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April Banter 2021

George BM

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I work in downtown baltimore. I walk to work five miles each way a few times a week from home here in Baltimore City (or will until the humidity arrives). I walk around the Harbor through Fed Hill and back to my office a few times a week during lunch. I don't get attacked, I don't see people shooting heroin, I don't see people smoking pot, and I also don't see people pounding cans of Miller Lite. I do see other people with their kids playing, or biking to work, or generally going about their business. Of late, I HAVE seen gorgeous spring flowers on trees and coming up from the ground - despite the rooting interest of crazy people for killing freezes. But, sure, its really cool for people that don't even live in the damn state to turn on WBAL radio and spew nonsense. 

So, yeah, "are you high" is a fine summation of my reaction to the constant trying to stoke outrage about what the **** ever from folks. Maybe grab a beer yourself, or find a joint, and chill the **** out. For what it's worth. 

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22 minutes ago, North Balti Zen said:

I work in downtown baltimore. I walk to work five miles each way a few times a week from home here in Baltimore City (or will until the humidity arrives). I walk around the Harbor through Fed Hill and back to my office a few times a week during lunch. I don't get attacked, I don't see people shooting heroin, I don't see people smoking pot, and I also don't see people pounding cans of Miller Lite. I do see other people with their kids playing, or biking to work, or generally going about their business. Of late, I HAVE seen gorgeous spring flowers on trees and coming up from the ground - despite the rooting interest of crazy people for killing freezes. But, sure, its really cool for people that don't even live in the damn state to turn on WBAL radio and spew nonsense. 

So, yeah, "are you high" is a fine summation of my reaction to the constant trying to stoke outrage about what the **** ever from folks. Maybe grab a beer yourself, or find a joint, and chill the **** out. For what it's worth. 

I do agree with you to a point...In my free, leisure time I frequent Canton. Particularly the waterfront around Boston Street. We love it, it’s beautiful. BUT for my job, up until about 2 months ago, I would frequent driving around Brooklyn south Baltimore, west Baltimore and east Baltimore around the erdman avenue, bel air-Edison area. MOST of the city is NOT pretty and you see some sights if you venture into those areas. But yes, the economical areas of Canton, Fed Hill, Inner Habor etc are generally safe minus the occasional panhandler that you see everywhere. I’m just being fair here

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I’m new to posting here (been lurking for years ) and honestly just come to read about weather and refrain from posting. Having said that there is definitely a rather noticeable lean to the left in here and if you post in that light it’s ok. Anything opposing is not or derided. That’s just my opinion from reading silently for years. I don’t care about that as this is a weather forum not meant for politics as has been said ad nauseam, but  I wish everyone would do more worrying about who they can control (which is themselves) and not about what other people are or are not doing, which they have zero control over. A ton of posts I read in banter are targeted at what other people are or are not doing. Why is it cool for most to post about being happy to be vaccinated (to the point of bragging) and getting congrats but when loseta posts about not getting it he gets derided for it? Hypocritical much I say. Rant off, I’m gonna go back to lurking and just reading about weather now. Maybe have a beer or 5 for National Beer day. 

love the Grand National Pics loseta. I have a 2004 Mach 1, lucky the wife let me keep it after 3 kids. Nothing like good American Muscle! 

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6 minutes ago, WxUSAF said:

It’s a giant ridiculous problem if getting a vaccine to end the worst pandemic in 100 years is seen as a “liberal” activity. 

The problem I have is the vaccine was literally made in months. I feel like we do not know long term effects just like we don’t know everything about Covid. Everybody deserves an opinion on the matter. I probably won’t get the vaccine unless it effects my traveling...that’s my right 

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2 minutes ago, Baltimorewx said:

The problem I have is the vaccine was literally made in months. I feel like we do not know long term effects just like we don’t know everything about Covid. Everybody deserves an opinion on the matter. I probably won’t get the vaccine unless it effects my traveling...that’s my right 

It was and I think that’s one of the greatest scientific achievements of the last century.  If you’re worried about the “new” aspect of the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Modena), then I’d encourage you to seek out the J&J which is based on proven vaccine technology. Same vaccine mechanism as the flu vaccine and most others. Proven safe and effective.

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12 minutes ago, wxtrix said:

this is a good read:


i was worried about the newness too, but the research is 30 years old and the technology is 10 years old. if SARS hadn’t died out the mRNA format might be SOP by now.

whatever you decide—stay safe. covid has sent a few of my friends to the hospital because they were not diligent enough about their exposure risks.

Fair enough but I’m 34 and have been living my life the way I want and have been fine...following guidelines of course. My parents in their 60s contracted Covid and were completely fine after a few days. To my knowledge I haven’t contracted it at all and I go to numerous restaurants and bars all the time..again following protocols of course. To each their own 

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1 minute ago, Baltimorewx said:

I disagree. I thought it was a good play that he even cut it off to the wall. 

ultimately it doesn't even matter when our offense is this pitiful.  i dread the Yankee road games, they've been miserable experiences for years and years, every aspect of the Orioles' game seems to degrade.

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A 2-1 lead in NY seemed destined for disappointment. Maybe they’ll pull it out in extras but I’m not holding my breath. Yankees pitching staff is on another level relative to the O’s.

Although O’s just retook the lead!

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1 minute ago, WxUSAF said:

A 2-1 lead in NY seemed destined for disappointment. Maybe they’ll pull it out in extras but I’m not holding my breath. Yankees pitching staff is on another level relative to the O’s.

Although O’s just retook the lead!

Good hustle by our catcher! And we’ll take the error 

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7 hours ago, wxtrix said:

he’s desperate for validation.

i get my 2nd shot on Saturday. i have had to be extremely cautious since last February and so haven’t been anywhere except pressing medical appointments.  i can’t wait to rejoin the world in 17 days and get a haircut, do my own grocery shopping, and eat a hot meal in a restaurant.

