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4 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

Definitely more resistance to this so far than I expected, which is good. The vaccinated are the ones who needed to be pushing back on this the most, and that seems to be happening to a good degree.

Oregon did it. But that's not surprising. Whitmer said no.  PA and i think NJ said no. That still wont stop local despots though. 

We're now in 2 Americas. Masked up forever, and free breathers. 

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34 minutes ago, NorEastermass128 said:

@powderfreak CNN is really pimping out VT as the most vaccinated state.  Everybody there is apparently ballroom dancing and drinking beer.

The more I listen to the discussion it continues to become evident and like Phin has said, it’s not just political blue vs red.  I admit I used to broad brush it that way but if we are going to discuss it so much we might as well learn deeper reasonings.

It’s definitely a deeper personal freedom issue and trust issue with authority.

Vermont has a large sense of community and I’m sure that played a large part in vaccinations.  Not for the gov’t but because it circulated as a way to help your neighbors.  Vermonters will eat that up if it helps someone else.  Like waiting at a 4-way stop in VT, everyone is too damn polite that they all try to tell the others to go first and no one ends up driving anywhere.  You go, no you go, no you probably have somewhere more important to be than me so you go first, etc.

Not sure if politics really defines it but more of a overarching ideal in favor of the greater good over individual desires.  Many town communities are governed by Republican Party members, the Gov is Republican and like posted earlier won’t require state employees to be vaxxed and sees no reason to make any rash decisions because cases are going up but deaths aren’t.

But party lines don’t really explain VT, as much as community over self interests.

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37 minutes ago, WhitinsvilleWX said:

If they use the 50/100k metric for cases to mask up, and don't take the hospital load and deaths into account, some jurisdictions will have people masked indefinitely. 


Doesnt look like Ned and Cuomo are going to do it. I dont think Baker will either, but he'll be under tremendous pressure.


I'm shocked Cambridge hasn't done it yet

what's NYC's current rate per 100K? Maine adds mask requirements to two counties, but NYC doesn't have any? wtf

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28 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

The more I listen to the discussion it continues to become evident and like Phin has said, it’s not just political blue vs red.  I admit I used to broad brush it that way but if we are going to discuss it so much we might as well learn deeper reasonings.

It’s definitely a deeper personal freedom issue and trust issue with authority.

Vermont has a large sense of community and I’m sure that played a large part in vaccinations.  Not for the gov’t but because it circulated as a way to help your neighbors.  Vermonters will eat that up if it helps someone else.  Like waiting at a 4-way stop in VT, everyone is too damn polite that they all try to tell the others to go first and no one ends up driving anywhere.  You go, no you go, no you probably have somewhere more important to be than me so you go first, etc.

Not sure if politics really defines it but more of a overarching ideal in favor of the greater good over individual desires.  Many town communities are governed by Republican Party members, the Gov is Republican and like posted earlier won’t require state employees to be vaxxed and sees no reason to make any rash decisions because cases are going up but deaths aren’t.

But party lines don’t really explain VT, as much as community over self interests.

lol, I hate that sometimes. Then two cars start to go and nearly hit each other. At any 4-way, my approach is whoever gets there 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc gets to go first in the order received. I thought it was common sense stuff, but some people like to screw with it.

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10 minutes ago, Lava Rock said:

what's NYC's current rate per 100K? Maine adds mask requirements to two counties, but NYC doesn't have any? wtf

Manhattan is 88/100k on a 7-day basis.

York is 46/100k.

Manhattan has 3.5x the testing volume (on a per/100k basis) compared to York county though so the on-the-ground conditions probably aren't much different.

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19 minutes ago, Lava Rock said:

what's NYC's current rate per 100K? Maine adds mask requirements to two counties, but NYC doesn't have any? wtf

It’s all politics at this point. The CDC just did it to give politicians cover to put mandates back. And places that MIGHT benefit won’t do it anyway, so why’s the point. Hospitalizations and death are really low in the NE. Mass has 150 in the hospital and deaths have been flat for 2 months. These metrics based on cases are garbage. We’re in a fast track to a zero Covid policy. Not possible. Ever 

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1 minute ago, WhitinsvilleWX said:

It’s all politics at this point. The CDC just did it to give politicians cover to put mandates back. And places that MIGHT benefit won’t do it anyway, so why’s the point. Hospitalizations and death are really low in the NE. Mass has 150 in the hospital and deaths have been flat for 2 months. These metrics based on cases are garbage. We’re in a fast track to a zero Covid policy. Not possible. Ever 

Baker didn’t rule out doing something today though. He was luke warm, but definitely didn’t dismiss it.

