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Your Weather Memories

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biggest blizzard Feb 7th 1978.,biggest good bust Lindsay storm..worst bust Feb 1989 and December 1989..best hurricane Gloria,best cold wave December 25th 1980,hottest day July 15th 1995,best heatwave July 1977,best Christmas Dec 24th 1966..greatest Thunderstorms Sept 1998..best Noreaster(without snow)..march 2010 followed by December 1992

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2/12/2010 snow event here. It wasn't the biggest snow here by far (bit over 4") but it was the first decent storm I really followed, from the first long range model run to the nowcasting during the storm.

Other than that I have fond memories of living in NE Mass during the late 90s, playing soccer in sleet in October and waiting for my bus in single digit weather. Fun times.

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I was a Freshman in high school on March 13-14 1993 and didn't care much about meteorology back then. I lived at the foot of The Great Smoky Mountain National Park in Sevier county, TN when it started raining on a warm spring day. The rain changed to snow very quickly as cold air was worked into the storm by a very powerful extratropical cyclone.

It snowed very heavily (2-3 inches/hr) for nearly two full days, when it finally tapered off on the third day there was 30+ inches IMBY (Nearly 3 Ft). Mt Leconte, TN (which was in view from my house) recorded an astonishing 60 inches (Thats 5 ft people) on the ground. I was without power for 2 weeks and out of school for 3. I feel lucky to have witnessed this freak of nature and will remember it as long as I live.


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12/2-3/2000 - Big early December snowstorm for our area. Measured "unofficially" 17" at my home in Beaufort Co. First experience with thundersnow.

9/16-17/1999 - Hurricane Floyd with so much rain.

12/22-24/1989 - Last real White Christmas in my immediate area (Bertie County then). Around 6-7."

3/28/1984 - NC tornado outbreak. An EF3 and EF2 hit my home (Bertie) county (along with all the other EF2's 3's and 4's in the eastern part of the state) killing six in the nearby town of Lewiston. It was the first time that I had seen tornado damage first-hand and it was awe-inspiring.

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January 25th 2000. I was 10 and remembered seeing that we had a chance for snow on the local forecast but didn't think much of it. Went to bed the night before and woke up to my late grandfather telling me to look outside. I opened the blinds on the window and saw a yard FULL of snow, we got about 8 inches. One of the happiest moments of my life and it really got me into the weather.

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1) Jan 4, 1994 in PA - most intense snowfall rate ever expirienced - over 24" in 6 hours w/ thunder. (31 total)

(and others)

2) Feb 5/6 2010 here in VA - a surprisingly wet snow, 29" total

3) Mar 13 1993 in PA - 24" best guess since there was 5' up against the back of the house and no snow in the front yard

4) Dec 18/19 2009 here in VA - 22"

5) Feb 16-18 2003 here in VA. Only 17", but a boatload of sleet on top that more or less packed things down like cement

6) Feb 14 2007 here in VA. never knew 4" sleet was so hard to move.

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This is not to say that I haven't had other good weather memories but these are just the most notable for me.

December 1992 nor'easter: Had alot of coastal flooding and high winds with a bit of snow on the backside of the storm.

Superstorm of March 1993: Had about a foot of snow with that storm, just an incredible storm overall and fun to track.

January 1996 Blizzard: received about 27" of snow from the storm, just incredible snowfall rates at the height of the storm.

Tropical Storm Floyd September 1999: Received alot heavy rain and street flooding/coastal flooding.

President's Day Blizzard February 2003: Received about 20" of snow, also had very windy conditions during the height of the storm.

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Hurricane Gloria 1985 the remnants outside of Reading, Pa...set the seeds for me getting into this field at 5 years old.

Blizzard of 1993, junior high...24+ inches...may set the bar for a storm in my lifetime.

Jan 94, high school, lots of snow/sleet storms plus -20 degrees in Reading, Pa

Jan 96, high school, greatest snow storm of my life just before my 16th birthday...30+inches

June 98...severe outbreak...F3 tornado less than 10 miles from my parents' house

Feb 03...first major snow storm in my working career...17 inches outside of Pittsburgh

Sept 04...working during the flooding of the remnants of Hurricane Ivan...

