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June Banter 2021

George BM

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3 hours ago, CAPE said:

It's Friday. Good day to sip on something high gravity. Almost cracked open the 2014 120 min IPA, but since I had a fresh one, I went with that. I compared the bottles, and damn the aged one looks quite dark by comparison. It wont last much longer, and I will pick up a few more next time I head to the beach.

Enjoy hopefully that 2014 bad boy won’t be oxidized for ya. Enjoy 

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12 hours ago, Stormfly said:

Bunch of spring peepers here! :P

By definition you are a senior citizen at 55 and elderly at 65!  Yep, hard to believe but don't worry because no matter who you are, you cannot beat the clock!

I guess I never paid attention to those ages/milestones. :-)  I guess it makes sense because my wife started getting AARP stuff in the mail last year.

I am not far behind @H2O, and and feel nothing at all close to being a senior citizen.   Ha...I'll even venture out on a limb and say  that he doesn't either.  

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16 hours ago, H2O said:

And ALMOST late side of the 30s?  Puhlease


feeling like I was hit by a bus this morning. And not from drinking. Got knocked literally onto my butt by a base runner last night and I am so sore 

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9 hours ago, mappy said:


feeling like I was hit by a bus this morning. And not from drinking. Got knocked literally onto my butt by a base runner last night and I am so sore 

THIS is what I hated about approaching the big FOUR-OH. It seems once I passed that lovely milestone, every ache and pain increasingly magnified with each passing year -- that was also the magical year I blew out the meniscus in my right knee, because my 20-something mind was cashing checks that my 40+ year old body could no longer cover.  :( 

I started doing body weight floor exercises a couple weeks ago to supplement the every-other-day cardio and almost-every-day walks that Mrs. V and I do with doggo. Days later, I STILL feel like I need liniment, BenGay, a heating pad, a frozen bag of peas, and possibly other treatments that I'm just not imagining right now, ALL TOGETHER...

I beg you...soak up and enjoy whatever athletic prowess you have left. NOW. (Oh, and don't forget to stretch, all the time.)  ;) 

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14 hours ago, Baltimorewx said:

Those softball leagues can be tough :lol:Hope you feel better soon 

Still sore, but thank you!

13 hours ago, vastateofmind said:

THIS is what I hated about approaching the big FOUR-OH. It seems once I passed that lovely milestone, every ache and pain increasingly magnified with each passing year -- that was also the magical year I blew out the meniscus in my right knee, because my 20-something mind was cashing checks that my 40+ year old body could no longer cover.  :( 

I started doing body weight floor exercises a couple weeks ago to supplement the every-other-day cardio and almost-every-day walks that Mrs. V and I do with doggo. Days later, I STILL feel like I need liniment, BenGay, a heating pad, a frozen bag of peas, and possibly other treatments that I'm just not imagining right now, ALL TOGETHER...

I beg you...soak up and enjoy whatever athletic prowess you have left. NOW. (Oh, and don't forget to stretch, all the time.)  ;) 

Ha, no amount of stretching can help you when someone bigger and heavier than you literally runs into you chest first, knocking you backwards onto your butt, heading hitting the ground. 

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54 minutes ago, H2O said:

Kids have a swim meet tonight.  I'd be cool if it stormed this evening.  Otherwise its 4 hrs in the heat.

Ahhh, yes....NVSL B meets! Being able to "let your hair down" a bit more because it's not an A meet. Laughing at the young parents screaming and cajoling like court jesters at the finishing side of the pool while their half-drowning "mini" swimmers are bobbing their way to that side. Judging or timing at least 37 heats of 8&U and 9-10...IN EACH AGE GROUP. Watching some father attempting to patch his iPhone into the sound system to pretend he's Calvin Harris, despite his Spotify playlist being the aural equivalent of "dadbod." Glaring at the parents who insist loudly they don't have time to help on deck, and yet somehow have the entire evening to sit on  said deck and gossip the night away. And, assuming you actually BEGIN at 6 p.m., ending the evening 4+ hours later soaked to the bone with your own sweat, in a mingling stench of sunblock, chlorine, greasy grill smoke and bad decisions (chiefly, allowing your kids to swim for the neighborhood pool team).

