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Warmest, coldest and wettest weeks -- monthly posts -- now complete for calendar year _ weekly snowfall records now posted

Roger Smith

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This thread will track the warmest and coldest weeks in the NYC temperature history 1869 to present. I have worked all of that up in an excel file based on the NYC temperature record (daily) kindly provided to me by Don Sutherland about a year ago. 

Before I start posting those (which I plan to do in a timely fashion about once a week around weekends), here's the results of a study that I posted in another thread to illustrate changes in the historical frequency of warmest summer weekly intervals, both for daytime highs and overnight lows (and then daily means). 

Unfortunately the forum just changed its format and some of these tables are not as well aligned as they were before the change. Also if you have that sidebar feature working, the remaining posted material is too narrow, so I am going to edit these tables until I think they are more readable. Let me know what you're seeing. 


Table 1: Top Fifty NYC Hot weeks (average daytime highs), Annual Basis with noted second heat waves in a few summers

This table lists the top 50 heat waves which takes us through the top 48 annual basis weekly extremes, and with the consecutive overlapping weeks that exist within prolonged heat waves, the count is 91 hot intervals of seven days that average 94.0, providing the top 25 years and top 27 heat waves as two years have two heat waves that qualified. This will be followed by warmest overnight lows in a less complex format, and highest mean daily temperatures on a weekly time scale. 

In the list that follows, you'll see a number of weekly averages with a peak value highlighted. The other intervals shown are on either side of that peak, which is identified in the first part of each entry. For example, the top heat wave in 1977 peaked July 15-21 at 98.43 (avg max) but was above 94 for a total of six intervals which by counting back or forward you can see began with July 13-19, and ended with July 18-24. Then after the specific values, a list of ranks (in the top 91 values in the data set) are given. So the 1977 heat wave includes values that are tied 10th, tied 12th, first, tied 5th, tied 22nd and tied 50th. A summary at the end tells you that this was a heat wave that produced a 12-day interval of six consecutive hot weeks that each averaged over 94.0 F. One or two cases in the table have a few outlying days with almost as hot intervals separating them, and these are considered to be prolonged heat waves rather than secondary or detached second heat waves. But then scrolling down to near 22nd place you'll find heat wave 2b which is 1953's second qualifying heat wave, that was six weeks before the main qualifier, second hottest late August to early September. A more complex situation developed for 1966 and 2002 with extended heat waves but pushing the limits of being separated enough to qualify as two. 

Then after exhausting all cases with at least one weekly interval of 94.0 (with the 1911 heat wave which managed to peak at that value), I completed the list with 26th to 48th ranked peak weekly values that dropped down through the 93s into the 92s. Now these are not to be taken as an extension of the frequency of such intervals in all data because the hotter years that are tracked from rank 1 to 25 will contain quite a few more of values comparable to these secondary heat wave summers. But this does provide a complete list of the 50 warmest summers as seen from the perspective of mean daily maximum temperatures. 

That can then later be compared to a similar list for 50 top overnight low averages (see table 2 further down the post).


ranks of hottest mean daily max (with consecutive 94+) __ ranks of all noted weekly intervals (consecutive)

 1. July 15-21 1977 _ (96.86) (96.71) 98.43 (97.29) (95.71)(94.71) _ t10 t12 1 t5 t22 t50  ___ 12 days covered by 6 intervals

 2. Aug 27*-Sep 2* 1953 _ (94.57)(95.86)(96.71) 98.29 98.29 (97.14)(95.29) _ t53 21 t12 t2 t2 7 t31___ 13 days covered by 7 intervals 

 3. July 7-13, 1993 __(96.29)(96.57)(97.00) 98.00 (97.00)(95.57)(94.00) ___19 t14 t8 4 t8 28 t83____ 13 days covered by 7 intervals

 4. July 17-23, 1991 _ (94.71) (96.57) (96.43) 97.29 (96.43) __ t50 t14 t17 t5 t17 _____ 11 days covered by 5 intervals

 5. Aug 10-16 1944 _ (94.29) (95.71) 96.86 (96.57) (94.14) __t66 t22 t10 t14 t78 __ 11 days covered by 5 intervals

 6. July 17-23 and Aug 1-7 1955 __ (94.00) 95.43 ... ... (95.00) 96.14 (94.00) ___ two hot spells with only slight cooling between them

___________________________________ t83 t29 _____________t37, 20, t83  _________ 8d 2int, 13d separated then 9 d covered by 3 intervals

t7. June 27 - July 3 1966 _ 95.71 (95.29) (94.57) (94.43) (94.29) (94.86) _ t22^ t31 t53 t59 t67 t47 __ 4d 91-93 then July 7-9 ...

___ July 8-14 (94.29) 94.57 (94.14) ___ t67 t53 t78 ___w4 more d 90-93 _ 18 or 22 days covered by 9 intervals and 7 nearly as hot

____ ____ _____ _____ ______ _______ _____ _____ ____ ____ ___ ___ also six days before the first interval 91-92F avg (total 28d)

t7. Aug 28 - Sep 3 1973 __ (94.57) 95.71 (95.00) ______ t53 t22* t37 ________ 9 days covered by 3 intervals (93.86 values at each end)

t7. July 17/18-23/24 2011 (94.29) 95.71 95.71 ________t67 t22* t22* _______ 9 days covered by 3 intervals 

10. June 27 - July 3 1901 _ (95.00) 95.43 _____________ t37 t29^^ ___________ see note (extended but not as intense)

t11. Aug 9-15 1988 _(94.00) 95.29 (94.29) ____________ t83, t31, t67 __ an earlier hot spell peaked at 93.57 July 5-11

t11. Aug 4-10 2001 ________95.29 (94.14) _____________t31 t78 _____________ 8 days covered by 2 intervals

t13. Aug 5-11 1896 _ (94.29) 95.14 (95.00) (94.71) ____t67 t35 t37 t50 _____10 days covered by 4 intervals

t13. July 3-9 2010 __ (94.00) 95.14 (94.29) (94.00) _____t83 t35 t67 t83 _____10 days covered by 4 intervals

t15. June 1-7 1925 ______ 95.00 _______________________t37** _______________ see note

t15. July 28 - Aug 3 1933 _(94.43) 95.00 ______________ t60 t37 _________________8 days covered by 2 intervals 

t15. Aug 24-30 1948 _____(94.43) 95.00 (94.57) _______t60 t37 t53 _____________ 9 days covered by 3 intervals

___ ____ _____ ______ ________ _________ _____________ ________ ______ ____ ____ __  Toronto avg 95 F (Aug 23-29) 

t15. July 12-18 1983 _____ 95.00 (94.00) ______________ t37 t83 ________________ 8 days covered by 2 intervals

t15. July 23/24-29/30 1999 __ 95.00 95.00 (94.00) (94.14) _ t37 t37 t83 t78 ___ 10 days covered by 4 intervals 

t20. July 8-14 1936 _(94.29) (94.43) 94.86 ____________t67 t60 t47 _____________ this was Toronto's hottest week (99.29)

t20. July 16-22, 1980 _ (94.43) 94.86 _________________ t60 t47 ___ (a second hot spell averaged 93.57 Aug 3-9).

t22. July 29 - Aug 4, Aug 12-18 2002 _ (94.43) ... (94.29) 94.57 (94.29) _ t60 ... t67 t53 t67 __ entered as one (slight inter- cooling)

23. July 14-20 2013 _______ 94.57 (94.43) _____________t53 t60 __ note this is the most recent entry before 30th

 2b July 15-21 1953 _______ 94.43 ____________________ t60 ______ separate event from late Aug-Sept 1953, which ranked 2.

24. July 7-13 1981 ________ 94.14 _____________________t78

25. July 1-7 1911 _________ 94.00 _____________________ t83 ________________ Toronto avg 98 July 1-6

(after this point in the list, I have added years ranked 26 to 48 to provide a similar data base to the minimum temperature analysis posted later in the thread ... these are not entirely heat waves 24 to 48 in rank order because as noted above, a few years produced two or even three non-qualifying separate heat waves that would insert themselves into this list. But the maximum values above can be read in the same way as the rank ordered (1-25) highest seven-day average minima.) The numerous ties are created by the math of dividing whole number totals by seven, there can only be seven rounded two-decimal outcomes (.00, .14, .29, .43, .57, .71, .86). This list shows the second heat waves in 1988 and 1980 noted above but does not include them in the rank numbering system (if you wanted to convert to a list of heat waves then add one to each rank number below a second heat wave note). 

 xx. __ 93.86 ___ (none)

t26. __ 93.71 ___ 1940, 1949 ___ also 2nd 1988 heat wave July 5-11

(heat wave 30) __ 93.57 ___ (none) ____ also 2nd 1980 heat wave Aug 3-9

(add 3 to ranks if counting heat waves and not years, the additional ones include 1953 "2b" and 1988, 1980 above)

 28. __ 93.43 ___ 1937

t29. __ 93.29 ___ 1943, 1995

t31. __ 93.14 ___ 1872, 1892, 1917, 1952, 1964, 2016

 xx. __ 93.00 ___ none

t37. __ 92.86 ___ 1957, 2008

t39. __ 92.71 ___ 1885, 1984

t41. __ 92.57 ___ 1954, 1963, 2012

 44. __ 92.43 ___ 2022

t45. __ 92.29 ___ 1923, 1924, 1941, 1961, 2005 

(also in top 50 ...)

t50. __ 92.14 ___ 1876, 1919, 1997, 2006 (also Aug 3-9 2022, not highest of year see 44 above)

... note that in Aug 1918, seven days in a 10d span Aug 5-14 averaged 95, but a 71F max midway through left this two-part heat wave (with the all-time Aug record of 104F) on the sidelines. 

... ... ... the warmest week 2017 to 2022 was 91.57 June 29-July 5, 2018 until 92.43 became the new high July 19-25 2022. .

... ... ... the average for all years 1869 to 2020 is 90.8. For 1869-1900 it was 89.3, for 1901-60 it was also 90.8,

and for 1961-90, 1991-2020 both halves had identical 91.6 averages. (for clarity, this is the average of the warmest 7d interval of each year).

(note the coldest weeks have warmed up more, the same stats for that are 1869-2020 27.15,

1869-1900 24.2, 1901-60 28.0, 1961-90 26.7 1991-2020 29.2)

Just as a basis for discussion, these stats are consistent with an urban heat island increasing by 1 F deg in summer to the 1930s and another 1 F to present day assuming a levelling off after 1980. If you think that estimate of the u.h.i. for NYC is too large then the amount by which you estimate the u.h.i. leaves a trace of some other process at work (some combination of natural warming and AGW).

The winter or coldest week stats are consistent with an urban heat island increase about twice as large with evidence of a colder turn around the 1960s to 1980s and signs of a further warming recently that would more likely be from some factor unconnected to the heat island. (I will probably post this summary closer to the winter)


* same value Aug 28 - Sep 3 1953 ... Aug 28 to Sep 3 1973 average was 95.71 ranked t22. 

^ This heat wave took top spot for all weeks from the one indicated to July 2-8, but values were lower than 20th (near 95 F).

^^ The 1901 value shown was second highest for that weekly interval but took top spots for the two previous intervals which were 92.57 and 95.00.

** The 1925 early June heat wave took top spots for weeks ending June 5 to 10, the other values were all in the range of 90 to 93. 


ANALYSIS _ There were 25 qualifying heat waves with at least one seven day average of 94.0 F. That provided a total of 91 intervals with the average therefore being about 3.6 intervals, meaning that a nine- to ten-day span of three or four consecutive seven-day intervals was the core of the average heat wave. The more intense ones also had longer durations in the range of 10-15 days mostly, with the 1966 case extended with two separate qualifying peaks. Late July and early to mid August 2002 had two rather separate heat waves but they are grouped together since the study will concentrate on years rather than individual heat waves.  Of the 25 heat waves that qualified, one was in the interval 1869-1900, three were 1901-30, six were 1931-60, seven were 1961-90 and eight were 1991-2020. When the list was expanded to 48, this produced totals of 4, 6, 14, 11 and 13. The frequency has levelled off since around 1931. To give some idea of the degree of warming, for the 1869-1900 interval to provide six would require the minimum qualification to drop to 92 F, and for 1901-30 to double its total to six would require that we add these three near misses ... 93.14 in 1917 (late July early Aug), and 92.3 in 1923, 1924. ... Summer of 1930 was hot but only managed a peak weekly average of 91.86. 

One could postulate that NYC summer heat waves have remained steady state under an assumption of a 3F total increase in urban heat island that reduced to 2F by 1931 and rapidly decreased below 1F after 1940. That seems a bit contrived, 2F with a steady decrease is probably more accurate. So some of this change in frequency appears to be natural variability at work. There are only faint signs of any role of AGW in NYC heat wave daily high temperatures. I will add material in a separate post overnight (hopefully) to show that for overnight lows, a different conclusion can be drawn. Then we'll see how that blends together for daily mean temperatures. 

Some mention should be made of outliers, heat waves that were far enough from the peak of solar warming that they were at a disadvantage in reaching these criteria. The most prominent early outliers were five day heat waves in late May 1880 (91.6 May 24-28) and late May-early June 1895 (94.6 avg May 30-June 3, 93.17 May 29-June 3). These had high enough temperatures but could not sustain a seven-day average to qualify. Sept 20-23 1895 averaged 94.0, but seven-day averages were in the high 80s. In mid-September 1931 there was a mean of 91.0 for the week of Sept 9-15. The average for Sept 20-26 1895 was 89.3 F. Hot spells of about four days in April 1976 and 2002 are even greater outliers. These both averaged around 92 F for four days and had weekly averages near 86F. 

A second post will give a comparative account of the top 48 years for high seven day averages of summer minimum temperatures.

Table 2: Top 50 Years based on maximum weekly averages of daily minima


Without going into quite as much detail, the rank order of highest seven-day average minimum values at NYC is as follows: 

 1. 2013 __ 79.29 _______t26 1876 __ 75.71

 2. 1896 __ 79.14 _______t26 2018 __ 75.71

 3. 1988 __ 78.14 _______t28 1972 __ 75.43

 4. 2011 __ 77.86 _______t28 2020 __ 75.43

 5. 1908 __ 77.71 _______t30 1892 __ 75.29

 6. 1999 __ 77.43 ______ t30 1911 __ 75.29

 7. 2006 __ 77.29 ______ t30 1917 __ 75.29

t8 1905 __ 77.14 _______ t30 1948 __ 75.29

t8 1906 __ 77.14 _______ t30 1955 __ 75.29

t10 1980 __77.00 _______t30 1961 __ 75.29

t10 2022 __77.00

t12 1993 __76.86 ______ t30 1982 __ 75.29

t12 2016 __76.86 ______ t30 2005 __ 75.29

t14 1898 __76.71 ______ t38 1884 __ 75.14

t14 1981 __76.71 ______ t38 1944 __ 75.14

16. 1995 __76.57 ______ t38 1973 __ 75.14

t17 1885 __76.43 ______ t41 1890 __ 75.00

t17 1952 __76.43 ______ t41 2015 __ 75.00

t17 1953 __76.43 ______ t43 1887 __ 74.86

t17 2010 __76.43 ______ t43 1983 __ 74.86

t21 1977 __76.29 ______ t43 1984 __ 74.86

t21 2002 __76.29 _____ 46. 1870 __ 74.71

t23 1909 __76.14 ______t47 1901 __ 74.57

t23 1979 __76.14 ______t47 1907 __ 74.57

25. 2001 __75.86 ______t47 1938 __ 74.57

________________________ 50 2019 __ 74.43

_______________________t51 1895, 1900 __ 74.29


Most of the years with the top average maxima are in this list, but quite a few rather average cases (for daytime max) are sprinkled in with them, indicating that some cloudier or more humid spells were included where average max may have been closer to 90F. The frequency distribution is somewhat skewed towards two intervals, the interval 1896 to 1911, and the recent past. As to the earlier interval, it is possible that site interference was playing a role as the station was moved into Central Park from a more urban setting around 1919-20 (or so I am told). 

So with that in mind, here's the distribution of these top 52 (as 51st place had two tied) years for average minimum in summer heat. 

The following chart shows the ranks of the distributed cases: 

1869-1900 __ 2, t14, t17, t26, t30, t38, t41, t43, 46, t51, t51

1901-30 _____5, t8, t8, t23, t30, t30, t47, t47

1931-60 ____ t17, t17, t30, t30, t38, t47

1961-90 ____ 3, t11, t14, t21, t23, t28, t30, t30, t38, t43, t43

1991-2020 __ 1, 4, 6, 7, t12, t12, 16, t17, t21, 25, t26, t28, t30, t41, 50

2022 ____ t10


So unlike the average maxima, these warmer summer nights are increasing in frequency and severity (note the depth of high ranked cases as well as the frequency).

The average for this statistic is 73.34. In the intervals above, the means are 73.4, 72.7, 72.7, 73.2, and 74.4 which is fairly consistent with urban heat island growth combined with site alterations to reduce direct effects. So this suggests that the warmer summer overnight spells are contrasting with recent cases of cooler summers at other times, such as 1992, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2009 and 2014. 

After some rest and reflection I will tackle the question of how overall means for these summer heat waves compare. I think it will be a blend of the two different patterns seen. 

Some further analysis possible now that I have created a similar list of 48 hottest years for weekly averages (not quite the same as 48 top heat waves, 1988 for example had two in the range, and there are two cases in my list that could be taken as two separate heat waves, but as we are studying the frequency of events, a yearly count seems appropriate). 

Of the above list of top 51 warm overnight low averages, the following ranks do not match a high max top 48, and from inspection I could say that when a year produces both, they are usually in the same heat wave if not exactly the same seven days. So I have listed the 15 of 48 that do not overlap with the mean maximum peak for that year.

5th 1908 _ 89.00

t8 1905 __ 90.43

t8 1906 __ 88.29

t14 1898 __ 91.43 

t23 1909 __ 89.71

t23 1979 __ 89.86

t26 2018 __ 91.57

t28 2020 __ 90.14

t30 1982 __ 92.00

t38 1884 __ 89.57

t41 1890 __ 88.14

t43 1887 __ 89.29

 46 1870 __ 89.71

t47 1907 __ 87.71

t47 1938 __ 90.86

 50 2019 __ 90.57

t51 1895 __ 90.14 (this was in late May early June, the interval with the high min avg was Aug 11-17, where peak max avg was 89.14).

t50 1900 __ 91.86*

* This was a much higher ranking heat wave for both max and min at Toronto, for NYC the peak interval for this max was Aug 6-12 but the peak average min with that heat wave was 72.86 for Aug 7-13, the t50 value of 74.29 applies to Aug 25 to Aug 31 1900 when the peak average max was 89.43).


These include 1898, 1900, all five of 1905-09, and three recent ones (2018, 2019, 2020).

The somewhat reduced heat of the daytime components may have been due to either cloudiness holding highs down, or the flow pattern favoring sea breezes that would limit the peak warming on at least some days. 

This means of course that 15 of the 48 hot daytime contenders did not make the list of warmest minimum averages. Those include 1933, 1936, and 1966. Clear skies during those heat waves probably allowed for just enough cooling at night, and this observation is supported by the lack of daily records set, it wasn't a case where several nights were very oppressive and one or two brought the average down, more that the base level of overnight lows was set in the mid rather than high 70s. 

Another top heat wave (1944) did qualify here but was well down the list from its daytime rank. 


The most recent entry for high mean minima was for Aug 3-9 2022 where the mean maximum 92.14 would have ranked t51st and the mean minimum ranked t10th, but the qualifying mean maximum was for July 19-25 (92.43) ranking 44th, and that had a corresponding mean minimum of 76.14 which would have ranked t23rd. 

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Table 3: Warmest weeks by daily mean temperatures

Part three of the NYC "hot week" study analyzing the top averages on a year by year basis. As with the highs where I reported in more detail, consecutive values for 3-4 days (representing 9-10 days elapsed time) may be quite similar. This list ranks the years by top daily values only. Then it compares the sample of years to those identified as hottest daytime and warmest overnight. 

In the table below, entry "a" refers to the rank of the same year in average 7d maximum and minimum temps, and entry "b" refers to the day shift (if any) between the seven day intervals involved (for mean and max only). A positive number in "b" means that the mean temp max occurred that number of days later than the avg max, and a negative means that it occurred earlier. Zero means that it was the same seven day interval. Where either statistic was on more than one day, the best fit is used but an asterisk will be added. As an example of how to read the table, 1993 (avg 87.43) has the highest seven day mean and also the third highest ranked average maximum and tied 11th warmest minimum (a). The two intervals were concurrent (with reference to the first part of the study, that interval is identified as July 7-13). If b had been entered as "1" then the reference would be to 8-14 July for the mean temperature. If a year failed to make top 48 in mean max or mean min, that entry would read blank or --- . The first example of that is 1991 (t12) which did not register a top 48 7-day average min and the value of 73.57 was a degree lower than 48th ranked values. 

Two cases are noted (1980, 1999) where the highest average minimum was in a different heat wave than the highest average max. It probably happens more frequently in average and cooler than average summers.

Even when the mean max and the mean daily align, the mean minimum peak may be displaced. This is why 2010 came in with a slightly lower mean than 1980 even though its ranks were both slightly better. The relevant ranked mean minimum was displaced one day later. 


Rank ____ Avg ____ Year ____ a _______ b ________ Rank ___ Avg _____ Year ____ a ______ b

_01 _____ 87.43 ___ 1993 ___ 3, t11 ___ 0 _________ 26 ____ 84.43 ___ 1911 ___25, t29 __0

_02 _____ 87.36 ___ 1977 ___ 1, t20 ___ 0 _________ 27 ____ 84.14 ___ 1917 ___t31, t29__0

_03 _____ 87.14 ___ 1953 ___ 2, t16 ___ 0* ________t28 ____ 84.07 ___ 1885 __ t39, t16 __4

_04 _____ 87.07 ___ 1896 ___t13, 2 ___ 0 _________ t28 ____ 84.07 ___ 1898 __ -----, t13 __0 ^^

_05 _____ 86.86 ___ 2013 ___ 23, 1 ___ 1 __________t30 ____ 84.00 ___ 1892 __ t31, t29__ 1

_06 _____ 86.79 ___ 2011 ___ t7, 4 ___ 0* _________ t30 ____ 84.00 ___ 2016 __ ----, t11 __ 1^^

_07 _____ 86.64 ___ 1988 ___ t11, 3 __ 0 __________ 32 ____ 83.86 ___ 1949 __  t44, -----__ 0

_08 _____ 85.86 ___ 1944 ___ 5, t37___1 __________ t33____ 83.79 ___ 1876 __ t49, t25 __ 1

_09 _____ 85.71 ___ 1955 ___ 6, t29 __ 0 __________ t33 ____83.79 ___ 1961 __ t44, t29 __ 0

_10 _____ 85.57 ___ 2001 ___ t11, 24__ 0 __________ t33 ____ 83.79 ___ 1984 __ t39, t42 __ 0

_11 _____ 85.50 ___ 1980 __ t20, t22^_ 0 __________t36 ____83.64 ___ 1982 __ t53, t29 __ 0

t12 _____ 85.43 ___ 1973 ___ t7, t37 __ 0 __________t36 ____83.64 ___ 2018 __ ----, t29 __ 0

t12 _____ 85.43 ___ 1981 ___24, t13 __ 0 __________ 38 ____ 83.57___ 1940 __ t26, ---- __ 0

t12 _____ 85.43 ___ 1991 ___ 4, --- ___ 0 __________t39 ____ 83.50___ 1872 __ t31, ---- __ 0

_15 _____ 85.36 ___ 2010 __ t13, t16__ 0 __________ t39 ____83.50___ 2005 __ t44, t29 ___ 1

_16 _____ 85.29 ___ 2002 __ t22, t20 __0 __________t41 ____ 83.43___ 1937 __ 28, ---- ___ 0

_17 _____ 85.21^___1999 __ ---- 6 ____ 0 __________t41 ____ 83.43 ___ 1972 __ ----, t27 ___-1  

_18 _____ 85.14 ___ 1948 __ t15, t29 _ 0 __________t43 ____ 83.36 ___ 1905 __ ----, t8 ____ -5

t19 _____ 84.93 ___ 1901 ___10, t46 __0 __________t43 ____ 83.36 ___ 1908 __ -----, 5 ____ 0

t19 _____ 84.93 ___ 1983 __ t15, t42__ 0 __________t43 ____ 83.36 ___ 1936 __ t20, --- ___ 0 

t19 _____ 84.93 ___ 1995 __ t29, 15 __ 0 __________ 46 ____ 83.21 ___ 1943 ___ t29, --- ___ 0

t22 _____ 84.79 ___ 1952 __ t31, t16 _ 0 __________t47 ____ 83.07 ___ 1925 ___ t15, --- ___ 0

t22 _____ 84.79^___ 1966 __ t7, ---- __ 1 __________t47 ____ 83.07___ 2008 ____t37, --- ___ 1

_24 _____ 84.71 ___ 2006 __ t49, 7 ___ 0 _________ 49 ____ 82.86 ___ 1979 ____----, t22 ___-4

_25 _____ 84.50 ___ 1933 __ t15, --- __0 __________ 50 ____ 82.71 ___ 1906 ____ ----, t8 ____ 0

___________ (min for 1933 74.0, about 0.5 below 48th) ____^^ 1898 mean max 91.14, all peaks Aug 31 to Sept 6 1898

______________ (min for 1923 in 31st also 74.0) ______________^^ 2016 was similar, max 91.14, mean peak Aug 11-17 2016


* Highest mean for 1953 is same as second of two tied intervals for high max (that ending Sept 3). The value for Sept 2 is marginally lower.

* Highest mean for 2011 also same as second of two tied intervals for high max (that ending July 27). 

^ For the 1980 entry, the mean min for the heat wave with the average shown (July) was slightly lower than a second heat wave with a lower average max. For the heat wave noted, the mean min was 76.14 which ranks t22nd, but for a second heat wave in August which had a mean of 85.00 (Aug 5-11), the average min was 77.00 (also Aug 5-11) and the peak average max 93.57 (Aug 3-9) so the displacement for this one was 2 days, the ranks of the mean max and mean min were t29, 10. In 2002, the earlier noted portion had a mean of 84.79, slightly lower than the peak heat wave, and the minimum of 75.14 was likewise about a degree lower than the peak heat wave recorded. 

^ For the 1999 entry, the highest mean occurred in a separate non-qualifying (for mean max) heat wave 22-23 days before tied peaks for mean max later in the summer. The non-qualifying mean max for the overall mean shown was 93.00. This one combined with the 6th highest average minimum of 77.00. After three weeks of less prolific heat, a second heat wave set the qualifying 95.00 peak (t15th warmest) on two consecutive days (for seven day averages) but with that heat wave the corresponding mean min was 74.71 which ranks t45 with otherwise untied 1870 (about t47 for separate heat waves). So 1999 set the 15th warmest mean max and 6th warmest mean min, although three weeks apart, and had two ranking heat waves for mean temperature if that were the criteria for counting. 

^ For the 1966 entry, the highest min was slightly lower than 48th. A later portion of the extended heat wave as noted had a slightly lower value of mean minimum attached also. The mean for the second interval was 83.57 which was 1.22 below the main peak ten days earlier. This is not considered to be a separate heat wave but an extended portion of the qualifying case.

(notes about secondary peaks, in 1955 the earlier July sub-peak had a mean of 85.29 (zero days displacement relative to mean max) -- this would rank as 23rd highest heat wave mean temp and would combine equivalent t10 mean daytime max with equivalent t37 mean min (almost equal to the later main entry heat wave),  in 1953 the July heat wave (listed as 2b for mean max) had a mean of 83.50 displaced one day later than the mean max peak, and a mean minimum of 73.43 which would rank outside the top 48 by about one degree, while in 1988 the earlier July sub-peak had a mean of 82.79 five days after the mean max peak showing the longevity of that heat wave). This one would rank t27 for heat wave mean max, and its mean minimum finished well outside the top 48. 

The heat waves of 1905 to 1908 and also 1979 generally levelled off near 88-90F and had warmer ranked overnight lows in the 75-77 range, for unusually small diurnal ranges. This may indicate frequent sea breeze modification, or cloudiness.


ANALYSIS of the frequency of hot average daily temp 7d intervals

This shows the ranks of each member of the five intervals in the study ... ranks of mean max and mean min in brackets. Almost all the heat waves produced overlapping intervals of peak mean max and mean min, sometimes there was a one-day lag and in a few cases longer displacements. The greater the displacement, the more the apparent error in the rank attained by the year's highest mean daily (since it has not been derived precisely from these ranked components). Two cases required that two heat waves during the year be re-ranked from the annual rankings as the high min and high max were in two different heat waves. In both cases the differentials are rather small and explained in the text above. 1980 is the highest ranked heat wave to have its mean minimum finish second to another heat wave during the summer (that one while cooler for max temps ranked 10th overall for mean min, its max component ranked the same as 29th annually).

n __ interval __ cases

6 __ 1869-1900 _ 1896 4th (t13, 2), 1885 t28 (t39, t16 ), 1898 t28 (---, t13), 1892 t30 (t31, t29),

____ 1876 t33 (t49, t25), 1872 t39 (t31, ---)

7 __ 1901-1930 _ 1901 t19 (10, t46), 1911 26th (25, t29), 1917  27th (t31, t29), 1905, t43 (---, t8),

_____ 1908, t43 (---, 5), 1925, t47 (t15, ---), 1906 50th (---, t8). 

11 _ 1931-1960 _ 1953 3rd (2, t16), 1944 8th (5, t37), 1955 9th (6, t29), 1948 18th (t15, t29), 1952 t22 (t31, t16),

_____1933 25th (t15, ---), 1949 32nd (t44, ---), 1940 38th (t26, ---), 1937  t41 (---, t27), 1936 t43 (t20, ---), 1943 46th (t29, ---). 

12 _ 1961-1990 _ 1977 2nd (1, t20), 1988 7th (t11, 3), 1980 11th (t20, t22), 1973 t12 (t7, t37), 1981 t12 (24, t13), 1983 t19 (t15, t42),

_____1966 t22 (t7, ---), 1961 t33 (t44, t29), 1984 t33 (t39, t42), 1982 t36 (t53, t29), 1972 t41 (---, t27), 1979 49th (---, t22). 

15 _ 1991-2020 _ 1993 1st (3, t11), 2013 5th (23, 1), 2011 6th (t7, 4), 2001 10th (t11, 24), 1991 t12 (4, ---),

_____ 2010 15th (t13, t16), 2002 16th (t22, t20), 1999 17th (----, 6), 1995 t19 (t29, 15), 2006 24th (t49, 7),

______2016 t30 (---, t11), 2018 t36 (--- t29), 2005  t39 (t44, t29), 2008 t47 (t37, ----). 


The pace of these top 50 heat waves (average temp) has been gradually increasing but of the 15 in the most recent 30 years, about one-third are included mostly for their unusually warm nights. This was also the case in the earliest interval. The daytime highs dominated most around 1931-60.


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This post originally started the July weekly summaries, but as the tables have now been reorganized into monthly summaries, this post will now contain the weeks that end in January. There were several posts after this one where members were commenting on the topic, so if you are looking for the weeks ending in February, you would need to scroll down several posts. After that, the rest of the year proceeds without very many other posts. 

For weeks ending on every day of the year, these tables give the extreme values of mean maximum, mean minimum, and mean daily temperatures. There are often second (and occasionally third) entries in smaller type, to show either years that never made it to the table values in nearby intervals, or how some of the contenders that did have entries fared at either end of their run. You'll note that quite often, a year will have three to five consecutive entries which indicates a warm or cold spell lasting 9-11 days. Some go as long as seven to ten consecutive indicating a very prolonged spell lasting 13-16 days. 




The first six posts include days from the previous year as shown.


