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Full circle ... it's indirect to the aspects I was musing earlier

yet the toe-nail curling egregious scene at the site of granny's open casket ... ( sardonically funny be they way )  I guess there's nothing right or wrong about it. 

Some people value sunsets with soul mates ... others value 20K and Jewelry

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1 hour ago, SJonesWX said:

in a lot of cases, people amass a semblance of wealth saving up for retirement. and once retired, you have to spend carefully since you don't know how many years you will be alive to draw on those funds. it seems like in a lot of cases, retirees kick the bucket just a couple years after retirement, leaving their nest egg to their heirs. shit happens.

and your other point saying that money should never be bequeathed? that's pure hogwash. where else should my money go when I die? where is your money going when you die?

Just want to clarify I never said that, ha.  I think Tip might have.  I absolutely think it should keep rolling downhill to family.

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2 minutes ago, powderfreak said:

Just want to clarify I never said that, ha.  I think Tip might have.  I absolutely think it should keep rolling downhill to family.

sorry, you're right it was tippy. I edited my post.

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9 minutes ago, SJonesWX said:

sorry, you're right it was tippy. I edited my post.

My parents are retired and both my sisters and I have told them they need to spend their money now, in the ol’ family meeting type way.  Don’t hold it for us.  They always have reservations about “living too much” and we keep telling them, you just worked your ass off for four decades straight.  Go see the Grand Canyon if you want to see it.  My mom always wanted to see the Amalfi Coast in Italy, they went there.  My dad wanted to play golf in Ireland... they sent it.

There’s nothing better as a child to watch your parents finally enjoy themselves after decades and decades of work.  Like just go and do it, don’t think about it.

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1 hour ago, SJonesWX said:

in a lot of cases, people amass a semblance of wealth saving up for retirement. and once retired, you have to spend carefully since you don't know how many years you will be alive to draw on those funds. it seems like in a lot of cases, retirees kick the bucket just a couple years after retirement, leaving their nest egg to their heirs. shit happens.

and to Tips point saying that money should never be bequeathed? that's pure hogwash. where else should my money go when I die? where is your money going when you die?


Perhaps I should have said "BIG" money - Lol.  Nah don't be so reactionary - much of that post was droll intended ... If can't snarkly grin along with it, oh well.

'Sides, I more than amply qualified those remarks, implicitly ...later on in that missive.   Helping out your offspring is fine - giving them an unfair advantage is not, just imho -




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1 hour ago, PhineasC said:

Yes, I have seen double-dealing occurring at the funeral with grandma literally 20 feet away in her casket. Over like $20k and some cheap jewelry.


My wife and I avoided that due to considerate parents.  We each have 2 siblings and the respective wills when last surviving parent passed both stipulated 1/3 each.  My mom and (especially) dad were barely short of hoarders, so we took some good advice and had an estate appraiser come and set values on all the tangible items.  (My dad had more than 80 guns and a notebook with careful values assigned to each; the appraiser took a look and went by the book.)  My FIL had 99% of net worth in liquid assets, stocks and mutual funds, so no appraiser needed.
On the appraiser's recommendation we had an estate auction, about 6 months after dad passed and after each sibling indicated things they wished to set against their third.  (I needed a vehicle, brothers didn't, so I got dad's '92 Ranger with 6k miles and drove it for 13 years.)  On auction day we came over the hill near the house and thought the circus had come to town - three-pole tent on the front lawn, food wagon set up in the driveway, scads of folding chairs.  Highest number winning a bid was 154.  Vert entertaining, with some items going for a song and some bringing outrageous bids - typical for such things, I guess.  All the unclaimed long guns were included (air rifles drew stronger bidding than firearms, seemed odd) but the auctioneer didn't do handguns due to the varying state and municipal regs.

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2 hours ago, Typhoon Tip said:

Generalizing ... yes...

Too focused ?   no - I'm being overly snarky and cynical for drollness lol ... I have known trust fund kids that ended up weird as middle age people though - that part I'm quite serious about.

For what it is worth, I did say "..Seems romantic on paper to say that my kids should never have to face the shit that I did, and that's true to a point - but in access... the erosion of virtue kicks in.  " more concisely, helping a kid is okay - giving unfair advantage gets dicey in a hurry.

Fwiw, I agree about the dept stuff -

I also have a kind of a [ probably unrealistic .. I know ] fantasy that education should be free right the f straight up and through and including PHD accreditation.  You know .. have  "merit" milestones/ check-points along the way to validate still going ... I mean we don't want people hiding in academia while and never actually getting their goal. 