The worst thing about evening meets -- when they would merely be delayed and not outright canceled. Obviously, B meets are easier to call off, but I remember a relay carnival at some Springfield pool years ago, with several stacked lines of severe thunderstorms moving in just before the 6 p.m. start, of course! I lost count of the number of delays at some point...cuz we were all in various stages of passing out while stuck in our hot, fetid vehicles...but because relay carnival is an official and sacred division event, the show HAD to go on and we didn't finish until almost 11 p.m.  :( 

Bitter, table for one, right over here!!  :D 

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7 minutes ago, vastateofmind said:

Ahhh, yes....NVSL B meets! Being able to "let your hair down" a bit more because it's not an A meet. Laughing at the young parents screaming and cajoling like court jesters at the finishing side of the pool while their half-drowning "mini" swimmers are bobbing their way to that side. Judging or timing at least 37 heats of 8&U and 9-10...IN EACH AGE GROUP. Watching some father attempting to patch his iPhone into the sound system to pretend he's Calvin Harris, despite his Spotify playlist being the aural equivalent of "dadbod." Glaring at the parents who insist loudly they don't have time to help on deck, and yet somehow have the entire evening to sit on  said deck and gossip the night away. And, assuming you actually BEGIN at 6 p.m., ending the evening 4+ hours later soaked to the bone with your own sweat, in a mingling stench of sunblock, chlorine, greasy grill smoke and bad decisions (chiefly, allowing your kids to swim for the neighborhood pool team).

The worst thing about evening meets -- when they would merely be delayed and not outright canceled. Obviously, B meets are easier to call off, but I remember a relay carnival at some Springfield pool years ago, with several stacked lines of severe thunderstorms moving in just before the 6 p.m. start, of course! I lost count of the number of delays at some point...cuz we were all in various stages of passing out while stuck in our hot, fetid vehicles...but because relay carnival is an official and sacred division event, the show HAD to go on and we didn't finish until almost 11 p.m.  :( 

Bitter, table for one, right over here!!  :D 

Oh god.  This post.  its everything.  The 37 heats for just 8&U when you wish they would pre-test kids to see if they can even swim let alone a length of a pool.  Where they start and you can walk up to the snack bar, order one of everything, wait 5 min for the grill guy to make a burger into a hockey puck and still get back to the pool to time them touching the wall.  And the chatter among parents. 

"Oh, did you see Billy swim?  His back was TERRIBLE!!"  "Well, my kid Francesca, just swam a 28.45 last week which is 0.00000002 better than last week and now she will get to swim an A meet over that dirty faced girl with the parents that dress from Ross!!"

And the jerk ass parents that DO NOTHING each and every meet despite having 5 kids that always DQ on breast stroke because they brain fart and start swimming freestyle after the flip turn.  Its ok, lazy parents, just start at your phone all meet and yell a tepid "woo, go child #2!" while the few that help every week stand there melting.


Having a B meet canceled due to storms is one of the best feelings ever.  But I also remember being at an all-stars and right during warm-ups there were storms and nothing better than sitting in a stiffling hot car for an hour waiting because they ain't calling off an all-stars and it was resumed once the deluge had ended.  

I am with you, brother.  Just call me Salty McSaltface every monday when we have a B meet.  No one to blame but myself tho.  I could have been a lazy ass parent and NOT volunteered to be chief timer.  Imma dumbass.

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27 minutes ago, H2O said:

Oh god.  This post.  its everything.  The 37 heats for just 8&U when you wish they would pre-test kids to see if they can even swim let alone a length of a pool.  Where they start and you can walk up to the snack bar, order one of everything, wait 5 min for the grill guy to make a burger into a hockey puck and still get back to the pool to time them touching the wall.  And the chatter among parents. 

"Oh, did you see Billy swim?  His back was TERRIBLE!!"  "Well, my kid Francesca, just swam a 28.45 last week which is 0.00000002 better than last week and now she will get to swim an A meet over that dirty faced girl with the parents that dress from Ross!!"