Intervals _______________ Highest values 1869-2021 __ Lowest values 1869-2021


Dec 26 - Jan 1 __________ (max) 53.14 _ 1936-37 ____ (max) 15.57 _ 1917-18

Dec 26 - Jan 1 ___________ (min) 42.43 _ 2023-24 _____ (min) 1.29 _ 1917-18 _ *41.57 _ 2022-23, 39.71_1940-41

Dec 26 - Jan 1 __________ (mean) 46.00 _ 2023-24* ___ (mean) 8.43 _ 1917-18 _ *45.21 _ 1982-83

_ the wettest week ending Jan 1 was 1901-1902 (4.02") 


Dec 27 - Jan 2 __________ (max) 55.00 _ 1984-85 ____ (max) 13.14 _ 1917-18 _

Dec 27 - Jan 2 ___________ (min) 42.29 _2022-23* ___ (min) -1.00 _ 1917-18 _ *40.29_ 2023-24, 39.43 _ 1906-07

Dec 27 - Jan 2 __________ (mean) 46.93 _2022-23*  __ (mean) 6.07 _ 1917-18 _*46.50 _ 1984-85 45.57_2021-22

_ the wettest week ending Jan 2 was 1948-1949 (3.47") _ included 4.0" snow


Dec 28 - Jan 3 __________ (max) 55.14 _ 1984-85* ____ (max) 11.86 _ 1917-18  _ *2022-23 _54.86

Dec 28 - Jan 3 ___________ (min) 44.86 _2022-23* ____ (min) -2.86 _ 1917-18 _ * 40.43 _1906-07, 40.14 1965-66

Dec 28 - Jan 3 __________ (mean) 49.86_2022-23*  ___(mean) 4.50 _ 1917-18 (12.64 1880-81) _*46.57 _ 1984-85

_ the wettest week ending Jan 3 was 1922-1923 (3.84") _ included 11.0" snow


Dec 29 - Jan 4 ___________ (max) 57.56 _2022-23 __ (max) 9.43 _1917-18 _ *52.71 _ 2004-05 

Dec 29 - Jan 4 ___________ (min) 47.14 _2022-23*___(min) -4.43 _1917-18 _* 40.86 _ 1965-66, 2004-05, 40.71 1906-07 _

Dec 29 - Jan 4 __________ (mean) 52.36 _2022-23* _ (mean) 2.50 _1917-18 _* 46.79 _ 2004-05

note: all lowest values (1917-18) in this section are the lowest values for any interval.

_ the wettest week ending Jan 4 was 1981-1982 (3.79") 


Dec 30 - Jan 5 ________ (max) 57.42 _2022-23*  _ (max) 12.00 _ 1917-18 _ *53.43 _ 1992-93, 1999-2000

Dec 30 - Jan 5 _________ (min) 47.71 _2022-23*  __ (min) -1.43 _ 1917-18 _ *41.43 _ 2004-05

Dec 30 - Jan 5 _______ (mean) 52.57 _2022-23* __ (mean) 5.28 _ 1917-18 _ *47.00 _ 2004-05

_ the wettest week ending Jan 5 was 1948-1949 (4.32") _ included 4.1" snow


Dec 31 - Jan 6 ___________ (max) 56.14* _ 2006-07 ____ (max) 16.43 _ 1917-18 _ *55.56 _ 2022-2023

Dec 31 - Jan 6 ___________ (min) 46.71* _ 2022-23 ______ (min) 3.57 _ 1917-18 _*43.86  2006-07

Dec 31 - Jan 6 __________ (mean) 51.14* _ 2022-23 ____ (mean) 10.00 _ 1917-18 (16.29 1903-04) _*50.50 _2006-07

_ the wettest week ending Jan 6 was 1981-1982 (3.79") 


Jan 1 - Jan 7 ___________ (max) 57.43 _ 2007*_____ (max) 20.71 _ 1918 (22.00 2018) _ * 54.71 _ 1950 54.14 _2023

Jan 1 - Jan 7 ___________ (min) 45.43 _ 2007*______ (min) 8.43 _ 1918 (10.71 2018) _ * 44.86_2023 42.57 _ 1950

Jan 1 - Jan 7 __________ (mean) 51.43 _ 2007 ____ (mean) 15.07 _ 1918 (16.36 2018) _ * 49.50 _2023 48.64 _ 1950

_ the wettest week ending Jan 7 was 1874 (4.02") 



Jan 2 - Jan 8 ___________ (max) 58.00 _ 1998 _____ (max) 22.57 _ 1904

Jan 2 - Jan 8 ___________ (min) 44.43 _ 2007 ______ (min) 10.71 _ 1904 

Jan 2 - Jan 8 __________ (mean) 50.93 _ 2007*____ (mean) 16.64 _ 1904 _ * 49.50_1998, 47.64_1907

_ the wettest week ending Jan 8 was 1874 (4.22") 


Jan 3 - Jan 9 ___________ (max) 59.71 _ 1998*_____ (max) 23.86 _ 1896 _ * 55.29 _ 1907

Jan 3 - Jan 9 ___________ (min) 43.57 _ 1998*______ (min) 10.14 _ 1896 _ * 43.43 _ 2007

Jan 3 - Jan 9 __________ (mean) 51.64 _ 1998 ____ (mean) 17.00 _ 1896 _ * 50.00 _ 2007

_ the wettest week ending Jan 9 was 1874 (3.84") 


Jan 4 - Jan 10 __________ (max) 58.14 _ 1998*_____ (max) 22.00 _ 1896 _ * 53.71 _ 1946

Jan 4 - Jan 10 __________ (min) 42.71 _ 1998*______ (min) 8.43 _ 1968 (9.57 1896) _ * 42.14 _ 2007

Jan 4 - Jan 10 _________ (mean) 50.43 _ 1998*____ (mean) 15.43 _ 1968 _ * 48.21 _ 2007, 47.64_1946

_ the wettest week ending Jan 10 was 1874 (3.92") 



Jan 5 - Jan 11 __________ (max) 56.43*_ 1998 _____ (max) 19.86 _ 1968 _ * 53.71 _ 1946

Jan 5 - Jan 11 __________ (min) 42.29 _ 1946*______ (min) 6.14 _ 1968 _ * 42.00_1998,2008

Jan 5 - Jan 11 _________ (mean) 49.21 _ 1998*____ (mean) 13.00 _ 1968 _ * 48.79_2008, 48.00_1946

_ the wettest week ending Jan 10 was 1874 (3.92") 


Jan 6 - Jan 12 __________ (max) 56.43 _ 2008 _____ (max) 19.71 _ 1968 

Jan 6 - Jan 12 __________ (min) 43.43 _ 2008 ______ (min) 4.71 _ 1968 

Jan 6 - Jan 12 _________ (mean) 49.93 _ 2008*____ (mean) 12.21 _ 1968 _ * 47.64_1946

_ the wettest week ending Jan 12 was 1874 (3.76") 


Jan 7 - Jan 13 __________ (max) 55.71 _ 2008 _____ (max) 19.71 _ 1886 (19.86 1968) 

Jan 7 - Jan 13 __________ (min) 43.43 _ 2008 ______ (min) 4.57 _ 1968 

Jan 7 - Jan 13 _________ (mean) 49.57 _ 2008 ____ (mean) 12.21 _ 1968 (14.50 1886 16.36 1981)

_ the wettest week ending Jan 13 was 1915 (4.35") _ included 0.7" snow


Jan 8 - Jan 14 __________ (max) 53.57 _ 2006* _____ (max) 18.86 _ 1886 (22.57 1981) _ * 52.43 2008, 51.43 2020,2024

Jan 8 - Jan 14 __________ (min) 41.86 _ 2008 ______ (min) 7.14 _ 1968 (7.43 1912) 

Jan 8 - Jan 14 _________ (mean) 47.14 _ 2008 ____ (mean) 13.64 _ 1886 (14.43 1968, 16.29 1912)

_ the wettest week ending Jan 14 was 1915 (3.41") _ included 0.7" snow


Jan 9 - Jan 15 __________ (max) 53.86 _ 1932 _____ (max) 19.14 _ 1886 (21.43 1893, 23.14 1982)

Jan 9 - Jan 15 __________ (min) 41.00 _ 1932 ______ (min) 8.14 _ 1886, 1912 

Jan 9 - Jan 15 _________ (mean) 47.43 _ 1932 ____ (mean) 13.64 _ 1886 (15.71 1893, 16.36 1912)

_ the wettest week ending Jan 15 was 1915 (3.46") _ included 0.7" snow


Jan 10 - Jan 16 _________ (max) 55.29 _ 1932*_____ (max) 18.71 _ 1893 (20.00 1886) _ * 54.71 _ 2020

Jan 10 - Jan 16 _________ (min) 41.71 _ 1932*_______ (min) 6.57 _ 1912 (7.57 1893, 8.71 2004) _ * 39.57 _ 2020

Jan 10 - Jan 16 ________ (mean) 48.50 _ 1932* ____ (mean) 13.14 _ 1893 (13.64 1912) _ *47.14 _ 2020

_ the wettest week ending Jan 16 was 1915 (3.46") _ included 0.7" snow


Jan 11 - Jan 17 _________ (max) 57.00 _ 1932 _____ (max) 17.00 _ 1893 

Jan 11 - Jan 17 _________ (min) 42.71 _ 1932*______ (min) 7.29 _ 1912 (7.57 1893) _ * 42.57 _ 1995

Jan 11 - Jan 17 ________ (mean) 49.86 _ 1932 ____ (mean) 12.29 _ 1893 (14.57 1912) _ *47.71 _ 1995

_ the wettest week ending Jan 17 was 1915 (3.92") _ included 0.7" snow


Jan 12 - Jan 18 _________ (max) 59.86 _ 1932*_____ (max) 18.43 _ 1893 _ * 54.57 _ 1995

Jan 12 - Jan 18 _________ (min) 44.14 _ 1932*______ (min) 8.00 _ 1893 _ * 44.00 _ 1995

Jan 12 - Jan 18 ________ (mean) 52.00 _ 1932*____ (mean) 13.21 _ 1893 (15.93 1977) _ * 49.29 _ 1995

_ the wettest week ending Jan 18 was 1915 (4.99") _ included 0.7" snow


Jan 13 - Jan 19 _________ (max) 57.29 _ 1932*_____ (max) 19.71 _ 1893 _ *54.43 _ 1995

Jan 13 - Jan 19 _________ (min) 44.71 _ 1995*______ (min) 8.14 _ 1893 _ (9.86 1977) _ * 42.43 _ 1932

Jan 13 - Jan 19 ________ (mean) 50.86 _ 1932*____ (mean) 13.93 _ 1893 (16.14 1977, 16.79 1957) _ *49.57 _ 1995

_ the wettest week ending Jan 19 was 1936 (3.63") _ included 9.4" snow


Jan 14 - Jan 20 _________ (max) 55.00 _ 1932 _____ (max) 20.57 _ 1893

Jan 14 - Jan 20 _________ (min) 44.57 _ 1995*______ (min) 6.29 _ 1994 (9.71 1920) _ * 41.43 _ 1932

Jan 14 - Jan 20 ________ (mean) 48.57 _ 1995*____ (mean) 14.71 _ 1893 (16.00 1994) _ * 48.21 _ 1932

_ the wettest week ending Jan 20 was 1978 (3.80") _ included 15.3" snow


Jan 15 - Jan 21 _________ (max) 53.57 _ 1951*_____ (max) 21.86 _ 1893 (22.14 1875, 23.43 1994) _ *53.14_1913

Jan 15 - Jan 21 _________ (min) 42.86 _ 1995______ (min) 4.29 _ 1994 

Jan 15 - Jan 21 ________ (mean) 46.43 _ 1995*____ (mean) 13.86 _ 1994 (15.57 1893, 16.07 1875) _ * 45.43 _ 1913

_ the wettest week ending Jan 21 was 1979 (4.18") _ included 1.8" snow


Jan 16 - Jan 22 _________ (max) 54.86 _ 1973*_____ (max) 22.86 _ 1888 (23.00 1977) _ * 53.71 _ 1933

Jan 16 - Jan 22 _________ (min) 39.71 _ 1906 ______ (min) 5.43 _ 1994 (9.71 1977)

Jan 16 - Jan 22 ________ (mean) 46.07 _ 1933*____ (mean) 15.29 _ 1994 _ * 45.43 _ 1973

_ the wettest week ending Jan 22 was 1979 (4.18") _ included 1.8" snow


Jan 17 - Jan 23 _________ (max) 56.00 _ 1973*_____ (max) 23.14 _ 1888, 1977 _ * 54.57 _ 1933

Jan 17 - Jan 23 _________ (min) 41.29 _ 1906*______ (min) 7.57 _ 1994 _ * 39.29 _ 2017

Jan 17 - Jan 23 ________ (mean) 47.43 _ 1933*____ (mean) 16.29 _ 1888 _ * 46.36 _ 1973

_ the wettest week ending Jan 23 was 1979 (4.18") _ included 1.8" snow


Jan 18 - Jan 24 _________ (max) 53.71 _ 1973*_____ (max) 21.14 _ 1888 _ * 53.14_1933, 52.43_1906

Jan 18 - Jan 24 _________ (min) 41.00 _ 1906*______ (min) 8.57 _ 1888 _ * 38.86 _ 2017

Jan 18 - Jan 24 ________ (mean) 46.71 _ 1906*____ (mean) 14.86 _ 1888 (17.07 2005) _ * 46.43 _ 1933

_ the wettest week ending Jan 24 was 1979 (6.16") _ included 0.5" snow


Jan 19 - Jan 25 _________ (max) 51.86 _ 1933 _____ (max) 20.57 _ 1893 (23.00 1977) _ * 53.71 _ 1933

Jan 19 - Jan 25 _________ (min) 39.29 _ 1906*______ (min) 6.71 _ 1888 _ * 38.57 _ 2017

Jan 19 - Jan 25 ________ (mean) 45.50 _ 1933*____ (mean) 14.29 _ 1888 (16.14 1961) _ * 45.00 _ 1906

_ the wettest week ending Jan 25 was 1979 (6.31") _ included 0.5" snow


Jan 20 - Jan 26 _________ (max) 55.00 _ 1967 _____ (max) 21.14 _ 1961

Jan 20 - Jan 26 _________ (min) 39.29 _ 1967*______ (min) 6.57 _ 1888 _ * 39.14 _ 2017

Jan 20 - Jan 26 ________ (mean) 47.14 _ 1967 ____ (mean) 15.21 _ 1888 (15.50 1961) 

_ the wettest week ending Jan 26 was 1979 (6.46") _ included 0.5" snow

_ _ this was the highest weekly total for any week that included days in January. 


Jan 21 - Jan 27 _________ (max) 56.14 _ 1916*_____ (max) 21.29 _ 1961 _ * 55.86 _ 1967

Jan 21 - Jan 27 _________ (min) 41.57 _ 1967*______ (min) 5.14 _ 1888 _ * 40.43 _ 1916

Jan 21 - Jan 27 ________ (mean) 48.71 _ 1967*____ (mean) 13.79 _ 1888 (15.79 1961) _ * 48.29 _ 1916

_ the wettest week ending Jan 27 was 1979 (5.93") 


Jan 22 - Jan 28 _________ (max) 57.43 _ 1916*_____ (max) 21.29 _ 1961 _ * 55.14_1967, 52.43_1990

Jan 22 - Jan 28 _________ (min) 41.29 _ 1967*______ (min) 5.43 _ 1988 _ * 41.00_2002, 40.00_1916

Jan 22 - Jan 28 ________ (mean) 48.71 _ 1916*____ (mean) 13.50 _ 1893 (15.86 1871) _ * 48.21 _ 1967

_ the wettest week ending Jan 28 was 1986 (3.02") _ included 1.6" snow


Jan 23 - Jan 29 _________ (max) 56.00 _ 2002*_____ (max) 21.86 _ 1936 (22.29 1961) _ * 53.71 _ 1933

Jan 23 - Jan 29 _________ (min) 42.86 _ 2002 ______ (min) 6.43 _ 1888 (7.29 1936) 

Jan 23 - Jan 29 ________ (mean) 49.43 _ 2002*____ (mean) 14.43 _ 1888 _ * 45.93 _ 1916

_ the wettest week ending Jan 29 was 1986 (3.04") _ included 2.0" snow


Jan 24 - Jan 30 _________ (max) 57.86 _ 2002 _____ (max) 21.86 _ 1936 

Jan 24 - Jan 30 _________ (min) 42.71 _ 2002 ______ (min) 6.57 _ 1935 (8.14 1888) _ * 41.43 _ 1932

Jan 24 - Jan 30 ________ (mean) 50.29 _ 2002*____ (mean) 15.00 _ 1936 (15.57 1888) _ * 45.00_1916, 44.93_1990

_ the wettest week ending Jan 30 was 1986 (3.06") _ included 2.2" snow


Jan 25 - Jan 31 _________ (max) 56.71 _ 1947*_____ (max) 22.86 _ 1936 (23.14 1935) _ * 56.57_2002, 55.57_1916

Jan 25 - Jan 31 _________ (min) 41.43 _ 2002*______ (min) 6.14 _ 1935 _ * 39.43_1916, 38.86_1947

Jan 25 - Jan 31 ________ (mean) 49.00 _ 2002*____ (mean) 14.64 _ 1936 _ * 47.79_1947, 47.00_1916

_ the wettest week ending Jan 31 was 1986 (3.06") _ included 2.2" snow


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great job...here's my version of NYC' coldest weeks...

NYC's coldest weeks...

ave temp...month/day/year...


Some recent years...


the late December early January cold spell in 1917-18 is by far the coldest week in recorded NYC weather history...It averaged 2.5 degrees...The February 1899 cold spell comes in second with 8.8 degrees...1968 and 1979 made the top ten and 1994 the top 15...Temperatures like this for a week cause many problems...Frozen pipes and dead battery weather...

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Roger, July 1993 had the most extreme and longest heatwave I've ever experienced....it was very cool and rainy (like yesterday) just a week before the heat came in, with a high/low of 66/62 on the 2nd, and a week after that we were in the middle of a 10 day heatwave, during which 100+ was reached 3 consecutive days (5 consecutive days at EWR, which includes two 105 days- their all time record at the time), we finished with a record 39 90+ days that summer and 20 of them in July!


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Just now, LibertyBell said:

Roger, July 1993 had the most extreme and longest heatwave I've ever experienced....it was very cool and rainy (like yesterday) just a week before the heat came in, with a high/low of 66/62 on the 2nd, and a week after that we were in the middle of a 10 day heatwave, during which 100+ was reached 3 consecutive days (5 consecutive days at EWR, which includes two 105 days- their all time record at the time), we finished with a record 39 90+ days that summer and 20 of them in July!


The following winter we had that extremely cold and stormy 1993-94 winter (after we had our latest ever 80 degree high on November 15)....

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On 7/4/2021 at 4:19 AM, LibertyBell said:

Roger, July 1993 had the most extreme and longest heatwave I've ever experienced....it was very cool and rainy (like yesterday) just a week before the heat came in, with a high/low of 66/62 on the 2nd, and a week after that we were in the middle of a 10 day heatwave, during which 100+ was reached 3 consecutive days (5 consecutive days at EWR, which includes two 105 days- their all time record at the time), we finished with a record 39 90+ days that summer and 20 of them in July!


Yes, here we go with the next instalment of extreme weeks, 1993 shows up alright. The 1936 heat wave is famous but for whatever reason NYC only got into the extreme heat on one day (9th 106F the all-time record). In Toronto the week from July 8 to 14 ranks warmest on record, for NYC it ranks only t-20th. So it does not show up in this list of extremes, the mean max of 94.86 was about three degrees lower than the relevant weekly extreme. 

(edit September 17th, 2021 _ the thread has been redesigned since weekly posts of July and August extremes, and those have been replaced with monthly summaries. The material that used to be in this post is now several posts ahead in the July portion of the tables. 



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Good to see you have some of my favorite summers in this list- besides 1993, 1966 is also on here (there was a severe drought that year which actually was even worse the year before, 1999 which had peak heat today and the day after back then (back to back 101 days), and 2010, which was the hottest summer overall here.  1966, 1999 and 2010 are all part of the 11 cycle, of which 2021 is the next installment.


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1911 also, and 1933, 1944, 1955, 1977 and 1988 will make appearances here too as I post later weekly data.

1922 had its significant warmth a bit later towards the end of September and early October. 

1900 was quite a hot summer in Toronto, seems a bit closer to average for NYC. 


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Intervals _______________ Highest values 1869-2021 __ Lowest values 1869-2021


Jan 26 - Feb 1 ___________ (max) 57.71 _ 2002*_____ (max) 22.86 _ 1936 _ * 56.29 _ 1916

Jan 26 - Feb 1 ___________ (min) 41.29 _ 2002 ______ (min) 6.14 _ 1935 

Jan 26 - Feb 1 __________ (mean) 49.50 _ 2002*____ (mean) 15.07 _ 1936 _ * 47.86 _ 1916

_ the wettest week ending Feb 1 was 1976 (3.71") 


Jan 27 - Feb 2 ___________ (max) 55.43 _ 2002 _____ (max) 22.43 _ 1881, 1936 

Jan 27 - Feb 2 ___________ (min) 40.14 _ 2002 ______ (min) 6.14 _ 1935 

Jan 27 - Feb 2 __________ (mean) 47.79 _ 2002*____ (mean) 15.93 _ 1936 _ * 46.00 _ 1989

_ the wettest week ending Feb 1 was 1973 (6.03") _ included 1.8" snow\

__ __ this is the highest weekly total that includes any days in February. See Feb 21-27 and 22-28 for all 

__ __ __ days within February.


Jan 28 - Feb 3 ___________ (max) 53.14 _ 2006*_____ (max) 21.29 _ 1881 _ * 52.71 _ 2002

Jan 28 - Feb 3 ___________ (min) 40.14 _ 2006 ______ (min) 8.14 _ 1888 (9.29 _ 1961)

Jan 28 - Feb 3 __________ (mean) 46.64 _ 2006 ____ (mean) 15.29 _ 1881

_ the wettest week ending Feb 3 was 1973 (4.54") _ included 1.8" snow.


Jan 29 - Feb 4 ___________ (max) 52.86 _ 1991 _____ (max) 21.57 _ 1881 

Jan 29 - Feb 4 ___________ (min) 41.00 _ 2006 ______ (min) 8.57 _ 1881 

Jan 29 - Feb 4 __________ (mean) 46.71 _ 2006 ____ (mean) 15.07 _ 1881

_ the wettest week ending Feb 4 was 1973 (3.99") _ included 1.8" snow


Jan 30 - Feb 5 ___________ (max) 55.71 _ 1991 _____ (max) 22.29 _ 1881 (23.86 1918)

Jan 30 - Feb 5 ___________ (min) 40.00 _ 2006 ______ (min) 7.57 _ 1881 

Jan 30 - Feb 5 __________ (mean) 46.50 _ 1991*____ (mean) 14.93 _ 1881 * _ 46.36 _ 2006

_ the wettest week ending Feb 5 was 1915 (3.95") _ included 6.1" snow


Jan 31 - Feb 6 ___________ (max) 56.43 _ 1991 _____ (max) 21.14 _ 1886 

Jan 31 - Feb 6 ___________ (min) 39.00 _ 2006 ______ (min) 6.86 _ 1918 (8.29, 1881,86)  

Jan 31 - Feb 6 __________ (mean) 46.71 _ 1991 ____ (mean) 14.71 _ 1886

_ the wettest week ending Feb 6 was 1920 (4.41") _ included 17.0" snow


Feb 1 - Feb 7 ___________ (max) 55.71 _ 1991 _____ (max) 20.57 _ 1886 

Feb 1 - Feb 7 ___________ (min) 39.00 _ 1991 ______ (min) 7.71 _ 1886 (8.00 1881) 

Feb 1 - Feb 7 __________ (mean) 47.36 _ 1991 ____ (mean) 14.14 _ 1886

_ the wettest week ending Feb 7 was 1920 (4.43") _ included 17.5" snow


Feb 2 - Feb 8 ___________ (max) 57.43 _ 1991*_____ (max) 19.14 _ 1895 _ * 51.14 _ 2019

Feb 2 - Feb 8 ___________ (min) 41.43 _ 1991 ______ (min) 6.14 _ 1895 

Feb 2 - Feb 8 __________ (mean) 49.43 _ 1991 ____ (mean) 12.64 _ 1895

_ the wettest week ending Feb 8 was 1920 (4.43") _ included 17.5" snow


Feb 3 - Feb 9 ___________ (max) 58.00 _ 1991 _____ (max) 17.43 _ 1895 

Feb 3 - Feb 9 ___________ (min) 42.43 _ 1991 ______ (min) 4.43 _ 1895 (4.57 1934) 

Feb 3 - Feb 9 __________ (mean) 50.21 _ 1991 ____ (mean) 10.93 _ 1895

_ the wettest week ending Feb 9 was 1920 (4.43") _ included 17.5" snow


Feb 4 - Feb 10 __________ (max) 55.86 _ 1991 _____ (max) 16.43 _ 1895 

Feb 4 - Feb 10 __________ (min) 42.00 _ 1991 ______ (min) 3.71 _ 1934 (5.29 1895, 6.43 1875)  

Feb 4 - Feb 10 _________ (mean) 48.93 _ 1991 ____ (mean) 10.86 _ 1895 (13.36 1934, 14.93 1875)

_ the wettest week ending Feb 10 was 1920 (4.63") _ included 19.1" snow


Feb 5 - Feb 11 __________ (max) 53.43 _ 1990*_____ (max) 16.43 _ 1895 _ * 51.29 _ 2023

Feb 5 - Feb 11 __________ (min) 38.57 _ 1991 ______ (min) 3.86 _ 1934 (6.14 1895) 

Feb 5 - Feb 11 _________ (mean) 45.21 _ 1991 ____ (mean) 11.29 _ 1895

_ the wettest week ending Feb 11 was 1896 (3.21") _ included 1.5" snow


Feb 6 - Feb 12 __________ (max) 54.71 _ 1990*_____ (max) 18.00 _ 1899 _ * 51.14 2023, 51.00 2009, 50.29 _ 1925

Feb 6 - Feb 12 __________ (min) 38.43 _ 1965, 2024*__ (min) 5.57_ 1934 (7.57 1899) _ * 37.71 2023, 36.29_1990

Feb 6 - Feb 12 _________ (mean) 45.50 _ 1990*____ (mean) 12.79 _ 1899 (14.21 1885) _ * 45.07_2024, 44.43_2023, 43.57_1925

_ the wettest week ending Feb 12 was 1896 (3.20") _ included 1.5" snow


Feb 7 - Feb 13 __________ (max) 54.29 _ 1990*_____ (max) 15.14 _ 1899 _ * 52.71 2009, 51.86 2023, 51.57 1898

Feb 7 - Feb 13 __________ (min) 39.00 _ 2024* ______ (min) 5.00 _ 1899 (6.00 1934) _ * 38.71_2023, 38.14 1965, 37.43_1956

Feb 7 - Feb 13 _________ (mean) 45.29 _ 2023, 2024 _ (mean) 10.07 _ 1899 _* 45.21_1990

_ the wettest week ending Feb 13 was 1886 (3.41") 


Feb 8 - Feb 14 __________ (max) 55.00 _ 1990*_____ (max) 14.57 _ 1899 _ * 53.43 2023, 51.43 2009, 51.29 1898

Feb 8 - Feb 14 __________ (min) 40.14 _ 2023* ______ (min) 3.00 _ 1899 (4.71 1934) _* 38.57 1898

Feb 8 - Feb 14 _________ (mean) 46.79 _ 2023*____ (mean) 8.79 _ 1899 _ * 45.64_1990, 44.57_1966

_ the wettest week ending Feb 14 was 1886 (3.41") 


Feb 9 - Feb 15 __________ (max) 55.43 _ 2023*_____ (max) 15.14 _ 1899 _ * 52.71 _ 1990, 52.43 _ 1966

Feb 9 - Feb 15 __________ (min) 41.29 _ 2023* ______ (min) 4.00 _ 1899 (6.57 1979) _*39.29 1966

Feb 9 - Feb 15 _________ (mean) 48.36 _ 2023* ____ (mean) 9.57 _ 1899 (13.57 1979) _*45.86 1966

_ the wettest week ending Feb 15 was 1869 (3.50") 


Feb 10 - Feb 16 _________ (max) 57.57 _ 2023*_____ (max) 18.86 _ 1899 _ * 55.00_2018, 52.14_1984

Feb 10 - Feb 16 _________ (min) 43.29 _ 2023*______ (min) 7.00 _ 1979 (8.00 1899) _* 40.14_1984, 39.71_1966

Feb 10 - Feb 16 ________ (mean) 50.43 _ 2023*____ (mean) 13.43 _ 1899 (13.71 1979) _ * 46.14_1984 46.00_2018, 45.64_1966

_ the wettest week ending Feb 16 was 1869 (3.50") 


Feb 11 - Feb 17 _________ (max) 57.57 _ 2023*_____ (max) 19.29 _ 1979  (22.29 1958) _ * 53.57_2018, 53.43_1976

Feb 11 - Feb 17 _________ (min) 41.86 _ 1984*______ (min) 6.71 _ 1979 (7.43 1914) _* 41.43 2023

Feb 11 - Feb 17 ________ (mean) 49.50 _ 2023*____ (mean) 13.00 _ 1979 (15.14 1914) _ * 46.86_1984, 44.50_2018

_ the wettest week ending Feb 17 was 1886 (3.41") 


Feb 12 - Feb 18 _________ (max) 57.14 _ 2023* ____ (max) 19.14 _ 1979  (22.29 1958) _ *52.29 1880, 1984

Feb 12 - Feb 18 _________ (min) 41.86 _ 1984* ______ (min) 6.29 _ 1979 (8.00 1899) _*40.14 2023

Feb 12 - Feb 18 ________ (mean) 48.64 _ 2023* ____ (mean) 12.71 _ 1979  _ *47.07 1984

_ the wettest week ending Feb 18 was 1869 (3.14") _ included 2.0" snow


Feb 13 - Feb 19 _________ (max) 57.43 _ 2023*_____ (max) 20.43 _ 1979 (23.43 1958) _ *55.00 1949

Feb 13 - Feb 19 _________ (min) 41.43 _ 1984* ______ (min) 8.00 _ 1979 (11.14 1958) _*40.00 2023

Feb 13 - Feb 19 ________ (mean) 48.71 _ 1949*____ (mean) 14.21 _ 1979 (16.71 1958) _ * 46.21 1949, 46.07_1984

_ the wettest week ending Feb 19 was 1869 (3.20") _ included 2.5" snow


Feb 14 - Feb 20 _________ (max) 58.00 _ 2023*_____ (max) 23.43 _ 1958 (26.29 2015) _ * 56.71_1954, 55.71_1949

Feb 14 - Feb 20 _________ (min) 42.29 _ 1984* ______ (min) 9.43 _ 2015 (12.29 1958) _ *40.86 2023

Feb 14 - Feb 20 ________ (mean) 49.43 _ 2023*____ (mean) 17.00 _ 1979 (17.86 1958, 2015) _ * 47.86 1981, 47.00_1984

_ the wettest week ending Feb 20 was 1898 (3.82") 


Feb 15 - Feb 21 _________ (max) 58.29 _ 1954*_____ (max) 25.00 _ 1923 (26.29 2015) _ * 57.43_2023 56.86_2018 56.43_1981

Feb 15 - Feb 21 _________ (min) 43.14 _ 1981*______ (min) 9.00 _ 1896, 2015  _* 42.29_1984 40.43 2023

Feb 15 - Feb 21 ________ (mean) 49.79 _ 1981*____ (mean) 17.64 _ 2015 _ * 48.93 2023, 48.64_1954 

_ the wettest week ending Feb 21 was 1898 (3.92") 


Feb 16 - Feb 22 _________ (max) 57.71 _ 1981*_____ (max) 25.57 _ 1885 _ * 56.86_1954 56.43_2018

Feb 16 - Feb 22 _________ (min) 44.71 _ 1981 ______ (min) 6.43 _ 1896 

Feb 16 - Feb 22 ________ (mean) 51.21 _ 1981*____ (mean) 16.57 _ 1896

_ the wettest week ending Feb 22 was 1898 (3.81") 


Feb 17 - Feb 23 _________ (max) 56.71 _ 1981*_____ (max) 22.86 _ 1885 _ * 56.14_2017, 55.86_2022, 55.43_1997

Feb 17 - Feb 23 _________ (min) 45.29 _ 1981 ______ (min) 9.43 _ 1896 

Feb 17 - Feb 23 ________ (mean) 51.00 _ 1981*____ (mean) 17.57 _ 1885

_ the wettest week ending Feb 23 was 1898 (3.88") _ included 0.3" snow


Feb 18 - Feb 24 _________ (max) 60.29 _ 2017*_____ (max) 23.00 _ 1885 _ * 57.14_1997

Feb 18 - Feb 24 _________ (min) 45.57 _ 1981*______ (min) 12.29 _ 2015 _* 43.57 _ 2017

Feb 18 - Feb 24 ________ (mean) 51.93 _ 2017*____ (mean) 18.14 _ 1885  _ * 50.00_1930

_ the wettest week ending Feb 24 was 1898 (3.88") _ included 0.3" snow


Feb 19 - Feb 25 _________ (max) 63.29 _ 1930*_____ (max) 24.57 _ 1885 _ * 60.29 _ 2017

Feb 19 - Feb 25 _________ (min) 45.00 _ 1930*______ (min) 11.00 _ 1914 (12.43 2015) _ * 44.86_2017

Feb 19 - Feb 25 ________ (mean) 54.14 _ 1930*____ (mean) 18.71 _ 1914 _ * 52.57_2017

_ the wettest week ending Feb 25 was 1898 (3.88") _ included 0.3" snow


Feb 20 - Feb 26 _________ (max) 63.29 _ 1930*_____ (max) 26.43 _ 1885 _ * 58.71_1985

Feb 20 - Feb 26 _________ (min) 44.00 _ 1930*______ (min) 9.71 _ 1914 (13.00 1934) _* 43.86_1996

Feb 20 - Feb 26 ________ (mean) 53.64 _ 1930*____ (mean) 18.93 _ 1914 _ * 50.71_1985

_ the wettest week ending Feb 26 was 2010 (4.82") _ included 20.9" snow


Feb 21 - Feb 27 _________ (max) 60.00 _ 1985*_____ (max) 26.43 _ 1934 _ * 59.00_1930

Feb 21 - Feb 27 _________ (min) 43.86 _ 1996 ______ (min) 12.14 _ 1914 (13.29 1934) 

Feb 21 - Feb 27 ________ (mean) 51.36 _ 1985 ____ (mean) 19.86 _ 1934

_ the wettest week ending Feb 27 was 2010 (4.83") _ included 20.9" snow

_ _ this total (tied with 22nd-28th 2010) is the highest weekly total where all days are in February.


