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May Banter 2021

George BM

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5 minutes ago, blueberryfaygo said:

jeez Hagerstown.. I would have thought that they would have went maskless up there already.  Every store that I went to still had there signs up.. but the signs dont actually mean anything.. the point is that there are no longer public health orders in MD to enforce the mask stuff...

So even if a store wants you to wear yours.. there is very little they can do to compel you to wear one.  They can really only ask you to leave.  

Anyways.... I am healthy adult and so is my wife and kids.  What that means is that I have a greater risk of dying from something else than Corona Virus and it really doesnt pose a real risk to me.  Therefore I have always thought that the most responsible thing that I can do in this situation is go out and try and get a mild case of COVID while at the same time completely avoid my parents as they had a much higher risk 

Thats even more important for the kids.. closing the schools was probably the biggest mistake that they made from the very beginning.. 

Closing the schools, but keeping the Walmart open, basically made it so that the there was a higher percent of severe covid cases in the elderly and at risk population vs the healthy population.  Gradually the virus spread with very little natural defense.. causing many of hundreds of thousands of premature deaths of elderly population in the country.  

I really think that we are going to see a correction in the mortality rate because of this over the next couple of years..

dry tinder

You are vaccinated, so there is literally no risk of dying from COVID, and a very low risk of transmitting it to anyone who isn't vaxxed.

Maybe stop obsessing over who wears masks and who doesn't, under what circumstances, and get on with your life. Your long nightmare has finally ended.

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23 minutes ago, blueberryfaygo said:

The word "Karen" is racist.  Imagine if it was Keisha and referred to bitchy black women.  Anyways.. yeah.. I had some Karen close calls.. I will test out up the Safeway in Olney today and report back.

Keep posting, you are going to explode some heads here. LOL

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So who is loving the upcoming forecast...

I can say this, I do like it being warmer out. This past stretch of gray damp like and cool weather has not helped. But that being said next weekend is an upcoming 2 show weekend and I am not ready to sweat just yet. Especially 2 days in a row. Going to break out the sun shirts and load up on Zero Water for the younger Miss J. And make sure we keep the horses hydrated. 

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1 hour ago, blueberryfaygo said:

jeez Hagerstown.. I would have thought that they would have went maskless up there already.  Every store that I went to still had there signs up.. but the signs dont actually mean anything.. the point is that there are no longer public health orders in MD to enforce the mask stuff...

So even if a store wants you to wear yours.. there is very little they can do to compel you to wear one.  They can really only ask you to leave.  

Anyways.... I am healthy adult and so is my wife and kids.  What that means is that I have a greater risk of dying from something else than Corona Virus and it really doesnt pose a real risk to me.  Therefore I have always thought that the most responsible thing that I can do in this situation is go out and try and get a mild case of COVID while at the same time completely avoid my parents as they had a much higher risk 

Thats even more important for the kids.. closing the schools was probably the biggest mistake that they made from the very beginning.. 

Closing the schools, but keeping the Walmart open, basically made it so that the there was a higher percent of severe covid cases in the elderly and at risk population vs the healthy population.  Gradually the virus spread with very little natural defense.. causing many of hundreds of thousands of premature deaths of elderly population in the country.  

I really think that we are going to see a correction in the mortality rate because of this over the next couple of years..

dry tinder

How about you respect the policies of the stores you visit? If you don’t like the policies, then you can feel free to shop elsewhere.

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20 minutes ago, Mrs.J said:

So who is loving the upcoming forecast...

I can say this, I do like it being warmer out. This past stretch of gray damp like and cool weather has not helped. But that being said next weekend is an upcoming 2 show weekend and I am not ready to sweat just yet. Especially 2 days in a row. Going to break out the sun shirts and load up on Zero Water for the younger Miss J. And make sure we keep the horses hydrated. 

Yeah!  Pushing 80s to 90 by late this upcoming week, quite a flip from the first half of this month.  I don't mind the taste of summer as we get to the 2nd part of May, though at the same time I don't look forward to upper 90s or 100 (maybe we can keep that down a bit this year)!

Got my 2nd Pfizer yesterday morning...yay!  Not too bad after, though last night I had a headache and general feeling of tired and achy to an extent, with even a hint of a sore throat.  And a sore arm like the 1st one.  Nothing a Tylenol couldn't help out with, though.

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2 minutes ago, Always in Zugzwang said:

Yeah!  Pushing 80s to 90 by late this upcoming week, quite a flip from the first half of this month.  I don't mind the taste of summer as we get to the 2nd part of May, though at the same time I don't look forward to upper 90s or 100 (maybe we can keep that down a bit this year)!