And the jerk ass parents that DO NOTHING each and every meet despite having 5 kids that always DQ on breast stroke because they brain fart and start swimming freestyle after the flip turn.  Its ok, lazy parents, just start at your phone all meet and yell a tepid "woo, go child #2!" while the few that help every week stand there melting.


Having a B meet canceled due to storms is one of the best feelings ever.  But I also remember being at an all-stars and right during warm-ups there were storms and nothing better than sitting in a stiffling hot car for an hour waiting because they ain't calling off an all-stars and it was resumed once the deluge had ended.  

I am with you, brother.  Just call me Salty McSaltface every monday when we have a B meet.  No one to blame but myself tho.  I could have been a lazy ass parent and NOT volunteered to be chief timer.  Imma dumbass.

This ^^^^^^^  Is great!  I don't have swimmers, but I see the same through basketball/softball.   Nobody can take the time to run the clock or keep score for the basketball games.  Moms pulling single serve bottles of Sutter Home out of their purses to get their fix on. Happy my boys are now in college and I don't have to deal with that.  On the diamond, we can't forget all of the diva moms at softball.  Not to mention the stereotypical softball coach - beer belly, oversized Under Armor Tee shirt or wife beater, backwards baseball cap with the wrap around mirrored red tinted shades, oversized athletic shorts which extend past the knee but show their calf tattoo,  mangled goatee and the quintessential Beavis and Butthead white socks with black shoes.  At least I can sit way down the foul line or even beyond the outfield fence to keep my space from all of the craziness at the field.  

Here's one I saw this weekend....the lazy kids with the electric scooters who ride all over the park through the crowds while their sister plays....I hate those things, just making the kids lazier than they already are. 


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1 hour ago, H2O said:

Having a B meet canceled due to storms is one of the best feelings ever. 

As someone who swims all year with an all year round (yay getting up at like 4am over the summer) and summer team I can 100 percent attest to that but the worst meets are those A meets in the morning when it is pouring rain and super cold out. Those meets are miserable, everyone adds time so there was not really a point and the whole morning is ruined. On B meets my team is trying to do virtual B meets this year so each team swims separately which would be amazing, but since I placed top 3 in the A meet on Saturday with the strokes I care about (freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke) I can't even swim at the B meets so I get to stay at home anyways.  

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I love attending swim meets and watching my oldest and her friends swim. Our team is in Division 17, so there aren't that many heats at B Meets, and she's still learning and hasn't placed in breast and fly, so it's a good opportunity for her to get out there and try them in a meet format.

Our pool is also pretty awesome - the center of the social scene for the whole neighborhood in the summer - so we're really enjoying the camaraderie with the other parents who are getting involved. mrs g is running concessions and I'm just doing random stuff to help (may be a Timer or Stroke and Turn judge at some point), but we just feel great to get involved and help our kids enjoy their summer! 


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List of jobs I've done at my pool since 2013: timer, marshal, assist chief timer, chief timer, pool set up crew, concessions set up, grill, and more as my wife was part of concessions.  The more is going to various places to get ice, drinks, food, etc.

This was on top of being on the pool board the last 4 years.  in charge of facilities.

Don't get me wrong.  I look forward to watching my kids swim and love how they help the team each meet, good or bad.  I have made lots of friends from doing all this volunteering over the years and the comradery from being in the trenches is a bond that can't be broken.


That said, there are some parents that can step up and help and they don't so that will always be a spot of frustration.  I'm out there helping EVERY kid, not just my own, by doing the things I do along with so many other wonderful parents.  it takes a village to pull off a swim meet and it would be nice for everyone to chip in.  

No slam to you, @mattie g  You are doing good chipping in where you can and having your wife help out with the food.  And I've been down there at the bottom division wise and sometimes i think it was much easier and more fun when there was no pressure to be top dogs like the Div 1-5s are.  Those people are nuts. 