Feb 22 - Feb 28 _________ (max) 59.57 _ 1985*_____ (max) 25.14 _ 1934 _ * 58.71_1976

Feb 22 - Feb 28 _________ (min) 43.71 _ 2017 ______ (min) 12.43 _ 1934

Feb 22 - Feb 28 ________ (mean) 51.29 _ 2017*____ (mean) 18.79 _ 1934 _ * 50.50_1985

_ the wettest week ending Feb 28 was 2010 (4.83") _ included 20.9" snow

_ _ this total (tied with 21st-27th 2010) is the highest weekly total where all days are in February.


_ leap years only qualify for these records _

Feb 23 - Feb 29 _________ (max) 59.57 _ 1976 _____ (max) 30.57 _ 1876

Feb 23 - Feb 29 _________ (min) 39.86 _ 2000*______ (min) 18.00 _ 1876 _* 37.57_1976

Feb 23 - Feb 29 ________ (mean) 48.57 _ 1976*____ (mean) 24.29 _ 1876 _ * 44.64_1880

_ the wettest week ending Feb 29 was 1869 (2.39") _ included 0.1" snow

Record values for non-leap year weeks starting Feb 23 and ending March 1 can be seen in the March listings where each entry ending Mar 1 to Mar 6 is divided into leap year and non-leap-year cases.

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Heavy rainfalls in the past week have broken a number of the existing weekly totals as noted in the tables. 

The 6.58" peak amount for weeks ending July 12 and 13 represents the second highest July weekly total, only 25-31 of 1889 surpassed this with 6.75". Going back, the last week (in the calendar year) to exceed 6.58" was June 7-13 (2013, record 7.37") and as it turns out that is also the most recent weekly total higher than these recent peaks. 

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Note for weeks ending March 1 to 6, some can start in leap years on Feb 24 to Feb 29, and others in non-leap years start from Feb 23 to Feb 28. The entries for those dates show the most extreme values first, and then the most extreme examples from the other set (as it turns out, a majority of the overall extremes are in leap years). This division is not employed for highest precipitation totals (the extremes can include leap year day, or not). Space is available for secondary extremes but they are only valid within the sub-groups when shown. 

(ly = leap years, and nly = non leap years ... the overall extremes are underlined for weeks ending Mar 1-6, the order of presentation is leap years, then non leap years.)


Intervals _______________ Highest values 1869-2021 __ Lowest values 1869-2021

Feb 24 - Mar 1 ly ________ (max) 63.29 _ 1976 (ly) __ (max) 29.86 _ 1876 (ly)

(Feb 23 - Mar 1) nly ______ (max) 60.71 _ 2017 (nly) _ (max)  24.43 _ 1934 (nly)

Feb 24 - Mar 1 ly ________ (min) 40.00 _ 1976 (ly)  __ (min) 16.71 _ 1920 (ly)

(Feb 23 - Mar 1) nly _____ (min) 45.43 _ 2017 (nly) __ (min) 10.86 _ 1934 (nly)

Feb 24 - Mar 1 ly _______ (mean) 51.64 _ 1976 (ly) ___ (mean) 24.29 _ 1920 (ly)

Feb 24 - Mar 1 nly ______ (mean) 53.07 _ 2017 (nly) __ (mean) 17.64 _ 1934 (nly)

_ the wettest week ending Mar 1 was 2010 (4.80") _ included 20.9" snow


Feb 25 - Mar 2 ly ________ (max) 61.71 _ 1976 (ly) __ (max) 30.00 _ 1884 (ly)

(Feb 24 - Mar 2) nly ______ (max) 60.57 _ 2017 (nly) _ (max)  26.00 _ 1934 (nly)

Feb 25 - Mar 2 ly ________ (min) 41.00 _ 1976 (ly)  __ (min) 15.43 _ 1920 (ly)

(Feb 24 - Mar 2) nly _____ (min) 44.14 _ 2017 (nly) __ (min) 13.00 _ 1934 (nly)

Feb 25 - Mar 2 ly _______ (mean) 51.36 _ 1976 (ly) ___ (mean) 22.93 _ 1920 (ly)

(Feb 24 - Mar 2) nly ____ (mean) 52.36 _ 2017 (nly) __ (mean) 19.50 _ 1934 (nly)

_ the wettest week ending Mar 2 was 2010 (3.61") _ included 20.9" snow


Feb 26 - Mar 3 ly ________ (max) 56.86 _ 1972,76 (ly) *__ (max) 28.00 _ 1884 (ly) _ * 55.14 2024

(Feb 25 - Mar 3) nly ______ (max) 56.14 _ 2017 (nly) _ (max)  30.71 _ 1886 (nly)

Feb 26 - Mar 3 ly ________ (min) 39.29 _ 1976 (ly)  __ (min) 15.86 _ 1980 (ly)

(Feb 25 - Mar 3) nly _____ (min) 40.71 _ 1902,1998 (nly) __ (min) 14.86 _ 1886 (nly)

Feb 26 - Mar 3 ly _______ (mean) 48.07 _ 1976 (ly) ___ (mean) 22.64 _ 1884 (ly)

(Feb 25 - Mar 3) nly ____ (mean) 47.71 _ 2017 (nly) __ (mean) 22.79 _ 1886 (nly)

_ the wettest week ending Mar 3 was 2010 (3.26") _ included 20.9" snow


Feb 27 - Mar 4 ly ________ (max) 58.29 _ 1880 (ly)* __ (max) 25.71 _ 1884 (ly) _ * 55.71 2024

(Feb 26 - Mar 4) nly ______ (max) 54.00 _ 1997 (nly) _ (max)  29.14 _ 1886 (nly)

Feb 27 - Mar 4 ly ________ (min) 40.14 _ 2024 (ly)  __ (min) 14.29 _ 1884 (ly)

(Feb 26 - Mar 4) nly _____ (min) 41.14 _ 1998 (nly) __ (min) 13.57 _ 1886 (nly)

Feb 27 - Mar 4 ly _______ (mean) 48.71 _ 1880, 2004 (ly) _ (mean) 20.00 _ 1884 (ly)

(Feb 26 - Mar 4) nly ____ (mean) 47.36 _ 1998 (nly) __ (mean) 21.36 _ 1886 (nly)

_ the wettest week ending Mar 4 was 1991 (3.23") _ included 8.9" snow


Feb 28 - Mar 5 ly ________ (max) 58.86 _ 1880*(ly) __ (max) 24.00 _ 1884 (ly)_ * 56.86 _ 1972

(Feb 27 - Mar 5) nly ______ (max) 56.14 _ 1961 (nly) _ (max)  28.00 _ 1886 (nly)

Feb 28 - Mar 5 ly ________ (min) 42.14 _ 2004* (ly)  __ (min) 11.14 _ 1884 (ly) _ * 1880 _ 41.71

(Feb 27 - Mar 5) nly _____ (min) 40.57 _ 1998 (nly) __ (min) 15.71 _ 1886 (nly)

Feb 28 - Mar 5 ly _______ (mean) 50.29 _ 1880 (ly) ___ (mean) 17.57 _ 1884 (ly)

(Feb 27 - Mar 5) nly ____ (mean) 47.14 _ 1991 (nly) __ (mean) 21.86 _ 1886 (nly)

_ the wettest week ending Mar 5 was 1914 (3.11") _ included 14.5" snow


Feb 29 - Mar 6 ly ________ (max) 59.14 _ 2004 (ly) __ (max) 24.43 _ 1884 (ly)

(Feb 28 - Mar 6) nly ______ (max) 58.43 _ 1991 (nly) _ (max)  31.14 _ 1978 (nly)

Feb 29 - Mar 6 ly ________ (min) 44.29 _ 2004 (ly)  __ (min) 12.14 _ 1872 (ly)

(Feb 28 - Mar 6) nly _____ (min) 41.43 _ 1979 (nly) __ (min) 16.86 _ 1869 (nly)

Feb 29 - Mar 6 ly _______ (mean) 51.71 _ 2004 (ly) ___ (mean) 18.93 _ 1884 (ly)

(Feb 28 - Mar 6) nly ____ (mean) 49.57 _ 1991 (nly) __ (mean) 24.64 _ 1886 (nly)

_ the wettest week ending Mar 6 was 1914 (3.40") _ included 17.4" snow


Mar 1 - Mar 7 ___________ (max) 59.57 _ 1991 _____ (max) 27.43 _ 1884

Mar 1 - Mar 7 ___________ (min) 44.00 _ 2004 ______ (min) 11.71 _ 1872 

Mar 1 - Mar 7 __________ (mean) 51.14 _ 2004 ____ (mean) 20.57 _ 1872

_ the wettest week ending Mar 7 was 2018 (3.65") _ included 3.2" snow


Mar 2 - Mar 8 ___________ (max) 57.57 _ 1974 _____ (max) 28.57 _ 1888

Mar 2 - Mar 8 ___________ (min) 44.14 _ 2024* ______ (min) 13.00 _ 1872 _ *  42.43 _1979, 2004

Mar 2 - Mar 8 __________ (mean) 50.29 _ 2024* ____ (mean) 21.64 _ 1872 _ 42.43 _ * 49.64_1974

_ the wettest week ending Mar 8 was 1967 (3.49") _ included 2.0" snow


Mar 3 - Mar 9 ___________ (max) 59.00 _ 1946 _____ (max) 29.57 _ 1888

Mar 3 - Mar 9 ___________ (min) 44.00 _ 2024 ______ (min) 14.14 _ 1872 

Mar 3 - Mar 9 __________ (mean) 49.79 _ 2024*____ (mean) 22.64 _ 1888 _ * 49.43 _ 1946

_ the wettest week ending Mar 9 was 1967 (3.49") _ included 2.0" snow


Mar 4 - Mar 10 __________ (max) 60.14 _ 2000 _____ (max) 30.71 _ 1888

Mar 4 - Mar 10 __________ (min) 43.14 _ 1979 ______ (min) 15.86 _ 1872, 1883 

Mar 4 - Mar 10 _________ (mean) 50.57 _ 2000 ____ (mean) 23.57 _ 1872

_ the wettest week ending Mar 10 was 1967 (3.49") _ included 2.0" snow


Mar 5 - Mar 11 __________ (max) 62.29 _ 2016 _____ (max) 32.29 _ 1960

Mar 5 - Mar 11 __________ (min) 42.57 _ 2016 ______ (min) 16.29 _ 1883 

Mar 5 - Mar 11 _________ (mean) 52.43 _ 2016 ____ (mean) 24.50 _ 1883 (25.07 _ 1960)

_ the wettest week ending Mar 11 was 2011 (4.09")


Mar 6 - Mar 12 __________ (max) 64.86 _ 2016 _____ (max) 32.83 _ 1960

Mar 6 - Mar 12 __________ (min) 44.29 _ 2016 ______ (min) 17.43 _ 1883, 1960 

Mar 6 - Mar 12 _________ (mean) 54.57 _ 2016 ____ (mean) 25.14 _ 1960

_ the wettest week ending Mar 12 was 2011 (4.08") 


Mar 7 - Mar 13 __________ (max) 67.43 _ 2016 _____ (max) 31.71 _ 1874

Mar 7 - Mar 13 __________ (min) 46.86 _ 2016 ______ (min) 16.86 _ 1885 _ 17.43 _ 1960

Mar 7 - Mar 13 _________ (mean) 57.14 _ 2016 ____ (mean) 25.00 _ 1885

_ the wettest week ending Mar 13 was 2010 (4.07")


Mar 8 - Mar 14 __________ (max) 66.14 _ 2016 _____ (max) 31.14 _ 1874

Mar 8 - Mar 14 __________ (min) 47.43 _ 2016 ______ (min) 16.57 _ 1885 

Mar 8 - Mar 14 _________ (mean) 56.79 _ 2016 ____ (mean) 25.07 _ 1885

_ the wettest week ending Mar 14 was 2011 (4.08")


Mar 9 - Mar 15 __________ (max) 65.43 _ 1990*_____ (max) 31.71 _ 1874, 1896 _ * 64.71 _ 2016, 63.43 _ 1977

Mar 9 - Mar 15 __________ (min) 47.00 _ 2016 ______ (min) 19.14 _ 1885 

Mar 9 - Mar 15 _________ (mean) 55.86 _ 2016 ____ (mean) 25.93 _ 1885

_ the wettest week ending Mar 15 was 1953 (5.08")


Mar 10 - Mar 16 _________ (max) 70.29 _ 1990 _____ (max) 31.29 _ 1896 

Mar 10 - Mar 16 _________ (min) 47.57 _ 2016 ______ (min) 20.00 _ 1900 

Mar 10 - Mar 16 ________ (mean) 57.64 _ 1990*____ (mean) 26.00 _ 1896 _ * 55.29_2016, 54.50_1977

_ the wettest week ending Mar 16 was 1953 (5.10")



Mar 11 - Mar 17 _________ (max) 73.00 _ 1990 _____ (max) 30.71 _ 1900 

Mar 11 - Mar 17 _________ (min) 46.57 _ 1990 ______ (min) 17.14 _ 1900 

Mar 11 - Mar 17 ________ (mean) 59.79 _ 1990 ____ (mean) 23.93 _ 1900

_ the wettest week ending Mar 17 was 1953 (5.10")



Mar 12 - Mar 18 _________ (max) 72.00 _ 1990 _____ (max) 31.86 _ 1900 

Mar 12 - Mar 18 _________ (min) 47.00 _ 1990* ______ (min) 16.14 _ 1885 (17.00 1888) _ * 45.86 _ 2024

Mar 12 - Mar 18 ________ (mean) 59.50 _ 1990 ____ (mean) 25.50 _ 1885

_ the wettest week ending Mar 18 was 1953 (5.30")



Mar 13 - Mar 19 _________ (max) 71.43 _ 1990*_____ (max) 30.71 _ 1877 _ * 66.14 _ 1945, 64.71 _ 1927

Mar 13 - Mar 19 _________ (min) 48.00 _ 2012 ______ (min) 18.29 _ 1885 

Mar 13 - Mar 19 ________ (mean) 59.00 _ 1990*____ (mean) 25.93 _ 1885 _ * 55.93 _ 2012

_ the wettest week ending Mar 19 was 1953 (4.64")



Mar 14 - Mar 20 _________ (max) 70.00 _ 1945 _____ (max) 30.00 _ 1877 (31.29 1885)

Mar 14 - Mar 20 _________ (min) 48.14 _ 2012*______ (min) 17.14 _ 1916 _ * 47.14 _ 1945

Mar 14 - Mar 20 ________ (mean) 58.57 _ 1945*____ (mean) 23.93 _ 1916 _ * 55.93 _ 2012

_ the wettest week ending Mar 20 was 1983 (3.37")



Mar 15 - Mar 21 _________ (max) 71.00 _ 1945 _____ (max) 29.00 _ 1885 (31.29 1877)

Mar 15 - Mar 21 _________ (min) 49.14 _ 2012*______ (min) 16.29 _ 1885 (16.71 1916) _ * 47.14_1945

Mar 15 - Mar 21 ________ (mean) 59.07 _ 1945*____ (mean) 22.64 _ 1885 * 56.21 _ 2012

_ the wettest week ending Mar 21 was 1983 (4.46")



Mar 16 - Mar 22 _________ (max) 67.71 _ 1945*_____ (max) 25.71 _ 1885 (30.43 1967) _* 67.00_2012, 66.43_2010, 64.43_1948) 

Mar 16 - Mar 22 _________ (min) 51.00 _ 2012 ______ (min) 13.14 _ 1885 (19.29 _ 1967)

Mar 16 - Mar 22 ________ (mean) 59.00 _ 2012 ____ (mean) 19.43 _ 1885 (24.86 1967) 

_ the wettest week ending Mar 22 was 1983 (4.46")



Mar 17 - Mar 23 _________ (max) 70.57 _ 2012 _____ (max) 24.29 _ 1885 (30.86 1967)

Mar 17 - Mar 23 _________ (min) 53.14 _ 2012*______ (min) 11.86 _ 1885 _ * 48.86 _ 2010

Mar 17 - Mar 23 ________ (mean) 61.86 _ 2012 ____ (mean) 18.07 _ 1885

_ the wettest week ending Mar 23 was 1983 (4.46")



Mar 18 - Mar 24 _________ (max) 71.00 _ 2012 _____ (max) 26.00 _ 1885 _ * 67.57 _ 1938

Mar 18 - Mar 24 _________ (min) 53.43 _ 2012 ______ (min) 13.00 _ 1885 (21.71 1888) _ * 48.86 _ 2010

Mar 18 - Mar 24 ________ (mean) 62.21 _ 2012 ____ (mean) 19.50 _ 1885

_ the wettest week ending Mar 24 was 1983 (4.46")



Mar 19 - Mar 25 _________ (max) 69.29 _ 2012*_____ (max) 27.57 _ 1885 _ * 67.86 _ 1938 

Mar 19 - Mar 25 _________ (min) 53.29 _ 2012*______ (min) 16.00 _ 1885 (22.14 1888) _ * 48.57 _ 2010

Mar 19 - Mar 25 ________ (mean) 61.29 _ 2012 ____ (mean) 21.79 _ 1885

_ the wettest week ending Mar 25 was 1876 (6.75") _ includes 1.5" snow



Mar 20 - Mar 26 _________ (max) 66.43 _ 2012*_____ (max) 29.86 _ 1885 _ * 65.00 _ 1913, 63.86 _ 1921 

Mar 20 - Mar 26 _________ (min) 50.29 _ 2012*______ (min) 17.86 _ 1885 (23.29 1888)  _ * 46.57 _ 1938

Mar 20 - Mar 26 ________ (mean) 58.36 _ 2012*____ (mean) 23.86 _ 1885 _ * 55.21 _ 1913

_ the wettest week ending Mar 26 was 1876 (6.81") _ includes 1.5" snow

_ _ _ this is the highest weekly amount within March including cases using days from other months.



Mar 21 - Mar 27 _________ (max) 66.57 _ 2021*_____ (max) 34.71 _ 1885 _ * 66.00 _ 1913 

Mar 21 - Mar 27 _________ (min) 46.71 _ 1903, 2012*__ (min) 21.86 _ 1885 (22.86 1888) _ * 46.57 _ 1938

Mar 21 - Mar 27 ________ (mean) 56.50 _ 2021 ____ (mean) 28.29 _ 1885

_ the wettest week ending Mar 27 was 1876 (6.16") _ includes 0.5" snow.



Mar 22 - Mar 28 _________ (max) 66.86 _ 1946*_____ (max) 35.00 _ 1888 _ * 65.14 _ 1949 

Mar 22 - Mar 28 _________ (min) 48.71 _ 1949 ______ (min) 23.00 _ 1888 

Mar 22 - Mar 28 ________ (mean) 56.93 _ 1949 ____ (mean) 29.00 _ 1888

_ the wettest week ending Mar 28 was 1876 (4.66") _ includes 0.5" snow



Mar 23 - Mar 29 _________ (max) 71.43 _ 1945*_____ (max) 35.86 _ 1888 _ * 68.00 _ 1946, 65.71 _ 1949 

Mar 23 - Mar 29 _________ (min) 49.29 _ 1945*______ (min) 25.29 _ 1887 _ * 47.71 _ 2021

Mar 23 - Mar 29 ________ (mean) 60.36 _ 1945 ____ (mean) 30.79 _ 1888

_ the wettest week ending Mar 29 was 1876 (4.88")_ includes 0.5" snow



Mar 24 - Mar 30 _________ (max) 73.57 _ 1945*_____ (max) 39.71 _ 1887 _ * 70.29_1998, 69.14_1946, 66.00_1949

Mar 24 - Mar 30 _________ (min) 52.29 _ 1945*______ (min) 23.86 _ 1887 _ * 49.71_1998

Mar 24 - Mar 30 ________ (mean) 62.93 _ 1945 ____ (mean) 31.79 _ 1887

_ the wettest week ending Mar 30 was 1876 (4.88")_ includes 0.5" snow



Mar 25 - Mar 31 _________ (max) 75.57 _ 1998*_____ (max) 38.57 _ 1887 _ * 73.57 _ 1945 

Mar 25 - Mar 31 _________ (min) 54.29 _ 1998*______ (min) 23.14 _ 1923 _ * 53.43 _ 1945

Mar 25 - Mar 31 ________ (mean) 64.93 _ 1998*____ (mean) 31.07 _ 1885 _ * 63.50 _ 1945

_ the wettest week ending Mar 31 was 1876 (4.88") _ includes 0.5" snow

__ __ this is the last maximum weekly amount that includes measurable snow until Nov 9-15 (1892).



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Intervals _______________ Highest values 1869-2021 __ Lowest values 1869-2021


Mar 26 - Apr 1 ___________ (max) 78.43 _ 1998*_____ (max) 37.14 _ 1887  _ * 74.43 _ 1945

Mar 26 - Apr 1 ___________ (min) 56.57 _ 1998*______ (min) 20.43 _ 1923 _ * 53.86 _ 1945

Mar 26 - Apr 1 __________ (mean) 67.50 _ 1998*____ (mean) 30.21 _ 1887 _ * 64.14 _ 1945

_ the wettest week ending Apr 1 was 2010 (4.52")


Mar 27 - Apr 2 ___________ (max) 78.29 _ 1998*_____ (max) 37.86 _ 1887  _ * 74.71 _ 1945

Mar 27 - Apr 2 ___________ (min) 57.86 _ 1998*______ (min) 19.57 _ 1923 _ * 55.00 _ 1945

Mar 27 - Apr 2 __________ (mean) 68.07 _ 1998*____ (mean) 30.36 _ 1923 _ * 64.86 _ 1945

_ the wettest week ending Apr 2 was 2005 (4.85")


Mar 28 - Apr 3 ___________ (max) 75.00 _ 1998*_____ (max) 40.43 _ 1881  _ * 74.86 _ 1945

Mar 28 - Apr 3 ___________ (min) 56.57 _ 1998*______ (min) 20.71 _ 1923 _ * 54.29 _ 1945

Mar 28 - Apr 3 __________ (mean) 65.79 _ 1998*____ (mean) 31.93 _ 1923 _ * 64.57 _ 1945

_ the wettest week ending Apr 3 was 2005 (4.90")


Mar 29 - Apr 4 ___________ (max) 70.57 _ 1945, 1986 __ (max) 39.43 _ 1881  

Mar 29 - Apr 4 ___________ (min) 53.00 _ 1998 ______ (min) 25.57 _ 1923 _ * 52.14 _ 1945

Mar 29 - Apr 4 __________ (mean) 61.71 _ 1998*____ (mean) 35.07 _ 1881 _ * 61.36 _ 1945

_ the wettest week ending Apr 4 was 1987 (4.48")


Mar 30 - Apr 5 ___________ (max) 68.57 _ 1981 _____ (max) 37.71 _ 1881  

Mar 30 - Apr 5 ___________ (min) 53.71 _ 1981 ______ (min) 27.00 _ 1874 

Mar 30 - Apr 5 __________ (mean) 65.14 _ 1981 ____ (mean) 33.21 _ 1881 

_ the wettest week ending Apr 5 was 1987 (4.49")


Mar 31 - Apr 6 ___________ (max) 70.14 _ 2010 _____ (max) 36.71 _ 1881  

Mar 31 - Apr 6 ___________ (min) 52.14 _ 1981 ______ (min) 27.29 _ 1874 

Mar 31 - Apr 6 __________ (mean) 60.00 _ 2010*____ (mean) 32.07 _ 1881 _ * 59.71 _ 1981

_ the wettest week ending Apr 6 was 1987 (4.64")


Apr 1 - Apr 7 ___________ (max) 75.14 _ 2010 _____ (max) 38.29 _ 1881  

Apr 1 - Apr 7 ___________ (min) 51.43 _ 2010 ______ (min) 26.29 _ 1881 

Apr 1 - Apr 7 __________ (mean) 63.29 _ 2010 ____ (mean) 32.29 _ 1881 

_ the wettest week ending Apr 7 was 1984 (4.37")


Apr 2 - Apr 8 ___________ (max) 76.57 _ 2010 _____ (max) 40.00 _ 1881  

Apr 2 - Apr 8 ___________ (min) 53.71 _ 2010 ______ (min) 26.14 _ 1881 

Apr 2 - Apr 8 __________ (mean) 65.14 _ 2010 ____ (mean) 33.07 _ 1881 

_ the wettest week ending Apr 8 was 1984 (4.37")


Apr 3 - Apr 9 ___________ (max) 76.57 _ 2010*_____ (max) 42.43 _ 1881  _* 71.71_1929 (see low max -Apr 17, 18)

Apr 3 - Apr 9 ___________ (min) 53.14 _ 1991, 2010 __ (min) 27.00 _ 1881 

Apr 3 - Apr 9 __________ (mean) 64.86 _ 2010 ____ (mean) 34.71 _ 1881 

_ the wettest week ending Apr 9 was 1984 (4.37")


Apr 4 - Apr 10 ___________ (max) 77.71 _ 1991*_____ (max) 42.86 _ 1891, 2003 (also 43.71_1982)  * _ 75.86 _ 2010

Apr 4 - Apr 10 ___________ (min) 55.00 _ 1991 ______ (min) 27.71 _ 1982 _ 29.86 _ 1975 

Apr 4 - Apr 10 __________ (mean) 66.36 _ 1991 ____ (mean) 35.71 _ 1982 

_ the wettest week ending Apr 10 was 1983 (5.68")


Apr 5 - Apr 11 ___________ (max) 77.00 _ 1991*_____ (max) 43.14 _ 2003  * _ 75.86 _ 2010

Apr 5 - Apr 11 ___________ (min) 55.29 _ 1991 ______ (min) 29.00 _ 1982 

Apr 5 - Apr 11 __________ (mean) 66.14 _ 1991 ____ (mean) 36.64 _ 1982 

_ the wettest week ending Apr 11 was 1983 (5.68")


Apr 6 - Apr 12 ___________ (max) 76.29 _ 1991*_____ (max) 43.00 _ 1894  * _ 74.71 _ 2010

Apr 6 - Apr 12 ___________ (min) 54.14 _ 1991 ______ (min) 30.43 _ 1982 

Apr 6 - Apr 12 __________ (mean) 65.21 _ 1991 ____ (mean) 37.79 _ 1982 

_ the wettest week ending Apr 12 was 1983 (5.68")


Apr 7 - Apr 13 ___________ (max) 72.71 _ 1991*_____ (max) 44.14 _ 1894  * _ 71.57_2010, 70.71_1871

Apr 7 - Apr 13 ___________ (min) 52.29 _ 1991 ______ (min) 30.86 _ 1874 _ 31.00 _ 1880 

Apr 7 - Apr 13 __________ (mean) 62.50 _ 1991 ____ (mean) 39.07 _ 1874 

_ the wettest week ending Apr 13 was 1983 (5.68")


Apr 8 - Apr 14 ___________ (max) 74.14 _ 2023*_____ (max) 45.29 _ 1935  * _ 73.14_1945, 71.14 _ 1922

Apr 8 - Apr 14 ___________ (min) 53.00 _ 2023*  ______ (min) 30.29 _ 1874 * _ 52.29 _ 1945

Apr 8 - Apr 14 __________ (mean) 63.57 _ 2023*  ____ (mean) 39.29 _ 1885 * _ 62.71 _ 1945

_ the wettest week ending Apr 14 was 1983 (5.59")


Apr 9 - Apr 15 ___________ (max) 77.14 _ 2023* _____ (max) 42.43 _ 1885  _* 72.71 _ 1945

Apr 9 - Apr 15 ___________ (min) 56.14 _ 2023*  ______ (min) 31.14 _ 1874 _ *53.00 _ 1945

Apr 9 - Apr 15 __________ (mean) 66.64 _ 2023* ____ (mean) 37.71 _ 1885  _ * 62.86 _ 1945

_ the wettest week ending Apr 15 was 2007 (8.95")


Apr 10 - Apr 16 __________ (max) 79.14 _ 2023*  _____ (max) 44.14 _ 1885  _ * 73.29 _ 2017

Apr 10 - Apr 16 __________ (min) 58.57 _ 2023*______ (min) 31.43 _ 1874 _ * 54.00 _ 2017 53.14 _ 1945

Apr 10 - Apr 16 _________ (mean) 68.86 _ 2023* ____ (mean) 39.36 _ 1885 _*63.64 _ 2017

_ the wettest week ending Apr 16 was 2007 (9.85")


Apr 11 - Apr 17 __________ (max) 79.14 _ 2023* _____ (max) 44.43 _ 1929 (see Apr 3-9 1929 note)  _ *76.43 _ 2002

Apr 11 - Apr 17 __________ (min) 60.14 _ 2023* ______ (min) 31.57 _ 1874 _ * 57.57_2002, 54.71 _ 2017

Apr 11 - Apr 17 _________ (mean) 69.64 _ 2023* ____ (mean) 40.50 _ 1929 _ * 67.00_2002, 64.00 _ 2017

_ the wettest week ending Apr 17 was 2007 (9.89") _ this was (tied with Apr 12-18) the highest weekly total for April.


Apr 12 - Apr 18 __________ (max) 80.86 _ 2002*_____ (max) 43.43 _ 1929  _ * 76.71 _ 1977, 76.57 _ 2023

Apr 12 - Apr 18 __________ (min) 61.86 _ 2002* ______ (min) 31.57 _ 1875 _ *59.29 _ 2023

Apr 12 - Apr 18 _________ (mean) 71.36 _ 2002 ____ (mean) 37.57 _ 1875 _ *67.93 _ 2023

_ the wettest week ending Apr 18 was 2007 (9.89") _ this was (tied with Apr 11-17) the highest weekly total for April.


