39 F __ 1862,1924__ 71 F (1976) __ 57 F (1858,1966)

Jun 10 __ 93 F __ 1920 _____ 28 F __ 1842 ______ 71 F (2005) ___ 52 F (1859)


Jun 11 __ 93 F __ 1973 _____ 34 F __ 1859 _____ 71 F (1970,2005)_55 F (1843,59)

Jun 12 __ 94 F __ 1956 _____ 38 F __ 1859 ______ 74 F (2005) ___ 56 F (1963)

Jun 13 __ 95 F __ 1956 _____ 37 F __ 1848 ______ 72 F (2005) ___ 55 F (1858)

Jun 14 __ 95 F __ 1988 _____ 37 F __ 1875 ______ 74 F (1956) ___ 55 F (1847)

Jun 15 __ 93 F __ 1919,88___ 39 F __ 1843 ______ 70 F (1967) ___ 55 F (1847)

Jun 16 __ 95 F __ 1913 _____ 39 F __ 1854 ______ 71 F (1981) ___ 57 F (1857)

Jun 17 __ 92 F __ 1957 _____ 40 F __ 1847 ______ 72 F (1957) ___ 57 F (1847,75)

Jun 18 __ 92 F __1929,57,95_ 40 F __ 1845 ______ 74 F (1994) ___ 57 F (1866)

Jun 19 __ 96 F __ 1995 ____41 F _ 1842,66___ 73 F (1994,95,2024)^_ 56 F (1855)

Jun 20 __ 96 F __ 1988 _____ 38 F __ 1914 ______ 75 F (1995) ___ 51 F (1992)


Jun 21 __ 94 F __ 1941,49___ 44 F __ 1897 ______ 71 F (2012) ___ 51 F (1992)

Jun 22 __ 96 F __ 2022*_____ 42 F __ 1862 ______ 71 F (1998) ___ 57 F (1918)

Jun 23 __ 92 F __ 1975,2002_ 42 F _ 1877,85,1918_71 F (1888)*___ 55 F (1979)

Jun 24 __ 96 F __ 1923 _____ 39 F __ 1853 ______ 73 F (1966) ___ 60 F (1940,92)

Jun 25 __ 94 F __ 1943 _____ 42 F __ 1853,1902__ 72 F (1966) ___ 63 F (1853,1925)

Jun 26 __ 94 F __ 1952, 66 __ 43 F __ 1845 ______ 74 F (1952) ___ 63 F (1869)

Jun 27 __ 96 F __ 1901 _____ 46 F __ 1845 ______ 73 F (1901) ___ 61 F (1869)

Jun 28 __ 94 F __ 1941 _____ 45 F __ 1865 ______ 74 F (2005) ___ 59 F (1980)

Jun 29 __ 94 F __ 1927,71 __ 42 F __ 1866 ______ 76 F (1959) __ 60 F (1871,1914)

Jun 30 __ 98 F __ 1964 _____ 41 F __ 1871 ______ 75 F (2001) ___ 57 F (1902)

* Jun 23 high min tied 1888, 1957, 1975, 1998

* June 22 2022 new record max 96F (35.8C) replaces 1910 93F

^ June 19 high min (tied 2024) ... all 73F, 1994 23.0 C, 1995 22.9 C, 2024 22.7 C. ... 2024 max 92F not a record but is max for 2024 so far. 



Daily Temperature Records (July 1 to Sept 30)

Monthly records are shown in bold type.



Date ___ Max ___ Year _____ Min ___ Year _____ High min and Low max (years)

Jul 01 __ 98 F __ 1911,1931 _ 44 F __ 1874,1892 __ 74 F (1963) ___ 60 F (1845)

Jul 02 __101 F __ 1911 _____ 43 F __ 1841 _______ 76 F (2002) ___ 58 F (1845)

Jul 03 __103 F __ 1911 _____ 40 F __ 1841 _______ 78 F (1911) ___ 58 F (1892)

Jul 04 __ 98 F __ 1919 _____ 40 F __ 1844 _______ 79 F (2002) ___ 60 F (1859)

Jul 05 __ 98 F __ 1921 _____ 43 F __ 1844 _______ 80 F (1999) ___ 64 F (1956)

Jul 06 __ 97 F __ 1921,2012_ 43 F __ 1842 _______ 76 F (1999) ___ 64 F (1969)

Jul 07 __ 99 F __ 1988 _____ 49 F __ 1855, 73 ____ 75 F (1921) ___ 62 F (1894,1984)

Jul 08 __105 F__ 1936 _____ 45 F __ 1844 _______ 77 F (1988) ___ 62 F (1894)

Jul 09 __105 F__ 1936 _____ 45 F __ 1842 _______ 78 F (1936) ___ 60 F (1848)

Jul 10 __105 F__ 1936 ____ 48 F_1841,45,67,93___ 77 F (1936) ___ 65 F (1848)

Jul 11 __ 94 F __ 2005 _____ 43 F __ 1854 _______ 78 F (1936) ___ 61 F (1861)

Jul 12 __ 96 F __ 1936 _____ 39 F __ 1843 _______ 76 F (1987) ___ 61 F (1858)

Jul 13 __100 F __ 1936 _____ 45 F __ 1854 _______ 79 F (2005) ___ 64 F (1926)

Jul 14 __ 96 F __ 1995 _____ 46 F __ 1846,65,1926_ 78 F (1936) ___ 63 F (1967,92)

Jul 15 __ 96 F __ 1983 _____ 45 F __ 1884 _______ 76 F (1868) ___ 63 F (1945)

Jul 16 __ 97 F __ 1887 _____ 43 F __ 1853 _______ 77 F (1983) ___ 62 F (1853)

Jul 17 __ 98 F __ 2012 _____ 45 F __ 1846 _______ 76 F (2013) ___ 62 F (1848)

Jul 18 __ 94 F __ 1963,2011_ 48 F __ 1853 _______ 77 F (2013) ___ 63 F (1886)

Jul 19 __ 97 F __ 1854 _____ 48 F __ 1871 _______ 74 F (1964) ___ 65 F (1890)

Jul 20 __ 98 F __ 1977 _____ 44 F __ 1842 _____ 73 F (1972, 2022) _ 65 F (1902)

Jul 21 __101 F __ 2011 _____ 42 F __ 1843 _______ 77 F (2011) ___ 64 F (1869)

Jul 22 __ 96 F __ 2016 _____ 48 F __ 1886 ____ 73 F (1978,98,2011)_64 F (1947)

Jul 23 __ 94 F __ 1955 _____ 48 F __ 1847,49,86___75 F (1955, 91)__64 F (1927)

Jul 24 __ 94 F __ 1867,1901_ 44 F __ 1860 _______ 74 F (1987) ___ 65 F (1923)

Jul 25 __ 95 F __ 1941 _____ 47 F __ 1920 _______ 73 F (1979,89)__66 F (1876)

Jul 26 __ 95 F __ 1916 _____ 42 F __ 1853 _______ 73 F (1989) ___ 63 F (1859)

Jul 27 __ 96 F __ 1919 _____ 43 F __ 1847 _______ 75 F (1955) ___ 63 F (1847)

Jul 28 __ 95 F __ 1941 _____ 44 F __ 1847 _______ 74 F (1949) __ 65 F (1847,1926,81)

Jul 29 __ 98 F __ 1917 _____ 47 F __ 1847 _______ 75 F (1970) ___ 65 F (1847)

Jul 30 __100 F __ 1916 _____ 47 F __ 1925 _______ 78 F (1917) ___ 62 F (1841)

Jul 31 __ 92 F __ 1917, 75___ 44 F __ 1842, 47 ____ 76 F (1917) ___ 60 F (1992)

(note July 20 2022 tied 1972 high min 73F measured in Fahr, this tie was 22.8 C)


Aug 01 __ 98 F __ 1955, 2006_ 45 F __ 1849 ______ 76 F (1955,2006)_61 F (1947)

Aug 02 __ 93 F __ 1930, 2007_ 44 F __ 1843 ______ 77 F (1975,2002)_65 F (1912)

Aug 03 __ 97 F __ 1936 _____ 42 F __ 1845 _______ 74 F (1988) ___ 63 F (1875)

Aug 04 __ 95 F __ 1916, 30 __ 49 F _1886,1907,51__ 76 F (1988) ___ 61 F (1869)

Aug 05 __ 95 F __ 1918, 55 __ 46 F __ 1886 _______ 76 F (1988) ___ 65 F (1885)

Aug 06 __ 98 F __ 1900 _____ 44 F __ 1869 _______ 73 F (1955) ___ 64 F (1885)

Aug 07 __101 F__ 1918 _____ 46 F __ 1883 _______ 79 F (2001) ___ 62 F (1989)

Aug 08 __ 98 F __ 2001 _____ 45 F __ 1869 _______ 74 F (2001) ___ 64 F (1976)

Aug 09 __ 99 F __ 1949 _____ 43 F __ 1851 _______ 79 F (2001) ___ 62 F (1847)

Aug 10 __ 98 F __ 1949 _____ 46 F __ 1879 _______ 75 F (2021)*___ 63 F (2008)

Aug 11 __ 96 F __ 1944 _____ 46 F __ 1841 _______ 75 F (1949) ___ 63 F (1983)

Aug 12 __ 95 F __ 1874 _____ 44 F __ 1844 _______ 77 F (2016) ___ 62 F (1861)

Aug 13 __102 F__ 1918 _____ 45 F __ 1865 _______ 77 F (1988) ___ 62 F (1992)

Aug 14 __ 94 F __ 1959 _____ 44 F __ 1851 _______ 76 F (1988) ___ 64 F (1860)

Aug 15 __ 94 F __ 1965 _____ 46 F __ 1880 ____ 73 F (1978,95,2010)_63 F (1879)

Aug 16 __ 93 F __ 1922 _____ 44 F __ 1880 ____ 73 F (1978,87,2002)_57 F (1879)

Aug 17 __ 92 F __ 1913 _____ 43 F __ 1855 _______ 76 F (1987) ___ 59 F (1851)

Aug 18 __ 95 F __ 1867 _____ 40 F __ 1855 _______ 76 F (1995) ___ 65 F (1979)

Aug 19 __ 92 F __ 1899, 1955_45 F __ 1847, 53 ____ 71 F (2015) ___ 63 F (1858)

Aug 20 __ 96 F __ 1916 _____ 42 F __ 1896 _______ 73 F (1975) ___ 64 F (1964)

Aug 21 __ 98 F __ 1916 _____ 45 F __ 1897 _______ 76 F (1955) ___ 61 F (1964)

Aug 22 __ 97 F __ 1916 _____ 43 F __ 1895 _______ 72 F (1974,87)_ 63 F (1866,1982)

Aug 23 __ 91 F __ 1898 _____ 43 F __ 1908,23 ___ 72 F (1996, 2021) _ 61 F (1890)

Aug 24 __100 F__ 1854 _____ 42 F __ 1866 _______ 72 F (2007) ____ 62 F (1862,1940)

Aug 25 __101 F__ 1948 _____ 42 F __ 1856,1913___ 73 F (2021)** __ 61 F (1856)

Aug 26 __ 98 F __ 1948 _____ 42 F __ 1851 ______ 73 F (1959, 2021) _ 60 F (1885)

Aug 27 __ 95 F __ 1953 _____ 40 F __ 1870 _______ 75 F (1973) ___ 62 F (1885)

Aug 28 __100 F__ 1948 _____ 43 F __ 1885 _______ 77 F (1973) ___ 60 F (1934)

Aug 29 __ 95 F __ 1953,73___ 42 F __ 1982 _______ 77 F (1973) ___ 58 F (1858)

Aug 30 __ 97 F __ 1953 _____ 42 F __ 1912 _______ 76 F (1973) ___ 59 F (1935)

Aug 31 __ 95 F __ 1932 _____ 40 F __ 1915 _______ 75 F (1973) __ 61 F (1869,1965)

* Aug 10 2021 replaces 73F (1949,75,88,98,2016).

** Aug 25 2021 replaces 72F (1998)


Sep 01 __ 93 F __ 1953 _____ 42 F __ 1856 _______ 75 F (1973) ___ 60 F (1958)

Sep 02 __100 F__ 1953 _____ 38 F __ 1885 _______ 76 F (1953) ___ 59 F (1862)

Sep 03 __ 94 F __ 1929, 53 __ 39 F __ 1862 _______ 76 F (1973) ___ 61 F (1855)

Sep 04 __ 93 F __ 1953 _____ 39 F __ 1883 _______ 74 F (1953,73,85)_ 58 F (1885)

Sep 05 __ 94 F __ 1854 _____ 41 F __ 1902 _______ 74 F (1973) ___ 58 F (1988)

Sep 06 __ 93 F __ 1854, 81 __ 41 F__1883,1909___72 F (1983,85,99,2023)*_60 F (1888.1893)

Sep 07 __ 93 F __ 2016 _____ 40 F __ 1848 _______ 72 F (2007) __ 57 F (1873,1949)

Sep 08 __ 95 F __ 1919 _____ 39 F __ 1883 _______ 73 F (2015) ___ 58 F (1995)

Sep 09 __ 93 F __ 1959 _____ 35 F __ 1883 ______ 73 F (1959,2001)_52 F (1883)

Sep 10 __ 95 F __ 1931 _____ 34 F __ 1883 _______ 72 F (1947,91) _ 50 F (1924)

Sep 11 __ 96 F __ 1931 _____ 36 F __ 1853,1917___ 73 F (1947) ___ 56 F (1840)

Sep 12 __ 91 F __ 1931 _____ 35 F __ 1850 _______ 71 F (2000) ___ 53 F (1860)

Sep 13 __ 91 F __ 1931, 52 __ 36 F __ 1852 _______ 69 F (1947) ___ 54 F (1975)

Sep 14 __ 91 F __ 1865,1931_ 34 F __ 1911 _______ 69 F (1931) ___ 51 F (1859)

Sep 15 __ 90 F __ 1991 _____ 34 F __ 1873 _______ 71 F (2018) ___ 48 F (1859)

Sep 16 __ 92 F __ 1939 _____ 34 F __ 1845 _______ 71 F (1991) __ 54 F (1859,1959)

Sep 17 __ 90 F __ 1948 _____ 36 F __ 1873,1959___ 69 F (2018) ___ 53 F (1981)

Sep 18 __ 88 F __ 1882 _____ 36 F _ 1855, 71__68 F (1853,1942,48,2022)_53 F (1840,1945)

Sep 19 __ 89 F __ 1955 _____ 35 F __ 1842, 84___ 68 F (1942,2017)_52 F (1855,1929)

Sep 20 __ 88 F __ 1895 _____ 36 F _1863,71,1956 _ 70 F (2002) ___ 50 F (1956)

Sep 21 __ 89 F __ 1895 _____ 30 F __ 1840 _____ 69 F (1965,2002)_ 46 F (1840)

Sep 22 __ 88 F __ 1931 _____ 28 F __ 1842 ____69 F (1965,70.2009)__47 F (1842)

Sep 23 __ 87 F __ 1936,2017_ 29 F __ 1896 _______ 66 F (1961) ___ 48 F (1848)

Sep 24 __ 89 F __ 2017 _____ 32 F __ 1851 _______ 70 F (2017) ___ 48 F (1950)

Sep 25 __ 89 F __ 2017 _____ 34 F __ 1879 ______ 69 F (1958,2017)_49 F (1868)

Sep 26 __ 88 F __ 2017 _____ 30 F __ 1848 _______ 71 F (2017) ___ 49 F (1928)

Sep 27 __ 85 F __ 2017 _____ 28 F __ 1844, 48 ____ 68 F (1998)^___ 47 F (1851)

Sep 28 __ 84 F __ 1959 _____ 30 F __ 1850 _______ 67 F (1999) ___ 46 F (1967)

Sep 29 __ 81 F __ 1905,59___ 30 F __ 1850 ______ 67 F (1959,71,99)_45 F (1860)

Sep 30 __ 83 F __ 1905 _____ 29 F __ 1860 _______ 67 F (1986) ___ 45 F (1860)


^  67 F (2020) another near-record high minimum. 

* 72F Sep 6 high min record tied 2023, tie is only valid for F conversion, 1983_21.9, 2023_22.1 do not share C tied record of 22.4 set in 1985 and tied 1999.


Daily Temperature Records (Oct 1 to Dec 31)

Monthly extremes are shown in bold type. 


Date ___ Max ___ Year _____ Min ___ Year _____ High min and Low max (years)

Oct 01 __ 85 F __ 2019 _____ 31 F __1867,1899 _ 65 F (2002) ___ 46 F (1974)

Oct 02 __ 80 F __ 1971 _____ 27 F __ 1899 _____ 67 F (2002) ___ 41 F (1974)

Oct 03 __ 83 F __ 2023 ____ 28 F __ 1899 _____ 64 F (1898) ___ 43 F (1888)

Oct 04 __ 82 F __ 1884 _____ 30 F __ 1854 _____ 64 F (1898, 2023) _ 43 F (1965)

Oct 05 __ 83 F __ 1922 _____ 28 F __ 1881,83___ 63 F (1910, 2023) _ 45 F (1885,92)

Oct 06 __ 84 F __ 1900 _____ 26 F __ 1853 _____ 65 F (2007) ___ 42 F (1889)

Oct 07 __ 86 F __ 1963 _____ 27 F __ 1935 _____ 63 F (2017) ___ 44 F (1889)

Oct 08 __ 87 F __ 2007 _____ 28 F __ 1844 _____ 64 F (1862) ___ 44 F (1896)

Oct 09 __ 80 F __ 2018 _____ 27 F __ 1876 ___ 63 F (1879,2021) ___ 39 F (1925)

Oct 10 __ 80 F __ 1919 _____ 27 F __ 1925 _____ 66 F (2018) ___ 39 F (1925)

Oct 11 __ 82 F __ 1938 _____ 23 F __ 1855 _____ 64 F (1949) ___ 42 F (1906)

Oct 12 __ 84 F __ 1928 _____ 25 F __ 1876 _____ 62 F (1954,2021) ___ 39 F (1875)

Oct 13 __ 76 F __ 1995 _____ 24 F __ 1852 _____ 62 F (1973) ___ 39 F (1874)

Oct 14 __ 79 F __ 1935 _____ 25 F __ 1876 _____ 61 F (2001) ___ 41 F (1856)

Oct 15 __ 84 F __ 1897 _____ 23 F __ 1876 _____ 59 F (2021) ___ 40 F (1847)

Oct 16 __ 80 F __ 1897 _____ 25 F __ 1855,56___ 64 F (2016) ___ 41 F (1886)

Oct 17 __ 79 F __ 1938 _____ 26 F __ 1886,1900_ 62 F (1968) ___ 39 F (1868)

Oct 18 __ 78 F __ 1908,63___ 23 F __ 1846 _____ 63 F (1968) ___ 36 F (1846)

Oct 19 __ 75 F __ 1939 _____ 25 F __ 1874 _____ 62 F (1947) ___ 37 F (1848,1992)

Oct 20 __ 76 F __ 1947 _____ 25 F __ 1872,1922_ 57 F (2007) ___ 38 F (1859,1974)

Oct 21 __ 81 F __ 1920 _____ 21 F __ 1845 _____ 58 F (1979) __ 38 F (1868, 88, 1940)

Oct 22 __ 75 F __ 1920 _____ 20 F __ 1845 _____ 61 F (1979) ___ 33 F (1868)

Oct 23 __ 73 F __ 1901, 2020 _ 21 F _ 1845 ____ 59 F (2017) ___ 37 F (1969 &)*

Oct 24 __ 72 F __ 1963 _____ 21 F __ 1841 _____ 58 F (1985,91)_ 34 F (1855)

Oct 25 __ 72 F __ 1963 _____ 21 F __ 1879 _____ 59 F (1991) ___ 33 F (1933)

Oct 26 __ 76 F __ 1964 _____ 21 F __ 1887 _____ 59 F (1963,91)_ 31 F (1859)

Oct 27 __ 71 F __ 1947,2000,2023*_ 19 F_ 1869__ 61 F (2023)*_ 32 F (1847)

Oct 28 __ 77 F __ 1927 _____ 22 F __ 1891 _____ 61 F (1984) ___ 33 F (1843)

Oct 29 __ 72 F __ 1946 _____ 22 F __ 1850,65__54 F (1854,1961)_ 30 F (1844)

Oct 30 __ 73 F __ 1950 _____ 19 F __ 1887 ____59 F (1946, 2024) _ 32 F (1844)

Oct 31 __ 73 F __ 1919 _____ 16 F __ 1844 _____ 59 F (2024)^___ 34 F (1917)


* low max (37) on 23rd tied 1846,55,80,89 and 1969.

new record Oct 3, 2023 (83F) broke 81F (1891, 1898)

record high mins tied Oct 4th, 5th were measured in Fahr in 1898 and 1910; values in 2023 were 17.9 C and 17.3 C.

59 F high min 2021 on 15th, broke record of 58 F (1968).

records for 27th, 71F ... measured in Fahr in 1947, 2000 was 21.7 C (71.1 F), and 2023 was 21.9 C (71.4F). 

61 F high min 2023 on 27th previous record high min for 27th was 56F in 1920. 

59 F high min 2024 on 31st previous record high min for 31st was 55F in 1999. 



Nov 01 __ 75 F __ 1950 _____ 24 F _1844,49,87 _ 58 F (1956,74)_ 34 F (1849)

Nov 02 __ 70 F __ 1971 _____ 23 F __ 1887,1911_ 58 F (1956) ___ 33 F (1879)

Nov 03 __ 74 F __ 1961 _____ 20 F __ 1875 _____ 55 F (1956) ___ 31 F (1875,79)

Nov 04 __ 69 F __ 1903 _____ 15 F __ 1854 _____ 57 F (1977) ___ 28 F (1879)

Nov 05 __ 74 F __ 2022*_____ 15 F _1854 ______ 58 F (2022)*___30 F (1951)

Nov 06 __ 70 F __ 2024* ______ 17 F __1951 _____ 55 F (1948) ___ 30 F (1843)

Nov 07 __ 69 F __ 1938 _____ 20 F __ 1930 _____ 54 F (1975) ___ 30 F (1869)

Nov 08 __ 70 F __ 1975 _____ 21 F __ 1976 _____ 56 F (1945) ___ 29 F (1862)

Nov 09 __ 73 F __ 1999 _____ 17 F __ 1850 _____ 52 F (2000) ___ 30 F (1921)

Nov 10 __ 71 F __ 2020 ______15 F __ 2017 _____ 54 F (2002) ___ 26 F (2017)

Nov 11 __ 65 F __ 2020 _____ 19 F __ 1898, 1926 _ 54 F (2022)*___ 28 F (1933)

Nov 12 __ 65 F __ 1902,2012 __ 16 F_ 2019 ____ 50 F (1970,82)_ 24 F (2019)

Nov 13 __ 61 F __ 1964 _____ 12 F __ 2019 _____ 50 F (1945) ___ 25 F (1986)

Nov 14 __ 64 F __ 1994 _____ 11 F __ 1873 _____ 52 F (1973,89)_ 28 F (1997)

Nov 15 __ 65 F __ 1928 ______ 7 F __ 1933 _____ 53 F (1989) ___ 19 F (1933)

Nov 16 __ 61 F __ 1931,2005 __7 F __ 1933 _____52 F (2001) ___ 23 F (1883)

Nov 17 __ 63 F __ 1865 _____ 15 F __ 1924 _____ 50 F (1930,2013)_27 F (1924)

Nov 18 __ 67 F __ 1958 _____ 13 F __ 1924, 36 __ 53 F (1958) ___ 24 F (1880)

Nov 19 __ 66 F __ 1941 ______ 9 F __ 1841 _____ 53 F (1853) ___ 27 F (1880)

Nov 20 __ 64 F __ 1942,91 ____9 F __ 1879 _____ 49 F (1991) ___ 27F (1857)

Nov 21 __ 64 F __ 1931 ______ 4 F __ 1879 _____ 54 F (1931) ___ 16 F (1880)

Nov 22 __ 64 F __ 1953 ______ 4 F __ 1880 _____ 49 F (1963,2010)_18 F (1880)

Nov 23 __ 66 F __ 1931 ______ 4 F __ 1880 _____ 53 F (1999) ___ 18 F (1880)

Nov 24 __ 63 F __ 1931 ______-3 F __ 1857 _____ 54 F (1931) ___ 21 F (1857)

Nov 25 __ 58 F __ 1908 ______-4 F __ 1857 _____ 53 F (2001) ___ 20 F (1857,60)

Nov 26 __ 64 F __ 1908 ______ 4 F __ 1949 _____ 48 F (2011) ___ 17 F (1932)

Nov 27 __ 62 F __ 1990 ______ 5 F __ 1936 _____ 50 F (1960) ___ 22 F (1901)

Nov 28 __ 63 F __ 1984, 90 ___ 1 F __ 1873 _____ 48 F (1990) ___ 13 F (1871)

Nov 29 __ 63 F __ 2005 ______-2 F __ 1875 ___45 F (1864,1916,34)_16F (1871)*

Nov 30 __ 64 F __ 1991 ______-5 F __ 1875 _____ 46 F (2016) _____ 5 F 1875 


*high max (74F, 23.1 C) _2022 on 5th broke 67 F _1863,1959,2015 and high min (58F) _2022 broke 55 F (1994)

... note also 73F (22.6 C) in 2024, and high min 60F broke 58F _2022

*high max (70F, 20.9 C) on 6th broke 66 F in 1924,2015.

* high min (54F) on 11th in 2022 broke 52F (1882). 

* low max (16) on 29th tied 1871, 1891, 1929.


Dec 01 __ 60 F __ 1922,70 ___-2 F __ 1875 _____ 47 F (1914) ___ 15 F (1875)

Dec 02 __ 59 F __ 1998 ______ 1 F __ 1930 _____ 48 F (1914,82)_ 13 F (1890)

Dec 03 __ 68 F __ 1982 ______-2 F __ 1940 _____ 50 F (1982) ___ 15 F (1966)

Dec 04 __ 61 F __ 1998 ______-2 F __ 1935 _____ 49 F (1998) ___ 10 F (1886)

Dec 05 __ 64 F __ 2001 ______ 1 F __ 1886 _____ 50 F (2011) ___ 15 F (1871)

Dec 06 __ 63 F __ 1998 ______ 2 F __ 1926 _____ 48 F (2011) ___ 14 F (1862,69)

Dec 07 __ 57 F __ 1951 ______-5 F __ 1885 _____ 45 F (1966) ___ 11 F (1862)

Dec 08 __ 60 F __ 1966 ______-8 F __ 1906 _____ 50 F (1966) ___ 12 F (1934)

Dec 09 __ 58 F __ 1946 ______-3 F __ 1876,1902_ 48 F (1946) ___ 13 F (1933)

Dec 10 __ 58 F __ 1971 _____-10 F __ 1876 ____45 F (1911,46,52)_10 F (1977)

Dec 11 __ 61 F __ 2015*______ 0 F __ 1917,34 ___ 51 F (1911) ___ 10 F (1988)

Dec 12 __ 57 F __ 1949 ______-9 F __ 1867 _____ 49 F (1949) ____ -2 F (1867)

Dec 13 __ 55 F __ 2001 _____-13 F __ 1867 ____43 F (1991,2001)_ 10 F (1867,98,1902)

Dec 14 __ 57 F __ 1901 ______-7 F __ 1860 _____ 45 F (2015) ____ 9 F (1860)

Dec 15 __ 56 F __ 2011, 2023* _-8 F _ 1874 ____ 45 F (1862) ___ 11 F (1930)

Dec 16 __ 59 F _ 1984,2021* _-3 F __1876,1910_ 41 F (2021)* __ 10 F (1851)

Dec 17 __ 56 F __ 2006 ______-9 F __ 1856 _____ 44 F (1984,2012)__ 8 F (1851)

Dec 18 __ 49 F __ 1921 ______-9 F __ 1856 _____ 38 F (1889, 1986, 2001)_12 F (1884)

Dec 19 __ 55 F __ 1957 _____-13 F __ 1875,84___ 40 F (1895,1931)_ -2 F (1884)

Dec 20 __ 56 F __ 1957 _____-17 F __ 1942 _____ 45 F (1957) ______ 7 F (1955)

Dec 21 __ 56 F __ 1967 _____-21 F __ 1871 _____ 44 F (1949) _____10 F (1871,1989)

Dec 22 __ 56 F _1949,67,2015_-14F __1872 ___ 44 F (1990,2015)__4 F (1989)

Dec 23 __ 56 F _ 1957, 2015 _-10 F __ 1864 _____ 44 F (2015) _____9 F (1969)

Dec 24 __ 58 F __ 2015 ______-9 F __ 1840 _____ 44 F (1964,2015)__1 F (1872)

Dec 25 __ 62 F __ 1982 _____-15 F __ 1851 _____ 46 F (1982) ______4 F (1872)

Dec 26 __ 50 F __ 2016 ______-8 F __ 1892 _____ 42 F (2023)*_____ 3 F (1872,1925)

Dec 27 __ 54 F __ 2008 _____-14 F __ 1872,1925_ 45 F (2023)*____ 12 F (1933)

Dec 28 __ 61 F __ 1982 _____-10 F __ 1903 ______ 43 F (2023)* _____ 3 F (1859)

Dec 29 __ 60 F __ 1984 ____ --22 F __ 1933 _____ 48 F (1984) _____ -3 F (1917)

Dec 30 __ 53 F __ 2022*_____-11 F __ 1917 ______ 49 F (2022)* _____ 6 F (1899)

Dec 31 __ 61 F __ 1875 ______-8 F __ 1962 _____ 46 F (1965) _______ 3 F (1859)

notes: Dec 11 2021 replaced 57F 2015. 

Dec 15 2023 13.2, ties 2011 (13.1) in F deg (56 F). . Dec 16, 17 2023 lows 40F and 43F were 1F below daily records

Dec 16 2021 15.2, Dec 16 1984 15.0 C. (when rounded to F or C, a tie)

Dec 16 2021 42F new high min, old record 41 F (1894,1928)

Dec 26 2023 42F new high min, old record 40 F (1936)


Dec 27 2023 45F new high min, old record 44 F (1936)

Dec 28 2023 45F old record 38F (1982, 2018)

Dec 30 2022 53F new high max, replaced 52F in 1936. At 11.6C the conversion was 52.9 F.

Dec 30 2022 49F new high min, replaced 39F in 1965. At 9.2 C the conversion was 48.6 F.


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Note: Precip data section now begins. North American precip monthly data always includes measurements of rainfall, snowfall and precip. For Toronto, snowfall was always converted at 10:1 ratios until 1962 (Apr) when the procedure changed to daily liquid equivalent added to rainfall to get precip totals. Therefore these tables will always add up rain and snow to the precip from 1840 to 1962 except that the values were directly converted and so the individual elements may round off in such a way that precip is not exactly rain plus snow (it was an exact total in the original format of inches -- the EC database converts each element separately to the metric equivalent so their totals may round off differently). An example would be Mar 1846 where 50.0 mm rain plus 5.8 cm snow gives 55.9 mm prec (original values 1.97"R+2.3"S = 2.20P)

After 1962 the amounts will not necessarily add up since the snowfall portion was being converted daily to liquid equivalent (after and including Apr 1962). Since snowfall was no longer separately tabulated after 2017, the procedure recently has been for a snowfall estimate based on snow on ground reports and nearby location snowfall reports, as part of total precipitation back to the 10:1 method in the absence of anything more definitive being available. Also, there are some gaps in the snowfall data from years 1840 to 1842 and one gap in rainfall records in parts of 1844 and 1845. Months with no data available show up in these tables as "no d" or "no data." Precip values for months with rain but no snow data are shown as >(rain) in the snowfall season and as rain for May to October although May and October precip could still be slightly higher (June to Sept unlikely to be different for those months which are in the 1840s only). Such months with reported zero rainfall have prec "unk."

__ Trace amounts of rain or snow are less than 0.1" -- it is possible that a month with several traces had a total of 0.1" or higher but the procedure was always to add the traces to a total of trace no matter how many occasions there may have been. In my ranking tables, trace is counted as a higher amount than zero. 

In general in all the precip tables, from 2003 to 2017 two stations were operational. Starting July 2003 the former "Toronto" station ceased operation and a new "Toronto City" (which had been running for about a year concurrently) took over the temperatures and daily precip. When the winter 2003-04 snowfall season began the old "Toronto" station reappeared. It has daily rainfall and snowfall amounts. This is called "Tor A" in my notes and the new station with the temperatures is called "Tor B." A more detailed explanation of procedures used can be found in the excel file starting from cell HM2004 (down and across to the right for several columns). It was established that Tor A probably read the rain and snow at an early morning hour while Tor B appears to be more calendar-day oriented. The problem in determining which to use for record amounts is that the former Toronto station (before 2003) was probably on that same early morning observation cycle for at least some of the time (I recall it was calendar day when used as a first order station around my one observation stint there in June 1969). So unfortunately the daily rain, snow and precip records are quite likely skewed to somewhat different reporting "days" but not by more than the following overnight period. The protocol was evidently to record at around 0700h and list the results on the preceding date (in other words, Tor B precip and possibly earlier Toronto precip end the following morning, and about three quarters of precip events have ended before midnight so in those cases, there may be no error introduced.)


January to April rainfall (mm) snowfall (cm) and total precipitation (mm) data

YEAR ___ Jan rain,snow,prec __ Feb rain,snow,prec __Mar rain,snow,prec __Apr rain,snow,prec

1840 ____ no data ___________ no data ___________ 41.1 _ no d _>41.1 __ 87.9 _no d _>87.9

1841 ____ 54.6 _ no d _>54.6 __ 00.0 _ no d _ unk ___ 29.5 _ no d _>29.5 __ 34.5 _no d _>34.5

1842 ____ 55.1 _ no d _>55.1 __ 91.4 _ no d _>91.4 __ 80.0 _ no d _>80.0 __101.3_no d_>101.3

1843 ____109.2_ 36.1 _145.3 __ 12.2 _ 36.6 _ 48.8 ___ 16.0 _ 65.3 _ 81.3 __ 81.0 _ 0.3 _ 81.3

1844 ____ 76.5 _ 63.2 _139.7 __ 11.2 _ 25.4 _ 36.6 ___ 63.2 _ 35.6 _ 98.8 __ 38.9 _ 0.0 _ 38.9

1845 ____ no d _ 57.7 _>57.7 __ no d _ 48.3 _>48.3___ no d _ 07.1 _>07.1__ 84.1 _ 3.8 _ 87.9

1846 ____ 59.7 _ 15.2 _ 74.9 __ 00.0 _117.1_117.1 ___ 50.0 _ 05.8 _ 55.9 __ 33.3 _ 3.3 _ 36.6

1847 ____ 54.4 _ 19.1 _ 73,4 __ 14.0 _ 69.3 _ 83.3 ___ 21.8 _ 10.7 _ 32.5 __ 73.2 _10.2_ 83.3

1848 ____ 56.9 _ 18.0 _ 74.9 __ 19.8 _ 27.4 _ 47.2 ___ 55.9 _ 24.6 _ 80.5 __ 12.4 _ 1.3 _ 13.7

1849 ____ 30.0 _ 23.4 _ 53.3 __ 06.1 _ 48.8 _ 54.9 ___ 39.1 _ 05.8 _ 45.0 __ 68.1 _ 4.3 _ 72.4 

1850 ____ 32.0 _ 13.2 _ 45.2 __ 31.8 _ 58.7 _ 90.4 ___ 19.1 _ 28.4 _ 47.5 __120.1_ 2.8 _122.9

1851 ____ 32.5 _ 19.8 _ 52.3 __ 66.5 _ 06.1 _ 72.6 ___ 19.6 _ 22.4 _ 41.9 __ 58.9 _ 3.0 _ 62.0

1852 ____ 00.0 _ 85.9 _ 85.9 __ 16.5 _ 40.9 _ 57.4 ___ 74.4 _ 53.6 _128.0__ 50.8 _23.9_ 74.7

1853 ____ 07.4 _ 19.1 _ 26.4 __ 26.4 _ 32.0 _ 58.4 ___ 27.4 _ 18.0 _ 45.5 __ 67.1 _ 2.5 _ 69.6

1854 ____ 32.5 _ 19.1 _ 51.6 __ 37.6 _ 45.7 _ 83.3 ___ 62.0 _ 07.1 _ 69.9 __ 68.8 _ 6.9 _ 75.7

1855 ____ 13.5 _ 59.2 _ 72.6 __ 45.2 _ 55.1 _100.3___ 38.1 _ 46.0 _ 84.1 __ 52.3 _ 4.1 _ 56.4

1856 ____ 00.0 _ 34.5 _ 34.5 __ 00.0 _ 24.6 _ 24.6 ___ 00.0 _ 41.1 _ 41.1 __ 71.6 _ 0.3 _ 71.9

1857 _____ Tr __ 55.4 _ 55.4 __ 78.0 _ 29.7 _107.7___ 08.6 _ 28.7 _ 37.3 __ 45.0 _32.8_ 77.7

1858 ____ 29.7 _ 10.2 _ 39.9 ___ Tr __ 67.8 _ 67.8 ___ 23.6 _ 00.5 _ 24.1 __ 42.7 _ 0.3 _ 42.9

1859 ____ 37.1 _ 41.7 _ 78.7 __ 11.9 _ 21.1 _ 33.0 ___103.9_ 02.5 _106.4__ 64.8 _ 3.0 _ 67.8

1860 ____ 18.8 _ 22.1 _ 40.9 __ 34.3 _ 47.8 _ 82.0 ___ 22.9 _ 06.1 _ 29.0 __ 32.8 _ 0.8 _ 33.5

1861 ____ 17.5 _ 52.3 _ 69.9 __ 20.8 _ 75.4 _ 96.3 ___ 54.4 _ 18.0 _ 72.4 __ 42.2 _17.5_ 59.7

1862 ____ 03.0 _ 69.6 _ 72.6 __ 04.8 _ 58.7 _ 63.5 ___ 65.3 _ 47.0 _112.3__ 57.4 _ 0.5 _ 57.9

1863 ____ 29.0 _ 52.3 _ 81.3 __ 37.1 _ 55.9 _ 93.0 ___ 17.5 _ 29.0 _ 46.5 __ 56.6 _ 4.1 _ 60.7

1864 ____ 29.7 _ 66.8 _ 96.5 __ 10.2 _ 24.1 _ 34.3 ___ 41.7 _ 09.4 _ 51.1 __ 93.0 _ 8.9_101.9

1865 ____ 11.2 _ 37.6 _ 48.8 __ 20.8 _ 42.7 _ 63.5 ___ 77.7 _ 48.0 _125.7__101.1_ 5.1 _106.2

1866 ____ 13.7 _ 26.2 _ 39.9 __ 21.1 _ 42.9 _ 64.0 ___ 49.0 _ 18.3 _ 67.3 __ 42.7 _ Tr __ 42.7

1867 _____ Tr __106.7_106.7__ 34.0 _ 34.0 _ 68.1 ___ 16.0 _ 84.8 _100.8__ 55.1 _18.3_ 73.4

1868 _____ Tr __ 37.1 _ 37.1 __ 01.0 _ 83.3 _ 84.3 ___ 67.8 _ 10.7 _ 78.5 __ 25.7 _13.5 _ 39.1

1869 ____ 22.9 _ 24.9 _ 47.8 __ 04.3 _100.8_105.2___ 25.1 _ 38.1 _ 63.2 __ 75.4 _ 1.3 _ 76.7

1870 ____ 86.9 _ 54.1 _141.0__ 13.2 _ 51.1 _ 64.3 ___ 19.3 _158.5_177.8__ 54.6 _ 0.3 _ 54.9

1871 ____ 21.8 _110.7_132.6__ 01.0 _ 58.4 _ 59.4 ___ 70.6 _ 33.0 _103.6__ 84.6 _ 3.3 _ 87.9

1872 ____ 05.6 _ 09.9 _ 15.5 __ 08.9 _ 18.5 _ 27.4 ___ 17.8 _ 41.4 _ 59.2 __ 23.4 _ 1.8 _ 25.1

1873 ____ 28.2 _ 99.6 _127.8__ 00.0 _ 26.4 _ 26.4 ___ 44.7 _ 64.0 _108.7__101.1__Tr _101.1

1874 ____ 71.6 _ 31.0 _102.6__ 29.2 _ 48.5 _ 77.7 ___ 35.3 _ 06.6 _ 41.9 __ 31.5 _27.9_ 59.4

1875 _____ Tr __ 82.0 _ 82.0 __ 11.9 _ 23.1 _ 35.1 ___ 23.6 _ 76.2 _ 99.8 __ 31.2 _ 6.9 _ 38.1

1876 ____ 49.8 _ 08.1 _ 57.9 __ 58.4 _ 51.1 _109.5___ 31.8 _112.0_143.8__ 46.0 _ 0.8 _ 46.7

1877 ____ 00.8 _ 34.0 _ 34.8 __ 00.0 _ 07.4 _ 07.4 ___ 62.2 _ 48.5 _110.7__ 57.9 _ 0.0 _ 57.9

1878 ____ 50.0 _ 30.2 _ 80.3 __ 37.6 _ 39.1 _ 76.7 ___ 86.1 _ 02.5 _ 88.6 __ 66.5 _ 0.0 _ 66.5

1879 ____ 01.3 _ 29.2 _ 30.5 __ 07.1 _ 43.4 _ 50.5 ___ 27.7 _ 18.5 _ 46.2 __ 17.5 _ 4.8 _ 22.4

1880 ____ 35.8 _ 10.2 _ 46.0 __ 24.4 _ 27.7 _ 52.1 ___ 24.4 _ 31.2 _ 55.6 __ 79.2 _ 8.9 _ 88.1

1881 ____ 04.6 _ 49.5 _ 54.1 __ 40.1 _ 21.8 _ 62.0 ___ 47.5 _ 45.7 _ 93.2 __ 02.0 _ 0.5 _ 02.5

1882 ____ 31.2 _ 19.8 _ 51.1 __ 30.0 _ 13.7 _ 43.7 ___ 39.6 _ 14.5 _ 54.1 __ 25.7 _ 0.5 _ 26.2

1883 ____ 03.8 _ 58.4 _ 62.2 __ 25.7 _ 46.7 _ 72.4 ___ 01.3 _ 58.7 _ 59.9 __ 52.8 _11.7_ 64.5

1884 ____ 04.1 _ 79.8 _ 83.8 __ 29.5 _ 41.9 _ 71.4 ___ 37.6 _ 27.2 _ 64.8 __ 17.5 _ 6.9 _ 24.4

1885 ____ 23.4 _ 47.8 _ 71.1 __ 07.1 _ 39.1 _ 46.2 ___ 05.3 _ 25.7 _ 31.0 __ 55.6 _21.8_ 77.5

1886 ____ 66.3 _ 73.9 _140.2__ 52.8 _ 25.4 _ 78.2 ___ 61.2 _ 15.2 _ 76.5 __ 57.2 _18.0_ 75.2

1887 ____ 19.1 _ 62.5 _ 81.5 __ 54.1 _ 54.9 _109.0___ 15.5 _ 22.9 _ 38.4 __ 40.9 _ 0.3 _ 41.1

1888 ____ 17.5 _ 31.5 _ 49.0 __ 25.9 _ 16.8 _ 42.7 ___ 48.8 _ 22.6 _ 71.4 __ 34.8 _ 0.3 _ 35.1

1889 ____ 34.5 _ 53.8 _ 88.4 __ 07.4 _ 53.1 _ 60.5 ___ 00.0 _ 25.1 _ 25.1 __ 35.6 _ 4.8 _ 40.4

1890 ____ 69.6 _ 16.0 _ 85.6 __ 49.0 _ 39.4 _ 88.4 ___ 13.0 _ 24.6 _ 37.6 __ 53.6 _ 0.3 _ 53.8

1891 ____ 48.8 _ 30.7 _ 79.5 __ 42.7 _ 24.9 _ 67.6 ___ 32.0 _ 45.0 _ 77.0 __ 58.4 _ 0.3 _ 58.7

1892 ____ 05.1 _ 34.3 _ 39.4 __ 15.7 _ 41.9 _ 57.7 ___ 13.5 _ 06.1 _ 19.6 __ 31.2 _ 0.8 _ 32.0

1893 ____ 13.5 _ 62.5 _ 75.9 __ 19.1 _ 73.2 _ 92.2 ___ 41.1 _ 10.7 _ 51.8 __108.7_16.0_124.7 

1894 ____ 24.4 _ 18.0 _ 42.4 __ 16.0 _ 41.1 _ 57.2 ___ 31.5 _ 02.5 _ 34.0 __ 16.0 _18.0_ 34.0

1895 ____ 27.2 _ 90.9 _118.1___ Tr __ 10.2 _ 10.2 ___ 09.9 _ 13.7 _ 23.6 __ 37.1 _ 1.5 _ 38.6 

1896 ____ 47.2 _ 52.6 _ 99.8 __ 25.1 _ 75.2 _100.3___ 34.5 _ 29.0 _ 63.5 __ 18.8 _ 0.8 _ 19.6

1897 ____ 20.6 _ 28.2 _ 48.8 __ 39.9 _ 19.6 _ 59.4 ___ 59.2 _ 16.3 _ 75.4 __ 44.2 _10.4_ 54.6

1898 ____ 61.5 _ 31.2 _ 92.7 __ 15.5 _ 62.2 _ 77.7 ___ 61.2 __ Tr __61.2 __ 41.9 _ 1.3 _ 43.2

1899 ____ 60.2 _ 12.7 _ 72.9 __ 30.0 _ 14.0 _ 43.9 ___ 71.1 _ 37.6 _108.7__ 36.6 _ 4.6 _ 41.1

1900 ____ 11.9 _ 37.3 _ 49.3 __ 54.4 _ 77.9 _132.3___ 41.1 _ 46.4 _ 87.6 __ 46.5 _ 0.0 _ 46.5

1901 ____ 19.8 _ 42.9 _ 62.7 __ 00.0 _ 36.6 _ 36.6 ___ 35.3 _ 34.5 _ 69.9 __ 78.5 _22.4_100.8

1902 ____ 01.5 _ 64.5 _ 66.0 __ 23.4 _ 14.7 _ 38.1 ___ 55.1 _ 08.9 _ 64.0 __ 54.6 _ 0.5 _ 55.1

1903 ____ 17.0 _ 51.8 _ 68.8 __ 38.4 _ 33.0 _ 71.4 ___ 46.0 _ 00.5 _ 46.5 __ 87.9 _ 7.6 _ 95.5

1904 ____ 13.2 _ 47.5 _ 60.7 __ 27.7 _ 48.5 _ 76.2 ___ 58.9 _ 15.2 _ 74.2 __ 67.1 _11.9_ 79.0

1905 ____ 16.0 _ 67.3 _ 83.3 __ 01.5 _ 34.8 _ 36.3 ___ 08.6 _ 04.3 _ 13.0 __ 27.4 _ 8.9 _ 36.3

1906 ____ 33.5 _ 10.9 _ 44.5 __ 11.2 _ 09.1 _ 20.3 ___ 33.5 _ 31.2 _ 64.8 __ 38.1 _ 2.8 _ 40.9

1907 ____ 58.9 _ 45.7 _104.6__ 03.8 _ 18.0 _ 21.8 ___ 45.7 _ 08.4 _ 54.1 __ 50.0 _ 3.0 _ 53.1

1908 ____ 15.5 _ 48.3 _ 63.8 __ 29.7 _ 66.3 _ 96.0 ___ 23.4 _ 15.7 _ 39.1 __ 43.9 _15.2 _ 59.2

1909 ____ 22.4 _ 45.2 _ 67.6 __ 41.4 _ 39.4 _ 80.8 ___ 30.0 _ 40.4 _ 70.4 __124,5_13.0_137.4

1910 ____ 38.6 _ 50.5 _ 89.2 __ 20.3 _ 61.5 _ 81.8 ___ 14.7 _ 02.0 _ 16.8 __125,0_ 3.3 _128.3

1911 ____ 30.7 _ 22.4 _ 53.1 __ 04.8 _ 49.0 _ 53.8 ___ 34.8 _ 17.3 _ 52.1 __ 36.6 _ 3.3 _ 39.9

1912 ____ 22.6 _ 52.8 _ 75.4 __ 00.5 _ 41.9 _ 42.4 ___ 02.8 _ 47.2 _ 50.0 __ 52.3 _10.7_ 63.0

1913 ____ 81.5 _ 29.5 _111.0__ 11.9 _ 17.8 _ 29.7 ___ 72.1 _ 31.5 _103.6__ 88.6 _ 0.5 _ 89.2

1914 ____ 10.7 _ 76.7 _ 87.4 __ 15.0 _ 32.5 _ 47.5 ___ 31.5 _ 30.0 _ 61.5 __ 46.2 _ 2.5 _ 48.8

1915 ____ 33.3 _ 69.1 _102.4__ 32.8 _ 21.8 _ 54.6 ___ 02.5 _ 18.8 _ 21.3 __ 31.8 _ 1.3 _ 33.0

1916 ____ 55.9 _ 07.9 _ 63.8 __ 00.0 _ 62.7 _ 62.7 ___ 22.4 _ 47.2 _ 69.6 __ 77.7 _ 4.8 _ 82.6

1917 ____ 30.0 _ 45.5 _ 75.4 __ 07.6 _ 15.2 _ 22.9 ___ 33.3 _ 25.9 _ 59.2 __ 79.8 _ 5.8 _ 85.6

1918 _____ Tr __ 58.4 _ 58.4 __ 73.4 _ 30.5 _103.9___ 25.1 _ 26.4 _ 51.6 __ 33.8 _ 2.0 _ 35.8

1919 ____ 15.5 _ 10.9 _ 26.4 __ 35.8 _ 12.7 _ 48.5 ___ 64.0 _ 17.3 _ 81.3 __ 67.1 _ 6.6 _ 73.7

1920 ____ 00.0 _ 61.5 _ 61.5 __ 00.3 _ 39.9 _ 40.1 ___ 43.7 _ 15.0 _ 58.7 __ 67.8 _15.0_ 82.8

1921 ____ 06.9 _ 10.2 _ 17.0 __ 04.8 _ 29.5 _ 34.3 ___ 51.1 _ 02.5 _ 53.6 __115.6_ 9.1_124.7

1922 ____ 12.2 _ 22.9 _ 35.1 __ 43.2 _ 31.8 _ 74.9 ___ 52.1 _ 29.5 _ 81.5 __ 91.4 _ 0.5 _ 91.9

1923 ____ 07.9 _ 72.4 _ 80.3 __ 00.3 _ 26.7 _ 26.9 ___ 26.7 _ 52.1 _ 78.7 __ 52.6 _ 6.4 _ 58.9

1924 ____ 59.7 _ 64.5 _124.2__ 00.8 _ 82.3 _ 83.1 ___ 13.0 _ 06.9 _ 19.8 __ 55.9 _ 8.9 _ 64.8

1925 _____ Tr __ 50.8 _ 50.8 __ 67.1 _ 24.4 _ 91.4 ___ 54.1 _ 18.5 _ 72.6 __ 30.2 _ 4.1 _ 34.3

1926 ____ 13.2 _ 47.8 _ 61.0 __ 24.9 _ 46.7 _ 71.6 ___ 51.8 _ 21.8 _ 73.7 __ 61.7 _11.7_ 73.4

1927 ____ 12.4 _ 27.4 _ 39.9 __ 09.1 _ 42.7 _ 51.8 ___ 44.7 _ 12.7 _ 57.4 __ 23.1 _ 3.0 _ 26.2

1928 ____ 34.8 _ 23.4 _ 58.2 __ 34.5 _ 08.4 _ 42.9 ___ 26.7 _ 29.5 _ 56.1 __ 48.3 _17.3_ 65.5

1929 ____102.1_ 36.6 _138.7__ 04.1 _ 33.8 _ 37.8 ___ 81.8 _ 08.1 _ 89.9 __154.4_ 0.3_154.7

1930 ____ 51.3 _ 33.3 _ 84.6 __ 29.2 _ 28.7 _ 57.9 ___ 54.6 _ 26.7 _ 81.3 __ 30.2 _ 1.0 _ 31.2

1931 ____ 09.4 _ 57.2 _ 66.5 __ 04.6 _ 24.1 _ 28.7 ___ 27.7 _ 43.9 _ 71.6 __ 39.1 _ 9.1 _ 48.3

1932 ____135.1_ 38.6 _173.7__ 36.1 _ 34.0 _ 70.1 ___ 03.8 _ 37.1 _ 40.9 __ 44.5 _22.1_ 66.5

1933 ____ 35.8 _ 05.3 _ 41.1 __ 25.1 _ 16.0 _ 41.1 ___ 31.0 _ 13.0 _ 43.9 __ 62.7 _ 2.0 _ 64.8

1934 ____ 25,9 _ 12.7 _ 38.6 __ 00.0 _ 23.6 _ 23.6 ___ 40.4 _ 27.4 _ 67.8 __ 61.5 _ 4.8 _ 66.3

1935 ____ 46.5 _ 30.5 _ 77.0 __ 21.8 _ 38.9 _ 60.7 ___ 25.9 _ 05.8 _ 31.8 __ 18.5 _ 5.6 _ 24.1

1936 ____ 24.1 _ 30.2 _ 54.4 __ 17.3 _ 49.0 _ 66.3 ___ 50.5 _ 52.8 _103.4__ 71.6 _ 4.6 _ 76.2

1937 ____125.2_ 06.4 _131.6__ 48.3 _ 07.9 _ 56.1 ___ 14.5 _ 23.1 _ 37.6 __101.9_ 0.3_102.1

1938 ____ 16.8 _ 24.6 _ 41.4 __ 82.8 _ 09.1 _ 91.9 ___ 33.8 _ 07.9 _ 41.7 __ 31.8 _12.7_ 44.5

1939 ____ 07.6 _ 49.5 _ 57.2 __ 41.4 _ 50.5 _ 91.9 ___ 30.0 _ 50.0 _ 80.0 __ 67.6 _19.6_ 87.1

1940 ____ 20.1 _ 29.7 _ 49.8 __ 00.3 _ 38.9 _ 39.1 ___ 21.8 _ 35.1 _ 56.9 __ 55.1 _10.4_ 65.5

1941 ____ 23.9 _ 41.7 _ 65.5 __ 08.1 _ 27.4 _ 35.6 ___ 14.7 _ 26.2 _ 40.9 __ 33.0 _ Tr __33.0

1942 ____ 41.4 _ 11.9 _ 53.3 __ 15.2 _ 33.5 _ 48.8 ___ 85.9 _ 14.2 _100.1__ 30.0 _14.0_ 43.9

1943 ____ 06.1 _ 68.3 _ 74.4 __ 39.1 _ 20.3 _ 59.4 ___ 87.1 _ 23.9 _111.0__ 62.5 _20.3_ 82.8

1944 ____ 19.1 _ 06.6 _ 25.7 __ 05.8 _ 49.5 _ 55.4 ___ 54.4 _ 30.0 _ 84.3 __ 54.9 _17.0_ 71.9

1945 ____ 00.0 _ 45.7 _ 45.7 __ 26.4 _ 30.2 _ 56.6 ___113.0_ 03.3 _116.3__ 96.3_10.9_107.2

1946 ____ 08.1 _ 56.6 _ 64.8 __ 28.7 _ 54.6 _ 83.3 ___ 30.5 _ 01.5 _ 32.0 __ 21.1 _ 3.3 _ 24.4

1947 ____ 39.9 _ 59.9 _ 99.8 __ 00.3 _ 25.1 _ 25.4 ___ 29.2 _ 36.6 _ 65.8 __ 59.4 _12.7_ 72.1

1948 ____ 02.8 _ 37.1 _ 39.9 __ 31.8 _ 48.5 _ 80.3 ___ 49.3 _ 16.3 _ 65.5 __ 49.5 _ 0.3 _ 49.8

1949 ____ 52,6 _ 21.8 _ 74.4 __ 41.7 _ 30.5 _ 72.1 ___ 22.4 _ 32.5 _ 54.9 __ 29.2 _ 1.3 _ 30.5

1950 ____ 59.7 _ 41.7 _101.3__ 29.5 _ 70.9 _100.3___ 28.4 _ 29.7 _ 58.2 __ 54.1 _ 1.8 _ 55.9

1951 ____ 32.8 _ 28.7 _ 61.5 __ 35.6 _ 20.8 _ 56.4 ___ 85.9 _ 23.9 _109.7__115.3__Tr _115.3

1952 ____ 26.9 _ 45.5 _ 72.4 __ 23.4 _ 19.1 _ 42.4 ___ 66.3 _ 07.9 _ 74.2 __ 53.6 _ 0.3 _ 53.8

1953 ____ 29.5 _ 16.0 _ 45.5 __ 08.6 _ 19.1 _ 27.7 ___ 71.9 _ 00.3 _ 72.1 __ 63.8 __Tr _ 63.8

1954 ____ 22.1 _ 37.1 _ 59.2 __ 25.7 _ 36.8 _ 62.5 ___ 59.9 _ 30.5 _ 90.4 __103.6__Tr _103.6

1955 ____ 17.3 _ 31.2 _ 48.5 __ 17.0 _ 35.8 _ 52.8 ___ 37.1 _ 32.0 _ 69.1 __ 77.7 __Tr _ 77.7

1956 ____ 11.4 _ 36.3 _ 47.8 __ 22.1 _ 30.0 _ 52.1 ___ 54.4 _ 44.5 _ 98.8 __ 67.1 _12.2_ 79.2

1957 ____ 29.7 _ 42.2 _ 71.9 __ 30.7 _ 31.0 _ 61.7 ___ 22.1 _ 11.9 _ 34.0 __ 68.6 _17.8_ 86.4

1958 ____ 04.1 _ 32.8 _ 36.8 __ 29.2 _ 19.6 _ 48.8 ___ 15.5 _ 10.2 _ 25.7 __ 35.3 _ 4.6 _ 39.9

1959 ____ 41.7 _ 28.2 _ 69.9 __ 42.9 _ 46.7 _ 89.7 ___ 38.6 _ 36.8 _ 75.4 __ 72.9 __Tr _ 72.9

1960 ____ 37.6 _ 63.5 _101.1__ 31.0 _ 63.0 _ 94.0 ___ 04.6 _ 42.4 _ 47.0 __ 76.5 _ 5.3 _ 81.8

1961 ____ 00.5 _ 26.4 _ 26.9 __ 56.6 _ 30.2 _ 86.9 ___ 32.0 _ 42.2 _ 74.2 __ 89.4 _15.0_104.4

1962 ____ 40.1 _ 26.7 _ 66.8 __ 10.7 _ 62.0 _ 72.6 ___ 08.1 _ 02.5 _ 10.7 __ 29.0 _ 5.3 _ 33.8

1963 ____ 00.5 _ 19.6 _ 22.4 __ 02.0 _ 16.3 _ 19.8 ___ 56.6 _ 20.1 _ 80.0 __ 57.4 _13.2_ 70.6

1964 ____ 46.7 _ 15.7 _ 64.0 __ 00.5 _ 33.8 _ 38.6 ___ 53.1 _ 32.3 _ 88.9 __ 57.7 _10.2_ 67.8

1965 ____ 30.2 _ 55.4 _ 85.6 __ 45.2 _ 41.9 _104.6___ 12.8 _ 47.0 _ 55.9 __ 61.0 _10.4_ 72.6

1966 ____ 03.6 _ 70.9 _ 67.3 __ 21.3 _ 13.5 _ 38.1 ___ 45.5 _ 13.5 _ 59.4 __ 25.4 _24.6_ 50.0

1967 ____ 21.8 _ 49.0 _ 85.3 __ 13.5 _ 48.3 _ 48.0 ___ 03.6 _ 28.7 _ 29.0 __ 65.8 _16.3_ 76.7

1968 ____ 54.4 _ 51.1 _104.6__ 31.8 _ 07.6 _ 37.8 ___ 29.0 _ 39.9 _ 58.4 __ 31.5 __Tr _ 31.5

1969 ____ 45.0 _ 15.0 _ 58.2 __ 04.1 _ 14.0 _ 18.3 ___ 26.7 _ 09.9 _ 35.3 __ 80.3 __Tr _ 80.3

1970 ____ 05.3 _ 29.5 _ 35.1 __ 11.4 _ 15.5 _ 26.9 ___ 28.7 _ 16.3 _ 46.5 __ 80.5 _ 2.8 _ 85.3

1971 ____ 08.1 _ 33.5 _ 42.2 __ 47.0 _ 42.2 _ 89.2 ___ 05.6 _ 38.4 _ 48.8 __ 26.2 _ 1.3 _ 27.9

1972 ____ 12.2 _ 31.0 _ 42.7 __ 27.2 _ 47.5 _ 78.5 ___ 47.0 _ 40.9 _ 96.3 __ 49.8 _11.9_ 59.7

1973 ____ 25.9 _ 10.4 _ 35.3 __ 19.6 _ 24.9 _ 40.4 ___134.9_ 14.2 _149.1__ 52.6 _ 1.3 _ 53.8

1974 ____ 31.8 _ 30.5 _ 54.9 __ 23.9 _ 25.7 _ 43.7 ___ 40.4 _ 16.5 _ 55.1 __ 80.8 _ 0.8 _ 81.5

1975 ____ 42.2 _ 13.2 _ 52.1 __ 46.0 _ 29.0 _ 70.1 ___ 52.6 _ 26.4 _ 77.7 __ 47.0 _24.4_ 73.9

1976 ____ 15.5 _ 53.1 _ 65.0 __ 49.5 _ 04.8 _ 54.4 ___ 65.0 _ 37.8 _140.7__ 52.6 _10.2_ 62.7

1977 ____ 00.3 _ 70.8 _ 57.0 __ 21.8 _ 06.2 _ 27.0 ___ 63.0 _ 22.6 _ 86.4 __ 80.5 _ 1.9 _ 82.3

1978 ____ 37.4 _ 63.4 _ 90.6 __ 00.0 _ 28.3 _ 20.9 ___ 35.7 _ 11.4 _ 48.7 __ 62.4 _ 0.8 _ 63.2

1979 ____ 66.4 _ 55.4 _112.5__ 10.6 _ 26.2 _ 31.6 ___ 49.7 _ 01.2 _ 50.3 __ 80.2 _37.6_118.6

1980 ____ 35.8 _ 10.8 _ 44.4 __ 06.1 _ 14.9 _ 19.6 ___ 71.2 _ 38.1 _103.8__117.0_ 0.2 _117.2

1981 _____ Tr __ 27.0 _ 20.1 __ 59.4 _ 24.0 _ 80.2 ___ 14.0 _ 04.1 _ 16.4 __ 47.2 __Tr _ 47.2

1982 ____ 28.4 _ 69.3 _ 87.8 __ 09.4 _ 28.8 _ 39.2 ___ 45.8 _ 29.0 _ 74.2 __ 42.7 _ 7.0 _ 49.1

1983 ____ 29.6 _ 10.8 _ 39.8 __ 38.9 _ 09.6 _ 45.9 ___ 58.5 _ 18.6 _ 80.9 __ 87.5 _ 1.6 _ 89.1

1984 ____ 05.0 _ 43.7 _ 48.7 __ 40.0 _ 47.7 _ 87.7 ___ 37.3 _ 23.0 _ 60.3 __ 66.0 __Tr _ 66.0

1985 ____ 08.6 _ 42.4 _ 40.7 __ 39.8 _ 47.6 _ 86.1 ___ 64.3 _ 33.4 _107.7__ 28.6 _ 5.4 _ 33.8

1986 ____ 14.6 _ 25.0 _ 31.6 __ 21.0 _ 31.2 _ 51.4 ___ 46.2 _ 15.2 _ 61.4 __ 47.0 _ 2.4 _ 49.4

1987 ____ 04.4 _ 67.2 _ 62.2 __ 15.8 _ 12.4 _ 28.2 ___ 36.4 _ 25.5 _ 61.9 __ 50.4 _ 4.2 _ 56.6

1988 ____ 22.6 _ 13.4 _ 30.0 __ 21.2 _ 56.0 _ 71.8 ___ 21.6 _ 06.2 _ 26.8 __ 60.2 __Tr _ 60.2

1989 ____ 22.2 _ 12.6 _ 34.8 __ 05.8 _ 29.0 _ 24.2 ___ 19.4 _ 19.4 _ 38.3 __ 30.2 _ 7.4 _ 37.6

1990 ____ 23.6 _ 20.6 _ 44.8 __ 54.8 _ 38.8 _ 94.4 ___ 23.8 _ 07.8 _ 30.4 __ 55.8 _ 1.8 _ 56.7

1991 ____ 12.4 _ 32.8 _ 43.8 __ 04.6 _ 25.8 _ 28.6 ___106.6_ 11.0 _117.6__129.8_ 4.0_133.8

1992 ____ 31.8 _ 16.2 _ 43.0 __ 25.6 _ 10.2 _ 36.4 ___ 21.8 _ 12.6 _ 33.0 __109.6_ 1.0_110.4

1993 ____ 57.8 _ 37.8 _ 95.4 ___ Tr __ 50.6 _ 47.6 ___ 15.4 _ 28.2 _ 44.4 __ 68.8 _ 1.8 _ 70.6

1994 ____ 26.8 _ 75.4 _ 65.0 ___ Tr __ 33.2 _ 28.2 ___ 26.6 _ 28.8 _ 55.0 __ 79.0 _10.4_ 91.0

1995 ____115.0_ 25.2 _138.4__ 09.6 _ 14.2 _ 23.0 ___ 32.2 _ 04.6 _ 37.8 __ 72.2 _ 3.0 _ 75.4

1996 ____ 61.2 _ 19.0 _ 74.6 __ 30.8 _ 12.8 _ 44.2 ___ 10.4 _ 33.6 _ 44.4 __ 85.2 _19.8_106.2

1997 ____ 20.2 _ 57.0 _ 73.8 __ 70.8 _ 32.2 _ 94.2 ___ 33.6 _ 39.6 _ 80.8 __ 23.4 _ 4.0 _ 27.2

1998 ____ 70.6 _ 38.8 _106.0__ 46.6 _ 00.8 _ 47.8 ___ 70.4 _ 34.0 _101.2__ 48.6 _ 0.0 _ 48.6

1999 ____ 26.2 _118.4_130.2__ 27.2 _ 05.0 _ 32.8 ___ 04.0 _ 25.8 _ 31.0 __ 39.8 _ 7.0 _ 51.0

2000 ____ 16.2 _ 20.6 _ 28.4 __ 13.4 _ 37.8 _ 47.6 ___ 07.6 _ 11.8 _ 21.6 __ 75.4 _ 7.6 _ 84.2

2001 ____ 20.4 _ 15.2 _ 32.6 __ 67.4 _ 37.6 _105.0___ 16.4 _ 35.4 _ 40.4 __ 39.4 __ Tr_ 39.4

2002 ____ 18.6 _ 23.0 _ 45.2 __ 30.4 _ 06.0 _ 36.4 ___ 46.2 _ 15.0 _ 61.2 __ 94.6_16.6_111.2

2003 _____ Tr __ 55.6 _ 55.6 __ 27.0 _ 32.4 _ 59.4 ___ 13.8 _ 24.6 _ 38.4 __ 23.8 _ 9.8 _ 69.2

2004 ____ 07.4 _ 64.3 _ 70.5 __ 11.2 _ 15.5 _ 29.4 ___ 40.9 _ 08.9 _ 51.2 __ 71.2 __ Tr_ 71.2

2005 ____ 36.5 _ 27.8 _ 72.3 __ 42.0 _ 41.8 _ 91.8 ___ 09.6 _ 17.8 _ 26.4 __ 86.5 _19.4_105.9

2006 ____ 76.6 _ 07.6 _ 84.8 __ 58.4 _ 21.6 _ 79.4 ___ 51.8 _ 00.8 _ 52.8 __ 63.4 _ 0.4 _ 63.8

2007 ____ 28.5 _ 12.7 _ 47.2 ___Tr __ 37.8 _ 29.6 ___ 23.4 _ 15.1 _ 45.6 __ 37.9 _ 1.5 _ 39.4

2008 ____ 38.1 _ 23.3 _ 69.7 __ 39.3 _ 74.4 _133.4___ 33.6 _ 45.7 _ 88.4 __ 52.7 _ 0.0 _ 52.7

2009 ____ 07.0 _ 51.6 _ 69.7 __ 55.0 _ 09.0 _ 69.7 ___ 83.8 __ Tr __83.8 __121.8_ 2.0_123.8

2010 ____ 22.4 _ 10.0 _ 32.9 __ 01.0 _ 29.0 _ 39.2 ___ 62.0 _ 00.0 _ 62.0 __ 29.3 __ Tr__29.3

2011 ____ 05.0 _ 47.4 _ 37.9 __ 14.0 _ 35.4 _ 42.7 ___ 53.1 _ 25.4 _ 82.2 __ 90.9 _ 3.0 _ 93.9

2012 ____ 46.8 _ 19.3 _ 67.2 __ 19.2 _ 15.6 _ 34.1 ___ 36.0 __ Tr __ 36.0 __ 40.9 _ 0.0 _ 40.9

2013 ____ 62.3 _ 29.3 _ 91.6 __ 64.1 _ 63.2 _144.6___ 08.5 _ 05.9 _ 22.3 __109.5_ 0.9_110.4

2014 ____ 12.0 _ 33.3 _ 46.2 __ 27.2 _ 37.9 _ 58.0 ___ 08.8 _ 26.6 _ 30.7 __ 98.6 _ 2.9_102.9

2015 ____ 14.4 _ 20.9 _ 36.4 __ 00.0 _ 44.7 _ 41.6 ___ 16.3 _ 05.5 _ 23.1 __ 75.4 _ 1.0 _ 76.2

2016 ____ 36.9 _ 08.8 _ 44.7 __ 40.6 _ 14.9 _ 57.0 ___ 80.3 _ 20.2 _ 98.5 __ 46.8 _10.6_ 56.8

2017 ____ 60.7 _ 04.6 _ 64.5 __ 53.8 _ 23.6 _ 76.2 ___ 41.3 _ 05.0 _ 47.7 __111.2__Tr _111.2

2018 ____ 34.8 _ 25.0 _ 59.8 __ 37.0 _ 25.0 _ 62.0 ___ 18.3 _ 05.0 _ 23.3 __131.4_15.0_146.4

2019 ____ 11.4 _ 50.0 _ 61.4 __ 25.0 _ 43.0 _ 68.0 ___ 57.2 _ 10.0 _ 67.2 __ 82.3 __Tr __82.3

2020 ____ 91.3 _ 35.3_126.6 ___ 5.0 _ 57.0 _ 62.0 ___ 64.9 _ 05.0 _ 69.9 __ 56.3 _0.2 _ 56.5

2021 ____ 13.6 _ 18.6 _ 32.2 ___11.5 _ 27.9 _ 39.4 ___ 42.2 _ Tr __ 42.2 ___ 49.3 _5.2 _ 54.5

2022 _____ 2.9 _ 47.7 _ 50.6 ___40.0_34.1 _ 74.1 ___ 35.9 _20.0 __ 55.9 ___ 39.8 _ 5.0 _ 44.8

2023 ____ 46.2_ 29.5 _75.8 ___ 42.2_ 26.7_ 68.9 ___58.9 _41.7 _ 100.6 ___ 105.3 _0.2 _105.5

2024 ____ 64.2_ 25.4 _89.6 ___ 26.1 __ 6.6 _32.7 ___43.3 _10.0 _ 53.3 ___ 153.1 _ 0.2 _151.3

2025 _____ 2.0 _ 17.0 _ 19.0 ____ 4.0 _ 66.9 _70.9 __

avg all data 30.8 _38.6 _66.9 __ 25.4 _35.3 _ 59.8 ___ 39.3 _25.0 _63.8 __ 60.6 _ 7.0 _66.9

avg all data* 30.8_38.6_69.4__ 25.4 _35.3 _ 60.7 ___ 39.3 _25.0 _64.3 __ 60.6 _ 7.0 _67.6

*(all data would show these different precip values if the 10:1 ratio had been maintained after 1962)

_avg for_

1981-2010_ 29.4 _35.5 _ 60.7 __ 28.9 _ 28.4 _ 57.1 ___ 35.9 _ 19.2 _ 55.8 __ 62.3 _ 4.6 _ 68.3

1991-2020_ 36.9 _33.5 _ 67.2 __ 31.3 _ 29.6 _ 58.3 ___ 36.5 _ 17.9 _ 53.9 __ 73.2 _ 5.7 _ 79.4

avg for 1981-2010, 1991-2020 if similar protocols used to 1846-1962

1981-2010_29.4 _35.5 _ 64.9 __ 28.9 _ 28.4 _ 58.3 ___ 35.9 _ 19.2 _ 55.1 __ 62.3 _ 4.6 _ 66.9

1991-2020_36.9 _33.5 _ 70.4 __ 31.3 _ 29.6 _ 60.9 ___ 36.5 _ 17.9 _ 54.4 __ 73.2 _ 5.7 _ 78.9

(Note: The only month with a radically different precip total after 1962 would be March 1976 when a heavy fall of sleet on 1st-2nd added about 40 mm liquid equivalent that was not directly included in the reported rain or snow for those days. But there is no telling what an observer before the 1962-and-on protocols would have reported in that situation. In fact, there is no really easy way to tell what different amounts the earlier precip totals might have shown, as the observers then might have back-constructed snowfall from liquid equivalent (meaning they were actually using the same system for precip and it would be the snowfall amounts that were changed as a result). There were numerous mixed falls "back in the day" and one wonders how the observers actually came up with the numbers they recorded for rain and snow amounts, did they modify them to equal the melted amount in a rain gauge? I know first-hand the practical problems involved in coming up with accurate rain and snow components for a mixed storm having dealt with a number of them in my observing period. You have perhaps 2.35" of melted l.e., a wet 12" snow pack, so what was the rainfall, and how do you classify periods of ice pellets, sleet or other mixed forms that fell in the event? Thus I saw no point in trying to rank months any other way than the direct from table numbers method. (which will be relevant when I publish the ranking tables.)

Since constructing the table, I have estimated rainfalls for non-recorded months Oct 1844 to Mar 1845. In this portion of the table, the values for the months Jan to Mar 1845 would be as follows

1845 ____ 38.1_ 57.7 _ 95.8 __ 53.8 _ 48.3 _102.1___ 58.5 _ 07.1 _ 65.6


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Precip for May to September 1840 to 2024

Note: All precip is rainfall for June to September (there were two months of June and also of September with trace amounts of snow, those months have an * symbol beside precip values). For May there are a small number of cases with measurable amounts of snow. Some years in the 1840s had missing snowfall data and it is assumed that these had no measured amounts although for each of them a trace amount is assumed (because of cold average temps) so the notation for these missing months in the 1840s is Tr** Sep 1842 was cold enough to have had traces of snow at least.

** These Mays had no snowfall data and could have had at least trace amounts.

* These Junes or Septembers had trace amounts of snow

^ At least three days missing from Sep 1840, amount could be larger.

> Rainfall only measured 13th to 31st Aug 1844, total could be larger.

YEAR ___May rain snow prec __ June pr _ July pr _ Aug pr _Sep pr

1840 _____ 105.7 _Tr**_ 105.7 __ __ 123.4 __ 134.4 __ 73.9 __ 50.4^

1841 ______ 59.4 _Tr**__ 59.4 ___ __ 39.1 __ 206.8 _ 156.7 __ 84.6

1842 ______ 26.2 _Tr**__ 26.2 __ __ 145.8 ___ 77.5 __ 63.5__159.0

1843 ______ 39.9 _ 0.0 __ 39.9 __ __ 117.1 __ 117.1 _ 123.4 __248.2

1844 ______144.8_ 0.0 _144.8 ___ __ 89.9 ___ 71.9 _est79.1*__5.8 

1845 ______ 50.8 _ 0.0 __50.8 __ __ 110.7 ___ 52.8 __ 43.9__156.7 

1846 ______111.5 _ 0.0 _111.5 ___ __49.3 ___ 73.7 __ 45.5__117.1 

1847 ______ 52.3 _ 0.0 __52.3 ___ __ 67.3 ___ 85.3 __ 55.4__169.7

1848 ______ 63.5 _ 0.0 __63.5 ___ __ 47.2 ___ 48.5 __ 22.4 __ 79.2

1849 ______130.6_ 0.0 _130.6 ___ __ 51.3 ___ 86.9 _ 126.5 __ 38.1

1850 ______ 14.0 _ Tr __ 14.0 ___ __ 85.6 __ 134.4 _ 111.0 __ 44.5

1851 ______ 75.4 _ 1.3 __76.7 ___ __ 69.1 ___ 92.7 __ 35.1 __ 67.8

1852 ______ 29.0 _ 0.0 __29.0 ___ __ 80.8 __ 102.4 __ 69.3 __ 92.7

1853 ______113.5_ Tr __113.5 ___ __ 39.9 ___ 23.6 __ 65.8__130.8

1854 ______118.9 _ 0.0 _118.9 ___ __ 37.8 __ 122.9 __ 11.9__137.4

1855 ______ 65.3 _ 2.3 __ 67.6 __ __ 104.6 ___ 83.6 __ 37.6__143.0

1856 ______117.3_ Tr __ 117.3 ___ __ 82.3 ___ 29.2 __ 42.9__105.2

1857 ______106.2_ Tr __ 106.2 __ __ 129.8 ___ 88.9 _ 134.4 __ 67.6

1858 ______162.1 _ 0.0 _162.1 ___ __ 75.4 ___ 78.5 __ 99.3 __ 19.1

1859 ______ 87.6 _ 0.0 __87.6 __ __ 104.4*___ 66.5 _ 101.9 __ 90.4

1860 ______ 47.0 _ 0.0 __47.0 ___ __ 54.9 __ 110.7 __ 87.1 __ 50.0

1861 ______ 86.4 _ 1.3 __87.6 ___ __ 59.2 ___ 67.6 __ 76.2 __ 92.2

1862 ______ 36.8 _ 0.0 __36.8 ___ __ 26.2 __ 136.4 __ 88.6 __ 60.2

1863 ______ 85.9 _ 0.3 __86.1 ___ __ 43.2 ___ 87.6 __ 56.6 __ 31.8

1864 ______104.1 _ 0.0 _104.1___ __ 14.7 ___ 34.3 _ 129.3 __ 64.3

1865 ______102.4 _ 0.0 _102.4___ __ 51.1 ___ 63.0 __ 51.1 __ 62.7

1866 ______ 72.4 _ 0.0 __72.4 ___ __ 69.3 __ 137.9 _ 114.3__144.0

1867 ______ 82.6 _ Tr __ 82.6 ___ __ 22.6 ___ 50.3 __ 62.2 __ 31.2

1868 ______195.1 _ 0.0_195.1___ __ 56.6 ___ 13.2 __ 39.9__108.5

1869 ______ 71.4 _ Tr __ 71.4 __ __ 112.0 __ 117.3 __109.0__102.4

1870 ______ 29.2 _ 0.0 __29.2 __ __ 205.5 ___ 48.3 __ 87.4__173.0 

1871 ______ 58.4 _ 0.0 __58.4 ___ __ 85.1 ___ 32.3 __ 71.1 __ 33.0

1872 ______ 49.3 _ 0.0 __49.3 ___ __ 80.0 ___ 58.4 __ 61.2 __ 64.3

1873 ______ 56.1 _ 0.0 __56.1 ___ __ 17.5 ___ 49.0 __ 49.0 __ 76.7

1874 ______ 38.1 _ 0.0 __38.1 ___ __ 45.7 ___ 85.1 ___ 9.7 __ 39.4

1875 ______ 75.9 _ 7.9 __83.8 ___ __ 46.5 ___ 46.0 __ 47.8 __ 71.6

1876 ______ 82.0 _ 0.0 __82.0 ___ __ 40.4 ___ 83.6 ___ Tr ___ 62.7

1877 ______ 34.5 _ 0.0 __34.5 ___ __ 22.9 ___ 69.3 __ 80.5 __ 10.7

1878 ______ 66.0 _ 0.0 __66.0 ___ __ 48.5 __ 143.3 _ 180.1__195.6

1879 ______ 32.3 _ 0.0 __32.3 ___ __114.3 ___ 66.3 __ 55.1 __ 75.7

1880 ______102.4 _ Tr __102.4___ __ 90.4 ___ 89.7 _ 111.5__ 76.5

1881 ______ 56.6 _ 0.0 __56.6 ___ __ 65.3 ___ 47.0 __ 38.6 __ 23.1

1882 ______ 91.2 _ 0.0 __91.2 ___ __ 67.1 ___ 27.2 __ 64.0 __ 53.1

1883 ______109.2 _ 0.0 _109.2 __ __ 126.5__ 141.7 __ 46.5 __ 60.5

1884 ______ 57.7 _ 0.3 __57.9 ___ __ 56.1 ___ 53.8 __ 54.1 __ 81.3

1885 ______ 56.1 _ 1.3 __57.4 __ __ 106.7___ 53.6 __ 99.8 __ 92.2

1886 ______ 62.0 _ 0.0 __62.0 ___ __ 48.8 ___ 62.7 __ 66.8 __ 97.5

1887 ______ 20.6 _ 0.0 __20.6 ___ __ 67.6 ___ 16.8 __ 50.8 __ 30.7

1888 ______ 21.6 _ 0.3 __21.8 __ __ 101.3___ 21.8 __ 73.9 __ 83.8

1889 ______ 80.3 _ 0.0 __80.3 ___ __ 90.7 ___ 83.1 __ 10.9 __ 52.8

1890 ______ 66.5 _ 0.0 __66.5 __ __ 124.2__ 104.6 __ 77.0 __ 47.0

1891 ______ 12.7 _ 0.8 __13.5 ___ __ 77.5 ___ 55.1 _ 122.9 __ 43.4

1892 ______ 88.6 _ 0.0 __88.6 ___ __147.6___ 63.8 _ 101.6 __ 79.2

1893 ______ 98.0 _ 0.0 __98.0 ___ __ 46.5 ___ 57.7 _ 146.3 __ 32.0

1894 ______238.5 _ 0.0 _238.5___ __ 27.7 ___ 40.9 ___ 9.7__139.2

1895 ______ 58.7 _ Tr __ 58.7 ___ __ 19.1 ___ 63.8 __ 76.7 __ 62.5

1896 ______ 62.2 _ 0.0 __62.2 ___ __ 28.2 ___ 55.6 __ 29.0__129.5

1897 ______ 76.7 _ 0.0 __76.7 ___ __ 74.9 __ 133.4 __ 57.7 __ 10.2

1898 ______ 58.7 _ 0.0 __58.7 ___ __ 49.5 ___ 17.8 __ 27.4 __ 70.9

1899 ______ 83.6 _ 0.0 __83.6 ___ __ 17.0 ___ 25.9 ___ 6.9__131.1

1900 ______ 25.4 _ 0.0 __25.4 ___ __ 61.7 ___ 69.6 __ 69.9 __ 36.6

1901 ______ 88.6 _ 0.0 __88.6 ___ __ 52.6 ___ 85.9 __ 98.6 __ 77.5

1902 ______ 48.3 _ 0.0 __48.3 ___ __ 90.7 __ 110.7 __ 60.5 __ 85.3

1903 ______ 45.5 _ 0.3 __45.7 ___ __ 84.6 __ 110.5 __ 93.2 __ 10.4

1904 ______ 96.5 _ 0.0 __96.5 ___ __ 70.4 __ 130.3 _ 116.1__101.3

1905 ______ 82.0 _ 0.0 __82.0 ___ __ 81.0 __ 119.9 _ 107.2 __ 43.9

1906 ______ 63.8 _ 0.0 __63.8 ___ __ 98.3 ___ 86.6 __ 46.5 __ 93.2

1907 ______ 45.0 _ 4.1 __49.0 ___ __ 53.8 ___ 51.6 __ 27.7__121.9

1908 ______117.6_ 0.3 _117.9 ___ __ 75.4 ___ 74.4 __ 71.9 __ 33.0

1909 ______ 94.5 _ 2.0 __96.5 ___ __ 30.7 ___ 88.4 __ 33.8 __ 49.8

1910 ______ 69.9 _ 0.0 __69.9 ___ __ 27.4 ___ 99.1 __ 77.7__101.1

1911 ______ 50.5 _ 0.5 __51.1 ___ __ 38.6 ___ 66.5 __ 61.5 __ 65.3

1912 ______150.1 _ 0.3 _150.4___ __ 44.5 ___ 49.5 _ 101.1 __ 83.6

1913 ______ 26.7 _ 0.0 __26.7 ___ __ 34.5 ___ 67.8 __ 57.9 __ 24.9

1914 ______ 38.4 _ 0.0 __38.4 ___ __ 55.1 ___ 25.4 _ 132.3 __ 39.4

1915 ______ 40.9 _ 0.0 __40.9 ___ __ 34.0 __ 114.6 _ 206.8__107.7

1916 ______142.2 _0.0 _142.2__ __ 109.5 ____ 9.1 __ 39.9 __ 42.4

1917 ______ 70.1 _ Tr __ 70.1 __ __ 127.3 ___ 91.2 _ 113.0 __ 16.8

1918 ______ 67.3 _ 0.0 __67.3 ___ __ 99.8 ___ 43.9 _ 105.4__118.1*

1919 ______130.8_ 0.0 _130.8 ___ __ 69.1 ___ 81.3 __ 55.1 __ 48.5

1920 _______ 9.9 _ 0.0 ___9.9 ___ __ 73.7 ___ 92.5 __ 25.7 __ 50.8

1921 ______ 48.0 _ 0.0 __48.0 ___ __ 54.6 ___ 67.6 __ 52.6 __ 32.3

1922 ______ 37.1 _ 0.0 __37.1 __ __ 125.0 ___ 75.4 __ 37.3 __ 75.9

1923 ______ 90.4 _ 3.8 __94.2 __ __ 107.7 ___ 43.7 __ 90.9 __ 67.8

1924 ______112.3 _ Tr __112.3___ __ 44.2 __ 106.2 __ 99.8__107.4

1925 ______ 31.0 _ Tr __ 31.0 ___ __ 53.3 ___ 99.3 __ 52.8 __ 97.3

1926 ______ 32.8 _ Tr __ 32.8 ___ __ 88.1 ___ 45.0 _ 155.4__145.3

1927 ______ 81.5 _ 0.0 __81.5 ___ __ 64.0 __ 149.1 __ 37.3 __ 28.2

1928 ______ 18.3 _ 0.0 __18.3 __ __ 100.8 __ 143.3 _ 126.7 __ 72.4

1929 ______ 95.5 _ 0.3 __95.8 ___ __ 36.8 __ 112.5 __ 49.3 __ 19.8

1930 ______ 70.4 _ 0.0 __70.4 ___ __ 61.7 ___ 78.7 __ 22.6 __ 71.9

1931 ______ 48.0 _ 0.0 __48.0 ___ __ 54.9 ___ 78.7 __ 53.3 __ 55.4

1932 ______ 81.0 _ 0.0 __81.0 ___ __ 25.4 ___ 90.4 _ 105.9 __ 77.2

1933 ______ 28.4 _ 0.0 __28.4 ___ __ 46.7 ___ 38.9 __ 61.2 __ 34.3

1934 ______ 11.9 _ 0.0 __11.9 ___ __ 69.9 ___ 40.1 __ 25.7__107.7

1935 ______ 43.2 _ Tr __ 43.2 ___ __ 86.9 ___ 91.2 __ 11.4 __ 81.3

1936 ______ 18.3 _ 0.0 __18.3 ___ __ 73.9 ___ 19.6 __ 44.5 __ 73.7

1937 ______ 73.7 _ 0.0 __73.7 ___ __ 92.5 ___ 74.2 __ 73.4 __ 35.3

1938 ______ 54.6 _ Tr __ 54.6 ___ __ 37.8 ___ 66.5 __ 52.3__101.1

1939 ______ 37.8 _ 0.0 __37.8 ___ __ 48.5 ___ 43.7 _ 105.9 __ 64.0

1940 ______127.3 _ 0.0 _127.3___ __ 94.7 ___ 41.1 __ 67.6 __ 93.7

1941 ______ 57.9 _ 0.0 __57.9 ___ __ 40.1 __ 122.2 __ 49.3 __ 21.3

1942 ______172.5 _0.0 _172.5 ___ __ 33.8 __ 145.5 __ 29.5 __ 92.7

1943 ______116.3 _0.0 _116.3 ___ __ 74.2 ___ 76.5 __ 62.2 __ 35.8

1944 ______ 97.5 _ 0.0 __97.5 __ __ 109.7 ___ 79.8 __ 35.6 __ 54.1

1945 ______137.2 _ Tr _ 137.2 ___ __ 97.8*___74.4 __ 55.1__158.5

1946 ______107.4 _ 0.0 _107.4___ __ 52.1 ___ 93.0 __ 48.5 __ 39.6

1947 ______ 85.3 _ 0.5 __85.9 __ __ 115.1 __ 143.3 __ 59.9 __ 45.5

1948 ______ 67.1 _ Tr __ 67.1 __ __ 103.1 ___ 33.3 __ 22.6 __ 56.4

1949 ______ 10.4 _ 0.0 __10.4 ____ __ 1.5 ___ 79.8 __ 36.3 __ 86.9

1950 ______ 26.4 _ 0.0 __26.4 ___ __ 56.4 __ 110.0 __ 98.3 __ 19.8

1951 ______ 31.0 _ 0.0 __31.0 ___ __ 99.8 __ 100.3 __ 41.4 __ 37.3

1952 ______ 82.6 _ Tr __ 82.6 ___ __ 27.7 ___ 77.7 __ 47.0 __ 39.4

1953 ______110.7_ 0.0 _110.7___ __ 45.5 ___ 70.1 __ 50.5 __ 96.8

1954 ______ 21.8 _ Tr __ 21.8 ___ __ 86.1 ____7.4 __ 97.0 __ 49.0

1955 ______ 65.5 _ 0.0 __65.5 ___ __36.3 ___ 70.4 _ 128.0 __ 29.7

1956 ______119.4 _ Tr _119.4 ___ __ 41.4 ___ 84.3 _ 150.9 __ 47.2*

1957 ______ 77.0 _ 0.0 __77.0 ___ __ 92.2 ___ 53.3 __ 40.6__126.2

1958 ______ 27.2 _ Tr __ 27.2 ___ __ 55.6 ___ 63.8 _ 108.0 __ 98.6

1959 ______ 38.9 _ 0.5 __39.4 ___ __ 19.8 ___ 31.2 __ 34.3 __ 99.8

1960 ______134.4 _ 0.0 _134.4___ __ 61.7 __ 111.3 __ 31.2 ___ 7.9

1961 ______ 67.3 _ Tr ___67.3 __ __ 109.5 __ 111.8 __ 50.3 __ 38.1

1962 ______ 29.0 _ 0.0 __29.0 ___ __ 65.8 ___ 96.5 __ 36.3__154.7

1963 ______ 72.1 _ 1.8 __73.9 ___ __ 21.1 ___ 63.5 __ 77.2 __ 42.2

1964 ______ 41.7 _ 0.0 __41.7 ___ __ 44.5 __ 126.0 _ 137.7 __ 10.2

1965 ______ 41.1 _ 0.0 __41.1 ___ __ 37.8 ___ 68.6 __ 67.8 __ 58.7

1966 ______ 49.0 _ 1.3 __50.3 ___ __ 61.2 ___ 20.8 __ 62.7 __ 62.0

1967 ______ 63.0 _ 0.5 __63.5 __ __ 146.1 ___ 81.3 __ 44.5 __ 79.0

1968 ______101.1 _0.0 _101.1 ___ __ 74.7 ___ 41.9 _ 167.1 __ 76.7

1969 ______ 72.6 _ 0.0 __72.6 ___ __ 44.2 ___ 78.7 __ 52.3 __ 16.5

1970 ______ 56.1 _ 0.0 __56.1 ___ __ 35.6 __ 107.4 __ 98.6 __ 53.1

1971 ______ 27.2 _ 0.0 __27.2 ___ __ 45.5 ___ 59.9 __ 91.2 __ 36.8

1972 ______ 47.8 _ 0.0 __47.8 ___ __ 74.4 ___ 82.8 __ 91.4 __ 81.0

1973 ______ 89.2 _ 0.0 __89.2 ___ __ 73.4 ___ 73.7 __ 14.2 __ 55.6

1974 ______144.3_ 0.0 _144.3 __ __ 133.6 ___ 29.5 __ 58.9 __ 53.1

1975 ______ 76.5 _ 0.0 __76.5 ___ __ 58.7 ___ 71.6 __ 95.5 __ 77.7

1976 ______ 86.1 _ Tr __ 86.1 ___ __ 83.6 ___ 92.7 __ 31.2 __ 76.2

1977 ______ 25.0 _ 0.0 __25.0 ___ __ 90.2 __ 139.4 _ 123.6__157.3

1978 ______ 58.3 _ Tr __ 58.3 ___ __ 22.0 ___ 41.2 __ 74.8__131.0

1979 ______ 67.2 _ 0.0 __67.2 ___ __ 45.2 ___ 76.8 __ 49.8 __ 40.0

1980 ______ 48.1 _ 0.0 __48.1 ___ __ 85.2 ___ 87.0 __ 39.6 __ 55.2

1981 ______ 72.2 _ 0.0 __72.2 ___ __ 59.6 ___ 63.0 _ 166.2__112.8

1982 ______ 66.5 _ 0.0 __66.5 __ __ 129.4 ___ 48.1 _ 113.5__112.6

1983 ______117.2_ 0.0 _117.2 ___ __ 29.6 ___ 19.3 _ 103.1 __ 44.3

1984 ______100.0 _ Tr _ 100.0 ___ __ 53.7 ___ 44.0 __ 56.8 __ 81.3

1985 ______ 76.8 _ 0.0 __76.8 ___ __ 41.8 ___ 47.2 _ 118.0 __ 64.6

1986 ______ 71.6 _ 0.0 __71.6 ___ __ 81.2 ___ 87.6 _ 191.7__217.8

1987 ______ 58.4 _ 0.0 __58.4 ___ __ 70.2 ___ 73.6 __ 57.2 __ 96.4

1988 ______ 37.2 _ 0.0 __37.2 ___ __ 16.6 ___ 81.2 __ 53.2 __ 79.2

1989 ______ 82.4 _ Tr __ 82.4 __ __ 105.8 ___ 46.0 __ 48.6 __ 70.0

1990 ______ 89.2 _ 0.0 __89.2 ___ __ 69.2 ___ 69.6 _ 101.6 __ 51.2

1991 ______ 60.2 _ 0.0 __60.2 ___ __ 35.0 __ 101.2 __ 83.6 __ 68.8

1992 ______ 74.6 _ 0.0 __74.6 ___ __ 35.4 __ 101.6 _ 109.8__113.0

1993 ______ 57.8 _ 0.0 __57.8 __ __ 125.0 ___ 91.6 __ 43.6 __ 67.0

1994 ______ 90.4 _ 0.0 __90.4 ___ __ 33.6 ___ 52.4 __ 63.8 __ 54.8

1995 ______ 77.2 _ 0.0 __77.2 ___ __ 55.2 ___ 50.2 _ 129.4 __ 33.2

1996 ______ 92.4 _ 0.0 __92.4 __ __ 126.2 __ 123.2 __ 47.4__202.4

1997 ______ 62.4 _ 0.0 __62.4 ___ __ 55.8 ___ 37.8 __ 85.4 __ 52.8

1998 ______ 59.2 _ 0.0 __59.2 ___ __ 83.6 ___ 54.8 __ 32.0 __ 49.0

1999 ______ 47.0 _ 0.0 __47.0 ___ __ 64.8 ___ 35.4 __ 77.4__100.6

2000 ______135.2 _ Tr _ 135.2 __ __ 162.2 ___ 42.0 __ 35.2 __ 65.2

2001 ______127.8 _0.0 _127.8 ___ __ 57.4 ___ 49.8 __ 49.8 __ 68.0

2002 ______ 94.0 _ Tr __ 94.0 ___ __ 53.8 ___ 87.0 __ 16.0 __ 58.6

2003 ______135.8 _0.0 _135.8 ___ __ 84.8 ___ 49.7 __ 38.5 __ 75.4

2004 ______ 89.0 _ 0.0 __89.0 ___ __ 44.6 ___ 70.6 __ 49.4 __ 33.2

2005 ______ 11.6 _ 0.0 __11.6 ___ __ 29.0 ___ 44.4 __ 86.8 __ 67.6

2006 ______ 75.3 _ 0.0 __75.3 ___ __ 89.9 __ 120.8 __ 32.4 __ 84.6

2007 ______ 53.1 _ 0.0 __53.1 ___ __ 30.3 ___ 80.4 __ 29.8 __ 31.5

2008 ______ 58.7 _ 0.0 __58.7 ___ __104.2 __ 121.1 __ 81.4 __ 66.2

2009 ______ 59.0 _ 0.0 __59.0 ___ __ 65.2 __ 119.5 _ 113.3 __ 33.4

2010 ______ 38.0 _ 0.0 __38.0 __ __ 157.0 ___ 82.5 __ 90.0 __ 77.1

2011 ______116.4 _ 0.0 _116.4___ __ 52.8 ___ 21.9 __ 66.9 __ 94.7

2012 ______ 41.8 _ 0.0 __41.8 ___ __ 79.8 ___ 88.7 __ 79.4__119.8

2013 ______100.4 _0.0 _100.4 __ __ 112.6 __ 191.1 __ 90.5 __ 61.6

2014 ______ 46.9 _ 0.0 __46.9 ___ __ 95.6 ___ 80.0 __ 44.4 __ 90.2

2015 ______ 50.1 _ 0.0 __50.1 __ __ 183.9 ___ 18.3 __ 48.6 __ 61.0

2016 ______ 24.8 _ 0.0 __24.8 ___ __ 35.7 ___ 51.1 __ 53.7 __ 63.5

2017 ______162.3 _0.0 _162.3 ___ __ 81.7 ___ 57.8 __ 24.4 __ 26.9

2018 ______ 53.1 _ 0.0 __53.1 ___ __ 60.2 ___ 56.8 _ 169.5 __ 63.5

2019 ______ 99.9 _ 0.0 __99.0 __ __106.0 ___ 73.7 __ 54.0 __ 35.6

2020 ______ 52.6 _ 1.0 __53.6 ___ __51.2 ___ 78.2 __ 96.7 __ 48.5

2021 _______ 20.7 _ Tr __ 20.7 ___ __79.8 ___103.4 __11.6 __138.6

2022 _______ 28.6 _ 0.0 __28.6 ___ _60.9 ___ 58.8 __ 64.5 _ 60.8

2023 _______ 47.9 _ 0.0 __47.9 ___ _103.2___ 98.2 __ 45.9 _ 11.9

2024 _______ 62.0 _ 0.0 __62.0 ___ _ 79.9 _ 199.0 __ 66.1 _ 57.6


___ (May only R___ S ___ Prec) __ JUN ___ JUL __ AUG __ SEP

avg all data _71.7 _ 0.2 _ 71.9 ___  70.3 ___76.0 __ 71.7 __ 73.7

avg 81-10 __ 75.5 _ Tr __ 75.5 ___ 71.5 ___ 69.9 __ 76.8 __ 77.8

avg 91-20 __ 74.9 _ Tr __ 74.9 ___ 78.4 ___74.5 __ 67.4 __ 68.9


* Aug 1-12 1844 data missing, 51.1 mm fell 13th-31st, est 28 mm for 1-12.

total for month est 79.1 mm. ... estimate based on maps recently added to

wetterzentrale source and temp trends. ... the addition is close to the average

amount for that interval. 



Precip data for Oct, Nov and Dec, and annual totals 1840 to 2022

(see Jan to Apr post earlier for information about protocols in use for adding rain, snow --

to 1962 a 10:1 ratio always used, from 1963 to 2017, liquid equivalent of snow was used, then back to the 10:1 ratio for 2017 to 2019 in these months ...)

"no d" is short for no data available (applies to snowfall 1840-41 for these months, and to some rainfall data in late 1844. ... The annual rainfall total for 1840 applies to March to December, no data recorded in Jan-Feb 1840. Since all snowfall missing in 1841 and 1842, precip for these years is shown as a rough estimate based on average amounts of snow in similar temperature cases. (e = estimate). The first half of 1842 with the missing snowfall was very mild and only 30 cm was allotted to add to 70 cm later in the year. There are no rain or precip totals for 1844 or 1845 due to substantial missing rainfall data. What does appear suggests these were wet years like 1842 and 1843 had been. (incomp = incomplete). Estimates have been attempted from recently published NOAA maps and temperature data, These appear at bottom of table. 

>>> Data in mm for rain and precip, cm for snowfall (recorded in inches to 1976)

* 1840 total rainfall March to December only

^ Nov 1989 precip 93.8 contains apparent error as noted in data file (probably 100-105).

YEAR_O rain,snow,prec _N rain,snow,prec _D rain,snow,prec _YR rain, snow, prec

1840 _ 48.0_no d_>48.0__31.0_no d_>31___ 0.0_no d_ unk _ 695.8* no d  unk

1841 _ 34.3_no d_>34.3__62.2_no d_>62__167.4_no d_>167_929.1 180e 1109e 

1842 _131.3_no d_131.3_134.9_no d_>135__ 22.4_no d_>25_1088.9 100e 1189e 

1843 _ 97.0_ 6.4 _103.4__116.8_ 3.0_119.9__26.4_20.6_47.0_1104.3 168.3 1272.7 

1844 _ no d_30.5_ unk __no d _20.3 _ unk __no d _10.7_unk_ incomp 185.7 unk

1845 _ 45.0_ 0.0 _ 45.0__ 28.4 _12.7_ 41.1 __ 0.0 _11.9_11.9_ incomp 141.5 unk

1846 _ 32.8_ 0.0 _ 32.8 _113.5 __1.0_114.6_ 37.6_15.2_52.8_ 724.0 157.6 881.8

1847 _112.3_ Tr _112.3__ 81.0 __Tr _ 81.0_ 30.2_17.3_47.5_ 816.9 126.6 943.3

1848 _ 39.9_ 0.0 _ 39.9__ 51.8 __3.6_55.4 _ 70.1_41.9_112.0_567.6 116.8 684.4

1849 _151.9_0.0 _151.9_ 71.9 __2.5 _74.4 __21.6_24.4_46.0_ 822.1 109.2 931.3

1850 _ 53.1_ 0.0 _ 53.1__ 75.2 __Tr _ 75.2 __04.8_74.9_79.8_ 725.6 178.0 903.6

1851 _ 42.9_ 0.8 _ 43.7__ 98.8 _17.0_115.8 __27.7_27.2_54.9_ 687.0 :97.6 784.6

1852 _134.6_0.0_134.6 _ 45.5 __5.1_ 50.5 _101.6_51.1_152.7 797.6 260.5 1058.0

1853 _ 22.6_ Tr __ 22.6__ 62.2 __6.9_ 69.1 __16.0_56.6_72.6_ 602.7 135.1 737.8

1854 _ 39.4_ 0.0 _ 39.4__ 30.5 __3.3_ 33.8 __19.1_43.7_62.7_ 718.8 125.8 844.5

1855 _ 65.5_ 2.0 _ 67.6__116.8 __7.6_124.5 _ 47.5_74.9_122.4 813.0 251.2 1064.3

1856 _ 22.9_ 0.3 _ 23.1__ 35.8 _24.1_ 59.9 __ 45.7_41.4_87.1_ 552.9 166.3 719.1

1857 _ 26.9_ 0.5 _ 27.4__ 83.1 _17.5_100.6 __82.0_22.9_104.9_850.5 187.5 1037.9

1858 _ 46.2_ Tr __ 46.2__ 99.1 _10.2_109.0 __ 42.4_26.4_68.8_ 718.1 115.4 833.1

1859 _ 24.1_ Tr __ 24.1_ 132.3 __1.5_133.9__26.4_95.0_121.4_851.3 164.8 1016.1

1860 _ 41.9_ Tr __ 41.9__ 65.5 __4.8_ 70.4 __ 34.8_34.3_69.1_ 600.7 115.9 716.5

1861 _ 51.3_ Tr __ 51.3__109.7__ 8.1 _117.9 __ 14.2_ 17.3 _31.5 _ 691.7 189.9 881.8

1862 _ 69.1_ 1.3 _ 70.4__ 56.4 _13.5_ 69.9 __ 49.5_26.4_75.9_ 653.7 217.0 870.7

1863 _ 64.5_ 0.0 _ 64.5__ 93.2 __0.3_ 93.5 __ 75.4_18.0_93.5_ 678.4 159.9 838.3

1864 _ 85.1_ Tr __ 85.1__ 96.5 _11.4_ 108.0__52.3_ 68.8_121.2_755.2 189.4 944.8

1865 _ 69.6_11.4_ 81.0__ 24.9 __2.8_ 27.7 __ 44.2_13.2_57.4_ 679.8 160.8 840.6

1866 _ 63.2_ Tr __ 63.2__ 75.7 __5.6_ 81.3 __71.1_39.4_110.5_874.4 132.4 1006.8

1867 _ 50.8_ 0.0 _ 50.8__ 47.0 __2.3_ 49.3 __ 36.1_34.5_70.6_ 487.9 280.6 768.6

1868 _ 35.1_ 5.1 _ 40.1__ 131.3_10.9_ 142.2___ 0.3_39.4_39.6_ 674.5 200.0 874.2

1869 _ 24.6_ 5.8 _ 30.5__ 64.8 _25.9_ 90.7 __66.0_18.0_84.1_795.2 214.8 1010.3

1870 _ 68.8_ 0.0 _ 68.8__ 15.0 __7.9_ 22.9 __61.7_40.4_102.1_862.9 312.3 1175.2

1871 _ 30.5_ Tr __ 30.5__ 67.6 _11.4_ 79.0 __23.9_36.1_59.9_ 579.9 252.9 832.8

1872 _ 83.6_ Tr __ 83.6__ 10.9 __3.3_ 14.2 __ 9.9_96.5_106.4_473.3 171.4 644.6

1873 _ 54.9_ 0.5 _ 55.4__ 13.0 _49.8_ 62.7__25.4_48.8_74.2_ 515.6 289.1 804.6

1874 _ 36.1_ Tr __ 36.1__ 23.9 _29.7_ 53.6 ___1.3_28.2_29.5_ 446.9 171.9 618.8

1875 _ 61.5_ 9.7 _ 71.1__ 25.4 _19.8_ 45.2 __ 41.7_47.5_ 89.2_ 483.1 273.1 756.2

1876 _ 36.6_ 0.3 _ 36.8__ 44.5 _23.1_ 67.6 ___0.0_92.7_92.7_ 535.8 288.1 823.7

1877 _ 67.1 _ 0.0 _ 67.1__138.7__4.1 _142.7 __ 12.7__0.8_13.5_ 557.3 :94.8 652.0

1878 _ 83.6_ Tr __ 83.6__86.6 _13.5_100.1__59.7_44.2_103.9 1103.6 129.5 1233.2

1879 _ 28.2_ 0.3 _ 28.4__82.3 _29.5_111.8__64.8_48.3_113.0_ 572.6 174.0 746.5

1880 _ 83.1_ 6.9 _ 89.9__ 56.6 _10.7_ 67.3 __12.2_16.3_28.4_ 786.2 111.9 897.9

1881 _ 97.5_ Tr __ 97.5__ 65.3 _17.8_ 83.1 __52.3_10.9_63.2_ 539.9 146.2 686.2

1882 _ 29.2_ 0.0 _ 29.2__ 35.3 _19.3_ 54.6 __30.7_40.1_70.9_ 524.3 107.9 632.4

1883 _ 24.6_ Tr __ 24.6__ 53.1 __9.7_ 62.7 ___8.9_28.2_37.1_ 654.6 213.4 867.8

1884 _ 36.1_ 2.0 _ 38.1__ 45.5 _13.2_ 58.7 __50.0_32.8_82.8_ 523.3 204.1 727.2

1885 _ 95.0_ 2.0 _ 97.0__ 48.8 __5.8_ 54.6 __27.2_23.1_50.3_ 670.8 166.6 837.4

1886 _ 66.3_ Tr __ 66.3__ 55.1 _12.2_ 67.3 ___9.1_41.9_51.1_ 705.8 186.6 892.6

1887 _ 41.1_ 0.3 _ 41.4__ 52.1 _19.3_ 71.4 __48.8_37.8_86.6_ 458.1 198.0 655.9

1888 _ 67.3_ 0.8 _ 68.1__ 68.8 __9.9_ 78.7 __15.2__5.8_21.1_ 580.7 :88.0 668.7

1889 _ 47.5_ 0.5 _ 48.0__ 69.1 _21.6_ 90.7 _114.6__9.9_124.5_626.5 168.8 795.4

1890 _125.7_0.0 _ 125.7 _ 86.6 __4.8_ 91.4 ___0.8_48.5_49.3_ 817.6 133.6 951.1

1891 _ 43.4_ 0.0 _ 43.4__ 81.3 __9.1_ 90.4 __62.7_10.7_73.4_ 680.9 121.5 802.4

1892 _ 34.8_ 0.0 _ 34.8__ 39.4 _16.0_ 55.4 __23.4__8.1_31.5_ 643.9 107.2 751.2

1893 _ 91.7_ 0.0 _ 91.7 __ 68.3 __7.6_ 75.9 __ 69.6_47.5_117.1_792.5 217.5 1009.8

1894 _ 60.2_ 0.0 _ 60.2___ 4.8 _10.7_ 15.5 __48.3__5.6_53.8_ 657.2 :95.9 753.1

1895 _ 22.1_ 4.3 _ 26.4__103.1__5.3_108.5__94.0_13.2_107.2_574.2 139.1 713.4

1896 _ 50.3_ 4.8 _ 55.1__ 66.5 __8.6_ 75.2 ___ 8.9_15.2_24.1_ 555.8 186.2 742.1

1897 _ 36.8_ 0.0 _ 36.8__ 94.2 _12.2_106.4__59.2_33.8_93.0_ 707.0 120.5 827.3

1898 _146.6_Tr__146.6__ 37.1 _39.6_ 76.7 __18.0_46.7_64.8_ 606.1 181.0 787.2

1899 _115.8_0.0 _115.8__ 24.1 __1.8_ 25.9 __54.4_10.2_64.5_ 656.7: 80.9 737.3

1900 _ 54.1_ 0.0 _ 54.1__ 77.5 _22.1_ 99.6 __15.5__5.6_21.1_ 564.2 189.3 753.7

1901 _ 14.7_ 0.0 _ 14.7__ 33.8 __ 8.1_ 41.9 __ 56.6_35.1_91.7_ 641.9 179.6 821.5

1902 _ 70.9_ Tr __ 70.9__ 24.9 _18.3_ 43.2 __38.4_18.0_56.4_ 664.3 124.9 789.2

1903 _ 67.6_ 3.0 _ 70.6__ 25.7 __6.6_ 32.3 __26.7_24.1_50.8_ 653.5 126.9 780.3

1904 _ 61.5_ 1.5 _ 63.0___ 2.0 __0.8__ 2.8 __18.8_18.0_36.8_ 763.8 143.4 907.3

1905 _ 88.6_ Tr __ 88.6__ 38.1 __7.1_ 45.2 __42.4_15.5_57.9_ 656.6 137.9 794.6

1906 _107.2_7.1_114.3__ 40.9 __2.0_ 42.9 __ 39.1_32.5_71.6_ 691.9 :95.6 787.7

1907 _ 50.3_ 0.0 _ 50.3__ 87.1 __2.3_ 89.4__76.7_50.5_127.3_672.5 132.0 804.6

1908 _ 25.7_ Tr __ 25.7__ 31.5 __9.4_ 40.9 ___9.9_42.4_52.3_ 551.9 197.6 749.6

1909 _ 28.7_ 0.3 _ 29.0__ 79.8 __5.8_ 85.6 __37.8_29.5_67.3_ 661.8 175.6 837.3

1910 _ 56.6_ Tr __ 56.6__ 40.4 _24.4_ 64.8 ___5.3_38.9_44.2_ 676.1 180.6 856.9

1911 _ 87.9 _ 3.0 _ 90.9__ 80.3 _17.0 _ 97.3 __ 51.6_21.1 _72.6_ 609.1 133.6 742.7

1912 _ 59.7_ Tr __ 59.7__ 55.1 __5.6 _ 60.7 __ 31.0_16.0_47.0_ 652.8 174.5 827.3

1913 _ 62.5_ Tr __ 62.5__ 95.5 __2.0_ 97.5 __12.2_14.2_26.4_ 636.1 :95.5 731.7

1914 _ 39.4_ Tr __ 39.4__ 64.0 __8.4_ 72.4 ___5.8_38.6_44.5_ 503.2 188.7 692.1

1915 _ 55.6_ 0.0 _ 55.6__ 40.6 __7.4_ 48.0 __19.6_44.5_64.0_ 720.2 162.9 882.9

1916 _100.1 _0.0 _100.1 __ 25.7 _16.3_ 41.9 __ 19.6_32.0_51.6_ 644.5 170.9 815.4

1917 _121.2 _0.5_121.7 __ 26.9 __5.3_ 32.3 ___2.5_58.4_61.0_ 719.7 156.6 876.5

1918 _ 72.4_ 0.0 _ 72.4__ 29.5 __7.4_ 36.8 __43.2_38.1_81.3_ 711.9 162.8 874.7

1919 _ 75.7_ 0.0 _ 75.7__ 40.4 __1.0_ 41.4 ___ 1.0_ 24.4_25.4_ 684.3: 72.9 757.2

1920 _ 92.7_ 0.8 _ 93.5__ 66.5 _27.7_ 94.2 __48.0_29.2_77.2_ 571.6 189.1 760.6

1921 _113.3 _0.0_ 113.3 __ 17.8 _19.1_ 36.8 __43.9_17.3_61.2_ 608.5: 87.7 696.0

1922 _ 24.4_ Tr __24.4__ 24.1 _13.5_ 37.6 __14.0_30.0_43.9_ 612.1 128.2 740.0

1923 _ 41.9_ 0.3 _ 42.2__ 78.7 __5.1_ 83.8 __62.7_14.0_76.7_ 671.3 180.8 851.8

1924 _ 15.7_ 0.0 _ 15.7__ 21.3 __2.8_ 24.1 __30.2_29.2_59.4_ 666.5 194.6 861.0

1925 _ 56.1_10.7_ 66.8__ 92.2 __4.3_ 96.5 ___9.1_20.1_29.2_ 642.5 132.9 775.3

1926 _ 81.3_ 0.3 _ 81.5__ 95.5 __1.8_ 97.3 ___8.9_27.7_36.6_ 803.9 157.8 961.7

1927 _ 55.6_ 0.0 _ 55.6__105.2 _10.2_115.3__66.8_7.6_74.4_ 677.0 103.6 780.7

1928 _ 74.7_ Tr __ 74.7__105.9 __2.3_108.2__26.4__4.3_30.7_ 812.8: 85.2 897.8

1929 _ 62.0_ 0.0 _ 62.0__ 81.5 __2.8_ 84.3 ___1.8_56.4_58.2_ 801.6 138.3 939.8

1930 _ 47.0_ 0.5 _ 47.5__ 15.0 __2.3_ 17.3 __ 13.2_16.3_29.5_ 545.8 108.8 654.6

1931 _ 50.5_ 0.0 _ 50.5__ 60.5 __1.5_ 62.0 __60.2_16.0_76.2_ 542.3 151.8 694.1

1932 _ 54.4_ 0.8 _ 55.1__ 73.9 _19.8_ 93.7 __52.1__8.4_60.5_ 779.8 160.8 940.4

1933 _ 57.4_ Tr __ 57.4__ 36.3 _37.3_ 73.7 __27.7_46.2_73.9_ 485.5 119.8 605.4

1934 _ 33.3_ 0.5 _ 33.8__ 78.7 __Tr _ 78.7 __ 22.9_40.1_63.0_ 518.0 109.1 627.1

1935 _ 39.9_ Tr __ 39.9__ 79.5 __1.3_ 80.8 __15.2_ 37.3_52.6_ 561.3 119.4 680.9

1936 _ 61.5_ 0.8 _ 62.2__ 20.8 _12.2_ 33.0 __66.0_19.6_85.6_ 541.8 169.2 711.1

1937 _ 69.3_ 0.5 _ 69.9__ 45.7 __Tr _ 45.7 __ 19.3_23.6_42.9_ 773.3: 61.8 835.0

1938 _ 26.2_ 0.0 _ 26.2__ 32.5 __4.3_ 36.8 __20.8_35.8_56.6_ 557.0: 94.4 651.4

1939 _ 48.0_ Tr __ 48.0___ 8.1 __ Tr ___ 8.1 __ 24.1 __ 7.4 _31.5_ 526.7 177.0 703.7

1940 _ 44.5_ Tr __ 44.5__ 80.0 _42.2_122.2 __84.6_11.9_96.5_ 730.8 168.2 898.9

1941 _ 95.0_ Tr __ 95.0 __ 56.6 __ Tr _ 56.6 __ 21.8_16.0_37.8_ 543.9 111.3 655.2

1942 _ 73.4_ Tr __ 73.4__ 54.4 _14.5_ 68.8__ 68.6_37.1_105.7_842.9 125.2 968.0

1943 _ 78.7_ 0.0 _ 78.7__ 40.4 __4.1_ 44.5 __ 10.4__2.8_13.2_ 689.3 139.7 829.0

1944 _ 13.2_ 0.0 _ 13.2__ 38.4 _10.7_ 49.0__ 10.9_92.5_103.4_573.4 206.3 779.6

1945 _ 65.0_ Tr __ 65.0__ 47.2 _12.7_ 59.9 __ 38.6_18.5_57.2_909.5 121.3 1030.9

1946 _ 87.1_ 0.0 _ 87.1__ 37.3 _13.0_ 50.3 __ 39.9_24.1_64.0_ 593.3 153.1 746.5

1947 _ 28.4_ 0.0 _ 28.4__ 31.8 _13.0_ 44.7 __26.2_34.5_60.7_ 664.3 182.3 846.6

1948 _ 66.8_ Tr __ 66.8__ 83.8 __Tr _ 83.8  __21.8_42.2_64.0_ 588.3 144.4 732.6

1949 _ 46.2_ Tr __ 46.2__ 29.0 _22.6_ 51.6 __66.5_10.9_77.5_ 502.5 119.6 622.1

1950 _100.6_0.0 _100.6_  43.7 _57.2_100.8 __23.4__3.6_26.9_ 650.3 204.9 854.9

1951 _ 50.5_ 0.0 _ 50.5__ 66.5 _34.0_100.6 __24.1_71.1_95.3_ 720.5 178.5 899.1

1952 _ 15.0 _ 2.3 _ 17.3__ 88.4 __Tr _ 88.4 __ 33.0__9.1_42.2_ 581.0: 84.2 665.1

1953 _ 21.3_ 0.0 _ 21.3__ 29.2 _16.8_ 46.0 __31.8_14.5_46.2_ 629.7: 66.7 696.2

1954 _154.9_0.0 _154.9_ 46.5 __2.8_ 49.3 __37.6_24.1_61.7_ 711.6 131.3 842.9

1955 _125.2_Tr __125.2_ 45.2 __6.1 _ 51.3 __ 16.8_44.7_61.5_ 666.2 149.8 816.0

1956 _ 28.2_ 0.0 _ 28.2__ 33.0 __7.6_ 40.6 __41.7_22.1_63.8_ 701.1 152.7 853.7

1957 _ 64.3_ Tr __ 64.3__ 54.6 __0.5_ 55.1 __71.4_11.9_83.3_ 730.7 115.3 846.0

1958 _ 32.8_ 0.0 _ 32.8__ 63.2 _28.2_ 91.4 ___1.8_25.4_27.2_ 535.1 120.8 655.8

1959 _ 83.3_ Tr __ 83.3__ 57.4 _15.5_ 72.9 __ 77.7_21.3_99.1_ 638.5 149.0 787.7

1960 _ 65.3_ Tr __ 65.3__ 50.5 __1.8_ 52.3 ___ 6.9_14.7_21.6_ 618.9 190.7 809.6

1961 _ 13.5_ Tr __ 13.5__ 56.4 __3.8_ 60.2 __ 26.9_15.2_42.2_ 652.3 132.8 785.3

1962 _ 77.7_ 2.0 _ 79.8__ 71.1 __ 1.8_ 72.9 __ 36.1_24.4_55.1_ 655.1 124.7 774.0

1963 __ 9.1_ 0.0 __ 9.1__ 78.7 __ 1.3_ 80.0 ___ 5.6_49.5_52.1_ 486.0 121.8 611.9

1964 _ 48.8_ Tr __48.8__ 37.6 __3.3_ 42.2 __36.6_23.9_65.8_ 641.1 119.2 776.2

1965 _113.5_ 1.3 _ 115.1 __78.0 __3.6_ 82.0 __47.5_15.0_62.5_ 662.1 174.6 852.3

1966 _ 15.2_ 0.0 _ 15.2_ 137.7 __9.4_147.1 __69.9_20.3_90.9_ 574.3 153.5 725.0

1967 _ 68.8_ 0.0 _ 68.8__ 49.3 __2.3_ 51.1 __70.6_ 16.0_88.6_ 707.3 161.1 861.9

1968 _ 46.2_ Tr __ 46.2__ 93.2 __7.6_100.8 __34.3_50.5_96.5_ 781.9 156.7 937.3

1969 _ 51.3_12.2 _ 63.5__ 72.4 __3.8_ 76.2 __34.3_34.3_68.6_ 578.4: 89.2 664.7

1970 _ 86.1_ Tr __ 86.1__ 42.9 __4.6 _ 47.8 __18.8_67.8_84.6 _ 624.5 136.5 763.1

1971 _ 51.1 _ 0.0 _ 51.1__ 31.2 _ 14.7_ 47.2 __ 66.5_33.8_100.3_496.3 163.9 667.3

1972 _ 85.1_ Tr __ 85.1__ 57.4 _14.2_ 75.2 __60.5_49.5_112.8_716.6 195.0 927.7

1973 _136.9_0.0 _136.9__ 80.0 __3.0_ 82.8 __36.3_58.4_83.1_ 792.3 112.2 887.5

1974 _ 28.4_ Tr __28.4__ 62.2 __1.5_ 63.8 __22.6_27.4_45.2_ 709.5 102.4 792.0

1975 _ 38.4_ 0.0 _ 38.4__ 45.0 __0.8_ 45.7__46.7_64.0_100.8_697.9 157.8 838.7

1976 _ 46.2_ Tr __ 46.2___ 9.9 __3.0_ 12.4 __13.2_40.9_44.2_ 621.7 149.8 795.4

1977 _ 60.6_ 0.0 _ 60.6__127.5__5.8_133.3__68.4_67.6_127.7_957.6 174.9 1109.8

1978 _ 38.2_ Tr __ 38.2__ 51.0 _13.4_ 61.1 __52.6_14.2_66.8_ 604.6 131.5 716.8

1979 _ 75.5_ Tr __ 75.5__ 77.8 __0.8_ 78.6__93.3_56.3_134.1_732.5 177.5 880.2

1980 _ 81.6_ 0.0 _ 81.6__ 32.4 _10.9_ 43.9 __36.3_28.3_59.3_ 695.5 103.2 784.9

1981 _123.4_Tr__123.4__ 52.6 _ Tr __ 52.6 __22.8_24.8_50.8_ 793.2: 79.9 864.5

1982 _ 36.1_ 0.0 _ 36.1__109.8__2.6_ 112.0__ 53.8_29.8_78.8_ 796.1 166.5 947.3

1983 _ 86.8_ 0.0 _ 86.8__ 85.1 _18.3_103.4__ 69.0_34.3_103.3_768.9: 93.2 862.7

1984 _ 22.8_ 0.0 _ 22.8__ 69.6 __0.2_ 69.8 __39.1_24.0_63.1_ 615.6 138.6 754.2

1985 _ 61.0_ 0.0 _ 61.0__ 171.8_13.8_ 186.2__ 16.0_27.4_36.8_ 738.5 170.0 900.7

1986 _ 56.2_ 0.0 _ 56.2__ 35.6 _14.4_ 52.0__80.5_23.0_108.1_951.0 111.2 1060.0

1987 _ 47.0_ 0.0 _ 47.0__ 84.2 __7.0_ 92.2 __51.4__9.8_60.8_ 645.4 126.1 764.7

1988 _ 79.0_ Tr __ 79.0__ 68.8 __Tr  _ 68.8 __28.4_18.8_43.2_ 569.2: 94.4 647.2

1989 _100.0_0.2 _100.2__88.6 _15.0 _93.8^___4.2_42.2_35.2_ 623.2 125.8 716.9

1990 _ 96.8_ 0.0 _ 96.8__ 47.0 __0.6_ 47.6 _101.6_30.0_131.9_784.2: 99.6 883.4

1991 _ 53.2_ Tr __ 53.2__ 46.0 _17.8_ 63.8 __19.2_38.6_57.8_ 720.6 130.0 847.4

1992 _ 77.4_ 0.0 _ 77.4__100.8__7.2_115.2__ 25.4_37.4_64.0_ 826.8: 84.6 913.8

1993 _ 76.4_ Tr __ 76.4__ 78.4 __1.8_ 80.4 __25.2__2.8_27.6_ 707.0 123.0 827.4

1994 _ 33.4_ 0.0 _ 33.4__ 67.0 __4.0_ 71.0 __32.2_24.4_56.0_ 560.0 176.2 694.6

1995 _131.2_ 0.0_ 131.2__108.8_31.2_143.0___ 8.4_26.4_35.8_ 822.6 104.6 929.8

1996 _ 75.8_ Tr __75.8__ 22.4 _10.0_ 30.8__81.0_31.6_109.6_958.4 126.8 1077.2

1997 _ 34.2_ 1.2 _ 35.6__ 40.6 _29.0_ 73.8 __23.2_11.8_34.2_ 540.2 174.8 713.8

1998 _ 22.8_ 0.0 _ 22.8__ 38.6 _ Tr __ 38.6 __37.6__6.0_44.8_ 613.8: 79.6 688.4

1999 _ 64.4_ 0.0 _ 64.4__ 76.0 __1.2_ 77.2 __30.4__3.8_34.8_ 593.2 161.2 746.6

2000 _ 20.0_ Tr __ 20.0__ 53.0 __1.2_ 54.2 __11.4_76.2_77.8_ 636.8 155.2 773.6

2001 _118.6_ Tr _ 118.6 __ 70.0 _ Tr __ 70.0 __ 36.8_10.8_47.4_ 721.8: 99.0 806.2

2002 _ 39.0_ 0.0 _ 39.0__ 54.6 _26.6_ 81.2 __18.2_13.5_31.7_ 611.0 100.7 715.3

2003 _ 48.4_ 0.0 _ 48.4__131.8__7.0_138.2__52.5_14.4_67.2_ 681.5 143.8 860.6

2004 _ 22.8_ 0.0 _ 22.8__ 72.5 _ Tr __ 72.5 __53.0_32.6_87.4_ 565.8 121.3 691.8

2005 _ 46.0_ 0.0 _ 46.0__ 89.2 __8.0_ 99.2 __18.2_32.0_55.2_ 567.4 146.8 736.2

2006 _138.4_Tr _138.4__ 98.0 _ Tr __ 98.0 __59.0__0.8_59.6_ 948.6: 31.2 979.8

2007 _ 51.4_ 0.0 _ 51.4__ 72.9 __7.0_ 81.3__ 65.1_64.3_133.7_504.3 133.4 653.3

2008 _ 42.5_ 0.0 _ 42.5__ 86.0 __6.0_ 92.2__46.0_59.9_110.9_769.8 210.9 1021.4

2009 _ 81.1 _ 0.0 _ 81.1 __ 37.0 _ Tr __ 37.0 __ 84.4__7.2_90.1_ 860.5: 69.8 945.6

2010 _ 68.0_ 0.0 _ 68.0__ 71.8 __1.0_ 72.8 __ 14.9_12.1_23.0_ 714.0: 52.1 771.8

2011 _111.8_ 0.0 _ 111.8 __ 91.9 __ 1.0_ 92.9 __ 57.4_10.0_67.4_ 776.8 122.2 881.5

2012 _127.2_ 0.0_ 127.2__ 26.0 __0.8_ 26.8 __ 57.8_23.9_81.9_ 763.4: 59.6 823.6

2013 _101.8_ 0.0_ 101.8__ 34.5 __2.4_ 36.4__ 47.8_48.5_70.3_984.7 150.2 1133.6

2014 _ 72.8_ 0.0 _ 72.8__ 37.9 _10.0_ 49.7 ___5.6_22.0_29.4_ 620.0 132.7 746.8

2015 _ 86.0_ 0.0 _ 86.0__ 31.7 __0.4_ 33.1 __33.5__4.8_43.5_ 619.2: 77.3 701.8

2016 _ 29.4_ 0.0 _ 29.4__ 40.8 __1.2_ 44.2 __31.4_42.6_73.8_ 535.0: 98.3 633.2

2017 _ 49.2_ 0.0 _ 49.2__ 53.0 __0.2_ 53.2 __12.3_25.0_37.3_ 734.6: 58.4 792.4

2018 _ 63.4_ Tr __ 63.4__100.6_15.0_ 115.6__ 52.1_10.0_62.1_ 840.7: 95.0 935.7

2019 _141.2_ 0.0_ 141.2__ 22.2 _16.0_ 38.2 __ 50.0_30.0_80.0_ 758.5 149.0 907.5

2020 _ 53.0_ 0.0 _ 53.0 __ 47.1 _19.0_ 66.1 __29.5_29.8_59.3_ 674.3 147.3 821.6

2021 _103.9_ 0.0 _103.9 __ 30.8 _10.0 _40.8 __40.0_19.3_59.3_ 672.4  81.0 753.4

2022 _ 32.0_ Tr _ 32.0 ___55.0 _15.0 _70.0 __107.9_20.0_127.9 587.1 141.8 728.9

2023 _ 41.8_ Tr _ 41.8 ____47.1 _ 5.0 _52.1 ___ 72.4 _ 4.5 _76.9 _721.0 107.7 828.7

2024 _ 21.6 _0.0 _21.6 ___42.7 _ 0.2 _ 42.9__ 54.8_16.8_ 71.6 870.4  59.2  929.6

avg all data 

_____ 62.8 _ 1.2 _ 64.0 __ 60.9 _10.5 _70.4 _ 38.3_29.7_67.1_ 679.4 145.1 819.5

avg 81-10 

_____ 65.1 _ 0.1 _ 65.2 __ 74.3 __7.6 _82.3 _ 40.7_25.7_65.8_ 706.7 121.0 826.4


avg 91-20 

_____ 69.4 _ 0.1 _ 69.4 __ 63.4 __8.9 _71.6 _ 37.7_25.1_62.2_ 708.1 117.2 826.1

Since the table was published, I have estimated rainfalls for Oct to Dec 1844 and since Jan to Mar 1845 also added, have estimated total annual rainfalls for these two years. The 1844 estimate includes addition of 28.0 mm for missing Aug 1-12 data. These are the estimates: 

(Jan to Mar 1845 appear in the earlier table for those months)

1844 _ 85 1_30.5_115.6__36.9 _20.3 _57.2 __44.5 _10.7_55.2_ 747.8 185.7 933.5

1845 _ 45.0_ 0.0 _ 45.0__ 28.4 _12.7_ 41.1 __ 0.0 _11.9_11.9_ 722.8 141.5  864.3




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Ranking Rainfall by Months -- ranks for precipitation also for June to September


184 years are ranked for Jan to June (1844 and 1845 incomplete data have some estimated monthly values) .. ranks are driest to wettest. The 185th grouping will be March-June 2024 and Jan-Feb 2025. These will be shown after the first half of the year ranking table. 