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1 hour ago, mattie g said:

I love attending swim meets and watching my oldest and her friends swim. Our team is in Division 17, so there aren't that many heats at B Meets, and she's still learning and hasn't placed in breast and fly, so it's a good opportunity for her to get out there and try them in a meet format.

Our pool is also pretty awesome - the center of the social scene for the whole neighborhood in the summer - so we're really enjoying the camaraderie with the other parents who are getting involved. mrs g is running concessions and I'm just doing random stuff to help (may be a Timer or Stroke and Turn judge at some point), but we just feel great to get involved and help our kids enjoy their summer! 

I'm mostly being a smartass up above...I knew @H2O would identify, and probably even more because he's not only served in most/all of the team official slots, he's gone the extra mile to serving on his community pool's board! (He's most certainly doing God's work there). My smartassery definitely camouflages an air of relief and a little sadness, though. Our entire family enjoyed summer swim early on. My wife and I willingly got involved with concessions and grilling early, which led to timing, S&T judging, and ultimately for her, being a team rep...which means *I* was, too, by marriage. What a time-suck THAT was for her. Our pool (Hayfield Farm) used to be fairly competitive in the 2000s/early 2010s, vacillating between NVSL Divisions 9-12 in placement. We all had great fun and made a lot of friends along the way.

But, when your kids get to mid-late teens, it all gets a little exhausting...and probably moreso for us, as my youngest son decided at about 10 years old to start swimming year-round with NCAP, which means I had to haul his ass to Lee District RECenter at 4:30 a.m., 3-4 days per week for the better part of a decade. The upshot was that he had some success on a local/state/national level doing that throughout his teens....the downside was that by the time he got to recruiting for college swim (and he did at several schools), he was SO burned out, that he didn't want to swim AT ALL...and hasn't been back in the pool competitively ever again.

So yeah, it's all kinda bittersweet for our family. At the end of that road, we found we didn't and wouldn't miss all of the nonsense that I described above, to the point where we simply lease our pool share annually now. I just don't want to be near/around the community pool/team drama any longer.

I'm REALLY glad that you and your family are enjoying your pool, as you should....and please don't let my curmudgeonly views rain on your parade.  :) 

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I didn't realize all of you were such dedicated swimmers/swim parents.

Without diving too deep into identifying factors (though I've linked ya'll to posts with my name, lol), I was a long-time competitive swimmer both in the summer and winter. Since then I've been coaching for the last three years... hope you parents like your teams' coaches! We try our best to keep things moving and make sure the kids can actually make it across the pool, I swear. We also deeply appreciate all the volunteers... the less pool set up we do the better. 

Did the 4:00am wake-up call grind throughout high school as well... national-level swimming is a real chore for parents and swimmers alike (until we learn to drive!). If you are all familiar with the local girl who is heading to the Olympics, I swam with her for quite a bit. 

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But to follow on to my post...

I do think that being in a lower division really helps. It's not overly competitive, and nearly every kid on the team lives in our neighborhood. That really helps to develop a bond among the kids and parents that I don't think you would get if it were a pool that drew from a much larger area. Volunteering to help has been a great feeling thus far, but I can certainly see how it would become a drain as the years go on. We'll just enjoy it for now!

One of our neighborhood friends is team rep, so we get a lot of inside scoop, all of which is pretty enlightening. We've got just shy of 90 kids on the team, so there's plenty of opportunities for all them to swim...though it was pretty funny this weekend when the 16-18 girls breast and fly only had one girl (from the other team) swimming in the race. :lol: Our neighborhood is going through a phase in which there are lots of little kids around now (young families moving into houses sold by original owners and the like), so the older classes have far fewer swimmers in them. I'm so used to that now that I can't imagine what it must be like at the top of the rung.

We do have some kids that are phenomenal swimmers (one of the coaches - also an 18-year-old - is on scholarship to swim freestyle next year), so it's always cool to watch them swim, but I was shocked when I heard that his 50 free didn't even make the NVSL top 24 this past week. I mean...that's crazy. Like I said - I couldn't imagine being at a higher-level division meet.

