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September Discussion Thread: Bring the frost; kill the bugs.


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5 hours ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

They also eat fewer processed, preservative laden foods, have less stress, eat enzyme rich fresh fruits and vegetables and get outside in the sun and fresh air more. 

I think the most important difference between us and most European countries particularly Italy is the strong and lifetime bonds of family.   


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24 minutes ago, weathafella said:

I think the most important difference between us and most European countries particularly Italy is the strong and lifetime bonds of family.   


The US is a country where at 18 years old you are expected to fly away and go on your own.  I feel like in the town I grew up in that being a “townie” was labeled as a bad thing.  Over in Europe people live 3 generations together very frequently.  No expectation to move out on their own or whatever.  More of a group effort for survival vs individualistic.

We also joke about living in Mom’s basement, there are very strong stereotypes here about living with your parents and stuff like that.  It’s normal in many European countries and cultures though.

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35 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

The US is a country where at 18 years old you are expected to fly away and go on your own.  I feel like in the town I grew up in that being a “townie” was labeled as a bad thing.  Over in Europe people live 3 generations together very frequently.  No expectation to move out on their own or whatever.  More of a group effort for survival vs individualistic.

We also joke about living in Mom’s basement, there are very strong stereotypes here about living with your parents and stuff like that.  It’s normal in many European countries and cultures though.

Sort of going through that now with my son.  He's a senior in high school.  On one hand, I know there are kids that are ready to go ASAP and always figured my son would be like that too. On the other hand, I know he isn't ready.  I lived at home until I was 24/25, I don't plan on kicking him out but I sort of wish he wanted to go.  It's a weird place to be in.

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Yeah,... we create a cultural stigma about not being Joe-independent maverick, chisel jawed muscle clad revered this, or female sex gods with super power that, all by the age of 20 in Americana vision, then create an economic social structure that for 97 % ( or whatever vast majority it is) of the rearing population, that is provisionally impossible without crime.   Lol -

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Just now, powderfreak said:

Good to hear!  Was starting to worry when you made it sound like life is no fun and depressing without heat and dews a few weeks ago :lol:.


LOL, nah just enjoyed the summer. I'm just getting depressed about the cold season and keeping fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly...mostly for the kids. Hopefully it's a fun winter.

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1 hour ago, Baroclinic Zone said:

We statin here.  Made my Cholesterol and Triglycerides plummet over the last month since I started it.  All in normal range now.

Glad it's working for you! i recently started on statins as well. follow up blood test is next month, would really like to see the Tri #s go down.

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Very high cholesterol runs in my family. I have been on statins since I turned 18 and my total cholesterol was already high 200s at that time even though I was as thin as a rail and played various sports. Never had any side effects, that I am aware of at least. Liver numbers always looked good.

My HDL remains too low and my LDL too high. My triglycerides have also spiked at various points, but I made some additional dietary changes and they recently dropped. Without statins, my cholesterol would be off the charts right now and I would be headed for a heart attack at a fairly young age.

I am not a fatty who eats three burgers a day, either. My body just makes too much of the stuff.

So I recommend the drugs to anyone dealing with high cholesterol who already has a decent diet, keeps their weight in check, and exercises. 


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1 minute ago, TauntonBlizzard2013 said:

My most recent blood work total cholesterol was 207… my doctor didn’t recommended doing anything at this time. High cholesterol runs in my family, and my brother has had it since he was a kid.

Is it normal not to treat that level, 207?

What are your other numbers?

Total is considered less important these days, it's just an indicator if it's very high.

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