The incomplete value for August 1844 is ranked with an adjustment, and is probably within 10-20 ranks. 51.1 mm fell 13th to 31st, and 28 mm estimated for 1-12.  

The author estimated values for these missing months Oct 1844-Mar 1845, from newly reconstructed weather maps and other clues, and these six months are now placed in the tables in their appropriate locations with asterisks to remind readers that the values are estimates only. The median value (92) has changed to 92nd driest and 92nd wettest after Feb 2024.  

For both January to June and July to December data with 184 full years, rank reverses after 92: 92nd driest, then 92nd wettest, median is between these.

Tied values are listed from earliest (top) to latest (bottom). 

Trace amounts are grouped as a class higher than 0.0 mm.

... because no measurable snow fell in any June, July, Aug or Sep, these ranks are also

the ranks for total precip for those months. (May and Oct are similar but listed separately).

Otherwise, precip ranks are shown in later tables, after the snowfall rankings.



RANK_Jan _amt __Feb _amt __Mar _amt __ Apr _ amt ___May _amt __Jun _amt

01 __1852_ 0.0 __ 1841_ 0.0__ 1856_ 0.0__ 1881 _ 2.0__ 1920_ 9.9 __ 1949_ 1.5

02 __1856_ 0.0 __ 1846_ 0.0__ 1889_ 0.0__ 1848_12.4__ 1949_10.4__ 1864_14.7

03 __1920_ 0.0 __ 1856_ 0.0__ 1883_ 1.3__ 1894_16.0__ 2005_11.6__ 1988_16.6

04 __1945_ 0.0 __ 1873_ 0.0__ 1915_ 2.5__ 1879_17.5__ 1934_11.9__ 1899_17.0

05 __1857_ Tr ___ 1877_ 0.0__ 1912_ 2.8__ 1884_17.5__ 1891_12.7__ 1873_17.5

06 __1867_ Tr ___ 1901_ 0.0__ 1967_ 3.6__ 1935_18.5__ 1850_14.0__ 1895_19.1

07 __1868_ Tr ___ 1916_ 0.0__ 1932_ 3.8__ 1896_18.8__ 1928_18.3__ 1959_19.8

08 __1875_ Tr ___ 1934_ 0.0__ 1999_ 4.0__ 1946_21.1__ 1936_18.3__ 1963_21.1

09 __1918_ Tr ___ 1978_ 0.0__ 1960_ 4.6__ 1927_23.1__ 1887_20.6__ 1978_22.0

10 __1925_ Tr ___ 2015_ 0.0__ 1885_ 5.3__ 1872_23.4__ 2021_20.7__ 1867_22.6

11 __1981_ Tr ___ 1858 _ Tr __ 1971_ 5.6__ 1997_23.4__ 1888_21.6__ 1877_22.9

12 __2003_ Tr ___ 1895 _ Tr __ 2000_ 7.6__ 2003_23.8__ 1954_21.8__ 1932_25.4

13 __1977_ 0.3 __ 1993 _ Tr __ 1962_ 8.1__ 1966_25.4__ 2016_24.8__ 1862_26.2

14 __1961_ 0.5 __ 1994 _ Tr __ 2013_ 8.5__ 1868_25.7__ 1977_25.0__ 1910_27.4

15 __1963_ 0.5 __ 2007 _ Tr __ 1857_ 8.6__ 1882_25.7__ 1900_25.4__ 1894_27.7

16 __1877_ 0.8 __ 1920_ 0.3__ 1905_ 8.6__ 1971_26.2__ 1942_26.2__ 1952_27.7

17 __1879_ 1.3 __ 1923_ 0.3__ 2014_ 8.8__ 1905_27.4__ 1950_26.4__ 1896_28.2

18 __1902_ 1.5 __ 1940_ 0.3__ 2005_ 9.6__ 1985_28.6__1913_26.7__ 2005_29.0

19 __1948_ 2.8 __ 1947_ 0.3__ 1895_ 9.9__ 1962_29.0__ 1958_27.2__ 1983_29.6

20__2022_ 2.9 __ 1912_ 0.5__ 1996_10.4__ 1949_29.2__ 1981_27.2__ 2007_30.3

21 __1862_ 3.0 __ 1964_ 0.5__ 1965_12.8__ 2010_29.3__ 1933_28.4__ 1909_30.7

22 __1966_ 3.6 __ 1924_ 0.8__ 1890_13.0__ 1942_30.0__ 2023_28.6__ 1994_33.6

23 __1883_ 3.8 __ 1868_ 1.0__ 1924_13.0__ 1925_30.2__ 1852_29.0__ 1942_33.8

24 __1884_ 4.1 __ 1871_ 1.0__ 1892_13.5__ 1930_30.2__ 1962_29.0__ 1915_34.0

25 __1958_ 4.1 __ 2010_ 1.0__ 2003_13.8__ 1989_30.2__ 1870_29.2__ 1913_34.5

26 __1987_ 4.4 __ 1905_ 1.5__ 1981_14.0__ 1875_31.2__ 1925_31.0__ 1991_35.0

27 __1881_ 4.6 __ 1963_ 2.0__ 1937_14.5__ 1892_31.2__ 1951_31.0__ 1992_35.4

28 __1984_ 5.0 __ 1907_ 3.8__ 1910_14.7__ 1874_31.5__ 1879_32.3__ 1970_35.6  

29 __2011_ 5.0 __ 1929_ 4.1__ 1941_14.7__ 1968_31.5__ 1926_32.8__ 2016_35.7

30 __1892_ 5.1 __ 1969_ 4.1__ 1993_15.4__ 1915_31.8__ 1877_34.5__ 1955_36.3

31 __1970_ 5.3 __ 1869_ 4.3__ 1887_15.5__ 1938_31.8__ 1862_36.3__ 1929_36.8

32 __1872_ 5.6 __ 1931_ 4.6__ 1958_15.5__ 1860_32.8__ 1922_37.1__ 1854_37.8

33 __1943_ 6.1 __ 1991_ 4.6__ 1843_16.0__ 1941_33.0__ 1988_37.2__ 1938_37.8

34 __1921_ 6.9 __ 1862_ 4.8__ 1867_16.0__ 1846_33.3__ 1939_37.8__ 1965_37.8

35 __2009_ 7.0 __ 1911_ 4.8__ 2015_16.3__ 1918_33.8__ 2010_38.0__ 1911_38.6

36 __1853_ 7.4 __ 1921_ 4.8__ 2001_16.4__ 1841_34.5__ 1874_38.1__ 1841_39.1

37 __2004_ 7.4 __ 2020_ 5.0__ 1863_17.5__ 1888_34.8__ 1914_38.4__ 1853_39.9 

38 __1939_ 7.6 __ 1944_ 5.8__ 1872_17.8__ 1958_35.3__ 1959_38.3__ 1941_40.1

39 __1923_ 7.9 __ 1989_ 5.8__ 2018_18.3__ 1889_35.6__ 1843_39.9__ 1876_40.4

40 __1946_ 8.1 __ 1849_ 6.1__ 1850_19.1__ 1899_36.6__ 1915_40.9__ 1956_41.4 

41 __1971_ 8.1 __ 1980_ 6.1__ 1870_19.3__ 1911_36.6__ 1965_41.1__ 1985_41.8

42 __1985_ 8.6 __ 1879_ 7.1__ 1989_19.4__ 1895_37.1__ 1964_41.7__ 1863_43.2

43 __1931_ 9.4 __ 1885_ 7.1__ 1851_19.6__ 2007_37.9__ 2012_41.8__ 1924_44.2

44 __1914_10.7__ 1889_ 7.4__ 1988_21.6__ 1906_38.1__ 1935_43.2__ 1969_44.2

45 __1865_11.2__ 1917_ 7.6__ 1847_21.8__ 1844_38.9__ 1907_45.0__ 1912_44.5 

46 __1956_11.4__ 1941_ 8.1__ 1940_21.8__ 1931_39.1__ 1903_45.5__ 1964_44.5

47 __2019_11.4__ 1953_ 8.6__ 1992_21.8__ 2001_39.4__ 2014_46.9__ 2004_44.6

48 __1900_11.9__ 1872_ 8.9__ 1957_22.1__ 1999_39.8  1860_47.0__ 1979_45.2

49 __2014_12.0__ 1927_ 9.1__ 1916_22.4__ 2023_39.8__ 1999_47.0__ 1953_45.5

50 __1922_12.2__ 1982_ 9.4__ 1949_22.4__ 1887_40.9__ 1972_47.8__ 1971_45.5

51 __1972_12.2__ 1995_ 9.6__ 1860_22.9__ 2012_40.9__ 2023_47.9__ 1874_45.7

52 __1927_12.4__ 1864_10.2__ 1908_23.4__ 1898_41.9__ 1921_48.0__ 1875_46.5

53 __1991_12.4__ 1979_10.6__ 2007_23.4__ 1861_42.2__ 1931_48.0__ 1893_46.5

54 __1904_13.2__ 1962_10.7__ 1858_23.6__ 1858_42.7__ 1980_48.1__ 1933_46.7

55 __1926_13.2__ 1844_11.2__ 1875_23.6__ 1866_42.7__ 1902_48.3__ 1848_47.2

56 __1855_13.5__ 1906_11.2__ 1990_23.8__ 1982_42.7__ 1966_49.0__ 1878_48.5 

57 __1893_13.5__ 2004_11.2__ 1880_24.4__ 1908_43.9__ 1872_49.3__ 1939_48.5

58 __2021_13.6__ 1970_11.4__ 1869_25.1__ 1897_44.2__ 2015_50.1__ 1886_48.8

59 __1866_13.7__ 2021_11.5__ 1918_25.1__ 1932_44.5__ 1911_50.5__ 1846_49.3

60 __2015_14.4__ 1859_11.9__ 1935_25.9__ 1857_45.0__ 1845_50.8__ 1898_49.5

61 __1986_14.6__ 1875_11.9__ 1994_26.6__ 1876_46.0__ 1847_52.3__ 1865_51.1

62 __1908_15.5__ 1913_11.9__ 1923_26.7__ 1914_46.2__ 2020_52.6__ 2020_51.2

63 __1919_15.5__ 1843_12.2__ 1928_26.7__ 1900_46.5__ 2007_53.1__ 1849_51.3

64 __1976_15.5__ 1870_13.2__ 1969_26.7__ 2016_46.8__ 2018_53.1__ 1946_52.1 

65 __1905_16.0__ 2000_13.4__ 1853_27.4__ 1975_47.0__ 1938_54.6__ 1901_52.6

66 __2000_16.2__ 1967_13.5__ 1879_27.7__ 1986_47.0__ 1873_56.1__ 2011_52.8

67 __1938_16.8__ 1847_14.0__ 1931_27.7__ 1981_47.2__ 1885_56.1__ 1925_53.3

68 __1903_17.0__ 2011_14.0__ 1950_28.4__ 1928_48.3__ 1970_56.1__ 1984_53.7 

69 __1955_17.3__ 1914_15.0__ 1970_28.7__ 1998_48.6__ 1881_56.6__ 1907_53.8

70 __1861_17.5__ 1942_15.2__ 1968_29.0__ 2021_49.3__ 1884_57.7__ 2002_53.8

71 __1888_17.5__ 1898_15.5__ 1947_29.2__ 1948_49.5__ 1993_57.8__ 1921_54.6 

72 __2002_18.6__ 1892_15.7__ 1841_29.5__ 1972_49.8__ 1941_57.9__ 1860_54.9

73 __1860_18.8__ 1987_15.8__ 1909_30.0__ 1907_50.0__ 1871_58.1__ 1931_54.9

74 __1887_19.1__ 1894_16.0__ 1939_30.0__ 1987_50.4__ 1978_58.3__ 1914_55.1

75 __1944_19.1__ 1852_16.5__ 1946_30.5__ 1852_50.8__ 1987_58.4__ 1995_55.2

76 __1901_19.8__ 1955_17.0__ 1933_31.0__ 1855_52.3__ 1895_58.7__ 1958_55.6  

77 __1940_20.1__ 1936_17.3__ 1894_31.5__ 1912_52.3__ 1898_58.7__ 1997_55.8 

78 __1997_20.2__ 1893_19.1__ 1914_31.5__ 1923_52.6__ 2008_58.7__ 1884_56.1 

79 __2001_20.4__ 2012_19.2__ 1876_31.8__ 1973_52.6__ 2009_59.0__ 1950_56.4 

80 __1897_20.6__ 1973_19.6__ 1891_32.0__ 1976_52.6__ 1998_59.2__ 1868_56.6

81 __1871_21.8__ 1848_19.8__ 1961_32.0__ 2008_52.7__ 1841_59.4__ 2001_57.4

82 __1967_21.8__ 1910_20.3__ 1995_32.2__ 1883_52.8__ 1991_60.2__ 1975_58.7

83 __1954_22.1__ 1861_20.8__ 1917_33.3__ 1890_53.6__ 1886_62.0__ 1861_59.2

84 __1989_22.2__ 1865_20.8__ 1906_33.5__ 1952_53.6__ 1896_62.2__ 1981_59.6

85 __1909_22.4__ 1986_21.0__ 1997_33.6__ 1950_54.1__ 1997_62.4__ 2018_60.2

86 __2010_22.4__ 1866_21.1__ 2008_33.6__ 1870_54.6__ 1967_63.0__ 2023_60.9

87 __1912_22.6__ 1988_21.2__ 1938_33.8__ 1902_54.6__ 1848_63.5__ 1966_61.2

88 __1988_22.6__ 1966_21.3__ 1896_34.5__ 1944_54.9__ 1906_63.8__ 1900_61.7

89 __1869_22.9__ 1935_21.8__ 1911_34.8__ 1867_55.1__ 1855_65.3__ 1930_61.7

90 __1885_23.4__ 1977_21.8__ 1874_35.3__ 1940_55.1__ 1955_65.5__ 1960_61.7

91 __1990_23.6__ 1956_22.1__ 1901_35.3__ 1885_55.6__ 1878_66.0__ 1927_64.0 

92 __1941_23.9__ 1902_23.4__ 1978_35.7__ 1990_55.8__ 1890_66.5__ 1999_64.8

92 __1936_24.1__ 1952_23.4__ 2023_35.9__ 1924_55.9__ 1982_66.5__ 2009_65.2 

91 __1894_24.4__ 1974_23.9__ 2012_36.0__ 2020_56.3__ 1948_67.1__ 1881_65.3

90 __1934_25.9__ 1880_24.4__ 1987_36.4__ 1863_56.6__ 1979_67.2__ 1962_65.8

89 __1973_25.9__ 1926_24.9__ 1955_37.1__ 1886_57.2__ 1918_67.3__ 1882_67.1

88 __1999_26.2__ 2019_25.0__ 1984_37.3__ 1862_57.4__ 1961_67.3__ 1847_67.3

87 __1994_26.8__ 1896_25.1__ 1884_37.6__ 1963_57.4__ 1910_69.9__ 1887_67.6

86 __1952_26.9__ 1933_25.1__ 1855_38.1__ 1964_57.7__ 1917_70.1__ 1851_69.1 

85 __1895_27.2__ 1992_25.6__ 1959_38.6__ 1877_57.9__ 1930_70.4__ 1919_69.1

84 __1873_28.2__ 1883_25.7__ 1849_39.1__ 1891_58.4__ 1869_71.4__ 1990_69.2

83 __1982_28.4__ 1954_25.7__ 1882_39.6__ 1851_58.9__ 1986_71.6__ 1866_69.3 

82 __2007_28.5__ 1888_25.9__ 1934_40.4__ 1947_59.4__ 1963_72.1__ 1934_69.9

81 __1863_29.0__ 2024_26.1__ 1974_40.4__ 1988_60.2__ 1981_72.2__ 1987_70.2

80 __1953_29.5__ 1853_26.4__ 2004_40.9__ 1965_61.0__ 1866_72.4__ 1904_70.4

79 __1983_29.6__ 1945_26.4__ 1840_41.1__ 1934_61.5__ 1969_72.6__ 1973_73.4

78 __1858_29.7__ 2003_27.0__ 1893_41.1__ 1926_61.7__ 1937_73.7__ 1920_73.7

77 __1864_29.7__ 1972_27.2__ 1900_41.1__ 1978_62.4__ 1992_74.6__ 1936_73.9

76 __1957_29.7__ 1999_27.2__ 2017_41.3__ 1943_62.5__ 2006_75.3__ 1943_74.2

75 __1849_30.0__ 2014_27.2__ 1864_41.7__ 1933_62.7__ 1851_75.4__ 1972_74.4

74 __1917_30.0__ 1904_27.7__ 2021_42.2__ 2006_63.4__ 1875_75.9__ 1968_74.7

73 __1965_30.2__ 1946_28.7__ 1920_43.7__ 1953_63.8__ 1975_76.5__ 1897_74.9

72 __1911_30.7__ 1874_29.2__ 1873_44.7__ 1859_64.8__ 1897_76.7__ 1858_75.4

71 __1882_31.2__ 1930_29.2__ 1927_44.7__ 1967_65.8__ 1985_76.8__ 1908_75.4

70 __1974_31.8__ 1958_29.2__ 1966_45.5__ 1984_66.0__ 1957_77.0__ 1891_77.5 

69 __1992_31.8__ 1884_29.5__ 1907_45.7__ 1878_66.5__ 1995_77.2__ 2012_79.8

68 __1850_32.0__ 1950_29.5__ 1982_45.8__ 1853_67.1__ 1889_80.3__ 2021_79.8

67 __1851_32.5__ 1908_29.7__ 1903_46.0__ 1904_67.1__ 1932_81.0__ 1872_80.0

66 __1854_32.5__ 1882_30.0__ 1986_46.2__ 1919_67.1__ 1927_81.5__ 1852_80.8

65 __1951_32.8__ 1899_30.0__ 2002_46.2__ 1956_67.1__ 1876_82.0__ 1905_81.0

64 __1915_33.3__ 2002_30.4__ 1972_47.0__ 1939_67.6__ 1905_82.0__ 1986_81.2

63 __1906_33.5__ 1957_30.7__ 1881_47.5__ 1920_67.8__ 1989_82.4__ 2017_81.7

62 __1889_34.5__ 1996_30.8__ 1888_48.8__ 1849_68.1__ 1867_82.6__ 1856_82.3

61 __1928_34.8__ 1960_31.0__ 1866_49.0__ 1957_68.6__ 1952_82.6__ 1976_83.6

60 __2018_34.8__ 1850_31.8__ 1948_49.3__ 1854_68.8__ 1899_83.6__ 1998_83.6

59 __1880_35.8__ 1948_31.8__ 1979_49.7__ 1993_68.8__ 1947_85.3__ 1903_84.6

58 __1933_35.8__ 1968_31.8__ 1846_50.0__ 2004_71.2__ 1863_85.9__ 2003_84.8

57 __1980_35.8__ 1915_32.8__ 1936_50.5__ 1856_71.6__ 1976_86.1__ 1871_85.1

56 __2005_36.5__ 1867_34.0__ 1921_51.1__ 1936_71.6__ 1861_86.4__ 1980_85.2

55 __2016_36.9__ 1860_34.3__ 1926_51.8__ 1995_72.2__ 1859_87.6__ 1850_85.6

54 __1859_37.1__ 1928_34.5__ 2006_51.8__ 1959_72.9__ 1892_88.6__ 1954_86.1

53 __1978_37.4__ 1951_35.6__ 1922_52.1__ 1847_73.2__ 1901_88.6__ 1935_86.9

52 __1960_37.6__ 1919_35.8__ 1975_52.6__ 1869_75.4__ 2004_89.0__ 1926_88.1

51 __1845_38.1*_ 1932_36.1__ 1964_53.1__ 2000_75.4__ 1973_89.2__ 1844_89.9 

50 __2008_38.1__ 2018_37.0__ 2011_53.1__ 2015_75.4__ 1990_89.2__ 2006_89.9

49 __1910_38.6__ 1863_37.1__ 1925_54.1__ 1960_76.5__ 1923_90.4__ 1977_90.2

48 __1947_39.9__ 1854_37.6__ 1861_54.4__ 1916_77.7__ 1994_90.4__ 1880_90.4

47 __1962_40.1__ 1878_37.6__ 1944_54.4__ 1955_77.7__ 1882_91.2__ 1889_90.7

46 __1942_41.4__ 1903_38.4__ 1956_54.4__ 1901_78.5 __ 1996_92.4__ 1902_90.7

45 __1959_41.7__ 1983_38.9__ 1930_54.6__ 1994_79.0 __ 2002_94.0__ 1957_92.2

44 __1975_42.2__ 1943_39.1__ 1902_55.1__ 1880_79.2_1909_94.5__ 1937_92.5

43 __1969_45.0__ 2008_39.3__ 1848_55.9__ 1917_79.8 __ 1929_95.5__ 1940_94.7

42 __2023_46.2__ 1985_39.8__ 1963_56.6__ 1979_80.2 __ 1904_96.5__ 2014_95.6

41 __1935_46.5__ 1897_39.9__ 2019_57.2__ 1969_80.3 __ 1944_97.5__ 1945_97.8

40 __1964_46.7__ 1984_40.0__ 1845_58.5__ 1970_80.5 __ 1893_98.0__ 1906_98.3

39 __2012_46.8__ 2022_40.0__ 1983_58.5__ 1977_80.5__ 2019_99.9__ 1918_99.8

38 __1896_47.2__ 1881_40.1__ 1904_58.9__ 1974_80.8__1984_100.0__ 1951_99.8

37 __1891_48.8__ 2016_40.6__ 2023_58.9__ 1843_81.0__2013_100.4__1928_100.8

36 __1876_49.8__ 1909_41.4__ 1897_59.2__ 2019_82.3__1968_101.1__1888_101.3

35 __1878_50.0__ 1939_41.4__ 1954_59.9__ 1845_84.1__1865_102.4__1948_103.1

34 __1930_51.3__ 1949_41.7__ 1886_61.2__ 1871_84.6__1880_102.4__ 2023_103.2

33 __1949_52.6__ 2005_42.0__ 1898_61.2__ 1996_85.2__1864_104.1__2008_104.2

32 __1847_54.4__ 2023_42.2__ 1854_62.0__ 2005_86.5__1840_105.7__1859_104.4

31 __1968_54.4__ 1891_42.7__ 2010_62.0__ 1983_87.5__1857_106.2__1855_104.6

30 __1841_54.6__ 1959_42.9__ 1877_62.2__ 1840_87.9__1946_107.4__1989_105.8

29 __1842_55.1__ 1922_43.2__ 1977_63.0__ 1903_87.9__1883_109.2__2019_106.0

28 __1916_55.9__ 1855_45.2__ 1844_63.2__ 1913_88.6__1953_110.7__1885_106.7

27 __1848_56.9__ 1965_45.2__ 1919_64.0__ 1961_89.4__1846_111.5__1923_107.7

26 __1993_57.8__ 1975_46.0__ 1985_64.3__ 2011_90.9__1924_112.3__1916_109.5

25 __1907_58.9__ 1998_46.6__ 2020_64.9__ 1922_91.4__1853_113.5__1961_109.5

24 __1846_59.7__ 1971_47.0__ 1976_65.0__ 1864_93.0__1943_116.3__1944_109.7

23 __1924_59.7__ 1937_48.3__ 1862_65.3__ 2002_94.6__2011_116.4__1845_110.7

22 __1950_59.7__ 1890_49.0__ 1952_66.3__ 1945_96.3__1983_117.2__1869_112.0

21 __1899_60.2__ 1976_49.5__ 1868_67.8__ 2014_98.6__1856_117.3__2013_112.6

20 __2017_60.7__ 1886_52.8__ 1998_70.4_ 1865_101.1__1908_117.6__1879_114.3

19 __1996_61.2__ 1845_53.8*_ 1871_70.6__1873_101.1__1854_118.9__1947_115.1

18 __1898_61.5__ 2017_53.8__ 1899_71.1__1842_101.3__1956_119.4__1843_117.1

17 __2013_62.3__ 1887_54.1__ 1980_71.2__1937_101.9__1940_127.3__1840_123.4

16 __2024_64.2__ 1900_54.4__ 1953_71.9__1954_103.6__2001_127.8__1890_124.2

15 __1886_66.3__ 1990_54.8__ 1913_72.1__2023_105.3__1849_130.6__1922_125.0

14 __1979_66.4__ 2009_55.0__ 1852_74.4__1893_108.7__1919_130.8__1993_125.0

13 __1890_69.6__ 1961_56.6__ 1865_77.7__2013_109.5__1960_134.4__1996_126.2

12 __1998_70.6__ 1876_58.4__ 1842_80.0__1992_109.6__2000_135.2__1883_126.5

11 __1874_71.6__ 2006_58.4__ 2016_80.3__2017_111.2__2003_135.8__ 1917_127.3

10 __1844_76.5__ 1981_59.4__ 1929_81.8__1951_115.3__1945_137.2__1982_129.4

09 __2006_76.6__ 2013_64.1__ 2009_83.8__1921_115.6__1916_142.2__1857_129.8

08 __1913_81.5__ 1851_66.5__ 1942_85.9__1980_117.0__1974_144.3__1974_133.6

07 __1870_86.9__ 1925_67.1__ 1951_85.9__1850_120.1__1844_144.8__1842_145.8

06 __2020_91.3__ 2001_67.4__ 1878_86.1__2009_121.8__1912_150.1__1967_146.1

05 _ 1929_102.1 _ 1997_70.8__ 1943_87.1__1909_124.5__1858_162.1__1892_147.6

04 _ 1843_109.2 _ 1918_73.4__1859_103.9__1910_125.0__2017_162.3__2010_157.0

03 _ 1995_115.0 _ 1857_78.0__1991_106.6__1991_129.8__1942_172.5__2000_162.2

02 _ 1937_125.2 _ 1938_82.8__1945_113.0__2018_131.4__1868_195.1__2015_183.9

01 _ 1932_135.1 _ 1842_91.9__1973_134.9__1929_154.4__1894_238.5__1870_205.5


* 1845 values estimated for Jan, Feb and Mar

Mar-Jun 2023 and Jan-Feb 2024 have been added to the table, and  92nd wettest and 92nd driest  now straddle the median for 184 ranked years.

(next table adjustment for this half will come after Feb 2025) ... 

Mar 2024 will enter at t74th wettest 43.3 mm

Apr 2024 will enter at 2nd wettest 153.1 mm

May 2024 will enter at t83rd driest 62.0 mm (t1886)

June 2024 will enter at 68th wettest 79.9 mm

Jan 2025 will enter at 19th driest 2.0 mm

Feb 2025 will enter at 29th driest 4.0 mm


- =========================================== -

(continued -- July to December rainfall rankings)

The estimated values for Oct, Nov, Dec 1844 are incorporated into the tables with * to signify estimated values. With the addition of July to Dec 2023 this table now has 184 rows.


RANK_ Jul _amt __ Aug _amt __ Sep _amt __ Oct _ amt __ Nov _amt __ Dec _amt

01 __1954__7.4 __ 1876__Tr ___1844_ 5.8 __ 1963 _ 9.1__ 1904_ 2.0 __ 1840_ 0.0

02 __1916__9.1 __ 1899_ 6.9 __ 1960_ 7.9 __ 1944_13.2__ 1894_ 4.8 __ 1845_ 0.0

03 __1868_ 13.2__ 1874_ 9.7 __ 1897_10.2__ 1961_13.5__ 1939_ 8.1 __ 1876_ 0.0

04 __1887_ 16.8__ 1894_ 9.7 __ 1964_10.2__ 1901_14.7__ 1976_ 9.9 __ 1868_ 0.3 

05 __1898_ 17.8__ 1889_10.9__ 1903_10.4__ 1952_15.0__ 1872_10.9__ 1890_ 0.8

06 __2015_ 18.3__ 1935_11.4__ 1877_10.7__ 1966_15.2__ 1873_13.0__ 1919_ 1.0

07 __1983_ 19.3__ 2021_11.6__ 2023_11.9__ 1924_15.7__ 1870_15.0__ 1874_ 1.3

08 __1936_ 19.6__ 1854_11.9__ 1969_16.5__ 2000_20.0__ 1930_15.0__ 1929_ 1.8

09 __1966_ 20.8__ 1973_14.2__ 1917_16.8__ 1953_21.3__ 1921_17.8__ 1958_ 1.8

10 __1888_ 21.8__ 2002_16.0__ 1858_19.1__ 2024_21.6__ 1936_20.8__ 1917_ 2.5

11 __2011_ 21.9__ 1848_22.4__ 1929_19.8__ 1895_22.1__ 1924_21.3__ 1989_ 4.2

12 __1853_ 23.6__ 1930_22.6__ 1950_19.8__ 1853_22.6__ 2019_22.2__ 1850_ 4.8

13 __1914_ 25.4__ 1948_22.6__ 1941_21.3__ 1984_22.8__ 1996_22.4__ 1910_ 5.3

14 __1899_ 25.9__ 2017_24.4__ 1881_23.1__ 1998_22.8__ 1874_23.9__ 1963_ 5.6

15 __1882_ 27.2__ 1920_25.7__ 1913_24.9__ 2004_22.8__ 1899_24.1__ 2014_ 5.6

16 __1856_ 29.2__ 1934_25.7__ 2017_26.9__ 1856_22.9__ 1922_24.1__ 1914_ 5.8

17 __1974_ 29.5__ 1898_27.4__ 1927_28.2__ 1859_24.1__ 1865_24.9__ 1960_ 6.9

18 __1959_ 31.2__ 1907_27.7__ 1955_29.7__ 1922_24.4__ 1902_24.9__ 1995_ 8.4

19 __1871_ 32.3__ 1896_29.0__ 1887_30.7__ 1869_24.6__ 1875_25.4__ 1883_ 8.9

20 __1948_ 33.3__ 1942_29.5__ 1867_31.2__ 1883_24.6__ 1903_25.7__ 1896_ 8.9

21 __1864_ 34.3__ 2007_29.8__ 2007_31.5__ 1908_25.7__ 1916_25.7__ 1926_ 8.9

22 __1999_ 35.4__ 1960_31.2__ 1863_31.8__ 1938_26.2__ 2012_26.0__ 1886_ 9.1

23 __1997_ 37.8__ 1976_31.2__ 1893_32.0__ 1857_26.9__ 1917_26.9__ 1925_ 9.1

24 __1933_ 38.9__ 1998_32.0__ 1921_32.3__ 1879_28.2__ 1845_28.4__ 1872_ 9.9

25 __1934_ 40.1__ 2006_32.4__ 1871_33.0__ 1956_28.2__ 1949_29.0__ 1908_ 9.9

26 __1894_ 40.9__ 1909_33.8__ 1908_33.0__ 1947_28.4__ 1953_29.2__ 1943_10.4 

27 __1940_ 41.1__ 1959_34.3__ 1995_33.2__ 1974_28.4__ 1918_29.5__ 1944_10.9 

28 __1978_ 41.2__ 1851_35.1__ 2004_33.2__ 1909_28.7__ 1854_30.7__ 2000_11.4 

29 __1968_ 41.9__ 2000_35.2__ 2009_33.4__ 1882_29.2__ 2021_30.8__ 1880_12.2 

30 __2000_ 42.0__ 1944_35.6__ 1933_34.3__ 2016_29.4__ 1840_31.0__ 1913_12.2 

31 __1923_ 43.7__ 1949_36.3__ 1937_35.3__ 1871 30.5 __ 1971_31.2__ 2017_12.3

32 __1939_ 43.7__ 1962_36.3__ 2019_35.6__ 2022_32.0__ 1908_31.5__ 1877_12.7 

33 __1918_ 43.9__ 1922_37.3__ 1943_35.8__ 1846_32.8__ 2015_31.7__ 1930_13.2

34 __1984_ 44.0__ 1927_37.3__ 1900_36.6__ 1958_32.8__ 1947_31.8__ 1976_13.2 

35 __2005_ 44.4__ 1855_37.6__ 1971_36.8__ 1934_33.3__ 1980_32.4__ 1922_14.0 

36 __1926_ 45.0__ 2003_38.5__ 1951_37.3__ 1994_33.4__ 1938_32.5__ 1861_14.2 

37 __1875_ 46.0__ 1881_38.6__ 1849_38.1__ 1997_34.2__ 1956_33.0__ 1888_15.2

38 __1989_ 46.0__ 1980_39.6__ 1961_38.1__ 1841_34.3__ 1901_33.8__ 1935_15.2  

39 __1881_ 47.0__ 1868_39.9__ 1874_39.4__ 1892_34.8__ 2013_34.5__ 1900_15.5 

40 __1985_ 47.2__ 1916_39.9__ 1914_39.4__ 1868_35.1__ 1882_35.3__ 1853_16.0 

41 __1982_ 48.1__ 1957_40.6__ 1952_39.4__ 1874_36.1__ 1986_35.6__ 1985_16.0

42 __1870_ 48.3__ 1951_41.4__ 1946_39.6__ 1884_36.1__ 1856_35.8__ 1955_16.8 

43 __1848_ 48.5__ 1856_42.9__ 1979_40.0__ 1982_36.1__ 1933_36.3__ 1898_18.0

44 __1873_ 49.0__ 1993_43.6__ 1963_42.2__ 1876_36.6__ 1844_36.9*__2002_18.2

45 __1912_ 49.5__ 1845_43.9__ 1916_42.4__ 1897_36.8__ 2009_37.0__ 2005_18.2 

46 __2003_ 49.7__ 2014_44.4__ 1891_43.4__ 1978_38.2__ 1898_37.1__ 1904_18.8

47 __2001_ 49.8__ 1936_44.5__ 1905_43.9__ 1975_38.4__ 1946_37.3__ 1970_18.8 

48 __1995_ 50.2__ 1967_44.5__ 1983_44.3__ 2002_39.0__ 1964_37.6__ 1854_19.1

49 __1867_ 50.3__ 1846_45.5__ 1850_44.5__ 1854_39.4__ 2014_37.9__ 1991_19.2 

50 __2016_ 51.1__ 2023_45.9__ 1947_45.5__ 1914_39.4__ 1905_38.1__ 1937_19.3

51 __1907_ 51.6__ 1883_46.5__ 1890_47.0__ 1848_39.9__ 1944_38.4__ 1915_19.6

52 __1994_ 52.4__ 1906_46.5__ 1956_47.2__ 1935_39.9__ 1998_38.6__ 1916_19.6 

53 __1845_ 52.8__ 1952_47.0__ 1919_48.5__ 1887_41.1__ 1892_39.4__ 1938_20.8

54 __1957_ 53.3__ 1996_47.4__ 2020_48.5__ 2023_41.8__ 1910_40.4__ 1849_21.6

55 __1885_ 53.6__ 1875_47.8__ 1954_49.0__ 1860_41.9__ 1919_40.4__ 1941_21.8 

56 __1884_ 53.8__ 1946_48.5__ 1998_49.0__ 1923_41.9__ 1943_40.4__ 1948_21.8

57 __1998_ 54.8__ 1989_48.6__ 1909_49.8__ 2008_42.5__ 1915_40.6__ 1842_22.4

58 __1891_ 55.1__ 2015_48.6__ 1860_50.0__ 1851_42.9__ 1997_40.6__ 1974_22.6

59 __1896_ 55.6__ 1873_49.0__ 1840_50.4__ 1891_43.4__ 2016_40.8__ 1981_22.8

60 __2018_ 56.8__ 1929_49.3__ 1920_50.8__ 1940_44.5__ 1906_40.9__ 1934_22.9

61 __1893_ 57.7__ 1941_49.3__ 1990_51.2__ 1845_45.0__ 2024_41.7__ 1997_23.2 

62 __2017_ 57.8__ 2004_49.4__ 1889_52.8__  2005_46.0__ 1970_42.9__ 1892_23.4

63 __1872_ 58.4__ 1979_49.8__ 1997_52.8__ 1858_46.2__ 1950_43.7__ 1950_23.4 

64 __2022_ 58.8__ 2001_49.8__ 1882_53.1__ 1949_46.2__ 1876_44.5__ 1871_23.9

65 __1971_ 59.9__ 1961_50.3__ 1970_53.1__ 1968_46.2__ 1975_45.0__ 1939_24.1

66 __1886_ 62.7__ 1953_50.5__ 1974_53.1__ 1976_46.2__ 1955_45.2__ 1951_24.1

67 __1865_ 63.0__ 1887_50.8__ 1944_54.1__ 1930_47.0__ 1852_45.5__ 1993_25.2

68 __1981_ 63.0__ 1865_51.1__ 1994_54.8__ 1987_47.0__ 1884_45.5__ 1873_25.4

69 __1963_ 63.5__ 1938_52.3__ 1980_55.2__ 1889_47.5__ 1937_45.7__ 1992_25.4

70 __1892_ 63.8__ 1969_52.3__ 1931_55.4__ 1840_48.0__ 1991_46.0__ 1947_26.2

71 __1895_ 63.8__ 1921_52.6__ 1973_55.6__ 1939_48.0__ 1954_46.5__ 1843_26.4

72 __1958_ 63.8__ 1925_52.8__ 1948_56.4__ 2003_48.4__ 1867_47.0__ 1859_26.4 

73 __1879_ 66.3__ 1988_53.2__ 2024_57.6__ 1964_48.8__ 1990_47.0__ 1928_26.4 

74 __1859_ 66.5__ 1931_53.3__ 2002_58.6__ 2017_49.2__ 2020_47.1__ 2010 26.6

75 __1911_ 66.5__ 2016_53.6__ 1965_58.7__ 1896_50.3__ 2024_47.1__ 1903 26.7

76 __1938_ 66.5__ 2019_54.0__ 1862_60.2__ 1907_50.3__ 1945_47.2__ 1961_26.9 

77 __1861_ 67.6__ 1884_54.1__ 1883_60.5__ 1931_50.5__ 1885_48.8__ 1885_27.2

78 __1921_ 67.6 __ 1879_55.1__ 2022_60.8__ 1951_50.5__ 1967_49.3__ 1851_27.7

79 __1913_ 67.8__ 1919_55.1__ 2015_61.0__ 1867_50.8__ 1960_50.5__ 1933_27.7

80 __1965_ 68.6__ 1945_55.1__ 2013_61.6 __1971_51.1__ 1978_51.0__ 1988_28.4

81 __1877_ 69.3__ 1847_55.4__ 1966_62.0__ 1861_51.3__ 1848_51.8__ 2020_29.5

82 __1900_ 69.6__ 1863_56.6__ 1895_62.5__ 1969_51.3__ 1887_52.1__ 1847_30.2 

83 __1990_ 69.6__ 1984_56.8__ 1865_62.7__ 2007_51.4__ 1981_52.6__ 1924_30.2

84 __1953_ 70.1__ 1987_57.2__ 1876_62.7__ 2020_53.0__ 2000_52.6__ 1999_30.4 

85 __1955_ 70.4__ 1897_57.7__ 2016_63.5__ 1850_53.1__ 2017_53.0__ 1882_30.7 

86 __2004_ 70.6__ 1913_57.9__ 2018_63.5__ 1991_53.2__ 1883_53.1__ 1912_31.0 

87 __1975_ 71.6__ 1974_58.9__ 1939_64.0__ 1900_54.1__ 1942_54.4__ 2016_31.4 

88 __1944_ 71.9__ 1947_59.9__ 1864_64.3__ 1932_54.4__ 1957_54.6__ 1953_31.8

89 __1987_ 73.6__ 1902_60.5__ 1872_64.3__ 1873_54.9__ 2002_54.6__ 1994_32.2 

90 __1846_ 73.7__ 1872_61.2__ 1985_64.6__ 1915_55.6__ 2022 55.0__ 1952_33.0 

91 __1973_ 73.7__ 1933_61.2__ 2000_65.2__ 1927_55.6__ 1886_55.1__ 2015_33.5 

92 __2019_ 73.7__ 1911_61.5__ 1911_65.3__ 1925_56.1__ 1912_55.1__ 1968_34.3

93 __1937_ 74.2__ 1867_62.2__ 2008_66.2__  1986_56.2__ 1862_56.4__ 1969_34.3 

92 __1908_ 74.4__ 1943_62.2__ 1993_67.0__  1910_56.6__ 1961_56.4__ 1860_34.8   

91 __1945_ 74.4__ 1966_62.7__ 1857_67.6 __1933_57.4__ 1880_56.6__ 1867_36.1

90 __1922_ 75.4__ 1842_63.5__ 2005_67.6__ 1912_59.7__ 1941_56.6__ 1962_36.1  

89 __1943_ 76.5__ 1994_63.8__ 1851_67.8__ 1894_60.2__ 1959_57.4__ 1973_36.3 

88 __1979_ 76.8__ 1882_64.0__ 1923_67.8__ 1977_60.6__ 1972_57.4__ 1980_36.3 

87 __1842_ 77.5__ 2022_64.5__ 2001_68.0__ 1985_61.0__ 1931_60.5__ 1964_36.6

86 __1952_ 77.7__ 1853_65.8 __ 1991_68.8__ 1875_61.5__ 1841_62.2__ 2001_36.8 

85 __2020_ 78.2__ 2024_66.1__ 1989_70.0__ 1904_61.5__ 1853_62.2__ 1846_37.6 

84 __1858_ 78.5__ 1886_66.8__ 1898_70.9__ 1936_61.5__ 1974_62.2__ 1954_37.6   

83 __1930_ 78.7__ 2011_66.9__ 1875_71.6__ 1929_62.0__ 1958_63.2__ 1998_37.6  

82 __1931_ 78.7__ 1940_67.6__ 1930_71.9__ 1913_62.5__ 1914_64.0__ 1909_37.8 

81 __1969_ 78.7__ 1965_67.8__ 1928_72.4__ 1866_63.2__ 1869_64.8__ 1902_38.4

80 __1944_ 79.8__ 1852_69.3__ 1936_73.7__ 2018_63.4__ 1881_65.3__ 1945_38.6

79 __1949_ 79.8__ 1900_69.9__ 2003_75.4__ 1957_64.3__ 1860_65.5__ 1906_39.1

78 __2014_ 80.0__ 1871_71.1__ 1879_75.7__ 1999_64.4__ 1896_66.5__ 1984_39.1

77 __2007_ 80.4__ 1908_71.9__ 1922_75.9__ 1863_64.5__ 1920_66.5__ 1946_39.9

76 __1988_ 81.2__ 1937_73.4__ 1976_76.2__ 1945_65.0__ 1951_66.5__ 2021_40.0

75 __1919_ 81.3__ 1840_73.9__ 1880_76.5__ 1960_65.3__ 1994_67.0__ 1875_41.7

74 __1967_ 81.3__ 1888_73.9__ 1873_76.7__ 1855_65.5__ 1871_67.6__ 1956_41.7 

73 __2010_ 82.5__ 1978_74.8__ 1968_76.7__ 1886_66.3__ 1893_68.3__ 1858_42.4 

72 __1972_ 82.8__ 1861_76.2__ 2010_77.1__ 1948_66.8__ 1888_68.8__ 1905_42.4

71 __1889_ 83.1__ 1895_76.7__ 1932_77.2__ 1877_67.1__ 1988_68.8__ 1918_43.2

70 __1855_ 83.6__ 1890_77.0__ 1901_77.5__ 1888_67.3__ 1889_69.1__ 1921_43.9

69 __1876_ 83.6__ 1963_77.2__ 1975_77.7__ 1903_67.6__ 1984_69.6__ 1865_44.2

68 __1956_ 84.3__ 1999_77.4__ 1967_79.0__ 2010_68.0__ 2001_70.0__ 1844_44.5*

67 __1874_ 85.1__ 1910_77.7__ 1848_79.2__ 1870_68.8__ 1962_71.1__ 1856_45.7

66 __1847_ 85.3__ 1844_79.1*_ 1892_79.2__ 1967_68.8__ 2010_71.8__ 2008_46.0

65 __1901_ 85.9__ 2012_79.4__ 1988_79.2__ 1862_69.1__ 1849_71.9__ 1975_46.7

64 __1906_ 86.6__ 1877_80.5__ 1972_81.0__ 1937_69.3__ 1969_72.4__ 1855_47.5 

63 __1849_ 86.9__ 2008_81.4__ 1884_81.3__ 1865_69.6__ 2004_72.5__ 1965_47.5

62 __1980_ 87.0__ 1991_83.6__ 1935_81.3__ 1902_70.9__ 2007_72.9__ 2013_47.8

61 __2002_ 87.0__ 1997_85.4__ 1984_81.3__ 1918_72.4__ 1932_73.9__ 1920_48.0  

60 __1863_ 87.6__ 2005_86.8__ 1912_83.6__ 2014_72.8__ 1850_75.2__ 1894_48.3 

59 __1986_ 87.6__ 1860_87.1__ 1888_83.8__ 1942_73.4__ 1866_75.7__ 1887_48.8

58 __1909_ 88.4__ 1870_87.4__ 1841_84.6__ 1928_74.7__ 1999_76.0__ 1862_49.5 

57 __2012_ 88.7__ 1862_88.6__ 2006_84.6__ 1979_75.5__ 1900_77.5__ 1884_50.0

56 __1857_ 88.9__ 2010_90.0__ 1902_85.3__ 1919_75.7__ 1979_77.8__ 2019_50.0

55 __1880_ 89.7__ 2013_90.5__ 1949_86.9__ 1996_75.8__ 1965_78.0__ 1987_51.4

54 __1932_ 90.4__ 1923_90.9__ 2014_90.2__ 1993_76.4__ 1993_78.4__ 1911_51.6

53 __1917_ 91.2__ 1971_91.2__ 1859_90.4__ 1992_77.4__ 1923_78.7__ 1932_52.1 

52 __1935_ 91.2__ 1972_91.4__ 1861_92.2__ 1962_77.7__ 1934_78.7__ 2018_52.1 

51 __1993_ 91.6__ 1903_93.2__ 1885_92.2__ 1943_78.7__ 1963_78.7__ 1864_52.3 

50 __1920_ 92.5__ 1975_95.5__ 1852_92.7__ 1988_79.0__ 1935_79.5__ 1881_52.3

49 __1851_ 92.7__ 2020_96.7__ 1942_92.7__ 2009_81.1__ 1909_79.8__ 2003_52.5

48 __1976_ 92.7__ 1954_97.0__ 1906_93.2__ 1926_81.3__ 1940_80.0__ 1978_52.6 

47 __1946_ 93.0__ 1950_98.3__ 1940_93.7__ 1980_81.6__ 1973_80.0__ 2004_53.0

46 __1962_ 96.5__ 1901_98.6__ 2011_94.7__ 1880_83.1__ 1911_80.3__ 1982_53.8

45 __2023_ 98.2__ 1970_98.6__ 1987_96.4__ 1959_83.3__ 1847_81.0__ 1899_54.4

44 __1910_ 99.1__ 1858_99.3__ 1953_96.8__ 1872_83.6__ 1891_81.3__ 2024_54.8

43 __1925_ 99.3__ 1885_99.8__ 1925_97.3__ 1878_83.6__ 1929_81.5__ 1901_56.6

42 __1951_100.3__ 1924_99.8__ 1886_97.5__ 1844_85.1*__1879_82.3__ 2011_57.4

41 __1991_101.2__1912_101.1__ 1958_98.6 __ 1864 85.1__ 1857_83.1__ 2012_57.8

40 _ 1992_101.6__1892_101.6__ 1959_99.8__ 1972_85.1__ 1948_83.8__ 2006_59.0

39 _ 1852_102.4__1990_101.6__ 1999_100.6__2015_86.0__ 1987_84.2__ 1897_59.2

38 _ 2021_103.4__1859_101.9__1910_101.1__ 1970_86.1__ 1983_85.1__ 1878_59.7

37 _ 1890_104.6__1983_103.1__1938_101.1__ 1983_86.8__ 2008_86.0__ 1931_60.2 

36 _ 1924_106.2__1918_105.4__1904_101.3__ 1946_87.1__ 1878_86.6__ 1972_60.5

35 _ 1970_107.4__1932_105.9__1869_102.4__ 1911_87.9__ 1890_86.6__ 1870_61.7 

34 _ 1950_110.0__1939_105.9__1856_105.2__ 1905_88.6__ 1907_87.1__ 1891_62.7

33 _ 1903_110.5__1905_107.2__1924_107.4__ 1893_91.7__ 1952_88.4__ 1923_62.7 

32 _ 1860_110.7__1958_108.0__1915_107.7__ 1920_92.7__ 1989_88.6__ 1879_64.8

31 _ 1902_110.7__1869_109.0__1934_107.7__ 1885_95.0__ 2005_89.2__ 2007_65.1 

30 _ 1960_111.3__1992_109.8__1868_108.5__ 1941_95.0__ 2011_91.9__ 1869_66.0 

29 _ 1961_111.8__1850_111.0__1982_112.6__ 1990_96.8__ 1925_92.2__ 1936_66.0 

28 _ 1929_112.5__1880_111.5__1981_112.8__ 1843_97.0__ 1863_93.2__ 1949 _66.5 

27 _ 1915_114.6__1917_113.0__1992_113.0__ 1881_97.5__1968_93.2__ 1971_66.5

26 _ 1843_117.1__2009_113.3__1846_117.1__1989_100.0__1897_94.2__ 1927_66.8

25 _ 1869_117.3__1982_113.5__1918_118.1__1916_100.1__ 1913_95.5__ 1977_68.4

24 _ 2009_119.5__1866_114.3__2012_119.8__1950_100.6__ 1926_95.5__ 1942_68.6

23 _ 1905_119.9__1904_116.1__1907_121.9__2013_101.8__ 1864_96.5__ 1983_69.0

22 _ 2006_120.8__1985_118.0__1957_126.2__1906_107.2__ 2006_98.0 __ 1893_69.6 

21 _ 2008_121.1__1891_122.9__1896_129.5__2011_111.8__ 1851_98.8 __ 1966_69.9

20 _ 1941_122.2__1843_123.4__1853_130.8__1847_112.3__ 1858_99.1 __ 1848_70.1

19 _ 1854_122.9__1977_123.6__1978_131.0__1921_113.3__2018_100.6__ 1967_70.6

18 _ 1996_123.2__1849_126.5__1899_131.1__1965_113.5__1992_100.8__ 1866_71.1 

17 _ 1964_126.0__1928_126.7__1854_137.4__1899_115.8__1895_103.1__ 1957_71.4

16 _ 1904_130.3__1955_128.0__2021_138.6__2001_118.6__1927_105.2__ 2023_72.4

15 _ 1897_133.4__1864_129.3__1894_139.2__1917_121.2__1928_105.9__ 1863_75.4

14 _ 1840_134.4__1995_129.4__1855_143.0__1981_123.4__1995_108.8__ 1907_76.7 

13 _ 1850_134.4__1914_132.3__1866_144.0__1955_125.2__1861_109.7__ 1959_77.7

12 _ 1862_136.4__1857_134.4__1926_145.3__1890_125.7__1982_109.8__ 1986_80.5 

11 _ 1866_137.9__1964_137.7__1962_154.7__2012_127.2__1846_113.5__ 1996_81.0

10 _ 1977_139.4__1893_146.3__1845_156.7__2021_130.9__1843_116.8__ 1857_82.0 

09 _ 1883_141.7__1956_150.9__1977_157.3__1995_131.2__1855_116.8__ 2009_84.4

08 _ 1878_143.3__1926_155.4__1945_158.5__1842_131.3__1977_127.5__ 1940_84.6

07 _ 1928_143.3__1841_156.7__1842_159.0__1852_134.6__1868_131.3__ 1979_93.3

06 _ 1947_143.3__1981_166.2__1847_169.7__1973_136.9__2003_131.8__ 1895_94.0

05 _ 1942_145.5__1968_167.1__1870_173.0__2006_138.4__1859_132.3__ 1852_101.6

04 _ 1927_149.1__2018_169.5__1878_195.6__2019_141.2__1842_134.9__1990_101.6

03 _ 2013_191.1__1878_180.1__1996_202.4__1898_146.6__1966_137.7__ 2022_107.9

02 _ 2024_199.0__1986_191.7__1986_217.8__1849_151.9__1877_138.7__ 1889_114.6

01 _ 1841_206.8__1915_206.8__1843_248.2__1954_154.9__1985_171.8__1841_167.4


 *1844 values are estimates. 

July 2024 will enter the table at 2nd wettest (199.0 mm).

Aug 2024 will enter the table at 85th wettest (66.1 mm).

Sep 2024 will enter the table at 73rd driest (57.6 mm).

Oct 2024 will enter the table at 10th driest (21.6 mm).

Nov 2024 will enter the table at 61st driest (42.7 mm).

Dec 2024 will enter the table at 44th wettest (54.8 mm).


 *1844 values are estimates. 


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Rankings for Snowfall (cms) by months

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Rankings for Snowfall (cms) by months

The years 1840 to 1842 have no snowfall data. Later, the author estimated snowfall amounts for the winter months in those years and added them to known rainfalls to get estimated precipitation. These estimates appear below the columns of the rankings in the tables but are not themselves ranked.


This means that we have 182 years available for ranking (1843 to 2024). The table therefore runs from ranks 01-91 (low snowfall totals), median values (avg 91), then 91 to 01 (high snowfall totals). 2025 data will enter table at end of year.

June and September are not shown, they each had two cases with a trace amount of snow (June 1859 and 1945, September 1918 and 1956). No snowfall has been reported in July or August. Therefore the table shows rankings for eight months (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Oct, Nov, Dec). There are numerous cases of zero snowfall in May and October. These occupy the top three quarters or so of the ranks for May and nearly top half for Oct, followed by years with trace amounts then the few measurable amounts. Ties are listed from top to bottom in chronological order. As with the CET or EWP rankings that these tables are meant to duplicate for Toronto, the reader has the task of working out tied rankings, although I do format this table to show the least and most snowy months from the extremes to the median (which is now between the 91st least snowy month and the 91st most snowy month). 

Annual and winter snowfall ranks will appear as part of a table located after the next table (monthly precip ranks).

RANK _ Jan _amt __  Feb _amt __  Mar _amt __  Apr _amt __ May _amt __ Oct _amt __ Nov _amt __ Dec _amt (cm)

_ 01 ___ 2017_ 4.6 __ 1998_ 0.8__ 2010_ 0.0 __ 1844_ 0.0 __ 1843_ 0.0 __ 1845_ 0.0 __ 1847 _ Tr __ 1877_ 0.8

_ 02 ___ 1933_ 5.3 __ 1976_ 4.8__ 1898_ Tr ___ 1877_ 0.0 __ 1844_ 0.0 __ 1846_ 0.0 __ 1850 _ Tr __ 2006_ 0.8

_ 03 ___ 1937_ 6.4 __ 1999_ 5.0__ 2009_ Tr ___ 1878_ 0.0 __ 1845_ 0.0 __ 1848_ 0.0 __ 1934 _ Tr __ 1943_ 2.8

_ 04 ___ 1944_ 6.6 __ 2002_ 6.0__ 2012_ Tr ___ 1900_ 0.0 __ 1846_ 0.0 __ 1849_ 0.0 __ 1937 _ Tr __ 1993_ 2.8

_ 05 ___ 2006_ 7.6 __ 1851_ 6.1__ 2021_ Tr ___ 1998_ 0.0 __ 1847_ 0.0 __ 1850_ 0.0 __ 1939 _ Tr __ 1950_ 3.6

_ 06 ___ 1916_ 7.9 __ 1977_ 6.2__ 1953_ 0.3 __ 2008_ 0.0 __ 1848_ 0.0 __ 1852_ 0.0 __ 1941 _ Tr __ 1999_ 3.8

_ 07 ___ 1876_ 8.1 __ 2024 _ 6.6__ 1858_ 0.5 __ 2012_ 0.0 __ 1849_ 0.0 __ 1863_ 0.0 __ 1948 _ Tr __ 1928_ 4.3

_ 08 ___ 2016_ 8.8 __ 1877_ 7.4__ 1903_ 0.5 __ 1866_ Tr ___ 1852_ 0.0 __ 1867_ 0.0 __ 1952 _ Tr __ 2023_4.5

_ 09 ___ 1872_ 9.9 __ 1968_ 7.6__ 2006_ 0.8 __ 1873_ Tr ___ 1854_ 0.0 __ 1870_ 0.0 __ 1981 _ Tr __ 2015_ 4.8

_ 10 ___ 2010_10.0__ 1937_ 7.9__ 1979_ 1.2 __ 1941_ Tr ___ 1858_ 0.0 __ 1877_ 0.0 __ 1988 _ Tr __ 1894_ 5.6

_ 11 ___ 1858_10.2__ 1928_ 8.4__ 1946_ 1.5 __ 1951_ Tr ___ 1859_ 0.0 __ 1882_ 0.0 __ 1998 _ Tr __ 1900_ 5.6

_ 12 ___ 1880_10.2__ 2009_ 9.0__ 1910_ 2.0 __ 1953_ Tr ___ 1860_ 0.0 __ 1890_ 0.0 __ 2001 _ Tr __ 1888_ 5.8

_ 13 ___ 1921_10.2__ 1906_ 9.1__ 1859_ 2.5 __ 1954_ Tr ___ 1862_ 0.0 __ 1891_ 0.0 __ 2004 _ Tr __ 1998_ 6.0

_ 14 ___ 1973_10.4__ 1938_ 9.1__ 1878_ 2,5 __ 1955_ Tr ___ 1864_ 0.0 __ 1892_ 0.0 __ 2006 _ Tr __ 2009_ 7.2

_ 15 ___ 1980_10.8__ 1983_ 9.6__1894_ 2.5 __ 1959_ Tr ___ 1865_ 0.0 __ 1893_ 0.0 __ 2009 _ Tr __ 1939_ 7.4

_ 16 ___ 1983_10.8__ 1992_10.2__1921_ 2.5 __ 1968_ Tr ___ 1866_ 0.0 __ 1894_ 0.0 __ 1984_ 0.2 __ 1927_ 7.6

_ 17 ___ 1906_10.9__ 1992_10.2__1962_ 2.5 __ 1969_ Tr ___ 1868_ 0.0 __ 1897_ 0.0 __ 2017_ 0.2 __ 1892_ 8.1

_ 18 ___ 1919_10.9__ 1987_12.4__1945_ 3.3 __ 1981_ Tr ___ 1870_ 0.0 __ 1899_ 0.0 __ 2024_0.2 __ 1932_ 8.4

_ 19 ___ 1942_11.9__ 1919_12.7__1981_ 4.1 __ 1984_ Tr ___ 1871_ 0.0 __ 1900_ 0.0 __ 1863_ 0.3 __ 1952_ 9.1

_ 20 ___ 1989_12.6__ 1996_12.8__1905_ 4.3 __ 1988_ Tr ___ 1872_ 0.0 __ 1901_ 0.0 __ 2015_ 0.4 __ 1987_ 9.8

_ 21 ___ 1899_12.7__ 1966_13.5__1995_ 4.6 __ 2001_ Tr ___ 1873_ 0.0 __ 1907_ 0.0 __ 1957_ 0.5 __ 1889_ 9.9

_ 22 ___ 1934_12.7__ 1882_13.7__2017_ 5.0 __ 2004_ Tr ___ 1874_ 0.0 __ 1915_ 0.0 __ 1990_ 0.6 __ 2011_10.0

_ 23 ___ 2007_12.7__ 1899_14.0__2018_ 5.0 __ 2010_ Tr ___ 1876_ 0.0 __ 1916_ 0.0 __ 1904_ 0.8 __ 2018_10.0

_ 24 ___ 1850_13.2__ 1969_14.0__2020_ 5.5 __ 2017_ Tr ___ 1877_ 0.0 __ 1918_ 0.0 __ 1975_ 0.8 __ 1899_10.2

_ 25 ___ 1975_13.2__ 1995_14.2__2015_ 5.5 __ 2019_ Tr ___ 1878_ 0.0 __ 1919_ 0.0 __ 1979_ 0.8 __ 1844_10.7

_ 26 ___ 1988_13.4__ 1902_14.7__1846_ 5.8 __ 1980_ 0.2 __ 1879_ 0.0 __ 1921_ 0.0 __ 2012_ 0.8 __ 1891_10.7

_ 27 ___ 1969_15.0__ 1980_14.9__1849_ 5.8 __ 2020_ 0.2 __ 1881_ 0.0 __ 1924_ 0.0 __ 1846_ 1.0 __ 2001_10.8

_ 28 ___ 1846_15.2__ 2016_14.9__1935_ 5.8 __ 2023_ 0.2 __ 1882_ 0.0 __ 1927_ 0.0 __ 1919_ 1.0 __ 1881_10.9

_ 29 ___ 2001_15.2__ 1917_15.2__2013_ 5.9 __ 2024_ 0.2 __ 1883_ 0.0 __ 1929_ 0.0 __ 2010_ 1.0 __ 1949_10.9

_ 30 ___ 1964_15.7__ 1970_15.5__1860_ 6.1 __ 1843_ 0.3 __ 1886_ 0.0 __ 1931_ 0.0 __ 2011_ 1.0 __ 1997_11.8

_ 31 ___ 1890_16.0__ 2004_15.5__1892_ 6.1 __ 1856_ 0.3 __ 1887_ 0.0 __ 1938_ 0.0 __ 1999_ 1.2 __ 1845_11.9

_ 32 ___ 1953_16.0__ 2012_15.6__1988_ 6.2 __ 1858_ 0.3 __ 1889_ 0.0 __ 1943_ 0.0 __ 2000_ 1.2 __ 1940_11.9

_ 33 ___ 1992_16.2__ 1933_16.0__1874_ 6.6 __ 1870_ 0.3 __ 1890_ 0.0 __ 1944_ 0.0 __ 2016_ 1.2 __ 1957_11.9

_ 34 ___ 1848_18.0__ 1963_16.3__1924_ 6.9 __ 1887_ 0.3 __ 1892_ 0.0 __ 1946_ 0.0 __ 1935_ 1.3 __ 2010_12.1

_ 35 ___ 1894_18.0__ 1888_16.8__1845_ 7.1 __ 1888_ 0.3 __ 1893_ 0.0 __ 1947_ 0.0 __ 1963_ 1.3 __ 1865_13.2

_ 36 ___ 2021_18.6__ 1913_17.8__1854_ 7.1 __ 1890_ 0.3 __ 1894_ 0.0 __ 1950_ 0.0 __ 1859_ 1.5 __ 1895_13.2

_ 37 ___ 1996_19.0__ 1907_18.0__1990_ 7.8 __ 1891_ 0.3 __ 1896_ 0.0 __ 1951_ 0.0 __ 1931_ 1.5 __ 2002_13.5

_ 38 ___ 1847_19.1__ 1872_18.5__1938_ 7.9 __ 1929_ 0.3 __ 1897_ 0.0 __ 1953_ 0.0 __ 1974_ 1.5 __ 1923_14.0

_ 39 ___ 1853_19.1__ 1952_19.1__1952_ 7.9 __ 1937_ 0.3 __ 1898_ 0.0 __ 1954_ 0.0 __ 1899_ 1.8 __ 1913_14.2 

_ 40 ___ 1854_19.1__ 1953_19.1__1929_ 8.1 __ 1948_ 0.3 __ 1899_ 0.0 __ 1956_ 0.0 __ 1926_ 1.8 __ 1978_14.2 

_ 41 ___ 2012_19.3__ 1897_19.6__1907_ 8.4 __ 1952_ 0.3 __ 1900_ 0.0 __ 1958_ 0.0 __ 1960_ 1.8 __ 2003_14.4 

_ 42 ___ 1963_19.6__ 1958_19.6__1902_ 8.9 __ 2006_ 0.4 __ 1901_ 0.0 __ 1963_ 0.0 __ 1962_ 1.8 __ 1953_14.5

_ 43 ___ 1851_19.8__ 1943_20.3__2004 _8.9 __ 1862_ 0.5 __ 1902_ 0.0 __ 1966_ 0.0 __ 1993_ 1.8 __ 1960_14.7

_ 44 ___ 1882_19.8__ 1951_20.8__1864 _9.4 __ 1881_ 0.5 __ 1904_ 0.0 __ 1967_ 0.0 __ 1906_ 2.0 __ 1965_15.0

_ 45 ___ 1990_20.6__ 1859_21.1__1969 _9.9 __ 1882_ 0.5 __ 1905_ 0.0 __ 1971_ 0.0 __ 1913_ 2.0 __ 1846_15.2 

_ 46 ___ 2000_20.6__ 2006_21.6__2019_10.0 __ 1902_ 0.5 __ 1906_ 0.0 __ 1973_ 0.0 __ 2007_ 2.0 __ 1896_15.2

_ 47 ___ 2015_20.9__ 1881_21.8__2024_10.0 __ 1913_ 0.5 __ 1910_ 0.0 __ 1975_ 0.0 __ 1867_ 2.3 __ 1961_15.2

_ 48 ___ 1949_21.8__ 1915_21.8__1958_10.2 __ 1922_ 0.5 __ 1913_ 0.0 __ 1977_ 0.0 __ 1907_ 2.3 __ 1905_15.5

_ 49 ___ 1860_22.1__ 1875_23.1__1847_10.7 __ 1860_ 0.8 __ 1914_ 0.0 __ 1980_ 0.0 __ 1928_ 2.3 __ 1912_16.0

_ 50 ___ 1911_22.4__ 1934_23.6__1868_10.7 __ 1876_ 0.8 __ 1915_ 0.0 __ 1982_ 0.0 __ 1930_ 2.3 __ 1931_16.0

_ 51 ___ 1922_22.9__ 2017_23.6__1893_10.7 __ 1892_ 0.8 __ 1916_ 0.0 __ 1983_ 0.0 __ 1967_ 2.3 __ 1941_16.0

_ 52 ___ 2002_23.0__ 1981_24.0__1991_11.0 __ 1896_ 0.8 __ 1918_ 0.0 __ 1984_ 0.0 __ 2013_ 2.4 __ 1967_16.0

_ 53 ___ 2008_23.3__ 1864_24.1__1978_11.4 __ 1974_ 0.8 __ 1919_ 0.0 __ 1985_ 0.0 __ 1849_ 2.5 __ 1880_16.3

_ 54 ___ 1849_23.4__ 1931_24.1__2000_11.8 __ 1978_ 0.8 __ 1920_ 0.0 __ 1986_ 0.0 __ 1982_ 2.6 __ 1930_16.3

_ 55 ___ 1928_23.4__ 1925_24.4__1957_11.9 __ 2013_ 0.9 __ 1921_ 0.0 __ 1987_ 0.0 __ 1865_ 2.8 __ 2024_16.8

_ 56 ___ 1938_24.6__ 1856_24.6__1992_12.6 __ 1930_ 1.0 __ 1922_ 0.0 __ 1990_ 0.0 __ 1924_ 2.8 __ 1847_17.3

_ 57 ___ 1869_24.9__ 1891_24.9__1927_12.7 __ 1992_ 1.0 __ 1927_ 0.0 __ 1992_ 0.0 __ 1929_ 2.8 __ 1861_17.3

_ 58 ___ 1986_25.0__ 1973_24.9__1933_13.0 __ 2015_ 1.0 __ 1928_ 0.0 __ 1994_ 0.0 __ 1954_ 2.8 __ 1921_17.3

_ 59 ___ 2018_25.0__ 2018_25.0__1966_13.5 __ 1848_ 1.3 __ 1930_ 0.0 __ 1995_ 0.0 __ 1843_ 3.0 __ 1863_18.0

_ 60 ___ 1995_25.2__ 1947_25.1__1895_13.7 __ 1869_ 1.3 __ 1931_ 0.0 __ 1998_ 0.0 __ 1973_ 3.0 __ 1869_18.0

_ 61 ___ 2024_25.4__ 1844_25.4__1942_14.2 __ 1898_ 1.3 __ 1932_ 0.0 __ 1999_ 0.0 __ 1976_ 3.0 __ 1902_18.0

_ 62 ___ 1866_26.2__ 1886_25.4__1973_14.2 __ 1915_ 1.3 __ 1933_ 0.0 __ 2002_ 0.0 __ 1854_ 3.3 __ 1904_18.0

_ 63 ___ 1961_26.4__ 1974_25.7__1882_14.5 __ 1949_ 1.3 __ 1934_ 0.0 __ 2003_ 0.0 __ 1872_ 3.3 __ 1945_18.5

_ 64 ___ 1962_26.7__ 1991_25.8__1920_15.0 __ 1971_ 1.3 __ 1936_ 0.0 __ 2004_ 0.0 __ 1964_ 3.3 __ 1988_18.8

_ 65 ___ 1981_27.0__ 1979_26.2__2002_15.0 __ 1973_ 1.3 __ 1937_ 0.0 __ 2005_ 0.0 __ 1848_ 3.6 __ 2021_19.3

_ 66 ___ 1927_27.4__ 1873_26.4__2007_15.1 __ 1895_ 1.5 __ 1939_ 0.0 __ 2007_ 0.0 __ 1965_ 3.6 __ 1936_19.6

_ 67 ___ 2005_27.8__ 1923_26.7__1886_15.2 __ 2007_ 1.5 __ 1940_ 0.0 __ 2008_ 0.0 __ 1961_ 3.8 __ 2022_20.0

_ 68 ___ 1897_28.2__ 2023_26.7__1904_15.2 __ 1983_ 1.6 __ 1941_ 0.0 __ 2009_ 0.0 __ 1969_ 3.8 __ 1925_20.1

_ 69 ___ 1959_28.2__ 1848_27.4__1986_15.2 __ 1872_ 1.8 __ 1942_ 0.0 __ 2010_ 0.0 __ 1994_ 4.0 __ 1966_20.3

_ 70 ___ 1951_28.7__ 1941_27.4__1908_15.7 __ 1950_ 1.8 __ 1943_ 0.0 __ 2011_ 0.0 __ 1877_ 4.1 __ 1843_20.6 

_ 71 ___ 1879_29.2__ 1880_27.7__1897_16.3 __ 1990_ 1.8 __ 1944_ 0.0 __ 2012_ 0.0 __ 1943_ 4.1 __ 1911_21.1

_ 72 ___ 2013_29.3__ 2021_27.9__1948_16.3 __ 1993_ 1.8 __ 1946_ 0.0 __ 2013_ 0.0 __ 1925_ 4.3 __ 1959_21.3

_ 73 ___ 1913_29.5__ 1978_28.3__1970_16.3 __ 1977_ 1.9 __ 1949_ 0.0 __ 2014_ 0.0 __ 1938_ 4.3 __ 2014_22.0

_ 74 ___ 1970_29.5__ 1930_28.7__1974_16.5 __ 1918_ 2.0 __ 1950_ 0.0 __ 2015_ 0.0 __ 1970_ 4.6 __ 1956_22.1 

_ 75 ___ 2023_29.6__ 1982_28.8__1911_17.3 __ 1933_ 2.0 __ 1951_ 0.0 __ 2016_ 0.0 __ 1860_ 4.8 __ 1857_22.9

_ 76 ___ 1940_29.7__ 1975_29.0__1919_17.3 __ 2009_ 2.0 __ 1953_ 0.0 __ 2017_ 0.0 __ 1890_ 4.8 __ 1986_23.0

_ 77 ___ 1878_30.2__ 1989_29.0__2005_17.8 __ 1986_ 2.4 __ 1955_ 0.0 __ 2019_ 0.0 __ 2023_ 5.0 __ 1885_23.1 

_ 78 ___ 1936_30.2__ 2010_29.0__1853_18.0 __ 1853_ 2.5 __ 1957_ 0.0 __ 2020_ 0.0 __ 1859_ 5.1 __ 1937_23.6

_ 79 ___ 1935_30.5__ 1921_29.5__1861_18.0 __ 1914_ 2.5 __ 1960_ 0.0 __ 2021_ 0.0 __ 1923_ 5.1 __ 1964_23.9

_ 80 ___ 1974_30.5__ 1857_29.7__1866_18.3 __ 1850_ 2.8 __ 1962_ 0.0 __ 2024_ 0.0 __ 1895_ 5.3 __ 2012_23.9

_ 81 ___ 1891_30.7__ 1956_30.0__1879_18.5 __ 1906_ 2.8 __ 1964_ 0.0 __ 1847 _ Tr ___ 1917_ 5.3 __ 1984_24.0

_ 82 ___ 1874_31.0__ 1945_30.2__1925_18.5 __ 1970_ 2.8 __ 1965_ 0.0 __ 1853 _ Tr ___ 1866_ 5.6 __ 1903_24.1

_ 83 ___ 1970_31.0__ 1961_30.2__1983_18.6 __ 2014_ 2.9 __ 1968_ 0.0 __ 1854 _ Tr ___ 1912_ 5.6 __ 1946_24.1

_ 84 ___ 1898_31.2__ 1918_30.5__1915_18.8 __ 1851_ 3.0 __ 1969_ 0.0 __ 1858 _ Tr ___ 1885_ 5.8 __ 1954_24.1

_ 85 ___ 1955_31.2__ 1949_30.5__1989_19.4 __ 1859_ 3.0 __ 1970_ 0.0 __ 1859 _ Tr ___ 1909_ 5.8 __ 1849_24.4

_ 86 ___ 1888_31.5__ 1957_31.0__2022_20.0 __ 1907_ 3.0 __ 1971_ 0.0 __ 1860 _ Tr ___ 1977_ 5.8 __ 1919_24.4

_ 87 ___ 1958_32.8__ 1986_31.2__1963_20.1 __ 1927_ 3.0 __ 1972_ 0.0 __ 1861 _ Tr ___ 1955_ 6.1 __ 1962_24.4

_ 88 ___ 1991_32.8__ 1922_31.8__2016_20.2 __ 1995_ 3.0 __ 1973_ 0.0 __ 1864 _ Tr ___ 1903_ 6.6 __ 1994_24.4

_ 89 ___ 1930_33.3__ 1853_32.0__1926_21.8 __ 2011_ 3.0 __ 1974_ 0.0 __ 1866 _ Tr ___ 1853_ 6.9 __ 1981_24.8 

_ 90 ___ 2014_33.3__ 1997_32.2__1851_22.4 __ 1846_ 3.3 __ 1975_ 0.0 __ 1871 _ Tr ___ 1987_ 7.0 __ 2017_25.0

_ 91 ___ 1971_33.5__ 2003_32.4__1888_22.6 __ 1871_ 3.3 __ 1977_ 0.0 __ 1872 _ Tr ___ 2003_ 7.0 __ 1958_25.4

(ranks above this line are for the lowest 91 snowfalls, ranks below are highest 91 snowfalls in 182 years) 

_ _ _ _ _ median is average of ranks 91 above and below.

_91 ___ 1877_34.0__ 1914_32.5__1977_22.6 __ 1910_ 3.3 __ 1979_ 0.0 __ 1874 _ Tr ___ 1905_ 7.1 __ 1858_26.4 

_ 90 ___ 1892_34.3__ 1903_33.0__1887_22.9 __ 1911_ 3.3 __ 1980_ 0.0 __ 1878 _ Tr ___ 1992_ 7.2 __ 1862_26.4

_ 89 ___ 1856_34.5__ 1994_33.2__1984_23.0 __ 1946_ 3.3 __ 1981_ 0.0 __ 1881 _ Tr ___ 1915_ 7.4 __ 1995_26.4

_ 88 ___ 2020_35.3__ 1942_33.5__1937_23.1 __ 1846_ 3.8 __ 1982_ 0.0 __ 1883 _ Tr ___ 1918_ 7.4 __ 1851_27.2

_ 87 ___ 1843_36.1__ 1929_33.8__1943_23.9 __ 1991_ 4.0 __ 1983_ 0.0 __ 1886 _ Tr ___ 1855_ 7.6 __ 1974_27.4

_ 86 ___ 1956_36.3__ 1964_33.8__1951_23.9 __ 1997_ 4.0 __ 1985_ 0.0 __ 1898 _ Tr ___ 1893_ 7.6 __ 1985_27.4

_ 85 ___ 1929_36.6__ 1867_34.0__1848_24.6 __ 1855_ 4.1 __ 1986_ 0.0 __ 1902 _ Tr ___ 1956_ 7.6 __ 1926_27.7

_ 84 ___ 1868_37.1__ 1932_34.0__1890_24.6 __ 1863_ 4.1 __ 1987_ 0.0 __ 1905 _ Tr ___ 1968_ 7.6 __ 1874_28.2

_ 83 ___ 1948_37.1__ 2022_34.1__2003_24.6 __ 1925_ 4.1 __ 1988_ 0.0 __ 1908 _ Tr ___ 2008_ 7.6 __ 1883_28.2

_ 82 ___ 1954_37.1__ 1905_34.8__1889_25.1 __ 1987_ 4.2 __ 1990_ 0.0 __ 1910 _ Tr ___ 1870_ 7.9 __ 1980_28.3

_ 81 ___ 1900_37.3__ 2011_35.4__2011_25.4 __ 1849_ 4.3 __ 1991_ 0.0 __ 1912 _ Tr ___ 2005_ 8.0 __ 1920_29.2

_ 80 ___ 1865_37.6__ 1955_35.8__1987_25.5 __ 1899_ 4.6 __ 1992_ 0.0 __ 1913 _ Tr ___ 1861_ 8.1 __ 1924_29.2

_ 79 ___ 1993_37.8__ 1843_36.6__1885_25.7 __ 1936_ 4.6 __ 1993_ 0.0 __ 1914 _ Tr ___ 1901_ 8.1 __ 1908_29.5

_ 78 ___ 1932_38.6__ 1901_36.6__1999_25.8 __ 1958_ 4.6 __ 1994_ 0.0 __ 1922 _ Tr ___ 1914_ 8.4 __ 1982_29.8

_ 77 ___ 1998_38.8__ 1954_36.8__1917_25.9 __ 1879_ 4.8 __ 1995_ 0.0 __ 1928 _ Tr ___ 1896_ 8.6 __ 2020_29.8

_ 76 ___ 1858_41.7__ 2001_37.6__1941_26.2 __ 1889_ 4.8 __ 1996_ 0.0 __ 1933 _ Tr ___ 1891_ 9.1 __ 1922_30.0

_ 75 ___ 1941_41.7__ 2000_37.8__1918_26.4 __ 1916_ 4.8 __ 1997_ 0.0 __ 1935 _ Tr ___ 1908_ 9.4 __ 1990_30.0

_ 74 ___ 1950_41.7__ 2007_37.8__1975_26.4 __ 1934_ 4.8 __ 1998_ 0.0 __ 1939 _ Tr ___ 1966_ 9.4 __ 2019_31.0

_ 73 ___ 1957_42.2__ 2014_37.9__2014_26.6 __ 2022_ 5.0 __ 1999_ 0.0 __ 1940 _ Tr ___ 1883_ 9.7 __ 1996_31.6

_ 72 ___ 1985_42.4__ 1990_38.8__1930_26.7 __ 1865_ 5.1 __ 2001_ 0.0 __ 1941 _ Tr ___ 1888_ 9.9 __ 1916_32.0

_ 71 ___ 1901_42.9__ 1935_38.9__1884_27.2 __ 2021_ 5.2 __ 2003_ 0.0 __ 1942 _ Tr ___ 1996_10.0 __ 2005_32.0

_ 70 ___ 1984_43.7__ 1940_38.9__1934_27.4 __ 1960_ 5.3 __ 2004_ 0.0 __ 1945 _ Tr ___ 2014_10.0 __ 1906_32.5

_ 69 ___ 1909_45.2__ 1878_39.1__1993_28.2 __ 1962_ 5.3 __ 2005_ 0.0 __ 1948 _ Tr ___ 2021_10.0 __ 2004_32.6

_ 68 ___ 1917_45.5__ 1885_39.1__1850_28.4 __ 1985_ 5.4 __ 2006_ 0.0 __ 1949 _ Tr ___ 1858_10.2 __ 1884_32.8

_ 67 ___ 1952_45.5__ 1890_39.4__1857_28.7 __ 1935_ 5.6 __ 2007_ 0.0 __ 1955 _ Tr ___ 1927_10.2 __ 1897_33.8

_ 66 ___ 1907_45.7__ 1909_39.4__1967_28.7 __ 1917_ 5.8 __ 2008_ 0.0 __ 1957 _ Tr ___ 1880_10.7 __ 1971_33.8

_ 65 ___ 1945_45.7__ 1920_39.9__1994_28.8 __ 1923_ 6.4 __ 2009_ 0.0 __ 1959 _ Tr ___ 1894_10.7 __ 1860_34.3

_ 64 ___ 2011_47.4__ 1852_40.9__1863_29.0 __ 1919_ 6.6 __ 2010_ 0.0 __ 1960 _ Tr ___ 1944_10.7 __ 1969_34.3

_ 63 ___ 1904_47.5__ 1894_41.1__1896_29.0 __ 1854_ 6.9 __ 2011_ 0.0 __ 1961 _ Tr ___ 1868_10.9 __ 1983_34.3

_ 62 ___ 2022_47.7__ 2005_41.8__1982_29.0 __ 1875_ 6.9 __ 2012_ 0.0 __ 1964 _ Tr ___ 1980_10.9 __ 1867_34.5

_ 61 ___ 1885_47.8__ 1884_41.9__1922_29.5 __ 1884_ 6.9 __ 2013_ 0.0 __ 1968 _ Tr ___ 1864_11.4 __ 1947_34.5

_ 60 ___ 1926_47.8__ 1892_41.9__1928_29.5 __ 1982_ 7.0 __ 2014_ 0.0 __ 1970 _ Tr ___ 1871_11.4 __ 1901_35.1

_ 59 ___ 1908_48.3__ 1912_41.9__1950_29.7 __ 1999_ 7.0 __ 2015_ 0.0 __ 1972 _ Tr ___ 1886_12.2 __ 1938_35.8

_ 58 ___ 1967_49.0__ 1965_41.9__1914_30.0 __ 1989_ 7.4 __ 2016_ 0.0 __ 1974 _ Tr ___ 1897_12.2 __ 1871_36.1

_ 57 ___ 1881_49.5__ 1971_42.2__1944_30.0 __ 1903_ 7.6 __ 2017_ 0.0 __ 1976 _ Tr ___ 1936_12.2 __ 1942_37.1

_ 56 ___ 1939_49.5__ 1865_42.7__1954_30.5 __ 2000_ 7.6 __ 2018_ 0.0 __ 1978 _ Tr ___ 1845_12.7 __ 1935_37.3

_ 55 ___ 2019_50.0__ 1927_42.7__1880_31.2 __ 1864_ 8.9 __ 2019_ 0.0 __ 1979 _ Tr ___ 1945_12.7 __ 1992_37.4

_ 54 ___ 1910_50.5__ 1866_42.9__1906_31.2 __ 1880_ 8.9 __ 2022_ 0.0 __ 1981 _ Tr ___ 1946_13.0 __ 1887_37.8

_ 53 ___ 1925_50.8__ 2019_43.0__1913_31.5 __ 1905_ 8.9 __ 2023_ 0.0 __ 1988 _ Tr ___ 1947_13.0 __ 1918_38.1

_ 52 ___ 1968_51.1__ 1879_43.0__1955_32.0 __ 1924_ 8.9 __ 2024_ 0.0 __ 1991 _ Tr ___ 1884_13.2 __ 1914_38.6

_ 51 ___ 2009_51.6__ 2015_44.7__1964_32.3 __ 1921_ 9.1 __ 1850_ Tr ___ 1993 _ Tr ___ 1978_13.4 __ 1991_38.6

_ 50 ___ 1903_51.8__ 1854_45.7__1949_32.5 __ 1931_ 9.1 __ 1853 _ Tr ___ 1996 _ Tr ___ 1862_13.5 __ 1910_38.9

_ 49 ___ 1861_52.3__ 1883_46.7__1871_33.0 __ 2003_ 9.8 __ 1856 _ Tr ___ 2000 _ Tr ___ 1878_13.5 __ 1866_39.4

_ 48 ___ 1863_52.3__ 1926_46.7__1985_33.4 __ 1847_10.2 __ 1857 _ Tr ___ 2001 _ Tr ___ 1922_13.5 __ 1868_39.4

_ 47 ___ 1896_52.6__ 1959_46.7__1996_33.6 __ 1964_10.2 __ 1867 _ Tr ___ 2006 _ Tr ___ 1985_13.8 __ 1882_40.1

_ 46 ___ 1912_52.8__ 1972_47.5__1998_34.0 __ 1976_10.2 __ 1869 _ Tr ___ 2018 _ Tr ___ 1972_14.2 __ 1934_40.1

_ 45 ___ 1976_53.1__ 1985_47.6__1901_34.5 __ 1897_10.4 __ 1880 _ Tr ___ 2022 _ Tr ___ 1986_14.4 __ 1870_40.4

_ 44 ___ 1889_53.8__ 1984_47.7__1940_35.1 __ 1940_10.4 __ 1895 _ Tr ___ 2023 _ Tr ___ 1942_14.5 __ 1976_40.9

_ 43 ___ 1870_54.1__ 1860_47.8__2001_35.4 __ 1965_10.4 __ 1917 _ Tr ___ 1989 _ 0.2 __ 1971_14.7 __ 1856_41.4

_ 42 ___ 1857_55.4__ 1845_48.3__1844_35.6 __ 1994_10.4 __ 1924 _ Tr ___ 1856_ 0.3 __ 1989_15.0 __ 1848_41.9

_ 41 ___ 1965_55.4__ 1967_48.3__1947_36.6 __ 2016_10.6 __ 1925 _ Tr ___ 1876_ 0.3 __ 2018_15.0 __ 1886_41.9

_ 40 ___ 1979_55.4__ 1874_48.5__1959_36.8 __ 1912_10.7 __ 1926 _ Tr ___ 1879_ 0.3 __ 2022_ 15.0 __ 1948_42.2

_ 39 ___ 2003_55.6__ 1904_48.5__1959_37.1 __ 1945_10.9 __ 1935 _ Tr ___ 1887_ 0.3 __ 1959_15.5 __ 1989_42.2 

_ 38 ___ 1946_56.6__ 1948_48.5__1899_37.6 __ 1883_11.7 __ 1938 _ Tr ___ 1909_ 0.3 __ 1892_16.0 __ 1908_42.4

_ 37 ___ 1997_57.0__ 1849_48.8__1976_37.8 __ 1926_11.7 __ 1945 _ Tr ___ 1923_ 0.3 __ 2019_16.0 __ 2016_42.6

_ 36 ___ 1931_57.2__ 1911_49.0__1869_38.1 __ 1904_11.9 __ 1948 _ Tr ___ 1926_ 0.3 __ 1916_16.3 __ 1854_43.7

_ 35 ___ 1845_57.7__ 1936_49.0__1980_38.1 __ 1972_11.9 __ 1952 _ Tr ___ 1857_ 0.5 __ 1953_16.8 __ 1878_44.2 

_ 34 ___ 1883_58.4__ 1944_49.5__1971_38.4 __ 1956_12.2 __ 1954 _ Tr ___ 1873_ 0.5 __ 1851_17.0 __ 1915_44.5 

_ 33 ___ 1918_58.4__ 1939_50.5__1997_39.6 __ 1938_12.7 __ 1956 _ Tr ___ 1889_ 0.5 __ 1911_17.0 __ 1955_44.7

_ 32 ___ 1855_59.2__ 1993_50.6__1968_39.9 __ 1947_12.7 __ 1958 _ Tr ___ 1917_ 0.5 __ 1857_17.5 __ 1933_46.2

_ 31 ___ 1947_59.9__ 1870_51.1__1909_40.4 __ 1909_13.0 __ 1961 _ Tr ___ 1930_ 0.5 __ 1881_17.8 __ 1898_46.7 

_ 30 ___ 1920_61.5__ 1876_51.1__1972_40.9 __ 1963_13.2 __ 1976 _ Tr ___ 1934_ 0.5 __ 1991_17.8 __ 1875_47.5 

_ 29 ___ 1887_62.5__ 1889_53.1__1856_41.1 __ 1868_13.5 __ 1978 _ Tr ___ 1937_ 0.5 __ 1902_18.3 __ 1893_47.5 

_ 28 ___ 1893_62.5__ 1946_54.6__2023 41.7 __ 1942_14.0 __ 1984 _ Tr ___ 1851_ 0.8 __ 1983_18.3 __ 1879_48.3

_ 27 ___ 1844_63.2__ 1887_54.9__1872_41.4 __ 1920_15.0 __ 1989 _ Tr ___ 1888_ 0.8 __ 2020_19.0 __ 1890_48.5

_ 26 ___ 1978_63.4__ 1855_55.1__1961_42.2 __ 1961_15.0 __ 2000 _ Tr ___ 1920_ 0.8 __ 1921_19.1 __ 2013_48.5

_ 25 ___ 1960_63.5__ 1863_55.9__1960_42.4 __ 2018_15.0 __ 2002 _ Tr ___ 1932_ 0.8 __ 1882_19.3 __ 1873_48.8 

_ 24 ___ 2004_64.3__ 1988_56.0__1931_43.9 __ 1908_15.2 __ 2021 _ Tr ___ 1936_ 0.8 __ 1887_19.3 __ 1963_49.5

_ 23 ___ 1902_64.5__ 2020_57.0__1956_44.5 __ 1893_16.0 __ 1863 _0.3 ___ 1997_ 1.2 __ 1875_19.8 __ 1972_49.5

_ 22 ___ 1924_64.5__ 1871_58.4__1891_45.0 __ 1967_16.3 __ 1884_ 0.3 ___ 1862_ 1.3 __ 1932_19.8 __ 1907_50.5

_ 21 ___ 1864_66.8__ 1850_58.7__1881_45.7 __ 2002_16.6 __ 1888_ 0.3 ___ 1965_ 1.3 __ 1844_20.3 __ 1968_50.5

_ 20 ___ 1987_67.2__ 1862_58.7__2008_45.7 __ 1944_17.0 __ 1903_ 0.3 ___ 1904_ 1.5 __ 1889_21.6 __ 1852_51.1

_ 19 ___ 1905_67.3__ 1910_61.5__1855_46.0 __ 1928_17.3 __ 1908_ 0.3 ___ 1855_ 2.0 __ 1900_22.1 __ 1979_56.3

_ 18 ___ 1943_68.3__ 1962_62.0__1900_46.4 __ 1861_17.5 __ 1912_ 0.3 ___ 1884_ 2.0 __ 1949_22.6 __ 1929_56.4

_ 17 ___ 1915_69.1__ 1898_62.2__1862_47.0 __ 1957_17.8 __ 1929_ 0.3 ___ 1885_ 2.0 __ 1876_23.1 __ 1853_56.6

_ 16 ___ 1982_69.3__ 1916_62.7__1965_47.0 __ 1886_18.0 __ 1911_ 0.5 ___ 1962_ 2.0 __ 1856_24.1 __ 1917_58.4

_ 15 ___ 1862_69.6__ 1960_63.0__1912_47.2 __ 1894_18.0 __ 1947_ 0.5 ___ 1952_ 2.3 __ 1910_24.4 __ 1973_58.4

_ 14 ___ 1977_70.8__ 2013_63.2__1916_47.2 __ 1867_18.3 __ 1959_ 0.5 ___ 1911_ 3.0 __ 1869_25.9 __ 2008_59.9

_ 13 ___ 1966_70.9__ 1908_66.3__1865_48.0 __ 2005_19.4 __ 1967_ 0.5 ___ 1903_ 3.0 __ 2002_26.6 __ 1975_64.0

_ 12 ___ 1923_72.4__ 1858_67.8__1877_48.5 __ 1939_19.6 __ 1891_ 0.8 ___ 1895_ 4.3 __ 1920_27.7 __ 2007_64.3

_ 11 ___ 1886_73.9__ 1847_69.3__1939_50.0 __ 1996_19.8 __ 2020_ 1.0 ___ 1896_ 4.8 __ 1958_28.2 __ 1977_67.6

_ 10 ___ 1994_75.4__ 1950_70.9__1923_52.1 __ 1943_20.3 __ 1851_ 1.3 ___ 1868_ 5.1 __ 1997_29.0 __ 1970_67.8

_ 09 ___ 1914_76.7__ 1893_73.2__1936_52.8 __ 1885_21.8 __ 1861_ 1.3 ___ 1869_ 5.8 __ 1879_29.5 __ 1864_68.8

_ 08 ___ 1884_79.8__ 2008_74.4__1852_53.6 __ 1932_22.1 __ 1885_ 1.3 ___ 1843_ 6.4 __ 1874_29.7 __ 1951_71.1

_ 07 ___ 1875_82.0__ 1896_75.2__1883_58.7 __ 1901_22.4 __ 1966_ 1.3 ___ 1880_ 6.9 __ 1995_31.2 __ 1850_74.9

_ 06 ___ 1852_85.9__ 1861_75.4__1873_64.0 __ 1852_23.9 __ 1963_ 1.8 ___ 1906_ 7.1 __ 1951_34.0 __ 1855_74.9

_ 05 ___ 1895_90.9__ 1900_77.9__1843_65.3 __ 1975_24.4 __ 1909_ 2.0 ___ 1875_ 9.7 __ 1933_37.3 __ 2000_76.2

_ 04 ___ 1873_99.6__ 1924_82.3__1875_76.2 __ 1966_24.6 __ 1855_ 2.3 ___ 1925_10.7__ 1898_39.6 __ 1944_92.5

_ 03 ___1867_106.7__1868_83.8__1867_84.8 __ 1874_27.9 __ 1923_ 3.8 ___ 1865_11.4__ 1940_42.2 __ 1876_92.7

_ 02 ___1871_110.7_ 1869_100.8_1876_112.0__ 1857_32.8 __ 1907_ 4.1 ___ 1969_12.2__ 1873_49.8 __ 1859_95.0

_ 01 ___1999_118.4_ 1846_117.1_1870_158.5__ 1979_37.6 __ 1875_ 7.9 ___ 1844_30.5__ 1950_57.2 __ 1872_96.5

2024 added to table ... 2025 data will appear below

________2025 _17.0 ______ 66.9

______________ 34d ______ 13w



Unranked estimates for (March) 1840 to (Dec) 1842 ... these estimated snowfalls using available maps and clues from temps, Providence obs, have been utilized to estimate precip values in these months using the known rainfall amounts (which the author determined are probably not precip but only rainfall).

The winter of 1841-42 was very mild with copious amounts of rain, not much snowfall is assigned. Dec 1841 and Mar 1842 are shown as 0.0 because of the very mild and frequently rainy conditions but trace to 5 cm totals are probably within the realm of possibility for either month. Winter 1840-41 was more average by comparison; the available maps do not suggest very stormy conditions but there was little rain and cold enough temperatures with some opportunities evident from maps and temperature ranges on some days, so average amounts are assigned in that winter. The associated excel files show the dates to which these snowfalls are assigned as estimated snowfall entries in the logs. The author gained some confidence from the parallel task of assigning known monthly snowfall totals in the winter of 1844-45 to actual dates from comparing weather maps and events downstream at Providence. These known totals seemed to be about what the maps suggested might have fallen. 

1840 ____ Jan n/a ____ Feb n/a ____Mar 10.0 _____ Apr Tr ______ May Tr ______ Oct Tr ____ Nov 9.0 _____ Dec 30.0

1841 ____ Jan 35.0 ___ Feb 35.0 ___Mar 20.0 _____ Apr Tr ______ May Tr ______ Oct Tr ____ Nov 15.0 ____ Dec 0.0

1842 ____ Jan 10.0 ___ Feb 10.0 ___Mar 10.0 _____ Apr 0.0 _____ May Tr _________ Tr _____ Nov 7.0 ______ Dec 35.0



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Monthly precipitation (mm) rankings

The monthly precip values from 1843 to 1962 are based on 10:1 ratios for snowfall (10 cm snow = 10 mm precip). From 1963 to 2017 they are based on rainfall plus liquid equivalent of snowfall which continued to average close to 10:1 but varied from year to year in a range of about 8:1 to 12:1. Since Nov 2017 the snowfalls have been estimated and are once again combined with rainfall at the 10:1 ratio. 

June to September in this table is identical to the rankings for rainfall as there was no measurable snow in those months.

Values for precip from March 1840 to December 1842 (where snow may have fallen) are based on estimates of snow and these estimates do not appear in the snowfall ranking tables. The winter of 1841-42 was rainy and quite mild so the snowfall amounts estimated for that winter are low. No additions are made for March or April 1840. The winter of 1840-41 was a more average winter and near average amounts have been added to those months (Nov 1840 to Apr 1841). The last two months of 1842 were rather cold and generous amounts of snow have been added to the rainfalls reported there. No rainfalls were reported from Oct 1844 to Mar 1845. These months appear as in the rainfall rankings, with estimates from weather map and other reconstructions, and these estimates are now ranked and appear in positions consistent with these estimates. 

August 1844 has only a partial monthly total from data 13th to 31st but this is shown in the table with an estimated value and asterisk with note below the table. Nov 1989 may also have had slightly more precip than shown in the source tables due to a probable data entry error on Nov 20, 1989. 