My older girl (8-year-old) just adores swimming. She's not really competitive and she's much more artistic than an athlete (though she also dances), but to see her enjoyment and growth this season so far is amazing...so much so that she's said that she wants to swim in the fall. She has other 8-under friends on the team who do it, so we're going to see if she's still up for it by the end of the season. Our 3.5-year-old girl is on juniors and is raising hell in doing so, so I imagine she's going to be the next in line to keep us sucked us into the summer swim vortex!

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I did not know you people swam/swim in the NVSL my team is in the Red (top) Division of the CSL league and its pretty competitive. Its still fun however and its great to be in a more community driven mode than the super competitive all year round swimming stuff. I am looking forward to at least try to make it on the Highschool team this year, the cutoff is typically around 55 seconds for 100 free and I swim that in 53 so I should be fine (I hope I am it sounds like a really fun team). Swimming is the only other real thing I do besides playing video games and checking the weather. I have a really strong age group for summer swim so you always have other people who swim all year round to push each other we also got the our teams relay record this year on the first meet with relays so it should be a really great season.

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1 minute ago, SnowenOutThere said:

I did not know you people swam/swim in the NVSL my team is in the Red (top) Division of the CSL league and its pretty competitive. Its still fun however and its great to be in a more community driven mode than the super competitive all year round swimming stuff. I am looking forward to at least try to make it on the Highschool team this year, the cutoff is typically around 55 seconds for 100 free and I swim that in 53 so I should be fine (I hope I am it sounds like a really fun team). Swimming is the only other real thing I do besides playing video games and checking the weather. I have a really strong age group for summer swim so you always have other people who swim all year round to push each other we also got the our teams relay record this year on the first meet with relays so it should be a really great season.

Check your DMs. Might be able to meet you soon, lol.

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5 minutes ago, NorthArlington101 said:

I didn't realize all of you were such dedicated swimmers/swim parents.

Without diving too deep into identifying factors (though I've linked ya'll to posts with my name, lol), I was a long-time competitive swimmer both in the summer and winter. Since then I've been coaching for the last three years... hope you parents like your teams' coaches! We try our best to keep things moving and make sure the kids can actually make it across the pool, I swear. We also deeply appreciate all the volunteers... the less pool set up we do the better. 

Did the 4:00am wake-up call grind throughout high school as well... national-level swimming is a real chore for parents and swimmers alike (until we learn to drive!). If you are all familiar with the local girl who is heading to the Olympics, I swam with her for quite a bit. 

I also had no idea how many other people on this board swam or have their kids swim.

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40 minutes ago, vastateofmind said:

I'm mostly being a smartass up above...I knew @H2O would identify, and probably even more because he's not only served in most/all of the team official slots, he's gone the extra mile to serving on his community pool's board! (He's most certainly doing God's work there). My smartassery definitely camouflages an air of relief and a little sadness, though. Our entire family enjoyed summer swim early on. My wife and I willingly got involved with concessions and grilling early, which led to timing, S&T judging, and ultimately for her, being a team rep...which means *I* was, too, by marriage. What a time-suck THAT was for her. Our pool (Hayfield Farm) used to be fairly competitive in the 2000s/early 2010s, vacillating between NVSL Divisions 9-12 in placement. We all had great fun and made a lot of friends along the way.

But, when your kids get to mid-late teens, it all gets a little exhausting...and probably moreso for us, as my youngest son decided at about 10 years old to start swimming year-round with NCAP, which means I had to haul his ass to Lee District RECenter at 4:30 a.m., 3-4 days per week for the better part of a decade. The upshot was that he had some success on a local/state/national level doing that throughout his teens....the downside was that by the time he got to recruiting for college swim (and he did at several schools), he was SO burned out, that he didn't want to swim AT ALL...and hasn't been back in the pool competitively ever again.

So yeah, it's all kinda bittersweet for our family. At the end of that road, we found we didn't and wouldn't miss all of the nonsense that I described above, to the point where we simply lease our pool share annually now. I just don't want to be near/around the community pool/team drama any longer.

I'm REALLY glad that you and your family are enjoying your pool, as you should....and please don't let my curmudgeonly views rain on your parade.  :) 


14 minutes ago, mattie g said:

But to follow on to my post...