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10 minutes ago, WhitinsvilleWX said:

It’s all politics at this point. The CDC just did it to give politicians cover to put mandates back. And places that MIGHT benefit won’t do it anyway, so why’s the point. Hospitalizations and death are really low in the NE. Mass has 150 in the hospital and deaths have been flat for 2 months. These metrics based on cases are garbage. We’re in a fast track to a zero Covid policy. Not possible. Ever 

Waiting to see this spike here in FL die down as we head into Sept like it did last year and you guys up north start spiking in Nov. 

When does normal seasonal flu return?

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36 minutes ago, Lava Rock said:

lol, I hate that sometimes. Then two cars start to go and nearly hit each other. At any 4-way, my approach is whoever gets there 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc gets to go first in the order received. I thought it was common sense stuff, but some people like to screw with it.

A decade ago I was driving a foreign student worker back to his lodging after work and he was from Russia.  We get down to the 3-way stop in the center of the village and he watches for a bit as we wait our turn.

He turns to me and asks what’s happening, doesn’t understand how polite and orderly people are.

I’m like what don’t you understand?  The traffic pattern?  It’s first come first goes, and rotates to the right so it’s just people waiting their turn to go.

I still remember in his thick Russian accent he goes, “Dere is no fukking vay dis vould verk in Russia.  No vay.”

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20 minutes ago, WhitinsvilleWX said:

It’s all politics at this point. The CDC just did it to give politicians cover to put mandates back. And places that MIGHT benefit won’t do it anyway, so why’s the point. Hospitalizations and death are really low in the NE. Mass has 150 in the hospital and deaths have been flat for 2 months. These metrics based on cases are garbage. We’re in a fast track to a zero Covid policy. Not possible. Ever 

it's been said a few times already but case counts are generally not worth much right now if many of them are mild....hospitalizations/deaths is what's important going forward.

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Just went to get my pre-travel PCR for Croatia...

Of course, whenever I step outside I seem to sneeze the last couple days-hoping that's just the smoke/poor air quality.

I've stayed away from indoor dining since last Friday night though just to try to limit my exposure... A breakthrough would suck... Fingers crossed!

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3 minutes ago, DotRat_Wx said:

Again, for all of you in the back, most vaccinated states have been BARELY affected by delta. This is an unvaccinated issue. There are no lockdowns coming for places who have vaccinated in the majority.

Clearly this involves the vaccinated because the CDC is telling you guys to mask up so you don’t spread the virus. 

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56 minutes ago, Lava Rock said:

lol, I hate that sometimes. Then two cars start to go and nearly hit each other. At any 4-way, my approach is whoever gets there 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc gets to go first in the order received. I thought it was common sense stuff, but some people like to screw with it.

So annoying.  One time me and another car got to the stop sign at the same time and we both started to go.  Go, stop, go, stop, go, stop... happened several times.  What I usually do now when it looks like I may get to the stop sign at the same time as someone else is slow down or speed up a touch so that it is clear who got there first.

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1 hour ago, TauntonBlizzard2013 said:

Baker didn’t rule out doing something today though. He was luke warm, but definitely didn’t dismiss it.

I just read what he said. Sounds like he’s not going to do much. He reiterated that Massachusetts has the second highest vax rate and second lowest lowest hospitalization rate. The first being VT, and we’re number one in those categories among high population states. 
He has zero appetite to go back to statewide masking sounds like. Localities can do sone things, but I still think it’s limited based on no state of emergency. We have no county government so cities and towns will do what they want within limits I think. Middelsex county is still below the cdc threshold so maybe I’ve dodged the mask at work for another week or 2. 
As far as schools go, I think baker punts and leaves it up to each school system. Clearly Janey ignored the DESE guidence and imposed masks at school this year. 

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