Got my 2nd Pfizer yesterday morning...yay!  Not too bad after, though last night I had a headache and general feeling of tired and achy to an extent, with even a hint of a sore throat.  And a sore arm like the 1st one.  Nothing a Tylenol couldn't help out with, though.

Awesome! Glad you did not have too much to deal with from the 2nd shot. I got the younger Miss J chipped Friday. Her and her best friend who hate shots got appts together. Then we took them to Krispy Kream for their free doughnut. 

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Just now, Mrs.J said:

Awesome! Glad you did not have too much to deal with from the 2nd shot. I got the younger Miss J chipped Friday. Her and her best friend who hate shots got appts together. Then we took them to Krispy Kream for their free doughnut. 

Mmmmmm, Krispy Kreme!!!  That's some good donuts right there!

What's interesting about the shots is that I really didn't feel much of anything with the actual shot, I don't know if they use a smaller needle or what.  But definitely not the same as when you get blood work or even a flu shot, where you can really feel it.

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2 hours ago, blueberryfaygo said:

 Anyways.... I am healthy adult and so is my wife and kids.  What that means is that I have a greater risk of dying from something else than Corona Virus and it really doesnt pose a real risk to me.  Therefore I have always thought that the most responsible thing that I can do in this situation is go out and try and get a mild case of COVID while at the same time completely avoid my parents as they had a much higher risk 

Well that's great for you and your family.  But there are plenty of people for whom the risk is much greater for serious effects, and I know several who could be in that group.  Why is it so hard for people to understand that you personally taking a risk with this is not the same as deciding to go sky diving or bungee jumping.  Which really only affects *you*.  A virus can affect anyone around you.  Much like smoking.  There's a lot still not fully understood about COVID, including various other disorders that people have presented with later on even with a relatively mild case.  And don't forget all the variants that are now flying around...the more you don't stop it, the more chance there is of mutations.  Fortunately so far, the vaccine has been shown to be effective against these, from what I understand.

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13 minutes ago, wxtrix said:

i went to my town’s farmers market yesterday which asked people to please continue to where max’s four a little wile longer, and everyone i saw was happy to be kurteeus and complie.

then i enjoied the rest of the beeutifil day on our back deck, barbeequeued some delicious chikin with a rub with lotz uf brown suger and kay-en, and then maid a wayjer on the Preekniss. i sighed in discuss at missing on my bets agin, but at leest i one my steaks bacc.

sense we are now going to put off putting up a knew dec untel the fall, next weak i am going to do won of my faverit things:  buy lots of flours for awl my planters. i will probublee where a masc if the garden sentures are crowded. 

I see what you did there. :D

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As a Pittsburgh person, I only intend to make this one post in this subforum, but I’ll just say I would guess there is a large overlap between the “businesses shouldn’t be allowed to refuse to serve people without masks” crowd and the “business owners should be able to make whatever business decisions they want on just about any other matter” crowd. It’s kind of hypocritical, and I would suggest that people who don’t want to respect an individual business owner’s decision consider that.

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6 minutes ago, 5-4-3DP said:

Imagine spending a Sunday morning posting about somebody posting about complaining about masks.... 

I am going to spend my Sunday afternoon watching my oldest daughter dance in a mask while wearing a mask myself along with Mr. J. And we are all vaccinated. Watched her last night also. We are just so happy to be back inside the Weinberg. 

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33 minutes ago, Mrs.J said:

I am going to spend my Sunday afternoon watching my oldest daughter dance in a mask while wearing a mask myself along with Mr. J. And we are all vaccinated. Watched her last night also. We are just so happy to be back inside the Weinberg. 

That sounds like a splendid afternoon, I do hope you enjoy it. I take it you think I’m a non masker by the tenor of your reply? Please, don’t assume. I am vaccinated, and wear a mask where required. I posted that because I find the level of hypocrisy, virtue signaling, lack of decency and holier than thou posts in here rather telling on why we are the way we are in our country. It’s sad and that goes for whatever side of an argument anybody in here falls on. 

I followed the science and got a vaccine (after considering al the options and data) just like I’ll follow the science about now wearing masks if your vaccinated which is you shouldn't have to. But just like everything masks are political now and whether or not you wear one is too. Again it’s sad, everyone should really only worry about themselves but they don’t, and that’s just based on people’s posts in here.

I’ll be going to a birthday party this afternoon for one of my 5 year old sons friends being held outdoors with people not from my household without masks because outside transmission is extremely unlikely according to science. Not because I view masks as political but the Science says the odds of getting COVID from that is minute at best! You know personal responsibility and personal risk assessment, stuff everyone should be doing. not bickering about who is and who isn’t doing something like wearing masks. 