RANK_Jan _amt __ Feb _amt __ Mar _amt __ Apr _ amt __ May _amt __ Jun _amt

01 __1872_15.5 __ 1877_ 7.4 __ 1962_10.7__ 1881 _ 2.5__ 1920_ 9.9 __ 1949_ 1.5 ___ 184 wettest

02 __1921_17.0 __ 1895_10.2__ 1905_13.0__ 1848_13.7__ 1949_10.4__ 1864_14.7 __ 183

03 __1981_20.1 __ 1969_18.3__ 1981_16.4__ 1896_19.5__ 2005_11.6__ 1988_16.6 __ 182 

04 __1963_22.4 __ 1980_19.6__ 1910_16.8__ 1879_22.4__ 1934_11.9__ 1899_17.0 __ 181 etc

05 __1944_25.7 __ 1963_19.8__ 1892_19.6__ 1935_24.1__ 1891_13.5__ 1873_17.5

06 __1853_26.4 __ 1906_20.3__ 1924_19.8__ 1884_24.4__ 1850_14.0__ 1895_19.1

07 __1919_26.4 __ 1978_20.9__ 1915_21.3__ 1946_24.4__ 1928_18.3__ 1959_19.8

08 __1961_26.9 __ 1907_21.8__ 2000_21.6__ 1872_25.1__ 1936_18.3__ 1963_21.1

09 __2000_28.4 __ 1917_22.9__ 2013_22.3__ 1882_26.2__ 1887_20.6__ 1978_22.0

10 __1988_30.0 __ 1995_23.0__ 2015_23.1__ 1927_26.2__ 2021_20.7__ 1867_22.6

11 __1879_30.5 __ 1934_23.6__ 2018_23.3__ 1997_27.2__ 1888_21.8__ 1877_22.9

12 __1986_31.6 __ 1989_24.2__ 1895_23.6__ 1971_27.9__ 1954_21.8__ 1932_25.4

13 __2021_32.2 __ 1856_24.6__ 1858_24.1__ 2010_29.3__ 2016_24.8__ 1862_26.2

14 __2001_32.6 __ 1947_25.4__ 1889_25.1__ 1949_30.5__ 1977_25.0__ 1910_27.4

15 __2010_32.9 __ 1873_26.4__ 1958_25.7__ 1930_31.2__ 1900_25.4__ 1894_27.7

16 __1856_34.5 __ 1923_26.9__ 2005_26.4__ 1968_31.5__ 1842_26.2__ 1952_27.7

17 __1877_34.8 __ 1970_26.9__ 1988_26.8__ 1892_32.0__ 1950_26.4__ 1896_28.2

18 __1989_34.8 __ 1977_27.0__ 1860_29.0__ 1915_33.0__ 1913_26.7__ 2005_29.0

19 __1922_35.1 __ 1872_27.4__ 1967_29.0__ 1941_33.0__ 1958_27.2__ 1983_29.6

20 __1970_35.1 __ 1953_27.7__ 1990_30.4__ 1860_33.5__ 1971_27.2__ 2007_30.3

21 __1973_35.3 __ 1987_28.2__ 2014_30.7__ 1962_33.8__ 1933_28.4__ 1909_30.7

22 __2015_36.4 __ 1994_28.2__ 1885_31.0__ 1985_33.8__ 2023_28.6__ 1994_33.6

23 __1958_36.8 __ 1991_28.6__ 1999_31.0__ 1894_34.0__ 1852_29.0__ 1942_33.8

24 __1868_37.1 __ 1931_28.7__ 1935_31.8__ 1925_34.3__ 1962_29.0__ 1915_34.0

25 __2011_37.9 __ 2004_29.4__ 1946_32.0__ 1841_34.5r__1870_29.4__ 1913_34.5

26 __1934_38.6 __ 2007_29.6__ 1847_32.5__ 1888_35.1__ 1925_31.0__ 1991_35.0

27 __1892_39.4 __ 1913_29.7__ 1992_33.0__ 1918_35.8__ 1951_31.0__ 1992_35.4

28 __1983_39.8 __ 1979_31.6__ 1894_34.0__ 1905_36.3__ 1879_32.3__ 1970_35.6

29 __1858_39.9 __ 1999_32.8__ 1957_34.0__ 1846_36.6__ 1926_32.8__ 2016_35.7

30 __1866_39.9 __ 2024_32.9__ 1969_35.3__ 1989_37.6__ 1877_34.5__ 1955_36.3

31 __1927_39.9 __ 1859_33.0__ 2012_36.0__ 1875_38.1__ 1862_36.8__ 1929_36.8

32 __1948_39.9 __ 2012_34.1__ 1857_37.3__ 1895_38.6__ 1922_37.1__ 1854_37.8

33 __1985_40.7 __ 1864_34.3__ 1890_37.6__ 1844_38.9__ 1988_37.2__ 1938_37.8

34 __1860_40.9 __ 1921_34.3__ 1937_37.6__ 1868_39.1__ 1939_37.8__ 1965_37.8

35 __1933_41.1 __ 1841_e35.0_ 1995_37.8__ 2001_39.4__ 2010_38.0__ 1911_38.6

36 __1938_41.4 __ 1875_35.1__ 1989_38.3__ 2007_39.4 _ 1874_38.1__ 1841_39.1

37 __1971_42.2 __ 1941_35.6__ 1887_38.4__ 1911_39.9__ 1914_38.4__ 1853_39.9

38 __1894_42.4 __ 1905_36.3__ 2003_38.4__ 1958_39.9__ 1959_39.4__ 1941_40.1

39 __1972_42.7 __ 1992_36.4__ 1908_39.1__ 1889_40.4__ 1843_39.9__ 1876_40.4

40 __1992_43.0 __ 2002_36.4__ 2001_40.4__ 1906_40.9__ 1915_40.9__ 1956_41.4

41 __1991_43.8 __ 1844_36.6__ 1932_40.9__ 2012_40.9__ 1965_41.1__ 1985_41.8

42 __1980_44.4 __ 1901_36.6__ 1941_40.9__ 1887_41.1__ 1964_41.7__ 1863_43.2

43 __1906_44.5 __ 1929_37.8__ 1856_41.1__ 1899_41.1__ 2012_41.8__ 1924_44.2

44 __2016_44.7 __ 1968_37.8__ 1938_41.7__ 1866_42.7__ 1935_43.2__ 1969_44.2

45 __1990_44.8 __ 1902_38.1__ 1851_41.9__ 1858_42.9__ 1903_45.7__ 1912_44.5

46 __1850_45.2 __ 1966_38.1__ 1874_41.9__ 1898_43.2__ 2014_46.9__ 1964_44.5

47 __2002_45.2 __ 1964_38.6__ 2021_42.2__ 1942_43.9__ 1860_47.0__ 2004_44.6

48 __1953_45.5 __ 1940_39.1__ 1933_43.9__ 1938_44.5__ 1990_ 47.0__ 1979_45.2

49 __1945_45.7 __ 1982_39.2__ 1993_44.4__ 2023_44.8 __ 1972_47.8__ 1953_45.5

50 __1880_46.0 __ 2010_39.2__ 1996_44.4__ 1900_46.5__ 2023_47.9__ 1971_45.5 

51 __2014_46.2 __ 2021_39.4__ 1849_45.0__ 1876_46.7__ 1921_48.0__ 1874_45.7

52 __2007_47.2 __ 1920_40.1__ 1853_45.5__ 1981_47.2__ 1931_48.0__ 1875_46.5

53 __1869_47.8 __ 1973_40.4__ 2007_45.6__ 1931_48.3__ 1980_48.1__ 1893_46.5

54 __1956_47.8 __ 1933_41.1__ 1879_46.2__ 1998_48.6__ 1902_48.3__ 1933_46.7

55 __1955_48.5 __ 2015_41.6__ 1863_46.5__ 1914_48.8__ 1907_49.0__1848_47.2 

56 __1984_48.7 __ 1912_42.4__ 1903_46.5__ 1982_49.1__ 1872_49.3__ 1878_48.5

57 __1865_48.8 __ 1952_42.4__ 1970_46.5__ 1986_49.4__ 2015_50.1__ 1939_48.5

58 __1897_48.8 __ 1888_42.7__ 1960_47.0__ 1948_49.8__ 1966_50.3__ 1886_48.8

59 __1888_49.0 __ 2011_42.7__ 1850_ 47.5__ 1966_50.0__ 1845_50.8__ 1846_49.3

60 __1900_49.3 __ 1928_42.9__ 2017_47.7__  1999_51.0__ 1911_51.1__1898_49.5

61 __1940_49.8 __ 1882_43.7__ 1978_48.7__ 2008_52.7__ 1847_52.3__ 1865_51.1

62 __2022_50.1 __ 1974_43.7__ 1971_48.8__ 1907_53.1__ 2007_53.1__ 2020_51.2

63 __1925_50.8 __ 1899_43.9__ 1841_49.5e_ 1890_53.8__ 2018_53.1__ 1849_51.3

64 __1882_51.1 __ 1996_44.2__ 1912_50.0__ 1952_53.8__ 2020_53.6__ 1946_52.1

65 __1854_51.6 __ 1983_45.9__ 1979_50.3__ 1973_53.8__ 1938_54.6__ 1901_52.6

66 __1975_52.1 __ 1885_46.2__ 1840_51.1e_ 2021_54.5__ 1873_56.1__  2011_52.8

67 __1851_52.3 __ 1848_47.2__ 1864_51.1__ 1897_54.6__ 1970_56.1__ 1925_53.3

68 __1911_53.1 __ 1914_47.5__ 2004_51.2__ 1870_54.9__ 1881_56.6__ 1984_53.7

69 __1849_53.3 __ 1993_47.6__ 1918_51.6__ 1902_55.1__ 1885_57.4__ 1907_53.8

70 __1942_53.3 __ 2000_47.6__ 1893_51.8__ 1950_55.9__ 1993_57.8__ 2002_53.8

71 __1881_54.1 __ 1998_47.8__ 1911_52.1__ 1855_56.4__ 1884_57.9__ 1921_54.6

72 __1936_54.4 __ 1967_48.0__ 2006_52.8__ 2020_56.5__ 1941_57.9__ 1860_54.9

73 __1974_54.9 __ 1919_48.5__ 1921_53.6__ 1987_56.6__ 1978_58.3__ 1931_54.9

74 __1857_55.4 __ 1843_48.8__ 1882_54.1__ 1990_56.7__ 1871_58.4__ 1914_55.1

75 __2003_55.6 __ 1942_48.8__ 1907_54.1__ 2016_56.8__ 1987_58.4__  1995_55.2

76 __1977_57.0 __ 1958_48.8__ 1949_54.9__ 1862_57.9__ 1895_58.7__ 1958_55.6

77 __1939_57.2 __ 1879_50.5__ 1994_55.0__ 1877_57.9__ 1898_58.7__ 1997_55.8 

78 __1876_57.9 __ 1986_51.4__ 1974_55.1__ 1891_58.7__ 2008_58.7__ 1884_56.1 

79 __1928_58.2 __ 1927_51.8__ 1880_55.6__ 1923_58.9__ 2009_59.0__ 1950_56.4 

80 __1969_58.2 __ 1880_52.1__ 1846_55.9__ 1908_59.2__ 1998_59.2__ 1868_56.6

81 __1918_58.4 __ 1956_52.1__ 1965_55.9__ 1874_59.4__ 1841_59.4__ 2001_57.4

82 __1954_59.2 __ 1955_52.8__ 2023_55.9__ 1861_59.7__ 1991_60.2__ 1975_58.7

83 __2018_59.8 __ 1911_53.8__ 1928_56.1__ 1972_59.7__ 1886_62.0__ 1861_59.2

84 __1904_60.7 __ 1976_54.4__ 1940_56.9__ 1988_60.2__ 1896_62.2__  1981_59.6

85 __1926_61.0 __ 1915_54.6__ 1927_57.4__ 1863_60.7__ 1997_62.4__ 2018_60.2

86 __2019_61.4 __ 1849_54.9__ 1950_58.2__ 1851_62.0__ 1848_63.5__ 2023_60.9

87 __1920_61.5 __ 1944_55.4__ 1968_58.4__ 1976_62.7__ 1967_63.5__ 1966_61.2

88 __1951_61.5 __ 1937_56.1__ 1920_58.7__ 1912_63.0__ 1906_63.8__ 1900_61.7

89 __1883_62.2 __ 1951_56.4__ 1872_59.2__ 1978_63.2__ 1955_65.5__ 1930_61.7

90 __1987_62.2 __ 1945_56.6__ 1917_59.2__ 1953_63.8__ 1878_66.0__ 1960_61.7

91 __1901_62.7 __ 2016_57.0__ 1966_59.4__ 2006_63.8__ 1890_66.5__ 1927_64.0

92 __1908_63.8 __ 1894_57.2__ 1883_59.9__ 1883_64.5__ 1982_66.5__ 1999_64.8

92 __1916_63.8 __ 1852_57.4__ 1984_60.3__ 1924_64.8__ 1948_67.1__ 2009_65.2

91 __1964_64.0 __ 1892_57.7__ 1898_61.2__ 1933_64.8__ 1979_67.2__ 1881_65.3

90 __2017_64.5 __ 1930_57.9__ 2002_61.2__ 1928_65.5__ 1918_67.3__ 1962_65.8 

89 __1946_64.8 __ 2014_58.0__ 1986_61.4__ 1940_65.5__ 1961_67.3__ 1882_67.1 

88 __1976_65.0 __ 1853_58.4__ 1914_61.5__ 1984_66.0__ 1855_67.6__ 1847_67.3

87 __1994_65.0 __ 1871_59.4__ 1987_61.9__ 1934_66.3__ 1910_69.9__ 1887_67.6

86 __1842_65.1e _ 1897_59.4__ 2010_62.0__ 1878_66.5__ 1917_70.1__ 1851_69.1

85 __1941_65.5 __ 1943_59.4__ 1869_63.2__ 1932_66.5__ 1930_70.4__ 1919_69.1

84 __1902_66.0 __ 2003_59.4__ 1896_63.5__ 1859_67.8__ 1869_71.4__ 1990_69.2

83 __1931_66.5 __ 1889_60.5__ 1902_64.0__ 1964_67.8__ 1986_71.6__ 1866_69.3

82 __1962_66.8 __ 1935_60.7__ 1884_64.8__ 2003_69.2__ 1981_72.2__ 1934_69.9

81 __2012_67.2 __ 1957_61.7__ 1906_64.8__ 1853_69.6__ 1866_72.4__ 1987_70.2 

80 __1966_67.3 __ 1881_62.0__ 1948_65.5__ 1963_70.6__ 1969_72.6__ 1904_70.4

79 __1909_67.6 __ 2018_62.0 _1845^ (65.6)_ 1993_70.6__1937_73.7__ 1973_73.4

78 __1903_68.8 __ 2020_62.0__ 1947_65.8__ 2004_71.2__ 1963_73.9__ 1920_73.7

77 __2008_69.7 __ 1954_62.5__ 2019_67.2__ 1856_71.9__ 1992_74.6__ 1936_73.9

76 __2009_69.7 __ 1916_62.7__ 1866_67.3__ 1944_71.9__ 2006_75.3__ 1943_74.2

75 __1861_69.9 __ 1862_63.5__ 1934_67.8__ 1947_72.1__ 1975_76.5__ 1972_74.4

74 __1959_69.9 __ 1865_63.5__ 1854_69.1__ 1849_72.4__ 1851_76.7__ 1968_74.7

73 __2004_70.5 __ 1866_64.0__ 1955_69.1__ 1965_72.6__ 1897_76.7__ 1897_74.9

72 __1885_71.1 __ 1870_64.3__ 1916_69.6__ 1959_72.9__ 1985_76.8__ 1858_75.4

71 __1957_71.9 __ 1936_66.3__ 1901_69.9__ 1867_73.4__ 1957_77.0__ 1908_75.4

70 __2005_72.3 __ 1891_67.6__ 2020_69.9__ 1926_73.4__ 1995_77.2__ 1891_77.5

69 __1952_72.4 __ 1858_67.8__ 1909_70.4__ 1919_73.7__ 1889_80.3__ 2012_79.8

68 __1855_72.6 __ 2019_68.0__ 1888_71.4__ 1975_73.9__ 1932_81.0__ 2021_79.8

67 __1862_72.6 __ 1867_68.1__ 1931_71.6__ 1852_74.7__ 1927_81.5__ 1872_80.0 

66 __1899_72.9 __ 2023_68.9__ 1953_72.1__ 1886_75.2__ 1876_82.0__ 1852_80.8

65 __1847_73.4 __ 2009_69.7__ 1861_72.4__ 1995_75.4__ 1905_82.0__ 1905_81.0 

64 __1997_73.8 __ 1932_70.1__ 1925_72.6__ 1854_75.7__ 1989_82.4__ 1986_81.2

63 __1943_74.4 __ 1975_70.1__ 1926_73.7__ 1936_76.2__ 1867_82.6__ 2017_81.7

62 __1949_74.4 __ 1884_71.4__ 1904_74.2__ 2015_76.2__ 1952_82.6__ 1856_82.3

61 __1996_74.6 __ 1903_71.4__ 1952_74.2__ 1869_76.7__ 1899_83.6__ 1976_83.6

60 __1846_74.9 __ 1926_71.6__ 1961_74.2__ 1967_76.7__ 1875_83.8__ 1998_83.6 

59 __1848_74.9 __ 1988_71.8__ 1982_74.2__ 1885_77.5__ 1947_85.9__ 1903_84.6 

58 __1912_75.4 __ 1949_72.1__ 1897_75.4__ 1857_77.7__ 1863_86.1__ 2003_84.8

57 __1917_75.4 __ 1883_72.4__ 1959_75.4__ 1955_77.7__ 1976_86.1__ 1871_85.1

56 __2023_75.8 __ 1851_72.6__ 1886_76.5__ 1904_79.0__ 1861_87.6__ 1980_85.2

55 __1893_75.9 __ 1962_72.6__ 1891_77.0__ 1956_79.2__ 1859_87.6__ 1850_85.6

54 __1935_77.0 __ 2022_74.1__ 1975_77.7__ 1969_80.3__ 1892_88.6__ 1954_86.1

53 __1859_78.7 __ 1922_74.9__ 1868_78.5__ 1843_81.3__ 1901_88.6__ 1935_86.9

52 __1891_79.5 __ 1904_76.2__ 1923_78.7__ 1974_81.5__ 2004_89.0__ 1926_88.1 

51 __1878_80.3 __ 2017_76.2__ 1939_80.0__ 1960_81.8__ 1973_89.2__ 1844_89.9 

50 __1923_80.3 __ 1878_76.7__ 1963_80.0__ 1977_82.3__ 1990_89.2__ 2006_89.9 

49 __1863_81.3 __ 1874_77.7__ 1848_80.5__ 2019_82.3__ 1994_90.4__ 1977_90.2 

48 __1887_81.5 __ 1898_77.7__ 1997_80.8__ 1916_82.6__ 1882_91.2__ 1880_90.4

47 __1875_82.0 __ 1886_78.2__ 1983_80.9__ 1920_82.8__ 1996_92.4__ 1889_90.7

46 __1905_83.3 __ 1972_78.5__ 1843_81.3__ 1943_82.8__ 2002_94.0__ 1902_90.7 

45 __1884_83.8 __ 2006_79.4__ 1919_81.3__ 1847_83.3__ 1923_94.2__ 1957_92.2 

44 __1930_84.6 __ 1981_80.2__ 1930_81.3__ 2000_84.2__ 1929_95.8__ 1937_92.5 

43 __2006_84.8 __ 1948_80.3__ 1922_81.5__ 1970_85.3__ 1904_96.5__ 1940_94.7 

42 __1967_85.3 __ 1909_80.8__ 2011_82.2__ 1917_85.6__ 1909_96.5__ 2014_95.6 

41 __1890_85.6 __ 1910_81.8__ 2009_83.8__ 1957_86.4__ 1944_97.5__ 1945_97.8 

40 __1965_85.6 __ 1860_82.0__ 1855_84.1__ 1939_87.1__ 1893_98.0__ 1906_98.3 

39 __1852_85.9 __ 1924_83.1__ 1944_84.3__ 1840_87.9r__2019_99.9__1918_99.8

38 __1914_87.4 __ 1847_83.3__ 1977_86.4__ 1845_87.9__1984_100.0__ 1951_99.8 

37 __1982_87.8 __ 1854_83.3__ 1900_87.6__ 1871_87.9__2013_100.4__ 1928_100.8

36 __1889_88.4 __ 1946_83.3__ 2008_88.4__ 1880_88.1__1968_101.1__1888_101.3 

35 __1910_89.2 __ 1868_84.3__ 1878_88.6__ 1983_89.1__1865_102.4__1948_103.1

34 __1841_89.6e _ 1985_86.1__ 1964_88.9__ 1913_89.2__1880_102.4__2023_103.2 

33 __2024_89.6 __ 1961_86.9__ 1929_89.9__ 1994_91.0__1864_104.1__2008_104.2

32 __1978_90.6 __ 1984_87.7__ 1954_90.4__ 1922_91.9__1840_105.7__1859_104.4

31 __2013_91.6 __ 1890_88.4__ 1842_91.9e_ 2011_93.9__1857_106.2__1855_104.6 

30 __1898_92.7 __ 1971_89.2__ 1881_93.2__ 1903_95.5__1946_107.4__1989_105.8

29 __1993_95.4 __ 1959_89.7__ 1972_96.3__ 1901_100.8__1883_109.2__2019_106.0

28 __1845^_(95.8) _1850_90.4__2016_98.5__ 1873_101.1__1953_110.7__1885_106.7 

27 __1864_96.5 __ 1925_91.4__ 1844_98.8__ 1842_101.3r_ 1846_111.5__1923_107.7 

26 __1896_99.8 __ 2005_91.8__ 1956_98.8__ 1864_101.9__1924_112.3__1916_109.5 

25 __1947_99.8 __ 1938_91.9__ 1875_99.8__ 1937_102.1__1853_113.5__1961_109.5 

24 _ 1960_101.1 _ 1939_91.9__ 1942_100.1_ 2014_102.9__1943_116.3__1944_109.7 

23 _ 1950_101.3 _ 1893_92.2 __ 2023_100.6 _1954_103.6__2011_116.4 _1845_110.7 

22 _ 1915_102.4 _ 1863_93.0 __ 1867_100.8 _1961_104.4__1983_117.2 _1869_112.0

21 _ 1874_102.6 _ 1960_94.0 __ 1998_101.2 _ 2023_105.5__1856_117.3__2013_112.6

20 _ 1907_104.6 _ 1997_94.2 __ 1936_103.4 _ 2005_105.9__1908_117.9__1879_114.3 

19 _  1968_104.6 _ 1990_94.4__ 1871_103.6 _ 1865_106.2__1854_118.9__1947_115.1

18 _  1998_106.0 _ 1908_96.0__ 1913_103.6 _ 1996 106.2__1956_119.4__1843_117.1 

17 _ 1867_106.7 _ 1861_96.3 __ 1980_103.8 _ 1945_107.2__1940_127.3__1840_123.4

16 _ 1913_111.0 _ 1855_100.3__ 1859_106.4 _ 1992_110.4__2001_127.8__1890_124.2 

15 _ 1979_112.5 _ 1896_100.3 _ 1985_107.7 _ 2013_110.4__1849_130.6__1922_125.0 

14 _ 1895_118.1 _ 1950_100.3 _ 1873_108.7 _ 2002_111.2__1919_130.8__1993_125.0 

13 _ 1924_124.2 _ 1842_101.9e_ 1899_108.7 _ 2017_111.2__1960_134.4__1996_126.2

12 _ 2020_126.6 _ 1845^_(102.1)_1951_109.7 _ 1951_115.3__2000_135.2__1883_126.5 

11 _ 1873_127.8 _ 1918_103.9 _ 1877_110.7 _ 1980_117.2__2003_135.8__ 1917_127.3 

10 _ 1999_130.2 _ 1965_104.6 _ 1943_111.0 _ 1979_118.6__1945_137.2__1982_129.4

09 _ 1937_131.6 _ 2001_105.0 _ 1862_112.3 _ 1850_122.9__1916_142.2__1857_129.8

08 _ 1871_132.6 _ 1869_105.2 _ 1945_116.3 _ 2009_123.8__1974_144.3__1974_133.6 

07 _ 1995_138.4 _ 1857_107.7 _ 1991_117.6 _ 1893_124.7__1844_144.8__1842_145.8

06 _ 1929_138.7 _ 1887_109.0 _ 1865_125.7 _ 1921_124.7__1912_150.4__1967_146.1

05 _ 1844_139.7 _ 1876_109.5 _ 1852_128.0 _ 1910_128.3__1858_162.1__1892_147.6 

04 _ 1886_140.2 _ 1846_117.1 _ 1976_140.7 _ 1991_133.8__2017_162.3__2010_157.0 

03 _ 1870_141.0 _ 1900_132.3 _ 1876_143.8 _ 1909_137.4__1942_172.5__2000_162.2

02 _ 1843_145.3 _ 2008_133.4 _ 1973_149.1 _ 2018_146.4__1868_195.1__2015_183.9

01 _ 1932_173.7 _ 2013_144.6 _ 1870_177.8 _ 1929_154.7__1894_238.5__1870_205.5




Jan 2025 will enter at 19.0 mm (3rd driest)

Feb 2025 will enter at 70.9 mm (63rd wettest)

Mar 2024 will enter at 53.3 mm (73rd driest)

Apr 2024 will enter at 153.3 mm (2nd wettest). 

May 2024 will enter at 62.0 mm (t83rd driest w1886)

June 2024 will enter at 79.9 mm (68th wettest)


- ========================================================= -

(continued -- July to December precip rankings) 


RANK_ Jul _amt __  Aug _amt __ Sep _amt __ Oct _ amt __ Nov _amt __ Dec _amt

01 __1954__7.4 __ 1876__Tr ___1844_ 5.8 __ 1963 _ 9.1__ 1904_ 2.8 __ 1845_11.9 ___ 185 wettest

02 __1916__9.1 __ 1899_ 6.9 __ 1960_ 7.9 __ 1944_13.2__ 1939_ 8.1 __ 1943_13.2 ___ 184

03 __1868_ 13.2__ 1874_ 9.7 __ 1897_10.2__ 1961_13.5__ 1976_12.4__ 1877_13.5 ___ 183 etc

04 __1887_ 16.8__ 1894_ 9.7 __ 1964_10.2__ 1901_14.7__ 1872_14.2__ 1888_21.1 

05 __1898_ 17.8__ 1889_10.9__ 1903_10.4__ 1966_15.2__ 1894_15.5__ 1900_21.1

06 __2015_ 18.3__ 1935_11.4__ 1877_10.7__ 1924_15.7__ 1930_17.3__ 1960_21.6

07 __1983_ 19.3__ 2021_11.6__ 2023_11.9__ 1952_17.3__ 1870_22.9__ 1896_24.1

08 __1936_ 19.6__ 1854_11.9__ 1969_16.5__ 2000_20.0__ 1924_24.1__ 1919_25.4

09 __1966_ 20.8__ 1973_14.2__ 1917_16.8__ 1953_21.3__ 1899_25.9__ 1913_26.4

10 __1888_ 21.8__ 2002_16.0__ 1858_19.1__ 2024_21.6__ 2012_26.8__ 1950_26.9

11 __2011_ 21.9__ 1848_22.4__ 1929_19.8__ 1853_22.6__ 1865_27.7__ 1958_27.2

12 __1853_ 23.6__ 1930_22.6__ 1950_19.8__ 1984_22.8__ 1996_30.8__ 1993_27.6

13 __1914_ 25.4__ 1948_22.6__ 1941_21.3__ 1998_22.8__ 1903_32.3__ 1880_28.4

14 __1899_ 25.9__ 2017_24.4__ 1881_23.1__ 2004_22.8__ 1917_32.3__ 1925_29.2

15 __1882_ 27.2__ 1920_25.7__ 1913_24.9__ 1856_23.1__ 1936_33.0__ 2014_29.4

16 __1856_ 29.2__ 1934_25.7__ 2017_26.9__ 1859_24.1__ 2015_33.1__ 1874_29.5

17 __1974_ 29.5__ 1898_27.4__ 1927_28.2__ 1922_24.4__ 1854_33.8__ 1930_29.5

18 __1959_ 31.2__ 1907_27.7__ 1955_29.7__ 1883_24.6__ 2013_36.4__ 1840_30.0e

19 __1871_ 32.3__ 1896_29.0__ 1887_30.7__ 1908_25.7__ 1918_36.8__ 1928_30.7

20 __1948_ 33.3__ 1942_29.5__ 1867_31.2__ 1938_26.2__ 1921_36.8__ 1861_31.5

21 __1864_ 34.3__ 2007_29.8__ 2007_31.5__ 1895_26.4__ 1938_36.8__ 1892_31.5

22 __1999_ 35.4__ 1960_31.2__ 1863_31.8__ 1857_27.4__ 2009_37.0__ 1939_31.5

23 __1997_ 37.8__ 1976_31.2__ 1893_32.0__ 1956_28.2__ 1922_37.6__ 2002_31.7

24 __1933_ 38.9__ 1998_32.0__ 1921_32.3__ 1879_28.4__ 2019_38.2__ 1997_34.2

25 __1934_ 40.1__ 2006_32.4__ 1871_33.0__ 1947_28.4__ 1998_38.6__ 2010_34.7

26 __1894_ 40.9__ 1909_33.8__ 1908_33.0__ 1974_28.4__ 1840_40.0e_ 1999_34.8  

27 __1940_ 41.1__ 1959_34.3__ 1995_33.2__ 1909_29.0__ 1956_40.6__ 1989_35.2  

28 __1978_ 41.2__ 1851_35.1__ 2004_33.2__ 1882_29.2__ 2021 40.8__ 1995_35.8 

29 __1968_ 41.9__ 2000_35.2__ 2009_33.4__ 2016_29.4__ 1908 40.9__ 1926_36.6 

30 __2000_ 42.0__ 1944_35.6__ 1933_34.3__ 1869 30.5__ 1845 41.1__ 1904_36.8   

31 __1923_ 43.7__ 1949_36.3__ 1937_35.3__ 1871_30.5__ 1919_41.4__ 1985_36.8 

32 __1939_ 43.7__ 1962_36.3__ 2019_35.6__ 2022_32.0__ 1901_41.9__ 1883_37.1 

33 __1918_ 43.9__ 1922_37.3__ 1943_35.8__ 1846_32.8__ 1916_41.9__ 2017_37.3

34 __1984_ 44.0__ 1927_37.3__ 1900_36.6__ 1958_32.8__ 1964_42.2__ 1941_37.8 

35 __2005_ 44.4__ 1855_37.6__ 1971_36.8__ 1994_33.4__ 1906_42.9__ 1868_39.6 

36 __1926_ 45.0__ 2003_38.5__ 1951_37.3__ 1934_33.8__ 2024_42.9__ 1952_42.2 

37 __1875_ 46.0__ 1881_38.6__ 1849_38.1__ 1997_34.2__ 1902_43.2__ 1961_42.2

38 __1989_ 46.0__ 1980_39.6__ 1961_38.1__ 1841_34.3__ 1980_43.9__ 1937_42.9  

39 __1881_ 47.0__ 1868_39.9__ 1874_39.4__ 1892_34.8__ 2016_44.2__ 1988_43.2  

40 __1985_ 47.2__ 1916_39.9__ 1914_39.4__ 1874_36.1__ 1943_44.5__ 2015_43.5

41 __1982_ 48.1__ 1957_40.6__ 1952_39.4__ 1982_36.1__ 1947_44.7__ 1922_43.9

42 __1870_ 48.3__ 1951_41.4__ 1946_39.6__ 1876_36.6__ 1875_45.2__ 1910_44.2  

43 __1848_ 48.5__ 1856_42.9__ 1979_40.0__ 1897_36.8__ 1905_45.2__ 1976_44.2

44 __1873_ 49.0__ 1993_43.6__ 1963_42.2__ 1884_38.1__ 1937_45.7__ 1914_44.5

45 __1912_ 49.5__ 1845_43.9__ 1916_42.4__ 1978_38.2__ 1975_45.7__ 1998_44.8 

46 __2003_ 49.7__ 2014_44.4__ 1891_43.4__ 1975_38.4__ 1953_46.0__ 1974_45.2

47 __2001_ 49.8__ 1936_44.5__ 1905_43.9__ 2002_39.0__ 1971_47.2__ 1849_46.0  

48 __1995_ 50.2__ 1967_44.5__ 1983_44.3__ 1854_39.4__ 1990_47.6__ 1953_46.2

49 __1867_ 50.3__ 1846_45.5__ 1850_44.5__ 1914_39.4__ 1970_47.8__ 1843_47.0

50 __2016_ 51.1__ 2023_45.9__ 1947_45.5__ 1848_39.9__ 1915_48.0__ 1912_47.0

51 __1907_ 51.6__ 1883_46.5__ 1890_47.0__ 1935_39.9__ 1944_49.0__ 2001_47.4

52 __1994_ 52.4__ 1906_46.5__ 1956_47.2__ 1868_40.1__ 1867_49.3__ 1847_47.5 

53 __1845_ 52.8__ 1952_47.0__ 1919_48.5__ 1887_41.4__ 1954_49.3__ 1890_49.3

54 __1957_ 53.3__ 1996_47.4__ 2020_48.5__ 2023_41.8__ 2014_49.7__ 1885_50.3

55 __1885_ 53.6__ 1875_47.8__ 1954_49.0__ 1923_41.9__ 1946_50.3__ 1903_50.8 

56 __1884_ 53.8__ 1946_48.5__ 1998_49.0__ 1923_42.2__ 1852_50.5__ 1981_50.8

57 __1998_ 54.8__ 1989_48.6__ 1909_49.8__ 2008_42.5__ 1967_51.1__ 1886_51.1

58 __1891_ 55.1__ 2015_48.6__ 1860_50.0__ 1891_43.4__ 1955_51.3__ 1916_51.6

59 __1896_ 55.6__ 1873_49.0__ 1840_50.4__ 1851_43.7__ 1949_51.6__ 1963_52.1

60 __2018_ 56.8__ 1929_49.3__ 1920_50.8__ 1940_44.5__ 1986_52.0__ 1908_52.3

61 __1893_ 57.7__ 1941_49.3__ 1990_51.2__ 1845_45.0__ 2023_52.1__ 1935_52.6 

62 __2017_ 57.8__ 2004_49.4__ 1889_52.8__  2005_46.0__ 1960_52.3__ 1846_52.8

63 __1872_ 58.4__ 1979_49.8__ 1997_52.8__ 1858_46.2__ 1981_52.6__ 1894_53.8

64 __2022_ 58.8__ 2001_49.8__ 1882_53.1__ 1949_46.2__ 2017_53.2__ 1851_54.9

65 __1971_ 59.9__ 1961_50.3__ 1970_53.1__ 1968_46.2__ 1874_53.6__ 1962_55.1

66 __1886_ 62.7__ 1953_50.5__ 1974_53.1__ 1976_46.2__ 2000_54.2__ 1844^_55.2

67 __1865_ 63.0__ 1887_50.8__ 1944_54.1__ 1987_47.0__ 1882_54.6__ 2005_55.2 

68 __1981_ 63.0__ 1865_51.1__ 1994_54.8__ 1930_47.5__ 1885_54.6__ 1994_56.0

69 __1963_ 63.5__ 1938_52.3__ 1980_55.2__ 1840_48.0__ 1957_55.1__ 1902_56.4

70 __1892_ 63.8__ 1969_52.3__ 1931_55.4__ 1889_48.0__ 1848_55.4__ 1938_56.6

71 __1895_ 63.8__ 1921_52.6__ 1973_55.6__ 1939_48.0__ 1892_55.4__ 1945_57.2

72 __1958_ 63.8__ 1925_52.8__ 1948_56.4__ 2003_48.4__ 1941_56.6__1842_57.4e

73 __1879_ 66.3__ 1988_53.2__ 2024_57.6__ 1964_48.8__ 1844^_57.2__1865_57.4

74 __1859_ 66.5__ 1931_53.3__ 2002_58.6__ 2017_49.2__ 1884_58.7__ 1991_57.8 

75 __1911_ 66.5__ 2016_53.6__ 1965_58.7__ 1907_50.3__ 1856_59.9__ 1905_57.9

76 __1938_ 66.5__ 2019_54.0__ 1862_60.2__ 1931_50.5__ 1945_59.9__ 1929_58.2 

77 __1861_ 67.6__ 1884_54.1__ 1883_60.5__ 1951_50.5__ 1961_60.2__ 1980_59.3

78 __1921_ 67.6__ 1879_55.1__ 2022_60.8__ 1867_50.8__ 1912_60.7__ 2020_59.3

79 __1913_ 67.8__ 1919_55.1__ 2015_61.0__ 1971_51.1__ 1978_61.1__ 2021_59.3

80 __1965_ 68.6__ 1945_55.1__ 2013_61.6__ 1861_51.3__ 1931_62.0__ 1924_59.4

81 __1877_ 69.3__ 1847_55.4__ 1966_62.0__ 2007_51.4__ 1873_62.7__ 2006_59.6

82 __1900_ 69.6__ 1863_56.6__ 1895_62.5__ 2020_53.0__ 1883_62.7__ 1871_59.9

83 __1990_ 69.6__ 1984_56.8__ 1865_62.7__ 1850_53.1__ 1974_63.8__ 1932_60.5 

84 __1953_ 70.1__ 1987_57.2__ 1876_62.7__ 1991_53.2__ 1991_63.8__ 1947_60.7

85 __1955_ 70.4__ 1897_57.7__ 2016_63.5__ 1900_54.1__ 1910_64.8__ 1987_60.8  

86 __2004_ 70.6__ 1913_57.9__ 2018_63.5__ 1896_55.1__ 2020_66.1__ 1917_61.0

87 __1975_ 71.6__ 1974_58.9__ 1939_64.0__ 1932_55.1__ 1880_67.3__ 1921_61.2

88 __1944_ 71.9__ 1947_59.9__ 1864_64.3__ 1873_55.4__ 1886_67.3__ 1955_61.5

89 __1987_ 73.6__ 1902_60.5__ 1872_64.3__ 1915_55.6__ 1876_67.6__ 1954_61.7 

90 __1846_ 73.7__ 1872_61.2__ 1985_64.6__ 1927_55.6__ 1942_68.8 __ 2018_62.1

91 __1973_ 73.7__ 1933_61.2__ 2000_65.2__ 1986_56.2__ 1988_68.8 __ 1965_62.5

92 __2019_ 73.7__ 1911_61.5__ 1911_65.3__ 1910_56.6__ 1853_69.1 __ 1854_62.7

93 __1937_ 74.2__ 1867_62.2__ 2008_66.2__ 1933_57.4__ 1984_69.8__ 1934_63.0 __ median

92 __1908_ 74.4__ 1943_62.2__ 1993_67.0__ 1912_59.7__ 1862_69.9__ 1984_63.1

91 __1945_ 74.4__ 1966_62.7__ 1857_67.6__ 1894_60.2__ 2001_70.0__ 1881_63.2 

90 __1922_ 75.4__ 1842_63.5__ 2005_67.6__ 1977_60.6__ 2022_70.0__ 1956_63.8 

89 __1943_ 76.5__ 1994_63.8__ 1851_67.8__ 1985_61.0__ 1860_70.4__1915_64.0

88 __1979_ 76.8__ 1882_64.0__ 1923_67.8__ 1929_62.0__ 1994_71.0__ 1946_64.0

87 __1842_ 77.5__ 2022_64.5__ 2001_68.0__ 1936_62.2__ 1887_71.4__ 1948_64.0

86 __1952_ 77.7__ 1853_65.8__ 1991_68.8__ 1913_62.5__ 1914_72.4__ 1992_64.0

85 __2020_ 78.2__ 2024_66.1__ 1989_70.0__ 1904_63.0__ 2004_72.5__ 1899_64.5 

84 __1858_ 78.5__ 1886_66.8__ 1898_70.9__ 1866_63.2__ 2010_72.8__ 1898_64.8 

83 __1930_ 78.7__ 2011_66.9__ 1875_71.6__ 2018_63.4__ 1959_72.9__ 1964_65.8  

82 __1931_ 78.7__ 1940_67.6__ 1930_71.9__ 1969_63.5__ 1962_72.9__ 1978_66.8   

81 __1969_ 78.7__ 1965_67.8__ 1928_72.4__ 1957_64.3__ 1933_73.7__ 2003_67.2 

80 __1944_ 79.8__ 1852_69.3__ 1936_73.7__ 1999_64.4__ 1997_73.8__ 1909_67.3

79 __1949_ 79.8__ 1900_69.9__ 2003_75.4__ 1863_64.5__ 1849_74.4__ 2011_67.4

78 __2014_ 80.0__ 1871_71.1__ 1879_75.7__ 1945_65.0__ 1850_75.2__ 1969_68.6

77 __2007_ 80.4__ 1908_71.9__ 1922_75.9__ 1960_65.3__ 1896_75.2__ 1858_68.8

76 __1988_ 81.2__ 1937_73.4__ 1976_76.2__ 1886_66.3__ 1972_75.2__ 1860_69.1

75 __1919_ 81.3__ 1840_73.9__ 1880_76.5__ 1925_66.8__ 1893_75.9__ 2013_70.3

74 __1967_ 81.3__ 1888_73.9__ 1873_76.7__ 1948_66.8__ 1969_76.2__ 1867_70.6

73 __2010_ 82.5__ 1978_74.8__ 1968_76.7__ 1877_67.1 __ 1898_76.7__ 1882_70.9 

72 __1972_ 82.8__ 1861_76.2__ 2010_77.1__ 1855_67.6__ 1841_77.2e_1906_71.6

71 __1889_ 83.1__ 1895_76.7__ 1932_77.2__ 2010_68.0__ 1999_77.2__ 2024_71.6 

70 __1855_ 83.6__ 1890_77.0__ 1901_77.5__ 1888_68.1__ 1979_78.6__ 1853_72.6

69 __1876_ 83.6__ 1963_77.2__ 1975_77.7__ 1870_68.8__ 1888_78.7__ 1911_72.6

68 __1956_ 84.3__ 1999_77.4__ 1967_79.0__ 1967_68.8__ 1934_78.7__ 1891_73.4

67 __1874_ 85.1__ 1910_77.7__ 1848_79.2__ 1937_69.9__ 1871_79.0__ 2016_73.8 

66 __1847_ 85.3__ 1844_79.1*_ 1892_79.2__ 1862_70.4__ 1963_80.0__ 1933_73.9 

65 __1901_ 85.9__ 2012_79.4__ 1988_79.2__ 1903_70.6__ 1993_80.4__ 1873_74.2

64 __1906_ 86.6__ 1877_80.5__ 1972_81.0__ 1902_70.9__ 1935_80.8__ 1927_74.4 

63 __1849_ 86.9__ 2008_81.4__ 1884_81.3__ 1875_71.1__ 1847_81.0__ 1862_75.9

62 __1980_ 87.0__ 1991_83.6__ 1935_81.3__ 1918_72.4__ 2002_81.2__ 1931_76.2 

61 __2002_ 87.0__ 1997_85.4__ 1984_81.3__ 2014_72.8__ 1866_81.3__ 1923_76.7

60 __1863_ 87.6__ 2005_86.8__ 1912_83.6__ 1942_73.4__ 2007_81.3__ 2023_76.9 

59 __1986_ 87.6__ 1860_87.1__ 1888_83.8__ 1928_74.7__ 1965_82.0__ 1920_77.2

58 __1909_ 88.4__ 1870_87.4__ 1841_84.6__ 1979_75.5__ 1973_82.8__ 1949_77.5

57 __2012_ 88.7__ 1862_88.6__ 2006_84.6__ 1919_75.7__ 1881_83.1__ 2000_77.8 

56 __1857_ 88.9__ 2010_90.0__ 1902_85.3__ 1996_75.8__ 1923_83.8__ 1982_78.8

55 __1880_ 89.7__ 2013_90.5__ 1949_86.9__ 1993_76.4__ 1948_83.8__ 1850_79.8

54 __1932_ 90.4__ 1923_90.9__ 2014_90.2__ 1992_77.4__ 1929_84.3__ 2019_80.0 

53 __1917_ 91.2__ 1971_91.2__ 1859_90.4__ 1943_78.7__ 1909_85.6__ 1918_81.3

52 __1935_ 91.2__ 1972_91.4__ 1861_92.2__ 1988_79.0__ 1952_88.4__ 2012_81.9

51 __1993_ 91.6__ 1903_93.2__ 1885_92.2__ 1962_79.8__ 1907_89.4__ 1884_82.8 

50 __1920_ 92.5__ 1975_95.5__ 1852_92.7__ 1865_81.0__ 1891_90.4__ 1973_83.1

49 __1851_ 92.7__ 2020_96.7__ 1942_92.7__ 2009_81.1__ 1869_90.7__ 1957_83.3

48 __1976_ 92.7__ 1954_97.0__ 1906_93.2__ 1926_81.5__ 1889_90.7__ 1869_84.1 

47 __1946_ 93.0__ 1950_98.3__ 1940_93.7__ 1980_81.6__ 1890_91.4__ 1970_84.6

46 __1962_ 96.5__ 1901_98.6__ 2011_94.7__ 1959_83.3__ 1958_91.4__ 1936_85.6

45 __2023_ 98.2__ 1970_98.6__ 1987_96.4__ 1872_83.6__ 1987_92.2__ 1887_86.6 

44 __1910_ 99.1__ 1858_99.3__ 1953_96.8__ 1878_83.6_ 2008_92.2__ 1856_87.1

43 __1925_ 99.3__ 1885_99.8__ 1925_97.3__ 1864_85.1__ 2011_92.9__ 2004_87.4

42 __1951_100.3__ 1924_99.8__ 1886_97.5__ 1972_85.1__ 1863_93.5__ 1967_88.6

41 __1991_101.2__1912_101.1__1958_98.6__ 2015_86.0__ 1932_93.7__ 1875_89.2

40 _ 1992_101.6__1892_101.6__1959_99.8__ 1970_86.1__ 1989_93.8^__ 2009_90.1

39 _ 1852_102.4__1990_101.6__1999_100.6__ 1983_86.8__ 1920_94.2__1966_90.9

38 _ 2021_103.4__1859_101.9__1910_101.1__ 1946_87.1__ 1925_96.5__ 1901_91.7

37 _ 1890_104.6__1983_103.1__1938_101.1__ 1905_88.6__ 1911_97.3__ 1876_92.7

36 _ 1924_106.2__1918_105.4__1904_101.3__ 1880_89.9__ 1926_97.3__ 1897_93.0 

35 _ 1970_107.4__1932_105.9__1869_102.4__ 1911_90.9__ 1913_97.5__ 1863_93.5

34 _ 1950_110.0__1939_105.9__1856_105.2__ 1893_91.7__ 2006_98.0__ 1951_95.3 

33 _ 1903_110.5__1905_107.2__1924_107.4__ 1920_93.5__ 2005_99.2__ 1940_96.5

32 _ 1860_110.7__1958_108.0__1915_107.7__ 1941_95.0__ 1900_99.6__ 1968_96.5

31 _ 1902_110.7__1869_109.0__1934_107.7__ 1990_96.8__1878_100.1__ 1959_99.1

30 _ 1960_111.3__1992_109.8__1868_108.5__ 1885_97.0__1857_100.6__ 1971_100.3

29 _ 1961_111.8__1850_111.0__1982_112.6__ 1881_97.5__1951_100.6__1975_100.8

28 _ 1929_112.5__1880_111.5__1981_112.8__ 1916_100.1__1950_100.8__1870_102.1

27 _ 1915_114.6__1917_113.0__1992_113.0__ 1989_100.2__1968_100.8__1983_103.3

26 _ 1843_117.1__2009_113.3__1846_117.1__ 1950_100.6__1983_103.4__1944_103.4 

25 _ 1869_117.3__1982_113.5__1918_118.1__ 2013_101.8__1897_106.4__ 1878_103.9

24 _ 2009_119.5__1866_114.3__2012_119.8__ 1843_103.4__1864_108.0__1857_104.9 

23 _ 1905_119.9__1904_116.1__1907_121.9__ 2011_111.8__1928_108.2__1942_105.7 

22 _ 2006_120.8__1985_118.0__1957_126.2__ 1847_112.3__1895_108.5__1872_106.4 

21 _ 2008_121.1__1891_122.9__1896_129.5__ 1921_113.3__1858_109.0__1895_107.2

20 _ 1941_122.2__1843_123.4__1853_130.8__ 1906_114.3__1879_111.8__1986_108.1

19 _ 1854_122.9__1977_123.6__1978_131.0__ 1965_115.1__1982_112.0__1996_109.6  

18 _ 1996_123.2__1849_126.5__1899_131.1__1844^_115.6__1846_114.6__1866_110.5

17 _ 1964_126.0__1928_126.7__1854_137.4__ 1899_115.8__1992_115.2__2008_110.9

16 _ 1904_130.3__1955_128.0__2021_138.6__ 2001_118.6__1927_115.3__1848_112.0  

15 _ 1897_133.4__1864_129.3__1894_139.2__ 1917_121.7__2018_115.6__1972_112.8

14 _ 1840_134.4__1995_129.4__1855_143.0__ 1981_123.4__1851_115.8__1879_113.0

13 _ 1850_134.4__1914_132.3__1866_144.0__ 1955_125.2__1861_117.9__1893_117.1

12 _ 1862_136.4__1857_134.4__1926_145.3__ 1890_125.7__1843_119.9__1864_121.2

11 _ 1866_137.9__1964_137.7__1962_154.7__ 2012_127.2__1940_122.2__1859_121.4

10 _ 1977_139.4__1893_146.3__1845_156.7__ 2021_130.9__1855_124.5__1855_122.4

09 _ 1883_141.7__1956_150.9__1977_157.3__ 1995_131.2__1977_133.3__1889_124.5

08 _ 1878_143.3__1926_155.4__1945_158.5__ 1842_131.3__1859_133.9__1907_127.3

07 _ 1928_143.3__1841_156.7__1842_159.0__ 1852_134.6__2003_138.2__1977_127.7

06 _ 1947_143.3__1981_166.2__1847_169.7__ 1973_136.9__1842_141.9e_2022_127.9

05 _ 1942_145.5__1968_167.1__1870_173.0__ 2006_138.4__1868_142.2__1990_131.9

04 _ 1927_149.1__2018_169.5__1878_195.6__ 2019_141.2__1877_142.7__2007_133.7 

03 _ 2013_191.1__1878_180.1__1996_202.4__ 1898_146.6__1995_143.0__1979_134.1 

02 _ 2024_199.0__1986_191.7__1986_217.8__ 1849_151.9__1966_147.1__1852_152.7

01 _ 1841_206.8__1915_206.8__1843_248.2__ 1954_154.9__1985_186.2__1841_167.4


 *1844 values are estimates. 

July 2024 will enter the table at 2nd wettest (199.0 mm)

Aug 2024 will enter the table at 85th wettest. (66.1 mm)

Sep 2024 will enter the table at 73rd driest (57.6 mm).

Oct 2024 will enter the table at 10th driest (21.6 mm).

Nov 2024 will enter the table at t-36th driest (42.9 mm).

Dec 2024 will enter the table at t-71st wettest (71.6 mm).

- ============================================== -

- ============================================== -


* Aug 1844 rainfall 13th to 31st (1st to 12th missing est by author at 28.0 +51.1 known for 13-31).

** Nov 1989 has probable data entry error (20th) 10-15 mm more than this may have fallen.



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Rankings for Annual Rainfall, Snowfall and Precipitation 1840-2024

There are 185 years available for ranking (1840-2024) although 1840 is missing Jan and Feb, and some snowfall values have been estimated to get approximate ranks for precipitation when rainfall is known. There were missing rainfall months in late 1844 and early 1845 so these two years are ranked from the data that are available, as explained in the notes after the table. 144.0 cm snowfall in 1840 appears as 87th heaviest, and is based on temperature correlations with snowfall, so the estimate is not very precise. The winter of 1839-40 is not ranked so the winter of 2023-24 appears in the table. All 2023 elements have been inserted into the table. 

2024 elements will be listed at base of table, until winter 2024-25 snowfall total is known, after which, all values will enter and table will expand to 185 ranks.

The entries for 1840-1841 and 1841-1842 winter snowfalls are very approximate based on average amounts of snow for the temperature ranges of those winters. While 1841-1842 is shown at 12th place (75 cm) to preserve the actual measured top ten snow-free winters (2023-24 joined), the amount of snow that was added to rainfalls in the precip section for those approximate rankings amounted to 35 cm for the winter which would rank lowest ahead of 2011-2012 currently the least snowy winter. The year 1842 was also ranked 11th with 80 cm (about half is assigned to December of that year). The rankings for 1841 and winter 1840-41 are closer to average values. The winter of 1842-43 had measured heavy snowfall amounts after January (138.3 cm Jan to May 1843) and the estimates for Nov-Dec 1842 are roughly equivalent in terms of proportions to the rest of the winter season as those were generally cold months and a check of historical weather maps shows potential for similar snowfall rates relative to normal. Since 1840 snowfall is unknown, a placeholder exists for it at the location considered most likely from winter month temperatures. That is located at 87th wettest 144 cm. It is unlikely to be much higher because Feb and Mar were quite mild in the region so most of the snow probably fell in Jan, Nov and Dec. The estimate is there mainly to keep other years in best possible rankings. 

These tables show two sets of snowfall ranks, calendar year (column 2), and winters (October to May total snowfalls in column 3). Column 4 is for total annual precipitation. There are also rankings for summer rainfall totals (June to August) and extended summer rainfall (May to September) in the last two columns.

These rankings now run from 01 to 92 (dry or lower totals), a median value is average of 92nd both ways then 92 back to 01 (towards the wettest or highest totals).


RANK __ Rainfall (mm) _ Snowfall (cm) _ Winter snow (cm) __ Precip (mm) _ Summer rain (mm) _Extended (mm)


_01 ___ 1874__446.9 ___ 2006__ 31.2 ___  2011-2012__ 45.9 ___ 1933__605.4 ___ 1899__ 49.8___ 1887_186.5

_02 ___ 1887__458.1 ___ 2010__ 52.1 ___  2009-2010__ 46.2 ___ 1963__611.9 ___ 1894__ 78.3___ 1933_209.5

_03 ___ 1872__473.3 ___ 2017__ 58.4 ___ 1952-1953__ 46.8 ___ 1874__618.8 ___ 1959__ 85.3___ 1913_211.8

_04 ___ 1875__483.1 ___ 2012__ 59.6 ___ 2023-2024__ 51.7 ___ 1949__622.1 ___ 1898__ 94.7___ 1949_214.9

_05 ___ 1933__485.5 ___ 1937__ 61.8 ___ 2015-2016__ 59.7 ___ 1934__627.1 ___ 1868_ 109.7___ 1877_217.9

_06 ___ 1963__486.0 ___ 1953__ 66.7 ___ 1932-1933__ 65.3 ___ 1882__632.4 ___ 1896_ 112.8___ 1874_218.0

_07 ___ 1867__487.9 ___ 2009__69.8 ___ 2006-2007__ 67.9 ___ 2016__633.2 ___ 1873_ 115.5___ 1898_224.3

_08 ___ 1971__496.3 ___ 1919__72.9 ___ 1936-1937__ 70.3 ___ 1872__644.6 ___ 1949_ 117.6___ 1959_224.5

_09 ___ 1949__502.5 ___ 2015__77.3 ___ 2005-2006__ 70.4 ___ 1988__647.2 ___ 1848_ 118.1___ 2007_225.1

_10 ___ 1914__503.2 ___ 1998__79.6 ___ 2001-2002__ 71.4 ___ 1938__651.4 ___ 1876_ 124.0___ 2016_228.8

_11 ___ 2007__504.3 ___ 1842e_79.8 ___ 1982-1983__ 73.0 ___ 1877__652.0 ___ 1853_ 129.3___ 1936_230.0

_12 ___ 1873__515.6 ___ 1981__79.9 ___ 1841-1842e_ 75.0 ___ 2007__653.3 ___ 1907_ 133.1___ 1881_230.6

_13 ___ 1934__518.0 ___ 1899__80.9 ___ 1994-1995__ 75.4 ___ 1930__654.6 ___ 1867_ 135.1___ 2005_239.4

_14 ___ 1884__523.3 ___ 2021__81.0 ___ 1905-1906__ 76.6 ___ 1941__655.2 ___ 1887_ 135.2___ 1873_248.3

_15 ___ 1882__524.3 ___ 1952__84.2 ___ 1877-1878__ 76.7 ___ 1958__655.8 ___ 1934_ 135.7___ 1867_248.9

_16 ___ 1939__526.7 ___ 1992__84.6 ___ 2016-2017__ 77.0 ___ 1887__655.9 ___ 1936_ 138.0___ 1920_252.6

_17 ___ 2016__535.0 ___ 1928__85.2 ___ 1881-1882__ 77.2 ___ 1969__664.7 ___ 1978_ 138.0___ 1921_255.1

_18 ___ 1958__535.1 ___ 1921__87.7 ___ 1937-1938__ 78.4 ___ 1952__665.1 ___ 1875_ 140.3___ 1934_255.4

_19 ___ 1876__535.8 ___ 1888__88.0 ___ 1957-1958__ 79.6 ___ 1971__667.3 ___ 1874_ 140.5___ 1966_257.0

_20 ___ 1881__539.9 ___ 1969__89.2 ___ 1999-2000__ 82.8 ___ 1888__668.7 ___ 2007_ 140.5___ 1971_260.6

_21 ___ 1997__540.2 ___ 1983__93.2 ___ 1928-1929__ 85.4 ___ 1935__680.9 ___ 2016_ 140.5___ 1848_260.8

_22 ___ 1936__541.8 ___ 1938__94.4 ___ 1988-1989__ 87.2 ___ 1848__684.4 ___ 2011_ 141.6___ 1954_261.3

_23 ___ 1931__542.3 ___ 1988__94.4 ___ 1847-1848__ 88.6 ___ 1881__686.2 ___ 1966_ 144.7___ 1900_263.2

_24 ___ 1941__543.9 ___ 1877__94.8 ___ 1941-1942__ 89.6 ___ 1998__688.4 ___ 1933_ 146.8___ 1969_264.3

_25 ___ 1930__545.8 ___ 2018__95.0 ___ 1987-1988__ 92.4 ___ 2004__691.8 ___ 1994_ 149.8___ 1899_264.5

_26 ___ 1908__551.9 ___ 1913__95.5 ___ 1918-1919__ 93.0 ___ 1914__692.1 ___ 1881_ 150.9___ 1988_267.4

_27 ___ 1856__552.9 ___ 1906__95.6 ___ 1980-1981__ 94.3 ___ 1931__694.1 ___ 1988_ 151.0___ 1876_268.7

_28 ___ 1896__555.8 ___ 1894__95.9 ___ 2017-2018__ 95.2 ___ 1994__694.6 ___ 1983_ 152.0___ 2022_273.6

_29 ___ 1938__557.0 ___ 1851__97.6 ___ 1927-1928__ 96.4 ___ 1921__696.0 ___ 1952_ 152.4___ 1965_274.0

_30 ___ 1877__557.3 ___ 2016__98.3 ___ 1991-1992__ 96.4 ___ 1953__696.2 ___ 1909_ 152.9___ 1952_274.4

_31 ___ 1994__560.0 ___ 2001__99.0 ___ 1968-1969__ 97.0 ___ 2015__701.8 ___ 1856_ 154.4___ 1963_277.9

_32 ___ 1935__561.3 ___ 1990__99.6 ___ 1962-1963__ 97.4 ___ 1939__703.7 ___ 1984_ 154.5___ 1998_278.6

_33 ___ 1900__564.2 ___ 2002_100.7 ___ 2020-2021__100.5___ 1936__711.1 ___ 1938_ 156.6___ 1979_279.0

_34 ___ 2004__565.8 ___ 1974_102.4 ___ 1912-1913__100.9___ 1895__713.4 ___ 2002_ 156.8___ 1871_279.9

_35 ___ 2005__567.4 ___ 1980_103.2 ___ 1891-1892__102.9___ 1997__713.8 ___ 2001_ 157.0___ 1895_280.8

_36 ___ 1848__567.6 ___ 1927_103.6 ___ 1896-1897__103.1___ 2002__715.3 ___ 1882_ 158.3___ 1948_282.5

_37 ___ 1988__569.2 ___ 1995_104.6 ___ 2014-2015__104.1___ 1860__716.5 ___ 1916_ 158.5___ 1911_283.0

_38 ___ 1920__571.6 ___ 1892_107.2 ___ 1990-1991__104.2___ 1978__716.8 ___ 1948_ 159.0___ 2004_286.8

_39 ___ 1879__572.6 ___ 2023_107.7 ___ 1858-1859__104.9___ 1989__716.9 ___ 1895_ 159.6___ 1931_290.3 

_40 ___ 1944__573.4 ___ 1882_107.9 ___ 1920-1921__109.0___ 1856__719.1 ___ 1913_ 160.2___ 1914_290.6 

_41 ___ 1895__574.2 ___ 1930_108.8 ___ 1943-1944__110.0___ 1966__725.0 ___ 2005_ 160.2___ 1941_290.8

_42 ___ 1966__574.3 ___ 1934_109.1 ___ 2003-2004__110.1___ 1884__727.2 ___ 1973_ 161.3___ 1997_294.2

_43 ___ 1969__578.4 ___ 1849_109.2 ___ 1889-1890__112.3___ 2022__728.9 ___ 1963_ 161.8___ 1994_295.0

_44 ___ 1871__579.9 ___ 1841_110.0e___1969-1970__114.4___ 1913__731.7 ___ 1930_ 163.0___ 1875_295.7

_45 ___ 1888__580.7 ___ 1986_111.2 ___ 1972-1973__114.5___ 1948__732.6 ___ 2017_ 163.9___ 1909_299.2

_46 ___ 1952__581.0 ___ 1941_111.3 ___ 1865-1866__114.8___ 2005__736.2 ___ 1884_ 164.0___ 1939_299.9

_47 ___ 2022__587.1 ___ 1880_111.9 ___ 1985-1986__115.0___ 1899__737.3 ___ 2004_ 164.6___ 1882_302.6

_48 ___ 1948__588.3 ___ 1973_112.2 ___ 1961-1962__115.5___ 1853__737.8 ___ 1865_ 165.2___ 1888_302.6

_49 ___ 1999__593.2 ___ 1957_115.3 ___ 1997-1998__115.6___ 1922__740.0 ___ 1953_ 166.1___ 1884_303.2

_50 ___ 1946__593.3 ___ 1858_115.4 ___ 1997-1998__115.6___ 1896__742.1 ___ 1911_ 166.6___ 1907_304.0  

_51 ___ 1860__600.7 ___ 1860_115.9 ___ 1906-1907__116.7___ 1911__742.7 ___ 1846_ 168.5___ 1863_304.5 

_52 ___ 1853__602.7 ___ 1848_116.8 ___ 1967-1968__116.9___ 1879__746.5 ___ 1998_ 170.4___ 1896_304.5

_53 ___ 1978__604.6 ___ 1964_119.2 ___ 1871-1872__119.1___ 1946__746.5 ___ 1979_ 171.8___ 1930_305.3 

_54 ___ 1898__606.1 ___ 1935_119.4 ___ 1857-1858__119.7___ 1999__746.6 ___ 1854_ 172.6___ 1973_306.1

_55 ___ 1921__608.5 ___ 1949_119.6 ___ 1921-1922__121.1___ 2014__746.8 ___ 1877_ 172.7___ 2023_307.1

_56 ___ 1911__609.1 ___ 1933_119.8 ___ 1979-1980__121.1___ 1908__749.6 ___ 2003_ 173.0___ 2002_309.4

_57 ___ 2002__611.0 ___ 1897_120.5 ___ 1934-1935__121.4 ___ 1892__751.2 ___ 1965_ 174.2___ 1951_309.8

_58 ___ 1922__612.1 ___ 1958_120.8 ___ 1939-1940__121.5 ___ 1894__753.1 ___ 1921_ 174.8___ 1950_310.9

_59 ___ 1998__613.8 ___ 1945_121.3 ___ 1974-1975__121.9 ___ 2021__753.4 ___ 1969_ 175.2___ 1938_312.3

_60 ___ 1984__615.6 ___ 2004_121.3 ___ 2012-2013__124.0 ___ 1900__753.7 ___ 1999_ 177.6___ 1891_312.4

_61 ___ 1960__618.9 ___ 1891_121.5 ___ 1848-1849__124.2 ___ 1984__754.2 ___ 1864_ 178.3___ 1872_313.2

_62 ___ 2015__619.2 ___ 1963_121.8 ___ 2010-2011__124.3 ___ 1875__756.2 ___ 1886_ 178.3___ 1983_313.5

_63 ___ 2014__620.0 ___ 2011_122.2 ___ 1846-1847__125.5 ___ 1919__757.2 ___ 1997_ 179.0___ 1935_314.0

_64 ___ 1976__621.7 ___ 1993_123.0 ___ 1954-1955__125.9 ___ 1920__760.6 ___ 2022_ 184.2___ 1929_314.2

_65 ___ 1989__623.2 ___ 1962_124.7 ___ 1989-1990__126.4 ___ 1970__763.1 ___ 1889_184.7___ 1980_315.1 

_66 ___ 1970__624.5 ___ 1902_124.9 ___ 1849-1850__127.5 ___ 1987__764.7 ___ 1957_ 186.1___ 1889_317.8

_67 ___ 1889__626.5 ___ 1942_125.2 ___ 1850-1851__127.5 ___ 1867__768.6 ___ 1931_186.9___ 1999_325.2

_68 ___ 1953__629.7 ___ 1854_125.8 ___ 1863-1864__127.5 ___ 2000__773.6 ___ 1863_187.4 ___ 1978_327.3

_69 ___ 1913__636.1 ___ 1989_125.8 ___ 1852-1853__127.8 ___ 1962__774.0 ___ 1871_188.5___ 2020_328.2 

_70 ___ 2000__636.8 ___ 1987_126.1 ___ 2018-2019__128.0 ___ 1925__775.3 ___ 1935_189.5___ 1955_329.9

_71 ___ 1959__638.5 ___ 1847_126.6 ___ 1948-1949__128.3 ___ 1964__776.2 ___ 1954 190.5___ 1865_330.3

_72 ___ 1964__641.1 ___ 1996_126.8 ___ 1887-1888__128.6 ___ 1944__779.6 ___ 1920_191.9___ 1925_333.7

_73 ___ 1901__641.9 ___ 1903_126.9 ___ 1902-1903__129.2 ___ 1903__780.3 ___ 1946_193.6___ 1984_335.8

_74 ___ 1925__642.5 ___ 1922_128.2 ___ 1924-1925__129.8 ___ 1927__780.7 ___ 2021_194,8___ 1886_337.8

_75 ___ 1892__643.9 ___ 1878_129.5 ___ 2008-2009__130.1 ___ 2010__783.5 ___ 1912_195.1___ 1946_340.6

_76 ___ 1916__644.5 ___ 1991_130.0 ___ 1960-1961__130.3 ___ 1851__784.6 ___ 1971_196.6___ 1851_351.4

_77 ___ 1987__645.4 ___ 1954_131.3 ___ 1901-1902__131.8 ___ 1980__784.9 ___ 1851_196.9___ 1916_343.1

_78 ___ 1845__650.0*___1978_131.5 ___ 1894-1895__132.6 ___ 1961__785.3 ___ 1888_197.0___ 1879_343.7

_79 ___ 1950__650.3___ 1907_132.0 ___ 1956-1957__132.6 ___ 1898__787.2 ___ 1939_198.1___ 1903_344.4 

_80 ___ 1961__652.3 ___ 1866_132.4 ___ 2022-2023__133.2 ___ 1906__787.7 ___ 1929_198.6___ 1995_345.2

_81 ___ 1912__652.8 ___ 2014_132.7 ___ 1950-1951__134.2 ___ 1959__787.7 ___ 1962_198.6___ 1960_346.5

_82 ___ 1903__653.5 ___ 1961_132.8 ___ 1893-1894__134.7 ___1902__789.2 ___ 1872_199.6___ 1864_346.7

_83 ___ 1862__653.7 ___ 1925_132.9 ___ 1973-1978__134.9 ___ 1845__791.5*___1989_200.4___ 1862_348.2 

_84 ___ 1883__654.6 ___ 2007_133.4 ___ 1840-1841__135.0e___ 1974__792.0 ___ 1987_201.0___ 1985_348.4

_85 ___ 1962__655.1 ___ 1890_133.6 ___ 1904-1905__135.6 ___ 2017__792.4 ___ 1900_201.2___ 1991_348.8

_86 ___ 1905__656.6 ___ 1911_133.6 ___ 1953-1954 __135.7 ___ 1889__795.4 ___ 1861_203.0___ 1937_349.1

_87 ___ 1899__656.7 ___ 1853_135.1 ___ 2021-2022__136.1 ___ 1905__795.4 ___ 1940_203.4___ 1860_349.7

_88 ___ 1894__657.2 ___ 1970_136.5 ___ 2004-2005__139.4 ___ 1976__795.4 ___ 1910_204.2___ 1922_350.7

_89 ___ 1908__661.9 ___ 1905_137.9 ___ 1897-1898__140.7 ___ 1891__802.4 ___ 1960_204.2___ 1970_350.8

_90 ___ 1965__662.1 ___ 1929_138.3 ___ 1916-1917__140.7 ___ 1873__804.6 ___ 1925_205.4___ 2011_352.7

_91 ___ 1902__664.3 ___ 1984_138.6 ___ 1853-1854__142.3 ___ 1907__804.6 ___ 1919_205.5___ 1989_352.8

_92 ___ 1947__664.3 ___ 1895_139.1 ___ 1965-1966__142.4 ___ 2001__806.2 __ 1985_207.0__ 2001_352.8

<<< == -- above this line, the dry or lower half of values are listed (median value average of 92dry, 92wet) -- == >>>

<<< == -- below this line, the wet or higher half of values are listed (median value average of 92 dry, 92 wet) -- == >>>

_92 ___ 1955__666.2 ___ 1943_139.7 ___ 1963-1964-142.8 ____1960__809.6 ___ 1845_207.4___ 1897_352.9 

_91 ___ 1924__666.5 ___ 1845_141.5*___ 1995-1996__142.8 ___ 1916__815.4 ___ 1976_207.5___ 2017_353.1 

_90 ___ 1885__670.8 ___ 2022 141.8 ___ 2019-2020__144.5 ___ 1955__816.0 ___ 1847_208.0___ 1958_353.2

_89 ___ 1923__671.3 ___ 1904_143.4 ___ 1976-1977__145.4 ___ 1901__821.5 ___ 1942_208.8___ 2021_354.1

_88 ___ 2021__672.4 ___ 2003_143.8 ___ 1986-1987__146.7 ___ 2020__821.6 ___ 1941_211.6___ 1987_355.8

_87 ___ 1907__672.5 ___ 1840_144.0* __ 1945-1946__147.2 ___ 2012__823.6 ___ 1980_211.8___ 2014_357.1

_86 ___ 2020__674.3 ___ 1948_144.4 ___ 1978-1979__148.0 ___ 1876__823.7 ___ 1914_212.8___ 1927_360.1

_85 ___ 1868__674.5 ___ 1881_146.2 ___ 1929-1930__148.9 ___ 1897__827.3 ___ 1943_212.9___ 1964_360.1

_84 ___ 1910__676.1 ___ 2005_146.8 ___ 1931-1932__149.3 ___ 1912__827.3 ___ 1991_219.8___ 2015_361.9

_83 ___ 1927__677.0 ___ 2020_147.3 ___ 1940-1941__149.4 ___ 1993__827.4 ___ 2014_220.0___ 1943_365.0

_82 ___ 1863__678.4 ___ 1959_149.0 ___ 1947-1948__149.7 ___ 2023__828.7 ___ 1908_221.7___ 2019_369.2

_81 ___ 1865__679.8 ___ 2019_149.0 ___ 1880-1881__151.4 ___ 1943__829.0 ___ 1932_221.7___ 1976_369.8

_80 ___ 1891__680.9 ___ 1955_149.8 ___ 2013-2014__151.6 ___ 1871__832.8 ___ 1974_222.0___ 1908_372.6

_79 ___ 2003__681.5 ___ 1976_149.8 ___ 1933-1934__152.0 ___ 1858__833.1 ___ 1944_225.1___ 1853_373.6

_78 ___ 1919__684.3 ___ 2013_150.2 ___ 1993-1994__152.4 ___ 1937__835.0 ___ 1855_225.8___ 1953_373.6

_77 ___ 1851__687.0 ___ 1931_151.8 ___ 1909-1910__152.9 ___ 1909__837.3 ___ 1975_225.8___ 1852_374.2

_76 ___ 1943__689.3 ___ 1956_152.7 ___ 1984-1985__153.0 ___ 1885__837.4 ___ 2020_226.1___ 1910_375.2

_75 ___ 1861__691.7 ___ 1946_153.1 ___ 1888-1889__153.3 ___ 1863__838.3 ___ 1945 227.3 ___ 1944_376.7

_74 ___ 1906__691.9 ___ 1966_153.5 ___ 1930-1931__153.4 ___ 1975__838.7 ___ 1958_227.4___ 1856_376.9

_73 ___ 1980__695.5 ___ 2000_155.2 ___ 1878-1879__153.6 ___ 1865__840.6 ___ 1906_231.4___ 1961_377.0

_72 ___ 1840__695.8*___ 1917_156.6 ___ 1843-1844__154.2 ___ 1954__842.9 ___ 2019_233.7___ 1972_377.4

_71 ___ 1975__697.9 ___ 1968_156.7 ___ 1890-1891__154.2 ___ 1854__844.5 ___ 1955_234.7___ 1932_379.9

_70 ___ 1844__700.0*___ 1846_157.6 ___ 1898-1899__155.2 ___ 1957__846.0 ___ 1995_234.8___ 1975_380.0

_69 ___ 1956__701.1 ___ 1926_157.8 ___ 1910-1911__155.3 ___ 1947__846.6 ___ 1879_235.7___ 1893_380.5

_68 ___ 1886__705.8 ___ 1975_157.8 ___ 1879-1880__156.1 ___ 1991__847.4 ___ 1901_237.1___ 1990_380.8

_67 ___ 1897__707.0 ___ 1863_159.9 ___ 1903-1904__156.8 ___ 1923__851.8 ___ 1922_237.7___ 1962_382.3

_66 ___ 1993__707.0 ___ 1865_160.8 ___ 1919-1920__156.8 ___ 1965__852.3 ___ 2000_239.4___ 1861_382.8

_65 ___ 1967__707.3 ___ 1932_160.8 ___ 1913-1914__157.9 ___ 1956__853.7 ___ 1937_240.1___ 2003_384.2

_64 ___ 1974__709.4 ___ 1967_161.1 ___ 1914-1915__158.0 ___ 1950__854.9 ___ 1990_240.4___ 1919_384.8

_63 ___ 1954__711.6 ___ 1999_161.2 ___ 1981-1982__158.9 ___ 1910__856.9 ___ 1844_240.9*__ 1993_385.0

_62 ___ 1918__711.9 ___ 1918_162.8 ___ 1998-1999__162.2 ___ 2003__860.6 ___ 1951_241.5___ 1906_388.4

_61 ___ 1972__716.6 ___ 1915_162.9 ___ 2002-2003__162.5 ___ 1924__861.0 ___ 1970_241.6___ 1957_389.3

_60 ___ 1858__718.1 ___ 1971_163.9 ___ 1992-1993__163.0 ___ 1967__861.9 ___ 1923_242.3___ 1850_389.5

_59 ___ 1854__718.8 ___ 1859_164.8 ___ 1925-1926__163.1 ___ 1983__862.7 ___ 2006_243.1___ 2009_390.4

_58 ___ 1917__719.7 ___ 1856_166.3 ___ 1885-1886__163.4 ___ 1981__864.5 ___ 1992_246.8___ 1844_391.5*

_57 ___ 1915__720.2 ___ 1982_166.5 ___ 1900-1901__164.1 ___ 1883__867.8 ___ 2023_247.3___ 1902_395.5

_56 ___ 1951__720.5 ___ 1885_166.6 ___ 1958-1959__165.3 ___ 1862__870.7 ___ 2012_247.9___ 1846_397.1

_55 ___ 1991__720.6 ___ 1940_168.2 ___ 2000-2001__165.6 ___ 1868__874.2 ___ 1972_248.6___ 2006_403.0

_54 ___ 2024__721.0 ___ 1843_168.3 ___ 1845-1846__166.0 ___ 1918__874.7 ___ 1918_249.1___ 2018_403.1

_53 ___ 2001__721.8 ___ 1889_168.8 ___ 1983-1984__167.0 ___ 1917__876.5 ___ 1924_250.2___ 1901_403.2

_52 ___ 1846__724.0 ___ 1936_169.2 ___ 1975-1976__170.7 ___ 1979__880.2 ___ 1927_250.4___ 1923_404.3

_51 ___ 1850__725.6 ___ 1985_170.0 ___ 1946-1947__171.4 ___ 2011__881.5 ___ 1893_250.5___ 2012_409.5

_50 ___ 2010__725.7 ___ 1916_170.9 ___ 1966-1967__172.0 ___ 1846__881.8 ___ 2015_250.8___ 1885_409.7

_49 ___ 1957__730.7 ___ 1872_171.4 ___ 1859-1860__173.3 ___ 1861__881.8 ___ 1862_251.2___ 1868_413.3

_48 ___ 1940__730.8 ___ 1874_171.9 ___ 1899-1900__173.6 ___ 1915__882.9 ___ 1852_252.5___ 1967_414.4

_47 ___ 1979__732.5 ___ 1879_174.0 ___ 1955-1956__173.8 ___ 1990__883.4 ___ 1860_252.7___ 1845_414.9

_46 ___ 2017__734.6 ___ 1912_174.5 ___ 1996-1997__174.4 ___ 1844__885.7*___1858_253.2___ 1917_418.4

_45 ___ 1985__738.5 ___ 1965_174.6 ___ 1915-1916__174.5 ___ 1973__887.5 ___ 1891_255.5___ 1890_419.3

_44 ___ 1862__755.2 ___ 1997_174.8 ___ 1935-1936__175.2 ___ 1886__892.6 ___ 1885_260.1___ 1974_419.4

_43 ___ 2019__758.5 ___ 1977_174.9 ___ 1977-1978__177.3 ___ 1928__897.8 ___ 1993_260.2___ 1940_424.4

_42 ___ 2012__763.4 ___ 1909_175.6 ___ 1949-1950__177.6 ___ 1880__897.9 ___ 1902_261.9___ 1854_428.9

_41 ___ 1904__763.8 ___ 1994_176.2 ___ 1951-1952__177.9 ___ 1940__898.9 ___ 1950_264.7___ 1912_429.1

_40 ___ 1983__768.9 ___ 1939_177.0 ___ 1844-1845__178.4 ___ 1951__899.1 ___ 1849_264.7___ 1847_430.0

_39 ___ 2008__769.8 ___ 1979_177.5 ___ 1971-1972__179.8 ___ 1843__900.0e___1897_266.0___ 2008_431.6

_38 ___ 1937__773.3 ___ 1850_178.0 ___ 1895-1896__180.4 ___ 1985__900.7 ___ 1961_271.6___ 1849_433.4

_37 ___ 2011__776.8 ___ 1951_178.5 ___ 1867-1868__181.4 ___ 1850__903.6 ___ 1967_271.9___ 1905_434.0

_36 ___ 1932__779.8 ___ 1901_179.6 ___ 1917-1918__181.5 ___ 1904__907.3 ___ 1859_272.8___ 1858_434.4

_35 ___ 1968__781.9 ___ 1910_180.6 ___ 1964-1965__181.9 ___ 2019__907.5 ___ 1956_276.6___ 1992_434.4

_34 ___ 1990__784.2 ___ 1923_180.8 ___ 1923-1924__182.0 ___ 1992__913.8 ___ 1968_283.7___ 1918_434.5

_33 ___ 1880__786.2 ___ 1898_181.0 ___ 1884-1885__182.4 ___ 1972__927.7 ___ 2018_286.5___ 1855_436.4

_32 ___ 1973__792.3 ___ 1947_182.3 ___ 1862-1863__182.5 ___ 1995__929.8 ___ 1842_286.8___ 2000_439.8

_31 ___ 1893__792.5 ___ 1844_185.7 ___ 1855-1856__183.0 ___ 1849__931.3 ___ 1903_288.3___ 1956_443.2

_30 ___ 1981__793.2 ___ 1896_186.2 ___ 1942-1943__184.4 ___ 2018__935.7 ___ 1926_288.5___ 2010_444.6

_29 ___ 1869__795.2 ___ 1886_186.6 ___ 1892-1893__186.5 ___ 1968__937.3 ___ 1981_288.8___ 1947_449.7

_28 ___ 1982__796.1 ___ 1857_187.5 ___ 1970-1971__187.8 ___ 1929__939.8 ___ 1982_291.0___ 1859_450.8

_27 ___ 1852__797.6 ___ 1914_188.7 ___ 1908-1909__189.8 ___ 1932__940.4 ___ 1880_291.6___ 1894_456.0

_26 ___ 1929__801.6 ___ 1920_189.1 ___ 1944-1945__193.3 ___ 1847__943.3 ___ 1996_296.8___ 1928_461.5

_25 ___ 1926__803.9 ___ 1900_189.3 ___ 1883-1884__193.7 ___ 1864__944.8 ___ 2009_298.0___ 1968_461.5

_24 ___ 1928__812.8 ___ 1864_189.4 ___ 1911-1912__193.7 ___ 2009__946.6 ___ 1890_305.8___ 1926_466.6

_23 ___ 1855__813.0 ___ 1861_189.9 ___ 1886-1887__194.7 ___ 1982__947.3 ___ 2008_306.7___ 1924_469.9

_22 ___ 1847__816.9 ___ 1960_190.7 ___ 1907-1908__198.3 ___ 1890__951.1 ___ 1905_308.1___ 1982_470.1

_21 ___ 1890__817.6 ___ 1924_194.6 ___ 1842-1843__200.0e___1926__961.7 ___ 1964_308.2___ 1880_470.5

_20 ___ 1849__822.1 ___ 1972_195.0 ___ 1922-1923__201.1 ___ 1942__968.0 ___ 1892_313.0___ 1842_472.0

_19 ___ 1995__822.6 ___ 1908_197.6 ___ 1861-1862__201.2 ___ 2006__979.8 ___ 1883_314.7___ 1981_473.8

_18 ___ 1992__826.8 ___ 1887_198.0 ___ 1860-1861__202.3 ___ 1866_ 1006.8 ___ 1904_316.8___ 1942_474.0

_17 ___ 2018__840.7 ___ 1868_200.0 ___ 1876-1877__206.0 ___ 1893_ 1009.8 ___ 1947_318.3___ 1892_480.8

_16 ___ 1942__842.9 ___ 1884_204.1 ___ 1938-1939__209.7 ___ 1869_ 1010.3 ___ 1866_321.5___ 1883_484.4

_15 ___ 1857__850.5 ___ 1950_204.9 ___ 2007-2008__209.7 ___ 1859_ 1016.1 ___ 2010_329.5___ 1840_487.8

_14 ___ 1859__851.3 ___ 1944_206.3 ___ 1959-1960__211.0 ___ 2008_ 1021.4 ___ 1850_331.0___ 1915_504.0

_13 ___ 2009__860.5 ___ 2008_210.9 ___ 1854-1855__211.4 ___ 1945_ 1030.9 ___ 1917_331.5___ 1869_512.1

_12 ___ 1870__862.9 ___ 1883_213.4 ___ 1856-1857__212.4 ___ 1857_ 1037.9 ___ 1840_331.7___ 1904_514.6

_11 ___ 1866__874.4 ___ 1869_214.8 ___ 1873-1874__213.1 ___ 1852_ 1058.0 ___ 1869_338.3___ 1945_523.0

_10 ___ 1945__909.5 ___ 1862_217.0 ___ 1864-1865__213.6 ___ 1986_ 1060.0 ___ 1870_341.2___ 1857_526.9

_09 ___ 1841__929.1 ___ 1893_217.5 ___ 1868-1869__220.5 ___ 1841_ 1064.0e___1857_353.1___ 1977_535.5

_08 ___ 2006__948.6 ___ 1855_251.2 ___ 1882-1883__234.9 ___ 1855_ 1064.3 ___ 1977_353.2___ 1866_537.9

_07 ___ 1986__951.0 ___ 1871_252.9 ___ 1874-1875__246.1 ___ 1996_ 1077.2 ___ 1915_355.4___ 1870_543.4

_06 ___ 1977__957.6 ___ 1852_260.5 ___ 1875-1876__249.0 ___ 1977_ 1109.8 ___ 1843_357.6___ 1841_546.6

_05 ___ 1996__958.4 ___ 1875_273.1 ___ 1851-1852__249.3 ___ 2013_ 1133.6 ___ 1986_360.5___ 2013_556.2

_04 ___ 2013__984.7 ___ 1867_280.6 ___ 1870-1871__253.7 ___ 1842_ 1150.0e___1928_370.8___ 1996_591.6

_03 ___ 1842_1088.9 ___ 1876_288.1 ___ 1866-1867__288.8 ___ 1870_ 1175.2 ___ 1878_371.9___ 1878_633.5

_02 ___ 1878_1103.6 ___ 1873_289.1 ___ 1872-1873__289.8 ___ 1878_ 1233.2 ___ 2013_394.2___ 1843_645.7

_01 ___ 1843_1104.3 ___ 1870_312.3 ___ 1869-1870__313.7 ___ 1843_ 1272.7 ___ 1841_402.6___ 1986_649.9

2024 (and 2024-25) values... will be listed below and added to table during 2025


_____ 2024__ 870.4  __2024_ 59.2 __ 2024-2025 _100.9 so far 2024_ 929.6 __ 2024 _ 345.0 _ 2024 _ 464.6

_______________ 12w ________ 4d _____________tbd _________________ 33w ____________ 9w _________ 25w


* notes on 1844 and 1845, incomplete rainfall years

Aug 1-12 1844 no data, unadjusted (79.1 mm rest of Aug) totals for summer rainfalls

Jan to Sep 1844 total rainfall 581.3 (incl incomplete Aug) adjusted to 700 (Oct cold and had record snow, probably a wet month)

Apr to Dec 1845 total rainfall 572.4 adjusted to 650 mm

Note also 1840 total rainfall as shown March to December, probably 30-60 mm at least in mild Feb 1840 (may not have added much in cold Jan 1840). Total is unadjusted, rank probably closer to 55th wettest. 


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Daily Precipitation Records 1840 to 2025

In the table, record values are listed by both imperial and metric amounts. The system used for measurement was imperial (inches) to 1978 and metric from (June 1) 1978 to present. The conversions from imperial are to nearest 0.1 mm or cm, the conversions from metric to inches are to nearest .01" (or 0.1" of snow). It would be possible for two measurements to tie from different systems but when this did occur in the data, close contenders were usually separated by some amount (see note b for Jan 26 below). There are a few tied values obtained from the same system of measurement though. There was one tied value even after conversions (Feb 7 snowfall measured as 8.0" in 1861 and 20.3 cm in 2013 could not be separated by conversion).

After the daily (calendar day) records, a maximum 2-day snowfall is listed. This is done because a lot of snow events in the region occur overnight and are divided into two daily reports. The protocol is that the total amount shown as a 2-day maximum ends on the date listed. For example, the 9.1" of snow (1887) for Jan 1st below began on Dec 31, 1886. There are cases where the 2-day maximum is also the one-day maximum for the same date, and also cases where the second day total includes no further snowfall on that date, and more numerous examples of very small second-day amounts. An example of that can be seen with the snowfall on Jan 12, 1999 which continues to set a 2-day mark on 13th despite only slight additional snow . The changes of 2-day totals will sometimes reveal that a storm or at least a related snow interval was centered on one day and had additional amounts on both days adjacent. In the case of the latter snowfall, more additional snow had fallen on the 11th so the 2-day value on 12th was greater than the next day. 

The "notes" section will become busier in the summer and autumn rainfall records as any known links to tropical storms or other well-known events are listed. Some other information will appear under "notes" including, where space permits, some two-day rainfall totals (this will not be a rigorous log of two-day rainfall extremes however).

Maximum precipitation is usually either the same day's maximum rainfall or snowfall event, or some combination of rain and snow involving one of them. About 80% of heavy mid-winter snowfalls have no associated rain or sleet, but with the other 20% there can be either small amounts or major mixed falls. Also most of the heavier rainfalls in the winter months occur in mild enough temperatures that they terminate without snow, but it is fairly common for a small additional amount of snow to fall at either end of the rainfall, usually the end portion. See the slight top-up of precip from rain on Jan 16, 1924 as an example of that.   As it happens, the first entry (Jan 1, 1932) contains record rainfall and snowfall on the same date. This only happened once again in the data on Nov 6, 1951 (with both records set on same date). However, it is possible for an unrelated (to rain or snow maxima dates) to achieve maximum precipitation. This can happen if (a) enough rain and snow fall to surpass the precip value of the maximum rain or snow even where augmented by the other type, or (b) after 1962 if the snowfall liquid equivalent is either less than some rainfall value, or more than it, despite a straight 10:1 conversion not qualifying as max precipitation which would always be the case 1843 to 1962. Although the max precip for Jan 2nd below was from the record snowfall, it was larger with the liquid equivalent than would have been the case pre-1962, there was 1.0 mm rain added to the 38.0 cm snowfall and the precip was given as 52.0mm meaning that the 38.0 cm snow had l.e. of 51.0 mm. Pre-1962 this would have been recorded as 39.0 mm precip although it has occurred to me that observers back in that era may have derived some snowfalls from melted equivalents after the fact, so the distinction is not as obvious as at first glance. As a hypothetical of what that means, an observer might have been confronted with a large, somewhat melted snowfall, and decided to call the snowfall by a 10:1 ratio of melted precipitation, separating out an estimate for rainfall within the storm. I have the feeling that there was a practice of estimation to some extent because a larger than random portion of snowfalls (in particular before 1900) are either full inches or half inches rather than a spectrum of amounts ending in all tenths of an inch, which seemed to become the case later on (perhaps as observing procedures either improved or were more organized by time and employment -- the site was a first-order weather station for many years up to around 1969 and continued to be run quite rigorously after that, but as to measurement routines in the early part of the record, we have only the indirect clue of the number of events with measurements of whole inches, something that does not seem to occur with rainfall measurements). The author has first-hand experience with difficulties of separating out amounts of rain and snow in heavy mixed storms, for one thing, you tend to get rapid compaction from falling sleet or pellets, and also, the rain gauge can become iced over to some extent requiring frequent maintenance. Whether this was always done in the 19th century remains an unknown. Caswell's Providence Rhode Island record seems to indicate both understanding of these issues, and a diligent attitude towards managing them. 

The first case of a different date for max precip than either rain or snow was Jan 27 for 1967 (see below). Although neither rain nor snow daily records were broken, there was also sleet in this storm (the famous Chicago blizzard of Jan 26-27) and thus with the new measurement protocols introduced in 1962, the daily report is 0.44" rain, 3.8" snow and 1.59" precip. Two other occasions with similar outcomes were March 1-2 1976 and Apr 2-3 2003. 

Cases where the maximum daily precip comes from a combination of two non-record rainfall and snowfall amounts are shown in green.

Cases where the maximum daily precip remains a value that is preserved due to a smaller than 10:1 snowfall conversion of a new snowfall record or value since 1963 (as for example Jan 28th below) are shown in red. The snowfall record providing this value was broken but not by enough to bring the lower liquid equivalent to a higher value. In theory the older record could have been the still-extant daily rainfall record. 

Cases where the maximum precip value is an augmented amount of either the record rain or snow are not highlighted and can be deduced from comparing the record value(s) associated.

An issue regarding timing of amounts at two stations in operation 2003 to 2017 was unearthed during this stage as reported in the March-April section below. Notes have now been added to clarify status of rainfall records shown in Jan and Feb in the following table ... these notes are labelled (x) and appear after the other notes already shown. See above in the first precip table posted a longer discussion of this subject. 

(Tor A is the resumed and reduced version of Toronto 1840-2003, which only operated in winter months to record daily snowfalls along with rainfalls. ... ... Tor B is the new "Toronto City" site that began parallel to Toronto in 2002 and took over temperatures with daily precip July 2003. In general terms, from 2003 to 2017 Tor A was used November to March, Tor B was used April to October, but in some cases parts of the April and October data involving snow came from Tor A which then might have closed or opened at mid-month -- a blended record is required for these few cases).

Monthly maximum values in each category are identified by bold type (e.g. rainfall for Jan 31, 1843, snowfall Jan 23, 1966).

<<< January Daily Precip Records >>>

DATE __ Max rain _____ year ___ Max snow ___ year ___ Max precip ___ year___ Max 2d snow (year) __ notes

Jan 01__1.16" (29.5 mm) 1932 ___9.0" (22.9 cm) 1932__ 2.06" (52.3 mm) 1932 __ 9.1" (23.1 cm) 1887 

Jan 02__1.00" (25.4 mm) 1870 __14.9" (38.0 cm) 1999__ 2.05" (52.0 mm) 1999 __14.9" (38.0 cm) 1999 _ also 2d s 13.0" (1932)

Jan 03__0.95" (24.1 mm) 1907 ___6.2" (15.7 cm) 1924__ 0.95" (24.1 mm) 1907 __15.1" (38.4 cm) 1999

Jan 04__1.30" (33.0 mm) 1886 ___4.0" (10.2 cm) 1952__ 1.30" (33.0 mm) 1886 __ 7.2" (18.3 cm) 1924 _ also 1.22" (31.0 mm) r 1993

Jan 05__1.20" (30.5 mm) 1929 ___7.4" (18.8 cm) 1874__ 1.20" (30.5 mm) 1929 __ 7.4" (18.8 cm) 1874

Jan 06__1.90" (48.3 mm) 1841 ___7.5" (19.1 cm) 1950__ 1.90" (48.3 mm) 1841 __ 7.5" (19.1 cm) 1950

Jan 07__1.03" (26.2 mm) 1998 ___6.6" (16.8 cm) 1905__ 1.03" (26.2 mm) 1998 __10.2" (25.9 cm) 1905

Jan 08__1.37" (34.8 mm) 1935 __11.1" (28.2 cm) 1884__ 1.37" (34.8 mm) 1935 __11.1" (28.2 cm) 1884

Jan 09__1.11" (28.2 mm) 2024^___8.0" (20.3 cm) 1887__ 1.23" (31.2 mm) 2024^__15.7" (39.9 cm) 1884

Jan 10__0.94" (23.9 mm) 1843 ___7.0" (17.8 cm) 1865__ 0.94" (23.9 mm) 1843 __11.5" (29.2 cm) 1977

Jan 11__2.18" (55.3 mm) 2020 ___7.5" (19.1 cm) 1923__ 2.18" (55.3 mm) 2020 __ 7.5" (19.1 cm) 1923 

Jan 12__1.42" (36.1 mm) 1844 ___8.3" (21.0 cm) 1999__ 1.42" (36.1 mm) 1844 __11.9" (30.4 cm) 1884 __ 2d r 68.1mm 2020

Jan 13__1.67" (42.4 mm) 1937 ___5.4" (13.7 cm) 1976__ 1.67" (42.4 mm) 1937 __ 8.5" (21.6 cm) 1999

Jan 14__1.33" (33.8 mm) 1899 __10.5" (26.6 cm) 1999__ 1.33" (33.8 mm) 1899 __10.7" (27.2 cm) 1999 __ also r 1.22" 30mm 1968**

Jan 15__1.76" (44.8 mm) 1995 __11.5" (29.2 cm) 1968__ 1.76" (44.8 mm) 1968 __11.5" (21.6 cm) 1968 __ snow depth 65 cm 1999

Jan 16__1.00" (25.4 mm) 1924 __10.0" (25.4 cm) 1920__ 1.06" (26.9 mm) 1924 __11.5" (21.6 cm) 1968

Jan 17__1.30" (33.0 mm) 2006__ 14.2" (36.2 cm) 2022__ 1.42" (36.2 mm) 2022 __15.9" (39.3 cm) 1864 _ (x) (a)

Jan 18__1.36" (34.5 mm) 1929 __10.5" (26.7 cm) 1895__ 1.36" (34.5 mm) 1929 __14.5" (37.0 cm) 1895 (a)

Jan 19__0.65" (16.5 mm) 1933 __10.0" (25.4 cm) 1864__ 1.00" (25.4 mm) 1864 __14.0" (35.6 cm) 1920

Jan 20__1.25" (31.8 mm) 1842 __15.0" (38.1 cm) 1867__ 1.25" (31.8 mm) 1842 __15.0" (38.1 cm) 1867

Jan 21__0.53" (13.5 mm) 1895,1993 _6.3" (16.0 cm) 1881_ 0.88" (22.4 mm) 2010 _18.0" (45.7 cm) 1867 _ (x)

Jan 22__1.06" (26.9 mm) 1957 __13.2" (33.5 cm) 1902__ 1.46" (37.1 mm) 1957 __15.7" (39.9 cm) 1902

Jan 23__0.76" (19.3 mm) 1898 __15.7" (39.9 cm) 1966__ 1.54" (39.1 mm) 1966 __16.6" (42.2 cm) 1966

Jan 24__1.65" (41.8 mm) 1979 __15.3" (38.9 cm) 1873__ 1.92" (48.8 mm) 1979 __19.5" (49.5 cm) 1873 _ (note b)

Jan 25__0.58" (14.7 mm) 1964 ___7.0" (17.8 cm) 1855__ 0.70" (14.7 mm) 1964 __15.3" (38.9 cm) 1873 _ (x)

Jan 26__0.82" (20.8 mm) 1849 ___8.0" (20.3 cm) 1895__ 0.82" (20.8 mm) 1849 __11.3" (28.7 cm) 1895 _ (note c)

Jan 27__0.76" (19.3 mm) 1994 ___7.6" (19.3 cm) 2004__ 1.59" (40.4 mm) 1967 __11.6" (29.4 cm) 2004

Jan 28__0.44" (11.2 mm) 1975 ___7.9" (20.0 cm) 2019__ 0.60" (15.2 mm) 1871 __ 8.7" (22.1 cm) 1889 _ (note d)

Jan 29__0.87" (22.0 mm) 2013 ___6.1" (15.5 cm) 1947__ 0.87" (22.0 mm) 2013 __ 8.3" (21.1 cm) 1947 _ (x)

Jan 30__0.64" (16.3 mm) 1969 ___7.5" (19.1 cm) 1956__ 0.75" (19.1 mm) 1956 __ 8.1" (20.6 cm) 1947

Jan 31__2.50" (63.5 mm) 1843___7.1" (17.0 cm) 1982__2.50" (63.5 mm) 1843__12.5" (31.8 cm) 1852


^ (Jan 9 2024) _ Previous records: rainfall 0.70" (17.8 mm) 1964 and precip 0.80" (20.3 mm) 1887 (from 20.3 cm snowfall record) ... 1.11" R + 1.2" snow in 2024 = 1.23" precip

** Storm of Jan 14-15 1968 was freezing rain on 14th, heavy snow on 15th, considerable damage done to trees in the vicinity of the Toronto city weather office and the University of Toronto closed for a week due to power outages.

(a) Jan 17 2022 snowstorm broke these records _ daily 6.0" (15.2 cm) 1883, and 2d total snow 10.8" (27.4 cm) 1920. It also broke the 2d total for 17-18 which was previously 26.7 cm 1895. 

(b) Jan 24 1896 also had a heavy mixed fall of 1.18" (30.0 mm) rain, 5.2" (13.2 cm) snow, 1.70" (43.2 mm) precip.

(c) Jan 26 1996 tied rainfall in terms of 20.6 mm vs 20.8 mm in 1849 but conversion was 0.81" vs 0.82". Same applies to the precip value associated. 

(d) The snowfall record is estimated from snow depth increase of 20 cm similar to other Toronto area reports -- the daily precip was 13.0 mm so the previous snowfall record's precip value (15.2 mm from 1871) continued to be the highest daily precip value. 

It should be noted in general that snowfalls were not assigned to dates in Jan 1843 (we do have the totals available) so that daily rainfall records on two occasions might have included some snow. The storm on Jan 31, 1843 was a very deep low that produced blizzard conditions in the Midwest and upper Great Lakes regions and strong winds along the U.S. northeast coast. There was a report of some snow with the heavy rain at Albany NY in a newspaper account.

(x) 17th _ previous note: The timing issue does not affect this rainfall record substantially. The value is from the Tor A site. The Tor B site reported 23.8 mm plus 9.1 mm the next calendar day. It would appear that the Tor A amount of 33.0 mm may include that second portion but the author suspects that before 2003 the same observing protocols extending rainfall amounts to around 0700h next day were in place, so the data are at least comparable. The previous record of 0.58" (14.7 mm) was in 1929. ... The 2006 precip record was broken by the value recorded in the 2022 snowstorm now shown as the record. 


For the Jan 29 2013 record, that one is preserved from Tor A data as the Tor B numbers while slightly smaller do not fall below the previous record nor do they suggest a timing issue. On Jan 21 2010 a record amount (22.4 mm) only appears in Tor A data, the event is not marked missing in Tor B but precip is zero. As YYZ , North York and City Centre (Island airport) also had zero and maps indicate no weather systems, this is regarded as spurious data and eliminated from my tables. However the reverse situation applies to Jan 24-25 with substantial rainfalls at the other locations and zero at Tor A. Therefore the totals are preserved and the same amount is shown on those dates instead, pro-rated as to amounts on each day by the same proportions as the nearby stations. It is possible that the record for 25th was broken in 2010 but as the amounts pro-rated were greater on 24th, the assigned amount falls short of the record there. This was the only apparent data entry error spotted in my exhaustive study other than one minor glitch with a November rain-snow combination discussed under November. 


<<< February Daily Precip Records >>>

DATE __ Max rain _____ year ___ Max snow ___ year ___ Max precip ___ year___ Max 2d snow (year) __ notes

Feb 01__1.08" (27.4 mm) 1968 ___9.8" (24.9 cm) 1908__ 1.08" (27.4 mm) 1968 __10.0" (25.4 cm) 1908 _ (a)

Feb 02__1.57" (39.9 mm) 1842 ___6.6" (16.8 cm) 1967__ 1.57" (39.9 mm) 1842 __ 9.8" (24.9 cm) 1908 

Feb 03__0.85" (21.6 mm) 1952 ___9.5" (24.1 cm) 1910__ 1.15" (29.2 mm) 1883 __14.5" (36.8 cm) 1910 _ (b)

Feb 04__1.12" (28.4 mm) 2006 ___6.0" (15.2 cm) 1932__ 1.28" (32.4 mm) 2006 __ 9.6" (24.4 cm) 1910  _ (c)(x)

Feb 05__1.01" (25.8 mm) 1938 __16.0" (40.6 cm) 1863__ 1.60" (40.6 mm) 1863 __17.0" (43.2 cm) 1863 

Feb 06__1.44" (36.6 mm) 1897 __10.9" (27.7 cm) 1911__ 1.44" (36.6 mm) 1897 __18.0" (45.7 cm) 1863 _ 1843 psbl 20-30 cm snow

Feb 07__0.61" (15.4 mm) 2017 ___8.0" (20.3 cm) 1861*_ 0.81" (20.6 mm) 1933 __11.2" (28.4 cm) 1887  _ (d) (x)

Feb 08__1.02" (26.0 mm) 2001 ___7.0" (17.8 cm) 1903__ 1.55" (39.4 mm) 2001 __14.4" (36.5 cm) 2013 

Feb 09__1.11" (28.1 mm) 2023 ___7.0" (17.8 cm) 1896__ 1.11" (28.1 mm) 2023 __ 7.1" (18.0 cm) 1903 _ (e)

Feb 10__1.14" (29.0 mm) 1943 ___5.7" (14.5 cm) 1959__ 1.15" (29.2 mm) 1981 __ 7.5" (19.1 cm) 1896 _ (f)

Feb 11__1.45" (36.8 mm) 2009 ___8.4" (21.4 cm) 1988__ 1.45" (36.8 mm) 2009 __ 8.6" (22.0 cm) 1988 _ (g)

Feb 12__0.74" (18.8 mm) 1918 ___7.0" (17.8 cm) 2008__ 0.82" (20.9 mm) 2019 __ 9.8" (25.0 cm) 1988 _ (h)

Feb 13__1.71" (43.4 mm) 1855___8.0" (20.3 cm) 1950__ 1.71" (43.4 mm) 1855 __ 9.4" (23.3 cm) 2025 _(x)

Feb 14__0.80" (20.3 mm) 1949 __18.0" (45.7 cm) 1850__1.80" (45.7 mm) 1850 __18.0" (45.7 cm) 1850 

Feb 15__1.62" (41.1 mm) 1857 __10.0" (25.4 cm) 1846__ 1.62" (41.1 mm) 1857 __18.0" (45.7 cm) 1850 

Feb 16__0.74" (18.8 mm) 2006 ___9.3" (23.6 cm) 1954__ 1.21" (30.7 mm) 1954 __12.0" (30.5 cm) 1846 _ (x)

Feb 17__0.94" (23.8 mm) 1998 __12.0" (30.5 cm) 1871__ 1.41" (35.8 mm) 2022 __12.1" (30.7 cm) 1871 _note

Feb 18__0.60" (15.2 mm) 1842 ___9.0" (22.9 cm) 1860__ 0.90" (22.9 mm) 1860 __13.0" (33.0 cm) 1871 

Feb 19__0.96" (24.4 mm) 1939 ___8.0" (20.3 cm) 1862__ 1.10" (27.9 mm) 1939 __ 9.0" (22.9 cm) 1860 

Feb 20__0.90" (23.0 mm) 2014 __18.0" (45.7 cm) 1846__1.80" (45.7 mm) 1846 __18.0" (45.7 cm) 1846 _ (x)

Feb 21__0.80" (20.3 mm) 1976* __11.0" (27.9 cm) 1950__1.10" (27.9 mm) 1950 __22.0" (55.9 cm) 1846  _ * (i)

Feb 22__1.35" (34.2 mm) 1990 ___8.1" (20.6 cm) 1900__ 1.35" (34.4 mm) 1990 __14.2" (36.1 cm) 1950 _ (j)

Feb 23__1.58" (40.1 mm) 1925 ___9.0" (22.9 cm) 1869__ 1.58" (40.1 mm) 1925 __12.0" (30.5 cm) 1869 

Feb 24__1.17" (29.6 mm) 2016 __12.0" (30.5 cm) 1868__ 1.20" (30.6 mm) 2016*__13.0" (33.0 cm) 1868 _* (k)

Feb 25__0.98" (24.9 mm) 1926 __13.0" (33.0 cm) 1960__ 2.07" (52.3 mm) 1932 __18.0" (45.7 cm) 1868  _ (L)

Feb 26__0.75" (19.0 mm) 2013 ___7.8" (19.8 cm) 1946__ 1.54" (39.0 mm) 2013 __13.5" (34.3 cm) 1960 _ (m)

Feb 27__0.84" (21.3 mm) 2013 ___7.0" (17.8 cm) 1873__ 1.01" (52.3 mm) 2013 __ 8.4" (21.3 cm) 1946  _ (m)

Feb 28__0.77" (19.6 mm) 1902 __10.0" (25.4 cm) 1900__ 1.00" (25.4 mm) 1900 __14.3" (36.4 cm) 1984 _ (n)

Feb 29__0.39" (9.9 mm) 1860 ____9.4" (23.9 cm) 1904__ 1.00" (25.4 mm) 1904 __ 9.6" (24.4 cm) 1984 


(a) A similar 2d snowfall total of 9.9" (25.0 cm) was reported Jan 31-Feb 1 2008, this one being more evenly distributed (5.4 cm plus 19.8 cm). Liquid equivalent for the entire event was 31.6 mm but the portion on Feb 1st was 19.4 mm.

(b) The max precip from Feb 3, 1883 was from a combination of 8.0" snow and 0.35" rain (neither daily records).

(c) Max precip Feb 4, 2006, boosted by 4.0 cm snow adding 4.0 mm l.e. to rainfall as shown. (x) The rainfall record is maintained as the Tor A data show very similar outcomes (29.8 mm total precip). The previous rainfall record had been 0.78" (19.8 mm) from 1842. Even with a slight reduction applied the 2006 value remains higher.

(d) Snowfalls of 8.0" Feb 7, 1861 and 20.3 cm (as measured Feb 7, 2013) were tied after conversion. The 2013 snowmelt was also listed as 20.3 mm. This was part of a heavy two-day fall (see 2 day entry for 8th). Also, these snowfalls, while ahead of the maximum daily rainfall for precip, lost out to 1933 by .01" with a combined 0.47" rain and 3.4" snow. There had previously been a rainfall of 0.54" in 1914 so this was never a case of an augmented rainfall record being a precip record. Added later _ recently added historical weather maps extending back into the 1840s (wetterzentrale) now give me some basis for allocating Feb 1843 known total snowfall, and it appears that around 6th to 8th there was a promising situation for heavy snow especially on the 7th. The daily records listed may have been topped in 1843.

(d-x) The Tor A - Tor B comparison shows very similar outcomes so no changes required here.

(e) Two-day rainfall in 2001 Feb 8-9 reached 1.54" (39.2 mm) with an additional 0.52" (13.2 mm). In a three-day period, a total of 24.6 cm snow (7th-8th) followed by 39.2 mm rain (8th-9th) with 10:1 conversion used for the snow in this instance, amounted to 2.51" or 63.8 mm precipitation over three days. This was much of the 105 mm that fell in the month. New rainfall and precip records were set by 1.11" (28.1 mm) rain on 9th 2023, this broke records set in 1863 and 1894.

former records were rain 0.63" (16.0 mm) 1863 ___ precip __ 0.90" (22.9 mm) 1894

On Feb 9 the (former record) maximum precip came from 1894 with 0.50" rain and 4.0" snow adding to .90" (22.9 mm). 

(f) Max precip from 1981 (1.15") just edged ahead of the rainfall derived value from 1943 (1.14"). The record value came from a combination of 17.2 mm rain and 10.0 cm snow with l.e. of 29.2 mm compared to the 29.0 mm derived from the conversion from the 1943 amount. Also there was a rainfall of 0.89" (22.7 mm) on same date in 1965. The author recalls this day as starting with freezing rain, then a milder rain followed by record warmth by the mid-day period (Feb 10 max 54 F 12 C). 

(g) Until the 1988 snowfall (precip 21.0 mm) the daily precip record had been 0.75" from 0.20" rain and 5.5" snow in 1887. Both of these were eclipsed by the heavier rainfall value in 2009. But until 1988, the 1887 record was the augmented value of the existing daily snowfall record. (g-x) The Tor A rainfall record of 1.45" (36.8 mm) compares to 25.6 mm from Tor A which has a further 7.6 mm on next day. That value of 25.6 mm would still be considerably ahead of the previous record of 0.73" (18.6 mm) from 1876. The two-day rainfall for Tor A, B remains similar (34-36 mm) ... this rainfall probably ended in the late overnight hours.

(h) As discussed at various stages of the project, snowfall measurements since autumn 2017 have ceased to exist as anything beyond snow depth at the location as the site known as Tor A ceased to report daily rain and snow. Several possible record snowfalls are not entirely clear from the evidence available. On Feb 12, 2019, what I have to work with is a report of 20.9 mm, an increase in snow depth of 4 cm (by morning of 13th), highest temp 1.6 C, and nearest actual measurements from North York of 4.0 mm rain, 12.0 cm snow and precip of 20.2 mm. At Toronto City Centre (formerly Island A) a precip of 17 mm yielded a snow depth increase of 14 cm. From these clues I have assigned a snowfall of 10 cm for the Toronto (city) data base and 10 mm rain. Neither of these would be a daily record as shown but the combination is similar to the precip record. The snowfall was evidently at least partly melted before a snow depth was taken. 


(note 13th _ previous 2d snowfall record was 8.2" (20.8 cm) 1894). 2025 broke it (at 10:1 ratios reported precip and supported by change in snow depth). 

(note 16th _ In 2025, total 2d snowfall 15-16 was 26.3 cm (10.4") using 10:1 ratios and supported by change in snow depth ... this did not break record).

(note 17th _ previous precip record 1.24" 1871. The 2022 amount of 1.41" consisted of 0.83" rain and 5.8" snow in a falling temperature transitional situation. Another 0.9" fell on the 18th. )

(i) The rainfall record on Feb 21st was tied in terms of conversion to inches -- 20.3 mm in 1976 and 20.2 mm in 1997 were both 0.80". Also, the 1997 rainfall was a two-day total (from 20th) of 1.39" (35.6 mm).

(j) Despite adding 0.2 cm snow and 0.2 mm liquid, the conversion of 34.4 mm stayed in the range of 1.35" due to rounding. Meanwhile

in 1922, there had been a heavy mixed fall of .69" rain and 6.1" snow (1.30") which was the precip record until 1990. The snowfall daily record from 1900 also had significant added rainfall (0.35") for a total precip value of 1.16" (29.5 mm).

(k) The 30.5 mm precip equivalent from the 1868 record snowfall was edged out by 30.6 mm (also converts to 1.20") when the rainfall in 2016 was added to 1.4 cm snow (equivalent 1.0 mm). There was also a heavy rainfall in 1985 on this date (25 mm, 0.98"). The 2016 value is from Tor B but is unchallenged as Tor A had missing data, check of other locations confirms timing not an issue. 

(L) The record precip (for the month of Feb as well as 25th) came from a mixed snow, sleet and rain event (1965) that was recorded as 11.8" snow (30.0 cm), 0.25" rain (6.4 mm), 2.07" (52.6 mm) precip. The author measured mostly snow in this same event at a location 50 km west of Toronto (Georgetown, ON) and had 16.6" snow and just .01" rain observed briefly. The Toronto snowfall was in addition to 0.6" (1.5 cm) on 24th. 

(m) The record precip was based on 19.0 mm rain, 10.0 cm snow but 39.0 mm total liquid (26th 2013). The following day's total was also a combination, of 21.3 mm rain, 4.0 cm snow, and 25.7 mm liquid (1.01"). These are values from Tor B. The raw precip values from Tor A were 17.4 mm and 30.4 mm. Whatever the actual precise values, either location beats the older rainfall and/or precip records by a considerable margin. Feb 27, 1958 had a snow-freezing rain combination that gave a total of 0.81" -- one suspects that had this been in the later "liquid equivalent" era the values might have been higher.

 (n) The daily snowfall record was 10" (25.4 cm) in 1900 (28th) but 9.6" (24.4 cm) in 1984 added to an earlier fall on 27th to give a heavier total of 14.3". Although nothing further fell on 29th, that two-day total edged out the one-day total from 29th 1904. All snowfalls in 1984 reverted to the 10:1 method just for that one year in an otherwise liquid equivalent era 1963 to 2017. (It may have been the case that all of them were exactly 10:1 although that seems improbable). Because 1900 was not a leap year, a further 7.8" of snow on March 1st shows up there as the two-day record amount that would have fallen into Feb 29th otherwise. The smaller sample size for leap year day apparently caused the record rainfall to be unusually low although the record snowfall for the date does not vary from the trend established.

(x) The record values earlier marked with (x) and another letter are discussed under that letter ... for Feb 16, the 2006 maximum rainfall is maintained as both Tor A and Tor B have similar values for the date (Tor A is shown, Tor B has 17.2 mm).

(Feb 20) _ The value from TorA (23.0 mm) is used but even Tor B broke the existing record with 15.2 mm (0.60") still ahead of the previous mark, 0.48" from 2002.




<<< March Daily Precip Records >>>

DATE __ Max rain _____ year ___ Max snow ___ year __ Max precip __ year ____Max 2d snow (year) __ notes

Mar 01__0.93" (23.9 mm) 1954 ___8.0" (20.3 cm) 1875__ 1.40" (35.6 mm) 1976 __17.8" (45.2 cm) 1900 _ (a)

Mar 02__0.88" (22.4 mm) 1854 ___5.5" (14.0 cm) 1948__ 1.07" (27.2 mm) 1976 __ 9.5" (24.2 cm) 1976 _ (a)

Mar 03__0.93" (23.9 mm) 1953 ___8.0" (20.3 cm) 1875__ 1.00" (25.4 mm) 1862 __ 8.0" (20.3 cm) 1875  _ (b)

Mar 04__1.19" (30.2 mm) 1974 ___8.0" (20.4 cm) 1985*_ 1.54" (39.1 mm) 1985 __11.9" (30.0 cm) 1985  _ (c)

Mar 05__0.68" (17.3 mm) 1899 ___8.9" (22.6 cm) 1917__ 0.94" (23.9 mm) 1851 __10.3" (26.2 cm) 2001 _ (d)

Mar 06__1.44" (36.6 mm) 1900 ___8.0" (20.3 cm) 1943__ 1.44" (36.6 mm) 1900 __ 9.0" (22.9 cm) 1943 

Mar 07__0.91" (23.0 mm) 2009 ___5.4" (13.7 cm) 1975__ 0.91" (23.0 mm) 2009 __ 9.1" (23.0 cm) 1923 _ (x)

Mar 08__0.93" (23.6 mm) 1942,98_12.5" (31.8 cm) 1931__ 1.25" (31.8 mm) 1931 _12.5" (31.8 cm) 1931 _ (e)

Mar 09__0.69" (17.5 mm) 1854 ___5.9" (15.0 cm) 1994__ 0.69" (17.5 mm) 1854 __15.5" (39.4 cm) 1931 

Mar 10__0.99" (25.1 mm) 2011 __11.7" (29.7 cm) 1949__ 1.17" (29.7 mm) 1949 __12.0" (30.5 cm) 1949 

Mar 11__1.06" (26.9 mm) 1936 ___7.9" (20.0 cm) 1941__ 1.15" (29.2 mm) 1871 __11.7" (29.7 cm) 1949 _ (f)

Mar 12__1.18" (30.0 mm) 1977 ___8.6" (21.8 cm) 1968__ 1.18" (30.0 mm) 1977 __ 8.6" (21.8 cm) 1968 _ (g)

Mar 13__0.85" (21.7 mm) 1852,2010 __9.0" (22.9 cm) 1870_ 1.03" (26.2 mm) 2010 _15.0" (38.1 cm) 1870 _ (h)

Mar 14__0.94" (23.9 mm) 1973 ___6.6" (16.8 cm) 1951__ 0.94" (23.9 mm) 1973 __ 9.0" (22.9 cm) 1870 

Mar 15__0.95" (24.1 mm) 1899 __10.0" (25.4 cm) 1870__ 1.05" (26.7 mm) 1862 __10.0" (25.4 cm) 1870 _ (i)

Mar 16__1.45" (36.8 mm) 1942 __10.0" (25.4 cm) 1870__ 1.45" (36.8 mm) 1942 __20.0" (50.8 cm) 1870 

Mar 17__0.96" (24.4 mm) 1919 __10.0" (25.4 cm) 1936__ 1.48" (37.6 mm) 1973 __13.0" (33.0 cm) 1936 _ (j)

Mar 18__1.62" (41.1 mm) 1859 ___4.7" (11.9 cm) 1977__ 1.63" (41.3 mm) 1859 __10.0" (25.4 cm) 1936 

Mar 19__1.72" (43.7 mm) 1881___8.5" (21.6 cm) 1883__ 1.72" (43.7 mm) 1881 __12.5" (31.8 cm) 1883 

Mar 20__0.72" (18.3 mm) 1848, 1980 _9.0" (22.9 cm) 1862,76_0.90" (22.9 mm) 1862,76_9.0" (22.9 cm) 1862,76 (s)

Mar 21__1.13" (28.7 mm) 1849 __15.0" (38.1 cm) 1867__ 1.50" (38.1 mm) 1867 __15.5" (39.4 cm) 1876 

Mar 22__0.54" (13.7 mm) 1975 ___3.9" (9.9 cm) 2024^___ 0.50" (12.7 mm) 1949 __16.5" (38.1 cm) 1867 _ (x)

Mar 23__0.75" (19.0 mm) 2022 __6.2" (15.8 cm) 1883__ 0.77" (19.5 mm) 2022 __ 6.4" (16.3 cm) 1883 _ (note)

Mar 24__1.55" (39.4 mm) 1842 ___3.6" (9.2 cm) 1856___ 1.55" (39.4 mm) 1842 __ 6.2" (15.8 cm) 1883 

Mar 25__0.95" (24.1 mm) 1930 ___4.8" (12.2 cm) 1955__ 1.40" (35.6 mm) 1930 __ 6.3" (16.1 cm) 1930 

Mar 26__1.22" (30.9 mm) 1877 ___9.7" (24.6 cm) 1873__ 1.22" (30.9 mm) 1877 __11.7" (29.7 cm) 1873 

Mar 27__0.90" (23.0 mm) 1991 __16.0" (40.6 cm) 1870__1.60" (40.6 mm) 1870 __19.5" (49.5 cm) 1870 _ 9.2" 2d sn1934

Mar 28__1.13" (28.7 mm) 1878 __10.5" (26.7 cm) 1876__ 1.13" (28.7 mm) 1878 __16.5" (41.9 cm) 1870 

Mar 29__0.76" (19.4 mm) 2009*___5.7" (14.5 cm) 1876__ 0.76" (19.4 mm) 2009 __16.2" (41.2 cm) 1876 _ * (k)

Mar 30__1.10" (27.9 mm) 2019 ___8.5" (21.6 cm) 1922__ 1.40" (35.6 mm) 1922 __ 8.5" (21.6 cm) 1922  _ (L)

Mar 31__1.20" (30.5 mm) 1945 ___6.0" (15.2 cm) 1889__ 1.30" (33.0 mm) 1926 __ 9.6" (24.4 cm) 1987 _ (m)



(a) March 1st 1976 managed 35.6 mm precip from 17.8 cm snow. The previous mark was from 1954 when the rainfall record was set along with 4.1" snow for 1.34" of precip. Also on March 2nd, 6.4 cm of snow with 0.3 mm rain produced 27.2 mm precip for the daily record. This two-day storm was a prolonged mixture of snow, ice and snow pellets, sleet and some rain that changed to light rain in Toronto by 3rd but continued as heavy mixtures in central Ontario for several more days; when this melted in warmer weather mid-March 1976, there was extensive flooding. Another heavy mixture fell on March 1st 2007 (.52" rain, 4.2" snow, gave 1.17" precip).

(b) The max precip on March 3rd came from a mixture of 0.70" rain and 3.0" snow (1.00" or 25.4 mm) in 1862.

(c) The Mar 4 snowfall record of 20.4 cm (1985) converts to the same value (0.80") as the previous record measured in inches (1881 - 8.0"). The 1985 snowfall was accompanied by 8.1 mm rain, the total precip was 39.1 mm to ensure a daily record, by the previous 10:1 method the total would have been less than the 1974 rainfall. 

(d) The Mar 5 precip record came from a mixture of 0.64" (16.3 mm) rain and 3.0" (7.6 cm) snow in 1851. 

(e) The Mar 8 rainfall records from 1942 and 1998 both have same value despite different measurement systems in place (0.93" as measured in 1942 converts to 23.6 mm as measured in 1998).

(f) The Mar 11 precip record was a combination of 1.05" rain (.01" under the eventual record) and 1.0" snow in 1871.

(g) The Mar 12 max snowfall in 1968 continued briefly into 13th and amounted to 12.1" (30.7 cm) for a two-day total but that was not enough to displace the competing two-day value from 1870 on 13th. The amount on the 12th did displace the first day portion of that event which had been 6.0" (in 1870). 

(h) The 1852 record was measured as 0.85" which converts to 21.6 mm. The 2010 tie was measured at 21.7 mm which converts to 0.85" for the tie. The Tor A station normally used in winter months had more than this (26.2 mm) but was not selected for use in March 2010 because the month had zero snowfall. 

(i) Precip record on Mar 15 was achieved with 0.75" rain and 3.0" snow (1862). 

(j) Precip record on Mar 17 1973 from 0.94" (23.9 mm) rain and 5.4" (13.7 cm) snow. Rain from 16th of 0.59" (15 mm) made this a two-day rainfall of 1.53" (38.9 mm). This storm caused a major traffic accident north of Toronto in heavy snow squalls.

(k) Rainfall record of 20.4 mm in 2009 ties in terms of imperial conversion to 0.80" (which converts to 20.3 mm) in 1902. This also applies to the max precip value for 29th. The 2009 rainfall was a two-day event 28th-29th totalling 32.6 mm (1.28"). Also, see note (x) added below, this event only shows up on 29th for Tor A which had 23.9 mm on 29th. This makes it appear that the "two-day event" from Tor B was all on the calendar date. So the record is either the 32.6 mm two-day total or the 23.9 mm one-day total from Tor A. By either station's measurement, the daily record was set in 2009. 

(L) The rainfall of 1.10" (2019) is the bulk of precip reported as 1.24" with a slight snow accumulation (being 2019 there was no direct snow measurement). Comparison to North York showed that snowfall was probably about 1-2" so the precip is arbitrarily divided into 1.10" rain and 1.4" snow. The previous record had been 0.85" rain in 1951. In any case the 2019 event was not max precip as the heavy snow on Mar 30, 1922 (8.5") combined with 0.55" rain for a total of 1.40". 

(m) The max precip from 1926 occurred when 1.00" of rain combined with 3.0" of snow. The 1987 snowfall event was a three-day total (March 30-April 1) of 11.2" (28.4 cm) -- this storm was the trailing edge of an even heavier snowstorm  that hit parts of New England. 

(s) _ added later _ The maximum rainfall of 0.72" in 1848 was tied by conversion of 18.2 mm 1980, however, the metric conversion of 0.72" is 18.3 mm. 

_ (note Mar 23) _ rainfall record and precip record broken in 2022, mostly rain (19.0 mm) with 0.5 cm snow est in 19.5 mm precip, the previous records were Mar 23__0.49" (12.4 mm) 1926, 2010 and 0.62" (15.8 mm) 1883 (this from snowfall record).

(x) An issue was noted after this table was completed. Station "Tor B" that includes daily temperatures and precip only

(July 2003-end of data) has a report of only 17.9 mm for the same date (2009). This did not break the existing record of 0.77" (1868).

My procedure has been to take any data available from Tor A since they had identified snowfall amounts. Tor A only reported

during the snowfall season, so no overlap issues for most rainfall records, only Tor B was available for those months.

 ... All other 2003-2017 rainfall records are being cross-checked to see if they qualify from both locations. As noted below

(April 6 note) Tor A also appears to be reporting amounts from 0800h to 0800h (with reports filed on date of that starting

time) so there can be cases where part of a calendar day rain or snow is on the previous day's Tor A report. At this point I can 

see no way to disentangle the snowfall timing in the few cases where it might affect a record (and the two-day totals are more 

likely to be unaffected). But for the rainfall maxima that are subject to two reports, each one will receive a qualifying note

similar to this one if there is any appreciable difference to the outcome. 


(Mar 22-23) _ Some doubt exists about the daily rainfall record from Tor A (0.57" 2010) as Tor B has only 3.0 mm on

that date and 12.5 mm on 23rd (which ties 1926 for that daily record).

This suggests the heavier Tor A rainfall fell largely after midnight. The record before 2010 for March 22nd was only

0.54" (13.7 mm) from 1975. On this basis that 1975 record is used for this summary. In most Marches from 2003 to 2017,

Tor A was used for precip but because Tor A reported zero snowfall in March 2010, I went over to Tor B as I usually

would do in April of other years. It is also worth noting that the rainfall records for Mar 22-23 are among the lowest of the

entire calendar year. A few days in late January match them. (2022 later broke low value).