Apr 13 - Apr 19 __________ (max) 85.43 _ 2002 _____ (max) 42.43 _ 1875 _ * 81.57 _ 1976

Apr 13 - Apr 19 __________ (min) 64.57 _ 2002 ______ (min) 29.71 _ 1875 

Apr 13 - Apr 19 _________ (mean) 75.00 _ 2002 ____ (mean) 36.07 _ 1875 

_ the wettest week ending Apr 19 was 2007 (8.52")


Apr 14 - Apr 20 __________ (max) 85.43 _ 1976*_____ (max) 43.29 _ 1875 _ * 84.71 _ 2002, 79.86 _ 1941

Apr 14 - Apr 20 __________ (min) 64.57 _ 2002*______ (min) 29.57 _ 1875 _ * 61.14 _ 1976

Apr 14 - Apr 20 _________ (mean) 74.64 _ 2002*____ (mean) 36.43 _ 1875 _ * 73.29 _ 1976

_ the wettest week ending Apr 20 was 2007 (8.52")


Apr 15 - Apr 21 __________ (max) 86.29 _ 1976*_____ (max) 42.00 _ 1875 * 82.57 _ 2002

Apr 15 - Apr 21 __________ (min) 63.57 _ 2002*______ (min) 29.00 _ 1875 _ * 62.00 _ 1976

Apr 15 - Apr 21 _________ (mean) 74.14 _ 1976*____ (mean) 35.50 _ 1875 _ * 72.86 _ 2002

_ the wettest week ending Apr 21 was 2007 (8.52")


Apr 16 - Apr 22 __________ (max) 85.29 _ 1976 _____ (max) 41.14 _ 1875 

Apr 16 - Apr 22 __________ (min) 61.57 _ 1976 ______ (min) 27.14 _ 1875 _ * 61.14 _ 2002

Apr 16 - Apr 22 _________ (mean) 73.43 _ 1976 ____ (mean) 34.14 _ 1875 

_ the wettest week ending Apr 22 was 1983 (4.38")


Apr 17 - Apr 23 __________ (max) 84.29 _ 1976 _____ (max) 42.86 _ 1875 

Apr 17 - Apr 23 __________ (min) 60.71 _ 1976*______ (min) 27.43 _ 1875 

Apr 17 - Apr 23 _________ (mean) 72.50 _ 1976 ____ (mean) 35.14 _ 1875 

_ the wettest week ending Apr 23 was 2006 (3.57")


Apr 18 - Apr 24 __________ (max) 80.29 _ 1976*_____ (max) 46.57 _ 1875 _ * 78.00 _ 1886

Apr 18 - Apr 24 __________ (min) 57.71 _ 1976*______ (min) 28.57 _ 1875 _ * 55.86 _ 1952

Apr 18 - Apr 24 _________ (mean) 69.00 _ 1976 ____ (mean) 37.57 _ 1875 

_ the wettest week ending Apr 24 was 2006 (3.80")


Apr 19 - Apr 25 __________ (max) 76.29 _ 1886 _____ (max) 49.29 _ 1875 

Apr 19 - Apr 25 __________ (min) 54.00 _ 1952*______ (min) 29.86 _ 1875 _ * 53.86 _ 1869

Apr 19 - Apr 25 _________ (mean) 63.93 _ 1886 ____ (mean) 39.57 _ 1875 

_ the wettest week ending Apr 25 was 1901 (3.98")


Apr 20 - Apr 26 __________ (max) 74.29 _ 1886 _____ (max) 49.00 _ 1874

Apr 20 - Apr 26 __________ (min) 53.71 _ 1954 ______ (min) 32.57 _ 1875 

Apr 20 - Apr 26 _________ (mean) 63.29 _ 1954 ____ (mean) 42.43 _ 1875 

_ the wettest week ending Apr 26 was 1901 (3.98")


Apr 21 - Apr 27 __________ (max) 77.57 _ 1962 _____ (max) 49.86 _ 1874 

Apr 21 - Apr 27 __________ (min) 55.00 _ 1979 ______ (min) 34.86 _ 1875 

Apr 21 - Apr 27 _________ (mean) 63.21 _ 1957 ____ (mean) 43.57 _ 1874 

_ the wettest week ending Apr 27 was 1889 (4.12")


Apr 22 - Apr 28 __________ (max) 79.86 _ 1962 _____ (max) 48.43 _ 1874

Apr 22 - Apr 28 __________ (min) 55.86 _ 1979 ______ (min) 36.00 _ 1874 

Apr 22 - Apr 28 _________ (mean) 65.86 _ 2009 ____ (mean) 42.21 _ 1874 

_ the wettest week ending Apr 28 was 1889 (4.16")


Apr 23 - Apr 29 __________ (max) 79.00 _ 1962*_____ (max) 46.71 _ 1874 _ * 78.86 _ 2009

Apr 23 - Apr 29 __________ (min) 57.43 _ 1908*______ (min) 35.14 _ 1874 _ * 56.57 _ 1979

Apr 23 - Apr 29 _________ (mean) 66.93 _ 2009 ____ (mean) 40.93 _ 1874 

_ the wettest week ending Apr 29 was 2023 (4.30") _ 1889 previous record (4.17")


Apr 24 - Apr 30 __________ (max) 79.43 _ 2009 _____ (max) 47.43 _ 1874

Apr 24 - Apr 30 __________ (min) 57.00 _ 1908 ______ (min) 34.14 _ 1874 

Apr 24 - Apr 30 _________ (mean) 67.57 _ 2009 ____ (mean) 40.79 _ 1874 

_ the wettest week ending Apr 30 was 2014 (5.94")


(note: the comment that follows was originally placed after some data in this post from July, later edited into monthly tables)

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Intervals _______________ Highest values 1869-2021 __ Lowest values 1869-2021


Apr 25 - May 1 __________ (max) 79.29 _ 2009 ______ (max) 48.00 _ 1874

Apr 25 - May 1 ___________ (min) 56.57 _ 2009 ______ (min) 34.57 _ 1874 

Apr 25 - May 1 __________ (mean) 67.93 _ 2009 ____ (mean) 41.29 _ 1874 

_ the wettest week ending May 1 was 2014 (6.06") _ this is the highest weekly total that includes any days in May

__ the highest total that has all days within May is 5.68" for May 23-29, 1968. 


Apr 26 - May 2 __________ (max) 76.43 _ 1990, 2009 ___ (max) 48.57 _ 1874

Apr 26 - May 2 ___________ (min) 57.00 _ 1983 ______ (min) 34.71 _ 1874 

Apr 26 - May 2 __________ (mean) 66.64 _ 2009 ____ (mean) 41.64 _ 1874 

_ the wettest week ending May 2 was 2014 (6.04")


Apr 27 - May 3 __________ (max) 78.29 _ 2001 ______ (max) 50.86 _ 1909

Apr 27 - May 3 ___________ (min) 59.57 _ 1983 ______ (min) 34.86 _ 1874 

Apr 27 - May 3 __________ (mean) 68.86 _ 1983 ____ (mean) 43.14 _ 1874 

_ the wettest week ending May 3 was 2023 at 5.45" (formerly 2014 (5.20"))


Apr 28 - May 4 __________ (max) 81.00 _ 2001 ______ (max) 51.86 _ 1909

Apr 28 - May 4 ___________ (min) 59.86 _ 1983 ______ (min) 35.57 _ 1874 

Apr 28 - May 4 __________ (mean) 69.79 _ 2001 ____ (mean) 44.21 _ 1874 

_ the wettest week ending May 4 was 2023 at 5.50" (formerly 2014 (5.22"))


Apr 29 - May 5 __________ (max) 83.14 _ 2001 ______ (max) 51.29 _ 1917

Apr 29 - May 5 ___________ (min) 60.14 _ 2001 ______ (min) 37.57 _ 1874 

Apr 29 - May 5 __________ (mean) 71.64 _ 2001 ____ (mean) 46.36 _ 1874, 1917 

_ the wettest week ending May 5 was 2014 (5.22") _ 2023 was 5.17"


Apr 30 - May 6 __________ (max) 82.86 _ 2001 _____ (max) 49.71 _ 1917 _* also 81.43_2010

Apr 30 - May 6 ___________ (min) 61.71 _ 2010 ______ (min) 38.86 _ 1874 

Apr 30 - May 6 __________ (mean) 71.86*_ 2001 ___ (mean) 45.29 _ 1917 _* also 71.57_2010

_ the wettest week ending May 6 was 2014 (5.19")


May 1 - May 7 ___________ (max) 83.71 _ 1930 ______ (max) 50.29 _ 1917

May 1 - May 7 ____________ (min) 61.14 _ 1930, 2010 ___ (min) 39.71 _ 1874 

May 1 - May 7 __________ (mean) 72.43 _ 1930 ____ (mean) 45.50 _ 1917 

_ the wettest week ending May 7 was 1893 (3.96") 


May 2 - May 8 ___________ (max) 84.29 _ 1930 ______ (max) 51.29 _ 1917

May 2 - May 8 ____________ (min) 63.43 _ 1930 _____ (min) 39.71 _ 1874 

May 2 - May 8 __________ (mean) 73.86 _ 1930 ____ (mean) 46.14 _ 1917 

_ the wettest week ending May 8 was 1908 (3.92") 


May 3 - May 9 ___________ (max) 84.29 _ 1930 ______ (max) 51.71 _ 1917

May 3 - May 9 ____________ (min) 63.00 _ 1930 _____ (min) 41.14 _ 1917 

May 3 - May 9 __________ (mean) 73.64 _ 1930 ____ (mean) 46.43 _ 1917 

_ the wettest week ending May 9 was 1908 (3.91") 


May 4 - May 10 __________ (max) 85.71 _ 1930 ______ (max) 52.14 _ 1917

May 4 - May 10 ___________ (min) 62.71 _ 1930 _____ (min) 41.57 _ 1917 

May 4 - May 10 _________ (mean) 74.21 _ 1930 ____ (mean) 46.86 _ 1917 

_ the wettest week ending May 10 was 1998 (4.21") 



May 5 - May 11 __________ (max) 86.00 _ 2000 ______ (max) 53.71 _ 1917

May 5 - May 11 ___________ (min) 63.00 _ 1895 _____ (min) 41.43 _ 2020 

May 5 - May 11 _________ (mean) 74.14 _ 2000 ____ (mean) 48.21 _ 1917 

_ the wettest week ending May 11 was 1998 (4.89") 


May 6 - May 12 __________ (max) 83.57 _ 2000 ______ (max) 55.43 _ 1967 (also 58.29_2020)

May 6 - May 12 ___________ (min) 61.86 _ 2000 _____ (min) 41.00 _ 2020 

May 6 - May 12 _________ (mean) 72.71 _ 2000 ____ (mean) 48.93 _ 1917 (also 49.64_1917, 2020)

_ the wettest week ending May 12 was 2013 (4.62") 


May 7 - May 13 __________ (max) 82.29 _ 1970 ______ (max) 57.14 _ 1967

May 7 - May 13 ___________ (min) 61.71 _ 1979 _____ (min) 40.43 _ 2020 

May 7 - May 13 _________ (mean) 70.64 _ 1979 ____ (mean) 50.14 _ 1967 

_ the wettest week ending May 13 was 2013 (4.62")  


May 8 - May 14 __________ (max) 83.71 _ 1970 ______ (max) 57.43 _ 1882

May 8 - May 14 ___________ (min) 62.29 _ 1979 _____ (min) 40.57 _ 2020 

May 8 - May 14 _________ (mean) 72.43 _ 1970 ____ (mean) 50.29 _ 2020 

_ the wettest week ending May 14 was 2013 (4.62")  


May 9 - May 15 __________ (max) 83.43 _ 1970*______ (max) 56.14 _ 1878 _* 82.71 _ 1896

May 9 - May 15 ___________ (min) 62.00 _ 1979 _____ (min) 44.00 _ 2020 

May 9 - May 15 _________ (mean) 72.43 _ 1970 ____ (mean) 50.50 _ 1878 

_ the wettest week ending May 15 was 1978 (4.09") 



May 10 - May 16 __________ (max) 83.00 _ 1965 ______ (max) 55.57 _ 1882

May 10 - May 16 ___________ (min) 62.14 _ 1896 _____ (min) 43.14 _ 1878 

May 10 - May 16 _________ (mean) 71.79 _ 1896 ____ (mean) 49.93 _ 1878 

_ the wettest week ending May 16 was 1990 (4.76") 


May 11 - May 17 __________ (max) 84.43 _ 1991 ______ (max) 55.29 _ 1882

May 11 - May 17 ___________ (min) 61.57 _ 1991 _____ (min) 43.43 _ 1878 

May 11 - May 17 _________ (mean) 73.00 _ 1991 ____ (mean) 50.14 _ 1878 

_ the wettest week ending May 17 was 1978 (4.37") 


May 12 - May 18 __________ (max) 83.57 _ 1991 ______ (max) 56.00 _ 1882 

May 12 - May 18 ___________ (min) 62.29 _ 1896 _____ (min) 44.29 _ 1878  _ 44.43 _ 1895

May 12 - May 18 _________ (mean) 72.36 _ 1991 ____ (mean) 50.64 _ 1882

_ the wettest week ending May 18 was 1978 (4.75") 


May 13 - May 19 __________ (max) 81.00 _ 1877 ______ (max) 56.71 _ 1882 

May 13 - May 19 ___________ (min) 62.00 _ 1896 _____ (min) 45.14 _ 1882, 1895 

May 13 - May 19 _________ (mean) 71.43 _ 1896 ____ (mean) 50.93 _ 1882 

_ the wettest week ending May 19 was 1978 (4.75") 


May 14 - May 20 __________ (max) 83.43 _ 1877 ______ (max) 59.00 _ 1888

May 14 - May 20 ___________ (min) 62.29 _ 1889 _____ (min) 46.00 _ 1873, 1882

May 14 - May 20 _________ (mean) 72.79 _ 1877 ____ (mean) 52.79 _ 1882 

_ the wettest week ending May 20 was 1978 (4.75") 


May 15 - May 21 __________ (max) 84.57 _ 1962 ______ (max) 59.57 _ 1888

May 15 - May 21 ___________ (min) 63.00 _ 1889, 1903 __ (min) 46.14 _ 1888 

May 15 - May 21 _________ (mean) 72.57 _ 1903 ____ (mean) 52.86 _ 1888 

_ the wettest week ending May 21 was 2011 (4.22") 


May 16 - May 22 __________ (max) 84.71 _ 1962 ______ (max) 60.29 _ 1881

May 16 - May 22 ___________ (min) 64.14 _ 1903 _____ (min) 46.29 _ 2002 

May 16 - May 22 _________ (mean) 73.57 _ 1903 ____ (mean) 53.86 _ 1895 

_ the wettest week ending May 22 was 1989 (3.35") 


May 17 - May 23 __________ (max) 86.00 _ 1962 ______ (max) 60.57 _ 1881

May 17 - May 23 ___________ (min) 63.86 _ 1903 _____ (min) 45.71 _ 2002 

May 17 - May 23 _________ (mean) 73.43 _ 1903 ____ (mean) 55.29 _ 1888 _ 55.36 _ 2002

_ the wettest week ending May 23 was 1979 (3.76") 


May 18 - May 24 __________ (max) 86.86 _ 1962*______ (max) 59.86 _ 1892 _* 83.71 _ 1964

May 18 - May 24 ___________ (min) 63.00 _ 1911 ______ (min) 45.86 _ 2002 _ 46.43 _ 1976

May 18 - May 24 _________ (mean) 73.21 _ 1962*____ (mean) 54.07 _ 1892  _* 72.79 _ 1975 

_ the wettest week ending May 24 was 1979 (4.11") 


May 19 - May 25 __________ (max) 86.14 _ 1962 ______ (max) 59.86 _ 1892

May 19 - May 25 ___________ (min) 63.14 _ 1880, 1908 __ (min) 47.71 _ 1976, 2002 

May 19 - May 25 _________ (mean) 73.36 _ 1962 ____ (mean) 53.93 _ 1892

_ the wettest week ending May 25 was 1979 (4.36") 


May 20 - May 26 __________ (max) 85.14 _ 1880 ______ (max) 59.57 _ 1907

May 20 - May 26 ___________ (min) 65.71 _ 1880 _____ (min) 45.07 _ 1907 

May 20 - May 26 _________ (mean) 75.43 _ 1880 ____ (mean) 52.57 _ 1907 

_ the wettest week ending May 26 was 1979 (3.64") 


May 21 - May 27 __________ (max) 87.29 _ 1880*______ (max) 58.71 _ 1907 _* 83.71 _ 1941

May 21 - May 27 ___________ (min) 68.14 _ 1880 _____ (min) 45.86 _ 1967 

May 21 - May 27 _________ (mean) 77.71 _ 1880 ____ (mean) 52.50 _ 1907 

_ the wettest week ending May 27 was 1979 (3.63") 


May 22 - May 28 _________ (max) 87.71 _ 1880*______ (max) 59.14 _ 1907 _* 84.14 _ 1914

May 22 - May 28 _________ (min) 68.43 _1880*_____ (min) 46.71 _ 1907 _ 47.00 _ 1963 also *_66.43_1908, 66.29_2024

May 22 - May 28 _________ (mean) 78.07 _ 1880 ____ (mean) 52.93 _ 1907 

_ the wettest week ending May 28 was 1979 (3.83") 


May 23 - May 29 __________ (max) 87.71 _ 1880 ______ (max) 59.57 _ 1907

May 23 - May 29 ___________ (min) 67.71 _ 1880 _____ (min) 47.14 _ 1907 

May 23 - May 29 _________ (mean) 77.71 _ 1880 ____ (mean) 53.36 _ 1907 

_ the wettest week ending May 29 was 1968 (5.68") _ wettest week with all days within month of May.

__ a higher total of 6.06" (2014) was recorded from Apr 25 to May 1. 


May 24 - May 30 __________ (max) 88.14 _ 1991 ______ (max) 60.57 _ 1907

May 24 - May 30 ___________ (min) 67.14 _ 2016 _____ (min) 46.71 _ 1907 

May 24 - May 30 _________ (mean) 77.57 _ 1991 ____ (mean) 53.64 _ 1907 

_ the wettest week ending May 30 was 1968 (5.50") 


May 25 - May 31 __________ (max) 89.00 _ 1991 ______ (max) 60.29 _ 1907

May 25 - May 31 ___________ (min) 69.00 _ 2016 _____ (min) 47.14 _ 1930 

May 25 - May 31 _________ (mean) 78.79 _ 1991 ____ (mean) 53.86 _ 1907 

_ the wettest week ending May 31 was 1984 (5.54") 

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Intervals _______________ Highest values 1869-2021 __ Lowest values 1869-2021


May 26 - Jun 1 __________ (max) 88.29 _ 1991 ______ (max) 60.86 _ 1907

May 26 - Jun 1 ___________ (min) 69.71 _ 2016 ______ (min) 47.14 _ 1930 

May 26 - Jun 1 __________ (mean) 78.50 _ 1991 ____ (mean) 54.43 _ 1907 

_ the wettest week ending June 1 was 5.56" (1984)


May 27 - Jun 2 __________ (max) 88.86 _ 1991 ______ (max) 60.71 _ 1907

May 27 - Jun 2 ___________ (min) 68.86 _ 1991 ______ (min) 48.29 _ 1907 

May 27 - Jun 2 __________ (mean) 78.86 _ 1991 ____ (mean) 54.50 _ 1907 

_ the wettest week ending June 2 was 5.65" (1984)


May 28 - Jun 3 __________ (max) 90.14 _ 1895 ______ (max) 60.86 _ 1907

May 28 - Jun 3 ___________ (min) 68.71 _ 1991 ______ (min) 48.43 _ 1907 

May 28 - Jun 3 __________ (mean) 78.57 _ 1895 ____ (mean) 54.64 _ 1907 

_ the wettest week ending June 3 was 5.65" (1984)


May 29 - Jun 4 __________ (max) 89.43*_ 1895 ______ (max) 62.86 _ 1907 _* also 88.29_1919

May 29 - Jun 4 ___________ (min) 68.14 _ 1895 ______ (min) 49.86 _ 1945 

May 29 - Jun 4 __________ (mean) 78.79 _ 1895 ____ (mean) 56.50 _ 1907 

_ the wettest week ending June 4 was 5.12" (2003)


May 30 - Jun 5 __________ (max) 89.71 _ 1925 ______ (max) 59.29 _ 1945

May 30 - Jun 5 ___________ (min) 69.14 _ 2010 ______ (min) 49.00 _ 1945 

May 30 - Jun 5 __________ (mean) 78.50 _ 1925 ____ (mean) 54.14 _ 1945 

_ the wettest week ending June 5 was 5.13" (2003)


May 31 - Jun 6 __________ (max) 93.00 _ 1925 ______ (max) 59.43 _ 1945

May 31 - Jun 6 ___________ (min) 70.43 _ 1925 ______ (min) 47.57 _ 1945 

May 31 - Jun 6 __________ (mean) 81.71 _ 1925 ____ (mean) 53.50 _ 1945 

_ the wettest week ending June 6 was 4.94" (2003)


Jun 1 - Jun 7 __________ (max) 95.00 _ 1925 ______ (max) 60.71 _ 1945

Jun 1 - Jun 7 ___________ (min) 71.14 _ 1925 ______ (min) 47.86 _ 1945 

Jun 1 - Jun 7 __________ (mean) 83.07 _ 1925 ____ (mean) 54.29 _ 1945 

_ the wettest week ending June 7 was 6.01" (2011)


Jun 2 - Jun 8 __________ (max) 92.86 _ 1925 ______ (max) 63.43 _ 1945

Jun 2 - Jun 8 ___________ (min) 70.00 _ 1925 ______ (min) 49.57 _ 1945 

Jun 2 - Jun 8 __________ (mean) 81.43 _ 1925 ____ (mean) 56.50 _ 1945 

_ the wettest week ending June 8 was 6.49" (2011)


Jun 3 - Jun 9 __________ (max) 91.14 _ 1925 ______ (max) 65.29 _ 1945

Jun 3 - Jun 9 ___________ (min) 69.29 _ 2021 ______ (min) 50.86 _ 1945 

Jun 3 - Jun 9 __________ (mean) 80.07 _ 1925 ____ (mean) 58.07 _ 1945 

_ the wettest week ending June 9 was 5.64" (2011)


Jun 4 - Jun 10 __________ (max) 90.57 _ 1925 ______ (max) 66.29 _ 1869

Jun 4 - Jun 10 ___________ (min) 71.00 _ 1984 ______ (min) 52.14 _ 1945 

Jun 4 - Jun 10 __________ (mean) 80.71 _ 1984 ____ (mean) 59.74 _ 1945 

_ the wettest week ending June 10 was 6.15" (2011)


Jun 5 - Jun 11 __________ (max) 91.86 _ 1984 ______ (max) 64.86 _ 1916 _ also 65.57 1869

Jun 5 - Jun 11 ___________ (min) 73.86 _ 1984 ______ (min) 52.57 _ 1878 

Jun 5 - Jun 11 __________ (mean) 82.86 _ 1984 ____ (mean) 59.71 _ 1881 

_ the wettest week ending June 11 was 6.24" (2011)


Jun 6 - Jun 12 __________ (max) 91.43 _ 1984 ______ (max) 63.71 _ 1869

Jun 6 - Jun 12 ___________ (min) 74.43 _ 1984 ______ (min) 52.71 _ 1878 

Jun 6 - Jun 12 __________ (mean) 82.93 _ 1984 ____ (mean) 59.29 _ 1916 

_ the wettest week ending June 12 was 6.24" (2011)


Jun 7 - Jun 13 __________ (max) 92.71 _ 1984 ______ (max) 64.86 _ 1916 _ also 65.57 1869

Jun 7 - Jun 13 ___________ (min) 74.86 _ 1984 ______ (min) 53.29 _ 1980 

Jun 7 - Jun 13 __________ (mean) 83.79 _ 1984 ____ (mean) 59.64 _ 1916 

_ the wettest week ending June 13 was 7.37" (2011) _ highest weekly total ending on any June date (or incl June days).


Jun 8 - Jun 14 __________ (max) 91.71 _ 1984 ______ (max) 65.29 _ 1916

Jun 8 - Jun 14 ___________ (min) 74.57 _ 1984*______ (min) 52.14 _ 1980 _* 2005_72.86

Jun 8 - Jun 14 __________ (mean) 83.14 _ 1984 ____ (mean) 60.07 _ 1916 

_ the wettest week ending June 14 was 4.37" (1989)


Jun 9 - Jun 15 __________ (max) 88.86 _ 1973 ______ (max) 65.71 _ 1916 

Jun 9 - Jun 15 ___________ (min) 72.57 _ 1984 ______ (min) 53.71 _ 1951 

Jun 9 - Jun 15 __________ (mean) 80.64 _ 1984 ____ (mean) 60.21 _ 1916 

_ the wettest week ending June 15 was 4.65" (1989) 


Jun 10 - Jun 16 _________ (max) 88.57 _ 1891 ______ (max) 67.43 _ 1916

Jun 10 - Jun 16 __________ (min) 69.86 _ 1984, 2005 __ (min) 53.14 _ 1951 

Jun 10 - Jun 16 _________ (mean) 78.07 _ 1891 ____ (mean) 61.14 _ 1916 

_ the wettest week ending June 16 was 3.97" (1903)


Jun 11 - Jun 17 _________ (max) 89.86 _ 1891, 1957 __ (max) 67.57 _ 1903

Jun 11 - Jun 17 __________ (min) 69.71 _ 1956,57 ___ (min) 53.86 _ 1951 

Jun 11 - Jun 17 _________ (mean) 79.79 _ 1957 ____ (mean) 62.64 _ 1881 

_ the wettest week ending June 17 was 3.98" (1903)


Jun 12 - Jun 18 _________ (max) 91.43 _ 1957 ______ (max) 65.86 _ 1903

Jun 12 - Jun 18 __________ (min) 72.14 _ 1957 ______ (min) 55.00 _ 1951 

Jun 12 - Jun 18 _________ (mean) 81.79 _ 1957 ____ (mean) 61.86 _ 1903 

_ the wettest week ending June 18 was 4.09" (1903)


Jun 13 - Jun 19 _________ (max) 91.86 _ 1957 ______ (max) 65.43 _ 1903

Jun 13 - Jun 19 __________ (min) 73.00 _ 1957 ______ (min) 54.43 _ 1933 

Jun 13 - Jun 19 _________ (mean) 82.43 _ 1957 ____ (mean) 61.57 _ 1903 

_ the wettest week ending June 19 was 4.10" (1972)


Jun 14 - Jun 20 _________ (max) 91.00 _ 1957 ______ (max) 65.29 _ 1903

Jun 14 - Jun 20 __________ (min) 72.00 _ 1957 ______ (min) 54.71 _ 1959 

Jun 14 - Jun 20 _________ (mean) 81.50 _ 1957 ____ (mean) 61.14 _ 1903 

_ the wettest week ending June 20 was 4.09" (1972)


Jun 15 - Jun 21 _________ (max) 90.57 _ 1957 ______ (max) 66.29 _ 1903

Jun 15 - Jun 21 __________ (min) 71.00 _ 1957 ______ (min) 54.57 _ 1926 

Jun 15 - Jun 21 _________ (mean) 80.79 _ 1957 ____ (mean) 62.00 _ 1903 

_ the wettest week ending June 21 was 4.30" (1972)


Jun 16 - Jun 22 _________ (max) 89.43 _ 1957 ______ (max) 66.43 _ 1903

Jun 16 - Jun 22 __________ (min) 71.00 _ 1949 ______ (min) 55.29 _ 1926 

Jun 16 - Jun 22 _________ (mean) 80.00 _ 1957 ____ (mean) 62.21 _ 1903 

_ the wettest week ending June 22 was 5.49" (1972)


Jun 17 - Jun 23 _________ (max) 89.43 _ 1888 ______ (max) 65.71 _ 1903

Jun 17 - Jun 23 __________ (min) 72.00*_2024 ___ (min) 55.86 _ 1918,26 *_70.71 1949, 2006

Jun 17 - Jun 23 _________ (mean) 80.86*_2024 ____ (mean) 61.86 _ 1903 *_79.36 _ 1994

_ the wettest week ending June 23 was 4.95" (1887)


Jun 18 - Jun 24 _________ (max) 90.57 _ 1888 ______ (max) 65.14 _ 1903

Jun 18 - Jun 24 __________ (min) 73.00*_2024  ___ (min) 55.14 _ 1918 _ *71.00_ 1907, 2017

Jun 18 - Jun 24 _________ (mean) 81.14*_2024 ____ (mean) 61.50 _ 1903 _*79.57 _ 1943

_ the wettest week ending June 24 was 4.95" (1887)


Jun 19 - Jun 25 _________ (max) 91.86 _ 1923 ______ (max) 65.71 _ 1903

Jun 19 - Jun 25 __________ (min) 72.71*_ 2024 ______ (min) 54.57 _ 1918 *_71.29 _ 1908

Jun 19 - Jun 25 _________ (mean) 81.29*_2024 ____ (mean) 61.64 _ 1903 *_81.21 _ 1943 

_ the wettest week ending June 25 was 4.64" (1887)


Jun 20 - Jun 26 _________ (max) 92.29 _ 1923 ______ (max) 67.29 _ 1903

Jun 20 - Jun 26 __________ (min) 74.00 _ 1909 ______ (min) 54.57 _ 1918 

Jun 20 - Jun 26 _________ (mean) 82.21 _ 1943 ____ (mean) 62.43 _ 1903 

_ the wettest week ending June 26 was 4.74" (1884)


Jun 21 - Jun 27 _________ (max) 93.00 _ 1943 ______ (max) 69.14 _ 1903

Jun 21 - Jun 27 __________ (min) 75.71 _ 1909 ______ (min) 55.29 _ 1940 

Jun 21 - Jun 27 _________ (mean) 82.86 _ 1943 ____ (mean) 63.36 _ 1940 

_ the wettest week ending June 27 was 4.74" (1884)


Jun 22 - Jun 28 _________ (max) 93.29 _ 1943 ______ (max) 69.14 _ 1903

Jun 22 - Jun 28 __________ (min) 76.14 _ 1909 ______ (min) 56.43 _ 1918 

Jun 22 - Jun 28 _________ (mean) 83.21 _ 1943 ____ (mean) 64.07 _ 1893 

_ the wettest week ending June 28 was 4.74" (1884)


Jun 23 - Jun 29 _________ (max) 92.00 _ 1966 ______ (max) 69.29 _ 1903 _ also 69.43 1974

Jun 23 - Jun 29 __________ (min) 75.71 _ 1909 ______ (min) 56.57 _ 1893 

Jun 23 - Jun 29 _________ (mean) 81.93 _ 1943 ____ (mean) 63.71 _ 1974 

_ the wettest week ending June 29 was 4.74" (1884)


Jun 24 - Jun 30 _________ (max) 92.00 _ 1966 ______ (max) 70.57 _ 1974

Jun 24 - Jun 30 __________ (min) 74.43 _ 1909 ______ (min) 56.43 _ 1893 

Jun 24 - Jun 30 _________ (mean) 82.07 _ 1880 ____ (mean) 64.14 _ 1893 

_ the wettest week ending June 30 was 4.80" (1984)

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Intervals _______________ Highest values 1869-2021 __ Lowest values 1869-2021



June 25 - July 1 __________ (max) 92.57 _ 1901 _____ (max) 71.14 _ 1974

June 25 - July 1 __________ (min) 73.57 _ 1880,1909 __ (min) 57.14 _ 1893

June 25 - July 1 _________ (mean) 82.29_ 1901 _____(mean) 64.86_ 1893

_ the wettest week ending July 1 was 1884 (4.75")


June 26 - July 2 __________ (max) 95.00 _ 1901 _____ (max) 71.86 _ 1985

June 26 - July 2 __________ (min) 73.86 _ 1901 _____ (min) 57.71 _ 1893

June 26 - July 2 __________ (mean) 84.43_ 1901 ___ (mean) 65.57 _ 1985

_ the wettest week ending July 2 was 1884 (4.30")


June 27 - July 3 __________ (max) 95.71 _ 1966 _____ (max) 73.71 _ 1888,1985 ____ (1901 avg 95.43)

June 27 - July 3 __________ (min) 74.57 _ 1876 _____ (min) 57.29 _ 1888

June 27 - July 3 __________ (mean) 84.93_1901 ___ (mean) 65.50 _ 1888

_ the wettest week ending July 3 was 1984 (4.22")


June 28 - July 4 __________ (max) 95.29 _ 1966 _____ (max) 74.57 _ 1914 _____ (1901 avg 94.43)

June 28 - July 4 __________ (min) 75.43 _ 1876 _____ (min) 57.00 _ 1888

June 28 - July 4 __________ (mean) 84.79_1966 ___ (mean) 66.00 _ 1888

_ the wettest week ending July 4 was 1984 (4.23")


June 29 - July 5 __________ (max) 94.57 _ 1966 _____ (max) 72.57 _ 1882 

June 29 - July 5 __________ (min) 75.71 _ 2018 ______ (min) 58.71 _ 1888

June 29 - July 5 __________ (mean) 84.07_1966 ___ (mean) 66.64 _ 1882

_ the wettest week ending July 5 was 1984 (4.44")


June 30 - July 6 __________ (max) 94.43 _ 1966 _____ (max) 72.43 _ 1882 

June 30 - July 6 __________ (min) 76.57 _ 1908 ______ (min) 58.29 _ 1940

June 30 - July 6 __________ (mean) 83.86_1966 ____ (mean) 66.21 _ 1882

_ the wettest week ending July 6 was 1901 (4.67") (1984 4.45")


July 1 - July 7 ____________ (max) 94.29 _ 1966 _____ (max) 73.71 _ 1882  ____ (94.00 _ 1911)

July 1 - July 7 ____________ (min) 77.71 _ 1908 ______ (min) 58.86 _ 1940 ____ (77.29 1999)