Edit: I mean you don’t have to wear masks in the circumstances outlined by CDC before wxtrix calls me out for misinformation lol

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2 hours ago, mattie g said:

How about you respect the policies of the stores you visit? If you don’t like the policies, then you can feel free to shop elsewhere.

His next experiment should be to go shopping without clothes on. I mean, what an absurd encroachment on our freedoms to require a shirt for service!!!!! 

https://dolanlawfirm.com/2021/02/no-shoes-no-shirt-no-mask-no-service/#:~:text=Back in the 1970s there,of their stores and restaurants.



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7 minutes ago, wxtrix said:

only one group made not wearing masks a political statement. and only one group is in here bragging about being a jerk to store employees because they don’t want to wear masks. the rest of us have been wearing them with complaining in this thread.

if you want to talk politics, there is a politics subforum with a covid thread.

Are you kidding me?  You just proved my point lol Telling me to take politics to a politics forum when you clearly state only one side is making this a political statement? Isn’t that politics?again maybe take your own advice with spewing vitriol like that?  I believe pot, kettle, black may be a phrase you should look up. Especially when I’m not debating any political side but pointing out how people should you know worry about themselves.


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28 minutes ago, 5-4-3DP said:

That sounds like a splendid afternoon, I do hope you enjoy it. I take it you think I’m a non masker by the tenor of your reply? Please, don’t assume. I am vaccinated, and wear a mask where required. I posted that because I find the level of hypocrisy, virtue signaling, lack of decency and holier than thou posts in here rather telling on why we are the way we are in our country. It’s sad and that goes for whatever side of an argument anybody in here falls on. 

I followed the science and got a vaccine (after considering al the options and data) just like I’ll follow the science about now wearing masks if your vaccinated which is you shouldn't have to. But just like everything masks are political now and whether or not you wear one is too. Again it’s sad, everyone should really only worry about themselves but they don’t, and that’s just based on people’s posts in here.

I’ll be going to a birthday party this afternoon for one of my 5 year old sons friends being held outdoors with people not from my household without masks because outside transmission is extremely unlikely according to science. Not because I view masks as political but the Science says the odds of getting COVID from that is minute at best! You know personal responsibility and personal risk assessment, stuff everyone should be doing. not bickering about who is and who isn’t doing something like wearing masks. 

Edit: I mean you don’t have to wear masks in the circumstances outlined by CDC before wxtrix calls me out for misinformation lol

You must be new here. Prepare to be swarmed. 

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8 hours ago, blueberryfaygo said:

At each location I made a point of it to go somewhere where I had to interact with staff members/ security.

Look, I don't really care that much about you not wearing a mask since you are vaccinated but you don't need to go up and purposely interact with people for the sole purpose of testing the mask stuff. Just go about your business in the store. The only thing that interacting with them will do is make them uncomfortable not to mention they could have an auto immune disorder that means they could not get the vaccine yet. 

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Big time win last night by the Caps.  I loved seeing their stick work defense (Orlov in particular was great).

Since we’re all talking masks, it felt liberating not wearing my mask this morning at the grocery store.  I personally don’t like masks as I find them uncomfortable but will comply with a business’ rules of course - and if you want to wear a mask even if not required, obviously no issue with me.  But the virtue signaling about masks is out of control.  It’s become a badge of honor to show you “believe in science!!!!!”.

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2 minutes ago, nj2va said:

Big time win last night by the Caps.  I loved seeing their stick work defense (Orlov in particular was great).

Since we’re all talking masks, it felt liberating not wearing my mask this morning at the grocery store.  I personally don’t like masks as I find them uncomfortable but will comply with a business’ rules of course - and if you want to wear a mask even if not required, obviously no issue with me.  But the virtue signaling about masks is out of control.  It’s become a badge of honor to show you “believe in science!!!!!”.

Agreed on all accounts! Go Caps!

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Just now, SnowenOutThere said:

Look, I don't really care that much about you not wearing a mask since you are vaccinated but you don't need to go up and purposely interact with people for the sole purpose of testing the mask stuff. Just go about your business in the store. The only thing that interacting with them will do is make them uncomfortable not to mention they could have an auto immune disorder that means they could not get the vaccine yet. 

He is trying "validate" some narrative with these bullshit stories about random teenage boys standing guard in malls and 'unofficially' warning him, and women snickering at him and walking away. Fabricated 'mask drama'.  LOL.

People are wearing masks where still required, and otherwise it is their choice whether they do or don't, vaxxed or not. That is essentially what the new CDC guidance says.

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9 minutes ago, wxtrix said:

the vast majority of mask conversation in this thread has been and continues to be initiated by anti-maskers.

Did you count that out to make sure? You can’t make generalizations like that without numbers to back that up or it’s misinformation or disinformation.

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