^ 2024 snowfall record for mar 22 (3.9" 9.9 cm) broke 2.9" (7.1 cm) 1879. 

Storm total and snow on ground 10.0 cm. Despite confusion about different time intervals 2003-17 for two reporting locations (or systems), Toronto City now appears to be reporting on calendar day basis or at least 06z to 06z as mar 22-23 snowfall ends at 0200 (EDT) of mar 23 (06z)



<<< April Daily Precip Records >>>

DATE __ Max rain _____ year ___ Max snow ___ year __ Max precip __ year ____Max 2d snow (year) __ notes

Apr 01__0.67" (16.9 mm) 2023 ___6.0" (15.2 cm) 1861__ 0.67" (16.9 mm) 2023 __ 7.8" (19.8 cm) 1987 _ (note)

Apr 02__0.94" (23.8 mm) 2005 ___5.3" (13.5 cm) 1975__ 1.36" (34.2 mm) 2005 __ 6.0" (15.2 cm) 1861 _ (a)

Apr 03__2.35" (59.7 mm) 1850___4.1" (10.4 cm) 1975__ 2.35" (59.7 mm) 1850 __ 9.4" (23.9 cm) 1975  _ (a) (x)

Apr 04__1.22" (31.0 mm) 1984 ___4.7" (12.0 cm) 1979__ 1.22" (31.0 mm) 1984 __ 5.4" (13.6 cm) 1996 

Apr 05__1.82" (46.2 mm) 1929 ___8.0" (20.3 cm) 1852__ 1.82" (46.2 mm) 1929 __ 8.0" (20.3 cm) 1852 

Apr 06__1.06" (26.9 mm) 2017 ___5.5" (14.0 cm) 1886__ 1.06" (26.9 mm) 2017 __ 8.5" (21.6 cm) 1852 _ (b)

Apr 07__1.22" (31.0 mm) 1893 ___6.4" (16.3 cm) 1967__ 1.25" (31.7 mm) 1893 __ 7.4" (16.3 cm) 1886 

Apr 08__1.52" (38.6 mm) 1991 ___7.5" (19.0 cm) 1979__ 1.52" (38.6 mm) 1991 __ 7.5" (19.0 cm) 1979 

Apr 09__1.28" (32.5 mm) 1864 ___4.1" (10.5 cm) 1897__ 1.28" (32.5 mm) 1864 __ 9.1" (23.2 cm) 1979 

Apr 10__1.15" (29.2 mm) 1859 ___7.0" (17.8 cm) 1943__ 1.15" (29.2 mm) 1859 __ 7.0" (17.8 cm) 1943 

Apr 11__1.61" (40.9 mm) 1922 ___4.0" (10.2 cm) 1940,44_ 1.61" (40.9 mm) 1922__ 7.1" (18.1 cm) 1894,1943 

Apr 12__1.84" (46.7 mm) 1951 ___4.7" (11.9 cm) 1932__ 1.84" (46.7 mm) 1951 __ 4.7" (11.9 cm) 1932 

Apr 13__0.85" (21.6 mm) 1979 __ 1.5" (3.8 cm) 1864,1962_0.85" (21.6 mm) 1979__ 6.1" (15.5 cm) 1932 

Apr 14__1.78" (45.2 mm) 1903 ___2.0" (5.1 cm) 2018 ___1.78" (45.2 mm) 1903 __ 2.0" (5.1 cm) 2018 _ (c)

Apr 15__1.37" (34.8 mm) 1954 ___5.5" (14.0 cm) 1893__ 1.43" (36.1 mm) 2018 __ 5.5" (14.0 cm) 1893 _ (c)

Apr 16__1.31" (33.4 mm) 1992*___3.4" (8.6 cm) 1943 ___1.31" (33.4 mm) 1992*__ 5.5" (14.0 cm) 1893 _ *(d)

Apr 17__1.13" (28.7 mm) 1939 ___4.0" (10.2 cm) 1965__ 1.13" (28.7 mm) 1939 __ 4.0" (10.2 cm) 1965 

Apr 18__1.49" (37.8 mm) 1869 ___2.0" (5.0 cm) 2022*___ 1.49" (37.8 mm) 1869 __ 4.0" (10.2 cm) 1965 _*(e)

Apr 19__1.16" (29.3 mm) 1963 ___1.8" (4.6 cm) 1857___ 1.16" (29.3 mm) 1963 __ 1.8" ( 4.6 cm) 1857 

Apr 20__1.82" (46.2 mm) 1893 ___8.3" (21.1 cm) 1901__ 1.82" (46.2 mm) 1893 __ 8.3" (21.1 cm) 1901 _ (f)

Apr 21__1.56" (39.6 mm) 1862 ___4.7" (11.9 cm) 1928__ 1.56" (39.6 mm) 1862 __ 8.3" (21.1 cm) 1901 _ (f)

Apr 22__1.12" (28.4 mm) 1977 ___3.5" (8.9 cm) 1867___ 1.12" (28.4 mm) 1977 __ 3.5" ( 8.9 cm) 1867 _ (g)

Apr 23__1.08" (27.4 mm) 1866 ___3.0" (7.6 cm) 1963__ 1.08" (27.4 mm) 1866 __ 3.5" ( 8.9 cm) 1867 _ (h)

Apr 24__0.86" (21.8 mm) 1886 ___1.3" ( 3.3 cm) 1875__ 0.86" (21.8 mm) 1886 __ 3.0" ( 7.6 cm) 1963 

Apr 25__1.42" (36.1 mm) 1842 ___4.0" (10.2 cm) 1976__ 1.42" (36.1 mm) 1842 __ 4.0" (10.2 cm) 1976 _ (i)

Apr 26__1.25" (31.8 mm) 1885 ___2.0" ( 5.1 cm) 1854__ 1.25" (31.8 mm) 1855 __ 4.0" (10.2 cm) 1976 

Apr 27__1.03" (26.2 mm) 1871 ___0.8" ( 2.0 cm) 1966__ 1.03" (26.2 mm) 1871 __ 2.5" ( 6.4 cm) 1854 (2.2" 1966)

Apr 28__1.60" (40.6 mm) 1866 ___0.8" ( 2.0 cm) 1885__ 1.60" (40.6 mm) 1866 __ 0.8" ( 2.0 cm) 1885,1966 

Apr 29__1.26" (32.0 mm) 2014 ___3.4" ( 8.6 cm) 1909__ 1.26" (32.0 mm) 2014 __ 3.4" ( 8.6 cm) 1909 _ (j)

Apr 30__1.31" (33.3 mm) 1845 ___2.5" ( 6.4 cm) 1908__ 1.31" (33.3 mm) 1845 __ 3.4" ( 8.6 cm) 1909 _ (k)



(1st) _ 2023 broke records set in 1929, 0.62" rain and 0.63" prec (0.62R + 0.1S)

(3rd) _ 2024 rainfall of 56.6 mm would have been a daily record on any other date in April, but fell short of the 1850 daily and April record of 59.7 mm. A 2d total of 64.2 mm 2nd-3rd was an April record. 

(a) The snowstorm of April 2-3, 1975 was much heavier in some areas north of Toronto where 60 to 80 cm fell over three days into April 4 (Toronto added 0.2" or 0.5 cm then). The storm had some intervals of rain and sleet in Toronto that did not occur further north, where very strong northwest winds during and after the storm drifted snow to considerable heights in Simcoe County and stranded road travelers in emergency shelters for up to five days. The author was living in that region during the storm and was confined to home as the nearby roads kept drifting over and with the strong April sun (after April 4) an arctic-like daily freeze-thaw cycle cemented snow drifts in place for up to ten days. This was definitely a "singularity" and while snowfall numbers in the 2005 event look similar, it had no similar impacts further north. The last of the storm's snow melted around April 19th in the region, ice persisted on local lakes to May 2nd then the entire month of May was hot  and dry in contrast to the very cool April (see rankings). In 2005, the same two days produced a total of 19.4 cm along with 33.2 mm of rain, but the snow depths reported never changed from trace amounts. April 2, 2005 was as close as any other day (after Jan 1, 1932) came to setting both rain and snow records (ended up second in snowfall and first in rainfall). note also Apr 2 05 precip 29.8 mm from Tor B.

(b) As noted earlier in study, two sets of precip records exist after 2003. The station identified as "Tor B" or Toronto City picked up the temperatures after July 2003. The other location "Tor A" (Toronto) continued to record only precip including rain and snow. This location only reported during the snowfall seasons from 2003-04 to 2016-17. Therefore the author has had to take rainfall data from Tor B for the summer half of the year. In the case of April 6, 2017, Tor B gives us 26.9 mm for a record amount. Tor A provides a similar 2d total of 27.8 mm but most of it is shown on April 5. This leads me to conclude that Tor A measurements took place around 0800h while Tor B runs a calendar day measurement. Also the fairly close Toronto airport (YYZ) location has all of this rainfall event on April 6 (27.8 mm + 0.4 cm snow) and they certainly report their measurements to calendar days. 

(c) Snowfall April 14-16 2018 during a prolonged spell of mixed precipitation (also rain, sleet, ice pellets) is estimated from snow depth shown as 4 cm by morning 15th and 5 cm morning 16th then 4 cm morning 17th (only Tor A reports exist by this time, Tor B ceased its reports after winter 2016-17). Another clue is reported snowfalls at North York which are 7.6 cm (14th) and 3.2 cm (15th). Snow depths were given as 7 cm after each day. Similar precip values are also reported. Further out of the city, the YYZ location reported 4.2 cm and 3.8 cm with less overall precip (influence of Lake Ontario evident). The author also knows of some weather forum reports supporting 5-10 cm amounts on these dates. Otherwise, the daily record for April 14 would be 1.1" from 2014. The record for the 15th (1893 5.5") was not challenged. Over three days (April 14-16) a total of 89.3 mm precip fell. The precip record for the 15th (1.43") had estimated components of 1.23" rain and 2.0" snow. This edged out the all-rain value from 1954 of 1.37". 

(d) The maximum rainfall in 1992 (33.4 mm) converted to the measured value of 1.31" also posted on Apr 16th in 1919. That however converts to 33.3 mm in metric, so it's a case of a statistical tie for the imperial measurement. This also applies to the precip as neither of these days had any accompanying snowfall. Also of note on April 16, a second place two-day snowfall of 3.5" from both 1904 and 1947.

(e) New daily record 2022 is from estimated value comparing to results measured at YYZ. The actual amount could have been in the range of 5-15 cm and after melting snow on ground was not persistent to next morning (the snow occurred during the evening with temperatures near 1 C). The previous record is 1.5" (3.8 cm) 1947.

(f) The heavy snowfall event on Apr 20 1901 was accompanied by heavy rainfall, 0.56" fell on 20th and 0.90" more on Apr 21. The cause was a nearly stationary stacked low in the mid-Atlantic states. No further snow fell but it rained less heavily for three more days before clearing up. The maximum temperature reported on 20th was 38 F (3.3 C), somewhat milder air worked its way into the easterly flow by the next day (52 F). The precip for the day (20th) of 1.39" might have been reported as a heavier amount in the modern protocols but fell short of the all-rain value of 1.82" (1893). ... A snowfall of 1.5" (3.8 cm) on 20th in 1857 completed a two-day value of 3.3" (8.5 cm) that was eclipsed by this one-day snowfall event. The next day, the snowfall record from 1928 was nearly matched by 4.3" on 21st in 1945. 

(g) A further 0.80" (20.3 mm) rain on Apr 23 1977 brought the two-day total to 1.92" (48.8 mm). 

(h) Two day rainfall of 1.83" (46.5 mm) in 1847, on 22nd .76" was the maximum until broken by 1977 and on 23rd the amount was 1.07" just .01" below the record value in 1866.

(i) The snowfall of 4.0" (10.2 cm) on Apr 25, 1976 was as heavy as 20 cm further north (part of this event at Toronto was rainfall of  0.56" (14.2 mm) on 24th and 0.20" (5.1 mm) on 25th. Precip on 25th was consistent with 10:1 ratios and snow depth reported next morning was 5 cms. As it had turned very warm a week earlier (record highs on several days 16th-19th) deciduous trees had come out into full spring foliage and the heavy wet snow caused many large branches to fall off. It had been near 80 deg F for several days a week earlier. Tree foliation was very rapid in both April 1976 and 1977. By contrast, in both 1966 and 1967 full spring foliation was not observed until late May. 

(j) Maximum rainfall for Apr 29, 2014 is from Tor B as Tor A had stopped reporting for the winter season two weeks earlier anyway. This new record only edged out 1.16" from 1921 previous record. This will be the last note about rainfalls 2003-2017 until we reach the November records when the two-station situation comes into play again. The practice of terminating the Tor A reports in April means that any snow that might have fallen in May (and same applies to October) can only be deduced indirectly from other local reports. See the May summary for any findings, the monthly precip values all show zero snowfall for May after 2001's trace amount. 

(k) Another significant snowfall on Apr 30 was 2.0" (5.1 cm) in 1963 which combined with 0.64" rain. This snow continued into May 1st when another 0.7" was recorded (2.7" total but 3.0" fell on May 1, 1875).

(x) A separate precip issue for April 3 arises from unusual readings of a relatively small snowfall of 10 cm reported as 40 mm of precip at the newly established (July 2002) parallel "Tor B" station Toronto City (at that time the "Tor A" station  continuing on from the longer data set under the name Toronto still had temperature data, slightly at variance with the data shown for Tor B although that too could be partly due to a time of observation issue. The Tor B station has only precip at this point and shows 22.2 mm on 3rd, 13.5 mm on 4th with 6 cm new snow on ground. This leads me to conclude that the heavy sleety snowfall event with the large additional (non-rain-reported) precip was overnight to some extent. In any case, the month's heaviest rainfall (Apr 3, 1850) prevented even the inflated 40 mm precip amount from qualifying as max precip although it might have done so on about half the days in April. 

... In part because I also find this very confusing, this is the sequence of events established by the gradual change of observing practices at the general location of the Toronto downtown weather station. 

(1) mid-2002 : a second location (Toronto City) begins a parallel set of obs with temps and precip but no snowfall.

... I also refer to this location as Tor B.

(2) Toronto (the station with data since 1840) continued its full reporting to June 2003. This is "Tor A" in any

discussions in these notes. Tor A (Toronto) then dropped temperatures and snowfall which from that point on

(July 1, 2003) only appeared with Toronto City (what I also call Tor B). 

(3) Tor A finally went silent entirely after winter 2016-17, and reported only during the snowfall months from 2003 to 2017.

(4) Tor A changed their observation day some time around the split, if not before (an issue I hope to resolve with EC) to

what appears to be 0800h-0800h so that if any rainfall event continues overnight, almost all of it falls into one day's report,

whereas Tor B reports closer to a calendar day format (could be 0100-2400 local hourlies combined). 

(5) All of the rainfall records since 2003 are either from Tor A records where snow daily measurements were active, otherwise

Tor B (Toronto City) . I considered the issue of having calendar day records for precip but could not be sure that calendar day

had been the standard before 2003 for various intervals (including much of the deeper historical record). 

It is believed by the author that some if not most of the pre-2003 Toronto data were calendar day records but there was

probably more adherence to this around the 1940s to 1960s than at other times (because at those times Toronto was

a first-order reporting station with more frequent observer measurements) . By calendar day there could be routines such as

0100-2400 local hourly obs, midnight to midnight or 06z to 06z (Toronto is in the eastern time zone, in standard time 06z is 0100h

local, in EDST it is 0200h local). These details would not skew the comparison of daily values very much but stretching the day to

0800h does make it "apples and oranges" to the extent that it matters to the non-purist. 


TOR A (identified as Toronto with navigation available to 1840) ceased operation April 27, 2017 and did not reappear in winter 2017-18 or thereafter. TOR B (identified as Toronto City) continued to the present and can be scrolled back to mid-2002 when it appeared as a full alternative to the existing Toronto. I have only used it since Tor A appeared in mid-2003. As an example of how these two locations display two different reporting days near the end of their overlap, on April 19-20, an apparently overnight  rainfall event shows up this way:

Date ____________ Tor A ___ Tor B ___ YYZ ____ North York

Apr 19 2017 _____19.6 _____ 1.2 _______ 0.6 ______ 0.4

Apr 20 2017 _____ 5.4 _____ 23.3 _____25.0 _____18.4 

From that example, one can see that Tor A (the snowfall-precip only alternative) is recording amounts during the next calendar day while Tor B and YYZ are recording totals around midnight. I added North York which is apparently also a "calendar day" reporting station. Currently some work is underway to ensure that daily rainfall records are always from Tor B during the overlap, and some consideration is being given to adjusting calendar day snowfalls which from 2003 to 2017 are shifted into the overnight reporting mode. An issue yet to be addressed is whether any parts of the 1840 to 2003 reporting were similarly offset. 

(note: often in April and sometimes in either Oct or Nov, one snowfall is preserved from Tor A which has an 

incomplete monthly log and the procedure here was to take the Tor B precip and change the appropriate

portion to snow on a 10:1 basis or by some blending of the data if a different liquid equivalent seemed to

be confirmed from the partial Tor A records. Some further small (usually trace) snowfalls were detected from

comparison with North York nearby). 


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The format follows the posts above (see preamble two posts back for general details)

Since snowfall is limited in May, the max 2-day snow feature is now dropped until November. Every two-day total that is more than just an isolated one-day event can be inferred from the daily records. Two cases that are actual hidden two-day totals are explained in notes. This post will cover May, then June to August in parallel formats since there is only rainfall to track there (and rainfall = precip). This leaves some additional space for notes beside instead of below the text, and that space will be used to track two-day events and also some notable tropical system causes of the record rainfalls where known. In that format, for any given year, "H8" as an example means Hurricane number 8 but implies a post-tropical phase of that system by the time its remnants reach Toronto. After 1950 hurricanes are named so one might encounter for example "1957 H Audrey" (June 28 1957). In each case what is implied is that the circulation of the former hurricane or tropical storm reached the lower Great Lakes and created the rainfall that reached daily record status. You may be quite impressed with the number of cases that show up from August to October, the number in July and July will be relatively small. The author has checked a number of other rainfall events against archived maps (wetterzentrale 1836-2015) and makes a few notes of the types of systems that produced some of the non-tropical-remnant events. The main choices there are frontal wave (passing near or south of Toronto), warm front or cold front, or overhead closed low. Notes will only expand to space below the data tables where necessary for completion.

Although every May precip record is now the daily rainfall record, that was not the case on May 1st until 2017 when a rainfall of 0.92" eclipsed the mark set in 1875 from a combined 0.60" rain and 3.0" snow (the largest in May) for 0.90" -- that had been ahead of the existing rainfall record of 0.81" from 1869. As a result, there is no need to list daily precip records for May, they are all the same as the daily rainfall records now. In no case did any of them augment any amount from combined snow although some had traces of snow or measured snow the following day. Leaving out the daily precip for May leaves space for June parallel to May. For June, no snow was reported except for traces on June 1, 1945 and June 3 and 4 of 1859. 


<<< May Daily Precip Records >>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  <<< June Daily Precip Records >>>

DATE __ Max rain (precip)_year___Max snow___year __notes __________ DATE _ Max rain and precip _ year __ notes

May 01__0.92" (23.3 mm) 2017 ___3.0" (7.6 cm) 1875__________________Jun 01 __ 1.79" (45.5 mm) 2012 _ Tr snow 1945

May 02__1.55" (39.4 mm) 1992 ___0.6" (1.5 cm) 1909_2d sn 3.1" (7.8 cm) 1875_Jun 02__ 1.20" (30.5 mm) 1947 _ (f)

May 03__0.95" (24.2 mm) 1984 ___0.2" (0.5 cm) 1911__________________Jun 03 __ 1.36" (34.5 mm) 1882 _ Tr snow 1859

May 04__1.50" (38.1 mm) 1871 ___1.5" (3.8 cm) 1907__________________Jun 04 __ 0.89" (22.6 mm) 1869 _ Tr snow 1859

May 05__1.41" (35.8 mm) 1868 ___0.3" (0.8 cm) 1891__________________Jun 05 __ 1.51" (38.4 mm) 1885 _ low south

May 06__1.85" (47.0 mm) 1861 ___Trace (Tr cm) 1976,89 ______________ Jun 06 __ 1.08" (27.4 mm) 1931 

May 07__1.58" (40.1 mm) 1960 ___0.3" (0.8 cm) 1855__________________Jun 07 __ 1.25" (31.7 mm) 2022*  

May 08__0.94" (23.9 mm) 1860 ___0.6" (1.5 cm) 1855_ 2d r 2.48" (63.0 mm) 1960_Jun 08__1.61" (40.8 mm) 1906  

May 09__1.09" (27.7 mm) 1956 ___1.3" (3.3 cm) 1923 (0.4" 1.0 cm 2020) _Jun 09 __ 1.37" (34.8 mm) 1922 

May 10__1.24" (31.5 mm) 1841 ___0.2" (0.5 cm) 1923 _________________ Jun 10 __ 1.55" (39.4 mm) 1872 _ fr wave

May 11__1.59" (40.4 mm) 1858 ___Trace (Tr cm) 1938, 2020 (2.8 cm YYZ) _Jun 11 __ 2.36" (59.9 mm) 1870 _  stat front s

May 12__2.67" (67.8 mm) 2000 ___0.5" (1.2 cm) 1966 _ (a) _____________Jun 12 __ 1.97" (50.1 mm) 2023 ^ 

May 13__2.22" (56.4 mm) 1868 ___0.1" (0.3 cm) 1912 _R 1868 deep low south  Jun 13 __ 1.63" (41.4 mm) 1996 _ (g)

May 14__0.91" (23.2 mm) 1929 ___Trace (Tr cm) 1959, 2016 (North York) _ Jun 14 __ 1.28" (32.5 mm) 1926 

May 15__2.04" (51.8 mm) 1942 ___ 0.2" (0.5 cm) 1959 _R 1942 frontal trof _ Jun 15 __ 1.80" (45.7 mm) 1879 _ warm front

May 16__2.33" (59.2 mm) 1893 ___ 0.1" (0.3 cm) 1884 _R 1893 deep low s.e. Jun 16 __ 1.45" (36.8 mm) 1922 

May 17__2.20" (55.9 mm) 1865 ___ 0.0" (0.0 cm) (all) _ (b) ______________ Jun 17 __ 1.35" (34.3 mm) 1937 

May 18__1.63" (41.4 mm) 1904 ___Trace (Tr cm) 1976 _________________ Jun 18 __ 1.71" (43.5 mm) 1934 _ cold front

May 19__1.24" (31.5 mm) 1894 ___ Trace (Tr cm) 1907, 2000,02 ________Jun 19 __ 2.42" (61.5 mm) 1892 _ fr wave 

May 20__1.86" (47.2 mm) 1894 ___Trace (Tr cm) 1850, 1907 ___________  Jun 20 __ 1.51" (38.4 mm) 1850  

May 21__2.70" (68.6 mm) 1894 ___Trace (Tr cm) 1850 _ (c) _____________Jun 21 __ 1.09" (27.7 mm) 1851  

May 22__2.06" (52.3 mm) 2001 ___ 0.0" (0.0 cm) all _ (d) ________________Jun 22 __ 1.32" (33.5 mm) 1951 

May 23__1.33" (33.8 mm) 2003 ___ Trace (Tr cm) 1917__________________Jun 23 __ 1.50" (38.1 mm) 1908 _ (h)

May 24__1.60" (40.6 mm) 1952 ___ Trace (Tr cm) 1925__________________Jun 24 __ 1.24" (31.4 mm) 2000 

May 25__2.06" (52.9 mm) 2017 ___ Trace (Tr cm) 1924__________________Jun 25 __ 1.34" (34.1 mm) 2014 

May 26__1.19" (30.2 mm) 1858 ___ 0.0" (0.0 cm) all _ (e) ________________Jun 26 __ 0.93" (23.6 mm) 1869 

May 27__1.29" (32.7 mm) 1866 ___ Trace (Tr cm) 1907__________________Jun 27 __ 1.77" (44.9 mm) 2010 

May 28__1.61" (40.9 mm) 2013 ___ Trace (Tr cm) 2021 (f) ______________Jun 28 __ 2.50" (63.5 mm) 1957 _ H Audrey ( i )

May 29__1.10" (27.9 mm) 1916 ___ 0.0" (0.0 cm) all ____________________Jun 29 __ 1.30" (33.0 mm) 1856 

May 30__1.01" (25.7 mm) 1942 ___ Trace (Tr cm) 1856__________________Jun 30 __ 2.00" (50.8 mm) 1870  stat front

May 31__2.03" (51.5 mm) 1944 ___ 0.0" (0.0 cm) all _ (g) ________________ _______________________

__ * __ June 7 rainfall record 2022 (1.25" 31.7 mm) replaces 1.07" (27.2 mm) 1967



(a) Severe urban flooding widespread in Michigan and Ontario from this system May 12, 2000. Local rainfalls up to 150 mm (6") reported. The cause was a slow-moving frontal wave separating warm, humid air to south from cool, moist air over Toronto to Lake Huron region. 

(b) Note applies to previous day (May 16) _ Another very heavy rainfall occurred in 1974 _ 2.31" (58.7 mm) and including previous day 2.56" (65.1 mm). This rainfall caused severe flooding on the Grand River in southwestern Ontario. Also note that while May 16th has the season's last measurable snowfall, May 17th is the first snow-free day with not even a trace amount in the records. The last trace of snow was June 4th in 1859.

(c) The three-day record-breaking rainstorm May 19-21 1894 dropped 5.80" (147.3 mm) and is the only time that three consecutive days set rainfall records. The cause was a nearly stationary inverted trough feature over the mountains of PA and NY state with Toronto on the west side of the moisture-laden system. The first of the three records was approached in 1972 (1.20") and the second one in 1996 (1.75"). The third day of this wet spell set the daily record for May almost equalled in 2000 on May 12th. A similar three-day rainfall in September 1878 (11th-13th) of tropical origins dropped 4.83" (122.2 mm) in a similar progression but only the last of these days set a daily record. From September 13 to 15 of 1843, 5.18" (136.7 mm) fell but the first of these was only 0.20" (5.1 mm) so it was essentially a heavy two-day event and also the rainfall record was set in the middle of the three day interval in that case. These three rainstorms combined for almost as much rain as fell in all of the driest year (1874) as ranked previously.

(d) May 21-22 2001 had a two day total of 3.08".

(e) Although no snow trace was reported at Toronto downtown, on the early morning of May 26 1961 YYZ (Toronto airport) had several hours of mixed rain and snow that was reported as 0.2" (0.5 cm) (for some reason it appears on the 25th in the daily weather although both temps and hourly obs were only consistent with snow from 02-04h LST). This was the latest known measurable snowfall at any Toronto recording site until May 28, 2021.

(f) Trace of snow at downtown location is based on video evidence of snow mixing with rain during the day, temp around 7-9 C, no accumulation on the ground ... but 0.2 cm reported at YYZ, their latest measurable snowfall ... amounts of 3-5 cm reported in some higher areas of southwestern and south central Ontario, highest being at around 500-600 meters a.s.l. south of Georgian Bay. 

(f) From May 29 to 31 of 1889, a total of 1.96" rain fell (49.8 mm). The heaviest daily amount was 24.1 mm (0.95") on the 30th. This was the heavy rain event that created the Johnstown PA flood disaster on May 31 when a dam broke and inundated the town and nearby valley, with a death toll of 2,200 or more. Also on May 31, in 1985, an F-3 tornado hit Barrie north of Toronto and resulted in eight fatalities. A line of thunderstorms swept through most of southern/central Ontario that afternoon and evening but the rainfall at Toronto was only 3.4 mm. Other strong tornadoes hit locations between Orangeville northwest of Toronto, to Peterborough northeast of Toronto. The author was living in Peterborough at that time and estimates about 30 mm of rain fell at his location, with large hail, the tornado track was further south (only an F-1 at that point). 

--- June notes ---

(f) Until 2012 the June 2 (1947) rainfall record was the second consecutive one with 1.59" (40.4 mm) on June 1st (2d total 2.79" (70.9 mm).

^ June 12 2023 replaced record of 1.53" (38.9 mm) 1840 

(g) While not setting a daily record, in 2000 this was the middle day of a three-day interval June 12-14 with 2.45" (62.2 mm)

(h) June 22-23 1972 rainfall from remnants of H Agnes looping through NY-PA gave total of 1.36" (34.6 mm)

(i) While Agnes and 1968 TS Candy (June 25-26 total of 0.99" or 25.2 mm) failed to set records, Audrey's remnants from the Gulf of Mexico set the monthly record. The track was from LA to w TN to central OH and dissipation of the tropical disturbance over Lake Ontario late 28th. With 0.29" on 27th and .01" on 29th, total rainfall for this event was 2.80" (early stages were probably frontal as Audrey ran up a weak frontal boundary already in place.) ... Also on 28th, 2.21" (56.1 mm) rain. 

---------- =============================================== ----------

(note: any 2-day rainfalls mentioned in "notes" will start on the previous day and end on the day noted, unless otherwise specified ... also, refer to preamble to May-June section for information about other factors noted as causes of heavy rainfalls especially associated tropical systems.

<<< July Daily Precip Records >>> - - - - - - -- - - - - - -  <<< August Daily Precip Records >>>

DATE _ Max rain (precip)_year___notes ________________ DATE _ Max rain and precip_year___notes

July 01_1.30" (33.0 mm) 1842 ________________________ Aug 01_1.44" (36.6 mm) 1969 

July 02_0.98" (24.9 mm) 1890 _ 2d 2.14" (54.4 mm)___ Aug 02_1.57" (39.8 mm) 2020 _ prev.1.35" (34.4 mm) 1991

July 03_0.97" (24.6 mm) 1928 ________________________ Aug 03_3.09" (78.5 mm) 1915 _ H1 1915 (e)

July 04_1.98" (50.3 mm) 1878 _ fr wave _______________Aug 04_3.45" (87.6 mm) 1878 _ warm front (f)

July 05_1.36" (34.5 mm) 1971 ________________________ Aug 05_1.59" (40.5 mm) 2024^_ 2d 2.81" (71.2 mm) in 1995

July 06_2.11" (53.6 mm) 1977 _2d 6-7 2.79" (70.9 mm) _ (a) _ Aug 06_1.67" (42.4 mm) 1968 _ 2d 6th-7th 2.62" (66.5 mm) 1968

July 07_1.52" (38.5 mm) 2013 _2d 7-8 5.33" (135.3 mm)_(a) _ Aug 07_2.29" (58.2 mm) 2018 _ 2d 7th-8th 3.15" (80.1 mm) 2018

July 08_3.81" (96.8 mm) 2013 _ 2nd highest daily amt (any mo)_ Aug 08_3.22" (81.8 mm) 1939 _ warm front

July 09_2.42" (61.5 mm) 1960 _ weak frontal trough _____ Aug 09_2.44" (62.0 mm) 1891 _ frontal wave

July 10_1.76" (44.7 mm) 2024^________________________  Aug 10_1.63" (41.4 mm) 1955 

July 11_1.73" (43.9 mm) 1937 _________________________Aug 11_2.34" (58.4 mm) 1841 _ 2d 3.59" (90.2 mm)

July 12_1.89" (48.0 mm) 1840 ________________________  Aug 12_2.15" (54.6 mm) 1866 _ stalled warm front

July 13_1.59" (40.4 mm) 1972 _ (b) ____________________ Aug 13_2.51" (63.8 mm) 1955 _ H Connie

July 14_1.27" (32.2 mm) 1996 ________________________  Aug 14_0.99" (25.2 mm) 1995

July 15_1.60" (40.6 mm) 1869 _ warm front ___________ Aug 15_3.68" (93.5 mm) 1905 _ fr wave south (g)

July 16_3.29" (83.6 mm) 2024^ _ urban flooding ______ Aug 16_1.31" (33.2 mm) 1919 _ (h)

July 17_2.75" (69.9 mm) 1850 _ also 2.35" (59.7 mm) 1866 __Aug 17_1.48" (37.6 mm) 1950 

July 18_2.03" (51.6 mm) 1942 _ 2d 3.70" (94.0 mm) ____ Aug 18_1.23" (31.2 mm) 1841 

July 19_2.41" (61.1 mm) 2007 _ frontal wave __________  Aug 19_1.25" (31.8 mm) 2005 

July 20_1.69" (42.9 mm) 1952 _________________________ Aug 20_1.68" (42.7 mm) 1904 

July 21_2.70" (68.6 mm) 1919 _ frontal wave __________ Aug 21_1.95" (49.5 mm) 1918 _ warm front

July 22_1.64" (41.7 mm) 1840 ________________________  Aug 22_2.74" (69.6 mm) 1968  _ 2d 2.43" (61.6 mm) 2010

July 23_1.59" (40.4 mm) 1927 _ (c) ____________________ Aug 23_2.25" (57.2 mm) 1975 _ 2d 2.89" (73.9 mm) 1968

July 24_2.00" (50.8 mm) 1841 _ (d) ____________________ Aug 24_1.76" (44.8 mm) 1982 

July 25_1.71" (43.4 mm) 1950 _________________________ Aug 25_1.06" (26.9 mm) 1892 _ 2d 1.94" (49.3 mm) 1892

July 26_2.03" (51.6 mm) 1849 _ 2d 2.41" (61.2 mm) 2009 __  Aug 26_2.17" (55.2 mm) 1986  

July 27_3.88" (98.6 mm) 1897_heaviest calendar day rain (any mo) __ Aug 27_3.25" (82.6 mm) 1843 _ ( i )

July 28_1.49" (37.8 mm) 1981 _________________________ Aug 28_1.48" (37.6 mm) 1950 ___

July 29_1.86" (47.2 mm) 1852 _________________________ Aug 29_1.41" (35.8 mm) 1893 _ 2d 2.70" (68.6 mm) 1893

July 30_1.34" (34.0 mm) 1905 _________________________ Aug 30_2.39" (60.7 mm) 1970 _ 2d 2.96" (75.2 mm) 1970

July 31_1.78" (45.2 mm) 1977 _________________________ Aug 31_2.19" (55.6 mm) 1901 _ frontal wave south



(a) Both heavy rainfalls July 6-7 in 1977 and 2013 had similar origins, slow-moving cold fronts in very warm, humid air masses.

(b) Three day rainfall total of 3.65" (92.7 mm) 11th-13th 1964. Author was measuring rain at home weather station 40 km west in Georgetown, somewhat heavier totals there (unfortunately records lost in much later move). EC had station in Georgetown also, located about 4 km southeast of the author's home, and their report shows 78.0 mm while at YYZ (airport) in between (18 km west of Toronto downtown) the total was 76.7 mm. Checking the regional grid almost every location (and there used to be quite a few, several dozen) had 70 to 80 mm of rain in this downpour which was thundery but more or less continuous for about three days. The main cause of this prolonged heavy rain was an unseasonably well-defined low pressure area from Colorado that stalled out over the region. At Toronto the amount recorded on 13th was the daily record until 1972. Even this many years later I can still recall the shock value of seeing a five inch rain gauge very close to overflowing.

It is worth mentioning though, that despite being in existence for 180 years, Toronto's weather station  has never recorded more than 4.0 inches or 100 mm of rain (which is 3.94") in one calendar day ... Hurricane Hazel (Oct 15-16 1954) is known to have produced 6-8 inch rainfalls northwest of the city, and further afield there have been rainfalls in excess of that, so it seems quite likely that one day Toronto (either city or airport) will record a much heavier rainfall. (YYZ had 126.0 mm or 4.96" on July 8, 2013, the date of the downtown location's second heaviest one-day total of 3.81").

The author has had that experience, located 150 km north of Toronto in summer of 1976 there was a stationary thunderstorm complex that dropped over seven inches of rain in six hours -- the author recalls dashing out to empty the nearly full gauge (same one) with a measurement made, then adding the amount left over at the end of the storm. There's probably no reason why such a storm might not one day set up right over downtown Toronto. In the May 12, 2000 event (which was covered by The Weather Network from their studios southwest of Toronto) some local reports suggested amounts near six inches on that date (the record listed above being 2.67") . ... The heaviest one-day rainfall above (July 27, 1897) was closer to 60 mm at several other locations then reporting, so that one seems to have maximized close to the weather station location.

^ July 10 previous record was 1.37" (34.7 mm) in 2006.

^ July 16 previous record was 2.45" (62.2 mm) in 1941, noted as a warm frontal wave. In 2024, Toronto's 3.29" (83.6 mm) followed an earlier 1.18" (29.9 mm) on July 15, a two day total of 4.47" (113.5 mm), not a record for July (see July 8 2013 notes). News reports detailed water rescues on Don Valley Parkway not far from Toronto city observation site (approx 3-5 km E-NE), and note earlier record rainfall on July 10; July 2024 already at 3rd wettest July after July 16 (1841 and 2013 first and second).

(c) Similar amounts to this daily record (July 23, 1927) fell on 15th and 17th, the one on 15th was almost another daily max, the 17th was well behind and ended up in fifth place for the date. This is interesting only because it shows that very similar weather events can fare rather differently on various dates depending on what has to be largely random distribution (being that close together in time at a static point in the seasonal temperature trends). On the other hand, singularities that concern clusters of similar events on nearly similar dates could hold a research significance. For example, the January thaw concept -- about a half century ago, people often talked about the January thaw and expected it to come near the 21st of the month. Some research I have done suggests that this phenomenon has been slowly progressing forward and that it was closer to Jan 18-20 in the 19th century, and may be later than the 21st-24th as identified in the 20th century. The thaw was not something that would come every year but you can see a shift in distribution of temperature, more active storms and rainfalls. As to a cause for that, no very promising concepts other than difficult to quantify paradigms about oscillations in the Pacific, or possibly since the drift is similar long-term to the precession cycle, something of an undiagnosed Sun-background stars resonance that induces a planetary wave.

(d) There was very heavy rainfall in the later part of July and early August of 1841. From July 22nd to 31st, a total of 5.15" (130.8 mm) fell, boosting the month to first place for July total rain after a rather average first two weeks. (that total swells to 6.77" starting from the 13th). Then after a dry week to start August 1841, another deluge of 4.59" fell from August 8th to 11th (total within 30 days of 11.36" or 288.5 mm) and after a few more dry days, 1.23" on Aug 18th made it 12.59" ( mm) in just 37 days (Noah had forty). These very heavy rainfalls showed up in 1842 and 1843 as well in somewhat different format and so it may be part of the background situation that led to the historical phenomenon where some residents of the Great Lakes region (perhaps more so on the U.S. side of the lakes) were widely anticipating the end of days and making plans to reach higher ground (the Millerite prophecy for 1843 and 1844). This movement rejected its prophecy in Oct 1844 and converted it to a new paradigm which led to the establishment of the Seventh Day Adventist church. 

--- August notes ---

(e) The two-day rainfall from remnants of H1 (1915) which moved up from the Gulf of Mexico were 4.35" (110.5 mm) Aug 3-4, 1915 ... also, with the new record set previous day in 2020, the 2d total 2nd-3rd was 2.46" (62.6 mm) with an additional (non-record) 22.8 mm on 3rd.

(f) The heavy warm frontal rain (August's 2nd highest one-day value) on Aug 4, 1878 added only a slight amount on 5th to reach 3.54" but then another 1.26" fell on Aug 6th making a three-day total of 4.80" (121.9 mm) That was another daily record until 1968 broke it. The two-day amount associated for 1968 (Aug 6-7), a warm front, produced a second record also on 7th (0.95" or 24.1 mm) which fell in 2018.

^ Aug 5 2024 broke record of 1.49" (37.8 mm) 1870

(g) Also in 1986, 3.08" (78.2 mm) fell on Aug 15th, which would have set a record on all but two days in August. This combined with an earlier amount of 0.17" (4.4 mm) for a total 2d rain of 3.25" (82.6 mm); the 1905 record value had no additional amounts on either side and was almost the entire monthly rainfall for August 1905.

(h) On Aug 16, 1969 (about a day before H Camille was approaching landfall in MS) air mass thunderstorms west of Toronto dropped amounts of 144 mm (about 5.6") near Milton and Hornby west of the airport and south of Georgetown which also had over 110 mm. The Toronto downtown station had only 0.38" (9.6 mm). Toronto airport had about 30 mm. These appeared to be non-frontal air mass storms that formed near lake breeze boundary and drifted upslope from east to west (the author was on holiday and missed this event by two days). Road damage from flash flooding was evident in the heavy rainfall zone at that time. 

(i) Aug 27 1992, (1.55") 39.4 mm associated with remnants of H Andrew (after second landfall in LA) failed to set a record. Another .34" (8.8 mm) fell on 28th. (total 1.89", 48.2 mm). Also from Aug 26 to 27 2013, 2.37" (60.0 mm) fell, with 39.4 mm on 27th tied with the 1992 value for second place on the day (after 1843). The 3.25" (82.6 mm) combined with 9.77" (248.2 mm) in September (Toronto's wettest month ever) made for a total of 13.02" (330.8 mm) in only 35 days, even wetter than the July-Aug 1841 period of similar length. 



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The format follows the posts above (see preamble two posts back for general details)

September precip records are also rainfall records since there have only been two days with traces of snow (these are noted below). With a lot of interesting tropical connections and two-day totals, I will present September with a larger space for daily notes. Then it's on to October where we start to pick up measurable snowfall again, still quite a few tropical connections to rainfall amounts. ... Nov and Dec will be in a separate post after this one is finished. 

<<< September precip records >>>

DATE __ Max rain (precip) _ date __ notes

_ 01 __ 1.76" (44.7 mm) _ 1899 _ warm frontal wave _ also 1.42" (36.1 mm) 1878, 2d (31st Aug-1st Sep) 2.16" (54.9 mm).

_ 02 __ 1.73" (43.9 mm) _ 1930 _ cold front _ also 1.93" (49.0 mm) 1854 1st-2nd

_ 03 __ 1.42" (36.0 mm) _ 1981 

_ 04 __ 1.37" (34.9 mm) _ 2012 _ 2d (1981) total 2.55" (64.6 mm) _ 4th 1981 (1.13" or 28.6 mm) had been record to 2012

_ 05 __ 1.49" (37.8 mm) _ 1910, 1918 _ 2d (4-5 1918) 1.89" (47.9 mm) _ 2d (5-6 1910) 2.20" (55.9 mm)

_ 06 __ 1.99" (50.5 mm) _ 1853 _ frontal wave

_ 07 __ 3.02" (76.6 mm) _ 1996 _ H Fran (from s.e. US to L Ont) _ also 2.35" (59.7 mm) 1869, H5 1869 near Gulf coast, fr wave 

_ 08 __ 1.71" (43.4 mm) _ 1854 _ followed record heat _ note re 1869 above, 2d rain 2.82" (71.6 mm)

_ 09 __ 2.65" (67.3 mm) _ 1847 _ no maps but cf evident temps 75F to 60F 9-10. Also followed non-rec 1.75" (44.5 mm) 5th-6th

_ 10 __ 3.23" (82.0 mm) _ 1986 _ strong low warm fronts _ added 0.24" (6.2 mm) 11th, 2d 3.47" (88.2 mm)

_ 11 __ 1.16" (29.5 mm) _ 1890 _ 2.93" total 11th-12th 1842, not separated in source, could have broken this and/or next record.

_ 12 __ 1.45" (36.8 mm) _ 1915 _ warm front _ 2d (12th-13th) total 2.20" (55.9 mm)

_ 13 __ 3.09" (78.5 mm) _ 1878 _ 2d total 12th-13th 4.05" (103.1 mm) and 3d 11th-13th 4.81" (H5 1878 moved in from mid-Atl) note (a)

_ 14 __ 3.46" (87.9 mm) _ 1843 _ 2d total 14th-15th 5.18" (131.5 mm) _ warm fronts (cool high over New England as per Caswell)

_ 15 __ 2.29" (58.2 mm) _ 1870 _ q.s. front, 15th-16th 2.52" (64.0 mm). 

_ 16 __ 2.38" (60.4 mm) _ 1888 _ remnants of TS 5 

_ 17 __ 2.54" (64.5 mm) _ 1855 _ remnants of H 5 (LA landfall 16th) interacting with frontal system Great Lakes

_ 18 __ 2.07" (52.6 mm) _ 1945 _ remnants of H 5 (additional 0.59" (15.0 mm) on 17th, 2d total 2.66" (67.6 mm)

_ 19 __ 1.24" (31.6 mm) _ 2001

_ 20 __ 1.16" (29.5 mm) _ 1852 _ warm fronts ___ Tr snow (1956) _ earliest recorded trace of snow autumn season

_ 21 __ 1.30" (33.0 mm) _ 1967 _ 2d 1938 (21-22) 2.52" (1.15+1.37) (64.0 mm) from inland loop of 1938 "Long Island" Hurricane

_ 22 __ 1.96" (49.9 mm) _ 2021 _ (note b) replaces 1.87" (47.4 mm) 1989

_ 23 __ 1.15" (29.2 mm) _ 1931 _ cold front __ 2001 near tie of 28.9 mm (1.14") 

_ 24 __ 2.36" (59.9 mm) _ 1977 _ warm front, 0.41" (10.4 mm) added on 25th, 2.77" 2d total (70.3 mm) (also 2.25" (57.2 mm) 1843.)

_ 25 __ 1.91" (47.5 mm) _ 1866 _ fronts stalled to south

_ 26 __ 1.25" (31.8 mm) _ 1880 _ cold front ___ Tr snow in 1918

_ 27 __ 1.86" (47.2 mm) _ 1861 _ H5 1861 (0.18" or 4.6 mm prev day) _ also in 2002, 1.29" (32.8 mm) from remnants of H Isidore

_ 28 __ 1.44" (36.6 mm) _ 1967 _ low to southeast, cool northeast flow

_ 29 __ 2.07" (52.4 mm) _ 1999 _ (1986 had 52.2 mm which also converts to 2.07")  _ both events were frontal non-tropical

_ 30 __ 1.25" (31.8 mm) _ 1840 _ Snow fell just north of Toronto, over an inch accumulated (1974) (no report of snow for this data base)



(a) The 1878 three-day deluge intensified as H5 moved up from Georgia to mid-atl states to L Ontario. Sept 13 1878 was a Friday. As noted in May (notes 21st) this was one of the heaviest three-day rainfalls on record. Also on 13th more recently, unable to match 1878, two other memorable rainstorms. The path of H Frederic (1979) brought the remnant low into NY state and Toronto had 0.94" (23.8 mm) on 13th and another 0.54" (13.8 mm) on 14th, total rainfall 1.48" (37.6 mm). In eastern Ontario amounts closer to six inches fell. This was basically the only rainfall in the month of Sept 1979 which was otherwise very sunny and near normal in temperatures. Then in 1996 an intense low formed over Lake Huron, some dubbed this the "Huronicane" because it brought strong wind gusts in places, but for Toronto, the main event was a rainfall of 1.24" (31.6 mm) with a three-day total rainfall (11th-13th) of 2.20" (56.0 mm). The low was linked by a trough to strong H Hortense off the Carolina coast moving northeast. 


(b) This record from 2021 replaces 1.87" (47.4 mm) from remnants of Hugo which made landfall in SC and tracked rapidly into the Toronto region maintaining TS intensity to about Peterborough ON where the author was then living, a very small eye feature was observed there at about 2345h local time and rainfalls there were over 50 mm. 

(c) Rainfall of 2.13" (54.1 mm) on Sept 29-30, 1896, was caused by the merger of Hurricane Four of 1896 with low pressure over the Great Lakes. The hurricane moved north from Georgia after a landfall near Cedar Key, FL. It is known as the Cedar Keys Hurricane and caused considerable damage in the southeast U.S. and mid-Atlantic states. Neither daily amount quite matched the records although the 30th was close at 1.21" (30.7 mm). 

----------- ==================================================== ------------


<<< October precip records >>>

Snowfall daily records return now, but two-day snowfall will not be relevant until November; any two-day totals in October that are

not self-evident from the daily data will be explained in notes. Daily precip records are still entirely rainfall except possibly near the end

of the month when a snowfall event in Oct 1844 that we only have as part of a monthly total may have edged out one of the last three

snowfall and precip records (as explained in note for Oct 29). There continue to be associations of rainfall records with tropical events

especially up to the middle of the month.

DATE __ Max rain (precip)_date__Max snow ___ date ___ notes

_ 01 __ 1.27" (32.3 mm) _ 1915 __ 0.3" (0.8 cm) _ 1920 __ rain assoc H4 1915 _ snow (Oct 1, 1920), with 0.60" (15.2 mm) rain.

_ 02 __ 0.68" (17.3 mm) _ 1905,60 _ Trace (Tr cm) 1945, 1974_ 2d rain 1.62" (40.9 mm) 1st-2nd 1915

_ 03 __ 2.05" (52.1 mm) _ 1890 __ Trace (Tr cm) 1888, 1945,89 _ 1890 rain warm frontal 

_ 04 __ 1.07" (27.2 mm) _ 1867 ___ 0.0" (0.0 cm) _ all ___ 1867 rain from front linked to Gulf coast H7 of 1867 (it stayed well south).

_ 05 __ 2.25" (57.2 mm) _ 1995 ___ Trace (Tr cm) 1935 __ 1995 rain from H Opal (2d 2.74" 69.6 mm) 5th-6th. 

_ 06 __ 1.31" (33.3 mm) _ 1875 ___ 0.2" (0.5 cm) _ 1889 __ 1875 rain from stalled fronts south, 1889 snow fell with 0.36" 2d rain.

_ 07 __ 3.16" (80.3 mm) _ 1849 ___ Trace (Tr cm) 1876,2000_ 1849 rain assoc H3 1849 which made landfall in se MA. see note (a)

_ 08 __ 1.12" (28.4 mm) _ 1977 ___ Trace (Tr cm) 1857,64,76,95,96

_ 09 __ 1.66" (42.2 mm) _ 1950 ___ Trace (Tr cm) 1925, 76 __ 1950 rain from slow moving low south of Great Lakes

_ 10 __ 0.97" (24.6 mm) _ 1921 ___ Trace (Tr cm) 1881,1906,25,64,93 __ 1921 rain cold fronts

_ 11 __ 1.33" (33.8 mm) _ 1950 ___ 0.8" (2.0 cm) _ 1906 ___ 1950 rain from second low following event on 9th

_ 12 __ 1.10" (27.9 mm) _ 2011 ___ 0.3" (0.8 cm) _ 1932,36 _ 2011 2d rain (11th-12th) 1.66" (42.1 mm). warm fronts.

_ 13 __ 1.93" (49.0 mm) _ 1885 _ Trace (Tr cm) 1855,74,1909,36,37,88,2006 _ 1885 rain assoc TS 8 of 1885 2d rain (13-14) 2.22" (56.4 mm)

_ 14 __ 1.26" (32.0 mm) _ 1893 ___ 0.1" (0.3 cm) _ 1876 ___ 1893 rain from H9 (landfall near NYC) 2d rain (13-14) 2.26" (57.4 mm)

_ 15 __ 3.42" (86.9 mm)_ 1954 ___ Trace (Tr cm) 1855,72,76,1961,78 __ 1954 rain from H Hazel (4.00" 101.6 mm) 14th-15th _ note (b)

_ 16 __ 0.83" (21.1 mm) _ 2014 ___ Trace (Tr cm) 1854, 76 ___ frontal system stalled as H Gonzalo moved towards Bermuda

_ 17 __ 2.15" (54.6 mm) _ 1842 ___ 3.3" (8.4 cm) _ 1875 ___ 1875 snow cold low moving southeast _ also 1.76" (44.7 mm) rain 2006

_ 18 __ 1.17" (29.7 mm) _ 1937 ___ 0.1" (0.3 cm) _ 1926 ___ 1937 rain strong warm fronts

_ 19 __ 2.16" (54.9 mm) _ 1906 ___ 0.8" (2.0 cm) _ 1952 ___ 1906 rain frontal system interacted with H8 of 1906 then in n FL

_ 20 __ 0.84" (21.3 mm) _ 1995 ___ 0.2" (0.5 cm) _ 1888 ___ 1995 rain from frontal trough _ 19th-20th 2.33" (59.2 mm) 1916 _ note (c)

_ 21 __ 1.46" (37.1 mm) _ 1965 ___ 4.8" (12,2 cm)_ 1969___ 1969 snow from low tracking southeast across region _ note (d)

_ 22 __ 1.57" (33.6 mm) _ 1929 ___ 0.5" (1.3 cm) _ 1880 ___ 1929 non-trop low that formed over GA and tracked north to OH then nw.

_ 23 __ 1.84" (46.7 mm) _ 1957 ___ 2.2" (5.6 cm) _ 1880 ___ 1957 rain from strong low tracking IL-OH-NY, 1880 sn assoc nor'easter

_ 24 __ 0.88" (22.4 mm) _ 1917 ___ 0.1" (0.3 cm) _ 1879 ___ 1917 rain assoc inverted trof feature south tracking slowly east

_ 25 __ 1.31" (33.3 mm) _ 1980 ___ 0.8" (2.0 cm) _ 1962 ___ 1980 rain strong nor'easter, 1962 snow weak low in polar northerly

_ 26 __ 1.29" (32.8 mm) _ 1872 ___ 2.0" (5.1 cm) _ 1865,69 _ 1872 rain from remnant low H5 tracking to east (t.d. near MD) _ (e)

_ 27 __ 1.30" (32.9 mm) _ 2019 ___ 1.2" (3.0 cm) _ 1911 ___ 2019 rain from remnants of TS Olga moving north from AL _ note (f)

_ 28 __ 2.30" (58.3 mm) _ 2015 ___ 3.7" (9.4 cm) _ 1925 ___ 1925 snow from trough that eventually formed coastal low _ note (g)

_ 29 __ 1.83" (46.5 mm) _ 1852 ___ 1.4" (3.6 cm) _ 1895 ___ 1852 rain from warm fronts (2.26" - 56.5 mm fell 28th-30th) _ note (h)

or 29__ 1.83" (46.5 mm) _ 1852 ___ 8.0" (20.3 cm) _1844___ 1852 rain from warm fronts (2.26" - 56.5 mm fell 28th-30th) _ note (h)

_ 30 __ 0.97" (24.7 mm) _ 1863 ___ 1.6" (4.1 cm) _ 1906 ___  2d snowfall 2.2" (5.6 cm) 1906 .. weak low tracking to south of L Erie.

or 30__ 0.97" (24.7 mm) _ 1863 ___ 4.0" (5.1 cm) _ 1844 ___  2d snowfall 12.0" (30.5 cm) 1844 .. also low tracking to south of L Erie.

_ 31 __ 0.95" (24.1 mm) _ 2019 ___ 0.5" (1.3 cm) _ 1875 ___ 2d rainfall 1.62" (41.2 mm) 30th-31st. 

(alternative cases for 1844 snowfall discussed in note h below)


(a) There are no weather maps available for 1849, but from Caswell's Providence RI journal, can see that H3 came ashore on the night of Oct 6-7 and dropped 2.5" rain there (storm total). He reported strong winds and thunder but did not use the word hurricane. Elsewhere I was able to discover that H3 had skirted Long Island and hit somewhere near Cape Cod. The Ontario rain was either a later consequence of its inland track or more likely from a separate low already in place there. Temperatures at both Toronto and Providence remained near 50 F (10 C) for several days on either side of the rainfall event indicating a generally cyclonic upper steering pattern. Toronto had received light rainfalls adding up to 0.60" (15.2 mm) for the four previous days and added .03" on the 8th for a total event rainfall of 3.78" (96.0 mm). This was the heaviest October one-day rain until 1954 (15th) and remains the second highest one-day total for the month. (added later) _ The wetterzentrale archives now include maps for the 1840s and late 1830s. Some appear rather rudimentary (the Jan 6-7 1839 storm that hit Ireland looks much underdeveloped compared to other maps I have seen in research articles). So I am taking these only for their tracks and positions, the intensity portion may be very poor in places. The maps more or less match what I had speculated about the set-up for this 1849 event, a coastal hurricane graze capturing an inland cold-core low is suggested. Rather than looping inland it appears this hurricane stalled near Boston and then moved east after the phase. 

(b) Hurricane Hazel is probably the most notorious weather event of Toronto's considerable weather history. Although the storm was more likely a transitioning tropical storm as it crossed Lake Ontario after a landfall in North Carolina, it is usually referred to as "Hurricane Hazel" in recollections. The fast-moving storm created very strong wind gusts also (over 100 km/hr) and dropped heavier rain a little further west and northwest (8" or 200 mm at Snelgrove, ON northwest of the airport). This caused the Humber River, which enters Lake Ontario a few kms west of downtown, to flood and swept away a residential area causing around 80 fatalities. This event led to flood control "conservation" measures being adopted by Ontario's government. This calendar day rainfall is October's heaviest. In 1943, 1.35" had fallen on the same date followed by 0.67" on 16th (2.02" or 51.3 mm). Those two daily records survived 11 and 71 years respectvely. This rainfall came from a trapped frontal wave associated with strong H9 off the southeast U.S. coast. While that hurricane went on to a landfall in Nova Scotia on Oct 17th, the frontal wave was pulled into the hurricane's circulation after the 16th. 

(c) The rainfall record for Oct 19 was nearly matched in 1916 (1.70") and a two-day rainfall of 2.33" (59.2 mm) was associated with the approach of remnants of H 14 of the busy 1916 season from the southwest. Oct 20, 1916 was dubbed "black Friday" because of shipwrecks caused by the decaying tropical system on Lake Erie. 

(d) The heavy snow of Oct 21, 1969 fell mainly between afternoon and midnight; the author has a clear memory of it as he was a student at the university where the weather station is located and spent that evening watching a movie. After an earlier rain-snow mix, the snow accumulated rapidly to the depth stated but quickly melted the next day despite ongoing cold temperatures (it stayed below 4 C all day). This event is marked as heaviest one-day snow for October although it is probable that a heavier amount fell in late October of 1844, the problem being as explained in a later note, the specific date(s) of this 30.2 cm snowfall are not specified. I am hoping that the dusty old manuscripts (which I last saw in a basement storage area in the old weather bureau headquarters around the same time as this 1969 snowstorm) from the 1840s are still preserved somewhere (now most likely to be at the newer Downsview headquarters building library) and might hold clues to this and other questions about snowfall in years from 1840 to 1844. Also on this date (Oct 21) no space to mention as a note above that the 1965 maximum daily rainfall was a cold core low that dropped steady rain for about two days (21st-22nd) amounting to 1.99" (50.5 mm). 

Also on October 21, 1868, 2.0" (5.1 cm) of snow mixed with some rain fell -- this is one of the heavier daily snowfalls in October so rather unfortunate to lose its place when so many other days had much smaller values. This snow was produced by a cold east to northeast flow around low pressure in WV. 

(e) Worth noting that on October 26, 2010, a very deep 955 mb low formed over the upper plains and Midwest. The effects of this storm, dubbed the "Chiclone" were moderate for Toronto with 0.25" (6.3 mm) rain and a high of 19.7 C reported. 

(f) 2-day snowfall total of 3.0" (7.6 cm) in 1865 as non-record 1.0" added to previous day's 2.0" amount.

(g) Also note that 1925 snowfall 2d total was 4.0" (10.2 cm) 27th-28th. ...  The 2015 rainfall which was largely on the 28th edged out a 1973 record which was part of a long-term heavy rainfall event that was widespread in the region. In the 1973 event, The 28th rainfall (1973) was 1.74" (43.9 mm) followed by 1.34" (34.0 mm), 0.51" (13.0 mm) and 0.71" (18.0 mm) from 29th to 31st. This gave a four-day total of 4.30" (108.9 mm). The cause was a very slow moving low that tracked from about WV to CT in the four day period. Temperatures were constantly around 7 C during this long interval of rainfall. 

(h) We have the report of 30.2 cm snow in October 1844 and it seems most likely to have fallen around 29th-30th when temperatures were cold enough, and deep low pressure was reported to have moved through New England giving Caswell a soaking rain at about 45 deg F. The distribution of this snowfall for Toronto on a day to day basis is not known. The listed records for 29th to 31st then are all to some extent possibly not the actual highest values. Neither would the monthly maximum of 4.8" (12.1 cm) on 21st, 1969, be likely to have exceeded the unknown 1844 maximum value. The map archives on wetterzentrale were just extended back through the period (to 1836 now), and this confirmed my suspicion that a low pressure system tracking to south of Great Lakes on 29th-30th probably brought most of this monthly total (some smaller parts could have occurred earlier). The 31st looks dry on the map. So the 30.2 cm snowfall was probably something like 20 cm on 29th and 10 cm on 30th in 1844. This explains why the morning of the 31st set the all-time minimum temperature (-9 C) for October.

Would suggest anyone using the data assume the daily snowfall records are close to the values just mentioned. Unless almost all this snow fell on the 30th, or unless there were rainfalls associated (we have no rainfall data at all for the month), no daily precip record was likely to have occurred. I have noted the possible alternative snowfall records in the table (green alternative lines). 

(g) - second 29th note - Rainfall from remnants of H Sandy moving inland over NJ and tracking towards Toronto, on 29th in 2012, remnants reaching the Toronto area by early 31st. As there had been low pressure in the area since the 27th, this turned into a five day rainfall event that was not as heavy as in parts of the eastern U.S., but eventually totalled 61.9 mm or 2.44" -- no daily record was threatened with any of these five amounts. 


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<<< November precip records >>>

Snowfall and two-day snow records return now, along with precipitation, although almost all the November records continue to be the rainfall records for the dates. This begins to change to more snowfalls and mixed events late in the month and into December. A reminder that 2-day snowfall totals end on the date shown, and begin on the previous date, even if no snow falls on one of the two dates. When two entries appear and both are larger than an associated daily record, it shows that a three-day snowfall sequence occurred. If two entries appear and one is the same as the snowfall, the second larger, it means that snow only fell on the following day in addition. Where three entries appear and the second and third are the same, it means that the main event was preceded by additional snow, but not followed by anything new.


DATE__Max rain ___ date ___ Max snow ___ date ___ Max precip ___ date ____ Max 2d snow (year) __ notes

_ 01 __ 1.57" (39.9 mm) 1929 _ 1.8" (4.6 cm) 1911 ___ 1.57" (39.9 mm) 1929 ___ 1.8" (4.6 cm) 1911 ____ (a) 

_ 02 __ 3.13" (79.5 mm) 1861_ 5.5" (14.0 cm) 1951 __ 3.13" (79.5 mm) 1861 ___ 5.5" (14.0 cm) 1951 __ (b)

_ 03 __ 1.62" (41.2 mm) 1985 _ 2.7" (6.9 cm) 1950 ___ 1.62" (41.2 mm) 1985 ___ 6.7" (17.0 cm) 1951 __ (c) 

_ 04 __ 1.62" (41.2 mm) 1985 _ 3.1" (7.9 cm) 1983 ___ 1.62" (41.2 mm) 1985 ___ 5.0" (12.7 cm) 1950 

_ 05 __ 0.96" (24.4 mm) 1990 _ 2.5" (6.4 cm) 1878 ___ 0.96" (24.4 mm) 1990 ___ 3.0" (7.6 cm) 1950

_ 06 __ 1.71" (43.4 mm) 1951 _ 2.8" (7.1 cm) 1951 ___ 1.99" (49.9 mm) 1951 ___ 3.7" (9.4 cm) 1878 __ (d)

_ 07 __ 2.37" (60.2 mm) 1977 _ 6.6" (16.8 cm) 1953 __ 2.37" (60.2 mm) 1977 ___ 6.6" (16.8 cm) 1953 __ (e)

_ 08 __ 1.45" (36.8 mm) 1846 _ 1.2" (3.0 cm) 2023 ___ 1.45" (36.8 mm) 1846 ___ 6.6" (16.8 cm) 1953 __ also 1.36" r (34.6 mm) 1877

_ 09 __ 1.64" (41.6 mm) 1913 _ 5.6" (14.2 cm) 1921 __ 1.71" (43.4 mm) 1913 ___ 6.4" (16.2 cm) 1921 __ (f)

_ 10 __ 2.53" (64.3 mm) 1962 _ 5.5" (14.0 cm) 1898 __ 2.53" (64.3 mm) 1962 ___ 7.0" (17.8 cm) 1898 __ (g)

_ 11 __ 1.76" (44.7 mm) 1940 _ 5.6" (14.1 cm) 2019 __ 1.76" (44.7 mm) 1940 ___ 8.5" (21.6 cm) 1898 __ (h)

_ 12 __ 1.23" (31.2 mm) 1881 _ 2.0" (5.1 cm) 1959 ___ 1.23" (31.2 mm) 1881 ___ 5.7" (14.3 cm) 2019 __ (i)

_ 13 __ 1.04" (26.4 mm) 1925 _ 7.2" (18.4 cm) 1997 __ 1.04" (26.4 mm) 1925 ___ 7.3" (18.6 cm) 1997 __ (j)

_ 14 __ 2.31" (58.7 mm) 1871 _ 3.5" (8.8 cm) 1875 ___ 2.33" (59.1 mm) 1871 ___ 8.9" (22.8 cm) 1997 __ (k)

_ 15 __ 1.46" (37.0 mm) 2006 _ 5.0" (12.7 cm) 2018 __ 1.46" (37.0 mm) 2006 ___ 5.0" (12.7 cm) 1995,2005 _ (L)

_ 16 __ 1.40" (35.6 mm) 1869 _ 6.0" (15.2 cm) 1932 __ 1.70" (43.2 mm) 1869 ___ 7.2" (18.3 cm) 1932

_ 17 __ 2.23" (56.6 mm) 1868 _ 6.2" (15.7 cm) 1920 __ 2.23" (56.6 mm) 1868 ___ 8.9" (22.4 cm) 2002 _ (m)

_ 18 __ 1.47" (37.3 mm) 1859 _ 2.0" (5.1 cm) 1879 ___ 1.47" (37.3 mm) 1859 ___ 6.2" (15.7 cm) 1920 _ (n)

_ 19 __ 1.37" (34.8 mm) 1948 _ 3.0" (7.6 cm) 2008 ___ 1.37" (34.8 mm) 1948 ___ 3.0" (7.6 cm) 2008

_ 20 __ 2.77" (70.4 mm) 1851 _ 5.5" (14.0 cm) 1986 __ 2.77" (70.4 mm) 1851 ___ 5.5" (14.0 cm) 1986 _ (o)

_ 21 __ 1.24" (31.5 mm) 1952 _ 2.6" (6.6 cm) 1896 ___ 1.24" (31.5 mm) 1952 ___ 5.5" (14.0 cm) 1986 _ 2007 rain 1.23" 31.1 mm

_ 22 __ 1.63" (41.4 mm) 1909 _ 6.8" (17.3 cm) 2020 __ 1.67" (42.4 mm) 1909 ___ 6.8" (17.3 cm) 2020 _ 1909 rain q.s. fronts

_ 23 __ 0.84" (21.3 mm) 1891 _ 2.5" (6.4 cm) 1857 ___ 0.84" (21.3 mm) 1891 ___ 6.8" (17.3 cm) 2020 _ 2d r 1.50" (38.1 mm) 1891

_ 24 __ 1.11" (28.2 mm) 1877 _12.0" (30.5 cm) 1950__ 1.23" (31.2 mm) 1950 __12.0" (30.5 cm) 1950 _ (p)

_ 25 __ 1.18" (30.0 mm) 1895 _ 4.7" (11.9 cm) 1851 ___1.31" (33.4 mm) 1987 __ 12.5" (31.0 cm) 1950 _ (q)

_ 26 __ 1.06" (26.9 mm) 2018 _ 5.3" (13.9 cm) 1940 ___1.06" (26.9 mm) 2018 __ 5.3" (13.9 cm) 1940 

_ 27 __ 2.13" (54.0 mm) 1993 _ 9.5" (24.1 cm) 1873 __ 2.13" (54.0 mm) 1993 __ 9.8" (24.9 cm) 1873 _ (r)

_ 28 __ 1.02" (25.9 mm) 1864 _ 7.0" (17.8 cm) 1958 __ 1.02" (25.9 mm) 1864 __ 9.6" (24.4 cm) 1873 _ 2d r 1.50" (38.0 mm) 2003

_ 29 __ 1.86" (47.0 mm) 2011 _ 5.0" (12.2 cm) 1971 __ 1.86" (47.0 mm) 2011 __ 7.7" (19.5 cm) 1856,1874,1958 

_ 30 __ 1.35" (34.3 mm) 1923 _ 6.8" (17.2 cm) 1940 __ 1.35" (34.3 mm) 1923 __ 7.7" (19.5 cm) 1940


^ Nov 8 2023 snowfall is estimated from snow on ground, I believe it was incorrectly entered on Nov 6, a very mild day, then Nov 7, still quite mild to late evening missing data, Nov 8 at YYZ mixed rain and snow, so 3 cm snow on ground is probably really on Nov 8, observer's rare missing data could account, in any case, record replaces 0.8" (2.0 cm) from 1921, a much lower record (still) than surrounding dates. 

(a) The 1929 rainfall was associated with a strong warm front and the 1911 snow which appears to have been a trough ahead of a massive arctic high over the upper plains states was not accompanied by rain. 

(b) The 1861 rain was associated with H8 of 1861 which made a landfall in the mid-Atlantic states and continued north across PA into NY state while gradually dissipating. There was also .42" rain on Nov 1st and .20" on 3rd for a three-day total of 3.75" (95.2 mm). There was another heavy rainfall on Nov 2nd in 1907 when 1.81" (46.0 mm) fell. This was from low pressure moving east through the region. The 1951 snowfall was a trough linked to a slowly developing nor'easter which deepened explosively on 3rd. See notes for 6th -- a second winter storm followed after a cold dry interval. 

(c) Just two days after a record high temperature was set for the month (1st, 1950) a two day snowfall began, accumulating to 5.0" (12.7 cm) by the 4th, mixed with 0.24" rain. The 1985 rainfalls on 3rd and 4th (no typo, they were identical) were caused by slow-moving low pressure to the southwest, somewhat similar to the late October 1973 event, and with another 0.51" (12.4 mm) rain on 2nd, the three-day total was 3.73" (94.7 mm) very similar to the aforementioned Nov 1-3 1861 total. 

(d) A second storm in early Nov 1951 tracked south of the Great Lakes and brought a heavy two-day mixed fall of 1.94" (49.2 mm) rain and 4.3" (10.9 cm) snow, or 2.37" precip (60.1 mm) over the 6th and 7th. Nov 6th becomes the second day in the data base to record both its record rain and snow on the same day (Jan 1, 1932 was the other). Also there was a record low min and max in the day before the storm began, the max on 5th (30 F) and min on 6th (15 F) are daily records. 

(e) 1977 rain caused by stalled low over Ohio valley. Very little additional rain on either date adjacent. The 1953 snow developed from low pressure moving northeast through PA and NY. Despite this record snow, the rest of the month turned very mild and set several records.

(f) The 1913 record rainfall for Nov 9 was caused by a powerful storm that is more remembered for sinking numerous freighters on Lake Huron with its extreme northerly winds in that region west of Toronto. The deep low (sometimes called the "White Hurricane") originated in Georgia and moved north to western Lake Ontario. It sank a number of large freighters on Lake Huron with a death toll over 250, and brought destructive northwest winds to Cleveland OH together with heavy lake effect snowfall. The temperature in Toronto fell from 16 C before the storm's arrival to -1 C in its dying phases when some snow was added to the rainfall to boost the precipitation record. With rain that had already fallen on 8th, the total rainfall was 2.17" (55.0 mm). ... ... ... ... ... ... This is a time of year for celebrated storms, see note for Nov 11 ("Armistice Day" storm) and also on Nov 10, 1975, into Nov 11th, the "Edmund Fitzgerald" storm struck Lake Superior. The effects in southern Ontario were mainly strong southerly winds and warm temperatures with some rain, not of record value (a temperature record had been set on Nov 8, 1975). ... The 1921 snow event (6.4" or 16.2 cm) was caused by a low moving east across OH and PA.

(g) The 1962 rainfall was produced by a low that moved out of the Gulf of Mexico into Georgia then north to become a closed low in PA. The 1898 snowfall event lasted parts of three days (9th-11th) and totalled 10.0" (25.4 cm). The low tracked from the south central U.S. to the lower Great Lakes and turned east. There was no associated rainfall. Other than the partly unknown Oct 1844 storm, this was the earliest ten inch snowfall event of any season. It came in an otherwise rather warm year especially for the era. 

(h) The 1940 "Armistice Day" storm on Nov 11 takes its name from the U.S. name given for their version of Remembrance Day. It was a dangerous blizzard in Minnesota and took the lives of a number of hunters unaware of the sudden weather changes about to hit them. The wikipedia article on this storm states that it began in the Pacific northwest and was there responsible for the end of the Tacoma Narrows bridge on Nov 7, 1940. The storm reached Iowa by the 10th and slowly deepened to 970 mbs, moved northeast across Lake Superior, and unleashed a raging blizzard on western Lake Superior and surrounding states. At Toronto, there was a two day rainfall of 1.94" (49.3 mm), a maximum temperature of 15 C on Nov 11th then cold southwest winds raced in with flurries and lake effect squalls in snow belt areas. Some minor snowfalls hit Toronto about three days later in the colder pattern that followed the storm. The article goes on to state that 146 people died as a result, about half of them stranded hunters who froze to death, and another significant number in capsized vessels on Lake Michigan. ... Until the 2019 snowfall record, 1933 (4.8") (12.2 cm) held it and this snow was followed by record cold temperatures on 15th and 16th. The 2019 storm was immediately followed by new record cold values (-12 C). 

(i) The 1881 rainfall event was fairly standard (low pressure moving towards Ontario from the plains states). From this point on, if later November and December rainfall events are of this sort, I won't note the details. ... The 1959 snowfall occurred in the opening stages of a three-day wet period that turned to rain on the 13th and 14th (a total of 0.69" or 17.0 cm). ...

(j) From Nov 12th to 13th 1925, first day of nearly equal amounts failed to break the 1881 mark on 12th and produced a 2d total of 2.07" (52.6 mm). This was associated with low pressure tracking northeast to the south of Lake Ontario and temperatures were in the 7-9 C range for the entire duration. The 1997 snowfall on Nov 13th was produced by low pressure tracking from the Midwest to the northeastern states. It was a heavy wet snow (almost equalling the 1925 rainfall's precip value at 23.0 mm) but no rain was recorded. A further 4.4 cm on 14th and 1.6 cm on 15th gave a three day total snowfall of 9.8" or 24.8 cm. The snow remained on the ground until rain on the 20th melted it slowly. This length of snow cover in November is unusual for Toronto. This storm eclipsed the previous daily record of 3.7" (9.4 cm) from 1900.

(k) The 1871 rainfall event was associated with a strong low that approached from the west and tracked into western New York. The rain started to mix with snow at the end of the day (14th) and turned to snow on 15th (a total of 2.2" (5.6 cm) snow was added). 

(L) The 2018 snowfall record for 15th (5.0") is estimated (as mentioned, from autumn 2017 onward, no daily snowfall data measured, only snow depth from station "Tor B" is available. The evidence includes 11.3 mm precip on a near-freezing day, similar outcome at North York with all snow given, 10.6 cm and 14.5 mm precip equivalent, similar partial snow depths by next morning (somewhat milder with rain, some melt likely). If this value of 5.0" is too high then 4.4" (11.2 cm) on Nov 15, 1881 was the previous record. 

(m) The heavy 1869 rainfall ended with a topping of 3.0" snow to augment its precipitation record status. The heavy 1932 snowfall was caused by an inverted trough tracking slowly east to the south of the Great Lakes. 

(n) The 1868 heavy rainfall came from a slow-moving low in WI slowly losing energy to a developing coastal. It was not quite cold enough for snow (temperatures were steady near 5 C). The 2002 2d snowfall noted had daily components of 12.6 cm and 9.8 cm, and beat out the 2d total for 1920 which added nothing from the previous day. Nor did the 1932 event continue after 15th-16th. The 1920 snowfall was caused by a strong coastal low. The 2002 event followed a similar track. 

(o) The 1851 rainfall (20th) came from a low somewhere around Ohio that slowly fed energy into a developing coastal low. Caswell's Providence journal remarks that skies clouded up progressively on this same date and then 2" of rain fell there on the 21st. Although the archived weather map has rather vague details south of the Great Lakes it is probable there was a considerably stronger low present than the map depicts for Nov 20 1851. ... The 1986 snowfall came from a coastal low forming from an inland low tracking east to south of L Erie. 

(p) The 1950 snowfall (Nov 24) was associated with an unusual strong northward moving low that energized a weaker low already in place and dropping light snow late 23rd, then brought even heavier snowfalls to parts of the inland northeast and Ohio valley states. Small amounts of rain were recorded to boost the precip slightly. It appears that the snow became light on the 25th and mixed with rain, then turned back to all snow on the 26th. Somewhat heavier amounts were reported inland west of Toronto through the 25th-26th. The annual Canadian football championship (Grey Cup) was played during the aftermath of this storm and is known as the "Mud Bowl." In 1962 the game was also played in Toronto and that time had to be suspended for a later finish because of dense fog -- the "Fog Bowl."  A third event in late November 1965 was badly affected by very strong winds. It was around then that talk began about building a domed stadium (which is where the football team now plays). ... The 1877 rain was part of a three-day deluge with a similar map (slow moving low pressure areas to south) as the earlier Nov 2-4 1985 event displayed. The 1877 total was 2.15" (54.6 mm) from 24th to 26th. 

(q) Despite adding .08" to the precip from additional snow, the 1895 rainfall lost out to 1987 which had very similar numbers, 29.4 mm of rain and 3.0 cm of snow which had 4.0 mm liquid equivalent for a precipitation total of 1.31" (33.4 mm), compared to 1.26" (32.0 mm) in 1895.

(r) The heavy rain in 1993 on Nov 27th eclipsed a record of 1.42" (36.1 mm) set in 1850. That event continued into 28th with a further 0.60" (15.2 mm) for a total of 2.02" (51.3 mm). ... The 1873 snowfall was caused by low pressure tracking from Lake Michigan to south of Lake Ontario. The week before this snowstorm added  six inches (15 cm) and it was generally cold so there may have been as much as 25-30 cm snow on the ground after the 27th snowfall. Temperatures then dropped to record low values (minimum 1 F or -17 F on 28th). The snowfall event hides another similar fall in 1876 when 8.7" (22.1 cm) fell 26th-27th. Also 7.2" (18.3 cm) fell on these same two days in 1902. Also, in 1889, a two-day snowfall of 8.5" (21.5 cm) was recorded from 27th to 28th. This was accompanied by 0.85" (21.5 mm) rain on the 27th. The combination of that rain with 5.5" of the snowfall gave a daily precip of 1.40" (35.6 mm) which was not quite up to the level of the 1850 rainfall value.  



<<< December Precip Records >>>


DATE__Max rain ___ date ___ Max snow ___ date ___ Max precip ___ date ____ Max 2d snow (year) __ notes

_ 01 __ 1.05" (26.7 mm) 2006 _ 11.0" (27.9 cm) 1875 ___ 1.10" (27.9 mm) 1875 ___ 12.6" (32.0 cm) 1875 _ (a)

_ 02 __ 1.28" (32.5 mm) 1848 __ 5.8" (14.7 cm) 1856 ___ 1.28" (32.5 mm) 1848 ___ 11.0" (27.9 cm) 1875

_ 03 __ 1.81" (46.0 mm) 1841 _ 11.0" (27.9 cm) 1890 ___ 1.81" (46.0 mm) 1841 ___ 11.0" (27.9 cm) 1890 _ (b)

_ 04 __ 0.77" (19.5 mm) 1887 __ 6.0" (15.2 cm) 1898 ___ 0.77" (19.5 mm) 1887 ___ 11.1" (28.2 cm) 1890 

_ 05 __ 1.95" (49.5 mm) 1870 _10.0" (25.4 cm) 1898 ___ 1.95" (49.5 mm) 1870 ___16.0" (40.6 cm) 1898 _ (c)

_ 06 __ 1.25" (31.7 mm) 1962 __ 3.7" ( 9.5 cm) 1906 ___ 1.25" (31.7 mm) 1962 ___ 10.1" (25.7 cm) 1898 _ (d)

_ 07 __ 0.79" (20.0 mm) 2004 __ 3.0" ( 7.6 cm) 1868 ___ 0.79" (20.0 mm) 2004 ____ 3.7" (9.5 cm) 1906 __ (e)

_ 08 __ 1.12" (28.4 mm) 1866 __ 9.7" (24.6 cm) 1977 ___ 1.13" (28.7 mm) 1866 ____ 9.7" (24.6 cm) 1977 __ (f)

_ 09 __ 1.75" (44.5 mm) 1841 __ 4.0" (10.2 cm) 1864 ___ 1.75" (44.5 mm) 1841 ___ 10.2" (25.9 cm) 1977 

_ 10 __ 1.13" (28.7 mm) 1966 __ 8.7" (22.0 cm) 1992 ___ 1.21" (30.7 mm) 1966 ____ 8.8" (22.2 cm) 1992

_ 11 __ 1.20" (30.5 mm) 1899 _ 19.0" (48.3 cm) 1944___ 1.90" (48.3 mm) 1944 ___ 19.0" (48.3 cm) 1944 _ (g)

_ 12 __ 1.39" (35.3 mm) 1972 __ 5.7" (14.5 cm) 1963 ___ 1.64" (41.7mm) 1972 ___ 22.5" (57.2 cm) 1944 _ (h)

_ 13 __ 1.10" (27.9 mm) 1909 __ 7.0" (17.8 cm) 1873 ___ 1.10" (27.9 mm) 1909 ____ 8.3" (21.0 cm) 1873 

_ 14 __ 1.07" (27.2 mm) 1897 _ 11.2" (28.5 cm) 2013 ___ 1.24" (31.5 mm) 1901 ___ 11.2" (28.5 cm) 2013 _ (i)

_ 15 __ 1.41" (35.8 mm) 1869 __ 7.2" (18.3 cm) 1972 ___ 1.57" (39.8 mm) 2022 ___ 11.5" (29.3 cm) 2013 _(X)

_ 16 __ 0.77" (19.6 mm) 1996 __ 9.8" (25.0 cm) 2007 ___ 1.00" (25.4 mm) 2007 ___ 13.3" (33.8 cm) 2007 _(j)

_ 17 __ 0.90" (22.9 mm) 1921 __ 6.5" (16.5 cm) 1876 ___ 0.90" (22.9 mm) 1921 ____ 9.8" (25.0 cm) 2007

_ 18 __ 0.71" (18.0 mm) 1977 __ 7.1" (18.0 cm) 1979 ___0.71" (18.0 mm) 1977,79 _ 10.5" (26.7 cm) 1876 _ (k)

_ 19 __ 1.27" (32.2 mm) 1860 __ 8.0" (20.3 cm) 1973 ___ 1.27" (32.2 mm) 1860 ___ 9.9" (25.0 cm) 1982

_ 20 __ 0.84" (21.3 mm) 1949 __ 5.7" (14.6 cm) 1951 ___ 0.84" (21.3 mm) 1949 ___ 12.9" (32.7 cm) 1973 

_ 21 __ 1.11" (28.2 mm) 1905 _ 10.0" (25.4 cm) 1864 ___ 1.11" (28.2 mm) 1905 ___ 10.0" (25.4 cm) 1864 _ (L)

_ 22 __ 0.79" (20.0 mm) 1990 __ 7.1" (18.0 cm) 2004 ___ 0.85" (21.5 mm) 1990 ___ 10.0" (25.4 cm) 1864 _ (m)

_ 23 __ 0.87" (22.2 mm) 1996 __ 5.1" (12.9 cm) 1913 ___ 1.14" (29.0 mm) 1907 ___ 12.0" (30.5 cm) 1848 _ (m) (n)

_ 24 __ 1.38" (35.0 mm) 1986 __ 7.0" (17.8 cm) 1884 ___ 1.38" (35.0 mm) 1986 ____ 7.0" (17.8 cm) 1884 _ (o)

_ 25 __ 1.24" (31.5 mm) 1979 _ 15.0" (38.1 cm) 1872 ___ 1.50" (38.1 mm) 1872 ___ 15.0" (38.1 cm) 1872 _ (p) 

_ 26 __ 0.86" (21.9 mm) 1875 __ 9.0" (22.9 cm) 1933 ___ 0.96" (24.4 mm) 1875 ___ 23.0" (58.4 cm) 1872 _ (q) 

_ 27 __ 1.46" (37.1 mm) 1942 __ 6.4" (16.2 cm) 1938 ___ 1.46" (37.1 mm) 1942 ____ 9.0" (22.9 cm) 1933 _ (r) 

_ 28 __ 0.52" (13.2 mm) 1863 _ 11.3" (28.7 cm) 1968 ___ 1.13" (28.7 mm) 1968 ___ 13.9" (35.3 cm) 1968 _ (s) 

_ 29 __ 1.34" (34.0 mm) 1940 _ 15.0" (38.1 cm) 1855 ___ 1.50" (38.1 mm) 1855 ___ 15.0" (38.1 cm) 1855 _ (t) 

_ 30 __ 1.03" (26.2 mm) 1936 __ 6.5" (16.5 cm) 1853,1971_ 1.25" (31.8 mm) 1907 ___ 15.0" (38.1 cm) 1855 _ (u) 

_ 31 __ 0.99" (25.2 mm) 1906 __ 8.0" (20.3 cm) 1852 ___ 0.99" (25.2 mm) 1906 ___ 10.0" (25.4 cm) 1852 _ (v)



(a) The record snow on Dec 1, 1875 was preceded by record cold on Nov 30th (both the low minimum and low maximum for November occurred on the date). This snow appears to have been largely east-wind lake effect as there was not much organized synoptic scale low pressure in the vicinity (but with the severe cold continuing as high pressure retreated, the maps had a lake effect look to them). The snowfall was nearly beaten in 1979 when 10.6" (27.0 cm) fell. Its precip equivalent was only 16.0 mm.  That one was produced by a fairly weak low to the south of the lower lakes and may have been substantially lake enhanced as otherwise the map would suggest 5-10 cm at most. ... ... ... ...  The 2006 rainfall was the culmination of a two-day fall of 2.17" (55.1 mm).  The Nov 30 portion of this did not quite beat the 1923 daily record. 

(b) Also on 3rd in 1990, snow changed to rain, 4.3" (11.0 cm) snow turned to an inch (25.4 mm) of rain, the equivalent precip was 1.52" (38.6 mm) indicating the snow was wet (ratio 8.2 1 as 4.3" gave 0.52" liquid, 8x.52 = 4.16). In forecasting, 5 to 8 to 1 ratios are considered standard for wet snow, 10:1 is "normal" moisture content snow, and 15:1 or higher is dry snow, 20 to 30 to 1 ratios can be encountered in very cold powder snow situations (usually compaction rates as well as runoff potential will be affected by these ratios). 

(c) The record rainfall (heaviest of December) on 5th (1870) came from slow-moving low pressure tracking east, temperatures were just high enough (4-6 C) to keep this from changing to snow as the low died out in New York state. The two day snowstorm in 1898 was a deepening low that tracked from the southwest into upstate NY. The previous heavy snowfall around 3rd of 1890 looked similar on the maps but less intense. 

(d) The record snowfall for the date is rather small compared to most days in December. It was challenged in 2019 with indications of about 3 inches or 7-8 cms (6.6 measured at North York, snow depth increase of 5 cm downtown from 6 mm precip). This may have set a record for the date if measured at more than the 3.7" (9.5 cm) of 1906. That fell mixed with 0.40" (10.2 mm) rain. 

(e) Before 2004, the maximum daily precip on 7th was from a mixed fall of 0.47" rain and 1.8" snow. (0.64" rain 1848).

(f) The snowfall in 1977 (8th) was the second in three days -- a 20 cm fall on the 5th combined with this record daily amount on 8th to give a snow depth of 33 cm which increased again to 41 cm by the 12th. This all melted in a steady rainfall a few days later. About a week after that came mixed falls of sleet, ice pellets and freezing rain. There was a similar snowfall event 8th-9th Dec 1917 (10" or 25.4 cm). 

(g) The Dec 11-12 1944 "wartime blizzard" caused transportation paralysis as the war effort made it difficult to assemble enough manpower to clear the massive drifts. This low tracked from Missouri to Lake Ontario and produced the heaviest calendar-day snowfall in the records. A two-day fall in December 1872 was half an inch heavier. Meanwhile, the 1992 snowstorm (from a coastal low) continued from 10th into the 11th and dropped a total of 12.5" (31.8 cm). The author was living in Lakefield, 150 kms northeast of Toronto, at that time and recorded 60 cms or almost two feet of snow from this powerful 1992 storm. The snow only remained on the ground about five days before melting.

(h) The heavy rainfall on 12th (1972) was accompanied by 2.5" (6.4 cm) of wet snow, with 10:1 ratio used, precip added as it would have before the protocol changed. The author has a recollection of this storm being a lot heavier for snowfall in suburban areas, with the heat island being enough to change the wintry precipitation to rain downtown. A heavy snowfall followed in a few days. 

(i) The maximum precip on 14th came from a combination of 1.06" (26.9 mm) rain and 1.8" (4.6 cm) snow in 1901. 

(X) _ The max precip on 15th came from a combination of 1.17" (29.7 mm) rain and 4.0" (10.2 cm) snow in 2022. Previous record the 1897 rain.

(j) The 2007 snowfall (which began the previous day) was measured as 25.0 cm (Tor A) and that gave 25.4 mm precip. The observer for Tor B has a similar snow depth but only gives 18.6 mm which does not break the precip mark for the day set with a mixed event in 1927 (when 0.80" fell, mostly rain). As I cannot account for the discrepancy and North York has somewhat less snow but near 10:1 liquid equivalent, I will provide the Tor A precip as a daily maximum. 

(k) On Dec 18th, the daily maximum rain and snow tied for the record precipitation. 

(L) The Dec 21st record rainfall from 1905 was just missed by 1.09" (27.7 mm) in 1967 accompanied by record mild temperatures near 14 C. A more memorable rainfall was of the freezing variety in 2013. This storm lasted from 20th to 22nd and fell during temperatures near or below freezing, on top of about 10-15 cm snow pack from the earlier cited snowfall. There was considerable damage done to trees and as a result also to hydro-electric service. This storm was widespread in the lower Great Lakes region. The Tor B daily precip amounts (with Tor A in brackets) from 20th to 22nd were 8.3 mm, 17.1 mm and 14.4 mm (10.9, 20.1, 9.8) for a total of 38.8 mm (40.8 mm at A). Those convert to 0.32" (0.43"), 0.67" (0.79") and 0.57" (0.39") for totals of 1.56" (1.61"). About a third of that accreted to surfaces in the region. No daily records were set but the event was very disruptive with half a million Ontario residents losing power, many for days, in the pre-Christmas period. The 1864 snowfall was from a slow-moving low south of the lower lakes. 

(m) Dec 22 just edged out previous records for both rain and snow. The rainfall record had been 0.76" (19.3 mm) from 1889 tied in 1931. The snowfall record was 7.0" (17.8 cm) from 1848. A two-day rainfall unspecified by daily components of 1.75" (44.5 mm) fell on 22nd-23rd in 1841. From the maps now available, and comparing with Providence, it would appear that most of this fell on the 23rd where it would be a daily record value if greater than 0.87" (22.0 mm). So the daily rainfall (and precip) records for the 23rd are quite possibly around 1.40" (35.6 mm) from 1841 instead of what is shown in the table

(n) Amounts of rain in both 1907 and 1996 equate to 0.87" but 1907 was 0.1 mm lower after conversion, gained its way back into the records by adding 2.7" snow for 1.14" (29.0 mm).

(o) The rainfall record from 24th 1986 removed part one of a two-day rainstorm 24th-25th 1979. The amounts were 1.33" (33.8 mm) 24th and 1.24" (31.5 mm) 25th, for a two-day total of 2.57" (65.3 mm), the largest such total in the data series. The cause of the 1979 rainstorm was a slow-moving low from the central plains states moving gradually towards upstate New York. Temperatures were around 5 C for most of the rainfall. The 1986 storm followed a track somewhat further south and was done by the 25th. 

(p) The 1872 snowstorm on Christmas Day and what is now known as Boxing Day added up to 23" (58.4 cm) the largest two-day total in the data. It appeared to be lake enhanced as the low was a good distance south (in the Carolinas) and the main feature was severe cold (temps below 4 F or -16 C) and moderate east-southeast winds. This Christmas snowstorm must have been long recalled because it was 1901 before another snowfall even managed to reach 2.0" at Toronto. The heaviest snowfalls around 24th-25th include 9.0" (22.9 cm) in 1855, then 6.5" in 1852 and 5.6" in 1975. Other years with substantial snowfalls around Christmas eve into the 25th would include 1909, 1915, 1918, 1923, 1929, 1944, 1951, 1965, 2012, 2013 and 2017. 

(q) The 1933 snowfall of 9.3" on the 26th came in advance of a two-part cold wave that ended up with the monthly low minimum of -30 C or -22 F by morning of 29th. 

(r) The rainfall on 27th 1940 came from a nearly stationary frontal system and temperatures remained in the 2-4 C range. Despite that, the precipitation was mostly rain even well outside the city. The event ended with a small amount of snow as the low pressure eventually tracked through New York state into the Maritimes. 

(s) The 1968 snowfall on 28th was preceded by sleet and mixed forms (no rain was recorded just a very moisture laden 6.6 cm snow that yielded 15.0 mm precipitation on 27th). The cause of this storm was slow-moving low pressure moving east then north through the northeast U.S. to a position near central Lake Ontario. 

(t) The snowfall event on 29th 1855 was from a low moving east to the south of the Great Lakes. There may have been lake enhancement as it appeared to be about a 4-6 inch type snow producer. Another snowfall of ten inches (25.4 cm) occurred in 1876; this one appeared to be substantially lake effect streamers in cold east-southeast winds although there may have been a more general 2-4 inch type of snowfall from a weak low off to the south. The 1855 storm reached Providence and brought a similar amount of snow there overnight 29th-30th. 

(u) The 1853 snow came from a low that slowly merged with a powerful coastal storm. There was a three-day total of 12.2" (31.0 cm). The 1971 snow which tied that record was the second day of a total 9.1" (23.2 cm) fall. Of the coastal storm in 1853, Caswell wrote that it had been many years since a storm of such severe winds, snowfall and cold had visited the region, and he recorded a barometric pressure of about 28.70" (below 970 mbs), as well as a level of 16-18" snow "badly drifted" later by strong winds. The second low from the Great Lakes evidently moved through on the night of 30th-31st when he recorded 3-4 inches of additional snowfall. ... The maximum precipitation was neither a snowfall or rainfall record, it came from a combination of 0.93" rain and 3.2" snow in 1907. 

(v) There have been a number of similar snowfalls over the two days 30th-31st, including the noted 10" (25.4 cm) in 1852, also 9.9" (25.2 cm) the following year, and 7.6" (19.3 cm) in 1948. There have not been many substantial snowfalls around New Years eve in more recent decades. Then we get back to where we started this journey with the 7.0" (17.8 cm) snowfall on Dec 31, 1886 that added 2.1" (5.3 cm) on the first day of 1887. That was the two-day record for the first of January. 

Also note that 22.5 mm rain on Dec 31, 2022 combined with 9.6 mm on 30th, for a total of 32.1 mm which would have been a record daily amount on either date

After interacting with readers and doing more research, these notes may be edited or updated, and new information may come to light. 

One overwhelming conclusion jumps out at me after looking at so many weather maps over such a long period of time. The northern hemisphere circulation used to feature storm tracks and jet stream positions that were several degrees south of where they are in modern times. It was much more frequent for low pressure to track south of the Great Lakes in the 19th century than in the 20th or 21st centuries. Whether it is a function of map-drawing bias partly based on insufficient data, or a physical reality, the maps often have more of an inverted trough appearance than is common nowadays. 


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Notable dry spells at Toronto


This will be a summary of dry spells noted in the research. I have collected both the absolute (no measurable precip) dry spells and relatively dry intervals when total precip was below a certain limit, broadly defined as less than .01" per two days for spells of lengths of at least ten days. This means a 10 day dry interval would have no more than .05" in total, a 16 day dry spell .08" etc, but I have included some marginal cases in hotter weather where a slightly higher amount would probably have had no impact on soil moisture. In some wetter months a few dry spells of eight or nine days are included. (.02" is 0.8 mm so in general terms these dry spells have little more than 3 mm precip even if they run to 15 or more days, by the time we reach a month's length, .15" or 4 mm is required, amounts like that are generally rated as driest month in the spring and summer and are never achieved in autumn and winter, but one dry spell in October 1963 ran almost the entire month. Some listings have a qualifying absolute dry interval and a somewhat more marginal extended interval, if combined with warmth, these marginal extensions would either deepen the drought (if occurring before) or extend it (if occurring after or on either side of the dry period). The graph format now introduced makes it easier to compare spells for duration and intensity.

This summary lists the dry spells in chronological order within each month, and highlights the more significant of them with reference to longest absolute dry interval (traces are not counted). The spells that begin in one month and end in the next are listed for the month in which the majority of the drought occurred. If there is a dry spell with no precip and no small amounts are mentioned, the reader can assume there was enough precipitation at each end to disqualify any extension of that dry interval. Often the dry intervals take a form of absolute drought with small amounts at each end, but some have an inconvenient small amount, or two or three, in the middle of what would have been experienced as a very long dry interval. The more significant of the two measurements here is probably the length of the dry intervals rather than the absolute dry periods but I tabulate both in a summary. The amount of time that Toronto is in any given dry interval is roughly 1% of the total time elapsed, and ranges from 0.3% in November to January, to 1.5% in May to July. The table after the list will give the reader some overview of whether dry spells are steady state, increasing or decreasing in frequency. I offer my opinion with that table but the results are somewhat inconclusive generally speaking (more of a cyclical outcome than steady state, trends would be difficult to forecast for the next 30-50 years).

No intervals with missing rain or snow data are considered (and none are suspected after reviewing maps or the partial information available). Years with missing snow data may be accepted from May to September only (applies to Sept 1840). It is not a factor in determining these dry spells whether precip was rain or snow. Some winter spells were also very cold, many warm season dry spells are also very warm, but not always, there is a type which runs near normal in temperatures and has high pressure dominating but from a western origin so the air mass would be classified cP. When that type warms up in summer it can feel like a warm spell although cool nights may keep temperature anomalies close to zero. However, many of these dry spells feature at least one record high temperature and some are associated with top ten months in the temperature rankings. It is not always the case but in the warm season, Toronto temperatures are inversely correlated with rainfall. In the cold season it tends to be the opposite, although the few dry spells uncovered in the colder months sometimes relate to near normal temperatures (again, due to a western high pressure origin). I have noticed that dry spells in spring are often precursors of later record warmth (for example, dry in second half March 1941 followed by a very warm April). This is a logical pattern if ridges in the upper atmosphere are progressive over two months. 

Since there are two methods to qualify (ten day absolute dry spell, extended with total below criteria) some extended dry spells have no significant absolute dry intervals longer than five days. See tables below.


Summary: There are few dry spells in January (35 in 32 different years, even relaxing the criteria by 10%). The frequency is similar to December but lower than all other months.

In the table below "EDS" means extended dry spell and "ADS" means absolute dry spell. Amt means total precip amount. If all the mentioned precip falls on one or two consecutive dates, those are mentioned. A few extended dry spells have two significant absolute dry intervals. The length of extended and absolute spells is given whether all days are in the month or not. In one case, Jan-Feb 1877, the same spell is listed twice because it has two absolute dry spells in the two different months. Otherwise, spells that extend from one month to another are listed where the majority of days in the absolute dry spell reside and if not applicable, where the majority of the extended dry spell reside. Any number in brackets beside an interval length shows the number of days within the month and that is only shown when a top three count is involved (again, example Jan and Feb 1877).

Notes can include some non-qualifying longer spells that surround the qualifying periods in the table.

Longest spells that contain any days in some months may be noted in an adjacent month. Red highlights draw attention to these notes.

Only the ADS lengths are compared in this table. The EDS lengths are compared for top ten in a separate table after December. This is because most of them run from one month to another with often nearly equal numbers of days in each, so ranking them by month seems pointless. 

January and December extended totals are relaxed to allow a reasonable number for testing trends over time. 

YEAR _ EDS ________ days __ amount _____ ADS  ____ days __ notes

1846 _ Jan 10-25 ______16 ___ .12" (.08"22)__Jan 15-21 ___ 7 ____ .04" 10th-21st (12d)

1847 _ Jan 9-25 _______17 ___ .14" (15th) ___Jan 16-25 ___ 10 ____ Extended criteria relaxed.

1850 _ Dec 30(49)-Jan9 _11 ___ .07" (.06" 2) _ Jan 3-8 ______ 6 ____

1869 _ Jan 12-28 ______17 ___ .03" (19-20)__ Jan 21-28 ____ 8 ____

1872 _ Jan 4-18 _______15 ___ .09" ________ Jan 8-14 _____ 7 ____ Extended criteria relaxed.

1877 _ Jan 17-Feb 17 __32(15)_.09" (.03" 31) _Jan 20-30 ____ 11 ____ Feb portion 11 day ADS 1st to 11th. 

1881 _ Dec28(80)-Jan5 _ 9 ____.00" ________ Dec28(80)-Jan5 _ 9 _

1885 _ Dec25(84)-Jan5 _12 ___ .09" ________ Dec29(84)-Jan5 _ 8 _ Extended criteria relaxed.

1897 _ Jan 6-16 _______11 ____.03" _______ Jan 8-15 _____ 8 ____

1902 _ Jan 12-20 ______ 9 ____.00" _______ Jan 12-20 ____ 9 ____ ended with 15.7" snow 21-22.

1906 _ Jan 24-Feb 2 ___ 10 ____.06" (1st) ___Jan 24-31 ____ 8 ____ only .22" more by Feb 13th.

1915 _ Jan 8-16 ________9 ____.00" _______Jan 8-16 _____ 9 ____

1919 _ Jan 9-22 _______14 ____.03" _______ Jan 13-22 ___ 10 ____ second dry int followed .32" 23rd, see Feb).

1921 _(1) _Jan 2-13 ___ 12 ____ .05" _______Jan 9-13 _____ 5 ____ rather mild

1921 _(2) _Jan 22-Feb3_ 13 ____.03" _______Jan 24-Feb 1__ 9 ____ 

1928 _ Jan 1-13 _______13 ____.02" _______ Jan 6-12 _____ 7 ____

1942 _(1) _ Jan 7-17 ___ 11 ____.06" _______ Jan 7 -10 _____4 ____

1942 _(2) _ Jan 20-29 __10 ____ .03" _______ Jan 21-25 ____ 5 ____

1944 _ Jan 6-24 _______19 ___.10" (.09" 12)__ Jan 13-23 ___11 ____

1961 _ Jan 4-25 _______ 22 ___.10" ________ Jan 9-20 ____ 12 ____ longest ADS all in January (tied 2010). 

1963 _ Jan 4-19 _______ 16 ___.13" ________ Jan 13-19 ___ 7 ____

1964 _ Jan 10-19 ______ 10 ___.00" ________ Jan 10-19 ___10 ___

1973 _ Jan 4-18 _______ 15 ___.07" ________ Jan 4-11 ____ 8 ____ 

1980 _ Jan 18- Feb 14 __ 28(14)_.17" _______ -- only 3-4d intervals _

1986 _ Jan 5-16 _______ 12 ____.03" _______ Jan 5-10 _____ 6 ____

1988 _ Dec 24(87)-Jan 6 _14 ___ .02" (28) ___Dec29-Jan6 __8 ____ Dec 21st 1987 to Jan 16th 1988, 0.26"

__________________________________________________________________ (driest Dec 0.47", Jan 0.61").

1992 _ Dec 30(91)-Jan 8 __10 __.03"(6th) ____ Jan 2-5 ____ 4 ____ 

1995 _ Jan 23 -Feb 6 _____15 __.03" _______ Jan26-Feb6 _12 ___ ties 1961, 2005, 2010 longest (any days in Jan)

2000 _ Jan 21-Feb 1 _____ 12 __ .03" ______ -- no ADS interval >4d ___

2001 _ Jan 16-25 ________10 __ .00" _______ Jan 16-25 ___ 10 ____

2005 _ Jan 26-Feb 6 _____ 12 __ .00" _______Jan26-Feb6 _ 12 ___ ties 1961, 1995, 2010 longest (any days in Jan)

2010 _ Jan 9-23 _________15 __ .02" (11th) __ Jan 12-23 ___ 12 ___ ties 1961 longest ADS all days in Jan.

______________________________________________________ Ties 1961, 1995, 2005 longest ADS any days in Jan.

2015 _ Jan 19-28 ________ 10 __ .02" (27) ___ Jan 19-26 ___ 8 ___

2021 _(1) Jan 4-14 ______ 11 __ .03" ________ Jan 6-11 ____ 6 ___ (.12" rain 15th then second EDS)

2021 _(2) Jan 16-25 ____ 10 __ .03" _________ no abs dry >3d __ (only .18" in 20 days 4-25, 3.5" snow 26th)


2025 _(1) Jan 1-9 _________ 9 __ .03" ________ Jan 3-9 _____ 7 

2025 _(2) Jan 19-27 ______ 9 __ .02" _________Jan 23-27 __ 5 __ Tr 26-27



The frequency of dry spells grows slightly in February to 49 (in 44 years). Considering that no relaxed criteria are applied (absolute dry spells are allowed at 9 days but no higher amounts for extended spells), and the month is shorter, this is more significant an increase than the count itself would indicate. January and February share one extended interval but each have an 11-day ADS within that. One of the February dry spells has the more impressive ADS portion in January (the second of two spells in Jan 1919, but a longer portion of the EDS in Feb).

YEAR _ EDS ________ days __ amount _____ ADS  ____ days __ notes

1846 _ Feb 1-10 ______10 ____.02" (1st) ____ Feb 2-10 ___ 9 ___ followed by heavy snow for two weeks.

1852 _ Feb 1-9 ________9 ____.00" ________ Feb 1-9 ____ 9 ___

1855 _ Feb 17-Mar 1___13 ____.04" ________ Feb20-Mar 1_10 ___

1856 _ Feb 17-29 _____13 ____.01" ________ Feb 18-29 ___12 ___

1871 _ Feb 19-28 _____ 10 ____.06" ________Feb 19-25 ____7 ___

1872 _ Feb 16-Mar 8 ___22 ____.10" ________ Feb 16-24 ___ 9 ___

1873 _ Jan 20-Feb 20 __ 32 ____.24" ________Feb 15-20 ___ 6 ___ 

1877 _ Jan 17-Feb 17 __32 ____ .09" ________Feb 1-11 ___ 11 ___  

1877 _ Feb 20-Mar 1 ___10 ____ .00" _______ Feb20-Mar1_ 10 ___ 0.25" separated this from previous (0.34" for 44d).

1885 _ Feb 17-28 _____ 12 ____ .08" _______ Feb 20-26 ___ 7 ___ although marginal, 17th-26th .01" qualifies (10d).

1894 _ Feb 19 - Mar 5 __15 ____ .05" _______ Feb 24 - Mar 5__10 ___

1895 _ Feb 9 -Mar 3 ___ 23 ____ .14" _______Feb 14-18,24-28 _ 5 _ marginal but qualified for 0.05" in 11d 9-19.

1902 _ Feb 8-23 ______ 16 ____ .06" _______Feb 14-23 ___ 10 ___

1904 _ Feb 8-20 ______ 13 ____ .08" _______Feb 8-13 _____ 6 ___ very cold

1913 _ Feb 1-14 ______ 14 ____ .02" (10-11)_ Feb 1-9 ______ 9 ___

1919 _ Jan 24-Feb 11 __ 19 ____ .04" _______Jan 24-30 ____ 7 ___ also dry Feb 6-11 (second of two see Jan 1919)

1921 _ Feb 12-22 ______11 ____ .00" _______ Feb 12-22 ___11 ___ mild

1924 _ Feb 22-Mar 3 ___ 11 ____ .07" _______ Feb 23-Mar 1 _ 8 ___

1927 _ Jan 31- Feb 12 __ 13 ____ .05" _______Feb 7-12 _____ 6 ___ 

1931 _ Feb 21 - Mar 7 ___15 ____ .06" _______Feb 21-Mar 2 _10 ___ followed by 15.5" snowfall Mar 8th-9th

1933 _ Feb 8-19 _______ 12 ____ .05" _______Feb 9-18 ____ 10 ___ within quite dry 8th to 24th (.16").

1941 _ Feb 18 - Mar 2 ___13 ____ .07" _______Feb 23-Mar 1 _ 7 ___

1942 _ Feb 19 - Mar 1 ___11 ____ .05" _______-no abs dry int >3d __

1943 _ Feb 11-24 ______ 14 ____ .06" _______ Feb 14-22 ____ 9 ___

1948 _ Feb 14-25 ______ 12 ____ .01" (21st) __ Feb 14-20 ____ 7 ___

1952_ (1) Feb 9-19 _____11 ____ .02" _______  Feb 10-15 ____ 6 ___

1952_ (2) Feb 21-Mar 3 _ 11 ____ .03" _______  Feb 24- Mar 2 _ 8 ___

1958 _ Jan 31-Feb 15 __ 16 ____ .08" _______ Jan 31-Feb 4 ___5 ___ cold towards end

1961 _ Feb 4-14 _______ 11 ____ .00" _______ Feb 4-14 _____ 11 ___ 

1968 _ Feb 12-27 ______ 16 ____ .03" _______ Feb 12-16,18-22 _ 5 each __ 

1969 _ Feb 5-22 _______ 18 ____ .03" _______ Feb 14-22 _____ 9 ___

1976 _ Jan 27-Feb 14 ___19 ____ .06"________Feb 2-14 _____ 13 ___ longest ADS all days in February. Tied 1898 for any days.

1978 _ Feb 7-23 _______ 17 ____ .05" _______ Feb 7-15 ______ 9 ___ followed snowstorm

1980 _ Feb 23- Mar 3 ___ 10 ____ .03" _______ Feb 27-Mar 3 ___6 ___ record cold 29th

1982 _ Feb 22 - Mar 3 ___10 ____ .00" _______ Feb 22-Mar 3 __ 10 ___

1983 _ Feb 8-21 ________14 ____ .01" (16) ___Feb 8-15 ______ 8 ___ major snowstorm U.S. east coast

1987 _ Feb 9-27 ________19 ____ .04" _______Feb 15-21 _____ 7 ___

1991 _ Jan 30 - Feb 12 __ 14 ____ .02" (10th)__Jan 30 - Feb 9 _ 11 ___.17" Jan 17-29th, total .19" 27 d (Jan 17-Feb12)  

1992 _ Jan 24 - Feb 14 __ 22 ____ .10" _______Jan 26-Feb 3 ___ 8 ___

1993 _ Jan 31 - Feb 10 __ 11 ____ .03" _______Feb 1-5 ________5 ___ very mild to very cold during late stages 

1998 _ Jan 30 - Feb 10 __12 ___ .01" (30th)_Jan 31-Feb 10 __11 ___ 

1999 _ Feb 17-26 ______ 10 ____ .00" _______Feb 17-26 ______10 ___

2002 _Feb 5-15 ________ 11 ____.05" _______Feb 5-9 __________5 ___

2004 _ Feb 7-19 ________13 ____ .02" (12th)__Feb 13-19 ______7 ___

2009 _  Jan 30-Feb 10 _ 12 ____ .04" ______ Feb 4-10 ________ 7 ___

2011 _ Feb 7-19 ________ 13 ____ .03" _____ Feb 13-19 ________ 7 ___

2023 _ Jan 30-Feb 8 ___ 10 ____.02" (4th) _ Jan 30-Feb 3 __ 5 ___

2024(1) _Jan 27-Feb 15_ 20 ____.04" ______ Jan 29-Feb 8 __ 11 ___

2024(2) _Feb 16-26 ____ 11 _____.01" ______ Feb 19-26 _____ 8 ___



The frequency and duration of dry spells in March increases considerably from February. There were 57 of them in 54 different years.


YEAR _ EDS _______ days __ amount ____ ADS  _______ days __ notes

1847 _ Mar 9-19 ______ 11 __ .00" _______ Mar 9-19 _____ 11 ___ .12" Mar 1-8 almost stays within criteria (1st-19th).

1850 _ Mar 19-28 _____ 10 __ .01" (28th) __ Mar 19-27 ___ 9 ___ 

1851 _ Mar 9-31 ______ 23 __ .10" _______ Mar 18-31 ____ 14 ___ only .06" for 10th-31st.

1856 _ Mar 8-22 ______ 15 __ .02" (14th) __ Mar 15-22 ____ 8 ___ record cold at start of dry spell

1860 _ Mar 21- Apr 3 ___14 __ .04" _______ Mar 25-Apr 1 __7 ___

1868 _ Mar 18-Apr 3 ___ 17 __ .06" _______ Mar 20-31 _____12 ___

1885 _ Mar 19-29 _____ 11 __ .03" (19th) __ Mar 20-29 _____10 ___ 

1886 _ Feb 26- Mar 7 __ 10 __ .01" (26th) __ Feb 27-Mar 7 __ 9 ___ record cold 1st

1887 _ Mar 10-23 _____ 14 __ .04" _______ Mar 16-21 _______ 6 ___

1889 _ Mar 10-28 _____ 19 __ .05" (10th) __ Mar 11-28 _____ 18 ___ 3rd longest ADS within March, t-2nd for portion in March.

1892 _ Mar 23-Apr 1 ___ 10 __ .03" (23rd) __Mar 24-Apr 1 ___ 9 ___

1898 _ Feb 24 - Mar 10 _15 __ .02" (25th) __ Feb 26-Mar 10 _ 13 ___ tied 1976 longest ADS with any portion in February

1900 _ Mar 22 - Apr 1 __11 __ .02" (26th) __ Mar 27- Apr 1 ___ 6 ___

1902 _ Mar 13-27 ______15 __ .07" (16-17)_ Mar 18-27 ______ 10 ___

1903 _ Mar 24 - Apr 2 __ 10 __ .02" (27th) _ Mar 28 - Apr 2 ___ 6 ___

1910 _ Mar 21 - Apr 3 __ 14 __ .01" (22nd) _ Mar 23-Apr 3 ___12 ___ record warmth, extended > criteria to Apr 14 (.17" more).

1912 _ Feb 28 - Mar 11 _ 13 __.02" (8th) ___ Feb 28 -Mar 7 ___9 ___

1915 _ Mar 8-24 ________ 17 __ .02" (21st) __ Mar 8-20 ______ 13 ___

1918 _ Mar 15-31 ______17 __ .01" (25th) __ Mar 15-24 _____ 10 ___ see also dry April 2-16, 0.37" Apr 1 separated them.

1922 _ Mar 8-18 _______ 11 __ .00" ________Mar 8-18 _______ 11 ___

1924 _ Mar 8-25 _______18 __ .06" (10th) __ Mar 11-25 _____ 15 ___ only 0.24" 5th-28th and 0.78" for month. (non-qualifying)

1941 _ Mar 17-30 ______ 14 __ .01" (17th) __ Mar 18-30 _____13 ___ only 0.15" 12th to 3rd April (23d) just above criteria

1946 _ Mar 10-Apr 7 ____29 __ .06" _______ Mar 25-Apr 2 ____9 ___ record warmth several days incl March max 28th.

1948 _ Mar 3-14 ________12 __ .01" (6th) ___ Mar 7-14 _______ 8 ___ cold but followed by mild and heavy rainfall. 

1949 _ Mar 11-21 ______ 11 ___.01" (16th) __Mar 11-15, 17-21 _ 5 each __ 

1958 _ Mar 21-Apr 4 ____15 __ .00" _______ Mar 21-Apr 4 ___ 15 ___ only 0.40" from Mar 4th to Apr 4th (32 days).

1960 _ Mar 5-15 ________ 11 __ .00" _______ Mar 5-15 ________11 ___ cold

1962 _ (1) _ Mar 1-11 ___ 11 __ .00" _______ Mar 1-11 ________11 ___ 0.42" 12th-13th then second longer dry spell

1962 _ (2) _ Mar 13-Apr 5_24 __ .02" (13th)__ Mar 14- Apr 5 __ 23 ___ longest ADS mostly in March. Month 0.42" (driest March)

1967 _ Mar 1-14 ________14 __ .03" (5th) __ Mar 6-14 _________ 9 ___

1969 _ Feb 25 - Mar 19 __ 23 __ .05" ______ Feb 27-Mar 5 _____ 7 ___

1970 _ Mar 8-18 _________11 __ .00" _______Mar 8-18 ________ 11 ___ 

1971 _ Mar 20-30 _______ 11 __ .01" (20th) __Mar 21-30 ______10 ___

1973 _ Mar 18-27 _______10 __ .02" (18th) __Mar 19-27 ______ 9 ___

1981 _ Mar 2-29 ________28 __ .15" ________ Mar 5-10 ________ 6 ___ 

1985 _ Mar 13-22 _______10 __ .03" (17th) __ Mar 18-22 ______ 5 ___

1987 _ Mar 4-23 ________ 20 __ .00" ________ Mar 4-23 ______ 20 ___ longest ADS within March, 2nd longest with any days in Mar.

1988 _ Feb 27-Mar 11 ___ 14 __ .06" ________Mar 2-7 ________ 6 ___ stayed rather dry to 24th.

1989 _ Mar 5-14 ________10 __ .03" _______ --no abs dry interval >4d _ major geomagnetic storm event, aurora borealis (13th).

1990 _ Feb 28-Mar 9 ____ 10 __ .06" _______ --no abs dry interval >4d _ cold, but record warmth followed. 

1994 _ Feb 26-Mar 8 ____ 11 __ .03" (6th) ____Feb 26 - Mar 5 __ 8 ___  

1995 _ (1) _ Mar 8-18 ____11 __ .00" ________ Mar 8-18 ________11 ___

1995 _ (2) _ Mar22-Apr 2__12 __.04" (31st) ___ Mar 22-30 ______9 ___ 

1996 _ Mar 7-18 _________ 12 __ .00" ________Mar 7-18 ________12 ___ 

1999 _ Mar 7-Apr 2 ______ 27 __ .03" ________Mar 7-21 _______ 15 ___ also 23-31 __ 9 days __

2000 _ Feb 25-Mar 8 _____13 __ .02" (1st) ____Mar 2-8 ________7 ___ Very mild.

2001 _ Mar 14- Apr 5 _____23 __ .07" ________Mar 25-30 ______6 ___ rather cold. 