July 1 - July 7 ___________ (mean) 84.43_1911 ____ (mean) 66.71 _ 1914

_ the wettest week ending July 7 was 1901 (4.68") (1984 4.51")



July 2 - July 8 ____________ (max) 94.86 _ 1966 _____ (max) 73.57 _ 1882  

July 2 - July 8 ____________ (min) 77.43 _ 1999 ______ (min) 59.29 _ 1979 ___ 77.29 (1908)

July 2 - July 8 ___________ (mean) 85.21 _ 1999 ____ (mean) 67.07 _ 1882

_ the wettest week ending July 8 was 1901 (4.69") 


July 3 - July 9 ____________ (max) 95.14 _ 2010 _____ (max) 74.29 _ 1914  

July 3 - July 9 ____________ (min) 77.43 _ 1999 ______ (min) 59.86 _ 1979 

July 3 - July 9 ___________ (mean) 85.21 _ 2010 ____ (mean) 67.86 _ 1914

_ the wettest week ending July 9 was 1901 (4.70") _ record broken 2021 5.22"


July 4 - July 10 ___________ (max) 96.29 _ 1993 _____ (max) 74.86 _ 1956  

July 4 - July 10 ___________ (min) 76.86 _ 1999 ______ (min) 59.71 _ 1979 

July 4 - July 10 __________ (mean) 85.71 _ 1993 ____ (mean) 68.14 _ 1894

_ the wettest week ending July 10 was 1901 (4.39") _ record broken 2021 5.15"


July 5 - July 11 ___________ (max) 96.57 _ 1993 _____ (max) 74.86 _ 1894  

July 5 - July 11 ___________ (min) 76.14 _ 2010* ______ (min) 60.00 _ 1894 *_75.86 2024, 75.71_2013

July 5 - July 11 __________ (mean) 85.79 _ 1993 ____ (mean) 67.43 _ 1894

_ the wettest week ending July 11 was 1901 (5.05") _ record broken 2021 5.16"


July 6 - July 12 ___________ (max) 97.00 _ 1993 _____ (max) 74.86 _ 1914  

July 6 - July 12 ___________ (min) 76.00 _ 1993*______ (min) 60.57 _ 1894 *_75.71 1981, 2010, 75.57 1905, 2024

July 6 - July 12 __________ (mean) 86.50 _ 1993 ____ (mean) 68.21 _ 1917

_ the wettest week ending July 12 was 1928 (4.03") (2020 3.90")

_ _ _ _ record broken 2021 6.58"


July 7 - July 13 ___________ (max) 98.00 _ 1993 _____ (max) 73.43 _ 1917  

July 7 - July 13 ___________ (min) 76.86*_ 1993 ______ (min) 61.00 _ 1963 _*76.43 _ 1905

July 7 - July 13 __________ (mean) 87.43*_1993 ____ (mean) 68.21 _ 1917 _ * highest mean, 2nd was 15th-21st 1977 (87.36)

_ the wettest week ending July 13 was 1874 (3.75") _ record broken 2021 6.58"


__ note: Heavy rainfalls in the past week have broken a number of the existing weekly totals as noted in the tables. 

___ The 6.58" peak amount for weeks ending July 12 and 13 represents the second highest July weekly total, only 25-31 of 1889 surpassed this with 6.75". Looking back, the last week (in the calendar year) to exceed 6.58" was June 7-13 (2013, record 7.37") and as it turns out that is also the most recent weekly total higher than these recent peaks (added later, two higher peaks were set in late August and early September of 2021). ___


July 8 - July 14 ___________ (max) 97.00 _ 1993 _____ (max) 74.00 _ 1917  __ 94.86 (1936) 106F 9th

July 8 - July 14 ___________ (min) 77.14 _ 1905 ______ (min) 60.00 _ 1888 

July 8 - July 14 __________ (mean) 86.64 _ 1993 ____ (mean) 68.36 _ 1917

_ the wettest week ending July 14 was 1874 (3.75") _ record broken 2021 6.03" 


July 9 - July 15 ___________ (max) 95.57 _ 1993 _____ (max) 74.57 _ 1917 

July 9 - July 15 ___________ (min) 76.57 _ 1905 ______ (min) 59.43 _ 1888 

July 9 - July 15 __________ (mean) 85.29 _ 1993 ____ (mean) 68.21 _ 1888

_ the wettest week ending July 15 was 1975 (4.62") _ 2021 3.76" as no rain July 14-15


July 10 - July 16 ___________ (max) 94.00 _ 1993 _____ (max) 75.71 _ 1895  

July 10 - July 16 ___________ (min) 75.00 _ 1876 ______ (min) 59.00 _ 1888 

July 10 - July 16 __________ (mean) 83.57 _ 1993 ____ (mean) 68.71 _ 1895

_ the wettest week ending July 16 was 1937 (4.52") _ 


July 11 - July 17 ___________ (max) 93.29 _ 1983 _____ (max) 76.71 _ 1884  

July 11 - July 17 ___________ (min) 75.43 _ 1876 ______ (min) 58.86 _ 1888 

July 11 - July 17 __________ (mean) 82.93 _ 1983 ____ (mean) 68.79 _ 1888

_ the wettest week ending July 17 was 1937 (4.52") _ note 2024 3.81"


July 12 - July 18 ___________ (max) 95.00 _ 1983 _____ (max) 76.43 _ 1884 

July 12 - July 18 ___________ (min) 75.43 _ 1876 ______ (min) 58.43 _ 1888 

July 12 - July 18 __________ (mean) 84.93 _ 1983 ____ (mean) 67.93 _ 1888

_ the wettest week ending July 18 was 1895 (4.41")


July 13 - July 19 ___________ (max) 96.86 _ 1977 _____ (max) 74.86 _ 1903  

July 13 - July 19 ___________ (min) 77.00 _ 2013 ______ (min) 59.43 _ 1888 

July 13 - July 19 __________ (mean) 86.07 _ 1977 ____ (mean) 68.14 _ 1888

_ the wettest week ending July 19 was 1975 (3.97") _ note 2024 was 3.64"


July 14 - July 20 ___________ (max) 96.71 _ 1977 _____ (max) 75.29 _ 1884  

July 14 - July 20 ___________ (min) 79.00 _ 2013 ______ (min) 60.86 _ 1924 

July 14 - July 20 __________ (mean) 86.79 _ 2013 ____ (mean) 69.14 _ 1903

_ the wettest week ending July 20 was 1919 (4.07")


July 15 - July 21 ___________ (max) 98.43*_ 1977 _____ (max) 75.71 _ 1884  __ * highest weekly average all time (2nd in late Aug-early Sep 1953)

July 15 - July 21 ___________ (min) 79.29^_ 2013 ______ (min) 61.00 _ 1924 __ ^ highest weekly average all time (2nd Aug 6-12 1896, 79.14)

July 15 - July 21 __________ (mean) 87.36 _ 1977 ____ (mean) 69.43 _ 1884 __ mean is 2nd highest, 87.43 7-13 1993 highest

_ the wettest week ending July 21 was 1988 (5.70")


July 16 - July 22 ___________ (max) 97.29 _ 1977 _____ (max) 76.57 _ 1871, 1919

July 16 - July 22 ___________ (min) 78.86 _ 2013 ______ (min) 61.29 _ 1929 

July 16 - July 22 __________ (mean) 86.50 _ 1977 ____ (mean) 69.57 _ 1871

_ the wettest week ending July 22 was 1988 (5.60") 


July 17 - July 23 ___________ (max) 97.29 _ 1991*_____ (max) 75.29 _ 1869  __ * 2011 95.71

July 17 - July 23 ___________ (min) 78.29 _ 2013 ______ (min) 60.14 _ 1890 

July 17 - July 23 __________ (mean) 86.36 _ 2011 ____ (mean) 68.36 _ 1890

_ the wettest week ending July 23 was 1988 (5.45") _ 1919 was close at 5.37"


July 18 - July 24 ___________ (max) 96.43 _ 1991*_____ (max) 74.57 _ 1890 __ * 2011 95.71  

July 18 - July 24 ___________ (min) 77.86 _ 2011 ______ (min) 59.43 _ 1890 __ 2022 75.86 

July 18 - July 24 __________ (mean) 86.79 _ 2011 ____ (mean) 67.00 _ 1890

_ the wettest week ending July 24 was 1997 (5.53") _ 1919 had 5.36"


July 19 - July 25 ___________ (max) 93.57 _ 2011*_____ (max) 74.14 _ 1871 __ * 1991 93.29, 2022 92.43

July 19 - July 25 ___________ (min) 76.86 _ 2011 ______ (min) 60.14 _ 1890 __ 2022 75.86

July 19 - July 25 __________ (mean) 85.21 _ 2011 ____ (mean) 67.36 _ 1871, 1890

_ the wettest week ending July 25 was 1997 (5.97")


July 20 - July 26 ___________ (max) 93.14 _ 1980*_____ (max) 74.00 _ 1969  __ * 2011 93.00

July 20 - July 26 ___________ (min) 76.43 _ 1885 ______ (min) 59.86 _ 1871

July 20 - July 26 __________ (mean) 84.50 _ 2011 ____ (mean) 67.29 _ 1871

_ the wettest week ending July 26 was 1997 (5.97")


July 21 - July 27 ___________ (max) 93.86 _ 1955 _____ (max) 75.43 _ 2000  

July 21 - July 27 ___________ (min) 75.71 _ 1885 ______ (min) 60.71 _ 1871 

July 21 - July 27 _________ (mean) 83.79_1955, 1961*__(mean) 68.21_1871 _ * 83.64 2011

_ the wettest week ending July 27 was 1997 (6.06")


July 22 - July 28 ___________ (max) 93.57 _ 1999 _____ (max) 74.71 _ 2000*  

July 22 - July 28 ___________ (min) 75.57 _ 1908 ______ (min) 61.43 _ 1871_1920 

July 22 - July 28 __________ (mean) 84.00 _ 1999^____ (mean) 69.14 _ 1871 

_ the wettest week ending July 28 was 1997 (5.20")


July 23 - July 29 ___________ (max) 95.00 _ 1999 _____ (max) 73.71 _ 2000  

July 23 - July 29 ___________ (min) 75.86 _ 1908 ______ (min) 60.71 _ 1920 

July 23 - July 29 __________ (mean) 84.79 _ 1999 ____ (mean) 69.21 _ 2000 

_ the wettest week ending July 29 was 1997 (4.71")


July 24 - July 30 ___________ (max) 95.00 _ 1999 _____ (max) 73.14 _ 2000  

July 24 - July 30 ___________ (min) 76.00 _ 1995 ______ (min) 60.29 _ 1920 

July 24 - July 30 __________ (mean) 84.86 _ 1999____ (mean) 69.21 _ 2000 

_ the wettest week ending July 30 was 1960 (5.06")


July 25 - July 31 ___________ (max) 94.00*_ 1999 _____ (max) 72.71 _ 2000 __ * 1940 93.71

July 25 - July 31 ___________ (min) 76.29 _ 1995 ______ (min) 60.43 _ 1920 

July 25 - July 31 __________ (mean) 84.07 _ 1999 ____ (mean) 68.93 _ 2000 

_ the wettest week ending July 31 was 1889 (6.75")


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Intervals _______________ Highest values 1869-2022 __ Lowest values 1869-2022


July 26 - Aug 1 ___________ (max) 94.14 _ 1999 _____ (max) 73.00 _ 2000

July 26 - Aug 1 ___________ (min) 75.86 _ 1995 ______ (min) 61.43 _ 1920 

July 26 - Aug 1 __________ (mean) 84.29 _ 1999 ____ (mean) 69.07 _ 2000 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 1 was 1889 (8.45")


July 27 - Aug 2 ___________ (max) 94.43 _ 1933 _____ (max) 75.29 _ 2000  

July 27 - Aug 2 ___________ (min) 76.57 _ 2006 ______ (min) 61.43 _ 1871 

July 27 - Aug 2 __________ (mean) 84.21 _ 1995^____ (mean) 69.29 _ 1914 _^ 84.14 1917

_ the wettest week ending Aug 2 was 1889 (8.47")


July 28 - Aug 3 ___________ (max) 95.00 _ 1933 _____ (max) 75.00 _ 1875

July 28 - Aug 3 ___________ (min) 77.14 _ 2006 ______ (min) 61.14 _ 1914 

July 28 - Aug 3 __________ (mean) 84.64 _ 2006^____ (mean) 68.64 _ 1914 _^ 84.50 1933

_ the wettest week ending Aug 3 was 1971 (6.61")


July 29 - Aug 4 __________ (max) 94.43 _ 1933_2002 __ (max) 75.43 _ 1875

July 29 - Aug 4 ___________ (min) 77.29 _ 2006 ______ (min) 61.71 _ 1956 

July 29 - Aug 4 __________ (mean) 84.00 _ 1999^____ (mean) 69.50 _ 1914 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 4 was 1971 (6.68")


July 30 - Aug 5 __________ (max) 93.71 _ 2002 ______ (max) 75.43 _ 1978

July 30 - Aug 5 ___________ (min) 77.00 _ 2006 ______ (min) 60.14 _ 1912 

July 30 - Aug 5 __________ (mean) 84.57 _ 2006 ____ (mean) 68.93 _ 1912 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 5 was 1889 (6.41")


July 31 - Aug 6 __________ (max) 95.00 _ 1955 ______ (max) 73.29 _ 1903

July 31 - Aug 6 ___________ (min) 76.29 _ 2006 ______ (min) 59.00 _ 1912 

July 31 - Aug 6 __________ (mean) 84.71 _ 1955 ____ (mean) 67.79 _ 1903 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 6 was 1878 (6.22")


Aug 1 - Aug 7 __________ (max) 96.14 _ 1955 ______ (max) 73.43 _ 1886_1903

Aug 1 - Aug 7 ___________ (min) 76.43 _ 2006 ______ (min) 58.86 _ 1912 

Aug 1 - Aug 7 __________ (mean) 85.71 _ 1955 ____ (mean) 66.36 _ 1886 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 7 was 1878 (6.22")


Aug 2 - Aug 8 __________ (max) 94.00 _ 1955 ______ (max) 72.43 _ 1903

Aug 2 - Aug 8 ___________(min) 75.57 _ 1908,2022 _ (min) 58.00 _ 1886 

Aug 2 - Aug 8 __________ (mean) 84.21 _ 1955 ____ (mean) 65.79 _ 1886 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 8 was 1915 (4.79")


Aug 3 - Aug 9 __________ (max) 93.57^_ 1980_2001 __ (max) 72.00 _ 1903 __ 2022 92.14

Aug 3 - Aug 9 ___________ (min) 76.43 _ 2022 ______ (min) 58.71 _ 1886 __ 1908 76.29

Aug 3 - Aug 9 __________ (mean) 84.86 _ 1980 ____ (mean) 66.29 _ 1866 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 9 was 1976 (4.89")

__ ^There was hot weather in this period in 1918 with the August maximum of 104F on the 7th, but the highest 7-day average was 90.57 for Aug 3-9. 


Aug 4 - Aug 10 __________ (max) 95.29 _ 2001 _____ (max) 72.71 _ 1903

Aug 4 - Aug 10 ___________ (min) 77.57* _ 1896 ______ (min) 60.00 _ 1886 *_ 2022 77.00 

Aug 4 - Aug 10 __________ (mean) 85.93*_ 1896 ___ (mean) 66.79 _ 1903 *_ 85.57 2001

_ the wettest week ending Aug 10 was 1990 (8.46")


Aug 5 - Aug 11 __________ (max) 95.14 _ 1896 ______ (max) 73.43 _ 1903

Aug 5 - Aug 11 ___________ (min) 78.86*_ 1896 ______ (min) 61.00 _ 1883_94 *_ 2022 76.43

Aug 5 - Aug 11 __________ (mean) 87.00 _ 1896 ____ (mean) 68.21 _ 1886 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 11 was 1990 (9.96") _ Aug maximum weekly total


Aug 6 - Aug 12 __________ (max) 95.00 _ 1896 ______ (max) 74.57 _ 1903

Aug 6 - Aug 12 ___________ (min) 79.14 _ 1896 ______ (min) 61.14 _ 1883 

Aug 6 - Aug 12 __________ (mean) 87.07 _ 1896 ____ (mean) 68.07 _ 1903 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 12 was 1990 (9.85")


Aug 7 - Aug 13 __________ (max) 94.71 _ 1896 ______ (max) 74.71 _ 1884

Aug 7 - Aug 13 ___________ (min) 79.00 _ 1896 ______ (min) 61.14 _ 1989 

Aug 7 - Aug 13 __________ (mean) 86.86 _ 1896 ____ (mean) 68.14 _ 1903 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 13 was 1955 (8.25")


Aug 8 - Aug 14 __________ (max) 94.29 _ 1944 ______ (max) 74.71 _ 1903

Aug 8 - Aug 14 ___________ (min) 78.57 _ 1896 ______ (min) 60.57 _ 1919 

Aug 8 - Aug 14 __________ (mean) 85.50 _ 1896^____ (mean) 68.36 _ 1903 _^ 85.36_1988

_ the wettest week ending Aug 14 was 2011 (7.90")


Aug 9 - Aug 15 __________ (max) 95.71 _ 1944^______ (max) 75.43 _ 1962 _^ 95.29 _ 1988

Aug 9 - Aug 15 ___________ (min) 78.00 _ 1988 ______ (min) 59.43 _ 1964 

Aug 9 - Aug 15 __________ (mean) 86.64 _ 1988 ____ (mean) 67.86 _ 1962 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 15 was 2011 (8.46")


Aug 10 - Aug 16 __________ (max) 96.86 _ 1944 ______ (max) 74.43 _ 1883

Aug 10 - Aug 16 ___________ (min) 78.14 _ 1988 ______ (min) 59.86 _ 1964 

Aug 10 - Aug 16 __________ (mean) 86.21 _ 1988 ____ (mean) 68.43 _ 1883_94 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 16 was 1955 (7.35")


Aug 11 - Aug 17 __________ (max) 96.57 _ 1944 ______ (max) 74.00 _ 1909

Aug 11 - Aug 17 ___________ (min) 77.86 _ 1988 ______ (min) 59.71 _ 1963_79 

Aug 11 - Aug 17 __________ (mean) 85.86 _ 1944 ____ (mean) 67.57 _ 1930 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 17 was 1955 (7.30")


Aug 12 - Aug 18 __________ (max) 94.57 _ 2002 ______ (max) 72.86 _ 1919

Aug 12 - Aug 18 ___________ (min) 76.86 _ 1908_88 ___ (min) 59.57 _ 1979 

Aug 12 - Aug 18 __________ (mean) 85.29 _ 2002 ____ (mean) 67.00 _ 1979 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 18 was 1955 (7.60")


Aug 13 - Aug 19 __________ (max) 94.29 _ 2002 ______ (max) 72.00 _ 1919

Aug 13 - Aug 19 ___________ (min) 76.71 _ 2016 ______ (min) 58.71 _ 1964 

Aug 13 - Aug 19 __________ (mean) 85.29 _ 2002 ____ (mean) 67.07 _ 1919 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 19 was 2011 (7.70")


Aug 14 - Aug 20 __________ (max) 92.00 _ 2002 ______ (max) 72.86 _ 1881

Aug 14 - Aug 20 ___________ (min) 75.14 _ 2016 ______ (min) 58.43 _ 1964 

Aug 14 - Aug 20 __________ (mean) 83.14 _ 2002 ____ (mean) 67.21 _ 1887_1927 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 20 was 2011 (7.70")


Aug 15 - Aug 21 __________ (max) 91.57 _ 1959 ______ (max) 73.86 _ 1881_1927

Aug 15 - Aug 21 ___________ (min) 75.00 _ 2015 ______ (min) 58.71 _ 1886 

Aug 15 - Aug 21 __________ (mean) 82.50 _ 1959_2015 __ (mean) 66.71 _ 1927 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 21 was 1873 (5.63")


Aug 16 - Aug 22 __________ (max) 90.71 _ 1959 ______ (max) 72.29 _ 2007

Aug 16 - Aug 22 ___________ (min) 74.43 _ 2015 ______ (min) 57.86 _ 1886 

Aug 16 - Aug 22 __________ (mean) 81.93 _ 1959 ____ (mean) 66.50 _ 2007 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 22 was 1873 (5.73")

_ this record was broken on Aug 22, 2021 when a weekly total of 7.32" was achieved.


Aug 17 - Aug 23 __________ (max) 89.14 _ 1983 ______ (max) 71.14 _ 2007

Aug 17 - Aug 23 ___________ (min) 75.57 _ 1906 ______ (min) 57.14 _ 1886 

Aug 17 - Aug 23 __________ (mean) 80.93 _ 1906 ____ (mean) 65.07 _ 2007 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 23 was 1933 (5.80")

_ this record was broken on Aug 22, 2021 when a weekly total of 7.32" was achieved. Another 1.07" fell on Aug 23 making the new record 8.39".


Aug 18 - Aug 24 __________ (max) 88.57 _ 1983 ______ (max) 70.86 _ 2007

Aug 18 - Aug 24 ___________ (min) 74.86 _ 1906 ______ (min) 56.43 _ 1886 

Aug 18 - Aug 24 __________ (mean) 80.29 _ 1906 ____ (mean) 65.21 _ 2007 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 24 was 1893 (7.75")

_ this record is now broken with a total from 18th to 24th of 8.39" .


Aug 19 - Aug 25 __________ (max) 88.00 _ 1972_83 ____ (max) 72.14 _ 1926

Aug 19 - Aug 25 ___________ (min) 74.00 _ 1906 ______ (min) 57.29 _ 1886 

Aug 19 - Aug 25 __________ (mean) 79.86 _ 2015 ____ (mean) 67.00 _ 1940 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 25 was 1893 (7.75")

_ this record is now broken with a total from 19th to 25th 2021 of 8.39".


Aug 20 - Aug 26 __________ (max) 88.86 _ 1976 ____ (max) 72.57 _ 1926

Aug 20 - Aug 26 ___________ (min) 73.14*_ 1891 ______ (min) 56.43 _ 1940 _ *73.00 2021 

Aug 20 - Aug 26 __________ (mean) 79.64 _ 1939_2021 ____ (mean) 65.00 _ 1940 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 26 was 1893 (6.41")

_ this record is now broken with a total from 20th to 26th 2021 of 8.19".


Aug 21 - Aug 27 __________ (max) 89.86 _ 1948 ____ (max) 71.29 _ 1927

Aug 21 - Aug 27 ___________ (min) 73.86*_ 1891 ______ (min) 55.86 _ 1940 * 73.00_2021

Aug 21 - Aug 27__________ (mean) 80.21 _ 1948 ____ (mean) 64.29 _ 1940 * 79.71_2021

_ the wettest week ending Aug 27 was 1933 (5.65")

_ this record is now broken with a total from 21st to 27rd 2021 of 8.86".



^^ This interval has less impressive late summer warmth than the next week or two, with heat waves in 1948 and 1953 for example pushing average weekly maxima back up to around 95 F or higher. 



Aug 22 - Aug 28 __________ (max) 92.29 _ 1948 ____ (max) 70.29 _ 1927

Aug 22 - Aug 28 ___________ (min) 72.86 _ 1891*______ (min) 56.00 _ 1940 * 72.29_2021

Aug 22 - Aug 28 __________ (mean) 82.29 _ 1948 ____ (mean) 63.21 _ 1940 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 28 was 2011 (7.36")



Aug 23 - Aug 29 __________ (max) 94.43 _ 1948^____ (max) 69.57 _ 1940 _^ 1980_91.86

Aug 23 - Aug 29 ___________ (min) 74.00*_ 1948 ______ (min) 55.71 _ 1940 *_ 2022 73.00

Aug 23 - Aug 29 __________ (mean) 84.21 _ 1948 ____ (mean) 62.64 _ 1940 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 29 was 2011 (7.36")


Aug 24 - Aug 30 __________ (max) 95.00 _ 1948 ____ (max) 68.86 _ 1940

Aug 24 - Aug 30 ___________ (min) 75.29*_ 1948 ______ (min) 56.29 _ 1940 *__ 2022 73.14

Aug 24 - Aug 30 __________ (mean) 85.14 _ 1948 ____ (mean) 62.57 _ 1940 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 30 was 2011 (7.36")


Aug 25 - Aug 31 __________ (max) 95.86 _ 1953*____ (max) 70.14 _ 1908

Aug 25 - Aug 31 ___________ (min) 74.43 _ 1948 ______ (min) 55.14 _ 1887 

Aug 25 - Aug 31 __________ (mean) 84.64 _ 1953^____ (mean) 62.93 _ 1887 _^ 1948_84.50 

_ the wettest week ending Aug 31 was 2011 (7.36")

_ note that for the last four rainfall maxima which are all identical (7.36" in 2011) all of this rainfall occurred on 25th to 28th and 6.87" fell on Aug 27-28.


* 1953 peaked at 98.29 for both Aug 27-Sep 2 and Aug 28-Sep 3 and holds the first four high maxima for September. A parallel heat wave in 1973 ran only slightly cooler and peaked at 95.71 for Aug 28-Sep 3. The 1973 heat wave did manage to take one of the high min spots for Aug 26-Sep 1 before 1953 began to accumulate those as well. 

The recent 2021 heat came as close as tying some mean minimum and daily marks, but was not that close to mean maximum. 


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Intervals _______________ Highest values 1869-2021 __ Lowest values 1869-2021


Aug 26 - Sep 1 __________ (max) 96.71 _ 1953 ____ (max) 68.57 _ 1903

Aug 26 - Sep 1 ___________ (min) 74.43 _ 1973 ______ (min) 55.71 _ 1887 

Aug 26 - Sep 1 __________ (mean) 85.50 _ 1953 ____ (mean) 63.71 _ 1887 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 1 was 2011 (6.87")

__ this record has been broken and is now 2021 (7.80").



Aug 27 - Sep 2 __________ (max) 98.29 _ 1953 ____ (max) 68.86 _ 1903

Aug 27 - Sep 2 ___________ (min) 75.43 _ 1953^______ (min) 56.14 _ 1912 _^ 75.14_1973

Aug 27 - Sep 2 __________ (mean) 86.86 _ 1953 ____ (mean) 63.14 _ 1912 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 2 was 2011 (6.87")

__ this record has been broken and is now 2021 (7.90") 



Aug 28 - Sep 3 __________ (max) 98.29 _ 1953^____ (max) 68.71 _ 1912 _^ 1973_95.71

Aug 28 - Sep 3 ___________ (min) 76.00 _ 1953 ______ (min) 55.29 _ 1965 

Aug 28 - Sep 3 __________ (mean) 87.14 _ 1953 ____ (mean) 62.64 _ 1912 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 3 was 1974 (5.32")

__ this record has been broken as is now 2021 (7.23")


Aug 29 - Sep 4 __________ (max) 97.14 _ 1953 ____ (max) 69.43 _ 1869

Aug 29 - Sep 4 ___________ (min) 76.43 _ 1953 ______ (min) 55.00 _ 1872 

Aug 29 - Sep 4 __________ (mean) 86.79 _ 1953 ____ (mean) 63.00 _ 1872 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 4 was 1969 (6.39")

_ this record has been broken and is now 2021 (7.23")


Aug 30 - Sep 5 __________ (max) 95.29 _ 1953 ____ (max) 69.43 _ 1869

Aug 30 - Sep 5 ___________ (min) 76.57 _ 1898 ______ (min) 54.57 _ 1872 

Aug 30 - Sep 5 __________ (mean) 85.43 _ 1953 ____ (mean) 62.50 _ 1872 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 5 was 1969 (6.39")

_ this record has been broken and is now 2021 (7.25")



Aug 31 - Sep 6 __________ (max) 93.29*_ 1953 ____ (max) 70.14 _ 1869 _* 91.43_1898

Aug 31 - Sep 6 ___________ (min) 76.71 _ 1898 ______ (min) 54.43 _ 1883 

Aug 31 - Sep 6 __________ (mean) 84.07 _ 1898 ____ (mean) 63.21 _ 1872 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 6 was 1969 (6.50")

__ this record has been broken and is now 2021 (7.25")


Sep 1 - Sep 7 __________ (max) 91.00 _ 1898 ____ (max) 70.29 _ 1885

Sep 1 - Sep 7 ___________ (min) 75.00 _ 1898 ______ (min) 53.43 _ 1883 

Sep 1 - Sep 7 __________ (mean) 83.00 _ 1898 ____ (mean) 62.64 _ 1885 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 7 was 1969 (6.50")

_ this record has been broken and is now 2021 (7.25")


Sep 2 - Sep 8 __________ (max) 89.71 _ 2015 ____ (max) 69.29 _ 1885

Sep 2 - Sep 8 ___________ (min) 72.71 _ 1898 ______ (min) 53.00 _ 1883 

Sep 2 - Sep 8 __________ (mean) 80.57 _ 1985 ____ (mean) 61.86 _ 1885 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 8 was 1969 (6.62")



Sep 3 - Sep 9 __________ (max) 89.86 _ 2023* ____ (max) 68.86 _ 1883 _ * 2015 _ 89.57

Sep 3 - Sep 9 ___________ (min) 73.29 _ 1985 ______ (min) 51.14 __ 1883 

Sep 3 - Sep 9 __________ (mean) 81.36 _ 2023* ____(mean) 60.00 _1883 _ * _ 1884 _ 80.79

_ the wettest week ending Sep 9 was 1969 (6.51")



Sep 4 - Sep 10 _________ (max) 90.43 _ 1983 ____ (max) 68.14 _ 1883 _^ 1884_89.57

Sep 4 - Sep 10 __________ (min) 74.29 _ 1884 ______ (min) 49.71 _ 1883 _ 2023_73.00

Sep 4 - Sep 10 _________ (mean) 81.93 _ 1884 ____ (mean) 58.93 _ 1883 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 10 was 1934 (5.90")



Sep 5 - Sep 11 _________ (max) 92.14^_ 1983 ____ (max) 67.43 _ 1883 _^ 1884_89.57

Sep 5 - Sep 11 __________ (min) 75.14 _ 1884 ______ (min) 50.00 _ 1883 

Sep 5 - Sep 11 _________ (mean) 82.36 _ 1884^____ (mean) 58.71 _ 1883 _^ 1983_82.07

_ the wettest week ending Sep 11 was 1934 (5.60")



Sep 6 - Sep 12 _________ (max) 91.29 _ 1983 ____ (max) 66.29 _ 1883

Sep 6 - Sep 12 __________ (min) 73.71 _ 1884 ______ (min) 50.00 _ 1883 

Sep 6 - Sep 12 _________ (mean) 81.21 _ 1983 ____ (mean) 58.14 _ 1883 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 12 was 1934 (5.60")



Sep 7 - Sep 13 _________ (max) 88.43 _ 1931 ____ (max) 65.86 _ 1883

Sep 7 - Sep 13 __________ (min) 71.43 _ 1971 ______ (min) 50.00 _ 1917 

Sep 7 - Sep 13 _________ (mean) 78.43 _ 1961_83 ____ (mean) 58.71 _ 1883 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 13 was 1944 (5.58")



Sep 8 - Sep 14 _________ (max) 90.57 _ 1931 ____ (max) 66.29 _ 1883

Sep 8 - Sep 14 __________ (min) 71.43 _ 1947 ______ (min) 50.14 _ 1917 

Sep 8 - Sep 14 _________ (mean) 79.64 _ 1931 ____ (mean) 59.21 _ 1914 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 14 was 1944 (9.40")



Sep 9 - Sep 15 _________ (max) 91.00 _ 1931 ____ (max) 67.29 _ 1883

Sep 9 - Sep 15 __________ (min) 71.71 _ 1947 ______ (min) 50.86 _ 1914_1917 

Sep 9 - Sep 15 _________ (mean) 80.93 _ 1931 ____ (mean) 59.43 _ 1913 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 15 was 1944 (9.40") _ (also 7.65" in 1933)



Sep 10 - Sep 16 _________ (max) 89.43 _ 1931 ____ (max) 67.43 _ 1913

Sep 10 - Sep 16 __________ (min) 71.00 _ 1947 ______ (min) 50.43 _ 1913 

Sep 10 - Sep 16 _________ (mean) 80.14 _ 1931 ____ (mean) 58.93 _ 1913 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 16 was 1944 (9.40")



Sep 11 - Sep 17 _________ (max) 88.00 _ 1915 ____ (max) 67.29 _ 1871

Sep 11 - Sep 17 __________ (min) 70.86 _ 1915 ______ (min) 51.43 _ 1913 

Sep 11 - Sep 17 _________ (mean) 79.43 _ 1931 ____ (mean) 59.86 _ 1913 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 17 was 1944 (9.40")