Agree. No qualms on anything here. 

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27 minutes ago, SouthCoastMA said:

So I finished with my crypto purchases, current holdings:

Cardano (ADA): 602 
XLM (Stellar): 767 
Ethereum: .243 
Litecoin: .67

Wish I had a bit more of Eth and LiteCoin, but ah well. 

Nice. That’s pretty much my portfolio but less shares. I’m pumping more Cardano and XLM this weekend though. LFG!

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1 hour ago, HimoorWx said:

Anyone seeing any hummingbirds yet in Southern New England?  They usually return in May, and we want to have the feeders ready for them after their long journey.  Amazing birds!

Yes, our showed up here in NE CT within the last week.  I just put out the feeder this morning and three of them resumed their dive-bombing battles from the fall.  Still waiting for the orioles to show up.  I have the grape jelly waiting for them.  Also had the wood thrush start singing a few days ago, which is one of my favorite sounds of all time.

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19 minutes ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

Nice. That’s pretty much my portfolio but less shares. I’m pumping more Cardano and XLM this weekend though. LFG!

I'm still torn over flipping for quick profits or just waiting. Leaning towards waiting attm. The upside is huge, but again highly speculative. 

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23 minutes ago, mreaves said:

Hope they haven’t installed in England. 

Snow in May: Lake District skiers 'giddy' in unseasonal weather https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumbria-57011369

It was a lovely day in Manchester on Tuesday for the City/PSG match.  The field was covered with hail for most of the first half.  Didn't slow City down at all.

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55 minutes ago, SouthCoastMA said:

So I finished with my crypto purchases, current holdings:

Cardano (ADA): 602 
XLM (Stellar): 767 
Ethereum: .243 
Litecoin: .67

Wish I had a bit more of Eth and LiteCoin, but ah well. 

Good choices for your portfolio but I have become jaded wrt to Stellar.  (If you want to stick with top 20 cap coins also check out Polkadot and Chainlink)

XLM (Stellar) is a two steps forward one step back exercise in frustration.   Just when it looks to break out it retraces. Has not been able to get back to it's ATH through this spectacular bull run so that's telling.   It also seems to get held back by the movements of XRP. 

Very strong resistance around .65   It's attractive because it's cheap and has potential but still forever waiting for that breakout.




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13 minutes ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

Good choices for your portfolio but I have become jaded wrt to Stellar.  (If you want to stick with top 20 cap coins also check out Polkadot and Chainlink)

XLM (Stellar) is a two steps forward one step back exercise in frustration.   Just when it looks to break out it retraces. Has not been able to get back to it's ATH through this spectacular bull run so that's telling.   It also seems to get held back by the movements of XRP. 

Very strong resistance around .65   It's attractive because it's cheap and has potential but still forever waiting for that breakout.




I bought XLM at 40 cents last weekend. Sitting at 66 cents now. Put 3k into it, so almost at $5k just in my XLM. Really tempted to take the profit and reinvest at next dip lol

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1 hour ago, SouthCoastMA said:

I'm still torn over flipping for quick profits or just waiting. Leaning towards waiting attm. The upside is huge, but again highly speculative. 

It’s a long play for me. Very long play. Turn a small investment (Hoth will correct me and say ‘gamble’) into something big or if it doesn’t turn out to be much, so be it...but I don’t want to bail out for a quick flip and miss that. We’ll see. 

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A sad day for Yale. RIP David Swensen, one of the legends of investment management and a thoroughly decent human being. He literally wrote the book on institutional portfolio management. Vicious squash and tennis opponent, avid soft baller as well in his healthier days. 

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1 hour ago, BuffaloWeather said:

I bought XLM at 40 cents last weekend. Sitting at 66 cents now. Put 3k into it, so almost at $5k just in my XLM. Really tempted to take the profit and reinvest at next dip lol

Oh, I would definitely take profit on that.

Put it right into Ethereum.

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50 minutes ago, RUNNAWAYICEBERG said:

It’s a long play for me. Very long play. Turn a small investment (Hoth will correct me and say ‘gamble’) into something big or if it doesn’t turn out to be much, so be it...but I don’t want to bail out for a quick flip and miss that. We’ll see. 

Agreed. Unless I was dropping like 10k into one of them, where the incentive was higher to cash in a quick 2-4k on a given day. I chose the 4 coins/operations that I could afford that I believe will be around in 5 years. I mean it's not like I'm dropping 1k on CumRocket or Pancake 

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