2003 _Mar 9-18 __________ 10 __ .03" (12th) _ Mar 13-18 _____ 6 ___

2006 _ (1) _ Feb 26-Mar 8 _11 __ .00" ________Feb 26-Mar 8 ___11 ___  

2006 _ (2) _ Mar 14-24 ____11 __ .00" _______ Mar 14-24 ______11 ___

2007 _ Mar 2-15 __________14 __ Tor A dry, Tor B .10" 3-15 __(14) __ not counted as Tor B non-qualifier, suspect msg data TorA

2009 _ Mar 11-24 ________ 14 __ .00" _______ Mar 11-24 _______14 ___

2010 _ Feb 28 - Mar 10 ____11 __ .00" _______ Feb 28-Mar 10 __11 ___ very mild.

2015 _ Mar 4-15 _________ 12 __ .02" (13th) __ Mar 4-12 ______ 9 ___

2017 _Mar 2-12 _________ 11 __ .02" (6th) ____ Mar 7-12 ______ 6 ___

2018 _ Mar 2-26 _________ 25 __ .05" (10-15)_ Mar 16-26 _____ 11 ___ also 2nd-9th _ 8 days

2019 _ Mar 18-29 ________ 12 __ .03" _______--no abs dry intervals >4d __

2021 _ Mar 1-23 __________23 __ .10" _______ Mar 1-10 ______ 10 ___ .08" 11th, .02" 18th



The frequency and duration of dry spells in April is just slightly more than that of March, 67 within 66 different years.

YEAR _ EDS ___________ days __ amount ____ ADS  _______ days __ notes

1860 _ Apr 23 - May 6 _____ 14 __ .05" _______ Apr 23-30 _____ 8 ___

1862 _ Apr 6-16 __________ 11 __ .03" _______ Apr 6-12 ______ 7 ___

1863 _ Apr 21 - May 4 _____ 14 __ .00" _______ Apr 21-May 4 __14 ___

1866 _ Mar 30-Apr 11 ______13 __ .03" _______ Apr 1-11 ______11 ___ 

1869 _ Mar 31-Apr 15 _____ 16 __ .05" _______ Apr 4-11 _______8 ___

1870 _ Apr 25 - May 5 _____ 11 __ .00" _______ Apr25 - May 5__11 ___

1873 _ Apr 20 - May 1 ______12 __ .00" _______ Apr 20 -May 1__12 ___

1875 _ Apr 4-14 __________ 11 __ .01" (7th) ___ Apr 8-14 ______ 7 ____ 

1877 _ Apr 6-17 __________ 12 __ .03" (16th) __ Apr 6-15 ______10 ___

1879 _ Apr 14-26 _________ 13 __ .02" (25th) __ Apr 14-24 _____ 11 ___

1881 _ Mar 22 - May 5 _____ 45 __ .20" _______ Apr 7-24 ______ 18 ___ 2nd longest ADS all in Apr,

________________________________________________________ Mar 31 - Apr 25 (26d) .03" .

1882 _ Apr 8-18 __________ 11 __ .02" ______ Apr 13-18 _______ 6 ___

1884 _ Apr 17-30 _________ 14 __ .03" ______ Apr 18-26 _______ 9 ___

1885 _ Apr 14-23 _________ 10 __ .00" ______Apr 14-23 _______10 ___

1886 _ Apr 13-22 _________ 10 __ .00" _____ Apr 13-22 _______ 10 ___ 

1887 _ Mar 29 - Apr 14 ____ 17 __ .07" _____ Mar 29-Apr 3 _____ 6 ___ (also Apr 5-10)

1888 _ Apr 12-29 _________18 __ .03" (14) __ Apr 15-29 _______15 ___ t-3rd longest ADS with all of its days in April

1889 _ Apr 4-18 __________ 15 __ .00" _____ Apr 4-18 ________15 ___ t-3rd longest ADS with all of its days in April.

1891 _ Apr 19 - May 2 _____ 14 __ .00" _____ Apr 19- May 2 ____14 ___ followed by dry May (0.53"). Rather dry to June 11th.

1892 _ Apr 9-20 __________ 12 __ .02" (9th) _ Apr 10-20 _______ 11 ___ After 0.18" 21st, dry 22nd-30th (.02"). 

1895 _ Apr 23 - May 2 _____ 10 __ .00" _____ Apr 23- May 2 ____10 ___

1898 _ Mar 29 - Apr 16 _____19 __ .05" _____ Apr 7-16 ________ 10 ___

1899 _ Apr 20 - May 10 ____ 21 __ .08" _____Apr 20-25 ________ 6 ___ Apr 20-May 4 .05" (15d) 

1900 _ Apr 23 - May 7 _____ 15 __ .01" (30th)_Apr 23-29, May 1-7 _7 each __

1901 _ Apr 4-17 __________ 14 __ .00" ______Apr 4-17 ________14 ___ Followed by heavy rain, Apr's max snowfall on 20th.

1903 _ Apr 16-29 _________ 14 __ .04" (24th) _ Apr 16.-23 ______ 8 ___

1905 _ Mar 27 - Apr 9 ______14 __ .00" ______Mar 27 - Apr 9 ___ 14 ___ Rather dry Feb 13 to April 20. 1.15" total for 67 days.

1906 _ Apr 15 - May 1 ______17 __ .05" (.04" 21)_Apr 22- May 1__10 ___

1911 _ Apr 17-29 __________13 __ .00" ______ Apr 17-29 _______13 ___ Followed by exceptionally warm May with dry spell.

1914 _ Apr 3-14 ___________12 __ .02" ______ Apr 6-14 ________ 9 ___ 

1917 _ Apr 7-18 ___________12 __ .01" (16) __ Apr 7-15 ________ 9 ___

1918 _ Apr 2-16 ___________15 __ .03" (12) __ Apr 2-11 ________10 ___ (see also dry spell in March 1918).

1922 _ Apr 21 - May 2 ______12 __ .00" _______Apr 21 - May 2 ___12 ___very warm May followed. 

1925 (1) _ Mar 30 - Apr 13___ 15 __ .04" _______Apr 2-10 _________ 9 ___ 

1925 (2) _ Apr 20-29 _______10 __ .00" _______ Apr 20-29 _______ 10 ___between (1) and (2) 1.22" mostly on 19th.

1927 _ Apr 6-15 __________ 10 __ .01" (6) ____Apr 7-15 _________ 9 ___

1930 _ Apr 8-16, Apr 22-30 ___________________________________ 9 each (not counted but only 0.48" between them).

1931 _ Apr 11-21 __________11 __ .02" (16) ___ Apr 11-15, 17-21 ___5 each ... Very warm.

1932 _ Apr 14-24 __________11 __ .00" _______ Apr 14-24 ________11 ___

1935 _ Apr 17-26 __________10 __ .00" _______ Apr 17-26 ________10 ___

1939 _ Apr 22 - May 7 ______16 __ .02" ________May 1-7 __________7 ___

1941 _ Apr 21 - May 4 ______14 __ .01" (23rd)___Apr 24 - May 4 ____11 ___ very warm.

1942 _ Apr 11-29 __________19 __ .03" (16th)___Apr 17-29 ________13 ___ very warm. 

1945 _ Apr 5-14 ___________10 __ .00" _______ Apr 5-14 _________ 10 ___ very warm

1948 _ Apr 25-May 5 _______11 __ .00" _______ Apr 25-May 5 _____ 11 ___

1953 _ Mar 29 - Apr 8 ______ 11 __ .00" _______ Mar 29 - Apr 8 _____11 ___

1959 _ Apr 9-24 ___________16 __ .04" _______ Apr 11-17 _________7 ___ 

1963 _ Apr 4-15 ___________12 __ .02" _______ Apr 10-15 _________6 ___Rather dry from March 28th to April 18th (0.17")

1968 _ Apr 6-23 ___________18 __ .02" (15th) __ Apr 6-14 __________9 ___ also 16th-23rd __ 8 days.  Warm.

1970 _ Apr 3-17 ___________15 __ .03" (17th) __ Apr 3-16 _________ 14 ___ cold, turned warm afterwards.

1971 _ Apr 14-23 __________10 __ .01" (23rd) __ Apr 14-22 _________ 9 ___

1975 _ Apr 4-17 ___________14 __ .03" ________Apr 5-16 _________12 ___ very cold, followed heavy snow.

1976 _ Apr 2-13 ___________12 __ .00" ________Apr 2-13 _________ 12 ___ Followed by rain, record warmth 16th to 19th. 

1977 _ Apr 8-20 ___________13 __ .00" ________Apr 8-20 _________ 13 ___ Followed snow, then turned very warm. 

1978 _ Apr 21 - May 4 ______14 __ .01" (4th) ___  Apr 21-May 3 _____ 13 ___ 

1979 _ Apr 15-25 ___________11 __ .03" _______ Apr 15-20 ___________ 6 ___ 

1982 _ Apr 21 - May 6 ______16 __ .02" (5th) ___ Apr 21 - May 4 _____14 ___

1990 _ Apr 21 - May 3 ______13 __ .03" (27th) __ Apr 21-26, Apr 28-May3 _ 6 each __ Very warm.

1998 _ Apr 20 - May 1 ______12 __ .00" (1st) ___ Apr 20 - May 1 _____ 12 ___

1999 _ Apr 23 - May 6 ______14 __ .01" (6th) ___ Apr 23 - May 5 _____13 ___May 9th to 17th also a 9 day dry spell.

2003 _ Apr 8-19 ___________ 12 __ .00" _______ Apr 8-19 ____________ 12 ___ 

2005 _ Apr 8-19 ___________ 12 __ .00" _______  Apr 8-19 ____________12 ___  

2006 _Apr 25-May 4 _______10 __ .03"(25th) ___ Apr 26-May 4 ______ 9 ___

2008 _ Apr 13-22 __________ 10 __ .02" (16th) __ Apr 17-22 __________ 6 ___

2009 _ Apr 8-19 ___________ 12 __ .00" ________ Apr 8-19 ___________ 12 ___ 

2010 _ Apr 9-30 ___________ 22 __ .00" ________ Apr 9-30 __________ 22 ___ Longest absolute dry spell within April, second

______________________________________ longest that includes days in April (to 23 days only 5 in April, 18 days in March 1962).

2015 _ Apr 23 - May 9 _____ 17 __ .01" (3rd) ___ Apr 23 - May 2 ______10 ___ 

2023 _ Apr 6-15 ____________10 ___.00" ________ Apr 6-15 ____________ 10 ___



The frequency and duration of dry spells in May is a little greater than April (92 in 81 different years).

YEAR _ EDS __________ days __ amount _____ ADS  _______ days __ notes

1840 _ May 10-19 _______ 10 __ .00" ________ May 10-19 _____ 10 ___ 

1842 _ May 1-11 ________ 11 __ .00" _________May 1-11 ______ 11 ___ (.20" 12th-21st)

1845 _ May 1-12 ________ 12 __ .00" ________ May 1-12 ______ 12 ___ (data msg Apr)

1850 _ May 20 - Jun 5 ____17 __ .04" ________ May 20-30 _____ 11 ___ (May 0.55")

1852 _ May 2-13 ________ 12 __ .06" (11th) ___ May 2-10 ______ 9 ___

1854 _ May 26-Jun 5 _____11 __ .00" ________ May 26-Jun 5 ___11 ___

1857 _May 17-26 ________10 __ .00" ________ May 17-26 _____10 ___ 

1859 _ Apr 26 - May 7 ____12 __ .00" ________ Apr 26-May 7 ___12 ___

1860 _May 22 - Jun 3 ____ 13 __ .05" ________ 2 int only 3d _____3 ___

1863 _ May 18-29 _______ 12 __ .03" (20th) ___May 21-29 ______ 9 ___

1865 _ May 23 - Jun 3 ____12 __ .00" ________ May 23 - Jun 3 __12 ___

1870 _ May 24 - Jun 4 ____12 __ .00" ________ May 24 - Jun 4 __12 ___

1871 _ (1) _ May 5-24 ____ 20 __ .04" ________ May 6-15 ______10 ___ 0.75" 25th then (2) ...

1871 _ (2) _ May 26-Jun 5_ 11 __ .00" ________ May 26 - Jun 5 __11 ___

1872 _ May 4-17 ________ 14 __ .02" (8th) ____May 9-17 _______ 9 ___

1873 _ May 14-28 _______ 15 __ .03" (27) ____ May 14-26 ______13 ___

1874 _ Apr 27 - May 15 __ 19 __ .00" _________Apr 27-May 15 __ 19 ___ longest ADS (days in May)

1877 _ Apr 29 - May 14 __ 16 __ .04" _________May 10-14 ______ 5 ___

1879 _ (1) _ May 1-13 ___ 13 __ .07" _________ May 6-13 _______8 ___

1879 _ (2) _ May 15-30 __ 16 __ .03" (27th) ____May 15-26 ______12 ___

1885 _ May 10-21 ______ 12 __ .00" _________ May 10-21 ______12 ___

1887 _ May 6-23 _______ 18 __ .01" (6th) _____ May 7-23 _______17 ___

1889 _ Apr 29 - May 9 ___ 11 __ .00" _________ Apr 29- May 9 ___ 11 ___

1891 _ May 12-25 _______14 __ .05" _________ --no abs dry int >4d ____ .15" May 12 - Jun 1

1895 _ May 20 - Jun 3 ___ 15 __ .00" _________ May 20-Jun 3 ___ 15 ___ cool to record heat

1896 _ May 3-13 ________11 __ .02" (4th) _____ May 5-13 _______ 9 ___ very warm

1898 _ May 24 - Jun 7 ___ 15 __ .00" _________ May 24 - Jun 7 __ 15 ___

1900 _ May 9-26 ________18 __ .09" (17-18) ___May 9-16, 19-26___8 ___

1902 _ (1) _ May 9-18 ____10 __ .03" (13th) ____May 14-18 _______5 ___

1902 _ (2) _ May 22-Jun 1_11 __ .03" _________ May 26 -Jun 1 ____7 ___

1903 _ May 8-19 ________12 __ .04" _________ May 8-13 ________6 ___ .07" more to 25th (.11" 18d)

1904 _ May 1-13 ________13 __ .05" _________ May 1-9 _________9 ___

1911 _ May 2-14 ________13 __ .04" (3rd) _____ May 4-14 _______11 ___ cool to very warm

1913 _ Apr 29 - May 11 __ 13 __ .00" __________Apr 29-May 11 ___13 ___ very warm May 1-5

1919 _ May 25 - June 4 __ 11 __ .00" _________ May 25-June 4 ___ 11 ___ hot spell 

1920 _ (1) _Apr29-May19_ 21 __ .05" __________Apr 29-May 8 ____10 ___ also May 10-18 __ 9d 

1920 _ (2) _May 21-Jun 4_ 15 __ .07" __________May 24-31 ______ 8 ___ May total 0.39"

1922 _ May 7-16 ________10 __ .00" _________ May 7-16 _______ 10 ___

1923 _ May 21 - Jun 2 ___ 13 __ .00" __________May 21 - Jun 2 ___13 ___ 

1925 _ May 6-15 ________10 __ .03" __________May 6-9 _________ 4 ___

1926 _ May 6-18 ________13 __ .04"  _________ May 11-16 _______ 6 ___ .14" May 1-18

1928 _ May 6-16 ________11 __ .04" _________ May 11-15 ________ 5 ___

1931 _ Apr 27 - May 6 ____10 __ .03" (2nd) _____Apr 27-May 1 _____ 5 ___

1934 _ (1) _ Apr 27-May12_16 __ .05" (9th) _____Apr 27-May 8 _____12 ___ 

1934 _ (2) _ May 23- Jun 9 _18 __ .00" _________May 23-Jun 9 ____ 18 ___ Apr27-Jun9 .47"

1935 _ May 10-26 ________17 __ .02" (11th) ____May 12-26 _______15 ___

1938 _ May 24 - Jun 3 ____ 11 __ .03" (2nd) ____ May 24 - Jun 1 ____ 9 ___

1939 _ May 10-19 _______ 10 __ .00" _________ May 10-19 _______ 10 ___ Apr22-May19 0.53".

1949 _ Apr 26 - May 17 ___ 22 __ .05" _________Apr 27 - May 12 ___ 16 ___ see June (May 26 -)

____________________________________________________________ May total .41" (.37" 18-25)

1950 _ (1) _ Apr 26-May 8 __13 __ .04" ________ May 1-8 __________ 8 ___

1950 _ (2) _ May 19-30 ____12 __ .00" ________ May 19-30 ________12 ___

1951 _ Apr 29 - May 10 ____12 __ .01" (10th) __  Apr 29 - May 9 _____11 ___

1952 _ Apr 23 - May 10 ___ 18 __ .04" (10th) ___ Apr 23 - May 9 _____17 ___ 

1954 _ May 8-26 _________19 __ .05" ________ May 12-23 ________ 12 ___

1955 _ May 8-21 _________14 __ .04" (10th) ___ May 11-21 ________ 11 ___

1957 _ Apr 28 - May 8 _____11 __ .00" ________ Apr 28 - May 8 _____11 ___

1958 _ May 4-16 _________ 13 __ .00" ________ May 4-16 _________13 ___

1962 _ May 3-19 _________ 17 __ .06" ________ May 14-19 _________6 ___ record heat wave

1966 _ May 21 - Jun 8 _____19 __ .09" ________ May 26-31 _________6 ___

1967 _ May 23 - Jun 7 _____16 __ .00" ________ May 23 - Jun 7 ____ 16 ___ followed by wet June

1969 _ May 20-31 ________ 12 __ .02" (25th) ___ May 26-31 _________6 ___ cool to hot

1971 _ May 2-18 _________ 17 __ .03" ________ May 9-18 _________ 10 ___ 

1972 _ May 17-29 ________ 13 __ .00" ________ May 17-29 ________ 13 ___ very warm 

1974 _ May 17-26 ________ 10 __ .00" ________ May 17-26 ________ 10 ___ after heavy rain 16th (58.7 mm).

1976 _ May 19-30 ________ 12 __ .06" ________ May 20-29 ________ 10 ___

1977 _ May 3-22 __________20 __ .12" ________May 6-12 __________ 7 ___ Hot

1978 _ May 21-Jun 3 ______ 14 __ .04" (1st) __ May 21-31 __________ 11 ___ warm

1980 _ May 19-29 ________ 11 __ .00" ________ May 19-29 _________11 ___ 

1981 _ May 16-25 ________ 10 __ .02" ________ May 16-23 __________8 ___

1982 _ May 9-18 _________ 10 __ .00" ________ May 9-18 __________10 ___

1986 _ (1) _ Apr 22-May 13 _22 __ .04" ________ Apr 22-30, May 6-13 _ 9, 8 ___

1986 _ (2) _ May 24 - Jun 4 _12 __ .02" ________ May 24-29 __________ 6 ___

1987 _ Apr 29 - May 9 _____ 11 __ .00" ________ Apr 29 - May 9 ______11 ___

1988 _ May 21 - Jun 1 _____ 12 __ .05" (24th) __ May 25 - Jun 1 ______ 8

1992 _ May 3-16 __________14 __ .07" ________May 3-7 ____________ 5 ___ Followed record rain  May 2

1995 _ Apr 28 - May 8 _____ 11 __ .00" ________ Apr 28 - May 8 ______ 11 ___ 

1997 _ May 19 - Jun 5 _____ 18 __ .07" ________ May 19-28 _________ 10 ___

2004 _ May 11-21 _________11 __ .02" (18th) ___ May 11-17 ___________7 ___ 

2005 _ (1) _ May 3-12 _____ 10 __ .00" ________ May 3-12 ___________10 ___ After .24" 13th-14th ... (2) 

2005 _ (2) _ May 15-Jun 11_ 28 __ .11" ______ May 15-23, May 28th-Jun 5_9 each_ (.37" in 40 days)

2007 _ (1) _ Apr 28 - May 9_ 12 __ .00" ________ Apr 28 - May 9 _______12 ___

2007 _ (2) _ May 17-26 ____ 10 __ .00" ________ May 17-26 ___________ 10 ___

2009 _ May 17-26 _________10 __ .04" (17th) __ May 18-26 ___________ 9 ____

2010 _ May 14-30 _________17 __ .00" ________ May 14-30 ___________17 ___

2012 _ May 20-31 _________12 __ .00" ________ May 20-31 ___________12 ___

2015 _ May 12-29 _________18 __ .00" ________ May 12-29 ___________18 ___

2016 _ May 17-26 _________10 __ .00" ________ May 17-26 ___________10 ___ very warm

2017 _ May 7-20 __________14 __ .02" (13th) ___May 14-20 ___________ 7 ___

2021 _ May 5-25 __________ 21 __ .03" _________May 9-21 ___________ 13 ___ hot towards end

2022 _ May 5-15 __________ 11 __ .00" _________ May 5-15 ___________ 11 ___ warm

2023 _ May 8-18 __________ 11 __ .00" _________ May 8-18 ___________ 11

2023 _ May 21-June 1 _____ 12 __ .00" _________ May 21-June 1 ______ 12 __ 



The frequency and duration of dry spells in June is similar to that of May (82 in 78 different years).

YEAR _ EDS __________ days __ amount _____ ADS  _______ days __ notes

1841 _ Jun 11-24 _______ 14 __ .02" (13th) ___ Jun 14-24 _____ 11 ___ 

1845 _ Jun 16-26 _______ 11 __ .03" (16th) ___ Jun 17-26 _____ 10 ___

1846 _ (1) _ Jun 7-18 ____12 __ .02" (18th) ___ Jun 7-17 ______ 11 ___

1846 _ (2) _ Jun 23-Jul 7 _ 15 __ .06" ________ Jun 23-30 ______ 8 ___

1847 _ Jun 23-July 17 ___ 25 __ .03" (6th) ____ Jun 23-Jul 5 ___ 13 ___ (Jul 7-17 _ 11d)

1848 _ Jun 6-19 ________ 14 __ .00" ________ Jun 6-19 ______ 14 ___

1858 _ Jun 13-25 _______ 13 __ .01" (13th) ___ Jun 14-25 _____ 12 ___

1862 _ May 22 - Jun 17 __ 26 __ .11" _________ May 27-Jun 6 __ 11 ___ (.04" to Jun 13th)

1864 _ Jun 10-30 _______ 21 __ .05" (26th) ___ Jun 10-25 _____ 16 ___

1867 _ Jun 3-30 ________ 28 __ .35" _________ Jun 3-10,18-25__8 ___ not counted but dry for the length

1868 _ Jun 24 - Jul 5 ____ 12 __ .00" _________ Jun 24 - Jul 5 __12 ___ became hot

1872_ Jun 14 - Jul 9 ____ 26 __ .05" (3rd) _____ Jun 14 - Jul 2 __ 19 ___

1873 _ Jun 11-22 _______12 __ .06" (14th) _____Jun 15-22 ______8 ___ 

1878 _ May 25 - Jun 6 ___ 13 __ .05" (30th) ____ May 31- Jun 6 __ 7 ___ .16" May 25-Jun 15

1880 _ Jun 14-24 _______ 11 __ .05" _________ Jun 14-18 ______5 ___

1882 _ Jun 16-29 _______ 14 __ .03" _________Jun 19-23,25-29_ 5 each __

1884 _ May 26 - Jun 8 ___ 14 __ .01" (30th) ___ May 31-Jun 8____ 9 ___

1887 _ Jun 22 - Jul 1 ____ 10 __ .05" (22nd) ___ Jun 23 - Jul 1____9 ___

1894 _ Jun 6-17 ________ 12 __ .02" (7th) ____ Jun 8-17 ______ 10 ___

1895 _ Jun 6-23 ________ 18 __ .07" (19-20) __ Jun 6-18 ______ 13 ___

1896 _ Jun 11-27 _______ 17 __ .06" (21st) ___ Jun 11-20 ______10 ___

1897 _ Jun 10-28 _______ 19 __ .06" ________ Jun 14-22 ______ 9 ___

1898 _ Jun 14-29 _______ 16 __ .08" ________ Jun 14-19 ______ 6 ___

1899 _ Jun 16-27 _______ 18 __ .02" ________ Jun 19-27 ______ 9 ___

1900 _ Jun 23 - Jul 3 ____ 11 __ .06" _________Jun 23-27 ______ 5 ___

1901 _ Jun 21 - Jul 1 ____11 __ .00" _________ Jun 21 - Jul 1 ___11 ___ hot

1903 _ May 28 - Jun 6 ___10 __ .00" _________ May 28-Jun 6 ___10 ___

1904 _ Jun 10-19 _______10 __ .03" (14th) ____Jun 15-19 ______ 5 ___

1907 _ Jun 6-18 ________13 __ .00" _________ Jun 6-18 ______ 13 ___

1908 _ Jun 1-13 ________13 __ .06" (1st) _____ Jun 2-13 ______ 12 ___

1909 _ May 29 - Jun 9 __ 12 __ .00" __________May 29-Jun 9 ___12 ___

1910 _ Jun 12 - Jul 6 ___ 25 __ .08" __________Jun 12-26 ______15 ___ 

1911 _ Jun 13-25 ______ 13 __ .06" __________ Jun 14-22 ______ 9 ___ see July 1911 (.13" 26-27) 

1912 _ Jun 17 - Jul 4 ___ 18 __ .11" __________ Jun 27-Jul 4_____ 8 ___

1913 _ (1) _ Jun 8-18 ___11 __ .01" (15th) _____ Jun 8-14 ________7 ___ became hot

1913 _ (2)_Jun 21-Jul 3_ 13 __ .06" __________ Jun 21-25 _______ 5 ___ very warm

1914 _ Jun 8-18 _______11 __ .00" __________ Jun 8-18 _______11 ___

1921 _ Jun 4-16 _______13 __ .06" __________ Jun 4-10 _______ 7 ___

1932 _ Jun 4-24 _______21 __ .03" __________ Jun 4-13 _______10 ___

1933 _ May 27-Jun 6 ___11 __ .01" (29th) _____ May 30-Jun 6 ___ 8 ___

1934 _ May 23-Jun 9____18 __ .00" __________ May 23-Jun 8 __ 18 ___ (counted in May) (tied longest ADS)

1938 _ Jun 19-29 ______11 __ .03" __________ Jun 20-24 ______ 5 ___

1943 _ Jun 18-27 ______10 __ .01" (27th) _____Jun 18-26 ______ 9 ___ hot (25th - 26th)

1948 _ Jun 8-17 _______10 __ .00" __________ Jun 8-17 ______ 10 ___

1949 _ May 26 - July 8 __44 __ .17" __________ May 29-Jun 13 _ 16 _ also Jun 22-Jul 3 _ 12d (hot) 

_______________________________________ June 1949 .06",with previous, Apr 27-Jul 8 0.57" (73d)

1952 _ Jun 4-27 _______ 24 __ .11" __________ Jun 4-15 ______ 12 ___

1955 _ May 31 - Jun 10 _ 11 __ .01" (4th) ______ Jun 5-10 _______ 6 ___

1956 _ Jun 5-22 _______ 18 __ .07" __________ Jun 5-14 ______ 10 ___ record heat 12-14

1957 _ Jun 2-23 _______ 22 __ .19" __________ several only 4 days ____ see note (a)

1958 _ Jun 14-24 ______ 11 __ .02" (21st) _____ Jun 14-20 ______ 7 ___

1959 _ Jun 1-20 _______ 20 __ .12" __________ Jun 2-10 _______ 9 ___

1960 _ Jun 1-13 _______ 13 __ .07" __________ Jun 6-13 _______ 8 ___

1963 _ Jun 17 - Jul 13 __ 27 __ .08" ___________Jun 22-Jul 13 __ 22 ___ longest ADS >25% in June (note b)

1964 _ Jun 4-14 _______11 __ .00" ___________ Jun 4-14 ______ 11 ___

1965 _ Jun 3-22 _______21 __ .10" ___________ Jun 3-17 ______ 15 ___

1966 _ Jun 17 - Jul 10 __ 24 __ .09" ___________Jun 17-Jul 3 ____17 ___

1969 _ Jun 23-Jul 3 ____ 11 __ .03" (23rd) _____ Jun 24-Jul 3 ____ 10 ___ only 0.27" Jul 4-22, no EDS 

1970 _ May 26 - Jun 10 _ 16 __ .00" ___________May 26-Jun 10 __16 ___ 

1972 _ Jun 9-19 _______ 11 __ .00" ___________ Jun 9-19 ______ 11 ___

1974 _ May 29 - Jun 9 __ 12 __ .00" ___________ May 29-Jun 9 __ 12 ___

1975 _ Jun 20 - Jul 7 ___ 18 __ .02" (2nd-3rd) ___ Jun 20 - Jul 1 __ 12 ___ 

1976 _ Jun 2-12 _______ 11 __ .01" (6th) _______ Jun 7-12 ______ 6 ___ 

1978 _ Jun 13-28 ______ 16 __ .05" ____________no abs dry int >3 d ____

1979 _ Jun 11-26 ______ 16 __ .04" (21st) _______ Jun 11-20 ____10 ___

1983 _ Jun 7-26 _______ 20 __ .02" (26th) _______Jun 7-25 _____ 19 ___ tied 1995 longest all within June

1984 _ Jun 7-16 _______ 10 __ .02" (16th) _______Jun 7-15 ______ 9 ___

1985 _ Jun 1-10 _______ 10 __ .00" ____________ Jun 1-10 _____ 10 ___ followed tornadic cold front

1988 _ Jun 8-20 _______ 13 __ .02" (15th) _______ Jun 8-14 ______ 7 ___ 0.34" 2nd-7th (prev EDS May)

1991 _ Jun 16-Jul 2 ____ 17 __ .02" (1st) ________ Jun 16-30 _____15 ___

1992 _Jun 7-16 ________ 10 __.04" (7th) ________ Jun 8-16 _______9 ___

1993 _ Jun 26 - Jul 5 ___ 10 __ .00" ____________  Jun 26-Jul 5 ___ 10 ___

1994 _(1) _ Jun 1-11 ___ 11 __ .03" ____________ Jun 1-5 ________ 5 ___ 0.28" 12th then (2) below ...

1994 _ (2) _Jun 13-22 __ 10 __ .01" (13th) _____ Jun 14-22 ______9 ___ 

1995 _ Jun 8-26 ________19 __ .00" ____________  Jun 8-26 ______19 ___ hot  tied 1983 longest (all in June)

2004 _ Jun 2-12 ________11 __ .02" (10th) ______ Jun 2-9 ________8 ___

2005 _ Jun 18 - Jul 15 ___28 __ .03" ____________  Jun 19-Jul 3 ___ 15 ___ also Jul 5-13 __ 9d.

2006 _ Jun 4-26 ________ 23 __ .07" (19th) ______Jun 4-18 ______15 ___ also 20-26 (7d)

2007 _ (1) Jun 9-18 _____10 __ .00" _____________Jun 9-18 ______10 ___ 

2007 _ (2)_Jun 20-Jul 3 _ 14 __ .07" (28th) _____ Jun 20-27 ______ 8 ___ 

2011 _ Jun 8-21 ________14 __ .00" _____________Jun 8-21 ______ 14 ___

2016 _Jun 12-25 _______ 14 __ .05" ____________ Jun 17-25 ______ 9 ___ only .13" Jun 12-30

2018 _Jun 1-12 _________12 __ .05" ____________Jun 6-12 ________ 7 ___ 

2022 _Jun 13-25 ______ 13 __ .01" (15th) ______Jun 16-25 ______10 ___


(a) The spell in June 1957 is slightly above criteria but there are two qualifying spells 2nd-12th, 14th-23rd with only .07" on 13th so the two were combined into one marginal longer spell.

(b) The dry spell in June-July 1963 counts for July but is also listed for June to show the longest ADS with any portion in June (9 of the 22 days). The spell can be extended to June 11 to July 13 (33d with .39"). A longer ADS involving three days from June occurred in 1936 with the total length 24 days (June 28 - July 21). 




The frequency and duration of dry spells in July increases slightly again to 84.5 (81 different years). A shared dry spell in Jul-Aug 1962 is listed with August.

YEAR _ EDS __________ days __ amount _____ ADS  _______ days __ notes

1840 __ Jun 28 - Jul 7 ___ 10 __ .03" (28th) ____ Jun 29-Jul 7 ____9 ___

1842 __ Jul 5-29 _______ 25 __ .07" (14th) _____ Jul 15-29 _____15 ___

1845 __ Jul 2-20 _______ 19 __ .03" (16th) _____ Jul 2-15 ______14 ___

1849 __ Jun 30 - Jul 13 __14 __ .00" __________ Jun 30-Jul 13 __14 ___

1852 __ Jul 14-24 ______ 11 __ .00" __________ Jul 14-24 _____ 11 ___

1855 __ Jul 1-11 _______ 11 __ .02" __________ Jul 5-8 ________ 4 ___

1859 __ Jul 3-13 _______ 11 __ .05" (6th) ______ Jul 7-13 _______ 7 ___

1862 __ Jun 24-Jul 7 ___ 14 __ .03" __________ Jun 30-Jul 7 ____ 8 ___

1864 __ Jul 14-24 ______ 11 __ .00" __________ Jul 14-24 _____ 11 ___

1867 __ Jul 16-30 ______ 15 __ .00" __________ Jul 16-30 _____ 15 ___

1868 __ Jul 8-30 _______ 23 __ .03" (18th) ____  Jul 19-30 ______12 ___ Jul 8-17 __ 10 _ very hot 

1871 __ Jul 7-25 _______ 19 __ .03" __________ Jul 15-25 _____ 11 ___

1874 __ Jul 16-27 ______ 12 __ .00" __________ Jul 16-27 _____ 12 ___

1875 __ Jul 19-Aug 2 ___ 15 __ .07" (26th) _____ Jul 19-25, 26-Aug 2 _ 7 each ___

1879 __ (1) _ Jul 12-21 __10 __ .02" (15th) _____ Jul 16-21 ______ 6 ___

1879 __ (2) _ Jul 23-Aug 1_10 _.02" (23rd) _____ Jul 24-Aug 1 ___ 9 ___

1885 __ Jul 14-23 ______ 10 __ .01" (14th) _____Jul 15-23 ______ 9 ___

1886 __ Jun 24 - Jul 13 __20 __ .03" (25th) _____ Jun 26-Jul 13 __18 ___

1887 __ Jul 18 - Aug 4___18 __ .02" (22nd) _____ Jul 23-Aug 4___13 ___

1888 __ Jun 29 - Jul 10 __12 __ .03" (10th) _____ Jun 29-Jul 9 __ 11 ___

1890 __ Jul 9-24 _______16 __ .06" __________ Jul 18-24 ______ 7 ___

1891 __ Jul 15-31 ______17 __ .05" __________ Jul 15-19 ______ 5 ___

1892 __ Jul 4-14 _______11 __ .05" __________ Jul 6-12 _______ 7 ___

1895 __ Jun 27 - Jul 11 __15 __ .01" (5th) _____ Jun 27-Jul 4 ____ 8 ___

1897 __ Jun 30 - Jul 10 __11 __ .05" __________ Jul 4-10 _______7 ___

1898 __ Jul 4-16 _______13 __ .06" (8th) ______ Jul 9-16 _______8 ___

1901 __ Jul 12-24 ______13 __ .06" (21st) _____Jul 12-20 ______ 9 ___

1904 __ Jul 13-22 ______10 __ .00" __________ Jul 13-22 _____ 10 ___ otherwise very wet month

1906 __ Jul 11-28 ______18 __ .09" __________ Jul 11-15 ______ 5 ___

1908 __ Jul 22 - Aug 3 __ 13 __ .00" __________ Jul 22-Aug 3 __ 13 ___

1911 __ Jun 28 - Jul 9 __ 12 __ .07" (5th) ______ Jun 28-Jul 4 ___ 7 ___ extreme heat

1914 __ Jun 30 - Jul 11 __12 __ .03" __________ Jul 5-11 _______7 ___

1916 __ Jul 3 - Aug 6 ___ 35 __ .14" __________ Jul 14-26 _____ 13 ___ extreme heat

1919 __ Jun 27 - Jul 19 __23 __ .19" __________ Jun 27-Jul 4, Jul 7-14 _ 8 each __ hot

1923 __ Jul 17 - Aug 1 __ 16 __ .04" __________ Jul 17-23 ______ 7 ___

1926 __ Jun 27 - Jul 8 __ 12 __ .00" __________ Jun 27-Jul 8 ___ 12 ___

1927 __ Jun 26 - Jul 5 __ 10 __ .00" __________ Jun 26-Jul 5 ___ 10 ___

1930 __ Jul 23 - Aug 7 __16 __ .04" __________ Jul 27-Aug 2 ___  7 ___ hot

1933 __ Jul 24 - Aug 2 __10 __ .00" __________ Jul 24-Aug 2 __ 10 ___ hot

1936 __ Jun 28 - Jul 21 __24 __ .00" __________ Jun 28-Jul 21 _ 24 ___ extreme heat, longest ADS

1937 __ Jul 26 - Aug 5 __ 11 __ .00" ___________Jul 26-Aug 5 __11 ___

1939 __ Jul 13-22 ______10 __ .00" __________ Jul 13-22 _____ 10 ___

1940 __ Jul 23 - Aug 3 __ 12 __ .07" __________ Jul 30-Aug 3 ___ 5 ___

1943 __ Jul 22 - Aug 1 __ 11 __ .01" (25th) _____ Jul 26-Aug 1 ___ 7 ___

1944 __ Jun 24 - Jul 8 __ 15 __ .03" (24th) _____ Jun 25-Jul 8 ___14 ___

1945 __ Jul 23 - Aug 4 __ 13 __ .02" (28th) _____ Jul 29-Aug 4 ___ 7 ___

1946 __ Jun 27-July 7 ___11 __ .01" (7th) ______ Jun 27-July 6 __10 ___

1948 __ Jul 6-15 _______ 10 __ .00" __________  Jul 6-15 ______ 10 ___

1950 __ Jul 3-12 _______ 10 __ .00" __________  Jul 3-12 ______ 10 ___

1954 __ Jun 26 - Jul 28 __33 __ .08" __________ Jul 1-Jul 19 ___ 19 ___

1955 __ Jul 17 - Aug 2 __ 17 __ .02" (27th) ____ Jul 17-26 _____ 10 ___ hot

1956 __ Jul 23 - Aug 3 __ 12 __ .04" (31st) ____ Jul 23-30 ______ 8 ___

1957 __ Jul 13-28 ______16 __ .08" (21-22) ___  Jul 13-20 ______ 8 ___

1958 __ Jul 19-28 ______10 __ .00" __________  Jul 19-28 ______10 ___

1962 __ Jun 26-Jul 8 ___ 13 __ .04" (30th) ____ Jul 1-8 ________ 8 ___ (see Aug for Jul 27-Aug 5)

1963 __ Jun 17 - Jul 13 __27 __ .08" __________ Jun 22-Jul 13 __ 22 ___

1964 __ Jul 15-24 ______ 10 __ .00" __________ Jul 15-24 _____ 10 ___

1965 __ Jul 19-31 ______ 13 __ .00" __________ Jul 19-31 _____ 13 ___

1966 __ Jul 12-26 ______ 15 __ .02" (21st) ____ Jul 12-20 ______ 9 ___

1973 __ Jul 14-23 ______ 10 __ .00" __________  Jul 14-23 ______10 ___

1974 __ Jul 10-24 ______ 15 __ .01" (17th) ____Jul 10-16, 18-24 _ 7 each ___ 

1978 __ Jul 4-19 _______ 16 __ .00" __________  Jul 4-19 ______ 16 ___

1981 __Jul 6-18 ________ 13 __ .03" (17th) ____ Jul 6-16 ______ 11 ___

1982 __ Jun 29 - Jul 14 __ 16 __ .00" __________ Jun 29-Jul 14 __16 ___

1983 __ Jul 5-20 ________16 __ .01" (8th) ______ Jul 9-20 ______12 ___ hot, 0.36" 1-27 July.

1984 __ Jul 19 - Aug 5 ___18 __ .03" __________ Jul 21-Aug 2 __ 13 ___ 

1985 __ Jul 16-Aug 5 ____21 __ .10" __________ Jul 20-24, Aug 1-5 ___ 5 ___ 

1986 __Jun 30-Jul 10 ___ 11 __ .04" (1st) _____ Jul 2-10 ________9 ___

1988 __ Jun 23 - Jul 9 ___ 17 __ .02" (28th) ___ Jun 29-Jul 9 ___11 ___ cool to hot

1989 __ Jun 23 - Jul 19 __ 27 __ .13" __________Jun 28-Jul 18 __ 21 ___

1994 __ Jul 9-19 ________11 __ .01" (9th) ______Jul 10-19 _____ 10 ___

1999 __ Jul 4-30 ________27 __ .16" __________  Jul 10-16 ______7 ___ very hot month

2000 __ Jul 18-29 _______12 __ .02" __________  Jul 23-29 ______7 ___ 

2001 __ Jul 24-Aug 15 ___ 23 __ .03" __________Jul 24-Aug 3 __ 11 ___

2002 __ Jun 28-Jul 7 ____ 10 __ .00" ___________Jun 28-Jul 7 __ 10 ___ .18" 8th, then 9 more dry days, hot.

2007 __ Jul 20 - Aug 11 __ 23 __ .07" __________Jul 25-Aug 6 __13 ___ .21" total for 32d to Aug 20th.

2009 __ Jul 1-10 ________ 10 __ .00" ___________ Jul 1-10 ______ 10 ___ 

2010 __ Jun 29 - Jul 8 ___ 10 __ .00" ___________ Jun 29-Jul 8 __ 10 ___ another dry 9 d after Jul 9 (1.36")

2011 __ Jul 3-22 ________ 20 __ .06" ___________  Jul 3-16 _____ 14 ___

2015 __ Jul 18-Aug 1 ____ 15__ .00" ___________ Jul 18-Aug 1 _ 15 ___

2016 __ Jul 15-24 _______ 10__ .00" ____________Jul 15-24 ____ 10 ___

2018 __ (1) _ Jul 6-15 ___ 10 __ .00" ____________Jul 6-15 _____ 10 ___

2018 __ (2) _ Jul 25-Aug 5_12 __ .00" __________ Jul 25-Aug 5 _12 ___

2019 __ Jun 29 - Jul 12 ___14 __ .02" ___________Jun 30-Jul 6 __ 7 ___

2020 __ July (mid month) __ possible dry spell, checking data issues as Tor B seems

to report very frequent small rainfalls all through 2019 and 2020, while other regional

stations do not __ the peak rainfalls are similar but then between those, a lot of 1-4 mm

days (possibly automatic sensor measuring results of a sprinkler system? don't know,

have sent in request for information about this ... YYZ had long dry spell mid-July during

very hot weather).



The frequency of dry spells in August increases slightly again to 107.5 (95 different years). The shared dry spell had five days in each of July and August of 1962.

YEAR _ EDS __________ days __ amount _____ ADS  _______ days __ notes

1840 __ Aug 12-23 ______ 12 __ .03" (12th) ____ Aug 13-23 ____11 ___

1848 __ Aug 6-27________22 __ .07" (17th) ____ Aug 6-16 _____ 11 ___ (Aug 18-27 __ 10d _)

1851 __ Aug 21-31 ______ 11 __ .00" _________ Aug 21-31 _____ 11 ___ 

1852 __ Aug 10-23 ______ 14 __ .06" (14th) ____ Aug 15-23 _____9 ___

1853 __ Aug 27-Sep 5 ___ 10 __ .00" _________  Aug 27-Sep 5__ 10 ___

1854 __ Aug 5-21 ________17 __ .00" _________ Aug 5-21 ______ 17 ___ (only .47" month)

1855 __ Aug 16-31 ______ 16 __ .04" (17th) ____ Aug 18-31 ____ 14 ___

1856 __ Aug 20-Sep 4 ___ 16 __ .06" __________Aug 29-Sep 4___ 7 ___

1857 __ Aug 1-11 _______ 11 __ .02" (4th) _____ Aug 5-11 _______7 ___

1858 __ Aug 5-17 _______13 __ .00" __________Aug 5-17 ______13 ___

1865 __ Aug 22-Sep 7 ___ 17 __ .03" (5th) _____ Aug 22-Sep 4 __ 14 ___

1866 __ Aug 22-31 ______ 10 __ .03" _________ Aug 22-25 _____ 4 ___

1867 __ Aug 13-26 ______ 14 __ .04" (23rd) ____ Aug 13-22 ____ 10 ___ hot (95 F 18th)

1871 __ Jul 28-Aug 6 ____ 10 __ .00" __________Jul 28-Aug 6 __ 10 ___

1874 __ (1) _Aug 1-19____19 __ .06" __________Aug 11-19 _____ 9 ___

1874 __ (2) _Aug 22-Sep 2_12__ .00" _________  Aug 22-Sep 2__ 12 ___ month only 0.38"

1875 __ (1) _Aug 7-17 ____11 __ .01" (17th) ____ Aug 7-16 _____ 10 ___

1875 __ (2) _Aug 23-Sep 1_10 __.00" _________  Aug 23-Sep 1__10 ___

1876 __ Jul 29-Sep 13 ____47 __ .22" (Sep1-13)_ Jul 29-Aug 31 _ 34 ___ longest ADS any month (note a)

1879 __ Aug 17-Sep 2 ___ 17 __ .05" (21st-22nd)_ Aug 23-Sep 2_ 11 ___ 

1881 __ Aug 13-31 ______ 19 __ .05" (21st) ____ Aug 22-31 ____ 10 ___ rather dry and hot in Sep 1881

1883 __ Aug 2-17 _______ 16 __ .01" (2nd) ____ Aug 3-17______ 15 ___

1884 __ (1) _Aug 5-16 ___ 12 __ .02" (5th) _____ Aug 6-16 _____ 11 ___

1884 __ (2) _Aug 18-27 __ 10 __ .03" (25-26th) __Aug 18-24 _____ 7 ___

1886 __ Aug 2-12 _______ 11 __ .00" _________ Aug 2-12 ______11 ___

1888 __ Aug 18-30 ______ 13 __ .03" (26th) ____ Aug 18-25 _____ 8 ___

1889 __ Aug 3-Sep 2 ____ 31 __ .15" _________ Aug 20-Sep 2___14 ___

1890 __ Aug 6-16 _______11 __ .04" (9th) _____ Aug 10-16 ______ 7___

1894 __ Aug 3-Sep 1 ____ 30 __ .06" _________ Aug 15-28 _____ 14 ___ also 3-13 __ 11 __

1899 __ Aug 11-31 ______ 21 __ .01" (11th) ____ Aug 12-31 _____ 20 ___

1900 __ Jul 30-Aug 8 ____ 10 __ .01" (7th) _____ Jul 30-Aug 6____ 8 ___ record heat 

1901 __ Aug 8-18 _______ 11 __ .04" (9-10th) ___Aug 11-18 _____ 8 ___

1902 __ Aug 19-30 ______ 12 __ .04" _________ Aug 23-30 _____ 8 ___

1903 __ Aug 11-23 ______ 13 __ .02" (11th) ____ Aug 12-23 ____ 12 ___

1905 __ (1)_Aug 5-14 ____ 10 __ .00" _________ Aug 5-14 _____ 10 ___ ended with August max rain 15th

1905 __ (2)_Aug 22-Sep 1_ 11 __ .00" _________ Aug 22-Sep 1__ 11 ___

1907 __ (1)_ Aug 3-15 ____ 13 __ .00" _________ Aug 3-15 _____ 13 ___

1907 __ (2)_Aug 17-26 ____10 __ .03" (20th) ____ Aug 21-26 ____ 6 ___

1908 __ Aug 22-31 ______ 10 __ .00" _________ Aug 22-31 ____ 10 ___ part of longer EDS (see Sept)

1909 _ (1)_Jul 25-Aug 14 _ 21 __ .05" _________ Jul 30-Aug 8 ___10 ___

1909 _ (2)_Aug 17-27 ____11 __ .02" (17th) ____ Aug 18-27 ____ 10 ___

1916 __ Aug 14-23 ______ 10 __ .04" (22nd)____ Aug 14-21 _____8 ___ hot

1919 __ Jul 27-Aug 14____19 __ .04" _________ Jul 29-Aug 13__ 16 ___

1920 _ (1) _ Jul 30-Aug 8 _ 10 __ .05" _________ Aug 2-8 _______ 7 ___ 

1920 _ (2) _ Aug 10-20 ___ 11 __ .03" _________ Aug 15-20 _____ 6 ___ Aug 22-Sep 8 .10" 18d (non-qual).

1921 __ Aug 18-28 ______ 11 __ .00" _________ Aug 18-28 ____ 11 ___

1922 __ Aug 8-28 _______ 21 __ .12" _________ Aug 8-15 ______ 8 ___ Aug 17-22 __ 6 __ (d)

1924 __ Aug 23-Sep 1____ 10 __ .00" _________ Aug 23-Sep 1__ 10 ___

1925 __ Aug 20-Sep 1____ 13 __ .04" (26th) ____Aug 20-25, Aug 27-Sep 1 __ 6 __

1927 __ Aug 5-22 _______ 18 __ .01" (5th) _____ Aug 6-22 _____ 17 ___

1928 __ Aug 9-20 _______ 12 __ .05" (12th) ____ Aug 9-17 ______ 9 ___

1930 __ Aug 9-18 _______ 10 __ .05" (14th) ____ Aug 9-13 ______ 5 ___

1931 __ Aug 14-23 ______ 10 __ .04" _________ Aug 19-23 _____ 5 ___ .10" Aug 11-23

1932 __ Aug 20-29 ______ 10 __ .02" _________ Aug 20-25 _____ 6 ___

1934 __ Aug 3-12 _______ 10 __ .03" (9th) _____ Aug 3-8 _______ 6 ___

1935 __ Aug 7-19 _______ 13 __ .00" _________ Aug 7-19 ______13 ___ 0.57" Jul 24-Sep 2

1936 _ (1)_ Jul 29-Aug 9 __12 __ .01" (3rd) _____ Aug 4-9 _______6 ___ 0.15" 10th then (2)

1936 _ (2)_ Aug 11-20 ____10 __ .00" _________ Aug 11-20 ____ 10 ___ (0.28" Jul 24-Aug 20)

1937 __ Aug 21-Sep 1____12 __ .02" (21st) ____ Aug 22-Sep 1__ 11 ___

1939 __ Aug 21-31 ______ 11 __ .03" (29th) ____ Aug 21-28 _____ 8 ___

1944 __ Jul 29-Aug 15 ___ 18 __ .09" _________ Aug 7-15 ______ 9 ___ hot

1945 __ Aug 15-24 ______ 10 __ .05" _________ Aug 15-20 _____ 6 ___

1947 __ Jul 28-Aug 17 ___ 21 __ .08" (15th) ____ Jul 28-Aug 14 __18 ___ hot

1948 _ (1) _Jul 28-Aug 7__11 __ .01" (6th) ______Jul 28-Aug 5 ___ 9 ___

1948 _ (2) _Aug19-Sep17_ 30 __ .12" __________Aug 19-31 ____ 13 ___ very hot (Aug) warm (Sep) (b)

1949 __ Aug 4-26 _______ 23 __ .06" __________Aug 12-23 ____ 12 ___ hot (3rd long dry spell since May)

1950 __ Aug 2-16 _______ 15 __ .04" (16th) ____ Aug 2-15 _____ 14 ___ 

1951 __ Jul 28-Aug 19 ___ 23 __ .09" _________ Jul 28 - Aug 1, Aug 8-12 __ 5 _ also 9 dry days 22-30

1952 __ Aug 17-31 ______ 15 __ .03" (31st) ____ Aug 17-30 ____ 14 ___

1953 __ Aug 5 - Sep 3____ 30 __ .23" (12th) ____ Aug 17-24 _____ 8 ___ hot by end of interval (note c)

1959 __ Jul 24 - Aug 9 ___ 17 __ .00" __________Jul 24-Aug 9 ___17 ___

1962 _(1)_ Jul 27-Aug 5 __10 __ .00" __________ Jul 27-Aug 5 ___10 ___ 0.79" 6th-7th, then (2), shared w July

1962 _(2)_ Aug 8-26 _____19 __ .08" _________ Aug 14-19,21-26_ 6 each _

1963 __ Aug 15-27 ______ 13 __ .05" (17th) ___  Aug 18-27 _____ 10 ___

1967 __ Aug 11-26 ______ 16 __ .03" (18-19th)__Aug 11-17,20-26_ 7 each _

1969 __ Aug 17-Sep 9 ___ 24 __ .00" __________Aug 17-Sep 9__ 24 ___

1970 __ Aug 3-18 _______ 16 __ .01" (13th) ____ Aug 3-12 _____ 10 ___ also dry 20th-28th (9d)

1971 __ Jul 29-Aug 9 ____ 12 __ .01" (30th) ____ Jul 31-Aug 9 ___10 ___

1973 _(1) Aug 5-16 ______ 12 __ .01" (9th) _____ Aug 10-16 _____ 7 ___ only 0.10" Jul 29-Aug 4

1973 _(2) Aug 21-Sep 2 __ 13 __ .02" (26th) ____  Aug 27-Sep 2 __ 7 ___ very hot

1974 __ Jul 31-Aug 11____ 12 __ .04" (2-4th) ___ Aug 5-11 ______ 7 ___ .25" 12th-22nd (.29" 23d)

1976 __ Aug 15-27 ______ 13 __ .00" (12th) ____ Aug 15-27 ____ 13 ___

1981 __ Aug 16-26 ______ 11 __ .05" (23rd) ____Aug 16-22 _____ 7 ___ 

1982 __ Aug 9-18 _______ 10 __ .00" _________ Aug 9-18 _____ 10 ___

1987 __ Aug 10-27 ______ 18 __ .01" (26th) ____ Aug 10-25 ___ 16 ___

1989 (1) _Aug 5-14 _____ 10 __ .04" (14th) ____ Aug 5-13 ______ 9 ___

1989 (2) _Aug 16-30 ____ 15 __ .07" __________ Aug 23-30 _____ 8 ___

1991 __ Aug 21-Sep 2____ 13 __ .01" (22nd) ____Aug 23-Sep 2__ 11 ___

1995 __ Aug 15-30 ______ 16 __ .02" (23rd) ____ Aug 15-22 _____ 8 ___

1997 _(1) Jul 22-Aug 10 __ 20 __ .06" (27-28) ___ Jul 29-Aug 10__ 13 ___

1997 _(2) Aug 25-Sep 4 __ 11 __ .02" (31st) ____ Aug 25-30 _____ 6 ___

1998 __ Aug 12-22 ______ 11 __ .02" (17th) ____ Aug 12-16,18-22_5 each _

1999 __ Aug 21-Sep 5____ 16 __ .06" (12th) ____ Aug 27-Sep 5__ 10 ___

2000 __ Aug 23-Sep 1____ 10 __ .02" (23rd,26th) _ Aug 27-Sep 1 _ 6 ___

2002 __ Jul 30-Aug 13 ___ 15 __ .00" __________ Jul 30-Aug 13 _ 15 ___

2006 __ Aug 4-24 _______ 21 __ .09" (12th) ____ Aug 4-13 ______10 ___ 

2007 __ Aug 13-22 ______ 10 __ .00" __________ Aug 13-22 ____ 10 ___

2008 __ Aug 16-27 ______ 12 __ .00" __________ Aug 16-27 ____12 ___

2010 __ Jul 29-Aug 8 ____ 11 __ .00" _________  Jul 29-Aug 8 __ 11 ___

2011 __ Aug 10-20 ______ 11 __ .00" __________ Aug 10-20 ____11 ___

2013 __ Aug 9-22 _______ 14 __ .00" __________ Aug 9-22 ____ 14 ___

2016 __ Aug 1-11 _______ 11 __ .00" __________ Aug 1-11 _____11 ___

2017 __ Aug 18-Sep 2____16 __ .04" __________ Aug 23-30 ____ 8 ___

2020 __ Aug 5-16 _______ 12 __ .06" __________ Aug 9-15 _____ 7 ___ despite earlier possible false data (see July 2020)^

2021 (1) _ Jul 30-Aug 9 __ 11 __ .05" __________ Aug 2-6 ______ 5 ___ only .07" 10th-12th then (2) dry spell ...

2021 (2) _ Aug 13-27 ____ 15 __ .05" __________ Aug 19-25 ___ 7 ___ total rainfall just .17" over 29d July 30-Aug 27

2022 __ Aug 4-18 _______ 15 __ .07" ___________Aug 8-17 ___ 10 ___ .05" 7th and .02" 18th

2024 ___Aug 19-29 ______ 11 __ .00" __________ Aug 19-29 __ 11 ___


(a) Also the longest qualifying EDS (marginal could go 50 days 0.26" to Sep 16th before rains began to return to more normal values. The period before this long dry spell was also rather dry, 0.37" July 14-31. Total 0.63" over 68 days. August 1876 is the only entirely dry month, and the 34 day ADS is 8 days longer than the second longest (Sep 2 to 27 of 1908). 

(b) This 1948 dry spell is listed for August although more of its EDS days are in September, because the longer ADS is entirely in August and for its association with one of August's hottest periods Aug 24-28 1948. (The September portion remained very warm and another record occurred on Sept 17th).

(c) This dry spell was always just outside the criteria over various time scales but turned very hot for about a week towards the end of the interval, so it is allowed in like July 1919 as close enough given the degree of heat. The interval within the cited period within the criteria was Aug 10-24 (15 days) with only .06". So this is a genuine entry, but expanded in either direction into just slightly sub-criteria rainfalls. September's warmest temperature was near the end of this interval (2nd, 100F or 38 C).

(d) This dry spell was extended despite a marginal outcome from a definite qualifier 17th-28th as .08" rain 16th separated two long dry intervals and the longer of two ADS intervals was in the earlier sub-qualifying stretch (.12" in 21d only .01" above criterion and it was quite warm throughout). 




The frequency of dry spells in September decreases slightly from the August peak with 75 in 71 different years. Length however seems to be similar, quite a few long ADS occur.  One of October's ADS entries (1882-1) is equally shared with September (8 days in each month) and this is reflected in the 0.5 counts assigned to both months in the following tables. That EDS is assigned only to October as it added dry days after the ADS ended. 

YEAR _ EDS __________ days __ amount _____ ADS  _______ days __ notes

1840 __ Sep 1-29 _______ 29 __ .13" (12th) ____ Sep 2-28 _____ 27 ___ (note a)

1844 __ Aug 31-Sep 27 __ 28 __ .11" (12th) ____ Sep 12-27 ____ 16 ___

1848 __ Aug 29-Sep 10 __ 13 __ .00" _________ Aug 29 -Sep 10_13 ___

1863 __ Aug 29-Sep 10 __ 13 __ .00" _________ Aug 29-Sep 10 _13 ___

1863 __ Sep 21-30 ______ 10 __ .00" _________ Sep 21-30 ____ 10 ___

1867 __ Sep 19-28 ______ 10 __ .02" (20th) ____ Sep 21-28 _____8 ___

1871 __ Aug 30-Sep 14___ 16 __ .05" (9th)_____ Aug 30-Sep 8__ 10 ___

1877 __ Sep 18-Oct 3____ 16 __ .00" _________ Sep 18-Oct 3 __ 16 ___ warm

1881 __ Sep 2-14 _______ 13 __ .04" _________Sep 2-7 ________6 ___ very warm month

1885 __ Sep 14-Oct 2____ 19 __ .02" (14th) ____ Sep 15-Oct 2__ 18 ___

1890 __ Sep 20-Oct 2____ 13 __ .02" (2nd)_____ Sep 20-Oct 1__ 12 ___

1891 __ Sep 19-Oct 3 ____15 __ .02" (29th) ____ Sep 19-28 ____ 10 ___ very warm

1897 __ Sep 14-Oct 6____ 23 __ .03" _________ Sep 23-Oct 5 __ 13 ___

1898 __ Sep 7-17_______ 11 __ .06" _________ Sep 8-15 ______ 8 ___ 

1900 __ Sep 4-14_______ 11 __ .05" (6th) _____ Sep 7-14 ______ 8 ___ 

1908 __ Aug 20-Sep 27___ 39 __ .06" (1st) ____ Sep 2-27 _____ 26 ___ late Aug 12d ADS already logged

1910 __ Sep 7-23_______ 11 __ .05" _________ Sep 10-17 _____ 8 ___ 

1913 __ Sep 4-15_______ 12 __ .00" _________ Sep 4-15 _____ 12 ___ 

1914 __ Sep 7-21_______ 15 __ .00" _________ Sep 7-21 _____ 15 ___ 

1916 __ Sep 2-20_______ 19 __ .09" _________ Sep 6-13 ______ 8 ___ hot

1917 __ Sep 7-26 _______20 __ .09" _________ Sep 7-17 _____ 11 ___ only .16" Sep 3-26

1920 _ (1)_ Aug 30-Sep 8_10 __ .05" _________ Sept 1-4 _______4 ___ only .10" Aug 22-Sep 8

1920 _ (2)_Sep 17-28 ___ 12 __ .03" _________ Sep 21-26 _____ 6 ___ warm

1921 __ Aug 30-Sep 16__ 18 __ .15" _________ Sep 12-16 _____ 5 ___ marginal, very warm

1922 __ Sep 20 - Oct 6 __ 17 __ .00" _________ Sep 20-Oct 6 __ 17 ___ very warm

1927 __ Sep 14-27______14 __ .06" _________ Sep 21-27 _____ 7 ___ 

1929 __ Aug 24-Sep 9 ___17 __ .00" _________ Aug 24-Sep 9__ 17 ___

1930 __ Sep 3-12_______ 10 __ .00" _________ Sep 3-12______10 ___ 

1931 __ Aug 30-Sep 13 __ 15 __ .08" (1-3) _____Sep 4-13 _____ 10 ___ record heat 9-14

1934 __ Sep 17-26______ 10 __ .02" (26th) ___ Sep 17-25 ______ 9 ___ 

1938 __ Sep 23-Oct 4 ___ 12 __ .00" _________Sep 23-Oct 4 ___12 ___ followed LI hurricane

1940 __ Sep 25 - Oct 5___11 __ .04" (5th) ____ Sep 25-Oct 4 ___ 10 ___ 

1941 __ Sep 11-29______ 19 __ .09" _________Sep 17-24______ 8 ___ 

1942 __ Aug 29-Sep 7___ 10 __ .05" _________ no dry int >4 d _______ 

1943 __ Sep 11-Oct 14 __ 34 __ .14" _________ Sep 24-Oct 12 __19 ___ (assigned to Oct due to ADS)

1945 __ Aug 30 - Sep 9__ 11 __ .04" _________ Aug 30-Sep 3___ 5 ___ 

1947 __ Sep 2-14_______ 13 __ .02" (13th) ___ Sep 2-12 ______11 ___ 

1950 _(1)_Sep 1-12 _____ 12 __ .04" (12th) ___Sep 1-11 ______ 11 ___ 

1950 _(2)_Sep 19-Oct 2 __14 __ .01" (23rd)___ Sep 24-Oct 2 ___ 9 ___ 

1951 __ Sep 25 - Oct 5 ___11 __ .00" ________ Sep 25-Oct 5 __ 11 ___

1952 _(1)_Sep 3-13 _____ 11 __ .00" ________ Sep 3-13 ______11 ___ hot

1952 _(2)_Sep 19-30 ____ 12 __ .03" (21st) ___ Sep 22-30 _____ 9 ___

1954 __ Sep 1-11 _______11 __ .00" _________Sep 1-11 ______11 ___

1955 __ Aug 31-Sep 9 ___ 10 __ .00" ________ Aug 31-Sep 9 __ 10 ___

1960 __ Aug 23 - Sep 25 _ 34 __ .06" ________ Sep 4-21 ______18 ___ month only .31", warm

1963 __ Aug 31 - Sep 11 _ 12 __ .01" (3rd) ____ Sep 4-11 _______8 ___

1964 __ Sep 9-19 _______11 __ .01" (9th) ____ Sep 10-19 _____10 ___ month only .40"

1966 __ Sep 5-14 _______10 __ .05" ________ Sep 7-13 _______ 7 ___

1967 __ Aug 31-Sep 20 __ 21 __ .03" (31st) ___ Sep 1-20 ______20 ___

1971 __ Sep 21-Oct 3 ____13 __ .00" ________ Sep 21-Oct 3 __ 13 ___ warm 29th-3rd

1973 __ Sep 4-16 _______ 13 __ .00" ________ Sep 4-16 _____ 13 ___ (prev EDS, 0.25" 3rd) 0.27" Aug21-Sep16

1975 __ Sep 1-10 _______ 10 __ .03" ________ Sep 6-10 ______ 5 ___

1978 __ Sep 19-29 ______ 11 __ .06" ________ Sep 22-26 _____ 5 ___

1979 _(1)_Aug 29-Sep 9__ 12 __ .00" ________ Aug 29-Sep 9 __12 ___ (heavy rain H Frederic, then (2) ) ...

1979 _(2)_Sep 15-30 ____ 16 __ .04" ________ Sep 15-27 _____13 ___

1982 __ Sep 3-13 _______ 11 __ .00" ________ Sep 3-13 ______11 ___

1984 __ Sep 15-Oct 6____ 22 __ .18" ________ Sep 16-22______ 7 ___ 26th-1st _ 6 (note b)

1985 __ Sep 10-22 ______ 13 __ .01" (10th)__ Sep 11-22 ____ 12 ___

1991 __ Sep 4-13 _______ 10 __ .00" ________ Sep 4-13 _____10 ___ (.68" 3rd with another EDS before that)

1994 __ Sep 14-24 ______ 11 __ .01" (16th) ___ Sep 17-24 ____ 8 ___

1998 __ Sep 16-25 ______ 10 __ .01" (21st) ___ Sep 16-20 ____ 5 ___

2001 __ Sep 4-18 _______ 15 __ .02" (12th) ___ Sep 4-11 _____ 8 ___

2002 __ Aug 23-Sep 13 __ 22 __ .00" ________ Aug 23-Sep 13 _ 22 ___

2003 __ Aug 27-Sep 13 __ 18 __ .06" (1-2) ____ Sep 3-13 _____ 11 ___

2004 __ Sep 10-Oct 14___ 35 __ .10" ________ Sep 10-Oct 1 __ 22 ___

2007 __ Sep 15-25 ______11 __ .00" ________ Sep 15-25 _____11 ___ 

2008 __ Sep 15-26 ______12 __ .00" ________ Sep 15-26 _____12 ___

2009 __ Aug 30-Sep 20 __ 22 __ .00" ________ Aug 30-Sep 20 _ 22 ___

2011 __ Sep 5-18 _________14 __ .00" ________ Sep 5-18 _____ 14 ___

2014 __ Sep 22-Oct 2 ____ 11 __ .00" ________ Sep 22-Oct 2__ 11 ___

2016 __ Aug 26-Sep 6 ____12 __ .01" (31st) __ Sep 1-6 _______ 6 ___

2017 __ Sep 8 - Oct 3 ____ 26 __ .10" ________ Sep 8-28 ______21 ___ record warmth 22nd-27th

2018 __ Sep 11-23 ______ 13 __ .00" ________ Sep 11-23 _____ 13 ___

2019 __ Sep 16-25 ______ 10 __ .00" ________ Sep 16-25 _____ 10 ___ very warm

2022 __ Aug 31-Sep 11 __12 __ .01" (3rd) ___ Sep 4-11 _______ 8 

2023 __ Sep 13 - Oct 4 __ 22 __ .09" _______ Sep 18-27 _____ 10


(a) Sept 4, 5 of 1840 are shown in sources as "missing" data but maps now available suggest likely no rainfall, however, only Sept 6 to 28 can be absolutely confirmed as an ADS (23 days) rather than the 27 day interval in the table. The month picked up 1.25" on the last day after a total of only .13" on 1st and 29th. 

(b) This 1984 EDS marginal but two qualifying spells on either side of 0.12" rain Sep 25. Merged into one. 



The frequency of dry spells in October is nearly identical to September with 76 in 70 different years.   The first of two EDS listed for 1882 has an ADS shared with September in the tables, but the EDS counts only for October. 

YEAR _ EDS _________ days __ amount _____ ADS  ________ days __ notes

1845 __ Oct 14-30______ 17 __ .07" (19th) ____ Oct 20-30 _____ 11 ___

1846 __ Oct 17-30 ______14 __ .00" _________ Oct 17-30 ______14 ___

1850 __ Oct 21-Nov 1 ___ 12 __ .02" (31st) ____ Oct 21-30 _____ 10 ___

1852 __ Oct 10-20 ______ 11 __ .03" _________ Oct 10-13,17-20_ 4 each __

1853 __ Oct 11-25 ______ 15 __ .03" (21-22) ___Oct 11-20 ______10 ___

1856 __ Oct 1-12 _______12 __ .00" __________Oct 1-12 ______ 12 ___

1857 __ Oct 2-11 _______10 __ .00" __________Oct 2-11 ______ 10 ___

1859 __ Oct 18-Nov 8 ___22 __ .06" __________Oct 25-Nov 8 ___15 ___ assigned to Nov due to ADS 

1866 __ Sep 26-Oct 8 ___13 __ .00" __________Sep 26-Oct 8 ___13 ___ followed 1.91" rain 25th

1867 __ Oct 13-Nov 2 ___21 __ .09" __________ Oct 13-20 ______8 ___

1868 __ Oct 8-20 _______13 __ .05" __________Oct 14-19 ______6 ___ (.17" Sep 30-Oct 20)

1874 __ Oct 11-Nov 4____25 __ .10" __________Oct 11-25 _____ 15 ___

1879 __ Oct 10-27 ______18 __ .03" (23-24) ___ Oct 10-22 _____ 13 ___ 

1882 __ Sep 23-Oct 12 __ 20 __ .02" (9-10) ____ Sep 23-Oct 8 __ 16 ___ ADS split Sep-Oct 

1882 __ Oct 14-27 ______14 __ .07" (17th) ____ Oct 18-27 _____ 10 ___

1889 __ Oct 10-26 ______17 __ .03" __________Oct 11-24 _____ 14 ___

1891 _(1) _Oct 9-18 _____10 __ .04" __________Oct 9-13 _______5 ___

1891 _(2) _Oct 21-30 ___ 10 __ .00" __________ Oct 21-30 _____ 10 ___

1892 __ Oct 8-17 _______10 __ .01" (15th) _____Oct 8-14 _______7 ___

1893 __ Oct 15-25 ______11 __ .02" (24th) _____Oct 15-23 ______9 ___

1900 __ Oct 8-21 _______14 __ .06" __________ Oct 9-15 ______ 7 ___ 

1901 __ Oct 17-31 ______15 __ .06" __________ Oct 18-30 ____ 13 ___

1907 __ Oct 11-26 ______16 __ .00" __________ Oct 11-26 ____ 16 ___

1908 __ Oct 12-23 ______12 __ .00" __________ Oct 12-23 ____ 12 ___

1909 __ Oct 1-10 _______10 __ .00" __________ Oct 1-10 _____ 10 ___

1910 __ Oct 7-20 _______14 __ .00" __________ Oct 7-20 _____ 14 ___

1914 __ Sep 24-Oct 8 ___ 15 __ .03" __________Sep 28-Oct 8___11 ___

1915 __ Oct 14-Nov 3 ___ 21 __ .11" __________Oct 19-28 _____10 ___

1920 __ Oct 12-24 ______13 __ .05" __________Oct 20-24 _____ 5 ___ record warmth 21-22

1922 __ Oct 13-22 ______10 __ .02" (15th) ____ Oct 16-22 _____ 7 ___ Oct 24-Nov 5 only .10"

1923 __ Sep 29-Oct 13 __ 15 __ .02" _________ Oct 4-12 ______ 9 ___ only .20" more to 23rd.

1924 __ Oct 6-Nov 11 ___ 37 __ .07" _________ Oct 19-Nov 10 _ 23 ___

1927 __ Oct 20-Nov 1 ___ 13 __ .03" (21st) ____ Oct 22-Nov 1 __11 ___ only 0.31" Oct 13-Nov 13

1930 __ Sep 27-Oct 6 ___10 __ .05" (2nd) _____Sep 27-Oct 1 ___ 5 ___

1932 __ Oct 13-25 ______13 __ .01" (14th) ____ Oct 15-25 _____11 ___

1934 __ Oct 7-20 _______14 __ .05" (20th) ____ Oct 7-19 ______13 ___

1937 __ Oct 23-Nov 3 ___ 12 __ .06" _________ Oct 26-Nov 1 ___ 7 ___

1938 __ Oct 24 - Nov 7 __15 __ .03" __________Oct 25-Nov 3 __ 10 ___ very mild at end

1940 __ Oct 18-28 _____ 11 __ .04" (19th) ____ Oct 23-28 ______ 6 ___

1943 __ Sep 11-Oct 14 __ 34 __ .14" _________ Sep 24-Oct 12 __19 ___ assigned to Oct due to ADS

1944 _(1) _ Oct 9-22 ____14 __ .05" (9th) _____ Oct 10-22 _____ 13 ___ 0.35" on 23rd then (2) _>>

1944 _(2) _ Oct 24-Nov 2_ 10 __ .00" _________Oct 24-Nov 2 ___10 ___

1946 __ Sep 30-Oct 10___11 __ .00" __________Sep 30-Oct 10__11 ___

1947 __ Sep 22-Oct 27___36 __ .21" __________Sep 30-Oct 12__13 ___ very warm (note a)

1950 __ Oct 13-26 ______14 __ .00" _________ Oct 13-26 _____ 14 ___

1951 __ Oct 8-21 _______14 __ .06" (19th) ____ Oct 8-18 ______ 11 ___

1952 _(1)_Oct 2-13 _____ 12 __ .00" _________ Oct 2-13 ______ 12 ___

1952 _(2)_Oct 16-Nov 1 __17 __ .09" __________Oct 20-28 _____ 9 ___ (see second EDS Nov 1952)

1953 _(1)_Sep 27-Oct 9__ 13 __ .04" (4th) _____ Sep 27-Oct 3 ___ 7 ___

1953 _(2)_Oct 12-26 _____15 __ .02" (24th) ____ Oct 12-23 _____12 ___

1956 __ Oct 7-Nov 11 ____36 __ .16" __________ Oct 7-19 ______13 _ and Oct 27-Nov 5 _ 10d (mild)

1957 __ Sep 24-Oct 16 ___23 __ .07" (16th) ____Sep 24-Oct 15 __22 ___

1961 __ Sep 27-Oct 24___28 __ .12" (13-15) ___ Sep 27-Oct 12 _ 16 ___ month only .53"

1963 __ Sep 30-Oct 30___31 __ .02" (3rd)_____ Oct 4-30 ______ 27 ___ longest ADS in Oct, very warm

1964 __ Oct 11-20 ______10 __ .05" (19th) ____ Oct 11-18 ______8 ___

1966 __ Oct 20-Nov 1____13 __ .01" (1st) _____ Oct 20-31 ____ 12 ___

1969 __ Oct 22-31 ______10 __ .01" (31st) ____ Oct 22-30 ______9 ___ followed 5" snowfall 21st

1971 __ Oct 25-Nov 5____12 __ .02" (25th) ____ Oct 26-Nov 5 __11 ___ warm, fall colours persistent

1972 __ Oct 7-20 _______14 __ .00" _________ Oct 7-20 ______14 ___ cold, traces of snow 17th-18th

1975 __ Oct 20-31 _____ 12 __ .02" (20th) ___Oct 21-31 _____ 11 ___ warm, record warm Nov followed

1977 __ Oct 16-Nov 6 ___22 __ .05" _________Oct 22-Nov 2__ 12 ___ ended with 60 mm rainfall Nov 7

1982 __ Oct 21-30 ______10 __ .00" _________ Oct 21-30 _____ 10 ___

1986 __ Oct 15-26 ______12 __ .04" _________ Oct 17-24 ______8 ___ 

1989 __ Oct 22-30 ______ 9 __ .00" __________Oct 22-30 ______9 ___ 9 days min criterion Oct 21-Feb 1

1992 __ Sep 28-Oct 7___10 __ .02" (28th) ____Sep 29-Oct 7___ 9 ___

1993 __ Oct 21-Nov 3 ___14 __ .05" (30th) ____ Oct 21-29 _____9 ___

1994 _(1) Oct 2-16______ 15 __ .02" (9th) _____ Oct 2-8, 10-16 __ 7 each __

1994 _(2) Oct 20-30 _____11 __ .05" _________ Oct 25-30 ______6 ___

1997 __ Sep 30-Oct 25 __26 __ .16" _________ Oct 10-20 _____ 11 ___

1998 __ Oct 15-Nov 8 ___25 __ .04" (19th) ____ Oct 15-27 _____ 13 __ Oct 29-Nov 7 _ 10d __

1999 __ Oct 14-Nov 1 ___19 __ .17" (19th) ____ Oct 14-21 ______8 __ Oct 23-29 __ 7d ___

2000 __ Oct 8-22 _______15 __ .02" _________ Oct 8-14 _______7 ___

2003 __ Oct 4-13 _______10 __ .01" (4th)_____ Oct 5-13 _______9 ___

2009 __ Oct 10-22 ______13 __ .05" _________ Oct 14-20 ______7 ___

2022 __Sep 28-Oct 11 __14 __ .02" _________ Sep 28-Oct 5 __ 8 ___

2024 __ Oct 9 - 28 _______20 __ .02" ________ Oct 14-28 _____15 ___ (0.1 25, trace eq) 

** (not counted ... see 1989 Oct 22-30 above)

** 2023 __ Oct 11-19 ___ 9 __ .01" (19) ___ Oct 11-18 ____ 8 ___


(a) EDS close to qualified for Sep 30 to Oct 26 (27 d, .15") and extended back to Sep 22 with .06" more, although longer extensions marginal, the entire period was well above normal in temperature and core had only one fall of .12" on Oct 13. That separated 21 and 14 day qualifying intervals. 




For November, December and January, the criteria are relaxed to allow nine day dry spells. Tables will compare the numbers of ten day dry spells for a more consistent comparison. Lack of snowfall (and in one winter, rainfall) data eliminate five years from consideration although from the partial data most of the winters appear wet. The frequency of dry spells in November counting all cases noted here declines slightly to 65 in 62 different years -- the count of ten day spells (EDS) is 55 in 52 years.   

YEAR _ EDS _________ days __ amount _____ ADS  ________ days __ notes

1848 __ Nov 6-23 ______ 18 __ .08" (19th) ____ Nov 17-23 ______ 7 ___

1849 __ Nov 11-23 _____ 13 __ .02" (11th) ____ Nov 12-23 ______12 ___

1850 __ Nov 7-24 ______ 18 __ .00" _________ Nov 7-24 _______18 ___

1851 __ Nov 4-13 ______ 10 __ .00" _________ Nov 4-13 _______ 10 ___

1859 __ Oct 18-Nov 8 ___22 __ .06" _________Oct 25-Nov 8 ___ 15 ___ assigned to Nov due to ADS

1865 __ Nov 7-20 ______ 14 __ .00" _________ Nov 7-20 _______14 ___

1866 __ Oct 30-Nov 9___ 11 __ .00" __________Oct 30-Nov 9 ___11 ___

1867 __ Nov 4-23 ______ 20 __ .10" _________ --no abs dry int > 3d _____

1870 __ Nov 23-Dec 4 ___12 __ .00" _________ Nov 23-Dec 4__ 12 ___ followed by max Dec rain 5th

1872 __ Nov 15-29______15 __ .06" __________Nov 15-18 _____4 ___

1874 __ Nov 6-14 _______ 9 __ .08" (19th) ____ Nov 6-14 ______ 9 ___

1875 __ Nov 17-25 ______ 9 __ .01" (18th) ____ Nov 19-25 _____ 7 ___

1876 __ Nov 7-18 ______ 12 __ .03" _________ Nov 10-17 _____ 8 ___

1881 __ Nov 20-30 _____ 11 __ .04" __________Nov 20-24 _____ 5 ___

1884 __ Nov 5-22 ______ 18 __ .04" _________ Nov 6-15 ______ 10 ___

1887 __ Oct 30-Nov 8___ 10 __ .00" _________ Oct 30-Nov 8____10 ___

1889 __ Nov 3-11 _______ 9 __ .02" (9th) _____ Nov 3-8 ________ 6 ___

1891 __ Oct 30-Nov 9___ 11 __ .03" _________ Oct 30-Nov 3 ____ 5 ___

1892 __ Nov 19-27 ______9 __ .03" _________ Nov 20-23 _______4 ___

1893 __ Nov 4-12 _______9 __ .00" _________ Nov 4-12 ________9 ___

1894 __ Nov 15-Dec 6___22 __ .11" (19th) ____ Nov 20-23 ______ 4 ___

1904 __ Oct 23-Dec 6 __ 45 __ .22" __________Nov 5-18 _______14 ___ Nov only 0.11"

1905 __ Nov 18-27 ____ 10 __ .05" (24th) _____Nov 18-23 _______6 ___ Nov 9-27 0.21"

1906 __ Oct 31-Nov 10 _ 11 __ .06" (9th) ______Oct 31-Nov 8 ____ 9 ___

1912 __ Nov 14-23 ____ 10 __ .01" (14th) _____Nov 15-23 _______9 ___

1913 __ Nov 23-Dec 6 __14 __ .03" __________Nov 25-29 _______5 ___

1917 __ Oct 30-Nov 18 _ 20 __ .09" __________Nov 4-14 _______11 ___

1923 __ Nov 8-17 _____ 10 __ .01" (16th) _____ Nov 8-15 _______ 8 ___

1930 __ Nov 3-25 _____ 23 __ .08" __________ Nov 3-11 ________9 ___

1932 __ Nov 24-Dec 5 __12 __ .04" __________ Nov 28-Dec 3 ____6 ___

1936 __ Nov 3-13 _____ 11 __ .00" ___________Nov 3-13 _______11 ___

1937 __ Nov 16-26 ____ 11 __ .05" __________ Nov 17-24 ______ 8 ___

1939 __ Nov 8-30 _____ 23 __ .11" (8-10th) ____Nov 11-30 _____ 20 ___ longest ADS in Nov

1941 __ Nov 7-18 _____ 12 __ .05" __________ Nov 15-18 ______ 4 ___ mild

1949 __ Oct 23-Nov 9 __18 __ .05" (30th) _____ Oct 31-Nov 9 ___ 10 ___

1952 __ Nov 3-16 _____ 14 __ .01" (5th)______ Nov 6-16 _______11 ___ mild

1953 _(1)_Oct 29-Nov 6 _ 9 __ .00" __________Oct 29-Nov 6 ____ 9 ___ 6.6" snow 7th, then (2) ...

1953 _(2)_Nov 8-19 ____12 __ .03" (11th) _____ Nov 12-19 ______ 8 ___ very mild

1954 __ Nov 4-18 _____ 15 __ .06" ___________Nov 5-16 _______12 ___

1958 __ Oct 26-Nov 8 __14 __ .03" ___________Oct 27-Nov 7 ____12 ___

1961 __ Nov 25-Dec 3 __ 9 __ .02" (27-28th) ___ Nov 29-Dec 3 ____5 ___

1962 _(1) Oct 31-Nov 9 _10 __ .04" (9th) ______ Oct 31-Nov 8 _____9 ___ heavy rain 10th

1962 _(2) Nov 11-20____10 __ .01" (17th) _____ Nov 11-16 _______6 ___

1962 _(3) Nov 25-Dec 5_ 11 __ .00" ___________Nov 25-Dec 5 ___11 ___ severe fog, ended with hvy rain

1964 __ Nov 6-14 ______ 9 __ .05" ___________ Nov 6-11 _______ 6 ___ only .24" Oct 30-Nov 18

1968 __ Oct 27-Nov 5 __10 __ .01" (29th) ______ Oct 30-Nov 5 ____7 ___ 

1969 __ Nov 21-29 _____ 9 __ .04" ___________ Nov 21-24 ______ 4 ___

1973 __ Nov 3-13 ______ 11 __ .00" __________ Nov 3-13 _______11 ___

1975 __ Nov 11-25______15 __ .00" __________ Nov 11-25 ______15 ___ followed "Ed Fitz" storm

1976 __ Nov 4-18 ______ 15 __ .02" (9th) ______Nov 10-18 ______ 9 ___ very cold, only .24" Oct 26-Nov 24

1978 __ Oct 27-Nov 12 __17 __ .07" (6th) ____ Oct 27-Nov 5 ___10 ___

1984 __ Nov 16-27 _____12 __ .00" __________ Nov 16-27 ______12 ___ 

1991 __ Nov 2-11 ______ 10 __ .02" _________ - no abs dry int > 3d ___ followed severe wind Nov 1st (.09")

1994 __ Nov 9-17 _______ 9 __ .00" _________ Nov 9-17 ________ 9 ___

1997 __ Nov 2-12 ______ 11 __ .05" __________Nov 4-11 ________ 8 ___

1999 __ Nov 4-18 ______ 15 __ .16" (10th) ___ Nov 11-18 _______ 8 ___ not counted, record warmth 9th

2000 __ Oct 28-Nov 8___ 12 __ .00" ________ Oct 28-Nov 8____ 12 ___ only .26" Oct 8-Nov 8

2001 __ Nov 9-18 ______ 10 __ .00" _________ Nov 17-23 _______ 10 ___ .19" Nov 3-23

2004 __ Nov 5-23 ______ 19 __ .09" _________ Nov 5-17 ________ 13 ___

2006 __ Nov 17-28 _____ 12 __ .00" _________ Nov 18-29 _______ 12 ____ 

2009 __ Nov 6-18 ______ 13 __ .00" _________ Nov 6-18 _________13 ___

2010 __ Nov 6-15 ______ 10 __ .03" (14th) ____ Nov 6-13 ________ 8 ___

2016 __ Nov 4-18 ______ 15 __ .03" (8th) _____ Nov 9-18 _________10 ___

2020 __ Nov 2-14 ______ 13 __ .02" (11th) ___ Nov 2-10 __________ 9 ___ very warm

2021 __ Oct 31-Nov 8 ___ 9 ___ Tr ___________ Oct 31-Nov 8 _____ 9

2022 __ Nov 17-26 _____ 10 ___ .05" _________ Nov 21-24 ________ 4 __ cold, followed snow 16th

2023 __ Nov 10-20 _____11 __.02" (17th) _____Nov 11-16 _________ 6 ___



For November, December and January, the criteria are relaxed to allow nine day dry spells. Tables will compare the numbers of ten day dry spells for a more consistent comparison. Lack of snowfall (and in one winter, rainfall) data eliminate five years from consideration although from the partial data most of the winters appear wet. The frequency of dry spells in December counting all cases noted here declines considerably to 42 in 38 different years -- the count of ten day spells is 34 .   

YEAR _ EDS _________ days __ amount _____ ADS  ________ days __ notes

1847 __ Dec 16-30 _____ 15 __ .07" _________ Dec 16-19 ______ 4 ___

1848 __ Dec 11-20 _____ 10 __ .03" (11th) ____ Dec 12-20 ______ 9 ___

1853 __ Dec 6-15 ______ 10 __ .02" (6th) _____ Dec 7-15 _______ 9 ___

1861 __ Dec 11-21______11 __ .01" (20th) ____ Dec 11-19 _______9 ___

1862 _ Dec 27-Jan 5 (63)_10 __ .05" (4-5th) ___ Dec 27-Jan 3 (63)_ 8 ___

1864 _ Dec 22-Jan 7 (65)_17 __ .09" _________ Dec 31-Jan 3 (65)_ 4 ___

1878 _ Dec 23-Jan 1 (79)_10 __ .04" _________ Dec 23-26 _______4 ___

1880 __ Dec 15-25 ______11 __ .05" (24-25th) _ Dec 15-23 _______9 ___ (see Jan 1881 also)

1882 _ Dec 24-Jan 3 (83) _11 __ .05" ________ Dec 27-30 _______ 4 ___

1894 __ Dec 13-23______ 11 __ .02" ________ Dec 17-20 _______ 4 ___

1896 __ Dec 23-31_______9 __ .01" (27th) ___ Dec 23-26,27-31 __ 4 each __

1898 __ Dec 6-18 ______ 13 __ .06" _________Dec 12-18 _______ 7 ___

1899 __ Dec 1-10 ______ 10 __ .02" (1st) _____Dec 2-10 ________ 9 ___

1913 _(1)_ Dec 8-22 ____ 15 __ .03" _________ Dec 17-22 ______ 6 ___

1913 _(2)_Dec 24-Jan 2 ('14)_10_____________ Dec 24- Jan 2 ____ 10 ___

1919 __ Dec 11-22 _____ 12 __ .05" _________Dec 19-22 _______ 4 ___

1925 _ Dec 26-Jan 8(26) _14 __ .05" (4-6th) ___Dec 26-Jan 3 _____9 ___

1928 _(1)_Dec 7-16 ____ 10 __ .03" (16th) ____Dec 7-15 ________ 9 ___

1928 _(2)_Dec 20-31 ___ 12 __ .05" _________Dec 21-29 _______ 9 ___

1941 __ Dec 14-22 ______9 __ .02" (19th) ____Dec 14-18 ________5 ___

1943 __ Dec 7-25 ______ 19 __ .11" _________Dec 22-25 _______ 4 ___

1948 __ Dec 6-14 _______ 9 __ .04" (12th) ___ Dec 6-11 _________6 ___

1950 _ Dec 12-Jan 1(51)_ 21 __ .08" ________ Dec 22-Jan 1(51) __11 ___ .14" 8th-1st (25d)

1952 __ Dec 21-29 ______ 9 __ .05" ________ - no abs dry int > 3d __ .25" Dec 11-Jan 3 (53)

1959 __ Dec 13-24 _____ 12 __ .00" ________ Dec 13-24 ________12 ___

1966 __ Dec 11-19 ______ 9 __ .00" ________ Dec 11-19 _________9 ___

1969 __ Dec 19-30 _____ 12 __ .07" (6th) ____ Dec 20-23 ________ 4 ___

1981 __ Dec 11-20 _____ 10 __ .00" _________Dec 11-20 ________11 ___

1988 __ Nov 21-Dec 11__ 21 __ .07" (26th) ___ Nov 27-Dec 8 _____12 ___

1992 __ Dec 12-28 _____ 17 __ .09" ________ -- no abs dry int >3 d ______

1993 __ Dec 11-19 ______ 9 __ .01" (17th) ____Dec 11-16 ________ 6 ___

1994 __ Dec 17-30 _____ 14 __ .00" _________Dec 17-30 _______ 14 ___ longest ADS in December

1997 __ Dec 13-21 ______ 9 __ .00" _________Dec 13-21 ________ 9 ___ .23" Dec 4-21 

1998 __ Dec 7-15 _______ 9 __ .00" __________Dec 7-15 _________ 9 ___

1999 _ Dec 21-Jan 1 (00)_12 __ .02" _________Dec 21-25 ________5 ___

2001 _(1) Dec 1-11 _____ 11 __ .07" _________Dec 6-11 _________  6 ___

2001 _(2) Dec 24-Jan 4__ 12 __ .02" _________Dec 27-Jan 4 (02)__ 9 ___

2002 __ Dec 1-10 ______ 10 __ .02" _________ Dec 2-7 __________ 6 ___

2006 __ Dec 12-21 _____ 10 __ .05" _________Dec 14-21 ________ 8 ___

2009 __ Dec 15-24 _____ 10 __ .00" _________Dec 15-24 _______ 10 ___

2010 __ Dec 16-30 _____ 15 __ .04" ________Dec 21-30 (Tor A) _10 ___ ADS to 31st at Tor B (rain early Jan 1)

2015 __ Dec 2-13 ______ 12 __ .01" (12th) ____Dec 2-11 _______ 10 ___


(Summary of dry spells to follow in next post)

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Summary of Dry Spells 1840 to 2024


In this table, only EDS or ADS of 10 or more days are counted. The longest EDS in any month must have at least one-third of its days in the named month to count. The first table below counts only dry spells of 10 or more days. From late October through the winter season to early March, the tables on previous page include some additional 9 day spells to provide a larger sample to assess changes over time in those months. These additional spells are tabulated only for ADS (zero precip) over nine days in the third table below.

The number of ADS includes only those spells with the majority of days in that month, where equal, the EDS designation determines the ADS determination. Note that in a few cases, an EDS can have two ADS periods in two different months. The three measures of longest ADS are

(a) _ any dry spell with any days in the month 

(b) _ any dry spell with at least one third of its days in the month

(c) _ any dry spell (or portion) with all days in the month

Sometimes as with January, these are all equal although may involve different cases (January sees a tie between a case that is (b) with another that is (c)). 

Month __ EDS __ longest* __ ADS >10d _ longest (a) __ (b) __ (c) ___ 

Jan ____ 37 ____ 32 ________ 10 ___________ 12 ___ 12 ___ 12

Feb ____ 49 ____ 32 ________ 16 ___________ 13 ___ 13 ___ 13

Mar ____57 ____ 29 ________ 29 ___________ 23 ___ 23 ___ 20

Apr ____ 67 ____ 45 ________43 ____________23 ___ 22 ___ 22

May ____92 ____ 28 ________58 ____________ 19 ___ 19 ___ 18

Jun ____ 82 ____ 44 ________46 ____________24 ___ 22 ___ 19

Jul _____84.5 ___35 ________ 53.5 _________ 34 ___ 24 ___ 20

Aug ___107.5 ___ 47 ________ 63.5 _________ 34 ___ 34 ___ 31

Sep ____75 ____ 39 ________ 49.5__________ 27 ___ 27 ___ 27

Oct ____ 76 ____ 37 ________ 49.5__________ 27 ___27 ___ 27

Nov ____55 ____ 46 ________ 28 ____________20 ___20 ___ 20

Dec ____34 ____ 21 _________ 9 ____________ 14 ___ 14 ___ 14

Totals _ 816 ___ 47 d ______453____________34 ___34 ___ 31


Longest Absolute Dry Spells 

 1. July 29 to Aug 31, 1876_____ 34 d

t2. Oct 4 to 30 1963 ___________27

t2. Sept. 2 to 28 1840 _________ 27**

 4. Sept. 2-27 1908 ____________ 26

t5. June 28 to July 21 1936 _____ 24

t5. Aug 17 to Sept 9 1969 ______ 24

t7. Oct 19 to Nov 10 1924 ______23

t7. March 14 to April 5 1962 ___ 23

t9. Sept 24 to Oct 15 1957 _____ 22

t9. June 22 to July 13 1963 _____ 22

t9. Aug 23 to Sept 13 2002 _____22

t9. Sept 10 to Oct 1 2004 ______ 22

t9. Aug 30 to Sept 20 2009 _____22

t9. Apr 9 to 30 2010 ___________ 22

t15. June 28 to July 18 1989 ____21

t15. Sept 8 to 28 2017 _________ 21

t17. Aug 12 to 31 1899 _________20

t17. Nov 11 to 30 1939 _________20

t17. Sept 1 to 20 1967 _________ 20

t17. March 4 to 23 1987 _______ 20

t21. Apr 27 to May 15 1874 ____19

t21. Sept 24 to Oct 12 1943 ____19

t21. July 1 to 19 1954 __________ 19

t21. June 8 to 26 1995 _________ 19

t25. Nov 7 to 24 1850 __________18

t25. Sept 15 to Oct 2 1885 _____ 18

t25. June 26 to July 13 1886 ____18

t25. May 23 to June 9 1934 ____ 18

t25. July 28 to Aug 14 1947 ____ 18

t25. Sept 4 to 21 1960 _________ 18

t25. May 12 to 29 2015 ________ 18


** although two days "missing data" 4th-5th, maps indicate high pressure and even without these days, the dry spell only drops a few places in this table. 


A more comprehensive study of these dry spells will follow. Here's a preliminary look at how the above (31 in total) long dry spells break down by decades:

1840-49 ____ 1 _______ 1930-39 ___ 3

1850-59 ____ 1 _______ 1940-49 ___ 2

1860-69 ____ 0 _______ 1950-59 ___ 2

1870-79 ____ 2 _______ 1960-69 ___ 6

1880-89 ____ 2 _______ 1970-79 ___ 0

1890-99 ____ 1 _______ 1980-89 ___ 2

1900-09 ____ 1 _______ 1990-99 ___ 1

1910-19 ____ 0 _______ 2000-09 ___ 3

1920-29 ____ 1 _______ 2010-19 ___ 3

(shows an irregular cyclical pattern with a slight increasing trend over time)

This is the count for all qualifying ADS intervals of 10 days or longer. Asterisks add one (or more) nine-day intervals in the three months that were scanned for them due to the low number of ADS of 10 days or more (Oct 21-31, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb 1-10). The average number for 18 decades would be 23**... 1840-49 has a missing factor that makes 20 its expected outcome with 25 for all other decades (total 445 similar to actual count of 452, 440 within full decades to 2020) and there are 38 extra 9-day ADS intervals in the winter (so the expected harvest per decade is close to two). These actual outcomes are analyzed below the table:

Number of ADS >10 days per decade 

1840-49 ____21**______1930-39 ___25*

1850-59 ____22** _____ 1940-49 ___25*

1860-69 ____17* ______ 1950-59 ___34**

1870-79 ____27**______1960-69 ___25*****

1880-89 ____24***_____1970-79 ___34**

1890-99 ____18** _____ 1980-89 ___22*

1900-09 ____25**_____ 1990-99 ___24****

1910-19 ____21****____ 2000-09 ___34*

1920-29 ____ 17****____ 2010-19 ___26

_________________________ 2020-24 __ 13 (so far) in 49% of decade


Analysis: The frequency of these dry spells has increased from the cooler climate of the 19th century to the warmer 20th century, in step with the correlation between warmth and drought. Also not evident in these raw data, the emphasis has shifted from frequent spring dry spells in the coldest portion of the 19th century, to summer and autumn dry spells becoming considerably more dominant in the last third (since around the 1950s). 

At the same time, it should be noted that it would only take a slight shift in observing tendencies (for example, in one decade an observer who would note traces rather than .01" in marginal situations) and the frequencies could shift to a more (or less) equitable regime. The tendencies for the EDS count (in house on the excel file) shows roughly the same outcome and identifies at least one EDS in every year except 1843 which was the wettest year. The decade by decade count looks fairly similar (at a 1.8 : 1 ratio) to the ADS count. 

The tendency in the past thirty years has definitely been towards a highly variable autumn precipitation regime, some years dry and others very wet. The overall frequency of November dry spells has increased the most relative to expectations. This indicates a correlation with the upward temperature trend which is especially notable in mid to late November (an extension of the typical autumn weather pattern which quite often runs to spells of 8-10 days of dry or wet weather). Spring drought has decreased about as much as autumn drought has increased. The long-term trends for summer are quite flat and do not show much variation.

This is the count of dry spells per decade (once again, * indicates 9-day ADS in winter "relaxed criteria" period).

The anomalous dry spells are identified in red highlights. 


Month_1840s_50s_60s_70s_80s_90s_00s_10s_20s_30s_40s_50s_60s_70s_80s_90s_00s_10s_20s_ TOTAL

JAN ____ 1 __ 0 __ 0 __ 1 __ 0* _ 0 __ 0*__ 1*__ 0*__0 __1 __ 0 __2 __0 __ 0 __1 __ 2 __1 __0 ___10 ****

FEB ____ 0*__ 2*__ 0 __ 2*__ 0 _ 1 __ 1 __ 0*__ 1 __ 2 __ 0*__ 0 __1*__1*__1 __3 __ 0 __0__ 1 ___16 *** *** *

MAR____ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 0 __ 2* __ 1 __ 1 __ 3*__ 2 __0 __ 1 __ 1 __ 3*__2 __ 1 __3 __3 __2__ 1 ___ 29 ***

APR____ 0 __ 0 __ 2 __ 4 __ 5 __ 4 __ 3 __ 2 __ 2 __2 __ 4 __ 1 __ 0 __ 5 __ 1 __ 2 __3 __2 __1 ___ 43

MAY____ 3 __ 4 __ 1 __ 6 __ 3 __ 2 __ 0 __ 3 __ 3 __4 __ 1 __ 7 __ 1 ____ 3 __ 2 __ 3 __3 __4 ___ 58

JUN____ 5 __ 1 __ 3 __ 1 __ 0 __ 3 __ 5 __ 2 __ 0 __ 2 __2 __ 2 __ 5 __5 __ 2 __ 3 __ 3 __1 __ 1 ___ 46

JUL ____ 3 __ 1 __ 3 __ 2 __ 3 __ 0 __ 2 __ 1 __ 2 __4 __4 __ 4 __3.5 _2__ 6 __ 2 __ 4 __6 __ 1? __ 53.5

AUG____ 2 __ 5 __ 2 __ 6 __ 5 __ 3 __ 7 __ 1 __ 3 __ 3 __3 __ 3__2.5_ 3 __2 __ 3 __ 4 __4 __ 2 __ 63.5

SEP ____ 3 __ 0 __ 2 __ 2 __1.5__ 3 __ 1 __ 3 __ 2 __ 3 __3 __ 5 __3 __4 __ 2 __ 1 __ 6 __4 __ 1 __ 49.5

OCT ____ 2 __ 5 __ 1 __ 2 __2.5__ 1 __ 4 __ 3 __ 2 __3 __ 5 __6*__3*__4 __ 1*__3*__0 __ 0__ 1 __48.5****

NOV ____1 __ 3 __ 2 __ 1*__ 2 __ 0*__1*__ 1*__0 __2*__1__3*__1*__3* __1 __0*__5__1__0**__28*** *** *** **

DEC ____0*__ 0* __0*__ 0 __ 0*__0*__0 __1 __ 0***_0 __0 __2 __0*__0 __2 __1**_1*_ 2__0 __ 9 *** *** *** ***

YEAR __ 21 _ 22 __17 __27 _24__18__25__21__17__25__25__34__25_ 34_ 22__24_ 34_26_13 _ 454 (40*)

( *** ) ___ 2 ___2___1___2___3 ___2___2___ 4___4___1___ 1___ 2___5__ 2__ 1___ 4 __ 1__ 0__ 2 _________ ^^


The ? dry spell for July 2020 requires checking, most regional data showed a prolonged dry spell but the station used had frequent light amounts that had shown up in other months, possibly indicating malfunction due to sprinklers in vicinity of rain gauge. 



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Monthly temperatures adjusted for Urban Heat Island growth after 1881

As already discussed, Toronto has grown from being a small town with the weather station near the rural boundary, to a large metropolis with the rural boundary now located 30 kms northwest, north and northeast of the weather station, which is in a relatively small mid-city parkland setting close to the northern edge of the complex central business district. From the literature and comparison with available long-term data from rural Ontario locations, the magnitude of the urban heat island for this site is estimated at 1.1 C deg (or 2.0 F deg), and almost all of that was achieved as far back as 1980. Once a city grows past a population of about 3-4 million, additional heating conditions near the centre do not change very much if at all, the further increases take place at intermediate distances from the boundary, and it is also possible that recent moves of the instruments would have counteracted any further urban effects. The greatest rate of growth in the heat island was likely to have occurred from about 1910 to 1950 as Toronto grew from a mid-sized city (at an early stage of industrial and transportation based temperature stressors) to a fairly large city of over one million people with a lot of industry and automobile traffic. The decision is to start modifying the raw temperatures in the 1880s by 0.1 C and to further modify each decade by 0.1 additional to the year 1981 when the total of 1.1 would be achieved. From 1981 to 2020 all values have been reduced by 1.1. This amount is considered conservative and may not totally balance the early stages of the temperature record. There is also a related question of how effective lake breeze cooling might be today as compared to the early almost rural setting when the small town would have had no tall buildings acting as a partial deflection shield for the shallow and easily relocated lake breeze (which in modern times seems to favour inland excursions through less hostile territory west or east of the city). Although there is probably some seasonal variation in the magnitude of the heat island, until any supportable concept emerges for modifying these initial changes, we will go with this basic modification. I also considered making variable adjustments based on rainfall since a wet month is likely to be a cloudy month and therefore less affected. The problem with that would be uncertainty about what percentage of the time the rain took to fall, and the observation that wet months sometimes have one or two cold spells which would counteract the reduced UHI. In general terms, this set of changes should allow us to re-rank the months in a way that will better reflect the actual change in climate regionally, since apart from the urban heat island effect, other locations show very similar trends from year to year. 

So here's the same table of temperatures as earlier presented adjusted by the stated amounts. The annual values to second decimal also follow the same procedure ... rounding may not always follow.