Feb 10...snowiest month ever in Pittsburgh...worked more hours than I ever have, still made it to work Feb 6th after 20 inches fell, with alot of shoveling and faith

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Blizzard of 1977. Only time a weather event scared me for 2 days straight. The thing I will always remember about it is laying in the dark with no heat and no power as I listened to the wind howl as the house creaked and groaned.

Then after the storm, going outside to see the damage in my snowmobile suit and idiot mittens... the snow drifts looked like mountains. We had one on the side of the just built garage that almost reached the roof of our split level ranch. The drift stretched almost the entire 20 yards to our neighbors house... I'm certain I'll never see a drift that size again outside of a parking lot plow pile. I was just thinking about the tunnel we dug in that drift the other day as I was telling my son what a violent blizzard is like... it was big enough for me to stand up in. The fact that it could have collapsed and buried me until spring never occurred to me at the time.

The kid wants to have a storm like that now....me.. not so much. Nothing has even come close to that storm since.

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Blizzard of 1993 pure winter goodness

Halloween Snowstorm of 1993

Blizzard of 1996, i got 15"

Blizzard of 1994, I got 30" of snow from that, it also had a sharp gradient of snow, PIT only picked up 12" of snow and downtown 20" of snow.

Cold Wave of 1994, -22

Heave Wave Dercecho of 1995

Severe Weather Events of 1998

PDII, 18" of goodness

Winter 2009-2010's parade of storms

First Blizzard of 2010: I recorded 25"

Second Blizzard of 2010: I recorded 10"

Third Blizzard of 2010: I recorded 10"

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Hurricane Donna (September, 1960); the first day of school (4th grade) and getting out of school early. Trees down EVERYWHERE and the smell of the trees (was a pleasant smell) lingered for weeks. We lost power in Brooklyn for a good part of the day. I don't think the winds reached hurricane strength in Sheepshead Bay, but they were close, and to this then nine year old boy it was quite impressive.

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A sleet storm..maybe 1957..thereabouts..around 6th grade. The clouds lowered down so I could just scrape my fingers in the lowest bits..thick darks clouds that seemed to be eating the whole neighborhood. Then suddenly a great roar, and 2 or 3 inches of sleet just fell out in a huge rush...and more piled up as the morning progressed. Never seen the like again...but I've been a weather freak ever since.. waiting for it to return. The Blizzard is second. T

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Hurricane Bell, 1976, was just a wee little boy and wow sheds and trees blowning down in the yard,, that scared the heck out of me.

Blizzard of 1978 - never saw snow so deep as a youngster.

Blizzard of 1983 - Who knew it could snow 18+ in a warm nino year?

Cold snap in 1984 - measured -15 IMBY never got that cold since.

Thanksgiving SECS of 1989 - because it began to snow on my 21st B-day.

Dec 2 1992 NorEaster - Most wind damage ever experienced - Never seen so much hurricane like destruction in winter, or summer for that matter.

Mar 1993 Super Storm - because it had a cool name.

Dec 1993 - Mar 1994 - Snow Ice on ground for the entire winter - Rutgers shuts down for 3 days due to cold!

Blizzard of 1996 - because i rushed home from a ski trip in Windam NY, eating my lift tickets just to experience the single largest snow dump to date IMBY 28.5".

Jan 25 2000 - Because no one said it was going to happen yet the water vapor loops 24hrs prior said ohh - its gonna happen.

Mar 2001 - because everyone said it was going to snow 3 ft. and we got like 3 slushy inches on the grass.

Dec 2002 - because its just not suppose to snow 17" in 2 days.

Presidents day II - Again, because it had a cool name.

Jan 24 2005 - Best Alberta clipper ever - 20" coastal redevelop bomb and ULL Love.

Jan 14 2006 - 68 F then my twin boys were born, followed by an epic flash freeze with temp dropping 40 F in like 3 hrs. with heavy snow to total 4- 6" - all in one day!

Feb 15 2006 - 16" did storm at home on paternaty leave. Awesome

Dec 19 2010 - Becaused it HECS'ed a week before X-Mas.

Feb 5th - Feb 10th - because it will never HECS twice in the same week in my lifetime. Wow, everyone knew it would snow in a cold nino year? But 74" wow.

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