I do think that being in a lower division really helps. It's not overly competitive, and nearly every kid on the team lives in our neighborhood. That really helps to develop a bond among the kids and parents that I don't think you would get if it were a pool that drew from a much larger area. Volunteering to help has been a great feeling thus far, but I can certainly see how it would become a drain as the years go on. We'll just enjoy it for now!

One of our neighborhood friends is team rep, so we get a lot of inside scoop, all of which is pretty enlightening. We've got just shy of 90 kids on the team, so there's plenty of opportunities for all them to swim...though it was pretty funny this weekend when the 16-18 girls breast and fly only had one girl (from the other team) swimming in the race. :lol: Our neighborhood is going through a phase in which there are lots of little kids around now (young families moving into houses sold by original owners and the like), so the older classes have far fewer swimmers in them. I'm so used to that now that I can't imagine what it must be like at the top of the rung.

We do have some kids that are phenomenal swimmers (one of the coaches - also an 18-year-old - is on scholarship to swim freestyle next year), so it's always cool to watch them swim, but I was shocked when I heard that his 50 free didn't even make the NVSL top 24 this past week. I mean...that's crazy. Like I said - I couldn't imagine being at a higher-level division meet.

My older girl (8-year-old) just adores swimming. She's not really competitive and she's much more artistic than an athlete (though she also dances), but to see her enjoyment and growth this season so far is amazing...so much so that she's said that she wants to swim in the fall. She has other 8-under friends on the team who do it, so we're going to see if she's still up for it by the end of the season. Our 3.5-year-old girl is on juniors and is raising hell in doing so, so I imagine she's going to be the next in line to keep us sucked us into the summer swim vortex!

When we joined our pool on 2009 I had ZERO intention of being a swim team parent.  I just wanted a place for my kids to learn to swim and play during the summer.  It was at my wife's urging we join a pool.  Little did I know my two daughters would be tadpoles in the pool and beg to swim every day.  So then it just seemed natural to join the swim team so they could have friends and learn how to do the 4 strokes.  Then we were thrust into actual A meets due to swimmer shortages and my kids had decent enough times.  Actualy the main reason is they both could do breast stroke LEGALLY at a very young age. 

My kids swam an A meet at age 5 and 6.  And got points!!!!  For being legal.

At that time, our pool was down at the bottom.  Since 2012 to now we slowly moved up to where we are now and the pool and its demeanor has changed.  it used to be soooo laid back with swim meets and just having fun.  But success has bred competitiveness  and a culture of wanting to win more than just having fun.  Our rise every year has also gotten that dreaded "we only join the pool for swim team" attitude.  Because they want to jump on while we are doing well.  This means they aren't as attached to the pool as a family who lives nearby and is happy for the POOL over what record they have every summer.  

But I LOVe watching my kids swim.  I can't cheer because I'm a deck official most meets.  the ones i get the night off I will be up there rooting for my kids and the team.  I really enjoy their success and they have been to All-Star events for relays and individual which is amazing.  Given the number of pools and swimmers.  to get into the top 18?  And swim?  Holy shitballs.  

So tonight i will be out on deck, sweating my balls off, checking time cards and yelling "TIMERS CLEAR!" for 3 hours.  Why?  Because I'm a swim team parent.

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1 minute ago, mattie g said:

Thursday through Saturday evenings, there are more Yetis and RTICs surrounding the side of our pool than one can count...

ooooo we just got ourselves a RTIC cooler. Haven't used it yet, but have heard good things. (unless of course you were bashing them, at which case ignore my post)

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6 minutes ago, mattie g said:

Thursday through Saturday evenings, there are more Yetis and RTICs surrounding the side of our pool than one can count...

See technically we aren't allowed to have that.  And we've had issues with parents getting s-faced and not watching their kids in the baby pool(not life guard monitored).  But if you do it on the DL and use huggies and don't flaunt that you are slamming booze then its "allowed"  

August is best cause the pool becomes a ghost town and you can do it without eyes glaring.

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