1840    -7.0    --3.0    +1.2    6.7   12.4   15.8     19.5    19.0     13.0     7.4    2.1     -4.9    6.9    6.85
1841    -4.5    -5.5    -2.3    4.3   11.0   19.4    19.2    18.7    16.1    5.7    1.3    -2.0    6.8    6.78
1842    -2.9    -2.2   +2.7    7.0   10.2   14.5    18.6    19.5    13.8    7.8    1.0    -3.8    7.2    7.18
1843    -2.2    -8.6    -5.8    5.1   10.8   14.8    19.0    19.4    16.4    6.4    0.7    -0.7    6.3    6.28
1844    -6.5    -3.6   +0.2    9.3   13.2   16.1    19.5    18.4    15.4    6.6    1.9    -2.1    7.3    7.34
1845    -3.2    -3.5   +1.6    5.8   10.3   15.9    19.2    19.4    12.8    7.5    2.6    -6.3    6.8    6.84
1846    -3.8    -7.5    -0.3    6.5   13.2   17.3    20.4    19.9    17.3    7.2    5.1    -2.8    7.7    7.71
1847    -5.4    -5.7    -3.3    3.3   11.5   14.5    19.9    17.8    13.0    6.9    3.5    -2.0    6.2    6.17
1848    -2.7    -2.9    -2.2    4.9   12.1   16.4    18.0    19.6    12.2    7.6    0.9    -1.5    6.9    6.87
1849    -7.4    -7.6   +0.4    3.3    8.9    16.7    19.3    18.2    14.2    7.7    5.6    -3.6    6.3    6.31
1850    -1.9    -4.0    -1.7    3.3    9.8    17.3    20.8    19.0    12.8    6.5    2.9    -5.6    6.6   6.60
1851    -4.5    -2.6   +0.4    5.0   10.7   15.1    18.4    17.3    14.9    8.6    -0.1   -6.3    6.4    6.41
1852    -8.0    -5.3    -3.5    3.1   10.6   15.8    18.8    18.2    13.4    8.8    1.6    -0.2    6.1    6.11
1853    -5.6    -5.3    -1.5    4.9     9.8   17.9    18.5    19.9    14.8    6.2    3.1    -4.3    6.5    6.53
1854    -5.9    -7.0    -1.3    4.1   10.0   16.8    22.0    20.0    16.1  10.1    1.8    -5.6    6.8    6.78
1855    -3.9   -10.0   -2.2    5.9   11.9   15.5    20.2    18.0    15.2    6.5    2.9    -3.4    6.4    6.38
1856    -9.8   -10.2   -5.7    5.6   10.1   16.7    21.0    17.5    13.5    7.0    2.2    -5.5    5.2   5.20
1857   -12.1   -2.2    -3.1    1.9     9.4   14.1    20.1    18.2    14.4    7.1    0.7    -1.1    5.6    5.62
1858    -1.4    -8.1    -1.4    5.2     9.3   18.5    19.9    19.7    15.2    9.9    1.1    -2.6    7.1    7.11
1859    -4.1    -3.5   +2.4    4.4   12.9   14.7    19.5    19.6    13.4    6.6    3.6    -7.2    6.9    6.86
1860    -4.6    -5.3   +1.5    4.3   13.3   17.8    18.1    18.4    13.0    8.7    3.6    -4.5    7.0    7.03
1861    -6.9    -3.6    -2.8    5.9     8.9   16.1    18.6    19.1    15.1    9.2    3.0    -0.8    6.8    6.82
1862    -5.9    -5.7    -1.7    4.4   11.0   15.6    19.6    19.6    15.8    9.0    2.0    -1.7    6.8    6.83
1863    -2.1    -5.2    -3.3    5.4   12.7   16.0    19.6    19.4    13.2    8.2    4.0    -2.6    7.1    7.11
1864    -4.8    -3.8    -1.7    5.1   12.5   17.2    21.1    20.8    13.6    7.8    2.9    -3.4   7.3    7.28
1865    -8.1    -5.5   +0.2    6.0   11.4   18.6    18.3    18.5    18.7    7.4    3.9    -1.7   7.3    7.31
1866    -7.0    -5.5    -2.6    7.0    9.3    15.8    21.2    16.2    13.6   10.4   3.7   -3.5    6.6    6.55
1867    -8.1    -2.2    -2.5    4.9    8.5    18.2    20.1    20.5    15.1   10.4   3.9   -5.3   7.0    6.95
1868    -7.8    -8.1    -0.3    3.4   11.2   16.4    24.4    19.8    14.0    6.2    2.6   -4.9   6.4    6.41
1869    -2.1    -4.5    -4.7    4.6   10.4   14.8    18.6    17.7    16.5    6.1    0.3   -1.6   6.3    6.34
1870    -3.9    -5.9    -2.9    7.3   13.9   19.4    20.5    19.5    16.5   10.5   2.9   -3.2   7.9    7.88
1871    -6.2    -4.9   +1.6    6.8   12.0   16.6    18.9    19.9    13.2    9.7   -0.4   -5.4   6.8    6.82
1872    -6.2    -6.2    -6.1    4.8   11.0   17.1    21.2    21.0    15.4    7.6    0.8   -8.2   6.0    6.02
1873    -8.3    -7.5    -3.3    4.2   11.0   17.3    20.0    19.1    13.7    7.6   -2.4  -2.0    5.8    5.78
1874    -4.3    -5.6    -1.4    0.8   11.5   17.1    19.5    19.3    17.4    8.5    1.7   -3.9    6.7    6.72
1875    -9.2   -12.6   -4.9    2.5   10.9   16.1    19.2    18.7    13.3    6.4    -0.1  -2.9   4.8    4.78
1876    -1.3    -5.0    -3.3    3.6   10.7   18.6    20.3    21.2    14.3    5.9    2.9   -8.3   6.6    6.63
1877    -8.8    -2.0    -3.6    6.5   12.0   16.7    21.1    20.9    16.6    9.9    3.0    1.2    7.8    7.79
1878    -4.5    -3.0    +3.2   9.7   11.5   17.0    22.4    20.5    16.4    9.6    2.4   -4.2   8.4    8.42
1879    -7.1    -8.1    -1.8    4.2   12.0   16.6    20.5    18.5    13.2   12.7   2.0   -3.3   6.6    6.62
1880    +0.4   -2.6    -1.6    5.3   14.7   18.7    19.8    19.3    15.8    7.3   -1.2   -6.1   7.5    7.48
1881    -9.1    -7.2    -1.2    4.2   14.5   15.2    21.4    21.1    20.1    9.8    2.7   0.9    7.7    7.70
1882    -5.2    -1.1    -0.3    4.5    9.4    16.2    19.3    19.7    16.3   10.8   1.9   -3.8   7.3    7.31
1883    -8.3    -7.1    -6.0    3.4    9.5    16.5    18.4    17.5    12.5    7.1    2.7   -3.7   5.2    5.22
1884    -9.4    -5.0    -2.4    4.9   10.5   18.1    17.7    18.4    16.4    9.0    1.0   -3.9   6.3    6.28
1885    -8.3   -12.0   -8.3    2.8   10.9   15.5    19.8    17.2    13.7    7.5    3.4   -2.7   5.0    4.96
1886    -7.5    -7.8    -1.3    7.1   11.6   16.1    18.9    18.6    14.8    9.0    1.9   -6.3   6.3    6.26
1887    -8.1    -6.0    -4.2    4.1   14.5   17.4    22.8    18.9    13.5    6.5    1.5   -2.4   6.5    6.54
1888    -9.7    -6.1    -5.5    3.9   10.5   18.0    18.9    19.0    13.6    6.2    3.0   -1.6   5.9    5.85
1889    -2.6    -8.4   +0.4    6.2   12.1   15.7    20.5    18.6    15.6    5.9    3.6   1.1    7.4    7.39
1890    -1.5    -2.5    -2.4    5.6   10.0   18.6    19.7    18.0    14.1    9.1    2.7   -5.4   7.2    7.17
1891    -5.1    -2.6    -2.1    6.2   10.6   17.8    17.7    18.7    17.1    8.5    2.4    0.6    7.5    7.48
1892    -7.2    -4.6    -2.5    5.1   10.7   18.4    19.9    19.6    15.5    8.5    1.5   -3.8   6.8    6.76
1893   -10.2   -7.8    -1.9    4.2   10.9   19.1    20.0    19.1    13.9    9.0    2.7   -4.9    6.2    6.18
1894    -2.3    -6.7   +1.9    6.7   11.1   19.1    20.4    18.4    16.9   10.0    1.0   -0.6    8.0    7.99
1895    -6.3    -8.9    -4.6    6.1   12.8   19.7    18.9    18.6    15.8    5.9    2.6   -1.5    6.6    6.59
1896    -6.0    -5.7    -5.1    7.8   15.5   17.9    20.6    19.6    13.9    7.0    4.1   -2.6    7.3    7.25
1897    -5.3    -4.3    -0.4    6.1   11.4   16.2    22.3    18.4    16.1   10.4    3.5   -2.4    7.7    7.67
1898    -4.0    -4.4   +2.6    6.3   13.1   18.6    21.5    21.2    17.6   10.1    1.8   -3.3    8.4    8.43
1899    -5.2    -7.3    -2.3    6.9   12.8   18.4    20.3    20.9    13.8   10.3    4.5  -2.0  7.6    7.59
1900    -3.6    -6.9    -5.0    7.3   12.7   18.2    20.4    22.3    17.7   13.2    3.5   -1.9    8.2    8.16
1901    -5.0    -8.8    -1.5    7.7   12.2   18.2    22.6    20.4    16.3    9.1    1.1    -3.3    7.4    7.42
1902    -5.1    -6.3   +2.8    6.4   11.6   15.3    20.2    18.3    15.4    9.0    5.8    -4.5   7.4    7.41
1903    -5.3    -3.8   +4.0    6.3   13.0   16.3    20.4    17.4    15.9   10.2   1.4    -5.4   7.5    7.53
1904    -9.2   -10.7   -2.2    3.7   12.9   17.0    19.4    18.0    14.5    7.5    1.9    -5.7    5.6    5.59
1905    -8.1    -8.9    -1.1    5.4   11.2   17.3    20.7    19.4    16.5    9.1    2.4    -0.7    6.9    6.93
1906    -0.9    -5.7    -3.1    6.8   12.1   18.4    20.9    21.8    18.0    9.3    2.7    -5.2   7.9    7.92
1907    -5.8    -7.8   +0.7    3.3    8.7    17.4    20.4    18.2    16.2    6.9    2.5    -1.7    6.6    6.58
1908    -4.6    -7.4    -0.6    5.2   13.2   18.7    21.3    19.1    17.4   10.5   4.0    -1.9    7.9    7.91
1909    -3.5    -3.3    -1.4    4.7   11.8   18.3    19.6    20.4    15.4    7.6    4.5    -3.6   7.5    7.54
1910    -4.0    -6.4   +3.5    8.0   11.2   17.9    21.5    19.5    15.3   10.0    1.6   -6.3    7.7    7.72
1911    -3.8    -4.0    -1.5    5.9   15.9   18.3    21.6    20.4    15.5    9.4     1.8    0.7    8.4    8.35
1912   -10.5   -7.7    -3.9    5.1   12.6   16.4    20.6    17.4    16.7   10.0    4.3    0.0    6.8    6.75
1913    -0.7    -6.9   +0.4    7.5   12.0   17.8    20.9    20.0    14.9   10.5    5.3    0.4    8.5    8.51
1914    -4.0    -9.5    -1.2    4.9   14.4   17.6    21.0    19.7    15.8   11.2    3.0   -3.9    7.4    7.42
1915    -5.1    -3.7    -1.5    9.6   10.8   16.5    19.9    18.7    17.1   10.7    4.5   -2.8    7.9    7.89
1916    -1.4    -7.7    -4.1    6.6   12.0   15.3    24.1    21.9    15.8    9.4    2.8    -3.2    7.6    7.63
1917    -5.6    -8.7    -0.3    4.7    9.3    15.7    21.0    19.5    14.4    6.6    1.0    -7.3   5.9    5.86
1918   -10.8   -6.4   +0.5    6.1   13.6    16.0    20.5    21.3    13.2  10.4    5.2   -0.8   7.4    7.40
1919    -1.9    -2.5   +0.6    5.5   12.6    22.1    22.5    19.6    17.1   11.3    3.1   -5.6    8.7     8.70
1920   -11.0   -7.0   +0.6    4.2   12.1    18.4    18.8    20.7    17.3  12.4    2.3   -0.7    7.3    7.34
1921    -2.8    -2.5   +3.2    9.1   14.1    19.9    25.0    19.6    19.4    9.7    1.9    -2.5    9.5    9.51
1922    -5.3    -3.6   +0.8    7.0   14.9    18.8    20.4    20.1    17.1    9.4    4.4   -2.5    8.5    8.46
1923    -6.2    -7.8    -3.2    5.3   10.5    18.7    20.1    18.3    15.5    8.9    3.4    1.8    7.1    7.11
1924    -5.3    -7.1    -0.7    5.5     9.6    16.7    19.1    18.9    13.4    9.8    3.4    -5.0    6.5    6.53
1925    -7.0    -3.1   +1.2    6.9   10.0    18.8    19.3    20.0    16.0    5.3    2.7    -3.6    7.2    7.21
1926    -4.6    -6.6    -3.8    2.5   11.1    14.9    19.4    19.8    14.6    7.9    2.6    -5.0    6.1    6.07
1927    -6.5    -3.3   +1.3    5.9   11.0    16.0    20.0    17.7    17.0  11.2    4.5    -2.1    7.7    7.73
1928    -4.3    -4.9    -1.3    4.9   11.8    15.9    20.6    21.0    13.8  10.0   3.8    0.0    7.6    7.61
1929    -5.5    -6.1   +2.2    7.1   11.2    17.2    19.9    18.1    16.3    8.7    2.8    -4.2    7.3    7.31
1930    -5.7    -3.4    -1.1    5.6   13.7    18.9    20.7    20.2    16.9    9.0   4.5   -2.3    8.1    8.08
1931    -4.6    -3.6   +0.2    6.5   12.7    18.3    22.5    20.2    18.3  11.2    7.1   _0.2    9.1    9.08
1932    +1.3   -1.9    -2.2    4.4   12.3    18.6    19.3    20.4    16.1  10.2    1.5    -1.5    8.2    8.21
1933    +0.3   -3.9    -0.8    6.7   13.6    19.2    22.2    20.1    16.5   8.3   -0.8  -4.9    8.0    8.04
1934    -4.1   -12.7   -2.8    5.0   13.7    19.4    21.4    18.1    16.6    8.7    5.1    -4.2    7.0    7.02
1935    -6.9    -6.0   +2.6    5.9   10.6    17.1    22.7    20.5    14.3    9.6    3.8    -5.8    7.3    7.27
1936    -5.9    -8.7   +0.8    3.7   14.3    17.7    22.3    20.0    16.5    8.9    0.8    -0.9    7.5    7.46
1937    -1.1    -2.8    -2.5    5.7   13.1    18.3    21.3    22.0    15.1    8.1    3.1    -3.1    8.1    8.10
1938    -6.0    -3.3   +1.6    7.4   12.3    18.2    21.6    22.2    14.4  10.6    4.5    -1.2    8.5    8.53
1939    -5.2    -4.6    -2.4    4.2   13.8    18.1    21.6    21.8    16.0    9.6    2.2    -0.9    7.9    7.85
1940    -8.1    -4.8    -3.8    4.7   11.7    16.8    21.0    20.0    15.7    8.3    2.8    -1.8    6.9    6.88
1941    -6.0    -5.2    -3.4    9.7   14.1    19.8    21.6    19.4    16.8   10.4    5.0    -0.5    8.5   8.48
1942    -4.7    -6.9   +1.7    9.2   12.9    18.3    20.6    20.0    15.7   10.1    3.7    -4.7    8.0   7.99
1943    -7.6    -4.2    -1.8    3.3   12.1    20.1    21.2    19.8    14.9    8.7    2.6    -3.6    7.1    7.13
1944    -1.8    -4.4    -2.7    4.1   14.9    18.4    21.3    21.6    16.1    9.6    3.8    -4.1    8.1    8.08
1945   -10.1   -4.1   +5.5    8.0     9.6    16.7    19.9    20.3    16.1    8.5    3.7    -4.9    7.4    7.43
1946    -4.1    -5.9   +5.4    6.4   11.8    17.6    20.6    18.3    16.5   11.6    5.2    -2.2    8.4    8.43
1947    -3.7    -6.1    -1.3    5.1   10.6    17.5    20.4    22.3    16.8   13.9    3.1    -3.4    7.9    7.93
1948    -8.0    -5.7    -0.6    7.8   11.2    18.1    21.3    21.0    18.3     8.7    6.8    -1.1    8.2    8.15
1949    -2.3    -2.1    -0.3    7.0   14.0    21.7    22.6    22.1    14.4   12.4   2.2    -0.5    9.3    9.27
1950    -0.8    -5.3    -2.9    3.9   12.5    17.6    20.1    19.7    14.8   11.5    3.0    -3.4    6.8    7.63
1951    -3.4    -3.3   +1.0    6.8   14.0    17.9    21.1    19.7    15.9   10.6    0.9    -2.5    8.2    8.23
1952    -3.4    -2.6    -0.6    9.0   11.9    18.9    22.7    20.0    17.2    7.7   4.9      0.2    8.8    8.82
1953    -2.1    -1.6   +1.7    6.2   13.0    18.8    21.5    21.2    16.6   11.2    6.0     0.3     9.4   9.40
1954    -6.8    -0.3    -0.8    7.1   11.7    19.1    20.7    19.3    15.7   11.2    4.5    -2.6    8.2    8.23
1955    -4.7    -3.8    -0.6    9.7   14.7    19.4    23.8    22.7    16.1   11.4   2.9    -4.6    8.9    8.92
1956    -4.7    -3.0    -1.7    4.7   10.3    18.4    19.6    19.4    13.6   11.4    4.4   -0.7    7.6    7.64
1957    -7.3    -2.2   +1.4    7.8   11.8    19.2    20.7    19.4    16.0     9.6    4.8     0.4    8.5    8.47
1958    -4.6    -7.0   +1.8    8.3   11.9    15.6    20.8    20.0    16.3   10.0    4.5    -6.0    7.6    7.64
1959    -6.6    -6.5    -1.4    7.3   13.7    19.5    22.1    23.4    18.6     9.6    2.2    -1.0    8.4    8.40
1960    -4.3    -3.7    -4.6    7.2   13.2    17.8    20.1    20.3    17.8   10.2    5.8    -4.7    7.9    7.92
1961     -7.3    -2.1   +0.3    4.5   11.5    17.2    21.0    20.5    19.5    12.1    3.9    -2.1    8.3    8.25
1962    -6.3    -7.1   +0.5    7.0   15.5    18.7    19.7    20.3    14.6   10.5    3.2    -3.6    7.8    7.77
1963    -7.8    -8.4   +1.1    7.1    11.7    18.9     21.4     18.7     14.1    13.7   6.4   -6.2    7.6    7.56
1964    -2.7    -4.1    -0.2    6.1   14.7    17.9    22.1    17.7    15.4     9.1    4.9    -2.0    8.2    8.24
1965    -6.0    -5.1    -1.7    4.5   14.4    17.6    18.7    19.0    16.0     8.4    3.6     0.4    7.5    7.48
1966    -6.8    -3.9   +1.2    5.5   10.1    19.2    22.3    20.1    15.0     9.0    4.7    -2.6    7.8    7.82
1967    -1.9    -7.5    -1.5    6.4     9.3    20.0   20.0    19.0    15.2     9.6   1.7    -1.0    7.4    7.44
1968    -7.1    -6.8   +1.2    8.4   10.6    17.2    20.6    20.0    17.8   11.3    3.4    -3.9    7.7    7.73
1969    -5.0    -3.5    -1.1    7.5   12.2    16.6    21.3    22.1    16.9     9.7    3.9    -4.3    8.0    8.03
1970    -8.3    -5.4    -1.2    7.5   12.7    18.7    21.6    21.3    16.8   11.4    5.4    -3.9   8.1    8.05
1971    -7.8    -3.8    -1.7    5.2   12.5    18.7    20.4    19.8    18.2   13.5    3.4    -0.2    8.2    8.18
1972    -4.5    -5.8    -2.8    4.3   14.3    16.5    21.3    19.6   16.9    7.8    2.4    -1.7    7.4    7.36
1973    -3.2    -5.9   +3.9    6.8   11.0    19.0    21.9    22.7   16.9   11.7    4.5    -2.9    8.9    8.87
1974    -4.0    -6.4   -0.5     7.8   10.8    17.2    21.4    21.1    14.8     8.1     4.0     0.3    7.9    7.88
1975    -2.0    -2.8    -1.6    3.4   16.0    19.1    22.3    20.8   14.4   11.0    7.5    -3.3    8.7    8.73
1976    -7.4    -1.1   +1.0    8.3   11.4    19.9    19.6    19.7    15.5     7.4    1.2    -6.0    7.5    7.46
1977   -10.1   -4.8   +3.1    7.9   15.5    17.6    21.3    19.4    16.2    9.3    4.9    -3.0    8.1    8.11
1978    -7.7    -7.8    -2.3    4.9   13.4    17.5    20.5    20.1    15.5    9.1    3.6    -1.9    7.1    7.08
1979    -7.0    -9.8   +1.9    5.6   11.7    17.3    20.9    18.9    15.7    8.5    4.4    -0.7    7.3    7.28
1980    -4.6    -6.7    -1.1    6.8   14.5    15.1    20.9    21.5    16.9    8.6    2.5    -5.3    7.3    7.26
1981    -9.0    -1.5   +0.8    7.2   12.2    17.8    21.1    19.7    15.0     7.2    4.0    -2.2    7.7    7.69
1982    -8.9    -5.8    -0.9    4.8   14.1    15.5    21.1    17.7    15.0   10.2    4.5     1.2    7.4    7.38
1983    -3.4    -2.6   +1.1    5.8   10.2    18.9    22.3    21.3    17.1     9.8    3.4    -5.3    8.2    8.22
1984    -7.7    -0.6    -3.7    7.1   10.6    18.6    20.1    21.2    14.5   10.9    3.7     0.6    7.9    7.94
1985    -7.3    -4.6   +1.0    7.5   13.6    16.0    19.9    19.4    17.3   10.3    3.7    -4.3    7.7   7.71
1986    -5.0    -5.5   +0.9    8.2   14.7    16.7    20.9    18.9    14.9    9.5    2.3    -0.7    8.0   7.98
1987    -3.6    -4.3   +2.5    9.2   14.7    19.7    22.6    20.0    15.9    7.7    3.9     0.1    9.0   9.03
1988    -4.2    -5.2    -0.2    6.2   14.1    18.6    23.1    21.6    15.5     7.6    4.9    -2.1    8.3   8.33
1989    -1.5    -5.6    -1.9    5.1   13.1    18.3    22.0     20.1    16.1    10.0    2.6    -8.9    7.5   7.45
1990    -0.6    -3.1   +0.9    8.4   11.6    18.2    21.0    20.5    15.8     9.6    4.9    -0.4    8.9   8.90
1991    -5.0    -1.8   +1.5    8.2   16.0    20.2    21.7    21.4    16.0   10.5    3.1   -1.6     9.2   9.18
1992    -3.8    -3.1    -1.1    5.5   12.8    16.4    17.9    18.0    15.3    8.0    3.3    -0.7     7.4   7.38
1993    -3.3    -7.3    -1.1    6.7   12.6    17.2    21.7    21.4    14.1    8.4    3.4    -1.7     7.7   7.68
1994   -11.1   -7.1    -0.2    7.1   11.7    18.8    21.5    19.2    16.3    10.4    6.0     0.5     7.8   7.76
1995    -2.4    -6.5   +2.3    4.3   13.1    19.7    21.7    22.0    14.8  11.2   1.4    -4.4     8.1   8.10
1996    -5.8    -4.9    -2.0    4.6   11.7    18.2    19.8    21.0    16.7    9.5    1.3     0.1     7.5  7.52
1997    -5.7    -2.1    -0.5    6.0     9.8    19.5    20.5    19.1    15.8    9.7    2.8   -0.3     7.9   7.88
1998    -1.8   +0.3   +2.4    8.7   16.9    18.5    21.2    21.6    18.3   11.1    5.2     1.2   10.3  10.30
1999    -5.5    -1.2   +0.6    7.8   15.3    20.0    23.6    19.8    18.0    9.7    5.7    -0.1    9.5   9.48
2000    -5.1    -1.9   +4.3    6.4   14.1    17.6    19.8    20.2    15.8   10.9    4.0    -6.0    8.3   8.34
2001    -3.3    -2.8    -0.1    8.0   14.1    19.3    20.3    22.8    16.5   10.4    7.1    2.1     9.5   9.53
2002    -0.2    -1.3   +0.6    7.2   11.1    18.6    23.4    21.8    19.7     9.2    3.2    -1.7    9.3    9.30
2003    -7.2    -6.2    -0.2    5.1   12.0    17.6    20.6    21.6    16.7     8.9    4.6    -0.1    7.8    7.78
2004    -9.0    -3.1   +2.1    6.3   12.5    16.9    20.0    18.9    17.8   10.1    5.2    -2.6    7.9    7.93
2005    -6.5    -3.3    -1.5    7.5   11.5    21.7    23.2    22.1    18.6   10.7    5.0    -3.3    8.8    8.81
2006   +0.0    -3.5   +1.3    7.8   14.0    18.8    22.3    20.5    15.4    8.6    5.3     1.8    9.3    9.34
2007    -2.8    -8.0   +0.3    5.8   14.0    19.9    20.3    21.6    17.6   13.4    2.7    -2.3    8.5    8.54
2008    -2.0    -4.6    -1.4    9.1   11.6    18.9    21.1    19.6    16.7     9.1    3.3    -2.9    8.2    8.21
2009    -8.1    -3.1   +1.0    7.5   12.7    17.1    18.7    20.5    16.8     8.4    6.5    -2.2    8.0    7.98
2010    -5.3    -3.2   +4.5   10.3  15.7   18.9   22.8   21.7    15.9     9.9    4.8    -3.9    9.3    9.34
2011    -6.3    -4.9    -0.3    6.6   13.4   18.7   23.8    21.4    17.4   10.4    6.5     0.9    9.0    8.97
2012    -1.7    -0.2   +6.1    7.0   16.0    19.9    23.6    21.0    16.1   10.0    3.7     1.0   10.2* 10.25
2013    -2.1    -4.1   +0.3    5.8   14.5    18.1    21.6    20.3    15.5   10.8    2.1    -3.9    8.2    8.24
2014    -8.1    -7.3    -3.9    5.7   13.5    19.2    19.6    19.7    16.1   10.4    1.7    -0.2    7.2    7.20
2015    -7.4   -12.2   -1.9    7.1   15.2    17.0    20.8    20.0    18.9     9.6    6.4     4.1    8.1    8.13
2016    -3.4    -2.3   +2.4   4.9   14.4   19.0    22.7    23.3    18.8   11.5    6.6    -1.5    9.7    9.70
2017    -1.6    -0.1    -1.0    8.6    11.9    18.1    20.7    19.5     18.1    12.8    3.6    -5.0    8.8    8.80
2018    -5.5    -1.5    -0.2    3.2   15.9   18.5   22.6   22.4    18.3    8.6     1.4    -0.2    8.6    8.63
2019    -6.5    -4.0__-0.2    6.0   11.3    17.6    22.4    20.4    16.9   10.6    0.9   -0.6    7.8    7.83

2020 _ -1.6 _ -3.0 __2.9 _ 5.5 _ 11.7 _ 19.8 _ 24.3 __ 21.4 __16.3 __ 8.7 __6.5 _-0.3 __9.4 _ 9.35

2021 _ -2.5 _ -4.9 __2.9 _ 7.3 _ 13.3 _ 20.3 _20.6 __ 23.0 _ 17.3 _ 12.9 _ 4.2 _ 1.4 __ 9.7 _ 9.65

2022 _ -7.9 _ -4.2 __1.2 _ 6.1 _ 15.0 _ 18.5 _ 21.7 __ 21.8 _ 17.1 __ 10.0 __ 5.0 _ -0.5 _ 8.7 _ 8.65

2023 _ -0.9 _ -1.2 __0.9 _ 8.4 _13.2 _ 18.6 _ 21.6 __19.6 __18.2 _ 11.7 __ 3.8 __2.5 __ 9.7 _ 9.70

2024 _ -2.3 _ +0.4 _ 3.4 _ 8.1  _15.8 _ 19.3 _ 21.9 __20.6 _18.3 _ 11.6 _ 6.3 _ -0.6 __ 10.2 _ 10.23

2025 _ -5.3 _ -4.6

mean _ -5.2 _ -5.0 _ -0.6 _ 6.0 _12.4 _ 17.8 _ 20.8 _ 19.9 _15.8 __ 9.3 __ 3.3 _-2.7 __7.6


______ -4.9 _ -3.8 _ 0.4 _ 7.0 _ 13.1 _ 18.4 _ 21.2 _ 20.5 _ 16.3 _ 9.7 _ 4.1 _-1.7____ 8.4


______ -4.6 _ -3.8 _ 0.5 _ 6.7 _ 13.4 _ 18.7 _ 21.5 _ 20.8 _ 16.8 _10.1_ 4.1 _-1.1____ 8.6



* 2012 mean 10.2 rounds down from 10.25, see note in raw data table posted earlier. 

This is significant because 1998 is warmest year in series at 10.3. 

(raw data)


1840    -7.0    -3.0   +1.2    6.7   12.4   15.8    19.5    19.0    13.0    7.4    2.1    -4.9    6.9    6.85
1841    -4.5    -5.5    -2.3    4.3   11.0   19.4    19.2    18.7    16.1    5.7    1.3    -2.0    6.8    6.78
1842    -2.9    -2.2   +2.7    7.0   10.2   14.5    18.6    19.5    13.8    7.8    1.0    -3.8    7.2    7.18
1843    -2.2    -8.6    -5.8    5.1   10.8   14.8    19.0    19.4    16.4    6.4    0.7    -0.7    6.3    6.28
1844    -6.5    -3.6   +0.2    9.3   13.2   16.1    19.5    18.4    15.4    6.6    1.9    -2.1    7.3    7.34
1845    -3.2    -3.5   +1.6    5.8   10.3   15.9    19.2    19.4    12.8    7.5    2.6    -6.3    6.8    6.84
1846    -3.8    -7.5    -0.3    6.5   13.2   17.3    20.4    19.9    17.3    7.2    5.1    -2.8    7.7    7.71
1847    -5.4    -5.7    -3.3    3.3   11.5   14.5    19.9    17.8    13.0    6.9    3.5    -2.0    6.2    6.17
1848    -2.7    -2.9    -2.2    4.9   12.1   16.4    18.0    19.6    12.2    7.6    0.9    -1.5    6.9    6.87
1849    -7.4    -7.6   +0.4    3.3    8.9    16.7    19.3    18.2    14.2    7.7    5.6    -3.6    6.3    6.31
1850    -1.9    -4.0    -1.7    3.3    9.8    17.3    20.8    19.0    12.8    6.5    2.9    -5.6    6.6   6.60
1851    -4.5    -2.6   +0.4    5.0   10.7   15.1    18.4    17.3    14.9    8.6    -0.1    -6.3    6.4    6.41
1852    -8.0    -5.3    -3.5    3.1   10.6   15.8    18.8    18.2    13.4    8.8    1.6    -0.2    6.1    6.11
1853    -5.6    -5.3    -1.5    4.9     9.8   17.9    18.5    19.9    14.8    6.2    3.1    -4.3    6.5    6.53
1854    -5.9    -7.0    -1.3    4.1   10.0   16.8    22.0    20.0    16.1  10.1    1.8    -5.6    6.8    6.78
1855    -3.9   -10.0   -2.2    5.9   11.9   15.5    20.2    18.0    15.2    6.5    2.9    -3.4    6.4    6.38
1856    -9.8   -10.2   -5.7    5.6   10.1   16.7    21.0    17.5    13.5    7.0    2.2    -5.5    5.2   5.20
1857   -12.1   -2.2    -3.1    1.9     9.4   14.1    20.1    18.2    14.4    7.1    0.7    -1.1    5.6    5.62
1858    -1.4    -8.1    -1.4    5.2     9.3   18.5    19.9    19.7    15.2    9.9    1.1    -2.6    7.1    7.11
1859    -4.1    -3.5   +2.4    4.4   12.9   14.7    19.5    19.6    13.4    6.6    3.6    -7.2    6.9    6.86
1860    -4.6    -5.3   +1.5    4.3   13.3   17.8    18.1    18.4    13.0    8.7    3.6    -4.5    7.0    7.03
1861    -6.9    -3.6    -2.8    5.9     8.9   16.1    18.6    19.1    15.1    9.2    3.0    -0.8    6.8    6.82
1862    -5.9    -5.7    -1.7    4.4   11.0   15.6    19.6    19.6    15.8    9.0    2.0    -1.7    6.8    6.83
1863    -2.1    -5.2    -3.3    5.4   12.7   16.0    19.6    19.4    13.2    8.2    4.0    -2.6    7.1    7.11
1864    -4.8    -3.8    -1.7    5.1   12.5   17.2    21.1    20.8    13.6    7.8    2.9    -3.4    7.3    7.28
1865    -8.1    -5.5   +0.2    6.0   11.4   18.6    18.3    18.5    18.7    7.4    3.9    -1.7    7.3    7.31
1866    -7.0    -5.5    -2.6    7.0    9.3    15.8    21.2    16.2    13.6   10.4    3.7    -3.5    6.6    6.55
1867    -8.1    -2.2    -2.5    4.9    8.5    18.2    20.1    20.5    15.1   10.4    3.9    -5.3    7.0    6.95
1868    -7.8    -8.1    -0.3    3.4   11.2   16.4    24.4    19.8    14.0    6.2    2.6    -4.9    6.4    6.41
1869    -2.1    -4.5    -4.7    4.6   10.4   14.8    18.6    17.7    16.5    6.1    0.3    -1.6    6.3    6.34
1870    -3.9    -5.9    -2.9    7.3   13.9   19.4    20.5    19.5    16.5   10.5    2.9    -3.2    7.9    7.88
1871    -6.2    -4.9   +1.6    6.8   12.0   16.6    18.9    19.9    13.2    9.7    -0.4    -5.4    6.8    6.82
1872    -6.2    -6.2    -6.1    4.8   11.0   17.1    21.2    21.0    15.4    7.6    0.8    -8.2   6.0    6.02
1873    -8.3    -7.5    -3.3    4.2   11.0   17.3    20.0    19.1    13.7    7.6    -2.4    -2.0    5.8    5.78
1874    -4.3    -5.6    -1.4    0.8   11.5   17.1    19.5    19.3    17.4    8.5    1.7    -3.9    6.7    6.72
1875    -9.2   -12.6   -4.9    2.5   10.9   16.1    19.2    18.7    13.3    6.4    -0.1    -2.9    4.8    4.78
1876    -1.3    -5.0    -3.3    3.6   10.7   18.6    20.3    21.2    14.3    5.9    2.9    -8.3    6.6    6.63
1877    -8.8    -2.0    -3.6    6.5   12.0   16.7    21.1    20.9    16.6    9.9    3.0    1.2    7.8    7.79
1878    -4.5    -3.0    +3.2   9.7   11.5   17.0    22.4    20.5    16.4    9.6    2.4    -4.2    8.4    8.42
1879    -7.1    -8.1    -1.8    4.2   12.0   16.6    20.5    18.5    13.2   12.7    2.0    -3.3    6.6    6.62
1880    +0.4   -2.6    -1.6    5.3   14.7   18.7    19.8    19.3    15.8    7.3    -1.2    -6.1    7.5    7.48
1881    -9.0    -7.1    -1.1    4.3   14.6   15.3    21.5    21.2    20.2    9.9    2.8    1.0    7.8    7.80
1882    -5.1    -1.0    -0.2    4.6    9.5    16.3    19.4    19.8    16.4   10.9    2.0    -3.7    7.4    7.41
1883    -8.2    -7.0    -5.9    3.5    9.6    16.6    18.5    17.6    12.6    7.2    2.8    -3.5    5.3    5.32
1884    -9.3    -4.9    -2.3    5.0   10.6   18.2    17.8    18.5    16.5    9.1    1.1    -3.8    6.4    6.38
1885    -8.2   -11.9   -8.2    2.9   11.0   15.6    19.9    17.3    13.8    7.6    3.5    -2.6    5.1    5.06
1886    -7.4    -7.7    -1.2    7.2   11.7   16.2    19.0    18.7    14.9    9.1    2.0    -6.2    6.4    6.36
1887    -8.0    -5.9    -4.1    4.2   14.6   17.5    22.9    19.0    13.6    6.6    1.6    -2.3    6.6    6.64
1888    -9.6    -6.0    -5.4    4.0   10.6   18.1    19.0    19.1    13.7    6.3    3.1    -1.5   6.0    5.95
1889    -2.5    -8.3   +0.5    6.3   12.2   15.8    20.6    18.7    15.7    6.0    3.7    1.2    7.5    7.49
1890    -1.4    -2.4    -2.3    5.7   10.1   18.7    19.8    18.1    14.2    9.2    2.8    -5.3    7.3    7.27
1891    -4.9    -2.4    -1.9    6.4   10.8   18.0    17.9    18.9    17.3    8.7    2.6    0.8    7.7    7.68
1892    -7.0    -4.4    -2.3    5.3   10.9   18.6    20.1    19.8    15.7    8.7    1.7    -3.6   7.0    6.96
1893   -10.0   -7.6    -1.7    4.4   11.1   19.3    20.2    19.3    14.1    9.2    2.9    -4.7    6.4    6.38
1894    -2.1    -6.5   +2.1    6.9   11.3   19.3    20.6    18.6    17.1   10.2    1.2    -0.4    8.2    8.19
1895    -6.1    -8.7    -4.4    6.3   13.0   19.9    19.1    18.8    16.0    6.1    2.8    -1.3    6.8    6.79
1896    -5.8    -5.5    -4.9    8.0   15.7   18.1    20.8    19.8    14.1    7.2    4.3    -2.4    7.5    7.45
1897    -5.1    -4.1    -0.2    6.3   11.6   16.4    22.5    18.6    16.3   10.6    3.7    -2.2    7.9    7.87
1898    -3.8    -4.2   +2.8    6.5   13.3   18.8    21.7    21.4    17.8   10.3    2.0    -3.1    8.6    8.63
1899    -5.0    -7.1    -2.1    7.1   13.0   18.6    20.5    21.1    14.0   10.5    4.7    -1.8    7.8    7.79
1900    -3.4    -6.7    -4.8    7.5   12.9   18.4    20.6    22.5    17.9   13.4    3.7    -1.7    8.4    8.36
1901    -4.7    -8.5    -1.2    8.0   12.5   18.5    22.9    20.7    16.6    9.4    1.4    -3.0    7.7    7.72
1902    -4.8    -6.0   +3.1    6.7   11.9   15.6    20.5    18.6    15.7    9.3    6.1    -4.2    7.7    7.71
1903    -5.0    -3.5   +4.3    6.6   13.3   16.6    20.7    17.7    16.2   10.5    1.7    -5.1    7.8    7.83
1904    -8.9   -10.4   -1.9    4.0   13.2   17.3    19.7    18.3    14.8    7.8    2.2    -5.4    5.9    5.89
1905    -7.8    -8.6    -0.8    5.7   11.5   17.6    21.0    19.7    16.8    9.4    2.7    -0.4    7.2    7.23
1906    -0.6    -5.4    -2.8    7.1   12.4   18.7    21.2    22.1    18.3    9.6    3.0    -4.9    8.2    8.22
1907    -5.5    -7.5   +1.0    3.6    9.0    17.7    20.7    18.5    16.5    7.2    2.8    -1.4    6.9    6.88
1908    -4.3    -7.1    -0.3    5.5   13.5   19.0    21.6    19.4    17.7   10.8    4.3    -1.6    8.2    8.21
1909    -3.2    -3.0    -1.1    5.0   12.1   18.6    19.9    20.7    15.7    7.9    4.8    -3.3    7.8    7.84
1910    -3.7    -6.1   +3.8    8.3   11.5   18.2    21.8    19.8    15.6   10.7    2.3    -6.0    8.0    8.02
1911    -3.4    -3.6    -1.1    6.3   16.3   18.7    22.0    20.8    15.9    9.8    2.2    1.1    8.8    8.75
1912   -10.1   -7.3    -3.5    5.5   13.0   16.8    21.0    17.8    17.1   10.4    4.7    0.4    7.2    7.15
1913    -0.3    -6.5   +0.8    7.9   12.4   18.2    21.3    20.4    15.3   10.9    5.7    0.8    8.9    8.91
1914    -3.6    -9.1    -0.8    5.3   14.8   18.0    21.4    20.1    16.2   11.6    3.4    -3.5    7.8    7.82
1915    -4.7    -3.3    -1.1   10.0  11.2   16.9    20.3    19.1    17.5   11.1    4.9    -2.4    8.3    8.29
1916    -1.0    -7.3    -3.7    7.0   12.4   15.7    24.5    22.3    16.2    9.8    3.2    -2.8     8.0    8.03
1917    -5.2    -8.3   +0.1    5.1    9.7    16.1    21.4    19.9    14.8    7.0    1.4    -6.9    6.3    6.26
1918   -10.4   -6.0   +0.9    6.5   14.0    16.4    20.9    21.7    13.6  10.8    5.6    -0.4    7.8    7.80
1919    -1.5    -2.1   +1.0    5.9   13.0    22.5    22.9    20.0    17.5  11.7    3.5    -5.2    9.1     9.10
1920   -10.6   -6.6   +1.0    4.6   12.5    18.8    19.2    21.1    17.7  12.8    2.7    -0.3    7.7    7.74
1921    -2.3    -2.0   +3.7    9.6   14.6    20.4    25.5    20.1    19.9  10.2    2.4    -2.0   10.0    10.01
1922    -4.8    -3.1   +1.3    7.5   15.4    19.3    20.9    20.6    17.6    9.9    4.9    -2.0    9.0    8.96
1923    -5.7    -7.3    -2.7    5.8   11.0    19.2    20.6    18.8    16.0    9.4    3.9    2.3    7.6    7.61
1924    -4.8    -6.5    -0.2    6.0   10.1    17.2    19.6    19.4    13.9  10.3    3.9    -4.5    7.0    7.03
1925    -6.5    -2.6   +1.7    7.4   10.5    19.3    19.8    20.5    16.5    5.8    3.2    -3.1    7.7    7.71
1926    -4.1    -6.1    -3.3    3.0   11.6    15.4    19.9    20.3    15.1    8.4    3.1    -4.5    6.6    6.57
1927    -6.0    -2.8   +1.8    6.4   11.5    16.5    20.5    18.2    17.5  11.7    5.0    -1.6    8.2    8.23
1928    -3.8    -4.4    -0.8    5.4   12.3    16.4    21.1    21.5    14.3  10.5    4.3    0.5    8.1    8.11
1929    -5.0    -5.6   +2.7    7.6   11.7    17.7    20.4    18.6    16.8    9.2    3.3    -3.7    7.8    7.81
1930    -5.2    -2.9    -0.6    6.1   14.2    19.4    21.2    20.7    17.4    9.5    5.0    -1.8    8.6    8.58
1931    -4.0    -3.0   +0.8    7.1   13.3    18.9    23.1    20.8    18.9  11.8    7.7    0.8    9.7    9.68
1932    +1.9   -1.3    -1.6    5.0   12.9    19.2    19.9    21.0    16.7  10.8    2.1    -0.9    8.8    8.81
1933    +0.9   -3.3    -0.2    7.3   14.2    19.8    22.8    20.7    17.1    8.9    -0.2    -4.3    8.6    8.64
1934    -3.5   -12.1   -2.2    5.6   14.3    20.0    22.0    18.7    17.2    9.3    5.7    -3.6    7.6    7.62
1935    -6.3    -5.4   +2.0    6.5   11.2    17.7    23.3    21.1    14.9  10.2    4.4    -5.2    7.9    7.87
1936    -5.3    -8.1   +1.4    4.3   14.9    18.3    22.9    20.6    17.1    9.5    1.4    -0.3    8.1    8.06
1937    -0.5    -2.2    -1.9    6.3   13.7    18.9    21.9    22.6    15.7    8.7    3.7    -2.5    8.7    8.70
1938    -5.4    -2.7   +2.2    8.0   12.9    18.8    22.2    22.8    15.0  11.2    5.1    -0.6    9.1    9.13
1939    -4.6    -4.0    -1.8    4.8   14.4    18.7    22.2    22.4    16.6  10.2    2.8    -0.3    8.5    8.45
1940    -7.5    -4.2    -3.2    5.3   12.3    17.4    21.6    20.6    16.3    8.9    3.4    -1.2    7.5    7.48
1941    -5.3    -4.5    -2.7   10.4  14.8    20.5    22.3    20.1    17.5   11.1    5.7    0.2    9.2    9.18
1942    -4.0    -6.2   +2.4    9.9   13.6    19.0    21.3    20.7    16.4   10.8    4.4    -4.0    8.7    8.69
1943    -6.9    -3.5    -1.1    4.0   12.8    20.8    21.9    20.5    15.6    9.4    3.3    -2.9    7.8    7.83
1944    -1.1    -3.7    -1.9    4.8   15.6    19.1    22.0    22.3    16.8   10.3    4.5    -3.4    8.8    8.78
1945    -9.4    -3.4   +6.2    8.7   10.3    17.4    20.6    21.0    16.8    9.2    4.4    -4.2    8.1    8.13
1946    -3.4    -5.2   +6.1    7.1   12.5    18.3    21.3    19.0    17.2   12.3    5.9    -1.5    9.1    9.13
1947    -3.0    -5.4    -0.6    5.8   11.3    18.2    21.1    23.0    17.5   14.6    3.8    -2.7    8.6    8.63
1948    -7.3    -5.0   +0.1    8.5   11.9    18.8    22.0    21.7    19.0    9.4    7.5    -0.4    8.9    8.85
1949    -1.6    -1.4   +0.4    7.7   14.7    22.4    23.3    22.8    15.1   13.1    2.9    0.2   10.0    9.97
1950    -0.1    -4.6    -2.2    4.6   13.2    18.3    20.8    20.4    15.5   12.2    3.7    -1.9    8.3    8.33
1951    -2.6    -2.5   +1.8    7.6   14.8    18.7    21.9    20.5    16.7   11.4    1.7    -1.7    9.0    9.03
1952    -2.6    -1.8   +0.2    9.8   12.7    19.7    23.5    20.8    18.0    8.5    5.7    1.0    9.6    9.62
1953    -1.3    -0.8   +2.5    7.0   13.8    19.6    22.3    22.0    17.4   12.0    6.8    1.1   10.2   10.20
1954    -6.0   +0.5    0.0     7.9   12.5    19.9    21.5    20.1    16.5   12.0    5.3    -1.8     9.0    9.03
1955    -3.9    -3.0   +0.2   10.5  15.5    20.2    24.6    23.5    16.9   12.2    3.7    -3.8    9.7    9.72
1956    -3.9    -2.2    -0.9    5.5   11.1    19.2    20.4    20.2    14.4   12.2    5.2    0.1    8.4    8.44
1957    -6.5    -1.4   +2.2    8.6   12.6    20.0    21.5    20.2    16.8   10.4    5.6    1.2    9.3    9.27
1958    -3.8    -6.2   +2.6    9.1   12.7    16.4    21.6    20.8    17.1   10.8    5.3    -5.2    8.4    8.44
1959    -5.8    -5.7    -0.6    8.1   14.5    20.3    22.9    24.2    19.3   10.4    3.0    -0.2    9.2    9.20
1960    -3.5    -2.9    -3.8    8.0   13.9    18.6    20.9    21.1    18.6   11.0    6.6    -3.9    8.7    8.72
1961    -6.4    -1.2   +1.2    5.4   12.4    18.1    21.9    21.4    20.4   13.0    4.8    -1.2    9.2    9.15
1962    -5.4    -6.2   +1.4    7.9   16.4    19.6    20.6    21.2    15.7   11.4    4.1    -2.7    8.7    8.67
1963    -6.9    -7.5   +2.0    8.0   12.6    19.8    22.3    19.6    15.0   14.6    7.3    -5.3    8.5    8.46
1964    -1.8    -3.2   +0.7    7.0   15.6    18.8    23.0    18.6    16.3   10.0    5.8    -1.1    9.1    9.14
1965    -5.1    -4.2    -0.8    5.4   15.3    18.5    19.6    19.9    16.9    9.3    4.5    1.3    8.4    8.38
1966    -5.9    -3.0   +2.1    6.4   11.0    20.1    23.2    21.0    15.9    9.9    5.6    -1.7    8.7    8.72
1967    -1.0    -6.6    -0.6    7.3   10.2    20.9    20.9    19.9    16.1   10.5    2.6    -0.1    8.3    8.34
1968    -6.2    -5.9   +2.1    9.3   11.5    18.1    21.5    20.9    18.7   12.2    4.3    -3.0    8.6    8.63
1969    -4.1    -2.6    -0.2    8.4   13.1    17.5    22.2    23.0    17.8   10.6    4.8    -3.4    8.9    8.93
1970    -7.4    -4.5    -0.3    8.4   13.6    19.6    22.5    22.2    17.7   12.3    6.3    -3.0   9.0    8.95
1971    -6.8    -2.8    -0.7    6.2   13.5    19.7    21.4    20.8    19.2   14.5    4.4    0.8    9.2    9.18
1972    -3.5    -4.8    -1.8    5.3   15.3    17.5    22.3    20.6    17.9    8.8    3.4    -0.7    8.4    8.36
1973    -2.2    -4.9   +4.9    7.8   12.0    20.0    22.9    23.7    17.9   12.7    5.5    -1.9    9.9    9.87
1974    -3.0    -5.4   +0.5    8.8   11.8    18.2    22.4    22.1    15.8    9.1    5.0    1.3    8.9    8.88
1975    -1.0    -1.8    -0.6    4.4   17.0    20.1    23.3    21.8    15.4   12.0    8.5    -2.3    9.7    9.73
1976    -6.4    -0.1   +2.0    9.3   12.4    20.9    20.6    20.7    16.5    8.4    2.2    -5.0    8.5    8.46
1977    -9.1    -3.8   +4.1    8.9   16.5    18.6    22.3    20.4    17.2   10.3    5.9    -2.0    9.1    9.11
1978    -6.7    -6.8    -1.3    5.9   14.4    18.5    21.5    21.1    16.5   10.1    4.6    -0.9    8.1    8.08
1979    -6.0    -8.8   +2.9    6.6   12.7    18.3    21.9    19.9    16.7    9.5    5.4    0.3    8.3    8.28
1980    -3.6    -5.7    -0.1    7.8   15.5    16.1    21.9    22.5    16.9    8.6    3.5    -4.3    8.3    8.26
1981    -7.9    -0.4   +1.9    8.3   13.3    18.9    22.2    20.8    16.1    8.3    5.1    -1.1    8.8    8.79
1982    -7.8    -4.7   +0.2    5.9   15.2    16.6    22.2    18.8    16.1   11.3    5.6    2.3    8.5    8.48
1983    -2.3    -1.5   +2.2    6.9   11.3    20.0    23.4    22.4    18.2   10.9    4.5    -4.2    9.3    9.32
1984    -6.6   +0.5    -2.6    8.2   11.7    19.7    21.2    22.3    15.6   12.0    4.8    1.7    9.0    9.04
1985    -6.2    -3.5   +2.1    8.6   14.7    17.1    21.0    20.5    18.4   11.4    4.8    -3.2    8.8    8.81
1986    -3.9    -4.4   +2.0    9.3   15.8    17.8    22.0    20.0    16.0   10.6    3.4    0.4    9.1    9.08
1987    -2.5    -3.2   +3.6   10.3  15.8    20.8    23.7    21.1    17.0    8.8    5.0    1.2    10.1   10.13
1988    -3.1    -4.1   +0.9    7.3   15.2    19.7    24.2    22.7    16.6    8.7    6.0    -1.0    9.4    9.43
1989    -0.4    -4.5    -0.8    6.2   14.2    19.4    23.1    21.2    17.2   11.1    3.7    -7.8    8.6    8.55
1990   +0.5    -2.0   +2.0    9.5   12.7    19.3    22.1    21.6    16.9   10.7    6.0    0.7   10.0   10.00
1991    -3.9    -0.7   +2.6    9.3   17.1    21.3    22.8    22.5    17.1   11.6    4.2    -0.5   10.3    10.28
1992    -2.7    -2.0     0.0    6.6   13.9    17.5    19.0    19.1    16.4    9.1    4.4    0.4    8.5    8.48
1993    -2.2    -6.2     0.0    7.8   13.7    18.3    22.8    22.5    15.2    9.5    4.5    -0.6    8.8    8.78
1994   -10.0    -6.0   +0.9   8.2   12.8    19.9    22.6    20.3    17.4   11.5    7.1    1.6    8.9    8.86
1995    -1.3    -5.4    +3.4   5.4   14.2    20.8    22.8    23.1    15.9   12.3    2.5    -3.3    9.2    9.2
1996    -4.7    -3.8    -0.9    5.7   12.8    19.3    20.9    22.1    17.8   10.6    2.4    1.2    8.6    8.62
1997    -4.6    -1.0   +0.6    7.1   10.9    20.6    21.6    20.2    16.9   10.8    3.9    0.8    9    8.98
1998    -0.7   +1.4   +3.5    9.8   18.0    19.6    22.3    22.7    19.4   12.2    6.3    2.3    11.4    11.4
1999    -4.4    -0.1   +1.7    8.9   16.4    21.1    24.7    20.9    19.1   10.8    6.8    1.0    10.6   10.58
2000    -4.0    -0.8   +5.4    7.5   15.2    18.7    20.9    21.3    16.9   12.0    5.1    -4.9    9.4    9.44
2001    -2.2    -1.7   +1.0    9.1   15.2    20.4    21.4    23.9    17.6   11.5    8.2    3.2    10.6   10.63
2002   +0.9    -0.2   +1.7    8.3   12.2    19.7    24.5    22.9    20.8   10.3    4.3    -0.6   10.4   10.40
2003    -6.1    -5.1   +0.9    6.2   13.1    18.7    21.7    22.7    17.8   10.0    5.7    1.0    8.9    8.88
2004    -7.9    -2.0   +3.2    7.4   13.6    18.0    21.1    20.0    18.9   11.2    6.3    -1.5    9.0    9.03
2005    -5.4    -2.2    -0.4    8.6   12.6    22.8    24.3    23.2    19.7   11.8    6.1    -2.2    9.9    9.91
2006   +1.1    -2.4   +2.4    8.9   15.1    19.9    23.4    21.6    16.3    9.7    6.4    2.9    10.4   10.44
2007    -1.7    -6.9   +1.4    6.9   15.1    21.0    21.4    22.7    18.7   14.5    3.8    -1.2    9.6    9.64
2008    -0.9    -3.5    -0.3   10.2  12.7    20.0    22.2    20.7    17.8   10.2    4.4    -1.8    9.3    9.31
2009    -7.0    -2.0   +2.1    8.6   13.8    18.2    19.8    21.6    17.9    9.5    7.6    -1.1    9.1    9.08
2010    -4.2    -2.1   +5.6   11.4  16.8    20.0    23.9    22.8    17.0   11.0    5.9    -2.8   10.4  10.44
2011    -5.2    -3.8   +0.8    7.7   14.5    19.8    24.9    22.5    18.5   11.5    7.6    2.0    10.1   10.07
2012    -0.6   +0.9   +7.2    8.1   17.1    21.0    24.7    22.1    17.2   11.1    4.8    2.1    11.3    11.35
2013    -1.0    -3.0   +1.4    6.9   15.6    19.2    22.7    21.4    16.6   11.9    3.2    -2.8    9.3    9.34
2014    -7.0    -6.2    -2.8    6.8   14.6    20.3    20.7    20.8    17.2   11.5    2.8    0.9    8.3    8.30
2015    -6.3   -11.1   -0.8    8.2   16.3    18.1    21.9    21.1    20.0   10.7    7.5    5.2    9.2    9.23
2016    -2.3    -1.2   +3.5    6.0   15.5    20.1    23.8    24.4    19.9   12.6    7.7    -0.4  10.8  10.80
2017    -0.5   +1.0   +0.1    9.7   13.0    19.2    21.8    20.6    19.2   13.9    4.7    -3.9    9.9    9.90
2018    -4.4    -0.4   +0.9    4.3   17.0    19.6    23.7    23.5    19.4    9.7    2.5    0.9    9.7    9.73
2019    -5.4    -2.9   +0.1    7.1   12.4    18.7    23.5    21.5    18.0   11.7    2.0    0.5    8.9    8.93

2020 _ -0.5 _ -1.9 _+4.0 _ 6.6 _12.8 _20.9 _ 25.4 _ 22.5 _ 17.4 __ 9.8 __ 7.6 _ 0.8 __10.5 10.45

2021 _-1.4 _ -3.8 _+4.0 _ 8.4 _ 14.4 _21.4 _ 21.7 _ 24.1 _ 18.4 _14.0 _ 5.3 _ 2,5 _ 10.8 10.75

2022 _ -6.8 _-3.1 _+2.3 _7.2 __ 16.1 _19.6 _ 22.8 _22.9 _ 18.2 _ 11.1 _ 6.1 _ 0.6 _ 9.8 _ 9.75

2023 _ +0.2 -0.1 _+2.0 _9.5 __ 14.3 _ 19.7 _22.7 _20.7 _19.3 _ 12.8 _ 4.9 _ 3.6 _ 10.8 _ 10.80

2024 _-1.3 _ +1.5 _+4.5 _9.2 _16.9_  20.4 _ 23.0 _21.7 _19.4 _12.7 _ 7.4 _ 0.5 _ 11.3 _ 11.33

2025 _ -4.2 _-3.5

mean _ -4,7 _ -4.5 _ 0.0 _ 6.6 _ 12.8 _ 18.3 _ 21.3 _ 20.4 _ 16.3 _ 9.8 _ 3.8 _-2.0 __ 8.2


______ -3.8 _ -2.7 _ 1.5 _ 8.1 _ 14.2 _ 19.5 _ 22.3 _ 21.6 _ 17.4 _ 10.8 _ 5.2 _ -0.6 __ 9.5


_______--3.5 _ -2.7 _ 1.6 _ 7.8 _ 14.5 _ 19.8 _ 22.6 _ 21.9 _ 17.9 _ 11.2 _ 5.2 _ -0.0 __ 9.7


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Rankings for monthly and annual temperatures -- adjusted for UHI 


Rank _________________________________________________________________________ Rank

(cold) __ Jan ________ Feb ________ Mar _______ Apr _______ May ______  Jun ____  (warm)


__ 01 __ 1857 -12.1 _ 1934 -12.7 _ 1885 -8.3 _ 1874 0.8 __ 1867 8.5 __ 1857 14.1   _ 185

__ 02 __ 1994 -11.1 _ 1875 -12.6 _ 1872 -6.1 _ 1857 1.9 __ 1907 8.7 __ 1842 14.5   _ 184

__ 03 __ 1920 -11.0 _ 2015 -12.2 _ 1883 -6.0 _ 1875 2.5 __ 1849 8.9 __ 1847 14.5   _ 183

__ 04 __ 1918 -10.8 _ 1885 -12.0 _ 1843 -5.8 _ 1926 2.5 __ 1861 8.9 __ 1859 14.7   _ 182

__ 05 __ 1912 -10.5 _ 1904 -10.7 _ 1856 -5.7 _ 1885 2.8 __ 1858 9.3 __ 1843 14.8   _ 181

__ 06 __ 1893 -10.2 _ 1856 -10.2 _ 1888 -5.5 _ 1852 3.1 __ 1866 9.3 __ 1869 14.8   _ 180

__ 07 __ 1945 -10.1 _ 1855 -10.0 _ 1896 -5.1 _ 2018 3.2 __ 1917 9.3 __ 1926 14.9   _ 179

__ 08 __ 1977 -10.1 _ 1979 -9.8 __ 1900 -5.0 _ 1847 3.3 __ 1967 9.3 __ 1851 15.1   _ 178

__ 09 __ 1856 -9.8 __ 1914 -9.5 __ 1875 -4.9 _ 1849 3.3 __ 1857 9.4 __ 1980 15.1   _ 177

__ 10 __ 1888 -9.7 __ 1895 -8.9 __ 1869 -4.7 _ 1850 3.3 __ 1882 9.4 __ 1881 15.2    _ 176

__ 11 __ 1884 -9.4 __ 1905 -8.9 __ 1895 -4.6 _ 1907 3.3 __ 1883 9.5 __ 1902 15.3    _ 175

__ 12 __ 1875 -9.2 __ 1901 -8.8 __ 1960 -4.6 _ 1943 3.3 __ 1924 9.6 __ 1916 15.3   _ 174

__ 13 __ 1904 -9.2 __ 1917 -8.7 __ 1887 -4.2 _ 1868 3.4 __ 1945 9.6 __ 1855 15.5   _ 173

__ 14 __ 1881 -9.1 __ 1936 -8.7 __ 1916 -4.1 _ 1883 3.4 __ 1850 9.8 __ 1885 15.5   _ 172

__ 15 __ 1981 -9.0 __ 1843 -8.6 __ 1912 -3.9 _ 1975 3.4 __ 1853 9.8 __ 1982 15.5    _ 171

__ 16 __ 2004 -9.0 __ 1889 -8.4 __ 2014 -3.9 _ 1876 3.6 __ 1997 9.8 __ 1862 15.6    _ 170

__ 17 __ 1982 -8.9 __ 1963 -8.4 __ 1926 -3.8 _ 1904 3.7 __ 1854 10.0 _ 1958 15.6    _ 169

__ 18 __ 1877 -8.8 __ 1858 -8.1 __ 1940 -3.8 _ 1936 3.7 __ 1890 10.0 _ 1889 15.7   _ 168

__ 19 __ 1873 -8.3 __ 1868 -8.1 __ 1984 -3.7 _ 1888 3.9 __ 1925 10.0 _ 1917 15.7   _ 167

__ 20 __ 1883 -8.3 __ 1879 -8.1 __ 1877 -3.6 _ 1950 3.9 __ 1856 10.1 _ 1840 15.8   _ 166

__ 21 __ 1885 -8.3 __ 2007 -8.0 __ 1852 -3.5 _ 1854 4.1 __ 1966 10.1 _ 1852 15.8   _ 165

__ 22 __ 1970 -8.3 __ 1886 -7.8 __ 1941 -3.4 _ 1887 4.1 __ 1842 10.2 _ 1866 15.8   _ 164

__ 23 __ 1865 -8.1 __ 1893 -7.8 __ 1847 -3.3 _ 1944 4.1 __ 1983 10.2 _ 1845 15.9   _ 163

__ 24 __ 1867 -8.1 __ 1907 -7.8 __ 1863 -3.3 _ 1873 4.2 __ 1845 10.3 _ 1928 15.9   _ 162

__ 25 __ 1887 -8.1 __ 1923 -7.8 __ 1873 -3.3 _ 1879 4.2 __ 1956 10.3 _ 1863 16.0   _ 161

__ 26 __ 1905 -8.1 __ 1978 -7.8 __ 1876 -3.3 _ 1881 4.2 __ 1869 10.4 _ 1918 16.0   _ 160

__ 27 __ 1940 -8.1 __ 1912 -7.7 __ 1923 -3.2 _ 1893 4.2 __ 1884 10.5 _ 1927 16.0   _ 159

__ 28 __ 2009 -8.1 __ 1916 -7.7 __ 1857 -3.1 _ 1920 4.2 __ 1888 10.5 _ 1985 16.0   _ 158

__ 29 __ 2014 -8.1 __ 1849 -7.6 __ 1906 -3.1 _ 1939 4.2 __ 1923 10.5 _ 1844 16.1   _ 157

__ 30 __ 1852 -8.0 __ 1846 -7.5 __ 1870 -2.9 _ 1841 4.3 __ 1852 10.6 _ 1861 16.1   _ 156

__ 31 __ 1948 -8.0 __ 1873 -7.5 __ 1950 -2.9 _ 1860 4.3 __ 1891 10.6 _ 1875 16.1   _ 155

__ 32 __ 2022 -7.9 __ 1967 -7.5 __ 1861 -2.8 _ 1972 4.3 __ 1935 10.6 _ 1886 16.1   _ 154 

__ 33 __ 1868 -7.8 __ 1908 -7.4 __ 1934 -2.8 _ 1995 4.3 __ 1947 10.6 _ 1882 16.2   _ 153

__ 34 __ 1963 -7.8 __ 1899 -7.3 __ 1972 -2.8 _ 1859 4.4 __ 1968 10.6 _ 1897 16.2   _ 152

__ 35 __ 1971 -7.8 __ 1993 -7.3 __ 1866 -2.6 _ 1862 4.4 __ 1984 10.6 _ 1903 16.3   _ 151

__ 36 __ 1978 -7.7 __ 2014 -7.3 __ 1944 -2.6 _ 1932 4.4 __ 1851 10.7 _ 1848 16.4   _ 150

__ 37 __ 1984 -7.7 __ 1881 -7.2 __ 1867 -2.5 _ 1882 4.5 __ 1876 10.7 _ 1868 16.4   _ 149

__ 38 __ 1943 -7.6 __ 1883 -7.1 __ 1892 -2.5 _ 1961 4.5 __ 1892 10.7 _ 1912 16.4   _ 148

__ 39 __ 1886 -7.5 __ 1962 -7.1 __ 1937 -2.5 _ 1965 4.5 __ 1843 10.8 _ 1992 16.4   _ 147

__ 40 __ 1849 -7.4 __ 1994 -7.1 __ 1884 -2.4 _ 1869 4.6 __ 1915 10.8 _ 1883 16.5   _ 146

__ 41 __ 1976 -7.4 __ 1854 -7.0 __ 1890 -2.4 _ 1996 4.6 __ 1974 10.8 _ 1915 16.5   _ 145

__ 42 __ 2015 -7.4 __ 1920 -7.0 __ 1939 -2.4 _ 1909 4.7 __ 1875 10.9 _ 1972 16.5   _ 144

__ 43 __ 1957 -7.3 __ 1924 -7.0 __ 1841 -2.3 _ 1917 4.7 __ 1885 10.9 _ 1871 16.6   _ 143

__ 44 __ 1961 -7.3 __ 1958 -7.0 __ 1899 -2.3 _ 1940 4.7 __ 1893 10.9 _ 1879 16.6   _ 142

__ 45 __ 1985 -7.3 __ 1900 -6.9 __ 1978 -2.3 _ 1956 4.7 __ 1841 11.0 _ 1969 16.6   _ 141

__ 46 __ 1892 -7.2 __ 1913 -6.9 __ 1848 -2.2 _ 1872 4.8 __ 1862 11.0 _ 1849 16.7   _ 140 

__ 47 __ 2003 -7.2 __ 1942 -6.9 __ 1855 -2.2 _ 1982 4.8 __ 1872 11.0 _ 1856 16.7   _ 139

__ 48 __ 1879 -7.1 __ 1968 -6.8 __ 1904 -2.2 _ 1848 4.9 __ 1873 11.0 _ 1877 16.7   _ 138

__ 49 __ 1968 -7.1 __ 1894 -6.7 __ 1932 -2.2 _ 1853 4.9 __ 1927 11.0 _ 1924 16.7   _ 137

__ 50 __ 1866 -7.0 __ 1980 -6.7 __ 1891 -2.1 _ 1867 4.9 __ 1973 11.0 _ 1945 16.7   _ 136

__ 51 __ 1925 -7.0 __ 1926 -6.6 __ 1996 -2.0 _ 1884 4.9 __ 1894 11.1 _ 1986 16.7   _ 135 

__ 52 __ 1979 -7.0 __ 1959 -6.5 __ 1893 -1.9 _ 1914 4.9 __ 1926 11.1 _ 1854 16.8   _ 134 

__ 53 __ 1861 -6.9 __ 1995 -6.5 __ 1989 -1.9 _ 1928 4.9 __ 2002 11.1 _ 1940 16.8   _ 133

__ 54 __ 1935 -6.9 __ 1910 -6.4 __ 2015 -1.9 _ 1978 4.9 __ 1868 11.2 _ 2004 16.9   _ 132

__ 55 __ 1954 -6.8 __ 1918 -6.4 __ 1879 -1.8 _ 2016 4.9 __ 1905 11.2 _ 1878 17.0   _ 131

__ 56 __ 1966 -6.8 __ 1974 -6.4 __ 1943 -1.8 _ 1851 5.0 __ 1910 11.2 _ 1904 17.0   _ 130

__ 57 __ 1959 -6.6 __ 1902 -6.3 __ 1850 -1.7 _ 1934 5.0 __ 1929 11.2 _ 2015 17.0   _ 129

__ 58 __ 1844 -6.5 __ 1872 -6.2 __ 1862 -1.7 _ 1843 5.1 __ 1948 11.2 _ 1872 17.1   _ 128

__ 59 __ 1927 -6.5 __ 2003 -6.2 __ 1864 -1.7 _ 1864 5.1 __ 2019 11.3 _ 1874 17.1   _ 127

__ 60 __ 2005 -6.5 __ 1888 -6.1 __ 1956 -1.7 _ 1892 5.1 __ 1865 11.4 _ 1935 17.1   _ 126

__ 61 __ 2019 -6.5 __ 1929 -6.1 __ 1965 -1.7 _ 1912 5.1 __ 1897 11.4 _ 2009 17.1   _ 125

__ 62 __ 1895 -6.3 __ 1947 -6.1 __ 1971 -1.7 _ 1947 5.1 __ 1976 11.4 _ 1864 17.2   _ 124

__ 63 __ 1962 -6.3 __ 1887 -6.0 __ 1880 -1.6 _ 1989 5.1 __ 1847 11.5 _ 1929 17.2   _ 123

__ 64 __ 2011 -6.3 __ 1935 -6.0 __ 1975 -1.6 _ 2003 5.1 __ 1874 11.5 _ 1961 17.2   _ 122

__ 65 __ 1871 -6.2 __ 1870 -5.9 __ 1853 -1.5 _ 1858 5.2 __ 1878 11.5 _ 1968 17.2   _ 121

__ 66 __ 1872 -6.2 __ 1946 -5.9 __ 1901 -1.5 _ 1908 5.2 __ 1961 11.5 _ 1974 17.2   _ 120

__ 67 __ 1923 -6.2 __ 1973 -5.9 __ 1911 -1.5 _ 1971 5.2 __ 2005 11.5 _ 1993 17.2   _ 119

__ 68 __ 1896 -6.0 __ 1972 -5.8 __ 1915 -1.5 _ 1880 5.3 __ 1886 11.6 _ 1846 17.3   _ 118

__ 69 __ 1938 -6.0 __ 1982 -5.8 __ 1967 -1.5 _ 1923 5.3 __ 1902 11.6 _ 1850 17.3   _ 117

__ 70 __ 1941 -6.0 __ 1847 -5.7 __ 2005 -1.5 _ 1863 5.4 __ 1990 11.6 _ 1873 17.3   _ 116

__ 71 __ 1965 -6.0 __ 1862 -5.7 __ 1858 -1.4 _ 1905 5.4 __ 2008 11.6 _ 1905 17.3   _ 115

__ 72 __ 1854 -5.9 __ 1896 -5.7 __ 1874 -1.4 _ 1919 5.5 __ 1940 11.7 _ 1979 17.3   _ 114

__ 73 __ 1862 -5.9 __ 1906 -5.7 __ 1909 -1.4 _ 1924 5.5 __ 1954 11.7 _ 1887 17.4   _ 113

__ 74 __ 1936 -5.9 __ 1948 -5.7 __ 1959 -1.4 _ 1966 5.5 __ 1963 11.7 _ 1907 17.4   _ 112

__ 75 __ 1907 -5.8 __ 1874 -5.6 __ 2008 -1.4 _ 1992 5.5 __ 1979 11.7 _ 1947 17.5   _ 111

__ 76 __ 1996 -5.8 __ 1989 -5.6 __ 1854 -1.3 _ 2020 5.5 __ 1994 11.7 _ 1978 17.5   _ 110

__ 77 __ 1930 -5.7 __ 1841 -5.5 __ 1886 -1.3 _ 1856 5.6 __ 1996 11.7 _ 1914 17.6   _ 109

__ 78 __ 1997 -5.7 __ 1865 -5.5 __ 1928 -1.3 _ 1890 5.6 __ 2020 11.7 _ 1946 17.6   _ 108

__ 79 __ 1853 -5.6 __ 1866 -5.5 __ 1947 -1.3 _ 1930 5.6 __ 1909 11.8 _ 1950 17.6   _ 107

__ 80 __ 1917 -5.6 __ 1986 -5.5 __ 1881 -1.2 _ 1979 5.6 __ 1928 11.8 _ 1965 17.6   _ 106 

__ 81 __ 1929 -5.5 __ 1970 -5.4 __ 1914 -1.2 _ 1937 5.7 __ 1946 11.8 _ 1977 17.6    _ 105

__ 82 __ 1999 -5.5 __ 1852 -5.3 __ 1970 -1.2 _ 2014 5.7 __ 1957 11.8 _ 2000 17.6   _ 104

__ 83 __ 2018 -5.5 __ 1853 -5.3 __ 1905 -1.1 _ 1845 5.8 __ 1855 11.9 _ 2003 17.6   _ 103

__ 84 __ 1847 -5.4 __ 1860 -5.3 __ 1930 -1.1 _ 1983 5.8 __ 1952 11.9 _ 2019 17.6   _ 102

__ 85 __ 1897 -5.3 __ 1950 -5.3 __ 1969 -1.1 _ 2007 5.8 __ 1958 11.9 _ 1936 17.7   _ 101

__ 86 __ 1903 -5.3 __ 1863 -5.2 __ 1980 -1.1 _ 2013 5.8 __ 2017 11.9 _ 1860 17.8   _ 100

__ 87 __ 1922 -5.3 __ 1941 -5.2 __ 1992 -1.1 _ 1855 5.9 __ 1871 12.0 _ 1891 17.8   __ 99

__ 88 __ 1924 -5.3 __ 1988 -5.2 __ 1993 -1.1 _ 1861 5.9 __ 1877 12.0 _ 1913 17.8   __ 98

__ 89 __ 2010 -5.3 __ 1965 -5.1 __ 2017 -1.0 _ 1911 5.9 __ 1879 12.0 _ 1960 17.8   __ 97

__ 90 __ 2025 -5.3 __ 1876 -5.0 __ 2019 -1.0 _ 1927 5.9 __ 1913 12.0 _ 1981 17.8   __ 96

__ 91 __ 1882 -5.2 __ 1884 -5.0 __ 1982 -0.9 _ 1935 5.9 __ 1916 12.0 _ 1853 17.9   __ 95

__ 92 __ 1899 -5.2 __ 1871 -4.9 __ 1933 -0.8 _ 1865 6.0 __ 2003 12.0 _ 1896 17.9   __ 94

__ 93 __ 1939 -5.2 __ 1928 -4.9 __ 1954 -0.8 _ 1997 6.0 __ 1848 12.1 _ 1910 17.9   __ 93

__ 94 __ 1891 -5.1 __ 1996 -4.9 __ 1924 -0.7 _ 2019 6.0 __ 1889 12.1 _ 1951 17.9   __ 92

__ 95 __ 1902 -5.1 __ 2011 -4.9 __ 1908 -0.6 _ 1895 6.1 __ 1906 12.1 _ 1964 17.9   __ 91

__ 96 __ 1915 -5.1 __ 2021 -4.9  __ 1948 -0.6 _ 1897 6.1 __ 1920 12.1 _ 1888 18.0  __ 90

__ 97 __ 2000 -5.1 __ 1940 -4.8 __ 1952 -0.6 _ 1918 6.1 __ 1943 12.1 _ 1884 18.1   __ 89

__ 98 __ 1901 -5.0 __ 1977 -4.8 __ 1955 -0.6 _ 1964 6.1 __ 1901 12.2 _ 1939 18.1   __ 88

__ 99 __ 1969 -5.0 __ 1892 -4.6 __ 1974 -0.6 _ 2022 6.1 __ 1969 12.2 _ 1948 18.1   __ 87

_ 100 __ 1986 -5.0 __ 1939 -4.6 __ 1997 -0.5 _ 1889 6.2 __ 1981 12.2 _ 2013 18.1   __ 86

_101 __ 1991 -5.0 __ 1985 -4.6 __ 1897 -0.4 _ 1891 6.2 __ 1840 12.3 _ 2017 18.1   __ 85

_102___ 1864 -4.8 __ 2008 -4.6 __ 1846 -0.3 _ 1953 6.2 __ 1932 12.3 _ 1867 18.2   __ 84

_103___ 1942 -4.7 __ 2025 -4.6 __ 1868 -0.3 _ 1988 6.2 __ 1938 12.3 _ 1900 18.2   __ 83

_104___ 1955 -4.7 __ 1869 -4.5 __ 1882 -0.3 _ 1898 6.3 __ 1864 12.5 _ 1901 18.2   __ 82

_105___ 1956 -4.7 __ 1898 -4.4 __ 1917 -0.3 _ 1903 6.3 __ 1950 12.5 _ 1938 18.2   __ 81

_106___ 1860 -4.6 __ 1944 -4.4 __ 1949 -0.3 _ 2004 6.3 __ 1971 12.5 _ 1990 18.2   __ 80

_107___ 1908 -4.6 __ 1897 -4.3 __ 2011 -0.3 _ 1902 6.4 __ 2004 12.5 _ 1996 18.2   __ 79

_108___ 1926 -4.6 __ 1987 -4.3  __ 1964 -0.2 _ 1946 6.4 __ 1912 12.6 _ 1909 18.2   __ 78

_109___ 1931 -4.6 __ 1943 -4.2 __ 1988 -0.2 _ 1967 6.4 __ 1919 12.6 _ 1911 18.3   __ 77 

_110___ 1958 -4.6 __ 2022 -4.2 __ 1994 -0.2 _ 2000 6.4 __ 1993 12.6 _ 1931 18.3   __ 76

_111___ 1980 -4.6 __ 1945 -4.1 __ 2003 -0.2 _ 1846 6.5 __ 1863 12.7 _ 1937 18.3   __ 75

_112___ 1841 -4.5 __ 1964 -4.1 __ 2018 -0.2 _ 1877 6.5 __ 1900 12.7 _ 1942 18.3   __ 74

_113___ 1851 -4.5 __ 2013 -4.1 __ 2001 -0.1 _ 1931 6.5 __ 1931 12.7 _ 1989 18.3   __ 73

_114___ 1878 -4.5 __ 1850 -4.0 __ 1844 +0.2 _ 1916 6.6 __ 1970 12.7 _ 1892 18.4   __ 72

_115___ 1972 -4.5 __ 1911 -4.0 __ 1865 +0.2 _ 2011 6.6 __ 2009 12.7 _ 1899 18.4   __ 71

_116___ 1874 -4.3 __ 2019 -4.0 __ 1931 +0.2 _ 1840 6.7 __ 1895 12.8 _ 1906 18.4   __ 70 

_117___ 1928 -4.3 __ 1933 -3.9 __ 1961 +0.2 _ 1894 6.7 __ 1899 12.8 _ 1920 18.4   __ 69

_118___ 1960 -4.3 __ 1966 -3.9 __ 2007 +0.3 _ 1933 6.7 __ 1992 12.8 _ 1944 18.4   __ 68

_119___ 1988 -4.2 __ 1864 -3.8 __ 2013 +0.3 _ 1993 6.7 __ 1859 12.9 _ 1956 18.4   __ 67

_120___ 1859 -4.1 __ 1903 -3.8 __ 1849 +0.4 _ 1871 6.8 __ 1904 12.9 _ 1858 18.5   __ 66

_121___ 1934 -4.1 __ 1955 -3.8 __ 1851 +0.4 _ 1906 6.8 __ 1942 12.9 _ 1998 18.5   __ 65

_122___ 1946 -4.1 __ 1971 -3.8 __ 1889 +0.4 _ 1951 6.8 __ 1903 13.0 _ 2018 18.5   __ 64

_123___ 1898 -4.0 __ 1845 -3.7 __ 1913 +0.4 _ 1973 6.8 __ 1953 13.0 _ 2022 18.5   __ 63

_124___ 1910 -4.0 __ 1915 -3.7 __ 1918 +0.5 _ 1980 6.8 __ 1898 13.1 _ 1865 18.6   __ 62

_125___ 1914 -4.0 __ 1960 -3.7 __ 1962 +0.5 _ 1899 6.9 __ 1937 13.1 _ 1876 18.6   __ 61

_126___ 1974 -4.0 __ 1844 -3.6 __ 1919 +0.6 _ 1925 6.9 __ 1960 13.1 _ 1890 18.6   __ 60

_127___ 1855 -3.9 __ 1861 -3.6 __ 1920 +0.6 _ 1842 7.0 __ 1989 13.1 _ 1898 18.6   __ 59

_128___ 1870 -3.9 __ 1922 -3.6 __ 1999 +0.6 _ 1866 7.0 __ 1995 13.1 _ 1932 18.6   __ 58

_129___ 1846 -3.8 __ 1931 -3.6 __ 2002 +0.6 _ 1922 7.0 __ 1844 13.2 _ 1984 18.6   __ 57

_130___ 1911 -3.8 __ 1859 -3.5 __ 1907 +0.7 _ 1949 7.0 __ 1846 13.2 _ 1988 18.6   __ 56

_131___ 1992 -3.8 __ 1969 -3.5 __ 1922 +0.8 _ 1962 7.0 __ 1908 13.2 _ 2002 18.6   __ 55 

_132___ 1947 -3.7 __ 2006 -3.5 __ 1936 +0.8 _ 2012 7.0 __ 2023 13.2 _ 2023 18.6   __ 54 

_133___ 1900 -3.6 __ 1930 -3.4 __ 1981 +0.8 _ 1886 7.1 __ 1860 13.3 _ 1880 18.7   __ 53

_134___ 1987 -3.6 __ 1909 -3.3 __ 1986 +0.9 _ 1929 7.1 __ 2021 13.3 _ 1908 18.7   __ 52

_135___ 1909 -3.5 __ 1927 -3.3 __ 1990 +0.9 _ 1954 7.1 __ 1978 13.4 _ 1923 18.7   __ 51

_136___ 1951 -3.4 __ 1938 -3.3 __ 2023 +0.9 _ 1963 7.1 __ 2011 13.4 _ 1962 18.7   __ 50

_137___ 1952 -3.4 __ 1951 -3.3 __ 1951 +1.0 _ 1984 7.1 __ 2014 13.5 _ 1970 18.7   __ 49

_138___ 1983 -3.4 __ 2005 -3.3 __ 1976 +1.0 _ 1994 7.1 __ 1918 13.6 _ 1971 18.7   __ 48

_139___ 2016 -3.4 __ 2010 -3.2 __ 1985 +1.0 _ 2015 7.1 __ 1933 13.6 _ 2011 18.7   __ 47

_140___ 1993 -3.3 __ 1925 -3.1 __ 2009 +1.0 _ 1960 7.2 __ 1985 13.6 _ 1922 18.8   __ 46

_141___ 2001 -3.3 __ 1990 -3.1 __ 1963 +1.1 _ 1981 7.2 __ 1930 13.7 _ 1925 18.8   __ 45

_142___ 1845 -3.2 __ 1992 -3.1 __ 1983 +1.1 _ 2002 7.2 __ 1934 13.7 _ 1953 18.8   __ 44

_143___ 1973 -3.2 __ 2004 -3.1 __ 1840 +1.2 _ 1870 7.3 __ 1959 13.7 _ 1994 18.8   __ 43

_144___ 1842 -2.9 __ 2009 -3.1 __ 1925 +1.2 _ 1900 7.3 __ 1939 13.8 _ 2006 18.8   __ 42

_145___ 1921 -2.8 __ 1878 -3.0 __ 1966 +1.2 _ 1959 7.3 __ 1870 13.9 _ 1930 18.9   __ 41

_146___ 2007 -2.8 __ 1956 -3.0 __ 1968 +1.2 _ 2021 7.3 __ 1949 14.0 _ 1952 18.9   __ 40 

_147___ 1848 -2.7 __ 2020 -3.0 __ 2022 +1.2 _ 1938 7.4 __ 1951 14.0 _ 1963 18.9  __ 39

_148___ 1964 -2.7 __ 1848 -2.9 __ 1927 +1.3 _ 1913 7.5 __ 2006 14.0 _ 1983 18.9   __ 38

_149___ 1889 -2.6 __ 1937 -2.8 __ 2006 +1.3 _ 1969 7.5 __ 2007 14.0 _ 2008 18.9   __ 37

_150___ 2021 -2.5 __ 1975 -2.8 __ 1935 +1.4 _ 1970 7.5 __ 1921 14.1 _ 2010 18.9   __ 36

_151___ 1995 -2.4 __ 2001 -2.8 __ 1957 +1.4 _ 1985 7.5 __ 1941 14.1 _ 1973 19.0   __ 35

_152___ 1894 -2.3 __ 1851 -2.6 __ 1860 +1.5 _ 2005 7.5 __ 1982 14.1 _ 2016 19.0   __ 34

_153___ 1949 -2.3 __ 1880 -2.6 __ 1991 +1.5 _ 2009 7.5 __ 1988 14.1 _ 1893 19.1   __ 33

_154___ 2024 -2.3 __ 1891 -2.6 __ 1845 +1.6 _ 1901 7.7 __ 2000 14.1 _ 1894 19.1   __ 32

_155___ 1843 -2.2 __ 1952 -2.6 __ 1871 +1.6 _ 1896 7.8 __2001 14.1 _ 1954 19.1   __ 31

_156___ 1863 -2.1 __ 1983 -2.6 __ 1938 +1.6 _ 1948 7.8 __ 1936 14.3 _ 1975 19.1   __ 30 

_157___ 1869 -2.1 __ 1890 -2.5 __ 1942 +1.7 _ 1957 7.8 __ 1972 14.3 _ 1933 19.2   __ 29

_158___ 1953 -2.1 __ 1919 -2.5 __ 1953 +1.7 _ 1974 7.8 __1914 14.4 _ 1957 19.2   __ 28

_159___ 2013 -2.1 __ 1921 -2.5 __ 1958 +1.8 _ 1999 7.8 __ 1965 14.4 _ 1966 19.2   __ 27

_160___ 1975 -2.0 __ 2016 -2.3 __ 1894 +1.9 _ 2006 7.8 __ 2016 14.4 _ 2014 19.2   __ 26 

_161___ 2008 -2.0 __ 1842 -2.2 __ 1979 +1.9 _ 1977 7.9 __ 1881 14.5 _ 2001 19.3   __ 25

_162___ 1850 -1.9 __ 1857 -2.2 __ 2004 +2.1 _ 1910 8.0 __ 1887 14.5 _ 2024 19.3   __ 24 

_163___ 1919 -1.9 __ 1867 -2.2 __ 1929 +2.2 _ 1945 8.0 __ 1980 14.5 _ 1841 19.4   __ 23 

_164___ 1967 -1.9 __ 1957 -2.2 __ 1995 +2.3 _ 2001 8.0 __ 2013 14.5 _ 1870 19.4   __ 22

_165___ 1858 -1.8 __ 1949 -2.1 __ 1859 +2.4 _ 2024 8.1 __ 1880 14.7 _ 1934 19.4   __ 21 

_166___ 1944 -1.8 __ 1961 -2.1 __ 1998 +2.4 _ 1986 8.2 __ 1955 14.7 _ 1955 19.4   __ 20

_167___ 1998 -1.8 __ 1997 -2.1 __ 2016 +2.4 _ 1991 8.2 __ 1964 14.7 _ 1959 19.5   __ 19

_168___ 2012 -1.7 __ 1877 -2.0 __ 1987 +2.5 _ 1958 8.3 __ 1986 14.7 _ 1997 19.5   __ 18

_169___ 2017 -1.6 __ 1932 -1.9 __ 1898 +2.6 _ 1976 8.3 __ 1987 14.7 _ 1895 19.7    __ 17

_170___ 2020 -1.6 __ 2000 -1.9 __ 1842 +2.7 _ 1968 8.4 __ 1922 14.9 _ 1987 19.7    __ 16

_171___ 1890 -1.5 __ 1991 -1.8 __ 1902 +2.8 _ 1990 8.4 __ 1944 14.9 _ 1995 19.7    __ 15

_172___ 1989 -1.5 __ 1953 -1.6 __ 2020 +2.9 _ 2023 8.4 __ 2022 15.0 _ 1941 19.8   __ 14

_173___ 1916 -1.4 __ 1981 -1.5 __ 2021 +2.9 _ 2017 8.6 __ 2015 15.2 _ 2020 19.8   __ 13

_174___ 1876 -1.3 __ 2018 -1.5 __ 1977 +3.1 _ 1998 8.7 __ 1999 15.3 _ 1921 19.9   __ 12

_175___ 1937 -1.1 __ 2002 -1.3 __ 1878 +3.2 _ 1952 9.0 __ 1896 15.5 _ 1976 19.9   __ 11

_176___ 1906 -0.9 __ 1999 -1.2 __ 1921 +3.2 _ 1921 9.1 __ 1962 15.5 _ 2007 19.9   __ 10

_177___ 2023 -0.9 __ 2023 -1.2 __ 2024 +3.4 _ 2008 9.1 __ 1977 15.7 _ 2012 19.9   __ 09

_178___ 1950 -0.8 __ 1882 -1.1 __ 1910 +3.5 _ 1942 9.2 __ 2010 15.7 _ 1967 20.0   __ 08

_179___ 1913 -0.7 __ 1976 -1.1 __ 1973 +3.9 _ 1987 9.2 __ 2024 15.8 _ 1999 20.0   __ 07

_180___ 1990 -0.6 __ 1984 -0.6 __ 1903 +4.0 _ 1844 9.3 __ 1911 15.9 _ 1943 20.1   __ 06

_181___ 2002 -0.2 __ 1954 -0.3 __ 2000 +4.3 _ 1915 9.6 __ 2018 15.9 _ 1991 20.2   __ 05

_182___ 2006_ 0.0 __ 2012 -0.2 __ 2010 +4.5 _ 1878 9.7 __ 1975 16.0 _ 2021 20.3  __ 04

_183___ 1933 +0.3 __ 2017 -0.1 __ 1946 +5.4 _ 1941 9.7 __ 1991 16.0 _ 1949 21.7  __ 03

_184___ 1880 +0.4 __ 1998 +0.3 __ 1945 +5.5 _ 1955 9.7 __ 2012 16.0 _ 2005 21.7 __ 02

_185___ 1932 +1.3 __ 2024 +0.4 __ 2012 +6.1 _ 2010 10.3 _ 1998 16.9 _ 1919 22.1  __ 01

Mar 2024 entered at 9 warmest 3.4 C

Apr 2024 entered at 21st warmest 8.1 C

May 2024 entered at 7 warmest 15.8 C

June 2024 entered at t-24 warmest 19.3 C

Jan 2025 entered at t-85 coldest -5.3 C

Feb 2025 entered at t-83 warmest -4.6 C


(part 2)

Rank ___________________________________________________________________________________ Rank

(cold) __ Jul _______  Aug _______ Sep _______ Oct ______ Nov ______  Dec ______  Year ____ (warm)

__ 01 _ 1884 17.7 _ 1866 16.2 _ 1848 12.2 _ 1925 5.3 _ 1873 -2.4 _ 1989 -8.9 __1875_4.78_ 185

__ 02 _ 1891 17.7 _ 1885 17.2 _ 1883 12.5 _ 1841 5.7 _ 1880 -1.2 _ 1876 -8.3 __1885_4.96_ 184 

__ 03 _ 1992 17.9 _ 1851 17.3 _ 1845 12.8 _ 1876 5.9 _ 1933 -0.8 _ 1872 -8.2 __1856_5.20_ 183 

__ 04 _ 1848 18.0 _ 1903 17.4 _ 1850 12.8 _ 1889 5.9 _ 1871 -0.4 _ 1917 -7.3 __1883_5.22_ 182

__ 05 _ 1860 18.1 _ 1912 17.4 _ 1840 13.0 _ 1895 5.9 _ 1851 -0.1 _ 1859 -7.2 __1904_5.59_ 181

__ 06 _ 1865 18.3 _ 1856 17.5 _ 1847 13.0 _ 1869 6.1 _ 1875 -0.1 _ 1845 -6.3 __1857_5.62_ 180

__ 07 _ 1851 18.4 _ 1883 17.5 _ 1860 13.0 _ 1853 6.2 _ 1869 0.3 __1851 -6.3 __ 1873_5.78_ 179

__ 08 _ 1883 18.4 _ 1869 17.7 _ 1863 13.2 _ 1868 6.2 _ 1843 0.7 __1886 -6.3 __ 1888_5.85_ 178

__ 09 _ 1853 18.5 _ 1927 17.7 _ 1871 13.2 _ 1888 6.2 _ 1857 0.7 __1910 -6.3 __ 1917_5.86_ 177

__ 10 _ 1842 18.6 _ 1964 17.7 _ 1879 13.2 _ 1843 6.4 _ 1872 0.8 __1963 -6.2 __ 1872_6.02_ 176

__ 11 _ 1861 18.6 _ 1982 17.7 _ 1918 13.2 _ 1875 6.4 _ 1936 0.8 __1880 -6.1 __ 1926_6.07_ 175

__ 12 _ 1869 18.6 _ 1847 17.8 _ 1875 13.3 _ 1850 6.5 _ 1848 0.9 __1958 -6.0 __ 1852_6.11_ 174

__ 13 _ 1965 18.7 _ 1855 18.0 _ 1852 13.4 _ 1855 6.5 _ 1951 0.9 __1976 -6.0 __ 1847_6.17_ 173

__ 14 _ 2009 18.7 _ 1890 18.0 _ 1859 13.4 _ 1887 6.5 _ 2019 0.9 __2000 -6.0 __ 1893_6.18_ 172

__ 15 _ 1852 18.8 _ 1904 18.0 _ 1924 13.4 _ 1844 6.6 _ 1842 1.0 __1935 -5.8 __ 1886_6.26_ 171

__ 16 _ 1920 18.8 _ 1992 18.0 _ 1856 13.5 _ 1859 6.6 _ 1884 1.0 __1904 -5.7 __ 1843_6.28_ 170

__ 17 _ 1871 18.9 _ 1929 18.1 _ 1887 13.5 _ 1917 6.6 _ 1894 1.0 __1850 -5.6 __ 1884_6.28_ 169

__ 18 _ 1886 18.9 _ 1934 18.1 _ 1864 13.6 _ 1847 6.9 _ 1917 1.0 __1854 -5.6 __ 1849_6.31_ 168

__ 19 _ 1888 18.9 _ 1849 18.2 _ 1866 13.6 _ 1907 6.9 _ 1858 1.1 __1919 -5.6 __ 1869_6.34_ 167

__ 20 _ 1895 18.9 _ 1852 18.2 _ 1888 13.6 _ 1856 7.0 _ 1901 1.1 __1856 -5.5 __ 1855_6.38_ 166

__ 21 _ 1843 19.0 _ 1857 18.2 _ 1956 13.6 _ 1896 7.0 _ 1976 1.2 __1871 -5.4 __ 1851_6.41_ 165

__ 22 _ 1924 19.1 _ 1907 18.2 _ 1873 13.7 _ 1857 7.1 _ 1841 1.3 __1890 -5.4 __ 1868_6.41_ 164

__ 23 _ 1841 19.2 _ 1902 18.3 _ 1885 13.7 _ 1883 7.1 _ 1996 1.3 __1903 -5.4 __ 1853_6.53_ 163

__ 24 _ 1845 19.2 _ 1923 18.3 _ 1842 13.8 _ 1846 7.2 _ 1903 1.4 __1867 -5.3 __ 1924_6.53_ 162

__ 25 _ 1875 19.2 _ 1946 18.3 _ 1899 13.8 _ 1981 7.2 _ 1995 1.4 __1980 -5.3 __ 1887_6.54_ 161

__ 26 _ 1849 19.3 _ 1844 18.4 _ 1928 13.8 _ 1880 7.3 _ 2018 1.4 __1983 -5.3 __ 1866_6.55_ 160

__ 27 _ 1882 19.3 _ 1860 18.4 _ 1893 13.9 _ 1840 7.4 _ 1887 1.5 __1906 -5.2 __ 1907_6.58_ 159

__ 28 _ 1925 19.3 _ 1884 18.4 _ 1896 13.9 _ 1865 7.4 _ 1892 1.5 __1924 -5.0 __ 1895_6.59_ 158

__ 29 _ 1932 19.3 _ 1894 18.4 _ 1868 14.0 _ 1976 7.4 _ 1932 1.5 __1926 -5.0 __ 1850_6.60_ 157

__ 30 _ 1904 19.4 _ 1897 18.4 _ 1890 14.1 _ 1845 7.5 _ 1852 1.6 __2017 -5.0 __ 1879_6.62_ 156

__ 31 _ 1926 19.4 _ 1865 18.5 _ 1963 14.1 _ 1885 7.5 _ 1874 1.7 __1840 -4.9 __ 1876_6.63_ 155

__ 32 _ 1840 19.5 _ 1879 18.5 _ 1993 14.1 _ 1904 7.5 _ 1967 1.7 __1868 -4.9 __ 1874_6.72_ 154

__ 33 _ 1844 19.5 _ 1886 18.6 _ 1849 14.2 _ 1848 7.6 _ 2014 1.7 __1893 -4.9 __ 1892_6.76_ 153

__ 34 _ 1859 19.5 _ 1889 18.6 _ 1876 14.3 _ 1872 7.6 _ 1854 1.8 __1933 -4.9 __ 1841_6.78_ 152

__ 35 _ 1874 19.5 _ 1895 18.6 _ 1935 14.3 _ 1873 7.6 _ 1898 1.8 __1945 -4.9 __ 1854_6.78_ 151

__ 36 _ 1862 19.6 _ 1841 18.7 _ 1857 14.4 _ 1909 7.6 _ 1911 1.8 __1942 -4.7 __ 1861_6.82_ 150

__ 37 _ 1863 19.6 _ 1875 18.7 _ 1917 14.4 _ 1980 7.6 _ 1844 1.9 __1960 -4.7 __ 1871_6.82_ 149

__ 38 _ 1909 19.6 _ 1891 18.7 _ 1938 14.4 _ 1988 7.6 _ 1882 1.9 __1955 -4.6 __ 1862_6.83_ 148

__ 39 _ 1956 19.6 _ 1915 18.7 _ 1949 14.4 _ 1849 7.7 _ 1886 1.9 __1860 -4.5 __ 1845_6.84_ 147

__ 40 _ 1976 19.6 _ 1963 18.7 _ 1975 14.4 _ 1952 7.7 _ 1904 1.9 __1902 -4.5 __ 1840_6.85_ 146

__ 41 _ 2014 19.6 _ 1887 18.9 _ 1904 14.5 _ 1987 7.7 _ 1921 1.9 __1995 -4.4 __ 1912_6.85_ 145

__ 42 _ 1890 19.7 _ 1924 18.9 _ 1984 14.5 _ 1842 7.8 _ 1862 2.0 __1853 -4.3 __ 1859_6.86_ 144

__ 43 _ 1962 19.7 _ 1979 18.9 _ 1926 14.6 _ 1864 7.8 _ 1879 2.0 __1969 -4.3 __ 1940_6.88_ 143

__ 44 _ 1880 19.8 _ 1986 18.9 _ 1853 14.8 _ 1972 7.8 _ 1910 2.0 __1985 -4.3 __ 1848_6.90_ 142

__ 45 _ 1885 19.8 _ 2004 18.9 _ 1886 14.8 _ 1926 7.9 _ 1840 2.1 __1878 -4.2 __ 1905_6.93_ 141

__ 46 _ 1996 19.8 _ 1840 19.0 _ 1950 14.8 _ 1992 8.0 _ 2013 2.1 __1929 -4.2 __ 1867_6.95_ 140

__ 47 _ 2000 19.8 _ 1850 19.0 _ 1962 14.8 _ 1937 8.1 _ 1856 2.2 __1934 -4.2 __ 1934_7.02_ 139

__ 48 _ 1847 19.9 _ 1888 19.0 _ 1974 14.8 _ 1974 8.1 _ 1939 2.2 __1944 -4.1 __ 1860_7.03_ 138

__ 49 _ 1858 19.9 _ 1965 19.0 _ 1995 14.8 _ 1863 8.2 _ 1949 2.2 __1874 -3.9 __ 1978_7.08_ 137

__ 50 _ 1892 19.9 _ 1967 19.0 _ 1851 14.9 _ 1933 8.3 _ 1959 2.2 __1884 -3.9 __ 1858_7.11_ 136

__ 51 _ 1915 19.9 _ 1861 19.1 _ 1913 14.9 _ 1940 8.3 _ 1920 2.3 __1914 -3.9 __ 1863_7.11_ 135

__ 52 _ 1929 19.9 _ 1873 19.1 _ 1943 14.9 _ 1965 8.4 _ 1986 2.3 __1968 -3.9 __ 1923_7.11_ 134

__ 53 _ 1945 19.9 _ 1893 19.1 _ 1986 14.9 _ 1993 8.4 _ 1878 2.4 __1970 -3.9 __ 1943_7.13_ 133

__ 54 _ 1985 19.9 _ 1908 19.1 _ 1966 15.0 _ 2009 8.4 _ 1891 2.4 __2010 -3.9 __ 1890_7.17_ 132

__ 55 _ 1873 20.0 _ 1997 19.1 _ 1981 15.0 _ 1874 8.5 _ 1905 2.4 __2013 -3.9 __ 1842_7.18_ 131

__ 56 _ 1893 20.0 _ 1994 19.2 _ 1982 15.0 _ 1891 8.5 _ 1972 2.4 __1842 -3.8 __ 2014_7.20_ 130 

__ 57 _ 1927 20.0 _ 1874 19.3 _ 1861 15.1 _ 1892 8.5 _ 1907 2.5 __1882 -3.8 __ 1925_7.21_ 129

__ 58 _ 1967 20.0 _ 1880 19.3 _ 1867 15.1 _ 1945 8.5 _ 1980 2.5 __1892 -3.8 __ 1896_7.25_ 128

__ 59 _ 2004 20.0 _ 1954 19.3 _ 1937 15.1 _ 1979 8.5 _ 1845 2.6 __1849 -3.6 __ 1980_7.26_ 127

__ 60 _ 1857 20.1 _ 1843 19.4 _ 1855 15.2 _ 1851 8.6 _ 1868 2.6 __1883 -3.6 __ 1935_7.27_ 126

__ 61 _ 1867 20.1 _ 1845 19.4 _ 1858 15.2 _ 2006 8.6 _ 1895 2.6 __1909 -3.6 __ 1864_7.28_ 125

__ 62 _ 1923 20.1 _ 1863 19.4 _ 1967 15.2 _ 2018 8.6 _ 1926 2.6 __1925 -3.6 __ 1979_7.28_ 124

__ 63 _ 1950 20.1 _ 1905 19.4 _ 2006 15.2 _ 1860 8.7 _ 1943 2.6 __1943 -3.6 __ 1865_7.31_ 123

__ 64 _ 1960 20.1 _ 1941 19.4 _ 1910 15.3 _ 1929 8.7 _ 1989 2.6 __1962 -3.6 __ 1882_7.31_ 122

__ 65 _ 1984 20.1 _ 1956 19.4 _ 1992 15.3 _ 1934 8.7 _ 1881 2.7 __1866 -3.5 __ 1929_7.31_ 121

__ 66 _ 1855 20.2 _ 1957 19.4 _ 1844 15.4 _ 1943 8.7 _ 1883 2.7 __1855 -3.4 __ 1844_7.34_ 120

__ 67 _ 1902 20.2 _ 1977 19.4 _ 1872 15.4 _ 1948 8.7 _ 1890 2.7 __1864 -3.4 __ 1920_7.34_ 119

__ 68 _ 1876 20.3 _ 1985 19.4 _ 1902 15.4 _ 2020 8.7 _ 1893 2.7 __1947 -3.4 __ 1972_7.36_ 118

__ 69 _ 1899 20.3 _ 1842 19.5 _ 1909 15.4 _ 1852 8.8 _ 1906 2.7 __1879 -3.3 __ 1982_7.38_ 117

__ 70 _ 2001 20.3 _ 1870 19.5 _ 1964 15.4 _ 1923 8.9 _ 1925 2.7 __1898 -3.3 __ 1992_7.38_ 116

__ 71 _ 2007 20.3 _ 1910 19.5 _ 1892 15.5 _ 1936 8.9 _ 2007 2.7 __1901 -3.3 __ 1889_7.39_ 115

__ 72 _ 1846 20.4 _ 1917 19.5 _ 1911 15.5 _ 2003 8.9 _ 1916 2.8 __1975 -3.3 __ 1918_7.40_ 114

__ 73 _ 1894 20.4 _ 2017 19.5 _ 1923 15.5 _ 1862 9.0 _ 1929 2.8 __2005 -3.3 __ 1902_7.41_ 113

__ 74 _ 1900 20.4 _ 1848 19.6 _ 1976 15.5 _ 1884 9.0 _ 1940 2.8 __1870 -3.2 __ 1901_7.42_ 112

__ 75 _ 1903 20.4 _ 1859 19.6 _ 1978 15.5 _ 1886 9.0 _ 1997 2.8 __1916 -3.2 __ 1914_7.42_ 111

__ 76 _ 1907 20.4 _ 1862 19.6 _ 2013 15.5 _ 1893 9.0 _ 1850 2.9 __1937 -3.1 __ 1945_7.43_ 110

__ 77 _ 1922 20.4 _ 1892 19.6 _ 1889 15.6 _ 1902 9.0 _ 1855 2.9 __1977 -3.0 __ 1967_7.44_ 109

__ 78 _ 1947 20.4 _ 1896 19.6 _ 1914 15.6 _ 1930 9.0 _ 1864 2.9 __1875 -2.9 __ 1989_7.45_ 108

__ 79 _ 1971 20.4 _ 1919 19.6 _ 1988 15.6 _ 1966 9.0 _ 1870 2.9 __1973 -2.9 __ 1936_7.46_ 107

__ 80 _ 1870 20.5 _ 1921 19.6 _ 1940 15.7 _ 1890 9.1 _ 1876 2.9 __2008 -2.9 __ 1976_7.46_ 106

__ 81 _ 1879 20.5 _ 1972 19.6 _ 1942 15.7 _ 1901 9.1 _ 1955 2.9 __1846 -2.8 __ 1880_7.48_ 105

__ 82 _ 1889 20.5 _ 2008 19.6 _ 1954 15.7 _ 1905 9.1 _ 1861 3.0 __1915 -2.8 __ 1891_7.48__104

__ 83 _ 1918 20.5 _ 2023 19.6 _ 1979 15.7 _ 1964 9.1 _ 1877 3.0 __1885 -2.7 __ 1965_7.48__103

__ 84 _ 1978 20.5 _ 1858 19.7 _ 1862 15.8 _ 1978 9.1 _ 1888 3.0 __1858 -2.6 __ 1996_7.52__102

__ 85 _ 1997 20.5 _ 1882 19.7 _ 1880 15.8 _ 2008 9.1 _ 1914 3.0 __1863 -2.6 __ 1903_7.53__101 

__ 86 _ 1896 20.6 _ 1914 19.7 _ 1895 15.8 _ 1861 9.2 _ 1950 3.0 __1896 -2.6 __ 1909_7.54__100

__ 87 _ 1912 20.6 _ 1950 19.7 _ 1916 15.8 _ 2002 9.2 _ 1853 3.1 __1950 -2.6 __ 1963_7.56__ 99

__ 88 _ 1928 20.6 _ 1951 19.7 _ 1990 15.8 _ 1906 9.3 _ 1919 3.1 __1954 -2.6 __ 1899_7.59__ 98

__ 89 _ 1942 20.6 _ 1976 19.7 _ 1997 15.8 _ 1977 9.3 _ 1937 3.1 __1966 -2.6 __ 1928_7.61__ 97

__ 90 _ 1946 20.6 _ 1981 19.7 _ 2000 15.8 _ 1911 9.4 _ 1947 3.1 __2004 -2.6 __ 1916_7.63__ 96

__ 91 _ 1968 20.6 _ 2014 19.7 _ 1903 15.9 _ 1916 9.4 _ 1991 3.1 __1921 -2.5 __ 1950_7.63__ 95

__ 92 _ 2003 20.6 _ 1868 19.8 _ 1951 15.9 _ 1922 9.4 _ 1962 3.2 __1922 -2.5 __ 1956_7.64__ 94

__ 93 _ 2021 20.6 _ 1926 19.8 _ 1980 15.9 _ 1986 9.5 _ 2002 3.2 __1951 -2.5 __ 1897_7.67__ 93

__ 94 _ 1905 20.7 _ 1943 19.8 _ 1987 15.9 _ 1996 9.5 _ 1992 3.3 __1887 -2.4 __ 1993_7.68__ 92

__ 95 _ 1930 20.7 _ 1971 19.8 _ 2010 15.9 _ 1878 9.6 _ 2008 3.3 __1897 -2.4 __ 1981_7.69__ 91

__ 96 _ 1954 20.7 _ 1999 19.8 _ 1925 16.0 _ 1935 9.6 _ 1885 3.4 __1930 -2.3 __ 1881_7.70__ 90

__ 97 _ 1957 20.7 _ 1846 19.9 _ 1939 16.0 _ 1939 9.6 _ 1923 3.4 __2007 -2.3 __ 1846_7.71__ 89

__ 98 _ 2017 20.7 _ 1853 19.9 _ 1957 16.0 _ 1944 9.6 _ 1924 3.4 __1946 -2.2 __ 1958_7.71__ 88

__ 99 _ 1850 20.8 _ 1871 19.9 _ 1965 16.0 _ 1957 9.6 _ 1968 3.4 __1981 -2.2 __ 1985_7.71__ 87

_100__ 1958 20.8 _ 1854 20.0 _ 1991 16.0 _ 1959 9.6 _ 1971 3.4 _ 2009 -2.2 __ 1910_7.72__ 86

_101__ 2015 20.8 _ 1913 20.0 _ 1841 16.1 _ 1967 9.6 _ 1983 3.4 _ 1844 -2.1 __ 1927_7.73__ 85

_102__ 1906 20.9 _ 1925 20.0 _ 1897 16.1 _ 1990 9.6 _ 1993 3.4 _ 1927 -2.1 __ 1968_7.73__ 84

_103__ 1913 20.9 _ 1936 20.0 _ 1932 16.1 _ 2015 9.6 _ 1847 3.5 _ 1961 -2.1 __ 1994_7.76__ 83

_104__ 1979 20.9 _ 1940 20.0 _ 1944 16.1 _ 1871 9.7 _ 1897 3.5 _ 1988 -2.1 __ 1962_7.77__ 82

_105__ 1980 20.9 _ 1942 20.0 _ 1945 16.1 _ 1921 9.7 _ 1900 3.5 _ 1841 -2.0 __ 2003_7.78__ 81

_106__ 1986 20.9 _ 1952 20.0 _ 1955 16.1 _ 1969 9.7 _ 1859 3.6 _ 1847 -2.0 __ 1877_7.79__ 80

_107__ 1856 21.0 _ 1958 20.0 _ 1989 16.1 _ 1997 9.7 _ 1860 3.6 _ 1873 -2.0 __ 1966_7.82__ 79

_108__ 1914 21.0 _ 1968 20.0 _ 2012 16.1 _ 1999 9.7 _ 1889 3.6 _ 1899 -2.0 __ 2019_7.83__ 78

_109__ 1917 21.0 _ 1987 20.0 _ 2014 16.1 _ 1881 9.8 _ 1965 3.6 _ 1964 -2.0 __ 1939_7.85__ 77

_110__ 1940 21.0 _ 2015 20.0 _ 1854 16.2 _ 1924 9.8 _ 1978 3.6 _ 1900 -1.9 __ 1870_7.88__ 76

_111__ 1961 21.0 _ 1922 20.1 _ 1907 16.2 _ 1983 9.8 _ 2017 3.6 _ 1908 -1.9 __ 1974_7.88__ 75

_112__ 1990 21.0 _ 1933 20.1 _ 1977 16.2 _ 1858 9.9 _ 1866 3.7 _ 1978 -1.9 __ 1997_7.88__ 74

_113__ 1864 21.1 _ 1966 20.1 _ 1882 16.3 _ 1877 9.9 _ 1942 3.7 _ 1940 -1.8 __ 1915_7.89__ 73

_114__ 1877 21.1 _ 1978 20.1 _ 1901 16.3 _ 2010 9.9_ 1945 3.7 _ 1862 -1.7 __ 1908_7.91__ 72

_115__ 1951 21.1 _ 1989 20.1 _ 1929 16.3 _ 1894 10.0_ 1984 3.7 _ 1865 -1.7 __ 1906_7.92__ 71

_116__ 1981 21.1 _ 1930 20.2 _ 1958 16.3 _ 1912 10.0_ 1985 3.7 _ 1907 -1.7 __ 1960_7.92__ 70

_117__ 1982 21.1 _ 1931 20.2 _ 1994 16.3 _ 1928 10.0_ 2012 3.7 _ 1972 -1.7 __ 1947_7.93__ 69

_118__ 2008 21.1 _ 2000 20.2 _ 2020 16.3 _ 1958 10.0_ 1928 3.8 _ 1993 -1.7 __ 2004_7.93__ 68

_119__ 1866 21.2 _ 1945 20.3 _ 1843 16.4 _ 1989 10.0_ 1935 3.8 _ 2002 -1.7 __ 1984_7.94__ 67

_120__ 1872 21.2 _ 1960 20.3 _ 1878 16.4 _ 2012 10.0_ 1944 3.8 _ 1869 -1.6 __ 1986_7.98__ 66

_121__ 1943 21.2 _ 1962 20.3 _ 1884 16.4 _ 2022 10.0_ 2023 3.8 _ 1888 -1.6 __ 2009_7.98__ 65

_122__ 1998 21.2 _ 2013 20.3 _ 1869 16.5 _ 1854 10.1_ 1865 3.9 _ 1991 -1.6 __ 1894_7.99__ 64

_123__ 1908 21.3 _ 1901 20.4 _ 1870 16.5 _ 1898 10.1_ 1867 3.9 _ 1848 -1.5 __ 1942_7.99__ 63

_124__ 1937 21.3 _ 1909 20.4 _ 1905 16.5 _ 1942 10.1_ 1961 3.9 _ 1895 -1.5 __ 1969_8.03__ 62

_125__ 1944 21.3 _ 1911 20.4 _ 1933 16.5 _ 2004 10.1_ 1969 3.9 _ 1932 -1.5 __ 1933_8.04__ 61

_126__ 1948 21.3 _ 1932 20.4 _ 1936 16.5 _ 1903 10.2_ 1987 3.9 _ 2016 -1.5 __ 1970_8.05__ 60

_127__ 1969 21.3 _ 2019 20.4 _ 1946 16.5 _ 1932 10.2_ 1863 4.0 _ 1938 -1.2 __ 1930_8.08__ 59

_128__ 1972 21.3 _ 1867 20.5 _ 2001 16.5 _ 1960 10.2_ 1908 4.0 _ 1857 -1.1 __ 1944_8.08__ 58

_129__ 1977 21.3 _ 1878 20.5 _ 1877 16.6 _ 1982 10.2_ 1974 4.0 _ 1948 -1.1 __ 1937_8.10__ 57

_130__ 1881 21.4 _ 1935 20.5 _ 1934 16.6 _ 1899 10.3_ 1981 4.0 _ 1959 -1.0 __ 1995_8.10__ 56

_131__ 1934 21.4 _ 1961 20.5 _ 1953 16.6 _ 1985 10.3_ 2000 4.0 _ 1967 -1.0 __ 1977_8.11__ 55

_132__ 1963 21.4 _ 1990 20.5 _ 1912 16.7 _ 1866 10.4_ 1896 4.1 _ 1936 -0.9 __ 2015_8.13__ 54

_133__ 1974 21.4 _ 2006 20.5 _ 1996 16.7 _ 1867 10.4_ 2021 4.2 _ 1939 -0.9 __ 1948_8.15__ 53

_134__ 1898 21.5 _ 2009 20.5 _ 2003 16.7 _ 1897 10.4_ 1912 4.3 _ 1861 -0.8 __ 1900_8.16__ 52

_135__ 1910 21.5 _ 2024 20.6 _ 2008 16.7 _ 1910 10.4_ 1922 4.4 _ 1918 -0.8 __ 1971_8.18__ 51

_136__ 1953 21.5 _ 1920 20.7 _ 1941 16.8 _ 1918 10.4_ 1956 4.4 _ 1843 -0.7 __ 1932_8.21__ 50

_137__ 1994 21.5 _ 1864 20.8 _ 1947 16.8 _ 1941 10.4_ 1979 4.4 _ 1905 -0.7 __ 2008_8.21__ 49

_138__ 1911 21.6 _ 1975 20.8 _ 1970 16.8 _ 1994 10.4_ 1899 4.5 _ 1920 -0.7 __ 1983_8.22__ 48

_139__ 1938 21.6 _ 1877 20.9 _ 2009 16.8 _ 2001 10.4_ 1909 4.5 _ 1956 -0.7 __ 1951_8.23__ 47

_140__ 1939 21.6 _ 1899 20.9 _ 1894 16.9 _ 2011 10.4_ 1915 4.5 _ 1979 -0.7 __ 1954_8.23__ 46

_141__ 1941 21.6 _ 1872 21.0 _ 1930 16.9 _ 2014 10.4_ 1927 4.5 _ 1986 -0.7 __ 1964_8.24__ 45

_142__ 1970 21.6 _ 1928 21.0 _ 1969 16.9 _ 1870 10.5_ 1930 4.5 _ 1992 -0.7 __ 2013_8.24__ 44

_143__ 2013 21.6 _ 1948 21.0 _ 1972 16.9 _ 1908 10.5_ 1938 4.5 _ 1894 -0.6 __ 1961_8.25__ 43

_144__ 2023 21.6 _ 1996 21.0 _ 1973 16.9 _ 1913 10.5_ 1954 4.5 _ 2019 -0.6 __ 1988_8.33__ 42

_145__ 1991 21.7 _ 2012 21.0 _ 2019 16.9 _ 1962 10.5_ 1958 4.5 _ 2024 -0.6 __ 2000_8.34__ 41

_146__ 1993 21.7 _ 1881 21.1 _ 1927 17.0 _ 1991 10.5_ 1973 4.5 _ 1941 -0.5 __ 1911_8.35__ 40

_147__ 1995 21.7 _ 1974 21.1 _ 1891 17.1 _ 1938 10.6_ 1982 4.5 _ 1949 -0.5 __ 1959_8.40__ 39

_148__ 2022 21.7 _ 1876 21.2 _ 1915 17.1 _ 1951 10.6_ 2003 4.6 _ 2022 -0.5 __ 1878_8.42__ 38

_149__ 1973 21.9 _ 1898 21.2 _ 1919 17.1 _ 2019 10.6_ 1966 4.7 _ 1990 -0.4 __ 1898_8.43__ 37

_150__  2024 21.9 _ 1953 21.2 _ 1922 17.1 _ 1915 10.7_ 1957 4.8 _ 1997 -0.3 __ 1946_8.43__ 36

_151__ 1854 22.0 _ 1984 21.2 _ 1983 17.1 _ 2005 10.7_ 2010 4.8 _ 2020 -0.3 __ 1922_8.46__ 35

_152__ 1989 22.0 _ 1918 21.3 _ 2022 17.1 _ 1882 10.8_ 1952 4.9 _ 1852 -0.2 __ 1957_8.47__ 34

_153__ 1959 22.1 _ 1970 21.3 _ 1952 17.2 _ 2013 10.8_ 1964 4.9 _ 1971 -0.2 __ 1941_8.48__ 33

_154__ 1964 22.1 _ 1983 21.3 _ 1846 17.3 _ 1984 10.9_ 1977 4.9 _ 2014 -0.2 __ 1913_8.51__ 32

_155__ 1933 22.2 _ 1991 21.4 _ 1920 17.3 _ 2000 10.9_ 1988 4.9 _ 2018 -0.2 ___1938_8.53__ 31

_156__ 1897 22.3 _ 1993 21.4 _ 1985 17.3 _ 1975 11.0_ 1990 5.0 _ 1999 -0.1 ___2007_8.54__ 30

_157__ 1936 22.3 _ 2011 21.4 _ 2021 17.3 _ 1998 11.1_ 1941 5.0 _ 2003 -0.1 ___2018_8.63__ 29

_158__ 1966 22.3 _ 2020 21.4 _ 1874 17.4 _ 1914 11.2_ 2005 5.0 _ 1912 0.0 ___2022_8.65__ 28

_159__ 1975 22.3 _ 1980 21.5 _ 1908 17.4 _ 1927 11.2_ 2022 5.0 _ 1928 0.0 ___1919_8.70__ 27

_160__ 1983 22.3 _ 1944 21.6 _ 2011 17.4 _ 1931 11.2_ 1846 5.1 _ 1987 0.1 ___1975_8.73__ 26

_161__ 2006 22.3 _ 1988 21.6 _ 1898 17.6 _ 1953 11.2_ 1934 5.1 _ 1996 0.1 ___2017_8.80__ 25

_162__ 1878 22.4 _ 1998 21.6 _ 2007 17.6 _ 1954 11.2_ 1918 5.2 _ 1931 0.2 ___2005_8.81__ 24

_163__ 2019 22.4 _ 2003 21.6 _ 1900 17.7 _ 1995 11.2_ 1946 5.2 _ 1952 0.2 ___1952_8.82__ 23

_164__ 1919 22.5 _ 2007 21.6 _ 1960 17.8 _ 1919 11.3_ 1998 5.2 _ 1953 0.3 ___1973_8.87__ 22

_165__ 1931 22.5 _ 2010 21.7 _ 1968 17.8 _ 1968 11.3_ 2004 5.2 _ 1974 0.3 ___1990_8.90__ 21

_166__ 1901 22.6 _ 1906 21.8 _ 2004 17.8 _ 1955 11.4_  1913 5.3 _ 1913 0.4 ___1955_8.92__ 20

_167__ 1949 22.6 _ 1939 21.8 _ 1906 18.0 _ 1956 11.4_ 2006 5.3 _ 1957 0.4 ___2011_9.00__ 19

_168__ 1987 22.6 _ 2002 21.8 _ 1999 18.0 _ 1970 11.4_ 1970 5.4 _ 1965 0.5 ___1987_9.03__ 18

_169__ 2018 22.6 _ 2022 21.8 _ 2017 18.1 _ 1950 11.5_ 1849 5.6 _ 1994 0.5 ___1931_9.08__ 17

_170__ 1935 22.7 _ 1916 21.9 _ 1971 18.2 _ 2016 11.5_ 1999 5.7 _ 1891 0.6 ___1991_9.18__ 16

_171__ 1952 22.7 _ 1937 22.0 _ 2023 18.2 _ 1946 11.6_ 1902 5.8 _ 1984 0.6 ___1949_9.27__ 15

_172__ 2016 22.7 _ 1995 22.0 _ 1931 18.3 _ 2024 11.6_ 1960 5.8 _ 1911 0.7 ___2002_9.30__ 14

_173__ 1887 22.8 _ 1949 22.1 _ 1948 18.3 _ 1973 11.7_ 1953 6.0 _ 1881 0.9 ___2006_9.34__ 13

_174__ 2010 22.8 _ 1969 22.1 _ 1998 18.3 _ 2023 11.7_ 1994 6.0 _ 2011 0.9 ___2010_9.34__ 12

_175__ 1988 23.1 _ 2005 22.1 _ 2018 18.3 _ 1961 12.1_ 2024 6.3 _ 2012 1.0 ___2020_9.35__ 11

_176__ 2005 23.2 _ 1938 22.2 _ 2024 18.3 _ 1920 12.4_ 1963 6.4 _ 1889 1.1 ___1953_9.40__ 10

_177__ 2002 23.4 _ 1900 22.3 _ 1959 18.5 _ 1949 12.4_ 2015 6.4 _ 1877 1.2 ___1999_9.48__ 09

_178__ 1999 23.6 _ 1947 22.3 _ 2005 18.6 _ 1879 12.7_ 2009 6.5 _ 1982 1.2 ___1921_9.51__ 08

_179__ 2012 23.6 _ 2018 22.4 _ 1865 18.7 _ 2017 12.8_ 2011 6.5 _ 1998 1.2 ___2001_9.53__ 07

_180__ 1955 23.8 _ 1955 22.7 _ 2016 18.8 _ 2021 12.9_ 2020 6.5 _ 2021 1.4 ___2021_9.65__ 06

_181__ 2011 23.8 _ 1973 22.7 _ 2015 18.9 _ 1900 13.2_ 2016 6.6 _ 1923 1.8 ___2016_9.70__ 05

_182__ 1916 24.1 _ 2001 22.8 _ 1921 19.4 _ 2007 13.3_ 1948 6.8 _ 2006 1.8 ___2023_9.70__ 04

_183__ 2020 24.3 _ 2021 23.0 _ 1961 19.5 _ 1971 13.4_ 1931 7.1 _ 2001 2.1 ___2024 10.23__ 03

_184__ 1868 24.4 _ 2016 23.3 _ 2002 19.7 _ 1963 13.6_ 2001 7.1 _ 2023 2.5 ___2012 10.25__02

_185__ 1921 25.0 _ 1959 23.4 _ 1881 20.1 _ 1947 13.8_ 1975 7.5 _ 2015 4.1 ___1998 10.30__01


July 2024 entered table at tied 36th warmest (1973) 21.9

Aug 2024 entered table at 51st warmest 20.6

Sep 2024 entered table at t10th warmest 18.3

Oct 2024 entered table at t14th warmest 11.6

Nov 2024 entered table at 11th warmest 6.3

Dec 2024 entered table at t41st warmest -0.6

Year 2024 entered table at 3rd warmest 10.23

-^---------------------------------------------------- ^ ---------------------------------------^-


(Adjusted temperatures in chronological order)

_ Jan and Feb 1840 are rough estimates as no data from Toronto, based on anomalies at Prov RI.

