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17 minutes ago, fujiwara79 said:

always a pleasure to login and read the mask field reports!  I'm really sorry this wasn't the berlin wall coming down, or the V-J day times square moment, for the anti-mask ragers.  this surely means we are slipping and sliding on that slippery slope towards totalitarianism.  


Nobody says you have to read it. 
Glad we could trigger you 

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1 hour ago, fujiwara79 said:

always a pleasure to login and read the mask field reports!  I'm really sorry this wasn't the berlin wall coming down, or the V-J day times square moment, for the anti-mask ragers.  this surely means we are slipping and sliding on that slippery slope towards totalitarianism.  


Well, I didn’t mean it that way.  That liquor store had been pretty loose on the mask rules so it felt odd to see everyone there masked up. 

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24 minutes ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

Lol, just had a black bear walk within about 20 feet of me.  I didn’t want to get him worked up so I just clapped my hands and pointed and said “go home” and after curiously staring at me for a bit he turned around and waddled off.

That's awesome.  Love bear encounters, they really are docile creatures on the whole.  Or maybe nonchalant is a better word?  Black bears notice you but aren't confrontational in the least. 

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42 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

That's awesome.  Love bear encounters, they really are docile creatures on the whole.  Or maybe nonchalant is a better word?  Black bears notice you but aren't confrontational in the least. 

He was almost acting like a dog that wanted to come closer and get petted. 

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6 hours ago, powderfreak said:

That's awesome.  Love bear encounters, they really are docile creatures on the whole.  Or maybe nonchalant is a better word?  Black bears notice you but aren't confrontational in the least. 

The black bear who has been travelling around the South Shore for the last few weeks, is most recently spotted in Hanson.

The 2 to 3-year-old male was first seen around Lakeville, Taunton and Middleboro, and now more recently in the towns of Hanover and Hanson.

According to Mass Wildlife officials usually young males trying to find unoccupied territory hoping a mate will wander through the area.

Typically black bears live in the western part of the state but their population has been expanding east.

Officials remind people to leave the bear alone, as well as to eliminate or secure outside food sources that might tempt him.

Mass Wildlife officials will not interfere with the bear, but will continue to track it as it moves on.


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CT was one of 3 states where the invasive box tree moth was recently discovered. They attack only boxwood species and have already wiped out most of the boxwood in Europe. Let's hope they can contain it.


CONNECTICUT — State scientists have issued a warning on a species of invasive moth just discovered to have made its way to Connecticut.

The box tree moth is native to East Asia and has become a serious invasive pest in Europe, according to officials at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station in New Haven. Working with the Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service/Plant Protection and Quarantine, CAES is reporting that the moth hitched a ride to a retail nursery in Connecticut from Ontario, Canada.


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Bears being spotted everywhere in my town. Facebook posts daily.  Our daughter saw a big one yesterday near our house while she was riding the school bus home.  I haven’t seen one in a few years though.   But they are all around.  

There is a mama bear (sow) with three cute cubs that goes through peoples yards every so often.  She had been tagged and this is her second set of triplets according to wildlife folks

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7 hours ago, STILL N OF PIKE said:


The lancet is becoming embarrassing . Why are they so biased ...whittinsville... what are they protecting 

I’m sure I’ll get a weenie tag from the usual suspects.

The Lancet and The New England Journal of medicine are edited by woke leftists with an agenda. 

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I thought my encounter was supposed to have been very rare, and therefore, was like the God of some tribal thing paying me a visit. Great things are coming my way because I was sent a message by the bear-God of triumph or something. - nope.

It seems they are seen almost as frequently as deer these days. 

About two years ago, I was on the Ayer/Nashua Bike path chopping cadence to about 21 mph when I noticed a weird, giant black 'boulder' along the path ahead, and seeing as I've accomplished that route a million times, I knew this object to be new.  It's like my breaks locked and my bike was skidding, before the identification circuitry of my brain sent the internal monologue, "BEAR!"  -weird.