Sep 12 - Sep 18 _________ (max) 86.71 _ 1915 ____ (max) 66.14 _ 1871

Sep 12 - Sep 18 __________ (min) 70.57 _ 1915 ______ (min) 52.57 _ 1923_1975 

Sep 12 - Sep 18 _________ (mean) 78.64 _ 1915 ____ (mean) 60.21 _ 1871 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 18 was 1944 (9.40")



Sep 13 - Sep 19 _________ (max) 85.57 _ 1915 ____ (max) 65.71 _ 1871

Sep 13 - Sep 19 __________ (min) 70.14 _ 2005 ______ (min) 52.00 _ 1959 

Sep 13 - Sep 19 _________ (mean) 77.79 _ 1915 ____ (mean) 59.36 _ 1871 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 19 was 1944 (7.85")



Sep 14 - Sep 20 _________ (max) 84.71 _ 1915 ____ (max) 65.00 _ 1871

Sep 14 - Sep 20 __________ (min) 70.29 _ 2005 ______ (min) 50.57 _ 1871 

Sep 14 - Sep 20 _________ (mean) 76.93 _ 2005 ____ (mean) 57.79 _ 1871 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 20 was 1874 (7.57")



Sep 15 - Sep 21 _________ (max) 83.57 _ 2005 ____ (max) 63.29 _ 1875

Sep 15 - Sep 21 __________ (min) 69.57 _ 2005 ______ (min) 48.86 _ 1871 

Sep 15 - Sep 21 _________ (mean) 76.57 _ 2005 ____ (mean) 56.50 _ 1871 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 21 was 1938 (8.42")



Sep 16 - Sep 22 _________ (max) 86.29 _ 1914 ____ (max) 60.71 _ 1875

Sep 16 - Sep 22 __________ (min) 69.00 _ 2017 ______ (min) 47.43 _ 1871 

Sep 16 - Sep 22 _________ (mean) 76.07 _ 2005 ____ (mean) 54.71 _ 1875 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 22 was 1938 (8.13")



Sep 17 - Sep 23 _________ (max) 88.29 _ 1895^____ (max) 59.57 _ 1875 _^ 1914_87.86

Sep 17 - Sep 23 __________ (min) 70.00 _ 1895 ______ (min) 46.00 _ 1875 

Sep 17 - Sep 23 _________ (mean) 79.14 _ 1895 ____ (mean) 52.79 _ 1875 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 23 was 1882 (12.12")



Sep 18 - Sep 24 _________ (max) 87.71^_ 1895 ____ (max) 59.14 _ 1875 _^ 1914_87.57

Sep 18 - Sep 24 __________ (min) 69.86 _ 1895 ______ (min) 45.14 _ 1875 

Sep 18 - Sep 24 _________ (mean) 78.79 _ 1895 ____ (mean) 52.14 _ 1875 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 24 was 1882 (12.14")



Sep 19 - Sep 25 _________ (max) 87.57 _ 1895 ____ (max) 60.43 _ 1875

Sep 19 - Sep 25 __________ (min) 69.57 _ 1895 ____ (min) 45.71 _ 1875

Sep 19 - Sep 25 _________ (mean) 78.57 _ 1895 ____ (mean) 53.07 _ 1875 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 25 was 1882 (12.18")



Sep 20 - Sep 26 _________ (max) 89.29 _ 1895^____ (max) 61.43 _ 1887 _^ 1970_87.86

Sep 20 - Sep 26 __________ (min) 70.43^_ 1895 ______ (min) 46.57 _ 1875 ^ _ 69.86 _ 1970 

Sep 20 - Sep 26 _________ (mean) 79.86 _ 1895 ____ (mean) 54.21 _ 1875 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 26 was 1882 (12.23") _ September weekly max



Sep 21 - Sep 27 _________ (max) 87.57 _ 1970 ______ (min) 60.86 _ 1887

Sep 21 - Sep 27 __________ (min) 69.29 _ 1891 ______ (min) 46.71 _ 1875 

Sep 21 - Sep 27 _________ (mean) 78.36 _ 1970 ____ (mean) 54.07 _ 1887 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 27 was 1882 (11.94")



Sep 22 - Sep 28 _________ (max) 85.43 _ 2017^ _____ (max) 59.14 _ 1887 _ ^ 1970_85.29

Sep 22 - Sep 28 __________ (min) 70.43 _ 1891 ______ (min) 44.71 _ 1947 

Sep 22 - Sep 28 _________ (mean) 77.07 _ 1881 ____ (mean) 53.00 _ 1887 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 28 was 1882 (10.89")



Sep 23 - Sep 29 _________ (max) 85.57 _ 1881 ______ (max) 58.71 _ 1887

Sep 23 - Sep 29 __________ (min) 70.14 _ 1891 ______ (min) 45.00 _ 1947 

Sep 23 - Sep 29 _________ (mean) 77.71 _ 1881 ____ (mean) 52.79 _ 1887 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 29 was 2023 (8.86") _ 1882 (8.82") 



Sep 24 - Sep 30 _________ (max) 85.14 _ 1881 ______ (max) 59.57 _ 1887

Sep 24 - Sep 30 __________ (min) 69.43 _ 1881 ______ (min) 45.29 _ 1947 

Sep 24 - Sep 30 _________ (mean) 77.29 _ 1881 ____ (mean) 53.43 _ 1928 

_ the wettest week ending Sep 30 was 2023 (7.90") __ 1975 (5.15")


please note: this thread will now be completed with monthly posts, and that includes January to June which I will add near the end of the year in earlier (edited) posts, as I consolidate the weekly posts for July-August into monthly compilations. 



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Intervals _______________ Highest values 1869-2021 __ Lowest values 1869-2021


Sep 25 - Oct 1 __________ (max) 85.43 _ 1881 ____ (max) 59.57 _ 1928

Sep 25 - Oct 1 ___________ (min) 70.00 _ 1881*______ (min) 43.57 _ 1947 _ * 67.14 _ 1959

Sep 25 - Oct 1 __________ (mean) 77.71 _ 1881 ____ (mean) 52.79 _ 1947 (52.86 1928)

_ the wettest week ending Oct 1 was 2023 (6.65") _ 2010 (5.22")


Sep 26 - Oct 2 __________ (max) 83.43 _ 1881 ____ (max) 60.14 _ 1928

Sep 26 - Oct 2 ___________ (min) 68.86 _ 1881 ______ (min) 43.29 _ 1947 

Sep 26 - Oct 2 __________ (mean) 76.14 _ 1881 ____ (mean) 53.00 _ 1947 (53.50 1928) 

_ the wettest week ending Oct 2 was 2023 (6..06") _ 1913 (5.28")


Sep 27 - Oct 3 __________ (max) 82.14 _ 1881 ____ (max) 57.71 _ 1888

Sep 27 - Oct 3 ___________ (min) 67.43 _ 1881 ______ (min) 43.86 _ 1947 

Sep 27 - Oct 3 __________ (mean) 74.79 _ 1881 ____ (mean) 51.14 _ 1888 

_ the wettest week ending Oct 3 was 2023 (5.86") _ 1913 (5.28")


Sep 28 - Oct 4 __________ (max) 82.57 _ 1954 ____ (max) 55.57 _ 1888

Sep 28 - Oct 4 ___________ (min) 66.86 _ 1954 ______ (min) 41.71 _ 1888 

Sep 28 - Oct 4 __________ (mean) 74.71 _ 1954*____ (mean) 48.64 _ 1888 _ * 72.50 _ 1959 

_ the wettest week ending Oct 4 was 2023 (5.86") _ 1913 (5.28")


Sep 29 - Oct 5 __________ (max) 82.71 _ 1922*____ (max) 56.57 _ 1888 _ * 81.43 _ 1927

Sep 29 - Oct 5 ___________ (min) 67.57 _ 1954*______ (min) 42.00 _ 1947 (45.00 1899) _ * 66.29_1898

Sep 29 - Oct 5 __________ (mean) 74.71 _ 1954 ____ (mean) 49.29 _ 1888 

_ the wettest week ending Oct 5 was 2023 (5.48") _ 1913 (5.28")


Sep 30 - Oct 6 __________ (max) 82.14 _ 1922 ____ (max) 57.57 _ 1899 (57.86 1888) _ * 81.29 _ 1927

Sep 30 - Oct 6 ___________ (min) 66.00 _ 1898 ______ (min) 43.86 _ 1888 (45.00 1899) _ * 65.43 _ 1954 

Sep 30 - Oct 6 __________ (mean) 72.64 _ 1954 ____ (mean) 50.86 _ 1888 

_ the wettest week ending Oct 6 was 1913 (5.28")


Oct 1 - Oct 7 __________ (max) 82.29 _ 1941 ____ (max) 58.00 _ 1899 (59.29 1888)

Oct 1 - Oct 7 ___________ (min) 64.71 _ 1898*______ (min) 43.43 _ 1892 _ * 64.29 _ 1941

Oct 1 - Oct 7 __________ (mean) 73.29 _ 1941 ____ (mean) 51.21 _ 1883 (52.07 1888) 

_ the wettest week ending Oct 7 was 1913 (5.28")


Oct 2 - Oct 8 __________ (max) 81.71 _ 1941, 2007 __ (max) 58.29 _ 1889 (58.71 1888)

Oct 2 - Oct 8 ___________ (min) 65.57 _ 2007*______ (min) 43.14 _ 1889 _ * 64.29 _ 1898

Oct 2 - Oct 8 __________ (mean) 73.64 _ 2007* ____ (mean) 50.71 _ 1889 (51.36 1883) _ * 72.36 _ 1941

_ the wettest week ending Oct 8 was 1903 (4.78")


Oct 3 - Oct 9 __________ (max) 82.29 _ 2007*____ (max) 55.86 _ 1888 _ * 80.86 _ 1941

Oct 3 - Oct 9 ___________ (min) 65.86 _ 2007 ______ (min) 42.29 _ 1889

Oct 3 - Oct 9 __________ (mean) 74.07 _ 2007*____ (mean) 49.57 _ 1888 (50.21 1889) _ * 72.50 _ 1959

_ the wettest week ending Oct 9 was 1903 (11.64")


Oct 4 - Oct 10 _________ (max) 81.00 _ 1959, 2007 __ (max) 56.57 _ 1888 

Oct 4 - Oct 10 __________ (min) 66.29 _ 2007 ______ (min) 42.71 _ 1889

Oct 4 - Oct 10 _________ (mean) 73.14 _ 1959, 2007*____ (mean) 49.71 _ 1888 (50.21 1889) _ * 72.86 _ 2017

_ the wettest week ending Oct 10 was 1903 (11.81")


Oct 5 - Oct 11 _________ (max) 80.43 _ 1990 _____ (max) 55.71 _ 1888 

Oct 5 - Oct 11 __________ (min) 66.86 _ 2007 _____ (min) 40.43 _ 1964

Oct 5 - Oct 11 _________ (mean) 73.29 _ 2017*____ (mean) 49.21 _ 1888 (49.29 1964) _ * 72.14 _ 1959

_ the wettest week ending Oct 11 was 1903 (11.94")


Oct 6 - Oct 12 _________ (max) 80.86 _ 1990 ______ (max) 54.14 _ 1888 

Oct 6 - Oct 12 __________ (min) 65.57 _ 1990*______ (min) 39.57 _ 1964 _ * 65.43 _ 2017

Oct 6 - Oct 12 _________ (mean) 73.21 _ 1990 ____ (mean) 48.43 _ 1888 (49.21 1964)

_ the wettest week ending Oct 12 was 1903 (11.96")


Oct 7 - Oct 13 _________ (max) 80.29 _ 1949* _____ (max) 53.43 _ 1888 _ * 78.86 _ 1961

Oct 7 - Oct 13 __________ (min) 66.71*_ 1990 ______ (min) 40.71 _ 1876 _ * 64.43 _ 1949

Oct 7 - Oct 13 _________ (mean) 73.07 _ 1990*____ (mean) 47.43 _ 1888 (49.43 1988) _ * 72.36 _ 1949

_ the wettest week ending Oct 13 was 1903 (11.96") _ 11.71" in 2005


Oct 8 - Oct 14 _________ (max) 80.43 _ 1949 _____ (max) 51.57 _ 1888 

Oct 8 - Oct 14 __________ (min) 67.57 _ 1990 ______ (min) 40.43 _ 1875 (40.86 1876, 41.57 1925)

Oct 8 - Oct 14 _________ (mean) 73.36 _ 1990 ____ (mean) 46.29 _ 1888 (48.86 1925, 49.29 1988)

_ the wettest week ending Oct 14 was 2005 (13.02") _ 11.95" in 1903

_ _ The 2005 amount was the highest weekly total in October and also in the entire calendar year.


Oct 9 - Oct 15 _________ (max) 80.29 _ 1954 ______ (max) 51.29 _ 1888 

Oct 9 - Oct 15 __________ (min) 66.29 _ 1990 ______ (min) 39.57 _ 1876

Oct 9 - Oct 15 _________ (mean) 72.43 _ 1990*____ (mean) 46.00 _ 1888 _ * 71.29 _ 1954

_ the wettest week ending Oct 15 was 2005 (8.76") _ 7.65" in 1903


Oct 10 - Oct 16 ________ (max) 80.14 _ 1954 ______ (max) 53.57 _ 1888 

Oct 10 - Oct 16 _________ (min) 64.00 _ 1990 ______ (min) 39.00 _ 1876

Oct 10 - Oct 16 ________ (mean) 71.36 _ 1954 ____ (mean) 47.50 _ 1876

_ the wettest week ending Oct 16 was 2005 (8.75") _ 5.83" in 2002


Oct 11 - Oct 17 ________ (max) 78.29 _ 1938 ______ (max) 53.57 _ 1875, 2009 

Oct 11 - Oct 17 _________ (min) 61.71 _ 1990 ______ (min) 38.43 _ 1876

Oct 11 - Oct 17 ________ (mean) 69.36 _ 1954*____ (mean) 46.50 _ 1876 _ * 68.57_1938

_ the wettest week ending Oct 17 was 2005 (8.68") _ 5.68" in 2002


Oct 12 - Oct 18 ________ (max) 77.29 _ 1938*______ (max) 50.86 _ 2009 _ * 76.43_1947, 75.71 _ 1928, 63

Oct 12 - Oct 18 _________ (min) 61.71 _ 1899 ______ (min) 38.29 _ 1876

Oct 12 - Oct 18 ________ (mean) 68.57 _ 1938 ____ (mean) 45.93 _ 2009

_ the wettest week ending Oct 18 was 2005 (8.55") 


Oct 13 - Oct 19 ________ (max) 78.00 _ 1963*______ (max) 51.14 _ 2009 _ * 76.29_1938, 76.14_1947, 75.21_1968

Oct 13 - Oct 19 _________ (min) 62.00 _ 1899 ______ (min) 39.14 _ 1876 (40.14 2009)

Oct 13 - Oct 19 ________ (mean) 68.29 _ 1947*____ (mean) 45.64 _ 2009 _ * 68.00 _ 1938

_ the wettest week ending Oct 19 was 1927 (5.76") 


Oct 14 - Oct 20 ________ (max) 78.86 _ 1963*______ (max) 51.29 _ 2009 _ * 77.57_1947, 77.00_1938

Oct 14 - Oct 20 _________ (min) 61.00 _ 1947 ______ (min) 40.00 _ 2009

Oct 14 - Oct 20 ________ (mean) 69.29 _ 1947*____ (mean) 45.64 _ 2009 _ * 68.14 _ 1938

_ the wettest week ending Oct 20 was 1989 (5.34") 


Oct 15 - Oct 21 ________ (max) 79.43 _ 1963*______ (max) 53.43 _ 2009 _ * 78.14 _ 1947

Oct 15 - Oct 21 _________ (min) 61.86 _ 1947 ______ (min) 38.00 _ 1940 (38.86 1972)

Oct 15 - Oct 21 ________ (mean) 70.00 _ 1947 ____ (mean) 46.50 _ 1940 (46.71 1972)

_ the wettest week ending Oct 21 was 1989 (5.34") 



Oct 16 - Oct 22 ________ (max) 77.71 _ 1947*______ (max) 51.00 _ 1940 (53.86 1974, 54.14 1972) _ * 76.71 _ 1963^ 

Oct 16 - Oct 22 _________ (min) 62.14 _ 1947*______ (min) 35.43 _ 1940 (37.29 1974) _ * 59.43 _ 1984

Oct 16 - Oct 22 ________ (mean) 69.93 _ 1947 ____ (mean) 43.21 _ 1940 (45.57 1974)

_ the wettest week ending Oct 22 was 1989 (5.34")

__ __ __ ^ see note end of table (re 1963 high minima)


Oct 17 - Oct 23 ________ (max) 78.14 _ 1947 ______ (max) 51.71 _ 1888 

Oct 17 - Oct 23 _________ (min) 61.71 _ 1947*______ (min) 35.14 _ 1940 (37.29 1974) _ * 61.00 _ 2007

Oct 17 - Oct 23 ________ (mean) 69.93 _ 1947 ____ (mean) 44.07 _ 1940 (45.79 1888, 47.64 1976)

_ the wettest week ending Oct 23 was 1989 (5.34") 


Oct 18 - Oct 24 ________ (max) 76.00 _ 1947 ______ (max) 51.86 _ 1888 

Oct 18 - Oct 24 _________ (min) 60.14 _ 2007 ______ (min) 36.86 _ 1940 (37.14 1974)

Oct 18 - Oct 24 ________ (mean) 67.71 _ 1979*____ (mean) 45.79 _ 1888, 1930 _ * 67.36 _ 1947

_ the wettest week ending Oct 24 was 1911 (4.95") 


Oct 19 - Oct 25 ________ (max) 74.43 _ 1947*______ (max) 51.86 _ 1930 _ * 74.00_1963 ^ 

Oct 19 - Oct 25 _________ (min) 58.71 _ 2017 ______ (min) 38.14 _ 1930

Oct 19 - Oct 25 ________ (mean) 66.00 _ 2017*____ (mean) 45.00 _ 1930 _ * 65.71 _ 1979

_ the wettest week ending Oct 25 was 1913 (5.36") 


Oct 20 - Oct 26 ________ (max) 75.29 _ 1947 ______ (max) 50.57 _ 1883 

Oct 20 - Oct 26 _________ (min) 58.00 _ 1984 ______ (min) 38.14 _ 1869

Oct 20 - Oct 26 ________ (mean) 64.86 _ 1947 ____ (mean) 45.07 _ 1887

_ the wettest week ending Oct 26 was 1913 (5.20") 


Oct 21 - Oct 27 ________ (max) 75.00 _ 1947*______ (max) 49.14 _ 1883 (50.43 1889)* 74.71_1963 ^

Oct 21 - Oct 27 _________ (min) 59.57 _ 1908 ______ (min) 37.14 _ 1869

Oct 21 - Oct 27 ________ (mean) 64.86 _ 1920, 1963 _ (mean) 44.50 _ 1869 (44.64 1887)

_ the wettest week ending Oct 27 was 1958 (4.30") 


Oct 22 - Oct 28 ________ (max) 74.14 _ 1947 ______ (max) 50.00 _ 1883 (50.57 1976) 

Oct 22 - Oct 28 _________ (min) 61.14 _ 1908*______ (min) 36.71 _ 1869 (37.71 1969) _ * 58.71 _ 1971

Oct 22 - Oct 28 ________ (mean) 64.86 _ 1908 ____ (mean) 43.71 _ 1869 (44.36 1976)

_ the wettest week ending Oct 28 was 1943 (4.45") 


Oct 23 - Oct 29 ________ (max) 73.86 _ 1947*______ (max) 49.00 _ 1869 _ * 73.43_1946

Oct 23 - Oct 29 _________ (min) 61.86 _ 1908*______ (min) 36.71 _ 1869 (37.86 1969) _ * 59.71 _ 1900, 1971

Oct 23 - Oct 29 ________ (mean) 65.29 _ 1946*____ (mean) 42.86 _ 1869 (44.71 1976, 46.14 1969) _ * 65.07 _ 1908

_ the wettest week ending Oct 29 was 1943 (4.33") 


Oct 24 - Oct 30 ________ (max) 75.14 _ 1946*______ (max) 45.86 _ 1869 _ * 74.29_1989

Oct 24 - Oct 30 _________ (min) 59.71 _ 1908*______ (min) 34.86 _ 1869 _ * 59.43 _ 1946

Oct 24 - Oct 30 ________ (mean) 67.29 _ 1946 ____ (mean) 40.36 _ 1869

_ the wettest week ending Oct 30 was 1917 (4.62") 

__ record broken in 2021 (4.70").


Oct 25 - Oct 31 ________ (max) 75.71 _ 1946*______ (max) 43.14 _ 1869 _ * 74.00_1989

Oct 25 - Oct 31 _________ (min) 60.57 _ 1946*______ (min) 33.57 _ 1869 _ * 59.57 _ 1971

Oct 25 - Oct 31 ________ (mean) 68.14 _ 1946 ____ (mean) 38.36 _ 1869

_ the wettest week ending Oct 31 was 1943 (4.43")

__ record broken in 2021 (4.71").

_ 1973 had 3.89", 4.15" by Nov 1 which became top values ending Nov 2-4 ...

... the records for 1973 will show up in weeks ending in November but all the rain fell in October. 


^ Despite a number of warm daytime averages in late October 1963, clear skies meant that the average minima were in the 54-55 range

below several other years not shown as secondary high minima. The 1947 warm spell had very similar daytime readings but was a few

degrees warmer at night. A warm spell in October 1879 was often in the range of 74 to 76 degrees during mid-October. 



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Intervals _______________ Highest values 1869-2021 __ Lowest values 1869-2021


Oct 26 - Nov 1 __________ (max) 75.29 _ 1946*_____ (max) 42.57 _ 1869 _* 72.57_1989

Oct 26 - Nov 1 ___________ (min) 60.43 _ 1946*_____ (min) 32.71 _ 1869 (34.57 1925) _  * 60.29 _ 1971

Oct 26 - Nov 1 __________ (mean) 67.86 _ 1946*_____ (mean) 37.64 _ 1869 _ *66.00 _ 1971

_ the wettest week ending Nov 1 was 1943 (4.30") _ 4.15" in 1973.

__ record broken in 2021 (4.48").


Oct 27 - Nov 2 __________ (max) 74.86 _ 1946*_____ (max) 43.00 _ 1869 _* 73.00_1950 

Oct 27 - Nov 2 ___________ (min) 61.14 _ 1971*_____ (min) 33.86 _ 1869 (34.00 1925) _ * 60.00 _ 1946

Oct 27 - Nov 2 __________ (mean) 67.43 _ 1946*_____ (mean) 38.43 _ 1869 (40.57 1925) _ * 66.43 _ 1971

_ the wettest week ending Nov 2 was 1973 (4.15").


Oct 28 - Nov 3 __________ (max) 73.57 _ 1946, 1950*__ (max) 44.86 _ 1869 (46.29 1925) _ * 72.14_1982, 71.86_1971

Oct 28 - Nov 3 ___________ (min) 59.71 _ 1971*_____ (min) 33.57 _ 1925 _ * 59.57 _ 1971

Oct 28 - Nov 3 __________ (mean) 66.57 _ 1946*_____ (mean) 39.93 _ 1925 (40.07 1869) _ * 65.79 _ 1971

_ the wettest week ending Nov 3 was 1973 (4.15").


Oct 29 - Nov 4 __________ (max) 74.14 _ 1950*_____ (max) 45.86 _ 1925 _ * 72.86_1982, 71.29_1961

Oct 29 - Nov 4 ___________ (min) 58.57 _ 1946*_____ (min) 34.00 _ 1925 _ * 58.43 _ 1982

Oct 29 - Nov 4 __________ (mean) 65.64 _ 1982*_____ (mean) 39.93 _ 1925 _ * 65.57_1946, 65.36_1950

_ the wettest week ending Nov 4 was 1973 (4.15").


Oct 30 - Nov 5 __________ (max) 73.29 _ 1950*_____ (max) 42.71 _ 1879 _ * 72.43_1982, 72.14_1961

Oct 30 - Nov 5 ___________ (min) 56.43 _ 1974, 1982*__ (min) 32.29 _ 1879 _ * 55.00 _ 1961

Oct 30 - Nov 5 __________ (mean) 64.43 _ 1982*_____ (mean) 37.50 _ 1879 _ * 63.07 _ 1974

_ the wettest week ending Nov 5 was 1894 (3.79").


Oct 31 - Nov 6 __________ (max) 70.00 _ 1950, 1961, 2022 __ (max) 40.14 _ 1879 

Oct 31 - Nov 6 ___________ (min) 57.00 _ 2022* ____ (min) 29.71 _ 1879 _ *55.86 _ 1974

Oct 31 - Nov 6 __________ (mean) 63.50 _ 2022*____ (mean) 34.93 _ 1879 _ *62.57 _ 1974, 62.36 _ 1961

_ the wettest week ending Nov 6 was 1894 (3.78").


Nov 1 - Nov 7 ___________ (max) 71.71 _ 2022*__ (max) 40.29 _ 1879 _ * 69.57_1975, 2015, 68.71_1950, 68.29_1938

Nov 1 - Nov 7 ____________ (min) 57.43_ 2022* ___ (min) 29.00 _ 1879 _* 55.29_2015, 54.14_1974, 53.86_1938, 53.71_1975, 53.43_2003, 53.29_1948

Nov 1 - Nov 7 ___________ (mean) 64.57 _ 2022*___ (mean) 34.64 _ 1879 _ * 62.43_2015, 61.64_1975, 61.07_1938, 60.79_1974, 60.14_1961, 60.07_1994,2003

_ the wettest week ending Nov 7 was 1963 (5.04").


Nov 2 - Nov 8 ___________ (max) 72.14 _ 1975* _____ (max) 41.86 _ 1879 _ * 70.43_2022, 69.29_1938

Nov 2 - Nov 8 ____________ (min) 56.86 _ 1975*_____ (min) 29.71 _ 1879 _ * 55.71_2022, 55.00 _ 1938

Nov 2 - Nov 8 ___________ (mean) 64.50 _ 1975*_____ (mean) 35.79 _ 1879 _ * 63.07_2022, 62.14 _ 1938

_ the wettest week ending Nov 8 was 1977 (9.36").


Nov 3 - Nov 9 ___________ (max) 73.14 _ 1975 _____ (max) 43.00 _ 1878 

Nov 3 - Nov 9 ____________ (min) 58.00 _ 1975 _____ (min) 32.43 _ 1878 

Nov 3 - Nov 9 ___________ (mean) 65.57 _ 1975 _____ (mean) 37.71 _ 1878

_ the wettest week ending Nov 9 was 1977 (9.36").


Nov 4 - Nov 10 ___________ (max) 72.14 _ 1975*__ (max) 43.00 _ 1878 _ * 71.00 _ 2020

Nov 4 - Nov 10 ____________ (min) 58.00 _ 1975 _____ (min) 33.14 _ 1878 

Nov 4 - Nov 10 ___________ (mean) 65.07 _ 1975 _____ (mean) 38.07 _ 1878 

_ the wettest week ending Nov 10 was 1977 (9.66") _ the highest weekly total in November.


Nov 5 - Nov 11 ___________ (max) 72.43 _ 2020*_____ (max) 41.71 _ 1894 (42.71 1933) _ * 70.00 _ 1975

Nov 5 - Nov 11 ____________ (min) 56.86 _ 2020*_____ (min) 32.14 _ 1933 _ * 56.14 _ 1975

Nov 5 - Nov 11 ___________ (mean) 64.64 _ 2020*_____ (mean) 37.43 _ 1933 _ * 63.07 _ 1975

_ the wettest week ending Nov 11 was 1977 (9.56").


Nov 6 - Nov 12 ___________ (max) 72.57 _ 2020 _____ (max) 40.00 _ 1894 

Nov 6 - Nov 12 ____________ (min) 56.00 _ 2020 _____ (min) 33.00 _ 1933 

Nov 6 - Nov 12 ___________ (mean) 64.29 _ 2020 _____ (mean) 36.86 _ 1894 

_ the wettest week ending Nov 12 was 1977 (9.56").


Nov 7 - Nov 13 ___________ (max) 69.71 _ 2020 _____ (max) 41.43 _ 1894 (44.86 1976)

Nov 7 - Nov 13 ____________ (min) 54.71 _ 2020 _____ (min) 32.71 _ 2019 (33.29 1976)

Nov 7 - Nov 13 ___________ (mean) 62.21 _ 2020 _____ (mean) 37.50 _ 1894 (39.07 1976)

_ the wettest week ending Nov 13 was 1977 (9.56").


Nov 8 - Nov 14 ___________ (max) 66.57 _ 2020 _____ (max) 41.86 _ 1894 (44.43 1976)

Nov 8 - Nov 14 ____________ (min) 52.71 _ 2020*_____ (min) 30.86 _ 2019 (32.00 1976)  _ * 52.29 _ 2006

Nov 8 - Nov 14 ___________ (mean) 59.64 _ 2020 _____ (mean) 37.64 _ 1873 (38.21 1976, 39.07 2019) 

_ the wettest week ending Nov 14 was 1972 (8.43").


Nov 9 - Nov 15 ___________ (max) 66.43 _ 1879 _____ (max) 40.71 _ 1873

Nov 9 - Nov 15 ____________ (min) 52.29 _ 2006*_____ (min) 30.00 _ 1873 _ * 51.57 _ 1879

Nov 9 - Nov 15 ___________ (mean) 59.00 _ 1879*_____ (mean) 35.36 _ 1873 (38.86 1976) _ * 57.57 _ 2006

_ the wettest week ending Nov 15 was 1892 (4.41"). This included 2.3" snow (the first late autumn weekly max to include snow).


Nov 10 - Nov 16 __________ (max) 65.43 _ 1879 _____ (max) 40.29 _ 1873

Nov 10 - Nov 16 ___________ (min) 52.71 _ 2006 _____ (min) 29.00 _ 1933 (29.14 1873)

Nov 10 - Nov 16 __________ (mean) 58.07 _ 1879*_____ (mean) 34.71 _ 1873 _ * 57.86 _ 2006

_ the wettest week ending Nov 16 was 1892 (4.50"). The snow reported in the previous interval dropped out of the total.


Nov 11 - Nov 17 __________ (max) 65.43 _ 1993*_____ (max) 40.86 _ 1873 _* 64.00_1879

Nov 11 - Nov 17 ___________ (min) 52.29 _ 2006 _____ (min) 27.14 _ 1933 

Nov 11 - Nov 17 __________ (mean) 57.93 _ 2006 _____ (mean) 34.29 _ 1933 _ * 56.71 _ 1909

_ the wettest week ending Nov 17 was 1930 (3.61").


Nov 12 - Nov 18 __________ (max) 65.71 _ 1993 _____ (max) 40.43 _ 1873 (40.57 1883, 40.86 1933 )

Nov 12 - Nov 18 ___________ (min) 51.43 _ 2006*_____ (min) 26.29 _ 1883 (30.14 2019)  _ * 50.43 _ 1930

Nov 12 - Nov 18 __________ (mean) 57.43 _ 1993*_____ (mean) 33.43 _ 1883 _ * 56.57 _ 2006, 55.93 _ 1902

_ the wettest week ending Nov 18 was 1930 (3.98").


Nov 13 - Nov 19 ___________ (max) 64.71 _ 1993* _____ (max) 38.86 _ 1873 (40.00 1993) _ * 64.57 _ 1928

Nov 13 - Nov 19 ____________ (min) 50.57 _ 2006*_____ (min) 26.71 _ 1883 _ * 50.29 _ 1930

Nov 13 - Nov 19 ___________ (mean) 57.14 _ 1928, 1993 __ (mean) 33.64 _ 1883 (34.07 1933, 37.93 2019) 

_ the wettest week ending Nov 19 was 1930 (3.98").


Nov 14 - Nov 20 ___________ (max) 65.00 _ 1928 _____ (max) 38.00 _ 1873 (38.57 1933)

Nov 14 - Nov 20 ____________ (min) 49.86 _ 1931 _____ (min) 27.29 _ 1883 (27.86 1924) 

Nov 14 - Nov 20 ___________ (mean) 57.07 _ 1928 _____ (mean) 32.79 _ 1873 (33.14 1933) 

_ the wettest week ending Nov 20 was 1988 (4.46").


