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The 2021-2022 Ski season thread


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2 hours ago, PhineasC said:

The craziest part is the the ski patrol guys nonchalantly standing around chatting while that poor dude is blasted with icy water and then appears to be a frozen corpse hanging half off the chair for several minutes. No one seems to too concerned.

This. I really don’t understand what they were trying to do. Running the lift? Wouldn’t it be better to stop the lift with the jet between chairs and rope everyone down? Then they stop it right where the guy is getting blasted? As Phin says, the guy isn’t moving at all when they finally move him away. Holy crap - cross this place off the list.

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Nice day at cranmore yesterday. Icey and skied off by end of day but what they had open was good. Cranmore is a funny place, ignored it for all my life and have now skied there 3 times since 2017 on clear cold days and have enjoyed it very much. Views are top notch and there is some fun terrain with a snow pack  Drove up to pinkham afterwards and hiked up the Tuckerman trail a distance and there were quite a few skiers coming down the Shelburne on a surface that was 1/2 snow and 1/2 grass and rocks. 

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Nice day at cranmore yesterday. Icey and skied off by end of day but what they had open was good. Cranmore is a funny place, ignored it for all my life and have now skied there 3 times since 2017 on clear cold days and have enjoyed it very much. Views are top notch and there is some fun terrain with a snow pack  Drove up to pinkham afterwards and hiked up the Tuckerman trail a distance and there were quite a few skiers coming down the Shelburne on a surface that was 1/2 snow and 1/2 grass and rocks. 
Is there enough snow at pinkham to snowshoe? Or are most using spikes?

Sent from my SM-G981U1 using Tapatalk

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17 hours ago, powderfreak said:

That video is a worst nightmare.  The factors that come together to lead to that… the pressure of a fully charged line is incredible.

Thankfully injuries were not life-threatening but yeah that was Beech Mountain, a 6,000ft peak in western NC. They will be facing some lawsuits for sure.

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Despite mixed bag of precip and some goggle icing issues, conditions at Stowe yesterday were really good.  Way softer than it has been, and a lot better than Saturday.  The rain/sleet combo seemed to create better surface conditions. Terrain limitations still an issue, but guns were finally going on Liftline.

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3 hours ago, EMontpelierWhiteout said:

Despite mixed bag of precip and some goggle icing issues, conditions at Stowe yesterday were really good.  Way softer than it has been, and a lot better than Saturday.  The rain/sleet combo seemed to create better surface conditions. Terrain limitations still an issue, but guns were finally going on Liftline.

I'm sure everything everywhere was locked up solid today but lots of good snow making days incoming.

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Heading up this weekend probably to attitrash(?) Seems wildcat is down a chair... 

This trip is purely out of self defense after convincing my wife the epic pass was worth it again this year.   

My sister has a house in bridgton or we would be taking a day trip to sunapee.  They seem to have some decent man made. 

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I feel like this is piling on but friend with two young boys - under 10 - drove up to Sunapee on my recommendation saturday after asking crotched versus sunapee - they are epic passholders obviously. never made it to mountain - turned around due to traffic! This friend relocated to Jay last year with her two kids and had the mountain to themselves all season - spent a week at xmas this year at mt. snow which she said was not very good.



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Two words..lookout double.  Tough ride up the four runner today with guns blasting away on lift line.  In all seriousness though, Stowe was pretty good today considering the weather.  A few good natural trails up top (cliff to nose dive was great natural to fast hard pack) and besides the normal skied off routes, they are doing a fantastic job keeping it skiable.  Good to see guns on lift line and national.  Should be able to bury some good terrain this week.  

jay had some decent woods in play.  It’s thin in spots, so you have to keep your eyes open for debris, but definitely enjoyable.  Some of the wind swept groomers were solid ice; like bad ice.  Both mountains had their ups and downs, but overall, not terrible considering the wind and temps.



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2 hours ago, bwt3650 said:

Two words..lookout double.  Tough ride up the four runner today with guns blasting away on lift line.



Here's a shot from this morning of the guns going on Liftline.  It's always a dramatic trail to make snow on.  Similar to Hayride, which will be the last snowmaking trail left to hit after the snowmakers finish this current project.  With the cold today and tomorrow, the crew will be maxed out on water.  They should make hay.  Very little compressed air needed relatively speaking at these temperatures... just pump water to the gun and let it rip.  Gallons per minute/GPM metrics cranking.

It is a tough ride though on the FourRunner Quad.  It can be like riding through a 2,100 vertical foot car wash at times when snowmaking is cranking on Liftline, haha.


Regarding the Lookout Double... in the past it has run sometimes when snowmaking is in progress on Liftline.  Usually in the colder temperatures it's actually more tolerable to still ride the Quad as the snowmaking isn't fully pasting you and the bottom of your skis/board in wet snow.  The ski area also doesn't like running the Lookout when it's this cold.  It's a long 14 minutes vs. 7 minutes (with no stops) in these arctic shots.  The top of the FourRunner Quad also has the Octagon to warm up in or dry off vs. the Lookout which has no shelter available until you get to the bottom again.

Not that I don't trust the Lookout double either (I love it, old school slow double), but it is also prone to some longer stops (usually electrical switch stuff that requires a mechanic to respond to)... not the ideal situation with temperatures single digits to well below zero, plus wind exposure.  I would be lying if I didn't acknowledge that tight staffing doesn't make that decision a little easier too.  You weigh the pros and cons in operations.

Love the change of pace though, brutal cold is a novelty that’s fun.