1840    -7.0    -3.0   +1.2    6.7   12.4   15.8    19.5    19.0    13.0    7.4    2.1    -4.9    6.9    6.85
1841    -4.5    -5.5    -2.3    4.3   11.0   19.4    19.2    18.7    16.1    5.7    1.3    -2.0    6.8    6.78
1842    -2.9    -2.2   +2.7    7.0   10.2   14.5    18.6    19.5    13.8    7.8    1.0    -3.8    7.2    7.18
1843    -2.2    -8.6    -5.8    5.1   10.8   14.8    19.0    19.4    16.4    6.4    0.7    -0.7    6.3    6.28
1844    -6.5    -3.6   +0.2    9.3   13.2   16.1    19.5    18.4    15.4    6.6    1.9    -2.1    7.3    7.34
1845    -3.2    -3.5   +1.6    5.8   10.3   15.9    19.2    19.4    12.8    7.5    2.6    -6.3    6.8    6.84
1846    -3.8    -7.5    -0.3    6.5   13.2   17.3    20.4    19.9    17.3    7.2    5.1    -2.8    7.7    7.71
1847    -5.4    -5.7    -3.3    3.3   11.5   14.5    19.9    17.8    13.0    6.9    3.5    -2.0    6.2    6.17
1848    -2.7    -2.9    -2.2    4.9   12.1   16.4    18.0    19.6    12.2    7.6    0.9    -1.5    6.9    6.87
1849    -7.4    -7.6   +0.4    3.3    8.9    16.7    19.3    18.2    14.2    7.7    5.6    -3.6    6.3    6.31
1850    -1.9    -4.0    -1.7    3.3    9.8    17.3    20.8    19.0    12.8    6.5    2.9    -5.6    6.6   6.60
1851    -4.5    -2.6   +0.4    5.0   10.7   15.1    18.4    17.3    14.9    8.6    -0.1    -6.3    6.4    6.41
1852    -8.0    -5.3    -3.5    3.1   10.6   15.8    18.8    18.2    13.4    8.8    1.6    -0.2    6.1    6.11
1853    -5.6    -5.3    -1.5    4.9     9.8   17.9    18.5    19.9    14.8    6.2    3.1    -4.3    6.5    6.53
1854    -5.9    -7.0    -1.3    4.1   10.0   16.8    22.0    20.0    16.1  10.1    1.8    -5.6    6.8    6.78
1855    -3.9   -10.0   -2.2    5.9   11.9   15.5    20.2    18.0    15.2    6.5    2.9    -3.4    6.4    6.38
1856    -9.8   -10.2   -5.7    5.6   10.1   16.7    21.0    17.5    13.5    7.0    2.2    -5.5    5.2   5.20
1857   -12.1   -2.2    -3.1    1.9     9.4   14.1    20.1    18.2    14.4    7.1    0.7    -1.1    5.6    5.62
1858    -1.4    -8.1    -1.4    5.2     9.3   18.5    19.9    19.7    15.2    9.9    1.1    -2.6    7.1    7.11
1859    -4.1    -3.5   +2.4    4.4   12.9   14.7    19.5    19.6    13.4    6.6    3.6    -7.2    6.9    6.86
1860    -4.6    -5.3   +1.5    4.3   13.3   17.8    18.1    18.4    13.0    8.7    3.6    -4.5    7.0    7.03
1861    -6.9    -3.6    -2.8    5.9     8.9   16.1    18.6    19.1    15.1    9.2    3.0    -0.8    6.8    6.82
1862    -5.9    -5.7    -1.7    4.4   11.0   15.6    19.6    19.6    15.8    9.0    2.0    -1.7    6.8    6.83
1863    -2.1    -5.2    -3.3    5.4   12.7   16.0    19.6    19.4    13.2    8.2    4.0    -2.6    7.1    7.11
1864    -4.8    -3.8    -1.7    5.1   12.5   17.2    21.1    20.8    13.6    7.8    2.9    -3.4   7.3    7.28
1865    -8.1    -5.5   +0.2    6.0   11.4   18.6    18.3    18.5    18.7    7.4    3.9    -1.7   7.3    7.31
1866    -7.0    -5.5    -2.6    7.0    9.3    15.8    21.2    16.2    13.6   10.4   3.7   -3.5    6.6    6.55
1867    -8.1    -2.2    -2.5    4.9    8.5    18.2    20.1    20.5    15.1   10.4   3.9   -5.3   7.0    6.95
1868    -7.8    -8.1    -0.3    3.4   11.2   16.4    24.4    19.8    14.0    6.2    2.6    -4.9   6.4    6.41
1869    -2.1    -4.5    -4.7    4.6   10.4   14.8    18.6    17.7    16.5    6.1    0.3    -1.6   6.3    6.34
1870    -3.9    -5.9    -2.9    7.3   13.9   19.4    20.5    19.5    16.5   10.5   2.9   -3.2   7.9    7.88
1871    -6.2    -4.9   +1.6    6.8   12.0   16.6    18.9    19.9    13.2    9.7   -0.4    -5.4   6.8    6.82
1872    -6.2    -6.2    -6.1    4.8   11.0   17.1    21.2    21.0    15.4    7.6    0.8    -8.2   6.0    6.02
1873    -8.3    -7.5    -3.3    4.2   11.0   17.3    20.0    19.1    13.7    7.6   -2.4   -2.0    5.8    5.78
1874    -4.3    -5.6    -1.4    0.8   11.5   17.1    19.5    19.3    17.4    8.5    1.7    -3.9    6.7    6.72
1875    -9.2   -12.6   -4.9    2.5   10.9   16.1    19.2    18.7    13.3    6.4    -0.1   -2.9   4.8    4.78
1876    -1.3    -5.0    -3.3    3.6   10.7   18.6    20.3    21.2    14.3    5.9    2.9    -8.3   6.6    6.63
1877    -8.8    -2.0    -3.6    6.5   12.0   16.7    21.1    20.9    16.6    9.9    3.0    1.2    7.8    7.79
1878    -4.5    -3.0    +3.2   9.7   11.5   17.0    22.4    20.5    16.4    9.6    2.4    -4.2   8.4    8.42
1879    -7.1    -8.1    -1.8    4.2   12.0   16.6    20.5    18.5    13.2   12.7   2.0    -3.3   6.6    6.62
1880    +0.4   -2.6    -1.6    5.3   14.7   18.7    19.8    19.3    15.8    7.3   -1.2    -6.1   7.5    7.48
1881    -9.1    -7.2    -1.2    4.2   14.5   15.2    21.4    21.1    20.1    9.8    2.7    0.9    7.7    7.70
1882    -5.2    -1.1    -0.3    4.5    9.4    16.2    19.3    19.7    16.3   10.8   1.9    -3.8   7.3    7.31
1883    -8.3    -7.1    -6.0    3.4    9.5    16.5    18.4    17.5    12.5    7.1    2.7    -3.7   5.2    5.22
1884    -9.4    -5.0    -2.4    4.9   10.5   18.1    17.7    18.4    16.4    9.0    1.0    -3.9   6.3    6.28
1885    -8.3   -12.0   -8.3    2.8   10.9   15.5    19.8    17.2    13.7    7.5    3.4    -2.7   5.0    4.96
1886    -7.5    -7.8    -1.3    7.1   11.6   16.1    18.9    18.6    14.8    9.0    1.9    -6.3   6.3    6.26
1887    -8.1    -6.0    -4.2    4.1   14.5   17.4    22.8    18.9    13.5    6.5    1.5    -2.4   6.5    6.54
1888    -9.7    -6.1    -5.5    3.9   10.5   18.0    18.9    19.0    13.6    6.2    3.0    -1.6   5.9    5.85
1889    -2.6    -8.4   +0.4    6.2   12.1   15.7    20.5    18.6    15.6    5.9    3.6    1.1    7.4    7.39
1890    -1.5    -2.5    -2.4    5.6   10.0   18.6    19.7    18.0    14.1    9.1    2.7    -5.4   7.2    7.17
1891    -5.1    -2.6    -2.1    6.2   10.6   17.8    17.7    18.7    17.1    8.5    2.4    0.6    7.5    7.48
1892    -7.2    -4.6    -2.5    5.1   10.7   18.4    19.9    19.6    15.5    8.5    1.5    -3.8   6.8    6.76
1893   -10.2   -7.8    -1.9    4.2   10.9   19.1    20.0    19.1    13.9    9.0    2.7    -4.9    6.2    6.18
1894    -2.3    -6.7   +1.9    6.7   11.1   19.1    20.4    18.4    16.9   10.0    1.0    -0.6    8.0    7.99
1895    -6.3    -8.9    -4.6    6.1   12.8   19.7    18.9    18.6    15.8    5.9    2.6    -1.5    6.6    6.59
1896    -6.0    -5.7    -5.1    7.8   15.5   17.9    20.6    19.6    13.9    7.0    4.1    -2.6    7.3    7.25
1897    -5.3    -4.3    -0.4    6.1   11.4   16.2    22.3    18.4    16.1   10.4    3.5    -2.4    7.7    7.67
1898    -4.0    -4.4   +2.6    6.3   13.1   18.6    21.5    21.2    17.6   10.1    1.8    -3.3    8.4    8.43
1899    -5.2    -7.3    -2.3    6.9   12.8   18.4    20.3    20.9    13.8   10.3    4.5    -2.0    7.6    7.59
1900    -3.6    -6.9    -5.0    7.3   12.7   18.2    20.4    22.3    17.7   13.2    3.5    -1.9    8.2    8.16
1901    -5.0    -8.8    -1.5    7.7   12.2   18.2    22.6    20.4    16.3    9.1    1.1    -3.3    7.4    7.42
1902    -5.1    -6.3   +2.8    6.4   11.6   15.3    20.2    18.3    15.4    9.0    5.8    -4.5    7.4    7.41
1903    -5.3    -3.8   +4.0    6.3   13.0   16.3    20.4    17.4    15.9   10.2   1.4    -5.4    7.5    7.53
1904    -9.2   -10.7   -2.2    3.7   12.9   17.0    19.4    18.0    14.5    7.5    1.9    -5.7    5.6    5.59
1905    -8.1    -8.9    -1.1    5.4   11.2   17.3    20.7    19.4    16.5    9.1    2.4    -0.7    6.9    6.93
1906    -0.9    -5.7    -3.1    6.8   12.1   18.4    20.9    21.8    18.0    9.3    2.7    -5.2    7.9    7.92
1907    -5.8    -7.8   +0.7    3.3    8.7    17.4    20.4    18.2    16.2    6.9    2.5    -1.7    6.6    6.58
1908    -4.6    -7.4    -0.6    5.2   13.2   18.7    21.3    19.1    17.4   10.5   4.0    -1.9    7.9    7.91
1909    -3.5    -3.3    -1.4    4.7   11.8   18.3    19.6    20.4    15.4    7.6    4.5    -3.6    7.5    7.54
1910    -4.0    -6.4   +3.5    8.0   11.2   17.9    21.5    19.5    15.3   10.0    1.6   -6.3    7.7    7.72
1911    -3.8    -4.0    -1.5    5.9   15.9   18.3    21.6    20.4    15.5    9.4     1.8    0.7    8.4    8.35
1912   -10.5   -7.7    -3.9    5.1   12.6   16.4    20.6    17.4    16.7   10.0    4.3    0.0    6.8    6.75
1913    -0.7    -6.9   +0.4    7.5   12.0   17.8    20.9    20.0    14.9   10.5    5.3    0.4    8.5    8.51
1914    -4.0    -9.5    -1.2    4.9   14.4   17.6    21.0    19.7    15.8   11.2    3.0    -3.9    7.4    7.42
1915    -5.1    -3.7    -1.5    9.6   10.8   16.5    19.9    18.7    17.1   10.7    4.5    -2.8    7.9    7.89
1916    -1.4    -7.7    -4.1    6.6   12.0   15.3    24.1    21.9    15.8    9.4    2.8    -3.2     7.6    7.63
1917    -5.6    -8.7    -0.3    4.7    9.3    15.7    21.0    19.5    14.4    6.6    1.0    -7.3    5.9    5.86
1918   -10.8   -6.4   +0.5    6.1   13.6    16.0    20.5    21.3    13.2  10.4    5.2    -0.8    7.4    7.40
1919    -1.9    -2.5   +0.6    5.5   12.6    22.1    22.5    19.6    17.1  11.3    3.1    -5.6    8.7     8.70
1920   -11.0   -7.0   +0.6    4.2   12.1    18.4    18.8    20.7    17.3  12.4    2.3    -0.7    7.3    7.34
1921    -2.8    -2.5   +3.2    9.1   14.1    19.9    25.0    19.6    19.4    9.7    1.9    -2.5    9.5    9.51
1922    -5.3    -3.6   +0.8    7.0   14.9    18.8    20.4    20.1    17.1    9.4    4.4    -2.5    8.5    8.46
1923    -6.2    -7.8    -3.2    5.3   10.5    18.7    20.1    18.3    15.5    8.9    3.4    1.8    7.1    7.11
1924    -5.3    -7.1    -0.7    5.5     9.6    16.7    19.1    18.9    13.4    9.8    3.4    -5.0    6.5    6.53
1925    -7.0    -3.1   +1.2    6.9   10.0    18.8    19.3    20.0    16.0    5.3    2.7    -3.6    7.2    7.21
1926    -4.6    -6.6    -3.8    2.5   11.1    14.9    19.4    19.8    14.6    7.9    2.6    -5.0    6.1    6.07
1927    -6.5    -3.3   +1.3    5.9   11.0    16.0    20.0    17.7    17.0  11.2    4.5    -2.1    7.7    7.73
1928    -4.3    -4.9    -1.3    4.9   11.8    15.9    20.6    21.0    13.8  10.0    3.8    0.0    7.6    7.61
1929    -5.5    -6.1   +2.2    7.1   11.2    17.2    19.9    18.1    16.3    8.7    2.8    -4.2    7.3    7.31
1930    -5.7    -3.4    -1.1    5.6   13.7    18.9    20.7    20.2    16.9    9.0    4.5    -2.3    8.1    8.08
1931    -4.6    -3.6   +0.2    6.5   12.7    18.3    22.5    20.2    18.3  11.2    7.1   _0.2    9.1    9.08
1932    +1.3   -1.9    -2.2    4.4   12.3    18.6    19.3    20.4    16.1  10.2    1.5    -1.5    8.2    8.21
1933    +0.3   -3.9    -0.8    6.7   13.6    19.2    22.2    20.1    16.5    8.3    -0.8   -4.9    8.0    8.04
1934    -4.1   -12.7   -2.8    5.0   13.7    19.4    21.4    18.1    16.6    8.7    5.1    -4.2    7.0    7.02
1935    -6.9    -6.0   +2.6    5.9   10.6    17.1    22.7    20.5    14.3    9.6    3.8    -5.8    7.3    7.27
1936    -5.9    -8.7   +0.8    3.7   14.3    17.7    22.3    20.0    16.5    8.9    0.8    -0.9    7.5    7.46
1937    -1.1    -2.8    -2.5    5.7   13.1    18.3    21.3    22.0    15.1    8.1    3.1    -3.1    8.1    8.10
1938    -6.0    -3.3   +1.6    7.4   12.3    18.2    21.6    22.2    14.4  10.6    4.5    -1.2    8.5    8.53
1939    -5.2    -4.6    -2.4    4.2   13.8    18.1    21.6    21.8    16.0    9.6    2.2    -0.9    7.9    7.85
1940    -8.1    -4.8    -3.8    4.7   11.7    16.8    21.0    20.0    15.7    8.3    2.8    -1.8    6.9    6.88
1941    -6.0    -5.2    -3.4    9.7   14.1    19.8    21.6    19.4    16.8   10.4    5.0    -0.5    8.5   8.48
1942    -4.7    -6.9   +1.7    9.2   12.9    18.3    20.6    20.0    15.7   10.1    3.7    -4.7    8.0   7.99
1943    -7.6    -4.2    -1.8    3.3   12.1    20.1    21.2    19.8    14.9    8.7    2.6    -3.6    7.1    7.13
1944    -1.8    -4.4    -2.7    4.1   14.9    18.4    21.3    21.6    16.1    9.6    3.8    -4.1    8.1    8.08
1945   -10.1   -4.1   +5.5    8.0     9.6    16.7    19.9    20.3    16.1    8.5    3.7    -4.9    7.4    7.43
1946    -4.1    -5.9   +5.4    6.4   11.8    17.6    20.6    18.3    16.5   11.6    5.2    -2.2    8.4    8.43
1947    -3.7    -6.1    -1.3    5.1   10.6    17.5    20.4    22.3    16.8   13.9    3.1    -3.4    7.9    7.93
1948    -8.0    -5.7    -0.6    7.8   11.2    18.1    21.3    21.0    18.3     8.7    6.8    -1.1    8.2    8.15
1949    -2.3    -2.1    -0.3    7.0   14.0    21.7    22.6    22.1    14.4   12.4    2.2    -0.5    9.3    9.27
1950    -0.8    -5.3    -2.9    3.9   12.5    17.6    20.1    19.7    14.8   11.5    3.0    -2.6    6.8    7.63
1951    -3.4    -3.3   +1.0    6.8   14.0    17.9    21.1    19.7    15.9   10.6    0.9    -2.5    8.2    8.23
1952    -3.4    -2.6    -0.6    9.0   11.9    18.9    22.7    20.0    17.2    7.7    4.9      0.2    8.8    8.82
1953    -2.1    -1.6   +1.7    6.2   13.0    18.8    21.5    21.2    16.6   11.2    6.0     0.3     9.4   9.40
1954    -6.8    -0.3    -0.8    7.1   11.7    19.1    20.7    19.3    15.7   11.2    4.5    -2.6    8.2    8.23
1955    -4.7    -3.8    -0.6    9.7   14.7    19.4    23.8    22.7    16.1   11.4    2.9    -4.6    8.9    8.92
1956    -4.7    -3.0    -1.7    4.7   10.3    18.4    19.6    19.4    13.6   11.4    4.4   -0.7    7.6    7.64
1957    -7.3    -2.2   +1.4    7.8   11.8    19.2    20.7    19.4    16.0     9.6    4.8    0.4    8.5    8.47
1958    -4.6    -7.0   +1.8    8.3   11.9    15.6    20.8    20.0    16.3   10.0    4.5    -6.0    7.6    7.64
1959    -6.6    -6.5    -1.4    7.3   13.7    19.5    22.1    23.4    18.6     9.6    2.2    -1.0    8.4    8.40
1960    -4.3    -3.7    -4.6    7.2   13.2    17.8    20.1    20.3    17.8   10.2    5.8    -4.7    7.9    7.92
1961    -7.3    -2.1   +0.3    4.5   11.5    17.2    21.0    20.5    19.5   12.1    3.9    -2.1    8.3    8.25
1962    -6.3    -7.1   +0.5    7.0   15.5    18.7    19.7    20.3    14.6   10.5    3.2    -3.6    7.8    7.77
1963    -7.8    -8.4   +1.1    7.1   11.7    18.9    21.4    18.7    14.1   13.7    6.4    -6.2    7.6    7.56
1964    -2.7    -4.1    -0.2    6.1   14.7    17.9    22.1    17.7    15.4     9.1    4.9    -2.0    8.2    8.24
1965    -6.0    -5.1    -1.7    4.5   14.4    17.6    18.7    19.0    16.0     8.4    3.6     0.4    7.5    7.48
1966    -6.8    -3.9   +1.2    5.5   10.1    19.2    22.3    20.1    15.0     9.0    4.7    -2.6    7.8    7.82
1967    -1.9    -7.5    -1.5    6.4     9.3    20.0    20.0    19.0    15.2     9.6    1.7    -1.0    7.4    7.44
1968    -7.1    -6.8   +1.2    8.4   10.6    17.2    20.6    20.0    17.8   11.3    3.4    -3.9    7.7    7.73
1969    -5.0    -3.5    -1.1    7.5   12.2    16.6    21.3    22.1    16.9     9.7    3.9    -4.3    8.0    8.03
1970    -8.3    -5.4    -1.2    7.5   12.7    18.7    21.6    21.3    16.8   11.4    5.4    -3.9   8.1    8.05
1971    -7.8    -3.8    -1.7    5.2   12.5    18.7    20.4    19.8    18.2   13.5    3.4    -0.2    8.2    8.18
1972    -4.5    -5.8    -2.8    4.3   14.3    16.5    21.3    19.6    16.9    7.8    2.4    -1.7    7.4    7.36
1973    -3.2    -5.9   +3.9    6.8   11.0    19.0    21.9    22.7    16.9   11.7    4.5    -2.9    8.9    8.87
1974    -4.0    -6.4   -0.5     7.8   10.8    17.2    21.4    21.1    14.8    8.1    4.0     0.3    7.9    7.88
1975    -2.0    -2.8    -1.6    3.4   16.0    19.1    22.3    20.8    14.4   11.0    7.5    -3.3    8.7    8.73
1976    -7.4    -1.1   +1.0    8.3   11.4    19.9    19.6    19.7    15.5    7.4    1.2    -6.0    7.5    7.46
1977   -10.1   -4.8   +3.1    7.9   15.5    17.6    21.3    19.4    16.2    9.3    4.9    -3.0    8.1    8.11
1978    -7.7    -7.8    -2.3    4.9   13.4    17.5    20.5    20.1    15.5    9.1    3.6    -1.9    7.1    7.08
1979    -7.0    -9.8   +1.9    5.6   11.7    17.3    20.9    18.9    15.7    8.5    4.4    -0.7    7.3    7.28
1980    -4.6    -6.7    -1.1    6.8   14.5    15.1    20.9    21.5    16.9    8.6    2.5    -5.3    7.3    7.26
1981    -9.0    -1.5   +0.8    7.2   12.2    17.8    21.1    19.7    15.0     7.2    4.0    -2.2    7.7    7.69
1982    -8.9    -5.8    -0.9    4.8   14.1    15.5    21.1    17.7    15.0   10.2    4.5     1.2    7.4    7.38
1983    -3.4    -2.6   +1.1    5.8   10.2    18.9    22.3    21.3    17.1     9.8    3.4    -5.3    8.2    8.22
1984    -7.7    -0.6    -3.7    7.1   10.6    18.6    20.1    21.2    14.5   10.9    3.7     0.6    7.9    7.94
1985    -7.3    -4.6   +1.0    7.5   13.6    16.0    19.9    19.4    17.3   10.3    3.7    -4.3    7.7   7.71
1986    -5.0    -5.5   +0.9    8.2   14.7    16.7    20.9    18.9    14.9     9.5    2.3    -0.7    8.0   7.98
1987    -3.6    -4.3   +2.5    9.2   14.7    19.7    22.6    20.0    15.9     7.7    3.9     0.1    9.0   9.03
1988    -4.2    -5.2    -0.2    6.2   14.1    18.6    23.1    21.6    15.5     7.6    4.9    -2.1    8.3   8.33
1989    -1.5    -5.6    -1.9    5.1   13.1    18.3    22.0    20.1    16.1   10.0    2.6    -8.9    7.5   7.45
1990    -0.6    -3.1   +0.9    8.4   11.6    18.2    21.0    20.5    15.8     9.6    4.9    -0.4    8.9   8.90
1991    -5.0    -1.8   +1.5    8.2   16.0    20.2    21.7    21.4    16.0   10.5    3.1   -1.6     9.2   9.18
1992    -3.8    -3.1    -1.1    5.5   12.8    16.4    17.9    18.0    15.3    8.0    3.3    -0.7     7.4   7.38
1993    -3.3    -7.3    -1.1    6.7   12.6    17.2    21.7    21.4    14.1    8.4    3.4    -1.7     7.7   7.68
1994   -11.1   -7.1    -0.2    7.1   11.7    18.8    21.5    19.2    16.3   10.4    6.0     0.5     7.8   7.76
1995    -2.4    -6.5   +2.3    4.3   13.1    19.7    21.7    22.0    14.8   11.2    1.4    -4.4     8.1   8.10
1996    -5.8    -4.9    -2.0    4.6   11.7    18.2    19.8    21.0    16.7     9.5    1.3     0.1     7.5  7.52
1997    -5.7    -2.1    -0.5    6.0     9.8    19.5    20.5    19.1    15.8     9.7    2.8   -0.3     7.9   7.88
1998    -1.8   +0.3   +2.4    8.7   16.9    18.5    21.2    21.6    18.3   11.1    5.2     1.2   10.3  10.30
1999    -5.5    -1.2   +0.6    7.8   15.3    20.0    23.6    19.8    18.0     9.7    5.7    -0.1    9.5   9.48
2000    -5.1    -1.9   +4.3    6.4   14.1    17.6    19.8    20.2    15.8   10.9    4.0    -6.0    8.3   8.34
2001    -3.3    -2.8    -0.1    8.0   14.1    19.3    20.3    22.8    16.5   10.4    7.1    2.1     9.5   9.53
2002    -0.2    -1.3   +0.6    7.2   11.1    18.6    23.4    21.8    19.7     9.2    3.2    -1.7    9.3    9.30
2003    -7.2    -6.2    -0.2    5.1   12.0    17.6    20.6    21.6    16.7     8.9    4.6    -0.1    7.8    7.78
2004    -9.0    -3.1   +2.1    6.3   12.5    16.9    20.0    18.9    17.8   10.1    5.2    -2.6    7.9    7.93
2005    -6.5    -3.3    -1.5    7.5   11.5    21.7    23.2    22.1    18.6   10.7    5.0    -3.3    8.8    8.81
2006   +0.0    -3.5   +1.3    7.8   14.0    18.8    22.3    20.5    15.4     8.6    5.3     1.8    9.3    9.34
2007    -2.8    -8.0   +0.3    5.8   14.0    19.9    20.3    21.6    17.6   13.4    2.7    -2.3    8.5    8.54
2008    -2.0    -4.6    -1.4    9.1   11.6    18.9    21.1    19.6    16.7     9.1    3.3    -2.9    8.2    8.21
2009    -8.1    -3.1   +1.0    7.5   12.7    17.1    18.7    20.5    16.8     8.4    6.5    -2.2    8.0    7.98
2010    -5.3    -3.2   +4.5   10.3  15.7    18.9    22.8    21.7    15.9     9.9    4.8    -3.9    9.3    9.34
2011    -6.3    -4.9    -0.3    6.6   13.4    18.7    23.8    21.4    17.4   10.4    6.5     0.9    9.0    8.97
2012    -1.7    -0.2   +6.1    7.0   16.0    19.9    23.6    21.0    16.1   10.0    3.7     1.0   10.2  10.25
2013    -2.1    -4.1   +0.3    5.8   14.5    18.1    21.6    20.3    15.5   10.8    2.1    -3.9    8.2    8.24
2014    -8.1    -7.3    -3.9    5.7   13.5    19.2    19.6    19.7    16.1   10.4    1.7    -0.2    7.2    7.20
2015    -7.4   -12.2   -1.9    7.1   15.2    17.0    20.8    20.0    18.9     9.6    6.4     4.1    8.1    8.13
2016    -3.4    -2.3   +2.4    4.9   14.4    19.0    22.7    23.3    18.8   11.5    6.6   -1.5   9.7   9.70
2017    -1.6    -0.1    -1.0    8.6   11.9    18.1    20.7    19.5    18.1   12.8    3.6    -5.0    8.8    8.80
2018    -5.5    -1.5    -0.2    3.2   15.9    18.5    22.6   22.4   18.3    8.6    1.4    -0.2    8.6   8.63
2019    -6.5    -4.0__-0.2    6.0   11.3    17.6    22.4    20.4   16.9   10.6    0.9   -0.6    7.8    7.83

2020 _ -1.6 _ -3.0 _+2.9 _ 5.5 _11.7 __ 19.8 _24.3 _ 21.4 _ 16.3 __ 8.7 __ 6.5 _ -0.3 _ 9.4 _ 9.35

2021 _ -2.5 _ -4.9 _ +2.9 _ 7.3 _13.3 _ 20.3 _20.6 _ 23.0 _ 17.3 _ 12.9 _ 4.2 _ 1.4 _ 9.7 _ 9.65

2022 _ -7.9 _ -4.2 _ +1.2 _ 6.1 _ 15.0 _ 18.5 _ 21.7 _ 21.8 _ 17.1 _ 10.0 __ 5.0 _ -0.5 _ 8.7 _ 8.65

2023 _ -0.9 _ -1.2 _ +0.9 _ 8.4 _13.2 _ 18.6 _ 21.6 _19.6 _ 18.2 _ 11.7 __ 3.8 _ 2.5 __9.7 _ 9.70

2024 _ -2.3 _ +0.4 _+3.4 _ 8.1 _ 15.8 _ 19.3 _ 21.9 _20.6 _18.3 _ 11.6 _ 6.3 _ -0.6 __10.2_ 10.23

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Seasonal Temperatures adjusted for UHI

The same corrections have been applied as used for the monthly temperatures. See the previous post for explanations (the range is 0.1 C reductions starting in decade 1881-90, to 1.1 C from 1981 to present). Adjustments are made to winters that straddle decade shift boundaries (e.g., the first change to 1880-81 was -0.07 rather than -0.1, etc).

YEAR _Winter_Spring_Summer_Autumn

1840 __no data_6.77 _18.10 _ 7.50
1841 __ -4.97 _ 4.33 _ 19.10 _ 7.70

1842 __ -2.37 _ 6.63 _ 16.53 _ 7.53
1843 __ -4.87 _ 3.37 _ 17.73 _ 7.83
1844 __ -3.60 _ 7.57 _ 18.00 _ 7.97
1845 __ -2.93 _ 5.90 _ 18.17 _ 7.63
1846 __ -5.87 _ 6.47 _ 19.20 _ 9.87 
1847 __ -4.63 _ 3.83 _ 17.40 _ 7.80
1848 __ -2.53 _ 4.93 _ 18.00 _ 6.90
1849 __ -5.50 _ 4.20 _ 18.07 _ 9.17
1850 __ -3.17 _ 3.80 _ 19.03 _ 7.40
1851 __ -4.23 _ 5.37 _ 16.93 _ 7.80
1852 __ -6.53 _ 3.40 _ 17.60 _ 7.93
1853 __ -3.70 _ 4.40 _ 18.77 _ 8.03
1854 __ -5.73 _ 4.27 _ 19.60 _ 9.33
1855 __ -6.50 _ 5.20 _ 17.90 _ 8.20
1856 __ -7.80 _ 3.33 _ 18.40 _ 7.57
1857 __ -6.60 _ 2.73 _ 17.47 _ 7.40
1858 __ -3.53 _ 4.37 _ 19.37 _ 8.73
1859 __ -3.40 _ 6.57 _ 17.93 _ 7.87
1860 __ -5.70 _ 6.37 _ 18.10 _ 8.43
1861 __ -5.00 _ 4.00 _ 17.93 _ 9.10
1862 __ -4.13 _ 4.57 _ 18.27 _ 8.93
1863 __ -3.00 _ 4.93 _ 18.33 _ 8.47
1864 __ -3.73 _ 5.30 _ 19.70 _ 8.10
1865 __ -5.67 _ 5.87 _ 18.47 _10.00
1866 __ -4.73 _ 4.57 _ 17.73 _ 9.23
1867 __ -4.60 _ 3.63 _ 19.60 _ 9.80
1868 __ -7.07 _ 4.77 _ 20.20 _ 7.60
1869 __ -3.83 _ 3.43 _ 17.03 _ 7.63
1870 __ -3.80 _ 6.10 _ 19.80 _ 9.97
1871 __ -4.77 _ 6.80 _ 18.47 _ 7.50
1872 __ -5.93 _ 3.23 _ 19.77 _ 7.93
1873 __ -8.00 _ 3.97 _ 18.80 _ 6.30
1874 __ -3.97 _ 3.63 _ 18.63 _ 9.20
1875 __ -8.57 _ 2.83 _ 18.00 _ 6.53
1876 __ -3.07 _ 3.67 _ 20.03 _ 7.70
1877 __ -6.37 _ 4.97 _ 19.57 _ 9.83
1878 __ -2.10 _ 8.13 _ 19.97 _ 9.47
1879 __ -6.47 _ 4.80 _ 18.53 _ 9.30
1880 __ -1.83 _ 6.13 _ 19.27 _ 7.30
1881 __ -7.47 _ 5.83 _ 19.23 _10.87
1882 __ -1.80 _ 4.53 _ 18.40 _ 9.67
1883 __ -6.40 _ 2.30 _ 17.47 _ 7.43
1884 __ -6.00 _ 4.33 _ 18.07 _ 8.80
1885 __ -8.07 _ 1.80 _ 17.50 _ 8.20
1886 __ -6.00 _ 5.80 _ 17.87 _ 8.57
1887 __ -6.80 _ 4.80 _ 19.70 _ 7.17
1888 __ -6.07 _ 2.97 _ 18.63 _ 7.60
1889 __ -4.20 _ 6.23 _ 18.27 _ 8.37
1890 __ -0.97 _ 4.40 _ 18.77 _ 8.63
1891 __ -4.37 _ 4.90 _ 18.07 _ 9.33
1892 __ -3.73 _ 4.43 _ 19.30 _ 8.50
1893 __ -7.27 _ 4.40 _ 19.40 _ 8.53
1894 __ -4.63 _ 6.57 _ 19.30 _ 9.30
1895 __ -5.27 _ 4.77 _ 19.07 _ 8.10
1896 __ -4.40 _ 6.07 _ 19.37 _ 8.33
1897 __ -4.07 _ 5.70 _ 18.97 _10.00
1898 __ -3.60 _ 7.33 _ 20.43 _ 9.83
1899 __ -5.27 _ 5.80 _ 19.87 _ 9.53
1900 __ -4.17 _ 5.00 _ 20.30 _11.47
1901 __ -5.23 _ 6.13 _ 20.40 _ 8.83
1902 __ -4.90 _ 6.93 _ 17.93 _10.07
1903 __ -4.53 _ 7.77 _ 18.03 _ 9.17
1904 __ -8.43 _ 4.80 _ 18.13 _ 7.97
1905 __ -7.57 _ 5.17 _ 19.13 _ 9.33
1906 __ -2.43 _ 5.27 _ 20.37 _10.00
1907 __ -6.27 _ 4.23 _ 18.67 _ 8.53
1908 __ -4.57 _ 5.93 _ 19.70 _10.63
1909 __ -2.90 _ 5.03 _ 19.43 _ 9.17
1910 __ -4.67 _ 7.57 _ 19.63 _ 9.23
1911 __ -4.70 _ 6.77 _ 20.10 _ 8.90
1912 __ -5.83 _ 4.60 _ 18.13 _10.33
1913 __ -2.53 _ 6.63 _ 19.57 _10.23
1914 __ -4.37 _ 6.03 _ 19.43 _10.00
1915 __ -4.23 _ 6.30 _ 18.37 _10.77
1916 __ -3.97 _ 4.83 _ 20.43 _ 9.33
1917 __ -5.83 _ 4.57 _ 18.73 _ 7.33
1918 __ -8.17 _ 6.73 _ 19.27 _ 9.60 
1919 __ -1.73 _ 6.23 _ 21.40 _10.50
1920 __ -7.83 _ 5.63 _ 19.30 _10.67
1921 __ -2.03 _ 8.80 _ 21.50 _10.33
1922 __ -3.80 _ 7.57 _ 19.77 _10.30
1923 __ -5.50 _ 4.20 _ 19.03 _ 9.27
1924 __ -3.50 _ 4.80 _ 18.23 _ 8.87
1925 __ -5.03 _ 6.03 _ 19.37 _ 8.00
1926 __ -4.93 _ 3.27 _ 18.03 _ 8.37
1927 __ -4.93 _ 6.07 _ 17.90 _10.90
1928 __ -3.77 _ 5.13 _ 19.17 _ 9.20
1929 __ -3.87 _ 6.83 _ 18.40 _ 9.27
1930 __ -4.43 _ 6.07 _ 19.93 _10.13
1931 __ -3.50 _ 6.47 _ 20.33 _12.20
1932 __ -0.13 _ 4.83 _ 19.43 _ 9.27
1933 __ -1.70 _ 6.50 _ 20.50 _ 8.00
1934 __ -7.23 _ 5.30 _ 19.63 _10.13
1935 __ -5.70 _ 5.97 _ 20.10 _ 9.23
1936 __ -6.80 _ 6.27 _ 20.00 _ 8.73
1937 __ -1.60 _ 5.43 _ 20.53 _ 8.77
1938 __ -4.13 _ 7.10 _ 20.67 _ 9.83
1939 __ -3.67 _ 5.20 _ 20.50 _ 9.27
1940 __ -4.60 _ 4.20 _ 19.27 _ 8.93

1941 __ -4.33 _ 6.80 _ 20.27 _10.73
1942 __ -4.03 _ 7.93 _ 19.63 _ 9.83
1943 __ -5.50 _ 4.53 _ 20.37 _ 8.73
1944 __ -3.27 _ 5.47 _ 20.43 _ 9.83
1945 __ -6.10 _ 7.70 _ 18.97 _ 9.43
1946 __ -4.97 _ 7.87 _ 18.83 _11.10
1947 __ -4.00 _ 4.80 _ 20.07 _11.27
1948 __ -5.70 _ 6.13 _ 20.13 _11.27
1949 __ -1.83 _ 6.90 _ 22.13 _ 9.67
1950 __ -2.20 _ 4.50 _ 19.13 _ 9.77
1951 __ -3.13 _ 7.27 _ 19.57 _ 9.13
1952 __ -2.83 _ 6.77 _ 20.53 _ 9.93
1953 __ -1.17 _ 6.97 _ 20.50 _11.27
1954 __ -2.27 _ 6.00 _ 19.70 _10.47
1955 __ -3.70 _ 7.93 _ 21.97 _10.13
1956 __ -4.10 _ 4.43 _ 19.13 _ 9.80
1957 __ -3.40 _ 7.00 _ 19.77 _10.13
1958 __ -3.73 _ 7.33 _ 18.80 _10.27
1959 __ -6.37 _ 6.53 _ 21.67 _10.10
1960 __ -3.00 _ 5.23 _ 18.60 _11.27
1961 __ -4.70 _ 5.43 _ 19.57 _11.83
1962 __ -5.17 _ 7.67 _ 19.57 _ 9.50
1963 __ -6.60 _ 6.63 _ 19.67 _11.40
1964 __ -4.33 _ 6.87 _ 19.23 _ 9.80
1965 __ -4.37 _ 5.73 _ 18.43 _ 9.33
1966 __ -3.43 _ 5.60 _ 20.53 _ 9.57
1967 __ -3.90 _ 4.73 _ 19.67 _ 8.83
1968 __ -4.97 _ 6.73 _ 19.27 _10.83
1969 __ -4.13 _ 6.20 _ 20.00 _10.17
1970 __ -6.00 _ 6.33 _ 20.53 _11.20
1971 __ -5.13 _ 5.33 _ 19.63 _11.70
1972 __ -3.50 _ 5.27 _ 19.13 _ 9.03
1973 __ -3.60 _ 7.23 _ 21.20 _11.03
1974 __ -4.43 _ 6.03 _ 19.90 _ 8.97
1975 __ -1.50 _ 5.93 _ 20.73 _10.97
1976 __ -3.93 _ 6.90 _ 19.73 _ 8.03
1977 __ -6.97 _ 8.83 _ 19.43 _10.13
1978 __ -6.17 _ 5.33 _ 19.37 _ 9.40
1979 __ -6.23 _ 6.40 _ 19.03 _ 9.53
1980 __ -4.00 _ 6.73 _ 19.17 _ 8.67
1981 __ -5.27 _ 6.73 _ 19.53 _ 8.73
1982 __ -5.63 _ 6.00 _ 18.10 _ 9.90
1983 __ -1.60 _ 5.70 _ 20.83 _10.10
1984 __ -4.53 _ 4.67 _ 19.97 _ 9.70
1985 __ -3.77 _ 7.37 _ 18.43 _10.43
1986 __ -4.93 _ 7.93 _ 18.83 _ 8.90
1987 __ -2.87 _ 8.80 _ 20.77 _ 9.17
1988 __ -3.10 _ 6.70 _ 21.10 _ 9.33
1989 __ -3.07 _ 5.43 _ 20.13 _ 9.57
1990 __ -4.20 _ 6.97 _ 19.90 _10.10
1991 __ -2.40 _ 8.57 _ 21.10 _ 9.87
1992 __ -2.83 _ 5.73 _ 17.43 _ 8.87
1993 __ -3.77 _ 6.07 _ 20.10 _ 8.63
1994 __ -6.63 _ 6.20 _ 19.83 _10.90
1995 __ -2.80 _ 6.57 _ 21.13 _ 9.13
1996 __ -5.03 _ 4.77 _ 19.67 _ 9.17
1997 __ -2.57 _ 5.10 _ 19.70 _ 9.43
1998 __ -0.60 _ 9.33 _ 20.43 _11.53
1999 __ -1.83 _ 7.90 _ 21.13 _11.13
2000 __ -2.37 _ 8.27 _ 19.20 _10.23
2001 __ -4.03 _ 7.33 _ 20.80 _11.33
2002 __ +0.20_ 6.30 _ 21.27 _10.70
2003 __ -5.03 _ 5.63 _ 19.93 _10.07
2004 __ -4.07 _ 6.97 _ 18.60 _11.03
2005 __ -4.13 _ 5.83 _ 22.33 _11.43
2006 __ -2.27 _ 7.70 _ 20.53 _ 9.70
2007 __ -3.00 _ 6.70 _ 20.60 _11.23
2008 __ -2.97 _ 6.43 _ 19.87 _ 9.70
2009 __ -4.70 _ 7.07 _ 18.77 _10.57
2010 __ -3.57 _10.17_ 21.13 _10.20
2011 __ -5.03 _ 6.57 _ 21.30 _11.43
2012 __ -0.33 _ 9.70 _ 21.50 _ 9.93
2013 __ -1.73 _ 6.87 _ 20.00 _ 9.47
2014 __ -6.43 _ 5.10 _ 19.50 _ 9.40
2015 __ -6.60 _ 6.80 _ 19.27 _11.63
2016 __ -0.57 _ 7.23 _ 21.67 _12.30
2017 __ -1.07 _ 6.50 _ 19.43 _11.50
2018 __ -4.03 _ 6.30 _ 21.10 _ 9.43
2019 __ -3.57 _ 5.43 _ 20.13 _ 9.47

2020 __ -1.73 _ 6.70 _ 21.83 _10.50

2021 __ -2.57 _ 7.83 _ 21.30 _11.47

2022 __ -3.57 _ 7.43 _ 20.67 _10.70

2023 __ -0.87 _ 7.50 _ 19.93 _11.23

2024 __ +0.20 _ 9.10 _ 20.60 _12.07

2025 __ -3.50


means __ -4.30 __ 5.82 __ 19.48 __ 9.48

1981-2010 _ -3.45 _ 6.83 _ 20.04 _ 10.03

1991-2020 _ -3.18 _ 6.85 _ 20.30 _ 10.33

Rankings (adjusted)

See the explanation provided for urban heat island conversions, in previous portion of tables, and these ranks are considered more comparable than the first set issued for raw data. 

Rank ______________________________________________________________ Rank

(cold) __ winter __________ spring _______ summer _____ autumn ___ (warm)


__01 ___ 1874-75_--8.57 __ 1885_ 1.80 __ 1851_16.93 __ 1873 _6.30 __ 185

__02 ___ 1903-04_--8.43 __ 1883_ 2.30 __ 1869_17.03 __ 1875 _6.53 __ 184

__03 ___ 1917-18_--8.17 __ 1857_ 2.73 __ 1847_17.40 __ 1848 _6.90 __ 183

__04 ___ 1872-73_--8.00 __ 1875_ 2.83 __ 1992_17.43 __ 1887 _7.17 __ 182

__05 ___ 1884-85_--7.97 __ 1888_ 2.97 __ 1857_17.47 __ 1880 _7.30 __ 181

__06 ___ 1919-20_--7.87 __ 1872_ 3.23 __ 1883_17.47 __ 1917 _7.33 __ 180

__07 ___ 1855-56_--7.80 __ 1926_ 3.27 __ 1885_17.50 __ 1850 _7.40 __ 179

__08 ___ 1880-81_--7.50 __ 1856_ 3.33 __ 1842_17.53 __ 1857 _7.40 __ 178

__09 ___ 1904-05_--7.57 __ 1843_ 3.37 __ 1852_17.60 __ 1883 _7.43 __ 177

__10 ___ 1892-93_--7.27 __ 1852_ 3.40 __ 1843_17.73 __ 1840 _7.50 __ 176 

__11 ___ 1933-34_--7.23 __ 1869_ 3.43 __ 1866_17.73 __ 1871 _7.50 __ 175

__12 ___ 1867-68_--7.07 __ 1867_ 3.63 __ 1886_17.87 __ 1842 _7.53 __ 174 

__13 ___ 1976-77_--6.97 __ 1874_ 3.63 __ 1855_17.90 __ 1856 _7.57 __ 173

__14 ___ 1886-87_--6.80 __ 1876_ 3.67 __ 1927_17.90 __ 1868 _7.60 __ 172

__15 ___ 1935-36_--6.80 __ 1850_ 3.80 __ 1859_17.93 __ 1888 _7.60 __ 171

__16 ___ 1993-94_--6.63 __ 1847_ 3.83 __ 1861_17.93 __ 1845 _7.63 __ 170

__17 ___ 1856-57_--6.60 __ 1873_ 3.97 __ 1902_17.93 __ 1869 _7.63 __ 169

__18 ___ 1962-63_--6.60 __ 1861_ 4.00 __ 1844_18.00 __ 1841 _7.70 __ 168

__19 ___ 2014-15_--6.60 __ 1849_ 4.20 __ 1848_18.00 __ 1876 _7.70 __ 167

__20 ___ 1851-52_--6.53 __ 1923_ 4.20 __ 1875_18.00 __ 1847 _7.80 __ 166

__21 ___ 1854-55_--6.50 __ 1940_ 4.20 __ 1903_18.03 __ 1851 _7.80 __ 165

__22 ___ 1878-79_--6.47 __ 1854_ 4.27 __ 1926_18.03 __ 1843 _7.83 __ 164

__23 ___ 2013-14_--6.43 __ 1907_ 4.23 __ 1849_18.07 __ 1859 _7.87 __ 163

__24 ___ 1882-83_--6.40 __ 1841_ 4.33 __ 1884_18.07 __ 1852 _7.93 __ 162 

__25 ___ 1876-77_--6.37 __ 1884_ 4.33 __ 1891_18.07 __ 1872 _7.93 __ 161

__26 ___ 1958-59_--6.37 __ 1858_ 4.37 __ 1840_18.10 __ 1844 _7.97 __ 160

__27 ___ 1906-07_--6.27 __ 1853_ 4.40 __ 1860_18.10 __ 1904 _7.97 __ 159

__28 ___ 1978-79_--6.23 __ 1890_ 4.40 __ 1982_18.10 __ 1853 _8.00 __ 158

__29 ___ 1977-78_--6.17 __ 1893_ 4.40 __ 1904_18.13 __ 1925 _8.00 __ 157

__30 ___ 1944-45_--6.10 __ 1892_ 4.43 __ 1912_18.13 __ 1933 _8.00 __ 156

__31 ___ 1887-88_--6.07 __ 1956_ 4.43 __ 1845_18.17 __ 1876 _8.03 __ 155

__32 ___ 1883-84_--6.00 __ 1950_ 4.50 __ 1924_18.23 __ 1864 _8.10 __ 154

__33 ___ 1885-86_--6.00 __ 1882_ 4.53 __ 1862_18.27 __ 1895 _8.10 __ 153

__34 ___ 1969-70_--6.00 __ 1943_ 4.53 __ 1889_18.27 __ 1855 _8.20 __ 152 

__35 ___ 1871-72_--5.93 __ 1862_ 4.57 __ 1863_18.33 __ 1885 _8.20 __ 151

__36 ___ 1845-46_--5.87 __ 1866_ 4.57 __ 1915_18.37 __ 1896 _8.33 __ 150

__37 ___ 1911-12_--5.83 __ 1917_ 4.57 __ 1856_18.40 __ 1925 _8.37 __ 149

__38 ___ 1916-17_--5.83 __ 1912_ 4.60 __ 1882_18.40 __ 1860 _8.43 __ 148

__39 ___ 1853-54_--5.73 __ 1984_ 4.67 __ 1929_18.40 __ 1863 _8.47 __ 147

__40 ___ 1859-60_--5.70 __ 1967_ 4.73 __ 1965_18.43 __ 1889 _8.47 __ 146

__41 ___ 1934-35_--5.70 __ 1868_ 4.77 __ 1985_18.43 __ 1892 _8.50 __ 145

__42 ___ 1947-48_--5.70 __ 1895_ 4.77 __ 1865_18.47 __ 1892 _8.53 __ 144 

__43 ___ 1864-65_--5.67 __ 1996_ 4.77 __ 1871_18.47 __ 1907 _8.53 __ 143

__44 ___ 1981-82_--5.63 __ 1879_ 4.80 __ 1879_18.53 __ 1886 _8.57 __ 142

__45 ___ 1848-49_--5.50 __ 1887_ 4.80 __ 2004_18.60 __ 1890 _8.63 __ 141

__46 ___ 1942-43_--5.50 __ 1904_ 4.80 __ 1874_18.63 __ 1935 _8.63 __ 140

__47 ___ 1922-23_--5.50 __ 1924_ 4.80 __ 1888_18.63 __ 1993 _8.63 __ 139

__48 ___ 1894-95_--5.27 __ 1947_ 4.80 __ 1907_18.67 __ 1980 _8.67 __ 138

__49 ___ 1898-99_--5.27 __ 1916_ 4.83 __ 1917_18.73 __ 1943 _8.67 __ 137

__50 ___ 1980-81_--5.27 __ 1932_ 4.83 __ 1853_18.77 __ 1858 _8.73 __ 136

__51 ___ 1900-01_--5.23 __ 1891_ 4.90 __ 1980_18.77 __ 1936 _8.73 __ 135

__52 ___ 1961-62_--5.17 __ 1848_ 4.93 __ 2009_18.77 __ 1981 _8.73 __ 134

__53 ___ 1970-71_--5.13 __ 1863_ 4.93 __ 1873_18.80 __ 1937 _8.77 __ 133

__54 ___ 1924-25_--5.03 __ 1877_ 4.97 __ 1958_18.80 __ 1884 _8.80 __ 132

__55 ___ 1995-96_--5.03 __ 1900_ 5.00 __ 1946_18.83 __ 1901 _8.83 __ 131

__56 ___ 2002-03_--5.03 __ 1909_ 5.03 __ 1986_18.83 __ 1924 _8.87 __ 130

__57 ___ 2010-11_--5.03 __ 1997_ 5.10 __ 1897_18.97 __ 1992 _8.87 __ 129

__58 ___ 1860-61_--5.00 __ 2014_ 5.10 __ 1945_18.97 __ 1911 _8.90 __ 128

__59 ___ 1840-41_--4.97 __ 1928_ 5.13 __ 1850_19.03 __ 1986_ 8.90 __ 127

__60 ___ 1945-46_--4.97 __ 1905_ 5.17 __ 1923_19.03 __ 1862 _8.93 __ 126

__61 ___ 1967-68_--4.97 __ 1855_ 5.20 __ 1979_19.03 __ 1940 _8.93 __ 125

__62 ___ 1925-26_--4.93 __ 1939_ 5.20 __ 1895_19.07 __ 1967 _8.93 __ 124

__63 ___ 1926-27_--4.93 __ 1960_ 5.23 __ 1841_19.10 __ 1974 _8.97 __ 123

__64 ___ 1985-86_--4.93 __ 1906_ 5.27 __ 1905_19.13 __ 1972_ 9.03 __ 122

__65 ___ 1901-02_--4.90 __ 1972_ 5.27 __ 1950_19.13 __ 1861 _9.10 __ 121

__66 ___ 1842-43_--4.87 __ 1864_ 5.30 __ 1956_19.13 __ 1951 _9.13 __ 120

__67 ___ 1870-71_--4.77 __ 1934_ 5.30 __ 1972_19.13 __ 1995 _9.13 __ 119

__68 ___ 1865-66_--4.73 __ 1971_ 5.33 __ 1928_19.17 __ 1849 _9.17 __ 118

__69 ___ 1910-11_--4.70 __ 1978_ 5.33 __ 1980_19.17 __ 1903 _9.17 __ 117

__70 ___ 1960-61_--4.70 __ 1851_ 5.37 __ 1846_19.20 __ 1909 _9.17 __ 116

__71 ___ 2008-09_--4.70 __ 1937_ 5.43 __ 2000_19.20 __ 1987 _9.17 __ 115  

__72 ___ 1846-47_--4.67 __ 1961_ 5.43 __ 1881_19.23 __ 1996 _9.17 __ 114

__73 ___ 1909-10_--4.67 __ 1989_ 5.43 __ 1964_19.23 __ 1874 _9.20 __ 113

__74 ___ 1893-94_--4.63 __ 2019_ 5.43 __ 1880_19.27 __ 1918_ 9.20 __ 112

__75 ___ 1866-67_--4.60 __ 1944_ 5.47 __ 1918_19.27 __ 1928 _9.20 __ 111

__76 ___ 1939-40_--4.60 __ 1966_ 5.60 __ 1968_19.27 __ 1866 _9.23 __ 110

__77 ___ 1907-08_--4.57 __ 1920_ 5.63 __ 2015_19.27 __ 1910 _9.23 __ 109

__78 ___ 1902-03_--4.53 __ 2003_ 5.63 __ 1940_19.27 __ 1923 _9.27 __ 108

__79 ___ 1983-84_--4.53 __ 1897_ 5.70 __ 1892_19.27 __ 1929 _9.27 __ 107

__80 ___ 1929-30 _--4.43 __1965_ 5.73 __ 1894_19.30 __ 1932 _9.27 __ 106

__81 ___ 1973-74_--4.43 __ 1992_ 5.73 __ 1920_19.30 __ 1939 _9.27 __ 105

__82 ___ 1895-96_--4.40 __ 1886_ 5.80 __ 1858_19.37 __ 1879 _9.30 __ 104

__83 ___ 1890-91_--4.37 __ 1899_ 5.80 __ 1896_19.37 __ 1894 _9.30 __ 103

__84 ___ 1913-14_--4.37 __ 1886_ 5.80 __ 1925_19.37 __ 1854_ 9.33 __ 102 

__85 ___ 1964-65_--4.37 __ 1899_ 5.80 __ 1978_19.37 __ 1891_ 9.33 __ 101

__86 ___ 1940-41_--4.33 __ 1881_ 5.83 __ 1893_19.40 __ 1905_ 9.33 __ 100 

__87 ___ 1963-64_--4.33 __ 2005_ 5.83 __ 1960_19.40 __ 1916_ 9.33 ___ 99

__88 ___ 1850-51_--4.23 __ 1865_ 5.87 __ 1909_19.43 __ 1965_ 9.33 ___ 98

__89 ___ 1914-15_--4.23 __ 1845_ 5.90 __ 1914_19.43 __ 1988_ 9.33 ___ 97 

__90 ___ 1888-89_--4.20 __ 1908_ 5.93 __ 1932_19.43 __ 1978_ 9.40 ___ 96

__91 ___ 1989-90_--4.20 __ 1975_ 5.93 __ 1977_19.43 __ 2014_ 9.40 ___ 95

__92 __ 1899-1900_--4.17__1935_ 5.97 __ 2014_19.50 __ 1945_ 9.43 ___ 94

__93 ___ 1861-62_--4.13 __ 1954_ 6.00 __ 1981_19.53 __ 1997_ 9.43 ___ 93

__94 ___ 1937-38_--4.13 __ 1982_ 6.00 __ 1877_19.57 __ 2018_ 9.43 ___ 92

__95 ___ 1968-69_--4.13 __ 1914_ 6.03 __ 1913_19.57 __ 1878_ 9.47 ___ 91

__96 ___ 2004-05_--4.13 __ 1914_ 6.03 __ 1951_19.57 __ 2013_ 9.47 ___ 90 

__97 ___ 1955-56_--4.10 __ 1925_ 6.03 __ 1961_19.57 __ 2019_ 9.47 ___ 89

__98 ___ 2003-04_--4.07 __ 1896_ 6.07 __ 1962_19.57 __ 1962_ 9.50 ___ 88

__99 ___ 1941-42_--4.03 __ 1927_ 6.07 __ 2017_19.57 __ 1899 _9.53 ___ 87

_100 ___ 2000-01_--4.03 __ 1930_ 6.07 __ 1854_19.60 __ 1979_ 9.53 ___ 86

_101 ___ 2017-18_--4.03 __ 1870_ 6.10 __ 1867_19.60 __ 1966_ 9.57 ___ 85

_102 ___ 1946-47_--4.00 __ 1880_ 6.13 __ 1910_19.63 __ 1989_ 9.57 ___ 84

_103 ___ 1966-67_--4.00 __ 1901_ 6.13 __ 1934_19.63 __ 1882 _9.63 ___ 83

_104 ___ 1979-80_--4.00 __ 1948_ 6.13 __ 1942_19.63 __ 1949_ 9.67 ___ 82

_105 ___ 1873-74_--3.97 __ 1969_ 6.20 __ 1971_19.63 __ 1984_ 9.70 ___ 81 

_106 ___ 1896-97_--3.97 __ 1994_ 6.20 __ 1963_19.67 __ 2006_ 9.70 ___ 80

_107 ___ 1915-16_--3.97 __ 1889_ 6.23 __ 1967_19.67 __ 2008_ 9.70 ___ 79

_108 ___ 1975-76_--3.93 __ 1919_ 6.23 __ 1996_19.67 __ 1950_ 9.77 ___ 78

_109 ___ 1928-29_--3.87 __ 1936_ 6.27 __ 1864_19.70 __ 1867_ 9.80 ___ 77

_110 ___ 1868-69_--3.83 __ 1915_ 6.30 __ 1887_19.70 __ 1956_ 9.80 ___ 76

_111 ___ 1869-70_--3.80 __ 2002_ 6.30 __ 1908_19.70 __ 1964_ 9.80 ___ 75

_112 ___ 1921-22_--3.80 __ 2018_ 6.30 __ 1954_19.70 __ 1877_ 9.83 ___ 74

_113 ___ 1927-28_--3.77 __ 1970_ 6.33 __ 1997_19.70 __ 1898 _9.83 ___ 73

_114 ___ 1984-85_--3.77 __ 1860_ 6.37 __ 1976_19.73 __ 1938_ 9.83 ___ 72

_115 ___ 1992-93_--3.77 __ 1979_ 6.40 __ 1872_19.77 __ 1942_ 9.83 ___ 71

_116 ___ 1863-64_--3.73 __ 2008_ 6.43 __ 1922_19.77 __ 1944_ 9.83 ___ 70

_117 ___ 1891-92_--3.73 __ 1846_ 6.47 __ 1957_19.77 __ 1846_ 9.87 ___ 69

_118 ___ 1957-58_--3.73 __ 1931_ 6.47 __ 1870_19.80 __ 1991_ 9.87 ___ 68

_119 ___ 1852-53_--3.70 __ 1933_ 6.50 __ 1994_19.83 __ 1982_ 9.90 ___ 67

_120 ___ 1954-55_--3.70 __ 2017_ 6.50 __ 1899_19.87 __ 1952_ 9.93 ___ 66

_121 ___ 1938-39_--3.67 __ 1959_ 6.53 __ 2008_19.87 __ 2012 _9.93 ___ 65

_122 ___ 1843-44_--3.60 __ 1859_ 6.57 __ 1974_19.90 __ 1870 _9.97 ___ 64

_123 ___ 1897-98_--3.60 __ 1894_ 6.57 __ 1990_19.90 __ 1865_10.00___ 63

_124 ___ 1972-73_--3.60 __ 1995_ 6.57 __ 1930_19.93 __ 1897_10.00___ 62

_125 ___ 2009-10_--3.57 __ 2011_ 6.57 __ 2003_19.93 __ 1906_10.00___ 61

_126 ___ 2018-19_--3.57 __ 1842_ 6.63 __ 2023_19.93 __ 1914_10.00___ 60

_127 ___ 2021-22_--3.57 __ 1913_ 6.63 __ 1878_19.97 __ 1902_10.07___ 59

_128 ___ 1857-58_--3.53 __ 1963_ 6.63 __ 1984_19.97 __ 2003_10.07___ 58

_129 ___ 1923-24_--3.50 __ 1988_ 6.70 __ 1936_20.00 __ 1983_10.10___ 57 

_130 ___ 1930-31_--3.50 __ 2007_ 6.70 __ 1969_20.00 __ 1959_10.10___ 56

_131 ___ 1971-72_--3.50 __ 2020_ 6.70 __ 2013_20.00 __ 1990_10.10___ 55

_132 ___ 2024-25_--3.50 __ 1918_ 6.73 __ 1876_20.03 __ 1930_10.13___ 54

_133 ___ 1965-66_--3.43 __ 1968_ 6.73 __ 1947_20.07 __ 1934_10.13___ 53

_134 ___ 1858-59_--3.40 __ 1980_ 6.73 __ 1911_20.10 __ 1977_10.13___ 52 

_135 ___ 1956-57_--3.40 __ 1981_ 6.73 __ 1935_20.10 __ 1955_10.17___ 51

_136 ___ 1943-44_--3.27 __ 1840_ 6.77 __ 1993_20.10 __ 1957_10.17___ 50

_137 ___ 1849-50_--3.17 __ 1911_ 6.77 __ 1948_20.13 __ 1969_10.17___ 49

_138 ___ 1950-51_--3.13 __ 1952_ 6.77 __ 1989_20.13 __ 2010_10.20___ 48 

_139 ___ 1987-88_--3.10 __ 1871_ 6.80 __ 2019_20.13 __ 1913_10.23___ 47

_140 ___ 1875-76_--3.07 __ 1941_ 6.80 __ 1868_20.20 __ 2000_10.23___ 46 

_141 ___ 1988-89_--3.07 __ 2015_ 6.80 __ 1941_20.27 __ 1958_10.27___ 45

_142 ___ 1862-63_--3.00 __ 1929_ 6.83 __ 1900_20.30 __ 1922_10.30___ 44

_143 ___ 1959-60_--3.00 __ 1964_ 6.87 __ 1931_20.33 __ 1912_10.33___ 43

_144 ___ 2006-07_--3.00 __ 2013_ 6.87 __ 1906_20.37 __ 1921_10.33___ 42

_145 ___ 2007-08_--2.97 __ 1949_ 6.90 __ 1943_20.37 __ 1985_10.43___ 41

_146 ___ 1844-45_--2.93 __ 1976_ 6.90 __ 1901_20.40 __ 1919_10.50___ 40

_147 ___ 1908-09_--2.90 __ 1902_ 6.93 __ 1898_20.43 __ 2020_10.50___ 39

_148 ___ 1986-87_--2.87 __ 1953_ 6.97 __ 1916_20.43 __ 2009_10.57___ 38

_149 ___ 1951-52_--2.83 __ 1990_ 6.97 __ 1944_20.43 __ 1908_10.67___ 37

_150 ___ 1991-92_--2.83 __ 2004_ 6.97 __ 1970_20.43 __ 1920_10.67___ 36

_151 ___ 1994-95_--2.80 __ 1957_ 7.00 __ 1998_20.43 __ 2002_10.70___ 35

_152 ___ 1996-97_--2.57 __ 2009_ 7.07 __ 1933_20.50 __ 2022_10.70___ 34

_153 ___ 2020-21_--2.57 __ 1938_ 7.10 __ 1939_20.50 __ 1941_10.73___ 33

_154 ___ 1847-48_--2.53 __ 1973_ 7.23 __ 1953_20.50 __ 1915_10.77___ 32

_155 ___ 1912-13_--2.53 __ 2016_ 7.23 __ 1937_20.53 __ 1968_10.83___ 31

_156 ___ 1905-06_--2.43 __ 1951_ 7.27 __ 1952_20.53 __ 1881_10.87___ 30

_157 ___ 1990-91_--2.40 __ 1898_ 7.33 __ 1966_20.53 __ 1927_10.90___ 29

_158 ___ 1841-42_--2.37 __1958_ 7.33 __ 2006_20.53 __ 1994_10.90___ 28 

_159 __1999-2000 --2.37 __ 2001_ 7.33 __ 2007_20.60 __ 1975_10.97___ 27

_160 ___ 1953-54_--2.37 __ 1985_ 7.37 __ 2024_20.60 __ 1973_11.03___ 26

_161 ___ 2005-06_--2.27 __ 2022_ 7.43 __ 1938_20.67 __ 2004_11.03___ 25

_162 ___ 1949-50_--2.20 __ 2023_ 7.50 __ 2022_20.67 __ 1946_11.10___ 24

_163 ___ 1877-78_--2.10 __ 1844_ 7.57 __ 1975_20.73 __ 1970_11.10___ 23

_164 ___ 1920-21_--2.03 __ 1910_ 7.57 __ 1987_20.77 __ 1999_11.13___ 22

_165 ___ 1879-80_--1.83 __ 1922_ 7.57 __ 2001_20.80 __ 2007_11.23___ 21

_166 ___ 1948-49_--1.83 __ 1962_ 7.67 __ 1983_20.83 __ 2023_11.23___ 20

_167 ___ 1998-99_--1.83 __ 1945_ 7.70 __ 1988_21.10 __ 1947_11.27___ 19

_168 ___ 1881-82_--1.80 __ 2006_ 7.70 __ 1991_21.10 __ 1948_11.27___ 18

_169 ___ 1918-19_--1.73 __ 1903_ 7.77 __ 2018_21.10 __ 1953_11.27___ 17 

_170 ___ 2012-13_--1.73 __ 2021_ 7.83 __ 1995_21.13 __ 1954_11.27___ 16

_171 ___ 2019-20_--1.73 __ 1946_ 7.87 __ 1999_21.13 __ 1960_11.27___ 15

_172 ___ 1932-33_--1.70 __ 1999_ 7.90 __ 2010_21.13 __ 2001_11.33___ 14

_173 ___ 1936-37_--1.60 __ 1942_ 7.93 __ 1973_21.20 __ 1963_11.40___ 13

_174 ___ 1982-83_--1.60 __ 1955_ 7.93 __ 2002_21.27 __ 2005_11.43___ 12

_175 ___ 1974-75_--1.50 __ 1986_ 7.93 __ 2011_21.30 __ 2011_11.43___ 11

_176 ___ 1952-53_--1.17 __ 1878_ 8.13 __ 2021_21.30 __ 1900_11.47___ 10 

_177 ___ 2016-17_--1.07 __ 2000_ 8.27 __ 1919_21.40 __ 2021_11.47___ 09

_178 ___ 1889-90_--0.97 __ 1991_ 8.57 __ 1921_21.50 __ 2017_11.50___ 08

_179 ___ 2022-23_--0.87 __ 1977_ 8.77 __ 2012_21.50 __ 1998_11.53___ 07

_180 ___ 1997-98_--0.60 __ 1921_ 8.80 __ 1959_21.67 __ 2015_11.63___ 06

_181 ___ 2015-16_--0.53 __ 1987_ 8.80 __ 2016_21.67 __ 1971_11.70___ 05

_182 ___ 2011-12_--0.33 __ 2024_ 9.10 __ 2020_21.83 __ 1961_11.83___ 04

_183 ___ 1931-32_--0.13 __ 1998_ 9.33 __ 1955_21.97 __ 2024_12.07___ 03

_184 ___ 2001-02_+0.20 __ 2012_ 9.70 __ 1949_22.13 __ 1931_12.20___ 02

_185 ___ 2023-24_+0.20 __ 2010_10.60 __ 2005_22.33 __ 2016_12.30___ 01 


Expanded to 185 ranked seasons with four new entries spring 2024 to winter 2024-25.

Spring 2024 entered at 4th warmest 9.10

Summer 2024 entered at t-26th warmest 20.60 (tied 2007)

Autumn 2024 entered at 3rd warmest 12.07 

Winter 2024-2025 entered at t-54th warmest -3.50 (tied 1923-24, 1930-31, 1971-1972)


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Taking the above data -- temperatures adjusted for UHI -- this chart is a schematic of the timing of the warmest ten seasons in each case. The number zero represents 10 and italic numerals represent ties. Three were tied for tenth warmest spring, two for fourth warmest spring as well as fifth, seventh and tenth warmest summers. Since there are no entries before 1878 (9th warmest spring), the next warmest ranked case for each season is shown for the interval ending 1881 (in blue typeface to make it entirely distinct, the value can be tied with others not shown later in the data, as for example winter 1841-42 which was tied with two others at 26th warmest).  Also for winter, 1877-78 was 23rd, not displayed 1879-80 was 21st and 1881-1882 was 18th.

Since the chart was first posted in 2020, tied 10th warmest summer (2021), 8th and 3rd warmest autumns (2021, 2024) and 7th warmest winter (2022-23), tied warmest winter (2023-24), 4th warmest spring (2024) have also caused some revisions.

Analysis follows the chart ... note 0 = 10th, italics for tied ranks ... and ^ is 11th (winter only, as 10th is tied in all other seasons) _ now also spring due to 2024.

note: numbers that appear two-digit (post-1880) are years close together such as "12" for spring, which is for ed by 1st (2010) and 2nd (2012). Except for blue integers, no values in chart are greater than 11th.


--- <<< Schematic of the Timing of Warmest Seasons (temperatures adjusted to UHI) >>> ---

______ 1840 1850 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 ______

winter __26___________23_____8__________________3_________^__________________6_1___4_59___71 winter

spring __ 21_____________ 0___________________5_______11____11________ 7__ 04_8__3 9____1,2___ spring

summer ___________45______________________9 7___________ 2__3_5___________________1__07_540_summer

autumn _________(59)____29 _________0____________2______________4___ 5__________7__ 11 11_6183 autumn




In the large picture, this distribution is very similar to most other global temperature data sets showing an accelerated tendency to warming since 1998 in particular. Some other intervals do fairly well. The second warmest autumn (1931) was followed by the second warmest winter (1931-32). Hot summers were frequent in the period 1949 to 1959 (and to a nearly similar extent from 1916 to 1921, 1916 misses out slightly by having a rather cold June). The 1970s were more notable for mild winters and warm springs than for anomalous warmth later in the year. The 1980s only managed to score during the springs, and summers other than 1983 and 1987-88 (not in the top ten but in the top 20) were notably cool. 

The earlier part of the record seldom produced seasons (even after UHI adjustments which gave them what amounted to a 1.1 deg boost relative to the last forty years) of anomalous warmth. But a closer inspection reveals that what tended to happen then was for anomalous warmth to last only through one or possibly two months, making it hard for any season to compete. For example, summer of 1868 had the second warmest adjusted July, a very hot month indeed, but the rest of the summer was rather average, giving the season a relatively modest 43rd place finish. Autumns were notably cold in the first third of the data, and it was not until 1881 that any year cracked the top forty (1865 also shown was the warmest before that, in t59th place). 

This may argue for the need for a larger UHI boost, but the value derived seems to be backed up by current urban-rural differences which cannot be larger than the assigned value since no rural control site would have a natural tendency to warmer average than central Toronto (meaning that the current urban-rural difference has to be the upper limit for any value chosen). What may be more of the actual cause is natural climate change from 19th to early 20th century when years at least became competitive if not overwhelming the more recent contenders. For example, with autumns, we find that 1900 began the era with top ten potential, and from then to the next entrant (1931) there were several respectable finishes. The tendency for years to produce one or two very warm months not backed up by a third month within a season can still be seen to some extent in the middle of the data set, so that the modern tendency to warm seasons is more of a consistency phenomenon than an absolute warming phenomenon. The two warmest Octobers (1947, 1963) both anchored seasons to finishing T-13th and 11th respectively. 

I think the most obvious feature of this chart may be the frequency of recent warm seasons but a second prominent aspect is the change from the scarcity before 1900 to the relative abundance that followed. So as I've been saying the modern warming phenomenon seems to be embedded in a longer interval of naturally sourced warming that may be increasingly modified by human activity but is not totally caused by it altogether. 

Something worth noting is that some very hot summer intervals seem to fall into seasons that finish around 30th to 60th overall, showing that their appearance may be related to a higher variability aspect of the circulation. Summer 1936 (105 F) was ranked T-51st, summer 1911 (103 F) was tied 45th warmest, and summers of 1916, 1948 and 1953 were no warmer than 28th. Those summers produced the highest extreme daily temperatures along with 2011 (101 F) which made the top ten. On the other hand, some top ten summers only barely made it to the average of 35 C for an extreme maximum. 



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This is the final post that will be reserved to remain in place with the data sets. 

It will note ongoing monthly and record daily events moving forward into year 181 of the study. 

So far, March 2020 has been a relatively mild month with one near-miss on daily records (17.2 C on 9th of March happened to fall against a particularly warm day in March 2000, would have set a record for March 10th or 11th, but not for the 9th). (added Apr 7th _ The month ended up being the adjusted 12th warmest March in the series). Despite that, no new daily records were set, and in fact only three days exceeded 15 C which is fairly low compared to some years. It was the near total absence of late winter cold that led to the month climbing as high as it did. For precip, it was a relatively normal March, 63.9 mm of which I have assigned only 5 cm (equiv to 5 mm precip) as snowfall. While the Toronto City location continues to report, the North York station unfortunately stopped reporting around the time of the lockdown which may mean it is not being monitored. The airport weather station continues to report, and had only about 7 cm of snow. The 5 cm is supported by total increases of snow depth on three occasions of 5 cm, one or two cm at a time. The weakest daily rainfall record (23rd) came within 0.4 mm of being broken but remains 12.5 mm 1926. 

The tables in the study will be edited to reflect new data but I won't reorganize the ranking tables every month, just indicate the ranks of the new months, until we have a group of twelve new values (after Feb 2021) then all twelve can be inserted into the ranking tables to keep them evenly spaced. Same goes for precipitation. I am just hoping that with the current health crisis the Toronto data will continue to appear, but so far so good. We haven't had any missing days this past winter at all, the worst of the missing day phenomenon took place back around 2012-13. 

April 2020 turned out rather cool at 6.6 C and after UHI correction (5.5 C) is below the long-term average, only a small amount of snow and near-normal rainfall. 

May 2020 has started out quite cold and is threatening daily cold records as posted separately below. 

July 2020 narrowly missed becoming warmest month on record (this is still July 1921). In raw terms summer 2020 ranks 2nd, in adjusted to u.h.i., 4th. Despite these very warm rankings, the highest temperature of summer 2020 was 35.5 (96F) which is barely above the long-term average. And despite having a lot of very warm minimum readings, only one (24 Aug) tied the existing record of 71F. 

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Depending on the report posted for today (9th May) there may have been a very unusual all-time daily record minimum established. The record was and is 29F from 1850. Since that was set, the coldest reading on the 9th of May was 32F in 1947. 29 F was the minimum (-1.5 C) for the 8th which came within 2 F deg of the 1842 daily record for that date. Hourly observations at the airport (20 km west of the downtown location) were as low as 26 F with a brisk northwest wind. The air mass is so cold that lake effect snow streamers are showing up on radar, and 6 inches of snow fell in central Vermont overnight as the cold air created a coastal low. A clipper type system may bring a rain-snow mix to the lower Great Lakes tomorrow. Daily snowfall records by this point in May are becoming a mixture of small measured amounts and traces. The cold spell mentioned below in 1923 did come with a snowfall of 1.3" on May 9th (the day before the 27F record min) and 1966 had 0.5" on the 12th. Will be reaching out to (N American) forum members and friends in Toronto to get any reliable downtown snow estimates from the passing snow showers, one report between the airport and downtown already mentioned snow accumulating in heavy showers. 

Daily low max for the 8th was 41F (1947) and this was missed by just one degree (5.7 C = 42.3 F). Daily low max for the 9th is 43F (1966). This may be challenged today as well. I report all these in F deg because prior to 1976 the daily temperatures were recorded to nearest whole degrees F. Nowadays we see them reported to nearest 0.1 C. Some cases occur where the new reading sets a record against the converted value but as that's from a range, we cannot be sure the record is valid so I count them as ties when the Celsius conversion to F (whole deg) is equal. 

It has been 97 years since a daily record minimum was established in May (10th 1923 was 27 F). And the 29F is the lowest temperature at the location since May 1926 equalled it. There have been several 30F readings in the intervening century. In the first few decades when there was no large city, minimum readings of 25 F were taken on two different occasions (3rd, 1867 and 6th, 1854). The lowest max in the month was 38 F set on three occasions. The latest into the month was the 11th (1857) so today's reading would have to be under 38 F to be a "benchmark" type of record (latest in season). The most recent low maximum in May was in 1979 although on that same date in 1999 (25th), a reading was taken that was lower than the mark broken by 1979 -- 1979 was 50 F, 1999 was 51 and the previous record was 52 in 1925. 

This table shows when the most recent all-time daily minimum records were set at Toronto (the change is more due to the urban heat island growth than climate change as shown by the more recently set daily low maximum records ... winter does better because stronger winds are often associated with record lows then, which makes the urban heat island less of an obstacle:

JAN __ 1994

FEB __ 1980 (leap year day, 1943 for non-leap years)

MAR __ 2007

APR __ 1997

MAY __ 2020 ? (1923)

JUN __ 1924 (1992 came within 1 deg)

JUL __ 1925

AUG __ 1982

SEP __ 1959

OCT __ 1935

NOV __ 2019

DEC __ 1962

This is partly a matter of timing, a reading of -11 F on 25 December 1980 would have set a daily record on 24th or 26th but missed out on the 25th. 


(added on May 10th)

It is confirmed that a daily record minimum was set on 9th of May, with -2.1 C converting to 28.2 F or 28 to replace the 29 from 1850. So that is the first May record low minimum at the location since May 10, 1923. The daily maximum of 6.5 narrowly missed tying the record low maximum of 43 from 1966, as 6.5 converts to 43.7 and rounds to 44 F. The station only reports precip and does not separate rain and snow, there was no report of lying snow but that would have been at an early hour before the snow possibly fell. The precip was 1.0 mm. At the airport weather station, where the minimum was -4.7 C, 0.4 cm of snow was reported for the day and that appeared to be all of the precip that fell (so not a mixture there). Have not heard back from my Toronto contacts yet about snow that might have stuck in areas close to the weather station. For the records will probably assign the 1.0 mm precip as 1.0 cm snowfall, not a daily record as there was 1.3" (3.8 cm) in 1923.  

(added on May 16th) 

The unusual cold spell continued for several more days and Toronto (downtown) had its latest frosts since 1936 (min 32 F on May 16) with readings of -0.4 and 0.0 on the 12th and 13th. Before the -0.4 C reading on 12th, the latest 31 F or lower reading in the observational record was 30 F on May 21, 1924. On that occasion the next day recorded 32 F. Going back further into periods with ever decreasing UHI barriers to late frost, May 22, 1895 had a 29 F reading which was also the next extension (going back in time) of the frost season then we find 31 F on May 29, 1889 (where I consider the UHI to be just starting up at 0.1 C, possibly 0.5-1.0 for calm, clear nights). Before that the frost season gradually works its way into early June by 1859 (5th was 32 F) although the first instance of a 31 F or lower reading later than 1889 was May 30, 1856 (31F) and the absolute latest values for both sets occurred with the 28F reading on June 10, 1842. June frosts occurred in only 1842,1843 and 1859. After those events, 35F in 1864, 36F in 1869, and 37F in 1945 represent coldest minima in the series. Since 1945 the coldest June minimum was 39 in 1949 and since that, 41 F in 1980. 

This May 2020 cold spell has now produced six consecutive days with lowest values since the book era (1967) in my research file, where I have noted extremes from the publication (to 1967) and since then (from internet source). With one exception, these have replaced values in both low max and low min categories from the 8th to the 13th. The deepest cold has now departed with near normal temperatures and rainfall more recently. The coldest May in recent decades was 1967 (mean 10.2) with 1907 at 9.0 and all-time 1867 at 8.5. The mean so far this month has been only 7.8 (through 15th which boosted it from 7.4 on 14th). The value for May 1-15 of 1967 was 8.2, the second half of that month remained quite chilly. Model forecasts at present make it appear that May 2020 may finish around 10.5 to 11.0 C. The coldest May since 1967 is 10.9 from 1997. (all the above not adjusted for UHI, 10.9 was reduced to 9.8 for long-term comparison and ranked t-14th coldest, 1967 reduced to 9.3 which ranked 8th coldest). 

(added on June 2) _ May 2020 warmed up considerably after 20th and even added a new daily maximum record on 26th. This left the monthly average closer to normal although still below especially after UHI adjustment. The new May and spring 2020 averages are edited into the tables above. 


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Ranking seasonal precipitation


Ranking seasonal precipitation

These ranks include some estimates for years between 1840 and 1848, although most of the data exist for those years, some have missing rainfall or snowfall monthly totals. The estimates are based on an examination of weather maps now available, comparison to events at Providence RI, and temperature trends as indicators of precip activity. In most cases the estimated values fall close to long-term normals and so appear in roughly the middle of these tables where a missing tag would appear anyway. 

Like the EWP tables, dry extremes are at top and wet extremes at bottom. Ranks run from 1st to 91st dry, the median is 92nd driest/wettest and then ranks run from 91st to 1st wettest, in order from top to bottom of the tables. Ties are listed in chronological order and must be inferred by the reader in whichever order required. All four seasons now have 183 ranked values (as of end winter 2022-23).  

Amounts are in mm and include liquid equivalents of snowfalls (except that all measurable summer precip is rainfall).

Winters are Dec, Jan and Feb, springs are Mar, Apr, May, summers are Jun, Jul, Aug, and autumns are Sep, Oct, Nov. 



Rank __ Winter __ (amt) ____ Spring _ (amt) ___ Summer_(amt) ___ Autumn_(amt) ___ Rank


_01 ___ 1943-44 __ 93.4 ____ 1962 __ 73.5 ____ 1899 __ 49.8 ____ 1908 __ 99.8 ____ 01

_02 ___ 1962-63 __ 97.3 ____ 1958 __ 92.8 ____ 1894 __ 78.3 ____ 1964__101.2 ____ 02

_03 ___ 1988-89__102.2 ____ 1915 __ 95.2 ____ 1959 __ 85.3 ____ 2023__105.8 ____ 03

_04 ___ 1871-72__102.8 ____ 1949 __ 95.8 ____ 1898 __ 94.7 ____ 1998__110.4 ____ 04

_05 ___ 2014-15__107.4 ____ 1935 __ 99.1 ____ 1868__109.7 ____ 1961__111.8 ____ 05


_06 __1999-2000__110.8 ____1887__100.1 ____ 1896__112.8 ____ 1903__113.3 ____ 06

_07 ___ 2010-11__ 115.3 ____ 1879__100.9 ____ 1873__115.5 ____ 1956__116.0 ____ 07

_08 ___ 1952-53__115.4 ____ 1971__103.9 ____ 1949__117.6 ____ 1944__116.3 ____ 08

_09 ___ 1985-86__119.8 ____ 1860__109.5 ____ 1848__118.1 ____ 1947__118.6 ____ 09

_10 ___ 1900-01__120.4 ____ 2021 _ 117.4 ____ 1876__124.0 ____ 1939__120.1 ____ 10


_11 ___ 1939-40__120.4 ____ 2012 _ 118.7 ____ 1853__129.3 ____ 1960__125.5 ____ 11

_12 ___ 1993-94__120.8 ____ 1895__120.9 ____ 1907__133.1 ____ 2004__128.5 ____ 12

_13 ___ 1905-06__122.7 ____ 1988__124.2 ____ 1867__135.1 ____ 1874__129.1 ____ 13

_14 ___ 1930-31__124.7 ____ 1888__128.3 ____ 1887__135.2 ____ 2017__129.3 ____ 14

_15 ___ 1919-20__127.0 ____ 1999__129.0 ____ 1934__135.7 ____ 1867__131.3____ 15

_16 ___ 1976-77__128.2 ____ 2010__129.3 ____ 1936__138.0 ____ 1963__131.3  ____ 16

_17 ___ 1926-27__128.3 ____ 2022__129.3 ____ 1978__138.0 ____ 1901__134.1 ____ 17

_18 ___ 1920-21__128.7 ____ 1905__131.3 ____ 1875__140.3 ____ 1976__134.8 ____ 18

_19 ___ 2001-02__129.0 ____ 1941__131.8 ____ 1874__140.5 ____ 1971__135.1 ____ 19

_20 ___ 1969-70__130.6 ____ 1872__133.6 ____  2007__140.5 ____ 1930__136.7 ____ 20


_21 ___ 2020-21__130.9 ____ 2005__135.4 ____  2016__140.5 ____ 1882__136.9 ____ 21

_22 ___ 1896-97__132.3 ____ 1981__135.8 ____ 2011__141.6 ____ 2016__137.1 ____ 22

_23 ___ 1876-77__134.9 ____ 1933__137.1 ____  1966__144.7 ____ 1922__137.9 ____ 23

_24 ___ 1960-61__135.4 ____ 1925__137.9 ____ 1933__146.8 ____ 1840__138.3 ____ 24

_25 ___ 1933-34__136.1 ____ 2007__138.1 ____  1994__149.8 ____ 2000__139.4 ____ 25

_26 ___ 2006-07__136.4 ____ 1874__139.4 ____ 1881__150.9 ____ 1871__142.5 ____ 26

_27 ___ 1991-92__137.2 ____ 1928__139.9 ____ 1988__151.0 ____ 1887__143.5 ____ 27

_28 ___ 1941-42__139.9 ____ 1892__140.2 ____ 1983__152.0 ____ 1952__145.1 ____ 28

_29 ___ 1932-33__142.7 ____ 1950__140.5 ____ 1952__152.4 ____ 1974__145.3 ____ 29

_30 ___ 1880-81__144.5 ____ 1938__140.8 ____ 1909__152.9 ____ 1924__147.2 ____ 30


_31 ___ 1950-51__144.8 ____ 1911__143.1 ____ 1856__154.4 ____ 1883__147.8 ____ 31

_32 ___ 2015-16__145.2 ____ 1841__143.4 ____ 1984__154.5 ____ 1937__150.9 ____ 32

_33 ___ 1874-75__146.6 ____ 1896__145.3 ____ 1938__156.6 ____ 1914__151.2 ____ 33

_34 ___ 2002-03__146.7 ____ 1889__145.8 ____ 2002__156.8 ____ 2009__151.5 ____ 34

_35 ___ 1916-17__149.9 ____ 1934 __146.0 ____ 2001__157.0 ____ 1897__153.4 ____ 35

_36 ___ 1910-11__151.1 ____ 1884__147.1 ____ 1882__158.3 ____ 1969__156.2 ____ 36

_37 ___ 1922-23__151.1 ____ 1914__148.7 ____ 1916__158.5 ____ 1943__159.0 ____ 37

_38 ___ 1840-41__154.6 ____ 1891__149.2 ____ 1948__159.0 ____ 1994__159.2 ____ 38

_39 ___ 1995-96__154.6 ____ 2015__149.4 ____ 1895__159.6 ____ 1975__161.8 ____ 39

_40 ___ 1963-64__154.7 ____ 1920__151.4 ____ 1913__160.2 ____ 1872__162.1 ____ 40


_41 ___ 1918-19__156.2 ____ 1881__152.3 ____  2005__160.2 ____ 1997__162.2 ____ 41

_42 ___ 1904-05__156.4 ____ 1918__154.7 ____ 1973__161.3 ____ 1860__162.3 ____ 42

_43 ___ 1881-82__158.0 ____ 1907__156.2 ____ 1963__161.8 ____ 2022__162.8  ____ 43

_44 ___ 2017-18__159.1 ____ 1848__157.7 ____ 1930__163.0 ____ 1938__164.1 ____ 44

_45 ___ 1980-81__159.6 ____ 1890__157.9 ____ 2017__163.9 ____ 1953__164.1 ____ 45

_46 ___ 1865-66__161.3 ____ 1989__158.3 ____ 1884__164.0 ____ 2007__164.2 ____ 46

_47 ___ 1913-14__161.3 ____ 1900__159.5 ____ 2004__164.6 ____ 1909__164.4 ____ 47

_48 ___ 1955-56__161.4 ____ 1966__159.7 ____ 1865__165.2 ____ 1933__165.4 ____ 48

_49 ___ 1925-26__161.8 ____ 1898__163.1 ____ 1953__166.1 ____ 1919__165.6 ____ 49

_50 ___ 2009-10__162.2 ____ 1946__163.8 ____ 1911__166.6 ____ 1929__166.1 ____ 50


_51 ___ 1987-88__162.6 ____ 1927__165.1 ____  1846__168.5 ____ 1904__167.1 ____ 51

_52 ___ 1954-55__163.0 ____ 1885__165.9 ____ 1998__170.4 ____ 1876__167.1 ____ 52

_53 ___ 1982-83__164.5 ____  1902__167.4 ____ 1979__171.8 ____ 2020__167.6 ____ 53

_54 ___ 2003-04__167.1 ____ 1931__167.9 ____ 1854__172.6 ____ 1931__167.9 ____ 54

_55 ___ 1974-75__167.4 ____ 1847__168.1 ____ 1877__172.7 ____ 1936__168.9 ____ 55

_56 ___ 1861-62__167.6 ____ 1967__169.2 ____ 2003__173.0 ____ 1892__169.4 ____ 56

_57 ___ 1953-54__167.9 ____ 1906__169.5 ____ 1965__174.2 ____ 1917__170.8 ____ 57

_58 ___ 1965-66__167.9 ____ 1965__169.6 ____ 1921__174.8 ____ 1865__171.4 ____ 58

_59 ___ 2011-12__168.7 ____ 1978__170.2 ____ 1969__175.2 ____ 1850__172.8 ____ 59

_60 ___ 1957-58__168.9 ____ 1997__170.4 ____ 1999__177.6  ____ 1941__172.9 ____ 60


_61 ___ 1847-48__169.6 ____ 1882__171.5 ____ 1864__178.3 ____ 1984__173.9 ____ 61

_62 ___ 1888-89__170.0 ____ 1993__172.8 ____ 1886__178.3 ____ 1858__174.3 ____ 62

_63 ___ 1877-78__170.5 ____ 2020__173.0 ____ 1997__179.0 ____ 1848__174.5 ____ 63

_64 ___ 1891-92__170.5 ____ 1990__176.3 ____ 2023__184.2 ____ 1946__177.0 ____ 64

_65 ___ 1921-22__171.2 ____ 1987__176.9 ____ 1889__184.7 ____ 1891__177.2 ____ 65

_66 ___ 1968-69__173.0 ____ 1926__179.9 ____ 1957__186.1 ____ 1905__177.7 ____ 66

_67 ___ 1935-36__173.3 ____ 2016__180.1 ____ 1931__186.9 ____ 1884__178.1 ____ 67

_68 ___ 1989-90__174.4 ____ 2014__180.5 ____ 1863__187.4 ____ 1844__178.6 ____ 68

_69 ___ 2013-14__174.5 ____ 1851__180.6 ____ 1871__188.5 ____ 2002__178.8 ____ 69

_70 ___ 1927-28__175.5 ____ 1866__182.4 ____ 1935__189.5 ____ 2015__180.1 ____ 70


_71 ___ 1937-38__176.2 ____ 1948__182.4 ____ 1954__190.5 ____ 1980__180.7 ____ 71

_72 ___ 1981-82__177.8 ____ 1986__182.4 ____ 1920__191.9 ____ 1921__182.4 ____ 72

_73 ___ 1887-88__178.3 ____ 1930__182.9 ____ 1946__193.6 ____ 1916__184.4 ____ 73

_74 ___ 1858-59__180.5 ____ 1850__184.4 ____ 2021__194.8 ____ 1949__184.7 ____ 74

_75 ___ 1947-48__180.9 ____ 1903__187.7 ____ 1912__195.1 ____ 1913__184.9 ____ 75

_76 ___ 1855-56__181.5 ____ 1959__187.7 ____ 1971__196.6 ____ 1991__185.8 ____ 76

_77 ___ 1849-50__181.6 ____ 1970__187.9 ____ 1851__196.9 ____ 1970__187.0 ____ 77

_78 ___ 1898-99__181.6 ____ 1969__188.2 ____ 1888__197.0 ____ 1875__187.9 ____ 78

_79 ___ 1961-62__181.6 ____ 1932__188.4 ____ 1939__198.1 ____ 1856__188.2 ____ 79

_80 ___ 1973-74__181.7 ____ 1982__189.8 ____ 1929__198.6 ____ 1951__188.4 ____ 80


_81 ___ 1894-95__182.1 ____ 1995 __190.4 ____ 1962__198.6 ____ 1863__189.8 ____ 81

_82 ___ 2021-22__184.0 ____ 1968__191.0 ____ 1872__199.6 ____ 1900__190.3 ____ 82

_83 ___ 1878-79__184.9 ____ 2006__191.9 ____ 1989__200.4 ____ 1889__191.5 ____ 83

_84 ___ 1958-59__186.8 ____ 1863__193.3 ____ 1987__201.0 ____ 1923__193.8 ____ 84

_85 ___ 1903-04__187.7 ____ 1977__193.7 ____ 1900__201.2 ____ 1979__194.1 ____ 85

_86 ___ 1912-13__187.7 ____ 2008__194.8 ____ 1861__203.0 ____ 1873__194.8 ____ 86

_87 ___ 1997-98__188.0 ____ 1924__196.9 ____ 1940__203.4 ____ 1857__195.6 ____ 87

_88 ___ 1972-73__188.5 ____ 1957__197.4 ____ 1910__204.2 ____ 1990__195.6 ____ 88

_89 ___ 1946-47__189.2 ____ 1936__197.9 ____ 1960__204.2 ____ 1841__196.1 ____ 89

_90 ___ 1984-85__189.9 ____ 1964__198.4 ____ 1925__205.4 ____ 1895__197.4 ____ 90


_91 ___ 1911-12 __ 190.4 ____ 1843__202.5 ____ 1919__205.5 ____ 1967__198.9 ____ 91

_92 ___ 1915-16 __ 190.5 ____ 1877__203.1 ____ 1985__207.0 ____ 1927__199.1 ____ 92 dry

_92 ___ 2018-19 __ 191.5 ____ 1972__203.8 ____ 1845__207.4 ____ 1902 __199.4 ____ 92 wet

_91 ___ 1867-68 __ 192.0 ____ 1846__204.0 ____ 1976__207.5 ____ 1893 __199.6 ____ 91


_90 ___ 1883-84__192.3 ____ 1845__204.3 ____ 1847__208.0 ____ 2013__199.8 ____ 90

_89 ___ 1868-69__192.6 ____ 1939__204.9 ____ 1942__208.8 ____ 1862__200.5 ____ 89

_88 ___ 1901-02__195.8 ____ 1897__206.7 ____ 1941__211.6 ____ 2008__200.9 ____ 88

_87 ___ 1890-91__196.4 ____ 1862__207.0 ____ 1980__211.8 ____ 1935__202.0 ____ 87

_86 ___ 1902-03__196.6 ____ 1842__207.5 ____ 1914__212.8 ____ 1881__203.7 ____ 86

_85 ___ 1956-57__197.4 ____ 2001__207.6 ____ 1943__212.9 ____ 1912__204.0 ____ 85

_84 ___ 1940-41__197.6 ____ 1855__208.1 ____ 1991__219.8 ____ 1955__206.2 ____ 84

_83 ___ 1906-07__198.0 ____ 1998__209.0 ____ 2014__220.0 ____ 1948__207.0 ____ 83

_82 ___ 1979-80__198.1 ____ 1922__210.5 ____ 1908__221.7 ____ 1854__210.6 ____ 82

_81 ___ 1851-52__198.2 ____ 1952__210.6 ____ 1932__221.7 ____ 1915__211.3 ____ 81


_80 ___ 1986-87__198.5 ____ 1869__211.3 ____ 1974__222.0 ____ 2014__212.7 ____ 80

_79 ___ 2023-24__199.2 ____ 2004__211.4 ____ 1944__225.1 ____ 2005__212.8 ____ 79

_78 ___ 1892-93__199.6 ____ 1955__212.3 ____ 1855__225.8 ____ 1894__214.9 ____ 78

_77 ___ 1884-85__200.1 ____ 1937__213.4 ____ 1975__225.8 ____ 2019__215.0 ____ 77

_76 ___ 1908-09__200.7 ____ 1886__213.7 ____ 2020__226.1 ____ 1879__215.9 ____ 76

_75 ___ 1929-30__200.7 ____ 1917__214.9 ____ 1945__227.3 ____ 2010__217.9 ____ 75

_74 ___ 1934-35__200.7 ____ 1910__215.0 ____ 1958__227.4 ____ 1934__220.2 ____ 74

_73 ___ 1914-15__201.5 ____ 1954__215.8 ____ 1906__231.4 ____ 1877__220.5 ____ 73

_72 ___ 1924-25__201.6 ____ 1908__216.2 ____ 2019__233.7 ____ 1950__221.2 ____ 72

 _71 ___ 1845-46__203.9 ____ 1992__218.0 ____ 1955__234.7 ____ 1853__222.5 ____ 71


_70 ___ 1990-91__204.3 ____ 1985__218.3 ____ 1995__234.8 ____ 1910__222.5 ____ 70

_69 ___ 1850-51__204.7 ____ 1913__219.5 ____ 1879__235.7 ____ 1958__222.8 ____ 69

_68 ___ 1945-46__205.3 ____ 1861__219.7 ____ 1901__237.1 ____ 1869__223.6 ____ 68

_67 ___ 1882-83__205.5 ____ 1878__221.1 ____ 1922__237.7 ____ 1968__223.7 ____ 67

_66 ___ 1938-39__205.7 ____ 1857__221.2 ____ 2000__239.4 ____ 1993__223.8 ____ 66

_65 ___ 1944-45__205.7 ____ 1875__221.7 ____ 1937__240.1 ____ 1966__224.3 ____ 65

_64 ___ 1992-93__207.0 ____ 2018__222.8 ____ 1990__240.4 ____ 1932__226.0 ____ 64

_63 ___ 1928-29__207.2 ____ 1947__223.8 ____ 1951__241.5 ____ 1988__227.0 ____ 63

_62 ___ 1853-54__207.5 ____ 1963__224.5 ____ 1970__241.6 ____ 1851__227.3 ____ 62

_61 ___ 1998-99__207.8 ____ 1921__226.3 ____ 1923__242.3 ____ 1918__227.3 ____ 61


_60 ___ 1846-47__209.5 ____ 1984__226.3 ____ 2006__243.1 ____ 1978__230.3  ____ 60

_59 ___ 1951-52__210.1 ____ 1975__228.1 ____ 1992__246.8 ____ 1888__230.6 ____ 59

_58 ___ 1948-49__210.5 ____ 1853__228.6 ____ 2023__247.3 ____ 1886__231.1 ____ 58

_57 ___ 1978-79__210.9 ____ 1858__229.1 ____ 2012__247.9 ____ 1880__233.7 ____ 57

_56 ___ 1879-80__211.1 ____ 1856__230.3 ____ 1972__248.6 ____ 1983__234.5 ____ 56

_55 ___ 1857-58__212.6 ____ 1852__231.7 ____ 1918__249.1 ____ 1942__234.9 ____ 55

_54 ___ 2016-17__214.5 ____ 1923__231.8 ____ 1924__250.2 ____ 1987__235.6 ____ 54

_53 ___ 2000-01__215.4 ____ 2013__233.1 ____ 1927__250.4 ____ 1920__238.5 ____ 53

_52 ___ 1970-71__216.0 ____ 1899__233.4 ____ 1893__250.5 ____ 1972__241.3 ____ 52

_51 ___ 1893-94__216.7 ____ 1883__233.6 ____ 2015__250.8 ____ 1999__242.2 ____ 51


_50 ___ 1994-95__217.4 ____ 1979__236.1 ____ 1862__251.2 ____ 2018__242.5 ____ 50

_49 ___ 2005-06__219.4 ____ 1994__236.4 ____ 1852__252.5 ____ 1845__242.8 ____ 49

_48 ___ 1848-49__220.2 ____ 2000__241.0 ____ 1860__252.7 ____ 1885__243.8 ____ 48

_47 ___ 1975-76__220.2 ____ 1996__243.0 ____ 1858__253.2 ____ 1957__245.6 ____ 47

_46 ___ 1971-72__221.5 ____ 2003__243.4 ____ 1891__255.5 ____ 1859 __248.4 ____ 46

_45 ___ 1843-44__223.3 ____ 1840__244.7 ____ 1885__260.1 ____ 1906__250.4 ____ 45

_44 ___ 1917-18__223.3 ____ 1961__245.9 ____ 1993__260.2 ____ 1954__253.2 ____ 44

_43 ___ 1966-67__224.2 ____ 1880__246.1 ____ 1902__261.9 ____ 1911__253.5 ____ 43

_42 ___ 1863-64__224.3 ____ 1953__246.6 ____ 1849__264.7 ____ 1928__255.3 ____ 42

_41 ___ 1842-43__229.1 ____ 1849__248.0 ____ 1950__264.7 ____ 1965__255.8 ____ 41


_40 ___ 1967-68__231.0 ____ 2019__249.4 ____ 1897__266.0 ____ 1959__256.0 ____ 40

_39 ___ 1864-65__233.5 ____ 1904__249.7 ____ 1961__271.6 ____ 2011__256.6 ____ 39

_38 ___ 1860-61__235.3 ____ 1940__249.7 ____ 1967__271.9 ____ 1864__257.4 ____ 38

_37 ___ 1854-55__235.6 ____ 1871__249.9 ____ 1859__272.8 ____ 1896__259.8 ____ 37

_36 ___ 1852-53__237.5 ____ 1944__253.7 ____ 1956__276.6 ____ 1940__260.4 ____ 36

_35 ___ 1909-10__238.3 ____ 2023__254.0 ____ 1968__283.7 ____ 1925__260.6 ____ 35

_34 ___ 1977-78__239.2 ____ 1951__256.0 ____ 2018__286.5 ____ 1982__260.7 ____ 34

_33 ___ 1942-43__239.5 ____ 1867__256.8 ____ 1842__286.8 ____ 1861__261.4 ____ 33

_32 ___ 1983-84__239.7 ____ 1864__257.1 ____ 1903__288.3 ____ 1907__261.6 ____ 32

_31 ___ 1886-87__241.6 ____ 1901__259.3 ____ 1926__288.5 ____ 2003__262.0 ____ 31


_30 ___ 1859-60__244.3 ____ 1859__261.8 ____ 1981__288.8 ____ 1989__264.0 ____ 30

_29 __1899-1900_ 246.1 ____1870__261.9 ____ 1982__291.0 ____ 1890__264.1 ____ 29

_28 ___ 1856-57__250.2 ____ 1960__263.2 ____ 1880__291.6 ____ 1849__264.4 ____ 28

_27 ___ 1862-63__250.2 ____ 1912__263.4 ____ 1996__296.8 ____ 1846__264.5 ____ 27

_26 ___ 2008-09__250.3 ____ 1854__263.7 ____ 2009__298.0 ____ 1870__264.7 ____ 26

_25 ___ 2019-20__251.3 ____ 1873__265.9 ____ 1890__305.5 ____ 1899__272.8 ____ 25

_24 ___ 2004-05__251.5 ____ 2002__266.4 ____ 2008__306.7 ____ 2012__273.8 ____ 24

_23 ___ 1844-45__253.1 ____ 2009__266.6 ____ 1905__308.1 ____ 1973__275.3 ____ 23

_22 ___ 1873-74__254.5 ____ 1980__269.1 ____ 1964__308.2 ____ 1852__277.8 ____ 22

_21 ___ 1964-65__256.0 ____ 1876__272.5 ____ 1892__313.0 ____ 1945__283.4 ____ 21


_20 ___ 1875-76__256.6 ____ 1893__274.5 ____ 1883__314.7 ____ 1866__288.5 ____ 20

_19 ___ 1872-73__260.6 ____ 1974__280.9 ____ 1904__316.8 ____ 1981__288.8 ____ 19

_18 ___ 1897-98__263.4 ____ 1844__282.5 ____ 1947__318.3 ____ 1868__290.8 ____ 18

_17 ___ 1885-86__268.7 ____ 1919__285.8 ____ 1844__320.0 ____ 1898 __294.2 ____ 17

_16 ___ 2022-23 __272.6 ____ 1983__287.2 ____ 1866__321.5 ____ 2011__299.4 ____ 16

_15 ___ 1936-37__273.3 ____ 1976__289.5 ____ 2010__329.5 ____ 1992__305.6 ____ 15

_14 ___ 1996-97__277.6 ____ 1973__292.1 ____ 1850__331.0 ____ 1962__307.4 ____ 14

_13 ___ 1949-50__279.1 ____ 2011__292.5 ____ 1917__331.5 ____ 1995__307.4 ____ 13

_12 ___ 1923-24__284.0 ____ 1916__294.4 ____ 1840__331.7 ____ 1996__309.0 ____ 12

_11 ___ 1866-67__285.3 ____ 1956__297.4 ____ 1869__338.3 ____ 2021__310.3 ____ 11


_10 ___ 1907-08__287.1 ____ 1909__304.3 ____ 1870__341.2 ____ 1985__311.8 ____ 10

_09 ___ 1869-70__289.4 ____ 1894__306.5 ____ 1857__353.1 ____ 2006__321.0 ____ 09

_08 ___ 1870-71__294.1 ____ 1943__310.1 ____ 1977__353.2 ____ 1926__324.1 ____ 08

_07 ___ 1959-60__294.2 ____ 1991__311.6 ____ 1915__355.4 ____ 1986__326.0 ____ 07

_06 ___ 1889-90__298.5 ____ 1868__312.7 ____ 1843__357.6 ____ 1855__335.1 ____ 06

_05 ___ 1895-96__307.3 ____ 1942__314.5 ____ 1986__360.5 ____ 1977__351.2 ____ 05

_04 ___ 2012-13__318.1 ____ 2017__321.2 ____ 1928__370.8 ____ 1847__363.0 ____ 04

_03 ___ 1931-32__320.0 ____ 1865__334.3 ____ 1878__371.9 ____ 1878__379.3 ____ 03

_02 ___ 1841-42__334.4 ____ 1929__340.4 ____ 2013__394.2 ____ 1842__432.5 ____ 02

_01 ___ 2007-08__336.8 ____ 1945__360.7 ____ 1841__402.6 ____ 1843 __471.5 ____ 01



All four seasons are arranged by wettest and driest 91 seasons, and  rank 92 is the median value (for 183 years, 92 is both 92nd driest and 92nd wettest). The table began with spring 1840 so that tables expand by one row after each winter season is completed. The next expansion of the table will occur after winter 2023-24; the four seasons in cycle 184 will be listed below until incorporated.


The table was re-edited in March 2024, to include the four seasons from spring 2023 to winter 2023-24.

Spring 2023 entered table at 254.0 mm, 35th wettest.

Summer 2023 entered at 247.3 mm, 58th wettest.

Autumn 2023 entered at 105.8 mm, 3rd driest. 

Winter 2023-2024 entered at 199.2 mm, 79th wettest.


Spring 2024 will enter at 268.6 mm, 22nd wettest.

Summer 2024 will enter at 345.0 mm, 10th wettest.

Autumn 2024 entered at 122.1 mm, 11th driest. 

Winter 2024-2025 will enter at 161.5 mm, 49th driest.



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NYC data section now begins ...


Comparisons with NYC (Central Park) 1869-2024

I have obtained the monthly and daily data for NYC (Central Park) which runs from 1869 to Apr 2024. Since very few warm weather records at Toronto have survived from 1840-1868, there is almost total overlap of record highs and high-ranked months. The overlap of cold records and cold months is more impacted by the frequency of appearances of 1840-68 in the Toronto data. As expected there is a good correlation between the two series although specific months show some differences. Many of the record highs at NYC occur either on same day as Toronto or 1-2 days later in warm spells of several days' duration. When not the same years, the NYC records often rank 2-5 in the Toronto daily series for same dates. There are a few occasions when NYC set a record high with no above normal reading associated at Toronto; these cases usually involve a low tracking between the two locations placing NYC in the warm sector. When I come to listing some NYC daily records I will highlight these, but the frequency is only one or two cases each month. 

The NYC data are collected in F deg. I have converted them to C but using two decimals to preserve the ranking (using one decimal would add numerous ties of months that were separated by 0.1 F deg). The first table offered will be raw mean monthly and annual temps. The second table will adjust those for the New York City urban heat island. Although I believe this heat island is about 1 F deg larger than Toronto, it had probably begun to impact temperatures before 1869, so I have applied the same changes to New York City as to Toronto over the period of record with the proviso that the adjusted values are still perhaps 0.5 C higher than the location would read with no urban effect. But the year to year comparison is set as similar to Toronto (implying a similar increase in urban effect). As a rough test of this assumption, the 1871-80 mean temperature for each station was compared to its 1981-2020 average, and similar increases have been noted. This will be further illustrated with tables of mean decadal temperatures at each location to follow this initial listing of the NYC raw data.

Table 1 (NYC) _ Mean monthly and annual temperatures (converted to C, 2 decimals)



1869 ___ 1.72 _ 1.39 _ 1.56 __9.56 _14.28 _20.72 _22.67 _22.11 _18.67 _10.50 _ 4.61 _ 1.50 __ 10.78

1870 ___ 3.06 _-0.39 _ 1.17 _10.39 _16.06 _22.72 _24.78 _24.06 _19.78 _13.72 _ 7.50 _ 1.17 __ 12.00

1871 ___-2.06 _-1.00 _ 6.78 _11.11 _15.78 _20.11 _22.39 _23.11 _16.00 _13.11 _ 3.78 _-1.56 __ 10.61

1872 ___-1.78 _-1.17 _-0.83 __9.67 _16.39 _21.78 _25.28 _24.22 _19.11 _11.78 _ 5.00 _-2.94 __ 10.56

1873 ___-1.89 _-1.39 _ 2.06 __8.17 _14.89 _21.28 _24.11 _22.22 _18.56 _13.22 _ 2.78 _ 2.50 __ 10.56

1874 ___ 1.22 _-0.39 _ 2.83 __5.06 _14.89 _21.17 _23.28 _21.28 _19.44 _12.83 _ 6.33 _ 1.00 __ 10.72

1875 ___-4.56 _-3.78 _ 1.17 __6.17 _15.61 _20.67 _23.33 _22.72 _17.78 _12.00 _ 4.06 _ 1.06 ___ 9.67

1876 ___ 2.56 _-0.11 _ 1.33 __8.33 _15.67 _23.06 _26.33 _24.00 _17.61 _10.33 _ 7.33 _-3.94 __ 11.06

1877 ___-2.39 _ 2.78 _ 2.11 __8.72 _15.33 _21.22 _23.89 _24.11 _19.39 _13.22 _ 6.94 _ 3.00 __ 11.56

1878 ___-0.94 _ 0.11 _ 6.72 _11.83 _15.22 _19.83 _25.44 _23.44 _20.17 _14.83 _ 6.56 _ 0.44 __ 12.00

1879 ___-2.83 _-2.22 _ 4.44 __9.11 _17.39 _21.22 _23.89 _22.22 _17.39 _15.72 _ 6.33 _ 2.94 __ 11.28

1880 ___ 4.00 _ 2.89 _ 2.50 _ 10.00 _19.94 _22.83 _23.83 _22.61 _19.50 _12.00 _ 3.72 _-3.06 __ 11.72

1881 ___-4.06 _-1.83 _ 2.61 __7.94 _16.83 _18.44 _23.17 _23.22 _23.00 _14.89 _ 7.33 _ 4.11 __ 11.33

1882 ___-1.78 _ 1.78 _ 4.67 __8.67 _13.67 _22.11 _24.33 _23.00 _19.50 _13.94 _ 4.00 _-0.78 __ 11.11

1883 ___-3.78 _-1.00 _ 0.39 __8.39 _16.17 _23.33 _23.61 _21.33 _17.00 _11.22 _ 6.50 _ 0.00 __ 10.28

1884 ___-4.06 _ 1.11 _ 3.17 __8.94 _15.44 _21.83 _22.17 _23.17 _22.22 _14.28 _ 6.83 _ 0.89 __ 11.33

1885 ___-1.44 _-5.17 _-0.78__9.67 _15.50 _21.67 _25.83 _22.44 _18.00 _12.28 _ 7.17 _ 2.06 __ 10.61

1886 ___-2.89 _-2.50 _ 3.11 _11.61 _15.67 _20.00 _23.78 _21.22 _18.50 _12.72 _ 7.00 _-1.33 __ 10.56

1887 ___-1.61 _ 0.00 _ 0.17 __7.94 _17.67 _20.89 _25.67 _21.11 _16.56 _11.22 _ 5.22 _ 1.00 __ 10.50

1888 ___-5.00 _-1.50 _-1.11 __7.78 _14.44 _21.61 _21.50 _22.56 _17.11 __9.22 _ 7.50 _ 1.50 ___ 9.61

1889 ___ 2.06 _-2.33 _ 4.28 _10.67 _17.50 _21.39 _22.89 _21.44 _18.44 __9.83 _ 7.06 _ 4.44 __ 11.50

1890 ___ 3.11 _ 3.28 _ 2.00 __9.50 _15.72 _21.17 _22.83 _22.61 _19.50 _12.50 _ 6.61 _-1.17 __ 11.50

1891 ___ 1.00 _ 2.50 _ 2.11 __9.83 _14.33 _21.89 _22.44 _24.17 _22.00 _12.61 _ 6.83 _ 5.72 __ 12.11

1892 ___-0.28 _ 0.78 _ 1.22 __9.33 _15.11 _23.06 _23.83 _23.50 _18.17 _11.67 _ 6.33 _ 0.11 __ 11.06

1893 ___-4.61 _-1.44 _ 1.94 __8.00 _14.56 _20.06 _23.11 _23.06 _17.39 _13.44 _ 6.06 _ 1.39 __ 10.22

1894 ___ 0.89 _-1.89 _ 6.00 __9.56 _16.06 _21.33 _23.89 _21.44 _20.44 _12.94 _ 5.28 _ 2.67 __ 11.56

1895 ___-1.22 _-4.39 _ 1.89 _ 10.06 _16.94 _22.72 _22.56 _24.22 _21.61 _11.39 _ 8.78 _ 3.39 __11.50

1896 ___-1.22 _-0.06 _ 0.33 _ 11.28 _19.44 _21.00 _24.89 _24.50 _19.61 _12.17 _ 9.94 _ 1.22 __ 11.94

1897 ___-0.67 _ 0.67 _ 4.89 _ 10.28 _16.39 _19.72 _24.39 _22.89 _19.44 _13.67 _ 7.78 _ 3.50 __ 11.89

1898 ___ 1.83 _ 2.11 _ 7.56 __ 8.72 _14.67 _21.78 _24.50 _24.06 _21.28 _15.28 _ 7.56 _ 1.44 __ 12.56

1899 ___-0.33 _-2.28 _ 3.28 __ 9.72 _16.83 _23.39 _24.56 _24.00 _18.94 _14.78 _ 7.78 _ 3.44 __ 12.00

1900 ___-0.11 _-0.94 _ 0.78 _ 10.00 _15.33 _21.39 _24.67 _24.56 _21.39 _16.28 _ 9.50 _ 2.39 __ 12.11

1901 ___ 0.28 _-3.17 _ 3.56 __ 8.78 _14.11 _21.44 _25.39 _23.89 _20.11 _13.28 _ 4.28 _ 2.06 __ 11.17

1902 ___-0.78 _-1.28 _ 6.89 _ 10.33 _14.94 _19.33 _22.67 _22.17 _19.28 _14.56 _10.89_ 0.28 __ 11.61

1903 ___-0.89 _ 0.67 _ 8.78 _ 11.11 _17.11 _17.89 _23.67 _20.61 _19.44 _14.44 _ 5.67 _-0.28 __ 11.50

1904 ___-3.72 _-3.67 _ 2.44 __ 8.11 _17.44 _21.22 _23.67 _22.78 _19.33 _12.11 _ 5.78 _-0.94 __ 10.39

1905 ___-1.50 _-4.00 _ 4.67 __ 9.94 _16.39 _21.06 _25.06 _23.50 _20.89 _15.22 _ 6.72 _ 3.83 __ 11.83

1906 ___ 3.56 _ 0.44 _ 2.00 _ 10.89 _17.28 _23.11 _25.06 _25.06 _21.17 _14.17 _ 7.50 _ 1.22 __ 12.61

1907 ___ 1.61 _-3.39 _ 5.83 __8.17 _13.44 _20.33 _25.22 _23.00 _19.39 _11.50 _ 7.89 _ 3.78 __ 11.39

1908 ___ 0.83 _-2.50 _ 5.22 _ 11.22 _17.44 _22.78 _26.56 _24.33 _20.33 _16.00 _ 8.22 _ 3.11 __ 12.78

1909 ___ 1.50 _ 3.17 _ 3.22 __ 9.11 _16.11 _22.28 _23.06 _22.33 _19.33 _12.50 _ 9.72 _ 0.22 __ 11.89

1910 ___-0.50 _-1.11 _ 6.11 _ 12.83 _16.11 _20.39 _25.11 _22.22 _20.78 _14.89 _ 5.72 _-1.11 __ 11.78

1911 ___ 2.39 _-0.39 _ 1.50 __ 8.78 _17.83 _21.00 _25.33 _22.67 _19.78 _13.44 _ 5.94 _ 4.11 __ 11.89

1912 ___-4.61 _-1.78 _ 3.11 _ 10.22 _16.83 _20.94 _24.28 _22.06 _19.22 _15.11 _ 8.78 _ 4.06 __ 11.50

1913 ___ 4.89 _-0.39 _ 7.11 _ 11.39 _15.94 _21.39 _24.50 _23.00 _18.11 _14.78 _ 8.50 _ 3.72 __ 12.78

1914 ___-0.28 _-3.67 _ 2.50 __ 8.83 _18.06 _20.50 _22.28 _23.67 _19.39 _15.22 _ 6.94 _-0.22 __ 11.11

1915 ___ 1.39 _ 2.17 _ 2.67 _ 12.44 _15.00 _20.00 _23.28 _22.00 _21.11 _14.28 _ 7.94 _ 0.83 __ 11.94

1916 ___ 2.22 _-2.28 _ 0.22 __ 9.11 _16.33 _18.72 _24.11 _23.78 _19.67 _14.28 _ 7.50 _ 1.11 __ 11.22

1917 ___ 0.50 _-2.06 _ 4.06 __ 9.11 _12.39 _21.28 _24.39 _24.56 _17.56 _11.67 _ 5.33 _-3.89 __ 10.39 

1918 ___-5.72 _-0.89 _ 5.61 _ 10.39 _18.50 _19.89 _23.67 _24.72 _17.72 _15.00 _ 8.11 _ 4.11 __ 11.78

1919 ___ 2.00 _ 1.61 _ 6.28 _ 10.00 _16.67 _21.61 _23.94 _21.72 _19.78 _15.11 _ 7.33 _-1.00 __ 12.11

1920 ___-4.78 _-1.94 _ 4.39 __ 8.94 _14.89 _20.67 _23.22 _23.50 _20.28 _16.17 _ 6.89 _ 2.94 __ 11.28

1921 ___ 0.78 _ 1.11 _ 9.11 _ 13.39 _16.22 _21.78 _25.17 _22.00 _22.28 _13.50 _ 7.06 _  0.28 __ 12.72

1922 ___-2.11 _ 0.89 _ 5.00 _ 10.83 _18.11 _22.11 _23.17 _22.44 _20.11 _14.56 _ 7.61 _ 0.89 __ 11.94

1923 ___-1.11 _-3.22 _ 2.67 _10.17 _15.56 _23.00 _23.22 _22.56 _20.17 _13.33 _ 7.33 _ 5.56 __ 11.61

1924 ___ 0.39 _-1.72 _ 4.00 __ 9.50 _14.06 _19.89 _23.39 _23.50 _17.83 _13.94 _ 6.89 _ 1.11 __ 11.06

1925 ___-2.00 _ 3.28 _ 6.78 _ 11.00 _15.33 _23.50 _23.11 _22.94 _20.44 _10.33 _ 6.61 _ 1.56 __ 11.89

1926 ___ 0.00 _-1.56 _ 2.06 __ 8.50 _15.61 _19.33 _23.94 _23.33 _18.72 _12.83 _ 7.17 _-1.72 __ 10.67

1927 ___-0.61 _ 2.44 _ 6.11 __ 9.22 _15.00 _19.61 _23.33 _20.28 _19.94 _15.33 _ 9.56 _ 2.61 __ 11.89

1928 ___ 1.11 _ 0.56 _ 3.78 __ 9.11 _15.22 _19.67 _24.39 _24.11 _18.17 _14.94 _ 8.56 _ 4.06 __ 12.00

1929 ___-0.06 _ 0.50 _ 7.28 _ 10.56 _16.50 _21.94 _24.39 _22.83 _20.78 _12.56 _7.89 _ 2.11 __ 12.28

1930 ___ 0.72 _ 2.78 _ 4.61 __ 9.11 _17.61 _23.06 _24.67 _23.11 _22.22 _13.11 _ 7.50 _ 1.44 __ 12.50

1931 ___ 0.44 _ 1.06 _ 4.61 _ 10.61 _16.39 _21.50 _25.28 _24.00 _22.39 _16.28 _11.06_ 5.00 __ 13.22

1932 ___ 6.22 _ 2.28 _ 2.94 __ 9.44 _16.67 _21.39 _24.50 _24.83 _20.83 _14.72 _ 6.61 _ 3.94 __ 12.89

1933 ___ 4.61 _ 1.17 _ 3.56 _ 10.22 _18.00 _22.44 _24.33 _23.83 _20.89 _13.39 _ 5.44 _ 0.39 __ 12.33

1934 ___ 1.50 _-6.72 _ 2.94 _ 10.17 _17.61 _23.22 _25.39 _22.22 _20.67 _12.50 _ 9.39 _ 0.78 __ 11.67

1935 ___-1.72 _-0.44 _ 6.33 __ 9.89 _15.50 _21.17 _25.11 _23.72 _18.50 _14.17 _ 9.22 _-1.11 __ 11.72

1936 ___-1.50 _-3.50 _ 7.33 __ 8.83 _18.00 _21.00 _24.56 _24.11 _20.11 _14.22 _ 5.94 _ 3.67 __ 11.89

1937 ___ 4.56 _ 1.56 _ 2.50 __ 9.78 _17.89 _22.11 _24.78 _24.78 _18.89 _13.00 _ 8.00 _ 1.89 __ 12.50

1938 ___ 0.06 _ 1.89 _ 6.78 _ 12.06 _16.00 _21.28 _24.78 _25.67 _18.89 _15.44 _ 9.06 _ 2.78 __ 12.89

1939 ___ 0.11 _ 2.78 _ 4.00 __ 9.06 _18.28 _22.78 _24.78 _25.61 _20.33 _14.06 _ 6.50 _ 2.72 __ 12.61

1940 ___-3.89 _ 0.50 _ 1.72 __ 8.22 _15.94 _21.33 _24.56 _21.89 _19.22 _12.11 _ 7.39 _ 3.56 __ 11.06

1941 ___-1.44 _-0.50 _ 2.17 _ 13.83 _18.22 _22.17 _24.33 _23.33 _21.11 _15.94 _10.00_ 3.50 __ 12.72

1942 ___-0.72 _-1.28 _ 6.11 _ 12.11 _18.50 _21.67 _24.61 _23.11 _20.17 _14.89 _ 8.33 _-0.50 __ 12.28

1943 ___-0.67 _ 1.44 _ 4.56 __ 7.83 _17.00 _24.56 _24.94 _24.39 _19.67 _13.17 _ 7.44 _ 0.56 __ 12.06

1944 ___ 1.06 _ 0.67 _ 3.11 __ 9.39 _19.44 _22.39 _26.33 _25.44 _21.17 _13.94 _ 7.78 _ 0.22 __ 12.56 

1945 ___-3.83 _ 1.06 _10.61_ 13.11 _15.11 _21.61 _23.67 _23.00 _21.28 _13.44 _ 8.67 _-0.56 __ 12.28 

1946 ___ 1.17 _-0.17 _ 9.89 _ 10.22 _16.61 _20.94 _24.11 _21.61 _21.00 _16.50 _10.28_ 3.28 __ 12.94

1947 ___ 2.89 _-1.50 _ 3.22 _ 10.28 _15.50 _20.22 _24.17 _24.44 _20.33 _17.56 _ 6.78 _ 1.11 __ 12.11

1948 ___-3.67 _-0.72 _ 5.61 _ 10.56 _15.67 _20.78 _25.11 _24.00 _21.28 _13.72 _11.33_ 3.50 __ 12.28

1949 ___ 3.67 _ 3.67 _ 6.06 _ 12.11 _17.28 _23.50 _26.44 _24.83 _19.00 _17.28 _ 7.94 _ 4.11 __ 13.83

1950 ___ 5.22 _-0.22 _ 2.44 __ 9.17 _14.89 _21.28 _23.89 _22.83 _18.22 _15.56 _ 9.11 _ 1.67 __ 12.00

1951 ___ 2.50 _ 2.33 _ 5.28 _ 11.67 _17.39 _21.00 _24.89 _23.61 _20.11 _14.78 _ 6.39 _ 3.67 __ 12.78

1952 ___ 2.33 _ 2.33 _ 4.56 _ 12.78 _15.94 _23.11 _26.83 _23.83 _21.06 _13.17 _ 9.22 _ 3.56 __ 13.22

1953 ___ 3.11 _ 3.56 _ 6.33 _ 11.28 _17.44 _23.11 _25.44 _24.33 _21.33 _15.94 _ 9.83 _ 5.17 __ 13.89

1954 ___-0.67 _4.50 _ 5.33 _ 12.11 _15.44 _22.00 _24.83 _22.67 _19.67 _16.50 _ 8.00 _ 2.17 __ 12.72

1955 ___-0.56 _1.67 _ 5.39 _ 11.94 _18.56 _20.50 _27.17 _25.61 _19.89 _15.44 _ 6.83 _-1.28 __ 12.61

1956 ___ 0.00 _ 2.56 _ 3.00 __ 9.00 _14.83 _21.89 _22.72 _23.44 _18.22 _14.50 _ 8.17 _ 4.94 __ 11.94

1957 ___-1.94 _ 2.94 _ 5.50 _ 11.78 _17.28 _23.50 _25.39 _23.11 _20.94 _13.44 _ 9.67 _ 4.56 __ 13.00

1958 ___-0.06 _-2.56 _ 4.61 _ 11.61 _15.06 _19.56 _24.50 _24.00 _19.78 _13.06 _ 8.83 _-1.44 __ 11.39

1959 ___-0.50 _ 0.06 _ 4.50 _ 12.11 _19.11 _21.78 _24.61 _25.28 _22.39 _15.44 _ 7.67 _ 3.56 __ 13.00

1960 ___ 1.06 _ 2.39 _ 0.72 _ 12.28 _17.00 _22.11 _23.67 _23.83 _20.00 _14.50 _ 9.83 _-0.61 __ 12.22

1961 ___-2.39 _ 2.61 _ 5.28 __ 9.44 _15.50 _22.39 _25.61 _24.67 _23.11 _16.17 _ 9.33 _ 1.94 __ 12.83

1962 ___ 0.33 _-0.11 _ 6.17 _ 11.83 _18.06 _22.50 _23.33 _22.44 _18.28 _14.11 _ 6.22 _-0.28 __ 11.89

1963 ___-1.06 _-2.06 _ 6.50 _ 12.06 _16.17 _21.61 _24.67 _22.28 _17.28 _16.56 _10.22_-0.44 __ 12.00

1964 ___ 2.06 _ 0.50 _ 6.17 __ 9.83 _18.56 _22.00 _24.11 _22.72 _19.56 _12.78 _ 9.67 _ 2.44 __ 12.56

1965 ___-1.28 _ 1.06 _ 4.44 _ 10.33 _19.11 _21.17 _23.50 _22.89 _19.72 _14.06 _ 8.22 _ 4.72 __ 12.33

1966 ___ 0.11 _ 1.72 _ 5.94 __ 9.83 _16.44 _24.11 _26.50 _24.94 _19.17 _13.44 _ 9.39 _ 2.06 __ 12.83

1967 ___ 3.00 _-1.56 _ 3.11 __ 9.78 _12.89 _22.67 _24.06 _23.28 _19.28 _14.00 _ 5.83 _ 3.44 __ 11.67

1968 ___-2.94 _-1.72 _ 6.28 _ 12.78 _15.33 _20.94 _25.17 _24.44 _21.44 _15.83 _ 8.28 _ 1.28 __ 12.28

1969 ___-0.11 _ 0.33 _ 4.50 _ 13.28 _18.50 _22.83 _23.78 _25.22 _20.56 _14.28 _ 8.00 _ 0.78 __ 12.67

1970 ___-3.83 _ 0.56 _ 3.72 _ 11.17 _17.78 _21.61 _25.06 _25.33 _21.56 _14.94 _ 9.17 _ 1.33 __ 12.39

1971 ___-2.78 _ 1.72 _ 4.50 _ 10.44 _16.33 _23.44 _25.44 _24.39 _22.00 _17.06 _ 7.28 _ 4.89 __ 12.89

1972 ___ 1.72 _-0.33 _ 4.33 _ 10.06 _17.39 _19.94 _25.11 _24.22 _20.83 _11.94 _ 6.89 _ 3.61 __ 12.17

1973 ___ 1.94 _ 0.28 _ 8.00 _ 11.89 _15.28 _23.00 _25.22 _25.33 _20.83 _15.67 _ 9.06 _ 3.89 __ 13.39

1974 ___ 1.83 _-0.17 _ 5.61 _ 12.89 _16.11 _20.56 _25.11 _24.67 _19.28 _12.28 _ 9.00 _ 4.11 __ 12.61

1975 ___ 2.94 _ 2.11 _ 4.56 __ 8.83 _18.78 _21.39 _24.33 _23.56 _17.89 _15.11 _11.28 _ 2.17 __ 12.72

1976 ___-2.56 _ 4.39 _ 6.89 _ 12.78 _15.67 _22.89 _23.78 _23.50 _19.22 _11.61 _ 5.39 _-1.17 __ 11.89

1977 ___-5.50 _ 0.83 _ 8.22 _ 12.06 _18.33 _21.22 _26.11 _24.28 _20.11 _12.72 _ 8.50 _ 2.06 __ 12.39

1978 ___-2.22 _-2.67 _ 3.89 _ 10.89 _16.39 _21.83 _23.56 _24.44 _18.33 _12.72 _ 8.78 _ 3.83 __ 11.67

1979 ___ 0.89 _-3.61 _ 8.28 _ 11.44 _18.50 _20.67 _24.94 _24.89 _21.39 _14.06 _11.39 _ 5.06 __ 13.17

1980 ___ 0.94 _-0.33 _ 5.11 _ 12.50 _18.67 _21.28 _26.28 _26.83 _21.56 _12.89 _ 7.00 _ 0.28 __ 12.78 

1981 ___-3.17 _ 4.06 _ 5.72 _ 13.44 _18.22 _22.78 _25.83 _24.44 _19.78 _12.44 _ 8.72 _ 2.50 __ 12.89

1982 ___-3.28 _ 1.83 _ 5.56 _ 10.67 _17.83 _20.33 _25.50 _22.89 _20.17 _14.72 _10.22_ 6.00 __ 12.72

1983 ___ 1.39 _ 2.44 _ 6.67 _ 11.28 _15.67 _23.00 _26.39 _25.39 _22.11 _14.39 _ 9.39 _ 1.78 __ 13.33

1984 ___-1.17 _ 4.78 _ 2.61 _ 11.06 _16.44 _23.61 _23.72 _24.83 _18.83 _16.56 _ 8.50 _ 6.56 __ 13.06

1985 ___-1.78 _ 2.56 _ 7.67 _ 13.06 _18.50 _20.33 _24.56 _24.11 _21.39 _15.28 _10.00_ 1.22 __ 13.06

1986 ___ 1.17 _ 0.00 _ 7.28 _ 12.50 _18.89 _22.00 _24.44 _22.83 _19.94 _14.44 _ 7.61 _ 3.89 __ 12.94

1987 ___ 0.17 _ 0.67 _ 7.33 _ 11.89 _17.56 _22.67 _25.56 _23.44 _19.94 _12.11 _ 8.72 _ 4.17 __ 12.83

1988 ___-1.39 _ 1.67 _ 6.44 _ 10.67 _17.06 _22.11 _26.28 _26.00 _19.67 _11.56 _ 9.67 _ 2.17 __ 12.67

1989 ___ 3.00 _ 1.39 _ 5.78 _ 11.22 _16.72 _22.22 _23.89 _23.33 _20.06 _14.56 _ 7.61 _-3.39 __ 12.22

1990 ___ 5.22 _ 4.33 _ 7.28 _ 11.94 _15.67 _22.28 _24.89 _24.06 _19.72 _16.61 _10.22_ 5.89 __ 14.00

1991 ___ 1.61 _ 4.44 _ 7.00 _ 13.17 _20.39 _23.39 _25.39 _25.06 _19.72 _14.67 _ 9.06 _ 4.22 __ 14.00

1992 ___ 2.06 _ 2.44 _ 4.44 _ 10.28 _16.11 _21.28 _23.44 _22.78 _19.56 _12.50 _ 8.06 _ 3.28 __ 12.17

1993 ___ 2.39 _-0.67 _ 4.28 _ 11.83 _18.72 _22.94 _26.78 _25.11 _19.61 _13.33 _ 9.33 _ 2.94 __ 13.06

1994 ___-3.56 _-0.78 _ 4.83 _ 13.11 _16.56 _24.00 _26.33 _23.33 _19.78 _14.44 _11.11_ 5.67 __ 12.89

1995 ___ 3.06 _-0.22 _ 7.22 _ 11.06 _16.61 _22.11 _26.22 _25.89 _20.17 _16.44 _ 6.44 _ 0.22 __ 12.94

1996 ___-0.83 _ 1.06 _ 3.83 _ 11.22 _16.17 _21.89 _23.00 _23.61 _20.00 _13.56 _ 6.11 _ 5.17 __ 12.06

1997 ___ 0.11 _ 4.44 _ 5.50 _ 10.94 _15.22 _21.61 _24.33 _22.94 _19.44 _13.78 _ 6.94 _ 3.50 __ 12.39

1998 ___ 4.44 _ 4.78 _ 7.44 _ 12.22 _17.94 _20.67 _24.72 _24.83 _21.22 _14.22 _ 8.94 _ 6.22 __ 14.00

1999 ___ 1.06 _ 3.83 _ 5.83 _ 11.94 _17.28 _22.89 _27.44 _24.17 _20.61 _13.33 _10.33_ 4.44 __ 13.61

2000 ___-0.39 _ 2.94 _ 8.44 _ 10.56 _17.50 _21.83 _22.39 _22.61 _18.89 _13.89 _ 7.39 _-0.50 __ 12.17

2001 ___ 0.89 _ 2.17 _ 4.22 _ 12.33 _17.67 _22.72 _22.89 _25.94 _19.83 _14.72 _11.50 _ 6.72 __ 13.50

2002 ___ 4.39 _ 4.78 _ 6.72 _ 13.39 _15.94 _21.89 _26.00 _25.39 _21.22 _12.89 _ 7.78 _ 2.22 __ 13.56

2003 ___-2.50 _-1.06 _ 6.17 __ 9.89 _14.83 _20.17 _24.33 _24.83 _19.94 _12.83 _10.00_ 3.11 __ 11.89

2004 ___-4.06 _ 1.67 _ 6.39 _ 12.00 _18.44 _21.78 _23.61 _23.44 _20.72 _13.33 _ 9.00 _ 3.56 __ 12.50

2005 ___-0.39 _ 2.50 _ 4.11 _ 12.83 _14.94*_23.33 _25.28 _26.50 _22.94 _14.39 _ 9.78 _ 1.83 __ 13.22

2006 ___ 4.94 _ 2.06 _ 6.17 _ 13.17 _17.28 _21.67 _25.50 _24.33 _19.22 _13.44 _11.06_ 6.44 __ 13.78

2007 ___ 3.06 _-2.11 _ 5.67 _ 10.17 _18.44 _21.89 _23.89 _23.33 _21.28 _17.56 _ 7.44 _ 2.78 __ 12.78

2008 ___ 2.50 _ 2.11 _ 5.89 _ 12.72 _15.61 _23.33 _25.78 _23.22 _20.44 _12.83 _ 7.67 _ 3.39 __ 12.94

2009 ___-2.28 _ 2.61 _ 5.78 _ 12.50 _16.94 _19.72 _22.61 _24.28 _19.06 _12.78 _10.67_ 2.17 __ 12.22

2010 ___ 0.28 _ 0.61 _ 9.00 _ 14.39 _18.50 _23.72 _27.39 _25.22 _21.72 _14.50 _ 8.83 _ 0.44 __ 13.72

2011 ___-1.28 _ 2.22 _ 5.72 _ 12.39 _18.06 _22.39 _26.78 _24.06 _21.11 _13.94 _11.06_ 6.28 __ 13.56 

2012 ___ 2.94 _ 4.94 _10.50_ 12.67 _18.39 _21.67 _26.00 _24.83 _20.44 _14.44 _ 6.61 _ 5.28 __ 14.06

2013 ___ 1.72 _ 1.06 _ 4.50 _ 11.67 _17.11 _22.61 _26.56 _23.67 _19.94 _15.67 _ 7.39 _ 3.61 __ 12.94

2014 ___-1.89 _-0.22 _ 3.17 _ 11.28 _17.78 _22.50 _24.50 _23.61 _20.94 _15.33 _ 7.39 _ 4.72 __ 12.44

2015 ___-1.17 _-4.50 _ 3.39 _ 12.39 _20.28 _21.78 _26.00 _26.11 _23.61 _14.44 _11.56_10.44__ 13.72 

2016 ___ 1.39 _ 3.17 _ 9.39 _ 11.83 _17.11 _22.39 _25.94 _26.22 _22.11 _14.89 _ 9.89 _ 3.50 __ 14.00

2017 ___ 3.33 _ 5.33 _ 4.00 _ 14.00 _16.17 _22.22 _24.89 _23.33 _21.39 _17.83 _ 8.11 _ 0.78 __ 13.50

2018 ___-0.17 _ 5.56 _ 4.50 __ 9.72 _19.39 _22.06 _25.33 _25.61 _21.50 _14.28 _ 6.89 _ 4.50 __ 13.28

2019 ___ 0.28 _ 2.33 _ 5.39 _ 13.06 _16.78 _22.06 _26.44 _24.17 _21.33 _15.50 _ 6.61 _ 3.50 __ 13.11

2020 ___ 3.94 _ 4.50 _ 8.89 _ 10.22 _ 15.72_23.17 _26.67 _24.94 _20.44 _14.39 _11.67 _ 4.00 __14.06

2021 ___ 1.56 _ 1.22 _ 7.67 _ 12.56 _ 17.17 _ 23.50 _24.44 _25.28 _21.28 _ 16.67 _ 7.89 _ 6.86 __13.83

2022 ___ -0.94 _2.94 _7.39 _11.56 _ 17.78 _21.89 _ 26.39 _26.28 _20.83 _ 13.83 _10.50_ 3.61 __13.50

2023 ___ 6.39 _ 5.06 _7.00 _ 14.22 _ 17.06 _21.11 _ 26.11 _23.33 _ 20.78 _ 15.83 _ 8.17 _ 7.00 __14.33

2024 ___ 2.78 _ 4.50 _8.94 _ 13.11 _ 18.33 _23.94 _26.44 _23.94_ 20.44_ 16.06 _ 10.78 _3.44 _ 14.39

2025 ___-0.44 _1.72


averages _0.39 _1.83 _5.83 _11.72 _16.89 _21.94 _24.72 _24.00_20.00 _13.83 _ 8.72 _3.06 __ 12.72

avgs F ___32.6 _ 35.3 _ 42.5 _ 53.1 _ 62.4 __ 71.5 _ 76.5 __ 75.2 _ 68.0 __ 56.9 _ 47.7 _ 37.5 ___ 54.9



averages _0.94 _2.17 _6.00 _12.06 _17.33 _22.22 _25.28 _24.50_20.67 _14.39 _8.89 _3.94 __ 13.11

avgs F ___33.7 _ 35.9 _ 42.8 _ 53.7 _ 63.2 __ 72.0 _ 77.5 __ 76.1 _ 69.2 __ 57.9 _ 48.0 _ 39.1 ___ 55.6

_ any discrepancy between the C and F values above may be due to rounding errors, the F values are based on the latest reported anomaly back-calculated from the latest shown actual monthly.