"Okay, now what,"  as we stood our ground, staring at one another.  It was definitely eye -contact staring, too, from some 30 or 40 foot.  I remember there was a partially mental coalescing, additional internal monologue telling me to rear up my bike like a horse should the beast come at me.  Never happened though.     

So I'm standing there ...breathing hard, pulse audible in head, as a complete noob to the 'encounter business.'  About 10 seconds later the bear leaped across the bike path, its outstretched black frame spanned the entire 12 foot of the thing - no exaggeration, sorry.  And it loped away quickly disappearing into the swampy sage and bramble shrubbery astride that other side of the path.  

I start peddling again, wobbly do to adrenaline and feeling come-down weak, and as I rode along, here comes this, I'm guessin' 27 -year old mother with a baby in stroller.   "Uh, yeah"  The bear's probably gone and I'm wondering how important it was to informed. I did anyway as I passed.  Ha, before I had even finished the statement she was already performing the perfunctory u-turn, quickening apace in the other direction.  'see ya!'

I was later urged to tell the cops ... because of her, and other non-suspecting runners and cyclists.  It's a busy recreational path, one that does cut through some rather wild looking habitats along the 12.5 mile course.  They connected me to the regional 'game warden,' who was very grateful for my call.  Apparently, there are/were three documented sows with cubs in this area of N Middlesex N of Rt 2, and they are concerned that they were getting a local population burst - where's the sire?   My description of the encounter to the warden suggested it was in fact a sexual mature bangin' daddy, 450 to perhaps 500 pounds of 'im, too.  I can tell you, the head on this mother f'er was easily bigger than a genetically modified, 4th of July watermelon.

Before this encounter, I had seen a bob-cat twice, different ones, bolt away when they hear/saw me coming.  I've had to 'S' around huge snapper turtles, probably 24 inch carapaced dinosaurs that extend their necks as screwed passed to signal how much they liked me with beak clicking. Those f'n things are nasty man.  I've also had to skid to a stop over a moose once, 6 pt teenage male I'm guessing. Stood in the middle of the path looking at me like a painting stares back you in a museum. It was maybe 6 and half foot tall at the shoulder, with moderate sized horn features.  I clapped and yelled "git'" several times, but it just standing there gawking at me, either obtuse or not scared enough - not sure. I was once told by a park ranger that moose are probably the dumbest deer on the planet, and may in fact be the stupidest large warm blooded mammal there are, pound for pound.  I don't know if that is true, but this one wouldn't budge.  It finally just sort of lazy finished egressing across the path, hopped the wood guard -rail and broke sticks into the shadows of the forest.  I'm wondering, 'no wonder they end up through windshields'

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3 hours ago, HoarfrostHubb said:

Bears being spotted everywhere in my town. Facebook posts daily.  Our daughter saw a big one yesterday near our house while she was riding the school bus home.  I haven’t seen one in a few years though.   But they are all around.  

There is a mama bear (sow) with three cute cubs that goes through peoples yards every so often.  She had been tagged and this is her second set of triplets according to wildlife folks

A friend of mine in Oakham has a mother and two cubs living on his land, sees them all the time.

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14 hours ago, PhineasC said:

Seemingly zero masks in Coos County. I haven't seen a single one this week up here. All restaurant and store staff maskless too.

It was pretty much the same in Florida universal and seaworld was pretty much 99 percent maskless.. It felt great walking in parks and restaurants without one! 

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49 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

I was later urged to tell the cops ... because of her, and other non-suspecting runners and cyclists.  It's a busy recreational path, one that does cut through some rather wild looking habitats along the 12.5 mile course.  They connected me to the regional 'game warden,' who was very grateful for my call.  Apparently, there are/were three documented sows with cubs in this area of N Middlesex N of Rt 2, and they are concerned that they were getting a local population burst - where's the sire?   My description of the encounter to the warden suggested it was in fact a sexual mature bangin' daddy, 450 to perhaps 500 pounds of 'im, too.  I can tell you, the head on this mother f'er was easily bigger than a genetically modified, 4th of July watermelon.

The Rec Path thing is funny because while only 6 miles long in Stowe, the bears all last summer used that thing as their highway to connect all the businesses.  They figured out what the humans did... build a non-motorized pathway that connects all the restaurants in town and along Mountain Road.