Nov 15 - Nov 21 __________ (max) 67.14 _ 1953 _____ (max) 39.86 _ 1873 (40.43 1880)

Nov 15 - Nov 21 ___________ (min) 51.29 _ 1931 _____ (min) 27.29 _ 1873 (27.57 1924)  

Nov 15 - Nov 21 __________ (mean) 57.07 _ 1953 _____ (mean) 33.57 _ 1873 (34.21 1933) 

_ the wettest week ending Nov 21 was 1988 (4.46").


Nov 16 - Nov 22 __________ (max) 67.86 _ 1953 _____ (max) 38.00 _ 1880 

Nov 16 - Nov 22 ___________ (min) 52.57 _ 1931*_____ (min) 25.43 _ 1880 _ * 49.57 _ 1953

Nov 16 - Nov 22 __________ (mean) 58.71 _ 1953*_____ (mean) 31.71 _ 1880  _ * 57.71 _ 1931

_ the wettest week ending Nov 22 was 1988 (4.46"). 1985 had 3.57".


Nov 17 - Nov 23 __________ (max) 68.14 _ 1953 _____ (max) 35.14 _ 1880 

Nov 17 - Nov 23 ___________ (min) 53.43 _ 1931*_____ (min) 22.71 _ 1880 _ * 49.86 _ 1953, 48.71 _ 1963

Nov 17 - Nov 23 __________ (mean) 59.21 _ 1931*_____ (mean) 28.93 _ 1880 _ * 59.00 _ 1953

_ the wettest week ending Nov 23 was 1988 (4.46").


Nov 18 - Nov 24 __________ (max) 67.14 _ 1931 _____ (max) 32.43 _ 1880 

Nov 18 - Nov 24 ___________ (min) 53.71 _ 1931*_____ (min) 19.57 _ 1880 _ * 49.14 _ 1953

Nov 18 - Nov 24 __________ (mean) 60.43 _ 1931 _____ (mean) 26.00 _ 1880 

_ the wettest week ending Nov 24 was 1988 (3.38").


Nov 19 - Nov 25 __________ (max) 66.29 _ 1931*_____ (max) 30.14 _ 1880 _ * 65.71 _ 1979

Nov 19 - Nov 25 ___________ (min) 53.14 _ 1979*_____ (min) 19.57 _ 1880 _ * 52.14 _ 1931

Nov 19 - Nov 25 __________ (mean) 59.43 _ 1979*_____ (mean) 24.86 _ 1880 _ * 59.21 _ 1931

_ the wettest week ending Nov 25 was 1988 (3.38").


Nov 20 - Nov 26 __________ (max) 66.57 _ 1979 _____ (max) 29.43 _ 1880 

Nov 20 - Nov 26 ___________ (min) 54.14 _ 1979 _____ (min) 18.86 _ 1880

Nov 20 - Nov 26 __________ (mean) 60.36 _ 1979 _____ (mean) 24.14 _ 1880 

_ the wettest week ending Nov 26 was 1988 (3.37").


Nov 21 - Nov 27 __________ (max) 65.57 _ 1979 _____ (max) 28.14 _ 1880^

Nov 21 - Nov 27 ___________ (min) 54.14 _ 1979 _____ (min) 17.71 _ 1880

Nov 21 - Nov 27 __________ (mean) 59.86 _ 1979 _____ (mean) 22.93 _ 1880 

_ the wettest week ending Nov 27 was 1878 (3.80").


Nov 22 - Nov 28 __________ (max) 66.14 _ 1979 _____ (max) 28.29 _ 1880 

Nov 22 - Nov 28 ___________ (min) 53.71 _ 1979 _____ (min) 18.00 _ 1880 

Nov 22 - Nov 28 __________ (mean) 59.93 _ 1979 _____ (mean) 23.14 _ 1880

_ the wettest week ending Nov 28 was 1878 (3.69").


Nov 23 - Nov 29 __________ (max) 64.86 _ 1979*_____ (max) 30.86 _ 1880 _ * 61.71 _ 2011

Nov 23 - Nov 29 ___________ (min) 51.14 _ 1979 _____ (min) 20.43 _ 1880  _ * 52.29 _ 2006

Nov 23 - Nov 29 __________ (mean) 57.71 _ 1979 _____ (mean) 25.64 _ 1880

_ the wettest week ending Nov 29 was 1889 (3.45"). 1971 was similar at 3.42"


Nov 24 - Nov 30 __________ (max) 62.14 _ 2001*_____ (max) 32.14 _ 1880 _ * 61.57 _ 2011

Nov 24 - Nov 30 ___________ (min) 51.29 _ 2001*_____ (min) 22.57 _ 1880 _ * 47.14 _ 2011

Nov 24 - Nov 30 __________ (mean) 56.71 _ 2001*_____ (mean) 27.36 _ 1880 (29.79 1938) _ * 54.36 _ 2011

_ the wettest week ending Nov 30 was 1889 (3.45"). 1971 was similar at 3.42"


^ (1880 low max note: this long spell of very cold weather in late Nov 1880 dominated other years by margins seldom seen in the rest of the data, for example on this coldest weekly interval the second coldest average was nine degrees warmer (37.14 in 1903). The dominance was equally present with overnight lows, the second coldest average for the same interval was once again nine degrees warmer, this time in 1888. Therefore a slightly greater dominance applied to the weekly mean temperatures.)


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Intervals _______________ Highest values 1869-2021 __ Lowest values 1869-2021


Nov 25 - Dec 1 __________ (max) 63.29 _ 2001 _____ (max) 31.71 _ 1903 (31.86 1882)

Nov 25 - Dec 1 ___________ (min) 51.57 _ 2001*_____ (min) 21.14 _ 1871 (21.71 1875) _  * 47.14 _ 2011

Nov 25 - Dec 1 __________ (mean) 57.43 _ 2001 _____ (mean) 27.50 _ 1903 (28.14 1871)

_ the wettest week ending Dec 1 was 1889 (3.44"). 


Nov 26 - Dec 2 __________ (max) 61.43 _ 2001 _____ (max) 32.57 _ 1882 (32.86 1903)

Nov 26 - Dec 2 ___________ (min) 50.14 _ 2001 _____ (min) 19.00 _ 1875 (20.14 1871) 

Nov 26 - Dec 2 __________ (mean) 55.79 _ 2001 _____ (mean) 26.79 _ 1871 (27.57 1875)

_ the wettest week ending Dec 2 was 1996 (3.80") _ included 0.1" snow.


Nov 27 - Dec 3 __________ (max) 60.71 _ 1998*_____ (max) 31.71 _ 1871 _ * 60.43 _ 2001

Nov 27 - Dec 3 ___________ (min) 49.00 _ 2001 _____ (min) 16.43 _ 1875 (19.71 1871)

Nov 27 - Dec 3 __________ (mean) 54.79 _ 2001 _____ (mean) 24.79 _ 1875 (25.71 1871)

_ the wettest week ending Dec 3 was 1889 (3.17") _ included 0.5" snow. 


Nov 28 - Dec 4 __________ (max) 64.29 _ 1998*_____ (max) 30.86 _ 1871 _ * 61.57 _ 2001

Nov 28 - Dec 4 ___________ (min) 49.29 _ 1998*_____ (min) 16.00 _ 1875 (19.71 1871) _ * 49.14 _ 2001

Nov 28 - Dec 4 __________ (mean) 56.79 _ 1998* _____ (mean) 24.07 _ 1875 _ *55.36 _ 2001

_ the wettest week ending Dec 4 was 2016 (3.00"). 


Nov 29 - Dec 5 __________ (max) 64.29 _ 1998*_____ (max) 30.86 _ 1875 _ * 62.29 _ 2001

Nov 29 - Dec 5 ___________ (min) 51.00 _ 1998*_____ (min) 16.14 _ 1875 (19.00 1976) _ *49.43 _ 2001

Nov 29 - Dec 5 __________ (mean) 57.64 _ 1998*_____ (mean) 23.50 _ 1875 _ * 55.86 _ 2001

_ the wettest week ending Dec 5 was 2016 (3.19"). 


Nov 30 - Dec 6 __________ (max) 65.14 _ 1998*_____ (max) 29.57 _ 1875 _ * 64.29 _ 2001, 61.43 _ 1982

Nov 30 - Dec 6 ___________ (min) 52.43 _ 1982*_____ (min) 19.00 _ 1875 (19.29 1976) _ * 51.14 _ 1998

Nov 30 - Dec 6 __________ (mean) 58.14 _ 1998*_____ (mean) 24.29 _ 1875 _ * 56.93 _ 1982, 57.64 _ 2001

_ the wettest week ending Dec 6 was 1996 (3.12"). 


Dec 1 - Dec 7 ___________ (max) 67.29 _ 1998*_____ (max) 28.71 _ 1886 _ * 63.43 _ 2001, 61.57 _ 1982

Dec 1 - Dec 7 ____________ (min) 52.29 _ 1982*_____ (min) 15.43 _ 1926 _ * 51.14 _ 1998

Dec 1 - Dec 7 ___________ (mean) 59.21 _ 1998* _____ (mean) 23.50 _ 1926 _ * 56.93 _ 1982, 56.64 _ 2001

_ the wettest week ending Dec 7 was 1996 (4.48") _ this was the highest weekly total ending on any day in December. 


Dec 2 - Dec 8 ___________ (max) 65.86 _ 1998*_____ (max) 27.43 _ 1886 _ * 60.71_1982, 60.43_2001, 60.00_1951

Dec 2 - Dec 8 ____________ (min) 51.29 _ 1982*_____ (min) 15.43 _ 1926 (17.14 1886) _ * 50.57 _ 1998

Dec 2 - Dec 8 ___________ (mean) 58.21 _ 1998*_____ (mean) 22.29 _ 1886 (23.21 1926) _ * 56.00 _ 1982

_ the wettest week ending Dec 8 was 1996 (3.51")


Dec 3 - Dec 9 ___________ (max) 63.57 _ 1998*_____ (max) 28.00 _ 1886 _ * 59.86 _ 1951

Dec 3 - Dec 9 ____________ (min) 49.71 _ 1998*_____ (min) 16.57 _ 1926 _ * 47.43 _ 1951

Dec 3 - Dec 9 ___________ (mean) 56.64 _ 1998*_____ (mean) 23.29 _ 1886 (24.07 1926) _ * 53.64 _ 1951

_ the wettest week ending Dec 9 was 2014 (4.37")


Dec 4 - Dec 10 __________ (max) 60.71 _ 1998*_____ (max) 30.57 _ 1886 _ * 60.14 _ 1953

Dec 4 - Dec 10 ___________ (min) 47.86 _ 1998*_____ (min) 18.57 _ 1926 _ * 46.86 _ 1951

Dec 4 - Dec 10 __________ (mean) 54.29 _ 1998 _____ (mean) 25.36 _ 1886, 1926

_ the wettest week ending Dec 10 was 2014 (4.39") _ included 1.0" snow.


Dec 5 - Dec 11 __________ (max) 58.86 _ 1953 _____ (max) 29.57 _ 1880 

Dec 5 - Dec 11 ___________ (min) 45.43 _ 1951*_____ (min) 17.71 _ 1880 _ * 43.14 _ 1923

Dec 5 - Dec 11 __________ (mean) 50.93 _ 1951 _____ (mean) 23.64 _ 1880

_ the wettest week ending Dec 11 was 2014 (4.40") _ included 1.0" snow.


Dec 6 - Dec 12 __________ (max) 57.29 _ 1953*_____ (max) 28.00 _ 1880 _ * 56.86 _ 2015, 55.71 _ 1966

Dec 6 - Dec 12 ___________ (min) 45.43 _ 2015*____ (min) 15.43 _ 1880 (18.71 1876) _ * 42.86 _ 1966

Dec 6 - Dec 12 __________ (mean) 51.14 _ 2015 _____ (mean) 21.71 _ 1880 (22.71 1934)

_ the wettest week ending Dec 12 was 2014 (3.89") _ included 1.0" snow.


Dec 7 - Dec 13 __________ (max) 59.71 _ 1946*_____ (max) 27.00 _ 1880 _ * 58.86 _ 2015, 58.43 _ 1911

Dec 7 - Dec 13 ___________ (min) 47.71 _ 2015 _____ (min) 15.86 _ 1917, 1934

Dec 7 - Dec 13 __________ (mean) 53.29 _ 2015 _____ (mean) 21.71 _ 1880 (22.21 1934)

_ the wettest week ending Dec 13 was 1983 (3.62")


Dec 8 - Dec 14 __________ (max) 60.71 _ 2015 _____ (max) 28.14 _ 1958 (28.57 1902) 

Dec 8 - Dec 14 ___________ (min) 49.29 _ 2015 _____ (min) 15.57 _ 1917 (16.57 _ 1960)

Dec 8 - Dec 14 __________ (mean) 55.00 _ 2015 _____ (mean) 22.93 _ 1934 (23.50 _ 1960)

_ the wettest week ending Dec 14 was 2019 (3.93") _ included 0.2" snow.


Dec 9 - Dec 15 __________ (max) 63.43 _ 2015 _____ (max) 27.86 _ 1962 (28.14 _ 1917, 1958)

Dec 9 - Dec 15 ___________ (min) 51.00 _ 2015 _____ (min) 14.29 _ 1917 (16.71 _ 1960)

Dec 9 - Dec 15 __________ (mean) 57.21 _ 2015 _____ (mean) 21.21 _ 1917 (22.86 _ 1904)

_ the wettest week ending Dec 15 was 2019 (3.93") _ included 0.2" snow.


Dec 10 - Dec 16 _________ (max) 63.14 _ 2015* _____ (max) 25.00 _ 1917 _ *56.71_2021

Dec 10 - Dec 16 __________ (min) 51.86 _ 2015*_____ (min) 13.29 _ 1917 (17.43 _ 1962) _ * 43.43 _ 2006

Dec 10 - Dec 16 _________ (mean) 57.50 _ 2015*_____ (mean) 19.14 _ 1917 (22.21 _ 1962) _ * 50.00_2021, 48.50 _ 2006

_ the wettest week ending Dec 16 was 2008 (3.84") _ included 1.0" snow.


Dec 11 - Dec 17 _________ (max) 63.00 _ 2015* _____ (max) 26.86 _ 1917 _*58.14_2021

Dec 11 - Dec 17 __________ (min) 51.71 _ 2015*_____ (min) 14.29 _ 1917 (15.71 _ 1943) _ * 44.71_202144.43 _ 2006

Dec 11 - Dec 17 _________ (mean) 57.36 _ 1951*_____ (mean) 20.57 _ 1917 _ *51.43_2021, 49.14 _ 2006

_ the wettest week ending Dec 17 was 1992 (4.02") _ included 0.4" snow.


Dec 12 - Dec 18 _________ (max) 62.43 _ 2015*_____ (max) 28.29 _ 1917 _ *_5557_202154.29 _ 1984, 54.14 _ 2006

Dec 12 - Dec 18 __________ (min) 50.00 _ 2015*_____ (min) 16.29 _ 1917 _ * 44.29 _ 2006

Dec 12 - Dec 18 _________ (mean) 56.21 _ 2015*_____ (mean) 22.29 _ 1917 _ *49.71_2021, 49.21 _ 2006

_ the wettest week ending Dec 18 was 1983 (3.75").


Dec 13 - Dec 19 _________ (max) 58.71 _ 2015 _____ (max) 29.00 _ 1945 (29.14 _ 1916) 

Dec 13 - Dec 19 __________ (min) 47.14 _ 2015*_____ (min) 15.00 _ 1919 _ * 43.14 _ 2006

Dec 13 - Dec 19 _________ (mean) 52.93 _ 2015*_____ (mean) 23.43 _ 1919 _ * 48.36 _ 2006

_ the wettest week ending Dec 19 was 1909 (3.23") _ included 1.0" snow.


Dec 14 - Dec 20 _________ (max) 55.29 _ 2015 _____ (max) 27.14 _ 1919 (29.14 _ 1916) 

Dec 14 - Dec 20 __________ (min) 44.14 _ 2015 _____ (min) 11.57 _ 1919

Dec 14 - Dec 20 _________ (mean) 49.71 _ 2015 _____ (mean) 19.36 _ 1919

_ the wettest week ending Dec 20 was 1936 (2.98")


Dec 15 - Dec 21 _________ (max) 53.71 _ 2015*_____ (max) 22.86 _ 1919 (27.57 _ 1963) _ * 52.14_2023

Dec 15 - Dec 21 __________ (min) 42.14 _ 2015 _____ (min) 10.43 _ 1942

Dec 15 - Dec 21 _________ (mean) 47.93 _ 2015 _____ (mean) 17.43 _ 1919 (18.64 _ 1942)

_ the wettest week ending Dec 21 was 1973 (4.10") _ included 2.8" snow.


Dec 16 - Dec 22 _________ (max) 53.71 _ 1984*_____ (max) 24.29 _ 1919 (26.14 _ 1945) _ * 52.86_2015

Dec 16 - Dec 22 __________ (min) 42.29 _ 1957*_____ (min) 9.29 _ 1942 (11.43 _ 1876)  _ * 42.14 _ 2015

Dec 16 - Dec 22 _________ (mean) 47.50 _ 2015*_____ (mean) 18.07 _ 1942 (18.36 _ 1876) _ * 47.29 _ 1984

_ the wettest week ending Dec 22 was 1973 (4.10") _ included 2.8" snow.



Dec 17 - Dec 23 _________ (max) 55.71 _ 1990*_____ (max) 23.86 _ 1876 (25.86_1945)  _ * 54.43_2015, 54.00_1949

Dec 17 - Dec 23 __________ (min) 43.86 _ 1990*_____ (min) 12.86 _ 1942 (13.43 _ 1876)  _ * 43.00_2015, 42.71_1957

Dec 17 - Dec 23 _________ (mean) 49.79 _ 1990*_____ (mean) 18.64 _ 1876 (20.71_1942, 20.86_1945) _ * 48.71_2015

_ the wettest week ending Dec 23 was 1973 (3.70") _ included 1.1" snow.


Dec 18 - Dec 24 _________ (max) 57.71 _ 1990*_____ (max) 24.29 _ 1989 (24.86_1876) _ * 56.29_2015, 54.57_1895

Dec 18 - Dec 24 __________ (min) 44.86 _ 2015*_____ (min) 12.57 _ 1989 _ * 43.00_1895, 42.71_1957

Dec 18 - Dec 24 _________ (mean) 50.57 _ 2015*_____ (mean) 18.43 _ 1989 _ * 50.21_1990, 46.64_2013

_ the wettest week ending Dec 24 was 1973 (2.65"). 


Dec 19 - Dec 25 _________ (max) 57.57 _ 2015*_____ (max) 23.57 _ 1876 (24.14_1989) _ * 54.43_1895, 54.14_1931

Dec 19 - Dec 25 __________ (min) 47.57 _ 2015*_____ (min) 12.29 _ 1989 _ * 45.00_1895, 42.43_1957

Dec 19 - Dec 25 _________ (mean) 52.57 _ 2015*_____ (mean) 18.21 _ 1989 _ * 49.71_1895

_ the wettest week ending Dec 25 was 1973 (2.65"). 

Dec 20 - Dec 26 _________ (max) 60.29 _ 2015*_____ (max) 25.00 _ 1989 _ * 55.00_1895, 54.00_1891

Dec 20 - Dec 26 __________ (min) 49.29 _ 2015*_____ (min) 11.57 _ 1989 _ * 45.71 _ 1895

Dec 20 - Dec 26 _________ (mean) 54.79 _ 2015*_____ (mean) 18.29 _ 1989 (21.71_1980) _ * 50.36_1895

_ the wettest week ending Dec 26 was 1973 (3.68"). 


Dec 21 - Dec 27 _________ (max) 62.86 _ 2015*_____ (max) 22.00 _ 1872 (23.43_1989) _ * 54.43_1891, 1895

Dec 21 - Dec 27 __________ (min) 51.00 _ 2015*______ (min)  8.71 _ 1872 _ * 44.29_1895

Dec 21 - Dec 27 _________ (mean) 56.93 _ 2015*_____ (mean) 15.36 _ 1872  (16.71_1989) _ * 49.36_1895

_ the wettest week ending Dec 27 was 1973 (3.43").


Dec 22 - Dec 28 _________ (max) 61.43 _ 2015*_____ (max) 19.57 _ 1872 _ * 54.00_1982

Dec 22 - Dec 28 __________ (min) 50.29 _ 2015 ______ (min) 6.43 _ 1872

Dec 22 - Dec 28 _________ (mean) 55.86 _ 2015 _____ (mean) 13.00 _ 1872 

_ the wettest week ending Dec 28 was 1983 (3.43") _ included 1.6" snow.


Dec 23 - Dec 29 _________ (max) 59.14 _ 2015*_____ (max) 19.14 _ 1872 _ * 57.57_1982

Dec 23 - Dec 29 __________ (min) 47.57 _ 2015 ______ (min) 8.14 _ 1872

Dec 23 - Dec 29 _________ (mean) 53.36 _ 2015*_____ (mean) 13.64 _ 1872 _ * 49.00_1982

_ the wettest week ending Dec 29 was 1911 (3.78"). 


Dec 24 - Dec 30 _________ (max) 57.14 _ 1982*_____ (max) 19.57 _ 1872 _ * 56.86_2015

Dec 24 - Dec 30 __________ (min) 45.57 _ 2015 _____ (min) 9.00 _ 1872

Dec 24 - Dec 30 _________ (mean) 51.21 _ 2015*_____ (mean) 14.29 _ 1872 _ * 48.64_1982

_ the wettest week ending Dec 30 was 1911 (4.12"). 


Dec 25 - Dec 31 _________ (max) 54.86 _ 1982*_____ (max) 20.00 _ 1917 (23.00_1880) _ * 53.71_1936

Dec 25 - Dec 31 __________ (min) 43.57 _ 2023*______ (min) 5.29 _ 1917 _ * 42.57_ 2015

Dec 25 - Dec 31 _________ (mean) 48.00 _ 2015*_____ (mean) 12.64 _ 1917 

_ the wettest week ending Dec 31 was 1911 (4.03") _ included 1.5" snow.


Benchmark values follow. 





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  • 2 weeks later...

Meanwhile, here is a summary of the number of weekly intervals in each year that achieved highest or lowest values, for the primary stats of high max and low min (there are four other possible tables, low max, high min, high mean and low mean, that might follow after a while).



(ties are 0.5, there is one case of a three-way tie in Nov)

(weeks ending Jan 1-6 are assigned to year with majority of days and are marked * (1936, 1984x2)

if they extend into next year ending Jan 1-3), and ** (2023x2, 2007) if they began in previous year (end Jan 4-6) 

As these cannot be directly read from the totals (months per decade), the actuals are posted in the relevant decades.

All six are listed as ending in January in their decade (as are all cases straddling two months, listed by end date).

Only the warmer of the two subsets (leap years, non leap years) ending March 1 to 6 count for this table. 

Monthly counts after decade totals are generated by end dates only (some days in some intervals can be in adjacent months)

The random expectation is 2.4 per year and 24.1 per decade, 2.0 per month within decades. 


YEAR ENDING 0 __ 1 __ 2 __ 3 __ 4 __ 5 __ 6 __ 7 __ 8 __ 9 ___ decade total __ monthly count (total)

decade ... (1869) ______________________________________ 0 _____ 0.0 ____ J_F_M__A_M_J__J_A_S__ O_N_D

1870s _________0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 2 __ 0 __ 2 _____ 4.0 ____ 0_ 0_0__ 0_2_0__ 0_0_0 _ 0_2_0 

1880s _________6 __ 5 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 2 __ 0 __ 2 __ 0 ____ 15.0 ____ 0_ 0_2__ 2_4_2__ 0_0_2__3_0_0 

1890s _________0 __ 1.5__ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 6 __ 3 __ 0 __ 1 __ 0 ____ 11.5 ____ 0_0_0__ 0_0_3.5_ 0_3_5 _ 0_0_0 

1900s _________0 __ 2 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 _____ 2.0 ____ 0_0_0__ 0_0_0__ 2_0_0__ 0_0_0 

1910s _________ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 ___1 __ 4 __ 2 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 _____ 7.0 ____ 2_0_0__ 0_0_0__ 0_0_5__ 0_0_0 

1920s _________0 __ 0 __ 2 __ 2 __ 0 __ 6 __ 0 __ 0 __ 1 __ 0 _____ 11.0 ____ 0_0_0__ 0_0_8__ 0_0_0__ 2_1_0 

1930s _________5 __ 6 __ 6 __ 3.5 _ 0 __ 0 __ 1*__ 0 __ 2 __ 0 _____23.5 ___8_1_0__ 0_4_0__ 0_2.5_4__2_2 0 _ 1936-37* (1) count for 1936

1940s _________0 __ 1.5 _ 0 __ 2 __ 4 _ 5.5 _ 7.5 _ 9 __ 4 __ 2 ____ 35.5 ___1_0_7__ 0.5_0_2__ 0_8_0__13.5_2.5_

1950s ________2.83_ 1 __ 0 __12 __ 4 __ 4 __ 0 _ 5.5__ 0 __2.5___ 31.83 ___1_1_0__ 0_0_5.5 _ 1_6_6__ 3.5_5.83_2 

1960s _________0 __0.33 _8 __ 3 __ 0 __ 1 ___ 8 __ 1 __ 0 __ 0____ 21.33 ___1_0_0__3_6_2 __ 6_0_0__ 3 _0.5_0 

1970s _________4 __ 0 __ 1 __ 4 __ 1 __ 3 _ 9.5 __ 4 __ 0 __ 4 ____ 30.5 ____ 3_1_4__ 5_3_1__ 4_1.5_1__ 0_7 _0 

1980s _________1.5 _3 __ 2 __7.5 _ 7* *_2 __ 0.5 _ 0 __ 0 __ 0 _____23.5 ____ 2_4_0__ 1.5_0_4__ 3_3_3__ 0_0_ 3 _1984-85* (2) count for 1984

1990s _______ 13.5_20 _ 0 _ 10 _ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 16 __ 5 _____ 64.5 ___ 4_11_ 7 __7_4.5_2__13_1_0__ 2_3_10

2000s ________ 3 _ 8.5 _ 10.5 _ 0 __ 1 __ 1 __ 2 __ 4**_ 2 __2.5____ 34.5 ____ 7 _3_2__ 3_7.5_0_ 0_6_1 _ 2_1_2 _  2006-07** (1) counts for 2007

2010s _________5 __ 1 __ 4 __ 0 __ 0 __ 14 _ 4 __ 3 __ 0 __ 0 _____31.0 ____ 0_ 2_ 8_ 4_ 0_ 0_ 2_0_ 2 _ 0_0_13 

2020s _________4 __1 _1.33_13** ** _ ( 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0) ___ 19.33____2 _6_ 1_ 4_0_ 0__ 0_ 0_1 _ 0_5.33_0_  _ 2022-23 ** (2) count for 2023

_____________ ^^2020-2024 Apr 1 _(future years of 2025-29)^^  (366.0)

^ 2022-23 intervals ending 4 and 5 Jan replaced 1992-93**, 1999-2000** (tied but in same decade) and 2004-05 **


Most weekly intervals warmest on record: 

1991_ 20 ... 1998_16 ... 2015_ 14.0 ... 1990_ 13.5 ... 2023_ 13 ... 1953_ 12 ... 2002_ 10.5 ... 1993_ 10 ... 1976_ 9.5

LOG of ANNUAL DATA (by months) ___________ Totals for 30-year intervals

1877 0 0 0 _ 0 2 0 _ 0 0 0  _ 0 0 0 ___2

1879 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 2 0 ___ 2

1880 0 0 2 _ 0 4 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 6

1881 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 2 _ 3 0 0 ___ 5

1886 0 0 0 _ 2 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 2

1888 0 0 0 _ 0 0 2 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 2

1891 0 0 0 _ 0 0 1.5_0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 1.5

1895 0 0 0 _ 0 0 2 _ 0 0 4 _ 0 0 0 ___ 6

1896 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 3 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 3

1898 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 1 _ 0 0 0 ___ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ Totals for 1874-1903 (1/5 of data, average 71.2, approx 6 per mo)

1901 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 2 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 2 _________ 0 0 2 _ 2 6 5.5_ 2 3 7 _ 3 2 0 ___ 32.5

1914 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 1 _ 0 0 0 ___ 1

1915 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 4 _ 0 0 0 ___ 4

1916 2 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 2

1922 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 2 0 0 ___ 2

1923 0 0 0 _ 0 0 2 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 2

1925 0 0 0 _ 0 0 6 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 6

1928 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 1 0 ___ 1

1930 0 1 0 _ 0 4 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 5

1931 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 4 _ 0 2 0 ___ 6

1932 6 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ Totals for 1904-1933

1933 1 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 2.5 0_0 0 0 ___ 3.5 ________9 1 0 _ 0 4 8 _ 0 2.5 9 _ 2 3 0 ___ 38.5

1936 1* 0 0_ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 1 (* ends Jan 1 1937)

1938 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 2 0 0 ___ 2

1941 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _1.5 0 0 ___1.5

1943 0 0 0 _ 0 0 2 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 2

1944 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 4 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 4

1945 0 0 5 _0.5 0 0_ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___5.5

1946 0 0 2 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _2 2.5 1 __ 7.5

1947 1 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 8 0 0 ___ 9

1948 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 4 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 4

1949 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 2 0 0 ___ 2

1950 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _0 2.83 0__2.83

1951 1 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 1

1953 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 1 6 _ 0 3 2 ___ 12

1954 0 1 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 3 0 0 ___ 4

1955 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 1 3 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 4

1957 0 0 0 _ 0 0 5.5_ 0 0 0_ 0 0 0 ___ 5.5

1959 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 2 0_ 0.5 0 0 ___ 2.5

1961 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0.33 0__ 0.33

1962 0 0 0 _ 3 5 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ Totals for 1934-1963

1963 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 3 0 0 ___ 3 __________ 3 1 7 _ 3.5 5 7.5 _ 1 14 6 _ 22 8.67 3 ___ 81.67

1965 0 0 0 _ 0 1 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 1

1966 0 0 0 _ 0 0 2 _ 6 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 8

1967 1 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 1

1970 0 0 0 _ 0 3 0 _ 0 0 1 _ 0 0 0 ___ 4

1972 0 0 0.5_0 0 0 _0 0.5 0_ 0 0 0___ 1

1973 3 0 0 _ 0 0 1 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 4

1974 0 0 1  _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 1

1975 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 3 0 ___ 3

1976 0 1 2.5_5 0 0 _ 0 1 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 9.5

1977 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 4 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 4

1979 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 4 0 ___ 4

1980 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _1 0.5 0_ 0 0 0 ___ 1.5

1981 0 2 0 _ 1 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 3

1982 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 2 ___ 2

1983 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _2 2.5 3_ 0 0 0 ___ 7.5

1984 2* 0 0 _ 0 0 4 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 1 ___ 7 (* two end Jan 1985 count for 1984)

1985 0 2 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 2

1986 0 0 0 _ 0.5 0 0_ 0 0 0 _0 0 0 ___ 0.5

1990 0 4 5 _ 0 0.5 0 _0 0 0 _2 0 2 ___13.5

1991 0 7 1 _ 4 4 2 _ 2 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 20 _ _ _ _ _ _ Totals for 1964-1993

1993 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 7 0 0 _ 0 3 0 ___10 __________ 6 16 10 _ 10.5 8.5 9 _ 22 4.5 4 _ 2 10 5 _____107.5

1998 4 0 1 _ 3 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 8 ___ 16

1999 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 4 1 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 5

2000 0 0 1 _ 0 2 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 3

2001 0 0 0 _ 0 4 0 _ 0 1.5 0_ 0 1 2 ___ 8.5

2002 2 2 0 _ 2 0 0 _0 4.5 0 _0 0 0 ___10.5

2004 0 0 1 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 1

2005 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 1 _ 0 0 0 ___ 1

2006 1 1 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 2

2007 2 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 2 0 0 ___ 4

2008 2 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 2

2009 0 0 0 _ 1 1.5 0_ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 2.5

2010 0 0 0 _ 4 0 0 _ 1 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 5

2011 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 1 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 1

2012 0 0 4 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 4

2015 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 1 _ 0 0 13 __ 14

2016 0 0 4 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 4

2017 0 2 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 1 _ 0 0 0 ___ 3

2020 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 4 0 ___4

2021 0 0 1 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 ___ 1

2022 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0 _ 0 0 0_ 0 1.33 0_ 1.33 _ _ _ _ _ _ Totals for 1994-2023

2023 2 6 0 _ 4 0 0 _ 0 0 1 _ 0 0 0 ___ 13 __________ 13 11 12 _ 14 7.5 0 _ 6 7 4 _ 2 6.33 23 ___ 105.83


Longest consecutive groups of weekly intervals including all cases 4 or more (=10+ days)

(2 would imply an 8-day warm spell, 3 would imply 9 days, etc)

(No. ints. = number of intervals, when any are tied the count entered into the table above is also shown in brackets)

No. ints. __ days ____ year, and start, end dates overall

_ 8 ________ 14 _______ 1947 Oct 16-29 (Oct 16-22 to Oct 23-29 intervals) _ first of these prevented 1963 from reaching 4 (10). 1963 often close during 1947 run.