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Berkshire East is looking good considering our lack of natural snow so far.  The ponds are primed up for another long snowmaking run.  I skinned up mohawk to the summit this afternoon.   Skied flying cloud top to bottom and I will say it was very nice.  They were grooming upper comp and making more snow over on minnie dole I think.  It would be nice to have several more trails open for the holiday weekend, its going to be very busy. 

We really need some snow!  


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44 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

Here's a shot from this morning of the guns going on Liftline.  It's always a dramatic trail to make snow on.  Similar to Hayride, which will be the last snowmaking trail left to hit after the snowmakers finish this current project.  With the cold today and tomorrow, the crew will be maxed out on water.  They should make hay.  Very little compressed air needed relatively speaking at these temperatures... just pump water to the gun and let it rip.  Gallons per minute/GPM metrics cranking.

It is a tough ride though on the FourRunner Quad.  It can be like riding through a 2,100 vertical foot car wash at times when snowmaking is cranking on Liftline, haha.


Regarding the Lookout Double... in the past it has run sometimes when snowmaking is in progress on Liftline.  Usually in the colder temperatures it's actually more tolerable to still ride the Quad as the snowmaking isn't fully pasting you and the bottom of your skis/board in wet snow.  The ski area also doesn't like running the Lookout when it's this cold.  It's a long 14 minutes vs. 7 minutes (with no stops) in these arctic shots.  The top of the FourRunner Quad also has the Octagon to warm up in or dry off vs. the Lookout which has no shelter available until you get to the bottom again.

Not that I don't trust the Lookout double either (I love it, old school slow double), but it is also prone to some longer stops (usually electrical switch stuff that requires a mechanic to respond to)... not the ideal situation with temperatures single digits to well below zero, plus wind exposure.  I would be lying if I didn't acknowledge that tight staffing doesn't make that decision a little easier too.  You weigh the pros and cons in operations.

Love the change of pace though, brutal cold is a novelty that’s fun.


I figured it was a staff issue…it really wasn’t too bad and I’m always in awe when snowmaking buries a trail like that.  The unmistakable jet engine sound, then you hit that tower right after the cliff and it’s like dead silence.  It looked like they were on the top of national too?  You don’t blow that whole trail, right?

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24 minutes ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

We had plans to go to N Conway and stay with friends this weekend but postponed due to the wind chill forecast.  I'm not skiing hardpack with -20 wind chills.  Too old and cranky for that sh*t!  We'll go up there a few times in February and March, maybe I can meet Phin at BW!

You should come up Monday. I won’t be at the house. You can look in the windows at least and maybe shovel the deck for me? ;)  

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We planned for attitash bear peak side on friday and at 9 they said it would be at least an hour before the lift was going.  We headed to wildcat around 10am and people were leaving ro go to attitash.  Two runs and done. Pea soup fog starting at 1/3 up. Skied off with ice in between and the visibility was about 5ft. 30ish people standing near the ski rack deciding if it was worth going back up.  

Was at moat mt smokehouse by 1215. 

Shawnee peak Saturday was fridgid but so much better than the vail resorts no lines and pretty great conditions.  

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Just back from Berkshire East where I believe almost every NE Indy Pass holder was today due to black outs! I timed one lift line at 21 minutes. With that said, management posted signs that due to the long lines they were extending the day to 5pm! Very nice snowmaking effort. Nice variety of terrain open. No complaints really except my feet were cold! Haven't been there is some time and the mountain really has changed. Was on the lift a few minutes before 10 and finished my last run at 4:15 with a 15 minute lunch break at the summit. Beautiful day.

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1 minute ago, Angus said:

Just back from Berkshire East where I believe almost every NE Indy Pass holder was today due to black outs! I timed one lift line at 21 minutes. With that said, management posted signs that due to the long lines they were extending the day to 5pm! Very nice snowmaking effort. Nice variety of terrain open. No complaints really except my feet were cold! Haven't been there is some time and the mountain really has changed. Was on the lift a few minutes before 10 and finished my last run at 4:15 with a 15 minute lunch break at the summit. Beautiful day.

Awesome, glad you enjoyed it.  They have done a really good job with the snowmaking and hopefully get 6+" tonight and tomorrow.  The trails are so well groomed that folks will be able to ski the powder aggressively on trail.  Can't decide whether it's worth going to S VT tomorrow or just heading there.

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8 hours ago, PowderBeard said:

Killington will do well but I'm going with Mount Snow/Magic/Okemo for the jackpot. East side special.

Stratton is right in the bullseye in the middle of those mountains and has the highest elevation. They tend to under measure though. 
Regardless this storm is going to make the winter. 18” with decent ratios (not fluff) will build a nice base to open things up. 

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6 hours ago, LongBeachSurfFreak said:

Stratton is right in the bullseye in the middle of those mountains and has the highest elevation. They tend to under measure though. 
Regardless this storm is going to make the winter. 18” with decent ratios (not fluff) will build a nice base to open things up. 

Underwhelming so far. Radar looking like Killington is on the fringes. Killington, Stratton, and Magic reporting 5" earlier. Friend at Magic said they are at about 7-8" now as the report was from 6am.

The weird stuff, Mount Snow reports 8", summit cam shows 4". Okemo reporting 0" and the snow stake cam shows no snow either.


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2 hours ago, PowderBeard said:

Underwhelming so far. Radar looking like Killington is on the fringes. Killington, Stratton, and Magic reporting 5" earlier. Friend at Magic said they are at about 7-8" now as the report was from 6am.

The weird stuff, Mount Snow reports 8", summit cam shows 4". Okemo reporting 0" and the snow stake cam shows no snow either.


I’m currently at Stratton and it’s about 10” and dumping about 2” an hour currently. So should end up around a foot. Definitely underwhelming this morning 

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