I live on the Rec Path and that’s why we had them literally daily crossing through our yard.  People would bike next to them, like they were large stray dogs just wandering around.  

Must’ve been amazing to them that this pathway went to all their favorite eating spots... like humans driving I95 and getting off at different exits along the way.

“Well tonight I’m going to start at Piecasso for some pizza crust in their dumpster.  Then get back on the path and maybe we’ll see if there are any tacos for desert at Tres Amigos.  But wait, did Sushi Yoshi just dump the leftover fish skin?!  Yeah that’ll taste good.”

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16 hours ago, PhineasC said:

He’s big mad that the world is returning to normal and scared introverts will soon be viewed as weirdos again. 

LOL.  would a social animal voluntarily choose to live in randolph, NH, Kingsville MD or Milville DE?  you must really hate being around people.  keep projecting, bro.

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4 minutes ago, fujiwara79 said:

LOL.  would a social animal voluntarily choose to live in randolph, NH, Kingsville MD or Milville DE?  you must really hate being around people.  keep projecting, bro.

A guy raising a large family would definitely choose to live in these places.

Also, you clearly should consult a map next time before trolling. LOL

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26 minutes ago, Hoth said:

Bill Bryson has entered the chat.

I read Bryson's "A Walk in the Woods" about his AT adventure - found it a bit disappointing and not just because of his rant against forest management.  A lot of the book addressed the first 100 miles or so, much of it about a late-season snowfall at elevation which was interesting but overlong.  I kept reading in part because of wondering what he'd think of Mahoosuc Notch (has been called the AT's toughest mile) and the Maine woods.  The Notch wasn't mentioned, and since he was continually skipping ahead I suspect he didn't set foot on the Maine section of the Trail until Monson, at the start of the "Hundred Mile Wilderness".  He made it maybe a dozen miles before running into a trail-blocking beaver pond, thrashed around that, then tucked tail between legs, walked out a logging road and headed home.  :thumbsdown:

Never had a dangerous bear encounter, though 15 minutes watching 3 critters 50' up 2 beech trees chomping down calories was thrilling.  When mama finally spotted me she came down the nearer tree at top speed but I knew I was safe unless she mixed up direction and trampled me on the way by.  The 2 2nd-year cubs split up, one ambling after mom and the other climbing 15' up a big maple.  I walked over to that tree and the cub's whimpering was so poignant that I quickly left.  Bears generally breed at 2-year intervals, abandoning the 2-year olds before hibernation, so I wonder if the three ever gathered together again.  Did have a bull moose in rut walk toward me in hopes I was the cow of his dreams, but much hollering and thrashing convinced him otherwise at maybe 20 yards distance.

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12 minutes ago, PhineasC said:

A An anti-social guy raising a large family would definitely choose to live in these places.

Also, you clearly should consult a map next time before trolling. LOL

Fixed it for you.



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9 hours ago, STILL N OF PIKE said:


The lancet is becoming embarrassing . Why are they so biased ...whittinsville... what are they protecting 

a biased website (summit news) reporting on a purportedly biased journal (lancet).  that about sums up our news ecosystem today.

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15 hours ago, losetoa6 said:

In my travels ....Most businesses in northern Carroll county are 80 to 100% maskless.  South central Pa the same . Down in Cockeysville/ Hunt valley closer to Baltimore  I was the only person maskless in Royal farms, wawa, lowes . 99% still covered . Surprisingly up in Hagerstown was 80% -90 % + still covered . 

Still can't walk into most county permit offices to file for permits / zoning . Most are still stuck in March 2020 for some reason 

keep those mask fields reports coming!  Maybe we should set up a CoCoRaHS network for mask reporting. 

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Elon Musk sending the crypto CumRocket up 400% today within 10 minutes of this tweet.


Apparently yesterday he tweeted “Canada USA Mexico” which was highly confusing.  But I guess the initials of those countries spell it out.


This guy loves playing with this stuff.  He tweets and some people make a lot of money.  What a world to live in.

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