_ 8 ________ 14 _______ 1998 Nov 27 - Dec 10 (Nov 27-Dec 3 to Dec 4-10 intervals)

_ 8 ________ 14 _______ 2015 Dec 8-21 (Dec 8-14 to Dec 15-21 intervals) see also 5 int spell a few days later

_ 7 ________ 13 _______ 1953 Aug 25 - Sep 6 (Aug 25-31 to Aug 31-Sep 6 intervals) _ almost equalled by 1973 similar timing (about 2 deg cooler)

_ 7 ________ 13 _______ 1991 Jan 29 - Feb 10 (Jan 29-Feb 4 to Feb 4-10 intervals)

_ 7 ________ 13 _______ 1993 July 4-16 (July 4-10 to July 10-16 intervals)

_ 6 ________ 12 _______ 1925 May 30-June 10 (May 30-June 5 to June 4-10 intervals)

_ 6 ________ 12 _______ 1932 Jan 9-20 (Jan 9-15 to 14-20 intervals)

_ 6 (5.5) ___ 12 _______ 1957 June 11-22 (June 11-17 to June 16-22 intervals) tied 1891 first of these intervals

_ 6 ________ 12 _______ 1966 June 27 - July 8 (June 27 - July 3 to July 2-8 intervals) _ (a)

_ 6 ________ 12 _______ 2023 Feb 9-20 (Feb 9-15 to 14-20 intervals)

_ 5 (4.5) ___ 11 _______ 1946 Oct 24 - Nov 3 (Oct 24-30 to Oct 28-Nov 3 intervals) _ last interval a tie with 1950

_ 5 ________ 11 _______ 1962 May 15-25 (May 15-21 to May 19-25 intervals)

_ 5 ________ 11 _______ 1976 Apr 14-24 (Apr 14-20 to Apr 18-24 intervals) ^

_ 5 ________ 11 _______ 1990 Mar 9-19 (Mar 9-15 to 13-19 intervals)

_ 5 ________ 11 _______ 1999 July 22 - Aug 1 (July 22-28 to July 26-Aug 1 intervals)

_ 5 ________ 11 _______ 2015 Dec 19-29 (Dec 19-25 to Dec 23-29 intervals) _ 3d interruption in 22d spell Dec 8-29, 2015 within 2 deg.

_ 5 ________ 11 _______ 2020 Nov 4-14 (Nov 4-10 to Nov 8-14 intervals)

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 1880 May 20-29 (May 20-26 to May 23-29 intervals)

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 1895 Sep 17-26 (Sep 17-23 to Sep 20-26 intervals)

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 1915 Sep 11-20 (Sep 11-17 to Sep 14-20 intervals)

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 1931 Sep 7-16 (Sep 7-13 to Sep 10-16 intervals)

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 1930 May 1 - 10 (May 1-7 to May 4-10 intervals)

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 1944 Aug 8-17 (Aug 8-14 to Aug 11-17 intervals)

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 1948 Aug 21-30 (Aug 21-27 to Aug 24-30 intervals)

_ 4 (3.0) ___ 10 _______ 1950 Oct 28 - Nov 6 (Oct 28-Nov 3 to Oct 31-Nov 6 intervals) _ first tied 1946, last tied 1961

_ 4 (3.5) ___ 10 _______ 1976 Feb 23-Mar 4 (Feb 23-29 to Feb 27-Mar 4, last int tied 1972)

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 1977 July 13-22 (July 13-19 to July 16-22 intervals)

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 1979 Nov 20-29 (Nov 20-26 to Nov 23-29 intervals)

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 1984 June 5 to 14 (Jun 5-11 to Jun 8-14 intervals) ... was very close second at both ends 

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 1990 Feb 5-14 (Feb 5-11 to 8-14 intervals) ... lost a day to 2023 see above

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 1991 Apr 4-13 (Apr 4-10 to 7-13 intervals)

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 1991 May 24-June 2 (May 24-30 to May 27-June 2 intervals)

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 1998 Jan 2-11 (Jan 2-8 to 5-11 intervals)

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 1998 Mar 25-Apr 3 (Mar 25-31 to Mar 28-Apr 3 intervals) *

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 2001 Apr 27 - May 6 (Apr 27-May 3 to Apr 30-May 6 intervals)

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 2010 Mar 31-Apr 9 (Mar 31-Apr 6 to Apr 3-9 intervals) 

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 2012 Mar 17-26 (Mar 17-23 to Mar 20-26 intervals)

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 2016 Mar 5-14 (Mar 5-11 to 8-14 intervals)

_ 4 ________ 10 _______ 2023 Apr 8-17 (Apr 8-14 to 11-17 intervals)

* erased 6 int, 12 day spell from 1945, first two intervals remain from that, last four broken by 1998.

^ 2002 had a similar run of three intervals before this one and finished just slightly below the value for the first 1976 interval.

(a) 1966 extends to 10 intervals, 16d with 1901 ahead for third and fourth, covering June 23 to July 8. Intensity in 1966 dropped slightly when 1901 ahead, but avg above 91F. 

(interrupted by one interval from another year)

_ 5 _________ 11 _______ 2002 Jan 23-Feb 2 (Jan 23-29, 24-30, (( _ )) Jan 26-Feb 1, Jan 27-Feb 2 ... 1947 interrupted Jan 25-31)

These longer warm intervals add up to a total of 203 weekly intervals or over half the calendar year. Two and three consecutive spells are quite frequent also. 

The "modal" very warm spell is probably around 10 days long as a derived result of this analysis. 20-23 days seems to be an upper limit. 



"Benchmark" average maxima (highest so early in season from arbitrary start of January maximum, reverses at summer max value, 98.43 (July 15-21, 1977)

from that point, second column shows the latest occurrences of benchmark values ending with the highest value of late December)


Average ____ Weekly interval ______ Year  ______________ Average ___ Weekly Interval _______ Year

59.86 _______ Jan 12-18 ___________ 1932 _______________ (98.43) ____ July 15-21 ___________ 1977

60.29 _______ Feb 18-24 ___________ 2017 _______________ 98.29 ______ Aug 28-Sep 3 _______ 1953

63.29 _______ Feb 19-25 ___________ 1930 _______________ 97.14 _______ Aug 29-Sep 4 _______ 1953

64.86 _______ Mar 6-12 ____________ 2016 _______________ 95.29 ______ Aug 30-Sep 5 _______ 1953

67.43 ________Mar 7-13 _____________2016 _______________ 93.29 ______ Aug 31-Sep 6 _______ 1953

70.29 ________Mar 10-16 ___________ 1990 _______________ 92.14 _______ Sep 5-11 ____________ 1983

73.00 ________Mar 11-17 ____________ 1990 _______________91.00 _______ Sep 9-15 ____________ 1931

73.57 ________Mar 24-30 ___________ 1945 _______________89.43 ______ Sep 10-16 ___________ 1931

75.57 ________Mar 25-31 ___________ 1998 _______________ 89.29 ______ Sep 20-26 __________ 1895

78.43 _______ Mar 26-Apr 1 ________ 1998 ________________87.57 _______ Sep 21-27 __________ 1970

79.14 ________ Apr 10-16 ___________ 2023 

80.86 _______ Apr 12-18 ____________ 2002 _______________ 85.57 ______ Sep 23-29 __________ 1881

85.43 _______ Apr 13-19 ____________ 2002 _______________ 85.43 ______ Sep 25-Oct 1 _______ 1881

86.29 _______ Apr 15-21 ____________ 1976 ________________ 83.43 ______ Sep 26-Oct 2 _______1881

86.86 _______ May 18-24 ___________ 1962 ________________82.71 ______ Sep 29-Oct 5 _______ 1922

87.29 _______ May 21-27 ____________ 1880 _______________ 82.29 _____ Oct 3 - 9 _____________2007

87.71 _______ May 22-28 ____________ 1880 ________________81.00 ______ Oct 4-10 ______1959, 2007 

88.14 _______ May 24-30 ____________1991 ________________ 80.86 ______ Oct 6-12 ___________ 1990

89.00 _______ May 25-31 ____________1991 ________________ 80.43 ______ Oct 8-14 ___________ 1949

90.14 _______ May 28-June 3 _______ 1895 ________________ 80.29 ______ Oct 9-15 ___________ 1954

93.00 _______ May 31-June 6 _______ 1925 ________________ 80.14 ______ Oct 10-16 __________ 1954

95.00 _______ June 1-7 ______________ 1925 ________________ 79.43 _____ Oct 15-21 __________ 1963

95.71 ________ June 27-July 3 _______ 1966 ________________ 78.14 ______ Oct 17-23 _________ 1947

96.29 ________ July 4-10 ____________ 1993 ________________ 76.00 ______ Oct 18-24 _________ 1947

96.57 _________ July 5-11 ____________ 1993 ________________ 75.71 _______ Oct 25-31 _________ 1946

97.00 _________ July 6-12 ____________1993 _________________ 74.86 ______ Oct 27-Nov 2 ______1946

98.00 _________ July 7-13 ___________ 1993 _________________ 74.14 ______ Oct 29-Nov 4 ______1950

98.43 _________ July 15-21 ___________1977 _________________ 73.29 ______ Oct 30-Nov 5 _____ 1950

_____________________________________________________________ 73.14 _______ Nov 3-9 ___________1975

_____________________________________________________________ 72.57 _______ Nov 6-12 _________ 2020

_____________________________________________________________ 69.71 ________Nov 7-13 _________ 2020

_____________________________________________________________ 68.14 _______ Nov 17-23 ________ 1953

_____________________________________________________________ 67.29 ________Dec 1-7 ___________ 1998

_____________________________________________________________ 65.86 _______ Dec 2-8 __________ 1998

_____________________________________________________________ 63.57 _______ Dec 3-9 __________ 1998

_____________________________________________________________ 63.43 _______ Dec 9-15 _________ 2015

_____________________________________________________________ 63.14 _______ Dec 10-16 _________ 2015

_____________________________________________________________ 63.00 _______ Dec 11-17 _________ 2015

_____________________________________________________________ 62.86 _______ Dec 21-27 ________ 2015

_____________________________________________________________ 61.43 _______ Dec 22-28 ________ 2015

___________________ (next entry would be first entry above, Jan 12-18 1932) or (59.71 Jan 3-9 1998) with a reversal.


(similar analysis to follow for low minima) 






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Now for the same analysis of lowest mean minimum weekly averages ... as you might expect, the frequency of them slowly decreases through the period of record. There are even so a few relatively recent cases where a cold regime overcame the disadvantage of the much larger urban heat island that exists now relative to the late 19th century. 


(ties are 0.5, there is one case of a three-way ties entered as 0.33)

(weeks ending Jan 1-6 are assigned to year with majority of days and are marked *

if they extend into next year (end Jan 1-3), and ** if they began in previous year (end Jan 4-6).

As these cannot be directly read from the totals, the actuals are posted in the relevant decade

which is 1910-19 since all six are in the winter of 1917-18 (so three count for each of those years).

Only the colder of the two subsets ending March 1 to 6 count for this table. 

Monthly counts after decade totals are generated by end dates only (some days in some intervals can be in adjacent months)

The random expectation is 2.4 per year and 24.1 per decade, 2.0 per month within decades. 


YEAR ENDING 0 __ 1 __ 2 __ 3 __ 4 __ 5 __ 6 __ 7 __ 8 __ 9 ___ decade total __ monthly count (total)

________________________________________________________________________J_F_M_ A_M_J_ J_A_S_ O_N_D

decade ... (1869) ______________________________________ 8 _____8.0 ____0_ 0_ 0__ 0_0_0__ 0_0_0__ 6_2_0

1870s ________ 0__6.33_10.5_3.5__18 _ 21 __ 7 __ 0 __ 7 __ 4 ___77.33 __ 0_2_4.5_20_11.5_2_ 2.33_0_10_ 7_8_10 

1880s ________11 __ 5 __ 1 _13.5__ 1 __11 __11.5 _4 __20 __ 3 ____81.0 ___ 6.5_3_19 _3_2_0_ 9_10.5_8_ 6_12_2 

1890s _________3 __ 0 __ 1 __ 6 _ 2.5__2.5_ 3.5 _0 __ 0 __ 3 ____21.5 ___ 3_7.5_0_ 0_0.5_2_ 7_0.5_0_ 1_0_0 

1900s _________3 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 1 __ 0 __ 0 __ 6 __ 0 __ 0 _____10.0 ___ 1_0_3_ 0_ 4_2_ 0_ 0_ 0_ 0_0_0 

1910s _________0 __ 0 __ 6.5 _2 _ 4.5__ 1 __ 1 __ 12*_10.5**_3 ____41.5 ___9.5_4_1_ 0_2_5.5_ 0_5_6_ 0_0_8.5 _1917-18* (3) 1917-18** (3)

1920s _______5.33 _ 0 __ 0 _ 5.5 _ 2 __ 2 __6.5 _0 __ 0 __ 1 _____22.33 __ 0_0_1_ 4_0_2.5_ 6.33_2_0.5_ 0_2_4 

1930s _________3 __ 0 __ 0 __ 5 __6.5 _ 4 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 _____18.5 ___2_6_2_ 0_1_2_ 0_ 0_ 0_ 1_ 4_0.5 

1940s ________12 __ 0 __ 3 __ 0 __ 0 __ 6 __ 0 __ 6 __ 0 __ 0 ____ 27.0 ____0_0_0_ 0_0_7_ 2_ 5_ 3_ 7_ 0_ 3 

1950s _________0 __ 4 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 1 __ 0 __ 0 __ 2 _____ 7.0 ____ 0_0_0_ 0_ 0_5_ 0 _1 _1_ 0_ 0_ 0 

1960s _________0.5 _0 __ 0 __1.83 _ 6__ 1 __ 0 __ 1 __ 5 __ 0 ____15.33 ___ 5_0_0.5_0_ 1_ 0_ 1.33_4.5_1_ 2_0_0 

1970s _________0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 _ 0.5 __0.5 _0 __ 0 __8.5 ___ 9.5 ____ 0 _4_0_ 0_ 0.5_0_ 3_1.5_0.5_ 0_0_0 

1980s _________2 __ 0 __ 3 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 4 _____9.0 ____ 0_0_0_ 3_ 0_ 2_ 0_ 1_ 0_ 0_0_3 

1990s _________0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 4 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 _____ 4.0 ____ 4_0_0_ 0_ 0_ 0_ 0_ 0_ 0_ 0_0_0 

2000s _________0 __ 0 __3.5__0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 1 _____ 4.5 ____ 0_0_0_ 0_3.5_0_ 0_ 0_ 0_ 1_ 0_ 0 

2010s _________0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 2.5 _0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 2 _____ 4.5 ____0_2.5_0_ 0_ 0_ 0_ 0_ 0_ 0_ 0_ 2_ 0 

2020s _________5 __ 0 _ (0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0 __ 0) ____ 5.0 _____0_ 0_ 0_ 0_ 5_0_ 0_ 0_ 0_ 0_ 0_ 0

______________^2020 2021 __ (future years of 2022-29


Most weekly intervals coldest on record: 

1875_ 21 ... 1888_20 ... 1874_18 ... 1883_ 13.5 ... 1917, 1940_ 12.0 ... 1886_11.5 ... 1880,1885_11.0 ... 1872, 1918_ 10.5 ... 

These eleven years account for about 5/12 of the total in the calendar year. Since 1940, the highest annual count is 8.5 in 1979.

Since then the highest count was 5.0 in 2020 (all in May). 

There were no coldest average minima in any weekly interval from January 1994 to May 2002 or from April 1982 to Aug 1989.

There was only one between May 2002 and Feb 2015 (in Oct 2009). 

The 1950s were also rather void of record low temperatures. But it can also be noted that 1908, 1909, 1910 and 1911 scored zero. 

Recent years show that it is possible to break sustained cold records, but the cold needs to arrive with significant wind velocity to

negate the bulk of the urban heat island now present. This is why (in addition to climate change) the frequency of low count years

dropped significantly after about 1910 even if averages stayed rather high due to some severely cold episodes (almost all of the records

shown for 1917 and 1918 were in a three-week interval in mid to late December 1917 and early January 1918. 

_ The frequency of low maxima has stayed slightly higher in recent years as the urban effect is smaller in the daytime hours. 


Longest consecutive groups of weekly intervals including all cases 4 or more (=10+ days)

(2 would imply an 8-day warm spell, 3 would imply 9 days, etc)

(No. ints. = number of intervals, when any are tied the count entered into the table above is also shown in brackets)

No. ints. __ days ____ year, and start, end dates overall

_11 _______ 17 _______ 1874 Apr 22 - May 8 (Apr 22-28 to May 2-8 intervals)

_10 _______ 16 _______ 1875 Apr 12-27 (Apr 12-18 to Apr 21-27 intervals)

_ 9 _______ 15 _______ 1880 Nov 16-30 (Nov 16-22 to Nov 24-30 intervals) _ much colder than second coldest at times (up to 10 F deg)

_ 8 _______ 14 _______ 1869 Oct 20 - Nov 2 (Oct 20-26 to Oct 27 - Nov 2 intervals)

_ 8 _______ 14 _______ 1917-18 Dec 25 - Jan 7 (Dec 25-31 to Jan 1-7 intervals) _ coldest average Dec 29 - Jan 4 (-4.43 F)

_ 7 _______ 13 _______ 1883 Aug 31 - Sep 12 (Aug 31 - Sep 6 to Sep 6-12 intervals)

_ 6 _______ 12 _______ 1888 Jan 18-29 (Jan 18-24 to Jan 23-29 intervals)

_ 6 _______ 12 _______ 1888 July 8-19 (July 8-14 to July 13-19 intervals) 

_ 6 (5.5) __ 12 _______ 1917 Dec 7 - 18 (Dec 7-13 to Dec 12-18 intervals) _ first int tied with 1934

_ 6 (5.33)_ 12 _______ 1920 July 22 - Aug 2 (July 22-28 to July 27 - Aug 2 intervals) _ first int is tied three ways with 1871, 1963

_ 6 _______ 12 _______ 1945 May 30 to June 10 (May 30 - June 5 to June 4-10 intervals)

_ 6 _______ 12 _______ 1947 Sep 22 to Oct 3 (Sep 22-28 to Sep 27 - Oct 3 intervals)

_ 5 (4.5) __ 11 _______ 1872 Feb 29 - Mar 10 (Feb 29-Mar 6 to Mar 4-10 intervals) _ Mar 4-10 tied with 1883

_ 5 _______ 11 _______ 1874 Apr 7-17 (Apr 7-13 to Apr 11-17 intervals)

_ 5 _______ 11 _______ 1875 Sep 17-27 (Sep 17-23 to Sep 21-27 intervals)

_ 5 _______ 11 _______ 1875 Nov 26 - Dec 6 (Nov 26 - Dec 2 to Nov 30 - Dec 6 intervals)

_ 5 _______ 11 _______ 1876 Oct 9-19 (Oct 9-15 to Oct 13-19 intervals) _ extends to 7/13 days (see one interruption notes)

_ 5 _______ 11 _______ 1886 Aug 15-25 (Aug 15-21 to Aug 19-25 intervals)

_ 5 _______ 11 _______ 1923 Mar 25 - Apr 4 (Mar 25-31 to Mar 29-Apr 4 intervals)

_ 5 _______ 11 _______ 1940 Aug 20-30 (Aug 20-26 to Aug 24-30 intervals)

_ 5 _______ 11 _______ 2020 May 5-15 (May 5-11 to May 9-15 intervals) _ cold enough to set benchmark values (see below)

_ 5 _______ 11 _______ 1968 Jan 4-14 (Jan 4-10 to Jan 8-14 intervals)

_ 4 _______ 10 ______ 1872 Dec 21-30 (Dec 21-27 to Dec 24-30 intervals)

_ 4 _______ 10 _______ 1879 Oct 30 - Nov 8 (Oct 30 - Nov 5 to Nov 2-8 intervals)

_ 4 _______ 10 _______ 1893 June 23 to July 2 (June 23-29 to June 26-July 2 intervals)

_ 4 (3.5) _ 10 _______ 1918 June 17-26 (June 17-23 to June 20-26 intervals) _ first interval tied by 1926

_ 4 _______ 10 _______ 1926 Dec 1-10 (Dec 1-7 to Dec 4-10 intervals)

_ 4 _______ 10 _______ 1935 Jan 24 - Feb 2 (Jan 24-30 to Jan 27 - Feb 2 intervals)

_ 4 _______ 10 _______ 1940 Oct 15-24 (Oct 15-21 to Oct 18-24 intervals)

_ 4 _______ 10 _______ 1951 June 9-18 (June 9-15 to June 12-18 intervals)

_ 4 _______ 10 _______ 1979 Feb 10-19 (Feb 10-16 to Feb 13-19 intervals)

_ 4 _______ 10 _______ 1994 Jan 14-23 (Jan 14-20 to Jan 17-23 intervals) 

_ 4 (3.5) __ 10 _______ 2002 May 16-25 (May 16-22 to May 19-25 intervals) _ last interval tied 1976


(_3 ________ 9 _______ 1934) Feb 4-12 (Feb 4-10 to 6-12 intervals) _ added despite falling short of 4/10 because very close to extending at either end, and extreme cold.

... the spell that followed in the calendar year (3 intervals 1899 ending Feb 13-15) was similar and lost out narrowly at either end. Another similar 1934 cold spell of three

consecutive intervals was for Feb 22-28 to Feb 24-Mar 2. Also a spell in April 1881 (three intervals ending Apr 7-9) was just marginally prevented from taking a fourth ending Apr 6.

(interrupted by one interval from another year)

_ 7 ________ 13 ________ 1876 Oct 7 to 19 (see table above for five consecutive intervals ending Oct 19, before those, Oct 7-13, then (( _ )) Oct 8-14 (1875). 

_ 6 ________ 12 ________ 1918 June 17 to 28 (see table above for four consecutive intervals ending June 26 then (( _ )) June 22-28 _ interrupted by 1940 June 21-27.

_ 5 ________ 11 ________ 1907 May 20-30 (May 20-26, (( _ )) May 22-28, May 23-29, May 24-30) _ interrupted by 1967 May 21-27 ... this can also be considered longer see below


(interrupted by two intervals from another year but when urban heat island effect considered, both are probably a fairly robust cold spell of more recent times)

_ 6 _________ 12 _______ 1964 Aug 9 - 20 (Aug 9-15, Aug 10-16 (( _ _ )) Aug 13-19, Aug 14-20 ... 1963t79 and 1979 interrupted Aug 11-17 and Aug 12-18.

_ 5 _________ 11 _______ 2015 Feb 14-24 (Feb 14-20, 15-21, (( _ _ )) Feb 18-24 ... 1896 interrupted Feb 16-22, 17-23 and also tied 2015 for 15-21

(two interruptions, but stayed almost as cold as those intervening values, extends the entry above for 1907)

_ 9 _________ 15 _______ 1907 May 20 - June 3 ( after May 24-30 (see above) two interruptions by 1930 then two more 1907 intervals ending June 2, 3). 


The total duration of the identified longer cold spells is 183 days plus about 10 from the extensions listed and another 12 from four robust three-day intervals with deep winter cold.

That adds up to 205 days, slightly more than the warm analogue, although probably very similar since this one was extended a bit more freely.


The "modal" very cold spell is probably also around 10 days long as a derived result of this analysis. 20-22 days seems to be an upper limit. 

This can be compared to the modal result for warm spells ... rather similar but capable of extending slightly longer by looks of the frequency analysis. 

It is unusual to see any cold spells giving way quickly to warmth or vice versa. One example was cold in late September 1947 quickly followed by record warmth in most of October.

The spring of 1945 had a longer cycle but very warm weather in March-April gave way to very cold weather in May-June. 

Cold overnight weekly averages that can set records are rare in recent decades, only 25 of the 85 years 1936-2020 had any entries, accounting for a  total of about 86 of the 366

coldest weeks (an average of one per year). The average for the 67 years ending 1935 was closer to four per year. 



"Benchmark" average minima (lowest so late in season from arbitrary start of January 4 minimum value, reverses at summer's highest average minimum weekly average

and from that point, second column shows the first occurrences of benchmark values ending with the lowest value again for Dec 29 to Jan 4


Average ____Weekly interval ______ Year  ____________ Average ___ Weekly Interval _______ Year

-4.86 _______Dec 29- Jan 4 _____ 1917-1918 _________ (62.00) ____ July 27-Aug 2 ________ 1920 (highest value, reversal point)

-1.43 _______ Dec 30- Jan 5 _____ 1917-1918 __________ 59.00 _____ July 31 - Aug 6 ______ 1912

 3.00 ________Feb 8 - 14 ___________1899 ______________ 58.86 _____ Aug 1 - 7 _____________ 1912

 4.00 _______ Feb 9 - 15 ___________ 1899 ______________ 58.00 _____ Aug 2 - 8 ____________ 1886

 6.29 _______ Feb 12-18 ____________1979 ______________ 57.86 ______ Aug 16-22 ___________ 1886

 6.43 _______ Feb 16-22 ___________ 1896 ______________ 57.14 ______ Aug 17-23 ___________ 1886

 9.43 _______ Feb 17-23 ___________ 1896 ______________ 56.43 _____ Aug 18-24 ___________ 1886

 9.71 ________ Feb 20-26 __________ 1914 ______________ 55.86 ______ Aug 21-27 ___________ 1940

10.86 _______ Feb 23- Mar 1 ______ 1934 ______________ 55.71 _______ Aug 23-29 __________ 1940

11.14 ________ Feb 28- Mar 5 ______ 1884 ______________ 55.14 ______ Aug 25-31 ___________ 1887

11.71 ________ Mar 1 - 7 ____________ 1872 ______________ 55.00 ______ Aug 29 - Sep 4 ______ 1872

11.86 ________ Mar 17-23 __________ 1885 ______________ 54.57 ______ Aug 30 - Sep 5 ______ 1872

13.00 _______ Mar 18-24 __________ 1885 _______________ 54.43 _____ Aug 31 - Sep 6 _______ 1883

16.00 _______ Mar 19-25 __________ 1885 _______________ 53.43 ______ Sep 1 - 7 ____________ 1883

17.86 _______ Mar 20-26 ___________1885 _______________ 53.00 ______ Sep 2 - 8 ____________ 1883

19.43 _______ Mar 27 - Apr 2 ______ 1923 _______________51.14 _______ Sep 3 - 9 ____________ 1883

20.71 _______ Mar 28 - Apr 3 ______ 1923 _______________49.71 _______ Sep 4-10 ____________ 1883

25.57 _______ Mar 29 - Apr 4 ______ 1923 _______________48.86 ______ Sep 15-21 ____________1871

26.14 _______ Apr 2 - 8 ____________ 1881 _______________ 47.43 ______Sep 16-22 ____________ 1871

27.00 _______ Apr 3 - 9 ____________ 1881 _______________ 46.00 ______ Sep 17-23 ___________ 1875

27.14 ________Apr 16-22 ___________ 1875 _______________ 45.14 ______ Sep 18-24 ___________ 1875

27.43 ________Apr 17-23 ___________1875 _______________ 44.86 ______ Sep 22-28 ___________1947

28.57 ________Apr 18-24 __________ 1875 _______________ 43.57 ______ Sep 25 - Oct 1 _______1947

29.86 ________Apr 19-25 __________ 1875 _______________ 43.29 ______ Sep 26 - Oct 2 ______ 1947

32.57 ________Apr 20-26 __________ 1875 ________________41.71 ______ Sep 28 - Oct 4 _______1888

34.14 ________Apr 24-30 __________ 1874 ________________40.43 ______Oct 3 - 9 ____________ 1964

34.57 _______ Apr 25 - May 1 ______ 1874 ________________39.57 _____ Oct 4-10 _____________1964

34.71 ________Apr 26 - May 2 ______ 1874 ________________39.00 _____ Oct 10-16 ___________ 1876

34.86 _______ Apr 27 - May 3 ______ 1874 ________________38.43 _____ Oct 11-17 ____________ 1876

35.57 ________ Apr 28 - May 4 _____ 1874 ________________38.29 _____ Oct 12-18 ____________ 1876

37.57 ________ Apr 29 - May 5 _____ 1874 _________________38.00 _____ Oct 15-21 ____________1940

38.86 ________ Apr 30 - May 6 _____ 1874 ________________ 35.43 _____ Oct 16-22 ___________ 1940

39.71 ________ May 2 - 8 ___________ 1874 _________________35.14 _____ Oct 17-23 ____________ 1940

40.43 ________ May 7-13 ___________2020 ________________ 34.86 _____ Oct 24-30 ___________ 1869

40.57 _________May 8-14 __________ 2020 ________________ 33.57 _____ Oct 25-31 ____________ 1869

43.14 _________ May 10-16 _________ 1878 ________________ 32.71 ______ Oct 26 - Nov 1 _______ 1869

43.43 ________ May 11-17 __________ 1878 ________________ 32.29 ______ Oct 30 - Nov 5 ______ 1879

44.29 ________ May 12-18 __________ 1878 ________________29.71 _______Oct 31 -Nov 6 _______ 1879

45.14 _________ May 13-19 _________ 1882, 1895 __________29.00 ______ Nov 1 - 7 ____________ 1879

45.57 ________ May 20-26 _________ 1907 ________________ 27.14 _______ Nov 11-17 ___________ 1933

45.86 ________ May 21-27 _________ 1967 ________________ 26.29 _______ Nov 12-18 __________ 1883

46.71 _________ May 24-30 ________ 1907 ________________ 25.43 _______ Nov 16-22 __________ 1880

47.14 _________ May 26 - June 1 ___ 1930 ________________ 22.71 _______ Nov 17-23 __________ 1880

47.57 _________ May 31 - June 6 ___1945 ________________ 19.57 ________ Nov 18-24 __________ 1880

47.86 _________ June 1 - 7 _________ 1945 ________________ 18.86 ________ Nov 20-26 __________ 1880

49.57 _________ June 2 - 8 _________1945 ________________ 17.71 _________ Nov 21-27 __________ 1880

50.86 _________ June 3 - 9 ________ 1945 ________________ 16.43 ________ Nov 27 - Dec 3 _____ 1875

52.14 __________June 8-14 ________ 1980 _________________16.00 ________ Nov 28 - Dec 4 _____ 1875

53.14 __________June 10-16 _______ 1951 _________________ 15.43 ________ Dec 1 - 7 ____________1926

53.86 _________ June 11-17 ________ 1951 _________________14.29 ________ Dec 9-15 ____________ 1917

54.43 _________ June 13-19 _______ 1933 _________________13.29 ________ Dec 10-16 ___________ 1917

54.57 _________ June 20-26 _______ 1918 _________________11.57 _________ Dec 14-20 __________ 1919

55.29 _________ June 21-27 ________1940 _________________10.43 ________ Dec 15-21 ___________1942 

56.43 _________ June 24-30 _______ 1893 _________________ 9.29 ________ Dec 16-22 __________ 1942

57.00 __________June 28 - July 4 __ 1888 __________________8.71 _________ Dec 21-27 _________ 1872

58.29 __________June 30 - July 6 __ 1940 _________________ 6.43 ________ Dec 22-28 _________ 1872

58.43 __________ July 12-18 _______ 1888 __________________ 5.29 ________ Dec 25-31 _________ 1917

59.43 __________ July 18-24 _______ 1890 __________________1.29 ________ Dec 26 - Jan 1 _____ 1917-18

____________________________________________________________-1.00 ________ Dec 27 - Jan 2 ____ 1917-18

____________________________________________________________-2.86 ________ Dec 28 - Jan 3 ____ 1917-18

(62.00 for July 27 - Aug 2 1920 is the reversal point) ____(-4.43 ______ Dec 29 - Jan 4 _ 1917-18 .. top of table)

(to reduce complexity here, after July 18-24 1890, no further values appear until a downward trend begins in mid-August, as most values after that entry are in the 60s and the highest value is 62.00 for July 27 - Aug 2 1920.)








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I put together the snowiest weeks for each year since 1954...

snowiest weeks at Central Park...







































































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