You know I have actually missed grocery shopping. I like you have been extremely cautious. Did not choose to get cancer at age 41, but being a survivor I was not going to be taken down by a virus. Dr’s appts and outdoor while masked activities has been the extent of my life since last March. April 20th I start to get my life back.

And so so super happy that I have Mr J who took on more responsibility when I had to stop. Even while working from home. He has been through so much with me over the years through my cancer diagnosis, bed rest with both of the girls just to name a few. This weekend we celebrate 22 years of being there for each other. I joked after he asked me to marry him that I would if he promised to push me in a wheelchair when I got old. Was joking but he has done just that. He got his shot on Tuesday and such a sense of relief went through me as he has been the one on the front line. We will celebrate yet another anniversary with take out at home. Did it while on bed rest. Did it as I recovered from cancer surgery. Did it last year and again this year. Does not matter where I celebrate as long as I celebrate it with Mr J. We can live it up next year if we choose. Or just be the introverts we are and stay home. 

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20 minutes ago, Mrs.J said:

You know I have actually missed grocery shopping. I like you have been extremely cautious. Did not choose to get cancer at age 41, but being a survivor I was not going to be taken down by a virus. Dr’s appts and outdoor while masked activities has been the extent of my life since last March. April 20th I start to get my life back.

And so so super happy that I have Mr J who took on more responsibility when I had to stop. Even while working from home. He has been through so much with me over the years through my cancer diagnosis, bed rest with both of the girls just to name a few. This weekend we celebrate 22 years of being there for each other. I joked after he asked me to marry him that I would if he promised to push me in a wheelchair when I got old. Was joking but he has done just that. He got his shot on Tuesday and such a sense of relief went through me as he has been the one on the front line. We will celebrate yet another anniversary with take out at home. Did it while on bed rest. Did it as I recovered from cancer surgery. Did it last year and again this year. Does not matter where I celebrate as long as I celebrate it with Mr J. We can live it up next year if we choose. Or just be the introverts we are and stay home. 

You know I’ve felt this for a while, but I really consider this subforum blessed to have your presence and contributions.

We never know what wonders or calamities life will throw at us, but we always have the choice to spread darkness or light. You choose the latter. At least when you’re not joining into the bad food conversations @H2O inflicts upon us. :lol: 

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1 hour ago, losetoa6 said:

Dude this post is insane.  I only posted what C4 said on the radio this morning because I thought it was kind of funny that someone holding a open beer might go in the paddy wagon and the joint smoker and heroin user would just smile at the cops according to new enforcement protocols of low end drug and sex offenses . Apparently the open container is a much worse offense.  You took it to a whole new level . With all due respect walking fed hill ( yuppies living in remodeled 100+ year old 300 -500k row homes and passing tourists around Harbor Place isn't the real Baltimore. Those people won't be on the street corner pounding 40s lol.  I grew up in a REAL Baltimore hood  between Edison  HWY and Erdman Avenue and Moravia rd... with needle syringes,  used condoms,  empty 40s walking to elementary and middle school.  Witnessed Police and Fire every night rolling into the old Claremont and Freedom Way neighborhoods . Corner Drugs and theft  were real common.  My friends and I mostly tried to stay clear but that didn't always work. I grew up used to it but once I moved to  Carroll county realized how nice country living is and have no desire to go back and live in Bmore  . But I don't hate on Baltimore or others including my relatives down there . You must not have lived there long because u seem a bit  clueless man. Heck I still rewire homes in Fed hill , Broadway, Canton. 

Hey there. **** off. Seriously. I love how you equate “real baltimore” with those things. Pure class you are. Go to hell. I’ve lived all over this city and have previously lived in memphis, Cincinnati, and Columbus. I know cities and city living. And I know white flight assholes like you. So, yeah, flee. But spare me your faux right wing anti-city bullshit. It’s so goddamn old. Grow the **** up.

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So anyways.  

We did a free trial for Discovery+ to watch Resurrection over Easter weekend (very good btw).  Well....I’ve gotten suckered into keeping it beyond the free trial as I cannot get enough of endless HGTV programming.  

If you’re a glutton for home improvement shows, stay away from Discovery+ :P

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23 minutes ago, WxWatcher007 said:

You know I’ve felt this for a while, but I really consider this subforum blessed to have your presence and contributions.

We never know what wonders or calamities life will throw at us, but we always have the choice to spread darkness or light. You choose the latter. At least when you’re not joining into the bad food conversations @H2O inflicts upon us. :lol: 

Thanks :wub:

And you made me decide if I was just going to like this post or laugh at it. Because we all need some spaghetti-O’s suspended in gelatin with some cocktail weenies. And @H2O can bring the Miller Lite to wash it down :D


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9 hours ago, WxWatcher007 said:

You know I’ve felt this for a while, but I really consider this subforum blessed to have your presence and contributions.

We never know what wonders or calamities life will throw at us, but we always have the choice to spread darkness or light. You choose the latter. At least when you’re not joining into the bad food conversations @H2O inflicts upon us. :lol: 

If what I share has made it onto the internet then it CANNOT be bad.  the internet would NEVER allow bad things to get posted.  And my sharing of food is spreading light.  Culinary light.

8 hours ago, Mrs.J said:

Thanks :wub:

And you made me decide if I was just going to like this post or laugh at it. Because we all need some spaghetti-O’s suspended in gelatin with some cocktail weenies. And @H2O can bring the Miller Lite to wash it down :D


If I washed that down with Miller Lite it would probably make the Miller Lite taste better.

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