(e.g., Jan 2021 34.8 given as 2.2 above normal therefore avg in F = 32.6, Feb 2021 34.2 given as 1.1

below normal therefore avg in F is 35.3). 

* note added Mar 2, 2021 _ May 2005 changed in data base from 59.8 to 58.9 due to author's communication

through Don Sutherland with data base managers (suspected typo) --

note added Mar 8, 2021 _ As of today the delayed Dec 2020 and annual 2020 as well as Jan 2021 and Feb 2021 values

were added to the linked file and they match this table's values. That means that the year 2020 is tied with 2012 as

joint warmest on record (57.3 F, 14.06 C). Another data point challenged in Dec 2017 remains as before for now.

The CF6 lists 35.0 F and the linked data 33.4 F for that month. Our supporting data base shows 35.0 also. So we're

not sure if this one will change eventually or not, if it does, the tables will be changed accordingly.  


The temperature averages are derived from this source (in F deg) and as of Mar 8, 2021, all values above are in this link (in F deg).

Will continue to show the 2020 and 2021 values below in F although these values are now all in the link too.



2020 ___39.1 _40.1 _48.0 _50.4 _60.3 _73.7 _ 80.0 _ 76.9 _68.8 _ 57.9 _ 53.0 _ 39.2 __ 57.3

2021 ___34.8 _34.2 _45.8 _54.6_ 62.9 _74.3_ 76.0 _ 77.5 _70.3 _ 62.0 _ 46.2 _ 43.8 __ 56.9

2022 ___30.3 _37.3 _45.3 _ 52.8 _64.0 _71.4_ 79.5_ 79.3 _69.5 _56.9 _ 50.9 _ 38.5 __ 56.3

2023 ___43.5 _41.1 _44.6 _ 57.6 _ 62.7 _70.0 _79.0 _74.0 _69.4 _ 60.5 _46.7 _ 44.6 __ 57.8

2024 ___37.0 _40.1 _48.1 _ 55.6 _ 65.0 _75.1 _ 79.6 _75.1 _68.8 _ 60.9 _ 51.4 _ 38.2 __ 57.9

2025 ___31.2 _35.1

standard two-decimal conversions of F to C ...

1/18 = .06 .. 2/18 = .11 .. 3/18 = .17 ... 4/18 = .22 ... 5/18 = .28 ... 6/18 = .33 ... 7/18 = .39 ... 8/18 = .44 ... 9/18 = .50

10/18 to 17/18 all add .50 to those. 

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The raw data for NYC can now be compared to raw data Toronto (downtown) over the overlapping period 1869-2023. The more extreme values are probably of most interest, so I will start these tables off with top and bottom 20 ranks for NYC and show in brackets the equivalent rank for Toronto. The ranks for 1840-68 assigned for Toronto will be filtered out so (especially relevant to the colder end of the rankings) the ranks shown for Toronto will have the same range as NYC (1-154 for months already recorded in 2022, 1-153 for months not yet recorded ... this table will be edited and maintained going forward).

Ties will show up in this format since I plan to show each month in a separate table, the rank numbers will run from warmest as rank = 1 to coldest = rank 153 or 154 but ties for NYC will show up in the ranking column and also in the Toronto equivalent values in brackets. The Toronto actual (also in C) will be shown so that any pattern of differentials can be assessed later. 

Will start this off with January to March and post three tables in each post going forward. The middle ranks will be added but will post the extreme ends when complete as they will be most interesting to survey. Years clustered around the middle ranks have very small differentials and larger quasi-random differences in ranks are likely to become a feature there.

It should be noted that these tables are presented in the opposite order to the Toronto tables which ran from coldest at the top to warmest at the bottom. Partial reason for that is the emphasis on recent warming, which makes warm rankings perhaps more urgent, also with the ability to show tied ranks, I prefer to show them in descending order which is the way most people think about ranks (instead of having two very warm months tied 145th coldest). And there is the factor of more missing Toronto ranks near the bottom of this format, having them near the top would be immediately confusing for the reader. You'll note also this is comparison of raw data (pre - UHI correction) and part of the thinking here is that the NYC urban factor may be reset once this work is finished. 

Ranks will reverse at the mid-point so that the colder values can be compared in terms of coldest rather than high values of warmest (e.g. coldest will rank 01 not 153,54). In all cases, tied ranks will be shown in chronological order with earlier values higher in the table. Toronto ranks from the opposite side of the median of overlapping ranks will be colour coded, the blue ranks above the median are drawn from colder than average for Toronto and the red ranks below the median are drawn from above average ranks. A brief analysis follows the tables when completed.

Thanks to Don Sutherland of the American Weather Forum for assistance with the data procurement and some local knowledge about site conditions and locations for NYC. The station was moved from the margins of the park to a more central location around 1920. I will be trying to assess whether that move left any imprint on the differentials. Just being in the large urban park probably takes a bit of the edge off the urban effect which might be considerably larger for a station that had a similar aspect to Toronto downtown (in a much smaller parkland setting).

Table 2a: NYC rankings compared with Toronto, January to March

______ JANUARY ____________________ FEBRUARY ________________ MARCH

Rank, yr, mean__Tor rank, mean, diff__ Rank, yr, mean__Tor rank, mean, diff____Rank, yr, mean __Tor rank, mean, diff


01_2023 _6.39 __ 07 _0.2 _ 6.2 ____ 01_2018_5.56 _ t11 _-0.4 __6.0 ____ 01 _1945_10.61__02 __6.2__4.4

02_1932 _6.22 __ 01 _1.9 __4.3 ____ 02 _2017_5.33 __03 _1.0 __ 4.3  ____ 02 _2012_10.50__01__7.2__3.3

03t_1950 _5.22 __ 08 _-0.1__5.3 ____03 _2023_5.06 __t07_-0.1__5.2  ____ 03 _1946 _9.89 __03__6.1__3.8

03t_1990 _5.22 __ 05 _0.5 __4.7 ____ 04 _2012_4.94 __04 _0.9 __ 4.0 ____ 04 _2016 _9.39 _ t15__3.5__5.9

05 _2006 _4.94 __ 02 _1.1 __3.8 ____ 05t_1984_4.78 _ t05 _0.5 __ 4.3 ____ 05 _1921 _9.11 __13__3.7__5.4 

06 _1913 _4.89 __ 09 _-0.3__5.2 ____ 05t_1998_4.78 __02 _1.4 __ 3.4 ____ 06 _2010 _9.00 __04__5.6__3.4

07 _1933 _4.61 __t03 _ 0.9__3.7 ____ 05t_2002_4.78 __10 _-0.2__ 5.0 ____ 07 _2024 _8.94 __07__4.5__4.4

08 _1937 _4.56 __t11 _-0.5__5.1 ____ 08t_1954_4.50 _ t05 _0.5 __ 4.0 ____ 08 _2020 _8.89 _ t10__4.0__4.9 

09 _1998 _4.44 __ 16 _-0.7__4.3 ____ 08t_2020_4.50 __27_-1.9 __ 6.4 ____ 09 _1903 _8.78 __08__4.3__4.5

10 _2002 _4.39 __t03 _0.9 __3.5 ____ 08t_2024_4.50 __01_+1.5 __ 3.0 ____ 10 _2000 _8.44 __05__5.4__3.0

11 _1880 _4.00 __ 06 _0.4 __3.6 ____ 11t_1991_4.44 __13_-0.7 __ 5.1 ____ 11 _1979 _8.28 __21__2.9__5.4

12 _2020 _3.94 __t11 _-0.5__4.4 ____ 11t_1997_4.44 _ t16_-1.0 __ 5.4 ____ 12 _1977 _8.22 __09__4.1__4.1

13 _1949 _3.67 __ 30 _-1.6__5.3 ____ 13 _1976_4.39 _ t07 _-0.1 __4.5 ____ 13 _1973 _8.00 __06__4.9__3.1 

14 _1906 _3.56 __t14 _-0.6__4.2 ____ 14 _1990_4.33 _ t28 _-2.0 __6.3 ____ 14t_1985 _7.67 _ t33__2.1__5.6 

15 _2017 _3.33 __t11 _-0.5__3.8 ____ 15 _1981_4.06 _ t11 _-0.4 __4.5 ____ 14t_2021 _7.67 _ t10__4.0__3.7

16t_1890 _3.11 __t27 _-1.4__4.5 ____ 16 _1999_3.83 _ t07 _-0.1 __3.9 ____ 16 _1898 _7.56 __22__2.8__4.8 

16t_1953 _3.11 __t24 _-1.3__4.4 ____ 17 _1949_3.67 _ t21 _-1.4 __5.1 ____ 17 _1998 _7.44 _ t15__3.5__3.9

18t_1870 _3.06 __t62 _-3.9__7.0 ____ 18 _1953_3.56 _ t14 _-0.8 __4.4 ____ 18 _2022 _7.39 _ 29 __2.3__5.1

18t_1995 _3.06 __t24 _-1.3__4.4 ____ 19t_1890_3.28 _ t39 _-2.4 __5.7  ____ 19t_1936 _7.33 _ t51__1.4__5.9

18t_2007 _3.06 __ 31 _-1.7__4.8 ____ 19t_1925_3.28 _ t43 _-2.6 __5.9 ____ 19t_1987 _7.33 __14__3.6__3.7 

21t_1967 _3.00 __t18 _-1.0__4.0 ____ 21t_1909_3.17 _ t52 _-3.0 __6.2  ____ 21t_1929 _7.28 __23__2.7__4.6 

21t_1989 _3.00 __ 10 _-0.4__3.4 ____ 21t_2016_3.17 _ t18 _-1.2 __4.4 ____ 21t_1986 _7.28 _ t38__2.0__5.3 

23t_1975 _2.94 __t18 _-1.0__3.9 ____ 23t_1957_2.94 _ t21 _-1.4 __4.3  ____ 21t_1990 _7.28 _ t38__2.0__5.3 

23t_2012 _2.94 __t14 _-0.6__3.5 ____ 23t_2022_2.94 _ t58 _-3.1 __ 6.0 ____ 24 _1995 _7.22 __17__3.4__3.8 

25 _1947 _2.89 __t46 _-3.0__5.9 ____ 25t_1880_2.89 _ t43 _-2.6 __5.5 ____ 25 _1913 _7.11 _ t66__0.8__6.3

26 _2024 _2.78 __ 23 _ -1.2__4.0 ____ 25t_2000_2.89 _ t14 _-0.8 __3.7 ____ 26t_1991 _7.00 _ t24__2.6__4.4 

27 _1876 _2.56 __t24 _-1.3__3.9 ____ 27t_1877_2.78 _ t28 _-2.0 __4.8 ____ 26t_2023 _7.00 _ t38__2.0__5.0

28t_1951 _2.50 __t43 _-2.6__5.1 ____ 27t_1930_2.78 _ t49 _-2.9 __5.7 ____ 28t_1902 _6.89 __20__3.1__3.8

28t_2008 _2.50 __ 17 _-0.8__3.3 ____ 27t_1939_2.78 __ 76 _-4.0 __6.8 ____ 28t_1976 _6.89 _ t38__2.0__4.9

30t_1911 _2.39 __t50 _-3.4__5.8 ____ 30t_1961_2.61 _ t18 _-1.2 __3.8 ____ 30t_1871 _6.78 __50__1.6__5.2

30t_1993 _2.39 __t35 _-2.2__4.6 ____ 30t_2009_2.61 _ t28 _-2.0 __4.6 ____ 30t_1925 _6.78 _ t47__1.7__4.6

32 _1952 _2.33 __t43 _-2.6__4.9 ____ 32t_1956_2.56 _ t36 _-2.2 __4.8 ____ 30t_1938 _6.78 _ t30__2.2__4.6

33 _1916 _2.22 __t18 _-1.0__3.2 ____ 32t_1985_2.56 _ t65 _-3.5 __6.1 ____ 33t_1878 _6.72 _ t18__3.2__3.4

34t_1889 _2.06 __t41 _-2.5__4.6 ____ 34t_1891_2.50 _ t39 _-2.4 __4.9 ____ 33t_2002 _6.72 _ t47__1.7__5.0 

34t_1964 _2.06 __32 _-1.8 __3.9 ____ 34t_2005_2.50 _ t36 _-2.2 __4.7 ____ 35 _1983 _6.67 _ t30__2.2__4.5

34t_1992 _2.06 __45 _-2.7 __4.8 ____ 36t_1927_2.44 _ t47 _-2.8 __5.2 ____ 36 _1963 _6.50 _ t38__2.0__4.5

37 _1919 _2.00 __ 29 _-1.5__3.5 ____ 36t_1983_2.44 __23 _-1.5 __3.9 ____ 37 _1988 _6.44 _ t61__0.9__5.5

38 _1973 _1.94 __t35_-2.2 __4.1 ____ 36t_1992_2.44 _ t28 _-2.0 __4.4 ____ 38 _2004 _6.39 _ t18 __3.2__3.2

39t_1898 _1.83 __t59 _-3.8__5.6 ____ 39 _1960_2.39 _ t49 _-2.9 __5.3 ____ 39t_1935 _6.33 _ t38__2.0__4.3

39t_1974 _1.83 __t46_ -3.0 __4.8 ____ 40t_1951_2.33 __42 _-2.5 __4.8 ____ 39t_1953 _6.33 __26__2.5__3.8

41t_1869 _1.72 __t33_ -2.1 __3.8 ____ 40t_1952_2.33 _ t25 _-1.8 __4.1 ____ 41t_1919 _6.28 _ t58__1.0__5.3

41t_1972 _1.72 __t53_ -3.5 __5.2 ____ 40t_2019_2.33 _ t49 _-2.9__ 5.2 ____ 41t_1968 _6.28 _ t33__2.1__4.2

41t_2013 _1.72 __t18_ -1.0 __2.7 ____ 43 _1932_2.28 __20  _-1.3__ 3.6 ____ 43t_1962 _6.17 _ t51__1.4__4.8

44t_1907 _1.61 __ 55_ -5.5 __7.1 ____ 44 _2011_2.22 _ t72 _-3.8 __6.0 ____ 43t_1964 _6.17 __69__0.7__5.5

44t_1991 _1.61 __t62 _-3.9__5.5 ____ 45t_1915_2.17 _ t62 _-3.3__5.5 ____ 43t_2003 _6.17 _ t61__0.9__5.3

46 _2021 _1.56 __t27_ -1.4__3.0 ____ 45t_2001_2.17 __24 _-1.7__3.9 ____ 43t_2006 _6.17 _ t27__2.4__3.8

47t_1909 _1.50 __ 49_ -3.2 __4.7 ____ 47t_2008_2.11 _ t65 _-3.5__5.6 ____ 47t_1910 _6.11 __12__3.8__2.3

47t_1934 _1.50 __t53_ -3.5__5.0 ____ 47t_1898_2.11 _ t79 _-4.2 __6.3 ____ 47t_1927 _6.11 _ t45_1.8__4.3

49t_1983 _1.39 _ t38_ -2.3 __3.7 ____ 47t_1975_2.11 _ t25 _-1.8 __3.9 ____ 47t_1942 _6.11 _ t27__2.4__3.7 

49t_1915 _1.39 _ t75 _ -4.7__6.1 ____ 50 _2006_2.06 _ t39 _-2.4 __4.5 ____ 50 _1949 _6.06 __73__0.4__5.6

49t_2016 _1.39 __t38_-2.3 __3.7 ____ 51 _1938_1.89 __46 _-2.7 __4.6 ____ 51 _1894 _6.00 _ t33__2.1__3.9

52 _1874 _1.22 __t74 _-4.3__5.5  ____ 52 _1982_1.83 __68 _-4.7__6.5 ____ 52 _1966 _5.94 _ t33__2.1__3.8

53t_1946 _1.17 __t50 _-3.4__4.6  ____ 53_1882 _1.78 _ t16 _-1.0__2.8 ____ 53_ 2008 _5.89 _ t65_ -0.3__6.1

53t_1986 _1.17 __t62 _-3.9__5.1 ____ 54t_1971_1.72 _ t47 _-2.8__4.5 ____ 54t_1907 _5.83 _ t57__1.0__4.8

55 _1928 _1.11 __t59 _-3.8__4.9 ____ 54t _1966_1.72 _ t52 _-3.0__4.7 ____ 54t_1999 _5.83 _ t47__1.7__4.1

56t_1944 _1.06 __ 22 _-1.1__2.2 ____ 54t _2025_1.72 _ t65 _-3.5__5.2 ___ March will be added April 1st 2025

56t_1960 _1.06 __t53_-3.5__4.6  ____57t_1955 _1.67 _ t52 _-3.0__ 4.7 ____56t_1989 _5.78 _ t52_ -0.8__6.6 

56t_1999 _1.06 __t76_-4.4__5.5  ____ 57t_1988 _1.67 _ t77 _-4.1__5.8 ____ 56t_2009 _5.78 _ t33__2.1__3.7

59 _1891 _1.00 _ 70 _ -4.9__5.9 _____ 57t_2004_1.67 _ t28 _-2.0__3.7 ____ 58t_1981 _5.72__ 44__1.9__3.8

60 _1980 _0.94 _t56 _-3.6 __4.5  ____ 60 _1919_1.61 _ t34 _-2.1__3.7 ____ 58t_2011 _5.72 _ t66__0.8__4.9

61t_1894 _0.89 _ t33 _ -2.1__3.0 ____ 61 _1937_1.56 _ t36 _-2.2__3.8 ____ 60 _2007 _5.67 _ t51__1.4__4.3 

61t_1979 _0.89 _ t48_ -6.0 __6.9 ____ 62 _1943_1.44 _ t65 _-3.5__4.9 ____ 61t_1918 _5.61 _ t61__0.9__4.7  

61t_2001 _0.89 _ t35_ -2.2 __3.1 ____ 63t _1869_1.39_ t70 _-4.5__5.9 ____ 61t_1974 _5.61 _ t71__0.5__5.1

64 _1908 _0.83 _ t74 _-4.3 __5.1 _____ 63t _1989_1.39_ t70 _-4.5__5.9 ____ 63t_1948 _5.56 _ t77__0.1__5.5

65 _1921 _0.78 _ t38_-2.3 __3.1  _____ 65 _2021_1.22 _ t72_ -3.8__5.0 ____ 63t_1982 _5.56 _ t74__0.2__5.4  

66 _1930 _0.72 _ t62 _-5.2__5.9  _____ 66 _1933_1.17 _ t61 _-3.3__4.5 ____ 65t_1957 _ 5.50__t30__2.2__3.3  

67 _1917 _0.50 _ t62 _-5.2__5.7 _____ 67t_1884_1.11 _ t64 _-4.9__6.0 ____ 65t_1997 _ 5.50__70__0.6__4.9

68 _1931 _0.44 _ t67 _-4.0__4.4 _____ 67t_1921_1.11 _ t28 _-2.0__3.1 _____ 67t_1955 _ 5.39_ t74__0.2__5.2

69 _1924 _0.39 _ t71 _-4.8__5.2 _____ 69t_1931_1.06 _ t52_-3.0__4.1 _____ 67t_2019 _ 5.39_ t77__0.1__5.3

70 _1962 _0.33 _ t55_ -5.4 __5.7 _____ 69t_1945_1.06 _ 64 _ -3.4__4.5 ____ 69 _1954 _ 5.33 _ t74__0.0__5.3 

71t_1901 _0.28 _ t75 _ -4.7__5.0 _____ 69t_1965_1.06_ t79_-4.2__5.3 _____ 70t_1951 _ 5.28 _ t45__1.8__3.5 

71t_2010 _0.28 __t73 _-4.2__4.5 _____ 69t_1996_1.06_ t71_-3.8__4.9 ____  70t_1961 _5.28 __56__1.2__4.1 

73t_2011 _0.28 _ t62 _ -5.2__5.5 _____ 69t_2013_1.06_ t52_-3.0__4.1 _____ 72 _1908 _5.22 _ t65_-0.3__5.5 

73t_2019 _0.28 _ t56 _-5.4 __5.7 _____ 74 _1922_0.89__t58_-3.1__4.0 ____ 73 _1980 _5.11 __ 73 _ -0.1__5.2

75 _1987 _0.17 _ t39_-2.5 __2.7 _____ 75 _1977_0.83_ t71_-3.8__4.6 _____ 74 _1922 _5.00 __55 __1.3__3.7

76t_1939 _0.11 _ t79_-4.6 __4.7 _____ 76 _1892_0.78_ t74_-4.4__5.2 _____ 75 _1897 _4.89 _ t68 _-0.2__5.1

76t_1966 _0.11 _ 51 _-5.9 __6.0 _____ 77t_1897_0.67_ t77_-4.1__4.8 _____ 76 _1994 _4.83 _ t61__0.9__3.9

76t_1997 _0.11 _ t79_-4.6 __4.7 _____ 77t_1903_0.67_ t65_-3.5__4.2 _____ 77 _1931 _4.72 _ t66__0.8__3.9


In 2025, median is 79th warmest and 79th coldest of all ranks for NYC  -- 156 years (Jan) so median is now 0.06 C 1938

Toronto median is -4.6C t79 warmest and t78 coldest (two tied 1939 and 1997).

As of 2025, February median for NYC is t78th warmest and t78 coldest 0.67.

For Toronto median the median is -4.2 which is both t79 warmest and t77th coldest.

And for March, as of 2024, the NYC median will be 4.67C t78 warmest and t78 coldest. 

The Toronto median remains +0.1 which is both t77th warmest and t77th coldest for four years


79 _ 1938 _0.06 _ t56_-5.4 __5.5 _____ 78t_1944_0.67__70_-3.7__4.4 _____ 78t_1882 _4.67 _ t68_ -0.2__4.9

77t_1926 _ 0.00 _ t70_-4.1__4.1 _____ 78t_1987_0.67_ t60_-3.2__3.9 _____ 78t_1905 _4.67 _ t52_ -0.8__5.5 

77t_1956 _ 0.00 _ t62 _-3.9__3.9 ____ 77 _2010_0.61_ t34 _-2.1__2.7 ____ 76t_1930 _4.61_ t59 __-0.6__5.2  

75t_1929 _-0.06 _ t68 _-5.0__4.9 ____ 75t_1928_0.56_ t74 _-4.4__5.0 ____ 76t_1958 _4.61_ t23 __2.6__2.0

75t_1958 _-0.06 _ t59 _-3.8__3.7 ____ 75t_1970_0.56_ t70 _-4.5__5.1 ____ 73t _1943 _4.56 _ t45__-1.1__5.7

73t_1900 _-0.11 _ t50 _-3.4__3.3 ____ 72t_1929_0.50_ t52 _-5.6__6.1 ____ 73t _1952 _4.56 _ t74__0.2__4.4

73t_1969 _-0.11 _ t70 _-4.1__4.2 ____ 72t_1940_0.50_ t77 _-4.2__3.7 ____ 73t_1975 _4.56 _ t59__-0.6__5.2

72 _2018 _-0.17 _ t76 _-4.4__4.6 ____ 72t_1964_0.50_ t60 _-3.2__3.7 ____  68t_ 1959 _4.50 _ t59__-0.6__5.1 

70t_1892 _-0.28 _ t27_-7.0 __6.7 ____ 71 _1906 _0.44_ t55 _-5.4__5.8 ____ 68t_ 1969 _4.50 _ t68__-0.2__4.7   

70t_1914 _-0.28 _ t56_-3.6 __3.3 ____ 70 _1969 _0.33_ t43_-2.6__2.9 ____  68t_ 1971 _4.50 __58__-0.7__5.2

69 _1899 _-0.33 _ t68 _-5.0__4.7 ____ 69 _1973 _0.28_ t64 _-4.9__5.2 ____ 68t_ 2013 _4.50 _ t51__1.4__3.6 

68t_2000 _-0.39 __t67_-4.0__3.6 ____  68 _1878 _0.11_ t52 _-3.0__3.1 ____ 68t_ 2018 _4.50 _ t61__0.9__3.6 

68t_2005 _-0.39 _ t56 _-5.4__5.1 ____ 67 _1959 _ 0.06_ t50 _-5.7__5.8 ____ 65t _1879 _4.44__t35 _-1.8__6.2 

66 _2025 _-0.44 _ t72 _-4.2__3.8 ____ 65t_1887 _ 0.00_ t47 _-5.9__5.9 ____ 65t _1965 _4.44__t52 _-0.8__5.2 

64t_1910 _-0.50 __58 _-3.7__3.2 ____ 65t_1986 _ 0.00_ t74_-4.5__4.5 ____ 65t _1992 _4.44__t74 _ 0.0__4.4

64t_1959 _-0.50 _ t52_-5.8 __5.3 ____ 64 _1896 _-0.06__54 _-5.5__4.0 ____ 64 _1920 _4.39 _ t57__1.0__3.4 

63 _1955 _-0.56 _ t62_-3.9__ 3.3 ____ 62t_1876 _-0.11_ t62 _-5.0__4.9 ____ 63 _1972 _4.33__t35 _-1.8__6.1

62 _1927 _-0.61 _ t48_-6.0 __5.4 ____ 62t_1962 _-0.11_ t35 _-6.2__6.1 ____ 61t _1889 _4.28 _ t71__0.5__3.8 

59t_1897 _-0.67 _ t65 _-5.1__4.4 ____ 60t_1946 _-0.17__60 _-5.2__5.0 ____ 61t _1993 _4.28 _ t74__0.0__4.3  

59t_1943 _-0.67 _ t30_-6.9 __6.2 ____ 60t_1974 _-0.17_ t55 _-5.4__5.2 ____ 60 _2001 _4.22 _ t57__1.0__3.2 

59t_1954 _-0.67 _ t48_-6.0 __5.3  ____ 57t_1950 _-0.22__69 _-4.6__4.4 ____ 59 _2005 _4.11__ 64 _-0.4__4.5

58 _1942 _-0.72 _ t67 _-4.0__3.3 ____ 57t_1995 _-0.22_ t55 _-5.4__5.2 ____ 58 _1917 _4.06_ t77 _ 0.1__4.0

57 _1902 _-0.78 _ t72 _-4.8__4.0 ____ 57t_2014 _-0.22_ t35 _-6.2__6.0 ____ 55t _1924 _4.00_ t68 _-0.2__4.2

56 _1996 _-0.83 _ t75 _-4.7__3.9 ____ 55t_1972 _-0.33__67 _-4.8__4.5 ____ 55t _1939 _4.00_ t35 _-1.8__5.8

55 _1903 _-0.89 _ t68 _-5.0__4.1 ____ 55t_1980 _-0.33_ t50 _-5.7__5.4 ____55t _2017 _4.00_ t77 _ 0.1__3.9

53t_1878 _-0.94 __78 _-4.5__3.6  ____ 51t_1870 _-0.39_ t47 _-5.9__5.5 ____ 54 _1978 _3.89__ 42 _-1.3__5.2

53t_2022 _-0.94 _t32_ -6.8__5.9 ____ 51t_1874 _-0.39_ t52_-5.6__5.2 ____ 53 _1996 _3.83__t50 _-0.9__4.7

52 _1963 _-1.06 _ t30_-6.9 __5.8 ____ 51t_1911 _-0.39 _ 70 _ -3.6__3.2 ____ 52 _1928 _3.78__t52 _-0.8__4.6

51 _1923 _-1.11 __ 54_-5.7 __4.6 ____ 51t _1913 _-0.39_ t32 _-6.5__6.1 ____51 _1970 _3.72__t65 _-0.3__4.0

49t_1984 _-1.17 __35_-6.6 __5.4 ____ 50 _1935 _-0.44_ t55 _-5.4__5.0 ____ 49t_1901 _3.56_ t43 _-1.2__4.3

49t_2015 _-1.17 _ t40_-6.3 __5.1 ____ 49 _1941 _-0.50_ t70 _-4.5__4.0 ____ 49t_1933 _3.56__t68 _-0.2__3.8

47t_1895 _-1.22 _ t46_-6.1 __4.9 ____ 48 _1993 _-0.67_ t35 _-6.2__5.5 ____ 48 _2015 _3.39__t52 _-0.8__4.2

47t_1896 _-1.22 _ t52_-5.8 __4.6 ____ 47 _1948 _-0.72_ t62 _-5.0__4.3 ____ 47 _1899 _3.28__30 _-2.1__5.4 _

46 _1965_-1.28 _  t65_-5.1__3.3 ___46 _1994 _-0.78_ t43 _-6.0__5.3 ____ 45t_1909 _3.22_ t45 _-1.1__5.4

45 _1988 _-1.39 __48_-3.1 __1.7 ____ 45 _1918 _-0.89_ t43 _-6.0__5.1 ____45t_1947 _3.22_ t59 _-0.6__3.8

43t_1885 _-1.44 _ t15 _-8.2__6.8 ____ 44 _1900 _-0.94__29 _-6.7__5.8 ____ 43t_ 1884 _3.17_ t25 _-2.3__5.5

43t_1941 _-1.44 _ t60_-5.3 __3.9 ____ 43 _1871 _-1.00_ t64_ -4.9__3.9 ____ 43t_ 2014 _3.17_ t20 _-2.8__6.0

41t_1905 _-1.50 _ t20 _-7.8__6.3 ____ 42 _1883 _-1.00__26 _-7.0__5.5 ____ 39t_ 1886 _3.11_ t43 _-1.2__4.3

41t _1936 _-1.50 _ t60 _-5.3__3.8 ____ 41 _2003 _-1.06__61 _-5.1__4.0 ____39t_ 1912 _3.11__14 _-3.5__6.6 

40 _1887 _-1.61 __17_-8.0 __6.4 ____ 40 _1872 _-1.17_ t35_-6.2__5.0 ____ 39t_ 1944 _3.11_ t31 _-1.9__5.0

39 _1935 _-1.72 _ t40_-6.3 __4.6 ____ 39 _1910 _-1.17_ t41_-6.1__4.9 ____ 39t_ 1967 _3.11_ t59 _-0.6__3.7

36t_1872 _-1.78 _ t42 _-6.2__4.4 ____ 38 _1902 _-1.28_ t43_-6.0__4.7 ____ 38_ 1956 _3.00_ t50 _-0.9__3.9

36t_1882 _-1.78 _ t65_-5.1 __3.3 ____ 37 _1942 _-1.28_ t35 _-6.2__4.9 ____ 36t_ 1932 _2.94_ t39 _-1.6__4.5

36t_1985 _-1.78 _ t42 _-6.2__4.4  ____ 36 _1873 _-1.39_ t17 _-7.5__5.9 ____ 36t_ 1934 _2.94__t28 _-2.2__5.1

34t_1873 _-1.89 _ 14 _-8.3 __6.4 ____ 35 _1893 _-1.44__16 _-7.6__6.2 ____ 35_ 1874 _2.83__ 41 _-1.4__4.2

34t_2014 _-1.89 _ t27_-7.0 __5.1  ____33t_1888 _-1.50_ t43 _-6.0__4.5 ____ 33t_ 1915 _2.67_ t45 _-1.1__3.8

33 _1957 _-1.94 _ t36_-6.5 __4.6  ____33t_1947 _-1.50_ t55 _-5.4__3.9 ____ 33t_ 1923 _2.67_ t22 _-2.7__5.4

32 _1925 _-2.00 _ t36_-6.5 __4.5 ____ 32 _1926 _-1.56_ t41_-6.1__4.5 ____ 31t_1881 _2.61_ t45 _-1.1__3.7

31 _1871 _-2.06 _ t42_-6.2 __4.1 _____31 _1967 _-1.56_ t30_-6.6__5.0 ____ 31t_1984 _2.61__24 _-2.6__5.2

30 _1922 _ -2.11 _ t72_-4.8__2.7 ____ 29t_1924 _-1.72_ t32 _-6.5__4.8 ____ 28t_1880 _2.50_ t39 _-1.6__4.1

29 _1978 _-2.22 __34_-6.7 __4.5 ____ 29t_1968 _-1.72_ t47 _-5.9__4.2 ____ 28t_1914 _2.50_ t52 _-0.8__3.3

28 _2009 _-2.28 _ t27_-7.0 __4.7 ____ 29 _1912 _-1.78_ t20 _-7.3__5.5 ____ 28t_1937 _2.50_ t31 _-1.9__4.4

26t_1877 _-2.39 __13 _-8.8__6.4 ____ 25 _1881 _-1.83_ t23 _-7.1__5.3 ____ 26t_1904 _2.44_ t31 _-1.9__4.3

26t_1961 _-2.39 _ t38_-6.4 __4.0 ____ 26 _1894 _-1.89_ t32_-6.5__4.6 ____ 26t_1950 _2.44_ t28 _-2.2__4.6

25 _2003 _-2.50 _ t46_-6.1 __3.6 ____ 25 _1920 _-1.94_ t30_-6.6__4.7 ____ 25_ 1941 _2.17__t22 _-2.7__4.9

24 _1976 _-2.56 _ t38_-6.4 __3.8 ____ 23t_1917 _-2.06_ t11 _-8.3__6.2 ____ 23t_1877 _2.11__13 _-3.6__5.7

23 _1971 _-2.78 __t32_-6.8 __4.0  ____ 23t_1963 _-2.06_ t17 _-7.5__5.4 ____23t_1891 _2.11_ t31 _ -1.9__4.0

22 _1879 _-2.83 __26_-7.1 __4.3  ____ 22 _2007 _-2.11__27_ -6.9__4.8 ____ 21t_1873 _2.06_ t15 _-3.3__5.4

21 _1886 _-2.89 _ t23_-7.4 __4.5  ____21 _1879 _-2.22_ t13 _-8.1__5.9  ____21t_1926 _2.06_ t15 _-3.3__5.4

20 _1968 _-2.94 _ t42_-6.2 __3.3 ____ 19t_1899 _-2.28_ t23 _-7.1__4.8 ____ 19t_1890 _2.00_ t25 _-2.3__4.3

19 _1981 _-3.17 _ t18_-7.9 __4.7 ____ 19t_1916 _-2.28_ t20 _-7.3__5.0 ____ 19t_1906 _2.00_ t20 _-2.8__4.8  

18 _1982 _-3.28 _ t20_-7.8 __4.5 ____ 18 _1889 _-2.33_ t11 _-8.3__6.0 ____ 18 _1893 _1.94__38 _-1.7__3.6

17 _1994 _-3.56 _t04_-10.0__6.4 ____ 16t_ 1886 _-2.50__15 _-7.7__5.2 ____ 17 _1895 _1.89__09 _-4.4__6.3

16 _1948 _-3.67 __25_-7.3 __3.6  ____16t_ 1908 _-2.50_ t23 _-7.1__4.6 ____ 16 _1940 _1.72__18 _-3.2__4.9

15 _1904 _-3.72 __12_-8.9 __5.2 ____ 15 _1958 _-2.56_ t35 _-6.2__3.6 ____ 15 _1869 _1.56__08 _ -4.7__6.3

14 _1883 _-3.78 _ t15_-8.2 __4.4 ____ 14 _1978 _-2.67__28 _-6.8__4.1  ____ 14 _1911 _1.50__t45 _-1.1__2.6

12t_1945 _-3.83 __07_-9.4 __5.6 ____ 13 _1901 _-3.17__10 _-8.5__5.3 ____ 13 _1876 _1.33__t15 _-3.3__4.6

12t_1970 _-3.83 _ t23_-7.4 __3.6 ____ 12 _1923 _-3.22_ t20 _-7.3__4.1 ____ 12 _1892 _1.22__t25 _-2.3__3.5

11 _1940 _-3.89 __22_-7.5 __3.6 ____ 11 _1907 _-3.39_ t17_ -7.5__4.1 ____ 10t_1870 _1.17 __19 _-2.9__4.1

08t_1881 _-4.06 __11_-9.0 __4.9 ____ 10 _1936 _-3.50_ t13 _-8.1__4.6 ____ 10t_1875 _1.17 _ t05 _-4.9__6.1

08t_1884 _-4.06 __08_-9.3 __5.2 ____ 09 _1979 _-3.61__07 _-8.8__5.2 ____ 09 _1900 _0.78__07 _-4.8__5.6

08t_2004 _-4.06 _t18_-7.9 __ 3.8 ____ 08 _1904 _-3.67__05 _-10.4_6.7 ____ 08 _1960 _0.72 __11 _-3.8__4.5

07 _1875 _-4.56 __09_-9.2 __4.6 ____ 07 _1914 _-3.67__06 _ -9.1__5.4 ____ 07 _1883 _0.39 __ 03 _-5.9__6.3

05t_1893 _-4.61 _ t04_-10.0__5.4____ 06 _1875 _-3.78__01 _-12.6 _8.8 ____ 06 _1896 _0.33__ t05 _-4.9__5.2

05t_1912 _-4.61 __03_-10.1__5.5 ____05 _1905 _-4.00__09 _-8.6__4.6  ____ 05 _1916 _0.22 __12 _-3.7__3.9

04 _1920 _-4.78 __01_-10.6__5.8 ____04 _1895 _-4.39__08 _ -8.7__4.3 ____ 04 _1887 _ 0.17 __10 _-4.1__4.3

03 _1888 _-5.00 __06_-9.6 __4.6 ____ 03 _2015 _-4.50__04 _-11.1__6.6 ____ 03 _1885 _-0.78 __01 _-8.2__7.4

02 _1977 _-5.50 __10_-9.1 __3.6 ____ 02 _1885 _-5.17__03 _-11.9__6.7 ____ 02 _1872 _-0.83 __02 _-6.1__5.2

01 _1918 _-5.72 __02_-10.4__4.7 ____01 _1934 _-6.72__02 _-12.1__5.4 ____ 01 _1888 _-1.11 __04 _-5.4__4.3

For January, the average differential in ranks is about 10. The spread is not much different in sectors of the data. This shows a fairly high correlation between the two locations. The coldest NYC rank to match with a warm-half Toronto rank is 46th coldest 1988. The warmest NYC rank to correlate with a cold-half Toronto rank is t42nd warmest 1907. Between these about half the cases are cross-median but these are the largest differentials at about 40 ranks (out of 152). 

For February the correlation was even closer and the average rank differential dropped slightly to 9. 

In March the differential in ranks increased slightly to an average of 11, but there was good correlation generally at both ends.

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Table 2b: NYC rankings compared with Toronto, April to June

_________ APRIL ___________________________ MAY ____________________________ JUNE __________

Rank, yr, mean__Tor rank, mean, diff___Rank, yr, mean__Tor rank, mean, diff___Rank, yr, mean__Tor rank, mean, diff


01 _ 2010 _14.39__ 01_11.4 _3.0 ____ 01 _ 1991 _20.39 _ t02__17.1 _3.3 ____01 _1943 _24.56 _ t12__20.8_3.8

02 _2023 _14.22__ t13_ 9.5 _ 4.7 ____ 02 _ 2015 _20.28 _ t11__16.3 _4.0 ____02 _1966 _24.11 _ t23__20.1_4.0

03 _ 2017 _14.00 _ t10__9.7 _4.3 ____ 03 _ 1880 _19.94 _ t36__14.7 _5.2 ____03 _1994 _24.00 _ t32__19.9_4.1

04 _ 1941 _13.83__ 03_10.4 _3.4 ____ 04t_ 1896 _19.44__16__15.7 _3.7 ____04 _2024 _23.94 _ t17__20.4_3.5

05 _ 1981 _13.44 _ t34__8.3 _5.1 ____ 04t_ 1944 _19.44 _ t17 _15.6 _3.8 ____05 _2010 _23.72 _ t26__20.0_3.7

06t_ 1921 _13.39 __12__9.6 _3.8 ____ 06 _ 2018 _19.39 _ t04__17.0 _2.4 ____06 _1984 _23.61 _ t39__19.7_3.9 

06t_ 2002 _13.39 _ t35__8.3 _5.1 ____ 07t_ 1959 _19.11 _ t43__14.5 _4.6 ____07t_1925 _23.50 _ t55__19.3_4.2

08 _ 1969 _13.28 _ t32__8.4 _4.9 ____ 07t_ 1965 _19.11 _ t24__15.3 _3.8 ____07t_1949 _23.50__03__22.4_1.1 

09t_ 1991 _13.17 _ t15__9.3 _3.9 ____ 09__1986 _18.89 _ t14__15.8 _3.1 ____07t_1957 _23.50_ t26__20.0_3.5

09t_ 2006 _13.17 _ t22__8.9 _4.3 ____ 10__1975 _18.78 _ t04__17.0 _1.8 ____07t_2021 _23.50_ 04 __ 21.4_2.1  

11t_ 1945 _13.11 __26__8.7 _4.4 ____  11__1993 _18.72 _ t60__13.7 _5.0 ____11 _1971 _23.44_ t39__19.7_3.7  

11t_ 1994 _13.11 _ t38__8.2 _4.9 ____ 12_ 1980 _18.67 _ t20__15.5 _3.2 ____ 12t_1899 _23.39_ t67__18.6_4.8 

11t_ 2024 _13.11 _ 19 __ 9.2 _3.9 ____ 13t_ 1955 _18.56 _t20__15.5 _3.1 ____12t_1991 _23.39__05__21.3_2.1 

14t_ 1985 _13.06 _ t27__8.6 _4.1 ____ 13t_ 1964 _18.56 _t17 __15.6 _3.0 ____14t_1883 _23.33 _ t18__16.6_6.7 

14t_ 2019 _13.06 _ t69__7.1 _6.0 ____ 15t_ 1918 _18.50__54 __14.0 _4.5 ____ 14t_2005 _23.33__01__22.8 _0.5 

16 _ 1974 _12.89 __25__8.8 _4.1 ____ 15t_ 1942 _18.50 _ t62__13.6 _4.9____ 14t_2008 _23.33 _ t26__20.0_3.3 

17t_ 1910 _12.83 _ t35__8.3 _4.5 ____ 15t_ 1969 _18.50 _ t75__13.1 _5.4 ____ 17 _1934 _23.22 _ t26__20.0_3.2 

17t_ 2005 _12.83 _ t27__8.6 _4.2 ____ 15t_ 1979 _18.50 _ t66__12.7 _5.8 ____ 18 _2020 _23.17 _ t09__20.9_2.3

19t_ 1952 _12.78 _ t08__9.8 _3.0 ____ 15t_ 1985 _18.50 _ t36__14.7 _3.8 ____ 19t_1906 _23.11 _ t76__18.7_4.4

19t_ 1968 _12.78 _ t15__9.3 _3.5 ____ 15t_ 2010 _18.50 __07__16.8 _1.7 ____ 19t_1952 _23.11 _ t39__19.7_3.4

19t_ 1976 _12.78 _ t15__9.3 _3.5 ____ 21t_ 2004 _18.44 _ t62__13.6 _4.8 ____ 19t_1953 _23.11 _ t45__19.6_3.5 

22 _ 2008 _12.72__ 05_10.2_ 2.5 ____ 21t_ 2007 _18.44 _ t30__15.1 _3.3 ____ 22t_1876 _23.06 _ t67__18.6_4.5  

23 _ 2012 _12.67 _ t41__8.1 _4.6 ____ 23 _ 2012 _18.39 _ t02__17.1 _1.3 ____ 22t_1892 _23.06 _ t67__18.6_4.5 

24 _ 2021 _12.56 _ t32_ 8.4 _4.2 _____24t_1977 _18.33 __08__16.7 _1.6  ____ 22t_1930 _23.06 _ t51__19.4_3.7 

25t_ 1980 _12.50 _ t51__7.8_ 4.7 ____ 24t_ 2024 _18.33__06__16.9 _ 1.4 ____ 25t_1923 _23.00 _ t60__19.2_3.8

25t_ 1986 _12.50 _ t15__9.3 _3.2 ____ 26 _1939 _18.28 _ t46__14.4 _3.9 ____ 25t_1973 _23.00 _ t26__20.0_3.0

25t_ 2009 _12.50 _t27__8.6 _ 3.7 ____ 27t_1941 _18.22 _ t33__14.8 _3.4 ____ 25t_1983 _23.00 _ t26__20.0_3.0 

28 _ 1915 _12.44__ 06_ 10.0_2.4 ____ 27t_1981 _18.22 _ t67__13.3 _4.9 ____ 28 _1993 _22.94 _ t58__18.3_4.6  

29t_ 2011 _12.39 _ t54__7.7_ 4.7 ____ 29 _1922 _18.11 __23__15.4 _2.7 ____ 29t_1976 _22.89 _ t09__20.9_2.0 

29t_ 2015 _12.39 _ t38__8.2_ 4.2 ____ 30t_1914 _18.06 _ t33__14.8 _3.3  ____ 29t_1999 _22.89 _ t06__21.1_1.8 

31 _ 2001 _12.33 _ t20__9.1_ 3.2 ____ 30t_1962 _18.06 _ t09__16.4 _1.7 ____ 31t_1880 _22.83 _ t76__18.7_4.1   

32 _ 1960 _12.28 _ t43__8.0_ 4.3 ____ 30t_2011 _18.06 _ t43__14.5 _3.6 ____ 31t_1969 _22.83 _ t35__17.5_5.3 

33 _ 1998 _12.22 _ t08__9.8_ 2.4 ____ 33t_1933 _18.00 _ t50__14.2 _3.8  ____ 33t_1908 _22.78 _ t66__19.0_3.8 

34t_ 1942 _12.11__ 07__9.9_ 2.2 ____ 33t_1936 _18.00 __32__14.9 _3.1 ____ 33t_1939 _22.78 _ t76__18.7_4.1

34t_ 1949 _12.11 _ t54__7.7_ 4.4 ____ 35 _1998 _17.94__01__18.0 _-0.1 ____ 33t_1981 _22.78 _ t68__18.9_3.9

34t_ 1954 _12.11 _ t48__7.9_ 4.2 ____ 36 _1937 _17.89 _ t60__13.7 _4.2 ____ 36t_1870 _22.72 _ t51__19.4_3.3

34t_ 1959 _12.11 _ t41__8.1_ 4.0 ____ 37t_1911 _17.83 _ t11__16.3 _1.5 ____ 36t_1895 _22.72 _ t32__19.9_2.8

38t_ 1938 _12.06 _ t43__8.0_ 4.1 ____ 37t_1982 _17.83 _ t26__15.2 _2.6 ____ 36t_2001 _22.72 _ t17__20.4_2.3   

38t_ 1963 _12.06 _ t43__8.0_ 4.1 ____ 39t 1970 _17.78 _ t62__13.6 _4.2 ____ 39t_1967 _22.67 _ t09__20.9_1.8 

38t_ 1977 _12.06 _ t22__8.9_ 3.2 ____ 39t_2014 _17.78 _ t39__14.6 _3.2 ____ 39t_1987 _22.67 _ t12__20.8_1.9    

41 _ 2004 _12.00 _ t61__7.4_ 4.6 ____ 39t_2022 _17.78 _ 13 __16.1 _1.7 ____ 41 _2013 _22.61 _ t60__19.2_3.4

42t_ 1955 _11.94__02_ 10.5_ 1.4 ____  42t_1887 _17.67 _ t39__14.6 _3.1 ____ 42t_1962 _22.50 _ t45__19.6_2.9

42t_ 1990 _11.94 __t13__9.5_ 2.4 ____ 42t_2001 _17.67 _ t26__15.2 _2.5 ____ 42t_2014 _22.50 _ t20__20.3_2.2 

42t_ 1999 _11.94 _ t22__8.9_ 3.0 ____ 44t_1930 _17.61 _ t50__14.2 _3.4  ____ 44 _1933 _22.44 _ t36__19.8_2.6 

45t_ 1973 _11.89 _ t51__7.8_ 4.1 ____ 44t_1934 _17.61 __t48__14.3 _3.3 ____ 45t_1944 _22.39 __65__19.1_3.3 

45t_ 1987 _11.89__ 04_ 10.3_ 1.6 ____ 46 _1987 _17.56 _ t14__15.8 _1.8  ____ 45t_1961 _22.39 _ t47__18.1_4.3 

47t_ 1878 _11.83 _ t10__9.7_ 2.1 ____ 47t_1889 _17.50 _ t49__12.2 _5.3 ____ 45t_2011 _22.39 _ t36__19.8_2.6 

47t_ 1962 _11.83 _ t48__7.9_ 3.9 ____ 47t_2000 _17.50 _ t26__15.2 _2.3 ____ 45t_2016 _22.39 _ t23__20.1_2.3 

47t_ 1993 _11.83 _ t51__7.8_ 4.0 ____ 49t_1904 _17.44 _ t71__13.2 _4.2 ____ 49t_1909 _22.28 _ t67__18.6_3.7

47t_ 2016 _11.83 _ t51__6.0 _5.8 ____ 49t_1908 _17.44 _ t65__13.5 _3.9 ____ 49t_1990 _22.28 _ t54__19.3_3.0 

51 _ 1957 _11.78 _ t27__8.6_ 3.2 ____ 49t_1953 _17.44 _ t58__13.8 _3.6 ____ 51t_1989 _22.22 _ t51__19.4_2.8

52t_ 1951 _11.67 _ t56__7.6_ 4.1 ____ 52t_1879 _17.39 _ t44__12.0 _5.4 ____ 51t_2017 _22.22 _ t60__19.2_3.0

52t_ 2013 _11.67 _ t78__6.9 _4.8 ____ 52t_1951 _17.39 _ t33__14.8 _2.6 ____ 53 _1941 _22.17__16__20.5 _1.7   

54t_ 1886 _11.61 _ t67__7.2_ 3.4 ____ 52t_1972 _17.39 _ t24__15.3 _2.1 ____ 54t_1882 _22.11__12__16.3_5.8 

54t_ 1958 _11.61 _ t20__9.1_ 2.5 ____ 55t_1906 _17.28 _ t53__12.4 _4.9 ____ 54t_1922 _22.11 _ t55__19.3_2.8 

56 _ 2022 _ 11.56 _t67__7.2_ 3.4 ____ 55t_1949 _17.28 _ t36__14.7 _2.6 ____ 54t_1937 _22.11 _ t68__18.9_3.2

57 _ 1979 _11.44 _ t69__6.6 _4.8 ____ 55t_1957 _17.28 _ t63__12.6 _4.7 ____ 54t_1960 _22.11 _ t67__18.6_3.5

58 _ 1913 _11.39 _ t48__7.9_ 3.5 ____ 55t_1999 _17.28 _ t09__16.4 _0.9 ____ 54t_1988 _22.11 _ t39__19.7_2.4 

59t_ 1896 _11.28 _ t43__8.0_ 3.3 ____ 55t_2006 _17.28 _ t30__15.1 _2.3 ____ 54t_1995 _22.11 _ t11__20.8_1.3 

59t_ 1953 _11.28 _ t75__7.0_ 3.4 ____ 60 _ 2021 _17.17 _ t45__14.4 _2.8 ____ 60t_2018 _22.06 _ t45__19.6_2.5    

59t_ 1983 _11.28 _ t78__6.9 _4.3 ____ 61t_1903 _17.11 _ t67__13.3 _3.8 ____ 60t_2019 _22.06_ t76__18.7_3.4   

59t_ 2014 _11.28 _ t74__6.8 _4.5 ____ 61t_2013 _17.11 _ t17__15.6 _1.5 ____ 62t_1954 _22.00 _ t32__19.9_2.1 

63t_ 1908 _11.22 _ t39__5.5 _5.7 ____ 61t_2016 _17.11 _ t20__15.5 _1.6 ____ 62t_1964 _22.00 _ t71__18.8_3.2 

63t_ 1989 _11.22 _ t54__6.2 _5.0 ____ 64t _1988 _17.06 _ t26__15.2 _1.9 ____ 62t_1986 _22.00__ 43__17.8_4.2

63t_ 1996 _11.22 _ t43__5.7 _5.5 ____ 64t _2023 _17.06 _ t48__14.3 _2.8 ____ 65 _1929 _21.94 _ t40__17.7_4.2   

66 _ 1970 _11.17 _ t32__8.4_ 2.8 ____ 66t_1960 _17.00 _ t54__13.9 _3.1 ____ 66t_1891 _21.89 _ t44__18.0_3.9  

67t_ 1871 _11.11 _ t74__6.8 _4.3 ____ 66t_1943 _17.00 _ t71__12.8 _4.2 ____ 66t_1956 _21.89 _ t60__19.2_2.7

67t_ 1903 _11.11 _ t69__6.6 _4.5 ____ 69t_2009 _16.94 _ t58__13.8 _3.1 ____ 66t_1996 _21.89 _ t55__19.3_2.6

69t_ 1984 _11.06 _ t38__8.2_ 2.9 ____ 69t_1895 _16.94 _ t75__13.0 _3.9 ____ 66t_2002 _21.89 _ t39__19.7_2.2 

69t_ 1995 _11.06 _ t35__5.4 _4.7 ____ 70t_1881 _16.83 _ t39__14.6 _2.2 ____ 66t_2007 _21.89 _ t07__21.0_0.9  

71 _ 1925 _11.00 _ t61__7.4_ 3.6 ____ 70t_1899 _16.83 _ t75__13.0 _3.8 ____ 66t_2022 _21.89 _ t45__19.6_2.3  

72 _ 1997 _10.94 _ t69__7.1_ 3.8 ____ 70t_1912 _16.83 _ t75__13.0 _3.8 ____ 72t_1884 _21.83 _ t52__18.2_3.6  

73t_ 1906 _10.89 _ t69__7.1_ 3.8 ____ 73 _2019 _16.78 _t53__12.4 _4.4 ____ 72t_1978 _21.83 _ t64__18.5_3.3  

73t_ 1978 _10.89 _ t48__5.9 _5.8 ____ 74 _1989 _16.72 _ t49__14.2_2.5 ____ 72t_2000 _21.83 _ t76__18.7_3.1  

75 _ 1922 _10.83 _ t58__7.5_ 3.3 ____ 75t_1919 _16.67 _ t75__13.0_3.7 ____ 75t_1872 _21.78 _ t27__17.1_4.7 

76t_ 1889 _10.67 _ t57__6.3 _4.4 ____ 75t_1932 _16.67 _ t75__12.9_3.8 ____ 75t_1898 _21.78 _ t71__18.8_3.0 

76t_ 1982 _10.67 _ t48__5.9 _4.8 ____ 77t_1946 _16.61 _ t59__12.5 _4.1 ____ 75t_1921 _21.78 _ t17__20.4_1.4  

76t_ 1988 _10.67 _ t63__7.3_ 3.4 ____ 77t_1995 _16.61 _ t49__14.2 _2.4 ____ 75t_1959 _21.78 _ t20__20.3_1.5 

78c _ 1931 _10.61 _ t69__7.1_ 3.4 ____78c _1994 _16.56 _ t71__12.8 _3.8 ____ 75t_2004 _21.78 _ t44__18.0_3.8   


This comparison is only for the overlapping period 1869 to 2020 so as a result the coldest three Mays and coldest five Junes at Toronto pre 1869 are not included in comparison) There is more spread in ranks in this spring to early summer portion of the year, and it probably has a relation to storm tracks in these months. Correspondingly, some warmer spring months at Toronto appear to have medium-warm ranks for NYC. When the ranks are from different halves of the data such as June 1883, quite a warm month for NYC but average for its era at Toronto and therefore well into the colder half of Toronto raw values, the Toronto rank is colour coded to show that it refers to the opposite half, otherwise in each half of the table above and below this commentary area, ranks are for that half (warm above, cold below). As 152 years are being compared, ranks run to 76th warmest or coldest.

April does have overlapping ranks at the median for Toronto. With 2024 now added, the group at 6.9 (four years) are t78th warmest and also tied 76th coldest. The rankings given in the table belong to the same half of data as NYC temp justifies.

NYC median is now 10.64, average of t76th warmest 10.67 and 78th coldest (of 156) 10.61 in 1931. 

May for Toronto now has a median of 13.0 (five tied 75th warmest to include 78th warmest and tied 78th coldest). The median for NYC is now 16.58, average of t77th warmest and 78th coldest (1994).  

June has a large group that straddles the median, for Toronto 18.7 is both tied 76th warmest and 73rd coldest with a total of nine years included. NYC ranks t75th warmest and t77th coldest are equal and this total of six years also straddles the median which is now between 78th warmest and 78th coldest. 


75t_ 1929 _10.56 _ t56__7.6_ 3.0 ____ 77 _1929 _16.50 _ t38 __11.7 _4.8 ____ 77t_2015 _21.78 _ t47__18.1_3.7

75t_ 1948 _10.56 __31__8.5_ 2.1 ____ 75t_1966 _16.44 _ t18 __11.0 _5.4 ____ 73t_1885 _21.67 _ t04__15.6_6.1  

75t_ 2000 _10.56 _ t57__7.5_ 3.1 ____ 75t_1984 _16.44 _ t38__11.7 _4.7 ____ 73t_1942 _21.67 _ t66__19.0_2.7

74 _ 1971 _10.44 _ t54__6.2 _4.2 ____ 70t_1872 _16.39 _ t18__11.0 _5.4 ____ 73t_2006 _21.67 _ t32 __19.9_1.8  

72t_ 1870 _10.39 _ t63__7.3_ 3.1 ____ 70t_1897 _16.39 _ t36__11.6 _4.8 ____ 73t_2012 _21.67 _ t07__21.0_0.7 

72t_ 1918 _10.39 _ t65__6.5 _3.9 ____ 70t_1905 _16.39 _ t30__11.5 _4.9 ____ 67t_1888 _21.61_ t47__18.1_3.5

70t_ 1902 _10.33 __73__6.7 _3.6 ____ 70t_1931 _16.39 _ t67__13.3 _3.1 ____ 67t_1919 _21.61__03__22.5_--0.9

70t_ 1965 _10.33 _ t35__5.4 _4.9 ____ 70t_1978 _16.39 _ t45__14.4 _2.0 ____ 67t_1945 _21.61 _t33__17.4_4.2 

67t_ 1897 _10.28 _ t57__6.3 _4.0 ____ 68t_1916 _16.33 _ t53__12.4 _3.9 ____ 67t_1963 _21.61_ t36__19.8_1.8  

67t_ 1947 _10.28 _ t46__5.8 _4.5 ____ 68t_1971 _16.33 _ t65__13.5 _2.8 ____ 67t_1970 _21.61_ t45__19.6_2.0   

67t_ 1992 _10.28 _ t69__6.6 _3.7 ____ 67 _1921 _16.22 _ t39__14.6 _1.6 ____ 67t_1997 _21.61__15__20.6_1.0 

63t_ 1912 _10.22 _ t39__5.5 _4.7 ____ 63t_ 1883 _16.17 __03__ 9.6 _6.6 ____ 66 _1931 _21.50 _ t68__18.9_2.6 

63t_ 1933 _10.22 _ t63__7.3_ 2.9 ____ 63t_1963 _16.17 _ t63__12.6 _3.6 ____ 65 _1901 _21.44 _ t64__18.5_2.9

63t_ 1946 _10.22 _ t69__7.1_ 3.4 ____ 63t_1996 _16.17 _ t71__12.8 _3.4 ____ 60t_1889 _21.39__07__15.8_5.6

63t_ 2020 _10.22 _ t69__6.6 _3.6 ____ 63t_2017 _16.17 _ t78__13.0 _3.2 ____ 60t_1900 _21.39__63__18.4_3.0

60t_ 1923 _10.17 _ t46__5.8 _4.2 ____ 59t_1910 _16.11 _ t30__11.5 _4.6 ____ 60t_1913 _21.39 _ t52__18.2_3.2

60t_ 1934 _10.17__42 __5.6 _4.6 ____ 59t_1909 _16.11 __48__12.1 _4.0 ____ 60t_1932 _21.39 _ t60__19.2_2.2

60t_ 2007 _10.17 _ t76__6.9 _3.3 ____ 59t_1974 _16.11 __41__11.8 _4.3 ____ 60t_1975 _21.39 _ t23__20.1_1.3

58t_ 1895 _10.06 _ t57__6.3 _3.8 ____ 59t_1992 _16.11 _ t55__13.9 _2.2 ____ 58t_1894 _21.33 _ t54__19.3_2.0

58t_ 1972 _10.06 _ t30__5.3 _4.8 ____ 57t_1870 _16.06 _ t55__13.9 _2.2 ____ 58t_1940 _21.33 _ t33__17.4_3.9   

55t_ 1880 _10.00 _ t30__5.3 _4.7 ____ 57t_1894 _16.06 _ t27__11.3 _4.8 ____ 52t_1873 _21.28 _ t31__17.3_4.0

55t_ 1900 _10.00 _ t58__7.5_ 2.5 ____ 56 _1938 _16.00 _ t75__12.9 _3.1 ____ 52t _1917 _21.28 _ t08__16.1_5.2

55t_ 1919 _10.00_ t48__5.9 _4.1 ____ 52t_1913 _15.94 _ t53__12.4 _3.5 ____ 52t_1938 _21.28 _ t71__18.8_2.5

54 _ 1905 _ 9.94 _ t43__5.7 _4.2 ____ 52t_1940 _15.94 _ t51__12.3_3.6 _____ 52t_1950 _21.28 _ t58__18.3_3.0

52t_ 1935 _ 9.89 _ t65__6.5 _3.4 ____ 52t_1952 _15.94 _ t66__12.7_3.2 ____ 52t_1980 _21.28 _ t08__16.1_5.2

52t_ 2003 _ 9.89 _ t54__6.2 _3.7 ____ 52t_2002 _15.94 _ t49__12.2 _3.7 ____ 52t_1992 _21.28 _ t35__17.5_3.8

49t_ 1891 _ 9.83 _ t62__6.4 _3.4 ____ 51 _1871 _15.78 _ t44__12.0 _3.8 ____ 48t_1877 _21.22 __23__16.7_4.5

49t_ 1964 _ 9.83 _ t75__7.0_ 3.4 ____ 49t_1890 _15.72 _ t05__10.1 _5.6 ____ 48t_1879 _21.22 _ t18__16.6_4.6 

49t_ 1966 _ 9.83 _ t62__6.4 _3.4 ____ 49t_2020 _15.72 _ t71__12.8 _2.9 ____ 48t_1904 _21.22 _ t31__17.3_3.9

47t_ 1937 _ 9.78 _ t57__6.3 _3.5 ____ 43t_1876 _15.67 __13__10.7 _5.0 ____ 48t_1977 _21.22 _ t67__18.6_2.6

47t_ 1967 _ 9.78 _ t63__7.3_ 2.5 ____ 43t_1886 _15.67 _ t38__11.7 _4.0 ____ 44t_1874 _21.17 _ t27__17.1_4.1

45t_ 1899 _ 9.72 _ t69__7.1_ 3.6 ____ 43t_1948 _15.67 _ t42__11.9 _3.8 ____ 44t_1890 _21.17 _ t73__18.7_2.5

45t_ 2018 _ 9.72 _ t14__4.3 _5.4 ____ 43t_1976 _15.67 _ t53__12.4 _3.3 ____ 44t_1935 _21.17 _ t40__17.7_3.5

43t_ 1872 _ 9.67 _ t23__4.8 _4.9 ____ 43t_1983 _15.67 _ t27__11.3 _4.4 ____ 44t_1965 _21.17 _ t64__18.5_2.7

43t_ 1885 _ 9.67 __03__2.9 _6.8 ____ 43t_1990 _15.67 _ t66__12.7 _3.0 ____ 43 _ 2023 _ 21.11 _t39 __19.7_1.4

41t_ 1869 _ 9.56 _ t19__4.6 _5.0 ____ 40t_1875 _15.61 _ t15__10.9 _4.7 ____42 _1905 _21.06__39__17.6_3.5

41t_ 1894 _ 9.56 _ t76__6.9 _2.7 ____ 40t_1926 _15.61 _ t36__11.6 _4.0 ____38t_1896 _21.00 _ t47__18.1_2.9

39t_ 1890 _ 9.50 _ t43__5.7 _3.8 ____ 40t_2008 _15.61 _ t66__12.7 _2.9 ____38t_1911 _21.00 _ t73__18.7_2.3

39t_ 1924 _ 9.50 _ t51__6.0 _3.5 ____ 39 _1923 _15.56 _ t18__11.0 _4.6 ____38t_1936 _21.00 _ t58__18.3_2.7

37t_ 1932 _ 9.44 _ t26__5.0 _4.4 ____ 35t_1885 _15.50 _ t18__11.0 _4.5 ____38t_1951 _21.00 _ t73__18.7_2.3

37t_ 1961 _ 9.44 _ t35__5.4 _4.0 ____ 35t_1935 _15.50 _ t25__11.2 _4.3 ____35t_1912 _20.94__24__16.8_4.1

36 _ 1944 _ 9.39 _ t23__4.8 _4.6 ____ 35t_1947 _15.50 _ t27__11.3 _4.2 ____35t_1946 _20.94 _ t58__18.3_2.6

35 _ 1892 _ 9.33 _ t30__5.3 _4.0 ____ 35t_1961 _15.50 _ t53__12.4 _3.1 ____35t_1968 _20.94 _ t47__18.1_2.8

34 _ 1927 _ 9.22 _ t62__6.4 _2.8 ____ 33t_1884 _15.44 _ t11__10.6 _4.8 ____34 _1887 _20.89 _t35__17.5_3.4

33 _ 1950 _ 9.17 _ t19__4.6 _4.6 ____ 33t_1954 _15.44 _ t59__12.5 _2.9 ____33 _1948 _20.78_ t71__18.8_2.0  

27t_ 1879 _ 9.11 _ t11__4.2 _4.9 ____ 29t_1877 _15.33 _ t44__12.0 _3.3 ____32 _1869 _20.72__01__14.8_5.9

27t_ 1909 _ 9.11 _ t26__5.0 _4.1 ____ 29t_1900 _15.33 _ t75__12.9 _2.4 ____28t_1875 _20.67_ t08__16.1_4.6 

27t_ 1916 _ 9.11 _ t75__7.0_ 3.4 ____ 29t_1925 _15.33 __10__10.5 _4.8 ____28t_1920 _20.67_ t71__18.8_1.9

27t_ 1917 _ 9.11 __29__5.1 _4.0 ____ 29t_1968 _15.33 _ t30__11.5 _3.8 ____28t_1979 _20.67_ t58__18.3_2.4

27t_ 1928 _ 9.11 _ t35__5.4 _3.7 ____ 28 _1973 _15.28 _ t44__12.0 _3.3 ____28t_1998 _20.67_ t45__19.6_1.1   

27t_ 1930 _ 9.11 __53__6.1 _3.0 ____ 25t_1928 _15.22 _ t51__12.3 _2.9 ____27 _1974 _20.56 _ t52__18.2_2.4 

26 _ 1939 _ 9.06 _ t23__4.8 _4.3 ____ 25t_1878 _15.22 _ t30__11.5 _3.7 ____25t_1914 _20.50 _ t44__18.0_2.5  

25 _ 1956 _ 9.00 _ t39__5.5 _3.5 ____ 25t_1997 _15.22 _ t15__10.9 _4.3 ____25t_1955 _20.50__22__20.2 _0.3

23t_ 1884 _ 8.94 _ t26__5.0 _3.9 ____ 23t_1892 _15.11 _ t15__10.9 _4.2 ____24 _1910 _20.39 _ t52__18.2_3.2

23t_ 1920 _ 8.94 _ t19__4.6 _4.3 ____ 23t_1945 _15.11 __08__10.3 _4.8 ____21t_1907 _20.33_ t40__17.7_2.6

20t_ 1914 _ 8.83 _ t30__5.3 _3.5 ____ 22 _1958 _15.06 _ t66__12.7_2.4 ____21t_1982 _20.33 _t18__16.6_3.7

20t_ 1936 _ 8.83 _ t14__4.3 _4.4 ____ 20t_1915 _15.00 _ t25__11.2 _3.8 ____21t_1985 _20.33 _t27__17.1_3.2

20t_ 1975 _ 8.83 _ t17__4.4 _4.4 ____ 20t_1927 _15.00 _ t30__11.5 _3.5 ____20 _1947 _20.22 _ t52__18.2_2.0 

19 _ 1901 _ 8.78 _ t43__8.0_ 0.8 ____ 18t_1902 _14.94 _ t42__11.9 _3.0 ____ 19 _2003 _20.17 _ t73__18.7_1.5 

18 _ 1911 _ 8.78 _ t57__6.3 _2.5 ____ 18t_2005 _14.94 _ t63__12.6 _2.3  ____18 _1871 _20.11_ t18__16.6_3.5

16t_ 1877 _ 8.72 _ t65__6.5 _2.2 ____ 14t_1873 _14.89 _ t18__11.0 _3.9 ____17 _1893 _20.06 _t54__19.3_0.8

16t_ 1898 _ 8.72 _ t65__6.5 _2.2 ____ 14t_1874 _14.89 _ t30__11.5 _3.4 ____15t_1886 _20.00__11__16.2_3.8

15 _ 1882 _ 8.67 _ t19__4.6 _4.1 ____ 14t_1920 _14.89 _ t59__12.5 _2.4 ____15t_1915 _20.00__25__16.9_3.1

14 _ 1926 _ 8.50 __ 04__3.0 _5.5 ____14t_1950 _14.89 _ t71__13.2 _1.7 ____14 _1972 _19.94_ t35__17.5_2.4

13 _ 1883 _ 8.39 __ 05__3.5 _4.9 ____12t_1956 _14.83 _ t23__11.1 _3.7 ____12t_1918 _19.89_ t13__16.4_3.5

12 _ 1876 _ 8.33 _ t06 __3.6 _4.7 ____12t_2003 _14.83 _ t73__13.1_1.7  ____12t_1924 _19.89__30__17.2_2.7

11 _ 1940 _ 8.22 _ t30__5.3 _2.9 ____ 11 _1898 _14.67 _ t67__13.3_1.4  ____11 _1878 _19.83__26__17.0_2.8

10 _ 1873 _ 8.17 _ t11__4.2 _4.0 ____ 10 _1893 _14.56 _ t23__11.1 _3.5 ____09t_1897 _19.72_ t13__16.4_3.3

09 _ 1907 _ 8.17 _ t06__3.6 _4.6 ____ 09 _1888 _14.44 _ t11__10.6 _3.8 ____09t_2009 _19.72_ t52__18.2_1.5

08 _ 1904 _ 8.11 _ t08__4.0 _4.1 ____ 08 _1891 _14.33 __14__10.8 _3.5 ____08 _1928 _19.67_ t13__16.4_3.3

07 _ 1893 _ 8.00 _ t17__4.4 _3.6 ____ 07 _1869 _14.28 __09__10.4 _3.9 ____07 _1927 _19.61__17__16.5_3.1

06 _ 1881 _ 7.94 _ t14__4.3 _3.6 ____ 06 _1901 _14.11 _ t59__12.5 _1.6 ____06 _1958 _19.56_ t13__16.4_3.2

05 _ 1887 _ 7.94 _ t11__4.2 _3.7 ____ 05 _ 1924 _14.06 _ t05__10.1_4.0 ____04t_1902 _19.33_ t04__15.6 _3.7

04 _ 1943 _ 7.83 _ t08__4.0 _3.8 ____ 04 _ 1882 _13.67 __02__ 9.5 _4.2 ____04t_1926 _19.33__03__15.4 _3.9

03 _ 1888 _ 7.78 _ t08__4.0 _3.8 ____ 03 _ 1907 _13.44 __01__ 9.0 _4.4 ____03 _1916 _18.72__06__15.7 _3.0

02 _ 1875 _ 6.17 __02__2.5 _3.7 ____ 02 _ 1967 _12.89 __07__10.2_2.7 ____02 _1881 _18.44__02__15.3 _3.1

01 _ 1874 _ 5.06 __01__0.8 _4.3 ____ 01 _ 1917 _12.39 __04__ 9.7 _2.7 ____01 _1903 _17.89 _ t18__16.6 _1.3



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Table 2c: NYC rankings compared with Toronto, July to September

_________ JULY ________________________ AUGUST _____________________ SEPTEMBER __________

Rank, yr, mean__Tor rank, mean, diff__ Rank, yr, mean__Tor rank, mean, diff__ Rank, yr, mean__Tor rank, mean, diff


01 _1999 _27.44 _t04_24.7 _2.7 ____ 01 _1980 _26.83 _t23_22.5 _4.3 ____ 01 _2015 _23.61 _04 _20.0 _3.6

02 _2010 _27.39 _11 _23.9 _3.5 ____ 02 _2005 _26.50 _08 _23.2 _3.3 ____ 02 _1961 _23.11 _02 _20.4 _2.7

03 _1955 _27.17 _06 _24.6 _2.6 ____ 03 _2022 _26.28 _t12 _22.9 _3.4 ____ 03 _1881 _23.00 _03 _20.2 _2.8

04 _1952 _26.83 _t15_23.5 _3.3 ____ 04 _2016 _26.22 _01 _24.4 _1.8 ____ 04 _2005 _22.94 _07 _19.7 _3.2

05t_1993 _26.78 _t32_22.8 _4.0 ____ 05 _2015 _26.11 _t56_21.1 _5.0  ____ 05t_1931 _22.39 _t17_18.9 _3.5

05t_2011 _26.78 _ 03 _24.9 _1.9 ____ 06 _1988 _26.00 _t17_22.7 _3.3 ____ 05t_1959 _22.39 _t11_19.3 _3.1

07 _2020 _26.67 _ 02_25.4 _1.3 ____ 07 _2001 _25.94 _04 _23.9 _2.0 ____ 07 _1921 _22.28 _ t05_19.9 _2.4

08t_1908 _26.56 _t74_21.6 _5.0 ____ 08 _1995 _25.89 _09 _23.1 _2.8  ____ 08t_1884 _22.22 _t62_16.5 _5.7

08t_2013 _26.56 _t37 _22.7 _3.9 ____ 09 _1938 _25.67 _t14_22.8 _2.9 ____ 08t_1930 _22.22 _t49_17.4 _4.8

10 _1966 _26.50 _22 _23.2 _3.3 ____ 10t_1939 _25.61 _t28_22.4 _3.2 ____ 10t_1983 _22.11 _t26 _18.2 _3.9

11t_1949 _26.44 _t19_23.3 _3.1 ____ 10t_1955 _25.61 _t06_23.5 _2.1 ____ 10t_2016 _22.11 _t05_19.9 _2.2

11t_2019 _26.44 _t15_23.5 _2.9 ____ 10t_2018 _25.61 _t06_23.5 _2.1 ____ 12t_1891 _22.00 _54 _17.3 _4.7

11t_2024 _26.44 _t25_23.0 _3.4 ____ 13 _2002 _25.50 _t12 _22.9 _2.6 ____ 12t_1971 _22.00 _t13_19.2 _2.8

14t_1983 _26.39 _t17_23.4 _3.0 ____ 14 _1944 _25.44 _t30_22.3 _3.1 ____ 14 _2010 _21.72 _t67_ 17.0 _4.7

14t_2022 _26.39 _t33_22.8 _3.6 ____ 15 _1983 _25.39 _t28_22.4 _3.0 ____ 15 _1895 _21.61 _t45_16.0 _5.6

16t_1876 _26.33 _t28_20.3 _6.0 ____ 16t_1970 _25.33 _33 _22.2 _3.1 ____ 16t_1970 _21.56 _t39_ 17.7 _3.9

16t_1944 _26.33 _t58 _22.0 _4.3 ____ 16t_1973 _25.33 _05 _23.7 _1.6 ____ 16t_1980 _21.56 _t69_ 16.9 _4.7 

16t_1994 _26.33 _40 _22.6 _3.7 ____ 18t_1959 _25.28 _02 _24.2 _1.1 ____ 18 _2018 _21.50 _t08_19.4 _2.1 

19t_1980 _26.28 _t63_21.9 _4.4 ____ 18t_2021 _25.28 _ 03_24.1 _1.2 ____ 19 _1968 _21.44 _t19_18.7 _2.7

19t_1988 _26.28 _10 _24.2 _2.1 ____ 20t_1969 _25.22 _t10_23.0 _2.2 ____ 20t_1900 _21.39 _t30_17.9 _3.5

21 _1995 _26.22 _t33_22.8 _3.4 ____ 20t_2010 _25.22 _t14_22.8 _2.4 ____ 20t_1979 _21.39 _t74_16.7 _4.7 

22t_1977 _26.11 _t45_22.3 _3.8 ____ 22 _1993 _25.11 _t23_22.5 _2.6 ____ 20t_1985 _21.39 _t24 _18.4 _3.0

22t_2023 _26.11 _t38_22.7_ 3.4 ____ 23t_1906 _25.06 _t34_22.1 _3.0 ____ 20t_2017 _21.39 _t13_19.2 _2.2 

24t_2002 _26.00 _t07_24.5 _1.5 ____ 23t_1991 _25.06 _t23_22.5 _2.6 ____ 24t_1953 _21.33 _t49_17.4 _3.9

24t_2012 _26.00 _t04_24.7 _1.3 ____ 25t_1966 _24.94 _t63_21.0 _3.9 ____ 24t_2019 _21.33 _t28_18.0 _3.3  

24t_2015 _26.00 _t63_21.9 _4.1 ____ 25t_ 2020 _24.94 _t23_22.5 _2.4 ____ 26t_1898 _21.28 _t34_17.8 _3.5  

27_ 2016 _25.94 _ 12 _23.8 _2.1 ____ 27 _1979 _24.89 _t43_19.9 _5.0  ____ 26t_1945 _21.28 _t75_16.8 _4.5 

28 _1885 _25.89 _t21_19.9 _6.0 ____ 28t_1949 _24.83 _t14_22.8 _2.0  ____ 26t_1948 _21.28 _16 _19.0 _2.3  

29 _1981 _25.83 _t50_22.2 _3.6 ____ 28t_1932 _24.83 _t62_21.0 _3.8 ____ 26t_2007 _21.28 _t19 _18.7 _2.6   

30 _2008 _25.78 _t50_22.2 _3.6 ____ 28t_1984 _24.83 _t30_22.4 _2.4 ____ 26t_2021 _21.28 _t23 _18.4 _2.9

31 _1887 _25.67 _t26_22.9 _2.8 ____ 28t_1998 _24.83 _t17_22.7 _2.1 ____ 31t_1998 _21.22 _t08_19.4 _1.8

32 _1961 _25.61 _t63_21.9 _3.7 ____ 28t_2003 _24.83 _t17_22.7 _2.1 ____ 31t_2002 _21.22 _01 _20.8 _0.4 

33 _1987 _25.56 _t13_23.7 _1.9 ____ 28t_2012 _24.83 _t34_22.1 _2.7 ____ 33t_1906 _21.17 _25 _18.3 _2.9

34t_1982 _25.50 _t51_22.2 _3.3 ____ 34t_1918 _24.78 _t40_21.7 _3.1 ____ 33t_1944 _21.17 _t75_16.8 _4.4

34t_2006 _25.50 _t17 _23.4_2.1 ____ 34t_1937 _24.78 _22 _22.6 _2.2 ____ 35t_1915 _21.11 _t44_17.5 _3.6

36t_1878 _25.44 _t43_22.4 _3.0 ____ 36t_1961 _24.67 _t48_21.4 _3.3 ____ 35t_1941 _21.11 _t44_17.5 _3.6

36t_1953 _25.44 _t45_22.3 _3.1 ____ 36t_1974 _24.67 _t34_22.1 _2.6 ____ 35t_2011 _21.11 _22 _18.5 _2.6

36t_1971 _25.44 _t69_21.4 _4.0 ____ 38t_1900 _24.56 _t23_22.5 _2.1 ____ 38 _1952 _21.06 _t28_18.0 _3.1

39t_1901 _25.39 _t27_22.9 _2.5 ____ 38t_1917 _24.56 _t43_19.9 _4.7 ____ 39 _1946 _21.00 _t55_17.2 _3.8

39t_1934 _25.39 _t58_22.0 _3.4 ____ 40 _1896 _24.50 _t39_19.8 _4.7 ____ 40t _1957 _20.94 _t75_16.8 _4.1 

39t_1957 _25.39 _t74_21.5 _3.9 ____ 41t_1947 _24.44 _t10_23.0 _1.4 ____ 40t_2014 _20.94 _t55_17.2_3.7 

39t_1991 _25.39 _t33_22.8 _2.6 ____ 41t_1968 _24.44 _t67_20.9 _3.5 ____ 42t_1905 _20.89 _t75_16.8_4.1 

43t_1911 _25.33 _t59_22.0 _3.3 ____41t_1978 _24.44 _t56_21.1 _3.3 ____ 42t_1933 _20.89 _t61_17.1_3.8 

43t_2018 _25.33 _t13_23.7 _1.6 ____ 41t_1981 _24.44 _t70_20.8 _3.6 ____ 44t_1932 _20.83 _t74_16.7 _4.1

45t_1872 _25.28 _t62_21.2 _4.1 ____ 45t_1943 _24.39 _t63_20.5 _3.9 ____ 44t_1972 _20.83 _t30_17.9 _2.9    

45t_1931 _25.28 _t23_23.1 _2.2 ____ 45t_1971 _24.39 _t70_20.8 _3.6 ____ 44t_1973 _20.83 _t30_17.9 _2.9

45t_2005 _25.28 _10 _24.3 _1.0 ____ 47t_1908 _24.33 _t34_19.4 _4.9 ____ 44t_2022 _20.83 _t26_18.2 _2.6

48t_1907 _25.22 _t44_20.7 _4.5 ____ 47t_1953 _24.33 _38 _22.0 _2.3  ____ 48t_1910 _20.78 _t31_15.6 _5.2

48t_1973 _25.22 _t27_22.9 _2.3 ____ 47t_1990 _24.33 _t43_21.6 _2.7 ____ 48t_1929 _20.78 _t75_16.8 _4.0

50_ 1968 _25.17 _t74_21.5 _3.7 ____ 47t_2006 _24.33 _t43_21.6 _2.7 ____ 48t_2023 _20.78 _t11 _19.3 _1.5

51t_1910 _25.11 _t70_21.8 _3.3 ____ 51 _1977 _24.28 _t60_20.4 _3.9 ____ 51_ 2004 _20.72 _t17_18.9 _1.8 

51t_1921 _25.11 _01 _25.5_-0.4 ____ 52t_1872 _24.22 _t62_21.0 _3.2 ____ 52_ 1934 _20.67 _t55_17.2 _3.5  

51t_1935 _25.11 _t19_23.3 _1.8 ____ 52t_1895 _24.22 _t21_18.8 _5.4 ____ 53_ 1999 _20.61_15 _19.1 _1.5

51t_1948 _25.11 _t58_22.0 _3.1 ____ 52t_1972 _24.22 _t68_20.6 _3.6 ____ 54_ 1969 _20.56 _t34_17.8 _2.8

51t_1972 _25.11 _t45_22.3 _2.8 ____ 55t_1891 _24.17 _24 _18.9 _5.3 ____ 55t_1894 _20.44 _t61_17.1 _3.3

51t_1974 _25.11 _t43_22.4 _2.7 ____ 55t_1999 _24.17 _t67_20.9 _3.3 ____ 55t_1925 _20.44 _t62_16.5 _3.9

57t_1905 _25.06 _t55_21.0 _4.1 ____ 55t_2019 _24.17 _t46_21.5 _2.7 ____ 55t_2008 _20.44 _t34_17.8 _2.6   

57t_1906 _25.06 _t62_21.2 _3.9 ____ 58t_1877 _24.11 _t67_20.9 _3.2 ____ 55t_2012 _20.44 _t55_17.2 _3.2    

59 _1970 _25.06 _t41_22.5 _2.6 ____ 58t_1928 _24.11 _t46 _21.5 _2.6 ____ 55t_2020 _20.44 _t49_17.4 _3.0

60t_1943 _24.94 _t63_21.9 _3.0 ____ 58t_1936 _24.11 _t68_20.6 _3.5 ____ 55t_2024 _20.44 _ t08_19.4 _1.0

60t_1979 _24.94 _t63_21.9 _3.0 ____ 58t_1985 _24.11 _t63_20.5 _3.6 ____ 61t_1908 _20.33 _t39_17.7 _2.6

62t_1896 _24.89 _t47_20.8 _4.1 ____ 62t_1870 _24.06 _36 _19.5 _4.6 ____ 61t_1939 _20.33 _t70_16.6 _3.7

62t_1951 _24.89 _t63_21.9 _3.0 ____ 62t_1898 _24.06 _t48_21.4 _2.7 ____61t_1947 _20.33 _t44_17.5 _2.8

62t_1990 _24.89 _57 _22.1 _2.8 ____ 62t_2009 _24.06 _t43_21.6 _2.5  ____64_ 1920 _20.28 _t39_17.7 _2.6    

62t_2017 _24.89 _t70_21.8 _3.1 ____ 62t_2011 _24.06 _t23_22.5 _1.6 ____ 65t_1878 _20.17 _t58_16.4 _3.8  

66_ 1954 _24.83 _t74_21.5 _3.3 ____ 66t_1876 _24.00 _t52_21.2 _2.8 ____ 65t_1923 _20.17 _t49_16.0 _4.2

67t_1870 _24.78 _t32_20.5 _4.3 ____ 66t_1899 _24.00 _t56_21.1 _2.9 ____65t_1942 _20.17 _t58_16.4 _3.8 

67t_1937 _24.78 _t63_21.9 _2.9 ____ 66t_1931 _24.00 _t70_20.8 _3.2 ____ 65t_1982 _20.17 _t49_16.1 _4.1

67t_1938 _24.78 _t51_22.2 _2.6 ____ 66t_1948 _24.00 _t40_21.7 _2.3 ____ 65t_1995 _20.17 _t42_15.9 _4.3

67t_1939 _24.78 _t51_22.2 _2.6 ____ 66t_1958 _24.00 _t70_20.8 _3.2  ____70t_1901 _20.11 _t70_16.6 _3.5 

71 _1998 _24.72 _t45_22.3 _2.4 ____ 71 _1901 _23.89 _t77_20.7 _3.2  ____ 70t_1922 _20.11 _t42_17.6 _2.5 

72t_1900 _24.67 _t37_20.6 _4.1 ____ 72 _2024 _23.94 _t40_21.7 _2.2 ____ 70t_1936 _20.11 _t61_17.1 _3.0

72t_1930 _24.67 _t62_21.2 _3.5 ____ 73t_1933 _23.83 _t77_20.7 _3.1 ____ 70t_1951 _20.11 _t74_16.7 _3.4

72t_1963 _24.67 _t45_22.3 _2.4 ____ 73t_1952 _23.83 _t70_20.8 _3.0 ____ 70t_1977 _20.11 _t55_17.2 _2.9 

75t_1942 _24.61 _t66_21.3 _3.3 ____ 73t_1960 _23.83 _t56_21.1 _2.7 ____ 75 _1989 _20.06 _t55_17.2 _2.9   

75t_1959 _24.61 _t27_22.9 _1.7 ____ 76 _1916 _23.78 _t30_22.3 _1.5 ____ 76t_1960 _20.00 _21 _18.6 _1.4      

77t_1899 _24.56 _t32_20.5 _4.1 ____ 77 _1935 _23.72 _t56_21.1 _2.6 ____ 76t_1996 _20.00 _t34_17.8 _2.2     

77t_1936 _24.56 _t27_22.9 _1.7 ____ 78t_1914 _23.67 _t51_20.1 _3.6 ____ 78t_1927 _19.94 _t44_17.5 _2.4


156 years of data = median is average of ranked 78 warmest and 78 coldest ... 

(2024) _ July for Toronto median is average of t75 warmest 21.6 and tied 74th coldest 21.5. As a result, NYC values for these five years show the Toronto rank from the same side of the median, as required. Four July NYC values tied at 24.56 are jointly t77th warmest and also t77th coldest.  July 2024 enters the table t11 warmest for NYC  (26.44 C) with 1977, while the overall rank for Toronto will be t26 warmest (t25 in overlapping years, 1868 was also warmer). Toronto ranks above t25 to t77th warmest are adjusted up by one. 

(2024) _ August for Toronto has a group of eight straddling the median at 20.7 (t73rd coldest and t77th warmest) including 2023. With an average just above median for August 2024 (72nd warmest), two values now straddle the median (t78th warmest and coldest 23.67) in the NYC data, and these are 1914 and 2013 (23.67 C). Toronto ranks now t43 to t77 warmest required editing as 2024 joined 1918 and 1948 at t-40 warmest. Differential of 2.2 C (NYC - Tor) was t-32 smallest of all 156 Augs. ... 0.6 was least differential (2007).

(2024) _ September for Toronto has a median of 16.8. A group of five are tied 75th warmest and 78th coldest.

For NYC 19.94 (five cases) straddles the median and is equally tied 78th warmest and 75th coldest. 


Rank, yr, mean__Tor rank, mean, diff__ Rank, yr, mean__Tor rank, mean, diff__ Rank, yr, mean__Tor rank, mean, diff

77t_1940 _24.56 _t72_21.6 _3.0 ____ 78t_2013 _23.67 _t47_21.4 _2.3 ____ 75t_1986 _19.94 _t49_16.0_ 3.9

t77_1985 _24.56 _t55_21.0 _3.6 ____ 73t_1951 _23.61 _t63_20.5 _3.1 ____ 75t_1987 _19.94 _t67_17.0 _2.9        

72t_1898 _24.50 _t72_21.7 _2.8 ____ 73t_1975 _23.61 _39 _21.8 _1.8 ____ 75t_2003 _19.94 _t32_17.8 _2.1

72t_1913 _24.50 _t66_21.3 _3.2 ____ 73t_1996 _23.61 _t34_22.1 _1.5 ____ 75t_2013 _19.94 _t70_16.6 _3.3 

72t_1932 _24.50 _t21_19.9 _4.6 ____ 73t_2014 _23.61 _t70_20.8 _2.8 ____ 74 _1955 _19.89 _t69_16.9 _3.0

72t_1958 _24.50 _t75_21.6 _2.9 ____ 68t_1892 _23.50 _t39_19.8 _3.7 ____ 73_ 2001 _19.83 _t42_17.6 _2.2  

72t_2014 _24.50 _t44_20.7 _3.8 ____ 68t_1905 _23.50 _38 _19.7 _3.8 ____ 67t_1870 _19.78 _t62_16.5 _3.3

70t_1986 _24.44 _t58_22.0 _2.4 ____ 68t_1920 _23.50 _t56_21.1 _2.4 ____ 67t_1911 _19.78 _t42_15.9 _3.9_

70t_2021 _24.44 _t72_21.7 _2.7 ____ 68t_1924 _23.50 _t34_19.4 _4.1 ____ 67t_1919 _19.78 _t44_17.5 _2.3

66t_1897 _24.39 _t41_22.5 _1.9 ____ 68t_1976 _23.50 _t73_20.7 _2.8 ____ 67t_1958 _19.78 _t61_17.1 _2.7

66t_1917 _24.39 _t69_21.4 _3.0 ____ 64t_1878 _23.44 _t63_20.5 _2.9 ____ 67t_1981 _19.78 _t49_16.1 _3.7 

66t_1928 _24.39 _t58_21.1 _3.3 ____ 64t_1956 _23.44 _t55_20.2 _3.2 ____ 67t_1994 _19.78 _t49_17.4 _2.4 

66t_1929 _24.39 _t30_20.4 _4.0 ____ 64t_1987 _23.44 _t56_21.1 _2.3 ____ 64t_1965 _19.72 _t69_16.9 _2.8    

60t_1882 _24.33 _t12_19.4 _4.9 ____ 64t_2004 _23.44 _t48_20.0 _3.4 ____ 64t_1990 _19.72 _t69_16.9 _2.8 

60t_1933 _24.33 _t34_22.8 _1.5 ____ 58t_1926 _23.33 _t58_20.3 _3.0 ____ 64t_1991 _19.72 _t61_17.1 _2.6 

60t_1941 _24.33 _t45_22.3 _2.0 ____ 58t_1941 _23.33 _t51_20.1 _3.2 ____ 60t_1916 _19.67 _t52_16.2 _3.5    

60t_1975 _24.33 _t19_23.3 _1.0 ____ 58t_1989 _23.33 _t52_21.2 _2.1 ____ 60t_1943 _19.67 _t31_15.6 _4.1

60t_1997 _24.33 _t75_21.6 _2.7 ____ 58t_1994 _23.33 _t58_20.3 _3.0 ____ 60t_1954 _19.67 _t62_16.5 _3.2

60t_2003 _24.33 _t72_21.7 _2.6 ____ 58t_2007 _23.33 _t17_22.7 _0.6  ____ 60t_1988 _19.67 _t74_16.7 _3.0    

59 _1912 _24.28 _t55_21.0 _3.3 ____ 58t_2017 _23.33 _t68_20.6 _2.7 ____ 58t_1896 _19.61 _t12_14.1 _5.5

58 _1947 _24.17 _t58_21.1 _3.1 ____ 58t_2023 _23.33 _t73_20.7 _2.6  ____ 58t_1993 _19.61 _26 _15.2 _4.4

54t_1873 _24.11 _25 _20.0 _4.1 ____ 57 _1967 _23.28 _t43_19.9 _3.4 ____ 56t_1964 _19.56 _t54_16.3 _3.3

54t_1916 _24.11 _t07_24.5_--0.4____ 55t_1881 _23.22 _t52_21.2 _2.0 ____ 56t_1992 _19.56 _t58_16.4 _3.2 

54t_1946 _24.11 _t66_21.3 _2.8 ____ 55t_2008 _23.22 _t73_20.7 _2.5 ____ 53t_1880 _19.50 _t40_15.8 _3.7

54t_1964 _24.11 _t25 _23.0 _1.1 ____ 54 _1884 _23.17 _t09_18.5 _4.7 ____ 53t_1882 _19.50 _t58_16.4 _3.1

53 _1967 _24.06 _t49_20.9 _3.2 ____ 50t_1871 _23.11 _t43_19.9 _3.2 ____ 53t_1890 _19.50 _14 _14.2 _5.3

51t_1919 _23.94 _t27_22.9 _1.0 ____ 50t_1930 _23.11 _t73_20.7 _2.4 ____ 49t_1874 _19.44 _t49_17.4 _2.0

51t_1926 _23.94 _t21_19.9 _4.0 ____ 50t_1942 _23.11 _t73_20.7 _2.4 ____ 49t_1897 _19.44 _t54_16.3 _3.1      

45t_1877 _23.89 _t58_21.1 _2.8 ____ 50t_1957 _23.11 _t55_20.2 _2.9 ____ 49t_1903 _19.44 _t52_16.2 _3.2 

45t_1879 _23.89 _t32_20.5 _3.4 ____ 49 _1893 _23.06 _t31_19.3 _3.8 ____ 49t_1997 _19.44 _t69_16.9 _2.5

45t_1894 _23.89 _t37_20.6 _3.3 ____ 45t_1882 _23.00 _t39_19.8 _3.2 ____ 46t_1877 _19.39 _t70_16.6 _2.8

45t_1950 _23.89 _t47_20.8 _3.1 ____ 45t_1907 _23.00 _t09_18.5 _4.5 ____ 46t_1907 _19.39 _t62_16.5 _2.9     

45t_1989 _23.89 _t22_23.1 _0.8 ____ 45t_1913 _23.00 _t60_20.4 _2.6 ____ 46t_1914 _19.39 _t45_16.0 _3.4

45t_2007 _23.89 _t69_21.4 _2.5 ____ 45t_1945 _23.00 _t63_21.0 _2.0 ____ 44t_1904 _19.33 _t18_14.8 _4.5

43t_1880 _23.83 _t17_19.8 _4.0 ____ 43t_1925 _22.94 _t63_20.5 _2.4 ____ 44t_1909 _19.33 _t34_15.7 _3.6 

43t_1892 _23.83 _26 _20.1 _3.7 ____ 43t_1997 _22.94 _t55_20.2 _2.7 ____ 41t_1902 _19.28 _t34_15.7 _3.6 

40t_1886 _23.78 _t06_19.0 _4.8 ____ 39t_1897 _22.89 _t12_18.6 _4.3 ____ 41t_1967 _19.28 _t49_16.1 _3.2

40t_1969 _23.78 _t51_22.2 _1.6 ____ 39t_1965 _22.89 _t43_19.9 _3.0 ____ 41t_1974 _19.28 _t40_15.8 _3.5

40t_1976 _23.78 _t37_20.6 _3.2 ____ 39t_1982 _22.89 _t21_18.8 _4.1 ____ 37t_1912 _19.22 _t61_17.1 _2.1 

39 _1984 _23.72 _t62_21.2 _2.5 ____ 39t_1992 _22.89 _t27_19.1 _3.8 ____ 37t_1940 _19.22_t54_16.3_ 2.9    

34t_1903 _23.67 _t44_20.7 _3.0 ____ 36t_1929 _22.83 _t12_18.6 _4.2 ____ 37t_1976 _19.22_t62_16.5_ 2.7    

34t_1904 _23.67 _16 _19.7 _4.0 ____ 36t_1950 _22.83 _t60_20.4 _2.4 ____ 37t_2006 _19.22_t54_16.3_ 2.9     

34t_1918 _23.67 _t49_20.9 _2.8 ____ 36t_1986 _22.83 _t48_20.0 _2.8 ____ 36 _1966 _19.17 _t42_15.9 _3.3

34t_1945 _23.67 _t37_20.6 _3.1 ____ 35 _1904 _22.78 _08 _18.3 _4.5 ____ 35 _1872 _19.11 _t28_15.4 _3.7

34t_1960 _23.67 _t49_20.9 _1.9 ____ 33t_1875 _22.72 _t17_18.7 _4.0 ____ 34 _2009 _19.06_t30_17.9 _1.2      

32t_1883 _23.61 _03 _18.5 _5.1 ____ 33t_1964 _22.72 _t12_18.6 _4.1 ____ 33 _1949 _19.00 _t24_15.1 _3.9

32t_2004 _23.61 _t58_21.1 _2.5 ____ 31t_1911 _22.67 _t70_20.8 _1.9 ____ 32 _1899 _18.94 _11 _14.0 _4.9   

31_ 1978 _23.56 _t74_21.5 _2.1 ____ 31t_1954 _22.67 _t51_20.1 _2.6 ____ 29t_1937 _18.89 _t34_15.7 _3.2

30_ 1965 _23.50 _t14_19.6 _3.9 ____ 28t_1880 _22.61 _t31_19.3 _3.3 ____ 29t_1938 _18.89 _t22_15.0 _3.9

29_ 1992 _23.44 _t06_19.0 _4.4 ____ 28t_1890 _22.61 _06 _18.1 _4.5 ____ 29t_2000 _18.89 _t69_16.9 _2.0   

28_ 1924 _23.39 _t14_19.6 _3.8 ____ 28t_2000 _22.61 _51 _21.3 _1.3 ____ 28 _1984 _18.83 _t31_15.6 _3.2 

25t_1875 _23.33 _t10_19.2 _4.1 ____ 26t_1888 _22.56 _t27_19.1 _3.5 ____ 27 _1926 _18.72 _t24_15.1 _3.6 

25t_1927 _23.33 _t32_20.5 _2.8 ____ 26t_1923 _22.56 _t21_18.8 _3.8 ____ 26 _1869 _18.67 _t62_16.5 _2.2  

25t_1962 _23.33 _t37_20.6 _2.7 ____ 23t_1885 _22.44 _01 _17.3 _5.1 ____ 25 _1873 _18.56 _t07_13.7 _4.9

23t_1874 _23.28 _13 _19.5 _3.8 ____ 23t_1922 _22.44 _t68_20.6 _1.8 ____ 23t_1886 _18.50 _t20_14.9 _3.6

23t_1915 _23.28 _t28_20.3 _3.0 ____ 23t_1962 _22.44 _t52_21.2 _1.2 ____ 23t_1935 _18.50 _t20_14.9 _3.6

21t_1920 _23.22 _t10_19.2 _4.0 ____ 22 _1909 _22.33 _t73_20.7 _1.6 ____ 22 _1889 _18.44 _t34_15.7 _2.7

21t_1923 _23.22 _t37_20.6 _2.6 ____ 21 _1963 _22.28 _37 _19.6 _2.7 ____ 21 _1978 _18.33 _t62_16.5 _1.8     

19t_1881 _23.17 _t74_21.5 _1.7 ____ 17t_1873 _22.22 _t27_19.1 _3.1 ____ 20 _1962 _18.28 _t34_15.7 _2.6

19t_1922 _23.17 _t49_20.9 _2.3 ____ 17t_1879 _22.22 _t09_18.5 _3.7 ____ 18t_1950 _18.22 _30 _15.5 _2.7

17t_1893 _23.11 _27 _20.2 _2.9 ____ 17t_1910 _22.22 _t39_19.8 _2.4 ____ 18t_1956 _18.22_t17_14.4 _3.8    

17t_1925 _23.11 _t17_19.8 _3.3 ____ 17t_1934 _22.22 _t17_18.7 _3.5 ____ 16t_1892 _18.17 _t34 _15.7 _2.5 

16_ 1909 _23.06 _t21_19.9 _3.2 ____ 16 _1902 _22.17 _t12_18.6 _3.6 ____ 16t_1928 _18.17 _t15_14.3 _3.9

15_ 1996 _23.00 _t49_20.9 _2.1 ____ 15 _1869 _22.11 _t03_17.7 _4.4 ____ 15 _1913 _18.11 _27 _15.3 _2.8

13t_1889 _22.89 _t37_20.6 _2.3 ____ 13t_1912 _22.06 _05 _17.8 _4.3 ____ 14 _1885 _18.00 _09 _13.8 _4.2 

13t_2001 _22.89 _t69_21.4 _1.5 ____ 13t_1915 _22.00 _t27_19.1 _2.9 ____ 13 _1975 _17.89 _t28_15.4 _2.5

12_ 1890 _22.83 _t17_19.8 _3.0 ____ 12 _1921 _22.00 _t51_20.1 _1.9 ____ 12 _1924 _17.83 _10 _13.9 _3.9

11_ 1956 _22.72 _t30_20.4 _2.3 ____ 11 _1940 _21.89 _t68_20.6 _1.3 ____ 11 _1875 _17.78 _04 _13.3 _4.5

09t_1869 _22.67 _04 _18.6 _4.1 ____ 10 _1919 _21.72 _t48_20.0 _1.7 ____ 10 _1918 _17.72 _t05_13.6_4.1

09t_1902 _22.67 _t32_20.5 _2.2 ____ 09 _1946 _21.61 _t25_19.0 _2.6 ____ 09 _1876 _17.61 _t15_14.3 _3.3

08_ 2009 _22.61 _t17_19.8 _2.8 ____ 08 _1889 _21.44 _t17_18.7 _2.7 ____ 08 _1917 _17.56 _t18_14.8 _2.8

07_ 1895 _22.56 _09 _19.1 _3.5 ____ 07 _1894 _21.44 _t12_18.6 _2.8 ____ 06t_1879 _17.39 _t02_13.2 _4.2

06_ 1891 _22.44 _02 _17.9 _4.5 ____ 06 _1883 _21.33 _02 _17.6 _3.7 ____ 06t_1893 _17.39 _t12_14.1 _3.3

04t_1871 _22.39 _05 _18.9 _3.5 ____ 05 _1874 _21.28 _t31_19.3 _2.0 ____ 05 _1963 _17.28 _t22_15.0 _2.3

04t_2000 _22.39 _t49_20.9 _1.4 ____ 04 _1886 _21.22 _t17_18.7 _2.5 ____ 04 _1888 _17.11 _t07_13.7 _3.4

03_ 1914 _22.28 _t69_21.4 _0.9 ____ 03 _1887 _21.11 _t25_19.0 _2.1 ____ 03 _1883 _17.00 _01 _12.6 _4.4

02_ 1884 _22.17 _01 _17.8 _4.4 ____ 02 _1903 _20.61 _t03_17.7 _2.9 ____ 02 _1887 _16.50 _t05_13.6 _2.9

01_ 1888 _21.50 _06t_19.0 _2.5 ____ 01 _1927 _20.28 _07 _18.2 _2.1 ____ 01 _1871 _16.00 _t02_13.2 _2.8


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